Ringworm in humans - photos, types, signs, symptoms and treatment. Lichen planus in humans Is lichen planus transmitted?

Skin diseases are very common today. Moreover, such problems can cause discomfort not only to you, but also to your loved ones, as they are infectious and contagious. For example, dermatologist patients are often interested in the question: is lichen transmitted from person to person?

What kind of disease is this?

This pathology is a very common problem. It is an infectious skin lesion that can occur on any part of the body. Most often transmitted from animals to humans. Carriers can be cats and dogs.

It should be taken into account that this problem causes not only unpleasant physical sensations, but also moral dissatisfaction. The fact is that the symptoms of the pathology are very clearly visible and cause a kind of fear in others.

If you have shingles, whether it is contagious or not, it depends on the type of disease.

Reasons for appearance

Now we need to find out why this disease develops. There are the following reasons for its appearance:

Significant weakening of the immune system.

Hereditary factor.

Acute respiratory infections.

Contact with an infected animal.

Taking certain medications.

Allergic reaction.

The reasons for the problem may vary. Whether lichen is transmitted from person to person should also be known in order to avoid infection.

Symptoms of pathology

It all depends on the type of disease. However, some general signs can be mentioned:

2. Buckwheat decoction is considered very useful. Moreover, it can be used for any disease. To prepare, you need to boil 1 cup of cereal in two glasses of water.

3. Yeast dough can remove lichen, the symptoms of which are sometimes simply annoying. Simply make a cake out of it and apply it to the affected area.

4. Strawberry or viburnum juice is an excellent antifungal agent. It is enough to lubricate the skin with liquid at least twice a day.

5. At night, apply a lotion of burdock leaf decoction to the sore spot. It is done very simply. You just need to pour boiling water over the raw materials for 15 minutes.

Naturally, try to eat well so that your immunity is strong and can quickly overcome the disease.


It must be said right away that this pathology is contagious. You can only pick it up by contact: by touching the affected skin of the patient, by holding the handle in a vehicle, or by using another person’s comb or towel. Now you know the answer to the question of whether lichen is transmitted from person to person.

Do not use other people's personal belongings.

Follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Do not handle sick or unfamiliar animals.

Limit the use of synthetic shoes and clothing, which promote increased sweating and therefore create ideal conditions for the development of fungus.

Boost your immunity by giving up bad habits, creating a diet, and consuming healthy foods containing vitamins and minerals.

After visiting public baths or saunas, try to wash yourself additionally at home using antibacterial soap. Naturally, all towels, bedding, and linen of the patient must be boiled.

At the first signs of pathology, try to consult a doctor. If he diagnoses lichen, the symptoms can be eliminated much more quickly in the early stages of the disease. Be healthy!

Ringworm is a lesion on human skin that is transmitted by fungi or infection through contact with people and animals. The disease appears on the body in one or more places. According to the ICD 10 classifier, it belongs to class XII.

What does ringworm look like?

To understand, you need to know its main signs and ways of manifestation. Some forms are not dangerous, others lead to complications.

Signs of lichen

In reality, lichen is a number of different diseases with similar symptoms. There are many types with different forms of occurrence and reasons for their appearance, but they are all connected by the same characteristics:

  • appear in the form of spots of light or dark shade on any area of ​​the body;
  • general health worsens;
  • redness, peeling and itching are the main signs of the disease in humans;
  • pigmentation of a separate area of ​​the skin begins.

To determine what type of lichen a person is suffering from, a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary.

Sources of appearance

The causes are viruses and fungi of 3 types:

  1. Zooanthropophilic - can live on the fur and skin surface of pets.
  2. Anthropophilic - found only on human skin.
  3. Geophilic - live in the soil.

The causative agents of skin lichen can be viruses that live in the body of an animal or person for a long time. For example, this is how herpes disease appears. A combination of the following factors increases the likelihood of developing the disease:

  • weak immunity;
  • stress;
  • tendency at the genetic level;
  • infectious diseases;
  • emotional and physical stress of the body.

Doctors only speculate on what causes some types of lichen, for example pink or red flat.

Types of lichen

The classification of the disease is based on its different pathogens. The way a rash appears on a person’s body depends on the form of herpes. The types of skin rashes also affect the incubation period.


Or psoriasis is of non-infectious origin. It develops over a long period of time and becomes chronic. The skin surface of the entire body is affected.


Another name is eczema, caused by fungi or viruses. It takes on a chronic form, characterized by itching and rashes. The skin peels, becomes blistered and reddened. Crusts, cracks and scratching appear. The causes of occurrence are disruptions in the functioning of such body systems as endocrine, nervous and digestive, as well as chemical and physical irritants.

IMPORTANT during an exacerbation, adhere to a hypoallergenic diet, use household chemicals only with gloves and limit contact with water.

It is characterized by rashes accompanied by severe itching and peeling. Located on different parts of the body. This type is caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Has many varieties.

Appears mainly in children. The scalp and upper body are affected. It is distinguished by the formation of light red and pink spots in the form of a circle.

It is viral in nature and occurs during a cold period after an infectious disease or digestive tract disorder. More common in women. It is characterized by the formation of light brown, scaly, round spots that cause itching. Subsequently they spread over the entire surface of the body.

The causative agents are microscopic fungi. It is located throughout the body, except for the limbs and head. It is characterized by peeling and different shapes, reaching several centimeters in diameter. The prerequisites for the disease are excessive sweating, oily skin and prolonged exposure to the sun.

