Healing mineral water Donat mg. Mineral water Donat magnesium

Healing mineral water Donat Mg not the first year confirms its beneficial features. Most other mineral waters have an effect associated solely with the presence of many sodium, chlorine and bicarbonate ions, creating alkaline environment. Donat Magnesium, in contrast to them, improves health due to the effects of minerals in its composition, providing a specific effect. Following the instructions for use, these water helps from various diseases.

Donat Magnesium for constipation and disorders of the large intestine

In case of disruption of the large intestine and constipation, adults should take very warm Donat Mg on an empty stomach, 0.3-0.8 liters.
If necessary, also drink 200 ml warm before going to bed. The course of treatment is permanent, or for 5 days after 2.

Note: a number of publications indicate the wrong dosage in milliliters, much less than necessary!

For heartburn

In chronic diseases of the stomach and duodenum

Take warm three times a day:

  1. On an empty stomach: 200-300 ml
  2. Before dinner: 100 ml
  3. Before dinner: 100 ml

The course is carried out twice a year for 3 months in spring and autumn.

With increased acidity

100 ml of mineral water at room temperature several times a day 20 minutes before meals, between meals and 1-2 hours after meals. The course to drink constantly or with short breaks.

For weight loss

With obesity and when feeling hungry, take 300-500 ml of warm medicinal mineral water on an empty stomach And in between meals and before meals 100 ml cold. The course of treatment is 3 months with a break of a month 3 times a year.

To cleanse the body

To get rid of toxins, you need to take warm water 15-20 minutes before meals three times a day

  1. Before breakfast: 200 ml
  2. Before dinner: 150 ml
  3. Before dinner: 150 ml

Course duration: 4-6 weeks. Repeat 2-3 times a year.

To improve the well-being of healthy people

Drink chilled 100-200 ml before meals. Constantly or with short breaks.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy causes an increased need for magnesium. To compensate, take cold Donat three times a day:

  1. on an empty stomach 200 ml;
  2. at noon 100 ml;
  3. in the evening 100 ml.

Use constantly or with short breaks.


1 time per day, 3-5 ml per kilogram of body weight for 4-6 weeks.

Noteworthy are the results of a study conducted at school No. 1271 in Moscow. The use of Donat Magnesium mineral water reduced muscle pain and cramps, eye fatigue, headaches, loss of appetite in more than half of the children tested.


The resulting lack of magnesium will compensate for 250-350 ml of cold Donat Mg every 2 hours. It will also help you get rid of the body faster.

For male infertility and gynecological diseases in women

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"Donat Mg" has an antispasmodic effect on the stomach (relieves spasms), improves peristalsis, improves the motor-evacuation function of the stomach, enhances metabolism, blood circulation, has choleretic action, promotes the elimination of toxins, quickly renews cells.

Application: strictly in 15-20 minutes. before meals - in the morning, on an empty stomach 200-300 ml; in 15-20 min. before lunch, dinner 150-200 ml.

"Donat Mg" reduces blood sugar, improves its uptake by tissues, promotes better production of insulin by pancreatic cells, and prevents the development of vascular complications of diabetes.

Application: strictly in 15-20 minutes. before meals - in the morning, on an empty stomach 150-200 ml; in 15-20 min. before lunch 100-150 ml; in 15-20 min. before dinner 100-150 ml. In the presence of concomitant diseases the course of administration (mode, dosage, temperature) is desirable to coordinate with the doctor (tel. see Where to buy - Regions - doctor's consultation).

"Donat Mg" improves nucleic metabolism, reduces the level uric acid in blood.

Application: 15-20 min. before meals - in the morning, on an empty stomach 200 ml, 15-20 minutes. before meals 150 ml.

"Donat Mg" increases the secretion of bile, and also enhances intestinal motility, thereby exerting a laxative effect.

