Diseases of the maxillary sinuses. Compresses in the treatment of maxillary sinuses

The paranasal sinuses are voids filled with air, which are located in the bones of the facial skull. They have some channels nasal cavity. In total, 4 groups of cavities are distinguished in a person, the maxillary and frontal cavities are located symmetrically, that is, on both sides of the nose. Them inner surface lined with epithelium with certain cells that have the ability to produce mucous contents. Slime this kind with the help of cilia, it moves to the ducts and is swept out.

The paranasal sinuses surround the human nose from all sides, they are presented in the form of cavities, which include the maxillary sinuses. According to the place of localization, they are called the maxillary sinuses of the nose, and they received their first name in honor of the English physician who first described the disease of sinusitis. In internal parts such cavities are vessels and nerve endings. Similar components are expelled into the nasal cavity with the help of an anastomosis.

Features of the structure of the maxillary sinus

The maxillary sinuses form much earlier than the air cavities located in the front of the skull. In infants, they look like some small dimples. The process of their formation is completely completed by the age of 12-14.

It is interesting to know that in older people, bone tissue often breaks down, and that is why their maxillary sinus enlarges.

Anatomically, the structure of the maxillary sinuses is as follows. They are combined with the nasal cavity through a narrow connecting canal, which is called fistula. The anatomical feature of their structure is that in calm state they are filled with oxygen and pneumatized. Inside, these recesses consist of thin mucous membranes, on which a certain number of nerve plexuses and elastic formations are located. That is why, localized in the nasal cavities, quite often flows into latent form, and only then the symptoms appear.

The maxillary sinuses consist of upper, outer, inner, anterior and posterior walls. Each of them has individual characteristics. It is worth noting that you can notice the manifestation of the disease yourself, but you should not take any actions aimed at treatment. Self-treatment is a rather dangerous occupation, which often causes negative consequences. A person should contact a specialist who will select the treatment.

Fistula and its structure

This part of the nose is responsible for the free circulation of air inside the cavity. The fistula of the maxillary sinuses is located in their rear walls. It has a round or oval shape. The fistula size is from 3-5 millimeters. It is covered with mucous membranes, in which there is a minimum of endings of nerves and blood vessels.

The fistula has a feature to expand and narrow. It increases due to the outflow of mucus that protects it. The following reasons can provoke a narrowing of the anastomosis:

  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • features of the structure of the body;
  • various pathologies of the upper respiratory tract.

In the anastomosis there are many small particles called cilia, which are constantly in motion and move the accumulated mucus to the exit. If the anastomosis has a significant diameter, the mucous contents, as a rule, do not have time to accumulate. In this case, the evacuation of the contents is ensured even at the time of viral diseases.

Changing the configuration of the anastomosis, of course, affects the development of diseases. If the anastomosis decreases, the mucus produced accumulates in the cavity, and then it stagnates. This creates the most favorable environment for the development and reproduction of pathological bacteria. It happens, and sinusitis is diagnosed.

Vasodilation also often causes pathology, in some cases cysts occur. This happens due to the fact that with each breath a current of cool air enters the cavity. Formations of this kind in most cases do not require therapy, but constant monitoring of them is simply necessary. The main task of the patient is only a regular visit to the otolaryngologist.

Top and bottom walls

The thickness of the upper walls of the maxillary sinuses does not exceed 1.2 mm. They border on the orbit, and that is why the inflammatory process in such a cavity often has bad influence on the eyes and vision in general. It is worth noting that the consequences in this case can be the most unpredictable. Against the background of sinusitis, conjunctivitis often develops and other, more dangerous pathologies organs of vision.

The thickness of the lower wall is quite small, in certain areas of the bone it is completely absent, and the vessels and nerve endings passing in such places are separated only by the periosteum. It is this factor that increases the risk of sinusitis due to dental diseases. This is due to the fact that the roots of the teeth upper jaw located close enough and not fenced off.

Inner wall

The inner wall is also called the medial, it is located next to the middle and lower nasal passages. The adjacent zone is often connected, but at the same time quite thin. It is through it that they often carry out.

The wall joining the lower course, in most cases, has a membranous structure. In this area there is an opening of the maxillary sinus, through which the connection of the maxillary sinuses and nasal cavities occurs, in case of blockage of which an inflammatory process is formed. That is why it is worth remembering that a common cold should be a reason to see a doctor, because long-term self-medication often causes negative consequences.

It should be noted that the maxillary sinus has an anastomosis, the length of which reaches 1 centimeter. Due to its location in upper section sinusitis becomes chronic. This is due to the fact that the outflow of fluid is very difficult.

Front and back walls

The facial wall of the maxillary sinuses is characterized as the most dense. It is covered by the tissues of the cheek, and only it is available for palpation. On its front wall there is a canine fossa, a reference point to which is held when opening the mandibular cavity.

This kind of depression can be different depth. In some cases, it reaches a significant size, and when puncturing the sinuses from the side of the lower nasal passage, the needle has the ability to penetrate into the orbit or soft tissues of the cheek. This often causes purulent complications, therefore it is extremely important to involve only an experienced specialist to perform the manipulation.

The posterior wall of the maxillary sinuses is often adjacent to the maxillary tubercle. reverse side she turned to pterygopalatine fossa, in which some specific venous plexus is located. Do not forget that during inflammatory processes in paranasal sinuses possible blood poisoning.

The maxillary sinus performs the most important internal and external functions. Among the internal ones, ventilation and drainage are distinguished, among the external ones - barrier, secretory and suction.

Sinusitis is a widespread infection, this is the most frequent illness ENT organs.

With early detection of the disease and effective treatment you can say goodbye to sinusitis forever.