It lives, as a rule, in the intercostal space or in the area of ​​passage of nerve trunks. Its characteristic feature is the occurrence of pain. The cause of the appearance is the herpes virus, stress, hypothermia, and decreased immunity.

Red flat

The cause of the appearance has not been determined by doctors. Most often found in women and people suffering from diabetes and gastrointestinal diseases. It affects the nail plates, which begin to crumble, as well as the wrist areas. Looks like red and light pink nodules.

Differs in light pigmentation color. It has a different shape, often round. Accompanied by burning and itching.


The nature of origin is a fungus that multiplies rapidly at high temperatures, high humidity and with reduced immunity. It appears in the form of small light formations, gradually increasing and merging into a large spot. Over time, the affected skin areas peel off and itch a little. It is chronic in nature.

A disease of fungal origin. The areas of the feet, palms and upper extremities are affected. The population of countries with humid and hot climates is most susceptible to it. It is transmitted through direct contact with an infected person and poor hygiene. After 7 days of the incubation period, small patches of dark shades appear on the skin, which gradually increase in size and connect with each other, while their color becomes lighter.


Characterized by blockage of hair root follicles. It is transmitted hereditarily. It appears at an early age, then goes into remission and manifests itself again in adolescence. But the presence of defective genetics does not always cause the development of the disease. Its appearance can be triggered by poor diet, poor personal hygiene and constant changes in temperature. It is expressed in the appearance of follicular nodules in different areas of the body. Then scales appear, which contribute to the keratinization of the dermis.


Herpes simplex is caused by bacteria that live in the body throughout life. As a rule, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, dermis or genitals is affected. You can become infected with it during sexual intercourse. Accompanied by fever, headaches and general malaise. The affected areas become covered with blisters, and pain, itching and burning often occur.

Attention: The prevalence of the disease is widespread; according to medical research, it is diagnosed in 9 out of 10 people. This type of lichen is in 2nd place among the most common diseases.


A feature of the disease is that lichen appears in different areas of the human body:

  • on the back (pink and white formations that grow over the entire surface);
  • on the chest (light spots);
  • on the arms and legs (all types of the disease, the rash comes in different configurations and colors);
  • on the neck, abdomen, as well as in women in the groin and in men on the penis (some types of lichen sicca in the form of a rash or blisters);
  • on the tongue and lip (affects only herpes planus, has a nodular or scaly form);
  • on the shoulder (most modifications of the disease are located, it can be on one side of the upper segment of the arm, or on both);
  • on the cheeks (differ in different appearance and origin);
  • lumbar region (affected mainly by herpes zoster).

How is lichen transmitted?

This skin disease can spread from person to person directly through contact, when using common things not only at home, but also in public transport. You can also become infected by touching animals that already have this disease.

Danger of disease

Ringworm, which is of a fungal nature, can be acquired when visiting damp places, such as a pool or bathhouse. High humidity is a favorable environment for the maturation of the causative agent of this disease.

Many types of disease have serious health consequences. What is dangerous about lichen is that some of its forms become chronic.

When answering the question of whether dermatosis is contagious, it is worth considering that not all contacts with infected people or animals result in infection. If a person has good immunity, then he defeats the pathogen quite easily and the disease is not transmitted.

Attention: Unlike other skin diseases, lichen is contagious and can affect a large number of people.

Ways to get rid of the disease

Initially, the premises should be disinfected. Disinfection of space includes wet cleaning of every accessible surface using antifungal agents, as well as treatment of clothing and linen. This is the main condition for preventing the spread of the fungus and re-infection. Disinfection should be carried out simultaneously with the start of treatment.

How is lichen treated?

If you get sick, you should not panic, but prepare for the fact that treatment will take a lot of time. The diagnosis is made after examination by a dermatologist. In some cases, immunofluorescence and microscopy will be required.

How to quickly cure dermatosis in humans? The fungal cauterization procedure is very effective. With the help of iodine, manipulation is done 2 times a day - morning and evening. And if sulfuric acid is used, then 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Is it possible to remove lichen only using folk methods? An experienced dermatologist can answer this question. It depends on its type and extent of damage. Compliance with the principles of complex treatment will have a positive effect.

Treatment at home

To cure the disease at home, use the following remedies:

  1. Antiviral drugs are the most necessary for influencing a particular virus, reducing the manifestation of the disease and preventing complications.
  2. Immunotherapy. In some cases, the administration of immunoglobulins is indicated.
  3. Anti-inflammatory or painkillers.
  4. Treat with alcohol-based antiseptics.
  5. If there is noticeable itching, use antihistamines.

Ringworm is treated with folk remedies. For example, like this:

  • burdock oil, onion juice and tincture of calendula or propolis;
  • rubbing dark varieties of raisins with pulp;
  • rubbing garlic tincture;
  • applying birch tar;
  • rubbing cranberry juice into the lesions;
  • applying an infusion of dandelion root.

How to smear lichen

The most well-known method is to alternate iodine with brilliant green for 10 days. All types of lichen, except rosea, can be treated with iodine. Used in the early stages of the disease.

Attention! If side effects or pain occur after using iodine, you should stop treatment with this remedy.

Duration of treatment period

Every sick person has a question: how long does it take to treat lichen? It depends on its type and time of discovery. If the disease is detected in a timely manner, recovery will take on average from 1 to 3 weeks. In more advanced cases, treatment will take several months. The duration of treatment depends on the method of therapy.

How do you know that the disease is going away? Signs that lichen is receding:

  • foci of inflammation decrease, spots stop enlarging;
  • the skin gradually dries out;
  • new skin appears under the dying scales;
  • the edge that surrounds the hearth peels off and changes color from bright to pale.

