Furuncle in the groin what to do. Furuncle in the groin: how to treat a boil in the groin

The appearance of boils on the skin, or pustular formations, is a fairly common phenomenon. They do not bring a serious threat to health, but they can cause significant inconvenience. A furuncle in the groin area in women can cause pain, hamper movement, and cause moral discomfort.

A furuncle is an inflammatory lesion and suppuration of the hair follicle, the sebaceous gland and the tissue surrounding the focus. This disease is caused by pyogenic bacteria, in the vast majority of cases staphylococci, although streptococcal pathogens, as well as mixed infections, can also occur infrequently. These microorganisms prefer a humid environment, so the groin area is considered a favorable area for them.

REFERENCE! Normally, staphylococci are always present on the surface of the skin, but 90% of them are not dangerous.

The situation changes when, under the influence of various provoking factors, the balance of microorganisms is disturbed. As a result of the activation of the activity of pathogenic bacteria, an inflammatory process is triggered in the area of ​​​​the hair root and surrounding tissues, single or multiple boils (furunculosis) are formed.


The etiological mechanism of this disease is triggered by a number of factors:

  • dysfunction of the immune system, the inability of the body's defenses to suppress the activity of the pathogen;
  • taking certain medications (immunosuppressants, cytostatics, etc.);
  • infectious diseases, especially of the urogenital system. Sexual diseases (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, herpes) contribute to the appearance of boils in the groin;
  • hypothermia of the body. This factor is a common cause of the appearance of a boil in the groin, especially with a recurrent form of the disease. Basically, this refers to hypothermia of the lower body (bathing in a cold pond, out-of-season clothes, etc.);

  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • pediculosis of the pubic region can also provoke the development of a boil;
  • increased sweating, which causes a violation of the microflora of the skin, its protective properties, creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria;
  • dysfunction of metabolic processes, hormonal imbalance;
  • lack of vitamins, mainly A, B and C;
  • damage to the skin - abrasions, scratches, cuts, which serves as an "entrance gate" for infection;
  • the use of tight synthetic underwear that creates friction is also one of the causes of pathology.

Stages of development and symptoms of the disease

The duration of the disease is about 10 days. During this time, the furuncle in women in the groin is going through three standard stages of its development.

StageImageClinical manifestations
Formation of an infiltrateThe appearance of a dense, edematous area of ​​scarlet color, rising above the surface of the skin, is an infiltrate 1-3 cm in size. This area gradually increases, becomes painful, hair is visible in the middle, since the source of inflammation is inside its follicle. Feeling of tingling, feeling of tension
Purulent-necrotic stageThis stage occurs after 3-4 days from the onset of the disease and is characterized by the most striking clinical manifestations. The furuncle is maturing, in its center a purulent rod is formed, the head of which protrudes above the surface of the infiltrate. Soreness increases, for this reason a woman experiences pain in the affected area when walking, is forced to limit her movements, a pulsation is felt, intoxication phenomena can be observed (temperature rise to 37-38 degrees, malaise), inflammation of the lymph nodes is possible. Further, the liquid inside the boil, consisting of pus, lymph, blood, breaks through the pustule and comes out.

IMPORTANT! When opening the formation, it is necessary that its core (compacted clot-plug) come out, otherwise a relapse of the disease may occur.

HealingAfter rejection of the contents of the boil and its core, soreness, swelling, redness subside sharply. The liquid still leaves the cavity for some time. The blue-red wound gradually heals within 2-3 days and turns pale, after small formations there are no traces left, after large formations a scar may occur


Therapy for getting rid of a boil in the groin in women depends on what stage of its development it is at. Treatment is usually carried out on an outpatient basis, in rare complicated cases, hospitalization may be required (for example, with an abscess, when a purulent process affects the subcutaneous fatty tissue).

In the vast majority of cases, local therapy is used by doctors. The following treatment methods are used:

Of the antibacterial agents, macrolides, cephalosporins are often prescribed, with resistant microorganisms - Rifampicin. It is possible to use drugs from the NSAID group for the purpose of analgesia and anti-inflammatory effect ( ibuprofen, Paracetamol etc.).

The doctor can inject the affected area with antibiotic and novocaine solutions, often even a one-time procedure leads to a cure. In rare cases, the blockade is repeated daily or every other day until the furuncle stem leaves. It is also possible to use compresses with a solution silver nitrate (1%).

