Prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis. The best medicines for dysbacteriosis

A certain amount of bacteria is necessary for the normal functioning of the entire human body.

Most bacteria live in the large intestine. Here they are responsible for the normal and complete absorption of all vitamins, minerals and trace elements that come with food.

Over 500 different bacteria live in the large intestine. They control and monitor the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, many of them are directly involved in the synthesis of vitamins, acids and other elements.

Also, the intestinal microflora provides the body with a stable and strong immune system.

With a balanced amount beneficial bacteria, it is able to fight various infections, viruses and diseases.

What is dysbacteriosis? Dysbacteriosis is a violation of the intestinal microflora.

It significantly reduces the number of beneficial bacteria, and harmful microorganisms only spread. Very often the disease occurs in an adult, but there are cases when a newborn child can also be ill.

This disease can develop as an independent, and as a concomitant.

How the disease develops

A person can not immediately understand that he develops dysbacteriosis. Discomfort, symptoms and other manifestations of the disease appear gradually.

According to their manifestation, the degree of dysbacteriosis is determined:

  1. First degree. . It does not show symptoms of dysbacteriosis, the decrease in beneficial microflora and the presence of pathogenic microorganisms are almost not noticeable.
  2. Second degree also does not attract much attention of the patient to himself. Sometimes there are small manifestations and the first signs of the disease. This is due to the fact that the beneficial microflora begins to succumb to the influence of the negative, and gradually decreases.
  3. Third degree- this is the peak of the development of the disease. Here, all its manifestations cannot be ignored, otherwise there may be bad consequences. The walls of the intestines are already beginning to be damaged, the first inflammatory processes are occurring, the digestive system is malfunctioning. Symptoms are pronounced, they are difficult to ignore, a person feels discomfort.
  4. fourth degreeharmful microbes how spread that pathological disorders observed in the extraintestinal space. All useful substances are simply not absorbed in the large intestine. The patient feels pain all the time and all the symptoms, the body weakens, becomes very vulnerable, it is attacked by all viruses, bacteria and fungi.

The reasons

The causes of dysbacteriosis are very different. What happens in dysbacteriosis gives a clear picture of how it arose. And the way dysbacteriosis manifests itself directly indicates that it can be congenital and acquired in the course of life.

All these causes of dysbacteriosis can cause secondary disturbances of microflora. This is when under the influence external factors, due to the development of any pathology inside the body, a disease develops.

When the intestine initially contains negative microorganisms, this is primary dysbacteriosis, and it occurs only in young children.


Symptoms of intestinal dysbacteriosis in women, in the early stages of their manifestation, are often confused with inflammation of the female reproductive system. Aching pains may pretend to be a malfunction of the ovaries or kidneys.

The main and direct symptoms of intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults include:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • persistent or recurrent abdominal pain. They can change location;
  • rumbling, feeling of fullness in the intestines;
  • stool disorders;
  • frequent urination, diarrhea;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • feces become liquid and acquire a greenish color;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • flatulence, strong gas formation;
  • colic, belching, heartburn;
  • a person feels weakness, excessive sweating, fatigue, drowsiness, depression;
  • bad breath and loss or reduction of taste.

In the most advanced cases, the body is depleted, all vitamins are lost, pallor appears. skin, dark circles under the eyes. Manifestation complex degree diseases can even be problems with cardiovascular system and work of the heart.

The sooner you consult a doctor, find out the diagnosis, start treatment, the sooner you will get rid of the disease and return to the normal rhythm of life.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis in adults depends on the stage of microflora disturbance, there are only four of them:

  1. A slight decrease in the bacterial composition of the intestine and harmful microorganisms are hardly noticeable.
  2. A critical decrease in microflora and, accordingly, the active growth of pathogenic organisms.
  3. Almost complete suppression of microflora, the process of inflammation of the mucous membranes begins.
  4. Depletion of the body. The microflora is suppressed and fungi and bacteria multiply rapidly and actively.

Treatment, symptoms of intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults has a clear line with the form of the course of the disease.

Of course, these divisions of the disease are primitive, general and conditional. Basically, experts rely on the presence of symptoms and manifestations of the disease.

Diagnostic methods

Modern medicine, before learning how to treat intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults, offers several diagnostic methods:

  • stool analysis;
  • culture of bacteria;
  • coprogram;
  • careful examination of scrapings from the walls of the large intestine.

After collecting an anamnesis, determining possible cause development of the disease and an approximate plan for how to treat dysbacteriosis in adults, the gastroenterologist prescribes several diagnostic methods that are most suitable for this case.

Any of the diagnostic methods will show a more vivid picture of the disease, give accurate information and the presence of a specific pathogenic flora in digestive system person, the doctor will be able to fully assess the extent of infection, and will know exactly how to cure dysbacteriosis.


Treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults always follows the same pattern. It does not change, and cannot be corrected, in spite of any factors.

The treatment regimen for intestinal dysbiosis is as follows:

  1. Complete destruction of pathogenic organisms in the colon.
  2. Settlement and restoration of new microflora in the human intestine.
  3. It is important to achieve and maintain a normal balance of microorganisms.
  4. Restore the normal functioning of the digestive system.
  5. Set up work immune system organism.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis is a long process, it requires strength and patience.

