The largest bone of the foot. All about the human skeleton

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Front view.


3rd superior ramus of the pubis ( ramus superior ossis pubis)
4-symphyseal surface of the pubis
5-inferior ramus of the pubis ( ramus inferior ossis pubis)
6th branch of the ischium ( ramus ossia ischii)
7th ischial tuberosity
8-body of the ischium ( corpus ossis ischii)
9-medial epicondyle of the femur
10-medial condyle of the tibia
11-tuberosity of the tibia ( tuberositas tibiae)
12-body of the tibia
13 medial malleolus
14-phalanx fingers
15 metatarsal bones
16-tarsal bones
17 lateral malleolus
18 fibula
19-leading edge
20-head of fibula
21-lateral condyle of the tibia
22nd lateral epicondyle of the femur
23-patella ( patella)
25-greater trochanter of the femur ( trochanter major ossis femoris)
26-neck femur
27-head of the femur ( caput ossis femoris)
28-wing of the ilium
29-iliac feb.

Inner surface. 1st iliac crest ( Christa Iliaca)
2nd wing of the ilium (iliac fossa)
3-border line (arc-shaped line)
4-ear-shaped surface ( facies auricularis)
5-iliac puffiness
6th superior posterior iliac spine
7-inferior posterior iliac spine ( )
8-major sciatic notch ( incisura ischiadica major)
9-ischial spine ( spina ischiadica)
10-minor sciatic notch ( incisura ischiadica minor)
11-body of the ischium ( corpus ossis ischii)
12th ischial tuberosity
13th branch of the ischium ( ramus ossia ischii)
ramus inferior ossis pubis)
15-obturator foramen ( foramen obturatium)
16-symphyseal surface ( facies symphysialis)
17-pubic feb
18-inferior iliac spine
19-superior anterior iliac spine.

1-ileal feb
2-inner lip of the iliac crest
3-intermediate line ( linea intermedia)
4-outer lip ( labium externum)
5-anterior gluteal line
7-inferior gluteal line
8-inferior anterior iliac spine ( )
9-lunate surface acetabulum
10th fossa of the acetabulum
11-crest of the pubic bone
12-obturator groove ( sulcus obturatorius)
13-pubic tubercle ( tuberculum pubicum)
14-inferior ramus of the pubis ( ramus inferior ossis pubis)
15-notch of the acetabulum ( incisura acetabuli)
16-obturator foramen ( foramen obturatium)
17th branch of the ischium ( ramus ossia ischii)
18-body of the ischium ( corpus ossis ischii)
19th ischial tuberosity
20-minor sciatic notch ( incisura ischiadica minor)
21st ischial spine
22-major sciatic notch ( incisura ischiadica major)
23-inferior posterior iliac spine ( spina iliaca posterior inferior)
24-superior posterior iliac spine ( )
25-posterior gluteal line.

1-base of the sacrum ( basis ossis sacri)

3-sacroiliac joint
4th February of the ilium
5-wing of the ilium
6-superior anterior iliac spine ( spina iliaca anterior superior)
7-inferior anterior iliac spine ( spina iliaca anterior inferior)
8-border line
9-acetabulum ( acetabulum)
Feb 10 pubic bone
11-obturator foramen ( foramen obturatium)
12-pubic tubercle ( tuberculum pubicum)
13-subpubic angle
14-inferior ramus of the pubis ( ramus inferior ossis pubis)
15th branch of the ischium ( ramus ossia ischii)
16th ischial tuberosity ( tuber ischiadicum)
17-body of the ischium ( corpus ossis ischii)
18 ischial spine ( spina ischiadica)
19-superior part of the pubic bone
20-body of the ilium
21-anterior (gas) surface of the sacrum

1-posterior (dorsal) surface of the sacrum
2nd superior articular process of the sacrum
3rd iliac crest
4-superior posterior iliac spine ( spina iliaca posterior superior)
5-wing of the ilium
6-inferior posterior iliac spine ( spina iliaca posterior inferior)
7-body of the ilium
8-pubic bone ( os pubis)
9-body of the ischium ( corpus ossis ischii)
10-obturator foramen ( foramen obturatium)
11th ischial tuberosity ( tuber ischiadicum)
12th branch of the ischium ( ramus ossia ischii)
14 ischial spine ( spina ischiadica)
15-major sciatic notch ( incisura ischiadica major)
16-dorsal sacral foramina

View from above.

2-sacroiliac joint
3-wing of the ilium
4-oblique diameter - 13 cm
5-cross diameter - 12 cm
6-straight diameter (true conjugate) - 11 cm
7-pubic symphysis ( symphysis pubica)
8-ischial spine

3-outer diameter (outer conjugate)
4-straight diameter of the pelvic cavity
5-distance between the lower edge of the symphysis and the apex of the sacrum
6-straight diameter of the outlet from the pelvic cavity
7-diameter of the entrance to the small pelvis
8-true (gynecological) conjugate
9-diagonal conjugate

A-front surface
B-posterior surface ( facies posterior)
B-patella. A: 1-large skewer ( trochanter major)
2-trochanteric fossa
3-head of the femur ( caput ossis femoris)
4-neck of the femur ( collum ossis femoris)
5-intertrochanteric line ( linea intertrochanterica)
6-small trochanter ( trochanter minor)
7-body of the femur ( corpus femoris)
8-medial epicondyle
9-medial condyle ( condylus medialis)
10-patellar surface
11-lateral condyle ( condylus lateralis)
12-lateral epicondyle. B: 1st fossa of the femoral head
2-head of the femur ( caput ossis femoris)
3-neck of the femur ( collum ossis femoris)
4-large skewer ( trochanter major)
5-gluteal tuberosity
6-lateral lip of linea aspera
7-body of the femur ( corpus femoris)
8-popliteal surface ( facies poplitea)
9-lateral epicondyle ( epicondylus lateralis)
10-lateral condyle ( condylus lateralis)
11th intercondylar fossa
12-medial condyle ( condylus medialis)
13th medial epicondyle
14 adductor tubercle
15-medial lip of linea aspera
16-comb line ( linea pectinia)
17-lesser trochanter ( trochanter minor)
18-intertrochanteric ridge. IN
1-base of the patella
2-front surface. 3-apex of the patella.

1-head of fibula
2-lateral tibial condyle ( condylus lateralis tibiae)
3-intermuscular eminence
4-medial mouse
5-tuberosity of the tibia ( tuberositas tibiae)
6-interosseous edge
7-lateral surface
8-leading edge
9-medial surface
10-articular surface of the ankle
11 medial malleolus
12 lateral malleolus (fibula)
13-articular surface of the ankle (lateral)
14-body of fibula
15-medial (interosseous) edge
16-medial surface, 17-anterior edge
18-lateral edge ( margo lateralis)
19-lateral surface

1st medial condyle ( condylus medialis)
2nd superior articular surface
3-intercondylar eminence
4-posterior intercondylar field
5-lateral condyle ( condylus lateralis)
6-apex of the head of the peroneal bone
7-head of fibula
8-body of fibula
9-medial (interosseous) edge
10-articular surface of the ankle (fibula)
11th fossa of the lateral malleolus
12-groove of the lateral malleolus
13-articular surface of the medial malleolus
14 medial malleolus
15-malleolar groove (medial malleolar groove)
16-medial border of the tibia
17-body of the tibia
18-lateral (interosseous) edge of the tibia
19-line soleus muscle

1-distal (nail) phalanges
2-proximal phalanges
3-middle phalanges
4 metatarsal bones ( ossa metatarsi)
5-buffiness of the fifth metatarsal bone
6-cuboid bone ( os cubeideum)
7-talus ( talus)
8-lateral malleolar surface ( facies malleolaris lateralis)
9-calcaneus ( calcaneus)
10-lateral process of the buffalo calcaneus
11-tubercle of the calcaneus
12-posterior process of the talus ( processus posterior tali)
13-block of the talus ( trochlea tali)
14-support of the talus, 15-neck of the talus
16-scaphoid bone ( os scaphoideum)
17-latsral sphenoid bone
18-intermediate sphenoid bone ( os cuneiforme intermedium)
19-medial sphenoid bone ( os cuneiforme mediale)
20-sesamoid bone

