Antibiotic medicines for colds. Consequences of taking antibiotics

To quickly cure cough, bronchitis, pneumonia and strengthen the immune system, you just need...

modern medicine actively uses antibiotics to treat colds. Of course, no one disputes that ARI and ARVI are mostly caused by viruses.

During those 2-3 days while they are hosting in the patient's body, its defensive forces, which opens the door for the active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

Therefore, prescribing antibiotics complex therapy in the treatment of colds, it avoids the development of numerous complications. Which antibiotic is prescribed for a cold for an adult is the topic of this article.

When is it appropriate to prescribe antibiotics for a cold?

Any viral infection, if it passes without complications, lasts about a week. It can be dealt with without the use of strong drugs.

Bed rest, vitamins, abundant warm drink, inhalations will help to survive this not the most pleasant time.

As a rule, when common cold antiviral drugs are prescribed.

However, if a bacterial (staphylococcal, streptococcal, etc.) infection joins a cold, not only the person's condition will worsen, but the period of the disease will also lengthen.

Bacteria settled in the pharynx (obtained by air by drip) begin to migrate very quickly into the respiratory tract, into the nasal and maxillary sinuses, in the region of the middle ear.

What signs indicate that the course of the disease is complicated:

  • For 5-6 days the patient's condition worsens;
  • After a short respite, the temperature rises again above 38 degrees;
  • The cough only gets worse;
  • There is shortness of breath, shortness of breath, pain in the chest;
  • Sputum from the bronchi and mucus from the nose become more cloudy, viscous, yellow;
  • There is hoarseness;
  • The sense of smell worsens;
  • Subpharyngeal lymph nodes increase in size;
  • Cloudy urine;
  • Mucus or even pus may appear in the stool.

All this means that to viral infection a more dangerous bacterial one has joined, and this can result in such serious complications as purulent bronchitis and purulent tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis, etc.

That is why on the fourth or fifth day of a cold, when warning signs antibiotics are included in the treatment regimen in adults.

Questions about which drugs to take, which is better and when to drink must be left to the discretion of the doctor, because self-medication colds with antibiotics unacceptable.

The doctor will select the most effective antibiotic for a cold for an adult, taking into account the pathogen, contraindications, and severity of symptoms.

Drug groups of antibiotics prescribed for colds

Highlight 4 drug groups antibiotics in adults:

  1. Penicillins- low-toxic traditional antibiotics that affect a wide range of bacteria. The most common antibiotics for adults in this group are: Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Augmentin and analogues.
  2. Cephalosporins- medicines with a wide spectrum antibacterial action. The most effective are cephalosporins of the 3rd and 4th generation. However, these drugs have enough contraindications, although adults are often prescribed. This group includes: Cefatoxime, Cefixime, Ceftriaxone, Zinnat, etc.
  3. Macrolideshighly active drugs, prescribed for the defeat of the respiratory tract, effective against a wide range of pathogenic microflora. They cure well bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract, cope with chlamydial and mycoplasmal pneumonia. These antibiotics in adults have few side effects, are well tolerated, and can be given to pregnant women. The most common macrolides: Azithromycin, Sumamed, Klabaks, Macropen, Clarithromycin.
  4. Fluoroquinolones appoint adults in the absence of the effectiveness of antibiotics of other groups. These are Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin with analogues.

A good antibiotic for a cold for an adult should be selected taking into account the clinical picture and the type of pathogen.

However, during the period of seasonal colds, not every doctor will prescribe a long-term sputum examination to identify the pathogen.

Therapists for colds immediately try adult remedies with a wide range of antibacterial effects that can cope with most strains of pathogens.

Inexpensive antibiotics for colds

Among the most accessible and inexpensive antibiotics relate:

The variation in prices for antibiotics in adults is significant and depends mainly on the manufacturer.

The most expensive are imported medicines. New antibiotics, the development of which is spent huge amounts of money, will also cost more.

If a doctor prescribed an expensive antibiotic for a cold to an adult, but there is no money for it now, then you should not ignore the appointment, you need to ask him to indicate a more affordable generic - more cheap analogue expensive drug.

The following analogues and generics can be cited as an example:

  • The more expensive flemoxin solutab has cheap analogues of ospamox and amoxil;
  • Emsef medication has inexpensive analogue- ceftriaxone;
  • If there is not enough money for sumamed, you can buy a cheaper ormax.

Strong antibiotics for colds

Strong effective antibiotics for colds are medicines that can eliminate the symptoms of complications in 3 days. Antibiotics in adults in this group can be taken as little as one tablet daily to fight a bacterial infection.

List of such drugs:

  • Sumamed,
  • Sumamox;
  • Azithromycin,
  • Azitrox,
  • Zitrolide.

An excellent effect is observed with cephalosporins latest generation causing a minimum of side effects. In addition to cephalosporins, pathogenic microorganisms addiction occurs much less frequently.