Attention! The disease is considered defeated if no fungus is found in a scraping taken from the site of infection a week and a month after therapy.

Ringworm during pregnancy

If expectant mothers have dermatosis, they are prescribed treatment depending on its type and level of neglect. A woman needs to boost her immunity and fully recover. As needed, special antiviral and antifungal medications are prescribed to dramatically stop the proliferation of viruses and fungi.

Experts involved in alternative medicine advise treating the disease with traditional methods. For example, lubricate the affected areas with fresh onion juice or apply a cabbage leaf greased with sour cream.

Ringworm can also appear in infants, mainly in a ring-like form. The causative agent is considered to be an anthropophilic fungus along with other factors. In rare cases, babies can become infected with pityriasis rosea. It is treated by treating the affected areas with an aqueous solution of sodium hyposulfite.

Dermatosis is a serious disease that has unpleasant manifestations. Regardless of its type, you must consult a doctor, because... self-treatment can lead to a chronic form of the disease.

We invite you to watch a video about the symptoms and treatment of lichen in humans:

Lichen ruber, or more precisely, lichen planus, is not at all the disease that most people thought about. The disease is not transmitted from cats and dogs, but is a skin disease, that is, in medical terms - dermatosis.

In humans, this scourge most often occurs in a chronic form with periods of remission (subsidence) and relapses (exacerbation). The danger of lichen is its carcinogenicity - if it is not properly treated or neglected, it takes a malignant course.

Important! Lichen planus is a disease of the fairer sex; it affects men to a lesser extent, and the prevalence among children is only one percent of the total number of all cases.

According to statistics, lichen is diagnosed in two and a half percent of patients (of all cases of dermatological diseases). In 35% of cases, the disease is localized in the oral cavity.

It is not known for certain what causes lichen planus, but there are several theories on this issue:

  1. Infectious (viral). A pathogenic microorganism (virus or bacteria), in the presence of favorable conditions for their development, penetrates the skin, reaching its lowest layers. The epidermis (skin) responds to foreign invasion with increased division of its cells, and the immune system with intensive production of antibodies. The combination of these factors leads to the fact that the skin’s own cells are destroyed, and a disease occurs.
  2. Intoxication. The toxic effect of some substances plays a major role here. For example, dermatosis can be caused by more than two dozen drugs and their derivatives, for example:
  • antibiotics (streptomycin, tetracycline);
  • anti-tuberculosis drugs (ftivazide);
  • arsenic;
  • antimony;
  • aluminum;
  • quinine.

Dermatosis is also provoked by intoxication, which occurs from the action of toxins produced by the body as a result of the disease:

  • diabetes mellitus (differing in the most severe course);
  • gastritis or peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver.
  1. Neurogenic. Occurs under the influence of diseases of the human nervous system. It can be called:
  • neurosis;
  • neurosis of the peripheral (vegetative) nervous system;
  • radiculitis;
  • spinal injury;
  • depression;
  • attacks of neurasthenia.

Confirmation of this is that a rash on the body, characteristic of lichen, is also observed with nervous disorders.

  1. Hereditary. Doctors say that a genetic predisposition to dermatosis cannot be ruled out, because in some patients (from one to two percent) it was registered in several generations. Typically, the disease begins to manifest itself in childhood and has a chronic, severe form with frequent relapses.
  2. Immunoallergic. This assumption of the occurrence of lichen in scientific circles has the greatest support, since it combines all hypotheses into one. Under certain conditions of the external and internal environment of the body, the balance in the work of protective cells that enhance immunity and protective cells that suppress immune processes is disrupted.

The immune system “does not recognize” its cells and tries to kill them by increasing the number of antibodies and immunoglobulins, leukocytes (affect the inflammatory process), lymphocytes (responsible for the production of antibodies) in the body. Visually, we observe damage to the skin and mucous membranes, namely inflammation, manifestations of a rash on the patient’s skin and mucous membranes.

Is lichen planus contagious?

Judging by the theories of the origin of the disease, it is not possible to give a comprehensive answer. But at the same time, the percentage of those infected is so low that it is impossible to say that lichen planus is a contagious skin disease.

Doctors have registered two isolated cases of infection: from one person in the entire family, and also from a patient, the doctor was infected.

  • refuse direct contact with the patient;
  • allocate separate dishes;
  • wash personal linen and clothing, towels and bed linen separately;
  • do not allow the transfer of personal hygiene items (combs, scissors, toothbrushes);
  • Process shoes in a timely manner.

Diagnosis of lichen planus

Only a dermatologist can make a correct diagnosis. Procedures required for examination:

  • individual medical examination;
  • blood test (special attention to indicators of ESR, leukocytes and eosinophils);
  • analysis of skin and mucous cells for histology;
  • biopsy.

In order for the research to be most effective, before visiting a doctor, you do not need to wash or treat the skin and mucous membranes with either medications or detergents.

Forms characteristic of lichen planus

There are two main forms: typical and atypical. Only by examining them separately can you understand what lichen planus looks like.

