From the common cold for children 9 years old. The best cold remedies for children

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 9 minutes


In young children, a runny nose is quite common. A stuffy nose prevents the baby from breathing normally, and it is also normal for the baby to eat. The child becomes capricious, restless, may not sleep well, lose weight, sometimes there is an increase in temperature,. And, of course, parents really want to help their child. But pharmacies now have a very large number of various cold medicines for young children, and it is very difficult to figure out which one is good. So let's try to do it together.

Runny nose and stages of its development

A runny nose, or rhinitis in medical terms, is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Most often, this disease is not independent, but is a symptom of some other disease, such as influenza, measles, adenovirus infection and other ARVI diseases. Most often, a runny nose develops within 7-10 days or more, it all depends on the disease that provoked it. The drug is available in the form of nasal drops and spray. Children under one year of age are not recommended to use the spray. As a way out, you can use.

Rhinitis has three stages of development:

  • reflex- develops very quickly, passes within a few hours. The vessels narrow, the nasal mucosa turns pale sharply. During this period, there is burning and dryness in the nasal cavity, frequent sneezing;
  • catarrhal- vasodilation occurs, the mucous membrane is redder and the nasal concha swells. This stage lasts 2-3 days. During this period, there is difficulty breathing, abundant transparent watery discharge, lacrimation, stuffy ears, decreased sense of smell;
  • The third stage begins if it joins bacterial inflammation. During this period, there is an improvement in the general condition: the sense of smell improves, breathing is restored. The discharge from the nose becomes thicker and greenish or yellowish in color.

Medications for children under 5 years of age

Aqua Maris

192 rubles, spray - 176 rubles

This drug is made on the basis of water from the Adriatic Sea. It contains unique trace elements (sodium, magnesium, calcium ions, etc.), which contribute to the effective treatment of the common cold and cold.

Main testimony for the use of this drug are:

For treatment, Aqua Maris is instilled in adults and children 2-5 times a day, 2 drops in each nasal passage. Duration of treatment this drug 2 to 3 weeks It all depends on the severity of the disease.

For prevention the drug should be instilled 1-2 drops 1-2 times a day.

Aqua Maris can be used from the first day of life. For newborns, it is used for hygienic purposes to moisten the nasal cavity. The drug has no side effects, except for individual intolerance to some components.

Parent feedback:


Oh, a wonderful remedy ... Droplets for babies are perfect, and you can drip as much as you like without harming your health, rather, on the contrary, it improves immunity .. we just eliminate a runny nose, we don’t have to use anything potentially dangerous.


For my family, Aqua Maris nasal spray has helped a lot. We move very often, because of this, the child suffers. After all, climate change contributes to the fact that the daughter began a constant runny nose, health problems. Thanks to this nasal spray, my daughter tolerates a sharp change in climate much better. She is not tormented by a clogged nose, it is hard for her to breathe.

Aqualor baby

Approximate cost in pharmacies: drops - 118 rubles, spray - 324 rubles.

The vials contain sterile isotonic sea water. The drug prevents the development of nasopharyngeal infection and its spread to the inner ear. Aqualor baby helps to improve the breathing of the baby during feeding. The drug is recommended to be used for daily hygiene purposes.

Medical testimony for the use of the drug Aqualor baby:

  • Comprehensive treatment and prevention of influenza and SARS;
  • Comprehensive treatment and prevention of ENT diseases;
  • Acute, allergic and chronic rhinitis;
  • Daily hygiene of the nasal cavity.

This drug can be used from the first days of life. For hygiene and prevention, children and adults need to do 2-4 washes daily. More if necessary.

There are no contraindications for use. A side effect is individual intolerance to the constituent components of the drug.

Parent feedback:


Aqualor started using when the child was six months old. Now we are already a year and a half, I don’t know a better remedy for a cold. Aqualor baby is just drops, not drops, it is sea water for washing the nose.


Aqualor is the best we've tried to clean baby's nose. Before that, it was impossible to rinse well, but then Aqualor baby was advised, literally several times - and there didn’t seem to be any nozzles!

Nazol baby

Approximate cost in pharmacies: drops - 129 rubles.

Nazol baby is a local vasoconstrictor. The main constituent is phenylephrine hydrochloride. Auxiliary components benzalkonium chloride 50%, polyethylene glycol, disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (disodium edetate), sodium phosphate disubstituted glycerol, potassium phosphate monosubstituted, purified water.

Medical testimony for application:

  • Flu and other colds;
  • Allergic diseases.

This drug must be used intranasally .

Dosage :

Children under one year - 1 drop every 6 hours;

Children from 1 to 6 - 1-2 drops every 6 hours;

Adults and children over 6 years old - 3-4 drops every 6 hours.

The drug has side effects: dizziness, headache, sleep disturbance, tremor, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, pallor, sweating.

For children under one year of age, the drug must be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Remember, self-medication can harm your child's health!

It depends on the immunity of the child whether the runny nose will pass by itself, without treatment, or it will be necessary to use drugs to rid children of the common cold. Modern pharmaceuticals presents them in large quantities.

Rhinitis - inflammation of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by the release of mucus from the nasal passages. In most cases, it is not an independent disease, but an accompanying symptom.

Medicines for the treatment of the common cold in children are represented by drops, sprays, ointments, capsules and tablets.

Preparations for the treatment of rhinitis are divided into four main groups according to the therapeutic effect on the child's body - vasoconstrictor, antiviral, antibacterial and antihistamine. A separate group are homeopathic medicines.

Let's take a closer look at each of the groups.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

Drugs with a vasoconstrictive effect are recognized as the most effective in the treatment of children's rhinitis. First of all, this is due to the rapid restoration of free breathing. Using these medications, you can achieve the following therapeutic effects:

  • reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • a significant reduction in the amount of mucus secreted from the nasal passages.

All vasoconstrictor drugs have similar methods of action, their difference lies in the active substance, which serves as the basis of a particular drug.

Scheme of manifestation of rhinitis

In pharmaceuticals, they are divided into three groups based on the composition of the active substance:

  1. "Xylometazoline" - the effectiveness of the action is more than six hours.
  2. "Oxymetazoline" - duration of action up to twelve hours.
  3. "Nafazolin" - act within four hours.

Drugs in this group are taken no more than five to seven days, as they can be addictive.

Antiviral drugs

These drugs are used not only in the treatment of rhinitis in children, but also for preventive purposes. Their intake is relevant in the epidemiological period, since antiviral drugs are able to suppress the viral infection and eliminate the causes of the disease.

The form of release of drugs is quite diverse. This is:

  • nasal drops;
  • capsules;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • pills;
  • ointments.

In no case should you independently use an antiviral drug for a child. A doctor must diagnose a viral disease.

The entire list of antiviral drugs and how to use them by age is in this material.

Antibacterial agents

The pharmacological group of drugs with antibacterial action is based on the active ingredient antibiotic. In most cases, these are nasal sprays. This form of release is the most convenient and practical, it has such advantages as:

  • ease of use;
  • uniform distribution of the drug in the nasal passages;
  • penetration of the drug into the paranasal sinuses;
  • the antibiotic has a therapeutic effect without entering the hematopoietic system.

Antibacterial drugs used to treat the common cold in children are complex preparations.

Antibacterial drugs used to treat the common cold in children are complex preparations.

These drugs are prescribed by the attending physician and are used strictly according to the scheme indicated by him.


Among all the medicines used in the treatment of the common cold in children, antihistamines are separated into a separate group. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to immediately determine the irritating factor that provokes allergic rhinitis. In these cases, antihistamine drugs are used, which are available in the form of nasal drops, tablets and aerosols (sprays). They have a combined effect, namely:

  • promote vasoconstriction;
  • relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action.

Homeopathic preparations

The pharmacological group of homeopathic medicines is widely used in the treatment of children's rhinitis. It has a wide range of effects on the disease, including:

  • elimination of swelling of the nasal cavity;
  • fight against viruses;
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • removal of inflammatory processes.

The advantage of using homeopathic preparations in the treatment of children's rhinitis is their complete naturalness. Medicines do not contain "chemistry", which makes it possible to avoid allergic manifestations when they are taken.

A homeopathic medicine is prescribed by a homeopathic doctor after a complete medical examination of the child. The medicine is taken according to a strict regimen. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Top 10 drugs

"Xymelin" has an effective vasoconstrictive effect

This spray has an effective vasoconstrictive effect, reduces swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, and contributes to the process of normalizing breathing a few minutes after application. Remains effective for twelve hours.

The drug is prescribed to children in the treatment of a cold caused by:

  • a cold;
  • infectious disease;
  • viral infection.

The drug "Xymelin Spray" is produced in the following dosages:

  • 0.1% - prescribed to children over six years old;
  • 0.05% - used in the treatment of children from two years.

Apply this spray from the common cold for children no more than twice a day:

  • perform one spray in each nasal passage.

The duration of treatment should not exceed seven days.

Side effects are possible if the medicinal dose is exceeded.

The estimated cost of the drug is 170 rubles.

"Nazivin" has a vasoconstrictive effect, relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa

The main active ingredient of the drug "Nazivin" is oxymetazoline.

The drug has a vasoconstrictive effect, relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa, reduces the secretion of mucus.

Medical indications for use:

  • acute rhinitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • sinusitis.

"Nazivin" for the treatment of rhinitis in children is produced in the form of nasal drops and spray.

Children's drops from the common cold Nazivin are produced in dark glass bottles of 10 ml each, with a cap-cap equipped with a pipette.

Applied to children from the first day of life - instilled into the nasal passage 1-2 drops no more than three times a day.

Estimated cost of drops - 140 rubles.

Nazivin is available in a 50 ml aerosol can. Assign a spray from the common cold for children from one year to six years.

Apply two to three times a day, one spray in each nostril.

The duration of treatment with Nazivin should not exceed five days.

Side effects can be caused by an overdose of the drug.

The estimated cost of Nazivin spray is 150 rubles.

"Nazol Baby"

A drug in the form of drops with a mild vasoconstrictor effect. Actively reduces swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, thereby facilitating the child's breathing. Produced exclusively for the treatment of children.

Indications for use:

  • cold;
  • viral diseases;
  • allergic reactions.

Children's drops from the common cold "Nazol Baby" are indicated for use by newborns.

Based on the age of the child, a therapeutic dose of treatment is prescribed:

  • babies under one year old - one drop in each nasal passage no more than four times a day;
  • from one to six years - one or two drops every six hours.

The regimen of the drug should strictly comply with the attached instructions. Admitted violations in the treatment can lead to serious side effects. Perhaps the manifestation of individual intolerance to the drug.

The estimated cost of the drug is 150 rubles.

"Otrivin" eliminates swelling of the nasal mucosa and normalizes the child's breathing.

Nasal spray "Otrivin"

The main active ingredient in Otrivin nasal spray is xylometazoline. The spray contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels, eliminates swelling of the nasal mucosa and, accordingly, normalizes the child's breathing.

"Otrivin" refers to "soft" drugs. The components included in its composition provide sufficient moisture to the mucous membrane. The effectiveness of the spray is felt quickly, the duration of action is twelve hours.

This drug is used in the treatment of children over six years of age:

  • one spray no more than twice a day.

Indications for use:

  • colds;
  • viral infection.

The duration of treatment is no more than ten days. An overdose can cause side effects such as nausea, dizziness; weakness.

The estimated cost of the drug is 160 rubles.

"Miramistin" is available in the form of drops and a solution for inhalation

A new generation drug that has found wide application in pediatrics.

The therapeutic spectrum of Miramistin is quite wide.

Indications for use in the treatment of ENT pathologies caused by:

  • viral diseases;
  • bacterial infections.

The drug Miramistin is available in the form of nasal drops and spray. The drug is indicated for use in children from birth.

The procedure for inhalation in children is carried out in two ways - using a nebulizer and without it.

First way:

  • dilute the drug Miramistin in a prepared container with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • cover the child's head with a towel and tilt it down so that he breathes in the fumes of the medicinal solution.

When carrying out these manipulations, the drug causes a slight burning sensation.

Second way:

  • use a nebulizer;
  • dilution of the medicinal product is not required;
  • The duration of the procedure depends on the age of the child. It ranges from five to fifteen minutes.

The limitation in the use of this method is the age of the child up to one and a half years.

Therapeutic lavage with Miramistin is carried out in the following way:

  • prepare a syringe or small syringe;
  • dilute the drug with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • if the baby does not reach the sink, you need to put him on your lap and tilt his head down;
  • the medicinal composition drawn into the syringe (syringe) is alternately injected into the nasal passages.

Care must be taken to ensure that the baby does not "pull" the solution into itself.

The washing procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening.

The use of drops in the nose with the drug "Miramistin":

  • before the procedure, it is required to clean the baby's sinuses;
  • to prevent burning in the area of ​​the nasal mucosa, dilute the drug in a ratio of 1:1;
  • one or two drops of the drug are dripped into each nostril.

Nasal drops are used in the treatment of rhinitis in babies under the age of one year.

The drug must be prescribed by the attending physician. First of all, this is due to the fact that each child needs an individual way of using Miramistin.

The estimated cost of the drug is from 200 rubles.

"Grippferon" reduces mucus secretion and makes breathing easier

A complex preparation, presented in the form of a nasal spray. The main active ingredient is interferon, which increases the protection of the child's body against viruses.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is to dry the nasal mucosa, reduce mucus secretions, and facilitate the child's breathing.

Indications for use in the treatment of rhinitis in children caused by:

  • a cold;
  • viral disease.

The dosage of the drug "Grippferon" depends on the following factors:

  • the age of the child;
  • characteristic of the disease.

It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions attached to the drug, and strictly observe the recommended dosage in its use. Otherwise, the effect of "overdried" nasal mucosa may occur.

Do not use the drug in conjunction with vasoconstrictor drugs.

The estimated cost of the drug is 270 rubles.


Nasal ointment for a runny nose for children "Pinosol" is made on the basis of eucalyptus extract and pine oil, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

The ointment can quickly ease breathing. It is used for children from two years old.

Application of nasal ointment "Pinosol":

  • clean the nasal passages of the child;
  • a thin layer, using a cotton swab, apply the ointment to the nasal mucosa;
  • repeat the procedure three to four times a day.

The duration of treatment should not exceed fourteen days.

Nasal ointment "Pinosol" has no contraindications and practically does not cause side effects.

In exceptional cases, allergic reactions may occur, such as itching, burning, redness. If these symptoms appear, it is recommended to stop using this drug.

The estimated cost of the drug is 120 rubles.

"Albucid" is able to deal with advanced forms of children's rhinitis

In the treatment of rhinitis in children, Albucid drops are actively used. They have active antibacterial action. The release form is a plastic bottle.

Albucid drops with a runny nose in children have an effective effect on all types of bacteria, so the drug is able to "fight" with advanced forms of children's runny nose.

Children's drops "Albucid" can be used for newborns.

Indications for use:

  • prolonged rhinitis, which has a complication in the form of a bacterial infection.

Instructions for use:

  • clean the child's nasal passages;
  • drip one drop twice a day.

In severe cases of the disease, the drug is prescribed for use three to four times a day.

The drug "Albucid" does not have an instant therapeutic effect. In order for the result of the treatment to become noticeable, at least seven days must pass.

Contraindications for use are:

  • the presence of individual intolerance to the drug. It is manifested by allergic reactions - swelling of the skin, redness and itching. In such cases, it is required to cancel the drug;
  • kidney failure.

It is possible to use Albucid drops in the treatment of a runny nose in a child only as directed by the attending physician. Only a doctor is able to accurately determine the required dosage of the drug.

The estimated cost of the drug is 90 rubles.

"Dioxidin" is available in the form of ampoules

The drug Dioxidin is the strongest antimicrobial and antibacterial antibiotic. It is used in the treatment of various ENT pathologies.

The drug "Dioxidin" is available in the form of ampoules.

The official instructions for the use of this drug prohibits its use in the treatment of children. In practice, for the treatment of rhinitis complicated by purulent manifestations, doctors use a solution for children at a concentration of 0.3%.

Preparation of a medicinal solution for nasal drops at home:

  • dilute an ampoule containing 0.5% antibiotic with water in a ratio of 2:1;
  • dilute an ampoule containing 1% of the drug in a ratio of 1:4;
  • drip into each sinus two drops two to three times a day.

The medicine quickly spreads through the nasopharynx, which helps to improve the breathing process.

Inhalations using a nebulizer are carried out as follows:

  • prepare a treatment solution using an ampoule of Dioxidine 0.5% and boiled water in a ratio of 1:3;
  • the duration of the procedure depends on the age of the child;
  • the procedure is carried out twice a day.

Dioxidine is a toxic drug. It is mainly used in hospitals under the supervision of a doctor. Before using the drug in the treatment of a child, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The estimated cost of the drug is from 188 rubles.


Nasal spray "Aquamaris" for children refers to safe and mild drugs in the treatment of the common cold.

The main component of the spray is sterilized sea water.

The use of the spray helps to cleanse the mucous membrane of the sinuses from dust particles and allergens.

Spray "Aquamaris" is used in the treatment of the common cold and in infants.

Mode of application:

  • clear the baby's sinuses;
  • perform one spray in each nasal passage.

The procedure can be carried out up to four times a day.

There are no contraindications to the use of Aquamaris spray for children.

The estimated cost of the drug is 180 rubles.

Homeopathic medicines in the treatment of children's rhinitis

The therapeutic effect of homeopathic medicines is based on the regeneration and stimulation of damaged tissues of the nasopharynx.

The use of homeopathic medicines contributes to:

  • stimulation of the child's immune system;
  • reduction of the inflammatory process;
  • the fight against viruses;
  • reduce swelling in the nasal cavity.

Homeopathic preparations are produced in the form of tablets, drops and spray.

Good homeopathic preparations used in the treatment of children's rhinitis:

  1. Nasal drops "Lymphomyosot", 30 ml.
  2. Homeopathic granules "Oscillococcinum", 12g.
  3. Homeopathic granules "JOB-baby", 20 g

Homeopathic medicines must be prescribed by a homeopathic doctor. Only a specialist will choose an individual rate and prescribe a regimen.

Estimated cost of drugs - 170 rubles.

Kalanchoe - an assistant in the treatment of a cold in a child

Kalanchoe juice is a natural antiseptic used in the treatment of the common cold in children of all ages. It has a mild disinfectant effect. Easily penetrates into the depth of the maxillary sinuses, which contributes to the abundant secretion of mucus.

Preparation of a solution for the treatment of infants:

  • pour 200 ml of water into an enamel bowl, add four Kalanchoe leaves. Bring to a boil and cool;
  • clean the baby's sinuses with a pharmacy pear;
  • drip one drop into the nose three times a day;
  • you need to lift the child, as drops will cause sneezing.

For children over two years old, it is enough to simply dilute Kalanchoe juice with water (1: 1), without preparing a decoction. The procedure is carried out within three to five days.

A runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. In children, this zone is too sensitive to external stimuli due to the immaturity of immunity. The causes of damage to the nose are various factors, even ordinary dust, not to mention viruses. Choosing a remedy for a cold for children is not easy. Parents carefully study them and select a medicine for a long time.

The best remedies for a cold for children are medicines with sea salt, they can be used from the very beginning of life, consisting of the following components:

  • Iodine - as a powerful antiseptic, it quickly stops the reproduction of microbes.
  • Zinc with selenium - improve the functioning of the immune system, help the body to more actively produce its own interferon.
  • Magnesium and calcium - reduce the secretion of mucus.

Each cold medicine for children formulated with sea salt is used for rinsing procedures before sucking snot from the nose. It also perfectly moisturizes dry mucous membranes, normalizing nasal breathing.

Aqua Maris

The Aqua Maris medicine is, in fact, sterile sea water with natural trace elements in its composition - magnesium, calcium, sodium, etc. It is used for children according to the following indications:

  • allergic reactions;
  • acute/chronic;
  • adenitis;
  • for the prevention of rhinitis in the offseason;
  • implementation of hygiene and moisturizing procedures for the mucous surface.

It has 2 release forms:

  1. Drops: bottle of 10 ml. They are prescribed to children from the beginning of life. According to the instructions, you need to instill the solution 3 times a day, 1 - 2 drops into the nostril. The average cost is 125 rubles.
  2. Spray from the common cold for children: a 50 ml can with a nozzle. It can only be used after 1 year. Also, the medicine is indicated for therapy and hygiene of the nose 1 - 2 injections 2 - 3 times a day. The average cost is 250 rubles.

Aqua Maris is safe for children. Allergy can be the only side effect, but it develops very rarely.

Aqualor Baby

Another remedy for sea water. The composition includes natural substances. This is sterile isotonic sea water with trace elements. The children's preparation not only cleanses and stops inflammation, but improves the functions of local immunity.
Aqualor Baby is used in such cases:

  • treatment, as well as measures for the prevention of infectious lesions and inflammation;
  • nasal hygiene;
  • preparation before using other drugs.

Aqualor Baby comes in 2 forms:

  1. Drops: a bottle of 15 ml, it is permissible to use immediately after birth, instill 2-4 times in the nostril several times a day. The cost is about 110 rubles.
  2. Spray: 125 ml can, it has a good nozzle with a limiter so that the tip does not enter deeply. Spray is allowed to apply to children after 1 year. The approximate cost is 370 rubles.

Otrivin Baby

This drug is a sterile isotonic saline solution. promotes thorough cleaning and moisturizing of the nose, normalization of local immunity. The medicine is natural for the body in composition. It is used for:

  • implementation of daily procedures for cleaning the nose of a child;
  • therapy and prevention of rhinitis.

Produced in the form of drops, nasal spray for children:

  1. Drops: 5 ml bottle, suitable for children regardless of age: 2-4 drops are instilled into each nostril. Approximate cost 200 rubles.
  2. Nasal spray: in 20 ml cans, recommended for children over 1 year old. The average cost is 170 rubles.

Vasoconstrictor drops

The use of such funds is undesirable for infants. These medicines can dry out the nasal mucosa too much. In addition, they are addictive, which subsequently requires an increase in dosage and constant use.
Medicines affect not only the mucous surface, but also the vessels of the body. The main rule of application is the course of no more than 5 days and no more than 2 times a day. The dose for newborns should be appropriate for age, so the use of these drugs without the permission of a doctor is prohibited.
Vasoconstrictor drops are effective for infectious, catarrhal, allergic rhinitis. They do not cure, but only stop the symptom of congestion, making breathing easier, and relieve swelling. They should be used before going to bed so that congestion does not interfere with the baby's sleep. The most famous vasoconstrictor drops are:

  • Nazol Baby;
  • Nazivin;
  • Vibrocil.


This is a remedy with the main active ingredients - dimethindene and phenylephrine. An auxiliary component is lavender oil, which is why the solution has a specific aroma and taste. Vibrocil well relieves swelling of the nose and quickly facilitates breathing. Indications for use are:

  • runny nose of any origin;
  • sharp forms.

Vibrocil is available in drops, there is also a spray, gel form. Drops are shown to children under one year old, a spray is shown to children under 6 years old. Drops are buried in this way:

  • children under one year old 1 drop in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
  • after a year, 2 drops 3-4 times a day.

Before use, you need to get the approval of a doctor. First, it is thoroughly cleaned, and when dripping, a burning sensation, discomfort in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx are sometimes noted. The average price is 230 rubles.

Nazol Baby

Vasoconstrictor with the active substance phenylephrine. It improves breathing through the nose, reducing swelling of the mucosa. The drug is available in drops of 15 ml. The indications for use are:

  • colds, SARS, influenza;
  • allergic reactions.

The medicine is allowed from birth, but the dose is set according to the age of the child:

  • children under one year old 1 drop 4 times a day;
  • children after a year 1 - 2 drops every 6 hours.

Despite the intended use for children, the medicine has contraindications:

  • treatment is prohibited for more than 3 days;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the agent.

When using parents should strictly monitor the doses. When they are exceeded, overexcitation develops and the rhythm of the heartbeat is disturbed. Headache, dizziness, poor sleep and tingling in the nose are also sometimes manifested.
The average price of funds is 160 rubles.

Traditional medicine recipes for a cold in children

Before carrying out any procedures in accordance with folk recipes, a specialist consultation is required. Children of different age groups have different contraindications and propensities for allergic reactions.
Too aggressive substances provoke burns of the mucous surface. The most popular recipes are:

  1. Instillation into the nasal passages with freshly squeezed juice from carrots or beets. First you need to dilute it with water. The younger the age, the lower the concentration.
  2. Garlic is rubbed on a fine grater, mixed with olive oil and infused for several hours. In each nostril you need 1 - 2 drops of the solution, it stings a little.
  3. . It is necessary to cut a leaf of the plant and place it in the refrigerator for several days, then squeeze the juice, dilute and lubricate the nasal passages.
  4. Instillation with sea buckthorn oil 3 times a day. It stops the inflammatory process and softens the lesions, making breathing easier.
  5. Salt relieves puffiness well. You can rinse the nasal cavity with a solution of salt several times a day.
  6. Instillation of a decoction of medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory action: plantain, calendula, sage, coltsfoot. The collection is boiled for 5 minutes, cooled and filtered.

Nebulizer for children

The process of rhinitis therapy with a nebulizer helps with any type of runny nose. This is a portable inhaler for the home. With it, you can quickly soften the irritated surfaces of the nasal mucosa, eliminate cough and remove swelling.
For the procedure, mineral water, physiological saline, special medications prescribed by the doctor are added to the nebulizer.
The nebulizer is highly effective due to the inhalation of vapors of drugs that penetrate deeply without causing irritation or burns. Usually, a child-sized mask is included with the device. The main disadvantage is that babies under 2 years old are afraid of the noise during the operation of the nebulizer.

Combination medicines

From the common cold for children, the safest and most effective remedies are based on herbal ingredients. They have a combined effect:

  • antiseptic;
  • mucolytic;
  • anti-inflammatory and decongestant.

The most popular combined remedy for a cold is Sinupret, but it is only allowed for children after 2 years.
Combined effective remedies for children from the common cold include and. They well remove puffiness, resist the defeat of viruses and stimulate the activity of the immune system. These drugs include: Edas-131 drops, Euphorbium Compositum spray. These are effective and completely safe medicines, but do not forget that only a doctor is involved in the selection.

Other drugs

  • Dolphin - a solution for washing the nose, is very convenient to use for babies who find it difficult to explain that they need to wash their nose. Up to two years is used with caution. There is a special release form for allergy sufferers. In the package of the drug 10 sachets with powder for dilution, a device for washing. The process alleviates the symptoms of a runny nose, stops swelling, washes away accumulated secretions, destroying bacteria and microbes.

  • Stickers Nozzle. They contain eucalyptus and camphor, which help ease breathing. If the baby removes the sticker on the clothes, you can fix it on the crib during sleep.
  • Ointment Clean nose - significantly relieves the condition with a runny nose. It contains oils of mint, eucalyptus. It is applied to the sinuses from above, so as not to burn the mucous membrane, it helps to eliminate irritation and inflammation.

An incorrectly selected remedy will not bring results in treatment, but will only worsen the child's well-being. In this regard, before using a particular drug, it is better to get the advice of a doctor.

Runny nose- This is a minor, but very unpleasant problem that affects the normal course of life. Especially a lot of trouble delivers a runny nose to young children. With a cold, they become capricious, demanding, always dissatisfied. Often, nasal congestion occurs in children who are not yet 1 year old. The reason for this is imperfect immunity. But even older than a year, kindergarteners can observe common colds. If it's not the flu, they are all accompanied by a runny nose. To solve this problem, the pediatrician will advise you on vasoconstrictor drops. Which of them is more suitable for your baby - read in this article.

Before talking about how a runny nose can be cured, let's talk about the stages of development of this disease.

reflex stage. It can last several hours. The mucous membrane becomes drier and paler because the vessels constrict.

Catoral stage. The constricted vessels expand again, the pallor is replaced by redness and the mucous membrane swells. In this case, it becomes difficult for the child to breathe, and a clear liquid is released from the nose. The cause of such a reaction of the body are viruses, due to which an allergy develops in the form of a runny nose. At this stage, you can not do without vasoconstrictor drops.

Recovery stage. The mucous membrane of the nose returns to normal, acquires a natural color, swelling is removed, dryness and other unpleasant symptoms are eliminated. Nasal discharge thickens and turns yellow or green. At this stage, it is important to cure the runny nose to the end, because it can turn into sinusitis. The usual treatment takes a week and can last up to 10 days.

The development of a runny nose in a child - a healthy and stuffy nose

Vasoconstrictor drops: advantages and disadvantages

To cure a runny nose in a child, is it worth turning to vasoconstrictor drops? These drugs have both pros and cons.

Advantages of drops:

1. Instant relief of breathing and general condition (headache reduction, falling asleep easier, elimination of weakness).

2. The use of these drops reduces the amount of secreted mucus, which, under adverse factors, can turn into inflammation of the ear (otitis media).

3. Ensuring free breathing helps to avoid complications in the form of pneumonia or bronchitis, since the mucus does not dry out.

Disadvantages of drops:

1. Exceeding the allowable dose can lead to increased pressure, tachycardia, and even fainting. This is especially dangerous for children. Also, such drops cannot cure a runny nose, you can only eliminate the symptoms.

2. Prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drops or non-compliance with the dosage can lead to dependence (drug rhinitis). Under the influence of drops, the vessels remain dilated, and the body requires an increasing dose to facilitate breathing. In this case, the nasal mucosa can become very dry and covered with crusts. To get rid of this addiction, the doctor may recommend other drops or dilute the usual medicines with water, gradually increasing the water content.

How to drip into the nose?

In the pharmacy, you can find both vasoconstrictor drops and sprays that work according to this type. If your baby is not yet a year old, we recommend that you abandon sprays in favor of drops. The reasons are simple: you can dose the drops yourself, and the spray sprays a large amount of medicine at once. The nasal passages of the baby are still very small, so the spray penetrates the ears, throat and causes inflammation.

For older children, you can use vasoconstrictor drops in any form of release. At the same time, sprays are very convenient.

How to use drops:

1. Let the child blow his nose or clear the nasal cavity of mucus with a cotton swab. For very young children, you can use an aspirator.

2. If the skin around the nose is reddened or covered with dry crusts, lubricate it with petroleum jelly, calendula ointment or baby cream.

3. Lay the child on the pillow and tilt his head to the left side, drip the required number of drops into the right nostril and press down several times with your finger. Repeat the same with the other nostril.

Dr. Komarovsky about children's runny nose

1. When choosing vasoconstrictor drops for children under one year old, you should pay attention to drugs that consist of phenylofrine.

2. In a room where there is a baby with a runny nose, you should use a humidifier and constantly ventilate the room. If the child is sick during the heating season, put wet towels on the radiators.

3. Drip vasoconstrictor drops only when the baby has to breathe through the mouth.

Vasoconstrictor drops: a little about vasoconstrictor drops

This medicine should always be in your home first aid kit. Do not be afraid to use it for yourself or a child - the correct dosage will significantly alleviate the condition of the child and will not be addictive. It is best to drip into the nose at night or before falling asleep. If the runny nose is allergic, use drops that work for a short time. With a cold, it is better to use long-acting cold medicines.

Rating of vasoconstrictor drops with a short-term effect

To choose the best remedy for a cold, check out the following. They have an effect of no more than 4 hours, they help children from birth to 6 years old well.

Naphthyzin. Thanks to these vasoconstrictor drops, swelling on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is removed very quickly. In this case, the capillaries expand and easy breathing is provided.

Contraindications: children under 1 year old, lactating and pregnant women.

Side effects: are addictive, cause weakness and dizziness. The use of Naphthyzinum by pregnant women can cause a lack of air for the child.

Nazol Baby. This type of vasoconstrictor drops is suitable for children up to a year old. They act quickly, but the effect does not last long. It is best to use this drug at bedtime to ease breathing and soften mucous membranes, and is also suitable for relieving allergic rhinitis.

Contraindications: no.

Side effects: no.

Vibrocil. Pediatricians often respond positively to this medicine for the common cold. Drops are suitable for children from 1 year to 6 years. Lavender extract in the composition provides a calming effect on the nervous system of a child with a cold. Drops are suitable for the treatment of colds, allergies and sinusitis.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components in the composition, atrophic rhinitis

Side effects: occasionally, a child may experience redness of the nasal mucosa or dryness.

Polydex. These drops not only have a vasoconstrictive effect, they also eliminate bacteria in the nose and relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane. This medicine treats rhinitis and sinusitis with suppuration. The product is suitable for children over 2 years old.

Contraindications: Herpetic eruptions in the nose, diseases of the genitourinary system, individual intolerance to the components in the composition.

Side effects: the appearance of dryness or redness of the nasal mucosa.

Rating of vasoconstrictor drops acting more than 8 hours

These drugs quickly relieve swelling of the mucosa and retain their effect for about 8 hours. Such vasoconstrictor drops have found another use: they are used to study the nasopharynx.

Tizin. These drops can be called an effective remedy for the common cold, because they begin to act after a few minutes and can have an effect of 10 hours or more. They can be dripped to children, starting from 2 years. Also, these drops are distinguished by an affordable price.

Contraindications: special sensitivity to the components of the composition.

Side effects: in children under 3 years of age, the appearance of dryness and redness of the mucosa, insomnia, a decrease in body temperature.

Otrivin. This drug was in the rating of children's drops for a reason, as it does not bring discomfort for children. Thanks to glycerin in the composition, it has a beneficial effect on the nasal mucosa and allows you to breathe freely for 10 hours or more. These drops can be safely used for chronic rhinitis, as they do not cause dependence. Otrivin is also effective for the treatment of allergies - it relieves puffiness and relieves such rhinitis in a few days.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the composition, lactating and pregnant women.

Side effects: no.

Long acting vasoconstrictor drops

These include the drug Nazivin. Thanks to this effective remedy for the common cold, rhinitis, sinusitis, allergies are treated and swelling of the mucosa is removed.

Contraindications: children under 6 years old,

Side effects: the appearance of dryness, redness, decrease in body temperature.

This type of cold medicine can compete with vasoconstrictor drops. Purified sea water is taken as the basis. It is diluted in an ideal ratio and is therefore well tolerated by the body.

The principle of action of such an isotonic solution is simple: the nasal mucosa softens well and becomes loose. This makes it easier to breathe, clears the nose of viruses, bacteria, and allergens.

Aqualorbaby. Suitable for newborns and older.

Aqualor (Norm spray and Soft aerosol). Designed for children from 6 months.

Aqualor Forte. Highly concentrated sea water with enhanced action. Recommended age from 2 years old.

Aquamaris. Fights bacteria and viruses, as well as allergens. Relieves inflammation, facilitates breathing and cleanses the mucous membranes. Drops are used for children up to 12 months, and the spray is suitable for older babies.

Rating of homeopathic drops for children from the common cold

Can these cold remedies be called effective? Doctors' opinions differ, but homeopaths do not doubt their effect. Such drops can be used by young children, as they do not cause side effects and are made on a plant basis. These drops should be used for at least a month, because all homeopathic remedies are effective when accumulated in the body.

IMPORTANT! You should not prescribe this type of drug to yourself if you have sinusitis or sinusitis.

Seagate. This herbal remedy reduces swelling and restores breathing. Olive leaf extract fights inflammation and infection.

Xlear. Helps the nasal passages to clear naturally, also fights bacteria and prevents them from entering the nasal mucosa. The medicine is suitable for children and can be used for prevention purposes.

These drops differ from vasoconstrictors in that they intensively moisturize the nasal mucosa due to oils. This type of drug is the most popular.

Pinovit. Thins secretions and makes breathing easier. Suitable for children from 2 years old. One drop 4 times a day is enough.

Contraindications: individual intolerance in the composition.

Side effects: no.

Pinosol. The tool has a pronounced antimicrobial effect due to the essential oils of pine and eucalyptus. Completely restores the mucosa, fights viruses, relieves inflammation and improves blood circulation. Also, the drug perfectly removes viscous discharge from the nose. Suitable for the treatment of not only the common cold, but also diseases of the bronchi, trachea, throat.

Contraindications: individual intolerance in the composition.

Side effects: no.

Derinat. Does not contain interferons, stimulates the immune system, relieves inflammation. This drug can be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

Grippferon. The medicine stimulates the immune system and fights inflammation of the mucosa, can be used for children under one year old, as it does not cause side effects and has no contraindications.

Ingaron. This drug is available as a white powder. When distilled water is added, a solution is obtained. This medicine effectively fights various types of viruses, but is not suitable for children under 7 years of age.

Such drugs are used only in extreme cases, as they contain potent substances.

Operate locally and effectively.
Do not cause allergies and addiction to antibiotics.
Do not disturb the microflora.
Do not affect the digestive, immune and circulatory system.
They can only be prescribed by a doctor, as they are an antibiotic.

Isofra. Spray medicine helps fight a variety of infections. This effective cold remedy can be used for no more than a week. This antibiotic is prescribed for both children and adults.

Polydex. It affects a wide range of bacteria. It is prescribed strictly by a doctor, as it contains hormones in the composition.

Drops are one of the preferred rhinitis treatments for young children, including infants. The lack of adequate therapy quickly leads to an increase in the symptoms of rhinitis, leading to complications in the bronchi and lungs. In young children, physiological and pathological rhinitis are distinguished. If in the first case no special therapy is required, only aspiration of the nasal passages from excess mucus is sufficient, then in the second case it is important to prescribe the correct treatment.

A runny nose in infants and children under 4 years of age is accompanied by severe anxiety, sleep disturbance, and a change in the psycho-emotional background. It is quite difficult for infants to compensate for the lack of nasal breathing through the mouth, so they develop respiratory failure especially quickly. This condition is dangerous during a night's sleep. With signs of rhinitis and nasal congestion, it is recommended to consult a doctor for diagnosis and determination of treatment tactics.

What drops to choose?

First of all, the nature of the symptoms, the general well-being of the child should be assessed. Determination of the characteristics of the disease is an important criterion in the appointment of further treatment. There are several types of runny nose in a child:

    Acute rhinitis. The disease begins with drying of the nasal mucosa, frequent sneezing, burning sensation. The first symptoms include nasal congestion with copious discharge, headache, severe malaise, fever (usually up to 37.5 ° C), inflammation of the epithelial layer of the nasal mucosa indicates both acute respiratory infections and ARVI or the influenza nature of the disease.

    allergic rhinitis. A runny nose begins immediately after contact with an allergen (animal hair, dust, food and drink, cosmetics and household chemicals), and is not accompanied by malaise. Allergic rhinitis provokes inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye, lacrimation, abundant separation of clear liquid mucus from the nasal passages. Allergy is rare in children under 1.5 years of age in the form of rhinitis, usually the body's reactions are dermatological manifestations.

    atrophic rhinitis. The disease is accompanied by headache, decreased olfactory function, swelling of the nasal mucosa and the formation of crusts. The main cause of the pathology is the prolonged course of vasomotor or allergic rhinitis. It usually develops in children older than 3 years.

If a runny nose in a baby develops against the background of a serious viral infection, then the main symptoms are high fever, headache, and general malaise. Discharge from the nose is thick, often with an admixture of greenish pus, which indicates the addition of bacterial microflora.

The appointment of nasal drops to a child alone is unacceptable. Not every doctor, based on a physical examination and complaints from parents, is able to make a final diagnosis. Laboratory and instrumental diagnostics may be required to determine the nature of rhinitis. Almost all drugs have side effects, they can provoke drug addiction and degenerative changes in mucous tissues along with the chronicity of the pathological process.

In addition, inadequate use of vasoconstrictor drops can lead to spasms and acute respiratory failure in children under 3 years of age. Swelling may spread to the lower respiratory tract. Drugs should be chosen not only on the basis of general symptoms, but also on the age of the patient, the type of course of the disease, the presence of other diseases of organs or systems.

Video from Dr. Komarovsky:


Drops from the common cold differ not only in pharmacological effects, but also in their constituent components. The basis of medicinal compositions can be:

    water emulsion (liquid, transparent drops, quickly absorbed into the mucous epithelium);

    oils and esters (oily dense liquids with a long therapeutic effect);

    colloidal substances (aqueous solutions with astringent properties with a prolonged effect).

For babies, nasal drops on a water or colloidal basis are ideal.

Oil drops are recommended for children over 3 years of age. Oil drops can stagnate and interfere with the patency of the nasal passages in infants due to the anatomical features of the structure of the nasal sections of infants.

Another extensive classification is the division of nasal remedies for the common cold in children into groups of pharmacological action. Rhinorrhea (excessive mucus flow) in children is treated with local preparations, namely, nasal drops. They are available in the form of drops or sprays for irrigating the nasal passages. For young children, the use of nasal drops is recommended, since the medication is delivered under pressure and some of it can penetrate into the ear, causing inflammation.


Vasoconstrictor decongestants have a rapid effect on inflamed nasal mucosal tissues. The composition of the drugs includes adrenoreceptor stimulants, which stimulate the vascular lumens with narrowing and expansion. Reducing blood supply reduces swelling, makes breathing easier. The use of funds is unacceptable for more than 5 days for several reasons:

    drugs only temporarily stop the symptoms of a runny nose;

    decongestants lead to drug addiction;

    inadequate therapy in children in 80% leads to drug-induced rhinitis;

    overdose contributes to headaches, dehydration of mucous membranes, nosebleeds.

Given the lack of a therapeutic effect, a drug should be preferred for moisturizing and stopping inflammation in the nasal passages. If it is impossible to do without decongestants in children under 3 years of age, then treatment should be started with minimal doses.

A subgroup of vasoconstrictor drugs are combined drugs, for example, Polydex, Isofra. Combined preparations have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, mild vasoconstrictive and anti-edematous effects. In acute or aggravated rhinitis, mixed drugs and all vasoconstrictor drugs will not bring the expected benefit.

Effective means from this line of drugs are considered Otrivin, Nazol, Nazivin, Xymelin, Adrianol, Sanorin, Vibrocil, Naphthyzin, Polydex, Isofra, Tizin.

Preparations for moisturizing mucous membranes

Cold drops for babies with a moisturizing effect are the best way to get rid of rhinorrhea in babies up to a year old. Humidification of the nose allows you to thin the mucus, ensure its immediate evacuation, and clean the cavities from dried crusts. The composition of classic moisturizers includes edible or sea salt, minerals and beneficial trace elements (magnesium, selenium, calcium, sodium). To reduce the viscosity of the mucous secretion, it is enough to drip 2-3 drops into each nostril.

For washing and moisturizing the nose in infants, it is better to use isotonic solutions (sodium chloride in the composition of such products is not more than 0.8%, so the drugs do not contribute to dehydration) or hypertonic solutions with the highest concentration of the salt component. For infants, it is safer to use isotonic drugs. The main assets are Aquamaris, Dolphin, Otrivin, Humer, Physiomer, Marimer, Doctor Theis, Salin, No-salt.

Homeopathic preparations

Rhinorrhea in children of any age requires effective but gentle treatment. These remedies include a group of homeopathic remedies, which include plant components, esters, extracts of medicinal herbs. High-quality nasal drops from this group have the following effects:

    relief of the inflammatory focus;

    stimulation of local and general immunity;

    activation of regenerative processes in mucous structures;

    increased tone of blood vessels.

Homeopathic preparations should be instilled in whole courses for several weeks. The main components accumulate in the mucous epithelium, which causes a prolonged effect of use. It is necessary to bury the nose 2-3 times a day. Popular drops are Euphorbium Compositum, Rhinitol Edas, Aflubin-Nase, Delufen.

Drops for viral rhinitis

Antiviral nasal drops are used for influenza conditions, viral nasopharyngitis, for acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, as well as in the treatment of bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract. The composition of almost all drops includes a special component - leukocyte interferon, which inhibits the further development of pathogenic virions in the nasal mucosa and their penetration into the depths of the epithelial tissue. Against the background of the application, it is easy to prevent the subsequent development of viral microflora in the respiratory system.

Medicinal drops based on interferon do not have a negative effect on the children's body, they can be used to treat the common cold in children from birth.

Effective means are Interferon, Derinat, Ergoferon, Nazoferon, Grippferon, Laferon.

Corticosteroid drugs

Hormonal agents are effective for vasomotor or acute allergic rhinitis, as well as for prolonged persistent rhinitis. Modern medicines do not enter the systemic circulation in large quantities, so they do not affect the children's body in any way. Hormonal drugs affect the characteristics of local immunity, have side effects in the form of fungal nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, catarrhal sinusitis.

Synthetic hormonal components have a wound healing, anti-allergic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. Indications for the use of hormones should only be a good doctor's reason according to many diagnostic criteria. Exceeding the dosage contributes to the thinning of the mucous membranes, a violation of the immune forces of the body, the development of glaucoma. Popular hormone-based products are Fliconase, Nasonex, Avamys, Xylometazoline, Tizin, Farial.

Drops with antihistamine effect

Antihistamines are used for more than just allergic rhinitis. They can become part of antibiotic therapy due to the pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Antihistamine sprays are used for children over 6 years old, but if prescribed, you can simply pour the drops of liquid into another container and bury them in the nasal passages with a regular pipette.

