How to use essential oils. Essential oils

Essential oil is a fragrant volatile substance isolated from flowers, seeds, roots, leaves, fruits, wood or resin of plants.

Oils give plants their fragrance. The properties of oils depend on the type of plants, their growing conditions, the part used, as well as the method of production. Often, from different parts of the same plant, oils of different composition and smell are obtained. Essential oils are obtained by distillation (from greens and bark), extraction (from inflorescences, petals and roots) and pressing (from peel and fruit).

Essential oils have a wide spectrum of biological activity. Some of them are antiseptics, others are antispasmodics, others regenerate cells, others calm or, on the contrary, excite the nervous system. At the same time, essential oils are potent agents that can not only help, but also harm, if you do not follow the recommendations for use.

The table will help to understand the pharmacological properties of essential oils.

The use of essential oils

Essential oils should not be applied to the skin without a base. You should take care of your eyes. Keep oils out of the reach of children. It is not recommended to use essential oils for pregnant women, as well as people prone to allergies.

Essential oils do not mix with water and are not used in their pure form. In cosmetology and medicine, essential oils are used with a base. It can be wax, honey, milk, cream. But most often these are the so-called transport oils.

Transport (base) oils- these are vegetable oils, both solid (for example, shea butter) and liquid (olive, sea buckthorn, almond, jojoba and others). They promote the penetration of essential oil into the body and provide a mild therapeutic effect.

Bath and bath

Yanik Chauvin/

An aromatic bath is a great way to relax after a hard day. Relieves stress and relaxes sandalwood, geranium, lavender, rose oil. Muscle tension (for example, after a workout) will help eliminate vervain and juniper oil. During colds, baths with pine or lemon oil are recommended.


  • Before taking an aroma bath, you need to wash yourself.
  • Water temperature - 36–38 ºС.
  • As a base, you can use honey, kefir, whey, milk, sea salt or transport oil.
  • Do not use gel, shampoo, foam and other cosmetics during the procedure.
  • Frequency and time - 5-25 minutes no more than three times a week.
  • After taking an aromatic bath, do not rinse and wipe dry.

In the bath, essential oil is added to a ladle of water to give it to the heater. Recommended oils that improve breathing: cedar, eucalyptus, spruce and others. In addition, brooms can be moistened with a mixture of base and essential oils.


Essential oils enhance the healing properties of massage, improve skin condition and affect the nervous system. Different oils will have different pharmacological effects. So, cloves accelerate warming up and stimulate blood circulation. Nutmeg relieves rheumatic pains, citrus fruits contribute to the breakdown of adipose tissue, and rose, jasmine and sandalwood have a lifting effect.


  • Massage mixture recipe: 3–5 drops of essential oil + 10–15 ml of base oil (for the body - peach, olive, apricot, almond; for the face - jojoba, macadamia, avocado).
  • Choose oil not only for pharmacological properties, but also for smell. It should be pleasant to the person who is being massaged.
  • During the massage, give preference to soft circular movements.
  • After the session, you need to lie down for 10-20 minutes, you should not go outside for an hour.


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Inhalations with essential oils are an excellent remedy for flu (thyme, ginger), bronchitis (eucalyptus, pine, thuja), stomatitis (orange, calendula), as well as for cleansing the face (oregano, tea tree).

People with asthma and other serious respiratory diseases should take inhalations with the permission and under the supervision of their doctor.

Cold inhalation

  • Apply a few drops of oil to a cloth or paper towel.
  • Inhale the aroma through your nose evenly and deeply for 5-10 minutes.

Hot inhalations

  • If available, use a special inhaler.
  • If you don't have an inhaler, add 2-4 drops of oil to a container of hot water. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the vapors for 5-10 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure with your eyes closed.


Aroma compresses help relieve pain in the joints, back and soft tissues. Essential oils penetrate the skin to the problem area and have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effects.

For chronic diseases, consult your doctor about the possibility of using aromatic compresses.

Cold compresses effective for tumors, sprains, bruises.


  • Wet a flannel or other cotton cloth with cold water and apply 3-5 drops of essential oil to it.
  • Apply to damaged area. Secure with an elastic bandage.
  • Or prepare a mixture of basic and essential oils (30 ml - 15 drops), soak a cloth with it and apply it to the diseased part of the body.

Warm compresses treat chronic diseases, they relieve pain and inflammation. Useful for rheumatism, osteochondrosis and sciatica. The rules are the same, only warm water is used, and the compress is wrapped up.

Antonova Anna/

Oriental beauties have been using ethers since ancient times as a means of personal care. Oils add to the cosmetic also a therapeutic effect.

Cosmetics with a neutral composition should be enriched. Products designed to address specific concerns (such as anti-aging products) are best used without additives.

There are many recipes for home cosmetics with essential oils. Here are some of them.

  • Mask for the face: for 1 tablespoon of clay powder, 2-3 drops of essential oil, then you need to add water to achieve a paste consistency. Apply the mask on your face, avoiding the eye area, leave to dry and rinse with warm water.
  • Face cream: take any neutral cream (for example, for children), prepare a mixture of base and essential oils. The first should correspond to the type of skin (dry, normal, combination, oily, problematic), and the second - the purpose of use (fighting rashes, moisturizing, and so on). The approximate dosage is 10–15 drops of the mixture per 150 g of the base.
  • Skin lotion: dilute the infusion of medicinal herbs with water (in equal proportions), dissolve 2-3 drops of essential oil in 1 teaspoon of alcohol and add to the filtered solution. Apply lotion to face and neck.
  • Aromaled: Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1-2 drops of essential oil, dissolve the resulting mixture in water, pour into molds and freeze. Use flavored ice cubes to rub your face to relieve redness.
  • Shampoo: use a product with the most natural composition, add oil to the palm of the shampoo directly when washing (1-2 drops) or into a bottle (13 drops per 100 ml).

Aroma lamps and aroma stones


Aroma lamps and aroma stones are used for indoor aromatization and aromatherapy.

(or aroma incense burner) is a bowl where water is poured and essential oil is added, and a candle is placed under it. As the water heats up, the air is filled with the vapors of the essential oil.

Aromatization with a lamp

  • Ventilate the room.
  • Pour warm water (50–55 ºС) into the bowl. The volume of the bowl is at least 50 ml, otherwise the water will evaporate too quickly.
  • Add essential oil: 2 drops for every 5 sq. m area.
  • Light a candle. The minimum distance from the flame to the bowl is 10 cm.
  • The duration of the procedure is from 20 minutes to 2 hours. Add water periodically. Do not leave the lamp unattended.

aroma stone has a porous structure and retains odors for a long time. You can buy it or make it yourself from gypsum. The peculiarity of the aroma stone is the locality of action. If the aroma from the lamp spreads throughout the room, then from the stone - only a short distance. Therefore, the aroma stone can be used even in the workplace.

Aromatization with stone

  • Apply 2-4 drops of oil to the stone.
  • Place the stone on a table, in a closet, bag or pocket.
  • Add oil as the scent dissipates.

