How to sleep properly after blepharoplasty. Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids by day

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Blepharoplasty, with a thoughtful choice of clinic, specialists and proper care, gives truly wonderful results: it will get rid of drooping eyelids, eliminate bags under the eyes, remove asymmetry and congenital skin defects, and help bring your appearance to perfection. It is enough to follow simple rules and a healthy lifestyle.

How long does rehabilitation last after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids?

Rehabilitation after plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids occupies a special place and completely depends on the patient himself.

Eyelid correction is one of the operations that is characterized by low risk, where complications are not foreseen and they occur very rarely. However, in any case, this is an operation that has its own rehabilitation period, and it lasts up to 2 weeks.

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids can last a long time; to shorten this period, you must adhere to certain rules

You can reduce the rehabilitation period by following all the surgeon’s instructions to 10 days. There are also circumstances that aggravate the situation.

Factors that can increase the recovery period include:

  • patient age over 45 years;
  • passion for smoking, alcohol;
  • genetic features of skin structure (for example, thick skin);
  • predisposition to edema;
  • personal characteristics due to the individual structure of the skin around the eyes (for example, nearby thin blood vessels).

All this should be discussed with your doctor before surgery.

In general, rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids can last about a month.

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty by day

The healing process can be presented in the form of a table:

Time after plastic surgery, in days Patient's condition Allowed actions Recommended Procedures
1 There may be swelling around the eyes. Feeling sore.A trip home accompanied by a relative.Taking painkillers. Applying cold.
2-3 Diplopia (double vision) is possible.Shower, wash your hair (only carefully, do not get water or detergents into your eyes).Antiseptic drops. Exercise for the eyes.
3-5 Reducing swelling and diplopia.You can read (preferably books for a short time).Removal of sutures in the clinic (with the exception of self-absorbable sutures).
5-6 Traces of hematoma (bleeding) and edema in rare cases.Visit to the clinic.The plasters (antiseptic stickers) are removed.
7 Bruises and swelling are almost invisible.Return to normal life. You can go to permanent work.
7-10 Postoperative conditions after edema.Makeup is allowed.
10-14 Visually good.You can use lenses. Gradual physical training is acceptable.
40-60 Scars after surgery are invisible.Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids is completed. The effect is obvious.

Note: The table operates with average statistical indicators, and they may vary depending on individual characteristics and external conditions.

Features of the first days of recovery after blepharoplasty

Eyelid surgery is a non-traumatic type of surgery, therefore, there is no need for a hospital stay and constant medical supervision. After applying a special medical antiseptic patch, you can immediately return home.

Preferably with a relative or friend. Since the eyelids are not fully open after the operation, the gaze is blurred and foggy, and walking on your own will not be very comfortable. An accompanying person will help you get home in the first few hours (or be prudent in calling a taxi).

The pain of the procedure is minor. But if it is present, taking a mild pain reliever will help relieve pain. Applying cold will relieve swelling.

Some actions may negatively affect further recovery, worsen the result of correction, Therefore, in the first days for better recovery, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • in no case Do not touch with your hands or rub the seams;
  • do not strain your eyes reading, give up PC, TV;
  • don't wear lenses;
  • track hygiene of the eye area;
  • dream on a sufficiently high pillow without tilting the head;
  • allowed wash your hair and body hygiene (shower) from the 2nd day after surgery, excluding water from entering the eyelid area;
  • observe water-salt balance – the body needs a moderate amount of salt and water;
  • the next day do special exercises prescribed by your doctor.

After removing the stitches and bandages, the doctor prescribes an antiseptic ointment that accelerates healing.

Features of subsequent rehabilitation after blepharoplasty

In the early postoperative period (the first 2 weeks), swelling gradually subsides and the skin condition returns to normal.

During this period, you should pay attention to caring not only for the eyelid area, but also for the eyes:

Apply antiseptic ointment until wounds and punctures are completely healed.

Be careful: visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool during the rehabilitation period after correction of the upper and lower eyelids is strictly prohibited.