Application: in a warm form, strictly in 15-20 minutes. before meals in the morning, on an empty stomach 300-350 ml, before lunch 100-200 ml (water temperature 20-25°C)

"Donat Mg" stimulates metabolism, increases the breakdown and excretion of fats, accelerates the removal of toxins and fluids from the body, reduces weight without losing macro- and microelements.

Application: strictly in 15-20 minutes. before meals in the morning, on an empty stomach 200-300 ml; in 15-20 min. before lunch, dinner 150-200 ml.

"Donat Mg" neutralizes acidity, relieves spasms, stimulates peristalsis, improves blood circulation, regenerates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Application: 15-20 min. before meals: in the morning, on an empty stomach 100-200 ml, 15-20 minutes. before meals 150 ml.

"Donat Mg" improves the emptying of the gallbladder, relaxes the sphincter at the exit of the bile duct, improves the composition of bile, regenerates liver cells, improves blood circulation in the liver and pancreas.

Application: 15-20 min. before meals in the morning, on an empty stomach 100-200 ml, 15-20 minutes. before lunch, dinner 150 ml.

Donat Mg is a natural inhibitor of calcium stone formation.

Application: 15-20 min. before meals: in the morning, on an empty stomach 100-200 ml, 15-20 minutes. before meals 150 ml.

"Donat Mg" reduces hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, reduces acidity gastric juice, reduces the number of gastroesophageal and duodenogastric refluxes.

Application: 15-20 min. before meals: in the morning, on an empty stomach 150-200 ml, 15-20 minutes. before meals 150 ml.

stress, syndrome chronic fatigue

"Donat Mg" relieves symptoms of depression, apathy, reduces irritability, excitability, accumulates energy in cells, increases attention, memory, normalizes the transmission of impulses to muscle cells increasing muscle strength and tone.

Application: strictly in 15-20 minutes. before meals in the morning, on an empty stomach 100-200 ml, 15-20 minutes. before meals 150 ml.

Hypertension, lowering blood cholesterol

Magnesium has a beneficial effect on vascular tone, relieving their spasms, and thereby normalizes arterial pressure, as a result - the symptoms of migraine are removed, shortness of breath disappears.

Application: strictly in 15-20 minutes. before meals in the morning, on an empty stomach 100-200 ml, before meals 100-200 ml.

Prevention of gallstone formation

Magnesium ions - improve the emptying of the gallbladder and, at the same time, relax the sphincter at the exit of the bile duct.

male infertility

Magnesium provides high sperm motility. In case of violation of magnesium metabolism in them or with its deficiency, there is a decrease motor activity(lifelessness).

Application: in the morning, on an empty stomach 100-200 ml, before meals 100-200 ml.

In 500 ml. mineral water "Donat Magnesium" contains daily rate magnesium (Mg2+), which is well absorbed in the body. In case of magnesium deficiency, Donat is a sufficient remedy for effective treatment.

Application: in the morning, on an empty stomach 100-200 ml, before meals 100-200 ml.


Acute and chronic kidney failure; gallstone disease requiring surgical intervention; oncological diseases, the period of exacerbation or decompensation of the main slaughter; conditions requiring hospitalization and hospital treatment; recent exacerbations peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, with bleeding.

IMPORTANT! Check out the contraindications. For effective course treatment and prevention - the mode of administration, temperature and dosage of Donat Mg medicinal mineral water should be agreed with the doctor (see phone number in the section "Where to buy - Regions - Doctor's advice")

Donat Mg is water with unique properties and composition. It is rich in magnesium and other useful components. Further we will talk about this natural panacea, find out why it is used and how.

Water has miraculous powers, which flows in underground pools, which are located in the area of ​​​​rocks. Such water tends to be enriched with minerals that have healing properties. The resort, located in the east of the country of Slovenia - Rogashka Slatina is known almost all over the world. He gained his popularity thanks to the source of mineral water Donat Mg.