A-tarsal bones, B-tarsal bones, B-bones of the toes (phalanx). 1-phalanx ( phalanges)
2-sesamoid bones
3rd metatarsal bones ( ossa metatarsi)
4-tuberosity of the first metatarsal bone
5-lateral sphenoid bone ( os cuneiforme laterale)
6-intermediate sphenoid bone ( os cuneiforme intermedium)
7-medial sphenoid bone ( os cuneiforme mediale)
8-tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal bone
9-groove of the peroneus longus tendon ( sulcus tendinis musculi peronei longi)
10-scaphoid bone ( os scaphoideum)
11-cuboid bone ( os cubeideum)
12-head of the talus ( caput tali)
13-support of the talus ( sustentaculum tali)
14-calcaneus ( calcaneus)
15-tuberosity of the calcaneus

Bones of the lower limb, ossa membri inferioris, divided into bones that form the girdle of the lower limb, cingulum membri inferioris(pelvic bones, ossa coxae), skeleton of the free lower limb, skeleton membrane inferioris liberi, which in the hip area is represented by the femur, femur, in the area of ​​the lower leg - the tibia, tibia, and fibula, fibula, and in the area of ​​the foot - with the tarsal bones, ossa tarsi (tarsalia), metatarsal bones, ossa metatarsi (metatarsalia), and finger bones, ossa digitorum.

Hip bone

Hip bone, os coxae, steam room, in children consists of three separate bones: ilium, ischium and pubis. In an adult, these three bones fuse into a single pelvic bone.

The bodies of these bones, connecting with each other, form the acetabulum on the outer surface of the pelvic bone. Ilium represents the upper part of the acetabulum, the ischium - the posteroinferior and the pubis - the anterioinferior. During development, independent ossification points appear in each of these bones, so that until the age of 16-17 years, in the area of ​​the acetabulum, the ilium, ischium and pubis are connected by cartilage. Subsequently, the cartilage ossifies and the boundaries between the bones are smoothed out.

acetabulum, acetabulum, limited by the thickened edge of the acetabulum, limbus acetabuli, which in the anteroinferior section is interrupted by the notch of the acetabulum, incisura acetabuli.

Inward from this edge, the inner surface of the acetabulum bears a smooth articular lunate surface, facies lunata, which limits the acetabulum fossa located at the bottom of the acetabulum, fossa acetabuli.


Femur, os femoris, the longest and thickest of all the long bones of the human skeleton. It distinguishes between a body and two epiphyses - proximal and distal.

Body of the femur corpus ossis femoris, cylindrical in shape, somewhat twisted along the axis and curved anteriorly. The anterior surface of the body is smooth. There is a rough line on the back surface, linea aspera, which is the site of both the origin and attachment of muscles. It is divided into two parts: the lateral and medial lips. Lateral lip labium laterale, in the lower third of the bone it deviates to the side, heading towards the lateral condyle, condylus lateralis, and in the upper third it passes into the gluteal tuberosity, tuberositas glutea, the upper section of which protrudes somewhat and is called the third trochanter, trochanter tertius. medial lip, labium mediale, in the lower third of the thigh it deviates towards the medial condyle, condylus medialis, limiting here, together with the triangular lateral lip, the popliteal surface, facies poplitea. This surface is limited at the edges by vertically running, vaguely defined medial epicondylar line, linea supracondylaris medialis, and lateral epicondylar line, linea supracondylaris lateralis. The latter seem to be a continuation of the distal sections of the medial and lateral lips and reach the corresponding epicondyles. In the upper part, the medial lip continues into the pectineal line, linea pectinea. Approximately in the middle section of the body of the femur, on the side of the line aspera, there is a nutrient foramen, foramen nutricium, – entrance to the proximally directed nutrient canal, canalis nutricius.

Upper, proximal, epiphysis of the femur, epiphysis proximalis femoris, at the border with the body has two rough processes - the greater and lesser trochanters. Big skewer, trochanter major, directed upward and backward; it occupies the lateral part of the proximal epiphysis of the bone. Its outer surface can be easily felt through the skin, and on the inner surface there is a trochanteric fossa, fossa trochanterica. On the anterior surface of the femur, the intertrochanteric line is directed downward and medially from the apex of the greater trochanter, linea intertrochanterica, turning into a comb line. On the posterior surface of the proximal epiphysis of the femur, the intertrochanteric ridge runs in the same direction, crista intertrochanterica, which ends at the lesser trochanter, trochanter minor, located on the posteromedial surface of the upper end of the bone. The rest of the proximal epiphysis of the bone is directed upward and medially and is called the femoral neck, collum ossis femoris, which ends with a spherical head, caput ossis femoris. The femoral neck is somewhat compressed in the frontal plane. It forms an angle with the long axis of the femur, which in women approaches a straight line, and in men it is more obtuse. On the surface of the femoral head there is a small rough fossa of the femoral head, fovea capitis ossis femoris(trace of attachment of the femoral head ligament).

Lower, distal, epiphysis of the femur, epiphysis distalis femoris, thickened and expanded in the transverse direction and ends with two condyles: medial, condylus medialis, and lateral, condylus lateralis. The medial femoral condyle is larger than the lateral one. On the outer surface of the lateral condyle and the inner surface of the medial condyle there are the lateral and medial epicondyles, respectively, epicondylus lateralis et epicondylus medialis. Slightly above the medial epicondyle there is a small adductor tubercle, tuberculum adductorium, – the place of attachment of the adductor magnus muscle. The surfaces of the condyles, facing one another, are delimited by the intercondylar fossa, fossa intercondylaris, which at the top is separated from the popliteal surface by the intercondylar line, linea intercondylaris. The surface of each condyle is smooth. The anterior surfaces of the condyles pass into one another, forming the patellar surface, facies patellaris, – the place of articulation of the patella with the femur.


Tibia, tibia, long. It consists of a body and two epiphyses - upper and lower.

Body of the tibia, corpus tibiae, triangular shape. It has three edges: anterior, interosseous (outer) and medial - and three surfaces: medial, lateral and posterior. Front edge, margo anterior, the bones are pointed and have the appearance of a ridge. In the upper part of the bone it passes into the tibial tuberosity, tuberositas tibiae. interosseous edge, margo interosseus, pointed in the form of a comb and directed towards the corresponding edge of the fibula. Medial edge, margo medialis, rounded

medial surface, facies medialis or anterointernal, somewhat convex. It and the anterior edge of the body of the tibia, which limits it in front, can be easily felt through the skin.

Lateral surface facies lateralis or anterior outer, slightly concave.

back surface, facies posterior, flat. The line of the soleus muscle is distinguished on it, linea m. solei, which runs from the lateral condyle down and medially. Below it is a nutrient opening that leads into a distally directed nutrient canal.

Upper, proximal, epiphysis of the tibia, epiphysis proximalis tibiae, extended. Its lateral sections are the medial condyle, condylus medialis, and lateral condyle, condylus lateralis. On the outer surface of the lateral condyle there is a flat fibular articular surface, facies articularis fibularis. On the proximal surface of the proximal epiphysis of the bone in the middle section there is an intercondylar eminence, eminentia intercondylaris. It distinguishes two tubercles: the internal medial intercondylar tubercle, tuberculum intercondylare mediale, posterior to which is the posterior intercondylar area, area intercondylaris posterior, and the external lateral intercondylar tubercle, tuberculum intercondylare laterale. In front of it is the anterior intercondylar field, area intercondylaris anterior; both fields serve as attachment points for the cruciate ligaments of the knee. On the sides of the intercondylar eminence there is an upper mounting surface, facies articularis superior, carries, respectively, concave articular surfaces for each condyle - medial and lateral. The latter are limited on the periphery by the edge of the tibia.