Natural consequences of upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty

Since plastic surgery is an operation that takes place under local anesthesia, The following conditions may occur:

  • moderate swelling;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • small bruises under the lower eyelids;
  • feeling of heaviness of the eyelids;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • or vice versa, dry eyes;
  • photophobia;
  • diplopia (double vision);
  • blurred vision.

Do not panic: such consequences are natural and disappear within 2 weeks. It is very rare for all symptoms to appear at once. Most often, one or two symptoms from the list are identified. These are mainly diplopia and edema, which can remain for a long time. However, with the right approach and skin care, you can reduce the recovery time.

How to reduce swelling after blepharoplasty

Swelling (namely, the accumulation of excess fluid) causes not only cosmetic discomfort, but also turns out to be a medical problem. The procedures offered in beauty salons will help to significantly reduce local swelling: microcurrent, lymphatic drainage massage.

Under the influence of pulsed current (microcurrent), nerve fibers are restored and the movement of blood and lymph improves, the complexion is evened out.

Lymphatic drainage massage helps eliminate toxins and metabolites by improving the functioning of the lymphatic system (a lifting effect is obtained). Such procedures shorten the rehabilitation period.

  • cold herbal compresses with chamomile infusion;
  • maintaining heads during sleep in a slightly elevated position during the entire rehabilitation after plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids;
  • refusal from smoking, alcohol;
  • mixing to a minimum of physical and emotional stress.

People prone to swelling (with renal failure, diabetes, vasculitis) need to avoid eating salty, smoked, spicy foods and strictly adhere to the advice of a nutritionist, include vegetables and fruits in the diet.

How to speed up the healing of scars and bruises during the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty

After blepharoplasty, the appearance of bruises is common due to disruption of the blood circulation of the smallest capillaries and the accumulation of the corresponding fluid (blood, plasma). This is a natural microphysiological reaction of the body when injured.

However, a prolonged state of swelling complicates blood circulation due to the pressure exerted on the walls of microvessels, preventing the rapid healing of sutures and wounds. You can reduce hematomas with the help of medications, cosmetics and folk remedies.

Scars heal on their own and do not require special intervention. In a month they will turn into an almost imperceptible, light, thin strip. Mesotherapy, which is performed optionally after plastic surgery, will make the scars completely invisible.

Medications: Lokoid, Lyoton are the most prescribed decongestants. The principle of their action is based on restoring skin receptors, reducing permeability and increasing vascular resistance. Prevents the formation of blood clots and eliminates inflammation. Lyoton-gel also has an analgesic effect. Effective even for upper eyelid blepharoplasty.

Cosmetic preparations: (gel with retinol, gel with caffeine, cream with Chinese mushroom extract) - like all dietary supplements, are not medicines. They improve the overall condition of the skin and metabolic processes in the application area.

Folk remedies: decoction of sage, chamomile, linden, juice of parsley leaves - used in the form of compresses and improve the condition due to a mild anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

It is important to know: the use and use of any means is possible only after prior consultation and discussion with a doctor!

Exercises and massage for eyelids after blepharoplasty

During the entire rehabilitation period, it is necessary to pay attention to special exercises. They are aimed at restoring the functionality of the eyelids and additionally increase blood supply to the skin, returning lost tone to the eye muscles. All techniques are very simple and do not require special training.

Perform eye exercises in the morning and evening:

  • move your gaze up, down, left, right, repeat 5-7 times;
  • blink for half a minute, raising your face up;
  • close your eyelids, open them wide, looking into the distance, repeat 5-7 times;
  • close your eyelids, use your index fingers to pull the skin away from the temple to the sides, do 5-7 times;
  • With your index fingers, fixing the edges of the eyelids from below, lift the eyelids up, while simultaneously rolling up the pupils, 5-7 times.

Acupressure lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids can be performed by lubricating your fingers with cream.

Key points:

  • in the temple area;
  • along the edge of the lower eyelid to the inner part;
  • in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye;
  • along the edge of the upper eyelid in the direction from the inside to the temple.