Antihistamine drops quickly reduce swelling, restore normal nasal breathing, and reduce the volume of discharge from the nasal passages. Effective drugs are Fenistil, Allergodil, Sanorin Analergin, Vibrocil.

Local antibiotics

Antibacterial therapy is required in the treatment of rhinitis in children from the neonatal period. This is due to the rapid spread of a bacterial infection to other parts of the respiratory tract, provoking the development of bronchitis or pneumonia, sinusitis, sinusitis and inflammation of the facial nerve. Despite the need for use, antibiotics have a wide range of contraindications and side effects.

When using antibiotics, it is necessary to take into account the severity of the common cold in a child, as well as the risks of developing complications. Among the popular remedies for children of different ages are Polydex, Isofra.

Review of 9 popular cold drops

Preparations for the treatment of young children have minimal concentrations of the active substance due to the unpredictability of the reaction of a small organism. There are several inexpensive and effective drugs to relieve the symptoms of rhinitis in children from one year and older.


Vasoconstrictor drops based on dimethindene and phenylephrine do an excellent job with the first symptoms of rhinitis. The content of lavender oil explains the specific taste and smell of the medicine. Indications for use are acute otitis media, rhinorrhea of ​​any origin. Drops are instilled into the nasal passages several times a day. For children up to a year, 1 drop is allowed in each nostril several times a day. Contraindications are a long course of rhinitis, sinusitis, individual intolerance to any component of the remedy.

Otrivin Baby

The drops are an isotonic solution (in other words, saline based on sodium chloride). Otrivin perfectly cleanses the nasal passages, moisturizes the nasal mucosa, promotes rapid evacuation of mucus from the nasal passages. Drops are used as daily nasal hygiene in newborns and older children before suction procedures. Indications for use are the treatment and prevention of rhinitis, as well as cleansing procedures.

Before aspiration, a few drops of the solution are instilled into the nasal passages of the child, after which the mucus is removed. The duration of use of the drug is not limited, as it does not cause side effects, contraindications.

Nazol Baby

A vasoconstrictor based on the drug phenylephrine. Nazol facilitates nasal breathing, reduces swelling of the mucosa. The main indications are allergic reactions with a runny nose, colds, symptoms of SARS or flu-like conditions. For babies, 1 drop in each nostril 3-4 times a day is enough. Older children instill 2 drops every 6 hours.

The duration of treatment should not exceed more than 3 days due to the risks of side effects and drug withdrawal syndrome. Be sure to comply with the allowable dosage. The drug is absolutely contraindicated in case of aggravated cardiac history, diabetes mellitus, allergies to various components. Among the side effects may be sleep disturbance, itching and burning in the nose, headaches.


Aquamaris is used for acute or chronic rhinitis, adenoiditis, allergic reactions. The tool is effective in the prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, especially against the background of high epidemiological risks. Humidification of the nasal passages is necessary to prevent the formation of crusts, degenerative changes in the mucous membranes of the nose. The product is safe for young children, does not cause side effects and allergies.

Protargol and Kollargol

Medicinal drops based on silver quickly relieve inflammation, reduce swelling of the mucous membranes, and have a pronounced antiseptic effect. Protargol is effective in hypertrophic rhinitis, as well as in chronic rhinitis. The solution is made in special pharmacies in accordance with the age characteristics of the body. On sale there is a 2% solution of Protargol and a "% solution of Collargol.

Against the background of taking nasal drops, there is a thickening and rapid excretion of mucus, a decrease in its volume. Drops are instilled with a pipette. The analogue of the drug is the pharmacy remedy Sialor. The constituent components are included in one tablet, which should be diluted with saline. The validity period of Sialor and Protargol is limited to 1 month from the date of manufacture.


The nasal drug Nazivin is available for children of different ages and has a different concentration of the main substance. The drug has a calming and protective effect on the inflamed mucous epithelium, improves the patency of nasal breathing, relieves pain in the beginning of sinusitis. Against the background of treatment, inflammation, itching, and severe swelling are reduced. The main indications for the use of the drug are acute rhinitis or exacerbations in its chronic forms, allergic, seasonal rhinitis. As a prophylaxis of the common cold, the remedy is not used.

For the treatment of a runny nose in young children, special forms of Nazivin Baby drops are used. It is not recommended to use the drug for more than 7 days due to the risks of drug withdrawal.


It is produced in the form of a spray, which is prescribed as a fast-acting vasoconstrictor: vasoconstriction, elimination of swelling on the mucous membranes with rhinitis. Suitable for the treatment of colds of an infectious or bacterial nature. By narrowing blood vessels, the spray quickly eliminates inflammation, normalizes a full-fledged recovery process. Xymelin does not irritate the mucous membranes, and the main components begin to act after an hour. The duration of the therapeutic effect lasts up to 12 hours. Xymelin spray is released from pharmacy chains in two dosages:

    the concentration of the active substance is 0.1% for children over 6 years of age.

The composition of the drug protects against the negative effects of external factors. The duration of treatment usually does not exceed 5-7 days. For serious kidney disease. Side effects are possible only after exceeding the permissible dosage: headache, irritation and dryness in the nasal passages, tachycardia, general weakness, nausea.


Effective drops Tizin are a universal drug in the treatment of young children. Positive dynamics is observed already a few days after the start of treatment. The tool facilitates nasal breathing, stimulates natural regenerative processes in the mucous structures of the nasal passages.

Tizin drops have a pronounced vasoconstrictive and anti-edematous effect. At the same time, the volume of secreted mucus decreases, the symptoms of a runny nose disappear. The drug begins its therapeutic effect immediately after instillation, and the duration of the effect lasts up to 6-8 hours.

Nasal drops are effective for sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis. With an uncomplicated runny nose, 1 drop in each nostril 3-4 times a day is enough. In severe cases of the disease, Tizin is used in complex therapy. Drops are contraindicated in inflammatory heart diseases (myocarditis, carditis), arterial hypertension (including secondary forms), diabetes mellitus.

It is necessary to remember the potential harm of alternative methods of treating the common cold. For example, instillation of the nasal passages with warm breast milk, freshly squeezed juices can lead to a serious allergic reaction. Warm milk is a medium for the development of bacterial microflora. Heating of the nasal passages is unacceptable. To achieve some therapeutic results, you can use a decoction of chamomile as a lung wash.

Cold drops are a quick and effective remedy for the first signs of a cold in children of all ages. The minimum content of active ingredients reduces the likelihood of developing allergies, reduces the risks of allergic reactions and negative consequences for the child's body. Timely correction of the common cold and the correct preparation of therapeutic tactics practically do not give complications to other organs or body systems of small patients.