When a boil is opened, the doctor surgically applies salicylic acid to the formation, which corrodes the thin tissue and promotes the release of fluid. The rod is removed with a clamp, an elastic band is placed inside the cavity for 3 days to drain the pus, then it is removed.

Surgical excision of the boil is performed in the absence of the effect of therapeutic treatment and in the event of complications.

After the opening of the formation and the release of its contents, the treatment consists in sanitation of the wound. The rod is removed after its complete rejection from the skin.

The resulting deep cavity is treated with hydrogen peroxide (3%), cleaned with saline from the remnants of pus and lymph. At intervals of 2-3 days, Vishnevsky's ointment is applied in the form of bandages. Ichthyol ointment after the opening of the boil is no longer used, as it will become an obstacle to the rejection of pus and the rod.

ATTENTION! With insufficient disinfection of the wound cavity, a relapse of the disease is possible!

During the healing period, it is necessary to carefully monitor the hygiene of the groin area, avoid sweating, playing sports, visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools. Can use cream Contractubex. It promotes faster wound healing and resorption of scars after large boils.

Video - Causes and stages of furunculosis

Furuncle during pregnancy

The occurrence of purulent formation during the period of bearing a child is due to the same reasons as in other cases. However, the body of a pregnant woman is more prone to the negative effect of provoking factors, since during this period there is a natural imbalance in the hormonal balance, a decrease in immune activity, and a change in metabolic processes.

With the initial manifestations of the disease in the groin area, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to avoid the development of complications. Symptoms during pregnancy are usually more pronounced, signs of intoxication and local pain increase.

Systemic antibiotic treatment during this period is undesirable due to the negative impact on the child, it is prescribed in extreme cases when complications occur. Local therapy is usually used, during this period sanitation is performed using Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, application of ointments is used ( Levomekol, Ichthyol). Surgical treatment is rarely used.


With proper and timely treatment, disinfection measures, the risk of negative consequences is minimal. However, in some cases, the following complications of a boil in the groin may occur:

IMPORTANT! One of the reasons for the occurrence of complications, including severe ones, is an attempt to squeeze out or pierce the boil on your own. In this case, pus enters the venous and lymphatic vessels surrounding the tissues, which contributes to the generalization of the infectious process, the development of life-threatening conditions.

It is also necessary to be careful when depilating intimate areas, to avoid rubbing the affected area with clothing.


To minimize the risks of the appearance or recurrence of a boil in the groin area, women should follow a number of preventive measures:

  • with hyperhidrosis, it is advisable to use powders, talc to eliminate excess moisture of the skin;
  • regular and proper hygiene procedures;
  • strengthening the immune system, normalization of metabolic processes;
  • it is necessary to avoid hypothermia, especially the lower part of the body;
  • carrying out mandatory sanitation of skin lesions (wounds, scratches, cuts after depilation, etc.).

At the first signs of the appearance of a boil, you should consult a doctor to conduct a differential diagnosis with other skin diseases, and choose the necessary treatment tactics. The localization of education in the groin area often causes embarrassment in women, as a result, a visit to the doctor is postponed until an acute condition or complications occur. It should be noted that the correct and timely treatment of a boil will allow you to completely get rid of unpleasant symptoms and discomfort within 10 days, help to avoid serious complications and the transition of an acute form of the disease to a chronic one.

Furuncles on the skin can be localized on various parts of the body: on the face, back, chest, and sometimes in the groin area. A large subcutaneous abscess in the groin area can cause many inconveniences.

In addition, the boil is not always in an accessible place and sometimes it is difficult to even see what an abscess looks like, not to mention self-treatment of the disease.

To suspect that he has a boil, a person can already at the initial stage of the disease, when the symptoms are not yet so pronounced, and the pain is insignificant.

At the beginning, the affected area swells slightly, redness and itching appear. With the spread of the inflammatory process, the temperature may rise and the lymph node located in the groin area may increase from the side of inflammation.

This indicates the development of the process and suppuration. An internal purulent boil that has jumped up between the leg and the groin area can cause pain when walking and contact with linen, itch and increase as it matures.

The causes of boils in the groin can be different:

  • non-compliance with hygiene standards;
  • wearing tight underwear that rubs the skin;
  • wearing underwear made of synthetic materials that contribute to the creation of the effect of a greenhouse and the propagation of infection;
  • allergic reactions to hygiene products;
  • decrease in the immune functions of the body;
  • some infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys, endocrinological disorders, etc.