All movements are performed with light pressure clockwise 10 times.

What not to do during the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty

If you follow the advice of specialists and the above recommendations, rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids goes smoothly, without complications.

The only thing to focus on is not to subject the operated area to mechanical stress and not to disturb the suture line, to prevent the risk of infection, not to remove the bandages yourself and not to use untested skin care products.

The use of decorative cosmetics in the first 2 weeks is contraindicated to avoid allergies and irritation. It is strictly forbidden to expose your face to strong heat and solar (solarium) procedures, wind, or frost.

More and more often, women are using modern methods of rejuvenation, among which plastic correction plays an important role. The effect of blepharoplasty lasts for 10 years, and this is a unique chance to prolong youth and beauty.

Complications after blepharoplasty: what should the patient be afraid of?:

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty 2 years later:


    I have many friends who went through this procedure, mainly because of the impending eyelid. I also think sometimes, because... I really like the result, the look becomes open, the makeup looks more beautiful.

    • I had upper and lower eyelid surgery in October. Now it’s the third month and the result is already visible. I’m very happy and also noticed that my eyebrows have become more symmetrical. Like this...

      • I had blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids 12 days ago. I still don’t really understand what’s what. But the fact that nothing goes away in two weeks is for sure. And there are still bruises and swelling, I think it will last another three weeks, and it’s painful the sensations are present. The skin is recovering very slowly, so far I’m only worried. Although the changes are visible, the gaze is open, and it even seems that the eyes are shining. But the desired result, apparently, really needs to wait three months.

        • Likewise. I had surgery on the upper and lower eyelids on January 11, 2018. The swelling went away, but the bruises remained. Mainly under the eyes. I disguise myself as best I can, plus glasses. Contact lenses are probably still a long way off. Because the lower eyelids are still irritated.

          • Hello! My yellow bruises lasted for more than four months. The cosmetologist said that the pigmentation might not go away at all, but fortunately, everything went away. Seven months have passed since the operation.
            Wrinkles should not go anywhere. To do this, you need to do a circular lift.
            I came to the conclusion that older women need to do everything at once. After blepharoplasty, wrinkles and sagging skin become more noticeable. I am planning a circular procedure in a couple of years.

            Dear girls! I had blepharoplasty on January 16th. I don’t have any swelling, just a small one under my eyebrow. I did the microcurrent procedure from the second day of the operation. It really helps, plus following all the recommendations of the doctor and cosmetologist. It is not reasonable to perform such an expensive operation and waste money on rehabilitation. Get well, and in a couple of days I will be able to walk without makeup

            Girls, tell me, I’m very worried(((! Two weeks ago I had a transconjunctival blepharo - removal of hernias. The bruises are almost gone - a slight yellowish tint, the swelling is also almost gone..., but a small part of the swelling seems to have gone down to the malar area and now I have malar bags, ALTHOUGH THERE WERE NO BEFORE THE SURGERY(((!!! I read the entire forum up and down! As I understand it, many people had this problem, but no one wrote whether it went away and when??? Please write, very much I’m worried whether this zygomatic swelling will go away((

            Hello! I had lower eyelid blepharoplasty 11 days ago. The swelling is almost gone, there are almost no bruises, the stitches are healing. But there is a BUT. The eyes became round, the shape of the eyes changed. Has anyone had this happen? The doctor assures that it is too early to judge the results, but I read that this should not be the case if the operation was performed correctly. Maybe I'm rushing to conclusions...

ID: 12078 127

Have a nice day everyone!) I know that we already had articles about Darsonval, but I still decided to write about my own experience in this matter and at the request of some of our girls. So how did I come to this? After the microcurrent procedures performed on me as part of the project, I wondered what to do next, since I did not have the opportunity at the moment to pay for additional procedures at SPIC, alas...and this happens ((And everyone saw my swelling, It’s been a month since the blepharoplasty trial and they don’t want to part with me...

