Thai toothpaste. Toothpaste from Thailand: description of varieties, nuances of application

Various products, which include exclusively natural components, are the visiting card of the country of Thailand. These products often include toothpaste. different types gaining popularity among consumers. Thai oral hygiene products are affordable and have a lot of positive qualities.

What is in toothpaste

Absolutely all Thai oral care products are united by one main advantage - high level efficiency in application. This is explained by toothpaste from Thailand has in its composition properly selected natural ingredients. Here are some of them:

  1. For example, abrasive toothpaste includes natural ingredients that perfectly polish enamel and eliminate plaque. Such products contain bamboo charcoal, titanium or silicon dioxide, aluminum oxide, crushed cuttlefish bone.
  2. Toothpastes from Thailand have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. This is due to the addition of natural extracts, essential oils of plants with a strong bactericidal effect. Components such as cloves, exotic ones are used: guava, muraya, miswak, as well as mint, clinacanthus.
  3. Another toothpaste from Thailand contains borneol - very strong antiseptic that goes deep into the tissue oral cavity. Its therapeutic functions are similar to those of camphor, only borneol is completely non-toxic. After a week of using the tooth remedy, looseness and bleeding of the gums disappear.
  4. Soda is also present in Thai hygiene products. It well relieves swelling of the gums and mucous membranes, helps soften harmful plaque. The crowns are not damaged because the soda content is only limited to preventive dosage.

What is the best Thai toothpaste

Oral care paste made in Thailand is fundamentally different from the traditional one hygiene product. It has a specific texture interesting composition, unusual smell and special taste characteristics. The most important difference is the amazing healing and whitening effect. For the manufacture of pasta, Thai manufacturers use only natural healthy foods.

Whitening toothpaste

Thai oral whiteners change the color of the enamel in better side and effectively fight against the elimination of tartar. The results can be seen in the photo. After using such products, there is practically no plaque on the protective shell of the teeth, the breath becomes fresh and pleasant. Thai whitening toothpaste includes the following components: plants of the aster and lavender families, patchouli oil, camphor bark, cloves and so on.


Available at a pharmacy or online store Thai pasta black color. Such an interesting and rich shade is achieved by the natural origin of the product. Black toothpaste is made from bamboo charcoal, which quickly removes dirt from the enamel, absorbing every bit of food residue. This unique product also contains a number of additional components that have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.


Dental Thai herbal products are used to treat inflammatory processes, have a positive effect on the affected gums, and perfectly resist the development of bacteria in the oral cavity. On top of that, the herbal hygiene product effectively eliminates periodontal disease, nourishes the tissues with strengthening components and vitamins. Natural toothpaste, produced in Thailand, gently, delicately affects the enamel, so it is not suitable as a whitening composition.

Other types

There are several more popular types of Thai oral care products:

  1. The cleanser, which is available in powder form, is very effective in dealing with an infection in the mouth and protects the enamel from harmful plaque. In addition to these qualities, the breath will always be fresh, pleasant.
  2. The following type of Thai toothpaste is ideal for people suffering from excessive tooth sensitivity. The constituent components of such a hygiene product have a light, soft, but effective effect on the oral cavity.
  3. A special type of pain relief products made in Thailand not only reduces temporarily discomfort but also take care of your teeth. Thanks to the constituent elements of the paste, a local anesthetic effect occurs, the condition of the gums and enamel improves. Besides, such natural remedy used to prevent diseases of the oral cavity.
  4. For the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease, you can purchase a special organic composition of extremely useful components. Thai toothpaste of this type has a restorative effect, destroys certain viral diseases and plaque left by harmful bacteria.

