Severe leg cramps causes treatment. Leg cramps - causes and effective treatment


Do a set of simple exercises. Stand facing the wall, put your palms above your head, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Then take small steps back without leaving the floor until a slight stretch appears. Then stop for 30 seconds. Keep your breathing even and deep. This will stretch the tense calf muscle.

If the cramps are so strong that you get up, then do the following exercise without getting up from a prone position. Pull your toes towards you and hold them in this position for a couple of seconds. Repeat 3-5 times, and then twist your legs in the air as if riding a bicycle.

If possible, do a foot bath or take a contrast shower. Please note that in the presence of varicose veins, the water temperature contrast should not be sharp. For a foot bath, add peppermint or raspberry leaves to the water, as well as a decoction of roots with rhizomes of valerian, elderberry. These plants have a pronounced anticonvulsant effect.

Additionally, to improve blood circulation in the leg, apply and actively rub a warming ointment into the muscle. At the same time, massage your legs from the toes to the heel, and then from the calf to the knee. After massaging and warming up the muscles, be sure to take a horizontal position, slightly raising your legs with a thick blanket.

If you are prone to nighttime, use laurel oil as well as mustard oil.


To relieve muscle cramps, you need to sit in bed, lower your legs down or pinch the sore spot several times or stand up carefully. Then massage the calves and feet with light patting and stroking, starting from the tips of the fingers to the heels, and then from the heels, along the calf muscles to the knees. How to get rid of leg cramps.

Useful advice

Varicose veins, lack of calcium, flat feet, pregnancy - and this is not the whole list of what can cause leg cramps. Only an experienced doctor can determine why this is happening specifically in your case. He will prescribe the appropriate treatment for you. In this article, we will look at various traditional and alternative medicines that will help us, if not completely get rid of seizures ...


  • how to relieve leg pain

Some people have seizures very often.

Everyone has experienced pain from a cramp at least once in their life. The cramp appears suddenly. The pain is so sharp and there is a feeling that the muscle can burst from tension. Very often, convulsions occur at night, disrupting sleep and making you experience unpleasant moments. What are seizures? What is the reason for their occurrence? How to deal with them? Let's figure it out.

What are seizures?

convulsions(myoclonus) - involuntary sharp uncontrolled painful muscle contraction lasting from 10 seconds to 15 minutes. They are always accompanied by severe pain. The most common are cramps in the calf muscles. This is due to the fact that the calf muscles work a lot and are far from the heart and central vessels.

What are convulsions?

If you have a cramped leg, then you are able to distinguish which type of spasm it belongs to.

  • Nervous tic (clonic) - manifests itself as stereotypical fast movements. It is the result of short-term contraction and relaxation of individual muscle groups.
  • Tonic convulsions - manifest themselves as hardening of the muscles for several minutes, the pain syndrome is pronounced.

Seizures can be observed at any age, but people of the middle and older generation suffer from them more often.

Causes of seizures

Anyone who has experienced convulsions at least once in his life, accompanied by severe pain, is sure to try to find out the cause of their manifestation. The most common and likely ones are:

  • Lack of B vitamins and magnesium. Very often, magnesium deficiency can be observed in women who are expecting a baby. You need to properly adjust the diet and the problem will be solved.
  • Disease of the veins of the lower extremities: thrombosis, varicose veins, trophic ulcers and chronic venous insufficiency.
  • Malfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • A sudden drop in blood glucose levels can lead to cramps in both legs.
  • Heart disease, cardiovascular system and heart failure. With such pathologies, blood circulation in the legs is disturbed and vascular fragility appears.
  • Dehydration is often the cause of calf cramps.
  • Chronic renal failure.
  • Spinal disease.
  • Excessive physical activity on the lower limbs.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Violation of the psycho-emotional background.

All of the above problems can occur in almost every person who leads a “wrong” lifestyle.

What to do if you have a cramp?

