How to wean a cat to tear up furniture, upholstered, leather, means and methods. How to wean a cat to tear up furniture and not only? Teaching Good Behavior What Not to Do

Cats are affectionate and graceful animals that create coziness and a sense of peace in the apartment. After a hard day at work with pets, it's nice to play or just listen to their rumbling. But, despite all these advantages, cats are able to deliver a lot of trouble to humans. Their habit of sharpening their claws on the sofa is capable of infuriating even the most loving owner. To keep upholstered furniture intact, you need to understand why the animal behaves this way and gradually wean the cat from tearing the sofa.

Why do cats tear up furniture?

In the wild, this behavior is completely normal. Lions, lynxes, cougars and cheetahs sharpen their claws on trees and stumps, thereby marking their territory. In addition, such a procedure in animals is aimed at maintaining hygiene.

Pets serve slightly different purposes. They scratch furniture not to mark the boundaries of the territory and not for entertainment, but in order to give themselves a “manicure”. Attentive owners often notice the top layer of the claw on the floor or sofa, and then animals try to get rid of it. Thanks to this method, the claws retain their sharpness and health.

If the cat is upset, scared or angry at something, then in this way he can relieve stress or attract the attention of the owner.

When a cat lives in a small apartment, it is also a great workout for all muscles. Therefore, if a cat tore up a leather sofa, you should not think that she did it on purpose. Some individuals release their negative energy in this way.

Domestic cats always have a hunting instinct. And on the couch, they hone not only their claws, but also their skills. Thanks to this training, the animal learns to alternately release its claws and improves its skills.

Effective methods to wean a cat from ruining furniture

To prevent the cat from tearing the sofa, you can use several recommendations. Among them there are humane ways and not so:

  • purchase of a special scratching post;
  • silicone tips for claws;
  • sprays;
  • nail clipping.

The easiest and most harmless way is to buy a special device - scratching posts. They come in different types: horizontal and vertical, large and small, expensive and cheap. Among such a variety, you can always find the right thing for a particular pet. But not enough, just buy a scratching post, the most important step is to teach the cat how to use it.

When a person decides to have a pet, it is better to purchase a scratching post before the cat gets to the furniture. In addition, it is much easier for a kitten to explain what the owner wants from him than for an adult. To do this, you need several times a day, and also with each attempt to spoil the sofa, bring the pet to the scratcher and put its paws on its surface. After a few days, the animal will understand what's what, and stop terrorizing things.

If this does not happen, then the cat can be driven from the scene of the crime by slightly raising his voice or using a spray bottle with plain water. And when she herself uses the purchased scratcher, then you must certainly praise her and encourage her with something tasty.

Silicone claw tips

Silicone claw covers are a new way to protect your sofa. The method is quite expensive and not very convenient, it is better to carry it out with an experienced master. He puts nozzles on each claw with glue and neutralizes them. Such cases will have to be changed once a month, and after each procedure - to do a manicure and file the claws.

This method is not suitable for pets with allergies, as the glue used can cause an unwanted reaction. In addition, in order to wean a cat from tearing a sofa in this way, you need to have iron nerves, because not everyone can listen to the endless clatter that caps make when they come into contact with the floor.

Manufacturers claim that the procedure is completely safe and claim that anti-scratches do not cause any inconvenience to the cat. In fact, this is not entirely true, because it is the claws that make the animal dexterous. With silicone covers on them, a cat is at risk of falling even when playing on the floor, not to mention that she can easily get injured when jumping from a height.

The animal often experiences discomfort, and even pain, as it cannot retract its claws. With splayed fingers, a cat is not able to scratch and wash normally. She may also try to chew off the irritating elements with her teeth and, in the worst case, swallow them.

In order not to have to deliver so many inconveniences to your pet, you should be engaged in his upbringing from an early age.

Special sprays, sold in pet stores, can help wean your cat from sharpening his claws on the sofa. They have a pungent odor that cats cannot stand. At least, the manufacturers say so, but in practice, this does not stop some individuals at all.

Resourceful pet owners use an analogue of such sprays. To do this, add a few drops of orange oil to a spray bottle with water and spray the mixture onto the furniture. Cats can't stand the strong smell of citrus, so this should help protect the sofa. In no case should you splash such water into a cat, you can get into her eyes and cause serious damage to health. You can process the sofa with undiluted oil, in inconspicuous places. It will scare away even the most annoying pets.