Lower, distal, epiphysis of the tibia, epiphysis distalis tibiae, quadrangular in shape. On its lateral surface there is a fibular notch, incisura fibularis, to which the lower epiphysis of the fibula is adjacent. The ankle groove runs along the posterior surface, sulcus malleolaris. Anterior to this groove, the medial edge of the lower epiphysis of the tibia passes into a downward process - the medial malleolus, malleolus medialis, which can be easily felt through the skin. The lateral surface of the ankle is occupied by the articular surface of the ankle, facies articularis malleoli. The latter passes to the lower surface of the bone, where it continues into the concave lower articular surface of the tibia, facies articularis inferior tibiae.


Fibula, fibula, is a long and thin bone. It has a body and two epiphyses - upper and lower.

Body of the fibula, corpus fibulae, triangular, prismatic shape. It is twisted around the longitudinal axis and curved posteriorly. Three surfaces of the fibula: lateral surface, facies lateralis, medial surface, facies medialis, and the back surface, facies posterior, - are separated from one another by three edges, or ridges. Front edge, margo anterior, in the form of the sharpest ridge, separates the lateral surface from the medial; medial ridge, crista medialis, is located between the posterior and medial surfaces of the bone, and the posterior edge passes between the posterior and lateral surfaces, margo posterior. On the back surface of the body there is a nutrient opening, foramen nutricium, leading into the distally directed nutrient canal, canalis nutricius. On the medial surface of the bone is the interosseous edge, margo interosseus.

Upper, proximal, fibular epiphysis, epiphysis proximalis fibulae, forms the head of the fibula, caput fibulae, which has an articular surface, facies articularis capitis fibulae, for articulation with the tibia. Upper section the head is pointed - this is the top of the head, apex capitis fibulae. The head is separated from the body by the neck of the fibula, collum fibulae.

Lower, distal, fibular epiphysis, epiphysis distalis fibulae, forms the lateral malleolus, malleolus lateralis. The outer surface of the ankle can be easily felt through the skin. On the medial surface of the ankle there is an articular surface of the ankle, facies articularis malleoli, through which the fibula is connected to the outer surface of the talus, and the superior rough surface is connected to the fibular notch of the tibia.

A shallow malleolar groove runs along the posterior surface of the lateral malleolus, sulcus malleolaris, – trace of the peroneus longus tendon.

Foot bones

Bones of the foot in the tarsal area, tarsus, are represented by the following bones: talus, calcaneus, navicular, three wedge-shaped bones: medial, intermediate and lateral, and cuboid. The tarsal bones, ossa tarsi, are located in two rows: the proximal one includes the talus and calcaneus, the distal one includes the scaphoid, cuboid and three sphenoid bones. The tarsal bones articulate with the tibia bones; the distal row of tarsal bones articulates with the metatarsal bones.

Talus, talus, is the only bone of the foot that articulates with the bones of the lower leg. Its posterior section is the body of the talus, corpus tali. In front, the body passes into a narrowed section of the bone - the neck of the talus, collum tali; the latter connects the body with the head of the talus directed forward, caput tali. The talus bone is covered from above and on the sides in the form of a fork by the bones of the lower leg. The ankle joint is formed between the bones of the leg and the talus, articulatio talocruralis. Accordingly, the articular surfaces are: the upper surface of the talus, facies superior ossis tali, having the shape of a block - the block of the talus, trochlea tali, and lateral, lateral and medial, ankle surfaces, facies malleolaris lateralis et facies malleolaris medialis. The upper surface of the block is convex in the sagittal direction and concave in the transverse direction.

The lateral and medial ankle surfaces are flat. The lateral malleolar surface extends onto the superior surface of the lateral process of the talus, processus lateralis tali. The posterior surface of the body of the talus is crossed from top to bottom by the groove of the flexor hallucis longus tendon sulcus tendinis m. flexoris hallucis longi. The groove divides the posterior edge of the bone into two tubercles: the larger medial tubercle, tuberculum mediale, and the lesser lateral tubercle, tuberculum laterale. Both tubercles, separated by a groove, form the posterior process of the talus, processus posterior tali. The lateral tubercle of the posterior process of the talus sometimes, in the case of its independent ossification, is a separate triangular bone, os trigonum.

On the lower surface of the body in the posterolateral region there is a concave posterior calcaneal articular surface, facies articularis calcanea posterior. The anteromedial sections of this surface are limited by the groove of the talus running from back to front and laterally, sulcus tali. Anterior and lateral to this groove is the middle calcaneal articular surface, facies articularis calcanea media. The anterior calcaneal articular surface does not lie in front, facies articularis calcanea anterior.

Through the articular surfaces, the lower part of the talus articulates with the calcaneus. On the anterior part of the head of the talus there is a spherical scaphoid articular surface, facies articularis navicularis, through which it articulates with the scaphoid bone.

calcaneus, calcaneus, located inferiorly and posteriorly to the talus. Its posteroinferior section is formed by a well-defined tubercle of the calcaneus, tuber calcanei. The lower parts of the tubercle from the lateral and medial sides pass into the lateral process of the tubercle of the calcaneus, processus lateralis tuberis calcanei, and into the medial process of the tubercle of the calcaneus, processus medialis tuberis calcanei. On the lower surface of the tubercle there is a calcaneal tubercle, tuberculum calcanei, located at the anterior end of the line of attachment of the long plantar ligament, lig. plantare longum.

On the anterior surface of the calcaneus there is a saddle-shaped cuboid articular surface, facies articularis cuboidea, for articulation with the cuboid bone.

In the anterior section of the medial surface of the calcaneus there is a short and thick process - the support of the talus, sustentaculum tali. The groove of the flexor hallucis longus tendon runs along the lower surface of this process. sulcus tendinis m. flexoris hallucis longi.

On the lateral surface of the calcaneus, in the anterior section, there is a small fibular block, trochlea fibularis, behind which runs the groove of the peroneus longus tendon, sulcus tendinis m. peronei (fibularis) longi.

On the upper surface of the bone, in the middle section, there is an extensive posterior talar articular surface, facies articularis talaris posterior. Anterior to it lies the groove of the calcaneus, sulcus calcanei, passing from back to front and laterally. Anterior to the groove, along the medial edge of the bone, two articular surfaces stand out: the middle talar articular surface, facses articularis talaris media, and in front of it is the anterior talar articular surface, facies articularis talaris anterior, corresponding to the surfaces of the same name on the talus. When the talus is superimposed on the calcaneus, the anterior sections of the grooves of the talus and the grooves of the calcaneus form a depression - the sinus of the tarsus, sinus tarsi, which can be felt as a slight depression.

Scaphoid, os naviculare, flattened in front and behind, lies in the area of ​​​​the inner edge of the foot. On the posterior surface of the bone there is a concave articular surface, through which it articulates with the articular surface of the head of the talus. The upper surface of the bone is convex. The anterior surface of the bone bears an articular surface for articulation with the three sphenoid bones. The boundaries that define the places of articulation of the scaphoid with each sphenoid bone are small ridges.

On the lateral surface of the bone there is a small articular surface - the place of articulation with the cuboid bone. The inferior surface of the scaphoid is concave. In its medial section is the tuberosity of the scaphoid bone, tuberositas ossis navicularis.

sphenoid bones, ossa cuneiformia, three in number, are located in front of the scaphoid bone. There are medial, intermediate and lateral sphenoid bones. The intermediate sphenoid bone is shorter than the others, so the anterior, distal, surfaces of these bones are not at the same level. They have articular surfaces for articulation with the corresponding metatarsal bones.

The base of the wedge (the wider part of the bone) faces downwards at the medial sphenoid bone, and upwards at the intermediate and lateral sphenoid bones.

