Lice liquid. Remedies for head lice (effective, modern, inexpensive) – classification and characteristics, list, rules of use, reviews and price, photo

Many parents face the problem of lice. They are trying to cope with problems different ways. It is important to know that lice do not only appear in children from disadvantaged families. In fact, infection can occur completely unexpectedly. What folk and store remedies are most effective?

Types of anti-pediculosis drugs

Chemical, physical and folk remedies. Good medicine - chemical substances. They are the most effective. Insecticides quickly and reliably remove lice.


The remedy for head lice for children should be chosen correctly. Many creams are not suitable, despite the fact that their method of application is very simple - it is rubbed into the scalp. The most popular means of this type are listed below.


Perhaps, the best remedy– These are emulsion concentrates. They contain powerful chemicals. The drug can only be used in diluted form. The most popular concentrates are presented in three types.

An effective remedy is shampoo. The method of application is very simple. Moreover, the drug is inexpensive. You can buy shampoos in special stores or at a pharmacy. The most effective means presented in two types.

  • « ». Production – Bulgaria. The shampoo is effective and has a pleasant aroma. The product is not suitable for children under five years of age. Shampoo should not be used by people with injuries or skin diseases.
  • "Pedilin." Recommended for use by children and adults. The shampoo contains low-toxic insecticides - tetramethrin and malathion. The peculiarity of the product is that it does not paralyze insects, but destroys them.

Mechanical removal

The most correct solution when removing lice from older children - mechanical method. It is quite difficult to apply the method in young children. Proceed according to the instructions:

  • examine the child's head;
  • cut your hair if it is long;
  • wash your hair with shampoo-rinse;
  • comb your hair with a special comb;
  • after combing, boil the comb for 10 minutes;
  • Brushing should be done daily.

To make the job easier, use mousse "Nit Free." It is able to dissolve the glue with which nits are attached to the hair.

  • "LiceGuard". Made in USA. The result is excellent, since the set includes 3 products - a comb with fine teeth, rare teeth, strand distributor.
  • "Antiv." In great demand. Often used by those consumers who, for health reasons or other reasons, cannot use other drugs.

Traditional methods

  • Oil mask. Apply at night olive oil or Vaseline. The top of the head is wrapped in polyethylene. In the morning, remove the mask and comb out the lice.
  • Vinegar. A couple of spoons of product are required for glasses of water. The solution is applied to the head. The nits should be combed out. Vinegar dissolves the substance with which nits are attached to the hair.
  • Vodka compress. Vodka is sprayed onto the hair using a spray bottle. It is important to rub the product into the roots. Polyethylene is placed on top of the head, and then a towel. After half an hour, the compress should be washed off, and the nits should be removed with a comb. The product is effective, but not suitable for small children.
  • You can use these traditional methods, as M aslo tea tree, wormwood decoction or mint juice.
  • Gasoline or kerosene. You should not use these substances, as they are very strong. The consequences can be dire, ranging from skin burns to hair loss.
  • Cranberry juice. Take 3 handfuls of berries and rub into the roots of your hair. The remainder is applied to the hair lengthwise. A plastic cap is put on top. You have to wait 3 hours. Then wash your hair and comb it out.

How to use lice spray (video)

Features of choosing a product for children

Folk remedies for lice are not recommended for children. It is better to purchase store-bought drugs with instructions.

Folk or other remedies for lice for a child should be selected wisely. If the baby is susceptible to allergies, preference should be given to drugs containing minimal amount active substances. If the child is over 5 years old, it is recommended to purchase a comb.

Use of drugs for the purpose of prevention

Prevention against lice is carried out in the following ways.