As much as you would not like to face it, but convulsions always happen suddenly. The main question is what to do with it?
The simplest thing is to pull the sock over yourself, bend and unbend the knee joint several times, rub and massage the muscles of the lower leg well. To increase blood flow, use warming ointments.
If you have a competition (for example, running) and you are afraid of spasms at the most inopportune moment, take a sterile needle and an alcohol wipe with you. If a cramp occurs - stop, wipe the outer part of the calf muscle in the widest part with a napkin and pierce with a needle 1.5 - 2 centimeters. Remove the needle immediately after the injection. In this way, you quickly remove the spasm and continue running.

Prevention of spasms in the legs

Any disease, whatever it is, is easier to prevent than to treat. To prevent muscle cramps from cramping at night, follow these rules:

  • It is necessary to establish good blood circulation in the limbs;
  • Organize a proper balanced diet: eat in small portions a day at least 5 times: fish, fruits, vegetables, fats, nuts, bananas, dried apricots, dairy products, seaweed, carrots, greens;
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle without avoiding physical activity - there is a minimum of stress on the limbs;
  • The bed should be comfortable, and the legs should be slightly higher than the axis of the body and head;
  • Every evening do foot baths with a relaxing effect;
  • With a diagnosis of "venous insufficiency" - be sure to wear compression underwear;
  • Avoid high heels and uncomfortable shoes. The heel must be stable and not higher than 5 cm;
  • With flat feet - be sure to treat and correct - wear special orthopedic shoes and orthopedic insoles;
  • Take vitamin and mineral complexes: calcium, magnesium, etc. (prescribed by a specialist).

If you notice that spasms in the legs are becoming more frequent, plus other alarming symptoms appear: swelling, deterioration of health, pain in the internal organs - immediately consult a doctor, undergo an examination and, if necessary, treatment.

Unpleasant cramping sensations affect 3 parts of the legs - the area from the knee to the heel, the sole of the foot, and the fingers. Accompanying sensations - pain, impaired motor activity, lack of sensitivity in the area of ​​discomfort. The duration of the attack is from 30 seconds to 3-4 minutes. The causes of leg cramps are varied. In 50% of cases, discomfort is a consequence of acute or chronic diseases. Regular convulsions are an indication for visiting a doctor: you need to undergo an examination, establish the cause and localization of the underlying disorder.

Painful spasms in the legs, associated with loss of sensation in the limbs, occur due to hypovitaminosis, exhausting physical labor, and are one of the symptoms of intoxication. Only with the help of diagnostic methods it is possible to establish the root cause of discomfort. An additional goal of the examination is to exclude the development of epilepsy, a disease manifested by involuntary muscle contractions.

Deficiency of trace elements in the body

Cramps that reduce the calf muscles and feet occur due to a lack of vitamin B, magnesium, zinc, potassium, and calcium in the body. Cause of nutrient deficiency:

  1. Excessive culinary processing of dishes, preventing the entry of nutrients into the body.
  2. Blood loss - a condition after a recent operation, trauma, intense menstruation.
  3. Intestinal diseases in which the absorption of nutrients obtained from food is impaired.
  4. Alcohol abuse, smoking.

Hypovitaminosis is a favorable condition for dysfunction of the nervous system. Cramps that reduce the calf muscles and feet are one of the manifestations of this failure. Normalization of the activity of nerve fibers begins with the elimination of the negative factor. To prevent discomfort in the legs, they eliminate the disease of the gastrointestinal tract, give up bad habits. With massive menstrual blood loss, you need to contact a gynecologist to determine the cause of the symptom. In order to avoid the development of anemia against the background of menstruation, they regularly take iron supplements, supplement the diet with products containing iron.


There are several conditions that lead to dehydration - poisoning, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea; increased perspiration. Each of these phenomena contributes to the removal of vitamins and minerals from the blood. Signs of dehydration:

  1. Decreased blood pressure
  2. Paleness of the skin, the appearance of circles under the eyes
  3. Weakness, inability to stand upright for more than 30 seconds
  4. Dizziness
  5. Increased dry skin
  6. Drowsiness
  7. Nausea, vomiting
  8. Hair loss, bleeding gums
  9. Impaired coordination of movements

In case of vomiting and diarrhea, to compensate for the fluid excreted from the body, infusion therapy is immediately carried out - saline solutions and glucose are poured in. To avoid hypovitaminosis, microelement deficiencies, impaired activity of nerve fibers, you need to consume at least 1.5 water daily. During sports training, during heavy physical exertion and / or in summer, this volume increases to 2.5 liters.

