Set sytin to rejuvenate the bone marrow and joints. Folk remedies for fractures (as an auxiliary)

With mighty efforts of will, I suppress all doubts about the complete destruction of all neoplasms, about the restoration of the Divinely correct healthy structure of the whole body, all internal organs. With mighty efforts of will, I strengthen my holy faith in the complete destruction of all neoplasms.

And the Lord God actively and energetically helps me: he infuses a gigantic Divine power into the brain mechanisms of my belief in the obligatory inevitable recovery, my conviction in a full recovery is amplified millions of times, my conviction in a full recovery becomes the strongest in the entire Universe.

The Lord God pours a gigantic Divine power into my entire nervous system, all nervous system amplifies millions of times, my nerves are getting healthier and stronger at a gigantic speed, I am born a man of steel nerves. The Lord pours gigantic Divine power into all the brain mechanisms that divinely correctly control the structure of the whole organism, all organs.
All neoplasms with gigantic speed - instantly disappear forever from the body.

The stamina of the Divinely correct control of the nervous system of all processes in the body increases millions of times. All neoplasms are completely deprived of all sources of nutrition.
I hate with titanic hatred all neoplasms in the body. With my titanic hatred, I deprive neoplasms of all sources of nutrition, all sources of existence. Deprived of all sources of existence, all sources of nutrition, neoplasms with gigantic speed - instantly disappear without a trace forever.

The whole organism mobilizes all its limitless possibilities for the destruction of all neoplasms. The whole organism, all organs hate neoplasms with titanic hatred and deprive them of all sources of subsistence. The nervous system with powerful impulses destroys all neoplasms.

The Lord God with gigantic power restores for all time the Divinely correct - ideally correct healthy internal structure of all organs, the whole body.

With the brightness of lightning, I feel divinely healthy - absolutely healthy from birth to the present day. With my inner vision, with the brightness of lightning, I see myself in the future and in three years and beyond, and in ten years and beyond, and in thirty years and beyond as an absolutely healthy cheerful person.

The Lord God pours colossal power into me with a constant stream

life-giving divine newborn life. God

in a constant round-the-clock flow pours colossal strength into me

life-giving healing-rejuvenating newborn life.

I am completely renewed through and through. I quickly return to

passed stages of development. Divinely bypassing all passed

intermediate stages of development, I am immediately born newborn-young

17-20-year-old growing-developing beautiful young man.

The Lord God is constantly pouring colossal strength into my bones

life-giving divine newborn life. Bones - bone marrow

Joints, divinely bypassing all the passed intermediate stages

development, newborns are born immediately, newborns are young -

Divinely healthy.

A newborn-young is born - Divinely correct inner

bone structure. A newborn young is born - Divinely healthy

energetic bone marrow. The bone marrow works vigorously, with

valiant prowess performs all its functions in the body. In the bone

mature, healthy red blood cells are born in the brain.

The bone marrow is working more and more vigorously: it produces a young

hot-healthy - Divinely healthy energetic blood. In the bone

mature erythrocytes are born in the brain. Is born

newborn-young - Divinely energetic - Divinely healthy

Bone marrow.

Ideally correct is born - Divinely

correct - newborn-young structure bone marrow: I

I try to understand it as deeply as possible. Is born perfect

correct - Divinely correct - newborn-youthful structure

bone marrow in all bones.

The Lord God is constantly pouring into all my bones colossal

life-giving forces - divinely healing-rejuvenating

newborn life. All my bones quickly return to the past

stages of development. Divinely bypassing all passed intermediate stages

development, the bones are immediately born newborn-young - invincibly


the correct internal structure of all bones. I try it the best I can

comprehend more deeply. Newborns are born - Divinely healthy

bones. A newborn-young is born - Divinely correct

internal structure of bones.

Bones are born newborn-young - indestructibly strong-elastic.

Newborn-young elastic-strong bones are born - indestructible

strong elastic-young bones. Perfectly correct is born -

Divinely correct - newborn-youthful internal structure

bones. Ideally correct is born - Divinely correct -

Newborn-young internal structure of bones.

In all bones, zones of fast-energy are born again and again.

growth. In all bones, zones of fast-energetic

growth. I feel with the brightness of lightning: in all the bones are born again

newborn-young zones of rapid-vigorous growth. I am with brightness

lightning feel the growth process. I feel with the brightness of lightning

growing - rapidly growing young men. Zones are born in all bones

fast-vigorous growth.