Some breeders choose as a solution to the problem - complete removal of claws. This is a cruel and unreasonable option that leads to injury and even death of the pet. No conscientious and sane veterinarian would suggest such a procedure if there is no medical indication for it.

The “soft paws” operation turns the animal into a disabled person, because by removing the claws, the veterinarian also removes part of the finger. The cat will easily lose balance and fall off any surface, which will most likely lead to injury. If such a pet is on the street, runs away or gets lost, it will die very soon. Since with impaired posture and coordination of movement, he will not be able to run away from dogs or evil people. He will also not be able to defend himself from other cats without his claws.

The operating process also has its drawbacks, for example, general anesthesia, which animals endure with difficulty. The operation itself is complex and unpredictable, during which bleeding may begin. If the procedure is performed by an incompetent doctor, then there is a possibility that ingrown claws will appear. The roots will grow inside the foot, causing severe pain to the pet.

One of the advantages of such an operation is that the cat will really no longer tear furniture.

How to trim your cat's nails

Some owners do not even think about whether it is necessary to trim their pet's claws, because wild cats do not carry out such a procedure. In nature, animals grind them naturally on the hard bark of trees, while pets lead a sedentary lifestyle and practically never go outside. This is fraught with the fact that the claws grow strongly, do not wear down and can be rounded so that they stick into the paw pads.

Often, responsible breeders do not want to deal with this issue, as they are afraid of harming the pet. Those who decide to protect the sofa in this way will need:

  • claw cutter;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • paper towel;
  • powder (talc);
  • tonic.

There are blood vessels inside each claw that cannot be damaged, so only a small part of it is cut off. In order not to hurt the cat, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. Before starting a haircut, the nails should be wiped with a tonic and carefully examined. If they are light in color, then it will be easy to notice the pink area. You need to cut off 2 mm from it.
  2. You can not cut with tools intended for people, as they are not adapted for this type of claws, and you can easily injure your pet.
  3. Special scissors must be held perpendicular to the finger, this will help to avoid delamination of the claw in the future.
  4. The cat should be seated on his knees, with his back to you and slightly press on the joint so that the claw comes out.
  5. If the claws are dark in color, then most likely it will not be possible to consider the living area. In this case, you will have to cut "by eye", but very carefully and a very small part.
  6. After the procedure, all claws must be filed evenly with a file, treated with hydrogen peroxide and treat the pet with a treat.

Cats are very clean by nature and, in addition to basic hygiene procedures, they also often grind their growing claws, choosing different surfaces in the house for manicure activities. Most often, upholstered furniture suffers from scratching with sharp claws, which the owners of a furry friend really do not like. If you already have a question - how to wean a cat to tear furniture, our article will be interesting and informative for you!

Today we will look at some of the methods and recommendations of experts that will help find the answer to the question - how to wean a domestic cat from sharpening its claws on the sofa and other surfaces in the house. The advice of experienced experts will help preserve the integrity of the furniture and walls in the interior, without losing friendly relations with the pet itself!

Why do cats do this?

Before answering the question - how to wean a cat to tear up a sofa, let's look at the most likely reasons for this behavior. So, why are domestic representatives of the cat family so fond of sharpening their claws on soft furniture items:

  1. The most common cause is physiological, which involves the need to sharpen the claws against the background of itching in the pads of the paws. This is due to the natural replacement of old claws with a keratinized layer with new, sharper and younger ones. With this process, burrs may appear on the paws, causing unpleasant discomfort to the animal. To get rid of these painful signs and speed up the process of growing new claws, the cat grinds them using suitable surfaces, which are often furniture fronts, walls, and even carpet with soft pile.
  2. Territory fighting is another reason cats want to sharpen their claws on furniture. On the pads of the paws are sweat glands, which, when in contact with a soft surface, leave the characteristic smell of the animal. Thus, the cat marks its territory in the house.
  3. In the process of turning the claws of a pet, all the muscles and tendons are involved, which allows you to maintain physical fitness. This procedure can be compared with a good sports exercise.
  4. Cats are very susceptible to stressful situations. They can worry about separation from a loved one for a long time, worry about moving to another house, and even drive themselves into a panic if the owner does not pay attention to her for a long time, returning home after work. Scratching walls and furniture is a great way to relieve nervous tension, get rid of stress, and at the same time draw the attention of the owner to his person.