Sudden change in body temperature

A spontaneous change in the temperature of air or water that affects the body is stressful for the body, since the process of adaptation to new conditions takes time. Also, cramps in the calves and feet occur due to prolonged hypothermia. It adversely affects the state of microcirculation, entails multiple contraction of the muscles of the legs. As a rule, such patients do not require treatment - it is enough not to take a contrast shower, to select shoes taking into account weather conditions.


With a psycho-emotional shock, an increased amount of cortisol is produced in the body. The release of this hormone into the blood contributes to the violation of the ratio of vitamins and minerals, leads to the development of calcium deficiency. Cramps in the calves and feet occur until the state of the nervous system is normalized and the concentration of microelements in the blood is compensated.

Irregular physical activity quite often causes involuntary contractions of muscle fibers. The reason is the spontaneous rush of blood to the legs during exercise. To prevent the development of cramps, before training, you need to perform a warm-up, thanks to which the muscles are prepared for the upcoming load.

Obliterating atherosclerosis

Pathology in which the lumens of the veins and arteries of the legs narrow. Prolonged obliterating atherosclerosis is dangerous for the formation of gangrene. The causes of the disease are heredity, bad habits, sedentary lifestyle, regular hypothermia, unhealthy diet. The main complaints of the patient are associated with cold feet, numbness, periodic tingling in the calves and feet. As the pathology develops, motor activity is disturbed, due to insufficient blood supply, the tissues take on a pale bluish hue. If, with obliterating atherosclerosis, the legs cramp with spasms, oxygen deficiency of the muscles has arisen, a state of hypovitaminosis.

Cirrhosis of the liver

Destruction of liver tissue, in the absence of therapy, is fatal. The reasons for the development of pathology are chaotic, prolonged use of drugs; harmful working conditions, alcoholism, genetic predisposition, long-standing hepatitis. When leg cramps appear, only through a comprehensive examination can it be established that the cause of the symptom is liver disease. The doctor takes into account the patient's complaints, external examination data.

In addition to painful spasms that reduce the legs, against the background of cirrhosis of the liver occurs:

  • Severe pain in the right hypochondrium
  • Increased perspiration
  • Lack of appetite
  • Abdominal edema
  • Nausea, repeated vomiting of undigested food
  • An increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels
  • Darkening of urine, lightening of stools

Convulsions with cirrhosis of the liver are a sign of total intoxication of the body, inability to absorb nutrients from the diet. Another cause of pain in the legs is a massive swelling of the abdominal cavity (anasarca). Due to it, the load on the calves and feet increases, spasms of the muscle fibers of these departments soon develop. An additional explanation for why legs spasm with cirrhosis of the liver is the abuse of diuretics. These medicines are prescribed to reduce swelling of the peritoneum.


The reason for the development of the disease:

  1. genetic factor
  2. Having a lot of excess weight
  3. Hypodynamia, limited motor activity
  4. Features of labor activity. Varicose veins often occur in salespeople or people in other professions who stay in a standing position for a long time.
  5. Failure of metabolic processes
  6. Pregnancy 2, 3 trimesters

With varicose veins, stagnation of blood occurs inside the blood vessels, which contributes to the stretching of their walls. The condition is accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, soreness; noticeable swelling of the calf. If you do not carry out therapeutic measures for a long time, painful spasms occur. With varicose veins, an appeal to a phlebologist is required. He will prescribe the passage of diagnostics, establish the stage of the disease. If the pathology is mild or moderate, the patient is prescribed the use of an anti-inflammatory gel, vitamin therapy.


The causes of the appearance of pathology are heredity, stress, alcohol abuse. They learn about an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood even before passing the examination - focusing on a change in well-being. Signs of diabetes mellitus preceding the onset of seizures are thirst, dizziness, difficulties with wound healing, dryness of the epithelial mucous membranes. Involuntary muscle contractions in diabetes are associated with dehydration.