The Lord God is constantly pouring into my bones a colossal

Divine energy of creation, rapid development. In all bones

a newborn-young dense network of blood vessels is born. I

I try to feel as vividly as possible: in all bones is born

newborn young dense network blood vessels.

In all bones, a newborn-full circulation is born: I

I try to understand it as deeply as possible. In all bones is born

newborn-full - Divinely correct blood circulation. In all

bones, a newborn-young dense network of blood vessels is born.

Bones live a newborn-young full-blooded life. full-blooded

joyful- happy life live my young bones. full-blooded

my young bones live a joyful, cheerful life. In all bones

the bone marrow works divinely energetically, with a valiant prowess

performs all its functions in the body. Bone marrow in all bones

works more and more vigorously, produces more and more - more and more

young healthy energetic blood.

The bone marrow gives birth to mature-mature erythrocytes. bone marrow with

valiant prowess energetically, perfectly correctly performs in the body

all its functions.

The Lord God constantly pours into the marrow in all bones

development. Bone marrow quickly returns to past stages

development. Divinely bypassing all passed intermediate stages

development, the bone marrow in all bones is born at once

newborn-young, newborn-fresh - Divinely energetic -

Divinely strong.

Bone marrow in all bones works more and more energetically -

perfectly correct - more and more energetic - perfectly correct with

valiant prowess performs all its functions in the body. All

internal organs work with great energy to energize

bone marrow. For bone marrow rejuvenation, all internal organs

work with great energy.

Brain-spinal cord more and more energetic - more and more energetic

rejuvenates the bone marrow in all bones. brain-spinal cord all

more energetically - more and more energetically activates - strengthens

bone marrow activity in all bones.

The Lord God is constantly pouring into my entire nervous system

colossal holy divine power. My whole nervous system sharply

intensifies. All brain mechanisms that control the work of the bone

brain, all brain mechanisms that control the life of the bone marrow,

sharply activated, sharply intensified.

Head more and more energetic - more and more energetic

activates-strengthens the bone marrow. In the bone marrow permanent

colossal life force. Into the bone marrow

a colossal force of life flows in a constant stream. In the bone

the brain gets healthier, the nerves get stronger, in the bone marrow they get healthier, get stronger

The Lord God pours colossal Divine power into all my nerves,

pours Divine indestructible fortress. All my nerves

get healthy - get stronger. I am born a man with strong - Divine

strong steel untouched nerves. in the bone marrow

healthier, stronger nerves In all bones, healthier, stronger nerves. AT

in the bone marrow are born Divinely healthy strong young untouched

And the head is more and more energetic - more and more energetic

activates-enhances the work of the bone marrow. Bone in all bones

the brain is sharply activated, sharply intensified. Lord God constant

pours colossal Divine energy into the bone marrow

creation, rapid development. The Lord God pours in a constant stream

colossal creative life force into the bone marrow.

The bone marrow is constantly improving - constantly evolving -

is constantly being improved. The bone marrow in all bones produces

more and more - more and more hot energetic-healthy blood. Bone

the brain produces more and more - more and more mature-healthy,

energetic-strong erythrocytes. I am born human


full-blooded- healthy life my bones live. In all bones

a newborn-young dense network of blood vessels is born.

My bones live a full-blooded, full-blooded cheerful life.

My bone marrow lives a full-blooded, cheerful life. In all bones

the bone marrow lives full-blooded, full-blooded, joyful-merry

And the head more and more energetically - more and more energetically rejuvenates everything

my bones, rejuvenates the marrow in all bones. My bones

Divinely bypassing all the passed intermediate stages of development, immediately

newborn-young ones are born - indestructible-strong -

indestructible-strong - strong-elastic bones are born. Born

newborn-young - Divinely healthy fast growing bones.

The Lord God pours into all my bones a colossal

Divine Energy rapid growth. Zones are born in all bones

fast-vigorous growth.

Into all zones of rapid-vigorous growth, the Lord God pours

colossal Divine pure energy of creation, fast

development. In all bones, the zones of rapid growth are sharply activated,

intensify sharply. In the bones of the zone of rapid growth sharply

are activated, sharply intensified. In all bones are born

Divinely energetic - newborn-young areas of rapid growth.