  1. Typical form. Located on different parts of the skin and mucous membranes, it is recognizable by bright red flat formations in the form of a rash. The rash usually “takes over” the skin:
  • upper chest;
  • lateral parts of the body;
  • armpits;
  • back of the forearm;
  • elbow bends;
  • lower abdomen;
  • lower back;
  • groin area;
  • inner thighs;
  • popliteal dimples;
  • ankle joints.
  1. Atypical form. This form combines nine more forms:
  • Pigmented. Pigmented brown as well as dark brown papules can be seen on the body.
  • Monilimorphic. The rashes look like wax necklaces of round “beads” on the ears, neck, forehead, elbows, back of the hands, stomach and buttocks. Despite the widespread distribution of the rash, the skin of the nose, cheeks, palms and the area between the shoulder blades is not involved in the process.
  • Pointed. The rash is localized on the neck, shoulder blades and legs. It is characterized by the appearance of pointed papules with a protruding horny spine in the center.
  • Erosive-ulcerative. The form is typical for the oral cavity, rarely for the glans penis and vagina. It is characterized by a severe and difficult to cure course (lasts for years). The surface of the mucous membranes is covered with ulcers and erosions, which take on a round, irregular shape and are very painful. Covered with films and plaque, the pink uneven surface bleeds when its integrity is broken. This form is almost always associated with diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • Atrophic. In places where typical papules form (due to disorders occurring inside the skin), atrophic and sclerotic changes develop. The atrophic form can be primary or secondary. Characterized by hair loss in areas of hair growth, as well as on the flexor surfaces of the limbs. The hair follicles become clogged and dead cells appear on the skin.
  • Hypertrophic (or warty). It is characterized by an increase in the cells of the affected tissues, leading to the appearance of pink, purple or brown papules. They merge, shine strongly, forming plaques. The appearance of the rashes is similar to punctured warts with scales. Most often, the rash can be seen on the front of the legs.
  • Cystic (or bullous). Most often, women aged fifty and older are susceptible to dermatosis. The disease develops rapidly, especially if other chronic diseases are present. The name of the form of dermatosis speaks for itself. Large and small blisters, surrounded by plaques and papules, spread across the body. Dense bubbles inside contain a whitish liquid and do not burst for quite a long time. Rashes in the oral cavity break out faster, which leads to the formation of ulcers and erosions, but they heal quickly.
  • Ring-shaped. The rash acquires a ring-like appearance mainly in men and is located on the genitals, mucous membranes, and also on the inner surface of the lower extremities. The red spots of the rash, changing, seem to “burn out” in the center, so they have a ring shape.
  • Erythematous. The main symptoms are that the skin is covered with hyperemic and swollen areas, where peeling is visible with the subsequent formation of soft nodules.

What does lichen planus look like and manifest itself?

The main manifestations of lichen are rashes in the form of extensive redness, the formation of small ulcers and plaques, which group and merge into foci.

The rash also affects: lips, tongue, head of the male reproductive organ and the entrance to the vagina.

There are several forms of dermatous rash:

  • shiny papules;
  • polygonal rashes;
  • large nodules with a mesh surface;
  • papules with a concave surface;
  • rash merged into plaques;
  • rash with keratinization.

Lichen planus in the oral cavity

The disease in the oral cavity can be identified by a characteristic rash, which can be single, or resembling rings, lace or mesh of a grayish-yellow color.

Lichen planus, “settled” in the mouth, usually “attacks” the mucous membrane:

  • hard palate;
  • inner surface of the cheeks;
  • gums

A feature of the rash on the tongue is the formation of papules (nodules), which form whitish lesions with jagged edges. Dermatosis extends to the lips. The surface of the lips is purple with peeling.

Lichen planus on smooth skin and face

It is very difficult to distinguish a lichen rash on the face from other skin problems. Typically, the rashes are common on the forehead, around the eyes, as well as on the cheeks and under the lower lip. But, there is one “BUT” - the rash is dark red. Severe itching is noted at the site of their localization.

Manifestations of lichen on the face not only spoil the appearance, but are also very dangerous, because the face contains the largest number of blood vessels and nerve endings. Scratching can lead to inflammation. Therefore, immediately go to a dermatologist.

In addition to the skin of the face and mucous membranes, the disease affects the nails. On the nail surface, longitudinal grooves are visible. The nail plate takes on a striated appearance and has many irregularities. The nail itself is cloudy and thickened, and the nail fold is inflamed.

Symptoms of lichen planus in children

Ringworm is rare in children, but develops very quickly. The skin of children has specific characteristics - it is looser (it absorbs and retains moisture well) and contains many small blood vessels (as a result of which it swells rapidly). In sick children, bright purple or closer to purple rashes in the form of nodules with blisters are observed.

How to treat lichen planus

Treatment of any dermatosis, including treatment of lichen planus, must be consistent and necessarily comprehensive. In the chronic course of the disease, treatment is primarily aimed at “erasing” symptoms and long-term prevention of relapses. Do not self-medicate, otherwise you will develop the disease, after which you will have to undergo treatment for a long time and persistently.

To achieve the best effect, both tablet forms of drugs for oral administration and ointments for topical use are used.

The main effect of the drugs is aimed at:

  • normalization of cellular nutrition of affected tissues;
  • a decrease in the body’s defenses (if the dermatosis has a severe course);
  • eliminating itching;
  • restoration of nervous system and sleep processes;
  • removal of manifestations of lichen on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes.

A specialist doctor prescribes treatment on a strictly individual basis (much depends on the general condition of the patient). Only a dermatologist can correctly determine the degree and form of the disease.