An increased concentration of glucose in the blood suggests the absorption of a large volume of water. Dehydration contributes to the deficiency of nutrients in the body. Legs cramp due to insufficient blood levels of trace elements - they are necessary for relaxation and the normal state of muscle fibers. Additionally, endocrine disorder leads to a change in tissue trophism, disruption of the activity of the nervous system. The combination of these conditions contribute to the development of involuntary muscle contractions.


The second definition of the disease is anemia. It is a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, which is facilitated by insufficient content in the body of iron, vitamin B12, folic acid. Calves, feet, fingers cramp, starting with stage 2 anemia.

Anemia symptoms:

  • drowsiness
  • fatigue
  • pale skin
  • darkening before the eyes
  • dizziness
  • intense hair loss
  • chills, cold feet
  • sores near the mouth
  • memory loss, irritability
  • decrease in working capacity
  • increase in heart rate

Anemia is a consequence of poor nutrition, hereditary predisposition, uncompensated blood loss, intestinal diseases, alcoholism. Anemia responds well to elimination with Sorbifer, Ferrum-lek, Milgama, Neurorubin, Neurobex, Totem. It is advisable to inject vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, B12. To improve the condition, nutrition is adjusted: the use of oranges, beets, beef liver, rose hips, eggs, nuts and apples is recommended.

Taking medication

The cramp covers the legs due to prolonged, uncontrolled use of diuretics, laxatives, antihypertensives. The listed types of drugs contribute to the removal of fluid from the body, thereby reducing the concentration of trace elements in the blood.

Diuretics, like antihypertensives, have the ability to lower blood pressure levels. They are prescribed for hypertension and a tendency to develop cardiac edema. Laxatives are prescribed for problems with bowel movements. To avoid a decrease in the concentration of trace elements in the blood, along with the use of diuretics, laxatives, antihypertensives, potassium preparations are taken.

Rigid diets

An incorrectly composed diet, equated to starvation, excludes the possibility of a sufficient amount of useful substances entering the body. Lacking trace elements, the muscle tissue does not relax, its innervation is disturbed, which is manifested by spasms of chaotic localizations. Initially, involuntary contractions occur in the foot section. Then, in the absence of corrective action, discomfort is transferred to the calf muscles. To normalize the condition, it is enough only to improve the quality of nutrition, to avoid starvation.

Why do they occur more often at night

The development of unpleasant sensations in the legs mainly at night is associated with a slowdown in microcirculation at this time of day. Also, during sleep, a person can involuntarily take an uncomfortable position of the body. Then the blood, and, consequently, nutrients, together with oxygen, is supplied to the limbs in insufficient volume.

First aid

With the appearance of cramps in the legs, it is necessary to ensure the normalization of blood circulation in the limbs. To do this, intensively massage the tissues until the sensitivity is fully restored. To quickly achieve a positive result, it is permissible to use a terry towel, napkin. In addition to massage, it is permissible to apply tingling. An indicator of the effectiveness of the impact on the problem area is the restoration of sensitivity in the limbs. To improve blood flow to the calf and feet, the legs need to be given an elevated position.

Possible Complications

Spasms of muscle fibers lead to a sharp increase in the concentration of lactic acid and potassium in the blood. The process creates a favorable condition for disrupting the activity of the heart, contributes to the development of arrhythmia, cerebral edema, and stroke. Each of these conditions has the potential to be fatal. If the calf muscles contract too intensely, the risk of fiber damage increases. When the legs are brought together by involuntary contractions, an attack can cause loss of sensation in the limbs.

Which doctor to contact

With the appearance of unpleasant spasms in the legs, you need to visit a therapist. Then the treatment is carried out by specialists of narrow profiles - it depends on the established cause of discomfort. With the relationship of seizures and blood diseases, therapy is prescribed by a hematologist. If spasms of the feet and calf muscles are a consequence of poisoning or cirrhosis of the liver, the patient is being treated in the intensive care unit, or the therapy is carried out by an infectious disease specialist. When painful spasms reduce the legs due to the presence of diabetes, you need to contact an endocrinologist.