The posterior surfaces of the sphenoid bones have articular platforms for articulation with the scaphoid bone.

medial sphenoid bone, os cuneiforme mediale, on its concave lateral side bears two articular surfaces for articulation with the intermediate sphenoid bone, os cuneiforme intermedium, and from II metatarsal bone, os metatarsale II.

Intermediate sphenoid bone, os cuneiforme intermedium, has articular platforms: on the medial surface - for articulation with the medial sphenoid bone, os cuneiforme mediale, on the lateral side - for articulation with the lateral sphenoid bone, os cuneiforme laterale.

Lateral sphenoid bone, os cuneiforme laterale, also has two articular surfaces: on the medial side for articulation with the intermediate sphenoid bone, os cuneiforme intermedium, and the base of the second metatarsal bone, os metatarsale II, and with the lateral one - with the cuboid bone, os cubeideum.

Cuboid, os cubeideum, located lateral to the lateral sphenoid bone, in front of the calcaneus and behind the base of IV and V metatarsal bones.

The upper surface of the bone is rough, on the medial there are articular platforms for articulation with the lateral sphenoid bone, os cuneiforme laterale, and scaphoid bone, os naviculare. On the lateral edge of the bone there is a tuberosity of the cuboid bone directed downwards, tuberositas ossis cuboidei. Anterior to it begins the groove of the peroneus longus tendon, sulcus tendinis m. peronei longi, which passes to the lower surface of the bone and crosses it obliquely from behind and outside, anteriorly and inwardly, according to the course of the tendon of the muscle of the same name.

The posterior surface of the bone has a saddle-shaped articular surface for articulation with the same articular surface of the calcaneus. The protrusion of the inferomedial portion of the cuboid bone, bordering the edge of this articular surface, is called the calcaneal process, processus calcaneus. It provides support to the anterior end of the heel bone.

The anterior surface of the cuboid bone has an articular surface divided by a scallop for articulation with the IV and V metatarsals, os metatarsale IV et os metatarsale V.

The metatarsus, metatarsus, includes 5 metatarsal bones.

metatarsal bones, ossa metatarsalia, represented by five (I-V) thin long bones, located in front of the tarsus. Each metatarsal bone has a body, corpus, and two epiphyses: proximal - base, basis, and distal – the head, saput.

The bones are counted from the medial edge of the foot (from the big toe to the little toe). Of the 5 metatarsal bones, bone I is shorter but thicker than the others, bone II is the longest. The bodies of the metatarsal bones are triangular. The upper, dorsal surface of the body is somewhat convex, the other two are the lower (plantar) surfaces, converging at the bottom, forming a pointed ridge.

The bases of the metatarsal bones represent their most massive part. They have the shape of a wedge, which, with its widened part, is directed upward at the I-IV metatarsal bones, and towards the medial side at the V metatarsal bone. The lateral surfaces of the bases have articular platforms through which adjacent metatarsal bones articulate with each other.

On the posterior surfaces of the bases there are articular surfaces for articulation with the tarsal bones. On the lower surface of the base of the first metatarsal bone there is a tuberosity of the first metatarsal bone, tuberositas ossis metatarsalis primi. The fifth metatarsal bone also has a tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal bone in the lateral part of the base, tuberositas ossis metatarsalis quinti, which can be easily palpated. The anterior ends, or heads, of the metatarsal bones are compressed laterally. The peripheral section of the heads has spherical articular surfaces that articulate with the phalanges of the fingers. On the lower surface of the head of the first metatarsal bone, on the sides, there are two small smooth areas to which the sesamoid bones are adjacent, ossa sesamoidea, big toe. The head of the first metatarsal bone can be easily palpated.

In addition to the indicated sesamoid bones in the area of ​​the metatarsophalangeal joint of the thumb, there is one sesamoid bone in the interphalangeal joint of the same finger, as well as unstable sesamoid bones in the thickness of the tendon of the long peroneal muscle, in the area of ​​the plantar surface of the cuboid bone.

There are 4 interosseous spaces between the metatarsal bones, spatia interossea metatarsi which are filled with interosseous muscles.

Phalanxes, phalanges, toes:

Finger bones ossa digitorum, represented by phalanges, phalanges. In shape, number and relationship they correspond to the phalanges of the fingers of the hand. In each phalanx a body is distinguished, corpus phalangis, and two epiphyses: posterior, proximal, epiphysis - base of the phalanx, basis phalangis, and the anterior, distal, epiphysis - the head of the phalanx, caput phalangis. The surfaces of the heads of the proximal and middle phalanges, phalanx proximalis et phalanx medialis, have the shape of a block.

At the distal end of each distal phalanx, phalanx distalis, the tubercle of the distal phalanx is located, tuberositas phalangis distalis.

Human feet are a part of the body through which a person moves, maintains balance, and with the help of the foot the body can provide resistance while performing many movements. The process of evolution has made the structure of the foot complex, due to which modern man can walk upright.

The foot consists of 26 bones that are connected by ligaments and joints. There are also many muscles and tendons there. In anatomy, there are three sections of the foot, which will be discussed below.

Foot bones

As is known, human foot It resembles the hands, there are sections similar in structure, but they are called differently.

The feet have:

  1. Tarsal bones. This part of the foot consists of seven bones - the calcaneus and talus are large, the rest are wedge-shaped, club-shaped and navicular. The talus is located in the area between the bones of the lower leg and is part of the ankle.
  2. Metatarsus - middle part of the foot. Consists of five tube-shaped bones, they go to the beginning of the fingers. At the end of these bones there is a joint surface that helps the fingers move. Also, this group of bones ensures the correct level of the arch.
  3. The end of the foot is the phalanges of the fingers (rib formation); they are mobile due to the presence of joints between them. There are 14 bones in this part. The thumb consists of two bones, and the rest have 3 in each finger. Due to this part, a person can maintain body balance and perform simple movements. However, there have been many cases where, as a result of the loss of arms, a person maintains his vital functions with the help of his toes.

The bones are connected to each other by joints. The correct structure of the ankle and foot bones is ensured by nerves, blood vessels, ligaments, muscles and joints.

Location of bones

As you know, bones are an important element responsible for structure. They need to be considered in more detail.

The largest bone is the calcaneus, located in the back of the foot and bears a lot of load, this bone partly contributes to the flexibility of both arches. The bone is not part of the ankle, but it distributes pressure. It is shaped like a three-dimensional rectangle with a long axis.

In the front part there are joints that are needed for the strongest connection between the heel and heel, which ensures normal form feet. There is a small protrusion at the back of the bone where the Achilles tendon is attached. The bottom side of the person steps on the ground.

There is also a tubercle in the front for connection to the joint. The entire surface is covered with protrusions and depressions for the attachment of nerves, blood vessels, muscles and ligaments.

Slightly smaller is the talus, which enters the ankle. Almost all of it is covered with cartilage, and what is most interesting is that nothing except ligaments is attached to it. The bone has five surfaces covered with a thin layer of hyaline cartilage.

It consists of a body, head and neck:

  • body - is part of the ankle, connected to the foot through ligaments and joints;
  • The head is the front of the bone that has an articular surface. The head provides a strong connection to the boat.
  • The neck is the thin part located between the head and the body.

Cuboid. Is located outside feet behind the fourth and fifth metatarsals. Outwardly, it looks like a cube, which gave it its name.

Scaphoid. Its peculiarity is that it is located on the foot itself and, through joints, is brought together with the talus bone, forming.

Sphenoid bones. There are three such bones on the human foot; they are small in size and located close to each other (in rib order). Behind them is the navicular bone, and in front of them are the metatarsal bones.

The structure and functions of the metatarsal bones are the same in both adults and children. Anatomical view- tube-shaped with an angled bend. This bend forms the arches of the feet. There are tubercles on the surface for attaching ligaments, muscles and joints.

The bones of the phalanges of the fingers are identical to those on the hands, differing only in size. The big toe has two phalanges, the other four toes have three.