I feel more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel the process of growth. I'm with

with the brightness of lightning I feel like a rapidly growing young man. I am with brightness

I feel like a fast growing young man. I am with the brightness of lightning

I feel in all the bones of the zone of rapid-energy growth.

The Lord God is constantly pouring into all my

joints - in all tendons of colossal life-giving force

Divine healing-rejuvenating newborn life. All

joints - all tendons, Divinely bypassing all passed

intermediate stages of development, newborns are born immediately.

A newborn-young is born - ideally correct - Divinely

the correct internal structure of all joints. Are born divinely

serviceable - perfectly serviceable tendons. Are born in the palms

Divinely serviceable tendons, Divinely born in the palms

correct - perfectly correct tendons.

Born newborn-young - newborn-fresh - Divine

serviceable - newborn-serviceable tendons are born in the palms.

All joints of the fingers are born newborn young. Is born

perfectly correct - Divinely correct -

newborn-correct, the internal structure of all joints is born

my fingers.

The joints of the fingers of my hands are born of a Divinely correct structure.

Newborn-young smooth thin beautiful fingers are born. Born

newborn-young smooth thin beautiful fingers. I try my

internal vision as clearly as possible to see their newborn young

smooth thin beautiful fingers.

In all joints, newborn-serviceable ones are born,

newborn-fresh cartilaginous discs. Occurs in all joints

Divinely free - newborn-free mobility.

A newborn-free - Divinely free mobility is born.

Divinely correct is born - ideally correct internal

structure of all joints.

I feel with the brightness of lightning: a newborn-serviceable is born,

the divinely correct is born - the newborn-youthful inner

structure of all joints. Divinely serviceable are born -

newborn-fresh tendons. Newborn-serviceable are born -

Divinely healthy articular ligaments. I try my best

feel vividly: articular ligaments are born newborn-fresh -

elastic-elastic indestructibly strong.

In all joints, newborn young, newborn fresh,

newborn-fresh - elastic-elastic articular ligaments. Born

newborn-fresh - Divinely serviceable tendons. in the palms

born newborn-fresh - newborn-serviceable - Divinely

healthy tendons.

I try to feel as vividly as possible: in the palms are born

newborn-fresh - elastic-bouncy - Divine

correct - Divinely serviceable tendons are born in the palms.

Newborn-young palms are born - even-smooth. Born

newborn-young palms - even-smooth. palms are born

newborn-young - even-smooth. palms are born

newborn young - Divinely beautiful - Divinely correct

forms. Newborn-young ones are born - Divinely beautiful palms.

Newborn-young ones are born - Divinely beautiful even-thin young

Newborn-young hands are born - Divinely beautiful. Born

newborn-young hands - Divinely beautiful hands are born.

The Lord God pours a newborn, colossal

forces life-giving Divine healing-rejuvenating newborn

life in all articular ligaments.

All articular ligaments, Divinely bypassing all intermediate

stages of development, newborns are born immediately,

newborn-fresh - elastic - resilient - invincibly strong -

elastic-elastic. In all joints, a newborn young is born -

Divinely free soundless-inaudible mobility.

Divinely smooth are born in all joints - perfectly smooth

articular surfaces: I try to understand this as deeply as possible.

In all joints, newborn-young ones are born - Divinely healthy -

perfectly smooth articular surfaces. Born Divine

free silent-inaudible mobility in all joints.

I try to feel with the brightness of lightning: in all joints is born

newborn free silent-inaudible mobility. Born

joints perfectly correct internal structure.

The Lord God in a constant round-the-clock stream pours into all my

joints of colossal strength life-giving healing-rejuvenating -

Divine newborn life. All my joints, divinely bypassing

all passed intermediate stages of development are born immediately

newborn-young, newborn-fresh, immediately born perfect

correct - Divinely correct internal structure of all


All tissues of the joints are born at once newborn-young,

newborn-young - Divinely healthy. All tissues in the joints

are born Divinely whole - newborn-whole. joints

born newborn-whole - Divinely whole untouched

In all joints, Divinely free is born -

newborn-free full free mobility. In all

joints is born inaudible-free - Divinely free


I am born energetic-fast. I am born as an energetic young man.

A cheerful-quick gait is born. Running one step

I go down the stairs. In the knee joints, it's easy, calm,

easy-calmly. The Divine indestructible flows into the nerves of the joints

steel fortress. The saint flows into the nerves of the knee joints

Divine fortress. In the knee joints are born divinely

strong healthy intact nerves. At the knee joints

healthier, stronger nerves.