Symptoms and treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults are directly related. The doctor relies on the clinical picture and all manifestations of the disease and prescribes a course of recovery, already knowing exactly how to treat this particular case.

Bowel treatment is always complex.

Drug therapy

This item includes the use of drugs of various groups.

The patient should take:

  • antibacterial agents. These drugs are good at fighting the pathogenic flora, which is the cause of the disease. The doctor prescribes antimicrobials, or antibiotics, which are indicated in severe cases. Chronic dysbacteriosis is suppressed only by antibiotics;
  • antiseptics;
  • bacteriophages;
  • probiotics and prebiotics. They restore the intestinal microflora well;
  • immunomodulators. With their help, the body's defenses are quickly and efficiently restored, the immune system returns to normal, and it is possible to quickly get rid of intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • multivitamin complexes. The body needs to restore vitamin reserves in order to start working well and overcome the disease. The main vitamins that require replenishment are A, B, C, E, D.

Drink all medicines as directed by the doctor, and in accordance with all recommended doses.


Certainly one of the most important factors in the process, how to cure intestinal dysbacteriosis, you need to adhere to a strict diet.

Nutrition should be well balanced, complete, contain maximum amount useful elements always be fresh and properly prepared.

  • exclude fried, fatty, sour, salty, spicy foods;
  • forget about semi-finished products;
  • avoid fast foods;
  • minimize sweets, cakes, pastries;
  • drinks should only be fresh;
  • more vegetables and fruits, in any form;
  • you need to love porridge;
  • Every day, a liquid dish (soup, broth) should be present in the diet.

Strictly prohibited Recommended
Freshly baked bread and other baked goods. Cakes, pancakes, pies, pancakes yesterday's bakery products(white and black bread)
Alcohol, beer, kvass, fruit drink Tea, what kind, jelly based on berries, juices from vegetables and fruits, fresh rosehip broth
Sugar, honey, jam Fruit mousse, jelly, puree. baked apples
Cabbage, peas, lentils, beans, mushrooms, pickles Vegetable puree, various puddings, zucchini, cauliflower. All vegetables are baked, can be stewed, boiled, steamed.
Sausages, sausages, any smoked products. Fatty pork, lamb, beef Steam cutlets with chicken, rabbit, non-fat pork
Okroshka, milk soups, cabbage soup and cabbage soup Soups on meat broths, light broths, vegetable soups, soups with porridge
Canned fish products, oily fish Cod, zander, pike, steamed perch, or boiled cutlets
Fatty sour cream, whole milk, cream, ice cream Omelettes, eggs, curdled milk, kefir low-fat cottage cheese
Horseradish, pepper, vinegar, mustard and all hot spices Sour cream and tomato sauce
animal fat Butter

Folk methods

It will help to cure any disease faster.

Here it will help to quickly remove the signs of intestinal dysbacteriosis, and speed up the treatment process:

  • chamomile, sage, coltsfoot can be added to compotes, fruit drinks, teas, and other drinks. They will help to quickly destroy harmful bacteria;
  • calendula, yarrow, rosehip. Decoctions of these plants will quickly and effectively relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • oak bark, pomegranate peel will help to cope with diarrhea;
  • dill water, fennel, fresh mint tea will cope with constipation, and facilitate the discharge of feces;
  • propolis. 45 drops alcohol tincture of this bee product per day will help you remove the causes of intestinal dysbiosis. Drink them 15 drops, 3 times a day;
  • Elecampane, oats, flax seeds are poured with warm water, insisted well, filtered and drunk 3 times a day before meals. This tincture, more like jelly, treats damage to the mucous membrane, it envelops it and does not allow microbes to enter the wounds and irritate them further. This is how the wounds gradually heal.


Prevention of dysbacteriosis does not include anything complicated.

It is aimed at suppressing or completely eliminating the causes of dysbacteriosis:

  • if a person has taken an antibiotic, it is always necessary to carry out the correct antibiotic therapy (drink prebiotics);
  • you need to eat rationally and properly;
  • always fully rest and normalize work with rest;
  • contact the doctor in time;
  • dysbacteriosis in women is more severe, so they need to be especially careful.

If you are not serious about your health, and in the presence of a disease you do not receive the correct treatment, then there is a high risk of earning the consequences of dysbacteriosis.


  • weight loss;
  • hypovitaminosis, exhaustion;
  • anemia. Vitamins do not enter the blood at all, and its functional effect is disrupted.

Always remember that if you have the first signs of any disease, you should consult a doctor. Self-medication is not always effective and, very often, leads to a worsening of the situation.

Adhere to the rules for the prevention of dysbacteriosis, lead correct image life, go in for sports and harden your body - then you will not be afraid of any disease.

Dysbacteriosis is not awarded a separate diagnosis. Moreover, even in countries where the disease is generally recognized among doctors (outside the Russian Federation, for example, the possibility of a disorder is rejected by the medical community). Therefore, treatment is prescribed complex, within the framework of another disease. For example, the treatment of diarrhea. It has long been known that an imbalance in the intestinal biocenosis contributes to the occurrence of a number of diseases. Few doctors are able to clearly answer how much dysbacteriosis is treated in adults.