How to use

To achieve positive result and not get health problems, you need to know how to use it correctly natural pasta. Products made by Thai manufacturers are very different from our classic counterparts. One of the main differences is the strong concentration of unusual products. If you use this composition incorrectly, you can greatly harm the oral cavity. Here are a few simple and understandable rules that will allow you to properly care for your teeth and gums:

  1. You should always adhere to the correct, moderate dosage indicated in the instructions. A very small amount of Thai remedy is enough to effectively clean the mouth. For one hygiene procedure, take a dose equal in size to a match head, maximum - a large pea.
  2. If you use products in a round package, then a special spatula always comes with it. With the help of this auxiliary utensil it is very convenient to apply the paste on the brush.
  3. In the case of using a hygiene product with a whitening effect, it is recommended to brush your teeth with a soft bristle brush.
  4. Purifying and healing composition from Thailand must be applied only on dry toothbrush.
  5. Paste for whitening enamel is allowed to be used no more than 10 times in 30 days, otherwise you can provoke an increased sensitivity of the hard protective shell.
  6. Organic Thai remedy of any type should be stored in a place where moisture does not get. Make sure that no water gets into the container with the paste.

Where to buy and how much

You can buy unusual, but very effective, exotic products at a pharmacy or specialized store. Many people prefer to find lots through online stores. The cost of a Thai remedy in Moscow and the region is 100-250 rubles. Below is a small table that contains information about the price different types products of Thai manufacture in Russia.

Video: Review of Thai toothpaste

IN Lately oral care products with natural ingredients are very popular.

General characteristics

All Thai toothpastes are united overall advantagehigh efficiency when used, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. This is due well-chosen natural ingredients that make up the product.

These products, made in Thailand, are distinguished by several features.

Use of natural materials

As an abrasive component, they use only natural materials that remove plaque well and polish the enamel. Teeth become one or more shades whiter after just a few days of brushing.

These pastes include:

  • aluminum oxide;
  • silicon dioxide or titanium;
  • bamboo charcoal;
  • crushed cuttlefish bone.

Anti-inflammatory effect

Pastes have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. This property is achieved by adding extracts and essential oils of bactericidal plants with a strong effect.

Most often used for this:

  • guava;
  • mint;
  • cloves;
  • miswak;
  • muraya;
  • clincanthus.

Antiseptic and tonic components

The paste contains borneol- a powerful antiseptic with deep penetration. By their own medicinal properties it is close to ordinary camphor. But unlike her, it does not have a toxic effect on the body.

Borneol has a tonic effect, which is important in periodontal diseases. Due to this property, bleeding and looseness of the gums disappear within a week of use.


To improve the condition of the periodontium include baking soda . It helps to relieve swelling of the mucous tissue and gums.

In addition, baking soda helps to soften hard plaque. It is contained in prophylactic doses therefore does not damage the crown of the tooth.

No harmful additives

Not a single Thai toothpaste contains coloring and flavoring substances, as well as preservatives.

The only drawback of this product is that it has a specific color, taste and smell that you need to get used to.

Main advantages

Toothpaste from Thailand, as a rule, initially brought to our country as a souvenir, quickly found its consumer. It has become widespread only due to its advantages, which include:

Black color

Toothpastes made in Thailand can be divided into light and dark, or rather, black.

This color makes this tool unusual, as everyone is used to a more traditional version. The color depends on the composition of the product.

Black or dark color have pastes made on the basis of:

  • crushed cuttlefish bones;
  • bamboo charcoal;
  • mangosteen bark.

In addition to these components, the paste contains plant extracts and oils. This type can be equally attributed to soft herbal and bleaching. Even after the first cleaning, you can see the result of whitening with the removal of tartar.

In addition, people with gum disease will notice an anti-inflammatory effect. This composition makes possible application this paste for people with high enamel sensitivity.


The whitening composition contains not only abrasive substances, but also vegetable ones. Together, they make the process of lightening crowns as fast as possible. Such tools allow you to equally remove both soft and hard plaque.

Combination active substances promotes the breakdown of tartar and the prevention of new deposits. The intensity of exposure will depend on the components that make up this product.

When using the most aggressive option, you can get the desired result after the first cleaning. Such pastes differ in their color, taste and smell.

Also, many may be surprised by the dense consistency of the cleaning mass and the shape of the package in the form of a jar. Recently, gel-based products have begun to appear in traditional tubes, which are more familiar to consumers.

The following pasta options are the most popular in Russia:

The use of a whitening paste can only help if the teeth are naturally white. In a situation where the natural shade of the crowns is far from white, only a dentist can help.


