Ringworm in dogs - pityriasis versicolor and ringworm with photos, symptoms, types, prevention and treatment. Signs of lichen in dogs and treatment at home. Symptoms of lichen in a dachshund.

Ringworm in dogs is a pathology infectious nature, which affects the skin of animals. Its causative agents are a variety of pathogenic viruses and fungi that pose a danger to the dog’s owner.

Fungal spores are highly resistant to environmental conditions and therefore remain viable for several years. Warm, humid weather is a fertile environment for them, in which spores actively divide and infect the upper layers of the animal's epidermis.

Channels of infection and general signs of the disease

A dog with lichen is dangerous for its environment - it infects its fellow tribesmen and owners. And the contact method of infection is given a dominant place here. A good dog breeder knows how important it is to walk your pet among trusted family members. Under no circumstances should he be allowed to communicate with stray individuals.

It is not uncommon for a dog to become infected because it lay on someone else’s bedding, ate from the bowl of an infected “brother,” or simply indulged in its toys. The disease can also be transmitted through collars and leashes.

The main factor favoring the development of canine lichen is the pet’s weakened immune system. The risk of contracting an infection increases when the dog:

  • feeds puppies;
  • malnutrition;
  • bears offspring;
  • not strong enough after a viral illness;
  • is young/old;
  • suffers from cancer.

The mechanism of development of lichen makes itself felt by rashes on any part of the body. Subsequently, the affected area grows in size, the dog’s skin becomes covered with a reddish crust and loses hair. Now she has receding hairline with clear boundaries. In advanced forms, pus oozes from under the crust.

Unbearable itching leads to the dog starting to actively itch. And this is already alarming symptom, signaling problems in his health. What to do in this case? There is no point in waiting for the pathology to progress; you need to show your pet to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Otherwise, his body will soon be covered with inflamed colored spots that are prone to peeling.

Signs of lichen in dogs include changes such as hair loss, the formation of microcracks in the skin, and damage to hair follicles. Animals become lethargic and susceptible to other ailments.

What types of lichen do dogs get?

1. is considered the most dangerous to the health of the animal.

It develops from one maternal plaque, from which daughter spots subsequently branch off. Yellow-pink lesions up to 2 cm in diameter have a round shape. Since the affected areas are itchy, the dog tends to scratch them. Peeling lesions can resolve on their own after 6 weeks from the moment the first element pops up.

2. in dogs it affects not only the body and head, but also the tail, limbs, nose and even claws.

It is recognized by oval or oval spots. round shape, which quickly spread throughout the animal’s body. Infected areas become itchy and lose their hair. If you look closely at the dog’s skin tissue, you can see broken hairs, as if they had been cut. Therefore, this type of lichen was defined as ringworm.

The photo shows different shapes depriving dogs. We hope our database will help you promptly recognize a dangerous skin pathology in your pet.

3. Ringworm in dogs is not a contagious disease of the dermis.

It develops as a result of allergies and is inflammatory in nature. The symptoms of this pathology are as follows:

From attention good owner Changes such as cracks, crusts, and blisters that have formed on the pet’s body will not escape either.

4. – a common reason for which dog breeders turn to a veterinarian for help.

What does this lichen look like in dogs? Primary symptom the disease is small pink spot, the formation process of which occurs without visible inflammation. Lesions gradually appear on the dog's neck, paws and back. The affected area acquires a color varying from yellow to brown.

5. develops in dogs due to the activity of the herpes virus. Initially, the disease manifests itself as itching on the abdomen and areas between the ribs. Later, the picture is complemented by the formation of liquid elements that burst and become crusty. The disease affects not only the stomach - it can damage any part of the four-legged friend’s body.

Identifying the first signs of lichen requires isolating the dog from household members. For disinfection purposes, it is necessary to wash all the animal’s favorite places with bleach. To avoid infection when caring for a sick pet, it is recommended to use gloves and wash your hands with soap.

Principles of treatment for canine lichen

The success of curing an animal is determined by an integrated approach to combating the disease. To make it easier to carry out external treatment procedures, the hair surrounding the problem area should be trimmed.

  • wash with warm water;
  • wipe with iodine;
  • process antifungal drug(Zoomicol, Clotrimazole, Mycozolon).

During treatment, it is important to prevent your dog from licking medications from the skin. To do this, you can use a special collar designed to wrap your pet’s neck.

How to remove lichen that occurs in ringworm form? Veterinarians prescribe antifungal medications strong impact:

To protect the liver, hepatoprotectors are included in the course of treatment with these drugs.

High effectiveness in the treatment of lichen in animals is achieved by vaccination with Vakderm, Polivac, Mentavak. Injections are administered into the muscle according to the course developed by the veterinarian. In general, treatment takes 8 to 10 weeks, and early diagnosis contributes to its success.

In the disseminated form of the disease, hair grows in clumps all over the dog’s body. The disease is characterized by the absence of bald patches or, conversely, their multiple formation. In this case, the animal is recommended to use Nizoral and Imaverol shampoos - soft remedies, which should be used to wash it without deviating from the instructions.