The following drugs are prescribed for oral administration:

  • corticosteroids (hormonal): metipred, prednisolone;
  • synthetic interferons (antiviral, cytostatics): neovir, ridostin;
  • antihistamines (anti-allergic), for example: tavegil, diazolin, loratadine;
  • antibiotics (antimicrobial): doxycycline, tetracycline, azithromycin;
  • immunosuppressants (for artificial suppression of immunity): hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, cyclosporine A;
  • systemic retinoids (synthetic derivatives of vitamin A): acitretin, isotrethione;
  • vascular: trental, xanthinol;
  • sleeping pills and sedatives: medazepam, phenazepam;
  • vitamins: ascorbic acid, B vitamins, vitamin D.

Ointments for lichen planus applied topically:

  • anti-inflammatory: tacrolimus, pimecrolimus;
  • corticosteroids: cloveit, flumethasone, hydrocortisone, betamezone;
  • exfoliating: belosalik, diprosalik;
  • antiallergic: fenistil, gistane;
  • regenerating: solcoseryl.

Dermatologists widely use methods of physiotherapeutic treatment:

  • Laser therapy. Exposure to laser beams relieves itching, inflammation and swelling, regulates metabolism, removes rashes, promotes the healing of erosions and ulcers, and restores the functioning of the nervous system.
  • PUVA therapy. With the help of long-wave ultraviolet irradiation and application of the drug “Methoxalen” to the affected areas, the cytostatic process is activated and the rashes are eliminated.
  • Magnetotherapy. The action of the magnetic field reduces inflammation, improves tissue metabolism, and eliminates itching.

How to get rid of lichen planus with folk remedies

Treatment of lichen planus will go faster if you use folk remedies. They are easy to prepare and use at home, thereby achieving the best effect from drug treatment.

Attention! Herbal treatment is not safe for everyone, so we still recommend consulting a doctor.

Treatment of lichen planus, including at home, can be carried out using the following means:

  • Infusion of succession. Relieves itching and inflammation. Brew one tablespoon of dried string inflorescences (buy at a pharmacy) with one glass of boiling water. Close the jar tightly and wrap for one hour. Soak the affected areas with the resulting infusion at room temperature using a cotton pad.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Usually used to treat lesions of lichen in its pure form, it heals well and promotes the growth of new skin cells and mucous membranes. Treat the rash twice daily.
  • Ointment, as well as calendula oil. Grind ten grams of dried calendula flowers (marigold) in a coffee grinder and mix with fifty grams of Vaseline. Apply the resulting ointment twice a day to the area of ​​the rash until it disappears. The product dries and disinfects the skin well.
  • Birch tar. Disinfects and regenerates tissues. Before use, treat the lesions with hydrogen peroxide. To prepare the ointment, mix two chicken eggs, 150 grams of birch tar, 100 grams of cream with at least 20% fat content into a homogeneous mass. Distribute the resulting product onto the affected areas until the rash disappears.

Diet for lichen planus

Maintaining proper nutrition can play a big role in maintaining the normal functioning of the body and getting rid of dermatosis.

It is useful to include in your diet as many vegetables as possible and lean meat (rabbit, chicken, veal), liver (preferably boiled or stewed).

Eat more dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, milk. It is important to eat fruits, which are suppliers of vitamins. Do not forget that red fruits and citrus fruits should be eaten with caution, as they are often allergens. Be careful with salt and sugar.

Important! During treatment for lichen, it is necessary to avoid tea, coffee, sweet carbonated and alcoholic drinks, smoked, spicy and salty foods, as well as spices and flavoring additives. Nutrition for lichen should be regular and strictly rationed.

For children, it is desirable to have a variety of cereals, lean meats, fresh vegetables, herbs, cheese, and fruits (with the exception of citrus fruits). But you will have to wait a bit with sweets and cream confectionery. Sugar can be replaced with natural honey.

Prevention measures

As with any other disease, preventive measures for lichen come down to old and good advice:

  • try to avoid injury to the skin; in summer, do not stay in the sun for a long time;
  • do not give in to stress;
  • eat healthy and varied foods;
  • strengthen your immune system, harden yourself;

spend more time outdoors.

People far from medicine often combine diseases transmitted from animals and frighten children with them, who strive to pet the furry stranger. In fact, in dermatology there are several diseases whose names include the word “lichen,” but which are completely different in nature.

What is lichen planus?

It is observed in approximately 1% of patients with skin diseases, most often occurring in people aged 40-60 years, but people of any age are susceptible to it.

According to statistics, lichen planus is detected somewhat more often in women. A characteristic feature of the disease is that it has many different forms, each of which has its own clinical picture and affects certain areas of the body.

Reasons for the development of LP

Until now, doctors have not determined what exactly causes the development of the disease.

Doctors are inclined to believe that lichen planus is a polyetiological disease.

This means that it develops when several factors unfavorable for the patient are combined.

KPL forms

There are several forms of the disease, differing in localization and clinical manifestations.

Typical shape

It is characterized by the appearance of papules (nodules) of different shapes and sizes. In the center of the pathological element, an umbilical depression can be detected, which helps doctors in diagnosis. The characteristic Wickham network is visible on the nodules (the reason for its appearance is uneven hypertrophy of the granular layer in the epidermis). In the typical form of the disease, the skin of the torso, oral mucosa, and genitals is affected. In addition to nodules on the body, the patient is bothered by severe itching.

Hypertrophic (warty) form

With this form, the papule is stronger, than usual, rise above the surface of the skin. On them you can see growths in the form of papillae, with keratinization (hence the resemblance to warts).

With this form of the disease, the skin of the scrotum, legs, hands, and sacrum is most often affected.

Sclerosing (or atrophic) form

It differs from the typical one in that after the papule disappears, a small atrophic scar or lesion with a brown center and a small ridge along the edges remains on the skin. Localization: scalp, armpits, torso, genitals (usually on the head of the penis).