  • Laboratory study of blood. Biochemical, clinical analysis, determination of sugar levels and trace element concentrations.
  • Electromyography. It allows you to determine which muscles receive pathological impulses, how intensely they are prone to involuntary contractions.
  • MRI. It involves obtaining an accurate image of the patient's muscle fibers.
  • Carrying out functional tests, with a load on the legs.
  • Dopplerography of the blood vessels of the lower extremities.

The doctor conducts a survey and examination of the patient: he specifies the nature of muscle contractions, the time of day when most often the legs cramp, methods of facilitating well-being. Additional types of research depend on the characteristics of the clinical case.


Self-medication, the use of traditional medicine recipes to eliminate involuntary muscle contractions are inappropriate actions. Therapy is prescribed only by a doctor - taking into account the results of the patient's study, the type and severity of the identified disease that causes leg cramps. To compensate for the amount of potassium in the blood, it is recommended to take Asparkam, Magnerot, Magnesium Chelate Evalar, Complivit Magnesium, intravenous administration of Panangin is prescribed.

To stop a painful attack, it is permissible to use antispasmodics - No-Shpy, Papaverine. To relax muscle fibers, reduce their tone, a course introduction of Mydocalm, Sirdalud, and their analogues is shown. If the legs cramps due to insufficient blood circulation, an intravenous infusion of Pentoxifylline, Trental, Actovegin is prescribed.

With regard to the elimination of pain in the muscle fibers of the legs, Magnelis B6 is effective. The drug contains both magnesium and pyridoxine, increases the likelihood of a rapid recovery of the concentration of these substances in the blood. If painful spasms affect the calves and feet due to varicose veins, it is necessary to reduce the density of the blood: the patient is prescribed the introduction of anticoagulants. The most effective are Fraxiparin, Clexane, Heparin.

To normalize blood circulation, the passage of physiotherapeutic procedures with a targeted effect on the muscle fibers of the legs is shown. In the intervals between sessions, it is recommended to massage the disturbing area.


To prevent the occurrence of conditions that are characterized by the development of leg cramps, you should:

  1. Make up a diet taking into account the needs of the body, based on gender, weight, age, and characteristics of the state of health. Avoid unjustified culinary processing, in which all useful substances are eliminated from the products.
  2. Avoid stressful events. With a tendency to develop panic attacks, take sedative drugs.
  3. Avoid hypothermia.
  4. Refrain from alcohol abuse.
  5. Normalize physical activity, avoid excessive stress on the legs.
  6. Do not take medicines without getting a prescription from a doctor.

Leg cramps are a pathological phenomenon that is only one of the many symptoms of disorders that have arisen in the body. If painful spasms are caused by the development of a serious illness, and not errors in the daily routine, an integrated approach will be needed. It involves the correction of nutrition, the introduction of drugs, the restriction of physical activity, the improvement of living and working conditions.

Video: Leg cramps - reasons, how to cure

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Leg cramps are not a pleasant feeling. According to statistics, 30% of people have muscle cramps at least once in their lives. The pain from this is almost always unexpected and very sharp. Often, convulsions begin at night, forcing us to experience not the most joyful moments. Fortunately, this can be avoided.

site will help you understand the reasons why your legs are cramping, and tell you where to start treatment.


The classic cause of nighttime leg cramps is dehydration. Drinking enough fluids is very important for proper muscle function. According to doctors, lack of water provokes hypersensitivity of nerve endings, resulting in seizures.

What to do? Drink plenty of water, especially if it's hot outside or you're active in sports.

Micronutrient deficiency

Micronutrient deficiencies can cause many health problems, including seizures. Potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium are vital minerals that help maintain fluid balance in the body and are involved in muscle function.

Potassium and sodium chloride create electrical impulses responsible for muscle contraction. And magnesium regulates the amount of adenosine triphosphate in the body, which is the main source of energy for muscles. Interestingly, the main reserves of magnesium are “stored” in the muscles of the legs, so cramps are the first sign of its lack.