If the disease is started, it can threaten the transition of inflammation into a chronic form and numerous complications (meningitis, swelling and abscess of the brain, inflammation optic nerve, thrombosis of the eye veins, otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other serious diseases).

Sinusitis is an infectious inflammation in the maxillary (maxillary) sinus, affecting its mucous membrane. The disease can develop both in one sinus (unilateral), and in both at once (bilateral). More often it is a complication after influenza, rhinitis.

In contact with

Who suffers from sinusitis?

Sinusitis affects more than 85% of people who regularly get a runny nose.

This disease is common among women and men of all ages. More often, younger people still get sick, because of their age they do not pay enough attention to their health. The disease develops more often in autumn, winter and early spring - during the season of respiratory diseases.

How is the disease spread?

The maxillary sinuses are cavernous air cavities on the sides of the nose, lined with a mucous epithelial membrane. When microbes enter and inflammation develops in them, this shell begins to produce increased amount mucus. The resulting edema prevents the natural excretion of mucus, which leads to its stagnation - sinusitis develops.


The disease develops under the action of microbes - viruses (parainfluenza, influenza, adenoviruses), bacteria (,).

The reasons for their active reproduction:

  • Weakened immunity;
  • , polyps, ;
  • developing or untreated infections (flu, colds);
  • decaying teeth, especially the upper ones;
  • allergic diseases;
  • defects and curvature of the nasal septum.

Main symptoms in adults


  • Discomfort in the nose and surrounding areas;
  • stuffy nose, impaired sense of smell;
  • the temperature is increased;
  • there are pains at the base of the nose, spreading to the forehead and teeth;
  • eyelids redden and swollen.
If these signs are found, you should immediately consult a doctor and carry out treatment.

Symptoms in an acute course

In the sinuses, the mucous membrane, adjacent blood vessels and loose tissues become inflamed, signs appear:

  • Stuffy nose, difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • runny nose - lasting more than a week, in the form clear slime or yellow-green pus;
  • headache;
  • and higher;
  • general weakness, loss of appetite;
  • sometimes photophobia and increased lacrimation may develop.

Chronic - inflammation penetrates under the mucous membrane, affecting the bone base of the maxillary sinuses. It proceeds with alternating periods of exacerbations, with severe symptoms, and remission, with virtually no signs. Its symptoms:

  • Cough - dry, appears at night when pus drains down the throat. This is the most pronounced sign;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • stuffy nose, constant purulent discharge from it.


  • Purulent - the most common;
  • catarrhal - pus is absent, edema is highly developed. These are the two easiest types to treat;
  • allergic - as a result of exposure to an allergen;
  • hyperplastic - mucosal proliferation occurs;
  • atrophic - atrophy of the mucosa occurs as a result of a violation of the activity of the glands;
  • polyposis - the mucous membrane grows, forming polyps. Treatment is surgical only.

Diagnostic methods

  • Collecting data from anamnesis - establishing the presence of symptoms;
  • clinical examination of the patient - swelling and inflammation of the nasal mucosa, the presence of purulent discharge are detected;
  • x-ray of the maxillary sinuses - inflammation is visible in the form of blackout, the most convenient, but not always accurate method;
  • diaphanoscopy - translucence through the mouth with a beam of light.

The final result is established after examination by an otolaryngologist.

Differential Diagnosis


  • Odontogenic sinusitis - characterized by the absence of edema in the nasal cavity and pharynx, it is always one-sided;
  • fungal - characterized by a sluggish onset of the disease, irregular nasal discharge. Finally differentiated on the basis of mycological examination;
  • cysts - are established according to the results of the radiograph, with their microscopy there are no epithelial cells;
  • malignant tumors - according to the results histological analysis formations and contents of the sinuses.

How to treat sinusitis?

General rules

  • Maintaining fresh, humidified air in the room;
  • diet - all sweet, fried and starchy foods are excluded;
  • warm plentiful drink;
  • taking a complex of vitamins and microelements;
  • smoking cessation.

Acute current

It is usually carried out conservatively in order to ensure the removal of the contents from the sinus. The following drugs are used as prescribed by a doctor:

  • Vasoconstrictor drugs - to relieve edema (galazolin, nazivin, oxymetazoline);
  • antiseptic solutions - for washing the nose (chlorhexidine, decamethoxin, furatsilin);
  • topical antibiotics - in the form of sprays (Isofra, Bioparox, Polydex) and drops;
  • systemic antibiotics - in the form of tablets and intramuscular injections with a prolonged illness;
  • antihistamines - with allergies or severe intoxication and edema (Erius, Zirtek, Tsetrin);
  • mucolytics (thinning) - with too viscous secretions (Sinuforte, Erespal,);
  • antipyretics - at elevated temperatures (amidopyrine, aspirin).

Treatment of mild illness

  • Drops from sinusitis - a course of no more than three days;
  • antibiotics local action- at bacterial infection;
  • physiotherapy;
  • nasal lavage at home or hospital:
  • thinning, antihistamine, antipyretic - if necessary.

Treatment of moderate and severe disease

A course of systemic antibiotics is added - as prescribed by a doctor in accordance with the type of infectious agent.

How to treat chronic sinusitis?

During the remission period:

  • Nasal lavage - regular, using mineral water, saline solution;
  • physiotherapy - in the absence of complications;
  • antibiotics of systemic action - in small doses, only if necessary, as prescribed by a doctor;
  • exclusion of contact with the allergen - with allergic sinusitis;
  • timely treatment teeth - with odontogenic sinusitis;
  • plastic surgery - with damage to the nasal septum.