Sumamed - macrolide a wide range action, active including to atypical pathogens. Pathogens do not develop resistance to sumamed.

The duration of the course for adults is only 3 days, in which it is enough to take one tablet. Sumamed is available in tablets, capsules, powder.

The active substance of sumamed is azithromycin calmly tolerated by patients without complications, subject to the dosing regimen.


Amoxiclav - an antibiotic for a cold for an adult from the group of protected aminopenicillins.

At its core active substance- amoxicillin, the action of which is enhanced by clavulanic acid.

Clavulanic acid compensates for the lack of effectiveness of the drug against resistant bacteria. Amoxiclav is also used for prophylactic purposes, which makes it a first-line medication for colds.

The low toxicity of the drug makes it suitable for use by pregnant women. However, amoxiclav can provoke the occurrence intestinal disorders and allergic reactions.


Cefotaxime new antibiotic for colds in adults of the 3rd generation of the cephalosporin series, characterized by good tolerance, a wide range of effects and a minimum of side effects. Specialists often prescribe it for complicated infectious processes cold.

Cefotaxime is available in powder form. It is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of bacterial infections. varying degrees severity, also developing on the background of respiratory diseases. The drug can cause serious systemic reactions, so the control of the doctor when taking it is necessary.

Other effective antibiotics

It can also be noted effective antibiotics in adults of a wide spectrum of action, as:

  • Klacid;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Cefixime;
  • Spiramycin;
  • Lincomycin;
  • Flemoxin Solutab, etc.

When prescribing an antibiotic for a cold for adults, the doctor takes into account clinical picture disease, age, individual characteristics patient, accompanying illnesses. When choosing an antibiotic, an adult patient should take into account the factor of the frequency of taking the medication in the past.

This aspect should be prompted to the doctor at the reception. For example, amoxicillin may be prescribed, provided that the patient does not take penicillin antibiotics too often.

If you have recently taken amoxicillin, the best choice will be penicillins with clavulanate in the composition. If on penicillin group the patient has an allergy, then only in this case cephalosporins are prescribed.


What could be the consequences

Antibiotics in adults- this is strong means, which can have a serious toxic effect on the liver and kidneys. When taken, allergic reactions may develop, which will provoke an imbalance of microflora in the intestine, leading to dysbacteriosis, a decrease in immunity, etc.

Therefore, along with the course antibiotics an appointment is scheduled probiotics to restore the balance of microflora in the intestines.

It is extremely harmful to receive funds without an appointment literally for any reason. This can lead to the development of habituation of microorganisms to active substances, after which the drug ceases to act on an adult without having a therapeutic effect.

When this person needs new drugs, they will have to choose among the more aggressive ones, while no one can guarantee that they will be effective.

When prescribing antibiotics for a cold, you should strictly follow the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor and do not interrupt the treatment until it is over, even if the condition improves.

Only in this case antibiotic therapy will be most effective.

Antibiotics were discovered less than a hundred years ago. But it was so revolutionary that the scientists who did it were given Nobel Prize. Today, many people have a negative attitude towards antibiotics. Often focus on their harm and side effects.

It should not be forgotten that more effective way there is no fight against the infections surrounding us. And if not for antibiotics, a harmless cold would very often lead to a chronic inflammatory process. respiratory tract and would cause complications.

In contact with

What is a cold?

The cold is viral disease usually seasonal. The pathogens are numerous, transmitted by airborne droplets and through close contact of people with each other.

Symptoms always appear sharply, mainly in the form of swelling and inflammation of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa:

  • Runny nose;
  • cough;
  • redness of the throat, the appearance of whitish or red granules in the throat;
  • tonsillitis;
  • sore throat;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • elevated temperature.

According to the symptoms, the doctor usually makes one of the following diagnoses:

  • rhinitis;

What medicines to take for a cold?

You should always start with antiviral drugs.

Improve the body's immune response, have a general stimulating effect. It is important to understand that the virus, regardless of treatment, will remain in the body for about 1 week, during which the symptoms should gradually become less pronounced.

If 3-4 days after the start of antiviral therapy in an adult, the state of health continues to deteriorate, then most likely a bacterial infection has joined the viral infection. The danger of bacteria is that, having settled, for example, in the throat, they themselves will never leave. Moreover, they will seek to penetrate into more "comfortable" areas:

  • Deeper into the airways;
  • in the sinuses;
  • into the middle ear.

Once settled in them, the bacteria cause corresponding common complications, such as:

With the current workload, a person simply does not have time to get sick. Every second spent in bed is a wasted second. You could spend it on communicating with your family, a pleasant walk, reviewing documents at work, or on creativity.

Oscillococcinum fights the disease by helping natural immunity human defeat SARS and influenza. The drug is suitable for both adults and children.
No time to get sick? Take Oscillococcinum!