From what boils appear can be determined only by carrying out diagnostic procedures in a hospital. To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist or surgeon, or a therapist who will prescribe a plan for further action.

The specialist will answer the question why new foci of inflammation appear or the existing boil does not go away, and will also explain to the patient how much the abscess matures and how to properly care for the wound after its removal.

Why do boils appear in the groin in women?

If the outflow of the contents of the sebaceous gland surrounding the hair follicle is disturbed, an abscess often forms on the area of ​​its localization. Also, an abscess can occur due to the penetration of bacteria into the hair follicle. The causative agent is often white or Staphylococcus aureus.

Already at the initial stage of the disease, inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding tissues occurs. Initially, the boil may resemble a harmless pimple, but after a few days the area of ​​​​suppuration increases significantly, which causes stretching of the skin, itching and pain. The bulb fills with pus, the boil matures and surgical treatment is already required, associated with the puncture of the abscess and the extraction of purulent masses.

Contacting a specialist will help prevent negative consequences and speed up the recovery process. A boil in the groin area in women can appear for a number of reasons, including hormonal disruptions.

In this case, antibiotic treatment should be carried out in conjunction with hormonal therapy. Often, boils in women can occur on certain days of the cycle, which is associated with an increase in the production of skin secretions, a decrease in immune functions, etc.

How to treat a boil and what are the reasons for its appearance - the specialist will explain after the examination. Additional testing and testing may be required.

Attention! Only after receiving the results and a comprehensive assessment of the situation can it be established how to treat the abscess.

Furuncle in the groin in men

A furuncle in the groin can also occur in men. Most often this happens during the holiday season, when visiting the beaches.

The cause of the formation of an abscess and an acute inflammatory process can be:

Regardless of the reasons for the abscess, treatment should be timely and appropriate. Home treatment of a boil in the groin area can also be complicated by severe accessibility. Sometimes you can see the abscess only using a mirror.

It is all the more difficult to treat the wound, to apply a bandage. How to treat an abscess, and what means to use to accelerate its maturation, the doctor will explain in each case. Also, the dermatologist will tell you how to treat the wound after surgical removal of the abscess.

How to treat a boil in the groin?

The treatment of boils located in the groin area is no different from the treatment of abscesses localized in the face, chest or back. The only caveat is that the skin in this area is prone to scarring, and this increases the risk of scar formation.

If initial symptoms are detected, it is better not to try to get rid of the disease at home, but to immediately consult a doctor. Delay can only cause inflammation to spread to nearby tissues.

Important! Before treating a boil in the groin, you need to enlist the advice of a specialist.

An experienced dermatologist or surgeon will definitely explain to the patient how to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of burning, pain and itching, prescribe antibiotics and ointment, prescribe or perform surgery. To speed up the maturation of the boil, Vishnevsky's ointment or ichthyol ointment is used, and then antibiotics.

The operation to remove the abscess does not require hospitalization. More often the patient is allowed to go home immediately after its completion. The only condition is the timely appearance for dressings. The procedure itself will be performed under the influence of a local anesthetic: lidocaine or ultracoin.

After the anesthetic has taken effect, the doctor will puncture the skin over the abscess using a special tool. Next, the wound is cleaned of pus, disinfected with the help of special compounds.

The doctor applies a sterile bandage, and if necessary, installs a drain for further discharge of pus. If this is not done, then the abscess may resume and all treatment will have to start from the beginning.

The wound healing period can take up to 3-4 weeks. If ichthyol ointment is prescribed before surgery, then after the abscess is removed, the area should be treated with a treating substance with an antibiotic in the composition, for example, an ointment based on chloramphenicol, tetracycline, erythromycin, etc.

In some cases, if the patient does not follow the instructions of the specialist, the process can be complicated. As for independent attempts to squeeze out pus from an abscess, the situation here is even more complicated.

As a result, there may be consequences in the form of the spread of the infectious process to nearby tissues, or the penetration of purulent contents into the bloodstream, which is even worse. As a result, the disease takes on a new form.

Attention! When thinking about how to cure a bored boil, it is necessary to take into account the seriousness of this disease and take basic precautions: do not press or try to open the boil by damaging the skin over the abscess with your hands or with handy tools, tools and other things.