If you are still looking for an effective way to wean a cat from scratching a sofa, think, maybe the reason for this behavior is largely due to your indifference towards your tailed friend? By showing care and love, you can noticeably change the behavior and habits of your pet.

To what coverings is the cat indifferent?

A cat chooses hard surfaces of furniture items for grinding its claws for a reason. In the natural environment, they often scratch the bark of trees, and at home they find a completely alternative solution in the form of interior furniture.

In addition to wooden facades, they are attracted by soft upholstery of sofas and armchairs. Also, thick curtains, walls with wallpaper and carpets are quite suitable for turning claws.

If you started a renovation in the house where the cat lives, you can pre-select materials for interior decoration that are unsuitable for turning claws.

What surfaces are uninteresting for furry friends:

  • fiberglass wallpaper;
  • ceramic wall tiles;
  • fake diamond;
  • decorative plaster;
  • plastic panels;
  • high strength laminate;
  • smooth linoleum;
  • PVC floor tiles.

Unfortunately, manufacturers have not yet come up with furniture that could not provoke a desire to scratch the claws. To protect the upholstery of your favorite sofa and armchairs, experts recommend purchasing thick covers in advance to cover soft surfaces.

We use a spray gun

If your cat has become accustomed to manicure procedures using upholstered furniture, experts recommend teaching the cat a lesson by using a spray bottle with clean water. As you know, representatives of the feline family tolerate water procedures with fear, so a jet of refreshing water will quickly discourage the desire to scratch the furniture in the house.

Advantages of the method:

  • works effectively after several water procedures;
  • does not require additional costs, clean water is always available to humans.


  • the method works only during the period of joint pastime in the room;
  • being unattended by the owner, the cat will happily continue the work begun.

Using strong scents

If your cat is accustomed to bathing procedures from an early age and absolutely does not react to a stream of cold water with fright, the question of how to wean a cat from sharpening its claws on a soft sofa remains open.

In this case, we recommend trying the smell repellent method. Cats cannot tolerate citrus scents. To quickly wean an animal, it is enough to put a fresh orange or lemon peel on the place where the cat often sharpens its claws.

You can also use essential oils with citrus aroma and freshly squeezed juice of these fruits. However, we do not recommend treating woven surfaces with such means, since after weaning the cat, you will have to look for ways to remove greasy stains from oils on the beautiful fabric of the sofa and chairs.


  • 100% result.


  • you will have to stock up on citrus fruits to organize effectively working "traps".

What other smells the cat does not like: coriander, chili pepper and other fragrant spices.

Regular tape will help!

If you still have not found a way to wean a domestic cat from scratching a sofa, we suggest using ordinary adhesive tape with a sticky surface to combat this habit.

Cats do not like sticky surfaces, so they will definitely not grind their claws on furniture that has sticky tape on it. For the convenience of gluing to the sofa and chairs, it is better to use double-sided tape or special adhesive tape "sticky paws" (sold in veterinary pharmacies). It can be attached to any type of surface: walls with wallpaper, soft sofas, curtains, window sills, etc.

Benefits: Eliminates the animal's interest in the subject.

Disadvantage: you will have to “decorate” the interior with adhesive tape for a while until the pet unlearns the bad habit of grinding its claws on the surface of household items in the house.

Trim and remove claws

If you still don’t know how to wean a cat from tearing up your favorite sofa and none of the listed methods will solve this problem, we suggest that you do your own manicure for a fluffy pet.

  1. Trimming nails using a special tool - a nail cutter. This procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the delicate integuments of the paws. It should be borne in mind that the animal rarely shows perseverance during such a procedure, therefore it is better to trim the claws in tandem with an assistant. If you can’t trim the growing claws on your own, seek help from a veterinarian. This procedure is carried out quickly and efficiently in any veterinary clinic.
  2. The most extreme measure is the complete removal of the cat's claws. This procedure has a number of adverse consequences, which an experienced doctor will definitely notify. It is also necessary to take into account that in the absence of claws in a cat, walks on the street will have to be completely excluded. Without this important tool, your pet will not be able to stand up for herself when meeting with the enemy. There is also the possibility of falling from a height. Before you decide to completely remove the claws of a cat, think carefully about whether it is worth taking extreme measures that entail dangerous consequences for the animal in order to wean yourself from scratching surfaces in the house?

Voice commands and loud sound

How to wean a cat to tear upholstered furniture? Scare her with loud noises! The response will be immediate!