In Thailand, most cosmetics and hygiene products are based on herbal ingredients. With unique plants at their fingertips, the Thais learned how to combine them and use them to make toothpastes.

Similar compositions, like whitening, good for discoloration on teeth. But their main advantage lies in anti-inflammatory effect.

The combination of natural extracts and oils prevents the formation of germs and quickly eliminates bleeding gums.

The use of such a paste is indicated for any pathologies of the periodontium and mucosa. This is due to the fact that the product nourishes, tones and strengthens these tissues.

The most purchased toothpastes made in Thailand are:

Terms of Use

Unlike the standard pastes that we see on store shelves, Thai ones are considered concentrated. This means that they, like any concentrated substances, can be harmful if used incorrectly.

That is why when using such funds always follow the five rules:

  1. Follow the dosage. As a rule, all pastes made in Thailand have a small dosage for one cleaning: from the size of a match head to a large pea. In round jars, a special spatula is provided for applying the product to the brush.
  2. When using pastes with whitening properties, it is preferable to use a brush with soft bristles.
  3. The paste should be applied to a dry brush.
  4. To prevent tooth enamel sensitivity, use whitening paste no more than 10 times a month.
  5. Start active cleaning of the crowns only after foaming the product.

The benefits of Thai manufacturers' toothpastes are undoubtedly great. But in pursuit of the result, do not forget that all good things should be in moderation.

Carefully treat oral hygiene and then your experiments will bring only positive results.

In conclusion - a short video with an overview of Thai toothpastes:

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Oh, how many interesting things, and at the same time useful, can be purchased in Thailand.

But a local product, toothpaste, is in particular demand and popularity in this country.

Rumor has it that this miracle remedy helps to whiten teeth without special efforts. And all thanks to the components included in the composition, which are carefully selected by Thai experts.

A miracle remedy from Thailand is able to effectively remove plaque in the shortest possible time without going to the dentist.

We all know the prices dental services, and the natural Thai product is not only effective, but also relatively inexpensive.

You can buy the product not only in Thailand, but also in domestic online stores for a small amount - about three hundred rubles. It is important to be extremely attentive to the choice of suppliers!

Breath after using toothpaste from Thailand becomes very fresh, and remains so for almost the whole day.

In addition, the unique Thai composition helps to strengthen tooth enamel, reduce gum bleeding, and even disinfect the oral cavity!

Popularity Secret

It's all about the plant elements that make up the composition. The products contain extracts of plants of the lavender family, cloves, asters, camphor bark and many other components that grow in ecologically clean places in the country. It is thanks to the complex of unique components that the teeth remain white, healthy, and the smile pleases the eye.

I would especially like to note that to achieve the desired effect, you do not have to wait long! Using toothpaste from Thailand for only a month, you can notice that tartar disappears.

Bone organs acquire a natural whiteness, already after some two weeks after the start of use, gum bleeding is eliminated after two procedures.

And how economical all the products! It is necessary to use oral care products sparingly, as they are made in a concentrated form.

In order to clean the oral cavity, use a small amount of the drug - a tiny drop, about the size of a match head.

Application rules

As you know, in order to achieve a positive result, you need to apply maximum knowledge and skills. In this case, before you rush to brush your teeth with Thai paste, you just need to learn the rules for its use.

Preparations that are made in Thailand differ from our usual counterparts in high concentration.

If such a composition is used illiterately, the possibility of damage to the oral cavity is likely.

Carefully read the instructions for the product, the correct and useful dosage is detailed there.

This rule works if you purchased Thai pasta in a tube. But it is sold not only in this container.

The drug produced in a jar is very popular. In this case, there is always a special spatula in the kit, with which you can safely and conveniently apply the cleaning agent to your toothbrush.

It is advisable to use the product no more than 2 times a week, as an increased sensitivity of the enamel may form.

For the benefits of toothpastes from Thailand, see the video.


And how many types of this miracle remedy! Choose - I do not want. Let's dwell a little on each of them.

Twin Lotus Herbal Toothpaste original

The special vegetable composition of this Thai paste gives it a practical black color. There are no dyes and preservatives in the preparation! The consistency is dense.

The taste is pleasant - a little menthol. It is felt in the mouth for a long time, fresh breath is provided for the whole day.