When you try to open an abscess on your own, there is a high risk of infecting or making a gross mistake, fraught with very serious consequences.

Furunculosis is an unpleasant disease of purulent origin, causing severe pain. Most often, boils form on areas of the body where the skin is thin, soft, and constantly moist. Favorite places for abscesses are axillary pits and inguinal region. Boils must be disposed of immediately, as they have a negative effect on many body structures.

Article outline:

Causes of the formation of boils in the intimate area

Boils often appear in an intimate place, as they develop mainly on the skin, which is subjected to excessive moisture. These purulent formations, which undergo a long period of maturation, are also called boils.

A furuncle is a painful abscess that causes great discomfort.

The pain stops only after the ripened boil opens. With the treatment of furunculosis, one should not be late, otherwise complications are inevitable.

The causative agents of the disease are aureus or epidermal staphylococci. These pathogenic bacteria provoke an inflammatory reaction in the hair follicles. These microorganisms constantly live in small quantities in the human body, but begin to multiply intensively under the influence of negative factors.

The following factors cause active reproduction of bacteria:

Symptoms of the disease at different stages of development

The boil ripens on the pubis and on other parts of the body rather slowly. Medical specialists distinguish three stages in the development of skin formation.

Treatment of furunculosis in the groin

In the absence of timely and proper treatment, furunculosis can cause an abscess and blood poisoning. The method of removing a boil on the pubic part in women is determined by the stage of development of the disease.

Therapy is usually done at home. The patient is admitted to the hospital only if an abscess or other complications occur. Treatment is carried out mainly with external medicines.

The main therapeutic manipulation is the regular treatment of damaged skin with antiseptic preparations. Usually 2% salicylic alcohol, 3% boric alcohol, hydrogen peroxide are used.

The boil is lubricated with medicine from the edges to the central point, this helps prevent the infection from spreading to healthy areas of the skin. Hair in the area of ​​​​infection is recommended to be removed. The treatment methods at different stages of the disease are described below.

Therapy at the first stage

A thick layer of ointment is applied to the boil, a piece of cotton wool is applied on top. Useful ultraviolet and laser therapy.

Therapy in the second stage

The main task is to accelerate the maturation and rupture of the boil. Inflamed skin is treated with Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics from the group of cephalosporins or macrolides, in severe cases, rifamycins.

  1. To relieve pain and inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.
  2. Sometimes doctors practice the introduction of Novocaine solution into the affected area of ​​the skin.

One injection is enough for the abscess to disappear. Not bad help compresses based on a 1% solution of silver nitrate.

Treatment in the third stage

After the opening of the boil and the release of the purulent mass, the main task of treatment is disinfecting the wound. Only the fully exposed rod is removed.

The cavity left after the release of pus is freed from the remnants of the contents with saline or hydrogen peroxide.

Every two days, gauze with Vishnevsky's ointment is applied to the healing skin. Ichthyol ointment should not be used after the furuncle has opened, as it prevents the rod from exiting.

Surgical removal of the boil is carried out when complications arise or drug treatment is ineffective. The surgeon opens the abscess with a tool, pulls out the rod, treats the wound with salicylic acid. For three days, a special gum is placed in the cavity, it clears the way for the flowing purulent and lymphatic fluid. When the pus and lymph are completely out of the cavity, the gum is removed.

During the period when the skin heals and the cavity is tightened, a woman should observe intimate hygiene as carefully as possible. At this time, it is undesirable to physically strain to excessive sweating, go in for sports, visit public baths and swimming pools. It is recommended to lubricate the healing area of ​​the skin with Contractubex cream.

This drug accelerates the regeneration of the skin and helps to smooth the scar in the place where the boil was located.

The formation of a boil in an intimate place during pregnancy

The formation of boils in the inguinal region is often observed during pregnancy, since the body of women carrying a child is predisposed to the effects of negative factors. In expectant mothers, there is a violation of the hormonal background, immunity is significantly reduced, metabolism worsens, which leads to the appearance of abscesses on the skin.

If a boil has jumped in a pregnant woman in an intimate place, then she should immediately go to the doctor.

It is impossible to postpone a visit to the hospital, because during pregnancy, furunculosis is accompanied by pronounced symptoms, often provokes severe complications.

It is highly discouraged to treat pregnant women with antibiotics, as potent medications adversely affect the development of the embryo in the womb. Antibiotic medicines for young mothers are prescribed in extreme cases, when it is not possible to get rid of the boil in other ways.