Nerves get stronger in all joints. In all joints are born

Divinely strong - indestructibly healthy untouched nerves. I run along

stairs down quickly, with top speed through one step. AT

knee joints easily-calmly, firmly-calmly, indestructibly


Born knee joints Divinely healthy - perfectly healthy

untouched by life. Newborns are born - Divinely

healthy growing bones. Newborns are born - Divinely

healthy joints. Divinely correct is born -

newborn-correct internal structure of all bones and joints.

I try to feel with the brightness of lightning: all joints, Divine

bypassing all the passed intermediate stages of development, they are immediately born

newborn-young - Divinely healthy - newborn-young -

Divinely healthy - Divinely serviceable. Is born perfect

correct - Divinely correct internal structure of all bones and


Newborn-young ones are born - Divinely healthy tendons.

Newborn-young elastic-elastic, elastic-elastic

articular ligaments.

In the entire spine, intervertebral cartilage discs are born

newborn-young thick-elastic. I try my best

feel more vividly: throughout the intervertebral cartilage discs

newborn-young fat-elastic, fat-elastic

newborn-young elastic-elastic born intervertebral

cartilage discs.

A newborn-young - Divinely flexible spine is born.

A newborn-young is born - Divine flexibility of the spine. I

with the brightness of lightning I feel: I am born newborn-young flexible.

A young light-flexible slender figure is born. Is born

newborn-young light-flexible slender figure. Is born

newborn-young flexible spine. I feel with the brightness of lightning:

a newborn-young flexible spine is born.

The Lord God is constantly moving time from the date of my

birth through me into the future at a tremendous speed: 50 times

faster than real current time. I quickly return to

passed stages of development.

All my bones - all my joints - all my tendons - I'm all over myself

quickly return to the past stages of development. Divinely passing

all the intermediate stages of development passed, I am immediately born

newborn young. All bones are born at once newborn-young -

indestructibly strong - elastic growing-growing young bones are born.

In all bones is born a newborn-young - Divinely energetic -

Divine healthy bone marrow. Newborn babies are born

Divinely healthy joints. A newborn young is born -

Divinely correct internal structure of all bones - all

joints. Newborns are born in all joints

elastic-elastic articular ligaments. Newborn babies are born

Divinely healthy tendons. Are born in the palms

newborn-young - Divinely healthy elastic-elastic


Palms are born Divinely beautiful, palms are born

newborn young - divinely beautiful - perfect correct form

palms are born. Newborn young are born in the palms -

Divinely serviceable tendons. Are born in the palms

newborn-serviceable - newborn-fresh elastic tendons.

Newborn-young are born - Divinely beautiful hands. Born

newborn-young thin beautiful smooth fingers. in all joints

articular ligaments are born newborn-young - newborn-fresh -

neonatal-elastic articular ligaments are born in all joints.

In all joints, a newborn-free is born -

neonatal free mobility.

Strong mighty heroic heart with huge force drives blood

drives blood through all my bones, through all my joints. strong

mighty heroic heart with great force drives blood through

Bone marrow. Blood cheerful-joyful rapid flow

washes - all washes through my bones. Of all the bones

washes everything extra salt, washes out all metabolic products from the bones.

Newborn-young ones are born - Divinely pure bones. I am from all

I try to feel my strength as vividly as possible: they are born

newborn young - Divinely clean bones. Brings blood to all

bones in abundance are excellent nutrition. full-blooded

my young bones live a healthy life. In full contentment, in full

my young bones live in contentment merrily and joyfully. In full contentment

Bone marrow lives in all bones. Bone marrow lives in all bones

full-blooded-full-blooded joyful-cheerful life.

The bone marrow lives and works in full contentment. Everything that is bone

the brain needs for life - constant rejuvenation - vigorous work,

all the blood carries him in abundance. Bone marrow cheerfully joyfully

comes to life, comes to life, lives more cheerfully more energetically.

The bone marrow works more and more vigorously - ideally right with

valiant prowess performs all its functions in the body. Bone

the brain produces more and more - more and more mature-mature healthy

energetic erythrocytes.

I am born newborn young full-blooded. I live through and through

full-blooded-full-blooded, joyful-merry life.

My young bones live a full-blooded, cheerful life.

My young bones live a full-blooded, full-blooded cheerful life. I

I live a cheerful, joyful healthy life.