What to do? Eat and drink. No kidding: water and food contain all the necessary trace elements.

Leg cramps are one of the "bonuses" of pregnancy, especially in the 2nd trimester. Scientists believe that this comes from fatigue and poor circulation. In addition, the weight of the baby during this period increases, and it is difficult for the body to adapt to new conditions.

What to do? Pregnancy is the time when you have every right to say to problems and troubles: "Oh, that's it!" Rest, a balanced diet, walks in the fresh air are the best prevention of seizures.


High sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes damage the nerves in the arms and legs. Unfortunately, this is not the only troubling symptom: dehydration and mineral deficiencies are also characteristic features of this disease.

What to do? And here you can not do without medical help. The doctor will prescribe anti-diabetic therapy, which will stop further nerve damage. In addition, he may recommend anticonvulsant and pain medications.

Alcohol consumption

The systematic use of alcohol leads to dehydration, harms the peripheral nervous system and deprives the body of important trace elements. Therefore, alcohol is one of the causes of seizures.

What to do? If the party could not be avoided, make up for the lack of fluid.

Taking medications

If there are no obvious reasons for seizures, look in your first aid kit. Some drugs can cause spasms.

  • Statins. Used to lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Diuretics. Assign at high pressure. Diuretics are diuretic drugs and can cause potassium and magnesium deficiencies.
  • Estrogens. Hormones to treat menopausal symptoms.
  • Painkillers. Some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have side effects including muscle cramps.

What to do? Contact your doctor. The doctor will select other, more suitable drugs.


The involuntary contraction of a group of muscles, accompanied by sharp, sharp pain and numbness, is called a cramp or spasm. Leg cramps are a problem for many men and women that require a diagnosis and mandatory treatment. Numerous causes of muscle spasms are well studied by medicine, are easily corrected, and are quickly treated. If you are constantly suffering from contractions of the limbs, then be sure to consult a doctor who will help you solve this problem. What causes cramps in the left or right legs?

Causes of leg cramps

In medicine, tonic muscle spasms are distinguished, characterized by prolonged muscle tension, and clonic - short-term contractions alternating with relaxation. Leg cramps are in the first category, occurring in the feet and calf muscles. Spasms of the lower extremities are accompanied by sharp, painful sensations of petrification of a part of the body, appear suddenly, the pain syndrome lasts from 2 to 5 minutes, and disappears only after muscle relaxation.

Causes of leg cramps:

  • Lack of vitamins and minerals- magnesium, calcium, potassium, responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles. The lack of micro- and macroelements can be caused by an unbalanced diet, an excess of harmful substances (nicotine, caffeine, tannin, sugar), a protein diet, and taking medications that prevent their absorption.
  • Dehydration. With active sweating, there is a significant loss of trace elements that ensure the healthy functioning of the muscles. Therefore, it is so important to drink up to 2.5 liters of water per day, especially during the hot summer season and during active sports.
  • . Excessive tension during sports activities, unevenly distributed load, insufficient warm-up and warm-up before training, heavy monotonous physical labor lead to overstrain of one muscle group, improper functioning of the muscles of the body, and convulsions. For the effective functioning of muscle mass, it is important to alternate tension / relaxation during physical activity.
  • Temperature changes. Hypothermia during swimming or in the cold causes a sharp contraction of the muscles of the limbs, the appearance of muscle cramps. Therefore, it is important to monitor body temperature, to prevent temperature drops of up to 10 degrees.
  • Diseases. Incorrect metabolism, vascular disease, limb injuries are a common cause of muscle cramps. To eliminate spasms, consult with a specialist (endocrinologist, neuropathologist, phlebologist, orthopedist), undergo the prescribed treatment.
  • stress. During emotional stress, there is an intense load on the entire human body, primarily on the nerve endings responsible for contractions of the muscles of the body. An excess of the stress hormone (cortisol) leads to an imbalance of micro and macro elements, leads to a lack of calcium in the body, which is necessary for healthy functioning, muscle tension and relaxation.

muscle cramps

Muscle cramps in the legs seize due to a violation of the transmission of a nerve impulse to the muscle for relaxation. These spasms affect the muscles of the lower leg, front and back of the thigh. The intensity of the cramp can vary from a slight twitch to a significant contraction accompanied by severe pain. Spasmodic muscles are like a stone: hard, tightly compressed, stand out sharply on the body. A seizure lasts from 1 to 15 minutes, with several repetitions of spasms over a period of time.