During an exacerbation:

  • Topical antibiotics - a weekly course;
  • mucolytics - to thin the mucus and accelerate its excretion;
  • systemic antibiotics - for purulent sinusitis, injections or tablets as prescribed by a doctor;
  • surgery- puncture of the sinuses, their washing with antiseptics and the introduction of antibiotics;
  • pit catheter - allows you to get rid of the purulent contents of the sinuses without a puncture, is one of the effective methods of treating sinusitis.

Antibiotics for sinusitis

The use of antibiotics is justified only in case of a bacterial infection.

In a severe bacterial infection, the use of an antibiotic is simply necessary. The choice of antibiotic is only made by a doctor based on the results of identifying the pathogen. Penicillin preparations, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, macrolides, tetracyclines are used.

The most effective for sinusitis are:

  • Levofloxacin;
  • amoxicillin/clavulanate;
  • cefixime;
  • cefuroxime;
  • azithromycin;
  • erythromycin.

Along with systemic antibiotics, topical antibiotics are used. Their use makes it possible to provide a high concentration of the drug directly in the focus of inflammation and avoid most side effects. It is very convenient to use them in the form of sprays. Most effective:

  • Polydex;
  • Bioparox;

Drops from sinusitis

most popular drops– . But they do not cure the disease, they only temporarily ease breathing. The danger of these drops is that the constant vasoconstriction can lead to just the opposite effect, leading from a simple cold to sinusitis. Therefore, you can use such drops only if necessary and no more than 5 days in a row.

The main thing in the treatment with drops is to ensure the removal of mucus and pus, avoiding stagnation. For this purpose, the following nose drops have been developed and used:

  • Sinuforte - natural remedy based on wild cyclamen. Stimulates increased secretion mucus, along with which microbes are removed from the sinuses. This is one of most effective means;
  • based on the antibiotic neomycin. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and vasoconstrictive action.


UHF- under the influence of an alternating field, small vessels expand, blood circulation accelerates, immunity is stimulated, pain and inflammation decrease;

UFO- Ultraviolet treatment has an antiseptic, analgesic and immunostimulating effect.

Treatment at home

Traditional medicines are effective in the treatment this disease. Before using them, or if they are ineffective, you should consult your doctor.

Inhalations for sinusitis

  • Honey - breathe over hot water with a few tablespoons of honey dissolved in it;
  • with propolis - a spoonful of propolis tincture per liter of boiling water;
  • decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • garlic.

Warming up on the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses

  • Salt - heated in a pan, in a bag, hold for 15 minutes;
  • clay - warm clay cakes hold for 1 hour;
  • chicken eggs - until they cool completely;

Tea mushroom. Gauze swabs are soaked in warm infusion of the fungus and put into the nostrils. The duration of the procedure is 7 hours, while every half an hour the tampons are changed. Course at acute sinusitis- 3 days, chronic - a week.

Onion. Crush the onion with the peel, wrap in a cloth. Apply on the forehead previously lubricated with cream for 5 minutes to expel mucus. The procedures are repeated every other day.

Nasal drops

  • Rosehip or sea buckthorn oil;
  • honey, eucalyptus tincture and brewed tea - mix a spoonful of each;
  • peeled birch tar - three times instillation during the day, spend every other day.

Prevention methods


  • Strengthening immunity;
  • hardening of the body;
  • the course of the vitamin complex during respiratory diseases;
  • abstinence from hypothermia of the body;
  • complete and timely treatment of infectious diseases;
  • refusal of vasoconstrictor drugs with;
  • regular visits to the dentist.


  • Regular physical and breathing exercises;
  • protection against contact with allergens;
  • correction of defects in the structure of the nasal septum.


With sinusitis, the prognosis is conditionally favorable. Proper and timely treatment can completely get rid of the disease.

In advanced cases or with the wrong approach to therapy, serious and even fatal complications may develop.

Such simple disease, like rhinitis, can develop into serious sinusitis, threatening dangerous complications. If signs of sinusitis, a long incurable runny nose, discomfort in the nose and surrounding areas are found, it is necessary to seek help from an otolaryngologist as soon as possible.

In the studio of Dr. Malakhova, ways to treat sinusitis are considered.

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses or sinusitis is a rather complex disease, which is characterized by many unpleasant symptoms and the risk of complications. Let us consider in more detail the manifestations and methods of treatment of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.

Causes of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses

The causes of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses are:

1. Infection that enters the nasal cavity during breathing.

2. Curvature of the nasal septum.

3. Hypertrophic rhinitis.

4. Allergic diseases.

5. Violation of immunity, which develops due to long-term chronic diseases.

6. Injury to the maxillary sinuses.

7. Not completely cured runny nose.

8. Stay in a draft.

9. Previously transferred influenza or SARS.

10. Entering the nasopharynx of pathogenic bacteria.

11. Getting into Airways harmful chemical fumes.

12. Untreated cold, which gave a complication in the form of sinusitis.

13. Not maintaining hygiene oral cavity which causes bacteria to grow in it. (this can also cause the development of sinusitis).

14. Various defects in the structure of the organs of the nasopharynx.

15. Tuberculosis.

16. Fungal infection of the nasal mucosa.

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses: symptoms and features of the course

Acute inflammation The maxillary sinuses are characterized by the following symptoms:

1. Loss of strength and weakness.

2. Malaise.

3. Loss of appetite.

4. Increase in body temperature.

5. Strong rising headache. The nature of the pain: pulsating, squeezing, paroxysmal or aching.

6. Feeling of heaviness in the forehead or on one side of the head.

7. The appearance of mucous discharge from the nose, which can be from yellow to dark green. Over time, mucous discharge may be accompanied by pus.