They also make sachets with essential oils. An aromatic bag with rose oil will give a pleasant aroma to linen and clothes, and a sachet with lavender on the bedside table will give you a sound sleep.


(or aroma medallions) is an accessory made of porous clay that easily absorbs and retains odors for a long time.

Its wearing is especially important during influenza epidemics. Ginger, cedar, eucalyptus, mint and other oils help the body fight viruses and strengthen the immune system.

How to use aroma coulombs?

  • Choose the oil according to its properties and smell.
  • Put 2-3 drops into the pendant.
  • Refill the pendant after three days.

These are the basic principles for using essential oils.

How do you use essential oils?

1. First of all, you should evaluate the dynamics of the aroma: stormy, hot (stimulant), trusting, warm (adaptogen) or calm, cooling (soothing). Choleric people and people prone to high blood pressure should proceed from the minimum dosages of hot aromas (ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, thyme, cloves), and melancholic and hypotensive patients - from relaxing aromas (sandalwood, lavender, jasmine). Adaptogens (neroli, leuzea, petite grain, mandarin) can be used without restrictions.

2. You should read the information about this essential oil (in the description).

3. You should always start your acquaintance with a new essential oil with one drop.

4. For people with a burdened allergic past, a three-day fragrance test for individual tolerance is required. On the first day, one drop should be applied to a handkerchief or aroma medallion and brought to the nose 4-5 times during the day, making 7-10 breaths. On the second day, a skin tolerance test for aromatic hydrocarbons is carried out: mix essential oil with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:5 and apply to the bracelet area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist. On the third day, it is advisable to take a bath with 1-2 drops of essential oil. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. If within three days there was no pain in the eyes and tearing, sore throat, redness of the skin at the site of application of the essential oil, feelings of nausea, then the aroma that you tested will not be allergenic dangerous for you.


1. All dosages of essential oils are drip - not bottled, especially not barreled !!!

2. You should start using essential oils with the smallest doses, perhaps they will be sufficient for you. There is no average person in the world, therefore it is advisable, out of respect for one's individuality, to gradually reduce the dosage even relative to the recommended ones. Moreover, resistance (susceptibility) to essential oils increases over time. So, starting with one drop, we gradually get used to five, and then we feel great from three.

3. Women generally require higher dosages than men.

4. Children love essential oils for their aroma and quick help in difficult times. The effectiveness of aromatherapy in pediatrics is very high. However, it is important to remember that children's dosages are lower than adults: for example, for children under 12 years of age, drops of essential oil from the annotation (initially diluted by 50% of the base), we multiply by a factor of 0.12 and by the age (full years) of the child. (So, for 3 years: five drops multiplied by 0.36 \u003d 1.8. Rounding up, we get: 2 drops of 50% essential oil).

5. Dosages of essential oils for the elderly and pregnant women are always half the average dose.

6. In aroma burners, the concentration of essential oils is on average 5 drops per 15 m2.


1. Essential oils are concentrated substances consisting of alcohols, phenols, ketones, aldehydes, terpenes, ethers, so their use, with rare exceptions, requires dilution (vegetable oil, alcohol, cosmetic preparation, honey, yogurt, wax).

2. The nose and skin love fragrances, but the eyes, on the contrary, cannot stand direct contact with essential oils. You should always remember this.

3. Essential oils are most often treated as a dessert additive or spice, and not as breakfast, lunch and dinner. Their use on an empty stomach is undesirable (with rare exceptions).

4. If you use fragrances for cosmetic purposes, do not add essential oil to the entire jar of cream or shampoo bottle at once. It is better to enrich cosmetics with fragrances by setting aside a small amount of the base in a separate container. So you can always be sure that the composition of the prepared mixture has not changed during the interaction of the components of the essential oil and the cosmetic product. In addition, it is always useful to make sure that this fragrance suits your skin (hair) in the chosen concentration.

5. The first two times it is advisable not to take a bath for more than five minutes. Do you feel great after a bath? You can gradually increase the time.

6. When using essential oils in an aroma burner, the first two sessions should not be longer than 20 minutes.

7. During pregnancy and epilepsy, the use of essential oils is possible only under the supervision of specialists in this field of medicine.

8. Do not get carried away with stimulating aromas before bed, unless you are going to perform feats all night.

9. Always, taking aromas in the form of baths, massages or inside, you should drink plenty of fluids (at least 2 liters per day).

10. Oils that have pronounced peppery, spicy tones can irritate the skin (D. Wabner).

11. Hyperemia (redness) of the skin in response to the application of essential oil often occurs in people with very fair skin, in this sense, dark-skinned people are more fortunate.

12. Some essential oils are phototoxic because they they stimulate the hypertrophied formation of melanin, which harms the quality of the pigment itself. It manifests itself 48 hours after sunbathing. A large, unevenly outlined spot of the color of a very dark tan appears at the site of application of the fragrance (spots from photosensitization of the skin should not be confused with pigment spots!).


1. If the essential oil accidentally gets into the eye, then it should be washed first with eye drops ("Sofradex", "Albucid") or purified oil (macadamia, olive, corn), and then with warm boiled water, then put on the affected eye eye ointment "Hydrocortisone".

2. If you applied an essential oil to the skin that provoked irritation, you should apply macadamia oil mixed with hyssop, rose or rosewood in a ratio of 1:3 to this area.

3. If the intake of essential oils inside is accompanied by heartburn, belching, a prolonged sensation of aromatic aftertaste, you should reduce the dosage by a factor of tori, take the aroma strictly on a full stomach and drink it with kefir, yogurt or juice with pulp.

4. If the skin has a solar reaction to the aroma, the following mixture should be applied to this area in the form of a compress every night for 3 weeks: 1 tablespoon of kefir + 2 drops of rose essential oil. The stain will gradually lighten and disappear in 2-3 weeks.


1. There is no cellular, tissue, organ and system addiction to aromas, since there is no pharmacological dependence on aromatic hydrocarbons. With the simultaneous emptying of a vial with your favorite oil and a wallet with "mortal metal", the drug withdrawal syndrome does not occur. Although a slight sadness appears - a companion of parting with what you love - this is natural.

2. According to all the canons of nature, it is desirable to use the same essential oil for no more than 21 days and then continue its use after a break (7-14 days), but no more than three times a year. During this time, the body assimilates aromatic information using trained self-regulation mechanisms. As a rule, after a break, the dosage should be reduced by 25%, as resistance to aromas increases.

3. To avoid aromatic "mess" should not be taken orally more than 7 drops of any essential oils per day.

4. The science of blending fragrances requires deep immersion, so you should remember the mixing rule: optimal household compositions consist of a minimum of two, and a maximum of seven essential oils.

5. Regarding aromatic stimulants, the rules are more categorical: their use is strictly symptomatic. If you need to get together before the exam (negotiations, taking an important step), you should take a bath with lemongrass. Another thing is fatigue. A whip is not the best method of combating fatigue, a pillow and a blanket (as well as frankincense, lavender, sandalwood, chamomile, valerian) are much more effective.


