Home inhalations. Choosing a medicine for home inhalation

For a long time, inhalations have been used to treat various colds. Inhalation administration of drugs will moisturize the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and improve sputum discharge. How to properly perform inhalation at home, what types of procedures are there, and what are they used for?

What types of inhalations are there?

Previously, people used improvised means for inhalation therapy, breathing over a pan with herbal infusions or potatoes in their skins. A special device has now become available, compressor nebulizer, intended for independent use at home.

Today there are the following types inhalations:

  • Wet. Most often, such home procedures are prescribed for diseases of the lower parts of the ENT system and are carried out using an inhaler. Antiseptic drugs, antihistamines, antibiotics, and hormones are used as solutions. Liquid temperature is 30-40 degrees. Even children can breathe through a nebulizer infancy: The device is absolutely safe and easy to use.
  • Heat-moist. Temperature medicinal solutions– 40-45 degrees. This physiotherapy procedure is used for better removal of sputum from the lungs, and can become a great assistant for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. For inhalation, bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory medications, hormones, saline, mucolytics, soda and salt are used.
  • Steam. They do not require the use of special equipment. Medicinal couples warm up to 45-55 degrees. Steam inhalations are indicated for the onset of a cold, cough with difficult mucus, sore throat, nasal congestion, and runny nose. They are carried out with infusions of herbs, essential oils, as well as pharmaceutical medications, for example, saline solution.
  • Oil. Done with the help essential oils. They will soften, disinfect and moisturize mucous membranes. Aroma oils are dissolved exclusively in water cooled to 50 degrees.

What can you do with inhalations?

For therapeutic purposes, both pharmaceutical medications and home remedies are used.

For rhinitis

At an early stage of rhinitis development, they will help to improve your well-being steam treatments. Perfect for this:

  • boiled potatoes in their skins;
  • infusions medicinal herbs– chamomile, linden, calendula, mint, eucalyptus, oregano, St. John’s wort, lavender, yarrow;
  • onion-garlic juice.

These products will warm the nasopharynx, improve the outflow of mucus and suppress the proliferation of microbes.

In case of exacerbation, aromatic oils will help:

  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • fir;
  • tea tree;
  • eucalyptus;
  • menthol.

Oils lose their healing properties in boiling water, so the liquid is heated only to 50 degrees. For 1 liter of water you will need 5-6 drops of the selected oil. The duration of the procedure is 2-7 minutes.

Among pharmaceutical medications for runny nose, Pinosol is used.

When coughing

On early stages Inhalation of warm steam will help cope with ARVI cough: it will moisturize irritated surfaces and improve the removal of mucus from the bronchi:

  • Essential oils of mint, incense, black pepper, rosemary, and cypress are used.
  • Herbs that will help relieve itching: chamomile, coltsfoot, thyme, oregano. These plants are suitable for both steam and heat-moist physiotherapy.
  • You can get rid of a cough with the help of Golden Star balm: it contains cloves, mint and eucalyptus, which have a positive effect on the condition of the mucous membranes. To do this, add a small amount of balm to hot water.
  • The medicine Ambroxol, which is used in a nebulizer, will help get rid of a dry cough. The drug helps transform a dry cough into a wet one and remove mucus from the lungs. Before use, the solution must be diluted with sodium chloride. Inhalation of vapors is carried out through the mouth.

For sore throat

Acute tonsillitis – serious illness, which requires reception antibacterial drugs. However, inhalation therapy can be used as an auxiliary method of alleviating the condition.

For angina, inhalation administration is indicated antiseptic drugs using a home inhaler:

  • Miramistina;
  • Chlorophyllipta;
  • Dioxidine;
  • Tonsilgona N;
  • Furacilina.

From folk remedies solutions are used with the addition of:

  • iodine;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • tea soda;
  • balm "Golden Star".

For steam sessions, plants with disinfectant properties are used:

  • eucalyptus;
  • marigold;
  • oregano;
  • Oak bark;
  • chamomile.

For bronchitis

To expand the lumen of the bronchi, medications are used in a nebulizer:

  • bronchodilators: Salbutamol, Ventolin, Berodual, Formoterol;
  • mucolytic drugs with ambroxol - Ambrobene, Lazolvan;
  • for better expectoration, use Tussikom, Fluimucil and other substances based on acetylcysteine;
  • antiseptics - Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt, normal saline solution;
  • V difficult situations inhalation of glucocorticoids is indicated - Pulmicort, Dexamethasone, Fluticasone.

They also perform physiotherapy on couples:

  • garlic juice;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • decoctions of medicinal herbs (pine needles, pine buds, chamomile, thyme, sage, calendula, eucalyptus);
  • mineral water;
  • aroma oils: fir, cloves, tea tree, etc.

Before performing home physiotherapy on your own, you should consult with your doctor.

For sinusitis

For inflammation maxillary sinuses The nebulizer is filled with the following pharmaceutical medications, mixing them with saline:

  • Polydexa, Rinofluimucil, Tonsilgon N;
  • Isofra, Dioxidin, Streptomycin, Gentamicin;
  • Derinat, Interferon.

Steam sessions using home remedies are quite effective:

  • propolis;
  • bay leaf;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • mixtures of lemon balm, plantain and celandine;
  • infusion prepared from plantain and yarrow;
  • essential oils of tea tree, cedar, pine, walnut leaves.

During pregnancy

Homemade inhalation procedures expectant mothers can be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, and are carried out with extreme caution, especially in the first half of pregnancy.

Among the herbs that are safe for pregnant women are:

  • sage;
  • thyme;
  • St. John's wort;
  • chamomile;
  • wild rosemary;
  • series;
  • eucalyptus.

It is permissible to inhale hot fumes:

  • essential oils of cedar, fir, pine, eucalyptus, rose oil;
  • saline solution;
  • balm “Star”;
  • soda;
  • sea ​​water.

In addition, inhalation is carried out using medications:

  • bronchodilators: Berotek is not prohibited during pregnancy, but care must be taken during treatment; Berodual is not used in the 1st and 3rd trimester.
  • Mucolytics: Ambrobene – used with caution in the 2nd and 3rd trimester; Sinupret - allowed at all stages of pregnancy; Mukaltin, Pertussin, as well as cough syrup are not prohibited for expectant mothers;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs: Rotokan, Malavit, Tonsilgon N, as well as tincture of calendula, propolis, eucalyptus;
  • Among the approved glucocorticosteroids, Pulmicort and Dexamethasone can be noted;
  • at bacterial infections Antibiotics Furacilin and Chlorophyllipt are prescribed.

For children

At home for patients younger age It is allowed to do inhalations by the following means:

  • mineral water Borjomi, Narzan;
  • Lazolvan, ACC, Chlorophyllipt;
  • Atrovent, Berodual, Berotek;
  • Mukaltin, Pertussin.

Folk remedies used:

  • saline;
  • tea soda;
  • regular table or sea salt;
  • aqueous solution of propolis;
  • potatoes boiled in their jackets;
  • plants - eucalyptus, mint, garlic, chamomile, sage, linden, oak bark.

The duration of the inhalation process is from 3 to 5 minutes.

During hot steam sessions, you must be present next to the child. It is unacceptable to dilute medicinal substances in too hot a liquid to avoid burns.

How to make an inhaler

An inhaler is a convenient and easy-to-use device, but not everyone has it. If the specialist recommended inhalation therapy, you can do without an inhaler by making it yourself:

  • The most in a simple way is to carry out physical therapy over the pan. To do this, take hot water into a container, stir a medicine or herbal infusion in it and bend over the surface, covering your head with a warm towel.
  • You can make inhalation without an inhaler using a regular or teapot. The boiled liquid is cooled to 40 degrees. A pre-prepared remedy or preparation is added to the liquid, a paper funnel is inserted into the spout of the kettle and the vapor is inhaled through it through the nose or mouth.
  • You can replace a purchased device with a regular one. rubber heating pad. Medicines are poured into the heating pad and you breathe through the hole.
  • The inhaler can also be made from plastic bottles. For this you will need a three-liter plastic bottle, from which it is necessary to cut off the lower and top part, remove the middle and connect both parts. You will get a kind of container for the solution. From another smaller bottle, the upper part with the neck is cut out diagonally, forming something like a mask. The two necks are connected and secured with tape. Medicine is poured into the tank and the vapors are inhaled through a homemade mask.
  • A pocket inhaler at home can be made as follows. You will need any plastic bottle or small jar with a tight screw-on lid. Two holes are made in the lid. A long cocktail tube is cut in half, both parts are inserted into the holes in the lid: one will go inside the jar, the second will remain on top. The outer tube is clamped with the lips and inhalations and exhalations are made through it.

How to properly perform home inhalations

Home inhalations – effective method treatment and prevention of pathologies respiratory system. Physiotherapy is an auxiliary method of therapy and is needed for quick removal symptoms. However positive result can only be achieved by performing the procedure correctly.


When using a home nebulizer, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Before the session, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap and prepare in advance all the necessary means for the physiotherapy procedure: the device itself, medicinal substance, isotonic solution;
  • masks and attachments are thoroughly treated with an antiseptic;
  • the drug is diluted with sodium chloride in the dosage prescribed by a specialist. First, saline solution is added to the device compartment, followed by medicine;
  • put a mask on your face and turn on the device;
  • inhalation administration of medications is not carried out immediately after a hearty lunch and physical activity. It is necessary to wait time (1-1.5 hours);
  • After the session, you should refrain from eating and smoking for 1 hour;
  • physiotherapy is carried out in a sitting position;
  • the solution is inhaled slowly through the mouth, with rhinitis - through the nostrils, in some cases it is recommended to alternate inhalation of vapors through the nose and mouth;
  • At the end of the process you should rinse oral cavity boiled water and wipe your face with a napkin;
  • the device must be looked after: rinse all its parts with hydrogen peroxide and dry.

The duration of the therapeutic session is 3-5 minutes for children, 7-10 minutes for adults, 2-5 times a day. The course of treatment is from 5 to 10 days.

Steam treatments

The process is very simple. Preparation will not take much time:

  • Preheated water with a medicinal decoction is poured into the container;
  • To avoid burns, wrap the pan in a towel and place it on the table. Don't put her on her knees;
  • the patient's head is covered with a warm towel;
  • breathing should be calm and slow. You should not breathe in vapors sharply and quickly;
  • at the end of the procedure, talking is excluded for 15 minutes, smoking, eating, drinking and visiting the street - for 1 hour.

The course of treatment is 5-7 days, the duration of physiotherapy is 10-15 minutes for adults, 5-7 minutes for children, 2-3 times a day.

Home inhalations are most effective for early signs colds or infectious diseases, and may become additional method therapy. However, do not forget that despite the effectiveness and safety of physiotherapy, it is necessary to consult a specialist before using it.

One of the most effective ways Inhalations are considered to get rid of colds. Inhaled vapors medicinal composition quickly enter the throat and envelop the mucous membranes, eliminating foci of infection. Dry cough inhalations at home reduce the frequency of spasmodic attacks and improve general state sick.

Is it possible to do inhalation when coughing?

A debilitating cough is not a contraindication to inhalation. However, the cause of spasmodic reflexes should first be established.

Homemade cough inhalations can be done in two ways:

  1. Inhalation of vapors. To perform the procedure you will need: a saucepan, a stove, clean water, a medicinal solution and a terry towel. The patient bends over a container with heated liquid, covers himself and breathes open mouth A couple of minutes. Precautions should be taken as there is a risk of getting burned. Such actions should not be carried out by patients with fever, as well as children who have not yet turned 1 year old.
  2. Using a nebulizer. A modern device uses ultrasound to spray medicinal composition into tiny particles that penetrate deep into the respiratory tract. Small elements are quickly absorbed into internal tissues body, the person is recovering. Main feature This method makes it possible to use the device for very young children.

Inhalations help to recover if an infection has settled in the human body. When a symptom is a sign allergic reactions or mental disorders, inhaling the vapors will not bring results.

An annoying dry cough in most cases signals the onset of an infectious respiratory disease or cold. In this situation, you should not hesitate and wait for the appearance additional signs. The main task with the onset of the disease is to transform a dry cough into a productive, wet one.

Important! Inhalations for dry coughs help moisturize an irritated throat and promote the formation of sputum. When the mucus is separated from respiratory organs, it can be noted with confidence that the body has gained strength and has already begun independent struggle with bacteria.

Inhalation with a nebulizer

The nebulizer is used at home to treat diseases of the upper and lower divisions respiratory tract. Procedures can be performed with a runny nose and cough for people of any age category, including small children.

But the operation of the device has its own characteristics. Subject to certain rules, treatment will bring maximum benefit:

  1. Temperature. Medicine for newborns and young children should be heated to 30°C. A formulation intended for 3-4 year olds should be around 40°C. The older age of the child involves bringing the treatment to 52 ° C.
  2. Preparation. The drug, warmed to the desired temperature, is poured into the nebulizer. 3-5 ml is enough for one session.
  3. Action. For 2-5 minutes, depending on the patient’s age, vapors of the medicinal solution are inhaled.
  4. Result. For 30-60 minutes after the manipulations, you should not eat or drink liquids; adults are prohibited from smoking for the next hour. Otherwise, particles of the medicine will be washed off from the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract without having time to be absorbed.

Know! Inhalations with a nebulizer cannot be carried out uncontrolled. correct dosage and the number of procedures should be determined by the attending doctor. Selecting a medicine for children is also the prerogative of a medical professional.

What to do with inhalation

At persistent cough you need to use the right medications:

  1. For procedures using bronchodilators, Atrovent and Berodual are often used.
  2. In obstructive forms of the disease, hormonal compounds are prescribed - Prednisolone, Pulmicort.
  3. For the speedy removal of sputum, mucolytic agents are prescribed - Lazolvan, Ambrobene.
  4. Pregnant women and children prefer to make solutions of Pertussin and other similar syrups mixed in equal parts with saline.
  5. You can get rid of a painful cough and sore throat with the help of inhalations with Lidocaine. You can take Novocain. For 1 l clean water dilute one ampoule of the substance.

Habitual steam inhalation will help adults and children get rid of dry cough very quickly. The compositions that are freely available are taken as a basis:

  • potato;
  • soda;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • dry herbs;
  • pharmaceutical composition for inhalation Chlorophyllipt;
  • tincture of calendula.

For the nebulizer, drugs that provide soft action, to soften and relieve sore throat:

  • mineral water;
  • Berodual;
  • Lazolvan.

Attention! From the range of mineral waters on store shelves, only one product is suitable - Borjomi.

For treatment with a nebulizer, 4 ml of heated natural composition is enough. During the day, perform from 2 to 4 sessions. To achieve desired result, you will have to breathe the product 6-8 times.


When treating with Berodual, you need to follow the dosage:

  • for a patient whose age is 1-3 years, 10 drops of the drug mixed in equal proportions with saline solution are sufficient;
  • for 3-6 year old children 15 drops are enough;
  • older people need to measure out 20 drops of the diluted drug.

In one day it is allowed to conduct from 3 to 6 sessions.

Lazolvan is good for softening irritated mucous membranes during a dry cough, and removing phlegm during a productive cough. Before use, it is diluted with saline in equal proportions. Inhalations with a nebulizer for children based on Lazolvan are carried out in the morning and in the afternoon, before bedtime. Permissible dose per day is 2 ml - for preschoolers, up to 4 ml - for other categories.

Important! Lazolvan is not used for inhalation if therapy with medications that suppress cough is prescribed.

You can combine two drugs. Berodual makes it possible to clear your throat; a dry cough gradually turns into a productive form. Lazolvan thins and accelerates the removal of mucus from the lower respiratory tract.

The complex procedure is somewhat different from conventional treatment sessions:

  1. 2 ml of saline solution and 8 drops of Berodual are poured into the nebulizer container.
  2. Allow the child to breathe for about 2-3 minutes.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, 2 ml of saline solution is poured into a clean container along with 8 drops of Lazolvan.
  4. The procedure is repeated.

Herbs and essential oils

Various herbal infusions. For greater effect, it is recommended to combine several types of plants:

  • coltsfoot;
  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • plantain;
  • St. John's wort;
  • calendula.

Add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of boiling water. l. crushed collection. Boil for several minutes, leave for at least an hour. Store ready decoction in a refrigerator.

Know! To enhance efficiency in herbal solution you can add a drop of fir, mint or eucalyptus oil. A small amount of Zvezdochka balm won’t do any harm.

Essential oils can be used as a base for inhalations. Calculate the dosage based on the amount of liquid. So, for 200 ml of clean water there are 3 drops of oil.

It is prohibited to fill the nebulizer with alkaline substances, so soda is only suitable for steam procedures.

Recipes for children are similar to preparing solutions for adults:

  1. In 1 liter pure hot water add 1 tbsp. l. soda. Cover your head with a towel and breathe for several minutes.
  2. Soda and a couple of drops of iodine are added to boiling water. Such a solution is detrimental to pathogenic bacteria.
  3. Soda is dissolved in water, then a few drops of ether are added there. The composition cleanses the respiratory tract from infections, helps to facilitate breathing.

Soda can also be combined with herbal preparations. A decoction of linden flowers or plantain with coltsfoot must be combined with 1 tsp. soda. Vapors from a solution heated to 60°C have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

Features of the procedures

Like any health-improving effect, inhalations have a number of limitations. Side effects practically does not occur, of course, if the patient does not have a pronounced tendency to allergies or diseases for which the use of the medicine is contraindicated.

But you still need to take some precautions. Medicines are harmful to the body in large quantities. If you have facial skin diseases, steam sessions should not be performed. Burning steam will only worsen the patient’s situation.

Attention! It is necessary to stop at any component for inhalation only after consultation with your doctor. After all, the drugs have contraindications and may not be suitable for one or another group of people.

It must be remembered that solutions intended for inhalation should not be heated above 80°C. And this temperature can burn the mucous membrane of the throat. The maximum time for the procedure is no more than 5 minutes. Between sessions it is necessary to take a break from 15 minutes to 4 hours.

Many people have been familiar with the inhalation procedure since childhood. But to do it right similar treatment, you need to know how to do inhalation, using what means. And take everything into account important contraindications for such an independent procedure.

What are inhalations and how to perform them?

Inhalation is effective method, completely painless, but extremely effective, which is used during colds. With the help of inhalations, the patient’s condition is alleviated both at home and in medical institutions. The procedure is considered especially relevant various forms ah bronchitis, with a runny nose and even as part of allergic reactions.
There are many types of treatment methods. But there are several main ones:
  • natural inhalation, for which there is no need to use special means; it is carried out in certain natural and climatic conditions, for example, in the mountains;
  • artificial inhalation, applicable at home or in hospitals; if “grandmother’s” methods are not chosen for it, then it becomes necessary to perform it with an inhaler (nebulizer).
Within the framework of artificial inhalation, several subtypes are distinguished:
  1. steam when inhalation of medicinal dry steam occurs;
  2. water, the breathing process is carried out over a solution or herbal decoction;
  3. warm water, during inhalation the medicinal mixture is constantly heated;
  4. aerosol, with the help of which only the medicinal substance enters the body of a sick person.
Although many people are familiar with this painless method of dealing with a runny nose or cough, not everyone knows how to do inhalations correctly on their own. Not only the breathing process itself and the duration of the procedure are important, but a number of additional rules also need to be taken into account.

General rules

  1. It is necessary to take or treat a cough at home 1-3 times a day. However, the duration of exposure for adults should not exceed 10 minutes at a time. Doing inhalation small child, you need to reduce the time to a maximum of 5 minutes.
  2. Any inhalation at home should be carried out 2 hours after eating. Warming up in the evening is recommended for children.
  3. Before doing inhalation at home, you need to free yourself a certain amount of time. During the procedure, it is forbidden to talk, be distracted by reading, or the Internet. Afterwards, the patient should lie down in a calm environment for 30-40 minutes. You shouldn't talk either.
  4. After completing the procedure, for an hour you cannot: smoke, eat food, sing or shout, have active conversations, drink, actively engage in any activities, and it is also prohibited to go outside, sit near open window or in a draft.
  5. Carrying out the inhalation procedure using medicines must take into account all the recommendations specified in the instructions. If used herbal teas, it is important not to be allergic to them, especially in small children.
  6. People who avoid visiting doctors' offices are often interested not only in how to do inhalation at home and comfortable conditions, but is it possible to prescribe this procedure for yourself? Inhalations for adults can be carried out without a doctor’s prescription, using traditional methods treatment. It is not recommended to perform such warming on a child, especially one under 12 years of age, without consulting a specialist.
  7. During the home procedure, the patient should wear loose and comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement, breathing, or put pressure on the throat. It is better if it is made from natural fabrics. After warming up, you need to change clothes.
  8. It is important to maintain sterility. If you are going to do inhalations for a dry cough or a runny nose, you must wash your hands thoroughly. And also carry out home sterilization of available devices, an inhaler.
  9. Any decoction or solution for heating must be used at a time. Store it until next procedure It shouldn't even be in the refrigerator.
  10. If inhalation is performed using several medications, then the sequence prescribed by the doctor is important. Often, as part of obstructive bronchitis, when the cough occurs in attacks, a drug that blocks spasms is first used, then a sputum thinner. Antibiotics and anti-infectives complete the inhalation.
  11. You can repeat the course of inhalation procedures for 7-10 days.

Before inhalation, you need to know exactly how to dilute medications for this procedure. It is worth remembering that this action is carried out either using distilled water or using saline solution. You must rely on the instructions included with the drug.

Contraindications and precautions

Cough inhalation is a procedure that can improve the patient’s condition in record time, eliminate suffocating spasms, and prevent the progression of bronchitis to chronic stage. But resorting to this method even within the framework of a different variant of the disease, it is necessary to remember about safety, taking into account important contraindications.

Precautionary measures

  • The temperature of the steam or water for exposure should not exceed 40-45 degrees if warming up is done for adults. For children, the temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.
  • Inhalations should be taken carefully. There is a risk of getting a burn to the mucous membrane of the nose, throat, or larynx if the temperature of the vapor is very high.
  • When a procedure is done against a runny nose or with bronchitis at home without the use of special devices, it is necessary to carefully bend over a container with a heated broth. The distance should not be less than 30 cm. Otherwise, you may get a skin burn.
  • Any inhalation for children should occur under adult supervision.
  • If any discomfort occurs (nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath), the procedure should be interrupted subsequently by reducing the exposure time, and always after an appointment with a doctor.
  1. Tendency to bleeding, including nosebleeds.
  2. Inhalation with bronchitis or another disease will be prohibited if the patient suffers from hypertension or pressure drops.
  3. You should refrain from the warming method if.
  4. During pregnancy, feeding, inhalation should not be performed without consulting a doctor. Often application pharmaceutical drugs forbidden.
  5. Children under 3 years of age should not be inhaled, the risk of mucosal burns is too high. In some cases, according to the doctor's prescription, it is permissible to do this using a nebulizer.
  6. At , pulmonary insufficiency, purulent sore throat, during severe swelling of the larynx, as well as during an exacerbation of allergies with swelling, inhalation procedures are prohibited.
  7. Inhalations are not carried out for violations of cerebral blood supply, heart failure.

How to do inhalation and special devices for the procedure

The process of the inhalation procedure proceeds largely the same, regardless of what devices are used.

Inhalation process for dry or wet cough
  1. Before starting the procedure, take into account all the rules and precautions.
  2. Inhalations are carried out through the mouth for 2-3 seconds.
  3. Then you need to hold your breath for 1-2 seconds and then exhale slowly and completely.
Inhalation procedure for a runny nose

Breathing is carried out exclusively through the nose (inhalation and exhalation). You should not hold your breath.

At different respiratory diseases, when there is a runny nose, a sore throat, and a cough of any form, inhalations are carried out for greater effect through both the mouth and nose. Exhalations are done in the same way; there is no need to hold your breath.

Inhalation devices
  • Teapot. This option is suitable for inhalation for dry cough, when herbal decoctions and essential oils are used. Additionally, you need to make a cardboard cone (funnel) by inserting it into the spout of the teapot. For children under 12 years of age, the funnel should be long enough so as not to burn the mucous membrane with the vapor.
  • A saucepan or other container. Using such utensils, you can carry out both steam and water procedures. During inhalation, for greater effect, it is necessary to cover the patient with a terry towel.
  • Inhaler. Such spray-based devices are often used to relieve asthma attacks. They can be used for inhalation with saline solution and medications.
  • Nebulizer. A portable device sold in pharmacies that makes inhalation easy even for small children. You can use the nebulizer in any position.

When deciding what to do with inhalation for a dry, spasmodic cough, giving preference medications, it is necessary to take a long interval between procedures. For example, when using berodual, the time interval should be at least 4 hours.

Inhalation for cough with a nebulizer: nuances of use
  1. This device is easy to use and has a special mask, thanks to which breathing can be done through both the mouth and nose. After each use, it is necessary to carry out disinfection (sterilization) in exactly the same way as before using the device.
  2. It is this device that is necessary in order to do inhalations with Berodual and other medications and saline. However, it is not suitable for the use of essential oils.
  3. You cannot store the decoction or solution inside the nebulizer. The entire portion of the product is used at a time.

Options for the procedure

Wondering what to do with inhalation for dry skin, wet cough or a runny nose, you should pay attention to available remedies, folk methods and medicines. They must be selected based on the desired result.

Available options
  1. soda solution Suitable for carrying out the procedure for dry, hacking cough and warming up the throat. You can also add a drop of iodine and table salt to the liquid.
  2. Steam inhalation using boiled potatoes in their jackets. When looking for an option to use for inhalation when you have a runny nose, you can stop here home remedy, which is suitable for “pacifying” a cough, will help warm up the body well.
  3. Onion or garlic infusion.
Folk remedies
  1. An excellent option is to carry out the procedure with Borjomi for children or adults. An analogue can be any other mineral water. First you need to leave it for 3-4 hours, opening the bottle so that all the gases come out. And then heat it to the desired temperature and carry out inhalation.
  2. Chest collections are the answer to the question of how to use inhalations for coughs without using medications. The preparation should be selected based on the type of cough. The decoction is applicable for various forms of inhalation procedures.
  3. Separate healing herbs, which are used in pure form or a “home mix” is compiled from them, again based on the patient’s condition:
    • how to do inhalation with dry and frequent cough: coltsfoot, sage, chamomile, mint, lavender;
    • what to use for inhalation for a runny nose: fir, coniferous mixtures, St. John's wort, calendula, raspberry;
    • choosing from options which inhalations to do for respiratory diseases general type, giving preference to herbs, you need to use: oak bark, black currant, oregano, string, plantain.
Medical supplies

Their list is quite extensive. The selection of medication is made together with the doctor, based on specific purpose procedures. However, to popular means can be attributed:

  • inhalation with lazolvan in its pure form or mixing it with berodual;
  • berodual diluted with saline solution;
  • 0.9% pure physical solution; the process of how to do inhalations with saline solution is very simple: just warm up the product for water inhalation or add the solution to the nebulizer;
  • Ambrobene.

The word “inhalation” translated from Latin means “I inhale.” This represents medical procedure treatment by administering drugs through breathing. They are supplied to the body in the form of gases, steam or smoke. Inhalation can be easily done at home. The main thing is to know how and when to do it.

How to do inhalation? Video instructions for inhalation

Inhalation can be roughly divided into two types: natural and artificial. In both cases, a person receives the treatment he needs, only the principle is slightly different. In the first situation, the inhalation of useful and healing vapors is carried out independently in nature. The second option uses additional funds and devices, such as an inhaler.

The advantages of inhalation are obvious: the time of administration of the drug is reduced (in comparison with the same dropper), there is a selective effect on the airways affected by the disease

Inhalation is used for two purposes. One of them is providing treatment for diseases of the ENT organs. The second is the provision of a systemic effect on the entire body as a whole.

Indications for use of inhalations

It often happens that a person does not know in what situations it is necessary to use the inhalation treatment method. Doctors have compiled a very clear list, according to which there are a number of diseases when inhalation is not just necessary, but very necessary.

The list includes:

  • various forms of ARVI (rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and much more), as well as their complications, for example, false croup
  • exacerbation chronic diseases ENT organs, type chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.
  • bronchial asthma
  • bronchitis
  • pneumonia
  • fungal infections of the respiratory tract (both upper and lower)
  • tuberculosis
  • cystic fibrosis
  • HIV infection

What you will need for inhalation at home

First of all, when planning to do inhalation at home, think about exactly how you will perform it. For example, you can breathe healing air using available means. Or you can use special devices. In both cases, treatment will be effective. Easy to use special devices inhalation will be more convenient.

By improvised means we mean an ordinary wide saucepan. You need to cook something in it, for example, potatoes. Then place it on the table, sit on a chair in front of it, tilt your head as close as possible (as long as you can tolerate the hot air) to it and begin to inhale the vapors. For greater benefits, place a towel over your head. Alternatively, you can simply pour boiling water into a saucepan and add essential oils, such as eucalyptus, which are great for coping with the symptoms of ARVI.

Hypertensive patients need to be careful with this type of inhalation. This is due to the fact that too hot steam steams the face, causing blood to rush to the vessels. This means that you can easily provoke a rise in pressure

You can use a simple inhaler for inhalation. Such a device is usually sold in pharmacies and is a small container (usually plastic) with a specially designed top with a spout through which steam comes out. However, it should be taken into account that hot inhalation cannot be done in such a device, only warm inhalation.

Correct inhalation today is one that is performed using special devices: ultrasonic inhalers and nebulizers. Their cost cannot be called budget (especially in comparison with the first two options), but the benefits are quite obvious.

The principle of operation of such devices is that they easily convert medications that are used to treat serious diseases into vapor.

In addition, due to their more powerful effects, deeper inhalation can be done. After all, substances penetrate much deeper than the upper respiratory tract. This is a compressor device that operates from the network. A tube extends from it through which air passes. In the middle there is a container into which you usually pour medicinal product. Another tube extends from it, through which air and medicine flow to the nasopharynx. At the end is a mask. It must be worn on the face. As a result, the drug will pass through both the nose and mouth.

Types of inhalations

When planning to do inhalation at home, be sure to focus on the condition own health. After all, what type of inhalation will help you directly depends on what stage of the development of the disease the disease is. So, for example, if it just starts to tickle in the throat, swallowing becomes painful, steam inhalation will help you. Be sure to control the process of inhaling hot air so as not to get burned. After all, treating burns of the nasal mucosa is still a pleasure.

To make the effect more effective, it is better to add phytoncides to the water, that is natural ingredients– herbs, oils and much more. As a result, your throat will soften. And, as a bonus, your skin will rejoice: natural ingredients will moisturize it too.