Thus, it is necessary to drink antibiotics for colds and SARS only in cases where antiviral drug does not help, and the state of health worsens.

What antibiotic to drink for a cold for an adult?

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Flemoxin Solutab;
  • Ospamox.

These broad-spectrum antibiotics are semi-synthetic penicillins. Their characteristics:

  • Reliability;
  • efficiency;
  • minimum side effects;
  • approved for use at any age, as well as for pregnant women;
  • accumulated a large clinical practice, because used for over 40 years.

Some strains of bacteria may show resistance to these drugs. In this case, antibiotics with the following names are used:

  • Amoxiclav;
  • Flemoklav solutab;
  • Augmentin.

In addition to semi-synthetic penicillin, they contain clavulanic acid, which compensates for the lack of effectiveness of penicillin against resistant bacteria.

An alternative list of antibiotics for colds in adults includes cephalosporin-based drugs:

  • Zinnat;
  • Suprax.

Against pneumococci and other common bacteria, cephalosporins are effective to about the same extent as the complex of penicillin with clavulanic acid.

How much to drink antibiotics for a cold for an adult

The duration of the course of treatment is on average 5-10 days.

But in each case, the question of the duration of antibiotics is usually decided individually.

Good antibiotic for colds

When we want to understand what is a good antibiotic for a cold, most people consider three parameters:

  • Efficiency;
  • side effects;
  • price.

Table. List of antibiotics for colds in adults and their comparison.

As can be seen from the table, the amoxicillin group compares favorably with others with minimal side effects. The spread in prices for antibiotics for colds is significant - the most budget differs from the most expensive by 11 times. But this is explained not so much by their different efficiency, but by the manufacturer. The most expensive - imported drugs. The price of amoxicillin is the most democratic.

When choosing an antibiotic for a cold in an adult, one should take into account such a factor as the frequency of antibiotic use in the past. Amoxicillin may be recommended as the best, provided the person does not frequently take penicillin antibiotics.

If the bacteria show resistance to pure amoxicillin and the condition does not improve with treatment, or if the person has taken amoxicillin in the recent past, then penicillin preparations with clavulanate are the best choice.

Anyone can get a cold. This is one of the most common diseases. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are in search of a miracle. effective means, which can help to quickly and effectively overcome the hated infection.

Quite often, with colds, there is a need to take antibiotics. Pharmaceutical companies offer great amount antibacterial drugs. Most patients are interested in buying relatively inexpensive and effective products. And such pharmaceutical products are not so few.

When antibiotics are needed

As a rule, a viral infection at the very beginning of the disease does not cause any complications. At this stage, doctors recommend fighting pathogenic microflora conventional medicines without enhanced action. They are safer for the body and have minimal amount side effects. To recover, it is enough to choose the right medication and observe bed rest.

Sometimes an infection caused by a bacterial pathogen joins the common cold. You can understand this by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • Body temperature rises to 38-39 degrees.
  • The frequency of attacks of dry cough increases.
  • getting worse general state health, especially on the 5-6th day from the onset of the disease.
  • There is shortness of breath and shortness of breath.
  • Disappears normal sense of smell.
  • There is a hoarse voice.
  • Inflamed lymph nodes.

In particular difficult cases the color of sputum that is secreted from the nose and bronchi changes. Urine also becomes cloudy, and feces appear pathogenic mucus or blood.

If a bacterial infection is not treated, it is almost impossible to avoid complications. They may appear as:

  • Inflammation of the lungs.
  • Purulent angina.
  • Acute bronchitis.
  • Acute otitis.
  • Bacterial sinusitis.
  • Myocarditis.

That is why, at the first suspicion of a bacterial infection, doctors immediately prescribe antibiotics for a cold. They themselves decide which drug should be given preference. The patient himself will not be able to understand which antibiotic will help him cope with one or another pathogenic agent.

Effective antibacterial drugs for adults

When choosing a suitable antibacterial agent, localization is necessarily taken into account. inflammatory process, intensity and nature of the disease. On the first visit of the patient, the specialist will offer him to drink a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is good because it helps to destroy most of the typical pathogenic pathogens.

Based on the results of treatment with a broad-spectrum antibiotic, which relieves cold symptoms in ARVI in adults, the doctor decides whether to change the medicine or whether to continue the medication course.

Most often, with a cold, antibacterial agents are taken that belong to one of the following groups:

  • Penicillin.
  • Macrolides.
  • Cephalosporins.
  • Fluoroquinolones.

Each one is designed to treat specific pathogen bacterial infection. An experienced specialist can say the names effective drugs that belong to each of the listed groups.

The most famous representative of this group is Sumamed. It can often be seen in prescriptions for patients with acute respiratory infections. To recover, sometimes taking only 3 tablets is enough. The medicine goes on sale in several pharmacy forms. It can be in the form of tablets, capsules and suspensions, which are necessary for the preparation of therapeutic solutions.