How to treat ringworm in a dog to prevent the development of an allergy to medicines? For this, experts prescribe antihistamines (Diphenhydramine, Tavegil). After the first vaccination, the animal may experience a deterioration in its condition, but all changes in this case are not considered abnormal. Through them, the body shows the fight against the disease.

Along with the activation of specific immunity, it is also important to support the defense system of the pet’s body and its general state. To achieve these goals, the animal is prescribed the following groups of drugs:

  • probiotics to stabilize the gastrointestinal tract;
  • immunomodulators (Ribotan, Immunofan);
  • vitamin-containing complexes (Gamavit, multivitamins, vitamins for wool).

How to treat lichen in a dog to attack the main culprits in the disease? External preparations Fungin-spray and Yam ointment will help here.

They should be applied to healthy tissue. Before treatment, it is recommended to cut off the hair growing on the affected areas.

More recently, dermatophytosis (or ringworm) was thought to be in dogs incurable disease, so euthanizing animals when infected with this fungus was a common practice.

The development of modern antifungal agents has made it possible to successfully combat the disease. It is important to follow the recommendations of veterinarians and the treatment regimen. Read more about how to cure lichen in a dog.

The method of treating lichen in a dog directly depends on its type. The most dangerous and difficult to treat are two types:

1. Ringworm– a consequence of contact with animal fur by spores of the fungus Trychophiton, Microsporum. Lichen spores fall into environment from the fur of sick animals and remain in it for a long time. As soon as the fungus gets on the skin, it multiplies, absorbing into hair follicles and destroying them.

You can suspect a dog being infected with ringworm when oval or round spots appear on the skin. In these areas, hair falls out, the skin peels off, and becomes covered with peculiar scales. The hairs on the affected areas are broken because the hair follicle is damaged, and they don’t get into the hairs nutrients. Ringworm in dogs: treatment is based on destroying the fungus not only outside, but also inside the animal’s body.

2. Weeping lichen (weeping eczema)– . Occurs due to an allergic reaction to poor nutrition, lack of hygiene and failure to apply on time. Most often, weeping lichen affects the skin of long-haired dogs,

Ringworm appears as swollen areas of skin on the animal's lower back, base of the tail, neck and cheeks. The swollen areas become covered with blisters, which burst, releasing fluid. The hair on the affected areas falls out, and the surface becomes covered with purulent mucus.

Gradually, scabs appear under this coating. When the scabs are peeled off, they reveal bright red or bluish skin with a smooth, shiny surface.

Those affected by ringworm itch and the dog scratches them. The disease spreads throughout the animal's body. Without treatment, tinea versicolor a short time covers the dog's entire body.

What and how to treat lichen in a dog?

Directed combination treatment– the main rule of getting rid of any type of lichen in a dog. If the animal begins to behave restlessly, constantly itch and refuse to eat, the owner should carefully examine the skin. Rash, hair loss, swelling should alert the owner.

These signs are reason to immediately contact a veterinarian. The sooner treatment begins, the easier it will be to destroy the fungus and its consequences.

How to treat lichen in a dog at home? We absolutely do not recommend it independently prescribe a method for getting rid of this skin disease. Ointments and other remedies used on the advice of friends will only give a temporary effect, and the disease will return.

Self-medication using nonspecific drugs can blur the picture of the disease. It will be difficult for a specialist to deliver correct diagnosis, since self-medication will even affect test results.

Make a diagnosis yourself, based only on external signs depriving is almost impossible. Hair loss can be a sign of other diseases, and self-medication will lead to their aggravation. To diagnose the disease in the clinic, special methods are used:

  1. Wood lamp lighting.
  2. Scraping the affected areas and plating samples.
  3. Microscopic examination of wool.

Only after serious research can a specialist accurately diagnose and prescribe a course of treatment. ringworm in a dog, or what to do to get rid of weeping eczema.

Wood's lamp

How to treat ringworm in a dog?

Even when contacting a specialist, it is worth preparing for the fact that the treatment will be lengthy. It is especially difficult to remove a fungus that has been in the body for a long time, so the disease cannot be started.

How to treat lichen in a dog? Therapeutic measures against ringworm consist of the following set of actions:

  1. Antibiotics. They are prescribed if the disease has spread widely across the skin. The drugs are administered for 10-14 days 2-3 times a day.
  2. Additional vaccination to increase the body's resistance. It is carried out with special preparations: Vakderm, Polivac.
  3. To fight fungus, penetrated the intestines, Nystatin is used.
  4. Effectively use of probiotics to improve the animal's intestinal microflora.
  5. Ointments for treating affected skin areas. They contain miconazole or clotrimazole. The ointment is applied to the washed clean water and skin lubricated with a disinfectant preparation, covering healthy areas by 1-2 centimeters. Before starting treatment, the hair around the affected areas should be trimmed.

Important! So that it doesn't arise allergic reaction for medications, Tavegil, Diphenhydramine, etc. are prescribed in parallel.