I love my bones with a tender, strong, great love. In the rays of my

gentle great love bones quickly become younger. Bones fast

return to previous stages of development. In the rays of my tender

great love of the bone, Divinely bypassing all intermediate

stages of development, newborns are born immediately. Immediately born

youthful - Divinely correct internal structure of bones and joints.

The newborn correct is born immediately - Divinely

the correct internal structure of all bones and joints.

In all bones, the zones are sharply activated, the zones

fast-vigorous growth. With the brightness of lightning I feel: in all

bones become sharply activated, the zones sharply increase

fast-vigorous growth. I'm more and more bright - more and more bright

feel the process of growth.

With the brightness of lightning, with my inner vision, I see high growth,

handed down to me. I feel with the brightness of lightning: I will

grow up to full compliance with the high

growth. With the brightness of lightning, I feel like a young man of high stature. I'm with

by the brightness of lightning I feel like a young man of high stature - that height,

which corresponds, exactly corresponds to what was passed to me by

inheritance high growth. Growth will continue until

I will not come into full conformity with what was handed down to me by inheritance

high growth.

With the brightness of lightning, I feel like I'm growing fast, growing fast

fast growing fine young man. The Lord God pours into me

a constant stream of colossal Divine energy of rapid growth,

rapid development.

All body systems are rapidly and energetically improving and developing.

The makings of my abilities are developing rapidly and vigorously. Sharp

is activated, sharply intensifies thinking. Sharply intensifies

memory. Creative imagination is sharply activated. Fast

mental and spiritual abilities develop. Evolving fast

physical abilities.

With the brightness of lightning, I feel like a man more and more strong - everything

stronger - more and more energetic - more and more fast. I'm with

I feel with the brightness of lightning: I am born more and more energetic - everything


The Lord God pours tremendous energy into me with a constant stream

fast-fun movements. I feel with the brightness of lightning

a person more and more energetic - more and more fast.

A fast-energy gait is born. Elastic light young is born

gait. A divinely beautiful young physique is born.

A beautiful thin young waist is born. Sharply sunken skinny is born

young belly. Divinely beautiful is born - newborn-young

body type.

I feel like a newborn young 17-20 years old with the brightness of lightning

fast growing, fast developing fine young man.

With my vision - inner vision, I see myself with the brightness of lightning and

evolving - ever improving - forever young - forever

Divinely healthy - indestructibly healthy beautiful young man.

With the brightness of lightning, I feel constant contact with the Lord himself.

God. I feel with the brightness of lightning: the Lord God himself carried me to

to his group of immortals. I feel holy with the brightness of lightning

immortal - holy immortals.

With my inner vision, I am with the brightness of lightning and after 100 years, and

Newborn-young - indestructibly strong-elastic - Divinely

the correct internal structure young bones are born. I am with brightness

lightning with my inner vision I see myself in 100 years, and beyond,

an ever-improving beautiful young man.

The freshness of youth is born in my face. The beauty of youth is born in

all my form. The charm of youth is born in all my appearance.

A newborn-young beautiful is born Divinely beautiful

strong elastic body.

All skin is born snow-white-light, snow-white

clean - divinely healthy strong-elastic

pink-ruddy - Divinely healthy. I am with the brightness of lightning

With my inner vision I see myself Divinely beautiful

growing-developing youth.

Folk remedies help in the treatment of fractures

I immediately warn you that I personally am rather skeptical about some of the methods presented here, but I post them here for those who love traditional medicine.
Mumiyo reception. Daily dose 0.15-0.2 g. Take in the morning on an empty stomach, spreading in warm water. After a 10-day intake, take a break of 5 days. Then carry out the second course of treatment. For fractures large bones(pelvis, spine, hips, legs) it is recommended to carry out the third course of treatment - another 10 days.
Spruce resin resin - 20 g. Pounded onion (crushed) - 1 piece. Vegetable oil, preferably olive - 50 g. blue vitriol in powder - 15 g.