For this purpose, you can use various improvised items:

  • baby rattle;
  • balloon;
  • a soda can with coins inside;
  • loud clapping.

When raising a pet, raised voice commands should not be ignored. Cats are smart by nature and understand the intonation of the owner well. If she hears dissatisfied words about her bad behavior in the appeal, she will definitely draw the appropriate conclusion.

True, such conclusions are more relevant for adult representatives of the cat family. Little kittens are more playful and naughty, but if you teach your baby to the “no” command from an early age, you can raise a well-mannered cat with good manners.

Buy a claw!

To preserve the integrity of the furniture in the house and prevent scratching the walls, purchase a special design for scratching claws - a scratching post. It is advisable to do this immediately after the pet appears in the house in order to quickly accustom it to this product, which allows you to perform manicure procedures without damaging property.

Pet stores offer a huge selection of scratching posts of different models, for every taste and budget:

  • simplified options in the form of a comfortable plank upholstered in natural fabric;
  • scratching posts in the form of a carpet and inclined models;
  • floor and wall structures;
  • house models and various figurines;
  • multi-storey structures with a play area and a place to relax.

The selection is amazing! The main thing is to choose not easy beautiful, but really comfortable and safe scratching post for your pet.

It is not difficult to accustom a cat to a new design for turning claws. You can use pleasant smells to attract her, arrange fun games with this accessory, or lure the fluffy beauty with your favorite treat.

Tried everything but it doesn't help

We have listed the most common and effective ways to wean a domestic cat from scratching furniture and walls in the house. If your pet turned out to be more cunning and smart, and all the expert advice did not help solve the obvious problem of property damage, let's try other methods to combat the cat's bad habit:

  1. We use silicone tips for claws. They are fixed with special glue, which eliminates the accidental loss of the protective element during the life of the pet. The cat does not experience much discomfort when wearing silicone tips, except that it loses the ability to jump to heights and cling to various surfaces with its claws to overcome peaks. As new nails grow, the caps come off. In the future, you can repeat the protective procedure using silicone nozzles.
  2. We close the attractive surface of upholstered furniture with durable covers made of fabrics unsuitable for turning claws.
  3. If a cat sharpens its claws on walls with wallpaper, you can replace the damaged material with another that does not arouse interest in the animal. For example, to beat the corners and part of the wall accessible to the fluffy beast with plastic panels or lay ceramic tiles at a certain height.
  4. Use cat repellant sprays. They have a characteristic odor that is unpleasant for animals. They can be sprayed on the surfaces of furniture and walls. The effectiveness of these funds has not been proven. As practice shows, ready-made formulations do not work in all cases. But, if other methods have not helped to wean the cat from scratching furniture items, we still recommend trying this option.
  5. If your cat only scratches the sofa in one room, try not to leave her alone with her favorite "scratching post". When leaving the room, close the door tightly behind you.

Cats are very smart animals, so before looking for a way to wean a bad habit, learn to understand her mood and feelings. Be sure to find out the reason for this behavior and try to eliminate it.

If your pet is in a stressful state associated with certain events in her life, try to surround her with care and love. Such feelings will help overcome fear and nervousness, which will eliminate the need for scratching claws on sofas and other interior items in the house.

There must be certain restrictions in raising a pet. Don't let the cat make its own rules and live the life it wants. Immediately designate its place in the house and in any attempt to “mark” the sofa in the room, give a strict “No!” command.

Never use physical force in raising a fluffy pet! A defenseless animal can suffer greatly from even a minor blow from your side. It should also be borne in mind that many thoroughbred cats have a good memory, and any physical action on the part of the owner is postponed for many years.

At the first opportunity, your cat is sure to take revenge on you, for example, she may defecate in your bed or scratch you badly during joint games.

We hope our article will help you find the right way to wean your cat from scratching the sofa and other furniture in the house.

On our site you can also find answers to questions - how to wean a cat to shit on the sofa and useful tips for the proper upbringing of pets from experienced veterinarians and breeders.

More articles on this topic.

Cats just need to sharpen their claws. To do this, they choose different places, including the furniture of the owners. No pet lover will be happy with such a phenomenon. Therefore, the question arises: "How to wean a cat to tear furniture?".