Most of the bacteria are found in the large intestine, 96% are anaerobic. Sometimes the general term dysbiosis is used to define imbalance, reflecting the disturbances introduced by helminths. The indicated is considered a secondary pathology (and not a cause), current against the background primary disease exacerbating the consequences.

The term dysbacteriosis was introduced in 1916 to denote putrefactive processes in the intestine that occur against the background of an imbalance in the microflora of the mucosa. The first drugs came out in the middle of the 20th century, but the disease gained fame in the 80s. The disease is characterized by a qualitative or quantitative change in the composition of biocenosis strains. Outside of Russia, the term is rarely used. Foreign doctors talk about redundancy or insufficiency a certain kind bacteria.

According to the international classification, the disease is absent, doctors consider this phenomenon to be the result of some pathological conditions. Russian practitioners have to work with section K59, the ninth part of which implies “other functional intestinal disorders". Or go to K63.

Where does microflora come from

For the first time, studies of microflora were undertaken by Mechnikov and Nissle at the beginning of the 20th century. Then the field of research was abandoned for a long time due to the political situation on the planet. The colonization of the intestine by bacteria begins in the prenatal period. It is curious that the birth canal of a pregnant woman is overgrown with strains characteristic of the intestines. During childbirth, the child gains the necessary flora. Similar processes occur in the nipples of the nursing breast.

Research data are supported by information that children born by caesarean section, have problems in the field of formation of microflora. New mothers are encouraged to start breastfeeding as soon as possible. Mother's milk carries and others useful qualities: contains a number of substrates used by bacteria to feed the biocenosis. It turns out, breastfeeding the growth of beneficial flora is encouraged. Breast milk contains:

  1. Immunoglobulins.
  2. Lymphocytes.
  3. macrophages.

These chemicals are characteristic of the normal gut environment. Proper nutrition the adult part of the population is welcome. Simple food is rich in fiber, necessary for the growth of biocenosis. It is recommended to include in the diet:

  • Garlic.
  • Cereals.
  • Artichoke.
  • Chicory.
  • Milk and so on.

Composition of microflora

It is customary to divide the intestinal microflora into 4 categories according to their functional purpose:

  1. The obligate conglomerate performs a number of useful functions for the body. For example, it is engaged in the production of vitamins, the formation of immunity.
  2. The facultative is represented by commensals of a non-permanent nature. Selected are pathogenic.
  3. The transient component is brought in from the outside; it does not exist inside the gastrointestinal tract for a long time.
  4. Pathogenic causes disease.

Bacteria are located in the intestinal cavity or are mucosal (located in the thickness of the mucosa). The first part of the organisms makes up the lion's share of feces. The obligate component is formed mostly by bifidobacteria. Total share reaches 98%. Lactobacilli are engaged in maintaining the level of the pH factor, regulating the conditions for the existence of a biocenosis.

The obligate conglomerate includes propionobacteria, rash-causing in adolescents, Escherichia.

The role of microflora

The microflora contributes to digestion, the production of vitamins, assimilation, and the formation of immunity. Bacteria living in the environment do not allow harmful strains penetrating from the outside to multiply by regulating the pH factor with the products of their own vital activity (acids: lactic, acetic, formic, succinic). the main role- fermentation of chyme, formation stool with simultaneous water reabsorption.

Causes of dysbacteriosis

Researchers identify a number of factors that cause the disease:

  • Exogenous:
  1. Climate.
  2. Terms external environment, ecological situation.
  3. Food.
  4. Daily regime.
  5. Sanitary conditions.
  • Endogenous:
  1. Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract of a different nature.
  2. Irrational medication intake.
  3. hereditary factor.
  4. Morphological disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Violation of immunity.

Stress leads to the development of dysbacteriosis.

How long does dysbiosis last?

Minor metabolic disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, for example, after the next party, self-repair in the period of 3 to 10 days. Experts say that the effect of taking medication in severe cases appears after 2-3 weeks, some symptoms are eliminated already on the second day. The duration of manifestation of unpleasant factors is due to the nature of the disease. The disease is classified according to three degrees of severity (specified by the doctor).

The total duration is the sum of the time of the course of the disease in latent form, the speed of diagnosis (up to 7 days), the duration of the course (1-2 weeks).

Phases of dysbacteriosis

Dysbacteriosis successively goes through several phases:

  1. An increase in the population of a particular strain.
  2. Suppression of neighbors due to displacement by the dominant species.
  3. The appearance of atypical microflora in the body. For example, in the oral cavity.
  4. The overgrown strain exhibits new properties, causing damage to the body. The phenomenon occurs against the background of declining immunity, pronounced signs diseases.

An additional factor is the elimination of the protection of the intestinal walls. As a result, the organ is damaged by bile acids. The process of absorption of nutrients is disrupted, leading to dehydration or weight loss. Diarrhea develops due to an excess of cAMP, causing the release of salt and water into the intestinal lumen.

Time spent on diagnosis

Symptoms do not begin to appear on the first day of the development of the disease; after contacting a doctor, it will take 5-7 days to wait for the results of the tests. Express diagnostic methods are known.


Treatment is prescribed individually and comprehensively. At first, a diet is compiled, medicines (probiotics and prebiotics) are recommended. The medication has been on for a week.