Due to the load on the feet, the phalanges of the big toe are thick, while the rest are thin and short. They are connected to each other by joints, thanks to which a person can bend and straighten his fingers.

Structure of joints

The feet have many joints that move several bones together at the same time. Regarding size, the ankle joint is considered the largest; it connects three big bones. Thanks to this connection, a person can raise and lower the foot, as well as rotate it. All other joints are smaller, but perform the same function, which together makes the foot flexible and mobile.

The ankle joint consists of a large talus and two smaller tibia bones. The latter have ankles that fix the talus. There are strong ligaments along the edges, and the joint itself is attached to the cartilage that covers the surface of the bone.

An important component is the subtalar (transverse) joint, which consists of a low-moving joint and performs the function of the arch of the talus and calcaneus. It connects three bones - the scaphoid, calcaneus and talus; ligaments are also involved in the connection process, contributing to a tighter fixation.

The cuboid and calcaneus bones are connected by the joint of the same name. Together with the subtalar, they form a practical type of education. This connection is sometimes called the "Greek cavity" and is known medically as "".

As for surgical practice, the joints that are located on the scaphoid and sphenoid bones are of least importance. But the metatarsals are connected by low-moving joints; they are surrounded by elastic ligaments and are part of the transverse and longitudinal arches of the foot. The intermetatarsal joints are located costally in the space between the metatarsal bones.

One of the most important joints are those called metatarsophalangeal joints; they are involved in almost every step or movement of the body when walking.

Foot ligaments

The most important of all is the longitudinal (or long) plantar ligament. The ligament extends from the heel bone and reaches the beginning of the metatarsal bones. It has many branches that perform the function of strengthening and fixing the longitudinal and transverse arches, and also supports them in in good condition throughout life. But, as you know, violation of the arches of the feet can indicate flat feet, the treatment of which sometimes takes more than one year, especially if it concerns an adult.

The remaining, smaller ligaments also fix and strengthen the bones and joints of the foot, which helps a person maintain body balance and withstand dynamic and static loads during long walking or running.

Any movements of the feet are possible only with the help of the muscles that are located in the area of ​​the foot, ankle and lower leg. The important thing is that the calf muscles help make many movements of the feet both when walking and in vertical position.

Calf muscles

In the anterior part there is a group of long extensor muscles, the tibialis muscle. A person uses them when performing dorsal extension or flexion of the feet. Thanks to these muscles, a person can straighten and bend his fingers.

The external or lateral group includes the short and long peroneus muscles. With their help, it is possible to perform pronation, as well as lateral flexion of the foot.

The back part is distinguished by massive muscle groups consisting of many layers. They have a huge daily workload. This includes the triceps muscle, which consists of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. This area contains the flexor digitorum longus muscle, as well as part of the tibialis muscle. These muscle groups allow plantar flexion to be performed using the Achilles tendon. They are also involved in the process of extension and flexion of the fingers.

The dorsal muscle group contains the extensor digitorum brevis. It originates from the heel and is responsible for the motor activity of the four toes, but does not control the big toe.

On the sole of the foot there are several small muscles responsible for adduction, abduction and flexion of the toes.

Vessels and nerves

The posterior and anterior tibial arteries are responsible for the flow of blood into the human feet. On the foot itself, these arteries continue with the external internal and dorsal arteries located on the plantar part. They also form a small number of arterial connections and circles. And in case of injury of varying severity, when damage occurs to one of the circles, the rest will be able to ensure normal blood flow to the feet.

As for the outflow of blood, it is carried out by the veins of the same name, which are located on the back side. These veins form the webbing. Thanks to them, blood flows into the small and large saphenous veins located in the lower leg.

Nerve impulses from the central nervous system are transmitted along the sural, deep peroneal, superficial and posterior tibial nerves. Thanks to nervous innervation, a person feels movement in space, vibration, pain, touch, and distinguishes between cold and heat. All nerve impulses are processed in the spinal cord.

These same nerves provide signal transmission from the brain to muscle groups. Such impulses are called reflexes, which can be involuntary or voluntary. As for the latter, this is observed when a reduction occurs muscle tissue, not always dependent on the will of man. The reason for this phenomenon may be the work of sweat and sebaceous glands, increase or decrease in the tone of the vascular walls.

The top layer is skin covering. The skin on the feet differs depending on the area of ​​the foot. On the sole itself it has a high density, but in the heel area it is thicker. The skin has the same structure as on the palms, but as a result of high loads, it begins to layer with age. In the dorsal area, the skin is quite smooth and elastic, there are nerve endings here.

So, based on everything that has been said above, it becomes clear that nature has made sure that the feet can withstand enormous pressure. The formation of the foot is rarely influenced by a person's nationality or the conditions in which he lives.

If at least one element of the foot is injured, a hyperkeratotic form of mycosis of the feet, deforming osteoarthritis, flat feet, heel spurs and other serious diseases may develop.

The ankle joint is the supporting point of the human lower limb skeleton. It is on this joint that the body weight falls when walking, running, or playing sports. Unlike the knee joint, the foot withstands loads not by movement, but by weight, which affects the features of its anatomy. The structure of the ankle and other parts of the foot plays an important clinical role.

Before talking about the structure of the various parts of the foot, it should be mentioned that in this part of the leg bones, ligamentous structures and muscle elements organically interact.

In turn, the bony skeleton of the foot is divided into the tarsus, metatarsus and phalanges. The tarsal bones articulate with the tibia elements at the ankle joint.

Ankle joint

One of the largest bones of the tarsus is the talus. On the top surface there is a protrusion called a block. This element connects to the fibula and tibia on each side.

In the lateral sections of the joint there are bone outgrowths - ankles. The inner one is the tibia, and the outer one is the fibula. Each articular surface of the bones is lined with hyaline cartilage, which performs nutritional and shock-absorbing functions. The articulation is:

  • The structure is complex (more than two bones are involved).
  • The shape is block-shaped.
  • The volume of movement is biaxial.


Holding bone structures together, protecting, limiting movements in the joint are possible thanks to the presence. The description of these structures should begin with the fact that they are divided into 3 groups in anatomy. The first category includes fibers that connect the bones of the human leg to each other:

  1. The interosseous ligament is the lower section of the membrane stretched along the entire length of the leg between its bones.
  2. The posterior inferior ligament is an element that prevents internal rotation of the bones of the leg.
  3. Anterior inferior fibular ligament. The fibers of this structure run from the tibia to the lateral malleolus and help keep the foot from turning outward.
  4. The transverse ligament is a small fibrous element that stabilizes the foot from turning inward.

In addition to the listed functions of the fibers, they provide reliable attachment of the fragile fibula to the powerful tibia. The second group of ligaments are the outer lateral fibers:

  1. Anterior talofibular
  2. Posterior talofibular.
  3. Calcaneofibular.

These ligaments begin on the lateral malleolus of the fibula and diverge at different sides towards the elements of the tarsus, therefore they are combined with the term “”. The function of these structures is to strengthen the outer edge of this area.

Finally, the third group of fibers are the internal collateral ligaments:

  1. Tibiofanavicular.
  2. Tibiocalcaneal.
  3. Anterior tibiotalus.
  4. Posterior tibiotalus.

Similar to the anatomy of the previous category of fibers, these ligaments originate at the medial malleolus and keep the tarsal bones from moving.


Movements in the joint and additional fixation of the elements are achieved through the muscular elements surrounding the ankle. Each muscle has a specific attachment point on the foot and its own purpose, however, structures can be grouped into groups according to their predominant function.

Muscles involved in flexion include the tibialis posterior, plantaris, triceps, and flexor hallucis longus and other toes. The tibialis anterior, extensor pollicis longus, and extensor pollicis longus are responsible for extension.

The third muscle group is the pronators - these fibers rotate the ankle inward to midline. They are the short and long peroneus muscles. Their antagonists (supinators): extensor pollicis longus, peroneus anterior muscle.

Achilles tendon

The ankle joint in the posterior region is strengthened by the largest Achilles tendon in the human body. The formation is formed by the fusion of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles in the lower leg.

A powerful tendon stretched between the muscle bellies and the calcaneal tuber plays vital role when moving.

An important clinical point is the possibility of ruptures and sprains of this structure. In this case, the traumatologist should carry out complex treatment to restore function.

Blood supply

Muscle work, restoration of elements after stress and injury, metabolism in the joint is possible thanks to the special anatomy of the circulatory network surrounding the joint. The structure of the ankle arteries is similar to the blood supply to the knee joint.

The anterior and posterior tibial and peroneal arteries branch in the area of ​​the external and internal ankles and cover the joint on all sides. Thanks to this arrangement of the arterial network, the full functioning of the anatomical region is possible.

Venous blood flows from this area through internal and external networks, which form important formations: the saphenous and tibial internal veins.

Other joints of the foot

The ankle joint unites the bones of the foot with the lower leg, but small fragments of the lower limb are also connected to each other by small joints:

  1. The human calcaneus and talus participate in the formation of the subtalar joint. Together with the talocaleonavicular joint, it unites the bones of the tarsus - the hindfoot. Thanks to these elements, the rotation volume increases to 50 degrees.
  2. The tarsal bones connect to middle part foot skeleton by tarsometatarsal joints. These elements are strengthened by the long plantar ligament, the most important fibrous structure that forms the longitudinal arch and prevents the development of flat feet.
  3. The five metatarsal bones and the bases of the basal phalanges of the toes are connected by the metatarsophalangeal joints. And inside each finger there are two interphalangeal joints that connect small bones to each other. Each of them is strengthened on the sides by collateral ligaments.

This complex anatomy of the human foot allows it to maintain a balance between mobility and support function, which is very important for human upright walking.


The structure of the ankle joint is primarily aimed at achieving the mobility necessary for walking. Thanks to the coordinated work of the muscles in the joint, movements in two planes are possible. In the frontal axis, the human ankle performs flexion and extension. In the vertical plane, rotation is possible: inward and, to a small extent, outward.

Except motor function The ankle joint has a supporting role.

In addition, thanks to the soft tissues of this area, movement is absorbed, preserving bone structures intact.


In such a complex element of the musculoskeletal system as the ankle, various pathological processes can occur. To detect a defect, visualize it, and correctly make a reliable diagnosis, there are various diagnostic methods:

  1. Radiography. The most economical and accessible way of research. Images of the ankle are taken in several projections, which can reveal a fracture, dislocation, tumor and other processes.
  2. Ultrasound. At the present stage of diagnosis, it is rarely used, since, unlike the knee joint, the ankle cavity is small. However, the method is good at being economical, fast, and lacking harmful effects on tissue. You can detect blood accumulation and swelling in the joint capsule, foreign bodies, visualize the ligaments. A description of the procedure and the results seen is given by a functional diagnostics doctor.
  3. CT scan. CT is used to assess the condition skeletal system joint For fractures, neoplasms, arthrosis, this technique is the most valuable in diagnostic terms.
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging. As with the examination of the knee joint, this procedure will indicate better than any other the condition of the articular cartilage, ligaments, and Achilles tendon. The technique is expensive, but extremely informative.
  5. Athroscopy. A minimally invasive, low-traumatic procedure that involves inserting a camera into the capsule. The doctor can examine the inner surface of the bag with his own eyes and determine the source of the pathology.

Instrumental methods are complemented by results medical examination and laboratory tests, based on the totality of data, the specialist makes a diagnosis.

Pathology of the ankle joint

Unfortunately, even such a strong element as the ankle joint is prone to the development of diseases and injuries. The most frequent illnesses ankle are:

  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Arthritis.
  • Injuries.
  • Achilles tendon ruptures.

How to suspect diseases? What to do first and which specialist should you contact? It is necessary to understand each of the listed diseases.

Deforming arthrosis

The ankle joint is often subject to the development of deforming arthrosis. With this pathology, due to frequent stress, trauma, and lack of calcium, degeneration of bones and cartilaginous structures occurs. Over time, outgrowths - osteophytes - begin to form on the bones, which impair range of motion.

The pathology is manifested by pain of a mechanical nature. This means that the symptoms increase in the evening, intensify after exercise and decrease with rest. Morning stiffness is short-lived or absent. There is a gradual decrease in mobility in the ankle joint.

With such symptoms you need to consult a general practitioner. If necessary, if complications develop, the doctor will prescribe a consultation with another specialist.


Inflammation of the joint can occur when an infection enters the cavity or develops rheumatoid arthritis. The ankle joint can also become inflamed due to the deposition of uric acid salts during gout. This happens even more often than a gouty attack of the knee joint.

The pathology manifests itself as pain in the joint in the second half of the night and in the morning. Movement relieves the pain. Symptoms are relieved by taking anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Nise, Diclofenac), as well as after using ointments and gels on the ankle area. You can also suspect the disease by simultaneous damage to the knee joint and the joints of the hand.

Diseases are treated by rheumatologists who prescribe basic remedies to eliminate the cause of the disease. Each disease has its own drugs that are designed to stop the progression of inflammation.

To eliminate symptoms, therapy similar to the treatment of arthrosis is prescribed. It includes a range of physiotherapy and medications.

It is important to distinguish infectious arthritis from other causes. It usually manifests itself with vivid symptoms with intense pain and edema syndrome. Pus accumulates in the joint cavity. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics, bed rest is required, and the patient often requires hospitalization.


With direct trauma to the ankle joint in sports, during road traffic accidents, and at work, various tissues of the joint can be damaged. Damage causes bone fractures, ligament rupture, and tendon damage.

Common symptoms will be: pain after injury, swelling, decreased mobility, inability to stand on the injured limb.

After receiving an ankle injury, you need to apply ice to the injury site, provide rest for the limb, then go to the emergency room. Traumatologist after examination and diagnostic studies will prescribe a set of therapeutic measures.

Therapy most often includes immobilization (immobilization of the limb below the knee joint), the prescription of anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Sometimes to eliminate pathology it is necessary surgery which can be performed classically or using arthroscopy.

Achilles tendon rupture

During sports activities, a fall on the leg or a direct blow to the back of the ankle can cause a complete rupture of the Achilles tendon. In this case, the patient cannot stand on his toes or straighten his foot. Swelling forms in the area of ​​damage and blood accumulates. Movement in the joint is extremely painful for the affected person.

A traumatologist is likely to recommend surgical treatment. Conservative therapy is possible, but complete break tendons are ineffective.

The foot is the lower anatomical part of the leg. Speaking the language medical terminology, it is located most distally, that is, away from the center of the body or the place of attachment to the body. The skeleton of the foot is quite complex and ideally matches the function assigned to the human feet. They went through a long evolution to adapt to walking upright.

Bone base of the foot

On the foot, there are areas formed by certain bone groups: the tarsal metatarsus and the phalanges of the fingers.

The tarsus is the section of the foot located immediately below the ankle joint area. From above it is limited by a circular line drawn through the posterior edge of the heel bone along the lower edges of the ankles, which corresponds to the upper border of the human foot. The tarsus consists of seven spongy bones, which are arranged in two rows:

  • The back row is the same part that is the main structure of the heel and consists of two relatively massive bones of a complex “irregular” shape: the talus and the calcaneus.
  • The front row is divided into two more sections - the one located with (medial) and the one located on the outer edge (lateral). The first includes three wedge-shaped bones and the scaphoid, which occupies an intermediate position between them and the head of the talus. The second is represented by the cuboid alone - it is located between the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones in front and the calcaneus in the back.

The metatarsus occupies an intermediate position among the three regions. Here the variety of sizes, shapes and names stops abruptly. It is built of five bones, which are very similar to those located in the metacarpus of the upper limb. They consist of several parts:

  • grounds;
  • bodies;
  • heads.

The phalanges of the toes are the smallest of all the bones of the foot. Each finger is formed from three such bones, with the exception of the big one - the structure of the human foot is such that it contains only two phalanges. It is also called the first, it is from here that the numbering of the toes begins - from I to V.

In addition to the listed bones, there are also special sesamoid bones, which are small in size and serve to protect the tendons and increase their leverage. They can be located between the phalanges of the big toe, as well as in the area of ​​​​the articulations of the metatarsus and phalanges.

Ankle joint

The anatomy of the human foot is rich in interosseous joints, which are mostly represented by joints - they are strengthened by ligaments. Before examining each one individually, it is necessary to summarize the general information about what a joint is. This is a synovial joint capable of participating in a wide variety of movements depending on its structure (in the photo of the diagram on the right). It may contain the following articular elements:

  • surfaces;
  • cartilage;
  • cavity;
  • capsule;
  • discs and menisci;
  • lip.

It should be remembered that the joint is at the peak of development among all other interosseous joints; in the structure of the foot, one of them occupies a special position - it is of the largest size and is quite complex in structure. Ankle joint. It is so large and powerful that it has been isolated into a separate anatomical region - the “ankle joint area”. Formed from certain parts:

  • The articular surfaces are formed with the help of the tibia and fibula, their lower ends - they form a recess for, covering it on several sides. The block is also involved in the construction of the joint. There are 6 surfaces in total.
  • Hyaline cartilage covers the outer parts of the connecting surfaces, preventing them from directly touching. It forms the joint space, defined on x-ray as the distance between the bones.
  • The joint capsule is attached just along the edge of the cartilage and in front captures the area of ​​the talus - its neck.

Do not forget about the presence of the ligamentous apparatus, which often accompanies interosseous joints. The ankle joint is strengthened by the medial and lateral accessory ligaments. The first resembles the letter delta from the Greek alphabet: it is attached above to the inner malleolus, below - to the navicular, talus and calcaneus. The second comes from the outer ankle, diverging in three directions, forming ligaments.

This joint is defined as a trochlear joint: it moves around the frontal axis, only when flexed can the human “paw” make sideways movements.

Other joints of the foot and their ligaments

Directly between the bones of the human foot there are many movable joints (full diagram in the photo). In the tarsal region alone there are four:

  • Subtalar joint. It has a cylindrical shape and limited mobility. The joint is supported by three connective tissue cords. Differs in functional integrity from a clinical point of view.
  • The talocaleonavicular joint is considered a ball-and-socket joint, but is only movable in one sagittal plane around its axis.
  • The calcaneocuboid joint takes part in the motor activity of the two above. Together with the previous joint, it is called the “transverse tarsal joint.” It is surrounded by two ligaments, which are a continuation of the so-called bifurcated ligament. It is considered the “key” of the joint, since it must be cut in order to gain full access to it.
  • Wedge-navicular joint. It is easy to guess what articular surfaces it consists of - all three sphenoid bones take part in their formation in front. The synovial joint is strengthened by several groups of tarsal ligaments.

The anatomy of the foot is complex and diverse. In addition to the above joints of the lower part of the human leg, there are five tarsometatarsal, metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints. The latter does not necessarily have to be present in the area of ​​the fifth finger, since the middle and distal phalanx of this finger can be fused. There are also intermetatarsal joints, strengthened by the dorsal, interosseous and plantar ligaments of the metatarsus. The ligamentous and articular apparatus of the foot must be protected, since each of its elements performs a specific function that ensures the most comfortable movement in this area.

Foot muscle groups

The structure of the foot, as is known, is not limited to the skeleton. The muscular composition of the human foot area, like the articular one, is very diverse.

The table shows the muscles and their groups that descend from the lower leg to the foot.

Group Muscle name Function (for foot movement)
Front Extensor pollicis longus Extension of the big toe, as well as the foot as a whole, while raising its inner edge
Extensor digitorum longus Participates in extension, elevation of the outer edge, abduction to the side
Anterior tibial Extension, raises the inner edge
Lateral Long fibular Pronation, abduction, flexion
Short fibular
Surface layer Forms the Achilles tendon Motor activity of the ankle joint
Deep layer Flexor digitorum longus Supination and flexion
Posterior tibial Adduction and flexion
Flexor hallucis longus Can bend not only the first finger, but also play a role in bending others

Considering the serious functional role of the foot, it is easy to assume that in addition to the above-mentioned tendons attached to its bones, short muscles are located on them, similar to upper limbs. The structure of the human foot suggests the presence of certain groups:

  • lateral;
  • average;
  • dorsal muscles;
  • plantar muscles.

It is important to remember that anatomical terminology is structured in such a way that often the very name of the muscle contains its function. Often movements are carried out by several of them at once. If one muscle is damaged, its role can be partially compensated by another that performs a similar function.

Neurovascular formations of the foot area

In humans, the body is structured in such a way that often blood vessels and nerves extend throughout the body, accompanying each other. Such relationships came to be called neurovascular bundles. They are located in almost every region.

Thus, the tibial bundle in front is represented by the following formations:

  • anterior tibial artery;
  • two anterior tibial veins;
  • deep peroneal nerve.

When they move to the foot, their names change: dorsal artery of the foot, dorsal veins of the foot, and two dorsal digital nerves, respectively. The arterial vessel branches into many branches, supplying blood to various areas of the foot. The nerve is responsible only for the movement of the extensor digitorum brevis and the sensitivity of the skin of the sides of the fingers facing each other in the area of ​​the first interdigital space. The skin of the remaining areas of the phalanges from the rear is innervated by the branches of the superficial peroneal nerve, coming from the side of the lateral muscles of the leg.

The posterior, so-called tibial bundle consists of certain components:

  • posterior tibial artery;
  • two veins of the same name;
  • tibial nerve.

In the lower part of the leg, the artery gives off two branches: internal (medial) and external (lateral) plantar, which form two arterial arches. The tibial nerve gives off its branches to various areas of the sole, also directing one to the lateral side of the dorsum of the foot (schematic representation in the photo).

The complex structure of the human foot is accompanied by an equally intricate course of nerves.

Knowledge of the anatomy of the foot is necessary for a correct understanding of almost any pathology, one way or another, associated with this area of ​​the lower limb.

The foot is the distal section of the human lower limb and is a complex articulation of small bones that form a unique and strong arch and serve as support during movement or standing. The bottom of the foot that is in direct contact with the ground is called the sole (or foot), the opposite side is called the dorsum of the foot. According to the structure of the foot skeleton, it can be divided into 3 parts:

  • tarsus,
  • plus,
  • phalanges of fingers.

Thanks to its multiple joints and arched design, the foot is remarkably strong, yet flexible and resilient. The main function of the foot is to hold the human body in an upright position and ensure its movement in space.

Skeleton of the foot

To understand the structure of the joints of the foot, you need to have an idea of ​​the anatomy of its bones. Each foot is made up of 26 individual bones, which are divided into 3 parts.


  • talus,
  • calcaneal,
  • scaphoid,
  • lateral, intermediate and medial wedge-shaped,
  • cuboid.

Metatarsus, which consists of 5 short tubular bones located between the tarsus and the proximal phalanges of the toes.

The phalanges are short tubular bones that form the segments of the toes (proximal, intermediate and distal phalanges). All fingers, except the first, consist of 3 phalanges. The thumb has only 2 phalanges, just like on the hands.

Features of the foot joints


The metatarsal bones form a whole group of joints among themselves. Let's take a closer look at them.


The calcaneus and talus bones take part in its formation. The joint has a cylindrical shape. The joint capsule is poorly stretched. The surfaces of the bones that form the joint are covered with smooth hyaline cartilage, along the edge of which the joint capsule is attached. Outside, the joint is additionally strengthened by several ligaments: interosseous, lateral and medial, talocalcaneal.