In addition to clean water and air, there are no substances and objects in the world that are suitable for absolutely everyone. So, for one hostess, a grater is a tool for preparing delicious salads, and for another, it is the cause of abrasions on her hands.
Essential oils are no exception.

So, here are twenty-two reasons why you need to be careful when using fragrances.

People with epilepsy and fur coat schizophrenia: the presence of organic lesions of the brain, the so-called "white spots" of higher nervous activity, may manifest itself as an inadequate response to aromatic impulses. Therefore, the question of the use of aromas is the responsibility of the attending psychiatrist. The list of essential oils that are absolutely harmless for this group of people is very small: lavender, orange and lemon.

Pregnant women: the question of the use of essential oils in this case is a very delicate topic. The easiest way is to slam the door to aromatic pleasures in the face of a woman who is expecting a baby. But taking a less formal approach, we can say that the careful use of certain essential oils is not only permissible, but also desirable during pregnancy: orange, bergamot, geranium (caution), jasmine (caution), cajuput, lavender (caution), frankincense ( Carefully), Leuzea, Limette, Lemon, Mint (Caution), Naioli, Neroli, Petite Grain, Rose, Rosewood, Chamomile (Caution), Pine (Caution), Tea Tree, Eucalyptus.

Phototoxic essential oils: orange, grapefruit, leuzea, limette, lemon, tangerine, petite grain, rosemary, thyme. Do not apply to skin immediately before sunbathing. However, the internal use of all these oils contributes to a more effective and faster tan, prevents burning and staining.

Essential oils that irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract: anise, bay, verbena, geranium, oregano, jasmine, ginger, cedar, pine, patchouli, palmarosa, fir, rosewood, citronella, thyme. Never take on an empty stomach! Do not ingest more than 3 drops of essential oil per day! Mix essential oils with honey, jam, vegetable oil, wine and drink 200 g of acidified water, tea, juice, kefir, yogurt. With gastritis and peptic ulcer, it is better to abandon the internal use of these aromas.

Essential oils that require caution with increased blood clotting: anise, basil, hyssop, cypress. In any case, the continuous use of these fragrances should not exceed 21 days, after which the minimum break is 14 days.

Essential oils that require caution with frequent convulsions: hyssop, rosemary.

Essential oils requiring caution in high-grade hypertension: bay, clove, oregano, ginger, cinnamon, juniper, nutmeg, rosemary, citronella, schizandra, thyme, sage. The use of these aromas is possible with the correction of dosages: 12 - 13 to the average dose. Often the vascular reaction to the aroma is temporary and adaptive in nature and disappears after 5-10 days.v

Essential oils used with caution in hypotension: valerian, jasmine. The use of these aromas requires correction of dosages: 12 - 13 from the average. Often the vascular reaction to the aroma is temporary, adaptive in nature and disappears after 5-10 days.

Essential oils used with caution for insomnia: nutmeg, sage, schizandra, citronella, thyme. These fragrances should not be used after 6 pm unless you are going to bed in 5-6 hours, not later.

Essential oils, prolonged inhalation of which leads to overexcitation: clove, nutmeg, cinnamon, schizandra, sage, thyme. Do not smoke continuously for more than 4 hours!

Essential oils, the use of which is undesirable for nervous exhaustion: clove, cedar, cinnamon, nutmeg, schizandra, citronella, sage.

Aromas of relaxation, the use of which is undesirable before performing actions that require active mobilization of mental and physical activity: valerian. The use of the properties of this oil is possible 4-5 hours before an event that requires composure, determination and concentration.

Essential oils that can cause skin irritation: bay, clove, ginger, nutmeg, rosemary, cinnamon, fir, citronella, thyme, schizandra, eucalyptus. With hypersensitive skin type, these fragrances should be diluted in the following proportion: 1 drop per 15 g of base.

Essential oils that cause a short-term, but intense burning sensation of the skin: orange, verbena, clove, oregano, cinnamon, mandarin, juniper, nutmeg, rosemary, citronella, thyme.

Essential oils incompatible with alcohol: cedar, thyme.

Essential oils not compatible with homeopathic medicines: mint, chamomile. The dominant nature of these aromas "cancels" the effect of homeopathic remedies.

Fragrances that can trigger short-term laryngitis (hoarseness): melissa, schizandra. The duration of unpleasant symptoms is about 2 hours.

Essential oils that are energetically incompatible with karmic diseases (neoplasms, psoriasis): incense, cypress.

Essential oils that are undesirable to use continuously for more than two to three weeks: anise, basil, hyssop, geranium, cinnamon, cypress, lemon balm, juniper, nutmeg, pine, citronella, thyme, sage.

Essential oils that weaken the sexual desire of men: mint.
Naturally, the minimum concentration of various components in one drop of essential oil is a guarantee of the absence of side effects; however, always, when choosing Your essential oil, You must also consider Your problems.

Aromatherapy is an aesthetic technique. A sense of proportion is a sign of high taste.

The information is taken from the book by Svetlana Mirgorodskaya “Aromology. Quantum Satis.

In this article, we will study the most interesting, mysterious and even magical properties of essential oils, their areas of application, and for ease of perception, we will summarize some of the information in tables.

Varieties of essential oils

The antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of essential oils have been known to mankind for thousands of years. Even in the Bible there are references to such essential oils as laurel, myrtle, frankincense, sandalwood. They are also mentioned in the works of the great healers of the past Hippocrates and Avicenna.

In the last decade alone, more than 500 studies have been conducted on the properties and applications of essential oils, aromatherapy, their results have been published, systematized in tables and are available for study by everyone.

So what are the types of oils?

According to the method of extraction

Without identifying the main varieties and subspecies, it makes no sense to study such an extensive issue as essential oils: properties and applications. The table below shows their varieties by extraction method.

Loot source Oil variety
Berry Cloves, allspice, juniper.
Wood Camphor, sandalwood, rosewood.
seeds Nutmeg, sandalwood, anise, celery, cumin.
Bark Cinnamon, cassia (Chinese cinnamon), a relative of laurel sassafras.
rhizomes Ginger, Potentilla erect (galangal).
Resin Myrrh, frankincense, styrax wood, benzoin.
Root Valerian.
Leaves Laurel, basil, sage, eucalyptus, patchouli, pine, mint, thyme, rosemary, lemongrass, cinnamon, tea tree, oregano, buchu.
Peel Orange, tangerine, lemon, grapefruit, lime, bergamot.
inflorescences Orange, Clary Sage, Chamomile, Hemp, Jasmine, Hops, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram, Damask Rose.

Advice! Note that different types of oils can be extracted from the same plant, such as sandalwood. Add just a few drops of it to a tablespoon of olive oil and rub into the skin with massage movements. This mixture has wonderful anti-aging properties.

  • distillation (from leaves and bark) - separation into fractions and evaporation of the liquid component;
  • extraction (from inflorescences, petals and roots). In special extractors, the raw material is combined with a special extractant substance, which is then removed, leaving a pure, high-quality essential oil;
  • pressing (from the peel and fruits) - mechanical extraction.