"Sumamed" has a huge number of analogues, which also belong to macrolides. Among them are:

All the drugs mentioned above have the same active substance.

Due to the peculiarities of absorption and excretion from the human body, drugs based on azithromycin should be taken only 1 tablet per day. That is, recovery can be achieved in 3 days, if you follow all the doctor's recommendations and start treatment in a timely manner.

Among the macrolides, another drug, Klabaks, stands out. This is the latest generation of antibiotics. Its active substance is clarithromycin. With the help of this substance, it is possible to suppress the activity of atypical and typical pathogenic microflora. In addition, it is effective in the fight against chlamydia.

"Klabaks" has several actions at once:

  • Destroys pathogenic bacteria.
  • Keeps the immune system in good condition.
  • It does not allow pathogens to enter the blood again.

Due to such properties, "Klabaks" is often prescribed for protracted cold. Its active substance can be found in the composition of the following medications:

  • "Clarbact".
  • Ecosetrin.
  • Clarithromycin Zentiv.

They are also his counterparts. These drugs have a similar effect on a cold person.


Cephalosporins are a group of drugs that are active against a wide range of pathogenic agents. Modern medicine is well acquainted with the means of the 1st and 2nd generation.

Newer cephalosporins are highly effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases. They are often prescribed to adult patients. It is highly undesirable to drink such medicines for children under 18 years of age, since their effect on the child's body has not yet been fully studied.

Treatment of a cold is carried out with such antibiotics of the cephalosporin group:

  • "Zinnat".

They are used less frequently than the penicillins.


Antibacterial drugs of the fluoroquinolone group have increased activity to pathogens such as pneumococci. They also act on other pathogens of infectious diseases, such as the common cold.

Adults are usually prescribed such remedies:

  • Moxifloxacin.
  • Levofloxacin.
  • "Sparfloxacin".

They all have a wide spectrum of action. Experts mark them high efficiency in the fight against pathogenic microflora, which has a strong resistance to antibacterial substances. You should drink this medicine only 1 time per day.

Unfortunately, fluoroquinolones have a very significant drawback. They negatively affect the rhythm of the heart. Therefore, they should be used with extreme caution in elderly patients.

Antibiotics for childhood colds

Parents can give their child an antibiotic only after it is prescribed by a doctor. It is by no means possible to independently decide which antibacterial agent to treat the baby. All because children's body very sensitive and strong drug, as an antibiotic, may not affect it in the best way.

Today, pharmacies offer a huge number of medicines that are designed specifically for the treatment of children's colds. Such antibiotics may be in tablets or suspensions. Usually pediatricians prescribe the following effective drugs:

  • Esparoxy.
  • Alpha Normix.
  • "Augmentin".
  • Fromilid uno.
  • "Zinnat".
  • "Ampicillin".
  • "Flemoxin".

The choice of an antibacterial agent for the treatment of a child depends on the nature of the disease and the financial capabilities of the parents. Most of the presented funds have a similar effect. However, their cost is very different.

To give an antibiotic desired result and did not call negative reactions, while taking it, you should follow simple rules:

  1. During therapy, the use of only 1 class of antibiotics is allowed.
  2. If after 2 days the temperature did not decrease, and the condition still worsened, it is required to replace the prescribed remedy.
  3. In no case should you drink bactericidal and antipyretic drugs together. This is because the latter significantly reduce the effectiveness of the former.
  4. You can not stop the drug course when the symptoms of a cold disappear.
  5. The optimal course of antibiotic treatment should last at least 5 days.

Compliance with these rules makes the treatment of a child with an antibiotic as safe as possible and practically harmless to a weakened body.


Everyone should understand that antibiotics are taken only if there is a bacterial infection in the body. In other cases, such drugs will only harm the body, which is already weakened due to illness. As practice shows, colds and flu almost always have a viral origin. So that bactericide in such situations, it will not help the patient cope with the malaise, but will only worsen his condition.

If the rules of admission are not followed, or after using the antibiotic for other purposes, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  1. Intestinal disorders due to damage to beneficial microflora.
  2. strong decline protective properties organism.
  3. Deterioration of the liver and kidneys.
  4. Allergy.

If the antibiotic is not suitable for a number of reasons specific person who is sick with a cold, he should change the drug. Therefore, in the absence of visible improvements, it is imperative to inform the attending physician about this so that he can timely correct the therapeutic course.

Attention, only TODAY!

Many take antibiotics for a viral infection without a doctor's prescription unknowingly. This results in unnecessary expenses and health problems. Pediatrician E. Komarovsky, in one of his publications, asks: “How can it be?”. A well-known doctor suggests remembering the elementary truth: "viral infections are not treated with antibiotics."