As the name implies, the articulation is formed by the articular surfaces of the talus, calcaneus and navicular bones. Located in front of the subtalar. The talus forms the head of the joint, and the other two form the glenoid cavity for it. The joint is spherical in shape, but movements in it are possible only around one sagittal axis. The articular capsule is attached to the edges of the hyaline cartilage that covers the articular surfaces. The joint is strengthened by the following ligaments: talonavicular, calcaneonavicular plantar.


Located between the articular surfaces of the calcaneus and cuboid bones. The joint is saddle-shaped in shape, but movements are possible only around one axis. The capsule is stretched tightly and attached to the edges of the articular cartilages. The joint participates in the movements of the two previous joints, increasing the range of motion. It is strengthened by the following ligaments: long plantar ligament, calcaneocuboid plantar ligament.

This joint, together with the talocaleonavicular joint, is usually divided into one joint, which is called the transverse tarsal joint. The articulation line is S-shaped. Both joints are separated from each other, but have one common ligament - a bifurcated one.


This is a complex articulation, in the construction of which the scaphoid, cuboid and three wedge-shaped bones of the tarsus take part. All individual joints are enclosed in one joint capsule, which is attached to the edges of the articular cartilages. The joint is strengthened by such ligaments and is inactive:

  • dorsal and plantar cuneiform,
  • dorsal and plantar cuboid-scaphoid,
  • dorsal and plantar wedge-cuboid,
  • dorsal and plantar intersphenoidal.


This group of joints connects the bones of the tarsus and metatarsus. There are three such joints:

  • between the medial wedge-shaped bone and 1 metatarsal;
  • between the lateral, intermediate cuneiform and 2-3 metatarsal bones;
  • between the cuboid and 4-5 metatarsal bones.

The first joint is saddle-shaped, the rest are flat. The line of these joints is uneven. Each joint has a separate capsule, which is attached to the edges of the articular hyaline cartilages. The joints are strengthened by the following ligaments: dorsal and plantar tarsometatarsal, interosseous metatarsal and cuneiformatatarsal.


These are small joints that connect the bases of the individual metatarsal bones. Each such joint is strengthened by ligaments: interosseous metatarsal, dorsal and plantar metatarsal. The space between the long bones of the metatarsus is called the interosseous metatarsal space.


The heads of the 5 metatarsal bones and the bases of the proximal phalanges of the fingers take part in the construction of these joints. Each joint has its own capsule, which is attached to the edges of the joint cartilage; it is poorly stretched. All these joints are spherical in shape.

On the dorsal side the capsule is not strengthened by anything, there are collateral ligaments on the sides, and plantar ligaments on the plantar side. In addition, a deep transverse metatarsal ligament runs between the heads of all metatarsal bones.

Interphalangeal joints of the foot

This group of joints connects the proximal phalanges of the fingers with the intermediate ones, and the intermediate ones with the distal ones. They are block-shaped in shape. The articular capsule is thin, reinforced below by plantar ligaments, and on the sides by collateral ligaments.

Joints and ligaments of the metatarsus and phalanges of the toes

Frequent illnesses

Every day, the joints of the foot are exposed to enormous loads, supporting the weight of the entire body. This leads to frequent trauma to individual components of the joints, which may be accompanied by inflammation and deformation. As a rule, the main symptom of diseases of the foot joints is pain, but it is difficult to immediately determine its cause, since there are many pathologies that affect these joints. Let's take a closer look at the most common of them.


Deforming osteoarthritis of the joints of the feet is quite common pathology, especially among women. As a rule, the disease begins at the age of 40-50 years, although there are more early cases pathology. The metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe is most often affected.

This disease is often mistakenly called gout due to the similarity in the localization of the pathological process, although there is nothing in common between these ailments. Also, many associate the disease with mythical salt deposits and unhealthy diet, which also does not correspond to reality.

In fact, the formation of a lump on the joint of the big toe and deformation of other structural components of the foot are associated with negative influence the following factors and, as a rule, develops in people genetically prone to this:

  • traumatic injuries foot skeleton in the past (bruises, fractures, dislocations);
  • some structural features of the foot, for example, in people with wide feet;
  • the presence of congenital or acquired types of deformities, for example, flat feet;
  • wearing uncomfortable and fashionable shoes that do not fit in size, high-heeled shoes;
  • overweight and obesity;
  • constant overload of the foot joints (activities that involve prolonged standing, walking, running, jumping);
  • history of arthritis;
  • endocrine and metabolic diseases;
  • congenital or acquired deformities of the joints of the legs (hip, knee, ankle), which leads to improper distribution of the load on the feet and their constant microtrauma.

The disease is characterized by 3 stages and slow but steady progression:

  • Stage 1: the patient complains of pain in the feet, which occurs after prolonged overload or at the end of the working day, quickly disappears after a few hours of rest on its own. There is no deformation as such yet, but those who are attentive to themselves may notice a minimal outward deviation of the thumb. A crunching sound also often appears when moving the joints.
  • Stage 2: now pain appears even after normal exercise, and patients often have to resort to treatment with painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs to eliminate it. The deformation of the toe becomes noticeable, in all patients the shoe size increases, it becomes difficult to fit, given the protruding bone and deviation of the big toe to the side.
  • Stage 3: the pain becomes constant and is not completely relieved by analgesics. The toe and the entire foot are severely deformed, and the supporting function of the foot is partially lost.

Three stages of deforming osteoarthritis of the foot

Treatment of the disease must begin at the initial stages. Only in this case can its progression be slowed down. The main treatment measures are the elimination of all risk factors and possible causes of arthrosis. In addition, drug therapy techniques can be used, various folk remedies, physiotherapy and physiotherapy. In case pathological process I've gone far, only surgery will help. Surgical intervention can be gentle (arthrodesis, resection of exostoses, arthroplasty) or radical (endoprosthetics).


Absolutely all joints of the foot can become inflamed. Depending on the causes, primary and secondary arthritis are distinguished. In the first case, the joint itself is damaged; in the second, its inflammation is a consequence of the underlying disease.

Foot deformity in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis

Regardless of the cause, the symptoms of arthritis are more or less similar. Patients complain about:

  • pain in the affected joints, the nature and intensity of which depend on the etiology of inflammation;
  • swelling of the affected joint or the entire foot;
  • redness of the skin over the inflamed area;
  • in some cases, signs of general malaise appear: fever, general weakness, fatigue, pain in the body muscles, sleep and appetite disturbances, skin rash;
  • dysfunction of the joint due to pain and swelling;
  • in the case of chronic arthritis - gradual deformation of the foot and partial or complete loss of its functions.

Gouty arthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe

Treatment for arthritis should first be aimed at eliminating its underlying cause. Therefore, only a specialist should engage in therapy after making a correct diagnosis. Incorrect treatment is a direct path to the development of chronic inflammation and deformation of the foot joints.

Foot deformities

Foot deformities can be either congenital or acquired. They are caused by changes in the shape or length of bones, shortening of tendons, pathology of the muscles, articular and ligamentous apparatus of the foot.

With the development of this pathology, all the arches of the foot become flattened, which disrupts its shock-absorbing capabilities. Flat feet can be congenital, or can arise during a person’s life as a result of excessive loads on the lower limbs, rickets, the development of osteoporosis, various injuries, obesity, wearing inappropriate shoes, and damage to the nerve endings of the legs.

This is what flat feet look like


This is a fairly common type of foot deformity and, as a rule, is congenital. It is characterized by shortening of the foot and its supination-type position, which is caused by subluxation of the ankle. An acquired form of deformity develops due to paresis or paralysis, traumatic injuries to soft tissues or the skeleton lower limbs.

Other types of foot deformities (less common) include cauda equina, calcaneal, and cavus.

There are many other diseases that can affect the joints of the feet, such as traumatic injuries or tumors. But, as a rule, they all manifest themselves with fairly similar symptoms. Therefore, if you develop pain, fatigue, swelling, or deformation of the foot structures, be sure to seek specialized help, since not only your health and activity, but also your life may depend on this.