Everything is carefully rubbed and drowned on fire, not bringing to a boil. The ointment has a burning effect, actively treats abscesses, bruises and bone fractures.
Finely crush flowers and cornflower grass, mix with blackthorn juice. Take in the morning on an empty stomach daily for 8 days, 1-2 tablespoons. It is used for fractures of the ribs and damage to the joints.
In case of bone fractures, as well as in case of tuberculosis, fresh or dried roots comfrey or blackroot. For the same purpose, an ointment is prepared from these roots: crushed fresh root (can be passed through a meat grinder) is mixed equally with unsalted lard. Make compresses and overlays for fractures.
Dry the shell of a hard-boiled egg (20 minutes) by removing the film. Grind the shells into powder, pour over lemon juice and place on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator to dissolve the shells. Take 1 teaspoon 1-2 times a day for 1 month. On the shell of three eggs, you should take the juice of 1 lemon.
Take orally 5-10 drops 3 times a day fir oil, burying it in bread balls. Fir oil removes pain, accelerates the healing process, mobilizes defensive forces organism.

After removing the plaster, make baths from a decoction of fir twigs for 15 minutes. After the end of each procedure, rub the fracture site with fir oil.
1.5 st. spoons of calendula flowers pour 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1/3 cup 4 times a day. This infusion reduces pain, soothes, enhances the regeneration process.
1 st. pour a spoonful of crushed rose hips in a thermos into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 6 hours. Take 1 glass 3-4 times a day. The infusion stimulates tissue regeneration, bone fusion, increases resistance to infections.
fresh root chop comfrey and mix with lard 1:1. Lubricate fractures.
For compresses 2 tbsp. dry comfrey root 1 tbsp. boiling water, brew overnight in a thermos (do not boil), or put in a hot cooling oven. Strain in the morning. Prepare the infusion for drinking as well, just take 1 tbsp. dry roots for 1 tbsp. Drink a small sip every 2-3 hours. Attention! plant in large quantities poisonous when taken internally!
1 tbsp herbs (without coarse stems) high larkspur (delphinium) pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for two hours in heat. Apply externally in the form of compresses and lotions. Attention! When used internally, the plant is poisonous!
To speed up the fusion of a broken bone, it is necessary to separate the tendon of the beef leg from the bone, pass it through a meat grinder, dry it, and grind it into powder in a coffee grinder. In the morning on an empty stomach, take 1 tsp. powder filled with water. Have breakfast in 20-30 minutes.
For fractures, for rapid bone healing on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals, take silver powder on the tip of a knife and 1 tsp. ground eggshell. Wash it all down with sweet strong brewed tea. Silver can be taken from ancient silver coins by rubbing them with a needle file. This method perfectly heals complex fractures, such as a fracture of the femoral neck and spine.
There is a wonderful tool for strengthening the skeletal system. To prepare a portion for a course of treatment of a fracture or osteoporosis, one person needs a shell of 10 chicken eggs, juice of five pomegranates, 10 medium heads of garlic, 1 liter of honey and 250 ml of olive oil. For the prevention of osteoporosis, this composition is enough for two people. Instead of pomegranates, you can take 10 lemons, and instead of olive oil - flaxseed. Wash the eggs thoroughly laundry soap if there is an ink stamp, wash it off with a cotton swab dipped in table vinegar. Wipe them dry, use for food, and peel the shell from the inner film, grind in a coffee grinder and pour lemon (pomegranate) juice. When the shell is completely dissolved, add the gruel of garlic, honey and mix thoroughly. Leave the mixture at room temperature for a day, then put it in the refrigerator for three days and mix again. Strain part of the composition into a small glass jar and put it on the kitchen table, store the rest (not filtered) in the refrigerator. Take the drug 1 tsp. three times a day 10-15 minutes before meals, mixed with 1 tsp. linseed (olive) oil. The course of treatment - until the mixture is over. It not only strengthens skeletal system, but also raises the immune system, gently cleanses the liver. You can also in 1/3-1/2 tsp. egg shell powder add a couple of drops lemon juice, mix, drink and drink with any fermented milk product, or seize cottage cheese or cheese.
After a hip fracture, for a speedy recovery, cook next ointment: put juniper twigs with needles in a suitable bowl butter(1:1). Simmer for several hours in the oven or stove, strain, cool. Rub the ointment on the foot and massage for 30 minutes. Do this every day until you get better.