If there are no complications, then standard therapy with external preparations is used. Apply to damaged skin:

  • Solutions Chlorhexidine and Miramistin;
  • Ointment Ichthyol and Levomekol.

Furuncles in pregnant women are rarely removed surgically.

Complications of the disease

Furunculosis rarely gives complications. Problems arise only with untimely or incorrect treatment. With the development of a boil in the inguinal zone, the following complications may appear:

Also possible:

  1. The transition of the disease into a chronic form, observed with poor-quality treatment or clogging of the cavity left after the opening of the boil;
  2. Disseminated furunculosis, in which, due to insufficient treatment, purulent formations spread throughout the body;
  3. Abscessing boil - a severe form of the disease, in which the infection penetrates into the deep skin layers, affects fatty tissue.

Prevention of the development of furunculosis on the pubic part

To prevent the appearance of boils in the groin area, a woman should follow the rules below:

A furuncle can jump up on any part of the female body, but it delivers the greatest torment in the genital area. No need to be embarrassed to go to the doctor with a delicate problem. So that the disease does not become complicated, abscesses do not spread throughout the body, it is necessary not to postpone the visit to a medical specialist.

Attention, only TODAY!

Boils (or boils) are inflammations of the hair follicle and the adjacent one, caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (less often by some other types of bacteria). Despite the fact that at the initial stage, a boil may resemble a common pimple, this skin disease is much more difficult and painful, and can have complications.

Chirya can occur absolutely on any part of the skin: on the back, chest, legs, hips, on the face - both in men and women. One of the difficult cases is the development of a boil in the groin area.


A furuncle in the groin can occur for various reasons:


The maturation of the boil in the inguinal region proceeds in the same way as in other parts of the body. There are usually three fairly distinct stages.

How to treat boils in the groin?

If you detect a boil at the initial stage and immediately begin to treat it, then you can solve the problem very easily and quickly.

Conservative treatment at home

To begin with, the site of inflammation is wiped with an antiseptic, for example, alcohol or boric acid. Then Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment is applied to it. These funds allow the boil to ripen and open as soon as possible. After all the pus comes out, the remaining wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide and ichthyol ointment is applied again. If everything is done correctly and in the groin area, it is possible without the use of antibiotics.

In addition to this worked out scenario, you can use some traditional medicine.

Quite effectively, ordinary onions help to cure a boil in the inguinal zone in women and men. To do this, you need to take one onion, cut it in half and put it in a pan without using oil. The onion should be well baked. Attaching the cut part of the onion to the site of inflammation, you need to fix it with a plaster and leave it overnight. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times. Baked onions have strong pulling properties, no worse than Vishnevsky's ointment. After a short time, the boil will fully mature and come out. After cleansing the wound from pus for a few more days, you can lubricate the boil with ichthyol ointment.

Treatment of a boil in a hospital

If complications arise during the development of a boil, the most correct way would be to consult a doctor. In what cases should such a decision be made?

How should a boil be treated during pregnancy?

Since inflammation in this place is fraught with abscesses, not only the mother is endangered, but also the unborn child. In addition, treatment should be purely balanced and thoughtful. Ointment or tablets should be selected exclusively by a doctor, taking into account the condition of the mother and fetus. Surgery during pregnancy is undesirable. Usually they try to get off with conservative treatment with the use of antiseptic and antimicrobial drugs. In each case, it is better to entrust the final decision to a specialist.

What to do after?

After curing the complicated development of boils in the groin, the doctor prescribes antibiotics in order to help the body fully cope with the infection.

Particular attention should be paid to the general condition of the body. Adjust the diet by adding more fruits and vegetables, fresh juices and eliminating sweets, coffee, chocolate, spicy and fatty foods.

It will be very useful to drink a course of vitamins and minerals.

It should be remembered that a healthy, strong body is able to cope with many diseases on its own.

Furuncle is one of the types of staphyloderma, characterized by inflammatory processes in the hair follicles. The disease (furunculosis) affects the skin only in those places where hair is present: the groin area, face, forearms, legs.

To cope with the disease, you should find out the cause of its appearance, as well as the factors that provoke the development of inflammation in the inner layers of the epidermis.

About the etiology of furunculosis

Furuncle in the groin is a common problem faced by both women and men. Dense bubbles filled with pus cause pain and therefore cause a lot of discomfort.

