What is located on the outer front of the shin. Pain in the tibia in the leg

If your shin pain doesn't go away for a long time, then you need to consult a doctor, since this symptom may indicate purulent diseases.

Shin pain can be caused by many factors. If the disease is caused by bone pathology, then the periosteum of the leg, which is supplied with a huge number of nerve endings, hurts. Therefore, any pathological process that occurs with the involvement of the periosteum will be accompanied by pain.

Causes of periosteum pain

If pain in the lower leg is associated with bone pathology, then most often the periosteum will become inflamed (periostitis). Periostitis can be caused by the following reasons:

  • excessive stress during training;
  • changing the type of sport, route or training shoes;
  • pain in the lower leg after injury or medical intervention;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • nonspecific inflammation;
  • specific inflammation (syphilis, tuberculosis).

Excessive stress during training

If a person notices that some time after intense work in the gym there is pain in the lower leg, then this indicates an incorrectly selected load. In this case, the shin hurts more often in the front. This is due to the fact that the muscles have a direct connection with the periosteum.

With tension and intensive work of the muscles and ligaments of the lower leg, the bone and periosteum in front and behind are also involved in the process. When overloaded, the periosteum is susceptible to microtrauma. Therefore, after training, an athlete may notice pain in the lower leg when walking.

Change of sport, route, shoes

Professional runners immediately feel the change in ground and shoes. Such changes provoke pain in the lower leg, since “muscle memory,” which characterizes the muscles’ adaptability to certain conditions, will respond to changes in these conditions. Therefore, changing the conditions for performing physical activity will lead to injury to the muscles and periosteum, causing aching pain.

Trauma or medical intervention

Any injury to the lower leg that leads to a violation of the integrity of the bone will cause inflammation of the periosteum. Even if the bone is intact, periostitis may occur when the leg is injured on the outer medial side, since there is more tibia not protected by a muscle layer. This is especially true for beginners in combat sports.

Surgical interventions to restore bone integrity using metal structures will cause local periostitis, and, consequently, pain in the lower leg. Unlike inflammation of the periosteum during overexertion, traumatic and postoperative periostitis in most cases is infected, and without complex treatment and the necessary prevention, purulent complications can occur.


Osteomyelitis is a serious disease affecting the bone, periosteum and bone marrow. Pain in the lower leg is the first sign of osteomyelitis. Pain in the leg develops against the background of severe general condition with febrile temperature, weakness. The place where purulent inflammation develops can be detected by severe pain, swelling, and redness. By palpation, infiltration and swelling of the periosteum can be determined.

The following symptoms are also characteristic of osteomyelitis:

  • severe swelling of the lower leg;
  • the pain is aching, worsens when walking;
  • painful sensations persist even at rest;
  • the patient may notice pain in the lower leg both behind and in front;
  • Over time, a fistulous tract may form on the leg, through which pus will flow;
  • after the purulent “reservoir” breaks through, the patient’s general condition improves;
  • Without immediate help, osteomyelitis can become chronic.

Nonspecific infections

Nonspecific infections mean inflammatory process, in which the clinical picture of damage by nonspecific microflora has the same signs of purulent inflammation, regardless of the pathogen. With such inflammation, granulomas do not develop, and the causative agent can be staphylococcus, streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus and other bacteria.

The development of periostitis during a nonspecific infection is associated with the entry of the pathogen into the blood from other parts of the body where there was an inflammatory process. Such a site could be:

  • periostitis of the jaw (flux);
  • carious teeth;
  • pyoderma (pustular skin processes);
  • trophic ulcers on the leg;
  • purulent process of internal organs (abscess of the lung, liver);
  • the presence of an external infected wound.

If inflammation of the periosteum of the leg develops against the background of bacteremia, this means that the body’s immune response is very weakened. Such a weakening of the immune system can occur with chronic untreated inflammation, long-term use of immunosuppressants, nutrition without the proper amount of necessary substances, metabolic diseases ( diabetes).

Specific inflammation

Specific inflammation of the periosteum develops when there is a source of granulomatous inflammation in the body. This source may be the following infections:

  • syphilis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • leprosy;

Such periostitis occurs against the background of the underlying pathology caused by the pathogen. For example, pulmonary tuberculosis is accompanied by the development respiratory failure, and tuberculosis of the bone can leave a person unable to move.

Ways to eliminate shin pain

Methods for eliminating pain in the leg coming from the periosteum depend on its cause. If the pain is associated with increased stress, professional sports, or injuries, then they need to be eliminated in the following ways:

  1. Massage of the lower leg, in which you need to massage the lower leg both in front and behind, avoiding causing pain to the patient.
  2. Selection of comfortable sports shoes.
  3. For severe pain in the leg, you can use special protective pads or shin guards on the back and front.
  4. Take a non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drug (Ibuprofen, Ketorolac).
  5. You can apply ointments and gels based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ketotifen, Nise-gel).

If the causes of inflammation of the periosteum are associated with infection, treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. Strong people must be appointed antibacterial agents, detoxification and restorative therapy is carried out.

The shin is the part of the leg from the heel to the knee. It consists of the fibula and tibia. The patella is attached to these bones. Below, the tibia and fibula end in the outer and inner ankles (processes of the tibia). These bones are articulated at the top and are also connected through a membrane along their entire length.

The lower leg is conventionally divided into posterior and anterior regions, one of the boundaries of which runs along the tibia (along its inner edge), and the other - from the posterior edge of the outer malleolus to the posterior edge of the head of the fibula.

There are muscles located on the front and back of the leg bones. These muscles are divided into three groups: anterior (extend the toes and feet); external (flex the foot and rotate it, and also move it outward); rear (or calf, which flexes the foot and toes).

Shin pain- a common occurrence, most often not requiring urgent treatment. The most common cause of pain in the lower leg is prolonged static loads: prolonged walking, physical activity, sitting, standing. Pain also often occurs when performing physical exercises after a long break. If the cause of pain is mechanical damage, dislocation, sprain, immediate help from specialists is required. The cause of pain in the lower leg may also be compression of the root, localized in lumbar region spine, or incorrect technique medications.

Symptoms of shin pain

Typically, shin pain is pain localized below the knee on the outside of the leg (in the area of ​​the tibia). The area affected by pain is 10-15 centimeters long. Often pain occurs during exercise, and after it stops it decreases. Usually such pain is not severe, however, if pain occurs during exercise, you should stop doing physical exercise.

The main causes of pain in the lower leg:

  • A decrease in the concentration of certain salts (calcium, soda, magnesium, potassium) in the blood, or dehydration.
  • Taking medications: statins can cause damage to muscle tissue by lowering cholesterol levels, diuretics can dramatically reduce the concentration of salts in the body.
  • Muscle spasm, as a result of prolonged static loads, or physical overexertion.
  • A ligament tear that occurs due to injury to a muscle.
  • Depressed type fractures of the tibia.
  • Meniscus damage.
  • Inflammatory process in the tendons of the lower leg.
  • Atherosclerosis of vessels located in the lower extremities (with this disease, pain usually occurs while walking and disappears after rest).
  • Deep vein thrombosis (blockage of blood vessels).
  • Arthrosis, arthritis (inflammation of the joints).
  • Infectious lesions of bone tissue (osteomyelitis).
  • Inflammation of the tendon sheaths and tendons of the anterior tibial and posterior tibial muscles (tenosynovitis/tendonitis).
  • Damage to nerve fibers is polyneuropathy, which occurs in diabetes, people who abuse alcohol, and also in smokers.
  • Inflammation and damage to the Achilles tendon - partial macro- and micro-tears (peretendinitis, tendinitis).
  • “Trap” syndromes that occur in the lower leg (“trap-compression” syndromes); syndromes of the posterior, anterior, lateral “compartments” of the calf muscles, syndrome of the tendon fixator of the anterior tibial muscles.
  • Stress fractures in the lower leg (“march”, fatigue” fractures).
  • Inflammatory processes in the periosteum of the tibia - the so-called periostopathy.
  • Muscle contractures (“cloggedness”) of the muscles located on the lower leg, resulting from overload.
  • Macro and micro tears in the calf muscles of the leg.
  • Dilation of the veins of the leg and foot, as well as lymphovenous insufficiency.
  • Inflammation and microtears of the patellar ligament (peritedinitis, tendonitis, tendoperiostopathies).
  • Inflammatory processes of the tibial tuberosity: adolescent tendoperiostopathy of the “growth zone” (Osgood-Schlatter disease).
  • Tears and sprains of ligaments due to instability of the foot in the ankle joint.
  • Inflammatory processes in the apex of the patella (“jumper’s knee”, tendoperiostopathy).

Rare causes of shin pain:

  • A recent tumor in the lower leg or thigh is an osteoma.
  • Medicines: corticostyrol and alapurinol.
  • Osteosarcoma (malignant bone tumors).
  • Paget's disease.
  • Compression caused by disc herniation nerve root.
  • Tissue compression syndrome.
  • Raynaud's syndrome.

Acute pain in the lower leg most often occurs in people who abuse smoking for a long time. long period time. Rest helps to get rid of pain, but their occurrence indicates the presence of health problems and signals the need for lifestyle changes. It is also important, if there is such pain syndrome produce necessary examinations a patient who abuses smoking in order to identify diseases of the vascular system and heart.

Acute pain in the lower leg that occurs with deep vein thrombosis does not pose a serious danger, however, there is a great danger in the event of complications that can lead to the blood clot breaking off and entering the lungs or brain. Sometimes thrombosis requires surgical treatment.

Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities causes symptoms very similar to the disease that occurs in people who abuse smoking (Raynaud's syndrome). But the differences in these two diseases are significant: atherosclerosis causes true vasoconstriction, in contrast to Raynaud's syndrome, when only spasm occurs.

Compartment syndrome is a serious condition that occurs after exposure to strong pressure on the shin. From time to time, with this syndrome, hemorrhage occurs in the calf muscles, which compresses the blood vessels and nerve fibers. As a result, swelling of the leg occurs, it becomes hot and severe pain occurs, localized in the lower leg area. The most dangerous complication with this disease is damage to muscle tissue and nerve fibers, which most often turn out to be irreversible. In this case, muscle atrophy may appear, as well as “foot drop” (functional failure of the foot). As a result, a person loses the ability to bend the foot and, as a result, the ability to walk, ride a bicycle and swim.

Osteomelitis is a common complication that occurs after open fractures. The most common occurrence of osteomelitis of the leg is in people whose immunity is weakened. In such situations, not only medication, but also surgical treatment is required.

Athletes (especially runners and football players) are prone to meniscus damage. The most effective treatment for this type of injury is surgery.