Toe cramps

Toe cramps are a syndrome of metabolic disorders or diseases of a different nature. Occur in diseases of the joints, venous insufficiency, diabetes. It can be observed in people whose activities are associated with a long stay on their feet, long walking in uncomfortable shoes. Frequent attacks of toe cramps require a mandatory consultation with a specialized doctor who will help determine the cause of the symptom and prescribe the correct treatment.


Spasms of the muscles of the feet are associated with the presence of flat feet or neurological disorders. If you often experience cramps in the area of ​​​​the feet, consult an orthopedist or neurologist for advice. Refusing to wear uncomfortable shoes, reducing the intensity of the load on the lower extremities, taking vitamins and trace elements that help normalize the functioning of the muscles of the musculoskeletal system helps to reduce the number of attacks.

Why often cramps legs at night

The main cause of nocturnal muscle cramps is slowed blood circulation, which reduces the absorption of nutrients necessary for the muscles, and an uncomfortable position during sleep. With frequent nocturnal spasmolytic attacks, increase in the diet foods with a high content of calcium, potassium, magnesium. Eat buckwheat and oatmeal, lentils, legumes, dried fruits, nuts, sea kale, sour-milk products more often.

To improve the blood vessels and circulatory system, reduce or completely abandon nicotine, caffeine, and sugar. Reduce the amount of animal protein you consume by opting for lean poultry. Spend more time outdoors, combining leisurely walks with a little physical activity on the muscles of the body. Pay close attention to the quality of your sleep. A comfortable bed with an orthopedic mattress will help you reduce the number of muscle cramps at night.

What is the reason for this phenomenon during pregnancy

Muscle cramps during pregnancy can be caused by many reasons: from a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism to a variety of complications caused by circulatory problems. If you often experience leg cramps during pregnancy, it is important to identify and address the cause of your muscle cramps in consultation with your healthcare professional.

Consider the main prerequisites for the development of muscle cramps in pregnant women:

  1. lack of B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, potassium;
  2. decrease in hemoglobin (anemia);
  3. increase in blood sugar levels;
  4. vascular disease, varicose veins;
  5. violation of the venous outflow in the legs;
  6. excess caffeine;
  7. sedentary lifestyle.

A balanced diet, additional vitamin complexes, moderate physical activity will help to avoid muscle cramps during pregnancy. If the attacks are often repeated, do not disappear, then this is an additional reason to seek advice from your doctor. Timely treatment, correct diagnosis help to remove spasmolytic attacks, prevent negative consequences from muscle cramps during pregnancy.

What to do with a sudden cramp - first aid

There are several ways to provide first aid for muscle cramps:

  1. conduct a session of intensive massage of the affected area;
  2. try to stretch the tense muscle:
  • calf, foot muscles - sitting, straighten the limbs, grasp the big toes with your hands, pull towards you;
  • front of the thigh - stand up straight, bend the affected leg at the knee, grab the ankle with both hands, pull the foot to the buttocks;
  • back of the thigh - stand up straight, put the leg with the affected muscles forward one step, put it on the heel, bend the healthy one at the knee, lean on it with your hands, gently start stretching the patient, pulling the pelvis back, as if trying to take off the patient's shoe;
  1. make a cold compress.

Use these methods to relieve the main pain syndrome during a cramp. They help to relax a tense muscle, increase blood flow in the legs, and reduce pain. After eliminating the main pain, ensure good blood flow in the affected area: lie on your back, put a pillow under your legs so that the limbs are at an angle of 60 degrees, try to relax as much as possible. Stay in this position until all pain from muscle cramps has gone.