Well, as my grandmother, a wise woman, said: * The need for invention is cunning! *))) Well, what to do? And, I remembered from childhood that once my mother took me to a procedure in the middle of nowhere and my auntie stroked my face with a glass thing and I felt pleasant from the tingling sensation and it was all called some kind of magic word - Darsonvalization!)) They treated me for sinusitis.

I open the Internet and search! I re-read everything about Darsonval in a couple of days! And reviews and what models are on our market... I’m looking for one for myself! For the face - against swelling. And, oh...miracle, girls!!! I found HIM!!!))) And now I can recommend HIM to everyone with a clear conscience. First of all, I was captivated by the fact that HE was professional! Secondly, he is Russian! And most importantly, it successfully passed clinical trials at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as at the A.A. Vishnevsky Hospital of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. ITS effectiveness has been OFFICIALLY recognized!!! in medical institutes around the world, it is used in clinics, beauty salons, sanatoriums, and physiotherapy rooms. What is HIS name?)))

Darsonval Ultratek SD-199! This is a PROFESSIONAL portable device for darsonvalization. This is a new model in the line of domestic manufacturers, lightweight and comfortable. I was also captivated by the fact that it has a built-in voltage stabilizer, that is, I am sure that if there is a voltage drop, I won’t be electrocuted!)) In general, it has many advantages, I won’t write them all out, but the most important for me are the current strength I can change and adjust myself! For delicate areas of the face and eyelids, reduce, and for the scalp, for example, increase! And, the last thing I read in the annotation - ATTENTION!!!: Ultratek is used after plastic surgery to prevent swelling!!! HERE!!!)

It has five attachments, I use the mushroom one, I’ll show you in the pictures how to use it.

I use the contact method on cleansed facial skin along massage lines for 10 minutes every evening...

Little of! I also had a runny nose at this time, so in this case I should apply the nozzle to the base of my sinuses and breathe in this air, but no more than three minutes! More! If there are pimples or pustules on the skin, then when passing by them, the nozzle is standing and needs to be torn off, as you can spread the infection all over your face! Such pustules are treated with another point attachment.

This is exactly what I did for swollen eyelids... I’ll say, I did it for exactly ten days every evening and the result really showed on my face! The left eye is completely without swelling)) The right one has almost caught up with the left one) Just don’t forget to reduce the current when passing the nozzle over the eyelids! You should also not put pressure on the eyelid, in any case - the procedure should be pleasant!

I also do the lower part of my face, increasing the current, because my cheeks irritate me! I hope to tighten them in this way, while I can’t do other injection procedures.

Immediately after the procedure, I apply a moisturizer, since Darsonval dries out the skin.

Well...OF COURSE I’ll say about the hair. The girls asked me, I answer) The set of attachments includes a special one for the scalp, it’s in the form of a comb. Very convenient, since after general anesthesia many people lose some of their hair(

Let your hair down, as if combing yourself in different directions for ten minutes every day! Hair must be dry! Mine don't FALL OUT! TTT!!! DO NOT use Darsonval in damp rooms, don’t forget!

I’ll say a little about cellulite. How am I going to do it? You are allowed to smear the problem skin with an oil-based cream and run it along the leg, starting from the foot and moving up in a circular motion, as if drawing a chamomile) We do the procedure for 15 minutes for each leg, increasing the strength of the current in the most problematic places!

Well, in conclusion, I want to say that the procedures on such a device are simply very pleasant, the skin after them is smoothed, younger, takes on a radiant and healthy appearance. Which method to choose - contact or not - depends on the condition of your skin and its type.

So, well, in my opinion, my dears)) I wish you health and self-love - especially!))

P.S. Oops)) Of course, I will show the difference BEFORE and AFTER ten daily procedures - judge for yourself, if anyone has the time and finances to go to a cosmetologist for Darsonvalization - you are welcome, so to speak, if not - there is a way out!))

The skin around the eyes has a very thin, sensitive structure and is susceptible to the influence of many negative factors, which include poor nutrition, polluted environment, lack of sleep, and low-quality cosmetics. All this leads to thinning, decreased elasticity and premature aging. To eliminate a tired look and restore the skin around the eyes to its former elasticity and aesthetic appearance, many use blepharoplasty.