The paste has an interesting viscous effect, which is especially felt when the product interacts with the gums.

Twin Lotus Herbal Toothpaste original contains seaweed, bone bone cuttlefish, sorbitol, calcium carbonate, silicic acid, sodium benzoate, eucalyptus oil and peppermint.

Products are produced in tubes. At correct use teeth become healthy, become much whiter.

The average cost is 200 rubles.

Twin Lotus Active Charcoal Toothpaste

It is rightly called the best Thai pasta. It not only cleans the oral cavity well, but also prevents the formation of tartar, completely eliminates dark patina which appears from overuse coffee or on the background of smoking.

A nice bonus is fresh breath from the use of a completely black composition. This is all thanks to the bamboo charcoal that is part of the drug. And no dyes! The consistency is more like a gel than a paste.

The main components of the product are clove and eucalyptus oil, sorbitol and menthol, sodium benzoate and calcium compounds.

The price of the drug on the Internet varies in the amount of 450 rubles.

Twin Lotus Premium without fluoride

Whitens teeth, copes well with nicotine, tea or coffee plaque. The herbs that make up the drug help strengthen the gums and relieve inflammation. It has a dark coffee shade and has a vegetable taste.

Main components: silicon dioxide, eucalyptus and mint oil, sorbitol, sodium benzoate, cuttlefish bone tissue.

The cost of the product without fluorine is 300 rubles.

Twin Lotus Day & Nighth3 Twin Lotus Fresh Cool

It has a grayish color and a pleasant fresh aroma.

Excellent cleaning and antibacterial properties make the drug very popular. Qualitatively gets rid of harmful trace elements in the mouth, prevents unpleasant odors.

In addition, the tool strengthens tooth enamel, helps restore the natural whiteness of teeth.

The composition contains calcium carbonate, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium benzoate, panicled murraya, sorbitol, cuttlefish bone tissue, etc.

The average cost is 150 rubles.

Twin Lotus Fresh Cool

Vegetable components give the product an expressive black tint. Thanks to antibacterial components, the enamel becomes smooth and shiny, not only soft plaque, but also stone is eliminated.

The gums stop bleeding, the oral cavity is equipped with vitamins, as a result of which protection against external environment, eliminates harmful odors, fresh breath appears. There is no fluoride in the paste.

The basis of the drug is sodium benzoate, calcium carbonate, water, sorbitol, silicon dioxide, menthol crystal, zigzerin oil, paraacetate, etc.

The average cost is 150 rubles.


The product perfectly whitens teeth, is made on the basis of natural ingredients, essential oils and unique herbs Thailand.

In the shortest possible time, the tool is able to remove plaque. Moreover, the paste renews the microflora of the soft tissues of the oral cavity, tones and eliminates bleeding.

In addition, the complex of elements blocks the development of bacteria in the mouth. At the same time, regular use is absolutely harmless to enamel.

Patients suffering from periodontitis can use 5STAR5A as a rinse.

The basis of the composition is menthol, cloves, borneol and camphor.

You can buy a highly concentrated product for 500 rubles.

Abhai herb

The product has a pronounced herbal smell and a brownish color. Sold in tubes. Whitens teeth, has a bactericidal agent.

Contains Clove Oil, Betel Leaf Oil, Mangosteen Bark Powder, Peppermint Leaf Oil, essential oil sweet oranges, aluminum sulfate, guava leaves, etc.

The average price is 150 rubles.

Baan Somjeed

Helps not only in the treatment and prevention various diseases oral cavity, but also, due to the astringent properties of the components, is an ideal anesthetic.

A mixture of herbal extracts gives the composition unusual color. The main active elements are bamboo charcoal, cuttlefish extracts, mangosteen bark.

The average price is 200 rubles.

Herbal Prim Perfect

It is a tooth powder, dense in consistency. It has aromas of camphor, menthol and cloves.

It has a beneficial effect on the gums, makes the breath fresh for the whole day. Perfectly cleans teeth!

The disadvantage of the drug is that it is not designed to whiten teeth. The composition includes calcium carbonate, clove oil and sage.

The average price is 150 rubles.