Pemphigoid (bullous) form

This is a fairly rare form of lichen planus. With it, blisters (bulae – hence the name) form on papules or sometimes unchanged skin. Everything is accompanied by severe itching, which provokes patients to damage the blisters and scratch them until they become erosions and even ulcers. In most cases, the lower extremities are affected.

Pigment form

It appears as brown spots that are located on the skin of the torso, face, and limbs.

To make a correct diagnosis, doctors try to detect typical nodules, which is sometimes quite difficult.

Linear form

In this case, pathological elements appear linearly along the nerve fibers. In most cases, children are susceptible to it.

Lichen zosteriformis

So called because of the similarity of symptoms to Herpes Zoster. Papules appear along the nerve fibers in large quantities. In terms of duration, it can be acute (about one month), subacute (about six months) and long-term.

Pathological elements in this case appear on the oral mucosa, affecting both halves symmetrically.

At the same time, a person’s quality of life is greatly reduced, since even a simple conversation can bring discomfort.
The rash pattern often resembles a light mesh.

Symptoms of LLP

Manifestations of the disease can be different, depending on what form has developed in a person. What lichen planus looks like and the features of the most common forms can be read above, as well as where the rash is localized.

Is lichen planus contagious?

The disease can externally cause quite unpleasant associations and even discomfort among others, but you should not be afraid of it.

As we can conclude from the causes of the development of the disease, lichen planus is not transmitted from person to person.

Diagnosis of LP

The diagnosis is made by a doctor based on the clinical picture and patient complaints. If necessary, a biopsy of the changed area of ​​skin can be taken, followed by histological examination.

Treatment of lichen planus in humans with drugs

What and how to treat a patient with lichen planus on the body and other organs is decided by a dermatologist. If the disease is mild, then a hypoallergenic diet, sedatives and antidepressants (for example, azafen) can help cope with it. Penicillin antibiotics or tetracycline are sometimes effective. Since the pathogenesis has an immunological component, histamine blockers (loratadine, diazolin, Zyrtec, suprastin) are prescribed.

The moderate form can be treated with a course of prednisolone in small doses, and vitamin therapy (vitamins A, E, the drug Aevit). Actovegin and solcoseryl - drugs that affect metabolism - promote rapid skin restoration. Use drugs containing quinolone (delagil, chloroquine)

The generalized form is treated with more powerful drugs. An example is cyclosporine, used until clinical effect occurs.

Local treatment

Ointments with corticosteroids are actively used, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and are therefore effective in the treatment of lichen planus, injecting lesions with hydrocortisone. Instrumental treatment is increasingly resorting to laser exposure and diathermocoagulation.


By following the recommendations of specialists, patients successfully control the course of the disease and live a full life. The frequency of exacerbations may vary, but they are not life-threatening. The ability to work with red flat deprivation is also preserved.

  • Lichen planus - treatment (antibiotics, hormonal drugs, antihistamines, vitamin therapy, creams and ointments, VLOG) - video
  • Lichen planus: features of treatment on mucous membranes. Treatment of children, pregnant women. Forecasts for lichen planus - video
  • Lichen planus: traditional methods of treatment (herbs, diet, massage), opinion of a dermatologist - video
  • Can lichen planus be cured? What are the forecasts?

  • The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

    Red flat lichen(red dermatitis) is a chronic inflammatory disease in which characteristic rashes appear on the skin and mucous membranes.

    Lichen planus in numbers and facts:

    • The disease occurs in 0.1-4% of people.
    • Women and men get sick in a ratio of 3:2.
    • Most often, the diagnosis is made at the age of 30-60 years, but in general the pathology occurs in all age groups.
    • Lichen planus is one of the most common diseases of the oral mucosa.
    • The oral (oral) form of lichen planus occurs in 1.27-2% of people. It is rarely diagnosed in children.
    • It is estimated that about half of women suffering from oral lichen planus have undiagnosed lesions of the genital mucosa.


    Lichen planus occurs when the immune system begins to malfunction and attacks skin cells. Scientists do not fully know why this happens. Several factors are believed to contribute to the development of the disease:

    • Heredity. It has been established that a predisposition to lichen planus is transmitted from parents to children through genes.
    • Disorders of the nervous system. Cases of the development of the disease after stress and hypnosis have been described.
    • Diseases of the digestive system. Promote the appearance of lichen planus on the oral mucosa. Gastritis, colitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon), and some other pathologies are important.
    • Viral infections. The role of hepatitis C and influenza vaccines has been proven.
    • Injury oral mucosa fragments of teeth, poorly fitting dentures.
    • Exposure to certain toxic chemicals: pigments, paraphenylenediamine, substances that are used during the development of color films.
    • Taking certain medications: tetracycline, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.
    • In some patients, there is a connection between the occurrence of lichen planus and diseases of the cardiovascular (arterial hypertension), endocrine system (diabetes mellitus).
    Not all people with risk factors in their lives develop lichen planus. In order for a disease to occur, disturbances in the immune system and metabolism must occur in the body, caused by a combination of different reasons, some of which act externally, and others within the body.