This plastic surgery is used to correct the upper and lower eyelids. It can be carried out separately on the upper or lower eyelids, or it can be circular, that is, simultaneously affecting both.

Most patients hope that the scars after blepharoplasty will completely disappear within a month, and, if this does not happen, they begin to worry, despite the frequent warnings of surgeons that any scar requires a sufficient amount of time to become inconspicuous and disappear.

After the sutures are removed, which is usually carried out on the 3rd or 5th day, scars begin to form at the incision site. Just like any other scars after blepharoplasty, there are several stages of healing.

Healing stages:

  • 1-4 weeks: granulation occurs, the scar after blepharoplasty becomes overgrown with new connective tissue. After the first month, a small pink scar will form in the area of ​​the incision.
  • The next 1-2 months: the scar gradually becomes barely noticeable and turns into a white thin line.

Typically, alignment and smoothing of scars after blepharoplasty takes about 10-12 weeks. However, at this time it is not prohibited to use cosmetics and mask them, but it is advisable to use them from 2 weeks to avoid an allergic reaction.

If the healing process is very slow, it is recommended to contact the surgeon who performed blepharoplasty, he will advise the necessary procedures to speed up healing, or conduct a revision of the scar to avoid the proliferation of connective tissue.

An important factor in the prevention of undesirable consequences, such as an increase in connective tissue and the appearance of a colloidal scar, is to perform recommendations that are usually voiced by a plastic surgeon:

  • You should not rub or stretch the skin near the scar.
  • During the entire healing period, ultraviolet exposure should be avoided. You should avoid visiting the solarium and do not be in the sun without sunglasses.
  • Physical activity is undesirable.
  • You should avoid visiting baths and saunas.
  • When taking a bath, do not use too hot water and do not allow the seams to get wet.
  • Limit salt intake to avoid swelling.

An extremely important condition for the absence of complications is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations regarding postoperative care. These recommendations should include instructions for the use of medications and ointments.

The doctor also provides the necessary information about all natural post-operative symptoms and how to recognize signs of beginning complications.

Darsonval and Contractubex and other gels for use after blepharoplasty

According to surgeons, a significant part of success after blepharoplasty depends on proper care and recovery measures.

To speed up the healing process of scars after blepharoplasty, it is recommended to use a course of lymphatic drainage, ultrasound, or microcurrent therapy as early as 2-3 days. These procedures help speed up the reduction of swelling and significantly affect the regeneration process.

Darsonval high-frequency pulse currents are absolutely painless. They actively stimulate the skin, resulting in an effect on the nerve endings, and blood circulation is significantly accelerated. At this time, the tissues are actively saturated with oxygen, which significantly activates and accelerates the regeneration processes.

A course of darsonvalization can be carried out either in a clinic or independently, if a device is available. As a rule, the course consists of 15-30 procedures. After the first procedure of using Darsonval after blepharoplasty, slight hyperemia and swelling may occur, in this case you should not worry, this is a natural reaction and it will go away in a few hours or a day.

There are contraindications:

  • intolerance to electric current;
  • pregnancy;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • use of a pacemaker;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • heart disease;
  • hirsutism;
  • rosacea;
  • epilepsy;
  • presence of chronic diseases.

It is worth noting

Before using Darsonval, do not apply liquids containing alcohol to the skin, as the skin may ignite.

Along with physical procedures, gels, ointments and anti-inflammatory eye drops are widely used to reduce bruises, swelling and accelerate regeneration after blepharoplasty.

During the recovery period, a cream with Chinese mushroom extract is often used to improve the elasticity of the eyelid skin. The course of its use is 2 weeks. The cream is applied 2 times a day.

Is it possible to apply Contractubex to scars after blepharoplasty?

Contractubex gel after blepharoplasty is the most popular and recommended by doctors for scar healing. It has absorbable properties and perfectly smoothes scarred tissue.