8. Swelling of the face and its redness.

9. Pain when tapping on the maxillary sinuses and teeth.

10. Persistent stuffiness in one or both nostrils, which is not relieved by regular nasal drops.

11. Pain when bending the head.

12. Difficulty in breathing.

13. Loss of working capacity.

14. Deterioration of memory.

16. Pain in the eyes or ears.

17. Partial hearing loss.

18. Coughing fits.

19. Development of rhinitis.

chronic inflammation maxillary sinuses causes the following symptoms:

1. A slight increase in body temperature, which is observed in the evening.

2. Aching pains in the head and nose, which are not relieved by conventional analgesics.

3. Migraine.

4. Feeling unwell towards the end of the day.

5. Blueing of the nasal mucosa (only an ENT doctor can detect).

6. Thickening of the nasal mucosa.

7. The appearance of a putrid smell from the nose.

8. Nausea.

9. Fast fatiguability.

10. Alternate congestion of one or the other nasal sinus.

11. Chronic runny nose.

12. The patient may experience profuse mucous or purulent discharge from the nose.

13. Difficulty in breathing.

14. Sleep disturbance.

15. Irritability.

It must be said that chronic sinusitis takes longer and is easier than acute, but it is more dangerous, since in its advanced form it can easily cause severe complications.

Methods for the treatment of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses

Traditional treatment sinusitis includes:

Medical treatment;


Alternative treatment;

Prevention methods.

Medical treatment includes the following:

1. If sinusitis was caused by infections, then it must be eliminated with antibiotics in the form of injections or nasal sprays.

2. Use of decongestants (Phenylephrine).

3. In case of acute infection, the patient should be prescribed a synthetic antibiotic penicillin group Amoxicillin.

4. Patients who have sinusitis due to allergies should use the antibiotic Trimethoprim.

5. Antihistamines(Loatadine, Claninex).

6. Painkillers (Ibuprofen, Aspirin).

7. Mucolytics are used to prevent the accumulation of mucus.

To get rid of the inflammation of the maxillary sinuses as quickly as possible, you should follow these recommendations:

1. You need to drink plenty of fluids so that the body can better fight infections and stay hydrated. It is also advisable to drink warm chamomile or green tea (to prevent the accumulation of mucus in the nose).

2. Can do steam inhalation over a bowl of hot boiled potatoes and essential oils. The head must be covered with a towel.

It's important to know, that inhalations can be done only at the initial manifestations of sinusitis. If it is running and pus comes out of the patient's nose, then such a procedure is contraindicated.

3. It is necessary to observe bed rest and avoid inhalation of cold air.

4. Use a humidifier.

5. Rinse your nose several times a day with saline solutions or nasal sprays to clear mucus and dangerous bacteria. You can also gargle with warm salt water.

6. On days of weakness, you need to give up any physical activity.

7. It is important not to start your condition in case of severe malaise or fever, consult a doctor.

8. If you need to blow your nose, then you need to do it carefully, because strong pressure can clog the sinuses with mucus and completely clog them.

9. It is also very important to avoid inhalation of various irritants (the smell of cosmetics, perfume, cigarette smoke, etc.), as they will only aggravate the patient's situation.

10. It is necessary to do regular ventilation of the room in which the patient is located.

It's important to know, that you can't take on your own. medications unless prescribed by a physician. This is especially true for the self-treatment of young children.

If the traditional medical and physiotherapeutic treatment of sinusitis was not effective enough, then the patient is prescribed surgical treatment - puncture of the maxillary sinus or its puncture.

This procedure is done by introducing a special needle into the sinus, with the help of which the accumulated pus is removed from the patient. Special antibacterial drugs are also injected into the same inflamed sinus. Thus, drugs enter the very focus of inflammation and can act directly.

After a puncture, most patients feel relief almost immediately, as they experience fewer unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Despite this, in order to reach the maximum therapeutic effect, you will need to carry out several such manipulations.

To reduce pain, most clinics today practice placing a catheter in maxillary sinus. This will make it possible to avoid re-puncture. After the patient's condition improves, such a catheter is removed. At the site of its establishment, the patient has a small spot, which will heal over time and will not be visible.

It is also worth dispelling the persistent myth that if you made a puncture once with sinusitis, then it will have to be done with every inflammation of the sinus. In fact, everything is not quite so: after the puncture, the affected sinus fully heal and recover. This procedure does not cause any interaction with subsequent possible manifestations of sinusitis.

Moreover, a surgical puncture of the sinus of the nose is an extreme measure that is carried out only with possible risks for the patient's condition. Usually, sinusitis is treated with medications without resorting to this procedure.

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses: treatment, complications, prevention

With untimely treatment of sinusitis, a sick person may develop such complications:

1. Chronic migraine.

2. Hearing impairment.

3. Impaired vision.

4. Abscess of the orbit.

5. Phlegmon.

6. Intracranial abscess.

7. Meningitis.

8. Sepsis.

9. Chronic fatigue.

To prevent the development of sinusitis, you should adhere to the following rules of prevention:

1. Get vaccinated against the flu every year.

2. Dress for the weather.

3. Timely treat diseases that can give complications in the form of sinusitis.

4. If the first signs of this disease occur, do not delay going to the doctor.

5. Always wash your hands after contact with people with acute viral or bacterial diseases.

6. Eat a balanced diet to prevent weakening of the immune system. Also in the off-season, it is recommended to additionally take vitamin complexes.

