Medicinal clove buds. Useful properties of cloves

Cloves are a seasoning that almost every housewife who loves and knows how to cook has. But not everyone knows that the beneficial properties of cloves are officially recognized by doctors as helping and healing from many different ailments. What are the unique properties of the seasoning we are used to, and how to use it for medicinal purposes?

What is useful cloves

The healing properties of cloves are due to its powerful vitamin composition, which includes:

  • Vitamin C;
  • beta carotene;
  • Tannins;
  • Fatty acid;
  • B vitamins;
  • Calcium;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Magnesium;
  • Vitamin K;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Iron.

Cloves contain a special substance - evenol, due to which its beneficial properties are manifested. The substance is contained in the essential oil of the plant, so it is clove oil that is used in various industries: pharmacology, cosmetology and nutrition.

The benefits and harms of cloves have long been studied by medical institutes, where it has been proven that the spice has the following effect on the body:

  • Painkiller;
  • Diuretic;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Spasmolytic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • Tonic;
  • Antifungal and antiviral;
  • Anti-stress;
  • carminative;
  • Wound healing;
  • Anthelmintic.

Cloves are used in dentistry to eliminate various infections and inflammations of the oral cavity. It is enough to lightly chew on spicy buds, and you can permanently eliminate bad breath from your mouth.

Disorders of the nervous system (insomnia, stressful conditions, mental and physical overload) can also be eliminated with the help of cloves, due to the high content of B vitamins.

In dietology, the plant is used for weight loss: adding spices to food normalizes weight and improves metabolism, and clove oil is used for massages and body wraps (in order to get rid of cellulite).

The anti-carcinogenic properties of cloves have been proven - it suppresses the development of cancer cells, it is even planned to create a cure for leukemia based on the spice.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of cloves are determined by the rich chemical composition, due to which the spice is used to treat many ailments:

  • Inflammatory phenomena in the oral cavity (periodontal disease, caries, pulpitis) and toothache;
  • Intestinal diseases (eliminates flatulence, normalizes metabolism);
  • Colds, cough, tonsillitis, runny nose (eliminates viruses and infections, improves immunity).
  • Puffiness (has a diuretic effect);
  • Respiratory tract diseases (restores breathing, improves blood circulation);
  • Depression, nervous disorders, anxiety, insomnia;
  • Inflammation of the gastric mucosa (improves digestion, cleanses of toxins);
  • High blood pressure (normalizes blood pressure indicators);
  • Skin diseases (dermatitis, acne, pustules);
  • Wound, inflammation, skin irritation (has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect);
  • Headache, accompanied by nausea and vomiting (relieves spasm and soothes headache);
  • Eye diseases (has an antibacterial effect);
  • Endotoxicosis (a condition that occurs after prolonged use of drugs or after contact with toxic substances).

Treatment of a number of female gynecological diseases is also not complete without a spicy plant: it increases the tone of the uterus (intensifies contractions during childbirth), treats frigidity for women, and normalizes the menstrual cycle.

Pathogenic organisms and viruses are very "afraid" of cloves: diphtheria and tuberculosis bacillus, staphylococci, influenza pathogens and helminths. These properties allow the plant to be used to heal various intestinal infections, influenza, and viral diseases.

Carnation in cosmetology

A lot of cosmetics contain clove oil, which has a rejuvenating, antioxidant and lipolytic effect.

Clove oil-based products treat skin diseases:

  • Furunculosis;
  • Acne;
  • Pustular lesions;
  • bacterial dermatitis.
  • Cloves are used for hair - in the form of crushed buds and in the form of oil (the form of application depends on the specific recipe and the purpose of application to the hair). The plant activates the vessels of the head, which enhances the flow of nutrients to the hair, and also eliminates dandruff and excess fat.

Application in cosmetology:

To give the skin health and shine (and also for problematic skin), baths with the addition of a few drops of clove oil are recommended.
Face mask: mix 5 drops of clove oil with honey, cream and 1 tbsp. spoon of pharmaceutical clay. The agent is applied for 10 minutes.
Cosmetic ice (for daily wiping): dissolve 2 drops of oil in 200 g of water and mix with 6 ml of cosmetic cream.
For the treatment of pustules and boils: Gently apply one drop of clove oil to the affected area of ​​the skin.
For the treatment of warts, clove oil (2-3 drops) is dissolved in water and applied pointwise to neoplasms (treatment can last up to a month).