In the old days, healers, when treating fractures, practiced this method: with a small file (needle file) from an old copper coin, copper powder was planed. A little of this powder (1/10 gram), stirred in milk, or sour cream, or rubbed with egg yolk and gave the patient inside, 2 times a week. This contributed to the rapid healing of fractures. Before using the coin, it must be washed and then calcined in the oven.
Seaweed (kelp) is useful to take in powder form as a source of mineral salts and microelements for fractures (cracks) of bones, 0.5-1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day before and after meals and in the form of infusion: pour 1 teaspoon of powder with a glass of boiling water and drink before meals.
Take a quarter cup of juices of carrots, celery, cucumbers, add boiled water up to the volume of a glass and drink a glass 2 times a day before meals.
Take the leaves and whiskers of the golden mustache in equal amounts, grind and pour olive oil so that the oil covers the crushed raw materials. Warm the mixture in a water bath to a temperature of 40-50 ° C, leave for 1 hour and strain. Rub into the skin over the fracture 2 times a day for a month after removing the plaster.
saline solution cognac: used for compresses, washing wounds, rubbing the head and body. Used undiluted. Rubbing of dislocations, edema is carried out 2-4 times a day. Apply compresses to the site of bruises, fractures, fix, they should always be wet. If at a fracture plaster cast can be easily removed (for 1-2 hours), then after 5-6 days it is removed, the salt cognac mixture is well rubbed into the skin of the limb with a fracture. The direction of efforts when rubbing the medicine is from the periphery to the heart, from the bottom up. Then you need to wash your leg or arm, massage with oil (sea buckthorn, lavender, etc.) and fix the plaster cast again. For cuts, tie a piece of cloth soaked in the solution around the wound. Do not remove the bandage until the wound heals, and lightly moisten the bandage on the outside 3-4 times a day. Preparation: in a bottle 3/4 filled with cognac (five-star), pour fine rock salt until the cognac rises to the cork, then shake the mixture for several minutes. When the salt settles (after 20-30 minutes), the medicine is ready for use. When applying the medicine, do not shake the bottle so as not to add salt to the wound.
Powder from thin fish bones - a folk remedy for quick splicing bones for fractures: the Japanese grind fish bones in a coffee grinder and take half a teaspoon daily with a glass of water. This powder is also added when cooking, cutlets for example.
Heather is mixed with leaves of birch and plantain, rhizomes of cinquefoil, rosehip flowers in equal parts. Everything is poured with 6 parts of water, boiled, and then infused for 4 hours. Drink a decoction of 1 tbsp. twice a day.
Honey mixed with salt and mustard activates blood circulation and metabolic processes. Linden honey(1 part) mixed with 2 parts dry mustard and 1 part table salt. Rub into damaged areas overnight.
Budra ivy also stimulates bone fusion. 1 st. spoon pour 200 ml of water, boil for 15 minutes, then insist for 40 minutes. Drink 50 ml of decoction daily.
Take coltsfoot flowers, dandelion flowers, lilac flowers and burdock root in equal parts, fill a bottle with a mixture of 3/4 of the volume and fill it with vodka. Use as lotions.
Two - three tablespoons of cudweed must be placed in a thermos and pour boiling water. Let it brew for about three hours, then take a third of a glass in the morning and in the evening half an hour before meals.
With bone fractures, tincture of coltsfoot flowers, dandelion, lilac and burdock root in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1 helps. The mixture is filled with 3/4 of any vessel and poured with vodka. Used for lotions and compresses. The same vodka tincture helps in the treatment of bedsores.
Treatment with a magnet: exposure to a magnet is carried out for 20 minutes 2-3 times a day by circular movements of the device clockwise over the injury zone. Half the time the magnet should face the body with one pole, half with the other. The magnetic field penetrates without loss through plaster and clothing, which greatly simplifies the procedure. After 15-25 days, in most cases, pain and swelling disappear, regenerative processes are activated in soft tissues and vessels. You can conduct repeated courses of home magnetic therapy, if necessary, with an interval of 1-1.5 months. Magnetic fields may be contraindicated in hypotension, heart attack, stroke, tumors, blood diseases and osteomyelitis.
Decoction of pomegranate peels: 2 teaspoons of dry crushed pomegranate bark pour 200 ml hot water, boil for 30 minutes, strain, squeeze, bring the volume to the original. Take 50 ml of decoction 2-3 times a day before meals for bone fractures, joint pain.
For quick bone fusion, we recommend eating more boiled onions. This remedy has been known for a long time: it was used for treatment by Hindu doctors.
Prepare the tincture: 1 part royal jelly mix with 2 parts vodka. Take 5-10 drops half an hour before meals four times a day.
Every day, two or three times a day, eat a third of a teaspoon of perga,