How to rid a child of lice (video)

This is the most convenient and easiest way to get rid of head lice. The child is often wary of various kinds tablets, ointments and sprays, but shampoos against lice and nits for children do not cause them any concern. The application method is described in the section above, detailed instructions along with the tool, it also describes the algorithm of actions. The most successful options are:

Lice medications

Lice remedies for children

This group of drugs is isolated separately because treatment of a child requires minimal toxicity and high effectiveness of the drug. You can buy products against lice and nits in pharmacies, in departments with cosmetics they cannot be found. The following are effective children's lice medications:

Ointment for lice and nits

This form of treatment is relatively inexpensive, but requires a lot of effort when treating the head. The ointment for lice and nits should be applied evenly over the entire skin and hair, and then you should wash it thoroughly. This is an effective remedy for head lice, but doctors rarely recommend it because it is difficult to use. According to user reviews, the use of ointment gives no less pronounced and positive result. Popular options include:

  1. Nittifor. As the main active substance Permethrin appears. Present unpleasant smell, therefore it is not recommended for use by asthmatics and children under 5 years of age.
  2. Knicks. An analogue of the product described above, it contains less permethrin, which makes it safer for children. Can be used to treat head lice at any age. The main thing is to comply with the requirements from the instructions.
  3. Boric ointment. Used for lice disease 5% remedy. This medicine is less effective than shampoos or sprays, but its price is much lower. Contraindicated for use by people who have kidney problems.

Spray for head lice

Among user reviews, it is believed that the spray against lice and nits for children and adults is the best choice. Medicine for head lice in the form of shampoo is also effective, but aerosols are easier to use. Before using the medication, you should read the instructions; sometimes there are age restrictions. Popular options include:

Folk remedies for lice

Price for lice remedy

These substances are sold in pharmacies, you can buy them in an online store, if you can wait for delivery. A prescription is not required for purchase; it is advisable to consult a doctor before use. Below is a table showing how much lice treatment costs:

  • Speed ​​of action. It is necessary that the procedure does not last longer than 40 minutes.
  • Effect on nits. Some substances only kill insects, which can cause relapse.
  • Ingredients. Make sure that the composition does not contain elements that cause you allergies.
  • Is re-processing necessary? It is better if one session is enough.
  • Are there any customer reviews about this product?
  • Video: remedy for nits


    Release form


    Bed Bug Terminator


    Price from 990 rub.

    Price from 690 rub.

    Price from 350 rub.


    Boric ointment




    If there are victims of lice in the family, you need to choose effective and safe means against lice for children.

    Let's look at the most popular drugs and find out which ones are better.

    Children's 5% emulsion, which must be thoroughly rubbed into the delicate scalp. After this, distribute evenly over the remaining length.

    Cover the mask with a plastic bag and insulate it with a scarf on top. Leave to act for half an hour. Experts recommend rinsing with 5% table vinegar to loosen the nits.

    To obtain desired result and recover from pediculosis, repeat the manipulations again, but no more.

    Among the advantages, users highlight effectiveness and low cost. The cost of the drug varies in different pharmacies from 57 to 100 rubles.

    Possible disadvantages are burning sensation of the resulting irritations, constant itching and dry scalp, resulting in the formation of dandruff.

    Igor Sergeevich, 47 years old: “Two years ago I became a grandfather. Recently we discovered lice on our granddaughter. They appeared after playing in the sandbox with other kids. The doctor prescribed benzyl benzonitrogen. Got rid of insects in one application.”

    Aerosol "Para-plus"

    The spray can be used by children who have reached one year of age.

    Distribute evenly over the entire length of the strands and leave for 10 minutes. After the specified time has passed, wash your hair with a special shampoo. To destroy the nit attachment for further combing, rinse the hair with a weak solution of table vinegar.

    What are the benefits of a pharmaceutical drug?

    • ease of application;
    • quickly obtaining a positive result;
    • ease of use;
    • Effectiveness is achieved after the first use.

    Users point out the following disadvantages: burning, tingling and unpleasant aroma.

    The cost of the aerosol at the pharmacy is 530 rubles.

    Anna: “We fought lice with an aerosol. True, it is a little expensive, but it completely justifies the price. I treated my daughter’s hair just once and forgot about the problem forever.”

    Cream "Nittifor"

    Rub thoroughly into the areas behind the ears and on the back of the head. Rinse off after 10 minutes. using warm, clean running water. After a week, repeat the manipulations to ensure that the stubborn nits covered with a shell are destroyed.

    “Nittifor” is easy to apply due to its consistency, and the result appears almost after the first application.