By the nature of the impact on a person

Through observation, people have determined the ability of these volatile compounds to affect our body in different ways. This explains the various, sometimes directly magical properties of essential oils and the scope of their application. The table below shows the most interesting of them.

It has been noticed that the smells of certain herbs, flowers and seeds relieve fatigue, the consequences of stressful situations and neuroses. There are fragrances to awaken passion, cheer up, fight fear. And there are essential oils that have their own magic (they are also present in our table), their properties and scope are more unique, they are used to restore such subtle matter as the aura, in case of damage caused by someone else's ill will and envy.

Advice! Drop just a couple of drops of chamomile oil on a table lamp, and soon a wonderful rich aroma will spread around the room, giving a feeling of peace, conducive to reflection and meditation.

Medicinal and cosmetic properties

The spectrum of biological activity of essential oils is very wide. Some of them are excellent antispasmodics, relieve headaches, others are antiseptics, they are recommended for treating wounds and cuts of the skin, there are oils to calm and, conversely, excite the nervous system, stimulate mental activity.

At the same time, almost any of them is classified as a potent drug that can provide both help and harm, with fuzzy adherence to recommendations for use. Therefore, a thorough and methodical study requires such a question as essential oils: properties and applications. The table below will help make this difficult task easier (positions marked with an "*" should not be used in the sun).

Advice! After cutting, apply diluted lavender oil to the wound. You will be pleasantly surprised by the speed of wound healing.

Features of the use of essential oils

The easiest way to make an essential oil safe to use is to dilute it with water. When carrying out cosmetic and medical procedures, it is most often necessary to mix the oil with a base, which can be milk, honey, wax, cream, lotion, but most often it is another transport oil. They are called a number of vegetable oils that have both solid (shea butter) and liquid textures (olive, sea buckthorn, coconut, almond and others). The purpose of the transport oil is to ensure the penetration of the essential oil into the skin to provide a therapeutic effect.

Advice!To avoid burns, do not use pure undiluted essential oils, especially for children, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions for use. Also refrain from aromatherapy for pregnant women and allergy sufferers.

Most often, essential oils are used for the following procedures:

  • baths and baths;
  • massages;
  • inhalation;
  • compresses;
  • improvement and enrichment of cosmetic preparations;
  • aromatherapy with lamps and stones;
  • aroma coulombs.

There is a special magic in the properties of essential oils, so that their use does not turn into harm, use the dosage table.

Let's take a closer look at the most common uses of essential oils.

Baths and baths

To relieve stress and create a pleasantly relaxed state, use sandalwood, lavender, geranium or rose oil. After hard work in the gym, tense muscles also need relaxation, for this purpose, use juniper or verbena oil. Lemon or pine oil will help cure the beginning of a cold.

When mixed, the properties and characteristics of essential oils open up new facets. Using them according to the schemes given in the table, you will achieve an excellent cosmetic effect.

Description of the problem Oils used
Being overweight Mix a few drops (no more than 5) oils: nutmeg, pine, rosemary, juniper, tangerine, lemongrass.

Prepare a mixture of 5 drops of juniper and no more than 2 drops of lemon, cypress, orange.

"Orange" peel (cellulite) Prepare a mixture of oils of juniper, grapefruit (3 drops each), lemon (4 drops), pine (5 drops).

Mix the following oils: orange, tangerine (3 drops each), rosemary (4 drops), bergamot (5 drops).

Take 6 drops each of neroli, sandalwood and limmet.

Stretch marks At your choice, mix a few drops (no more than 5 each) of the following oils: rosemary, grapefruit, geranium, frankincense, mint, hyssop, neroli, fennel, tea tree.

Rules for compiling aromatic baths:

  1. Scrub the skin with a hard sponge.
  2. Water should not be too hot, optimally up to 38C.
  3. The base for the mixture can be kefir, whey, natural sea salt, honey, any transport oil, milk.
  4. Do not use shampoos, shower gels, lotions and other cosmetics while taking an aroma bath.
  5. The duration of the aroma bath should not exceed 25 minutes, the procedure is carried out no more than three times a week.
  6. After finishing the aroma bath, allow the body to dry naturally, do not wipe dry with a towel.

In a bath or sauna, it is recommended to add essential oil directly to a bucket of water, which is then poured onto hot stones. For these purposes, usually any coniferous oils are used, if desired, by mixing the essential and transport oils, you can moisten the brooms.

Massage with essential oil

Massage is undoubtedly useful for getting rid of many health problems, maintaining a figure, eliminating cellulite, treating after various types of injuries, essential oils will help enhance its effect. Moreover, depending on the selected component, its effect will also differ.

Advice!Take clove essential oil with you to a massage session, with its help blood circulation will increase and the warming process will accelerate, orange oil will help in the breakdown of fatty tissues, sandalwood has a lifting effect, and nutmeg oil will relieve rheumatic pains.

Rules for massages using essential oils:

  • When choosing an oil for a massage session, evaluate not only its therapeutic properties, but also the smell, it should be pleasant to you, not irritate or cause unpleasant associations.
  • After completing a massage session, spend about a quarter of an hour in a relaxed atmosphere, do not immediately run outside to meet new business and problems.
  • During massage with essential oils, preference is given to soft circular movements.
  • To make a massage mixture, use a few drops of essential oil (no more than 5) and 1 tablespoon of base oil, olive, almond, coconut, apricot can act as it.


A common, recognized and popular method of treating colds is inhalation. This procedure improves the drainage function of the body, reduces inflammation, reduces swelling, improves blood flow to the mucous membrane.

Prophylactic inhalations have the following properties:

  • stimulation of local and general immunity;
  • improvement of the psycho-emotional state;
  • stimulation of mental activity;
  • uplifting mood;
  • antibacterial, antiviral effects;
  • acceleration of regeneration.

Inhalations are of two types:

  1. Cold, when the essential oil is dripped onto the corner of the pillow, a napkin, a cloth, and the inhalation process itself is carried out by inhaling the released aroma. The duration of the procedure is no more than 5 minutes.
  2. Hot, using a special device - an inhaler. A few drops of the selected essential oil are dripped into a special container filled with hot water, after which it is necessary to inhale the released steam, covering yourself with a towel and closing your eyes.

Advice! If the child refuses to carry out the hot inhalation procedure, drop 1-2 drops of essential oil on the corner of the pillow.

Aroma stones and lamps

With the help of aroma lamps and stones, disinfection and aromatization of premises is carried out. The first is a ceramic bowl heated by a candle flame into which water and a few drops of one or more essential oils are added. Rocks with a porous structure, such as peat or sandstone, are used as aroma stones, they are able to simultaneously serve as flavors and decorate the interior.

The room must be well ventilated before aromatization; for each type of room, mixtures with certain properties are used:

  • for the bedroom - sensual, harmonizing and soothing;
  • for the office - stimulating, strengthening, invigorating;
  • for the living room - refreshing and harmonizing;
  • for the cooking and eating area - harmonizing, stimulating, cleansing;

  • for a child's room, where harmony and good mood should reign - harmonizing, soothing, cleansing.

Advice! Do not forget that the process of aromatization of rooms should not be endless, its recommended duration is from a quarter of an hour to 120 minutes.