Numerous boils that form in the groin area can provoke complications, which include:

The disease occurs against the background of the development of staphylococcus, which, albeit in small quantities, is always present on the skin, in particular, in the groin area. When favorable conditions arise, pathogenic microorganisms begin to actively develop, provoking inflammation in the follicles, which leads to the formation of boils.

Causes of furunculosis

What are the main causes of boils in the bikini area? According to doctors, furunculosis appears when the body's immune defenses are weakened. In such a situation, staphylococcus begins to actively develop, which inevitably leads to the formation of boils.

What are the most common reasons for the rapid development of pathogens in the groin?

  • Chronic diseases. Endogenous ailments provoke a weakening of the immune defense, which creates optimal conditions for the reproduction of pathogens in the groin area;
  • Avitaminosis. A lack of vitamins leads to disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which is fraught with blockage of the follicles and the reproduction of staphylococci in them;
  • Hygiene failure. Furuncles on the pubis very often appear in the absence of normal skin care. Dirty skin is perfect "substrate" for bacteria and pathogens that provoke the development of boils;
  • Hypothermia. Staying in drafts inevitably leads to a weakening of the immune system, which is fraught with the formation of purulent vesicles on the pubis in men and women;
  • Metabolism disorder. Dysfunction of the sebaceous glands is often provoked by metabolic disorders. Because of this, hypersecretion of fat may occur, which leads to blockage of the skin pores, after which inflammation of the hair follicles occurs;
  • Venereal diseases. The cause of the appearance of boils can be sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis or gonorrhea.

Causes of furunculosis by gender

Despite the fact that boils appear in both women and men, in both cases they can be provoked by various factors. This is due to the anatomical structure of the genital organs, and some behavioral features:

Causes of a boil in the groin area:

For men:

  • rare change of linen;
  • increased sweating;
  • insufficient skin care;
  • venereal diseases.

Among women:

  • hormonal imbalance (against the background of pregnancy, menopause, menstruation);
  • consequences of epilation and depilation in the bikini area;
  • injury to the pubis during shaving;
  • decreased immunity due to pregnancy, critical days, etc.

The main signs of furunculosis

How to understand that it was a boil that arose in the intimate part of the body, and not a pimple?

You can recognize the disease by the following signs:

Signs of manifestation of furunculosis in men and women are the same. Against the background of the inflammatory process, a slight increase in temperature can also be observed.

Stages of furunculosis

The disease manifests itself in both women and men equally, passing through several stages of development, which include:

  1. Infiltrative. In the groin, redness occurs, which over time becomes dense to the touch. After a few days, they can increase in size and reach 3 cm in length. The boil itself and the tissues around it begin to swell and hurt. A similar process is associated with the penetration of staphylococci into the inner layer of the epidermis at the level of the hair follicle;
  2. Purulent-necrotic. Approximately 4 days after the onset of the first symptom of furunculosis, a purulent ichor begins to appear in the center of dense vesicles. Within two days, it increases in size, after which it bursts. From this moment, the healing of the boil begins;
  3. Recovery. After the pus is completely evacuated from the inner layer of the epidermis, the healing stage begins. In place of the former boil, a wound remains, which eventually begins to heal.

How to treat furunculosis?

As already noted, first you need to find out the cause of the disease. If it was provoked by depilation or non-observance of hygiene rules, these factors should be excluded first. To get rid of furunculosis, you need to take into account the stage of the disease.

How to treat the disease at the stage of infiltration?

  1. You can eliminate staphylococci in the groin by rubbing with the use of antiseptic agents. The most effective remedy in this case will be medical alcohol;
  2. If new redness appears in the groin, immediately cauterize them with iodine;
  3. It is possible to prevent the further development of staphylococcus with the help of antibiotics;
  4. Intimate parts of the body, such as the outer labia, can be treated with hydrogen peroxide;
  5. To reduce inflammation and pain, you can lubricate the affected areas with ichthyol ointment;
  6. Vishnevsky's ointment has a light analgesic effect, which helps eliminate tissue swelling.

How to treat the disease at the purulent-necrotic stage?

Before treating a boil in the groin, you need to consult a specialist.

Inadequate treatment can lead to abscesses that can only be eliminated through surgery.

A furuncle is a purulent abscess that appears against the background of the development of staphylococci. To cope with the problem, you can use antibiotics, special compresses and ointments.