    Among the disadvantages, one can highlight a terrible burning sensation as a result of contact with open damage, redness of delicate skin.

    Approximate price: 285 rub.

    Elizaveta, 32: “My daughter is in second grade and during the lice epidemic she brought insects on her head home. The school nurse assigned "Nittifor" to everyone. None side effects I didn’t find it.”

    Cream "Nix"

    If your baby is already six months old and has become infected with lice, Nyx cream is suitable for you. The only contraindication is acute skin dermatitis, but at this age it is unlikely.

    You need to wash your hair and dry it with a towel. Then spread the component onto the contaminated surfaces. Leave for 10 minutes, rinse with clean running water.

    Benefits of the cream:

    Among the shortcomings, users identify swelling, itching, irritation and rash.

    Veronica: “My son is only six months old, but from somewhere he got lice. I used cream to destroy the insects and combed out the nits with a comb.”

    Gel "Medifox"

    When the baby turns 2, you can begin treatment with an effective concentrate. It should be applied to the scalp and not washed off for 40 minutes. When specified time expires, remove the mixture with warm water using anti-lice shampoo.

    The effective product costs around 133 rubles, so it attracts users. It is low toxic, but may occasionally cause burning and itching. In advanced cases, allergic reactions are possible.

    Spray "Paranit"

    Also available in the form of shampoo. Spray onto the hair of a child who is already three years old.

    Leave to act for a quarter of an hour. When the specified period has expired, wash with a product from the same manufacturer. A complex approach will give the best quick results.

    I am attracted by the absence of a pungent aroma, as well as the speed of the procedure. The high cost, around 1,850 rubles, is off-putting. In isolated cases, redness of the surfaces and allergic reactions to the components included in the composition are possible.

    Angelina: “Using a spray, I destroyed the blood-sucking insects that my favorite fifth grader brought in after yard football. It’s good that they avoided cutting his hair, he was very afraid of it.”

    Shampoo "Sifax"

    For preventive purposes and to treat the disease, use a specialized drug. It can be used by children from two years old.

    Carry out the application procedure, wait 15 minutes. and only then wash it off.

    Comb out dead adults and nits with a comb. You cannot repeat manipulations more often than once every two weeks.

    Low-toxic "Sifax" has a neutral odor and, as a result, does not cause discomfort. But allergies are still possible, depending on sensitivity to the components.

    Pavel Alexandrovich: “I liked the shampoo due to its lack of odor. The eldest grandson brought the lice home and infected the whole family. It didn’t work in one go, but after two uses we got rid of the problem.”

    Shampoo "Anti-bit"

    To quickly get the desired result, apply the solution to your hair with massaging movements. Continue distribution for 3-4 minutes. Then wash and comb your strands.

    Please note: the product cannot be prescribed to children under one and a half years old. It is better to abandon the idea and purchase another insecticide.

    Be sure to run a wide-tooth comb through each infected hair. Especially on the back of the head and in the temporal areas.


    • relative cheapness (200 rubles per bottle);
    • effectiveness;
    • barely noticeable smell.


    • minor skin rashes;
    • scabies.

    Lyudmila: “Anti-bit helped us get rid of nits and lice.” I have a restless two-year-old daughter who was able to endure four minutes while I treated her hair.”

    Gel "Pedilin"

    The insecticide is suitable for children from two years old. It should be mixed with the emulsion in equal proportions, spread over the hair and left for five minutes.

    Then take shampoo of this brand, lather it well and do not wash it off for the same period of time. When you have waited the specified period, rinse and comb through each strand.

    Allergies are possible, but only in rare cases if there is intolerance to one of the components. There are no more disadvantages, but there are plenty of advantages: a wide range, speed of application. Cost: 260 rubles.

    Folk remedies for lice in children

    If you don't trust pharmaceutical products or if you want to save on the purchase of an expensive medicine, folk remedies, proven by the wisdom and experience of generations, are suitable for you. Let's find out which ones are better to refuse and which ones to give preference to.

    Tar soap

    Available in solid and liquid consistency.

    The product helps children of different ages. Please note: if the skin is excessively dry, it is better to reduce the duration of the destruction procedure or abandon it altogether.