    Lichen planus: risk groups, causes, signs (what it looks like), complications, localization. Is it possible to get infected with lichen planus - video


    A typical form of lichen planus is manifested by the following symptoms:

    • Raspberry-red or pinkish-purple nodules appear on the skin. They are 2-3 mm in size, irregular in shape, and do not rise above the skin.
    • The surface of the nodules has a characteristic shine with a waxy tint. It is best visible in side lighting.
    • Neighboring nodules can merge with each other and form plaques covered with small scales.
    • Itching occurs. It can be so strong that it prevents you from sleeping at night.
    • If you lubricate the surface of the nodules with vegetable oil, white dots and intertwining lines like a web become visible on it.
    • Most often, the lesion occurs on the wrists, the flexor surface of the forearms, the extensor surface of the legs, the inner surface of the thighs, the groin area, and the armpits.
    • The skin of the face, scalp, palms and soles is extremely rarely affected.
    • Usually, after the disappearance of nodules and plaques on the skin, areas of hyperpigmentation having a darker color compared to the surrounding skin.
    • In about a quarter of patients, the disease affects the mucous membranes. The elements can be located in the oral cavity, on the head of the penis, in the vestibule of the vagina.
    • Nodules in the form of dots of gray-opal color usually appear on the mucous membrane of the cheeks. They are combined into networks, rings, lace.
    • The tongue is characterized by flat, whitish plaques with clear, uneven, jagged edges.
    • Purple plaques appear on the lips. On their surface there is peeling and a grayish-white mesh. The lower lip is affected more often than the upper lip.
    • In some patients, lichen planus lesions involve the nails. They appear striated in the longitudinal direction, and sometimes ridges appear. The nail beds take on a bright red color. Areas of cloudiness appear on the nail plates.

    Often elements characteristic of lichen planus appear in areas of scratching. The disease can last a long time, sometimes for many months.

    Less common with lichen planus is damage to the esophagus. There is pain and difficulty swallowing caused by inflammation of the organ wall or narrowing of its lumen. There is an opinion that lichen planus increases the risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus.

    Lichen planus: symptoms and signs. What does lichen planus look like on the mucous membranes, on the nails, on the face and head - video


    There are two stages of the disease:

    • Progressive. At this time, new elements appear on the skin. Due to changes in the body's reactivity, nodules and plaques appear at the site of scratches and scratches within a few days. Dermatologists call it isomorphic reaction.
    • Regressive. Peeling occurs on the surface of the nodules and plaques; they gradually disappear, leaving dark pigmented spots in their place. At the same time, new elements can arise.

    Forms of lichen planus

    In addition to the typical one, there are other types of lichen planus:

    Name of the form of the disease Description
    Hypertrophic (warty, verrucous) lichen planus Warty growths appear on the skin, which look like brownish-red or purple plaques, covered with layers of thickened upper keratinized layer of skin. Next to these plaques there may be elements characteristic of a typical form of lichen planus. Most often, warty formations are located on the front surface of the legs, less often found on other parts of the body.
    Atrophic lichen planus After the destruction of nodules or plaques, atrophy or sclerotic changes occur on the skin (in the second case they speak of sclerotic form of lichen planus). May occur finely focal baldness – small bald spots appear on the head.
    Blistering (bullous) form of lichen planus A rare form of the disease. Blisters filled with clear or bloody fluid form on the skin. They are usually the size of a cherry or a pea. Most often, the elements appear on the skin of the legs and feet. Bubbles can appear both on unaffected areas of the skin and on the surface of the plaques. Sometimes, along with blisters, nodules are present on the skin, characteristic of the typical form of the disease.
    Lichen planus moniliformis Rashes the size of a cherry pit appear, which are arranged in the form of chains and resemble “strung beads.” The elements are nodules that can have different appearances. They can be so close to each other that together they resemble one long scar. Rashes with this form of the disease can be found throughout the body, most often found on the skin of the forehead, neck, back of the ears, back of the hands, elbows, buttocks, and abdomen. The palms and soles, the skin of the cheeks and nose, and the genitals most often remain clean.
    Pointed shape Along with the elements characteristic of the typical form of the disease, conical nodules with a horny spike in the central part appear on the skin. If the scalp is affected, small atrophic scars may form on it.
    Ring shape Plaques acquire a characteristic appearance due to the fact that they spread in breadth, and in the center the skin clears. As a result, elements appear on the skin that have the appearance of rings, necklaces, arcs, and half rings. Most often, this form of lichen planus occurs in men. Skin lesions are usually localized in the genital area and the inner surface of the arms.
    Erosive (erosive-ulcerative) form of lichen planus The most severe form of the disease, difficult to treat. Superficial damage occurs on the skin and mucous membrane - erosion. They have an irregular shape, covered with a thin film of protein fibrin. If you remove this film, the erosion will begin to bleed. Ulcers occur less frequently. Elements can exist for a long time, sometimes up to several years. During treatment, erosions heal, but after treatment they often appear again, usually in the same place.
    Zosteriform form The nodules are located on the skin along the nerves, so the disease may resemble herpes.
    Pigmented form of lichen planus The main elements of skin rashes are pigment spots. As a rule, they are found on the face and hands.

    Variants of damage to the oral mucosa (oral lichen planus):

    Name of the form of the disease Description
    Mesh The most common form of oral lichen planus. It appears in the form of white lacy lines, reminiscent in appearance of a network or cobweb. In this case, the patient has no complaints.
    Erosive/ulcerative It ranks second in prevalence among all forms of oral lichen planus. Erosion and ulcers appear on the mucous membrane, covered with yellow films. In a quarter of patients, the gum mucosa is involved in the pathological process, a condition known as desquamative gingivitis.
    Papular White nodules appear on the mucous membrane.
    Atrophic Areas of atrophy appear on the mucous membrane. This form of the disease can also present as desquamative gingivitis.
    Bullous It appears in the form of blisters on the mucous membrane filled with clear liquid.