Reasons for this behavior

People often think about certain features of the behavior of their pets. One of these questions: "Why does a cat tear furniture and curtains?". Veterinarians identify the following reasons for this behavior:

  • Fight for territory. With this behavior, the animal wants to show that this is her home. On the paw pads, cats have glands that secrete sweat and leave a specific pet smell on the furniture.
  • Expression of emotions. Some experts believe that cats tear furniture, demonstrating their love for the owner. They try to show that they are also members of the family.
  • Physiology. Most cats sharpen their claws because that's how nature is supposed to. They often experience itching in the pads, burrs appear on the claws, and the muscles of the paws become weaker. With these violations, the pet tries to cope with the help of the claw point.

It is important for a person to understand one thing - nature cannot be altered, and if it does, it will not do without harm to the cat. Therefore, you should not use only harsh methods if the pet likes to tear up furniture. It is best to devote more time and effort to try to direct the pet in the right direction.

Weaning with a scratching post

The best way to wean a cat to tear up a sofa is a scratching post. You can buy it at any pet store. There is a huge range of such designs. However, just buying and putting a scratching post in front of a cat will not work. It will take effort to teach to sharpen claws on it.

It is easiest to do this at an early age of the kitten. An adult pet is unlikely to want to change its habit without understanding why it used to be able to tear up furniture, but now it needs to switch to a scratching post.

To accustom the animal to this device, you should put it in the exact place where the cat scratches the furniture. Put his paws on the scratching post and show with movements that you need to sharpen his claws on it. This must be done several times so that the pet understands what they want from him.

Most cats do not want to get used to this design. In this case, you will have to try other methods.

Claw pads

This accessory appeared on the shelves of pet stores not so long ago, but many owners have already managed to use it. But reviews about them are not always the best. Anti-scratches help protect furniture from cat claws. But they can only be used temporarily.

This is explained as follows:

  • Because of the pads, the cat cannot climb any surfaces, so when falling from a height, it will not be able to hold on.
  • The substance with which the device is fixed to the claws can lead to an allergic reaction or blood poisoning if damaged.
  • The pet may experience soreness, as it will not be able to retract the claws, which is a natural process.
  • The cat will lose the opportunity to itch. If he gets itchy, he can drive the pet crazy, he will begin to rip off the lining and can injure his paws.
  • Anti-scratches knock on any surface, so the cat will not be able to move silently. This will interfere not only with herself, but also with the owners.

Thus, the use of overlays is not the best way out. They should only be used when absolutely necessary and only temporarily.

radical way

Some people prefer radical methods if the cat is tearing up the sofa. These include complete removal of the claws, trimming of the tendon, regular clipping of the claws. The owners consider this way out to be the best.

However, this is a fundamentally wrong opinion. Under no circumstances should these methods be used.. They lead to the fact that the cat becomes disabled, its usefulness is violated. Ultimately, these methods cause a deterioration in posture, impaired coordination of movements, and stress.

In the literal sense, it turns out that the person himself maims a pet in order to protect furniture from cats. It is unlikely that all those who take such a step are aware of the possible consequences of the procedure.

There are several other ways that will help ensure that the cat does not tear furniture. Experts recommend the following:

  • Cats hate citrus scent. This knowledge should be applied for personal purposes. To do this, you need to buy a body spray with the smell of grapefruit, lemon or orange in any beauty salon. Then sprinkle it in those places where the cat likes to sharpen its claws. The aroma of citrus will scare the pet away from the furniture.
  • You can also use spices. You will need to make a bag from a material that passes the smell well. Pour any seasoning with a strong aroma into it. Then just hang this bag in the place where the cat tears up the furniture.
  • Everyone knows that cats can't stand bathing.. This knowledge can also be used. You need to collect water in a bottle with a dispenser and keep it near the furniture at all times. As soon as the pet decides to sharpen its claws, you must immediately sprinkle water on its muzzle.
  • A homemade rattle can help. Cats don't like loud noises. Therefore, you can put a few coins in a tin can and start rattling it hard when the animal is about to scratch the furniture.
  • In the same way, you can wean a cat with the help of your voice. With each attempt of the pet to sharpen its claws on the furniture, you need to loudly shout “No!” or "Shoot!".

It is worth noting that it is necessary to scold an animal immediately after it has committed a bad deed. If you do this after a few minutes, then there will be no effect. The cat must understand what exactly her owner is not happy with.

Every person who decides to get a kitten must immediately take all measures to educate him. The older the animal, the more difficult it will be to deal with its bad habits. Therefore, the responsibility for his behavior and the integrity of the surrounding objects lies entirely on the shoulders of the owner.

A rare cat does not like to sharpen its claws, because in feline nature this is inherent in nature itself. When living in city apartments, animals often use not quite suitable furnishings for this, for example, upholstered furniture, table legs, wallpaper, etc. Owners do not always like damage to property. But you can wean a pet and direct its indomitable energy into a peaceful direction.

Why do cats tear furniture

Cats tear furniture and wallpaper not at all out of harm. There are quite understandable reasons for this behavior of a physiological and psychological nature:

  1. In the vast majority of cases, pets sharpen their claws for hygienic purposes, because they periodically need to remove the keratinized top layer. As with the skin, dead cells exfoliate from the claws over time. If they are not removed, then the horny plates are deformed and the cat will not be able to freely draw them into the paw pads.
  2. Although domesticated, the cat remains an animal that needs to mark its territory. On the pads of his paws there are special sweat glands, with the help of which the pet leaves a smell characteristic only of him. A favorite master's chair may be subjected to a special attack. Thus, the cat shows favor and love.
  3. Stretching and scratching are excellent exercises for apartment cats who do not have the opportunity to walk freely. By doing such exercises, the animal stretches the muscles and tendons.
  4. Some excitable and restless animals scratch furniture when they are nervous. They need to relieve stress. Often this happens if another pet has appeared in the house.
  5. Claw extension is an ancient feline instinct and needs to be exercised periodically.

Cats tear up furniture, carpets and wallpaper not out of harm, but for physiological reasons

From personal experience. Our cat behaved decently until about two years old, did not encroach on the sofa, armchairs, etc. But it so happened that the children grew up and he often began to stay at home alone, left to himself. He began to fight everything he could. And at first only in solitude, and later he began to do it defiantly.

Claws need to be sharpened periodically to remove the stratum corneum from them.

It is impossible to convince nature itself and simply force the cat not to do what you do not like. A smart owner will provide the animal with an alternative, while not infringing on its natural needs.

It is believed that the reason for the bad behavior of a pet may be poor parenting. If you do not teach your pet to do it right, then he simply will not know how to behave.

What is a scratching post

In no case should a cat be deprived of the opportunity to sharpen its claws, as this can adversely affect its well-being and health. It is necessary to provide her with a special place to satisfy this natural need. For this, there are specialized devices - or claws. They come in different designs and are made of various materials (wood, sesal, carpet, etc.).

The simplest and most inexpensive model is the column

Consider the main types of devices for sharpening claws:

  1. Scratching post-column. The simplest design, which is a vertical column fixed on a stable base.
  2. Stationary or wall-mounted scratching post. Flat piece, mounted on the wall and does not take up much space.
  3. Scratching post-house. An object that combines a place to hide and a surface to scratch.
  4. Claw-bed. A horizontal structure on which the cat can lie and sharpen its claws.
  5. Claw toy. During the game, the animal may scratch the surface provided for this purpose.
  6. Scratching post-complex. The best solution. It consists of beds (resting places), toys, several claws and other things.

Some cats prefer vertical scratching posts.

To order, you can make completely unusual scratching posts, which are exclusive products and fit perfectly into the surrounding interior.

On the couch you can relax and sharpen your claws

From personal experience. When I was little, we had a Siamese cat. She liked to sharpen her claws on the kitchen table leg. All attempts to wean her did not lead to a positive result. The harmful animal only began to mischief even more. The solution turned out to be remarkably simple. The leg of the table was simply upholstered on all sides with thin wooden plates and the cat was given freedom of action. All her life she scratched only here and did not spoil anything else. The boards were replaced with new ones as they wore out.

The ideal option is a gaming complex

A kitten should be taught to a claw point as early as possible.

Kittens themselves begin to sharpen their claws on any porous or woolly surface available to them. It is important to guide them on the right path. At the first stage, it is better to buy a horizontal model for scratching. A vertical scratching post is also suitable, but you need to properly fix it. The height of the hinge is adjusted depending on the height of the kitten. He should be able to stretch out to his full height and hook on the object with his front paws. As the pet grows, the claw-claw is simply hung higher. No need to choose wooden structures, as the animal can injure its delicate paws with peeling chips. Place the device in those places where most often there is a small pet.

A kitten will get used to the scratching post faster if you play with it.

If the device falls or moves, then the kitten will not use it for its intended purpose.