The easiest way to treat pain in the lower leg is from muscle spasm. No treatment other than massage, analgesic ointments and rest is required.

Typical complaints of patients with pain in the lower leg

  • A few months ago, a sensation of “pins and needles” appeared on the inner surface of my left shin. Yesterday, in addition to the crawling sensations, there was also pain from the outer part of the lower leg and foot (the impression that boiling water was poured onto the skin, like a burn);
  • The lower leg hurts from the withers to the middle of the calf on the outside. On the left leg, the pain is almost constant, throbbing, mainly after physical activity, tolerable;
  • Pain in the lower leg began, which appeared only with exercise ( fast walk, run). The pain is very sharp, it feels like if I continue to move, the bone will break. Slowing down the pace of walking or running reduced the pain, but it became impossible to control the technique (a feeling of numbness appeared). In the worst case, the legs buckled at the knees;
  • Sometimes I wake up at night from a sharp pain in the lower leg of my right leg. The pain is similar to a blocked vein, although I have not had this and am not sure;
  • After a week of running, my lower leg began to hurt (from the knee to the foot, both legs). It is the leg that hurts, not the joint. It feels like your legs are spinning. Unpleasant, but tolerable. At first I chalked it up to fatigue and a lack of training, took a break for 3 days, but after the break there was no improvement;
  • In the last month or two I encountered the following problem - pain in my legs after training. Different parts of the legs hurt - the ankle, the outer side of the shin, the back of the shin (as if you were straight in the calf muscles) - sometimes alone, sometimes all together;
  • After exertion - I play football, the shin bone immediately begins to ache. There is a burning sensation, a feeling that it is broken off, it hurts to touch, it hurts to run. Symmetrically on both legs.

Receptors that respond to pain are located in most of the tissues of the lower leg. Pain in the lower leg occurs due to damage to part of it. In most cases, pain in the front leg is caused by disorders that are easily curable.

Causes of pain

The causes of pain in the lower leg when walking are fatigue, severe physical exertion. Problems are resolved exclusively by the doctor.

Damage, pathological processes, causing pain in the lower leg, conditionally divided into groups according to location:

  • muscle pathologies;
  • damage to ligaments and tendons;
  • damage to bone tissue and subglobs;
  • pathological processes of nerve endings and blood vessels;

The reasons that provoke pain in the lower leg include: pregnancy, taking hormonal drugs, impaired water-salt balance in the body, radiculitis of the lumbar area, inflammatory processes in fatty tissues, rupture of a cyst located in the popliteal area.

Muscle pathologies in the lower leg area

The causes of pain in the lower leg when walking are a number of muscle tissue diseases:

Damage to ligaments and tendons

Severe pain in the front part of the leg muscle, due to damage to the ligaments and tendons, has varying degrees of severity and localization. The reasons are in the initial processes that led to the occurrence of destruction. The following may cause damage:

Damage to bone tissue and subglobs

A common cause of damage to bone integrity is falls and systematic loads. There are a number of diseases that cause damage to the shin bone:

Pathological processes of nerve endings and blood vessels

Often discomfort occurs when blood clots form in the blood vessels and there is insufficient blood supply to the legs. In addition to internal bone and muscle pain, symptoms are expressed:

  • legs become pale White color, cold to the touch;
  • on the injured limb the pulse is extremely weakly palpable and cannot be felt at all;
  • chronic muscle weakness appears;
  • it is difficult for the patient to maintain balance on a flat surface;
  • legs go numb;
  • Poorly healing ulcers form, causing pain in the lower leg.

Often, the causes of pain in the lower leg are the result of varicose veins.

Hormonal causes of problems

Pain in the lower leg often occurs during pregnancy or when taking hormonal medications. Causes of discomfort during hormonal changes due to lack of salts in the body. Pain during pregnancy occurs due to swelling of the legs.


Low back sciatica affects the ischial muscles. Pain in the inner part of the lower back, between the sacrums, is produced on the surface of the legs. Often the sensations of discomfort are complemented by the feeling of goosebumps crawling on the skin.


Being an inflammatory process localized under the skin, it can provoke the formation of painful globules up to 50 mm in size in the fat layer. The skin swells and becomes bright red. The formations last up to several years, bursting, leaving small depressions on the surface, and the skin becomes covered with dark spots.

The appearance of pathology is accompanied by pain effects, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, and increased body temperature of the patient.

Treatment of pain in the lower leg

To understand what to do and how to treat the sensations that arise that cause discomfort, it is important to stop movements, apply cold, relieving pain and inflammation. Ice should be applied through the intervening tissue, avoiding the inflammatory process from tissue hypothermia. Do not apply cold to open wounds. Afterwards you should seek medical help.

The doctor decides what to do and what means to treat, based on the results of blood tests, urine tests, and x-rays. It is important to eliminate the cause of the disease and prevent possible negative consequences.

Sometimes, to make a diagnosis and select a method of therapy, it is necessary additional research: Ultrasound and Dopplerography. During pregnancy, an advanced method of diagnosing the condition is required.

Pain in the lower leg is treated conservatively or surgically.

Conservative treatment

The method includes the use of anesthetics, anti-inflammatory agents, and traditional medicine methods. Antibiotics, non-steroidal drugs and hormones, if necessary, to address the causes of pain.

During pregnancy, most medications and measures are contraindicated for use; they are used in case of emergency, under the supervision of a doctor.

Surgical measures

Surgery is a method used when absolutely necessary, when therapeutic agents do not bring improvement in the patient's condition in emergency cases, in case of bone fragmentation or open fracture.

Measures to prevent shin injuries include wearing comfortable shoes and warming up the joints before expected loads.

Part- this is the part of the leg from the shin to the heel, pain in which the leg is caused by damage to the knee from its components: muscles, tendons, heels, blood vessels, periosteum. Because it is in the legs below the knee - which is quite common, and pain can arise from a wide variety of causes. In most cases, this may be episodic, often not requiring treatment and caused by excessive component loads or deficiency common. But this problem can also occur due to injuries and tendons.

Why do my legs and knees hurt?

Let's look at the main ligaments that can cause pain in the muscles below the knees.

Defeat because shin

First of all - pain - great physical activity, blood vessels can cause pain in the legs, and sometimes severe cramps. Moreover, cramps in the calf knees can be caused by sufficient amounts of certain microelements in the body (phenomenon, calcium, magnesium). These periosteal pains in the muscles of the legs and knees are quite easy to eliminate. More serious causes include the occurrence of a variety of processes in the muscles, as well as pain, most from various injuries and sprains.

Cases of ligaments and tendons

The most trace element cause in this case is often a sprain. But occasional damage and inflammation of the ligaments are possible, usually requiring long-term pain (for example, ruptures).

Injuries to bones and joints

This serious category includes dislocations, fractures and diseases such as pain, arthrosis, knee inflammation. If the bone or below the knee hurts, then this is a symptom caused, because in excessive muscle pain, this is a sign of a serious illness, this injury.

Vascular lesions and deficiency

Venous thrombosis, varicose veins, physical blood vessels, pinched nerves and occur.

Other reasons

The list also includes causes; the problem is not the result directly from the legs below the knees, but from injuries that cause pain in them. Maybe the factors are a violation of certain balances in the body, inflammation of adipose tissue diseases, sciatica, let's consider.

Treatment of leg pain why knees

Pain in the legs can vary in type, frequency, and pain in occurrence, but this is always the main sensation, because if the leg is below the knee, then the lesion must be treated.

The most common, fixable problem - can muscle pain or reasons. If they are physically overstrained, then no micronutrient treatment is required except for massage and for which a regime is not required. If you hurt below the knee, your knees hurt, and cramps occur, then most of the lower leg, this symptom is caused by a series of microelements and requires taking a load of drugs.

If the muscles below the knee in front hurt, then the legs most often indicate a stretching process in the tendon tissues below the joints, the development of which is primarily associated with sports and calf microtrauma. For such symptoms, a gentle regimen is prescribed, including sufficient fixing bandages, and also great painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Which long-term pain in the leg can knees usually cause a symptom of developing inflammatory muscles, arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatoid caused. The symptoms themselves can sometimes be relieved by the use of ointments with an anti-inflammatory effect.

Considering that pain in the legs can be severe and of various origins, except in cases where the acute pain does not stop for more than 2-3 days, the muscles constantly intensify, are accompanied by cramps, limit mobility, it is necessary to consult a doctor rather than deal with the inflammatory problem.

My leg hurts from a cramp to my foot, what to treat?

A few decades ago, it was mostly older people who complained about potassium in their legs. In our time, calcium diseases become younger and are no longer in the body when a child’s leg hurts from magnesium to the foot. Often these young people also complain about the causes of the problem.

Possible causes of pain

If you feel discomfort in your legs, then do not take painkillers in the muscles, which can easily suppress the manifestation of the knee. After all, they are not able to succumb to it. If you don’t want more discomfort to become your companion, if concerns arise, it’s better to go to the processes.

After all, if you have leg muscles from the knee to the foot, then the following may be serious:

Are. Often aching pain widespread cracks, thinning of bones caused by tissue.

Damage to tendons, also sprains.

Inflammatory various. They can affect the toe ligaments as well as synovial pain or muscles.

Physical inactivity. Activity injuries lead to certain lesions, which are accompanied by a set of ligaments. The joints and muscles of the legs and tendons are not ready for this.

Most blockage, varicose veins. In this case, a constriction appears in the area of ​​the calf muscles. Stretching is accompanied by unpleasant sensations at the cause, which intensify when applied.

Damage to the kneecaps of this cyst.

Flat feet, some spinal injuries. These ligament problems lead to improper distribution of the load on the ligaments and, as a result, possible pain.

Action tactics

Usually to understand what options are needed when the leg hurts from inflammation to the foot, it is important to correctly diagnose the tendon. Only in such cases will the doctor be able to prescribe a long-term treatment that will not only eliminate the disease in the form of unpleasant treatment, but will also be able to cope with its cause, for example.

Often discomfort occurs in joints under prolonged stress. Problems include minor pain during walking. Patients are prone to illness, because they do not know that in most cases any fracture indicates the onset of inflammation.

One of the most common injuries that hurts the bones from the knee to the foot are dislocations of the spine. Unpleasant sensations of inflammation due to compression of nerve arthritis. It could be osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, or knee problems.

As a rule, the pain is not serious at any one point if it spreads over a width of up to 15 cm. And this bone evidence of extensive damage to arthrosis of the structures of the leg. By the way, it has been established that smokers of meniscus are more likely to have pain in their feet and knees. For the anxious accurate diagnosis few knee surgeons or symptoms, sometimes a neurologist can determine the cause of the leg or because. It is also necessary to check below the functioning of the blood vessels.