Healing mineral water Donat Magnesium: composition, indications for use

Donat Mg differs from other medicinal mineral waters in its composition. Such water contains many useful components, it is uniquely balanced, suitable for complex treatment different ailments. It is recommended by doctors to improve the functioning of internal organs, strengthen muscle and bone tissues. It is effective for the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • Diabetes, disorders of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Gastritis, stomach ulcers, intestines, heartburn
  • Pancreatitis and cholecystitis, hepatitis
  • Hypertension, relieves high blood cholesterol levels

In addition, mineral water relieves tension, relaxes muscles in spasmodic conditions. It increases potency, promotes weight loss, removes toxins, toxins.

Mineral water- compound

IMPORTANT: Magnesium, which is part of mineral water, promotes the accumulation of energy in cell tissues, it strengthens nervous system thanks to its anti-stress properties.

Healing mineral water Donat Magnesium: instructions for use for adults

Natural panacea has truly unique properties. She amplifies metabolic processes in various systems organism, strengthens tooth enamel, supplies carbon dioxide, sodium ions, calcium sulfate, bromine, magnesium, lithium, fluorine, bromine, iodine and other substances to human vital systems. The only thing healing water it is necessary to drink according to a certain scheme and only the attending physician can choose the correct dosage for the patient. Only then will you benefit from this mineral water. If we count approximately, then an adult should consume approximately three hundred five hundred milliliters Donat Mg per day.

Water Donat Mg

To prevent this from happening, take Donat Mg according to a specific method:

drink water three times a day- required after food intake. The interval between the meal and the use of Donat Mg should be two and a half hours. One kilogram of human weight should account for 26-30 ml of water per day.

IMPORTANT: Active substances Donat Mg quite quickly penetrate into the vessels, human blood, thereby provoking biochemical processes. As a result, the patient feels a surge of energy and general improvement health pictures.

Healing mineral water Donat Magnesium: instructions for use for children

Young children, especially up to a certain period, are actively growing. They undergo changes, or rather, the formation of all organs different systems. That is why children simply need natural minerals, which are abundant in Donat Mg water. Drink water in certain dosages. Below is a table of data on how to use the panacea.

Donat Mg - how to drink for children?

Therapeutic mineral water Donat Magnesium: instructions for use for pregnant women

The benefits of Donat Mg mineral water are obvious. Naturally, if it is not abused, but drunk according to the above schemes. Despite this, pregnant women may have doubts whether the source of unique components will harm the unborn child.

Donat Mg is useful for expectant mothers at any time, the main thing is that a woman should not have contraindications to its composition and not get carried away by its excessive use.

In not large quantities water will save the future woman in labor from toxicosis, anemia, constipation, causeless anxiety, depression, miscarriage, problems with internal organs, any fears, nervous overexcitement.

Donat Mg will also be useful for a little baby, it is able to saturate the body useful substances, normalize the functionality of all vital systems of the body.

Donat Mg - for pregnant women

IMPORTANT: Pregnant women should use Donat Mg in the same way as adults.

How to drink Donat Magnesium water for constipation

Constipation - causes discomfort in people, because of this ailment, patients feel constant feeling fatigue, bad taste in oral cavity, bloating, nausea. Donat Mg water can save a person from such a problem. It enhances the production of bile secretion, increases the work of peristalsis of the large intestine. It saturates the body with fluid, thereby preventing the stagnation of feces.

To get rid of this symptomatology, use water according to the usual scheme - three times a day for three hundred to four hundred milliliters per day.

Donat Mg for constipation

How to drink Donat Magnesium water while losing weight?

If you decide to drop excess weight with the help of this natural drink, you do not have to sit on a strict diet and constantly exhaust yourself with workouts in gym. You can do it without it by taking only Donat Mg water before eating. Many losing weight have already tested this quality of water for themselves. In one calendar month, you can lose from two to six kilograms of body weight. For maximum results, drink water in a course 25 minutes before meals. The scheme of use of Donat Mg is presented in the table below.

How to use? The volume of water consumed Temperature regime How to use? How much to take?
25 minutes before morning meal 225-325 ml Temperature - 55°С Quick sips

5 to 6 weeks

25 minutes before lunch 175-225 ml Temperature - 25°C Slow sips
25 minutes before evening meal 175-225 ml Temperature - 25°C Slow sips

Is it possible and how to take Donat Magnesium mineral water with diabetes?

If a person regularly does not eat right and overeats, then his metabolism may be disturbed and, as a result, there may be metabolic syndrome. It lies in the fact that the patient's organs are disrupted. This results in improper production of insulin. It is present in the body, but does not work as expected - it turns into a hormone, which further leads to excessive fullness.

And helps to cope with the situation in such cases Donat Mg. The main substance, which is abundant in the liquid - magnesium penetrates into the cells, where, due to the expulsion of calcium and sodium, there are more receptors on the cell membrane itself. And bicarbonate contributes to the production good hormones that improve insulin production.

Water lowers blood sugar, normalizes the functionality of the pancreas, helps slow down the aging process of cellular components. Use it the same way as for weight loss. before meals per twenty five minutes for a month in the amount of 225-500 milliliters per day.

Donat Mg water for diabetes

Healing mineral water Donat Magnesium: contraindications, side effects

Even such a natural panacea as mineral water has a number of contraindications. You can't drink it:

  • patients with kidney disease
  • with pathologies cholelithiasis that require surgery
  • cancer patients, during an exacerbation of pathology
  • people with stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers with internal bleeding
  • patients with low acidity

To avoid any complications, take Donat Mg in sparing dosages. And do not start drinking water immediately with the recommended doses. You should start drinking it with a small amount (preferably half the dose), and then, making sure that it suits you, take 325-500 ml of water per day.

Contraindications. Who should not drink Donat Mg?

IMPORTANT: To prevent the mineral water from losing all its useful properties, in no case leave it in the refrigerator. You can't freeze it either. Drink water only for prevention. Do not replace Donat Mg daily dose fluid consumption.

Healing mineral water Donat Magnesium: analogues

It is difficult to find Donat Mg mineral water in the regular market. Stelmas MgSO4 can become its cheaper analogue. It contains similar components, but they are still somewhat different. This mineral water also has a choleretic, laxative effect. It is necessary to drink an analogue only as prescribed by a specialist doctor in recommended dosages.

Water Stelmas Magnesium - analogue of Donat Mg

This mineral water has been popular for a long time, now its properties are also not lost. Therefore, it has not lost its popularity to this day. It is not used to treat various diseases. It is recommended for health maintenance, preventive purposes. If you do not take into account the contraindications of Donat Mg, then complications and problems with the patient's health are possible. Before using it, consult a specialist doctor.

Video: Healing mineral water Donat Magnesium: reviews

Healing water “Donat magnesium” (Donat Mg) is water with a high degree mineralization. Her characteristic feature is the presence in the composition of electrically active ionic magnesium (Mg+++). This mineral water is extracted exclusively from the Rogaška Slatina spring in Slovenia, famous for its healing properties from the 17th century. Balneological procedures (therapeutic procedures using medicinal mineral water) used in this resort allow you to recover from ailments of various origins.

How to drink donut water

Donat magnesium mineral water is best taken as a therapeutic course. Regularity will provide the best therapeutic effect.

Medical instruction Donat magnesium mineral water is quite simple:

  • this remedy should be drunk on an empty stomach before lunch and dinner about 20 minutes before meals;
  • The recommended dose depends on individual features body, however, the average is 200-300 mg at a time;
  • water temperature should be room;
  • duration of treatment - 4 weeks;
  • pass full course water treatment is needed at least twice a year;
  • mineral water should also be stored at room temperature.

To experience the healing properties of this mineral water, it is not necessary to go to Slovenia to the Rogaska Slatina resort.

You can buy donat magnesium at a pharmacy or order it through specialized sites on the Internet - in this case, the goods will be delivered directly to your home. The price of donat magnesium mineral water ranges from 100-120 rubles per liter.

Donat water benefits

Water is used for the following therapeutic purposes:

  • Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. This water has an antispasmodic effect on the stomach, improves intestinal motility, improves its motor-evacuation work, speeds up metabolic processes, enhances blood circulation, has a choleretic effect, removes poisons and toxins from the body, and renews cells.
  • Decreased blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus. Donat magnesium water improves the absorption of sugar by tissues, and promotes the intensive production of insulin in the pancreas. In addition, this water has a preventive effect in vascular complications of diabetes.
  • Donat magnesium water for weight loss is also effective. It has a stimulating effect on metabolic processes, improves the breakdown of fats and promotes their removal from the body. Donat magnesium accelerates the removal of excess fluid from the body, reducing weight without losing essential trace elements.
  • Treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers and small intestine. Water neutralizes hyperacidity in the gastrointestinal tract, promotes regeneration processes in the mucous membranes of the digestive organs.
  • Treatment of hepatitis and cholecystitis. Min water donat magnesium helps the gallbladder to carry out the outflow of bile,
    improves the regeneration of liver cells and improves blood circulation in this organ, as well as in the pancreas.

This is far from complete list medicinal properties water. According to reviews, donat magnesium mineral water is a remedy that also has a healing effect on gout, pancreatitis, hypertension, male infertility.

The use of medicinal water is also useful for chronic fatigue syndrome, stress, depression, irritability. Regular consumption of Donat magnesium water improves memory, increases attention and positively affects the activity of neurons in the central nervous system.

Water brings significant benefits in the presence of a deficiency of magnesium and other minerals necessary for full-fledged life activity in the body.

This water is also useful for women during the period of gestation - it prevents miscarriages, helps in the treatment of late toxicosis of pregnancy, eliminates anxiety, fear of pregnant women before childbirth, and is used in the prevention of anemia (anemia) and constipation. Water is not contraindicated even for nursing mothers.

In addition, women can take medicinal water from Slovenia to eliminate premenstrual syndromes and eliminate the consequences of taking hormonal contraceptives.

Mineral water Donat magnesium - contraindications

Like any other water increased level mineralization Donat magnesium is contraindicated in case of.

In the small resort town of Rogashka Slatina, located on the territory of Slovenia, water from local underground sources was used to treat diseases and prevent pathologies. Over time, she became known throughout the world under the name "Donat Mg" due to a large number Mg and other minerals in its composition. Donut Magnesium is drug group "C" and is used as additional remedy in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the body systems and pathologies of a different nature.

The quantity and variety of components in Donat Mg water allows you to restore the balance of minerals and create favorable conditions for supporting normal operation organism.

You need to consume this mineral in large quantities. Donat magnesium began to be actively used in all areas of medical practice around the world.

Experts recommend regularly using Donat Mg to prevent pathologies of the digestive, cardiovascular, nervous and genitourinary systems. And also the composition of water makes it possible to carry out the prevention of various diseases associated with metabolic processes in the body. This is especially true in areas with a significant deficiency of Mg and minerals in drinking water and food.

Composition of Donat Magnesium

Water contains great amount minerals - 13.2 grams per 1 liter of water (H 2 O).

  • Mg 2+ from 1040 to 1080.
  • Na+ from 1555 to 1570.
  • Mn 2+ from 0.9 to 0.13.
  • Al 3+ from 0.15 to 0.19.
  • Ca 2+ from 370 to 380.
  • NH 4+ from 0.5 to 0.8.
  • K+ from 17 to 17.2.
  • Li + from 2.2 to 2.6.
  • Fe 2+ from 8 to 8.2.
  • HCO 3 - from 7760 to 7800, on average 7790 mg / l.
  • HPO42 0.11 to 0.13, averaging 0.12 mg/L.
  • SO 4 2 - from 2190 to 2220, on average 2200 mg / l.
  • NO3 from 0.05 to 0.12, averaging 0.1 mg/l.
  • Cl - from 66.5 to 66.9, on average 66.7 mg / l.
  • Br from 0.39 to 0.43, on average 0.42 mg/l.
  • I from 0.1 to 0.14, on average 0.12 mg / l.
  • F from 0.1 to 0.25, on average 0.2 mg/l.
  • NO2 from 0.01 to 0.02 mg/l.

Weak electrolytes:

  • HBO2 18 to 18.2, averaging 18.1 mg/L.
  • H2SiO2 from 144 to 145 mg/l.
  • CO2 from 3610 to 3620 mg/l.

Remaining elements:

  • Molybdenum (Mo).
  • Vanadium (V).
  • Cobalt (Co).
  • Nickel (Ni).
  • Chrome (Cr).
  • Zinc (Zn).
  • Copper (Cu).

Residual elements are the main catalysts in many enzymatic reactions.

The main action of Donat magnesium

Ionized magnesium (Mg) in the composition of Donat Magnesium easily penetrates into cells and into short time begins its effect on all organs and systems. More than 500 metabolic biochemical processes are regulated throughout the human body.

Regulates processes:

  • physiological;
  • energy;
  • biochemical;
  • electrolyte;
  • plastic.

Relieves spasms:

  • Bronchi - with obstructive, acute and chronic bronchitis, improves breathing and expectoration of mucus and sputum.
  • Reduces the level of histamine and prevents the frequency of spasms in bronchial asthma.
  • Vessels - with ischemic and hypertension, improves blood circulation in the capillaries and vessels of the brain.
  • Intestine - with acute poisoning and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Uterus - during menstruation.

Used to regulate conductivity nerve fibers. For example, when severe stress magnesium strengthens and calms the nervous system.

Indications for use

Prolonged consumption of mineral water with food has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Used in the treatment chronic diseases, which are already several years old and in the complex prevention of acute pathologies.

Donat Mg is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of pathologies:

  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • endocrine system;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • nervous system;
  • urinary system.

For comprehensive prevention pathological conditions in pregnant women and young children, gynecologists and pediatricians prescribe regular use mineral water with magnesium.

Impact on the gastrointestinal tract

For correct operation digestive system, you need to constantly eat healthy food with the minimum amount synthetic additives. Drinking water, which comes to us with the help of a water pipe, is not always of proper quality. It is saturated with minerals and substances that are harmful and harmful to the human body. They get into tap water from old pipes or from a contaminated source.

Therefore, regular consumption of pure mineral water in food will allow you to maintain health and cleanse the body of those substances that have a detrimental effect on it.

Donat magnesium is used to treat many pathological processes.

Gout– Donat Mg normalizes metabolic processes nucleic acids and intensely reduces the production of uric acid.

- used for the complex treatment of dysbacteriosis in conjunction with other drugs.

- produces a laxative effect through increased peristalsis and bile secretion. Restores water deficiency, thereby contributing to the removal of hardened feces.

– neutralizes acidity and activates the recovery process cell structure intestinal mucosa with gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer.

Hepatitis- an increase in the amount of fluid and the ability of magnesium to relieve spasms, allow you to restore patency bile ducts, and promotes the removal of frozen clots from the gallbladder.

- reduces hyperemia, relieves pain and inflammatory processes in tissues and mucous membranes.

The impact of mineral components on the digestive organs

Magnesium - penetrates through the intestinal wall in the amount required by the body. At this time, it soothes irritation of the intestinal mucosa and normalizes its motor function.

Sulfates - together with magnesium, it has a beneficial effect on the biliary system, clearing it of stagnant bile and small stones. Stimulates digestive process and relieves irritation of the walls of the intestinal mucosa.

Hydrocarbonate - reacts with acidic environment thereby reducing the level of acidity in the stomach. The released gas acts on the mucous membrane, thereby enhancing its blood supply and metabolism.

Hydrocarbon - allows you to reduce the amount of secreted gastric juice. It is used to treat gastritis, ulcers and.

Fluorine - compensates for the lack of this mineral in the body, prevents the formation and stops the development of caries.

Surpluses of all substances are easily excreted from the body. This distinguishes Donat magnesium from tablet preparations that are forcibly absorbed.

Influence on the activity of the organs of the cardiovascular system

Donat magnesium has a feature - it relieves spasm of smooth muscles of small and large vessels of the whole body, through stress relief and calming the fibers of the nervous system. Due to the mineral composition, the resistance of the heart muscles to stress loads. Magnesium preparations are prescribed to all hypertensive patients and those who are ill ischemic disease hearts. positive property consider the ability to remove excess cholesterol from the blood, which is very important in the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Impact on the nervous system

Neurologists and psychiatrists prescribe magnesium preparations to patients prone to constant stress, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome, seizures and nervous breakdowns. But taking pills is not the best way out, if there are no serious mental illness or deviations. Therefore, for the treatment and complex prevention of altered states of consciousness, prescribe daily intake with food mineral water saturated with magnesium and other minerals.

mineralized natural way water, favorably affects the nervous system and restores mental health.

At the same time, it has a positive effect on the entire body, without side effects, like synthetic potent medicines.

Donat Magnesium contains lithium and bromide, which has a calming and antidepressant property. For residents big cities and megacities are The best way calm the nerves without the use of potent drugs.

Influence on the genitourinary system

AT medical practice a well-established method for the treatment of disorders of the genitourinary system in men using mineral water with high content magnesium and good general mineralization. Violation of metabolic processes, deficiency of magnesium and minerals lead to asthenozoospermia - a decrease in the mobility of healthy spermatozoa.

Medicinal water Donat magnesium restores the balance of minerals and normalizes the necessary metabolic processes to restore their mobility.

It has diuretic effect due to an increase in the blood supply to the kidneys, an increase in their filtering ability and urine output.

Interaction with the organs of the endocrine system

  • diabetes;

Mineral water Donat magnesium helps to reduce blood glucose levels and insulin synthesis in patients diabetes. Normalizes the work of the pancreas and removes toxic substances and excess sugar through urine and feces. Prevents damage and necrosis of the cellular structure of tissues under the influence high level blood sugar. Donat Mg prevents the development of retinopathy, nephropathy and other complications.


Removes inflammatory process in the body of the gland, removes spasms of sphincters and normalizes the output of digestive juices in. The antispasmodic and analgesic effect is caused by the action of water components on the nervous system and smooth muscles of the intestine.

Cleansing the body with Donat magnesium

Medicinal water with a high content of ionized magnesium and minerals, allows you to remove metabolic products and toxic substances from the body through genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract. Daily consumption water starts the process of renewal of the tissue structure, maintains the overall tone of the body, normalizes the work of all systems.

Treatment with Donat Mg lasts on average 4 to 6 weeks, 2-3 times a year. To do this, 30 minutes before a meal, drink 200–300 ml and 200 ml on an empty stomach early in the morning.

In everyday life, it is used to treat withdrawal symptoms (hangover) and reduce alcohol intoxication. Exact dosages appointed by a specialist after a thorough examination.

Reception in childhood

The use of mineral water has a beneficial effect on the body of all people. age groups unless there are strict contraindications. For pregnant women and children of any age, Donat magnesium is used to prevent pathological conditions and treat hypomagnesemia. All components present in the composition take part in the processes of the structure of bone and muscle tissue.

The mineral composition of Donat Mg gently affects children's body without causing adverse reactions. Only the attending physician can prescribe such therapy or profile specialist. Self-medication can lead to aggravation of the disease or to adverse reactions in normal health.


The main contraindications for the use of Donat Mg are:

  • Individual intolerance to one of the components.
  • Severe forms of intestinal disorders.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • A number of oncological diseases.
  • Severe forms of heart defects.
  • Kidney diseases.

Video: Cleansing the body with Donat magnesium healing mineral water