Possible Complications

Neglect of the rules of application is fraught with damage to tooth enamel, increased sensitivity of enamel, development of carious lesions, bleeding gums due to the high exposure to fine-grained components.

Myths and reality

Exists great amount reviews of Thai drugs. Let's figure out which ones can be trusted, and which not so much.

  1. Thai products cannot harm, because they contain only natural ingredients. In fact, there is simply no product certification in Thailand. That is, the manufacturer can indicate the presence of only useful components in the composition, and simply remain silent about harmful elements.

    Moreover, some of the elements that make up the composition have not been scientifically studied, so nothing convincing can be said about their benefits.

  2. Teeth whitening with Thai pastes is absolutely harmless. Yes, there is no doubt that toothpastes from Thailand help to significantly whiten your teeth. But after all, this harms the teeth - the enamel becomes thinner and becomes vulnerable to bacteria.
  3. Thai remedies are much more useful than similar domestic or European pastes. If we take abrasives into account, then Thai pastes are even much more harmful.

    In Russia and in the West, manufacturers of such products use special technologies for the manufacture of abrasives according to a principle developed over the years, which reduces the load on the enamel.

    In Thailand, this technology is not used. And regarding the compositions, the products of any country are similar in many compounds.

Watch the video to find out consumer reviews of oral care products from a distant kingdom.

As a warm sunny resort, Thailand is very popular. Exotic nature, unusual National dishes and original local customs attract curious tourists. People go to a mysterious country and return with trophies: pills "for all diseases", wonderful powders, creams and balms. The toothpaste from Thailand was no exception: whitening, firming, anti-inflammatory - it created significant competition for domestic counterparts.

Characteristics of pastes from Thailand

Appearing on sale in Moscow, Thai products demonstrate a rather high cost, while they are very cheap in their home market - in terms of Russian currency, the price of one jar rarely exceeds 10–15 rubles. Therefore, the price is attractive only for those who purchase products in Thailand personally.

In addition to the initial low price, Thai pastes have the following advantages:

  • basis of plant components;
  • pleasant taste and smell of Thai fruits, herbs, plants;
  • economical consumption;
  • variety of products;
  • visible and tangible effect: brightening, refreshing, getting rid of plaque.

The natural composition is dictated by the use of a variety of natural ingredients, the introduction of each component is provided for a specific purpose:

  • To remove hard deposits, Thai toothpaste contains soda. It is also added to products to relieve swelling of the gums and oral mucosa.
  • Bamboo charcoal, titanium dioxide and ground cuttlefish bone are responsible for polishing tooth enamel.
  • Extracts and tinctures of mint, cloves, guava, clinacanthus fight inflammation.

Some pastes contain borneol. It is used as a powerful antiseptic that does not have a toxic effect on the human body.

This is what a brightening toothpaste from Thailand looks like in the photo:

The main effect that buyers expect from toothpaste from Thailand is fast and clearly visible whitening. And some formulations can actually whiten your teeth in a few days. But practice shows that after cleaning with such pastes, many users are forced to seek urgent dental care. Pain, intolerance to cold and hot food, discomfort and burning in the gums are just part of a long list of complaints. So try New Product follows with caution, listening to your own feelings.

Refuse to use the product should be at the first symptoms of intolerance: pain in the teeth, increased sensitivity of the enamel, tingling, burning sensation in the mouth.

Who should stop experimenting

Based on experience, dentists have identified those who should not use Thai toothpaste. This:

Toothpastes from Thailand are not certified. No one checks the compliance of the declared composition with the real one, therefore, if there is any doubt about the manufacturer's responsibility, the purchase of Thai toothpaste in a beautiful jar should be abandoned.

Dangerous! Permanent application abrasive whitening compounds can wear away tooth enamel. In this case, it becomes vulnerable to bacterial invasions.

The main types of pastes

The variety of toothpastes in Thailand is extremely difficult to understand. Different proportions of ingredients and multi-component formulations make classification difficult. However, there are three main types of Thai pastes that have collected the largest number of reviews from Russian users.