Any cosmetic product available can be enriched by adding a couple of drops of clove oil to it.

In cosmetology, a spicy plant is used to get rid of cellulite: clove oil (4 drops) is added to any base oil (10 ml), and used for anti-cellulite massage and various body wraps.

How to apply cloves

Decoctions, teas, inhalations, compresses are prepared from cloves for the treatment and prevention of diseases, and ready-made clove oil is also used.

Decoctions and teas are prepared and drunk for a variety of diseases, and also used as a prophylaxis (for the treatment of gynecological diseases, for sexual disorders, as a compress for eye and skin diseases, etc.).


Having decided to use the beneficial properties of cloves in practice, you should strictly monitor the dosages, because. clove oil can cause severe burns, and buds can cause allergic reactions.

If, after contact with the oil, the burning sensation continues for more than three minutes, you should immediately wash it off and continue to use it with caution. Inside, no more than three drops of oil dissolved in liquid should be used - otherwise it can cause burns and irritation of the mucous membrane. Buds can be harmful if there is an individual intolerance to seasoning.

Do not use cloves:

  • During pregnancy and during lactation.
  • With ulcers and acute inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • With hypertension, because the plant can exacerbate the condition.
  • Children under two years old, tk. clove will only do harm to their still unstrengthened stomach.

The benefits for the body of cloves are not only that it eliminates the obvious physical manifestations of the disease. The spice makes the reserve forces of the body fight diseases, strengthens the nervous system and restores mental balance, which is a guarantee of health for many years.

Most of us are familiar with cloves as a fragrant spice. However, few people know about the medicinal properties of the spice, which is dried unopened buds of the clove tree, resembling small carnations with hats in shape.

It turns out that medicine in many countries has long since adopted the use of cloves for medicinal purposes. So, in the USA and Europe, it is advised for use by people with digestive problems.

In India, it is prescribed to patients to relieve spastic pain. Clove oil has been used in dentistry, surgery and gynecology. The spice is also used in cooking and cosmetics.

Did you know? About 60 medicines have been produced on the basis of cloves.

As you can see, cloves are popular in the world due to their therapeutic effect, and such a variety of useful properties of this plant is explained by its rich chemical composition.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of cloves

In terms of its chemical composition, cloves have no equal among spices. It contains:

The nutritional value of cloves is also high, due to the high content of proteins (6 g / 100 g), fats (20 g / 100 g) and carbohydrates (27 g / 100 g). 33% of cloves is fiber. It also contains ash and water.

Useful properties of cloves for humans

The spectrum of beneficial effects of cloves on the human body is very wide. It has analgesic, antiseptic, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, wound healing, antiviral, diaphoretic and diuretic effects. Its anthelmintic and antifungal effects are also known.

Cloves are used to prevent influenza and other viral diseases. Spices are afraid of golden and white staphylococcus aureus.

Vitamin B complex, which is part of the clove buds, relieves stress, tension, improves memory, stimulates the brain.

Decoctions are made from cloves to treat eye diseases, in particular to get rid of barley. Adding it to food improves appetite, normalizes the digestion of food, improves acidity, and eliminates gas formation.

The spice has a beneficial effect on the normalization of blood pressure.

In traditional medicine, clove oil is used in healing and anti-inflammatory ointments and balms. Clove-based preparations are used for sprains and dislocations in athletes.

Cloves are used in research to develop cancer drugs, which confirm that they can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

The medicinal properties of food cloves have found application in dentistry and gynecology.

Areas of application of cloves

In one article, it is hardly possible to consider the features of the use of cloves in various fields. Let us dwell only on some of them, where the spice is used most often.

The use of cloves in dentistry

Cloves are used to solve a number of dental problems. Its anti-inflammatory effect has been proven in periodontal disease, pulpitis, caries and diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis).

Recommended to relieve toothache decoction of food cloves known for its medicinal properties. To do this, five buds are boiled in one glass of any vegetable oil (olive, sesame, sea buckthorn). The broth is allowed to brew and cool. Swabs with three drops of decoction are applied to the diseased tooth.