You got an idea about dysbacteriosis, the duration of the treatment of the disease. It is recommended to undergo an examination immediately if necessary.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis (DK) is pathological condition associated with a violation of the intestinal microflora. The number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria is reduced to a critical level. Harmful microorganisms begin active reproduction. The consequence of a decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria and the predominance of pathogenic microbes is a malfunction digestive tract.

In the absence of therapy, the level decreases protective functions organism, and failures occur in vital systems. Intestinal dysbacteriosis can develop independently or accompany the progression of other pathologies. At the initial stages, the violation of the microflora occurs in a latent form. Therapy of dysbacteriosis implies the mandatory use of special medications.

1. Causes and symptoms of intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults

Numerous factors can provoke. Common causes of pathology are diseases of the digestive tract, decreased immunity, exposure to external negative factors, progression of inflammatory or infectious processes in the body. The uncontrolled use of antibiotics increases the risk of microflora disturbance.

Causes of violation of the intestinal microflora:

2. Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults

Drug therapy is aimed at restoring the balance of intestinal microflora, destroying pathogenic microorganisms, improving overall functional state digestive tract and increase the protective functions of the body. The treatment regimen is always individual and depends on clinical picture the patient's health status.

Mandatory in the list medicines are prebiotics, probiotics, antiseptics, bacteriophages and immunomodulators.


Prebiotics are non-digestible food particles. The components stimulate the growth and activity of certain groups of beneficial bacteria. Due to their impact, there is an improvement and restoration of the functional state of the digestive tract. Prebiotics are not digested thin department intestines. The additional action of these substances is aimed at suppressing pathogenic microflora.

Examples of prebiotics:


Probiotics are a group of drugs containing special types microorganisms. Substances have a detrimental effect on harmful bacteria and accelerate the recovery process intestinal microflora. Means can be monocomponent, polycomponent and combined.

Separate varieties of probiotics are considered antagonists and synbiotics.

Peculiarities different types probiotics:


Intestinal antiseptics are a type of antibiotics. Unlike other types of drugs, this group medicines quickly affects pathogenic microorganisms and actively suppresses their vital processes. When using antiseptics does not occur negative impact on the intestinal microflora. Means destroy only pathogenic microorganisms.

Examples of antiseptics:

  • Ofloxacin;
  • Entrofuril;
  • Ciprofloxacin.


Distinctive feature medicines from the group of bacteriophages is the ability to penetrate into the bacterial cell and its gradual destruction. These funds are based special groups viruses. For the body, such components are harmless. Their action is directed only to specific types of pathogenic bacteria.

Examples of bacteriophages:

  • Streptococcal bacteriophage;
  • Inesti bacteriophage.


The purpose of the use of immunomodulators in the treatment is to increase local immunity. In most cases, such drugs are prescribed at the final stage of therapy. It is forbidden to take them on your own.

At correct application immunomodulators reinforce the effect of treatment and create a good prevention of repeated deviations in the state of the intestinal microflora. The digestive tract becomes less susceptible to negative factors.

Examples of immunomodulators:

  • Levomizol;
  • Decaris.

3. Diet for dysbacteriosis

Diet modification is obligatory step treatment . special diet for initial stage pathology can completely get rid of the problem. The list of medicines in this case will be minimal. Completely excluded from the diet harmful products nutrition that can provide negative impact on the digestive system (provoking, excessive gas formation, irritation of the mucous membranes, disruption of the processes of bowel movement and other deviations from the gastrointestinal tract).

The basic principles of the diet:

  • dishes should be prepared only by cooking, steaming, stewing;
  • fatty, fried, salty, spicy dishes are excluded from the diet;
  • eating is carried out 5-6 times a day;
  • nutrition should be balanced, fractional;
  • alcohol is strictly prohibited;
  • you can not eat fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • it is forbidden to introduce legumes, mushrooms, canned food into the diet, sausages, fatty varieties meat and fish.

Treatment of severe dysbacteriosis

A diet in severe cases should be observed not only until the period of restoration of microflora, but also for the purpose of prevention. Eliminate the complicated form of pathology only by correcting the diet will not work. Therapy is carried out by a combination of diet and special groups drugs. The severe form in most cases is accompanied by the development of beriberi and anemia. The patient's diet should include enough vitamins and useful elements.

To replenish their supply, special vitamin complexes are additionally prescribed.

4. Rating of medicines for dysbacteriosis

Among the assortment pharmaceutical preparations for treatment, there are several varieties that are widely used in medical practice. These drugs have proven to be effective means to restore the microflora of the digestive system. Most of them are suitable for adult patients and children.

Video on the topic: Treatment regimen for intestinal dysbacteriosis after antibiotics (in adults).

Lactobacterin is a drug based on live lactobacilli. The drug normalizes the work of the digestive tract, restores the microflora and increases local immunity. The drug is suitable for use by pregnant women, as well as young children. Additionally, the drug has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body. Lactobacterin is produced in the form of tablets, solution, powder and suppositories. Price - 80 rubles.

Enterol belongs to the category of antidiarrheals used in therapy. The drug has antitoxic and antimicrobial action, improves the enzymatic function of the intestine. The main forms of release are capsules and powder. The drug is suitable for the treatment of children from one year old (the contents of the capsule can be removed, dissolved in water). An indication for the appointment of Enterol is diarrhea of ​​​​any etiology. Price - 300 rubles.