The treatment tactics for street dog lichen are identical. Difficulties may arise with the application of ointments, since street dog It is not so easy to accustom to tactile contact. In this case, it is best to use drugs in the form of a spray.

How to treat lichen in a dog?

The following technique is used to treat weeping eczema:

  1. Correction of the dog's menu. Potatoes and fatty meat are excluded from the diet.
  2. Drugs are prescribed internally Mercurius corrosivus 3, Sulfur-3.
  3. For treating inflamed areas dressings with medicinal ointments are used.
  4. To support immunity vitamins and immunomodulators are used (Gamavit, Immunofan).

Important! Treatment of lichen in a dog lasts from 3 to 6 weeks, depending on the extent of the disease.

Rules for caring for animals

When your pet begins treatment the entire habitual lifestyle of the owner and pet must change. To ensure that the treatment is successful and the disease does not return, the following measures should be taken:

  1. Carry out daily wet cleaning premises using disinfectants.
  2. Replace litter animal. During treatment, the litter must be washed daily, replacing it with a new one.
  3. Wash your pet's dishes and toys daily.
  4. To prevent the animal from licking the ointment, It is advisable to use a special protective collar. You can purchase it at retail outlets.
  5. If there are other animals in the house besides the sick dog, you should exclude their contact with each other. For healthy animals, preventive measures should be started immediately.

We eliminate the risk of human infection

Ringworm is not at all dangerous for humans, since it is specific type Eczema affects only animals.

The situation with ringworm is completely different. A person can get ringworm from a sick dog., if he does not follow the recommendations:

  1. A sick animal should be isolated. IN summer time The dog can be placed on the balcony. If this is not possible, it is advisable to fence off a certain corner in the apartment for the animal and not allow it to move freely around the territory.
  2. Careful personal hygiene of the owner. After all therapeutic actions or direct contact with an animal, hands must be washed with disinfectants. It is advisable to carry out all wound treatments with gloves.
  3. Additional reception by the owner vitamins and immunomodulatory drugs.
  4. A complete ban on contact between dogs and children.
  5. At the slightest suspicion of infection, you should consult a dermatologist.

Disease prevention

It is possible to protect your pet from infection by taking preventive measures against lichen in dogs. Preventive actions consist of the following steps:

How to treat lichen in dogs: the most effective method? The success of treatment directly depends on its timely start. Following your doctor's recommendations will help protect your pet from the virus and from allergies.

Additionally, we suggest that you watch a video about the signs and treatment of lichen in pet:

Among the entire list of contagious skin diseases, lichen in dogs is considered one of the most common. In addition to the problems that this disease brings to the dog, it poses a threat to other animals and all family members who can also become infected with lichen.

The main signs of lichen in dogs

Stage 1– a minor skin rash that is easy to miss or ignore, concentrated in the head area (muzzle, nose, ears) and on the tail.

Stage 2– spots on the skin, partial baldness in the affected area.

Stage 3– hair loss in place of spots, formation of crusts and scales.

What factors increase the risk of contracting lichen?

  • individual predisposition;
  • age (puppies or old dogs);
  • physiological characteristics (pregnancy, lactation period);
  • non-compliance with conditions of detention;
  • poor animal care;
  • unbalanced diet, unhealthy diet;
  • stressful situations;
  • untimely treatment for fleas and ticks, which leads to itching and constant damage to the skin due to scratching;
  • animal disease, weakened immunity.

Ringworm is transmitted both through direct contact with an infected animal and through care items. Fungi that cause dermatomycosis (ringworm) can survive in the soil for up to 3 months, posing a threat to animals in damp or hot weather. But fungal spores can persist in the affected hairs and skin flakes for up to several years, becoming a source of infection after hair loss.

At the first suspicion of lichen in dogs, you should take them for examination to veterinarian. Depending on the diagnosis and the identified type of lichen, treatment is prescribed.

Let's talk more about how to cure lichen at home.

Effective The main treatment is the introduction of a therapeutic and prophylactic vaccine, for example, Microderm, Vakderm.

Ringworm in a dog It goes away quickly if you choose good treatment. Locally it is recommended to treat the skin affected by lichen with ointments such as Fungin, Miconazole, Clotrimazole, Thiabendazole, Zoomikol, Mikoseptin, Griseofulfin, Dermatol or any other antifungal agent prescribed by a veterinarian. The ointment is applied to the affected area and the trimmed area around it. thin layer. If the skin is severely affected by lichen, veterinarians may recommend the use of a special shampoo.

Ringworm in dogs can be treated complex therapy, which includes taking medications"Immunofan", "Gamavit", "Tsamax" or any other immunomodulatory drug prescribed by a veterinarian.

If a secondary infection occurs due to severe scratching and wounds, the veterinarian will prescribe a course of antibiotics.