Viruses are non-cellular organisms of living nature

Among the microscopic pathogens of viral infection, a special place is given. Russian scientists and doctors believe that viruses do not belong to microbes - a group that includes bacteria, fungi and protozoa. English-language publications classify viruses as microorganisms - creatures whose size is measured in micrometers (1 micron = 0.001 mm).

Features of virus particles:

  • They do not have cells, cell walls, plasma membranes.
  • Composed of proteins and RNA or DNA (genetic material).
  • Large viruses may contain fats and carbohydrates.
  • Outside the cells, they show resistance, do not die in the mouth of a volcano and on a glacier.

Viruses differ significantly from bacteria, they can live and multiply only in other people's cells. That is why antibiotics do not work on viruses, although they cause the death of bacteria.

Antibiotics are used for bacterial, some fungal and protozoal infections. The "targets" of these drugs are microbial cells, more precisely, cell walls, plasma membranes and organelles that reproduce proteins. The use of antibiotics against viruses is like firing a cannon at sparrows. There is an exception: chloramphenicol, tetracycline can act on large viruses that look like small cells with a diameter of 0.08-0.1 microns.

Antibiotics: yesterday and today

A large and important group of substances discovered at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries is still being replenished with new compounds. These are antibiotics that inhibit the growth, development and reproduction of bacterial cells, less often fungi and protozoa. At first, such drugs were obtained only from fungi and bacteria. Now an extensive family of antibiotics of microbial and plant origin complement semi-synthetic and synthetic antibacterial drugs.

Popular medicines are praised by some, criticized by others. Many people take antibiotics for a viral infection. This method of treatment finds an army of admirers and the same number of opponents. An ambivalent attitude is often associated not with the qualities of drugs, but with ignorance of the mechanism of action on microorganisms.

Treatment of diseases for which antibiotics were not originally intended will not speed up recovery.

Antibacterial drugs are vital and necessary to fight bacteria that are sensitive to them. Even in case right choice medicinal product, the result of treatment may differ from the expected effect. The main reason is the immunity of pathogens acquired due to natural selection passed on to new generations.

Medicines, like breeders, leave only the most resilient alive infectious agents. Increasingly, antibiotics kill beneficial microflora and do not act on pathogens. Prospects are being discussed in scientific circles: is this or that antibiotic so good, is it necessary to release it. Restrictions are being introduced on the use of a number of drugs up to a complete ban.

Treatment of angina and SARS with antibiotics

When infected with rhino-, adeno-, reoviruses, parainfluenza pathogens, symptoms appear acute inflammation nose and throat. The cold of infants does not spare, ARVI in adults and children develops at any time of the year, but more often from November to April. Symptoms of colds and flu usually increase in the evening, headaches, fever, runny nose, and sore throat appear.

Dry language of numbers:

  • Adults get viral tonsillitis 2-4 times a year, small children - 6-10 times a year.
  • Bacteria are the cause of throat diseases in 30% of cases, during epidemics - 50%.
  • Viruses cause pharyngitis and tonsillitis in children in 40% of cases.
  • In other cases, the causative agent of these diseases in adults and children has not been established.
  • Babies are unreasonably prescribed to drink antibiotics for ARVI in 90–95% of cases.
  • Antibiotics treat a viral infection in 6 out of 10 adult patients.

Plentiful warm drink and antipyretics help "pass" the night. The next morning arises eternal question"What to do?". Adults most often take medication and go to work. Small children are left at home and a doctor is called, older children are taken to the clinic. After the examination, the pediatrician prescribes drugs, recommends home procedures. Many parents immediately skim the list to see if an antibiotic is available. They do not take into account the fact of SARS in a child.

Doctors know that viral infections of the respiratory tract are not treated with antibiotics, but due to habit or fear “no matter what happens,” they prescribe drugs of this group.

As pediatrician E. Komarovsky notes, doctors have a standard explanation: “To prevent bacterial complications". Such caution is justified if small child spicy otitis media there are signs of a bacterial infection.

Which diseases are treated with antibiotics?

  • exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • streptococcal tonsillitis and pharyngitis;
  • acute bacterial sinusitis;
  • acute otitis media;
  • pneumonia.

Before treating the throat with antibacterial drugs, it is necessary to take a throat swab in the laboratory. Wait 2-3 days, get the result and take the form with the numbers to the doctor. If pathogenic bacteria are present in the smear, then the specialist chooses antibiotics based on the results of microbiological culture. Strips for express analysis "Streptatest" allow for 5-10 minutes to determine whether the disease is caused by streptococcal infection - the most common cause of purulent tonsillitis.

At respiratory diseases doctors prescribe antibacterial drugs without determining the pathogen 5 days after symptoms appear. Over this time strong immunity begins to fight the virus. When treatment is ineffective, the immune defense is weak, then antibiotics are prescribed.

Viruses + bacteria

Antibiotics are designed to fight pathogenic microbes, they will not help to cope with a viral infection. There is no cell wall, membrane and ribosomes that could be affected by antibacterial drugs. To treat a viral disease, other means are required: Amantodine, Acyclovir, Ribavirin, Interferon.