Bifindumbacterin contains live bifidobacteria. The drug has activity against a number of pathogenic microorganisms. Components from its composition increase the body's resistance, normalize digestive and metabolic processes, restore the balance of intestinal microflora. It is permissible to use the drug when provoked by infections and pathologies of a bacterial nature. Price - 60 rubles.

Linex is a drug based on lebenin (live lactic acid bacteria), designed to restore the intestinal microflora. You can use the drug in the treatment of pathology, as well as for the purpose of prevention. Forms of release - capsules and powder. The drug is suitable for use during pregnancy, as well as for young children. The drug destroys pathogenic and opportunistic pathogens, restores enzymatic activity digestive system, increases local immunity. Price - 290 rubles.

Probifor belongs to the group of probiotics. The drug restores the balance of intestinal microflora, normalizes the condition of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, increases the body's resistance to infections. Available in the form of capsules. When the drug eliminates the symptoms of diarrhea, flatulence, takes part in the regulation of metabolic processes. May be used during pregnancy. Price - 360 rubles.

Polisrb is included in the category of universal sorbents. The drug is especially effective in the treatment provoked by toxic effects on the body. The main effects of the drug are detoxification and sorption action. The components from the composition of the powder bind and remove from the body not only toxins, but also many types of harmful microorganisms. Additionally, the drug restores the balance of intestinal microflora. Price - 130 rubles.

The action of Hilak Forte is aimed at active recovery microflora of the digestive tract. The drug stimulates the synthesis of intestinal epithelial cells, restores pH, normalizes the balance of electrolytes and water. It is permissible to use the agent for infectious lesion GIT. An additional effect is aimed at stopping disorders of the digestive system, the destruction of some pathogenic microorganisms. Price - 170 rubles.

Iberogast belongs to the category of funds for plant-based intended for the treatment of disorders in the digestive system various etiologies. The drug has anti-inflammatory properties, eliminates spasms of smooth muscles, tones intestinal motility. Taking the medication ensures the restoration of microflora. Do not use the remedy for the treatment of children under eighteen years of age. Price - 170 rubles.

Enterofuril is antimicrobial agent With a wide range actions. The drug destroys the membranes of microbial cells, helps to accelerate the process of restoration of microflora, reduces the toxic effect of pathogenic microorganisms on the digestive system. Forms of release - capsules and suspension. The second type of medication is intended for younger patients. Price - 240 rubles.

5. Candles for pathology

For treatment, you can use not only drugs in the form of tablets, capsules, powder, but also candles. Suppositories differ in pharmacological properties, compositions and the principle of use. Candles can be vaginal or rectal. For therapy, the second category of drugs is used. A distinctive feature of this group of medicines is the local effect.

Medicines penetrate faster into the focus pathological process without affecting other body systems.

Examples of suppositories for the treatment of dysbacteriosis:

  • antibacterial suppositories (Viferon, Levomycetin, Kipferon, Genferon);
  • suppositories containing probiotics (Laktonorm, Bifinorm).

6. Folk remedies for getting rid of dysbacteriosis

Effective folk remedies for treatment are herbal medicine recipes. Herbal ingredients according to some pharmacological properties not inferior to pharmaceutical preparations.

On the basis of herbs, decoctions or infusions are prepared. The scheme of their preparation is not complicated. In most cases, a teaspoon or a tablespoon of dry raw materials is poured into a glass of boiling water, infused for 20-30 minutes, filtered, and consumed several times a day.

Examples of folk remedies:

  • a decoction based on dill seeds, peppermint and eucalyptus leaves (they also eliminate the manifestations of flatulence);
  • funds based on flax seeds, buckthorn bark, psyllium seeds, dandelion (restore the process of bowel movement when);
  • lemon balm, St. John's wort, chamomile (antiseptic, analgesic effect);
  • oak bark, bird cherry, St. John's wort (means are used to eliminate);
  • infusion of burdock seeds, calamus root, chamomile (anti-inflammatory effect).

7. Forecast

Adequate therapy allows you to fully restore the state of the microflora. If the pathology provoked complications, then at the initial stages of development they can be eliminated with drugs for symptomatic treatment. An integral part of the course of treatment is diet. With absence timely therapy dysbacteriosis

Deals with functional organic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in children from 0 years of age, inflammatory diseases of the colon: Crohn's disease, UC, gastroduodenitis, gastritis, gastroenterological forms food allergies, primary and secondary malabsorption syndrome.

Dysbacteriosis is a disease that occurs in many people in chronic form. Everyone has encountered it at least once in their life. Intestinal dysbacteriosis in adults for a long time did not consider separate disease, but only a combination of symptoms, now this disease is not only diagnosed, but also treated.

What is dysbacteriosis?

In the intestines healthy person there are many beneficial bacteria that contribute to the efficient digestion of food and its rapid absorption. In the stomach duodenum and small intestine there are no bacteria acid environment too aggressive for them. All microorganisms that a person needs live in the large intestine.

In total, the large intestine of a healthy person is inhabited by more than five hundred species of various bacteria in exactly the amount that is needed. A significant part of all microorganisms are aerobic lactobacilli and anaerobic bifidobacteria. They provide the correct protein, cholesterol and carbohydrate metabolism and also contribute to the synthesis of such vitamins as biotin, K, B and folic acid. Bacteria also increase the resistance of the digestive tract to external adverse factors.

The human immune system largely depends on the intestinal microflora, so people with bacteriosis often get colds and viral diseases, vulnerable to various infections. Since bacteria play an absorbing role and prevent intoxication of the body, a person with a disturbed intestinal microflora often experiences signs of poisoning.

If there are not enough beneficial bacteria in the large intestine, it is filled with various pathogenic microflora, including all kinds of microbes, disease-causing, sticks, mushrooms, etc. Their abundance not only reduces and greatly disrupts correct work intestines, but can cause diseases not only of the gastrointestinal tract.

How the disease develops

Dysbacteriosis is a disease that develops rather slowly. It has four stages.

  1. Initial stage. Symptoms of intestinal dysbacteriosis at this stage are practically absent, except that sometimes there is bloating and rumbling in the abdomen, but most people do not attach importance to such phenomena. During this period, pathogenic microflora begins to actively multiply, displacing the beneficial one. At this stage, the disease can be easily stopped and not see its main symptoms. But this can be difficult, since diagnostics are not carried out in this case - people simply do not know that they have started the process of the disease.
  2. The stage is progressive. During this period, the actively multiplying pathogenic microflora already prevails over the beneficial one, which leads to the first vivid symptoms of dysbacteriosis - disruption of the intestines (diarrhea, bloating). It's only external signs, which are caused by the onset inflammatory process in the intestine. Usually, people prefer to ignore these signs, attributing them to stress or a low-quality product eaten.
  3. stage of infection. The infection is no longer contained by local bacteria, which are practically gone. Harmful microorganisms begin to irritate and "gnaw" the walls of the intestine, disrupting its work. During this period, a person can no longer ignore his disease, as the discomfort becomes very strong, from time to time there are pains that can last for a very long time, and diarrhea becomes permanent.
  4. The extraintestinal stage. As mentioned above, the absorption of useful substances and a person depends on the beneficial microflora. The fourth stage of dysbacteriosis is characterized by a deterioration in the patient's well-being: he quickly gets tired, experiences frequent weakness and drowsiness, the condition of the skin, nails and hair worsens. Also often a concomitant symptom is, allergic reaction to those substances that have not previously caused allergies. The patient often loses weight and looks tired, emaciated, he is often attacked by viruses, fungi.

Treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis is possible at any stage, the difference lies only in its complexity and duration. If the fourth stage has come, then it is necessary not only to cure the disease itself, but to treat those non-intestinal diseases that provoked dysbacteriosis.

Causes of dysbacteriosis

It is not always possible to understand what caused the appearance of dysbacteriosis in a particular patient, but there is a list of factors that cause this disease:

  • Harmful food. We are talking about the abuse of fatty, salty, smoked foods, as well as strict diets that do not contain nutrients, and hunger strikes. Irregular nutrition, which many people sin, interferes with the normal functioning of the intestines, overloading it. Also initial stage dysbacteriosis capable of starting a diet containing a large number of meat that begins to rot while in the intestines. The constant process of decay, especially with insufficient fiber and frequent constipation, destroys the microflora and causes poisoning of the body. Canned, salted and synthetic foods that have gone through multiple stages of processing can also lead to dysbacteriosis.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract., ulcer, doudenitis - these and many others inflammatory diseases are sources of pathogenic bacteria. If they are not treated in time and do not change their lifestyle, they can cause dysbacteriosis. Sometimes a small poisoning is enough for one disease to complement another.
  • Antibiotics. it powerful means that allow you to quickly and effectively deal with many dangerous viruses. But antibiotics act on all microorganisms and destroy them indiscriminately. You can not take antibiotics without a doctor's prescription, as the specialist will select exactly the drug that is aimed at combating a specific disease. Narrow spectrum antibiotics are less dangerous for the intestines and more effective in some cases, it will be great if the doctor prescribes an antibiogram. The intake of these drugs must be accompanied by the intake of drugs that restore the microflora. After intensive treatment, while following the diet, the microflora is restored by itself, if the person is healthy.
  • Chemo- and radiation therapy. Such treatment depresses the immune system and kills almost all the necessary bacteria in the large intestine. But in this case we are talking about saving lives, therefore, after the completion of therapy, it is necessary to restore the “killed” microflora for a long time and in stages.
  • Hormones. Reception hormonal drugs may (not always) be harmful to the gastrointestinal tract. If possible, alternative treatments that do not contain hormones should be sought.
  • Lifestyle. Irregular diet, smoking, frequent use alcohol, chronic fatigue and stress, uncontrolled intake medical preparations without a doctor's prescription - all this, either way or later, can lead to dysbacteriosis.

Absence physical activity, sedentary work, experiences are also unfavorable for the gastrointestinal tract in particular and for the body as a whole.

All the reasons described above cause dysbacteriosis in adults, it is called secondary. Primary happens only in children when their gut is still deficient in microflora.

Signs of dysbacteriosis

Often dysbacteriosis is confused with the symptoms of other gastric and intestinal diseases, as well as with a reaction to unusual food, climate change, etc. Only a doctor can confirm or refute the diagnosis, but a person can independently determine dysbacteriosis by such symptoms.

  • . In a healthy intestine, gases are formed in a small amount, some of them are excreted naturally, and part is absorbed through the intestinal wall. In patients with dysbacteriosis, this process is disturbed. In addition to the fact that improper digestion increases the amount of gases, they are not excreted from the body, often accumulate in the intestines, swelling them and causing pain to the patient.
  • Chair problems. In a person with dysbacteriosis, bile metabolism is disturbed, as well as the mechanism of fluid absorption into the intestinal wall. Because of this, his stools are irregular, often with constipation or diarrhoea, or an alternation of the two. Changing the diet has almost no effect on the situation.
  • Dyspepsia. This phenomenon is characterized by a whole list of unpleasant moments caused by the lack of essential bacteria: , constant rumbling, nausea, colic, feeling of heaviness, belching. Such phenomena sometimes occur in women before menstruation, but they are not signs of dysbacteriosis.
  • extraintestinal manifestations. They are typical for people with advanced disease. For them, sweating, pallor, fast fatiguability, drowsiness, as well as unpleasant putrid smell from mouth. In especially severe cases, there is a violation of the internal organs.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis

Before treating the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor and take an analysis for dysbacteriosis. The doctor will tell you how to take it. It is necessary in order to understand which microorganisms dominate in the intestine. This allows you to choose the right drugs and make the treatment as effective as possible.

First of all, the doctor prescribes drugs that destroy the pathogenic microflora. Usually these are antibiotics and antifungal agents (if the analysis revealed fungal bacteria). After antibacterial drugs destroy harmful microorganisms in the small intestine, the doctor prescribes sorbents that help cleanse the large intestine. Together with them, they take drugs such as Enterol and Baktisubtil.

After neutralizing the pathogenic microflora of the intestine, it is necessary to start taking drugs that will “populate” the bacteria necessary for digestion. For some time after treatment, the patient needs to take medications that keep the microflora in order.

Important! Treatment with folk remedies can be both effective and destructive - depending on what stage of the disease a person has and what microorganisms inhabit his intestines. It is impossible to cure a neglected disease with folk remedies, therefore, in any case, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Alternative treatment can improve the situation at the initial stage of the disease, support the gastrointestinal tract when taking antibiotics or poisoning. Decoctions of herbs and berries are good prevention dysbacteriosis.

  • If the mouth began to appear frequently bad taste, there was a smell, then a few cloves of garlic a day will help solve this problem by suppressing pathogenic bacteria. Such treatment is possible if there is no or peptic ulcer.
  • A decoction of calendula and chamomile improves digestion and has an antibacterial effect.
  • To get rid of frequent constipation without causing irritation of the intestines, flax seeds, which are also well absorbed, will help harmful substances. A tablespoon of seeds must be thoroughly chewed and eaten in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • When significantly improve the situation, tea from fennel and mint.

Diet for dysbacteriosis

Whatever effective drugs not prescribed by a doctor, no matter what healing decoctions and the tea was not prepared by a knowledgeable grandmother, if the patient continues to eat improperly, the result of the treatment will be short-lived.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude heavy foods: fatty, fried, spicy, spicy, as well as yeast baked goods. All foods that can cause fermentation are undesirable, namely cabbage, apples and other fruits with a sour taste. In order not to "interfere" with the stomach to digest food and not dilute gastric juice, drinking tea or water is recommended no earlier than 30 minutes after eating.

It is not recommended to eat meat every day, but for those who cannot resist their favorite product, it is worth baking, boiling meat, steaming it, but not frying it. It is worth paying more attention to foods that have a lot of fiber, as well as giving up coffee, various preservatives, hot spices and flavor enhancers.

In adults. It is worth noting that this disorder in modern medicine is recorded quite often. So what is disease? What are the main reasons for its occurrence? What treatments do doctors offer? The answers to these questions will be of interest to many readers.

What is a disease?

Signs of dysbacteriosis in adults appear quite often. However, not everyone knows what this disorder is.

It's no secret that close to 500 strains of various bacteria live in the human large intestine, which make up the so-called intestinal microflora. The basis is bifido- and lactobacilli. Beneficial microorganisms provide normal exchange substances involved in the synthesis and metabolism of many vitamins, and are also part of the body's immune system.

In addition, the composition of the microflora includes the so-called conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Normally, they do not pose any danger, since their amount is strictly controlled by the immune system. But in some cases, pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply actively, which leads to a change in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microflora and, accordingly, affects the processes of digestion and metabolism. It is this violation that is called dysbacteriosis.

The main causes of the development of the disease

Of course, today many people are interested in the question of what constitutes dysbacteriosis, treatment, drugs used in therapy, etc. But no less important issue in this case, the causes of the development of the disease are also, because the treatment regimen depends on them.