Herbal toothpaste from Thailand

Such products are sold in the form of paste and powder. It is worth noting that the tooth powder from Thailand has the same characteristics as the paste. Therefore, the main selection criterion suitable remedy- Ease of use.

Like paste, the powder must be collected on a toothbrush, after which the entire surface of the dentition should be treated with it. There are formulations that are a cross between powder and paste. It is noticed that they are the fastest consumed.

The main purpose of herbal preparations is the fight against harmful microorganisms and the removal of inflammation. But, depending on the components, they can stop small local bleeding, have a calming effect on the gums, and nourish the tissues with useful substances.

5 Star 4A

Thai toothpaste 5 Star 4A, shown in the photo, is sold in a classic package - in a small round plastic jar. The composition includes extracts of mangosteen, cloves, guava, stebelius leaves, as well as camphor, borneol and bamboo salt. Outwardly, the mixture resembles light gray clay. The smell is specific, but quite pleasant. Users note the pronounced wound healing effect of 5 Star 4A.

Herbal Clove

Like the previous copy, the paste is packed in a jar. Its consistency deserves special attention - a thick and hard mass, which is difficult to distribute over the brush. Therefore, before application, it is customary to dilute the composition with water.

Wang Prom Herb

Another herbal composition - whitening Thai toothpaste Wang Prom Herb - is designed to prevent caries, soften tartar.

It has a weak whitening effect, but does not damage the enamel of the teeth. Contains borneol, calcium, camphor. According to reviews, it freshens breath for a long time.

twin lotus

Unique product of the legendary trademark Twin lotus. The basis is made up of herbs collected on certified plantations of the famous Thai manufacturer. The line includes:

  • series "Classic" for antibacterial protection;
  • the "Lux" series, which solves the narrow problems of the oral cavity: bleeding gums, darkening of the enamel, the formation of tartar;
  • the Premium series, which includes products with mineral water, activated carbon, crushed cuttlefish bones.

Despite the fact that this Thai toothpaste is used to whiten teeth, you can use it regularly: it does not contain aggressive substances, gently cleans plaque.

Whitening toothpaste from Thailand

If with the help of herbal formulations you can only slightly lighten the enamel, then whitening pastes solve the problem dramatically - in a few sessions you can make your teeth snow-white. True, they have such means and undesirable side effects.

Prim Perfect

It is sold in a box weighing 25 g, it has a sharp specific taste, a bright, memorable aroma. When cleaning, the product pinches the tongue strongly, can irritate soft tissues. Its composition is based on herbs, but their concentration is very high, so the paste gives a quick whitening effect, but significantly increases the sensitivity of the teeth.

The drug can be used no more than 2 times a week. The rest of the time, dentists recommend cleaning more soft formulations. Prim Perfect is one of the most aggressive Thai pastes., therefore, caution when using it will not hurt even in the most advanced cases: with black plaque from coffee, smoking, tea.


Punchalee Hard Herbal Paste contains calcium and baking soda to promote fast whitening. The composition also includes patchouli oil, menthol and wild clove extract.

Due to the absence of flavors and sweeteners, the drug has a peculiar aroma and specific taste. One small jar is enough for three months of use. The whitening effect is pronounced.

Black toothpaste from Thailand

Thai black toothpastes, as in the photo below, can be attributed to both the herbal group and the bleaching category, since they contain both herbs and bleaching agents. However, it is customary to single them out in a separate series because of the unusual color.

A dark shade is achieved by introducing substances that are traditionally rich in Tai into the composition:

  • coal obtained by burning bamboo;
  • cuttlefish bone powder;
  • chopped mangosteen bark.
It is noted that black toothpastes from Thailand effectively lighten the enamel, but do not lead to such destructive consequences as the aggressive compositions of the whitening group. Therefore, classical dentistry allows their use by people with hypersensitivity teeth.

How to use Thai toothpaste

You should learn how to use herbal toothpastes from Thailand before buying. The fact is that almost all of them have a more concentrated composition than conventional gels. Improper use of the concentrate is harmful to health. Therefore, it is necessary to know and observe the dosage, to choose the right drug for your needs.

Basic Rules:

  • when using Thai toothpaste with a whitening effect, use only brushes with soft bristles;
  • brush your teeth with aggressive abrasives no more than 8 times a month;
  • apply paste on dental crowns only after thorough foaming;
  • use spatulas (usually included), do not allow water to enter the jar with the product.
For a thorough cleaning, a small amount of product is enough: the size of a match head for bleaching compounds and a pea for herbal and black pastes.

You should not immediately purchase a product that you like on the window in a large volume. allergic reactions and intolerance to components can be detected after several sessions, so it is better to buy several small samples of Thai toothpaste, as in the photo below.

The benefits of Thai pastes

When used correctly, Thai toothpastes have a powerful preventive and therapeutic effect. Fans of products note a decrease in bleeding during brushing, the disappearance of plaque, softening of tartar, and a feeling of freshness. The positive point is the naturalness of the products. In the absence of allergies, such raw materials will bring maximum benefit, strengthen teeth and gums.

Toothpastes from Thailand today are quite a popular product, competing with traditional European brands. This is due to the fact that the effect of their impact is visible almost immediately, and the cost is quite acceptable. Consider the composition, varieties of toothpastes and powders from Thailand, as well as their advantages and possible disadvantages.

The composition of toothpastes from Thailand

Most Thai toothpastes have an undeniable advantage over products from other manufacturers - their cost is quite budgetary. The composition of most of the products is positioned as natural, but there can be no complete certainty about this. It is known that in Thailand there is no mandatory certification of products from local manufacturers, which means that in the package with a paste or powder there may be ingredients that are not listed on the label.

Consider the main components of Thai toothpastes:

  • Clay is a bleaching component with abrasive properties. Despite the naturalness of this ingredient, there is no certainty that it is completely safe for enamel. For example, European manufacturers process abrasives before adding them to the product so that the microparticles have a smoother surface and do not scratch the enamel.
  • Clove (clove), sage (sage), myrrh (myrrh), peppermint (peppermint) oils - soothe sore gums and freshen your breath. However, not everyone likes the overly harsh aroma of these substances.
  • Bamboo charcoal - this ingredient distinguishes Thai toothpaste from other similar products. The component perfectly cleans teeth from soft plaque, absorbs bad smell, has bactericidal properties.
  • Cuttlefish bone polishes teeth, and in combination with other ingredients allows you to achieve white enamel for short term use.
  • Guava leaf powder is known for its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. As part of the tooth powder, this ingredient serves as a prevention of gingivitis, periodontal disease and other gum diseases.
  • Clinacanthus extract is a squeeze from the leaves of a rare plant that grows only in the Thai tropics. Klinakanthus drooping is used not only as an ingredient in toothpastes, but also in cosmetology, as it has pronounced anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Fights gum disease and other oral problems.

In addition to natural and often exotic ingredients, Thai pastes contain the usual additives that we are used to seeing in other similar products. Among them are such infamous components as sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium coco sulfate.

Sodium lauryl sulfate is an anionic surfactant. They are poorly washed out and accumulate in the body, and at a certain concentration they disrupt the cell membrane. This contributes to a decrease in immunity and leads to the development of certain diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. Almost the same can be said about the sodium coco sulfate component.


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In Thailand, there are many manufacturers of toothpaste, and each represents an entire line of products. Let's highlight the most famous products that are already on our market, and talk about each category separately. Consider means for teeth whitening and caries prevention, herbal, antiseptic and others.

To whiten teeth and prevent caries

Whitening Thai toothpaste is Twin Lotus herbal (herbal) - one of the most famous. According to the manufacturer, the product has the following properties:

Due to the presence of sorbitol, the paste has a greasy texture and retains its properties for a long time. Cuttlefish bone and calcium carbonate are used as a polishing component. Also in the composition there is miswak - the flour of the tree Salvadora Persica, which copes with inflammation of the gums and has many others. useful properties. In addition to the listed components, the Thai paste includes clinacanthus, peppermint oil, eucalyptus extract, and the murraya paniculata plant.

The paste has a thick consistency and is black or dark brown in color. According to user reviews, this paste perfectly soothes the gums and heals wounds on the mucosa. At the same time, the whitening properties of the product are very mediocre.