    Lichen planus: stages and forms (erosive-ulcerative, warty, atrophic, etc.) - video


    Lichen planus is especially unpleasant in the genital area, in the vagina. The disease leads to pain and disrupts sex life. Scars may remain in place of the elements. Sexual dysfunction may subsequently persist for a long time.

    There is evidence that lichen planus, although to a small extent, may increase the risk of squamous cell carcinoma. Your dermatologist may recommend that you be screened for cancer cells in the lesions.

    Skin pigmentation in places where nodules and plaques were located persists for a long time.

    What does lichen planus look like in the photo?

    Lichen planus on the arm:

    Lichen planus on the leg:

    Lichen planus on the face:

    Lichen planus on the mucous membrane:

    Lichen planus on the tongue:


    In most cases, a doctor can easily make a diagnosis during an examination. Difficulties may arise if the skin is not affected, and the elements are only on the mucous membrane.

    Tests for lichen planus that a dermatologist may prescribe:

    • Biopsy. The doctor obtains a piece of tissue in the area of ​​the nodules and plaques and sends it to the laboratory for analysis. Most often this is done using scrapings. When microscopying samples, you can see cells characteristic of lichen planus.
    • Blood test for hepatitis C. This viral disease often provokes the occurrence of lichen planus. If during the conversation the doctor decides that you had a risk of contracting hepatitis, he will order this test.
    • Allergy tests. Allergies can also trigger the occurrence of lichen planus. Your dermatologist may refer you to an allergist who can perform an allergy test. Solutions containing different potential allergens will be applied to your skin. A positive reaction will be indicated by the appearance of redness and a blister in the area where the “culprit” allergen was applied.
    Not everyone needs these studies. They are prescribed if there is a suspicion of a particular disease in cases where the diagnosis is difficult to establish.

    Lichen planus: diagnosis (opinion of a dermatovenerologist) - video


    How to cure lichen planus?

    Since the cause of the disease is not completely clear, there is no treatment aimed at it. Therapy is mainly aimed at alleviating symptoms and eliminating cosmetic problems.

    Ointments against lichen planus with corticosteroids

    Corticosteroids (glucocorticoids) are preparations of adrenal cortex hormones. They effectively suppress inflammation, immune and allergic reactions. Typically, treatment for lichen planus begins with the use of corticosteroids in the form of creams and ointments. If this does not help, the drugs are prescribed in tablet form. If tablets are also ineffective, corticosteroids are used in the form of injections.

    For lichen planus, Diprospan and other glucocorticoids are used.

    Possible side effects from the use of corticosteroids:

    • irritation or thinning of the skin in the area where creams and ointments are applied;
    • stomach disorders.

    Drugs that affect the immune response

    These medications may be prescribed as ointments, gels, or oral (taken by mouth) forms. The most commonly used drugs are tacrolimus (Protopic) and pimecrolimus (Elidel).


    Antihistamines block the effects of a protein called histamine, which is involved in inflammatory and allergic reactions. These medications, taken in tablet form or on the skin, relieve the pain and itching caused by lichen planus.


    Phototherapy involves exposing the skin to light waves. For lichen planus, ultraviolet B radiation is most often used, which can penetrate only the top layer of skin (epidermis).

    Ultraviolet A radiation is also used in combination with psoralen. However, this treatment slightly increases the risk of developing skin cancer and cataracts in the future.

    Typically, 2-3 phototherapy sessions are performed per week for several weeks.


    If glucocorticoid drugs and phototherapy do not help the patient, the doctor may prescribe retinoids - synthetic vitamin A preparations. They are used orally or cutaneously.

    Retinoids can cause congenital malformations in the fetus, so they are not recommended for pregnant women. If a woman is preparing to become a mother or is breastfeeding, the doctor will prescribe retinoids to be applied to the skin or other medications.

    Eliminating irritants

    If your doctor believes that lichen planus is caused by hepatitis C, allergies, certain medications, or other causes, he will recommend taking steps to eliminate the causative factor. You may need to replace the medications you have been taking recently with others and avoid contact with certain substances that cause allergic reactions in you. If you are diagnosed with hepatitis C, you will be referred for treatment to a hepatologist - a specialist in liver disease.

    Antibiotics for lichen planus

    Lichen planus is a non-infectious disease, so the use of antibacterial drugs is not required. However, sometimes against the background of this pathology, pustular skin lesions develop. In this case, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

    Alternative medicine in the treatment of lichen planus

    The results of some studies show that patients suffering from lichen planus may benefit from taking vitamins A and B. However, more research is needed to find out for sure.

    Some small clinical trials have shown that aloe vera gels help with oral and genital lichen planus.

    There are quite a few dietary supplements that, according to manufacturers and sellers, help with lichen planus. Before using them, you should definitely consult your doctor. Some alternative medicines can cause serious side effects when used concomitantly with medications.

    Lichen planus - treatment (antibiotics, hormonal drugs, antihistamines, vitamin therapy, creams and ointments, VLOG) - video

    Lichen planus: features of treatment on mucous membranes. Treatment of children, pregnant women. Forecasts for lichen planus - video

    Treatment at home

    The disease can be treated on an outpatient basis, at home. But the patient must be under the supervision of a doctor, periodically appear for examinations, and follow prescriptions.

    • Take warm skin baths with colloidal oatmeal and follow with a moisturizing lotion.
    • Apply cold compresses.
    • Avoid damaging the skin. Protect your hands with gloves when washing dishes and gardening.
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