Treating lichen in dogs at home

How to properly maintain a dog with shingles? Maintaining routine and hygiene

  1. Walks should only be on a leash, preferably in places remote from normal dog walking. You should not allow contact with other dogs and do not allow people to pet an infected pet.
  2. Contact of a sick animal with children, as well as pregnant women, should be strictly excluded.
  3. To passed as quickly as possible, recommendedDesignate one room in the house where the pet will remain until complete recovery. It is important to clean this room frequently, paying great attention to hair, scales and crusts that fall onto the floor; they should be carefully collected and burned. The ideal option would be to disinfect the room using a quartz lamp..
  4. Regular cleaning of all rooms in the house using disinfectants will protect other residents from the possibility of contracting lichen. All objects in the house that the sick animal has come into contact with should be treated.

Folk remedies in the treatment of lichen in dogs

1) pityriasis rosea on initial stage processed with fresh squeezed cranberry juice or simpler and accessible means- apple cider vinegar, making small lotions on the areas affected by ringworm;

Do not self-medicate, even if you are confident that your self-diagnosis is correct. Determine the type of lichen and prescribe effective treatment taking into account the characteristics of the dog can only qualified specialist. Therefore, you should not delay a visit to the veterinarian if rashes, spots and balding areas appear on your pet’s skin. The health of not only your pet, but also your family depends on this!

Ringworm in dogs is a contagious skin disease that is difficult to treat and has a fungal or viral nature. If your pet suddenly begins to lose hair and strange red spots appear on its body, this is an alarm bell. It is possible that the dog has lichen, from which the animal may die if treatment is not started in time.

What to do if you notice baldness and spots? How to quickly and effectively overcome an infection? How serious is it and can humans and other pets become infected from a dog? We will answer all these and other questions in our article.

What kind of disease is this

Ringworm is a group of skin diseases that have a similar clinical picture: rash, itching, inflammation and hair loss. Each type of pathology is caused by its own pathogen (fungi or virus), has its own causes, degree of infectiousness and methods of treatment.

Types of pathology

  1. girdling ( viral herpes) lichen. Viral skin disease. The causative agent is the herpes virus (Herpes zoster). The main places of localization are the abdominal area and chest. The skin in the affected area is very itchy and painful. Dogs seek relief from suffering and itching and scratch the sore areas, introducing dirt and secondary infection into the wounds.
  2. Pityriasis versicolor (varicolored) does not cause suffering to pets. Visually, it looks like a small spot with a yellow, dried crust on a dog’s skin. The causative agent of the disease is yeast-like fungi. Over time, the crust changes color to brown. Most often, the paws and back of the dog are affected; it can be located on the animal’s neck.
  3. Ringworm is a non-contagious pathology. It develops as a consequence of allergic reactions to food products. May signal sharp decline immunity of the dog, as well as be a reaction to stressful situations. The second name of the pathology is weeping dermatitis. This type of lichen can develop into chronic form. Visually it looks like bubbles on the skin filled with cloudy liquid. Over time, the bubbles burst and the liquid flows out. In the advanced stage, purulent mucus is released instead of fluid. Characterized by tissue swelling. Incubation period– 3-4 days.
  4. Ringworm (ring-shaped) is a contagious type of pathology. The infection is caused by the massive proliferation of two types of fungi: Microsporum and Trichophyton. Hair loss appears. The fur falls out in the form of oval spots, the area of ​​which increases over time. If the proliferation of fungi is not stopped, lichen can cover the entire surface of the skin. Bald areas are very itchy. Itching irritates the animal and depresses its psyche. Dogs constantly scratch themselves, bringing dirt into the wounds. Not excluded death. The incubation period of the disease is 3-12 days.
  5. Pityriasis rosea is not transmitted from dog to person. It differs from other types in that sick dogs do not experience severe discomfort with it. It looks like a small pink spot (1-3 cm). This pathology is considered an allergic reaction to viral infections. It affects dogs with weakened immune systems.


The incubation period for rosacea, herpes zoster and pityriasis versicolor is unknown.

Who is at risk

Healthy and strong the immune system The dog's body is able to cope with the causative agents of lichen. But as soon as the animal’s immune system malfunctions, the risk of infection increases tenfold.

The risk group includes:

  • puppies (up to 12 months), especially weakened and unvaccinated ones;
  • dogs on an unsupervised walk;
  • emaciated animals;
  • pets who have had contact with stray animals;
  • dogs during illness and recovery from serious illnesses;
  • pets during the postoperative period;
  • dogs with reduced immunity.

Routes of infection

Lichen spores can live in external environment for several years. In addition, they are resistant to aggressive environments and some disinfectants. Therefore, the danger of fungal infection can lie in wait for a dog anywhere.

Main routes of infection:

  1. contact – from a sick animal (cat or dog);
  2. while walking – soil and plants can be inseminated with spores;
  3. through care items (combs);
  4. a person can bring fungal spores into the house on shoes or clothing.

Symptoms of lichen in a dog

Each type of lichen has its own symptoms. It is important to be attentive to your dog in order to notice in time warning signs and start therapy.