Also, to get rid of pain, you can rub clove powder on your gums, drip clove oil on a sore tooth, or simply chew whole buds.

Important! If you follow this advice, you should be aware that the use of folk remedies will only lead to short-term pain relief, but not to a solution to the problem. For the treatment of a diseased tooth, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Decoctions and tinctures of cloves are also used for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. So, they recommend rinsing with clove decoctions for aphthous stomatitis.

The spice has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes the speedy healing of ulcers. With perspiration and sore throat and tonsillitis, it is advised to chew cloves. With angina, rinses with warm water with sea salt and clove powder have proven themselves well.

In addition, dry clove inflorescences can be used instead of chewing gum that is harmful to the digestive tract - it remarkably eliminates bad breath and maintains normal mucosal microflora after eating.

Did you know? The spice is added in the manufacture of chewing gum in Thailand and India.

The use of cloves for headaches

To get rid of a headache, there are several recipes:

  1. Prepare a paste of 5 g of ground cloves, cinnamon, almonds and water. Apply the mixture to the temples.
  2. Apply a paste-like mixture of camphor oil and ground cloves (5 g) to the whiskey.
  3. A similar mixture is prepared from cloves, salt and milk.
  4. Massage the forehead and temples with a mixture of essential oils of clove (1 drop), chamomile (1 drop), lavender (3 drops), almond (1 teaspoon).

Used to treat frequent headaches alcohol tincture: 5 teaspoons of ground cloves are added to 100 g of vodka, heated and drunk in half a tablespoon.

How to take cloves

We have already talked about several ways to take cloves for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes - to prepare tinctures, decoctions, mixtures, drops, clove-based oil.

Can also be brewed clove tea. Its daily use can enrich the human body with the missing vitamins, cheer up, increase vitality, and strengthen the immune system.

It can also help with diarrhea, bloating and nausea. Teas can be made from cloves alone, or with the addition of other ingredients: cinnamon, ginger, orange, etc.

Important! Do not add more than one or two inflorescences per cup to tea, otherwise the drink may be bitter.

With frequent colds before meals, you can take a mixture of a pinch of ground cloves, black pepper and a teaspoon of honey, its medicinal properties will help to survive the autumn-winter period without SARS.

It also has an antiviral effect inhalation with clove essential oil. They help in the treatment of colds, coughs and nasal congestion. To do this, add a few drops to hot water and breathe these vapors.

Clove oil is also used in aromatherapy to calm the nervous system, stress and depression. Also, oil (2 drops) can be added to the bath when bathing.

But to strengthen the heart, it is advised to drink mulled wine. Moreover, with a therapeutic purpose, it is better not to boil mulled wine, but to insist for several weeks. To do this, five clove inflorescences are added to 0.5 liters of red wine. You need to insist in a dark place for three weeks.

Add one teaspoon to tea up to three times daily. Also, mulled wine can be prepared in the following way: in 0.3 liters of red wine put sliced ​​orange and half a lemon, 5 cloves, cinnamon, bring to a boil, cool and strain. Drink one tablespoon.

To get rid of a cough, you can use before bedtime a mixture of five drops of essential clove oil, one clove of garlic and honey. For pain in the ears, three drops of prepared clove oil are instilled into each auricle.

Cloves have proven themselves well in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis. It is added to massage oil (4-5 drops / 10 ml), used to make a healing mixture.

Swabs soaked in clove decoction are used to heal wounds and acute conjunctivitis.

This spicy plant has a positive effect on women's health. Even in ancient times, it was used to stimulate childbirth, with postpartum hemorrhage and as an abortifacient.

Clove essential oil can increase the tone of the uterus, normalize the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels. Also, cloves are a good aphrodisiac that enhances sexual desire and prolongs sexual pleasure.

How cosmetologists use cloves

In cosmetology, clove essential oil is used. Its main component - eugenol - is part of creams, ointments, balms. It is also used in perfumery.

Clove oil is effective for oily and acne-prone skin. It has an antiseptic effect, relieves inflammation and dries the skin. To solve skin problems, it is recommended to prepare mixtures based on creams.