  • Quite often, dysbacteriosis develops against the background of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including inflammation, chronic disorders, violations of the synthesis of enzymes, poisoning, etc.
  • plays an important role in the development of the disease malnutrition. For example, inadequate intake plant food deprives beneficial bacteria of nutrients, and an excessive amount of meat stimulates putrefactive processes.
  • AT recent times significantly increased the number of cases of dysbacteriosis as a result of improper and uncontrolled intake antibiotics. The fact is that antibacterial drugs destroy not only pathogenic, but also beneficial microflora.
  • The reasons include hormonal disorders that can develop against the background of diseases endocrine system or hormone therapy.
  • Aggressive treatments, such as radiation and chemotherapy, also lead to the development of dysbacteriosis.
  • Of course, you shouldn't discount constant stress, mental and emotional overstrain, as well as insufficient sleep and rest.

Degrees of dysbacteriosis

In most cases, this disease develops gradually. Signs of dysbacteriosis in adults directly depend on the stage of development of the disease. To date, it is customary to distinguish four main degrees of severity of the disease:

  • The first stages of dysbacteriosis, as a rule, proceed without any symptoms. The activation of pathogenic microorganisms is just beginning, while beneficial bacteria, despite the decrease in their number, still cope with their basic functions.
  • The second stage of the development of the disease is characterized by more clear violations. The activity of pathogenic microflora increases, and beneficial microorganisms are no longer able to cope with their main task.
  • The third stage of the disease is accompanied by severe lesions of the intestine, which affects the work of the entire digestive tract. At this stage, all the main symptoms of dysbacteriosis are present - violations of the digestion of food become constant companions of a person.
  • The fourth stage is also characterized by extraintestinal pathologies. Protracted chronic dysbacteriosis leads to anemia, beriberi, weakening of the immune system, because, regardless of the quality and quantity of food, nutrients, vitamins and minerals are simply not absorbed.

What are the main symptoms of the disease?

Many readers are interested in questions about what are the main signs of dysbacteriosis in adults.

  • As a rule, problems with the stool appear first of all - in patients, prolonged constipation is often replaced by diarrhea and vice versa.
  • Naturally, with such a disease, dyspeptic phenomena also appear, in particular, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, as well as rumbling in the stomach, belching, and frequent heartburn.
  • Another sign of the disease is flatulence, because indigestion leads to increased gas formation and accumulation of gases in the intestines.
  • The activity of pathogenic microorganisms can lead to the appearance bad smell from the mouth, and excessive sweating, constant weakness, allergic sensitivity.
  • Advanced forms of the disease affect the work of the whole organism - anemia, beriberi, pain in the heart, insomnia, chronic fatigue appear, susceptibility to infections increases, etc.

Diagnostic methods

Of course, the presence of characteristic complaints can lead the doctor to the idea of ​​a violation of the microflora. But before prescribing pills for dysbacteriosis, you need to conduct tests. The simplest and accessible method in this case is bacteriological culture cultures obtained from stool samples on a nutrient medium. After 4-6 days, cultures of grown bacteria are examined under a microscope, counting their number and ratio. In some cases, additional biochemical tests are performed.

Dysbacteriosis: treatment, drugs for drug therapy

Only after examination and diagnosis, the doctor will be able to draw up a suitable treatment regimen. So how to cure dysbacteriosis with medication?

  • In the most severe cases, patients are prescribed antibiotics that suppress the activity of pathogenic microflora.
  • Along with antibacterial agents they also take sorbents (for example, Polyphepan, Enterosgel), which help cleanse the intestines of dead microorganisms and toxins.
  • But the most important stage of therapy is the restoration of normal intestinal microflora. So which pills for dysbacteriosis are considered the most effective? Patients should definitely take drugs containing live strains of beneficial bacteria. The most effective are "Bifiform", "Linex" and some others. In addition, prebiotics are also needed, which stimulate the colonization of the intestines. beneficial microorganisms("Hilak forte", "Lactulose").
  • Sometimes admission is needed choleretic drugs("Hofitol") and enzymes ("Mezim", "Festal", "Creon") - this makes it possible to establish normal digestion processes.
  • To normalize peristalsis, drugs such as Immudol (for diarrhea) or Trimedat (for constipation) are used.

Diet for dysbacteriosis

Of course, nutrition in dysbacteriosis is extremely important. After all, quite often it is the wrong diet that causes a violation of the composition of normal microflora. First of all, it is worth excluding from the diet foods rich in preservatives, dyes and other food additives. If the disease is accompanied increased gas formation, then you need to temporarily refuse food that causes fermentation, for example, white bread, baking, cabbage, legumes. With such a disease, alcohol is strictly contraindicated.

Nevertheless, nutrition for dysbacteriosis should be balanced - strict diets the situation will not be corrected. To get started, include in the diet foods rich in lactic acid bacteria, in particular, fresh yogurt and kefir. But milk and ice cream are prohibited. Raw fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, which stimulates intestinal motility. Meat must be stewed or steamed - fried foods, as well as spices, adversely affect the digestive tract.

What can traditional medicine offer?

Of course, there are many non-traditional methods therapy. So how to cure dysbacteriosis with the help of folk remedies? It should immediately be noted that such recipes can only be used as aids And in no case should you refuse the recommendations of a doctor.

Folk healers recommend drinking decoctions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. For example, sage, medicinal chamomile, calendula, yarrow are considered useful. But mucous decoctions from rice, flax seed, as well as oats and elecampane have enveloping action, which helps to eliminate dyspeptic symptoms.