    • low cost (only 50 rubles);
    • safety;
    • improvement of hair health (thanks to the active component, hair becomes shiny and silky).


    • drying of the scalp;
    • the duration of treatment can reach two weeks;
    • The procedure lasts half an hour, which is tiring for kids.

    Alevtina: “Tar soap is inexpensive, which is why we started with it. One time was enough to fight childhood lice. I think it's best medicine against lice."

    Dust soap

    Before starting processing, protect yourself with rubber gloves and a respirator. In this case, the little man should sit with eyes closed and mouth.

    Since perseverance is not typical for newborns, use it when treating children aged five years and older.

    When the product is distributed over all strands, put a shower cap or plastic bag on top. Leave for half an hour.

    If your baby suddenly complains of a burning or tingling sensation, wash off the solution immediately. Sulfate-free shampoo will help you with this. At the end of the procedure, comb your curls with a comb.

    The speed of destruction is attractive - one treatment is enough. The price for one unit of product is 30 rubles.

    Users refuse effective method because of the unpleasant strong smell, severe itching, burning, causing pain, high toxicity.

    Irina: “I don’t trust chemistry, so I cured two children of a misfortune with the help of dust soap. I didn’t expect such a quick effect, and it’s inexpensive.”

    Hellebore water

    A water-alcohol solution is sold at the pharmacy. The aggressive components that are included in the composition are contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.

    Rub the tincture into the student’s scalp with massive movements. Distribute it also along the entire length. Wrap in cellophane and cover with a scarf for half an hour. After the specified period, rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo and go through it with a special comb.

    The drug is a success because it costs only 20 rubles. You will get instant results after the first treatment of the contaminated surface.

    Elena: “When the baby got lice, folk remedies saved us. Hellebore water helped destroy the pests in one go.”

    Vinegar solution

    Dilute your usual table vinegar with warm water in equal proportions. Make a kind of cushion out of a towel and wrap it around your head so that there are no holes.

    Liquid can leak through them into the baby's eyes, and this is dangerous. Pour a weak solution over your hair, then secure the fabric tightly to your head. Leave for 15 minutes, wash thoroughly with shampoo.

    Comb the mop with a comb, and repeat the procedure two days later.

    You do not have to worry about the safety of your child, since the method will not harm his health. Just strictly follow the proportions, otherwise you may get chemical burn covers.

    In addition, vinegar has a beneficial effect on hair. After it, their structure becomes stronger and stronger.

    The main disadvantage is that the procedure will need to be repeated several times, and treatment can take two weeks.

    Tatyana: “Vinegar - good remedy from insects. Even the nits were eliminated. I was afraid of harming the baby, so I made a weak solution. I had to repeat the treatment twice.”

    Tea tree oil

    Esters should be used as a mask. The recipe is simple: mix 20 drops with cloves and mineral water.

    Rub into skin and distribute evenly onto baby's hair. Warm up your hair under cling film or a plastic bag. After 40 minutes, wash it off big amount water.

    Benefits of the mixture:

    • positive effect on the body;
    • stopping the reproduction of insects.

    Maria: “Children in kindergartens often have epidemics of head lice. This is due to the fact that when playing they touch each other and love to hug. I Social worker and I always advise parents to use tea tree oil as a preventive measure.”


    A well-known method of exterminating adult lice and nits.

    Please note: the method is contraindicated for children under five full years, because may leave burns on the delicate skin of a newborn.

    However, kerosene will relieve your child of the problem in one procedure.

    To prepare safe solution, need to:

    • take olive oil, kerosene and any shampoo, mix in proportions 2:1:3;
    • distribute the resulting mixture onto your hair and then cover it with cling film;
    • keep on your head for an hour;
    • Rinse off the solution and comb your hair.

    Users are put off by the unpleasant, pungent odor.

    Marina: “Nits are the most difficult to remove. Comb out long hair My daughter doesn’t have enough patience, and it’s a pity to cut her hair. I took a risk and used kerosene. Now she doesn’t exchange her rubber bands with other girls because she didn’t like the itching from insects and the smell that the homemade lice remedy gives off.”