You can start using the gel immediately after the stitches are removed; it has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to parabens.

Contractubex reduces the reproduction and growth of cellular tissue, which prevents the proliferation and appearance of colloidal scars.

  • Along with this gel, after blepharoplasty, decongestants that block histamine receptors and reduce the permeability of the vascular wall to plasma are widely used. Such gels include Lyoton, Lokoid.
  • In the presence of swelling and postoperative hematomas and bruises, it is recommended to use Troxevasin gel. It has an anti-inflammatory, anti-edema effect and has an antioxidant and venotonic effect, preventing capillary fragility and permeability. Dermatix gel is also an effective remedy. The mechanism of its action is aimed at smoothing and softening the scar, eliminating skin pigmentation disorders.

Care should be taken when applying gels after blepharoplasty. As a rule, they are applied to the scar with a cotton swab and carefully distributed in small quantities throughout the scar. Do not rub the gel in or apply too much. It is recommended to use the selected gel 2-3 times a day, for a month or more.

Scars and colloid scars after blepharoplasty.

In some cases, the negative consequences after blepharoplasty are minor and do not require special treatment, since they are a natural reaction of the body to injury and pass without a trace after some time.

However, sometimes the body's individual reaction to surgery leads to persistent complications that require medical or surgical intervention. Such reactions include the appearance of colloidal scars after blepharoplasty.

The formation of scars after blepharoplasty is a fairly rare phenomenon, which represents excessive growth of connective tissue in the area of ​​​​damage to the skin.

The clinical picture of colloid scar formation is as follows:

  • A couple of weeks after initial healing, denser areas of connective tissue form in the scar area. Pain, itching or burning may also occur.
  • After some time, hard, convex formations with a smooth surface appear in the scar tissue. There may be redness or pallor of the skin in the area where the colloidal scar is formed.
  • A typical indicator of the formation of a colloidal scar after blepharoplasty is that the scar occupies a much larger area than the original skin damage. Also, sometimes growths appear in the area of ​​the scar, rising above it.

There is no single effective method for treating colloid scars for everyone. As a rule, the method of treatment is selected individually. There are often cases of using several techniques simultaneously.

Treatment methods for keloid scars

Laser resurfacing. The main advantage of this method is that there is no risk of damage to surrounding tissues. However, it is impossible to completely remove a keloid scar using laser technology; it can only be made less noticeable.

Application of injections. The essence of this method is that over several courses, injections of steroids or immunomodulators are injected into the colloid scar tissue. This method is the most effective and often the scar disappears completely over time.

Surgical excision of scar tissue. This method is used in extreme cases, with very noticeable, large scars. Excision performed by an experienced specialist can completely remove the colloidal scar after blepharoplasty, but sometimes the effect can be completely opposite, and an even larger scar is formed at the operation site.

Application of creams and ointments. This method is the safest and involves the use of special gels and ointments, which in some cases have a positive effect.

Cryotherapy. This method involves the use of liquid nitrogen at a very low temperature. When used, the scar becomes significantly lighter and thinner.

To avoid the formation of a colloid scar after blepharoplasty, it is important to notice tissue proliferation in time and begin timely treatment with more conservative methods, such as physiotherapy, ultrasound, electrophoresis and the use of external agents, as well as adhere to the general and individual preventive recommendations of the doctor.

Injection method for treating scars after blepharoplasty: what injections are needed

A course of treatment using medicinal injections is the most effective method with a minimum of complications. Treatment of scars after blepharoplasty with injections can be carried out using one of these methods.

Administration of corticosteroids

This method of treating scars after blepharoplasty is one of the most effective. Corticosteroids lead to a reduction in the proliferation of connective tissue by reducing collagen synthesis. One of the most commonly used steroids is triamcinolone acetate. It is injected into the scar tissue at 4-6 week intervals. Complications with the use of corticosteroids are usually pigmentation disorders and atrophy.

Use of immunomodulators.