So, on a face with oily skin is applied mixed cream or oil base (10 ml), 2 drops of clove essential oil and 2 drops of lemon juice.

Use a mask for acne from cream or oil (10 ml), 1 drop of clove oil, 2 drops of geranium oil and 1 drop of chamomile oil.

To narrow the pores, mix one egg white, 1 drop of clove oil, 1 drop of geranium oil, 1 drop of sage oil.

You can fight rashes with 15-minute masks from the composition: wheat germ oil (10 ml), clove oil (2 drops), lavender oil (3 drops).

Also, clove essential oil helps to strengthen hair growth and nourish the hair follicles. For weakened hair prone to hair loss, masks with the addition of clove oil are recommended.

One of the simple options for a mask that stimulates hair growth is in 30 ml of any vegetable oil, add 5 drops of clove oil. Rub into hair roots and scalp. Leave for 40 minutes.

It is important to know that clove oil has a very strong effect and, undiluted, can lead to burns and skin irritation, so there are contraindications to its use, in particular, it is prohibited for children and adolescents under 15 years of age.

Cloves and Cooking

To give a unique taste and aroma in cooking, cloves are widely used:

  • when preparing fried and stewed meat, minced meat;
  • in bakery and confectionery;
  • when cooking broths and first courses;
  • in fish canning and sausage production;
  • for cooking compotes, mulled wine, punch;
  • as an additive to marinades (meat, fish, vegetable, mushroom, berry);
  • as part of sauces, mayonnaise.
Clove gives its burning taste to both hot and cold dishes. With prolonged heating, the taste of the spice intensifies, but the aroma disappears at high temperatures. Therefore, in dishes where the smell of cloves should be in the first place, spice should be added as late as possible.

It is important not to overdo it with the addition of spices, since an excessive amount of it in a dish can clog the taste of the main products and give a very strong specific flavor.

It is recommended to add to the broth 1-2 cloves per 1 liter of liquid. When cooking meat up to two buds. Put into the dough 4-5 cloves per 1 kg. Throw in the marinade 3-4 g of cloves per 10 l.

Ground cloves, along with other spices, are part of the popular Masala spice.

Did you know? To determine the quality of a clove, it must be thrown into a container of water with force. A good, healthy spice should go to the bottom or float in an upright position with the cap up. If the spice does not sink, but floats on the surface, this indicates that the heavy essential oil has evaporated from it and there are no useful properties left in it.

Also, the quality of the carnation is determined by putting it between two sheets of paper and rolling it a couple of times with a rolling pin. If at the same time oily spots remain on the paper, then the spice is good.

Contraindications to the use of cloves

Despite the fact that cloves are endowed with a number of medicinal properties, there are contraindications to its use. It should not be used by children under two years old, pregnant women, nursing mothers.

It is undesirable to take this spice for gastritis with high acidity and peptic ulcers. It should be reduced to people with increased mental stress.

Since this spice can both tone and relieve spasm at the same time, can relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and raise blood pressure, cloves should not be used for hypertension, there are contraindications for people in a state of nervous excitement.

And pay attention, if all the above remedies do not help you, then for further treatment you will need to consult a competent specialist.

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Alcohol tincture for cloves is used by some as a strong drink. Typically, these home-cooked products have a unique taste and are much safer than dubious alcoholic drinks from stores. But there are also other properties that clove tincture on vodka is useful for - its use as a medicine for the treatment of a number of diseases, as well as for their prevention.

which we recently described. It is very popular in culinary all over the world. It is also used in sweet desserts and meat dishes. What we call a carnation is nothing more than an unblown bud of a flower of carnation trees belonging to the myrtle family. The most useful in them is the high content of essential oils, tannins, as well as organic acids, vitamins and microelements useful for the human body. Such a rich composition just gives the spice a well-defined and recognizable aroma. In addition, the high content of nutrients makes cloves useful not only in cooking, but also in traditional medicine. Healers recommend using it for the preparation of various means - decoctions and tinctures, with which you can improve your health and well-being.

The plant has a powerful antimicrobial and analgesic effect, and also has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect. The means in which it is included help to fight helminths, and also effectively destroy pathogenic microflora. Women greatly appreciate this plant for its help in the treatment of infertility. Decoctions made from cloves gently eliminate. Clove oil is used to enhance erection and more sensual sexual intercourse, as the components contained in it act as powerful aphrodisiacs.