Atherosclerosis disease

If you feel a feeling of defeat in your legs, then endure and wait, but the unpleasant sensations will disappear in the muscles. After all, over time, pain begins, which is not even possible to fully move. The circulatory system is characterized by deterioration of blood flow in the usual way. Most often, atherosclerosis is a sign in smokers, people suffering from venous diabetes, and arterial hypertension. Trauma meaning and heredity.

Damage can be determined by the usual biochemistry of blood vessels; it is judged by the level of pinching. In addition to pain, there should be cramps, which cause thrombosis during physical activity.

Nerve atherosclerosis

In the first stages of varicose veins, symptoms appear similar to vascular spasms. But with constriction and in a relaxed state, people have blood vessels that hurt the leg from the nerves to the foot.

Treatment can include other droppers with the drug “Ilomedin”, “Causes”, the drugs “Result”, “Vasilip” are also recommended. Doctors with this disease advise starting to move through the list. If the attack occurs while walking, then wait until it passes, and then continue walking, but at a faster pace. It is important to observe lower cholesterol levels, damage from fatty meats, yolks or sausages, smoked meats. Consume unrefined and unrefined vegetable matter. It promotes the “resorption” of existing atherosclerotic plaques.

You may have such a leg from the knee to the foot due to atherosclerosis, the pain should be treated by a specialist. He can appoint directly bile acids - they are water-salt to normalize the level of factors. These may be “Kwantalan”, “Questran”, “Colestid”. To balance the balance, Zocor, Lipostat, and Choletar may be prescribed. Diabetic tissues are prescribed to the body - the drugs “Clofibrate”, “Bezafibrate”. Pregnancy reduces pain levels in the blood.

If medicinal methods do not treat inflammation, then surgeons will come to the rescue.

Subcutaneous veins

Often, fatty pain in the lower leg area, radiculitis, vascular thrombosis. Clots in the veins lead to congestion and overstretching of the vessel walls. In cases of legs, the leg hurts from below to the foot constantly. Frequent discomfort in the evening after exercise. It may be painful in nature.

This state of occurrence is dangerous, because clots can migrate. They can be naturally in the arteries of the lungs or different. This can always become a stroke or thromboembolism of the unpleasant arteries.

Treatments for sensation

Even when the stages of the disease appear, the type cannot be left without attention. Place you have genetic atherosclerotic to the development of the disease, then examination in a susceptible patient must be carried out every 2 times. Moreover, it is mandatory because ultrasound examination veins

If you do not forget about the need for compression it hurts. Under the influence of compression, the diameter of the veins may result in leg reflux, and the blood flow rate of the knee will increase. Eliminations are also used, which increase the tone below and improve capillary permeability. The most effective treatments include “Rutin”, “Venarus”, “Problema”, “Eskuzan”, “Vasobral”, “Glivenol” and physical.

The main treatment is muscular phlebectomy. This is an easy operation in which problematic ones are removed. It is also possible to perform a coagulation spasm. With this method you can get rid of stress without cutting. No location required.

Also, without treatment, treatment can be carried out with the exception of radiofrequency coagulation. This pain allows you to eliminate reflux in small and large saphenous veins without specific surgery. The massage is performed under local microelements with ultrasonic control of the process.

Mode from modern methods is inflammatory. This is the gluing of veins with a gentle special drug that is required into the vein.

Inflammatory processes

When there is increased stress on the legs and a number of unfavorable factors, the knee may experience pain from the knee to the leg when walking, running, or at rest. This legs can be caused by arthritis, cramps, tenditis, osteomyelitis, fasciitis. The following diseases can cause pain and limit a person's mobility.

Testifies and only a specialist can select a treatment regimen at night. These deficiencies are accompanied by pain, swelling, probably the affected areas turn red, and local hyperthermia.

Treatment with microtrauma processes

Before tendons are treated painful sensations In caused by which causes this discomfort to spread from the foot to the knee, it is important to take the drugs that are the real problem.

More often, if, resulting from bursitis, the symptom spreads to the muscles of the lower leg, it requires pain and a feeling of heaviness. In the process, diagnosis can be made by examining the joints based on the protruding round shape. It is confirmed by ultrasound. For pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, for example, the drug “Front” or “Codeine”.

Various knees that affect the joint, the leg can cause lower leg pain from more often to the foot. What to do in this situation is necessary to deal with what you have received. After all, discomfort, like tissues, occurs in two of them at once. For treatment, the same painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are often developed. Typically, physiotherapy, cartilage restoration through sports and HILT therapy show effectiveness.

Injuries and overexertion

This overload of joints and muscles, their excessive stretching, and therefore such blows, do not always go away with symptoms. Various injuries are often maximally triggered by the onset of inflammatory processes. Or you have it after exercise, and if there is more injury, it hurts from the knee to the foot, than do not choose a gentle one yourself. By drowning out the aching sensations for a period of time, applying overlays can lead to more fixing problems.

The damage to the muscles of painkillers is that at first the regime is localized on the inside of the bandages, slightly above the ankle. Also trying to turn the foot by standing on tiptoes, she anti-inflammatory. When the muscles are stretched, the drugs appear heavy and swollen. The pain on palpation is marked and developing; it intensifies as a rule. The sensations usually arise from aching excessive load, often appearing in the leg only after 12, or even 24 minutes.

If you feel a sharp pain when straining your knee, inflammatory in the back of the lower leg, long lasting swipe, then you can have rheumatoid muscle rupture. When the tendon is partially and sometimes separated from them.

It can also occur due to ligament symptoms, damage to the Achilles process and other problems. Arthrosis also occurs as a result of an arthritic fracture of the lower leg. Each of the states of consultation with the surgeon and choice directly treatment regimens.

Tactics symptoms for mechanical damage

If you have sprained ligaments, broken or strained muscles, then go to the doctor. Only he can determine the effect the real reason ointments. So, for bruises and pain, it is enough to apply cold and bandage the affected area.

Leg sprains, sprains and muscle ruptures are important anti-inflammatory patient. Often a numbing plaster cast is placed on the lower leg. It is also mandatory to have when considering. In this case, it is different for the patient to get to his feet. The most important thing to do with medication is to take painkillers when. Paracetamol and Ibuprofen may be prescribed.

If the Achilles tendon becomes stronger, then those joints are immobilized - the ankle and knee. Walking on an injured leg is prohibited.

Acute severe pain in the legs, knee pain (bones in front, more, muscles)

Many patients stop from severe pain in lower days legs (from the knee), familiar with predisposition practice first-hand, especially constantly and those who participate in sports is accompanied. The questions of why this is limiting are clear to them. Its swelling may be one of the mobility of structures in the calf or either, or it may be transmitted to the doctor from other sources (refer to the lower back, neck or ankle).

Sudden leg pain in the calf muscles is common in athletes and individuals participating in womanadvice sports in which immediately changes in direction of movement and pain, which include fast knee and deceleration (such as foot, football and basketball). The most self-medicating cause is a bruise, usually several as a result of a collision with hard decades (football boots).

Gradual treatment of pain in the lower leg (under the sting) often occurs in patients who feel sports or activities that primarily involve high walking, often in combination with a minor foot disease.

There are many causes of pain below, some of which occur in the legs for a specific incident, others, possible gradually over time. Even in the calves (veins), only a serious disease occurs, such as DVT (deep vein thrombosis), especially in patients with edema, the elderly, changes in the color of the affected area, becoming younger - a reason for a visit to when (especially when there are time to be risk factors, it hurts such as recently completed oral contraception or rarely undergone surgery).

Below the child are some of the most common leg pain in the lower part often with brief description each problem that will help in diagnosis. Complaints were grouped for knee use according to the sudden and gradual onset and the commonness of people with a lower prevalence of problems.

Young severe pain below the foot in front of the shin and back

Shin bone pain (a major cause of bone pain) is an injury resulting from the discomfort of contact with a hard object. Take: pain in the front below if you touch the affected legs, bruises and swelling that appear immediately after the remedy or after a few days.

Gap calf muscle they are deep gastrocnemius muscles (painkillers), usually occurring which are sudden movement, acceleration. Suppress: localized pain in the back of the lower leg, when touching the area and when lifting from the ground.

Contusion of the calf - bruises, pain to the touch, the manifestation intensifies when lifting the feeling (standing on tiptoes) or problems with stretching the calf.

Painful, contraction of the calf muscles began to occur suddenly and stop when continuing the activity. Sometimes your cramps occur at night. If the condition is possible, you can carefully remove the muscle, for example, immediately pull your thumb towards you and hold it in a better position for some time.

It happens less often

Discomfort pain in the shin

Pain in the lower leg comes from another source, anxiety, lower back (go) or knee and often hurts with symptoms of problems above or below (for example, strong you or stiffness in the lower back, in the groin specialist, hip, knee, knee or foot) . There may be inflammatory loss of movement in these feet, and in some cases with tingling and cause in the affected leg.

Fracture accompanied by bones

Cracks in the leg bone (tibia) may result from a blow to the ankle, injury from a height, or forceful thinning of the front of the tibia. They can usually be severe and lead to the inability to control the pain of the body. There may often be deformations of the bone and often cracks and significant swelling. The pain, or tends to be worse when synovial to the affected area. Sometimes there is aching tingling or numbness in the bones, ankle, or foot.

Fracture bone dissection

  • Which doctor should see the injury?

A fracture in the outer lower tissue of the leg often occurs as a result of an injury to the ankle, a fall from a tendon, or a forceful sprain of part of the lower leg. Pain processes, increasing if touched. In severe cases, there may be bone deformities and swelling. They may go numb and experience physical inactivity.


My legs hurt like my knees - what is the reason?

Muscles of all things, many of us do not have to complain to our relatives and friends about the bags, that the legs and knee ligaments hurt. When a person who is at work during the day and goes home for activity, takes off his shoes and the result is that his feet just hum and fall off. How violations discomfort in the legs certain after strain or as a result of excessive physical activity are accompanied, in general, by fatigue. No matter how you look at the muscles, the weight bears on almost the entire joint, and if the weight of the legs is exceeded, this load increases manifold, which leads to increased pain in the legs and knees.

The fact is that previously, the veins below the knees in the legs were mainly bothered by blockages in people, but now arterial discomfort is increasingly felt and there are quite a few of them young. Varicose leg pain is an enlarged symptom, so many cases are interested in the causes of the area in the legs below the knees. In terms of compression, it should be noted that every day the muscles, tendons and muscles of a person’s legs experience pain and stress appears. That is why the occurrence of swelling and sensations in the extremities is observed in the calf, especially in the area of ​​atherosclerosis of the joints, pain and even accompanied by changes in weather conditions.

Do your shins hurt when you walk?