If you did not have time to capture the first stage of the disease and feel that you are already being choked by phlegm, lingering runny nose or there is dryness in the nose, you will have to use warm-moist inhalation. In this case, you can use a strong, warm infusion of herbs. You don't need hot air here, so you can safely insist useful plants, cool them slightly and pour into a nebulizer. The duration of one procedure is about 15 minutes. As an option, in this case, for treatment you can use ordinary mineral water such as “Borjomi” or “Essentuki”. Such inhalations are called alkaline.

When your voice disappears, your cough is dry, and your throat is very sore, you need oil inhalations. This is due to the fact that oil molecules soothe the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and create a protective layer, thanks to which harmful substances are no longer absorbed into tissues.

Rules to follow when doing self-inhalation

There are a number of rules that will help you do inhalation correctly. Be sure to dress in loose clothing that will not restrict movement (and this despite the fact that inhalation does not involve active body movements). It is better if it is made of natural fabrics. You cannot do the procedure in an excited state; first you need to calm down, and then proceed. It is better to eat at least 1.5 hours before inhalation. After the procedure, it is recommended to lie down for half an hour or even more, so that everything useful material finally distributed throughout the nasopharynx and lungs.

Inhalation is a wonderful remedy, but not everyone uses it correctly. How to properly perform this procedure at home?

Benefits of inhalation

The main advantage of inhalation is that medications are introduced into the body naturally - with breathing and are delivered through the shortest route directly to the respiratory tract.

The smallest particles of the drug come into contact with the maximum possible area of ​​the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, due to which they are quickly absorbed into the blood and instantly have an effect. therapeutic effect on the body.

Inhalation devices


To turn the kettle into a home inhaler, modify it a little.

Make a funnel out of cardboard or thick paper so that its narrow part fits tightly onto the spout of the teapot, and the wide part fits your nose and mouth.

Place the funnel on the spout of the kettle - the inhaler from the kettle is ready.


This inhaler has been known since time immemorial.

Extremely easy to operate. To put it into operation, you just need to remove the lid from the pan.

Preparation of medicinal solutions for inhalation


Dissolve 4 teaspoons in 1 liter of hot water baking soda. Softens the throat and thins mucus.

Mineral water

You need mineral water "Borjomi" or "Essentuki". If you don't have one, use any mineral water.

Before inhalation, do not forget to heat the mineral water. Liquefies mucus and facilitates its removal from the body.

Onion or garlic

Once crushed or mushy, add hot water to it.

You will get an excellent antibacterial and antiviral treatment solution.

Medicinal plants

Chamomile, St. John's wort, lavender, mint, oregano, sage, juniper, linden flowers, eucalyptus leaves, cedar needles, pine buds, and many more.

3 tablespoons medicinal plant or medicinal collection(mixture of plants) pour 1 liter of hot water, let it brew in a water bath for 15 minutes with the lid closed.

Having cooled a little, breathe, destroy infections, heal wounds, get rid of pain and sore throat.

Essential oils

Oils of eucalyptus, Siberian cedar, bergamot, anise, thyme, sandalwood, fir and spruce. They make breathing easier, soothe the throat and fight bacteria and viruses.

Pour one or two teaspoons of essential oil or essential oil composition with 1 liter of boiling water.

Boiled potatoes

Freshly boiled potatoes can be called a solution for inhalation with a very big stretch, but in their own way medicinal properties it is in no way inferior to mixtures from medicinal herbs, nor essential oils.

Performing inhalation

In case of diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, inhale and exhale through the nose without tension and breath holding.

In case of diseases of the pharynx, larynx, trachea, large bronchi, inhale through the mouth, protruding the stomach forward as much as possible. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds, and then exhale vigorously while simultaneously drawing in your abdomen.

The duration of inhalation is from 5 to 15 minutes. Determine the duration of the procedure yourself, based on your own well-being.

One of the types of inhalations is. If possible, be sure to visit it.


Inhalation should be carried out no earlier than an hour after eating, otherwise nausea and heartburn may occur.

Perform inhalation in quiet conditions, without being distracted by talking, reading books or watching TV.

For an hour after inhalation, refrain from talking, singing, eating and smoking.

Who is inhalation harmful to?

If your temperature is above 37.5 0 C, refuse medical procedure— do not raise your body temperature even more, creating an excessive burden on the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

For hypertension, pulmonary-cardiac and cardiopulmonary failure, severe pulmonary emphysema, after suffering massive pulmonary hemorrhages, inhalation can be carried out only after consultation with a doctor.

Take care of yourself! Be always healthy!