Enrichment of cosmetics

Essential oils are also widely used in the cosmetic field, they are used to enrich care products, adding useful properties to them.

Advice! Give a "new" life to an unused cream by enriching it with essential oil.

Essential oils are added to the following cosmetics:

  • Cream (no more than 15 drops per 150 g);
  • Shampoo (no more than 30 drops per 250-300 ml bottle);
  • Face and body masks (no more than 10 drops per serving);
  • Water for steaming the face, baths for hands or feet (a few drops per bowl).

The table below shows the properties and scope of essential oils in aromatherapy.

To create compositions with enhanced properties, it is recommended to mix and apply different types of essential oils. The table below shows their compatibility.

Be healthy and harmonious!

Hello, my dear readers and guests! I have been using essential oils for over 10 years. I love them and use them often.

But, my knowledge of essential oils until the last moment was very limited to a single general lecture at the institute and a guide to their use.

In addition, I very often see that many people generally misunderstand what essential oils are and often confuse them with ordinary base oils, as well as use them incorrectly and thoughtlessly.

Therefore, I decided for myself and for those who might be interested to understand this topic in more detail.

So, what are essential oils, how they are obtained and how they are useful, read on...

From this article you will learn:

To help myself, I took an excellent textbook "Fundamentals of Cosmetic Chemistry" edited by Samuilova and Puchkova.

Perhaps for some this material will seem like a boring lecture, but after reading it once, you will significantly enrich your knowledge of essential oils, which will certainly help you in the future when using them.

Essential oils are natural aromatic volatile substances contained in plants and giving them their smell.

However, only 150-200 species have found application in medicine and cosmetology, of which approximately 80% are tropical and subtropical plants.

Essential oils protect plants from insect pests, attract insect pollinators to them, and also endow it with medicinal properties.

Where are essential oils found?

Essential oils are a certain secret of the special glands of plants, which can be located in their different parts:

  • In flowers - rose, narcissus, jasmine, lily, acacia, violet, azalea
  • In leaves and stems - lavender, basil, mint, sage, geranium, wormwood, etc.
  • In seeds - anise, coriander, cumin, fennel, dill
  • In the roots - calamus, iris, vetiver, etc.

Methods for obtaining essential oils

There are several ways to obtain essential oils, which I will now try to describe briefly, but very clearly.

  • Steam distillation

This is one of the most common ways to obtain essential oils.

This method is based on the law of partial pressure, according to which two immiscible liquids heated together boil at a temperature below the boiling point of each liquid separately.

Water vapor from the steam generator passes through the plant material and entrains the essential oil, which condenses in the refrigerator and is collected in the receiver.

  • Extraction method

The crushed vegetable raw materials are filled with a liquid in which essential oils are easily soluble, and left in it for a long time.

Thus, they leave the plant and concentrate in the solvent.

Alcohols and liquefied gases can be used as solvents.

Essential oils obtained by extraction methods are not pure, therefore they have a hard, waxy consistency and are called concretes.

Then, essential oils are separated from concretes, with the help of alcohol and cooling, which are called absolute.

  • Enfleurage or absorption

This is a very laborious way to obtain essential oils and is used only for certain types of flowers (jasmine, tuberose).

With this method, the esters are extracted with a thin layer of fat (the raw material is clamped between glass plates lubricated with grease), and then extracted from the collected fat with alcohol.

Less than a kg of essential oil is obtained from 1 ton of flowers.

  • Maceration or infusion

This is the process of obtaining essential oils using hot vegetable oil.

The raw materials are immersed in heated oil for 2 days, and then the essential oils are separated from the vegetable oil with alcohol.

This is how essential oils of jasmine, violets, acacia, roses are obtained.

  • Pressing

By pressing, essential oils are obtained from coarse raw materials in which there are a lot of them, such as citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime, tangerine, lemongrass)

Chemical composition of essential oils

The properties of essential oils depend on their chemical composition. They can include, imagine, from several tens to hundreds of components.

They are divided into two groups:

  1. macrocomponents
  2. microcomponents

The aroma and physiological activity of essential oils are determined precisely by macrocomponents.

There are plants that contain only 2-3 macrocomponents. For example, peppermint oil contains 85% menthol, clove oil contains 85% eugenol.

The chemical composition of essential oils is mainly represented by a group of terpenes and their oxygen derivatives - terpenoids. They have a high and diverse biological activity.

The main components of essential oils and their effect on the human body

So, consider the main components of esters:

  • Monoterpenes
  1. Present in almost every essential oil:
  2. LIMONEN is found in citrus oils: lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime, mandarin, lemongrass.
  3. PINEN is found in essential oils of coniferous plants: fir, pine, spruce.
  4. Sabinene - juniper oil.
  5. 60% monoterpenes contains frankincense essential oil

Monoterpenes have strong anti-inflammatory, expectorant, fungicidal, antiseptic and bactericidal actions, stimulate the adrenal glands, relieve muscle pain. Monoterpenes can be toxic.

  • Monoterpene alcohols

Linolol, Citronellol, Farnesol, Geraniol, Borneol, Menthol, Nerol, Terpeneol, Vetiverol

Monoterpene alcohols contain: lavender, coriander, geranium, rose, mint oils.

Monoterpene alcohols have antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral properties. Able to anesthetize when applied topically. Not toxic.

  • Esters of monoterpenes

Linolyl acetate, bornyl acetate, geranyl acetate, etc.

They have a calming and anti-spasmodic effect.

  • Phenols

The best known are thymol (thyme oil), eugenol (clove oil), safrole, anethole. This also includes the oil of anise, fennel, basil, dill.

They have a very high bactericidal activity, are able to relieve spasms, locally anesthetize. But at the same time, they are toxic and irritate the skin.

  • Terpene aldehydes

Cetral, neral, geranial, cinnamaldehyde. Containing oils of lemon balm, verbena, lemon, lemon eucalyptus.

They have antiviral and sedative activity.

  • Ketones

Some of the best known ketones are camphor, sage and hyssop essential oils.

They have wound healing properties, are useful in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, they are mucolytics, good antiseptics.

In large doses, they are toxic, disrupt liver function, and are dangerous for pregnant women.

Especially toxic oils are tansy, wormwood, sage, camphor.

Less toxic oils of yarrow, rosemary, cedar, immortelle... Non-toxic jasmine, peppermint oil.

  • Furanocoumarins

Bright representatives are bergamot and tangerine essential oils.

Very phototoxic, actively absorb UV rays and cause burns. Requires careful handling.

  • Sesquiterpenes

Contains chamomile oil, carrot seed oil, santal oil, vetiver.

They have a tonic, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, bacteriostatic action.

Physical properties of essential oils

According to their physical properties, essential oils:

  • Essential oils are colorless liquids with a specific smell and taste with a density of 0.8 to 1
  • Most are lighter than water.
  • They are insoluble in water, but give them a taste and smell.
  • Soluble in fatty and mineral acids, alcohol, ether and organic solvents, as well as in natural products (cream, honey, milk, butter).
  • Letuchi. Flammable and flammable.
  • They have a pungent or spicy taste.