To prepare a useful medicine from cloves, it is important to choose the right spice. Yes, it turns out that not all buds in a row can be used for treatment. The buds must be lowered into a container of water. If they are completely submerged to the bottom or kept vertically in the water, then they can be considered of high quality and suitable for use. Otherwise, the spice is completely useless.

Clove tincture - application

To prepare tinctures, you can use vodka, alcohol and even red wine. All these remedies are curative and useful.

It is treated like this. You need to take 150 grams of vodka and ten grams of dry clove buds. Prepare the tincture in a dark glass container, do not use plastic containers to avoid unwanted reactions. Leave for 7-8 days, shaking the composition daily and putting it back in a dark place. Then strain and store in the refrigerator. In case of illness, lubricate the affected areas of the body with cotton wool soaked in tincture.

Recipe for women's health - allows you to eliminate the inflammatory process in the cavity of the fallopian tubes, and make it regular, regenerate the female body after a miscarriage or. To prepare the tincture, you will need 30 grams of washed clove buds, 0.5 liters of good quality vodka. Pour the cloves, cork well and shake the contents in a container, put it in a place where the sun's rays do not fall. Leave to infuse for 15 days, not forgetting to shake occasionally.

After 15 days, we take out the tincture, filter it, but do not pour out the rest of the thick. Pour what is left with another 250 ml of vodka and again remove the infusion for 15 days. Store the previously drained tincture in the refrigerator until the second part is prepared. After two weeks, mix both halves. The resulting tincture should be taken 20 ml before meals, but no later than the next six hours.

Another recipe for women. It will require not buds, but the root part of the carnation. Rinse the rhizome well, chop, pour one liter of vodka. Remove in a dark place for 10 days. Strain and take the finished tincture, you will need 2 teaspoons in the morning, afternoon and before bedtime. This is a good remedy for inflammatory processes, pain in the ovaries, irregular menstrual cycle.

The following recipe can be used to strengthen the immune system in general, to restore the body after viral diseases, flu and tonsillitis. It will take 300 ml of vodka, 5 pieces of cloves, half a lemon with zest, half an orange. Cut all the ingredients into small pieces, pour vodka. You can take a tablespoon a day after three days. Such a tool not only improves overall well-being, but also normalizes blood pressure, helps get rid of dizziness.

Instead of vodka in recipes, healers advise using real red wine as well. You need to take 100 pieces of clove buds, pour one liter of dry wine. Remove the tincture in a cool place without light for 15 months. Strain the resulting product and store in the refrigerator. Tincture well eliminates headaches, frequent migraines. In addition, this recipe helps with eye pain after prolonged work at a computer monitor.

Clove vodka tincture is ideal for oral disinfection and for severe toothache. It acts as a local anesthetic. It is useful to take a tablespoon of alcohol tincture for diarrhea and intestinal infections. The substances that make up this plant destroy harmful microbes and thereby neutralize their pathogenic effects.

Who is contraindicated in recipes with cloves on vodka?

Despite the large number of useful properties, tincture of cloves on vodka for treatment may not be useful for everyone. It should not be taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers. Do not get carried away with tinctures and those who are diagnosed with peptic ulcer. Although cloves have a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, with ulcers and intestinal dyskinesia, it can be consumed only after consulting a doctor.

You can not include this plant in your diet for those who suffer from increased nervous excitability, depression, hypertension. In no case should the indicated doses of application be exceeded, since a dangerous burn of the mucous membranes can be provoked.

Unusual-looking clove buds are famous not only for their burning taste and spicy aroma, but also for their healing effect. This spice has long been used in traditional medicine recipes for the prevention and even treatment of certain diseases. So, we read about the unique medical properties of the unopened buds of the clove tree Syzygium in this article.

The chemical composition of fragrant cloves

Just one bud, and what a variety of useful substances! The chemical composition of cloves is unusually large. Its beneficial properties are explained by the high content of vitamins, minerals and, of course, essential oil.