This method is relatively new in the treatment of scars with injections after blepharoplasty. It is carried out by introducing the drug Interferon into the scar tissue and is used mainly to prevent relapses. It is recommended to administer the drug every other day for two weeks, then 1 injection once a week for three months.

The use of drugs that reduce cell hyperproliferation

The traditional drug used in this treatment method is hyaluronidase. It breaks down hyaluronic acid, which serves as the main component of connective tissue. Thus, it increases tissue permeability and improves the movement of fluid in the interstitial spaces, which significantly reduces swelling and softens scars. Injections are carried out every other day, in a course for a month. If necessary, the course of injections can be repeated after a couple of months.

Due to the fact that blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure, it is necessary to change your lifestyle for some time after it. Along the way, you should perform a number of medical procedures that speed up. The duration of rehabilitation depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse delay recovery). However, with proper care, scars after blepharoplasty become completely invisible after 4 to 6 weeks.

Immediately after correction, a bandage is applied to the injured area. The patient notes swelling and cyanosis, which increase in the first 3 days, after which they subside.

  • ensure complete rest on the first day (do not overexert yourself physically, do not be nervous);
  • sleep on your back with a large pillow under your head - this will minimize swelling;
  • follow a diet - give up fatty, salty, smoked foods, in favor of vegetables and fruits (except citrus fruits: they impair blood clotting), dairy products, lean meat;
  • protect your skin from the sun - do not leave the house or go out, but wear sunglasses;
  • observe a daily routine - sleep 8 hours, going to bed at 22.00;
  • Provide peace to your eyes - watch less TV, read, sit in front of the computer. The ideal option is to listen to music with your eyes closed.

You can take any medications after blepharoplasty only after consulting a doctor. As a rule, he prohibits drugs that worsen the clotting process (aspirin).

It is also forbidden to bend over or turn your head sharply, as in these cases the pressure on the eyes increases.

Caring for the affected area

It is a mistake to believe that after blepharoplasty only the stitches need care. It is also important to treat the skin around the eyes and use medications to reduce dryness.

A sterile dressing, which is applied to the stitches themselves, is removed after a few days. Additionally, the doctor prescribes antiseptic rinsing solutions and wound-healing medications, for example, Levomekol ointment. After removing the sutures, it is recommended to apply absorbable medications that effectively relieve redness.

In general, daily skin care after blepharoplasty includes:

  • repeated application of cold compresses in the first few days – they relieve swelling;
  • using a special patch;
  • application of hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic (cleanse fatty ducts), but only after removal of stitches and with the permission of a doctor;
  • treating the upper eyelids with a product containing Chinese mushroom extract – it increases the elasticity of the skin.

Note! After transconjunctival blepharoplasty, ointments are placed under the lower eyelid (on the incision area), which can cause discomfort and temporary blurred vision. There is no need to worry, they are normal variants.

To relieve inflammation and prevent dryness, you can instill drops like artificial tears. The doctor will help you choose them. Other manipulations may be prescribed according to individual indications.

To eliminate hematomas after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids, postoperative care must necessarily include the application of Lyoton ointment.

Washing, makeup

On the first day, it is forbidden not only to use any cosmetic products, but also to wash your face. With each passing day, the patient’s capabilities expand:

  • Already 24 hours after the procedure, he is allowed to carefully wash his face. The main thing is to use cool water (it increases blood flow and speeds up the regeneration process) and avoid the affected area: water should not get on the seams under the bandage.
  • After 5 days, you can go to a qualified specialist for a massage.
  • After removing the stitches after blepharoplasty, it is allowed to apply masks to the face, avoiding injured areas. This usually happens on the 7th day.
  • Decorative cosmetics can be used no earlier than after 14 days. If there are no complications, it can also be applied to the area around the eyes.
  • Scrubs are indicated only after 2 or more weeks.

For the entire rehabilitation period, it is forbidden to touch the damaged areas with your hands, or to pull or rub the eyelids. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing infection.

All patients are concerned about significant swelling after blepharoplasty. You should know that swelling is a normal reaction of the body to tissue damage and should not be a cause for concern. A cooling bandage and compresses help reduce swelling. Limiting physical activity and taking anti-inflammatory drugs also help speed recovery.