Experienced cat breeders are advised to use the following useful recommendations:

  1. Before taking a pet into the house, you need to prepare in advance all the necessary items and a scratching post, including. It is necessary to accustom a kitten from the very first days of its appearance in the apartment.
  2. As soon as it is noticed that the baby has aimed or has already caught on any surface with its claws (sofa, carpet, etc.), it should be immediately taken to the place allowed for this to the scratching post.
  3. You can slightly press on the paws so that the kitten releases its claws a little, and then lightly scratch them on the outer coating of the device.
  4. The need to reach out and scratch something is more common in cats immediately after sleep. Therefore, as soon as the pet wakes up, it must be immediately brought to the sharpener.
  5. The process will go easier if you combine education with the game. The most suitable are special play complexes equipped with various shelves, tunnels, hanging toys, etc. During the game, the pet will involuntarily release claws and cling to coatings. He simply will not need to look elsewhere to satisfy his instincts.
  6. If it is not possible to purchase a whole complex, then a simple scratching post will do. You can attract a kitten to it with the help of toys (rope, fishing rod, laser pointer, etc.), while playing, the baby will begin to cling to the device with claws.
  7. You should always praise your pet for success. If he sharpens his claws in the required place, then he should be rewarded with a tasty delicacy for him.

First you need to draw the kitten's attention to an unfamiliar object.

The process of accustoming to a scratching post is considered more difficult and lengthy than accustoming to a tray. You have to be patient. This usually takes at least a week.

It is quite difficult to accustom an adult cat to a scratching post, because he is already used to doing everything in the way that is convenient for him. But it is quite possible if you make an effort and be patient. It is necessary to wean the pet from scratching forbidden places and draw his attention to a yet unfamiliar subject. This will require some cunning and a fair amount of perseverance.

Some cats love to scratch horizontal surfaces.

You need to carefully observe your animal and determine the features of its behavior. Some cats like to stretch out horizontally on the floor, while others cling to vertical surfaces with their claws. With this in mind, a specific claw point model is selected. During training, you need to be guided by the same principles as when training kittens.

you need to carefully observe the habits of the pet when choosing a scratching post

You can offer your pet one of the options for scratching posts that will help facilitate learning:

  1. You can divert the attention of the cat from the legs of tables and chairs by wrapping them with sesal ropes. Such devices will be an excellent alternative to the vertical claws.
  2. You can sacrifice the side wall of the cabinet by upholstering it with unnecessary carpet. The animal will climb on it, clinging with its claws. Simultaneously with physical exercises, it will sharpen the claws.
  3. For those cats who like to crawl under the sofa, tearing the bottom surface with their claws, it is recommended to upholster the furniture from below with a multi-layered dense material or sesal fabric. From time to time, the upholstery is replaced with a new one.

Sometimes you can allocate an individual area for scratching for a cat.

All objects on which the cat sharpened its claws should be temporarily covered with a dense cloth or wrapped in polyethylene (preferably bubble wrap). You can even restrict the animal's access to this room so that it is not tempted to start over. It helps to place several claws in all the rooms where the cat is. They are placed in close proximity to crime scenes.

From personal experience. For the cat, they made a special post for scratching. To attract the cat to the scratching post, we put a jingling toy in the shape of a small furry mouse on it. Favorite had to climb up, because otherwise the toy could not be reached. Apparently the sensations were pleasant and she gladly began to use the device for its intended purpose.

To attract a cat, the scratching post is smeared with valerian or catnip extract.

To further attract the pet, scratching devices are treated with preparations containing valerian or catnip. You can just sprinkle dried grass around it.

Veterinary shops sell special sprays for accustoming to the scratching post.

Sometimes it is advised to borrow someone else's scratching post for a while. The cat, wanting to kill someone else's smell, will start scratching it.


There are several additional tricks that will help wean a cat from tearing furniture, carpets, wallpaper and other things:

  1. All the places that the pet has chosen for its bad business should be sprayed with a product (deodorant, air freshener, etc.) with a pungent smell of citrus crops (lemon, grapefruit, orange, etc.), cheap perfume or cologne. You can hang small linen bags with dried zest or strong-smelling seasoning (coriander, pepper, etc.). In veterinary shops there are special repellents: Api San, Bio Wax, etc.
  2. Felines do not like water and this fact is used to scare away the animal when trying to stick its claws into a forbidden object. As soon as the cat is about to scratch the furniture, you should immediately spray liquid directly into his face. It is extremely important to do this in a timely manner, that is, either before the attempt, or no later than a few seconds after it. Otherwise, in the pet, these events will not be connected.
  3. A great way to educate is to use harsh sounds. When the cat intends to mischief, you need to clap your hands or make noise with a rattle. Even a simple glass jar with a few coins inside is suitable for this. If you do this systematically and methodically, then sooner or later the pet will learn the master's rules.
  4. Voice commands that are given loudly and loudly also work effectively. This should be repeated until the pet stops trying.
  5. Sometimes it is advised to use inflated balloons, which are located near the pet's favorite places. They are bursting at the moment when the cat encroaches on the sofa or wallpaper. A loud bang will frighten her, and another time she will be afraid.
  6. Double-sided tape is very good at helping to wean cats out of mischief. They paste over surfaces that are exposed to scratching.

When you try to tear the sofa, you need to sprinkle water on the cat's face

From personal experience. A cheap men's cologne, which had been in the closet for many years, helped to wean the cat from tearing the sofa. They sprayed all the furniture. The smell was not very pleasant, but I had to endure.

On sale you can find special devices equipped with motion sensors. They spray a repellent odorous liquid when an animal approaches.

What Not to Do

When weaning a pet from bad habits, you should remember a few simple rules:

  • in no case should you apply physical punishment and beat the cat, it can become embittered and begin to take revenge;
  • do not shout too loudly at your pet, it is better to use a characteristic intonation (cats catch it well);
  • you can’t throw out the old scratching post if it has become unusable (it’s better to restore it, and not buy a new one, so the usual smell will remain on it);
  • shaming a cat some time after the commission of a crime does not make any sense, she will not understand why she is scolded.

Never hit a cat

Cats are not subject to simple prohibitions and threats. You need to act with cunning and affection, as well as reward your pet with treats in time.

If the cat did everything right, then he needs to be petted and praised.

Cats need to keep their claws in order, but very often they do this to the detriment of upholstered furniture. Sharp claws tear through coatings and leave cuts and holes in any surface. I want to keep my furniture looking its best. What then to do with the pet and how to wean the cat to tear furniture - some tips will tell you.

Why do cats scratch furniture?

In nature, yard cats can sharpen their claws on the street on trees. When walking, they grind off on the asphalt. And what to do with pets, because it is vital for them to do a manicure. Therefore, they are saved by improvised means. . Here are the reasons why they ruin furniture:

It is very important to realize that it is useless to fight nature, so you should not beat and scold your pet. It can be retrained, unlearned and redirected. Having found the reason for sharpening claws, the problem of how to wean a cat to tear up furniture is already easier to solve.

You need to feel the full responsibility if you decide to get a pet. And it is worth considering everything to the smallest detail so that the cohabitation of you and the kitten becomes as harmonious and comfortable as possible. In addition to furniture, pets can tear wallpaper, so you should think about this moment and replace them with paint or plaster.

Besides, different devices can be used to solve the problem, how to wean a cat to tear up a sofa:

The main thing to remember is that it is useless to scold the animal 5-30 minutes after the incident, it must be done immediately, otherwise the cat will not understand why she is being scolded.

The scratching post is the best tool

A great way to save your favorite items is a scratching post. With it, you can save wallpaper and furniture without harming your pet. Especially now you can find a scratching post for every taste and color: from the simplest to the intricate, built into a house of several floors. The materials are also different and your pet will find his own, which will impress him more than expensive coatings.

There are also different shapes: vertical, horizontal, inclined. To begin with, it is worth proceeding from financial possibilities and taking into account the material of manufacture. Observe what your animal likes to scratch more.

It will be good to install the scratching post in your pet's favorite place and secure it well. Everything should be as comfortable and pleasant as possible for the animal to like.

What you should pay attention to:

If the cat continues to tear furniture

How to act in this case? There are several most effective methods, but they can be uncomfortable for both the animal and the person.

The easiest is to close all the places that the animal is trying to damage. In addition, very convenient anti-scratch pads are now sold in stores. This method is considered quite controversial and its safety has not yet been proven.

And the most inhumane and cruel way is the removal of claws. It can end badly for your pet, so be sure to talk to your doctor before you decide on this.

Rescue Cover

What materials will help solve the problem how to wean a cat to tear up a sofa. The following coatings can be used for repairs:

Repair will help to fix and protect everything that the cat managed to scratch badly. But remember that getting a pet is a big responsibility. Therefore, you need to know that almost any cat will tear furniture, and what to do about it should be decided before you get a cat.

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