It happens that doctors prescribe antibiotics for ARVI, and this is associated with a high probability of superinfection. This is the name of the growth of a colony of pathogenic bacteria in viral or fungal diseases.

The attack of viruses weakens the immune system, making it easier for bacterial infection and other pathogens to enter.

Treatment with antibacterial drugs is justified for yellowish-green discharge from the nose and ear, complications viral sore throat. In the case of a bacterial infection, the temperature rises to 38 ° C and above. If microbes hit the organs urinary system, then turbidity and sediment appear in the urine. Infectious diseases of bacterial origin can be determined by the mucous nature of the stool, the presence of blood or pus in it.

How Antibacterial Drugs Work

Antibacterial drugs are found weak spots microbial cells and attack. Penicillins and cephalosporins act from the outside - they destroy the cell wall, block the participation of enzymes in its creation. Tetracycline, erythromycin and gentamicin bind to cell ribosomes and disrupt protein synthesis. The target of quinolones are proteins involved in reading hereditary information from DNA.

Nucleic acids of viruses are contained within a protein capsule (capsid). DNA or RNA different ways penetrate into the cells of a plant, animal or human, after which the reproduction of new viral particles begins. Penicillins and cephalosporins will not work on the virus, because there is no cell wall, there is nothing to destroy. Tetracycline will not find the bacterial ribosome it is supposed to attack.

The virus and currently existing antibiotics are incompatible. These drugs affect only certain groups of microbes. Amoxicillin and ampicillin are used for streptococcal and pneumococcal infections. Mycoplasmas and chlamydia react to erythromycin and others.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are effective against a large group of microbes and large viruses, but there are not many of the latter.

How to properly treat with antibiotics:

  • The timing of therapy depends on the disease and the drug, but not less than 5 days.
  • Children under 8 years of age are given antibacterial drugs in the form of a syrup or suspension.
  • Aerosol "Bioparox" contains an antibiotic local action helping to cure rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis.
  • Along with antibacterial drugs, drugs or dietary supplements with lacto- and bifidobacteria are given to normalize the intestinal microflora.
  • It is necessary to adhere to the dosage, recommendations on the method and duration of taking the antibiotic.
  • If the drug is ineffective, the doctor prescribes medicine from another group antibacterial agents.
  • If you are allergic to penicillins, macrolides are prescribed.

Patients at the doctor's appointment are often interested in which antibiotic is better. Macrolides are among the most commonly used drugs. They have broad antimicrobial activity: they inhibit the growth and development of bacteria that affect the respiratory system, affect chlamydia and mycoplasmas.

Of the macrolides for the treatment of infections of the upper respiratory tract, azithromycin and clarithromycin are preferable. Azithromycin is enough to take 5 days 1 or 2 times a day for bacterial tonsillitis. During this time, the antibacterial substance accumulates in the focus of infection and continues to act on bacteria that are sensitive to it.

Azithromycin additionally has an immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect.

It was azithromycin that was named by pediatrician E. Komarovsky in response to the question: “What antibiotics are recommended for children with tonsillitis?”. The drug is currently considered safe and effective, but opinions about it may change in a few years. Doctor Komarovsky also discussed with the parents the problem of whether it is possible to treat SARS with antibiotics, and explained that a lot depends on the specific situation.

Problems of antibiotic therapy

The negative attitude towards drugs is supported by the materials of national and international organizations. In one of world days consumer rights was proclaimed the slogan: "Exclude antibiotics from the menu!". Rospotrebnadzor experts examined 20,000 food samples for medicines. In the composition of milk on store shelves, 1.1% of antibiotics were found. The population has to take antibacterial substances against their will.

Cons of antibiotic treatment and consumption of products with them:

  • death of opportunistic pathogens and beneficial bacteria together with pathogenic microbes;
  • the acquisition by surviving microorganisms of resistance to the drug;
  • poisoning with decay products of bacterial cells;
  • imbalance of microflora, dysbacteriosis;
  • allergic reactions to drugs;
  • reproduction of pathogenic fungi;
  • inflammatory diseases.

If any bacterial infection was treated with one antibiotic, it would be easier. However, the drug may be ineffective because the microbe is insensitive to it. An antibiotic in the treatment of a viral infection will not find "targets" to which it must strike (cell membranes, ribosomes, plasma membranes).

There are bacteria that destroy antibacterial drugs with the help of the enzyme beta-lactamase. Then the treatment will not lead to the death of pathogens, but will only harm the beneficial microflora. beta hemolytic streptococcal infection treated with cephalosporins and amoxicillin with clavulanic acid.