How do essential oils work on the human body?

Let us consider in more detail the main effects of the use of essential oils on a person and his body.

Essential oils affect the human body mainly through olfactory receptors, providing a psycho-emotional effect (some smells can excite, others soothe) and through the bloodstream, affecting organs and tissues.

As we have already found out, the chemical composition of essential oils provides their pharmacological effect.

The main benefits of essential oils are:

  • Antiseptic action

Most essential oils have this property, due to the content of phytoncides in their composition.

They are able to act on gram-positive and gram-negative cocci, enterobacteria, bacilli, vibrios, many types of fungi and viruses.

These properties are possessed by such oils as: cinnamon, sage, mint, caraway, anise, eucalyptus, sandalwood, lemon, lavender, pine, fir, tea tree.

They can be used for various skin diseases and skin problems, hair loss, oral infections, frostbite, burns, dandruff, wounds and cuts, irritations, bites.

  • Anti-inflammatory action

Essential oils can reduce vascular permeability and stabilize cell membranes, increase blood circulation.

These actions are especially evident in the healing of wounds and skin lesions, inflammatory diseases of the joints and muscles, with excess weight and edema, muscle cramps.

Essential oils of lavender, laurel, basil, fennel, geranium, etc. have good anti-inflammatory activity.

  • Spasmolytic action

Some essential oils can have antispasmodic, analgesic and sedative effects.

These include essential oils of arnica, laurel, frankincense, lemon balm, lavender, chamomile, pine, dill, fennel, etc.

Can be used for headaches, insomnia, migraines, nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, fatigue...

  • Bronchodilator action

Such essential oils in small doses can increase the secretory function of the bronchi and be used for bronchitis, tonsillitis, colds, runny nose.

Most often they do inhalation. This oil is anise, thyme, eucalyptus, etc.

Of course, all essential oils differ in the degree of impact, and before using, you need to look at each oil more specifically.

Essential oils also contain phytohormones, vitamins, antioxidants, pheromones, regulate the psycho-emotional state and spiritual comfort, which makes them very useful for use in cosmetology and various body rejuvenation processes.

You can buy real essential oils of the highest quality Here

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

photo@ duskbabe

About unique properties essential oils known thousands of years ago. Long before the advent of our era, the ancient Egyptians discovered them to the world. They used plant extracts not only during ritual ceremonies in temples, but also with their help they treated various diseases and used them in cooking. Somewhat later, the experience was adopted by the Greeks and Romans, who began to mix olive oil with essential oil, thereby inventing healing ointments.

Now essential oils are very widespread:

  • In medicine;
  • In cosmetology;
  • In the food industry;
  • And also in everyday life, when the aroma lamp is turned on at home, and the air is filled with pleasant, fragrant notes.

How essential oils are obtained

Essential oils are the plant power of nature. Extracts are obtained not only from flowers or leaves, but from seeds, seeds, wood or resin. The process is very time-consuming and costly, so 2.5 liters of lavender oil comes out of 100 kilograms of lavender, and 0.5 liters of rose oil comes out of 100 kilograms of rose petals.

Each drop contains a unique chemical composition. Essential oils properties and applications are endless. It all depends on the goal and the desired result. Some extracts are excellent antiseptics, others have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, others help in the fight against cellulite, allergies, and muscle pain. The spectrum is wide. Even if we take cosmetology, here each skin type has its own remedy.

  • Suitable for oily: chamomile oil, bergamot, geranium, lemon, cinnamon;
  • For dry: rose, lavender, orange;
  • When irritated are ideal: cedar and lavender;
  • In the fight against wrinkles will help: avocado oil, jojoba, wheat germ.

Ways to use essential oils

There are many ways to use essential oils. The most common:

  1. Inhalation. Very good for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. The only thing is that not every nebulizer can add oil. This nuance must be clarified when buying a device.
  2. Aromatherapy. A few drops in an aroma lamp or aroma medallion will help relieve tension, invigorate or, on the contrary, soothe, it all depends on the type of oil.
  3. Aromatic bath and aromatic massage.
  4. Compress.
  5. Trituration.
  6. Adding to cosmetic cream or shampoo.
  7. Ingestion. Here you need to be careful and consult a doctor. After all, not every oil is suitable for internal use.

Properties and uses of essential oils

Experts identify about 500 types of essential oils. All of them have a different spectrum of actions, focus, method of obtaining. Let us dwell in detail on the 30 most popular and popular plant extracts.

Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree is extracted mainly in Australia, by evaporation or cold pressing. During World War II, the essential oil was widely used as an antiseptic and pain reliever.

  • Color: dark green.
  • Aroma: sharp, tart with a fruity note.
  • Properties: anti-inflammatory, antiviral, soothing, immunostimulating, antifungal, bactericidal.
  • Application: in medicine it is recommended for colds, skin, oncological, gynecological diseases. Can be used as an antiseptic instead of brilliant green or. In cosmetology, it fights acne, dandruff, and is ideal for owners of oily skin.

Essential oil of lavender

Lavender grows in Europe, Russia, Africa, Australia. Inflorescences are harvested when they are half open, then the flowers, leaves, stems are well dried. Lavender essential oil is obtained by steam distillation. The best is considered an extract mined in France.

  • Color: white to yellow-green.
  • Aroma: strong, specific, with a floral base and woody notes.
  • Properties: , regenerating, analgesic, antiseptic, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory.
  • Application: used in medicine in cardiology, inflammation of the bladder, kidneys, hypertension, neuralgia. In cosmetology, it is part of anti-aging creams and masks, essential oil fights scars, scars and stretch marks, and is effective in the treatment of dandruff.

essential oil of orange

Orange essential oil is obtained from the peel of citrus fruits using cold pressing or hydrodistillation. The best essential oil is from Latin America.

  • Color: from yellow, bright orange, to brown.
  • Aroma: depends on the variety of oranges, sometimes with a bitter tint, or, conversely, with a sweet taste.
  • Properties: antidepressant, antitoxic, sedative, regenerating, antiseptic, bactericidal.
  • Application: in medicine, it has proven itself in the fight against colds, the oil also normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins. It is a diuretic and choleretic agent, reduces pressure, relieves muscle pain. Essential oil of orange is effective in the treatment of periodontal disease. Has a calming effect.

Peppermint essential oil

Peppermint oil is obtained from the dried leaves, stems and flowers of the plant, and the essential oil is obtained by steam distillation.

  • Color: colorless to light green or light yellow.
  • Aroma: Herbaceous, sweet, with hints of freshness.
  • Properties: tonic, antiseptic, sedative, stimulant, antiviral, antipyretic.
  • Application: in medicine, it is effective in the fight against acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, reduces temperature, eliminates muscle pain. Improves the work of the vestibular apparatus and blood circulation in general. Eliminates . Baths with peppermint oil relieve stress and. In cosmetology, it treats inflammation, redness of the skin, fungal infections.

essential oil of lemon

Essential oil of lemon - this type of extract began to be mined in the 16th century in France. Sailors with his help fought scurvy, and representatives of the upper classes whitened their faces. The best essential oil is hand-extracted.