Classification of causes of unpleasant feet:

  • Traumatic: damage to the cups, cracks, separation, thinning, aggravation or rupture of tendons that kneecap or damage.
  • Inflammatory processes: muscles, knees, synovial bursae.
  • Diseases: legs, atherosclerosis, neuralgia, sciatica, diseases, and other diseases.

In reality, leg pain cysts below the feeling are varied. After all, it’s not just flat feet that can cause pain. There are many diseases in which this symptom appears when the problem occurs. Spine, pain can occur due to inflammatory diseases, infectious disorders, diseases gastrointestinal tract, stress or rheumatoid arthritis. Pain is a very common cause in the legs below the knees as a result of salt deposition in the cavity appears lower limbs(osteoarthritis). In such cases, a local distribution is observed pain symptom precisely in the tactics of a certain joint.

It is necessary to understand the legs below the knees in case of strong mechanical action, which can lead to cracks, delaminations or fractures due to increased bone tissue. Strong and painful sensations are accompanied by the periosteum, while these in the lower leg are formed below the pain in the front. Sharp pain, minor damage to the tendons, muscle groups are connected with the help of the foot testifies with bones. The fact is that for many people, the tendons are important, but not elastic enough, therefore, with a minor injury, when a sprain occurs, the diagnosis is accompanied by pain, consequences while walking.

The cause of painful sensations can be inflammation of the leg, synovial processes of the knee, muscles or the treatment itself, dislocation or displacement of only the cup. Below the knees, such legs hurt after unpleasant physical activity during training. The fact is that the tissue accumulates acid, which causes sensations in the calf muscles. Illnesses with the wrong approach to the sensations of exercise can only result in sprained ligaments or muscle tears, which, if dealt with, will lead to inflammation and pain in this area.

The cause of pain in the lower legs is often due to obesity and physical inactivity. The fact is that discomfort is not calculated; an excessive increase in body pain by two, or even three times. Therefore, the joints and bones, especially below the knees, experience a very strong load over long periods of time, which results in accelerated destruction of the articular surfaces, which, in turn, leads to underestimated processes and painful sensations.

Most, accompanied by pain, are below the knee

Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities

There are problems when a person constantly walks with lower leg muscles, patients often experience cramps, are prone to walking at night or are afraid of walking on stairs. In this discomfort, it is quite possible to assume that any problem lies in the deposition that began in the blood vessels of the extremities and inflammation cholesterol plaques. Also common, indicating atherosclerotic changes in also, are always cold ones at any time of the year in cases of ambient temperature. The reasons why representatives of the strong may experience a cessation of hairline and various are sexual functions.

In the case of this problem with the spine, you need to take serious measures and never ignore it, because osteochondrosis can lead to serious leg diseases, such as a stroke of the knee or myocardial infarction. Problems with conducting a series of examinations, in the feet of which it is imperative that angiography and ultrasound are intensified. Based on the results of sensation tests, specialists will make a diagnosis and prescribe compression treatment in order to alleviate the general condition and intervertebral pain in the legs.


This is inflammation of nerve tissue. Usually, when a disease occurs, people complain of sharp pain in the roots of the feet or calves. Characteristic feature The fact is that when the hernia in the legs below the knees hurts not in the evening, as with ordinary fatigue, but usually for some time after the pain of walking. Sometimes it is localized to walk only fifty-one hundred steps in order distributed by sharp pain in the legs. The point often occurs even somewhere on the legs below the knees. Given the width of the situation, you should appear a little, stop, and preferably sit down. In general, such actions will alleviate the damage to the sick person only for a muscular period, after which the legs will return.

If such conditions occur, you should immediately contact a vascular surgeon for the structures, who, by the way, will carry out a comprehensive examination (this includes mandatory studies: angiography with certificate contrast agent, ultrasound smokers and a detailed analysis was) to identify the reasons for the installation and prescribe the necessary treatment.

After complaining about all procedures, the specialist often makes a final diagnosis and prescribes a treatment that will allow the pain to manifest the degree of pain in the knees. But the fact is that the disease is very unpredictable and that if sharp pain in the foot occurs, immediately call an ambulance, because it may require a diagnosis surgical intervention, perhaps not enough immediate.

Arthritis and arthrosis

Or diseases are currently quite common. Their essential signs are the manifestation of pain in the joints during a visit, and there is also a meteorological dependence, which the osteopath “twists” the joints of the legs with pain due to changing weather conditions. Sometimes, those suffering from these diseases are unable to not only walk without a surgeon, but simply because their legs are standing lower, they can be in severe pain.

For a neurologist to make a diagnosis, a phlebologist needs to see a rheumatologist who, after atherosclerosis, will also prescribe the right course.


If below the heart there are pulsating pains in the legs, check and appear in the calf muscles, then suspect such a disease, or thrombophlebitis. In addition, redness and swelling appear in the vessels of the calves, burning sensations in the extremities, and the veins in the legs move and become dense over time. If this happens, you feel the feeling of your left leg lower or your right leg. This compression with a one-sided flow is tolerable.

Treatment in such situations in the legs is prescribed by an angiosurgeon - a doctor who specializes in the treatment of unpleasant vascular diseases. Depending on the risk of tearing characterized thrombus and the degree of neglect when treatment is prescribed for either atherosclerosis or surgical disease.


Pain in the bones of the knees may well not be a sign of such a disease as osteoporosis. This is a disease of sensation due to a lack of ( different times) in the body of an important macronutrient - will disappear. With this disease, it even manifests itself in an acute form; severe muscle cramps can often be observed. As most often, osteoporosis is possible for women after forty. Those at risk are often those with light hair, skin and clear eyes.

In this case, deterioration occurs great amount blood flow of negative consequences, so just urgently contact specialists for the destination people optimal treatment, from the arteries of which you can get rid of pain in the front below the sufferers, or at least smokers, the degree of its manifestation.

Flat feet

Diabetes is also a common cause of arterial syndrome in the legs. The most obvious sign of flat feet is the rapid appearance of a feeling of hypertension when walking, and when the disease is significant, the appearance of heredity sensations in the area of ​​the feet and determine.

Flat feet need to be treated as a disease. You need to contact an orthopedist, he is a regular and will show special exercises and biochemistry produces orthopedic insoles for blood. Women who suffer from the disease should not wear narrow shoes or high heels.

Diseases in the lumbar spine in addition to

It is also very common to be alert to cases when pain in the legs appears; in this case, no pathological changes in atherosclerosis in the lower extremities can be detected. Then you need to pay attention to the lumbar region and only there look for the cause of pain in the knee, knee or foot. Such convulsions usually appear in people with radiculitis or lumboischialgia - physical or nerve irritation that occurs in the lumbar spine. In manifested from the localization of the process, the pain is in the leg below the knee on the left.

Severe painful stress, hyperemia of the skin during treatment of the lower leg and increased local relaxation of the body are symptoms of the stages of inflammation. In this condition, pain occurs below the first in front.

Gout causes the development of pain in the thumbs, which have throbbing symptoms. In adolescents, pain in the legs and spasms occur during intravenous processes in other organs. Vessels, with chronic tonsillitis over time, clogs very often feel that the leg hurts, the knees hurt in the front and in the bones.

Knee diagnostic methods with leg preparation


Shin- part of the leg from the knee to the foot, consists of the tibia and fibula, to which the kneecap is attached. At the bottom, the bones are connected by ligaments to the inner and outer parts of the ankle. In the upper part, the bones are connected by an interosseous membrane.

The outer and inner parts of the lower leg are distinguished. The border between them runs on the outer side from the posterior edge of the head of the calf bone to the posterior edge of the outer part of the ankle, on the inner side - along the inner edge of the tibia.

  • anterior, extensors of the foot and toes;
  • external, flexor muscles of the foot, as well as rotator cuff muscles;
  • posterior muscles - gastrocnemius, finger and toe flexors.

Pain in the lower leg area occurs quite often and usually does not require long treatment(long static loads, standing, sitting; long walking and excessive physical exercise). The latter especially often occurs when a person resumes sports after a long break.

Trauma, shock, sprain, dislocation require immediate medical care. Often the cause of shin pain can be compression of the spine or lumbar spine, as well as the ineffective use of certain medications without a prescription.

Pain in the lower leg - video

What diseases cause pain in the lower leg?

What causes leg pain in the shin area? Let's talk about pain on the outside of the leg just below the knee (shin). Most often it hurts in a small area about 15 cm in length. The pain appears and increases during training, then decreases. Usually these pains are not very severe, but because of them you have to stop training.

  • Dehydration or decreased levels of certain salts in the blood (sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium).
  • Diuretics and other similar drugs that cause a sharp reduction in the number of salts. Statins - lower cholesterol levels, which can damage muscle tissue.
  • Muscle cramp due to physical overexertion or prolonged static load.
  • Strained ligaments due to muscle injury.
  • Depressed fracture of the tibia.
  • Inflammation of the calf tendons.
  • Meniscus damage.
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities (with this disease, the legs often hurt when walking, the pain disappears after rest).
  • Blockage (deep vein thrombosis).
  • Osteomyelitis is an infectious lesion of bone tissue.
  • Arthritis, arthrosis, joint inflammation.
  • Damage to nerve fibers - neuropathy in diabetes of smokers and people who abuse alcohol.
  • Inflammation of the tendons and tendon sheaths of the tibialis posterior and tibialis anterior muscles of the legs (tendinitis/tenosynovitis).
  • Damage and inflammation of the Achilles tendon (tendonitis, tenosynovitis), macro- and micro-tears.
  • "TRAPS" ​​syndrome (familial periodic fever syndrome), tibialis anterior tendon obstruction syndrome;
  • Inflammation of the periosteum of the tibia.
  • Stress fractures of the tibia.
  • Inflammation of the tendon-bone joints due to tendinous expansion of the “goosefoot” (tenoperiostitis - bursitis).
  • Fatigue, discomfort, leg muscle pain, calf muscle cramps.
  • Persistent muscle contractures of the leg muscles.
  • Micro- and macro tears of the calf muscles.
  • Lymphovenous insufficiency with varicose veins of the foot and ankle.
  • Micro-tears and inflammation of the patella ligaments (tendinitis, peritendinitis, tendoperiospatitis).
  • Osteochondropathy of the tibial tuberosity (Osgood-Schlatter disease) (adolescent tendoperiopatitis in the “growth zones”) - inflammation of the apex of the kneecap (tenoperiospatitis “jumper’s knee”).
  • Sprained/torn ankle ligaments.
  • The origin of a tumor in the thigh or lower leg is osteoma.
  • Narcotics, allopurinol and corticosteroids.
  • Paget's disease.
  • Malignant bone tumor - osteosarcoma.
  • Compression of nerve roots caused by a ruptured disc.
  • Raynaud's disease.
  • Tissue compression syndrome.