Bruises after blepharoplasty are another inevitable consequence of plastic surgery. Hematomas do not require special treatment and go away on their own within two weeks. Approximately the same amount of time is needed for the complete disappearance of tissue edema, but the change in skin color in the periorbital area can last up to 3-4 weeks. But from about the tenth day you can already use decorative cosmetics, which help hide the marks of plastic surgery.

After blepharoplasty, patients complain of discomfort and a feeling of stiffness in the eyelid area. These symptoms do not require special treatment; it is enough to follow general recommendations. Pain in the eyes, increased sensitivity to light, dry eyes or watery eyes, and temporary changes in vision also often accompany blepharoplasty.

Antiseptic eye drops help moisturize the mucous membrane and prevent infectious complications. During the daytime outdoors, it is advisable to wear sunglasses or glasses with tinted lenses. It is necessary to regularly perform gymnastics for the extraocular muscles and the orbicularis oculi muscle.

You will have to give up contact lenses for a couple of months and return to regular glasses. For 2-3 weeks you need to limit physical activity. If possible, you should sleep on high pillows. During the entire recovery period, you should not visit the solarium or sauna. It is advisable to give up alcohol, coffee and smoking. You should not take medications without first consulting your doctor.

The exact recovery time depends on many factors: the method and extent of surgical correction, the patient’s age, the condition of the skin and soft tissues of the face and periorbital area.

Physiotherapeutic methods can speed up tissue regeneration. In our clinic, microcurrent therapy is actively used after eyelid surgery. Each patient after plastic surgery is provided with three free procedures. The results of blepharoplasty can be assessed after 2 months.

Sutures after blepharoplasty

Sutures after blepharoplasty are not always applied; for example, with transconjunctival access, a cooling bandage and a patch on the eyelids are sufficient. Thanks to the excellent blood supply to the conjunctiva, the wound heals on its own in the shortest possible time.

If the surgical approach is through skin folds or along the ciliated edge of the eyelid, absorbable suture material is used. Minor scars remain after any operation, but after blepharoplasty they are not visible because they follow natural folds.

Complications after blepharoplasty

Any plastic surgery carries a risk of complications. In most cases, complications after blepharoplasty require only conservative treatment.

Tearing. Increased tear production is associated with soft tissue swelling, which leads to displacement of the tear ducts. Does not require treatment. When the swelling decreases, lacrimation goes away on its own.

Dry conjunctivitis. Eyelid surgery can trigger the development of conjunctivitis, although this condition is not a direct consequence of plastic surgery. To reduce pain in the eyes and moisturize the mucous membrane, special eye drops are used.

Eversion of the lower eyelid, or ectropion. A rare complication after blepharoplasty. Its cause is non-compliance with doctor's recommendations or removal of excess skin and subcutaneous tissue. Due to the deformation of the eyelid, the patient cannot close the palpebral fissure; an open area of ​​sclera appears between the iris and the lower eyelid. As a rule, ectropion is accompanied by significant dryness of the mucous membrane.

An effective method for preventing ectropion is gymnastics for the orbicularis oculi muscle. Gymnastics and therapeutic massage are used when the first signs of eyelid eversion appear, and only when the ectropion is severely severe is surgical correction indicated.

Diplopia(double vision). Such visual impairment is a temporary complication. It is caused by a disorder of the coordinated work of the oculomotor muscles. Does not require special treatment, just perform eye exercises. The function of the visual analyzer is restored after 2-3 weeks.

Retrobulbar hematoma. An extremely rare, but most serious complication of eye surgery. Its cause is hemorrhage in the retrobulbar area (behind the eyeball). Symptoms include pain, limited mobility and protrusion of the eyeball. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

Despite the impressive list of possible complications, in the vast majority of cases, the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty goes well. If you want to learn more about the operation and the features of the recovery period, sign up for a free consultation with a plastic surgeon at SOHO CLINIC.