    Tansy infusion

    Brew 50 g of herb in one liter of water. Leave to brew and then strain.

    Moisturize your skin and hair three times a day. Remove pests using a comb.

    You can use the solution on children of all ages because it is non-toxic and safe.

    Among the shortcomings of the product, low effectiveness can be identified. Carry out the procedure as often as possible until you completely destroy small blood-sucking pests.

    Cranberry juice

    Thanks to the acidity of the juice, you can save children from annoying misfortune. It doesn't lead to allergic reactions and is harmless to the young body. To get maximum results, follow the cooking instructions:

    • squeeze the juice using a juicer or through cheesecloth;
    • treat your head with it, thoroughly wetting the strands along the entire length;
    • pay special attention to the skin;
    • put on a cap and a plastic bag on top;
    • leave for 20 – 30 minutes;
    • thoroughly comb out dead specimens;
    • repeat the procedure after 2 – 3 days.

    The juice is suitable for children under one year old.

    Vera: “The anti-pediculosis drug for children, bought at the pharmacy, did not help us as much as cranberry juice. True, I had to process it twice, but it didn’t take much time and effort.”

    How to choose a comb?

    After each treatment with folk or by medication In order to get better results, you need to comb the child’s hair. Therefore, it is important to choose a high-quality specimen that will help get rid of lice and nits. Let's look at the best options.

    1. RobiComb is suitable for children and adults. It runs on electricity, but the discharges are so weak that even a baby won’t feel them. The teeth are equipped with special stops. Lice and nits strike on the spot.
    2. LiceGuard is a budget product consisting of two small combs for thin and thick hair.
    3. NitFree is equipped with teeth that are too sharp, which means it is best used by teenagers and children school age. Otherwise, you can injure the delicate skin of newborns.
    4. Anti V with a metal frame and long teeth helps kill lice for people of all ages. The distance between the teeth is 0.09 mm. You can easily rid children even of small insects. You will not damage the hair structure in any way, feel free to use it.

    Today appeared on the market a large number of various drugs for the treatment of lice for both adults and children, therefore choosing the appropriate lice spray can be challenging task. If you are affected by pediculosis, as with any other disease, you need to seek help from a doctor, but if for some reason you are embarrassed to go to the hospital with this delicate issue, then you can try to choose your own spray to get rid of nits and lice.

    There are the following types lice remedies: sprays, shampoos, creams/ointments, emulsion concentrates, combs, folk remedies ( hellebore water, berry juice, tar soap and etc.).

    In terms of their effectiveness, sprays, like shampoos and emulsions, lead the list of all drugs for head lice, but at the same time they differ from them in certain factors:

    Thus, sprays against lice and nits combine three main qualities - safety, high efficiency and ease of use.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Any sprays for head lice are used approximately according to the same principle: the product is applied to dry hairline child, is kept on the head for a certain time, and then washed off. But their operating principles are different (the active components can also vary greatly). Conventionally, all these drugs can be divided into two categories (taking into account the principle of action):

    Sprays last group stronger and have a detrimental effect both on adult insects and nits. Most often, one treatment is enough to completely cure head lice. Dimethicone sprays are gentler and generally non-toxic (a big benefit for the human body), but they usually need to be applied several times.

    All sprays have something in common among both advantages and disadvantages. The following advantages can be identified:

    • the drugs are easy to use;
    • high efficiency;
    • sprays have a minimum of contraindications, unlike other lice medications;
    • they can be easily dosed.

    The disadvantages include the fact that it is more difficult to spray the entire area skin a child's head than, for example, shampoo.

    List of effective drugs

    Before purchasing the product, you must carefully study the available contraindications. Some drugs not suitable for very young children or people with any diseases. Any remedies for head lice must be purchased only at a pharmacy.

    Pediculen Ultra

    This spray is one of the most effective aerosol remedies for head lice.

    Its advantages include:

    • no need for re-processing;
    • achieving an effect even at an advanced stage of pediculosis;
    • maximum efficiency (can destroy lice and nits).

    Main active The product contains natural anise oil.. Despite this, the spray is quite toxic - it contains aggressive chemical additives. This is probably its only drawback. Also, this drug is contraindicated for people who have trichological diseases.

