Remineralization of tooth enamel in dentistry and at home. Proven Methods for Remineralization of Tooth Enamel

Enamel is the hard shell of the tooth, made up of 97% inorganic substances. If the mineral balance is disturbed, the surface layer becomes loose, does not cope with its protective functions, and as a result, dental diseases occur.

Remineralization of teeth is a set of procedures that help restore the integrity of the enamel and prevent the development of dental pathologies.

Healthy enamel is smooth, milky-white in color, without pigmentation and inclusions. Surface layer hard, able to withstand the chewing load and protect the internal vulnerable tissues of the tooth. The thickness of the enamel different parts crowns are not the same, the most thin layer located in the cervical region. Despite its hardness, the protective shell is very vulnerable to external factors environment. Acids are dangerous to enamel. Under their influence dental tissue thins and becomes loose, demineralization occurs. At favorable conditions for the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria, caries develops.

A number of reasons lead to the destruction of enamel:

  • poor hygiene oral cavity;
  • the presence of somatic chronic diseases;
  • unbalanced diet, overeating, passion for sweets. This factor applies to people of any gender and age. Parents should give Special attention children's menu. It must be remembered that the enamel of milk teeth is much thinner than that of permanent units. In case of malnutrition, the chance of softening of the enamel and the development of caries in children increases dramatically;
  • trauma and microtrauma. Wall spall healthy tooth possible due to hard hit or falls. Microtrauma occurs due to bad habits(clicking the peel of nuts, seeds, biting nails), eating solid foods (chips, crackers);
  • self-treatment. Violations of the integrity of the crown occur when trying to whiten or grind teeth at home. Trying to eliminate aesthetic defects, people use alkalis and acids, grind the enamel with improvised means. Such manipulations lead to trauma to the teeth, the appearance of sensitivity and the development of caries;
  • malocclusion,;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcoholism).

On early stages demineralization, external changes practically absent. A signal of pathology is hypersensitivity of the teeth. A man goes to the dentist with complaints about discomfort when eating spicy, salty, sour, cold and hot foods. Upon careful examination, the doctor notices minor changes in the crown - microcracks, lack of luster, whitish blotches.

Restoration of the protective layer

Strengthen the enamel and return it to her protective functions means to prevent teeth from developing dental pathologies. You can restore the balance of trace elements in 2 ways: natural and artificial.

natural method aims to eliminate concomitant diseases, strengthening the body, improving the quality of oral hygiene.

Artificial mineralization is carried out with the help of special dental tools and devices. Treatment can be done in a clinic or at home. The method, preparation and duration of the procedures are prescribed by the doctor, depending on the individual health status of the patient. You should not carry out therapy on your own, without examining a dentist. Self-medication can lead to the development of dangerous consequences.

Indications for dental remineralization

Mineralization of teeth is carried out for children and adults. With the help of timely dental procedures, the risk of developing caries and its complications is reduced.

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding. The procedure is painless, completely safe for the body of mother and baby;
  • the appearance of hypersensitivity of the teeth;
  • the formation of caries in the stain stage;
  • preparation for teeth whitening;
  • the appearance of signs of demineralization - lack of shine, pigmentation, roughness;
  • before installation and in the process of wearing an orthodontic system;
  • after removal of hard bacterial plaque.

A contraindication to enamel mineralization is individual intolerance to the drugs used in the treatment.

Types of remineralization

There are 2 types of remineralization: artificial and natural. The natural method of enamel restoration does not require dental procedures. It consists in observing healthy lifestyle life, a varied fortified diet, the elimination of concomitant pathologies. To prevent demineralization, the dentist prescribes special therapeutic pastes, gels, mouth rinses.

List of hygiene products used at home:

  • toothpaste Colgate (Colgate) "Sensitive Pro-Relief", President (President) "Unique", Splat (Splat) Professional "Biocalcium", Lacalut (Lacalut) "Extra Sensitive",
  • remineralizing gels Roks (R.O.C.S.) "Medical Minerals", Elmex (Elmex) gelee;
  • Colgate Elmex tooth rinses, President Classic.

You can learn about the benefits of the mineralizing gel ROKS (ROCS) "Medical Minerals" from the video:

The composition of hygiene preparations includes calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and fluorine, which contribute to the restoration of the mineral composition of tissues. At the same time, toothpastes, gels and rinses help fight bacterial plaque, relieve inflammatory reactions of soft tissues, and prevent the development of caries.

The artificial method of mineralization is carried out in dentistry, with the help of mineralizing varnishes, gels and pastes.

Procedures are carried out in various ways:

  • using special caps. The method is practiced in dental clinics, suitable for home use;
  • by physiotherapeutic procedures - the introduction of microelements into the tissues of the tooth under the influence of minimal discharges of electric current;
  • application of fluoride varnishes ().

Do not choose drugs on your own. For selection hygiene product visit the dentist. The doctor will conduct an examination and diagnosis, determine the degree of demineralization, select optimal treatment taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Description of the enamel mineralization procedure

Before remineralization, the foci of infections of the oral cavity are sanitized, and hard and soft bacterial plaque is necessarily eliminated. Professional hygienic treatment is carried out with the help of ultrasonic and sandblasting apparatus, special paste and brushes.

After preparation, the enamel is thoroughly dried. Applications or dental trays filled with gel for remineralization of teeth are applied to the surface of the teeth. Part medical preparations includes calcium, phosphorus, magnesium.

Steps to strengthen enamel with calcium gluconate:

  • plaque removal;
  • enamel drying;
  • application with 10% calcium gluconate solution. The procedure is carried out for 15-20 minutes. Every 5 minutes, there is a change of turundas with therapeutic fluid;
  • the final step in the restoration of enamel is fluoridation. Manipulation is carried out using preparations containing sodium fluoride. Fluoridation helps to protect teeth from external adverse environmental factors and reduce the likelihood of caries.

Manipulations are carried out daily or every other day. The course of treatment varies from individual characteristics the patient's body and ranges from 10 to 20 procedures.

Prices for treatment in Moscow clinics

Approximate cost of procedures:

  • removal of hard and soft microbial plaque. The price of manipulation can be indicated for 1 unit or for the whole dentition. General cleaning will cost 3000-4000 thousand rubles, professional hygiene of 1 unit will be 200 rubles;
  • restoration of enamel using fluoridation from 200 to 300 rubles. for 1 unit. Complex treatment teeth worth 2500-3000 rubles;
  • fluoridation with varnish of all units from 1500 to 2000 rubles;
  • fluoridation with a mouth guard for remineralization of teeth from 2000 to 2500 rubles.

Mineralization and fluoridation procedures for preventive purposes are recommended to be carried out once every 6-7 months.

Question answer

What is the difference between remineralization and fluoridation of teeth?

With remineralization, preparations containing calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are used. By using important trace elements, tooth enamel is being restored. To consolidate the result and prevent re-demineralization, fluoridation is carried out (the procedure for saturation of dental tissues with fluoride compounds). For fluorination, modern safe drugs domestic production - Belagel F, Fluor-Lux, Gluftored. The composition of therapeutic liquids and suspensions includes not only fluorine ions, but also calcium hydroxide. Fluoridation is an integral part of remineralization and in most cases is carried out in conjunction with it (with the exception of fluorosis).

Prevention of demineralization is to eliminate aggressive environmental factors. To keep your teeth healthy, you need to give up bad habits, observe oral hygiene, eat rationally, and avoid stress and injury. The best prevention diseases is systematic observation at the dentist and timely sanitation of foci of infections.

Increased sensitivity of the enamel, the appearance of cracks in the teeth, the occurrence of caries - all these unpleasant phenomena occur as a result of leaching of minerals and other trace elements from the enamel. To restore the structure of the tooth, an enamel remineralization procedure is performed. This process can be artificial and natural.

Why does tooth demineralization occur?

Healthy enamel is the key to strong teeth

At healthy microflora in the oral cavity, as well as in the normal composition of saliva, the process of remineralization occurs continuously and naturally, providing a balanced balance of minerals in tooth enamel. But modern quality life often does not allow enamel to remain healthy, this is facilitated by a number of factors:

  • eating disorders,
  • poor quality of drinking water,
  • eating a lot of sugar
  • abuse of coffee, tea, alcohol,
  • deficiency in the body
  • bad habits,
  • stress.

Enamel loses minerals and other components necessary for its health as a result of exposure to teeth that are too alkaline or acid environment. Such a process is called demineralization. Its result is a change in the composition of the enamel, as well as a weakening of its protective functions.

The disadvantage of the following components has a negative effect on the state of the enamel:

  • fluorine,
  • apatite,
  • carbonates.

A deficiency of these elements provokes the onset of a carious process - the occurrence white spot.

Timely enamel remineralization makes it possible to completely stop the carious process, as well as return the tooth to its original appearance.

Read also:


The remineralization procedure is effective in the following cases:

  • the initial stage of caries, when white spots appear and slight damage to the upper layer of enamel is observed,
  • softening of the tissues of the teeth,
  • wedge defect
  • enamel hypoplasia,
  • increased tooth wear
  • enamel demineralization that occurred under the tartar,
  • recovery after prolonged wear,
  • preparation for laser teeth whitening,
  • increased sensitivity of enamel to various irritants.

Enamel remineralization

Teeth coated with fluoride varnish

Enamel remineralization is a restoration of the balance of mineral compounds in the enamel structure in order to increase its strength, protect against external aggressive factors, and also to prevent the development dental diseases.

The main source of minerals for teeth is. The second way to deliver mineral compounds to enamel is from the pulp through the dentin. But the second way of saturation with minerals is less significant than the first. It is for this reason that all remineralization procedures are based on the first, external way saturation of the tooth with the necessary compounds.

You can restore weakened enamel in one of 2 ways:

  1. Treatment of teeth externally by applications of mineralizing solutions.
  2. The use of phonophoresis and electrophoresis devices.

The remineralization procedure consists in the fact that special compounds are alternately applied to the teeth, which strengthen the enamel and increase it. protective properties. These substances consist of the following components:

  • calcium,
  • phosphorus,
  • zinc,
  • ionized fluorides,
  • strontium.

Preparations for enamel remineralization consist of:

  • calcium chloride or calcium gluconate - 10%,
  • sodium fluoride - 0.2%,
  • calcium phosphate - 5-10%,
  • calcium glycerophosphate - 2.5%,
  • complex preparations: Fluorodent, Remodent and others.

The remineralization procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Dentist cleans teeth from.
  2. The enamel dries up.
  3. An application with a solution of calcium gluconate 10% is applied to the teeth (when the application dries up, a new one is put in its place, and this is repeated every 5 minutes).
  4. For three minutes, a swab impregnated with sodium fluoride 0.2% is applied to the teeth.
  5. As a result of such manipulations, the enamel is saturated with all the necessary components.
  6. A layer of fluoroappatite compounds gradually forms on the teeth.

The procedure can be carried out daily or every other day for 5-20 days. The completion of the course of treatment is the application of a special varnish containing fluorine to the enamel.

Enamel fluoridation

Fluoridation is one of the methods of saturating enamel with useful substances and strengthening it, as well as increasing its resistance to external aggressive factors.

Fluoride ions, penetrating inside the enamel, form a protective layer on it, which prevents the penetration of acids into the layers of the tooth and pathogenic microorganisms, and also does not allow washing out minerals deep layers of enamel and dentin.

Saturation with fluorine can occur by one of the following methods:

Express method

Special disposable mouth guards with fluorine-containing gel are applied to the teeth for 5-10 minutes.

The use of mouthguards

An individual reusable is made for the patient, with the help of which it is possible to carry out fluoridation procedures at home. The mouthguard must be filled with a special gel and put on the teeth. The duration of the procedure is determined by the doctor. Sometimes a mouth guard needs to be worn during the night.

Coating teeth with fluoride varnish

With minor damage to the enamel of one or more teeth, this method is used.

After any procedure described above, it is necessary not to eat or drink for several hours. In most cases, for maximum effectiveness, the specialist combines several methods of remineralization.

Please note that the effect after the procedure will not appear immediately, but some time after the end of the course.

Prevention of demineralization

To prevent the enamel from losing its protective properties, follow these recommendations:

  1. Balanced diet.
  2. Consumption of dairy products.
  3. Eat foods that contain fluoride:
  • lentils,
  • quality tea,
  • onion.
  1. Proper oral care.
  2. The use of toothpastes containing fluoride (after consulting a dentist).
  3. Visiting the dentist twice a year for preventive check-ups.
  4. Timely treatment of dental diseases.
  5. In addition, the following products will help you strengthen your teeth:
  • legumes,
  • green vegetables,
  • meat,
  • nuts,
  • hard cheese,
  • cottage cheese.
2133 02/13/2019 4 min.

Remineralization of tooth enamel is a preventive procedure. It involves the strengthening of hard tissues, the restoration of their mineral composition. Allows you to strengthen the tooth and give it a healthy look, reduces sensitivity. Remtherapy is painless and does not cause discomfort. It is carried out with the help of preparations containing a complex of microelements and macroelements, as well as calcium, fluorine and magnesium.

Remineralization is carried out in two ways: application or with the help of special trays. There are toothpaste, fluoride polish, fluorine discs, remineralizing gel, and Remodent. In the article we will consider the essence of tooth remineralization: the causes of the problem, a description of the technique, indications and contraindications for use.

Causes of tooth demineralization

Demineralization is the process of washing away useful substances from enamel, dentin and other hard tissues of teeth. It is caused by the same reasons as for other bone tissues. The main provoking factors are metabolic disorders or a deficiency of mineral compounds in the body.

Pathological leaching of nutrients from the teeth is caused by such pathologies:

  • food digestion disorders, including functional ones (for example, celiac disease);
  • insufficient amount of enzymes that serve as catalysts for the absorption of nutrients;
  • pathology endocrine system that violate the natural metabolism;
  • improper suction nutrients from the intestine.

Such health problems, even if balanced diet food leads to dental problems. Comprehensive treatment of demineralization of hard tissues of the tooth, including T:

  • diagnosis of endocrine pathologies with subsequent correction;
  • therapy of gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • correction of the diet;
  • quality dental care.

Comprehensive dental care, if necessary, includes remineralization of the teeth. The need for the procedure and technique is determined by the dentist.

Description of the technique

Remineralization (remotherapy) of teeth is an artificial saturation of hard tissues with essential microelements. Allows you to correct enamel defects, reduces sensitivity, prevents development. The essence of the procedure is to apply to the surface of the tooth with special preparations:

When remineralizing the enamel, preparations that do not contain fluoride are also used.

There are several types of remineralization:

  • application (on the enamel prepared for the procedure, a concentrated composition for re-therapy is applied, after which the tooth is covered with a protective fluorine varnish);
  • remotherapy with mouth guards (sealed mouthguards for filling with a solution are made individually for each tooth);
  • deep fluoridation (involves sequential application of two solutions to the enamel: the first one fills the pores of damaged enamel, the second one promotes its regeneration).

For best effect apply special means for care: toothpaste, rinse, floss. This is the remineralization of enamel at home.

All types of remineralization are carried out locally, do not require anesthesia.

Advantages and disadvantages

The procedure of remineralization of teeth helps to strengthen the enamel, prevents the development of pathological processes. Advantages of remotherapy:

  • decreased tooth sensitivity (reduces the reaction of teeth to hot, cold and other irritants. Details on why a tooth reacts to hot after nerve removal);
  • strengthening enamel, increasing its strength;
  • increases resistance to acid and other destructive substances;
  • reduces the risk of developing caries.

This procedure has its drawbacks:

  • can only be applied at (“spot stage”);

Caries in the stain stage can be not only brown, but also white.

  • not carried out with individual intolerance to the components of the drug and some diseases;
  • professional remtherapy is carried out only in a dental clinic.

Enamel remineralization is impossible if the enamel is mechanically damaged. In this case, only fillings or crowns are used.

Indications and contraindications

Remineralization of teeth is used as the final stage of sanitation of the oral cavity. It is effective in such conditions:

  • preparation for teeth whitening;
  • slight damage to the enamel;
  • polishing and grinding the surface before installing crowns, veneers;
  • hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity) of the teeth;
  • pathological thinning of tooth enamel;
  • the final stage after hygienic cleaning;
  • during pregnancy. More information about the rules of dental treatment during pregnancy.

Often the indication is caries in the stain stage, as well as the loss of the natural luster of enamel.

Remineralization is used to restore the natural strength of enamel after prolonged wearing of braces and other dental structures.

Remtherapy has specific contraindications:

  • personal intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • osteoporosis;
  • pathology thyroid gland;
  • kidney failure.

In these cases, the fluoridation procedure is contraindicated.

Execution technology

The algorithm of the procedure depends on the type of remtherapy used in this case. The most simple application remineralization is performed. It includes:

  1. Preliminary removal of plaque and cleaning of tartar.
  2. Drying teeth after brushing.
  3. Applying the selected preparation to the enamel.
  4. The final coating of the enamel is a transparent fluorine varnish.

If a magnesium-calcium complex for deep fluoridation is used for remineralization, after drying, the enamel is additionally coated with copper calcium hydroxide.

After the procedure, you can not eat for 2 hours.


A good example of the procedure for remineralization of teeth, see the video


Remineralization of teeth is a procedure designed for the complex strengthening and restoration of hard tissues. It reduces the risk of caries or its further development(at the stage of "white spot"). Details on why white spots appear on teeth.

The procedure has the following features:

  1. This is a painless procedure that does not require anesthesia.
  2. For the procedure, preparations containing mineral complex: solution, remadent, fluorine varnish or gel for remineralization.
  3. Held at various injuries enamel, front hygienic cleaning teeth or installing crowns and veneers. As a preventive procedure, it is recommended for pregnant women and adolescents.
  4. The main contraindication to use is individual intolerance to the components of the drug used. Remtherapy with the use of fluorine-containing drugs is not used for such diseases: osteoporosis, thyroid pathology, severe renal dysfunction.
  5. The execution technology depends on the type of procedure.

Our teeth are made up of several layers that differ greatly in density, structure and function. Almost everyone knows that upper shell called enamel. It has the greatest strength and, among other things, also performs a protective function.

The strength of the upper tooth layer is ensured by its structure and composition. Enamel contains many durable minerals, including magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine, calcium, and carbon dioxide salts.

Saturation of tooth tissues with these elements or mineralization begins even before birth, and ends after the first few months of life. By virtue of natural causes trace elements are gradually washed out of the enamel.

In the future, this may lead to various diseases, the most common of which is caries.

What is the procedure?

At its core, remineralization is simply a process in which tissues are saturated with essential trace elements.


Throughout life, the body must independently regulate the renewal of all tissues. The same goes for enamel. At healthy person who observes the rules of hygiene, has strong immunity the process of remineralization (saturation with minerals) should occur in a completely natural way.

The loss of these substances is often associated with a lack of them in the body. Since a person receives everything he needs with food, the conclusion suggests itself - proper nutrition and complete diet are the basis of natural remineralization.

In addition, any diseases should be excluded gastrointestinal tract. Indeed, because of them, among other things, acidity in the oral cavity may increase, which will negatively affect the enamel.


If the body's strength is not enough to make up for the loss of trace elements on its own, it is applied artificial way. It is carried out with the help of various chemical compounds that cover the surface of the teeth. It is from them that the missing substances are supplied.

Many tools and materials have been developed for this procedure. Some of them are only suitable for professional conditions and specific equipment that is available in modern dental clinics. Part can be used at home.

Indications and contraindications for

This procedure is used both for prevention and for treatment, when there is already any significant damage to the enamel of the teeth. Like any other medical event, it has a list of its own contraindications and indications.

At the same time, simple preventive measures can be taken at home with less complex and available funds without any restrictions.



There are very few factors that prohibit this procedure. However, they should still be listed.

  • Personal intolerance, including the occurrence allergic reactions for the drugs used.
  • If the so-called fluoridation is carried out, then it is contraindicated for those people who suffer from thyroid diseases, osteoporosis, kidney failure and other problems for which fluoride preparations are not recommended by doctors.

Tools used to carry out

All the variety of tools that allow you to carry out such a procedure can be divided into two large groups.

  • The first includes only those created on the basis of the element fluorine. The bulk are special fluorine varnishes that cover the enamel. In addition to them, there are also therapeutic and prophylactic pastes, which include fluorine compounds in large doses, which are easily absorbed.
  • The second group is fluorine-free preparations and materials. For the most part their action is due to the content of one or more active calcium compounds. This element is the main one in the structure of enamel.

Usually all products are based on one or the other element separately, since their combination can form specific salts that are harmful to the teeth and can act destructively.

However, in Lately special gels appeared that contain all the minerals necessary for teeth in a complex. The water component does not allow them to form compounds that adversely affect the enamel.

Description of some drugs

Carrying out in the clinic

This happens in several stages, which may vary slightly depending on the materials used.

  • Preparatory procedures. The specialist conducts a thorough examination of the entire oral cavity and teeth. This should be followed by a professional cleaning. It includes the complete removal of plaque and tartar, if any, on the surface. This is necessary, as there are many bacteria in the plaque, which can have a destructive effect, being already under a special coating. After cleaning, the surface must be thoroughly dried.
  • Next stage - directly remineralization. The doctor applies one of several possible materials to the enamel (fluorine varnish, which is called "artificial enamel", chemicals with magnesium and calcium fluorides).
  • If a calcium-magnesium complex is used, then after repeated drying teeth must be coated with another composition - calcium-copper hydroxide. This substance contributes to the breakdown of fluorides into microcrystals, and, as a result, easier penetration into the dense structure of enamel.

The described procedure is called deep fluoridation. It is used when the damage is already quite noticeable on the surface of the teeth and the active development of caries begins.

Conducting at home

Remineralization, which is carried out independently at home, should be approached comprehensively. What is included in this complex?

  • First of all, you should think about changing your diet. Eating foods that are high in necessary substances(calcium, fluorine, magnesium, and so on) will be useful not only for enamel. These products include milk and many dairy products, nuts, green vegetables, legumes, meats and more.
  • Followed by to refuse from bad habits, as they are one of the factors causing tooth decay.
  • Reception complex preparations containing trace elements and vitamins.
  • Carrying out gum massage. This helps to improve nutrition in tissues and improves the supply of essential substances.
  • Regular brushing of teeth with medicinal pastes (Lacalut Fluor, Pepsodent, Apadent). Sometimes it is also possible to carry out applications with such pastes.
  • Use of special gels for remineralization of teeth. Applications are made for 10–15 minutes, for example, with the well-known drug R.O.C.S. Medical Minerals.

Detailed instructions - how to do everything, are waiting for you in the following video:


Cost similar procedure can vary greatly depending on the methods and materials used. In addition, it is worth considering that professional cleaning of the teeth, which is mandatory, will also be included in the full price.

Another factor in price changes is the choice of a particular clinic. The more famous the dental center, the more experienced specialists work in it, the higher the price will be, respectively.

Here is a list of approximate (average) prices for some of the possible procedures.

Tooth remineralization is a dental procedure that is the process of restoring and strengthening tooth enamel with the help of medicines fluorine and calcium. Special solutions for remineralization can be applied using special applicators or an electrophoresis apparatus.

The latter method is preferable, since the use of electric fields increases the degree of assimilation active ingredients and provides deeper penetration into the treated tissues, but it is not suitable for everyone because of the lack of big list contraindications.

Despite the fact that the pharmaceutical market is represented a large number of preparations of fluorine and calcium for local applications on the teeth, it is better to perform the procedure under conditions dental office, since it requires some preparation that cannot be done at home.

Why is Remineralizing Therapy Needed?

The enamel coating of the teeth (tooth enamel) is the hard shell of the crown part of the tooth, which is almost 96.3% inorganic compounds and substances, including acid oxides (calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, etc.). Enamel is the hardest tissue in the human body, and its thickness can reach 1.8-2.1 mm. The main functions of tooth enamel are to protect the tooth from deformation, damage, exposure to thermal and chemical factors, as well as the formation of local resistance (resistance) to the influence of external pathogens.

The essence and purpose of the procedure

One of the factors responsible for dental caries susceptibility is an adequate supply of fluoride. Fluorine is a colorless gas with a pungent odor and exhibits strong antioxidant properties, reducing the risk of dissolution and destruction of enamel. To maintain oral health, it is important to maintain optimal acid-base balance(from 6.7 to 7.3), which can be disturbed by acids and fermentation products of sucrose and carbohydrate foods. Fluorine, which is found in tooth enamel in the form of fluorapatites, neutralizes the action of harmful acids and helps to maintain the usual level alkaline environment helping to retain the main components of the tooth (phosphorus and calcium) in its tissues.

The main source of fluoride for humans is tap water. An adequate level of water fluoridation is 0.5 to 1 mg/l. If this element enters the body in insufficient quantities, the risk of developing caries and other dental diseases, including osteosarcoma of the jaw, increases.

Water is a source of fluorine, with a lack of which diseases of tooth enamel develop.

Remineralization of teeth allows eliminating fluorine deficiency, strengthening enamel, increasing its protective properties and preventing the development of caries.

Note! The procedure can also be used with therapeutic purpose at the initial stage of caries (chalk spot stage), which can often be diagnosed only when using special tests with the application of dyes and drying of the teeth, therefore, a dentist examination must be carried out at least once every 5-6 months.

Indications for appointment

The main indication for fluoridation of teeth are the initial stages of caries. This is not only the most common dental pathology, but also the most frequently diagnosed disease among the human population of any age.

Caries is characterized by the growth and reproduction in the mouth of the cariogenic flora, represented by streptococci, staphylococci and other types of opportunistic bacteria, and damage to the hard tissues of the tooth, followed by necrosis and decay. At the initial stage, caries looks like a chalky spot (macula cariosa stage), and one of the reasons for its occurrence is the active process of washing out calcium and phosphorus from tooth enamel, which is called demineralization.

This type of caries in most cases is asymptomatic: only in rare cases, the patient may complain of hypersensitivity reactions when teeth interact with thermal and chemical stimuli. Remineralizing therapy at this stage is the main method of treatment and allows you to stop the pathological process before it passes into the stage of superficial caries. Treatment usually takes no more than 10 days and requires from the patient not only a timely appearance to the attending dentist, but also increased hygiene oral cavity at home.

In what other situations can enamel remineralization be performed?

Other indications for which remineralizing therapy may be recommended are:

  • hypoplasia (thinning) of tooth enamel;

  • intensive erasure of hard tissues of the tooth, characteristic of some chronic diseases (for example, Stenton-Capdepon syndrome);

  • destruction (destruction) of solid elements of the tooth of aseptic origin;

  • increased sensitivity (hyperesthesia) of teeth in contact with external pathogens, which can be both thermal stimuli (cold and hot food, air flow) and chemical agents (acids, spices, etc.);

  • dental injuries, in which damage and deformation of the enamel coating is possible;

  • loss of mineral mass of tooth enamel after hardware removal tartar, orthodontic treatment.

  • Remineralization of teeth can be indicated for individuals in the group increased risk on the development of mineral deficiency of tooth enamel. These are pregnant women, women who have reached menopause, persons with hormone-dependent pathologies.

    IN childhood remineralization of tooth enamel is carried out to strengthen teeth, prevent caries and reduce caries susceptibility with poor hygiene or excessive consumption of carbohydrate foods. If indicated, such treatment can be carried out starting at the age of two.

    Remineralization of teeth in children is a completely painless procedure that takes place in one visit to the dentist.

    Important! Remineralizing therapy in without fail should be carried out in patients with carious cavities in the mouth. Special composition applied to the edges of the carious chamber to improve efficiency general therapy and extend the service life of installed seals.

    What is the remineralization of teeth: varieties and features

    Remineralization is often called fluoridation of teeth, but this is not entirely true, since in some cases the process of enamel restoration is carried out without the use of fluoride-containing preparations.

    Types of remineralization depending on the content of fluorine in preparations

    Type of remineralizing therapyMain active ingredientPeculiarities

    FluorineThis is the most common type of enamel mineral deficiency correction, which is used in almost 80% of cases when diagnosing tooth demineralization at various stages. The main principle of fluoridation is the saturation of the enamel coating with active fluorine. Since fluorine is a highly toxic compound and in elevated concentrations can be hazardous to health, the use of fluoride-containing pastes and solutions at home is not recommended due to the impossibility of accurate selection and calculation of a safe dosage.

    Calcium and phosphorus (phosphates)Medicines that do not contain fluoride compounds are considered relatively safe and can be used to restore enamel at home (due to their safety in case of accidental ingestion or violation of the recommended dosing regimen).

    These products include not only various varnishes, powders and gels, but also special pastes that are suitable for daily use. hygiene care for loose and highly sensitive teeth.

    Note! If the process of demineralization is weak, the doctor may recommend natural remineralization of the teeth by correcting the diet. It should immediately be noted that, as an independent measure, natural remineralization is ineffective and is capable of providing at least a minimally significant effect. therapeutic effect in combination with adequate oral hygiene and other measures to restore the enamel coating.

    How is the procedure?

    The procedure for saturation of tooth enamel with fluorine and calcium compounds takes place in four stages.

    1. Hygienic preparation of the oral cavity. Before fluoridation, the patient must be referred to a dental hygienist who will perform professional oral hygiene. With the help of ultrasound or laser, dense dental deposits, bacterial plaque, food debris, and tartar are removed from the surface of the teeth. This is necessary to ensure better penetration. medical composition into the deep tissues of the tooth and their rapid recovery.

    2. The salivary fluid can interfere with the absorption of fluorine and calcium, therefore, before the procedure, the treated surface is thoroughly dried and isolated from saliva with cotton balls or turundas. soft tissues the oral cavity should also not come into contact with the surface on which the remineralizing composition will be applied.

    3. The doctor applies preparations containing calcium ions in free form to the teeth. To do this, you can use a special applicator (the duration of applications is up to 10-15 minutes) or an electrophoresis apparatus (the current increases the degree and speed of penetration of active substances into the tooth tissue).

    4. Medicines are applied to each tooth in successive movements, after which it is necessary to wait for the complete drying of the treated surface.

    If solutions that do not contain fluorine are used for remineralization, the procedure is carried out in three stages and ends with the application of calcium and phosphorus preparations.

    Video - What is tooth enamel remineralization

    Medical scheme of remineralization

    The table below shows drug regimen remineralization of teeth, which is classic for most indications.

    Preparations for remineralization in caries and other dental diseases

    StageActions and drugs
    First stage (hygienic)Any deposits, stones and plaque are removed from the surface of the tooth. For this, laser therapy and ultrasound devices are used. The procedure is painless, but rather unpleasant, especially for patients with hypersensitivity of tooth enamel.
    Second stage (treatment with acids)After hygiene measures chalk spots are treated with a cotton swab, abundantly moistened with a solution citric acid with a concentration of not more than 40%. The duration of the acid application is no more than 1 minute. This stage is carried out only in cases where remineralization of the teeth is indicated for the treatment of caries. If the patient has no signs of caries, you can immediately proceed to the next step - drying the teeth.
    The third stage (drying the teeth)Cotton balls are used to dry teeth. The use of ethers and alcohol solutions is acceptable.
    The fourth stage (application of remineralizing preparations)A solution of calcium salt of gluconic acid 10% and a solution of sodium fluoride 2-4% are applied to the teeth. Treatment can be carried out by application and with the help of electric currents. When using the latter option, fresh solution must be added every 4-5 minutes.

    The course of treatment for enamel mineral deficiency is usually about 10 days.

    Note! One of the methods of treatment is the use of a gel cap. This is a special device that is filled with a fluoride gel (for example, Biorepair enamel repair and hypersensitivity treatment gel). The effect after using such caps is noticeable already on the second or third day, and one of the main advantages can be considered the possibility of using at home.

    Gels for enamel restoration at home

    Before buying any enamel restoration products, you should consult your doctor, as such therapy may be contraindicated in certain pathologies, such as enamel hyperplasia. Below is an overview of popular and safe means to restore the mineral balance of teeth, which can be used independently with increased sensitivity, as well as to prevent caries.

    Keystone Revive

    This is a drug for home treatment mineral deficiency of the teeth, which is available in the form of a dental gel. The tool contains optimal concentrations active ingredients approved for use in childhood, as well as in pregnant and lactating women.

    It contains the following ingredients:

    • calcium chloride - 0.2%;
    • sodium fluoride - 0.005%;
    • potassium chloride - 0.005%.

    Regular use of the gel helps to reduce the risk of dental caries by almost 60% (subject to adequate oral hygiene) and strengthen the enamel coating of the teeth by 7-10 times. Keystone Revive Gel is recommended for patients suffering from endocrinological pathologies and metabolic disorders, as well as for those who have undergone orthodontic treatment or professional oral hygiene (including teeth whitening).

    Use the product once a day after brushing your teeth in the morning or evening. It must be applied as toothpaste: squeeze a small amount onto a brush and brush your teeth for 1.5-2 minutes. After that, wait another 1 minute and rinse your mouth thoroughly.

    GC Tooth Mousse

    This drug for remineralizing therapy at home is considered one of the most effective and safe means of this line. It has a pleasant strawberry flavor, contains bioavailable forms of calcium and phosphorus, and strengthens enamel in just a few weeks of daily use.

    This gel is recommended for use in adults and children as prophylactic at increased dryness in the mouth, initial stages caries, violation of the acidity of the oral cavity, as well as after fluoridation, whitening and mechanical cleaning of teeth.

    A tool is used for applications that must be carried out according to a certain scheme:

    • apply a small amount of gel on the teeth (dosage per 1 dentition - a strip of gel the size of 1 cm);
    • using a clean and dry finger or a cotton swab, distribute the product evenly over all teeth and leave for 4 minutes;
    • spit out the remaining gel and try not to swallow saliva for another 2-3 minutes.

    For getting positive result no food, drink, chewing gum and smoking for 30-40 minutes after the procedure.

    Note! Side effects when using GC Tooth Mousse gel are not yet registered, but the product should not be used by people with poor milk protein tolerance.

    What products are there for enamel demineralization?

    Enamel can be strengthened not only with medicines, but also due to the use certain products. With increased sensitivity of the teeth, high risk tooth decay and enamel damage, it is useful to include the following foods in the diet:

    All types are also useful. leafy greens, nuts and vegetable juices with pulp.

    Video - How to restore enamel?

    Enamel remineralization is a dental procedure that can be used for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes and for patients of any age, including children and pregnant women. It is best to have it done by a professional dental clinic, since it is not recommended to use fluoride preparations on their own due to the high toxicity of the main component. At home, it is permissible to use restorative pastes, gels and powders that do not contain fluorine compounds.

    Often patients turn to the dentist with the problem of increased sensitivity of tooth enamel. Teeth react with dull or sharp pain to cold or hot foods, sweet and sour foods, and other factors. Hypersensitivity can be eliminated quickly and safely.