Bacterial resistance or resistance to antibiotics

Microorganisms become insensitive to substances intended for their destruction. Resistance has been developed for decades, so antibacterial substances created in the past century are now considered less effective. New drugs appear every year, mostly they have no natural origin, but are semi-synthetic or synthetic substances.

In Russia high level resistance of pneumococcus to doxycycline - 30%, less to macrolides - 4-7%. AT European countries resistance of pneumococcus to macrolides reaches 12-58%. The frequency of occurrence of Haemophilus influenzae strains resistant to azithromycin is 1.5%.

The resistance of group A streptococci to macrolides is growing all over the world, but in Russia this figure is still at the level of 8%.

cut down Negative consequences antibiotic treatment will help refusal to take these drugs in uncomplicated forms of SARS, pharyngitis, tonsillitis viral etiology. This is not a whim of doctors or patients, but the conclusions of experts from the World Health Organization. Antibiotics will help when the immune system does not cope with infections. Thanks to the use of modern antibacterial drugs, recovery occurs faster, and the risk of dangerous complications is reduced.

The common cold is one of the most common diseases. You rarely meet an adult, and even more so a child, who has not caught a cold at least once a year.

What is meant by a cold

The main provocateurs of a cold are different kinds viruses that, when they enter the human body through the respiratory tract, provoke the launch of complex processes.

The virus enters the body through the respiratory tract and begins to destroy it.

viruses, cold-causing, in the human body they find an environment for reproduction, using the nutrient medium of cells, they literally make the cells work for themselves.

Gradually, the immune system weakens, the cells become defenseless, thereby creating favorable conditions for the growth of other microorganisms.

In a classic way cold develops gradually. At the initial stage, a sore throat appears, then a runny nose appears.

Many people, at the first symptoms, go to pharmacies in search of antibiotics for colds, effective and, of course, inexpensive.

In this case antibiotic treatment is unreasonable, immunity should try to overcome the disease on its own. Only if the symptoms intensify, you can think about taking such drugs.

Cold symptoms

Under the concept of "cold" hides more than a dozen diseases provoked by various harmful microorganisms.

Heat is the main symptom of a cold

But all these microorganisms have one thing in common - they lead to the same symptoms:

  • headache;
  • body aches;
  • chills;
  • discomfort in the throat;
  • temperature not exceeding 37.5 degrees.

In some cases, the symptoms go away on their own., the disease recedes, but this can only happen to those people who have excellent immunity, able to cope with the disease on their own.

To such seasoned people, strong immunity There is no need to take antibiotics for colds. Even if they are inexpensive and effective, you should not rush.

Average cold symptoms last 2 to 7 days. They can have different combinations, each person tolerates them differently.

If not treated properly, complications are possible - sinusitis, sinusitis, therefore, it is important not to start the disease, but to treat it.

When should antibiotics be taken?

The use of antibiotic drugs for early stages disease is not justified. Microorganisms that cause colds, when multiplying, cause inflammation. All these processes occur quite quickly, the duration of a cold in viral form 3-4 first days.

Antibiotics are started when the cold is prolonged and complications appear.

It is worth taking antibiotics if the general state of health is aggravated:

  • going on sharp rise temperature;
  • chills present;
  • increased pain in the throat and ears;
  • increased cough and shortness of breath;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

If you skip these symptoms and do not take action, the situation can be aggravated by pneumonia, bronchitis or tonsillitis.

Antibiotics prescribed in such cases are a necessary measure.

If it is not possible to see a doctor, antibiotics for colds, inexpensive and effective, you can pick up on your own, some types are sold without a prescription.

Note! Antibiotics do not harm the body. Can harm them misuse, chaotic and uncontrolled change, non-compliance with instructions.

List of effective antibiotics

When choosing antibiotics, start from the localization of the site of inflammation, the nature and intensity of the symptoms of the disease.

Important! Before starting the use of drugs in without fail you need to study the instructions, get acquainted with the possible side effects, the fewer, the better.

Antibiotics for colds, inexpensive and effective, broad spectrum:

  • : used for bronchitis, infections of the nose, respiratory tract, ears and throat, pneumonia, cystitis. Ammoxicillin contains penicillin, so people who are sensitive to this substance should not use it. It is also not recommended to use the drug for people suffering from asthma and allergic diathesis. The price varies from 65 to 110 rubles.

  • : the most powerful drug which needs to be taken only once a day. To get rid of the symptoms of a cold and cure a respiratory tract infection, it is enough to undergo a three-day course of treatment. The drug is indicated for the treatment of tonsillitis, sinusitis, scarlet fever, pneumonia, otitis media, urethritis. Contraindicated in children under 6 months of age. The price varies between 100-150 rubles.