7. Quickly get rid of a runny nose and prevent it from becoming chronic.

8. People suffering from allergies need to be sure to drink the necessary drugs in advance.

Acute inflammation of the maxillary sinuses in medicine is called sinusitis. The sinuses of the nose become inflamed, usually due to pathogens that have entered the nasopharynx. These microorganisms cause swelling, as well as the accumulation of mucus and pus in the sinuses. Treatment with folk remedies in such a situation will certainly help to overcome the disease.

Symptoms of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses

The first manifestations of inflammation are severe headaches, which increase significantly in the evening. Pus and mucus are actively secreted from the nasal cavity of the patient, in addition, one can observe slight increase his body temperature. In some cases, the course of the disease is accompanied painful sensations in the area of ​​the affected sinuses.

Common signs of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses

Symptoms of the disease are quite wide:

persistent stuffy nose;

purulent discharge from bad smell;

pain (perceived by the body as a headache);

swelling on the eyelids or cheeks as a symptom of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses;

chronic weakness;



fever body up to 38 C and above as a symptom of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.

Symptoms of bilateral inflammation of the maxillary sinuses

When we get cold and cold, we get a stuffy nose. This problem does not always mean a banal common cold. Sometimes it develops against the background bilateral inflammation maxillary sinuses.

Symptoms of bilateral inflammation of the maxillary sinuses include:

sudden headaches, constant feeling that it is difficult to breathe through the nose.

When you start to tilt your head, the feeling that heaviness has increased, like lead. The head with bilateral inflammation becomes heavy to the point of impossibility, sensations of high pressure inside the skull, strong pulsation blood flow.

Fast onset fatigue during mental work, as if the brain wanted to shut down. Painful pressure in that part of the face from which the sinus is inflamed. If bilateral inflammation of the sinuses, then the pain spreads to the entire face.

The sense of smell is dulled, up to a complete loss.

Pain in the eye sockets begins, problems with lacrimation begin, the eyes get tired quickly, become acutely responsive to light, and photophobia develops.

When you press your fingers on the area above or below, the location of the eye, pain of varying intensity is felt.

There are cases when, with bilateral inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, swelling of the face is observed. A purulent runny nose develops.

If you have a problem with a runny nose that does not go away within three days, then it is better to go for a consultation with a doctor and prevent the development of inflammation and the spread of infections.

Treatment of the maxillary sinuses of the nose with folk remedies

Fortunately, today there are many traditional medicines that allow you to cure inflammation without leaving your home. The following folk remedies are considered the most effective and efficient.

Folk remedy 1. Boil a hard-boiled egg, cut it into two halves, apply to the inflamed sinuses and hold until they cool completely.

Folk remedy 2 for the treatment of maxillary sinuses. Bring water to a boil in a large saucepan and add half a teaspoon alcohol tincture propolis. Breathe the steam over this pot with a large towel over your head.

For the treatment of inflammation, prepare a collection of sage officinalis, lavender spike, chamomile, St. John's wort, spherical eucalyptus, a series of tripartite and common yarrow. Brew the resulting collection like tea, and drink it three glasses a day, after dividing daily dose in six approximately equal doses. Once a day, in the evening, do on the basis of the same collection of inhalations.

To treat sinuses, mix rye flour with honey. Make "icicles" from the gruel. Put one in each nostril and keep it on for at least 40 minutes. This folk method effectively draws out pus.

Mix 30 g of honey with gruel from aloe leaves. Mix the resulting mixture with Cahors (500 g). It must be insisted within 15 days. Course - drink 2 tsp. 3-4 times a day.

Mix juices of celandine grass, aloe leaves and honey, taken in equal volumes. The resulting product is instilled into both nostrils at least 7 times a day.

Every day before going to bed, instill 5 drops of melted butter in both nostrils.

At least 8 times a day, instill a few drops of rosehip or sea buckthorn oil into the nostrils.

Honeycombs should be chewed daily.

For the treatment of maxillary sinuses with folk remedies, it is recommended to use various inhalations from barberry, with essential oils ( tea tree, needles, mint).

If you strictly follow all the instructions, then you do not have to waste your energy and nerves on medical intervention.

Treatment with drops of the maxillary sinuses

Make a propolis tincture with alcohol or vodka. Then heat the sunflower oil, mix with the tincture. Such a folk method of treatment consists in instillation into the nose 3 times a day, 2 drops.

To treat sinusitis, rubbing with mustard oil can be used. Apply to the wings of the nose, rub vigorously. This action must be repeated daily.

In equal proportions for the treatment of maxillary sinuses - olive oil, aloe juice and honey (50 g each), mix. Bury your nose with this folk remedy 3-4 times daily. Drops effectively draw out mucus, dull inflammation.

There is a very simple recipe - high quality butter melt in a water bath. Let cool for 5 min. Bury your nose 2-3 times daily.

For the treatment of maxillary sinuses, take onion juice, alcohol. Before the procedure, breathe over the steam of boiled potatoes. Immediately after inhalation, drip your nose with prepared drops. In the morning you will forget about sinusitis.

Use cyclamen (bulb) juice mixed with olive oil. It is necessary to instill 2-3 times a day, 2 drops in each nostril.

Honey in the treatment of sinuses

Treatment of inflammation can also be done with the help of honey. After all, this product gives vital energy for the body and increases glycogen in the liver. It increases the body's resistance to infections and harmful microorganisms.

Here are the recipes for miracle drugs:

In equal parts, take liquid honey, blue onion juice and potato juice. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and bury your nose with this folk remedy for a cold. Store the drops in the refrigerator.