  • Color: yellow to light green.
  • Aroma: with pronounced citrus notes.
  • Properties: deodorizing, tonic, immunomodulatory, bactericidal, antiseptic.
  • Application: in medicine helps in the fight against viral and colds. It thins the blood, strengthens the vascular system, normalizes blood supply and liver function, and improves brain function. It has a choleretic, diuretic and analgesic effect. In cosmetology, acne, dandruff,. Has a whitening effect.

Essential oil of ylang ylang

Ylang Ylang is a tall tropical tree. The essential oil is obtained from fresh flowers by steam or water distillation.

  • Color: pale yellow.
  • Aroma: very sweet, floral, with hints of candy.
  • Properties: antidepressant, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, sedative.
  • Application: in medicine helps to cope with various viral and colds. Indispensable in the fight against dermatitis and eczema, gives the skin a velvety feeling. In cosmetology, essential oil fights acne, oily skin,. Baths with ylang-ylang are recommended in winter, during the season of colds. Also, the extract is considered a strong aphrodisiac.

rose essential oil

The healing properties of rose oil were originally known in the East, after which the fame spread throughout the world. Now roses for oil are grown mainly in Bulgaria, France, Morocco. The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the petals. Considered one of the most expensive.

  • Color: From bright yellow to yellow-green.
  • Aroma: very tart and rich. To feel light floral notes, the oil must be diluted.
  • Properties: antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, tonic.
  • Application: improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract. In dentistry, he successfully fights periodontal disease and pulpitis. Copes with gynecological diseases, is used in the treatment of migraines,. Perfectly nourishes the skin of the face, smoothes wrinkles, including under the eyes.

Essential oil of rosemary

The extract is obtained from the flowering tops of the plant, by steam and water distillation.

  • Color: colorless to yellowish.
  • Aroma: soft, woody with spicy and spicy notes.
  • Properties: analgesic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, tonic, sedative, tonic.
  • Application: essential oil eliminates muscle pain, normalizes blood pressure, helps in the fight against vegetative-vascular dystonia. Improves cerebral circulation and memory. Promotes the regeneration of skin cells. Effectively copes with cellulite, scars, makes hair silky.

Eucalyptus essential oil

It has a rich chemical composition, combining more than 40 elements. The Australian Aborigines call the tree the "tree of life". The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of young leaves.

  • Color: transparent to yellowish.
  • Aroma: tart, resinous, with hints of pine needles.
  • Properties: antiviral, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunomodulatory, antiseptic.
  • Application: prevention and treatment of viral diseases, increase, treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis media. Essential oil fights acne, eliminates dandruff, strengthens hair. Suppresses streptococcal and staphylococcal infections.

patchouli essential oil

Patchouli is a perennial herb, about a meter high. It grows mainly in Asia and also in Latin America. The essential oil is obtained from the leaves by steam distillation. From one ton of shoots comes out from 3 to 5 kilograms of oil.

  • Color: from light yellow to brown.
  • Aroma: sweet, with pronounced notes of musk. Over the years, the smell of the oil becomes stronger.
  • Properties: antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, soothing.
  • Application: helps with gout and arthritis, copes with viral infections, reduces fever, ideal for sore throats. Eliminates hair from dandruff and excessive oiliness. Removes essential oil stretch marks and cellulite. It is a powerful aphrodisiac.

Essential oil of cinnamon

It is obtained from the leaves and bark of the tree of the same name, which grows in Madagascar and Sri Lanka. Leaves and bark are initially soaked in salt water and only then the extract is extracted.

  • Color: rich wheat.
  • Aroma: characteristic of cinnamon.
  • Properties: analgesic, antispasmodic, antibacterial, antiviral, immunomodulatory, warming.
  • Application: essential oil eliminates pain in muscles and joints, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, relieves inflammation in the body, strengthens the immune system. Promotes hair growth.

Essential oil of juniper

It is obtained from wood, needles and berries of an evergreen shrub.

  • Color: transparent to green with yellow.
  • Aroma: delicate, with subtle notes of needles and meadow flowers.
  • Properties: immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiseptic.
  • Application: improves metabolism, treats pneumonia, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases efficiency. Helps in the fight against eczema and psoriasis.

grapefruit essential oil

It is considered a relatively young essential oil, obtained by processing the peel of a well-known fruit. Only 1 kilogram of extract is extracted from 100 kilograms of peel.

  • Color: yellow.
  • Aroma: fresh, with pronounced notes of bitterness.
  • Properties: analgesic, healing, tonic, antiseptic, diuretic.
  • Application: normalizes the gallbladder, improves intestinal motility, strengthens hair and nails, tightens pores.

Essential oil of geranium

The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the entire above-ground part of the plant, at the moment when it blooms. Algeria and Egypt are considered the main exporters of geranium oil to the market.

  • Color: yellow or yellow-green.
  • Aroma: rich warm, with the smell of geranium and notes of rose and mint.
  • Properties: antidepressant, antiseptic, stimulant, deodorant.
  • Application: essential oil , reduces , used in the treatment of cancer, fights heart rhythm disturbances. Ideal for dry and sensitive skin.

vanilla essential oil

The extract is obtained from the pods of the plant. The composition has not yet been sufficiently studied, it is believed that the essential oil contains more than 100 components.

  • Color: from light yellow to deep yellow.
  • Aroma: Strong vanilla scent.
  • Properties: immunomodulatory, antiseptic, deodorizing, antiviral.
  • Application: essential oil normalizes metabolism and blood sugar levels, increases the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism, causes an aversion to alcohol. Reduces stress, improves hair condition, is an aphrodisiac.

Essential oil of cedar

Cedar oil is obtained from peeled pine nuts by cold pressing.

  • Color: golden.
  • Aroma: with pronounced nutty notes.
  • Properties: immunomodulatory, tonic, sedative, antiviral.
  • Application: heals wounds, improves blood circulation. Essential oil helps with bronchitis, sore throat, colds. Improves the functioning of the brain and circulatory system. Nourishes and moisturizes dry skin.

Jasmine essential oil

There is one significant nuance in obtaining this extract. Flowers are collected exclusively at night. The process of extracting the extract is very long and laborious.

  • Color: intense red.
  • Aroma: intense floral.
  • Properties: analgesic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory.
  • Application: essential oil helps to cope with colds, reduces muscle pain, improves blood circulation, and is used in insomnia. Invaluable in the treatment of skin ailments. Often found in air fresheners.

neroli essential oil

The extract is obtained from the flowers of the orange tree. Since the process is quite complicated, oil is one of the most expensive.

  • Color: orange.
  • Aroma: thin, light, with citrus notes.
  • Properties: deodorant, analgesic, healing, antiseptic, sedative.
  • Application: essential oil is widely used for heart disease, overwork, neuroses. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves cerebral circulation, removes stretch marks and excessive flabbiness of the skin. Is an aphrodisiac.

Pine essential oil

It is obtained from the needles of an evergreen tree, at the rate of 500 kilograms of needles - 1 kilogram of oil.

  • Color: transparent to yellow.
  • Aroma: persistent smell of needles.
  • Properties: antimicrobial, sedative, healing, antipyretic.
  • Application: essential oil is widely used in the fight against colds, inflammation of the kidneys, respiratory diseases, skin problems. Normalizes pressure, reduces stress.

Essential oil of sage

It is widely used not only in medicine or cosmetology, but also in cooking. The oil is obtained from the flowers and leaves of the plant.

  • Color: colorless.
  • Aroma: tart, with herbal smell.
  • Properties: regenerating, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, sedative.
  • Application: essential oil is used for sore throat, respiratory diseases. Widely used in cardiology, gynecology. Improves brain function, has a beneficial effect on blood circulation.

Essential oil of iris

Iris oil is obtained from the roots of the flower. Moreover, the roots should be two or three years old. The process of extracting the extract takes place in several stages.

  • Color: tan.
  • Aroma: floral and light.
  • Properties: sedative, immunomodulatory, diuretic, antimicrobial.
  • Application: essential oil prevents skin aging, promotes rapid healing of wounds, relieves swelling, improves blood circulation. Is an aphrodisiac.

Essential oil of bergamot

The citrus tree of the same name grows only on the Italian coast. The oil is obtained from the peel, seeds and leaves of the plant.

Clove oil is obtained from the clove tree, which grows in the tropics. The extract requires both fruits and flowering buds.

  • Color: almost transparent.
  • Aroma: tart, sweet and very strong.
  • Properties: regenerating, antiseptic, analgesic, tonic essential oil.
  • Application: in dentistry it helps to cope with a number of diseases, periodontal disease, periodontitis, prevents the development of caries. Slows down the aging process, improves appetite. Promotes a speedy recovery, relieves muscle pain, stabilizes blood pressure.

Essential oil of frankincense

This essential oil is obtained from the resin of the boswellia tree, which grows in Africa, mainly in Somalia.

  • Color: golden to green.
  • Aroma: tart and very sweet.
  • Properties: antibacterial, anti-cold, regenerating, sedative.
  • Application: ladna oil prevents the development of cancer cells, is used in the treatment of oncology. Slows down the aging process, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, hair and nails.

Essential oil of sandalwood

Sandalwood oil is extracted from sandalwood wood, which grows in India.

  • Color: brown.
  • Aroma: very strong, specific, long lasting.
  • Properties: soothing, regenerating, toning essential oil, antiviral.
  • Application: removes excess fluid from the body, helps in the treatment of viral and colds, smoothes wrinkles, strengthens blood vessels. Aphrodisiac.

Essential oil of mandarin

Mandarin oil is obtained from the peel and fruits by cold pressing. Most of the extract is made in Italy.

  • Color: yellow.
  • Aroma: with characteristic citrus notes.
  • Properties: antiseptic essential oil, tonic, antispasmodic, sedative.
  • Application: removes toxins from the body, normalizes bowel function and metabolic processes, smoothes wrinkles, fights insomnia.

Chamomile essential oil

For its production, fresh inflorescences are required. For 1 kilogram of oil - 200 kilograms of inflorescences.

  • Color: blue to brown.
  • Aroma: herbal, with notes of tobacco, spices and fruits.
  • Properties: analgesic, immunomodulatory, antiviral.
  • Application: essential oil treats diseases of the upper respiratory tract, sore throat, helps with stagnation of bile in the gallbladder. Reduces stress, used for insomnia, nervousness. Copes with a number of diseases of the oral cavity, perfectly moisturizes the skin.

essential oil of wormwood

Wormwood oil is obtained from the dried flowers and leaves of the plant.

The extract is extracted from the rosewood of an evergreen tree - baya, growing in Latin America.

  • Color: transparent or pale yellow.
  • Aroma: floral, reminiscent of the smell of lily of the valley.
  • Properties: antibacterial, antimicrobial, regenerating, antifungal.
  • Application: removes essential oil toxins from the body, heals wounds, helps with dry, cracking skin. Increases immunity, is considered an aphrodisiac.

Essential oil of nutmeg

The extract is obtained from the fruits of the plant of the same name.

  • Color: pale yellow.
  • Aroma: sharp, spicy, sweet.
  • Properties: tonic, antispasmodic, laxative, tonic.
  • Application: essential oil helps in the fight against diseases of the musculoskeletal system, treats fungal skin diseases. Effective during the cold season, reduces fatigue and irritability, normalizes metabolism. Included in moisturizers and shampoos.

Combination of essential oils

  • Tea tree is combined with geranium, nutmeg, pine.
  • Lavender is combined with sandalwood, cinnamon, bergamot.
  • Orange is combined with jasmine, juniper, rose, lavender, neroli.
  • Mint is combined with citrus oils, lavender, eucalyptus.
  • Lemon is combined with cardamom, chamomile, ginger, geranium, ginger.
  • Ylang-ylang is combined with citrus, patchouli, bergamot mint.
  • Rose is combined with fennel, frankincense, cardamom, ylang-ylang, jasmine.
  • Rosemary is combined with marjoram, cinnamon, conifers, frankincense, mint.
  • Eucalyptus is combined with neroli, rosewood, geranium, cumin.
  • Patchouli is combined with sandalwood, rose, pine, sage, carnation.
  • Cinnamon is combined with citrus, cypress, mint, eucalyptus.
  • Juniper is combined with orange, geranium, cedar, citrus, cypress.
  • Grapefruit is combined with basil, cedar, sage, ylang-ylang.
  • Geranium is combined with cloves, lime, bergamot, basil, citrus.
  • Vanilla is combined with lavender, rosemary, pine, patchouli.
  • Cedar is combined with neroli, patchouli, rosemary, pine, bergamot.
  • Jasmine is combined with rose, with rosewood, cedar, patchouli, mint.
  • Neroli is combined with pine, rosemary, mint, myrtle, lemon, orange.
  • Pine is combined with citrus, sandalwood, rosewood, lavender, myrtle, tea tree.
  • Sage is combined with sandalwood, thyme, geranium, jasmine, basil.
  • Iris is combined with lavender, oregano, cedar, cinnamon, pine.
  • Bergamot is combined with citrus, lavender, eucalyptus, chamomile, cypress, patchouli, neroli.
  • Carnation is combined with sage, lavender, bergamot, juniper, nutmeg, citrus.
  • Incense is combined with bergamot, citrus, eucalyptus, jojoba oil, sandalwood.
  • Sandalwood is combined with marjoram, frankincense, lemon, cypress, jasmine, cloves.
  • Mandarin is combined with other citrus fruits, bergamot, almond oil, jojoba.
  • Chamomile is combined with anise, rose, eucalyptus, marjoram, mint, sage.
  • Wormwood is combined with cloves, cedar, ylang-ylang, lemon, frankincense, lavender, pine, citrus.
  • Rosewood is combined with cedar, sandalwood, verbena, wheat germ oil and grape seed.
  • Nutmeg is combined with tea tree oil, rosemary, lavender, orange, cinnamon.