    Pediculen Ultra is prohibited for use by children under five years of age, as well as by pregnant women and during lactation.

    The drug is used in this way: The spray is applied liberally to the hair and gently rub into the scalp. After 30 minutes, the product is washed off with a large amount of running water. warm water, after which the head is washed with simple shampoo. Wet hair is combed with a special comb (included with the spray) to remove dead lice and nits. As a rule, there is no need to repeat the procedure - all insects, including nits, die at once.

    Pediculen Ultra is inexpensive drug from pediculosis. A set of spray (150 ml), comb and magnifying glass costs approximately 500 rubles.

    Couple Plus

    Active aerosol components are: piperonyl butoxide, permethrin and malathion. The simultaneous action of three active components allows the spray to fight insects quite effectively.

    The advantages of the drug include:

    • minimum side effects(in some cases, the child experiences burning and itching);
    • high efficiency (destroys lice and nits).

    The disadvantages of the spray are as follows:

    • The aerosol does not come with a comb; it must be purchased separately;
    • the product is toxic.

    Research regarding getting rid of pediculosis with the help of Para Plus during pregnancy and lactation was not carried out. That is why nursing or expectant mothers are not advised to use this product.

    You need to use Para Plus spray in this way: Spray generously onto scalp and hair along the entire length, hold for about 10 minutes. Rinse off the product with regular shampoo, remove dead lice and nits from still wet hair. As a rule, Para Plus gets rid of head lice in one go, but if the infestation has spread significantly, it is best to repeat the entire process after 7-10 days. A bottle of this drug (90 ml) costs approximately 380–450 rubles.

    The drug Para Plus is prohibited for use by people who are sick bronchial asthma, as well as children under 3 years of age.

    Spray Nuda

    The main active ingredient of the spray is dimethicone. Preparation Nyuda does not contain aggressive substances, therefore it is considered one of the most popular means against lice for children. Theoretically, the spray acts on both lice and nits, but in practice certain part the nits remain alive: to completely get rid of pediculosis, the product must be used 2-3 times.

    The benefits of Nuda spray include:

    • effectiveness against lice and nits;
    • non-toxic.

    The disadvantages include the need for several uses of the drug.

    Nuda can be used by children from 3 years of age. The drug is not suitable for pregnant women and during lactation.

    Spray applied to hair until the hair is wet. The drug should be lightly rubbed into the hair and scalp. The product is left to act for 50 minutes. Afterwards, comb out lice and nits with a comb and only then wash your hair with regular shampoo. The entire process must be repeated after one week, and, if necessary, a third time, also after a week. A set of spray (50 ml) and comb will cost approximately 380 rubles.

    Aerosol Paranit

    Also is mild remedy, which Great for children (from 3 years old), as well as for people who avoid drugs with aggressive chemicals. The spray contains mineral oil and dimethicone. The drug is not used for diseases of the scalp, as well as during lactation and pregnancy.

    The advantages of Paranit aerosol are as follows:

    • gentle composition;
    • non-toxic.

    The drug also has disadvantages:

    • the composition has an oily structure, which makes it quite difficult to wash off;
    • The product has almost no effect on nits, so after a week you have to repeat the whole process.

    Drug Paranit applied to skin and hair scalp, leave for 20 minutes, then wash off. Afterwards, the hair is combed with a special comb, removing dead lice and nits from the child’s head. A week later the whole process is repeated. A set of spray (100 ml) and comb costs approximately 640 rubles.

    Lice Guard

    Perhaps we should start with the basics lack this drug : it does not fight existing lice, but is used for preventive purposes. But the manufacturer has a compelling counterargument: preventing head lice is much easier than curing it. It's hard to argue with that. This remedy is also used after treatment of pediculosis to prevent reinfection lice. Lice Guard can be used either continuously or occasionally. The effect lasts for one day.

    The spray has the following advantages:

    • perfectly repels lice;
    • combined with other remedies for head lice;
    • suitable for daily use;
    • the drug is non-toxic;
    • it is convenient to apply;
    • does not have any age restrictions (can be used even for infants);
    • has a pleasant floral aroma.