  • : one of the safe and effective drugs, belonging to the group of macrolides, successfully inhibits the growth and development of bacteria. Prescribed for the treatment of diseases infectious nature: bronchitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis. Not recommended for use in children under 12 years of age, with cardiac arrhythmia, reduced level potassium, kidney disease. The price is from 230 to 450 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

  • : second-generation drug, indicated for exacerbation of bronchitis, inflammation of the respiratory tract, pneumonia, pyoderma, tonsillitis, furunculosis, urethritis. Contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney disease. Headache, drowsiness, hearing impairment, chills - side effects medication. Price in tablets from 350 rubles.

  • : 3rd generation semi-synthetic antibiotic. It is used for bronchitis, otitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis and tonsillitis. Not recommended for children with kidney failure and children weighing less than 25 kg. The approximate price is 450 rubles.

Childhood colds and antibiotics

Undoubtedly a doctor should treat and prescribe medicines to a child. But it is not always possible to visit a doctor, so it will not be superfluous to know the names of antibiotics that treat colds in children.

Medicines should be given to children with caution.

The list of antibiotics allowed for the treatment of colds for children is impressive, but it is worth considering the fact that tablets are preferable to suspensions, in complicated forms - injections.

Antibiotics that are inexpensive and effective for colds that are approved in pediatrics include:

  • zinnat (300 rubles);
  • ampicillin (from 20 rubles per pack);
  • fromilid uno (300 rubles);
  • flemoxin (230 rubles);
  • esparoxy (225 rubles);
  • alpha normix (750 rubles);
  • augmentin (240 rubles).

Observe the following rules:

  1. When treating, use only one class of antibiotics.
  2. If, after two days, the temperature of the child did not subside, and the general condition did not improve, it is necessary to think about changing the drug.
  3. Do not take antipyretics and bactericidal drugs at the same time, syrups reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics.
  4. Even if the symptoms of the disease have disappeared, the course of treatment should not be interrupted.
  5. The minimum course of treatment is at least 5 days.

If you follow these rules, there Great chance heal safely and avoid side effects.

When Antibiotics Fail

Antibiotics do not work and become useless when they are not properly chosen., or they are trying to cure viral diseases.

Viruses and bacteria are completely different microorganisms, with a dissimilar structure, so cure viral flu with antibiotics is unrealistic.

Use of antibiotics for colds, even if they are inexpensive and effective, in the treatment of diseases viral origin won't do any good.

Contraindications to taking antibiotics

Antibiotics are not a cure for all ills but still chemicals having side effects.

Do not take antibiotics during pregnancy

Consequences of uncontrolled use of antibiotics

Often, antibiotics can cause malfunction in organ systems, can exacerbate an ulcer, disrupt the intestinal flora and the functioning of the liver or kidneys, lead to severe allergic reactions, in exceptional cases life-threatening swelling may occur.

Important! You should take antibiotics as needed, read the instructions carefully, and watch for symptoms.

The ideal option is when a doctor prescribes antibiotics.

Pros and cons of complex means (Coldrex, Theraflu, Rinza)

To quickly recover from a cold, modern man acquires various powders such as "Coldrex", "Theraflu", "Rinza". Is there any sense in them, are they able to cure a cold?

Coldrex and similar drugs relieve the patient's condition, but do not cure a cold.

Main the components of these substances are paracetamol and vitamin C. Latest Scientific research confirmed that the miraculous ability of this vitamin to cure colds and increase immunity is a myth.

Apart from ascorbic acid and paracetamol, in the composition similar drugs includes substances that relieve swelling of blood vessels and expand them.

pros complex preparations : quickly and effectively relieve symptoms - headache, runny nose, fever and chills.

Minuses: do not have an antiviral effect, they only relieve symptoms, they are not able to fight micro-organisms-viruses.

Such drugs can be used for the prevention and fast withdrawal unpleasant symptoms but don't expect a full recovery.

How to deal with a cold

Often with a cold faithful companion general weakness is a runny nose. To combat the common cold, there are nasal sprays that have a vasodilating effect.

For the treatment of colds, drops and aerosol are used.

After irrigation with an aerosol, the vessels in the nose narrow, swelling decreases and the nose is cleared of mucus accumulated in it. You should not abuse such drops, as they provoke dryness of the nasal cavity and can lead to a loss of smell.

With advanced and complicated rhinitis, drops containing antibiotics are excellent.

When using such drops, the formation of resistance to the antibiotic is minimal, reduces the risk of allergies, due to the fact that the drops do not enter the general bloodstream.

Drops do not harm healthy microflora organism, since they are applied topically and do not spread outside the nose. Due to the fact that the microflora is not destroyed, antibiotics do not weaken the immune system. Proven and popular antibiotic drops include Polydex, Isofra.

Ideally, when the treatment is prescribed by a doctor, but it is not always possible to refer to it. In such cases, antibiotics for colds, inexpensive and effective, which can be found in free sale at any pharmacy, will help.

The following video will tell you if you need to take antibiotics for colds:

This video will tell you which antibiotic is best to take for a cold:

The following video will tell you about the rules for taking an antibiotic: