Causes of development and treatment of hormonal neoplasms. Treatment of ovarian cysts with medication: drugs, scheme

Ovarian cysts are a fairly common disease, especially in women who have not reached menopause. These are firm or fluid-filled growths in the ovaries.

Most of the time, cysts are painless and harmless.

However, in rare cases, an ovarian cyst can cause cancer. The chances of developing cysts increase with age. Drugs for the treatment of ovarian cysts are necessary in cases of various complications associated with the cyst.

Ovarian cysts do not always require special treatment if they do not cause any symptoms. Often, a few months after the cyst is discovered, a repeat ultrasound examination of the pelvis is ordered to find out whether it has resolved.

Large cysts may require surgery to remove or take a tissue sample (biopsy) to rule out the possibility of cancer.

A ruptured ovarian cyst is usually treated with pain medications and does not require surgery.

However, you should consult a doctor if you experience the following symptoms associated with a cyst:

  • abnormal pain or tenderness in the abdominal or pelvic area;
  • abdominal pain when using anticoagulants such as warfarin;
  • abdominal swelling or unusual increase in abdominal girth;
  • papilloma or anemia (possibly from blood loss due to a ruptured cyst);
  • abnormally heavy or irregular menstruation;
  • increased amount of facial hair;
  • unexplained weight loss;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • fever.

You should immediately seek emergency medical help if you experience:

  • high or low blood pressure not related to medications;
  • unexplained shoulder pain combined with abdominal pain;
  • dizziness or feeling of weakness, fainting;
  • severe lower abdominal or pelvic pain;
  • excessive thirst or urination;
  • constant nausea and vomiting;
  • constant fever.

Drug treatment for ovarian cysts usually involves oral contraceptives, which suppress ovulation and the production of hormones by the ovaries. Without ovulation and hormone production, functional cysts rarely develop.

Pain relievers include anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, which can help reduce pelvic pain.

Prescription pain medications can relieve severe pain caused by ovarian cysts. However, these medications do not speed up the resolution of the cyst.


In case of pain caused by a cyst without signs of intra-abdominal bleeding, conservative therapy may include bed rest, antispasmodics and physical therapy.

The action of antispasmodic drugs is to prevent spasm of internal organs caused by pain.

Can be assigned:

  • Mebeverine, which has a strong selective effect on the smooth muscles of internal organs;
  • Dicyclomine and Hyoscyamine, which additionally have an anticholinergic effect;
  • Papaverine, which is an opium alkaloid.

Sedative (calming) drugs

To normalize the functioning of the nervous system and relieve pain, the following may also be prescribed:

  • motherwort tincture;
  • valerian;
  • peony tincture.

Herbal teas of chamomile, raspberry, blackberry, and peppermint oil can soothe tense muscles and anxiety caused by pain.

Antihyperglycemic drugs

Ovarian cysts often cause high blood sugar or high blood pressure.

Hypoglycemic medications help reduce sugar levels and insulin resistance.

These drugs are also used to reduce the level of male hormones in a woman's body and help with ovulation.

The main drugs in this line include the drugs Pioglitazone and Metformin.

Antiandrogen drugs

In women, antiandrogen drugs are often used to treat hyperandrogenism (increased androgen production).

Hyperandrogenism and associated histurism (excessive body hair growth) often occur with problems with the ovaries.

Antiandrogens also help in improving period regularity, oily skin and acne.

Prescribed medications include:

  • Spironolactone;
  • Dienogest;
  • Drospirenone;
  • Cyprotene acetate.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

If an ovarian cyst ruptures, drug therapy consists of appropriate pain relief.

Pain medications may include acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Advil or Aleve, narcotics, or analgesics.

We will tell you about the symptoms of oophoritis and methods of prevention.

Treatment of ovarian cysts with hormonal drugs

As found in studies, hormonal therapy does not help with the resolution of the cyst in comparison with cases of observation of its independent resolution.

Also, hormonal therapy does not prevent the cyst from reappearing after resolution.

In postmenopausal women, persistent simple cysts less than 10 cm in size can be monitored with periodic ultrasound examinations.

Premenopausal women with asymptomatic simple cysts measuring less than 8 cm within the reference range can be monitored with repeat ultrasound in 8 to 12 weeks.

Complex of vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals are recommended for ovarian cysts. For best results, they should be taken for three months, after which they should be re-evaluated to determine changes and then adjust the program according to the results.

Vitamins and minerals balance hormones, boost immunity, enhance liver function and protect against abnormal cell growth.

They develop optimal health of the body, allowing it to function normally.

Multivitamins and minerals can be added to the diet, gradually increasing the dosage to the optimal one. Large amounts of these substances are beneficial for ovarian cysts.

  • Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for enhancing the body's immune activity. If the immune system is working effectively, it can destroy abnormal cells, which is important for preventing abnormal cysts.
  • Vitamin B complex needed by the liver to convert excess estrogen into less dangerous chemical forms. B vitamins also balance hormonal levels.
  • Vitamin D is an important nutrient for the human immune system. Many women have a vitamin D deficiency.
  • Antioxidants include vitamins A, E and the mineral selenium. They help protect cells from damage and pathological changes.
  • Zinc is of great importance for the human immune system. It also plays a supporting role in the reproductive system. Zinc is necessary for normal egg development and to protect the body from free radicals. Free radicals can damage the DNA of cells, so it is important to keep them under control.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids help with problems with the body's hormonal balance. Nowadays, a person needs up to ten times more polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 6 and Omega 3 than he receives in a normal diet. The correct balance of these two essential fatty acids is critical to human health.


Research shows that women tend to develop ovarian cysts if they consume large amounts of cheese and meat products.

Therefore, with this disease, it is advisable to change your diet to include more vegetables and fruits or try a vegetarian diet to prevent the formation of cysts.

In addition to vegetables and fruits, the diet may also include whole grains, beans and garlic.

It is necessary to avoid products made from white flour, processed foods, and consumption of large amounts of sugar and salt.

In addition, it is necessary to get rid of toxins from the body in a timely manner by consuming plenty of water. By using these available methods, you can create a high-quality basis for getting rid of this disease.

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An effective remedy for CYSTS without surgery and hormones, recommended by Irina Yakovleva!

Ovarian cyst a fairly common disease among women’s ailments that requires urgent treatment. Its size can reach twenty centimeters in diameter. Basically, cysts do not pose a particular threat to the normal functioning of the body of women if they are not malignant pathological neoplasms. Such cavities cannot progress in size.

Therapy used

Ovarian cysts are treated conservatively with medication, and not everyone can undergo surgical intervention. In certain situations, ovarian cysts do not require either medical or surgical treatment, dissolving on their own after three months of regular menstruation. In isolated cases, a benign sac tumor may begin to cause problems with bleeding, pressure on nearby organs, or be complicated by damage to the integrity of the membrane. Here you will need to remove the cyst through surgery. This method is called laparoscopy. Holes are made in the patient's abdomen through which the cyst is removed. The wounds heal quickly without leaving scars. The postoperative period requires additional medications and rehabilitation. The use of vitamin therapy is practiced, where the main emphasis is on vitamins of groups A, E, B, C. If you are overweight, a diet is prescribed. It is possible to prescribe anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs and homeopathy.

The occurrence of the disease may be associated with:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic inflammatory gynecological processes;
  • violation of the cyclicity of menstruation;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • early onset of menstruation;
  • recurrence of ovarian cysts;
  • the consequences of frequent abortions;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • lack of ovulation.

To prescribe effective treatment, doctors take into account all factors identified during the examination.

  1. Nature and risk of pathological neoplasm.
  2. Intensity of clinical symptoms.
  3. Patient's age.
  4. The importance of maintaining reproductive function for the patient.

The development of a cyst is diagnosed by the following signs:

  • acute pain in the lower abdomen with sudden onset and disappearance;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • prolonged pain during the menstrual period;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the pelvis or pressure in the abdomen;
  • pain in the abdomen after intense sports activities or sexual intercourse;
  • periodic attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • the body's inability to produce offspring;
  • the appearance of hair on the face and body according to the male type.

Treatment of cysts with birth control pills

Birth control pills are often part of the treatment to restore hormonal balance. Synthetic hormones included in contraceptive drugs are quite similar to natural biologically active substances found in the female body. It is estrogen and progesterone that stop the generation of other hormones that activate the maturation of follicles, due to which ovulation occurs. Contraceptive medications help reduce the size and subsequently completely resolve the cyst. They suppress ovulation and reduce the risk of recurrence of pathological formation.

The function of the reproductive system does not change when using oral contraceptives, hormonal levels return to normal, and the woman gains the opportunity to become pregnant, bear and give birth to a child.

The effectiveness and disadvantages of hormone therapy

In some patients, the use of contraceptive drugs can provoke the opposite effect, when the cyst begins to increase in diameter and sudden bleeding appears. An incorrectly selected pharmaceutical product can cause blood thickening and increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Hormonal medications can affect the patient’s general condition in different ways. To promptly identify side effects of prescribed medications, a woman should visit her doctor at least twice a year. Contraceptives can negatively affect the microflora of the vagina, which is manifested by various symptoms. Many women develop thrush, in other words, bacterial vaginitis. The level of gestagen contained in the drug helps reduce the level of lactobacilli in the genital tract. In this case, you should stop taking the pills for a while until estrogen levels are restored and the signs of thrush disappear.

Current contraceptives contain small doses of hormonal components that do not cause weight gain. If the drug is selected incorrectly, weight correction in the direction of increasing it is quite possible. Most patients experience weight gain in the first three months while the body adapts. If your body continues to increase in size, you should consult your doctor and switch to another type of pill. The effect of contraceptive pills on fat metabolism has been thoroughly studied. In order not to aggravate the above side effects, you need to take a competent and individual approach to selecting a product for each individual woman. Hormonal treatment is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Unauthorized and uncontrolled use of synthetic hormones can negatively and irreversibly affect fertility.

In some women, the development of a cyst is asymptomatic, without causing any pain. In such cases, only an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs can detect ovarian pathology. The cyst is also diagnosed using computed tomography, blood tests, hormone tests, and puncture of the posterior vaginal vault. Treatment of other forms of ovarian cyst development, such as corpus luteum or follicular cyst, is carried out with the help of hormone therapy. If the bubble does not resolve on its own within three months, the attending physician selects a suitable hormonal medication.

Treatment is prescribed for several menstrual cycles. During this period, the patient is monitored and undergoes repeated ultrasounds to monitor changes.

Since the disease is associated with hormonal instability, it is recommended to consult an endocrinologist. You should learn how the thyroid gland works. At the same time, it is necessary to protect yourself from unnecessary stress. The central nervous system has a direct influence on the regulation of hormone release.

Many hormonal drugs (often birth control pills) are prescribed when the cyst is filled with fluid and is only functional. If the tumor is in a compacted or hard state, patients are advised to undergo surgery to remove such a tumor to study the tissue and prevent the development of ovarian cancer.

A clear advantage of using hormonal medications is their effectiveness. Contraceptive pills recommended by doctors significantly affect the cause of the disease, restoring the balance of biologically active substances. During treatment, the menstrual cycle or the amount of menstrual flow may decrease.

Undesirable consequences of using a contraceptive drug can be avoided only by following the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Effectiveness of contraceptives

As previously mentioned, the development of a functional cyst is directly related to hormonal stimulation of ovarian function. Women who have reached childbearing age and who have menstrual periods every month are the most vulnerable and are at high risk of developing ovarian cysts. For women who have reached menopause, the disease poses a low degree of danger. There is a greater risk of malignant tumors. During the postmenopausal period, it is recommended to remove any cyst whose size exceeds five centimeters. Mothers whose daughters have not reached adulthood, but have problems with cysts, do not have to worry that their children are prescribed medications as for mature women. Conservative therapy for ovarian cysts will help to cure a teenager without surgical interventions and a threat to health.

Prescribed contraceptive therapy produces results, namely:

  • therapeutic and prophylactic effect;
  • reducing the possibility of re-formation of new ovarian cavities;
  • prevention of cancer.

Also, the effect of such drugs has a positive effect on the menstrual cycle, reducing its duration. Typically, cyst treatment lasts for three weeks. A continuous course of treatment with hormonal contraceptive pills may be prescribed in cases of susceptibility to recurrent formation of a hollow tumor in the future.

By secret

  • Incredible... You can cure a cyst without surgery!
  • This time.
  • Without taking hormonal drugs!
  • That's two.
  • Per month!
  • That's three.

Follow the link and find out how Irina Yakovleva did it!

Stress, poor environmental conditions, and unstable sex life lead to the development of diseases of the reproductive system in women of childbearing age. One of the most common ailments is a cyst. It can occur in the ovary, as well as on other organs of the reproductive system. Thus, there is a seal on the appendage, a Bartholin gland cyst, etc.

Often the disease is asymptomatic, and it can be diagnosed accidentally, during a routine examination or ultrasound.

When capsular seals are detected in the area of ​​the reproductive organs, a woman immediately asks how to treat an ovarian cyst without surgery, and is there any effect from taking medications?

Is it possible to cure an ovarian cyst without surgery, a gynecologist should say. The attending physician conducts a series of studies and tests, the results of which determine whether surgical intervention is required in a particular case, or whether a wait-and-see approach can be preferred while simultaneously taking medications for the treatment of ovarian cysts.

Treatment with hormones

Ovarian cysts in women can be of different types. A situation is considered dangerous if the formation affects both ovaries, as well as PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). Treatment methods directly depend on the nature of the disease, severity, severity of symptoms, etc. Treatment of the ovary with medication should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor who can adjust the therapy if necessary.

An integrated approach is important here. The patient is recommended not only to take pills for ovarian cysts, but also to drink vitamin complexes, improve nutrition, alternate between activity and rest, and avoid stress.

COCs and their meaning

Combined oral contraceptives, or COCs, are an excellent prevention for ovarian pathologies. They are also used as a therapeutic measure at the initial stage of the disease. It is better to remove large seals immediately, eliminating the risk of complications.

Treatment of ovarian cysts with COCs should be carried out according to certain rules: medications should be taken according to the schedule, every day at the same time. The first day of admission is the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

The most effective oral contraceptives:

  • Marvelon;
  • "Janine";
  • "Diana-35";
  • "Klayra";
  • "Rigevidon".

While taking COCs, it is necessary to reduce the effect on the central nervous system. Lifestyle adjustments are an important factor for the patient’s recovery.

For ovarian cysts, treatment without surgery involves significant financial costs, since hormonal drugs are not cheap. For one package of tablets you will have to pay from 400 to 1300 rubles.

Cyst and gestagens

Conservative treatment includes taking gestagens. These medications block the pituitary gland and replace the natural hormone with an artificial analogue. As a result of such changes, the tone of the uterus decreases, and the endometrioid compaction of the ovary resolves. The dosage and course of treatment are determined by a doctor who understands how to cure an ovarian cyst without surgery.

The most effective drugs in this group are:

  • "Dinazol";
  • "Danol";
  • "Cyclodinone";
  • "Mastodinon" and others.

What will be more effective, treatment or surgery for a tumor on the ovary, can only be determined after a thorough medical examination. With multiple capsules, surgical intervention is not necessary, since developing formations will put pressure on the pelvic organs, causing their dysfunction.

Birth control pills

An ovarian cyst is not considered a dangerous disease in gynecology, but if it is not treated with medication, it can cause serious complications. The modern methods of drug treatment used are aimed at stabilizing hormonal levels, because it is the imbalance of hormones that causes the appearance of formations.

Birth control pills help improve the condition of the endocrine system and restore hormone levels in the female body. The active components promote the self-resorption of drug capsules. A noticeable improvement in the condition is observed after taking Logest, Qlaira and Lindinet 20. “Janine” has an excellent contraceptive effect. Doctors often prescribe “Jess” for ovarian cysts; it has an excellent therapeutic effect.

Other medications for ovarian cysts

What to do to eliminate a cyst on the ovary if its appearance is caused by pathogenic microflora? In this case, “Utrozhestan” or “Lindinet 20” will be powerless as long as the body is affected by foreign microorganisms. In such a situation, doctors prescribe antibiotic therapy.

"Terzhinan" is a drug of the required spectrum, which has proven itself as a method of treating diseases of the reproductive system in women. Treating a Bartholin gland cyst without surgery also requires taking antibiotics. In parallel, you can use tampons with Vishnevsky ointment, which has an antibacterial and healing effect.

The formations are often accompanied by pathologies of the genitourinary system, so diuretics, such as Veroshpiron, can be prescribed in combination with basic medications. Well-thought-out therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs is of great importance, which include:

  • "Wobenzym";
  • "Distreptase";
  • Metronidazole, etc.

Gynecologists often prescribe Indomethacin, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Together with oral medications, you can use other treatment methods, for example, tampons with Dimexide. The therapeutic complex necessarily includes vitamins, minerals and trace elements designed to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's strength.

Vitamins for ovarian cysts are folic and ascorbic acid, vitamin E. If a woman is diagnosed with a large endometrioid cyst, this can cause pain in the lower abdomen. Drugs such as No-shpa, Diclofenac, Diclovit, etc. help eliminate them.

Side effects of conservative treatment

When a woman takes hormonal drugs such as “Zhanine”, “Novinet”, “Klayra”, and the therapeutic complex includes anti-inflammatory suppositories “Distreptaza”, “Indomethacin”, “Diclofenac” or “Utrozhestan”, this can cause a certain reaction in the body . Despite the fact that some of the drugs are based on herbal components, and some are related to homeopathy, treatment may lead to complications and side effects.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed during an exacerbation of the disease, when the capsule with liquid ruptures. Taking medications causes:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • intestinal dysfunction;
  • lack of appetite.

To eliminate this effect, doctors prescribe these medications in the form of suppositories. COCs are presented in the form of tablets and capsules. They cause similar symptoms, as well as pain in the mammary glands, swelling, increased sweating, etc. The more powerful the drug, the more serious the adverse reactions. Therefore, each treatment regimen is selected individually.

The effectiveness of conservative treatment - the opinions of doctors and women

To understand how to remove an ovarian cyst without surgery, as well as form your opinion about the effectiveness of drug treatment, you can study the reviews of women who have already tried tampons with Vishnevsky ointment, “Zhanin”, “Wobenzym”, “Lindinet”, “Metronidazole” "and other drugs aimed at resolving capsular formation.

Anna, 37 years old

“After the birth of my second child, I was discovered to have a tumor on my left ovary. The gynecologist suggested observing him and prescribed “Janine”. A month later, during an examination, the doctor found that the size of the lump had decreased, so he extended the course. I haven't noticed any side effects yet. I hope we can manage without surgery.”

Svetlana, 46 years old

“I’m 46, menopause started a year ago. During an ultrasound, an ovarian mass was discovered. I immediately panicked, because we have a genetic predisposition to polycystic disease in our family. The doctor prescribed a course of hormones, as well as Qlaira and Wobenzym; douching and Vishnevsky ointment were also prescribed. After two months, the formation resolved. I feel just great."

Elizaveta, 37 years old

“At 36 years old I was diagnosed. I consulted a doctor when I felt discomfort, dryness in the vagina during sexual intercourse, and pain during physical activity. I was prescribed Vishnevsky ointment for tamponing and Distreptaza suppositories. I noticed a positive effect after 10 days. Treatment continues, and it may be possible to avoid surgery.”

A doctor’s comment will also help you draw conclusions about the effectiveness of conservative treatment of the ovaries:

Vladimir, gynecologist of the highest category

“When women are diagnosed with a lump with fluid inside, most ask whether the disease can be treated with medication? Yes, there are quite effective drugs - “Janine”, “Mastodinon”, “Metronidazole” and others, but from work experience I can note that they are effective when the size of the formation is small. Multiple cysts or large capsules need to be removed. I prefer laparoscopy. This is a painless method that eliminates the risk of complications; in addition, it is characterized by a minimal rehabilitation period.”

Ovarian cyst is a very common gynecological pathology. Women faced with a similar diagnosis are interested in how dangerous such a tumor is and whether it is possible to do without surgical intervention. It all depends on the type of cyst, its size and the general well-being of the patient. Sometimes treatment is possible without surgery if the tumor is small in size and there are no complications. In each case, the issue is resolved individually, taking into account the woman’s age, her desire to preserve childbearing capacity, the characteristics of her body, as well as existing symptoms.

The cause of formation is hormonal disorders in the body, inflammatory, infectious and other diseases of the uterus and ovaries, early puberty, congenital abnormalities of the genital organs. The cyst can form on one of the ovaries or on both. Bilateral pathology often causes a woman’s infertility.

Other complications encountered in the presence of a cyst are twisting of its stalk. Tissue necrosis causes sepsis. The tumor may burst unexpectedly. In this case, its contents are released into the peritoneum, resulting in peritonitis.

When a cyst reaches a large size, it compresses the blood vessels, disrupting blood circulation. It puts pressure on the bladder and bowels, making it difficult for them to function. Symptoms appear only after the tumor reaches a sufficiently large size (7-8 cm in diameter). In this case, the woman feels nagging pain in one or both ovaries, an increase in the size of the abdomen and the appearance of its asymmetry are possible. When the leg is twisted or the tumor ruptures, symptoms of an “acute abdomen” appear (severe pain, nausea, vomiting).

Different types of cysts differ in the nature of development and degree of danger.

Types of ovarian cysts

There are functional (retention) and dysfunctional (organic) ovarian formations.

Functional are formed due to disruption of the menstrual cycle. Their main manifestations are irregular long periods and intermenstrual bleeding. The peculiarity is that such ovarian cysts disappear on their own without surgery within 2-3 cycles. Therefore, they rarely reach large sizes. These include luteal (corpus luteum) and follicular cysts.

TO organic include all neoplasms that do not disappear after 3 months. Most often, surgery is required to remove them, but in some cases conservative treatment is also possible. These include the following types of cysts:

  • paraovarian (periovarian, formed on its appendage);
  • endometrioid (formed due to the ingrowth of endometrial particles into the ovarian tissue, thrown from the uterus with menstrual blood);
  • dermoid, which is a congenital pathology, contains particles of adipose and bone tissue.

Addition: The cause of an endometrioid cyst can be sexual intercourse during menstruation, as well as overflow of the uterus with menstrual blood due to improper use of pads and tampons.


The following diagnostic methods allow you to establish the presence of pathology, determine its type and size:

  1. Gynecological examination and palpation of the abdomen in the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries.
  2. Transabdominal (external) and transvaginal (through the vagina) ultrasound of the ovaries. Using a special sensor, you can determine the size of the cyst and monitor its changes.
  3. A puncture of the abdominal cavity through the posterior vaginal fornix is ​​performed to determine the presence of blood in it.
  4. CT or MRI allows you to obtain a three-dimensional image of the ovary along with adjacent organs. In this way, the shape and location of the tumor in relation to other organs are determined, and signs of malignant degeneration (metastasis) are detected.

A pregnancy test is performed because the suspected cyst may be a fertilized egg implanted outside the uterus (ectopic pregnancy). In this case, there can be no talk of any conservative treatment; urgent surgery is needed.

Video: When and how ovarian cyst therapy is performed

Treatment with non-surgical methods

Conservative methods are used to stop the process of tumor growth and promote its disappearance by restoring hormonal levels. In addition, it is necessary to improve a woman’s overall well-being and prevent complications.

Drug therapy

Treatment of ovarian cysts without surgery is carried out using hormonal, homeopathic remedies, vitamin preparations, and physiotherapy methods. An important role is played by adherence to a special diet and physical therapy.

In some cases, a woman may need to consult a neurologist and be prescribed antidepressants or sedatives, such as Novopassit or Notta. To eliminate pain, painkillers and antispasmodics (ibuprofen, spasmalgon, no-spa) are prescribed.

If concomitant inflammatory processes and infectious diseases are detected, then antibiotics, antifungals or anti-inflammatory suppositories (dystreptase) are prescribed.

Functional neoplasms. Therapy with hormonal drugs promotes the resorption of small follicular and luteal cysts. Progesterone-based drugs are used, which can reduce estrogen levels in the blood. Among them are Janine, Marvelon, Regulon and other oral contraceptives.

Often, to normalize hormonal levels, women are prescribed duphaston. It is usually taken from the 11th day of the cycle until the 25th day, when the likelihood of the formation of functional cysts is increased. The dose of the drug is selected for each woman strictly individually in accordance with the results of a blood test for hormones. The drug is taken for 2-3 months. Duphaston is prescribed for treatment even during pregnancy, since it does not affect its course or the condition of the fetus.

Endometrioid cysts. They often occur on both ovaries. At the initial stage, drug treatment is used with hormonal drugs that suppress the production of pituitary hormones (danazol), progesterone derivatives (levonorgestrel). Painkillers, anti-inflammatory, vitamin and immune preparations are used. This allows you to stop the growth of the tumor, prevent its suppuration, and strengthen the body’s immune defense.

If therapy does not produce a noticeable effect within 3 months, there is a danger of the cyst rupturing, it increases to 7 cm, appears on both ovaries, turns into a tumor that begins to spread to the intestines and bladder, then it is removed surgically. The basis of the disease is a hormonal imbalance in the body. Therefore, after surgery, treatment with hormonal drugs is required to eliminate the imbalance.

Paraovarian. It is located between the fallopian tube and the ovary, firmly held by ligaments. In this case, it is practically impossible to do without surgery for an ovarian cyst, since it is not able to resolve on its own. Hormonal drugs are ineffective in its treatment. If the size does not exceed 2 cm, then a wait-and-see approach is most often used, treatment is postponed, and her condition is monitored.

Traditional healers claim that home remedies are effective, with the help of which you can stop the growth of the cyst and even achieve its reduction. For this purpose, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp before each meal. l. infusion prepared from a mixture of aloe, St. John's wort, yarrow and wormwood (50 g each), 3 liters of boiling water, 2 glasses of alcohol and ½ kg of honey.

The ointment with the following composition accelerates the resorption of the tumor: 200 ml of olive oil, 1 boiled yolk, 30 g of melted wax. The ointment is applied to a tampon and inserted into the vagina at night.

Comment: Under no circumstances should you rely solely on home remedies. The patient must be under constant medical supervision, and the use of folk remedies must be approved. If the doctor says that surgery is needed to treat a paraovarian ovarian cyst, it must be performed as soon as possible, without waiting for complications.

The only completely effective way to get rid of such a tumor is laparoscopic removal.

Dermoid cyst. Conservative treatment in this case is useless. Only surgery is performed. Sometimes partial or complete removal of the ovary is required.

Video: What is a follicular cyst


Physiotherapeutic methods are used after the main therapy. The following procedures apply:

  1. Electrophoresis (administration of medicinal substances using electric current). Penetrating deeply under the skin, they accumulate there and have a long-lasting effect on the body.
  2. Magnetotherapy. Under the influence of a magnetic field, blood circulation accelerates, swelling and pain caused by tissue inflammation disappear.
  3. Ultraphonophoresis is the effect of ultrasound on organs.
  4. Reflexology (acupuncture).
  5. Balneological treatment (radon baths and therapeutic mud).

Treatment during menopause

After 50 years, women cannot form functional cysts capable of self-resorption, as the ovaries age, menstruation and related processes in the reproductive organs stop. At this age, the risk of malignant degeneration of any neoplasms in the uterus and ovaries, including cystic ones, increases significantly. Therefore, they are removed (most often along with the ovary). After this, restorative drug treatment with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and vitamins is carried out.

Treatment during pregnancy

With the onset of pregnancy, functional cysts in a woman usually resolve by 16 weeks. If the tumor appears during pregnancy, the doctor monitors the patient’s condition especially carefully.

If a nagging pain occurs on the left or right side of the abdomen, hospitalization is carried out with suspicion of the formation of an ovarian cyst. Symptoms of a right-sided cyst may be similar to those of appendicitis. The diagnosis is finally made using ultrasound. In the early stages, conservative treatment with progesterone drugs (duphaston and others) is possible.

If complications arise, the cyst is removed to prevent complications that are dangerous to the health and life of the woman.

2015-05-14 07:10:46

Zhenya asks:

Good afternoon I am 33 years old. At 23 I was pregnant. I didn’t give birth, then I didn’t try to get pregnant, I never took OK. In February of this year, a cyst was accidentally discovered on the right ovary. Size 50x40 mm. It didn't go away in three months. Has not increased. There was no treatment, only Distreptase suppositories in February. In February I tested my thyroid hormones and everything was fine. In April I took tumor markers - everything is fine, I also had a smear test in April - everything is fine, there is no inflammation. In April I went to another gynecologist for a good ultrasound machine.
She looked and looked, all the indicators - the uterus, endometrium, left ovary - everything was ok. I tentatively assumed that it was a functional cyst, which for some reason did not go away. She prescribed Veroshpiron 1t 2 times a day, Utrozhestan 1t 2 times a day, Magne B6, Vitamin C, Naklofen suppositories at night. All this from days 16 to 25 of the cycle.
She also sent me for hormone tests and an ultrasound of the mammary glands. And she told me not to worry about taking progesterone on Utrozhestan, she says it will definitely be low for you.
My cycle is regular. The last three months are 28,30,27 days.
On the 20th day of the MC I passed:
progesterone - 8.6 ng/ml (RI 1.7-27.0)
total testosterone - 1.3 nmol/l (RI 0.290-1.67)
On the 3rd day of the MC I passed:
Prolactin - 36.05 ng/ml (RI 4.79-23.3)
LH -7.1 mMO/ml (RI 2.4-12.6)
FSH - 5.3 mMO/ml (RI 3.5-12.5)
Estradiol - 17.06 pg/ml 12.5-166.0)
17 - alpha-hydroxyprogesterone - 1.29 ng/ml (RI 0.1-0.8)
It turns out that Prolactin and 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone are slightly increased.
According to breast ultrasound, small brushes up to 4 mm were found in both.
I came to the gynecologist with tests, they did an ultrasound again - the cyst was in place, 49x35mm. The cyst doesn't hurt.
The gynecologist commented on the tests as follows: prolactin needs to be treated, progesterone is low.
Here is the course of treatment:
1. Alactin 1/2 t 2 times a week (Tuesday, Friday) in the evening - 3 months
2. Progestogel for milk. glands - 3 months
3. Metypred 1/2 t every day - 3 months
4. Serrata 1t 3r/day - 1 month
5. Veroshpiron 25 mg 1 t 2 times / day - from 16 to 25 days of the MC
6. Utrozhestan 100 mg 1t 2 times/day - from 16 to 25 days of MC
7. Distreptase suppositories at night for 6 days during menstruation.
8. Ultrasound monitoring 3 months after menstruation
9. Control of prolactin 17-hydroxyprogesterone after 2 months.

So, it turns out there is an ovarian cyst, presumably functional. Two tests, PROlactin and 17-hydroxyprogesterone, are slightly higher than normal. Brushes in the mammary glands.
The diagnosis sounds like this: Cyst of the right ovary. Relative hyperprolatinemia. Cysts of both mammary glands.

What still affects the fact that a cyst in the ovary does not go away? The gynecologist says that it could be high prolactin and low progesterone.
Cysts in the breast? for the same reasons?

Firstly, it confuses me that Alactin was prescribed right away and in such doses with such a slight increase in prolactin. I read that it is prescribed by gradually increasing the dose and also discontinued.
Can prolactin be elevated due to recent stress, there was definitely neurosis, stress. And before his delivery, I didn’t sleep very well at night, I had a slightly uneasy feeling.
Maybe you should wait with Alactin and go and retest prolactin in the next cycle?
Well, I really don’t want to drink everything right away. Is it common sense to retake? At the same time, I hope that my nerves will calm down more and more, I will calm down even more.
Secondly, Metipred is alarming. Do I understand correctly, this drug is intended to lower 17-hydroxyprogesterone? An increased level of it can be the cause of ovarian cysts and cysts in the breast? I read that it’s not like a hormone, and endocrinologists ask gynecologists to leave it alone))).
For me it is slightly elevated. Is there a real need to immediately take it up and drink this is not a simple drug. Maybe it’s worth retaking it for a test at the next MC?
I heard that in healthy women it can be slightly elevated and they get pregnant at the same time.
Am I prescribed Utrozhestan to increase progesterone? Is he really short? and could be the cause of ovarian cysts and tassels in the breast?
Are the other drugs Serrata, Veroshpiron, Distreptaza something like auxiliary? Absorbable, help the cyst self-destruct?
What causes the cyst? I never received a definite answer. That is, the reason for this is hormonal imbalance. What is he from?
Please comment on the prescription of drugs for such a diagnosis and for such tests. Maybe you should abstain from something for now, retake some tests, or take something extra?
What to do?

Thank you in advance for your response!

Answers Gerevich Yuri Iosifovich:

There is no need to do anything that is prescribed. The cyst is not functional, rather simple serous, but you need to have an ultrasound scan from a normal specialist. Surgical treatment (laparoscopy) may be indicated. It is better to test prolactin again; such a slight increase does not require aggressive treatment. Progesterone is low and this is against the backdrop of morning pregnancy. An analysis was made, accordingly, the question is, maybe this level of progesterone is provided only by utrozhestan, that is: is ovulation occurring for you? - ultrasound folliculometry. Changes in the mammary gland - consultation with a mammologist, progestogen is the only thing that can be done, perhaps the reason is problems with the cycle (ovulation? - accordingly, progesterone is reduced) Do not take Metipred categorically, these are not vitamins. And 17 - alpha-hydroxyprogesterone is not a reason, veroshpiron is also (a diuretic-diuretic) - why, if for an antiandrogenic effect, is it taken constantly and what are the reasons? Test total and free testosterone, androstenedione, DHEA-S and it will be clear whether there is hyperandrogenemia (excess of male hormones). Hormones should not be done while taking hormonal medications! Distreptase, serrata (the second drug has an honest name for your case with a hint :)) You have had a cyst for an indefinite period of time - a long time!!! It was discovered by chance, that is, it is impossible to say for sure that it appeared recently. The sizes are not small, almost 5 cm of a functional cyst go away quickly on their own, they can become retentional (they don’t go away but are harmless), but rarely, especially at that age. So see above!!!