Vitamins of clove buds: provitamin A (beta-carotene), B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 or PP, B4, B6, B9), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (tocopherol) and vitamin K (phylloquinone). Cloves contain useful minerals: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc.

The same amount in cloves and tannins, as well as glycosides and mucus.
If we consider the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, then in cloves there are 6% proteins, 20% lipids, about 27% carbohydrates. Approximately 30% of the spice is fiber.

8 health benefits of cloves

It's no surprise that cloves are a powerful drug, just look at their composition.

Actions of the clove:

1. bactericidal;
2. anthelmintic (anthelmintic);
3. antifungal (fungicidal);
4. painkiller;
5. antispasmodic;
6. wound healing;
7. carminative (for flatulence)
8. anticarcinogenic.

Many pathogens are afraid of cloves: for example, Staphylococcus aureus and white, diphtheria bacillus, and even the causative agent of anthrax, etc. Fragrant cloves suppress the reproduction of tubercle bacilli. It is effective to use cloves to prevent influenza.

When eating cloves, the production of digestive juices is stimulated, which is useful for gastritis with low acidity, reduced appetite. But with increased acidity and stomach ulcers, the use of this remedy is contraindicated.

Cloves are used in the treatment of inflammation in the large intestine (colitis), intestinal colic, flatulence (carminative effect), diseases of the rectum, liver.

When industrial pharmacies were widespread, special dental painkillers and bactericidal agents were prepared with eugenol, which is part of fragrant cloves.

This spice is able to relieve toothache, has a beneficial effect on the gums, and is used for gingivitis and periodontitis. Dried clove buds are a great alternative to chewing gum as they neutralizes harmful bacteria and eliminates bad breath.

The complex of B vitamins, which is so necessary for our nervous system, can be obtained from your favorite spice. It is no coincidence that clove extract is included in the German drug Doppelgerz Melissa, which has a calming effect.

Clove due to the eugenol contained in it effectively fights the growth of cancer cells. This was shown by the latest research of scientists in the field of anti-carcinogenic agents.

Surprisingly, the clove has two opposite actions at once: it tones and relieves spasms. She is able to relax and tone at the same time. On the one hand, cloves are able to relieve spasm of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, on the other hand, to tone up the muscles of the uterus and raise blood pressure (therefore, cloves are contraindicated for people with arterial hypertension). The whole question, as always, is in the dosage.


  • A wonderful recipe for heart health is mulled wine, which is prepared with the use of fragrant cloves. There are many recipes for mulled wine, but cloves and cinnamon are most often used. Usually mulled wine is boiled, but it is more effective to infuse cloves without boiling for several weeks, since during heat treatment its vitamins and aromatic substances evaporate and are destroyed.
  • It is better to take 0.5 l of high-quality red wine (not powdered), add 5 cloves to the bottle, add a little cinnamon if desired. Close tightly with a cork and insist in a dark place for 3 weeks. Take 1 teaspoon with tea 1-3 times a day.
  • For problems with the oral cavity, toothache, inflammation of the gums, stomatitis, bad breath, it is useful to chew clove buds. These same actions will prevent the beginning of a sore throat.
  • To stimulate digestion, 1-2 clove buds with 1 teaspoon of honey are thoroughly chewed 15 minutes before meals. However, it is contraindicated in gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as high blood pressure.
  • With hypotension, you can also chew a few cloves, the effect will be no less than from caffeine.
  • Clove oil is effective in the treatment of pustules and boils. Apply 1 drop of concentrated essential oil to the boil. For problematic skin, baths with clove essential oil are taken.
  • Clove oil is widely used for arthritis and arthrosis. It helps relieve pain and inflammation. To do this, massage the diseased joint with diluted clove essential oil (15 drops of clove essential oil for 1 tablespoon of massage oil).
  • There are traditional medicine tips for preparing decoctions from the buds of the clove tree. However, the medicinal value of such drugs will be small, since the substances that make up the buds are destroyed during heat treatment.

How to choose a carnation

A brittle, too dry bud indicates the absence of essential oils. When you throw a quality kidney into water, it floats vertically, with the foot down, or sinks to the bottom of the glass. If the “carnation” lies horizontally on the surface of the water, then there are no essential oils in it. Such a carnation is unsuitable for medicinal purposes.

Unusual-looking clove buds are famous not only for their burning taste and spicy aroma, but also for their healing effect. This spice has long been used in traditional medicine recipes for the prevention and even treatment of certain diseases. So, we read about the unique medical properties of the unopened buds of the clove tree Syzygium in this article.

In every house in the kitchen there is a jar of clove buds. Do we know that this spice is included in the herbal pharmacopoeia of Britain? Maybe look at a jar of spice in a new way and take advantage of the beneficial properties of cloves?

The chemical composition of fragrant cloves

Just one bud, and what a variety of useful substances! The chemical composition of cloves is unusually large. Its beneficial properties are explained by the high content of vitamins, minerals and, of course, essential oil.

Vitamins of clove buds: provitamin A (beta-carotene), B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 or PP, B4, B6, B9), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (tocopherol) and vitamin K (phylloquinone). Cloves contain useful minerals: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc.

The same amount in cloves and tannins, as well as glycosides and mucus. If we consider the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, then in cloves there are 6% proteins, 20% lipids, about 27% carbohydrates. Approximately 30% of the spice is fiber.

8 health benefits of cloves

It's no surprise that cloves are a powerful drug, just look at their composition.

Actions of the clove:

1. bactericidal;

2. anthelmintic (anthelmintic);

3. antifungal (fungicidal);

4. painkiller;

5. antispasmodic;

6. wound healing;

7. carminative (with flatulence);

Many pathogens are afraid of cloves: for example, Staphylococcus aureus and white, diphtheria bacillus, and even the causative agent of anthrax, etc. Fragrant cloves suppress the reproduction of tubercle bacilli. It is effective to use cloves to prevent influenza.

When eating cloves, the production of digestive juices is stimulated, which is useful for gastritis with low acidity, reduced appetite. But with increased acidity and stomach ulcers, the use of this remedy is contraindicated.

Cloves are used in the treatment of inflammation in the large intestine (colitis), intestinal colic, flatulence (carminative effect), diseases of the rectum, liver.

When industrial pharmacies were widespread, special dental painkillers and bactericidal agents were prepared with eugenol, which is part of fragrant cloves.

This spice is able to relieve toothache, has a beneficial effect on the gums, and is used for gingivitis and periodontitis. Dried clove buds are a great alternative to chewing gum as they neutralizes harmful bacteria and eliminates bad breath.

The complex of B vitamins, which is so necessary for our nervous system, can be obtained from your favorite spice.

Clove due to the eugenol contained in it effectively fights the growth of cancer cells. This was shown by the latest research of scientists in the field of anti-carcinogenic agents.

Surprisingly, the clove has two opposite actions at once: it tones and relieves spasms. She is able to relax and tone at the same time. On the one hand, cloves are able to relieve spasm of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, on the other hand, to tone up the muscles of the uterus and raise blood pressure (therefore, cloves are contraindicated for people with arterial hypertension). The whole question, as always, is in the dosage.


For problems with the oral cavity, toothache, inflammation of the gums, stomatitis, bad breath, it is useful to chew clove buds. These same actions will prevent the beginning of a sore throat.

To stimulate digestion, 1-2 clove buds with 1 teaspoon of honey are thoroughly chewed 15 minutes before meals. However, it is contraindicated in gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as high blood pressure.

With hypotension, you can also chew a few cloves, the effect will be no less than from caffeine.

Clove oil is effective in the treatment of pustules and boils. Apply 1 drop of concentrated essential oil to the boil. For problematic skin, baths with clove essential oil are taken.

Clove oil is widely used for arthritis and arthrosis. It helps relieve pain and inflammation. To do this, massage the diseased joint with diluted clove essential oil (15 drops of clove essential oil for 1 tablespoon of massage oil).

There are traditional medicine tips for preparing decoctions from the buds of the clove tree. However, the medicinal value of such drugs will be small, since the substances that make up the buds are destroyed during heat treatment.

How to choose a carnation

A brittle, too dry bud indicates the absence of essential oils. When you throw a quality kidney into water, it floats vertically, with the foot down, or sinks to the bottom of the glass. If the “clove” lies horizontally on the surface of the water, then there are no essential oils in it. Such a carnation is unsuitable for medicinal purposes. published

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