Methods of treatment outside the attack

The main task of the preventive treatment of muscle cramps outside of spasmolytic attacks is to improve the condition of the vessels and the circulatory system. Review your diet by enriching the diet with essential vitamins, micro- and macroelements, giving up unhealthy, unhealthy foods. Reduce or completely eliminate alcoholic beverages, fast food, industrially processed foods, excessively salty and sweet foods, carbonated drinks from the diet. Give up smoking.

To prevent the treatment of muscle cramps, do not allow dehydration. Drink during the day 2 - 3 liters of liquids in the form of drinking water without gas, green tea, fresh juices, natural fruit drinks, homemade compotes. Reduce the amount of coffee, black tea consumed. These drinks have a diuretic effect, so in addition to water, useful trace elements will be washed out of the body.

To reduce the likelihood of muscle cramps, play sports or other active activities that will help restore blood circulation in the legs after sedentary work, improve blood flow to the lower body. Before going to bed, it is advisable to do daily stretching exercises, yoga, Pilates, which will relieve stress and tension, stretch tired muscles. A good prevention against night cramps is a warm shower or bath with aromatic oils: roses, lavender, mint, ylang-ylang.


Based on the diagnosis, for the treatment and prevention of muscle cramps, drugs of various activities are used: correcting metabolism, improving the condition of blood vessels and the circulatory system, helping to recover from injuries. Additionally, complexes of vitamins, microelements are prescribed, which replenish substances important for the body. It is important to remember that it is necessary to use tablets for the medical treatment of muscle cramps only after consulting a doctor.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for muscle cramps help reduce the number and frequency of spasms, reduce pain during an attack, improve blood circulation in the limbs, and increase the elasticity of the vascular system. The use of folk methods is a good prevention and addition to the main treatment regimen for painful muscle cramps prescribed by a doctor.

Popular treatments for seizures include:

  • cold compresses with lemon juice on the feet, 2 times a day for 2 weeks;
  • oil based on bay leaf, used during self-massage with muscle spasm;
  • put an ordinary magnet on a cramped muscle group, after 1 minute the attack will pass;
  • a compress for the night for 1 week: a horseradish leaf smeared with honey, sprinkled with salt is applied to the sore spot, wrapped with a cotton towel on top;
  • ointment based on celandine: mix the juice of the plant with petroleum jelly, rub the problem parts of the body before going to bed for 2 weeks;
  • daily self-massage of the feet with mustard oil.


A special set of exercises will help you from cramps in the limbs. Performing therapeutic exercises promotes better vein patency, develops and improves muscle mass, promotes muscle contraction / relaxation training, strengthens ligaments and joints, relieves stress and emotional tension. By performing special exercises, you reduce the likelihood of attacks of spasms in the limbs, prevent varicose veins, arthritis and arthrosis.

A complex of therapeutic exercises for muscle cramps:

  1. standing position:
  • circular rotations of each foot in different directions, 30 times;
  • rolls from toe to heel, 30-50 times;
  • rise on toes and sharply lower the heel, 30 times;
  • swing legs in different directions, 20 times.
  1. in the supine position:
  • rotate your legs, imitating cycling;
  • alternate swings with limbs, 30-40 times;
  • swing legs crosswise, 20 times

Constantly performing simple exercises of therapeutic exercises 1-2 times a day, you will get rid of cramps in the muscles of the limbs, feet and fingers. After completing the complex, take hot and aromatic oils that improve blood circulation, dilate blood vessels and relax muscles: basil, eucalyptus, sage, geranium, lavender, mandarin, sandalwood, neroli.

Video: how to get rid of leg cramps

Leg cramps: causes and treatment 3 days. Answer

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Anonymous 976

The phlebologist wrote out so many things that half of the salary would have gone only for medicines. The pharmacist at the pharmacy advised me to take Angiorus as a replacement, this is our venotonic and is sold at half the price. I have been taking it for about two weeks, the result is really felt - the legs have become lighter. The medicine is well tolerated, I did not notice any side effects

3 days Answer