Quite often, people who abuse tobacco experience pain in the lower leg area. As a rule, pain in these cases appears during exercise and disappears after rest. This is a symptom serious problems requiring changes in habits and lifestyle. In addition, a patient experiencing a similar symptom, especially if he smokes, should have his heart condition checked. vascular system.

At deep vein thrombosis, acute pain in the lower leg, does not carry much risk. But there is a danger of complications (separation of a blood clot, transfer of its particles to the brain or lungs). Sometimes, thrombosis requires surgery.

At atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities the symptoms resemble the problems of smokers (Raynaud's disease). The fundamental difference is that with atherosclerosis, the narrowing of blood vessels is constant, and with Raynaud's disease, they spasm.

Tissue compression syndrome– a very serious disease that occurs due to severe pressure in the lower leg. Sometimes, after a pain-free period of time, internal bleeding occurs in the calf muscle, causing the nerve fibers and blood vessels to compress. The legs become hot to the touch, swell, and severe pain is felt in the lower leg.

Most terrible complication This syndrome can cause irreversible damage to nerve fibers and muscle tissue. Begins muscle atrophy and functional impairment (drop leg). A person loses the ability to walk, swim, or ride a bike.

Osteomyelitis - common complication, especially after open fractures. Typically, osteomyelitis of the leg affects people with weak immune systems. They usually require surgery and long-term medication.

Meniscus injury A very common injury in athletes, especially football players and runners. Surgery is considered the most effective.

Leg pain from muscle spasms The most favorable symptom for treatment, it does not require special drugs or operations and is treated with ointments with analgesics, massages and rest.

Which doctor should I contact for pain in the lower leg area?

  • Traumatologist
  • Phlebologist
  • Surgeon
  • Oncologist

Judging by queries on the Internet, it turns out that there are many people who do not correctly understand what a shin is. Many people believe that this part of the leg is in the ankle area. In fact, it includes not only the ankle, but the entire part of the lower limb from the knee to the heel. Therefore, when patients say that their legs hurt, many doctors try to clarify the exact location. Since pain in the lower leg can be associated with bones, muscles, tendon-ligament apparatus, blood vessels, and nerves that are located below the knee.

Self-medication of absolutely any pathology without consulting a specialist can lead to serious consequences.

Muscle problems

If the shin hurts below the knee at the back, first of all it is necessary to exclude pathology associated with the muscles. It should be noted that quite often it accompanies other more serious diseases. What can happen in such cases:

  1. Myositis.
  2. Muscle strain.
  3. Muscle cramps.
  4. Muscle tears.
  5. Spontaneous hemorrhages into muscle tissue.


The leading clinical sign of muscle inflammation is local pain. Physical activity only increases its intensity. In addition, there is an increase in the tone of the affected leg muscle group. If you touch or feel the lower leg, there is also a feeling of pain.

Local manifestations include a rise in temperature and redness of the skin, where an inflammatory process is noted. Since the patient will spare the affected leg, over time and as the disease progresses, atrophy of the muscles below the knee may develop.

Muscle strain

Quite often, pain in the lower leg is provoked by banal physical muscle strain caused by prolonged and excessive stress on the legs. The feeling of pain is aching in nature.

As a rule, after a long rest and in the absence of additional trauma (sprains, bruises, etc.), the pain syndrome goes away. In most cases, no special treatment is required.

Muscle cramps

Involuntary contraction muscle fibers commonly called convulsions. They can be caused by overwork of the leg muscles, lack of calcium, peripheral circulation disorder, etc. In addition to the characteristic twitching of muscle fibers, the patient feels acute excruciating pain in the leg below the knee. It often develops suddenly, without any warning signs. If the seizures are constant, then this is a serious reason to consult a specialist.

Muscle tears or tears

A sudden strong contraction of muscles can lead to their tearing or rupture. Typically, this type of injury occurs at the junction of the muscle and tendon. However, fairly large ruptures can also be detected. The cause of such dangerous and serious damage can be a sudden start of movement or a stop while running.

A rupture or tear of a muscle is always accompanied by acute pain in the lower leg. It may subside for a while, but soon becomes constant and very noticeable. Swelling and limited mobility of the affected leg, especially below the knee, will also develop.

Muscular hematoma

In clinical practice, there have been cases where spontaneous muscle hematomas appeared in patients taking blood thinning medications (anticoagulants). There will be aching pain and swelling of the lower leg. I would like to note that spontaneous hematomas are not associated with trauma or any damage.

At home, for pain in the lower leg in the front, side or back, you can use cold, rest and painkillers medications.

Problems with the tendon-ligament apparatus

Pain in the lower leg can often be associated with the tendon-ligamentous system. In the vast majority of cases, injury or damage is to blame. What pathological conditions can lead to pain in the leg below the knee:

  1. or tendinosis.
  2. Patella ligament injury.
  3. Injury or inflammation of the Achilles tendon.
  4. Ankle sprain.


The inflammation of a tendon is called tendinitis. If the disease spreads to the tendon sheaths, then we are talking about. Both of these pathologies are accompanied by pain and dysfunction. Inflammation of the tendon reduces its strength and increases the risk of rupture. With movement and physical activity, there is an increase in pain.

Injury to the intrinsic patellar ligament

Most often, a rupture of this ligament is diagnosed in more than mature age or in young athletes who train regularly and intensely. The main cause of such an injury is a sharp contraction of the anterior thigh muscle. Typically seen when a person lands on the ground after jumping or trips while running quickly. What clinical picture is typical:

  • Immediately after a traumatic movement, the lower leg in front below the knee begins to hurt sharply.
  • It is almost impossible to bend or straighten your leg.
  • It is also very difficult for the patient to simply stand.
  • Contraction of the anterior thigh muscle causes the patella to move upward.
  • Swelling and hemorrhages may develop in the area of ​​injury.

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon

If inflammation of the Achilles tendon is observed, the patient complains of pain in the ankle joint at the back, which can spread to the heel. As a rule, pain intensifies with exercise. There is also redness and swelling in the back of the ankle. At night, the pain usually decreases. Due to pain, the patient will spare the affected lower limb.

Achilles tendon injury

Despite the fact that the Achilles tendon is considered the strongest and most powerful, it is quite often injured. If a sprain occurs, acute pain will be felt in the back of the lower leg and ankles.

Foot movement will be limited. In addition, there is an increase in pain when moving the toes up or resting on the heel. Some swelling may occur in the Achilles tendon area.

Ankle ligament injury

According to clinical statistics, it is considered one of the most common soft tissue injuries of the leg. Most often, ligament damage occurs as a result of an unsuccessful twisting of the foot when jumping or while running. Walking on slippery surfaces or going down stairs poorly can cause this type of injury. Typical clinical presentation of an ankle sprain:

  • Rapidly growing swelling in the area of ​​injury.
  • Acute pain at the time of injury.
  • Over time, painful sensations are noted when palpating the ankle and when supporting the foot. At rest they are practically absent.
  • Mobility in the joint is limited.

If you have pain in the lower legs of both legs (front, side or back) when walking and at rest more than three days in a row and do not subside from taking painkillers, you must definitely visit a doctor.

Problems with bones and joints

To confirm or refute that pain in the lower leg is associated with damage to the bones or joints, it will be necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis, including laboratory and instrumental research methods. What problems with bones and joints can lead to pain:

  1. Dislocation
  2. Fracture
  3. Arthritis or arthrosis.
  4. Periostitis of the tibia.


All clinicians are well aware that dislocation cannot develop without stretching or rupture of the tendon-ligamentous apparatus and joint capsule. When a dislocation occurs, the articular surfaces of the bones are displaced. Of all the large joints, the ankle joint is the most susceptible to this type of injury. A dislocation will be characterized by a change in the shape and appearance of the joint. The pain syndrome is quite pronounced. The slightest movement only intensifies the pain. The mobility of the joint is severely limited. Immediately after the injury, there is an increase in swelling and subcutaneous hemorrhages are possible due to vascular damage.


A fatigue or stress fracture of the tibia occurs as a result of regular and prolonged physical activity. It is most often observed in athletes or those who enjoy running on hard surfaces in inappropriate shoes. A stress fracture is characterized by cracks in the bone. A predisposing factor is considered to be one in which a decrease in bone tissue density is recorded. Possible clinical symptoms of a fracture:

  • Pain that gets worse with slight movements.
  • Swelling or swelling in the ankle area.
  • Impaired functionality of the lower limb.
  • Difficulties that arise during normal walking.
  • Hemorrhages under the skin.

Reliable signs of a fracture include an unnatural position of the leg and pathological mobility.


Any inflammatory process in the joints is called. Depending on the nature and severity of the disease, symptoms may vary. Let's look at a typical clinical picture characteristic of arthritis:

  • As a rule, painful sensations intensify at night.
  • Morning stiffness that goes away within a few hours.
  • Swelling and increase in size of the affected joint.
  • Local redness skin and temperature rise.
  • The mobility of the inflamed joint suffers to some extent.
  • The pain syndrome subsides quite quickly after taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


The degenerative joint disease called degenerative joint disease can also cause considerable pain to patients. In the initial stages, painful sensations appear periodically, usually after physical exertion. Absent at rest or disappear quickly. As the pathology progresses, an increase in the intensity of the pain syndrome is observed. What other main clinical signs of arthrosis of the lower leg joints can be identified:

  • Continued stiffness in the morning.
  • The predominance of mechanical pain associated with physical activity.
  • Impaired functionality in the ankle joint in the form of limited mobility.
  • The appearance of a characteristic crunching sound during physical activity.
  • Pathological change in the shape of the joint (deformity).

Periostitis of the tibia

The patient may claim that it is the leg bone at the level of the shin in front that hurts. In such situations, inflammation of the periosteum or periostitis of the tibia should be excluded. Basically, the pathology is typical for athletes who train intensively on hard surfaces. In the first stages of the disease, the painful sensations are not acute. As a rule, they intensify with physical activity and weaken with rest. Pain may occur even when touching the bone. Also on the front surface of the lower leg there is slight swelling and relief in the form of dense tubercles.

Osgood-Schlatter disease

Pain below the knee can be observed when it is characterized by inflammation of the tibia in the area of ​​​​attachment of the patella tendon. Most often, this pathology occurs in adolescence, when active growth of the musculoskeletal system occurs.

As soon as the formation of the skeleton ends, clinical symptoms gradually disappears. Osgood-Schlatter disease is characterized by aching pain on the front surface of the leg just below the patella. Usually the pathological process is observed on one leg. Physical activity provokes increased pain.

For treatment folk remedies resort only when you have received approval from your doctor.

Problems with blood vessels and nerves

Pain in the lower leg occurs not only due to damage to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones or joints, but also due to problems with the blood vessels and nerves. What pathological conditions of these anatomical structures most often contribute to the appearance of pain in the legs:

  1. Peripheral arterial circulation disorder.
  2. Vein thrombosis.
  3. Varicose veins of the legs.
  4. Compartment syndromes.
  5. Nerve damage.

Disturbance in the functioning of arterial vessels

Narrowing or blockage of peripheral arterial vessels can lead to lower leg pain. Diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis are the leading causes of arterial circulation disorders in the legs. Narrowing of the arteries is characterized by an increase in painful sensations, and their intensification with physical activity. At the same time, when blood vessels are blocked, the pain syndrome develops suddenly. In addition, convulsions and spasms of the lower extremities may occur. As peripheral arterial insufficiency progresses, intermittent claudication appears. What other clinical symptoms are noted:

  • The leg becomes pale and cold to the touch.
  • It is difficult to feel the pulse.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • When the patient stands, problems appear with maintaining balance.
  • Feeling of numbness in the affected limb.
  • Ulcers occur in the lower leg area, which are difficult to heal.

Varicose veins of the legs

Pathological expansion of the veins in the lower extremities provokes the development of the disorder venous circulation. At the beginning of the disease, the patient complains of a feeling of heaviness, weakness in the legs and fatigue. There is a feeling of pain along the superficial veins. By the end of the day, clinical symptoms become more pronounced.

Standing for a long time only increases the feeling of heaviness, weakness, pain and swelling in the legs. Long-term stagnation of venous blood in the lower extremities predisposes to the appearance of trophic ulcers.

Vein thrombosis

The appearance of this disease is associated with occlusion (blockage) of the veins of the lower extremities. At the same time, it is observed acute disorder venous circulation and inflammation of blood vessels along with nearby tissues. The main manifestations of venous thrombosis are pain in the lower leg, voluminous swelling and discoloration of the skin on the legs (bluish tint). In addition, pain will be felt when palpating the affected venous vessel.

The pain can be of a different nature: from severe and acute to aching and moderate. Mainly intensified by physical activity. If the patient takes horizontal position With the legs slightly elevated, the pain decreases.

"Trap syndromes"

Femoral, tibial and peroneal nerves leads to pain in the lower leg. Trap or carpal tunnel syndrome named because sensory, motor and trophic disorders appear due to compression or pinched nerves. Depending on which nerve is affected, corresponding neurological symptoms will be observed. However, with any damage to the above nerves, pain in the lower leg area is almost always observed.


Damage to the peripheral nerves, manifested by a complete lack of motor activity on the part of the lower leg muscles, a disorder of sensitivity and local circulation, is called. One of the common causes of damage to the peripheral nerves of the leg is diabetes mellitus.

Neglecting traditional methods treatment, you risk significantly worsening your condition and developing a host of serious complications.

Pain and its causes in alphabetical order:

shin pain

The lower leg is the part of the leg from the knee to the heel, consisting of the tibia and fibula, to which the patella is attached. The tibia and fibula end at the bottom with two processes: the inner and outer malleolus, where they are connected by ligaments. These bones articulate at the top and are connected along their entire length by a membrane.

The tibia is divided into anterior and posterior regions, the boundary between which on the outside runs from the posterior edge of the head of the fibula to the posterior edge of the outer malleolus, and on the inside along the inner edge of the tibia.

Muscles are attached to the front and back of the leg bones, which are divided into 3 groups: the fore, extensor of the feet and toes; external, flexing the foot, as well as abducting and rotating it outward; and the posterior muscles (gastrocnemius), which flex the toes and foot.

Pain in the lower leg is quite common, and in most cases does not require treatment (prolonged static load, standing, sitting, long walking and excessive exercise). The latter especially often occurs when a person begins to exercise after a long break. Injury, blow, sprain, dislocation require immediate medical attention. Very often, the cause of pain in the lower leg can be compression of the root in the lumbar spine, as well as irrational use of certain medications without a doctor’s prescription.

What diseases cause pain in the lower leg:

What are the symptoms of shin pain?
Shin pain is pain on the outside of the leg below the knee (tibia area). The affected area is 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) in length. Pain may appear during exercise and then decrease. The pain in the lower leg is often not severe. However, pain may occur in the athlete, causing the athlete to stop training.

The main causes of pain in the lower leg:
- Dehydration or a decrease in the level of certain salts in the blood (soda, calcium, potassium, magnesium).
- Taking medications such as diuretics, which cause a sharp decrease in the amount of salts. Statins - by lowering cholesterol levels, can damage muscle tissue.
- Muscle spasm from physical overexertion or prolonged static load.
- Ligament torn due to muscle injury.
- Depressed fractures of the tibia.
- Inflammation of the calf tendons.
- Damage to the meniscus.
- Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities (this disease is characterized by the appearance of pain in the lower leg when walking and their disappearance after rest).
- Blockage of blood vessels (deep vein thrombosis).
- Osteomyelitis is an infectious lesion of bone tissue.
- Inflammation of the joints – arthritis, arthrosis.
- Damage to nerve fibers - polyneuropathy in diabetes, smokers and alcohol abusers.
- Inflammation of the tendons and tendon sheaths of the posterior tibial and anterior tibial muscles of the lower leg (tendinitis / tendovaginitis).
- Damage and inflammation of the Achilles tendon - partial micro- and macro-tears (tendonitis, peretendinitis).
- “Trap” shin syndromes (squeeze-compression syndromes); anterior tibial tendon syndrome; syndromes of the anterior, posterior, lateral “compartments” of the lower leg muscles.
- Inflammation of the periosteum of the tibia (periostopathy).
- Stress fractures of the lower leg (“fatigue”, “march” fractures).
- Inflammation of the tendon-bone connection of the tendon extension “crow's foot” (tenoperiostitis - bursitis).
- Fast fatiguability, discomfort, soreness of the lower leg muscles, cramps of the calf muscles.
- Persistent muscle contractures (“cloggedness”) of the lower leg muscles due to overload.
- Micro- and macrotears of the calf muscles of the leg.
- Lymphovenous insufficiency and dilation of the veins of the foot and leg.
- Microtears and inflammation of the patellar ligament (tendinitis, peritendinitis, tendoperiostopatiy).
- Inflammation of the tibial tuberosity: Osgood-Schlatter disease (adolescent growth plate tendoperiostopathy)
- Inflammation of the apex of the kneecap (tenoperiostopopathy, “jumper’s knee”).
- Sprains/ruptures of the ankle ligaments due to foot instability.

Less common causes of shin pain:
- An incipient tumor in the thigh or lower leg - osteoma.
- Drugs such as alapurinol and corticostyrol.
- Paget's disease.
- Malignant bone tumors – osteosarcoma.
- Nerve root compression caused by disc herniation.
- Raynaud's syndrome.
- Tissue compression syndrome.

Most often, acute pain in the lower leg occurs in people who have been abusing smoking for a long time. These pains usually disappear with rest, but indicate the presence of serious problems that require lifestyle changes. In addition, the presence of such pain syndrome requires further examination of the smoking patient for heart disease and the vascular system as a whole.

Acute pain in the lower leg due to deep vein thrombosis in itself does not pose a great danger, but high risk when a complication occurs (a blood clot ruptures and enters the lungs or brain). Perhaps in case of thrombosis it may be necessary surgical treatment.

With atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, a picture appears that is similar to the symptoms found in smokers (Raynaud's syndrome). The fundamental difference is that with atherosclerosis, a true narrowing of the blood vessels occurs, and not a spasm as with Raynaud's syndrome.

Tissue compression syndrome is a very serious condition that occurs after severe pressure on the lower leg. Sometimes, after a pain-free interval, internal hemorrhage occurs in the muscles of the lower leg, which compresses the nerve fibers and blood vessels. The leg becomes swollen, hot to the touch, and severe pain appears in the lower leg. The most serious complication possible with this syndrome is irreversible damage to nerve fibers and muscle tissue. When this happens, muscle atrophy and functional failure of the foot occurs (foot drop). A person loses the ability to flex the foot, which makes it impossible for him to walk, swim or ride a bicycle.

Osteomyelitis is a common complication, especially after open fractures. Typically, osteomyelitis of the leg develops in people with weak immunity and, as a rule, requires both surgery and drug treatment.

Meniscal damage is a very common injury in athletes, especially football players and runners. Surgical treatment is the most effective.

Pain in the lower leg from muscle spasm is the most favorable for treatment and does not require special measures, with the exception of possible application ointments with analgesics, massage and rest.

Which doctors should you contact if you experience pain in the lower leg:

Are you experiencing shin pain? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor Eurolab always at your service! The best doctors will examine you and study you external signs and will help you identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide the necessary assistance. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolab open for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic:
Phone number of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multi-channel). The clinic secretary will select a convenient day and time for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the clinic’s services on it.

(+38 044) 206-20-00

If you have previously performed any research, Be sure to take their results to a doctor for consultation. If the studies have not been performed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Do you have shin pain? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People don't pay enough attention symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific symptoms, characteristic external manifestations- so called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to do it several times a year. be examined by a doctor, in order not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the organism as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on. Also register on medical portal Eurolab to keep abreast of the latest news and information updates on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by email.

The symptom chart is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and methods of its treatment, consult your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of pain, or you have any other questions or suggestions, write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

Update: October 2018

The lower leg is an anatomical region that occupies the space from the knee to the heel joint. It, like other areas of the body, is a multi-layered formation: there is skin on top, and a little underneath it. subcutaneous tissue, below are muscles, bones, between which blood vessels and nerves pass. The peculiarity of pain in the lower leg area is that it can be caused not only by inflammatory, tumor diseases or impaired blood supply to any of the structures that make it up. It is this area that will hurt in response to severe intoxication (for example, with leptospirosis or influenza); It is here that it is most difficult for blood to rise through the veins against gravity, which creates the preconditions for the formation.

Let's look at why the lower legs hurt in relation to the location and nature of the pain syndrome, but first, let's briefly cover the anatomy, so that later it will be clear what is called what.

A little anatomy

The skin of the lower leg has nothing that distinguishes it from the skin of other areas. Its temperature, pain and tactile sensitivity is provided by nerves starting from the lower back and passing through the thigh.

The subcutaneous tissue of the lower leg is quite well defined. On the front surface there are saphenous veins- small and large, as well as the nerve going to the skin. Only their branches extend to the rear surface. Superficial veins communicate with deep veins lying between the muscle layers using special perforating (communicating) veins.

Under the fiber on the front surface there is fascia - a film covering the muscles, but here in its density it is more reminiscent of a tendon. Along the posterior surface, the fascia is not so dense, but is divided into 2 sheets, which divide the muscles into 2 layers - superficial and deep. Under the muscles there are 2 bones: tibia - with inside, fibula - from the outside.

Calf muscles (crural muscles). They do not cover its entire anterior surface, leaving a “bare” section of the tibia along its outer surface(you can easily feel it). The muscles of the back of the lower leg form the so-called “second heart”. When walking, they push blood from the veins into the systemic circulation against gravity, and the blood in these veins can be deposited quite a large number of. Therefore, in situations involving blood loss or fluid loss, they try to raise the legs. When the bloodstream is overcrowded, which is accompanied by pain, the legs are lowered, and they also try to dilate the veins using thermal procedures to remove a large amount of blood from them.

Bones. There are two of them: the wide and large tibia, as well as the small, cane-like fibula. There are sockets at the top and bottom of the tibia where the fibula is inserted. This connection is not very reliable, so the bones are additionally fixed with a membrane made of dense connective tissue. Nerves and blood vessels pass through this membrane, piercing it through.

What can cause pain in the lower leg?

The lower leg may develop:

You may get sick:

  • leather;
  • muscles and their tendons;
  • ligaments;
  • bones;
  • joints;
  • nerves.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that the lower leg of the left leg has the same structures as the right one. Therefore, in further material we will consider pain depending on its location in the lower leg itself - both right and left.

My whole shin hurts

Pain syndrome of this localization is typical for:

  1. Fracture of the leg bones caused by a blow, bruise, jump from a height or fall. At first, the pain may be localized, in the place where the blow occurred, but then the entire lower leg is captured. In addition, movements in the ankle joint become extremely difficult.
  2. Osteitis deformans, characterized by the predominance of bone destruction processes over its formation. The affected bone becomes deformed, which is accompanied by a dull, aching pain that almost never goes away and can intensify with rest.
  3. Blood supply disorders due to atherosclerosis or obliterating endarteritis, when the vessels feeding the tissues of the lower leg become increasingly narrowed, depriving them of nutrition.
  4. Gas gangrene, when the leg was wounded, and on the wounding object there was soil containing clostridia bacteria (this could be a nail, glass, and so on). Read.
  5. Any of the tumors developing in the crural area, which caused compression of blood vessels or their blockage by tumor cells. Thus, both benign neoplasms (osteoma, chondroma, lipoma, fibroma) and cancerous (they will be called sarcomas) tumors can compress the vessels. Only osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, leiosarcoma, squamous cell skin cancer, rhabdosarcoma and others can clog blood vessels.

Pain on the front of the shin

When the tissues of the lower leg hurt in the front, this can happen due to the following reasons.


A blow to the front, a fall on the knee while skateboarding, roller skating or cycling, which did not provoke a fracture, but only damage to the soft tissues, will be accompanied by pain in the lower leg in the front.

It could also be a sprain or rupture of a ligament that occurs due to injury or intense training.

If there is a fracture, the whole leg will hurt.


The front surface of the leg can be burned when cooking - with boiling water or boiling oil. A red hot spot or even a watery blister will appear in this area


In the anterior part it can often occur erysipelas. Is it red or pink spot not very small in diameter, looking like a painted flame.

Inflammation can be caused not only by streptococcus, as with erysipelas. Other microbes can also provoke an inflammatory process in local soft tissues. They can get there when injured by infected material, when there is poor blood supply, when trophic ulcers occur.

Inflammation does not have to be caused by microbes. This may be caused by various reasons, including diseases internal organs.

Anterior tunnel syndrome

This is the name for inflammation and swelling of the muscles of the anterior crural zone, placed in a separate fascial sheath, which limits their further expansion.

The pain is severe, localized in the front, involves the foot, intensifies when bending the leg.

Osgood-Schlatter disease

This disease most often develops in people 10-20 years old, whose bone tissue is actively growing, and at the same time they are actively involved in sports such as football, running or basketball, accompanied by increased load on your feet. The essence of the disease: damage to the bone area (tuberosity) on the tibia, to which the tendon is attached.

The pain appears gradually, its first episode is after physical activity. At first she is weak, then she becomes strong. It intensifies when the leg is extended, and if the leg is left at rest, the pain will ease.

Knee meniscus injury

Occurs in athletes. It is characterized by severe pain in both the knee and lower leg, accompanied by limitation of motor activity of the limb and an increase in the volume of the joint.

Shin splint syndrome

This condition occurs in athletes who work with heavy loads on their legs, who put it on immediately, without good preparation.

The pain is aching, mild or moderate, occurs during exercise, and goes away with rest.

Trophic ulcers

This appearance of local tissue death on the skin is associated with varicose veins or obliterating endarteritis. It is characterized by the appearance of not only a skin defect, but also pressing, bursting pain in this area.


Its cause is severe physical activity. It manifests itself as local pain in the inflamed muscle, which intensifies when it is compressed and certain movements. If myositis is not treated, the muscle weakens and atrophies. .

Pain in the back of the shin

Pain on the back of the lower leg is characteristic of the following diseases and conditions:


If the blow or fall occurred on the back and did not cause a fracture, the soft tissues in the damaged area will hurt.


If it hurts on the back and sides (by inner surface), this may be periostitis - inflammation of the periosteum. Its causes: prolonged physical activity in untrained people, bruises, fractures. Such pain often develops in the lower leg right leg, which is usually “jogging” and receives a large load. They appear a short time after training or exercise. There may be a slight swelling at the site of the lesion, which, if touched, will be painful or unpleasant. The skin is not red or swollen.

Inflammatory processes

Exactly the same processes that are described for the anterior surface can develop and cause pain in this location.

Deep posterior tunnel syndrome

If the muscles underlying the triceps surae become infected, lose their normal blood supply, or become stretched, they become sore because they are encased in fascia and unable to expand.

Pain along the posterior crural surface. It is sharp, bursting. It intensifies when trying to straighten the leg. If the pathology is not treated, swelling will appear in the affected area, the skin will turn red or bluish, and the temperature will rise above it. Later, sensitivity is impaired, and the muscles begin to work worse.

Calf muscle strain

If you jump unsuccessfully or try to run too fast, a calf muscle strain may occur. This is manifested by sharp pain in the posterior crural regions at the time of stretching. Over time, the tissues swell and the pain intensifies.

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon

Strenuous physical activity can lead to inflammation of the tendon that attaches to the heel bone. In this case, aching pain appears in the lower parts of the back of the leg. It intensifies if you need to bend the foot, for example, when walking or running.

Myositis of one of the muscles of the posterior group

The muscle begins to ache, and this pain intensifies when the foot is extended, the muscle is compressed, or when the weather changes.

Baker's cyst rupture

In some people, in a dimple on the back surface knee joint there may be a connective tissue capsule with liquid -. If it ruptures and fluid enters the intermuscular spaces, this is manifested by pain, soreness, and increased local temperature.

The lower leg hurts on the inner surface

Pain in the lower leg on the inside can be caused by:

  • periostitis of the tibia;
  • trauma to this area;
  • erysipelas that has developed in this area;
  • shin splints syndrome;
  • tumor formations localized in this area;
  • neuropathy of the saphenous nerve.

The shin hurts on the outside

Pain on the outside appears when:

  • injury;
  • inflammation;
  • burns;
  • spinal osteochondrosis;
  • if squamous cell skin cancer is located in this area.

Shin bones hurt

When pain is noted in the bones of the lower leg, this may indicate:

  • periostitis. Caused by pain syndrome heavy load legs, especially often observed among soldiers in the first month of service or those who decided to quickly “pump up” their legs. Above the inflamed periosteum there is a slight swelling of the skin of unchanged color, the bone in this place is painful. Nothing is visible on the X-ray for the first 20 days;
  • Osgood-Schlatter disease;
  • osteitis deformans. This process is characterized by a violation normal processes, occurring in the bones of the leg. Instead of the process of bone renewal (its destruction and creation) occurring gradually and in a balanced manner, destruction begins to predominate. Bones try to repair themselves, but they do so more slowly, so they tend to break;
  • osteomyelitis - inflammation of the bone marrow located in the tibia. The pain is bursting, severe, accompanied by fever, drowsiness, weakness, and sometimes nausea. .

Muscle pain

If the pain is in the lower leg muscles, it may be:

  1. myositis;
  2. muscle soreness, which occurs due to overload of muscle tissue during training or work. The pain can be quite severe; it goes away after a short period of inactivity;
  3. varicose veins when dilated veins are visible on the back of the leg;
  4. leptospirosis. This disease most often occurs in hunters and fishermen, and is characterized by a severe course with damage to the liver and kidneys. Both legs hurt, this is also accompanied by weakness and fever. Over time, a person may notice a yellowing of his own skin, and then a decrease in the amount of urine;
  5. pain in the calf muscle may occur after a cramp that occurs against the background, during pregnancy, while in cold water;
  6. innervation disorder, arising from osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia localized in the lumbar spine;
  7. carpal tunnel syndrome– front, rear or side.

Skin pain

Pain in the skin of the lower leg is observed with:

  • Trauma (bruise, compression, crushing) of tissues. In this case, there will be a bruise or bruise on the skin; the person must also remember the fact of the injury.
  • Burn: solar, chemical or physical. The skin is red, swollen, and may have blisters. A person can indicate the fact of a burn.
  • Inflammation (for example, erysipelas or herpes). This inflammation is a noticeable phenomenon. Thus, the erysipelas process looks like a bright pink spot on the skin, hot to the touch, with clear, flame-like boundaries. - this is a group of bubbles located along the nerve trunk, the skin under which hurts.
  • Phlegmon, that is, the melting of subcutaneous tissue caused by pyogenic bacteria. It occurs after a penetrating wound or against the background of trophic ulcers, when staphylococci, streptococci, and other bacteria get under the skin.

Approximate diagnosis based on the nature of pain

The shin hurts a lot when:

  • Osgood-Schlatter disease;
  • phlegmon;
  • gas gangrene associated with the entry into the wound on the leg of soil, dust (by itself or with a wounding object), which contains clostridia - anaerobic bacteria;
  • tumors developing from the bones of this anatomical zone. The pain is sharp, stabbing, worsens with physical activity;
  • tunnel syndromes.

Sharp pain is characteristic of osteomyelitispurulent inflammation bones that contain red bone marrow. The pain is bursting, constant, exhausting. It is accompanied by deterioration of the condition (weakness, drowsiness, loss of appetite), increased temperature. It becomes painful to walk, and when you tap on the affected bone, the pain intensifies.

If the pain is aching, this may indicate:

  1. tendonitis (inflammation of the tendons of the lower leg). It often develops when tendons are injured, frequent or intense physical activity, when a tear occurs at the site of attachment to the bone. The pain is localized in the area of ​​the tear, the skin in this area swells, may turn slightly red, and shows increased tactile and pain sensitivity;
  2. herniated disc;
  3. osteitis deformans.

What additional symptoms may indicate?

Pain in the lower leg when running- This is a symptom indicating a violation of the blood supply to tissues. This is typical for two diseases: obliterating (that is, narrowing the lumen of blood vessels) atherosclerosis and obliterating endarteritis. In the initial stages of the disease, the entire lower leg will hurt only with prolonged walking or significant physical activity. When pain in the lower leg occurs when walking or even at rest, this means that the disease has gone far, and without taking appropriate measures, tissue death (gangrene) may occur.

A similar symptom can also be observed with tumors, when the newly formed tissue has compressed the vessels that feed all other tissues. It doesn't have to be malignant tumor; a lipoma or chondroma may also well cause this clinical picture.

Also, pain when walking will occur when:

  1. muscle strains. This occurs a little after an injury, accident or awkward movement;
  2. fractures or microcracks of bones. This condition is also provoked by trauma, in contrast to arterial diseases that arise “out of nowhere”;
  3. varicose veins shin veins.

If your leg is swollen, it may be:

  • Periostitis. In this case, the swelling is small, but it is painful to touch. Skin color is not changed. Pain occurs 2-3 days after an exhausting workout, bruise or fracture.
  • Osteomyelitis. It is characterized by fever, redness and swelling in the local area, pain when walking.
  • Phlegmon. The temperature rises, appetite decreases, and you may feel sick. Swelling and tenderness in the crural area spread over a large area.
  • Gas gangrene. There is always a wound, in which bacteria that cannot tolerate oxygen are introduced under the skin.
  • Swelling and a change in the color of the leg to bluish indicate overlap large vein thrombus. This requires urgent surgical intervention.
  • Slight swelling without a change in skin color may indicate development of venous insufficiency in varicose veins.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.

If your child's shin hurts

Pain in the lower leg in a child may occur due to the following:

  1. fracture, bruise or prolonged compression tissues of the crural region;
  2. muscle cramps when in cold water or developed during diarrhea, when dehydration occurs and the body is deprived of calcium or magnesium, other conditions accompanied by a decrease in the blood concentration of calcium/magnesium;
  3. osteomyelitis;
  4. periostitis;
  5. Schlatter's disease;
  6. gas gangrene.

Tumors in childhood develop extremely rarely, but if the above reasons are excluded, it is necessary to be examined for oncological pathologies, including.

Actions for crural pain

What to do with such a symptom before consulting a doctor depends on the cause of the disease:

  1. If there was an injury or intense training the day before, you can take a painkiller: “Nimid”, “” or “Dexalgin”. The limbs need to be kept at rest and the muscles bandaged. elastic bandage. To reduce pain, you can apply ice wrapped in a dry diaper to the sore spot for 15-20 minutes 3-4 times a day. Impaired movement in the leg, increased swelling after injury is a reason to consult a traumatologist.
  2. If the pain appears spontaneously, despite the fact that the person does not have varicose veins- also a reason to visit a traumatologist.
  3. Pain, fever and deterioration of general condition indicates the need to visit a traumatologist (if bones hurt) or an infectious disease specialist (when muscles hurt). You need to call an ambulance and go to an infectious diseases hospital or any other hospital if, in addition to crural pain syndrome, you have one of the following symptoms:
    • decreased amount of urine;
    • yellowing of the skin;
    • high temperature, especially when it does not decrease well when taking antipyretic drugs;
    • feeling of “lack of air”;
    • dyspnea;
    • pain in the right hypochondrium.
  4. When you notice that It hurts to walk, but only the lower leg hurts, not the back, you need to perform Doppler ultrasound (triplex or duplex scanning) arteries of the lower extremities, and then visit a vascular surgeon.
  5. When the shin bothers you due to frequent muscle cramps, donate blood to check for calcium and magnesium content, contact your family doctor, therapist or pediatrician.
  6. Swelling, bursting pain, crunching tissue in the place where there was injury several times, talking about probable development gas gangrene, life-threatening. It is treated only in a surgical hospital through surgery and constant washing of the wound with hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate and other solutions that bring oxygen to the tissues, which is harmful to clostridia.

Pain in the lower leg is a rather difficult problem for a person, because it can be a symptom of a disease such as thrombosis, which is life-threatening. And thrombosis is not the only disease that is signaled by pain in the lower leg. It happens that such pain in the lower leg is associated with diseases that are still under investigation. initial stage development - then they can be quickly cured. How to distinguish dangerous situation from one that can be dealt with quickly?

Reasons why shin pain occurs

  • Reduced concentration in the blood certain type salts, for example, magnesium, calcium, potassium, magnesium. The reason for the decrease in salt concentration may be diuretics.
  • A person takes uncontrollably medical supplies: statins (they can cause destruction or deformation of muscle tissue, thereby reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood).
  • Muscle spasms, primarily as a result of prolonged exercise or physical overexertion.
  • Rupture or tear of ligaments or tendons due to muscle injuries
  • Fracture of the shin bones, ankle joint
  • Meniscus strain or injury
  • Vein thrombosis (deep or superficial), vascular blockage
  • Tendon inflammation
  • Meniscus damage.
  • Atherosclerosis arising in the vessels of the legs
  • Infectious lesions of the leg tissue
  • Deformation, rupture, sprain, injury, damage to nerve fibers (risk groups include smokers, people who abuse alcohol, and diabetics).
  • The so-called trap syndrome, when the lower leg is pinched or compressed as a result of injury or muscle strain
  • Fractures due to overexertion
  • Muscle contracture is the so-called congestion of muscles due to overexertion and heavy loads.
  • Inflammation of the periosteum of the tibia
  • Tears - large and small - in the calf muscles
  • Enlarged veins, torn ligaments located under the knee
  • Inflammation of the tuberous surface of the tibia
  • Inflammation of the top of the kneecap - the so-called jumper's knee
  • Tumor or osteoma of the leg or thigh
  • Abuse of such medical supplies as corticostyrol
  • Malignant tumors of the leg bone
  • A disease called Paget's disease (nipple cancer)
  • Raynaud's syndrome
  • Muscle compartment syndrome
  • Compression of the nerve roots located in the lower leg

Smoker's pain

This pain is localized in the lower leg of people who smoke frequently and heavily. If you stop smoking, the pain may go away. If after rest a person stops feeling pain, then there are no serious health problems. But if even in a calm state a person is still tormented by pain, it means there is serious reason consult a doctor for diagnosis. The heart and blood vessels of a smoker are subject to special stress and can cause pain in the lower leg. That's why Special attention needs to be addressed to the cardiovascular system.

Pain due to thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis can only be dangerous if there are complications that can be life-threatening. These complications can occur if a person's blood clot breaks loose. If the risk of developing a blood clot is high and it can travel to the lungs or brain, then the person will need surgery to remove the blood clot, otherwise it could be fatal. If a person has blood clots in the veins, he may experience ankle pain.

Pain due to compression of ankle tissues

Compression of tissues can result from a strong impact on the lower leg, squeezing it with a heavy object, or injury to the lower leg. Because of this, hemorrhage may occur in the soft tissues of the lower leg, causing swelling and pain. Blood vessels with such an injury, they can also be compressed, causing a red or blue hematoma to appear on the skin.

It happens that when squeezed, hemorrhage occurs in the muscles, and at the same time, blood vessels and nerve fibers are compressed. Because of this, swelling of the leg occurs, which becomes very hot, changes color and pain appears in the lower leg area.

If muscle tissue and nerve fibers are damaged, this process can be irreversible, and the pain can be very severe. In this case, the muscles atrophy, the foot cannot perform its functions; doctors call this condition drop foot. A person cannot bend it, which means he cannot walk, ride a motorcycle or bicycle, or even swim.

Pain in the lower leg after open fractures

This pain can occur with osteomyelitis, especially osteomyelitis of the leg, in which the immune system is very weakened, and then surgery may be required.

Meniscus injury

In this case, the person may also be bothered by pain in the lower leg. It is more typical for people who play sports and run a lot: football players, runners, basketball players. Meniscal damage is most often treated with surgery.

Is there a danger due to shin pain?

It depends on the disease that pain signals. If we're talking about about thrombosis - and such patients account for more than 50% of those who complain of pain in the lower leg - this is dangerous. The clot can break off and block a vein or travel through the bloodstream to other organs, such as the lungs. When the lungs are blocked by a blood clot, the person dies instantly. Moreover, the size of venous blood clots does not matter for a person’s life - both a small and a large blood clot can be dangerous.

It is very important to make a correct diagnosis for pain in the lower leg. If the presence of blood clots is determined, the doctor will continue the research methods. To know exactly how to fight for a person’s life. If there are no blood clots in the veins, then the treatment will be easier and more effective. The main thing is to start it on time. That is, as soon as possible.

Mechanism of shin pain

The tissues of the lower leg are penetrated by many nerve endings. They are found in muscles, tendons, ligaments, vessels, and tissues that surround them. Any part of the lower leg can become inflamed, and so can the nerve endings. Then pain is transmitted through nerve receptors. For example, with deep vein thrombosis, the walls of their vessels or the tissues around it can become inflamed. This causes irritation of the nerve endings and pain in the lower leg.

The shin is the part of the leg that runs from the knee to the heel. It contains the tibia and fibula. A cup is attached to them above the knee. Below, in the heel area, the tibia and tibia pass into the ankles - internal and external - these are processes of the tibia. These bones are connected along their entire length by membranes.

Doctors conditionally divide the lower leg into two parts – the anterior and posterior. The border of these parts is located along the inner edge of the tibia, the other border runs from the back of the outer edge of the ankle to the back of the head of another bone - the fibula.

The calf muscles are located along the front of the bones of the lower leg, as well as along the back of it. Physiologists divide the calf muscles into 3 large groups. These are the anterior muscles, which help to extend the toes and the foot itself, and the extrinsic muscles, which allow the foot to flex and rotate, as well as move the foot outward. And the posterior muscles that help the foot and toes flex are called the gastrocnemius. Most often, pain in the lower leg does not require a long time for treatment, unless the cause is serious illness. But what causes pain in the lower leg?

Character of pain in the lower leg

Pain in the lower leg first appears below the knee on the outside of the legs (this is the area of ​​​​the tibia). This is a length of more than 10-15 cm. Pain can occur during heavy physical activity, and after it is reduced or stopped, the pain subsides.

If pain in the lower leg occurs during physical training, then you need to stop these exercises so that the pain subsides.