Srithana herbal - this toothpaste has a whitening effect and is presented on our market in various variations. The manufacturer claims that the product cleans the teeth of pigmented plaque and promotes healthy gums. As part of the paste borneol, camphor, glycerin, fruit extracts. Srithana is quite popular among our compatriots and is in demand. However, the product is not without drawbacks, which can be found in user reviews:

  • too strong foaming, which suggests that there is an excess of sodium lauryl sulfate in the composition (it is not mentioned on the package);
  • if you brush your teeth regularly, there is an increased sensitivity of the enamel;
  • some users have experienced bleeding gums.

Herbal for gums

For the review, we chose the Thai herbal paste with mangosteen (Clove and Mangosteen toothpaste) from the manufacturer 5 Stars. This paste is available in traditional Asian packaging - in a round jar with a screw cap. Inside the container is a gray mass, similar to wet cosmetic clay. According to the manufacturer, this product has antibacterial and wound healing properties, and serves as a prevention of gum disease.

One of the key components of herbal toothpaste is an extract of an exotic fruit - mangosteen. It is known that, in addition to antioxidants (vitamins A and E), it contains special substances - xanthones. They maintain the microbiological balance in the mouth and protect immune system. Also in the composition are an extract of stebelius leaves, guava, cloves, borneol, camphor, bamboo salt.

Herbal clove toothpaste is popular among consumers. The product contains aster extract, laurel, menthol, clove essential oil. With increased sensitivity of the teeth, this paste can only be used diluted. To do this, before use, it is mixed with ordinary paste in a ratio of 1: 4.


Any antiseptic toothpaste from Thailand is not intended for permanent use. It is believed that such products kill not only harmful microorganisms, but also necessary, helping the work digestive system, which begins already in the oral cavity. However, according to the statements of paste manufacturers from Thailand, their products are natural, and antiseptic properties are softly expressed, as they are represented by such components as clove oil, Streblus asper tree powder, etc. Our list includes such products:

Other types

In Thailand, many more toothpastes and powders are produced, which have not quite ordinary properties. Consider a few more products from Asia:

  • Mineral paste Biominerals Toothpaste is a product that restores enamel. Paste black or Brown, thick, with visible small particles. It contains biominerals that fill damaged cells in the enamel structure, and according to the manufacturer, the product does not contain fluorine. The paste is indicated for people with sensitive teeth, as well as for those who have discovered initial signs caries. After a week of use, the stains on the enamel disappear, and the teeth become stronger due to the strengthening of the protective shell. In addition to biominerals, the paste contains guava leaf extract, stevia pomace, bentonite (white clay).
  • Supaporn Tooth polishing powder plus Herb - For gentle cleansing teeth and breath freshening. If you use the product regularly, it will brighten and strengthen the enamel, remove tartar, help to avoid caries. The composition includes sodium bicarbonate (soda), calcium carbonate, sodium chloride (salt), borneol, camphor, menthol, sodium salt. The product is contraindicated for people with sensitive teeth and those who have individual intolerance to the ingredients.

How to use Thai pastes correctly?

Thai toothpastes differ from European ones in consistency - they are thicker. In this regard, products from Thailand are usually produced in jars, as seen in the photo.

The manufacturer packed some pastes in tubes, but not everyone is comfortable using them. It is rather difficult to calculate the degree of pressure on the tube in order to get the right amount of paste - sometimes it turns out to squeeze out a bulk clot. Consider other recommendations for the use of pastes:

  • If the paste is in a jar, it should be collected with a special spatula and only then applied to a dry or slightly damp brush. As a rule, a very small amount of pasta is required, about the size of a lentil grain. It is not recommended to immerse the brush in a container with the product, so as not to introduce bacteria into it.
  • Almost all Thai whitening toothpastes contain abrasives that are not pre-treated. This should be remembered by people with increased sensitivity of the teeth, as well as those who have children in the family. The rest is recommended to use the paste for 1-2 weeks, then take a break.
  • Tooth powders from Thailand are quite aggressive means, so it is better to use them only from time to time.

Remember that most pastes from Asia contain exotic additives that can cause allergies. It is better to buy the product first in a small package, and only after successful testing, purchase a large jar.