    Disadvantages of Lice Guard:

    • this is one of the most expensive drugs of all of the above;
    • ineffective against nits and lice.

    Remedy needed apply to dry hair, then comb your hair with a comb. There is no need to wash off the drug. In case of personal intolerance, Lice Guard may cause itching and redness in the child. In this case, the product cannot be used further.

    Clear prohibitions on using Lice Guard spray Pregnant and nursing mothers do not. But still, you do not need to decide on its use yourself: be sure to consult your doctor.

    Lice Guard (147 ml) costs approximately 650 rubles. (a comb is included in the kit). One spray lasts for 2 months.

    Security measures

    In order to do not harm the sick person lice for a child or yourself, during treatment you must follow these rules:

    • if the “treated” person wears contact lenses, then before using the spray they need to be removed;
    • the entire process must be carried out in a well-ventilated area;
    • both the person treating the head and the person with head lice are required to put medical gauze bandages on their face;
    • The patient's eyes should be protected with a piece of cotton fabric (for example, a scarf, scarf). The material must be twisted into a rope and tied around the head. The fabric must cross the forehead slightly below the hairline;
    • if after treatment with the product a rash, itching, and redness are observed on the scalp, then the drug must be washed off immediately;
    • the person who carries out the processing must wear latex gloves;
    • If the spray gets on the mucous membranes (eyes, nose), the affected area is immediately washed with copious amounts of cold running water. If you feel a burning sensation or itching after this, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

    Like everyone else cosmetic and medicinal preparations , lice and nit sprays may cause personal intolerance. If available, the product is not recommended for use. Individual intolerance is determined in this way: treat the bend of the elbow with a small amount of the composition, wash it off after half an hour and observe the reaction of the skin throughout the day. If itching, irritation, redness or other symptoms occur allergic nature, then the use of this drug should be discontinued.

    The note! If you cannot diagnose the disease or cope with it yourself, be sure to consult a specialist. He will conduct a diagnosis, determine the type of disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

    Video - How to get rid of nits: head treatment, combing, products, shampoos


    Easy to use, safe for human body, have high efficiency. Can be used to remove lice from children, since most shampoos do not cause allergies or skin irritation. An ideal option if the patient has lush and thick hair.

    NameImageEfficiencyPriceSide effects
    Paranit AverageAverageNo
    Pedilin HighLowYes

    The note! If you ignore the symptoms of the disease, certain complications may appear. Wounds rot, the temperature rises, and infection develops. That is why it is necessary to notice the disease in time and begin its treatment.

    Sprays and aerosols

    Pediculen Ultra HighLowNo Couple Plus HighHighYes Nyuda AverageHighNo Liceguard LowHighNo

    On a note! Remember: even a product that does not have negative effects can cause discomfort at the patient. The presence or absence of allergies, burning and itching depends on individual characteristics the patient's body.

    Lotions and concentrates

    Medifox AverageAverageYes Avicin HighHighNo Foxylon HighLowYes Medilis-Super HighAverageYes

    On a note! Do not come into contact with a person infected with head lice. Do not wear suspicious hats, scarves, headscarves or other personal items. If contact does occur, carefully inspect the head for lice and begin treatment immediately.


    No less effective means. They are inexpensive, but require particularly careful hair treatment. It is necessary to apply the cream to the entire surface of the head, and then rinse the drug thoroughly.

    Knicks HighAverageYes Nittifor AverageAverageYes Benzyl benzoate HighLowNo Permethrin ointment HighLowYes

    On a note! When choosing a product, carefully study not only the method of application and its effectiveness, but also the composition. The aggressive and toxic components that the drug may contain will harm your hair.

    Lice removal combs

    Nit Free HighAverageNo Robi Comb AverageHighNo LiceGuard HighAverageNo Pediculen Ultra AverageLowNo

    On a note! You can comb out nits and lice with a regular comb. To enhance the effect and simplify the process of peeling lice from your hair, while combing, periodically moisten the comb in a light vinegar solution.

    Video - Treatment of lice with folk remedies: kerosene, dichlorvos, vinegar, hellebore water, cranberry