For the treatment of maxillary sinuses, we take honey, butter, low-fat milk and vodka. After all this is thoroughly mixed and heated until completely dissolved. This drug must be stored only at sub-zero temperatures. Before use, take a tablespoon of the medicine and heat it on fire. Next, we take cotton wool and moisten it with a miracle cure. After we divide it into two parts and place it in the nostrils for twenty minutes. In a week the disease will recede.

Folk remedy number 3. Every 4 hours, in case of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, instill 1-2 drops of honeycomb into the nostrils.

Lavage in the treatment of maxillary sinuses

Rinse the nasopharynx with sinusitis better with a mixture beet juice, water and salt (a small pinch). Instead of beets for the treatment of maxillary sinuses, some people use freshly squeezed lemon juice. Some use a decoction of chamomile or sage, but in any case, you need to salt it a little.

Take 1 tbsp. raw grated carrots, 1 tsp honey, 1 cup boiling water - mix. Let it brew for 20 minutes. After strain. This folk method consists in the procedure of washing the nose - to draw in and blow out. Repeat several times. In order to effectively treat sinusitis, you need to repeat 3-4 times a day.

For the treatment of maxillary sinuses, you can rinse your nose daily with a solution sea ​​salt with iodine. This folk method draws out pus quite well.

Compresses in the treatment of maxillary sinuses

One woman suffered from sinusitis for about fifteen years and fortunately one day she met a man who helped her cure chronic illness. This method of treatment of the maxillary sinuses is really effective, since in just one week you can completely get rid of sinusitis. Put three large bay leaves in a saucepan, fill them with water, drown the leaves so that they are under water, and put the container on fire. Turn off the flame when the water boils. Dip a clean washcloth into the solution and soak it through. Then attach it to the forehead and bridge of the nose. Cover your head with a thick cloth to keep warm for a longer period of time. If you feel that the napkin has cooled down, take a new one and repeat the procedure again. Continue until the broth in the pot is warm (at least three times). It is best to do this before bed. This method will clear the sinuses. Repeat this procedure for another six days. This time is enough to recover from sinusitis.

Grate a little radish on a fine grater, wrap the resulting slurry in a small piece of dense clean cloth and apply it to the sore spot, smearing it with baby cream in advance.

For the treatment of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, we make clay compresses for the treatment of sinusitis. To do this, we need: clay, which can be bought at any pharmacy; A small piece of gauze, which must first be moistened in vegetable oil. We breed clay in warm water to make a thick dough. After that, you need to put gauze on the sinuses, and then place a clay cake on it. In this form, it is necessary to keep the drug for an hour. It should be noted that after three days of treatment of the maxillary sinuses, the disease will go away;

We make a compress from a bay leaf. This remedy experts consider the best in treatment chronic sinusitis. It is confirmed that after five days the exacerbation of the disease will completely disappear. To prepare the drug for the treatment of the maxillary sinuses, you need: several large bay leaves and a thick napkin. We prepare the drug as follows: pour bay leaves completely with water. Bring it all to a boil and turn off the gas. We perform the treatment procedure lying down. First, soak the napkin in a hot broth. Then squeeze it out and put it on your face. It should cover both the nose and the forehead. In order for the heat not to go away, you can cover it all with a woolen cloth. When the napkin cools down, it is necessary to repeat the treatment procedure again. We do this several times until the whole broth has cooled down.

Ointments in the treatment of sinuses with sinusitis

To prepare, take in equal parts crushed laundry (brown) soap, onion juice, milk, vegetable oil, honey and alcohol. For the treatment of maxillary sinuses, place all the ingredients in a container, mix thoroughly and steam in a water bath until the soap is melted. As soon as the ointment has cooled, you can begin treatment. Lubricate the frontal lobes several times daily.

We make a "folk" ointment for the treatment of maxillary sinuses. It consists of: vegetable oil, vodka, milk and honey, as well as finely grated laundry soap. When preparing this folk remedy, it is necessary to mix the above ingredients in equal proportions. Next, we heat the resulting mixture in a water bath until the soap is completely dissolved. After all this we cool. We apply the ointment as follows: dip several sticks wrapped in cotton wool into the ointment; after inserting them into the nasal passages; We lie down on the sofa and spend about 15 minutes in this state. This procedure spend at least three times a day, full course– 22 days;

Folk remedy 9 for inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Pound spruce resin into a homogeneous gruel (about 200 grams), blue vitriol(about 15 grams), olive oil (about 50 grams) and one onion. Put the resulting mixture on fire, bring to a boil, cool and lubricate the nasal mucosa with it.

Here is one of the recipes for a miracle drug:

We take honey, butter, low-fat milk and vodka. After all this is thoroughly mixed and heated until completely dissolved. This drug should be stored only at sub-zero temperatures. Before use, take a tablespoon of the medicine and heat it on fire. Next, we take cotton wool and moisten it with a miracle cure. After we divide it into two parts and place it in the nostrils for twenty minutes. In a week the disease will recede.

Conspiracies help with inflammation of the maxillary sinuses

To start treatment, mix honey and aloe in a one-to-one ratio and heat this solution. After that, it is necessary to leave it to insist for three days and at the same time read a conspiracy over it daily: “I only think about how to improve my breathing. I turn to the earth, I turn to the water. Give me God's servant health, then more and heroic strength. Then we start dripping this medicine three times a day until the disease recedes;

With a full moon in the treatment of maxillary sinuses, we begin to say the following phrase: It does not hurt, does not burn, does not itch. Wherein right hand rub the bridge of the nose;

We bring home black rooster feathers. After we set fire to them on a church candle and let the patient sniff. At the same time, we pronounce folk conspiracy: “Just as a pen does not fly, a candle does not burn, so the shisha will no longer be in the nose”;

You can also treat both yourself and the patient by reading the Our Father prayer. This is the most efficient folk remedy treatment of inflammation of the nose for a believer. After that, we begin to imagine that fire appears on the tip of your little finger. Next, mentally increase its stream and bring a finger to the nose in order to burn out the disease. At the same time, the mouth is left open. By performing this action ten times, the disease will disappear. If your energy has weakened enough and the treatment does not give the necessary results. Then you need to take the leaves of cyclamen and extract the juice from them, then start dripping it a few drops once a day.

For the treatment of maxillary sinuses, make a mixture of aloe juice, celandine and honey. Then start instilling this remedy 4 times a day. For each treatment, five drops should be placed in each nostril. At the same time, one should say: “There are no other thoughts on how to cure your nose. Give me, Lord, health for all time. So be it";

Causes and prevention of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses

Causes of sinusitis:

an infection that has spread to the maxillary sinus from the nose or through the blood.

may develop as a complication after suffering rhinitis, influenza, otitis media, etc.

allergy. It causes symptoms of sinus edema

the source of inflammation may be a problem in the area upper teeth, because the lower wall of the maxillary sinus is quite thin;

sinusitis occurs as a result of polyps in the nose.

Prevention of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses

Doing steam bath for the head. Dissolve two tablespoons of salt in a liter of boiling water. We begin to breathe through the nose, these vapors.

To prevent inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, we rub the garlic on a fine grater and pour it with a spoonful of cold water. Let it brew, and then with a bilateral inflammation of the sinuses with a pipette, we instill this water into both nostrils.

It is necessary to instill drops for the nose with bilateral inflammation in the supine position. On the back. The head is thrown back and turned in the direction where we will drip. It is necessary that the drops fall into the nasal passages, and not flow down the nasopharynx. In this case, there will be no therapeutic effect.

The maxillary sinuses in humans are paranasal cavities located near the nasal cavity.

In addition to them, in the facial skull there are frontal, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses that perform several functions.

First of all, they warm the air that enters the upper respiratory tract. The ciliated epithelium also produces small particles, pathogens, allergens, dust, directing it to the nasopharynx.

Maxillary sinuses location: where are they

The structure of the adnexal cavities is the same for each person. The maxillary sinuses, which are located above the jaw on both sides of the nasal pyramid, are called maxillary sinuses. Their walls are in contact with the eye sockets, mouth and nose.

Why do we need additional holes in facial region skulls is still unknown. But there are several probable causes their availability:

It is believed that due to additional holes the mass of the skull is reduced. The facial bone occupies a particularly large volume. The shape of the skeleton determines the attachment of the muscles of the face and, accordingly, the functionality of facial movements.

The maxillary sinus increases vocal resonance.

During head injuries empty holes act as a buffer that protects the brain from strong impacts.

Isolate vital organs from sudden hypothermia when inhaling cold air.

Respond to environmental pressure become a barometer that warns of ongoing fluctuations.

Maxillary empty areas are not formed in children immediately from birth, but only from 4-5 years of age. Until that time, they remain very small.

The development of sinusoidal caves occurs gradually, so the diagnosis of sinusitis cannot be made in children at 2-3 years of age.

If baby stuffy nose, then most likely the etiology of the disease

The maxillary internal spaces resemble small caves with access to the nasal pyramid. They are covered with mucous tissues and a dense network of small blood vessels. If an inflammatory process begins inside, then due to the abundance vascular network the membrane swells, blocking the outlet to the nose.

It is important to note that the maxillary voids are located to the right and left of the nasal pyramid. But signs of inflammation are noted only on one side or affect both sinuses above the upper jaw.

Pain in the sinuses of the nose: possible causes

Pain in the face is due to various diseases or pathological changes. It is impossible to identify the exact root cause without instrumental research.

Maxillary sinuses photo

First of all, a person with complaints of pain is sent for an x-ray. If the picture fails to understand clinical picture unpleasant symptoms, then a more detailed examination is recommended.

The source of discomfort in the cheekbones can be either a simple inflammation or a very complex disease. Here are the main factors that provoke pain:

Sinusitis. The patient will have sinus congestion, difficulty breathing, fever, severe pain on palpation of the skin eyeballs in the cheekbones. The disease is acute or chronic. cannot be ignored, because it threatens with serious complications, such as sepsis, meningitis, and other injuries. At severe bruises of the head, a fracture of the facial bone can occur. Damage causes pain on the left or right, depending on the location of the injury. Treatment may require surgery. Cyst. Appears when the secretory duct is blocked inside the sinus. It fills with fluid light yellow. gradual increase a cystic ball overlaps the volume of the paranasal cavity, which causes congestion, swelling of the membrane and difficulty breathing. Removed surgically. Odontogenic cyst of the maxillary sinus. It develops due to inflammation of the nerves of the tooth, located close to the wall of the cavity. When bacteria multiply inflammatory response passes to the canals of the molars (molars) and thus a benign tumor is formed. The cystic globule causes symptoms only when it becomes large. Therefore, it is very important to treat the root of the tooth as early as possible. Polyps. Prolonged inflammation of the secretory cells leads to their gradual thickening. So in patients in the internal nasal spaces, hypertrophy of the mucosa develops. The growth of the shell contributes. Over time, polyposis neoplasms fall out and become noticeable during anterior rhinoscopy during examination at the ENT.

It can also cause pain foreign body. Usually it becomes a filling material.

CT scan(CT) helps to identify any changes in the soft and bone tissues. After examining the body, the doctor will be able to prescribe effective therapy.


To determine the source of discomfort You need to contact the LO. First, he will ask the patient about the beginning of the development of the disease, its exact manifestations and the intensity of pain.

After that, the doctor will conduct an instrumental examination of the nasopharynx to understand which pathological changes there is: vasodilation, edema, discharge, hypertrophy of the membrane, etc.

If put accurate diagnosis difficult, the patient is additionally sent for a radiological examination. An x-ray can be done at the clinic, everything is there necessary equipment for the diagnosis of ENT diseases. When evaluating the result, attention is paid to the reduction of pneumatization, that is, the decrease in air volume.

With an unclear etiology of pain, they are referred for magnetic resonance imaging or CT. MRI shows the condition of the soft tissues. They also resort to ultrasound of the maxillary sinuses, as this is the simplest method of examination.

With its help, thickening of the mucous membrane, the presence of polyps, cysts, etc. will be visible. Computed tomography examines bone structure, neoplasms. Source: website

Subtotal darkening of the maxillary sinuses: what does it mean?

On the x-ray after planar radiography, pathological changes can be clearly seen inside the paranasal empty areas. subtotal blackout says about a little inflammation, which concerns only secretory cells. If you make a naso-chin projection of the image, then there will be good review lower part.

Total blackout indicates that the membranes became very inflamed and, most likely, a liquid of a mucopurulent or purulent nature has already accumulated inside. If even after CT it is not possible to understand the patient's condition, then they make a puncture and find out the nature of the inflammation. The puncture is performed with a Kulikov needle.

As a rule, complete blackout indicates acute illness. Quite often after a puncture at the patient receive pus. The classic advantages of a puncture in the diagnosis of subtotal or total blackout in the picture:

  1. Allows you to accurately determine the nature of the contents - blood, mucus, pus.
  2. It makes it possible to identify an infectious agent (fungus, bacterium, anaerobe), as well as to conduct cytological studies epithelium.
  3. Mechanically, it is possible to clean the secretory layer, while effective sanitation is performed.

Filling material in the maxillary sinus: consequences

To remove a particle of the filling, it is necessary to perform an operation. The consequences of getting filling material have already been discussed above - this is a fungal mycetoma. Conservative treatment will not render positive results, therefore, the seal is taken out together with the fungal masses endoscopically or externally with resection of the bone under the lip.
How is the filling material removed? The operation takes approximately 15 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia. After that, the person is observed in the hospital for 2 days. Endoscopic surgery is more gentle, but not suitable for patients with a severe curvature of the septum. Therefore, they are offered simultaneous correction and removal of the seal.

The root of the tooth in the maxillary sinus: what to do?

Perforation of the sinus floor above the upper jaw occurs when a molar (molar) is pulled out, the root of which has grown through a thin septum and protrudes above the surface, separated only by the epithelium. In the best case, after the work of the surgeon, a hole remains, a hole from the tooth. At worst, part of the root breaks and becomes a foreign body.

Fistula with maxillary sinus after tooth extraction occurs in patients with a specific structure of the root form. Also, this phenomenon occurs when the adhesion of the molar with the wall of the upper jaw due to periodontitis. Then its removal opens a hole in the air-bearing cave.

The withdrawn sprouted tooth makes a perforation in the bone. Inside the void comes blood with blood bubbles. After that, inflammation develops with purulent exudate. Pathology is treated as purulent sinusitis.

Another factor influencing the formation of a hole is a tooth cyst. It is located in the gum and occurs for the following reasons:

  • Jaw injuries;
  • Infection after cleaning the nerve and improper filling of the canal;
  • Infectious sinusitis.

A cyst on a tooth can spread to adjacent premolars. It also forms if the dentist introduces an infection. surgical instrument in the gums. For example, if you pull a wisdom tooth or top five, a cystic neoplasm may appear on adjacent roots.

Perforation of the bottom of the maxillary sinus during tooth extraction treatment

Effects surgical intervention in dentistry are different. If the wall of the maxillary sinus was damaged during tooth extraction , the perforation can then be closed. How do they do it?

If the pulled tooth left a small hole, then a turunda is introduced into the hole or its edges are immediately sutured. After formation blood clot mucosa scars and heals. But in this place it is difficult to place an implant.

For large perforations inflammatory process the perforation is closed with a composite material that forms a bone scar, blocking the mouth of the hole.

They also do transplantation of the bone block of the living periosteum. If, after the extraction of a tooth, the face in the cheekbone area hurts, it is necessary to see a dentist and an ENT.

How to clean the maxillary sinuses at home and is it possible?

Of course, you can rinse the cavities at home, but only after the permission of the ENT. It is good to thin mucus or thick purulent exudate with various saline solutions. Many people ask, does Dolphin wash the inflamed areas? Yes, it is intended for irrigation of the nasopharynx with sinusitis and rhinitis.

At home, it is also useful to use Aqualor, Marimer, Salin, etc. But before washing, you need to remove the swelling in order to open the anastomosis of the airways. For this, apply vasoconstrictors or steam inhalation (only if there is no temperature).

You can expel pus as follows:

  1. A warm saline solution is poured into a special teapot.
  2. Bend over the sink and insert the tip into the nostril.
  3. Smoothly pour in the liquid, which should pour out of the second nostril.
  4. After the procedure, you need to clear the respiratory tract from the remnants of the solution by blowing your nose.

At severe congestion such physiatry is forbidden.

How to inject medicine into the maxillary sinuses

In the inpatient department, a device called the "Cuckoo" is used to cleanse empty paranasal areas. With its help, under pressure, medicinal substances, washing out pathogenic microflora and removing the inflammatory process.

The physiatry method is practically painless, but can cause discomfort. It is not used for anatomical features that block the access of air and fluid through the airways. It is an alternative to puncture.