General symptoms common to all species

  • changes taste preferences, dogs beg for sweets;
  • apathy;
  • sleep disorders;
  • excitability;
  • hyperthermia (except for herpes zoster);
  • pale mucous membranes.

Symptoms of herpes zoster

  • appearance of hairless areas big size on the neck, muzzle, back of the head and in the ear area;
  • within a day, the spots swell and become inflamed;
  • after a few days, the bald areas begin to itch and peel;
  • If a dog scratches its receding hairline, secondary infection occurs, possibly suppuration and tissue necrosis.

Symptoms of pityriasis versicolor

  • hyperthermia;
  • large bald patches all over the dog's body;
  • the skin of bald areas changes color to bright pink or brown;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • Over time, bald patches begin to become wet and inflamed.

Symptoms of weeping lichen

  • the appearance of large hairless spots in the tail or head area;
  • severe itching, the dog itches;
  • ichor oozes from the wounds;
  • Over time, the wounds begin to bleed.

Ringworm - symptoms

  • the appearance of “bald” oval-shaped areas throughout the animal’s body;
  • severe itching;
  • scratching the affected areas;
  • Without treatment, bald patches begin to become wet and increase in area.

Pityriasis rosea - symptoms

  • numerous hairless areas on the dog’s body, resembling a rash (size no more than 2 cm);
  • redness of the affected areas;
  • in the center of the spots the skin is yellow and peels;
  • without treatment, the area of ​​the spots increases, peeling and itching intensify.


Most often, lichen is localized in the head and neck area, on the limbs and around the tail of the dog. Typically, the first lesions appear on the animal's face and ears.

If you don't start on time correct treatment, the pet will scratch itself, the area of ​​affected skin will gradually increase.

Diagnosis of the disease

If you experience one or more symptoms that indicate your dog may have shingles, you should contact your veterinarian immediately. Only in a clinical setting can a diagnosis be confirmed or refuted.

Diagnostic measures:

  • Initial examination. The doctor examines the dog and studies the symptoms.
  • Wood's lamp diagnostics. Examination of the animal under a “black light” (Wood’s lamp). Fungi and some other microorganisms emit a fluorescent glow under this light source.
  • Sowing a fungal culture. This study is necessary to make a final diagnosis. It is considered the most reliable. A scraping is taken from diseased areas of the animal's skin and placed in a special environment where lichen spores begin to actively grow.

What does ringworm look like in dogs?

near the ear

on the head

on the stomach

Photo - what lichen looks like in a dog

Treatment at home - traditional methods

Recipes traditional medicine We present them for your information and remind you that all of them do not have proven effectiveness. In addition, uncontrolled use of these products without the advice of a veterinarian can harm your pet. Be careful and attentive!

First method

What you will need:

  • laundry soap;
  • cotton pads;

How to process:

  • put on gloves and carefully trim the hair in areas affected by lichen;
  • from laundry soap And warm water make a saturated soap solution;
  • treat sore areas with cotton pads, being careful not to hurt the dog;
  • After this, treat the affected areas with iodine.

The procedure is repeated daily until the animal recovers. To prevent your dog from licking its wounds, use an Elizabethan collar.


Remember that iodine is toxic to animals, do not overuse self-medication!

Second method

What you will need:

  • disposable medical gloves;
  • cotton pads;
  • Apple vinegar.

How to process:

  • put on disposable gloves and trim the hair around the wounds;
  • soak a cotton pad in apple cider vinegar and treat the affected areas;
  • repeat the treatment daily until the shingles go away.

This method is only suitable for pityriasis rosea. Other types of pathology are not treated in this way.


If traditional medicine does not help, be sure to show your pet to a veterinarian, he will tell you how to treat lichen in dogs.


Professional treatment

The disease requires integrated approach to treatment. Full course ranges from 6 to 8 weeks. This is due to the high survivability of fungal spores. It is impossible to completely cure a dog if you use only local treatment of the affected areas. To improve efficiency therapeutic measures carried out simultaneously with disinfection of the animal’s habitat and care items.

initial stage

While the area of ​​the affected areas of the dog’s skin is not very large, it is enough to treat the affected areas with external antifungal and anti-inflammatory agents:

  • creams;
  • emulsions;
  • ointments;
  • sprays;
  • shampoos.

Read more about popular external medications further in our article.

Severe (advanced) stage

In case of a large degree of damage and an advanced form of the pathology, it is necessary to give oral medications simultaneously with the treatment of diseased areas of the skin.

The most effective are:

  • griseofulvin;
  • ketoconazole;
  • fluconazole;
  • terbinafine;
  • intraconazole

All these drugs are also used to treat humans. The veterinarian must select the product and calculate the permissible dosage.


At the same time with medical procedures Everything that the sick dog has come into contact with is disinfected.

External preparations – solutions, ointments, sprays

Ointment Yam Bk

A popular external fungicidal-bactericidal agent that has no analogues. Possesses high efficiency regarding fungal diseases. It has been used in veterinary medicine for a long time. The product is low-toxic and safe for animals of all ages and conditions.

Contains: tar, salicylic acid, sulfur, turpentine, petroleum jelly, zinc oxide, creolin, lanolin.

How to use: apply a thin layer to the affected areas and around them (3-4 cm) with a special spatula 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days.

What it treats: ringworm, shingles.

Price: 20 mg pack. – 75 rub./18 UAH.


Dermatological product with antifungal effect Available in the form of sprays and solutions. The main active ingredient is clotrimazole. The drug relieves the animal from itching and effectively destroys pathogenic cells. Has wound healing properties.

Contains: sulfur, glycerin, propolis.

How to use: the product is applied to and around the affected areas using a cotton swab or sterile gauze and gently rubbed into the skin. The procedure is repeated once a day for 10-14 days.

What treats: cutting, pityriasis versicolor.

Price: solution (30 ml.) – 310 rub./85 UAH; spray (30 ml.) – 415 RUR/115 UAH.


The antifungal agent is based on synthetic imidazole. Active ingredient suppresses the proliferation of the fungus and causes its death.

How to use: Apply a thin layer of ointment to the affected areas of the skin, covering the area around them. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day for 3-4 weeks.

What it treats: pityriasis versicolor.

Price: tube (20 g.) – 185 rub./31 UAH.


Cream complex action based on betamethasone, gentamicin and clotrimazole. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic effects. Effective against fungi.

How to use: apply a thin layer to affected areas 2 times a day for 2-4 weeks.

What it treats: ringworm.

Price: tube (15 g.) – 110 rub./55 UAH.


The solution, popularly called “red brilliant green,” has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect. Contains: boric acid, phenol, acetone and resorcinol. The product is toxic and should not be licked off.

How to use: the affected areas are lubricated with the solution 3 times a day until complete healing.

What it treats: shingles, ringworm.

Price: bottle (25 ml.) – 40 rub./10 UAH.


An effective antifungal emulsion based on enilconazole. Active substance destroys fungal spores at the cellular level. Used in complex therapy. The product is safe and works in surface layers skin, quickly removed.

How to use: the emulsion must be diluted before use. boiled water room temperature (1:50). The affected areas of the skin are treated with a cotton pad once every 4 days.

What it treats: ringworm.

Price: bottle (100 ml.) – 1450 rub./845 UAH.

Oral medications – capsules, tablets


Antifungal antibiotic based on the substance Griseofulvin. Has a cumulative effect. The active ingredient of the drug stops the proliferation of the fungus.

How to use: Give dogs 1 tablet 4 times a day during feeding. The course of treatment is 14-20 days.

What it treats: ringworm.

Price: pack (20 tablets) – 220 rub./45 UAH.


Tablets with antifungal, fungistatic and antiandrogenic effects. The drug is considered potent.

How to use: give to animals with food at a dosage of 5-10 mg/kg every 10-12 hours or once a day at a rate of 10-20 mg/kg.

What it treats: ringworm, weeping lichen.

Price: packaging (10 tablets) – 150 rub./130 UAH.


A synthetic antifungal agent inhibits the activity of fungi. It is excreted unchanged through the dog's kidneys.

How to use: give to animals along with food at a dosage of 10-20 mg/kg 2 times a day.

What it treats: ringworm, weeping, pityriasis versicolor.

Price: packaging (10 tablets) – 35 rub./12 UAH.


Tablets with pronounced antimycotic and anti-inflammatory effects are prescribed as part of complex therapy. Shows activity against pathogens of dermatomycosis.

How to use: give to animals with food once a day at a dosage of 20-30 mg/kg.

What it treats: pityriasis versicolor (lichen versicolor).

Price: pack (10 tablets) – 140 rub./45 UAH.


Most effective medicine in the treatment of ringworm. Itraconazole suppresses the proliferation of the fungus and prevents it from developing. Available in capsule form.

How to use: give to animals with food once a day at a dosage of 10 mg/kg. The course of treatment is up to 1 month.

What it treats: ringworm.

Price: pack (14 drops) – 320 rub./43 UAH.

Therapeutic vaccines

The most effective in the treatment of lichen are therapeutic and prophylactic vaccines. IN medicinal purposes injections are given 2-3 times with an interval of 10-14 days.

The following drugs are used to vaccinate dogs:

  1. Polivac TM;
  2. Vakderm-F;
  3. Microderm.

How to know if treatment is helping

Signs indicating that therapy is effective:

  1. In the affected areas, crusts are actively separated.
  2. New fur begins to grow on the bald patches.
  3. Skin redness disappears.
  4. The itching goes away and the dog itches less.

It is possible to finally ensure that the treatment has achieved its goal only in a clinical setting. There, the dog is examined under a Wood's lamp and scrapings and cultures are taken. Only after two negative tests carried out at monthly intervals, we can talk about complete healing dogs.

Is ringworm in dogs dangerous to human health?

Pink and weeping lichen does not pose any danger to humans and other pets. We have already mentioned this in our article.

Ringworm, shingles and pityriasis versicolor are contagious disease. He's not dangerous at all healthy people With strong immunity. If a person’s immune system copes with the disease on its own, one can become infected and not notice it.

But, for young children, people with compromised immunity, For pregnant and lactating women, lichen poses a huge danger. Therefore, you need to take precautions when interacting with animals.

The danger of infection is not only from stray street dogs and sick animals. You can also get infected from pets if they are carriers of fungal spores.


Prevention measures:

  1. Preventive vaccination against lichen.
  2. Never touch unfamiliar dogs and cats. Prohibit children from approaching stray dogs and cats.
  3. Maintain good hygiene. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap after each contact with the dog and its accessories, upon returning from the street.
  4. Clean the hallway regularly with disinfectants.
  5. After each walk, wash your animal's paws and your shoes.
  6. Try to prevent your dog from coming into contact with stray animals.
  7. Follow quarantine measures if there is a sick animal in the house.

Vaccination against ringworm

Therapeutic and prophylactic vaccines (Polivak TM, Vakderm-F, Microderm) are used both as part of therapy and for prevention.

Dog Owner Stories

Valeria:“My shepherd dog developed some kind of black crust on his nose, and then the hair in this area began to fall out. The vet diagnosed it as ringworm. We were prescribed Imaverol. They told me to treat the affected area of ​​the nose once every 3-4 days for 2 months. They also prescribed Clotrimazole ointment to smear my nose with. Additionally, they advised to give the dog vitamins. After the first treatment with Imaverol, the dog’s nose turned red and there was ichor in some places. It scared us. But, after 3 days everything began to dry out, and a week later new hairs of fur began to appear on the nose. We managed to completely get rid of lichen in 1.5 months.”

Sergey:“My Yorkie got shingles after the show. We received 2 Microderm injections. One was done immediately at the appointment, the second was done 10 days later. During breaks, I treated the affected areas with Yam ointment. We got rid of this infection quite quickly. During the treatment period, we went with the dog to live in the country so as not to infect the children and the cat.”

Marina:“I always thought that only cats have lichen. Therefore, I didn’t pay much attention when my dog’s hair began to fall out around his eye and redness appeared. The first days I lubricated this area with iodine. It seemed to me that this would be right. But when, after a week, the spot began to increase in size, and the dog began to try to scratch the eye, I got scared. My husband and I took her to the vet. Only there I found out that it was lichen. The doctor immediately prescribed Itraconazole tablets and forbade me to smear the area with iodine. Instead of iodine, he advised treating the wound with Fukortsin. We were treated for almost 2 months. If I had known earlier how dogs get lichen, we would have cured the dog faster.”


Many dog ​​breeders believe that lichen is the lot of homeless animals or animals that are not properly cared for. However, this opinion is wrong, and domestic dogs are also susceptible to this unpleasant disease, like street ones. The carriers of the pathogenic fungus are rats and mice. From them, spores fall on stray cats and dogs, and they then pass them on to their pets. Any contact with a carrier of the disease can lead to infection. Dog owners need to remember that lichen can also be transmitted to humans, and young children are especially susceptible to it. Therefore, it is so important to be able to recognize this disease early stages.

Rash and redness of the skin in one or more places. At this stage, lichen is more reminiscent of dermatitis or allergies. A dog breeder who discovers such a rash on his pet’s body should be vigilant and carefully monitor the condition of the dog’s skin and its behavior.

The appearance of pinkish or red spots on previously affected areas. Gradually, the skin there begins to roughen and become covered with a hard crust. These crusts on the skin can come off along with the fur.

Itching. The dog becomes anxious, nervous, sleeps poorly, and constantly scratches sore spots. Initially, owners may think that the animal is having an allergic reaction to food. You can alleviate the animal's condition antihistamines. If there is frequent itching, it is necessary to exclude dermatitis, which is a consequence of flea and tick bites.

Hair loss in affected areas. Bald spots with clearly defined boundaries appear, and pus may ooze from under the resulting crusts. This sign suggests that the dog’s damaged skin is not only contaminated pathogenic fungi, but also staphylococci. This can aggravate and prolong the treatment process.

Ringworm usually starts on the paws, face and ears, and then spreads throughout the body. Therefore, owners of four-legged animals should examine these parts of the body most carefully. To the group special risk includes dogs with weak immune systems, puppies or older dogs, as well as those suffering oncological diseases.

If you notice any signs in your dog, you should contact veterinary clinic, where the dog will be examined for this disease with a special lamp. Only after confirming the diagnosis will they prescribe the correct treatment and tell you about proper care for a sick pet. A dog breeder should not forget about hygiene rules and his own safety, as well as the safety of family members. A sick animal should be isolated and all premises thoroughly disinfected.


Ringworm in dogs can be prevented; to do this, the animal must be vaccinated annually.

Helpful advice

There is no need to be afraid of this disease in animals. Modern veterinary medicine developed a lot medicines who quickly cope with this disease.

Often, dog owners notice that their pet's fur begins to fall out in patches. Areas of hair loss turn red, fester and itch very much. Perhaps your pet has contracted a contagious disease called, or, scientifically, trichophytosis or microsporia. Trichophytosis and microsporia differ from each other in some symptoms and fungi that cause these diseases. These diseases are similar to skin allergies, so it is important to recognize them by the first signs.

Symptoms of lichen

Knowing shingles is important because this disease is dangerous not only for animals that live with an infected dog, but also for people.

Ringworm is an infectious inflammatory disease. It shows up in pigmentation skin and in severe itching. The incubation period, when not yet noticeable, can last from 5 to 20 days.
The causative agent of this contagious disease is microscopic fungi, the spores of which land on the dry skin of the dog and grow into it. Inside the dermis, spores multiply quickly, and the animal’s body responds to this process with inflammation.

Microsporia is caused by a fungus of the species Microstropium canis, and it is characterized by the following symptoms:
- dry dog ​​fur that begins to fall off;
- appearance of hairless skin areas;
- white coating at the base of the hair;
- red inflamed skin on bare areas, which;
- itching of the affected areas.

Trichophytosis has slightly different symptoms, but it is also a type of lichen. It is caused by the fungus Trichophyton mentagroghytes. Its symptoms:
- fur falls out in places;
- hairless areas of the skin turn red over time;
- the affected areas become covered with brown scaly skin;
- these areas increase in size and often merge into one;
- The dog is constantly itching.

The boundaries of lichen are clearly defined. Only that part of the skin where there is no hairline. Ringworm most often affects the dog's head and neck, then it spreads to the base of the tail and limbs. Sometimes running forms ringworm can be found on the stomach and nose.
Small and old animals are more susceptible to deprivation; animals with weakened immune systems. If your dog spends a lot of time outside alone, then he is also at risk.

How to treat lichen

For successful treatment When depriving, first of all, limit the dog’s contact with people and other animals. The veterinarian, having examined the dog, will immediately prescribe necessary treatment. Most often, treatment for lichen takes place in several stages.

First of all, the doctor prescribes an antifungal vaccine, then antimicrobials(ointments and sprays). It is important to treat wounds with an antiseptic every day. After the ointments, the doctor may prescribe additional immunomodulators to restore the dog’s immunity.

Wet cleaning of the apartment should be done daily to prevent fungal spores from infecting the dog again. Disinfect your dog's bed, bowl, toys; Wash your carpet and all the places where your dog likes to lie. Wash your hands every time you handle an infected dog.

Prevention of lichen

To prevent lichen, there is a special vaccination that needs to be done periodically. But many owners do not want to vaccinate their dog against this disease. They hope that the infection will bypass their pet. Of course, now lichen is quickly and easily treated, but it is more pleasant to prevent the disease than to treat it.
An infected dog may not develop lichen, but in this case the dog becomes its carrier. The dog, as a carrier of the disease, will infect all weakened animals. She herself may get sick if her body also weakens.


  • Ringworm in dogs

Ringworm is a contagious disease that occurs when Microsporum fungi come into contact with the skin. The infection adapts well to a new environment, so lichen is very common.

Routes of infection

Ringworm appears as a result of contact with a carrier of the fungus. After playing with a sick pet, the dog becomes a carrier of the infection. Clinical picture may not appear immediately, the fungus during this period presents secret threat. Ringworm is dangerous to humans and other animals.

Symptoms of lichen

The incubation period of infection can last from several days to several months. The dog first develops a rash, then a dry, red crust appears on the skin, and pus may ooze from it. A receding hairline most often has clear boundaries. It's hard not to notice her. The dog's behavior also changes. She begins to scratch the affected areas and behave restlessly. Ringworm most often appears behind the ears, on the head, at the base of the tail, and on the bottom of the paws.

When the fungus gets on the skin, it penetrates deep into the epidermis. If the environment is favorable for development, then the lichen grows and the first ones appear. Hair begins to fall out because the hair follicles are damaged due to lack of nutrition. It begins throughout the body inflammatory process, the immune system weakens, the dog becomes lethargic.

Dog treatment

Annual vaccination with the following drugs will help protect your dog from this terrible scourge: Polivak-TM, Mentavak and Vakderm. During a walk, you need to monitor your pet so that it does not play or fight with stray dogs that can be carriers of the disease. Fungal spores can even be found in street and house dust, so the dog is always at risk of infection. The infection lurks for a long time in furniture upholstery and carpets, where dust accumulates. The person himself can also suffer if he becomes infected from his pet. At the first signs of deprivation, the dog should be protected from communication with other family members, given a corner and not allowed to walk around the apartment and spread the infection. You should take your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

There is no need to euthanize a sick dog. There are ointments, vaccines to return your pet to old life. During the treatment period, you need to plan the diet accordingly so that the dog gets everything essential vitamins and microelements that will help restore a weakened body and fight infection. The house should always be wet cleaned and disinfected. Thoroughly wash your dog's bowls, toys and resting areas. You should take special care of cleanliness when treating your dog so that fungal spores do not re-enter. Remember to wash your hands after contact with a sick animal.