Warming ointments for muscles and joints: principle of action, indications and contraindications, application features, inexpensive preparations. Inexpensive warming ointments for the back

Warming ointments often have not only an analgesic effect, but also allow you to remove swelling. They are designed to warm up the muscles and are also used for various diseases. This is a unique combination of components that allow you to solve several problems at once and forget about pain.

These ointments are used for various injuries, pain in the joints and muscles. The components that the ointment contains can improve the functioning of the ligaments and joints, muscles.

What diseases can be used for:

  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • Myalgia, neuralgia;
  • Neuritis, sciatica;
  • For warming the neck, lower back in case of hypothermia.

What effect does a warming ointment have?

The ointment helps to warm up the muscles, relieve unpleasant pain, tissue swelling. They are improve heat transfer, relieve muscle tension, improve blood circulation. It also accelerates tissue regeneration and is the prevention of further injuries. If the injury has already occurred, then these funds are aimed at the rapid recovery of muscles and surrounding tissues.

Popular warming ointments for muscles

Ointments have a different composition, and all of them are based on the use of various means that cause a rush of blood and warm up a part of the body. The local effect of the components helps not only to improve blood circulation in this area, but also has a distracting effect.

Pepper based:

  • Kapsikam, Nikoflex, Finalgon.

Based on the venom of bees and snakes:

  • Apizartron, Viprosal, Mellivenon.

Other ointments with a warming effect:

  • Ben-gay, Artro-Active.

Now let's take a closer look at the most popular ones.


Ointment Diclofenac - non-steroidal. It is used for injuries and diseases of the spine, muscles and joints. The active substance is diclofenac sodium. Suppresses inflammation, relieves swelling and pain. Gradually accumulates in the tissues, excreted in the urine, does not affect the kidneys and liver.

It is used for arthritis, bursitis, lumbago, rheumatic disease, arthritis, sciatica, sciatica and other diseases. Starts working within an hour. It goes well with injections, enhances their effect.


  • Children's age up to 6 years;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Bronchospasm and allergy to aspirin;
  • It is impossible in case of violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • Intolerance to diclofenac sodium.

Ointment with anti-inflammatory, warming effect. Helps improve blood circulation by dilating blood vessels. Relieves damaged muscles and tissues. Contains nicoboxyl and nonivamide.

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect It manifests itself due to the penetration of the drug into the nerve fibers, causes redness of the skin, eliminates pain and helps to restore damaged muscles and tissues. The therapeutic effect comes within 25 minutes.

Drug analogues: Traumeel, Kapsikam, Betalgon and others.

Indications for use will be:

  • Pain in muscles and joints,
  • Arthritis, arthralgia, exercise,
  • Lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia,
  • Radiculitis, tendovaginitis and other diseases.

Contraindications for use: children under 12 years of age, drug intolerance. In addition, it is impossible during pregnancy and lactation, open wounds, inflammation of the skin on thin skin. Do not apply to the neck, lower abdomen and inner thighs, or apply a thick layer of baby cream to this place first.


Bystrumgel is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Active substance - . It is absorbed into the surrounding tissues slowly, giving a prolonged effect. Reduces inflammation, eliminates swelling and pain, reduces internal stiffness of the joints.


  • With arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis;
  • With thrombophlebitis, tendonitis;
  • With lumbago, osteochondrosis, ligament rupture;
  • With phlebitis, sports injuries, lumbago, and others.

Side effects: swelling, stomatitis, urticaria, dermatitis.

Contraindications: dermatitis, open wounds, abrasions, eczema, skin sensitivity.

Analogues: Ketoprofen, and others.

Apizartron with bee venom

Pain reliever, vasodilator. Relieves inflammation, warms. The ointment has a combined composition; they have not learned how to replace bee venom synthetically. The active ingredient is bee venom. Histamine - relieves inflammation and pain. Methyl salicylate - relieves inflammation. Allyl isothiocyanate - locally irritates the skin.


  • With sports injuries;
  • With myalgia, pain, damage to ligaments, tendons;
  • With arthrosis, rheumatism, arthritis;
  • With neuritis, lumbago, radiculitis, neuralgia and other diseases.

However, it also has a number of contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Intolerance to components;
  • Children under 7 years old;
  • Skin damage;
  • Acute inflammatory diseases of the joints;
  • Infections, tumors, mental illnesses and oppression of hematopoiesis.

Arthro-Active warming anti-inflammatory action

Ointment refers to warming, which have an excellent therapeutic effect. Active ingredients: and boswellia extract. Removes swelling of the joints, helps in regeneration, restores activity, which helps to improve motor activity. The benefits of the ointment are almost instantaneous. In addition, it can be used in combination with the nutritious Art asset if there are diseases of the joints.

No contraindications have been identified. In rare cases, intolerance to capsaicin is possible.


Kapsikam refers to pain relievers and irritants. In addition, it dilates blood vessels at the site of application, relieves the inflammatory effect. Contains turpentine, camphor, benzyl nicotinate, nonivamide and dimethyl sulfoxide. Works within 30 minutes felt on the skin up to 6 hours. Not everyone likes a rather burning ointment with a strong smell of camphor and turpentine, however, the therapeutic effect is excellent.


  • With myalgia, arthralgia;
  • For athletes during the competition to warm up the muscles.


  • In case of skin damage and intolerance to components;
  • Not applicable in childhood;
  • During pregnancy and lactation;
  • Be careful with sensitive skin, it burns a lot.

How to choose an ointment or gel for muscle pain?

Ointment or gel works great topically: relieve pain, swelling, warm up tissues, reduce inflammation. Ointments are distinguished not only by the components, but also by the effect of their impact. If you need to anesthetize, choose some ointments, if you heat others. There are combined remedies in which there are several types of effects on muscles and joints.

Warming agents that can increase blood flow at the site of injury, contributing to the disappearance of pain:

  • capsin;
  • Espol;
  • Nicoflex;
  • Balm Asterisk.

These ointments are irritating. They perfectly cope with the task due to the local substance warming the body.

There are similar products containing salicylic acid:

  • Viprosal;
  • Bom Bengue;
  • Nizhvisal;
  • Efkamon.

Viprosal also contains snake venom, which, like bee venom, copes with the symptoms of the disease, relieves pain, warms up.

In addition, there are ointments that have an anti-inflammatory effect:

  • Diclofenac;

Voltaren and Fastum Gel used for injuries and sprains of the lumbar muscles. Read more about that and links here. They quickly restore mobility, give relief from pain.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also include: Nise, Ketonal, Finalgel, Indomethacin ointment. In severe diseases, the doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs.

Stories from our readers!
"I cured my sore back on my own. It's been 2 months since I forgot about the pain in my back. Oh, how I used to suffer, my back and knees hurt, lately I couldn't really walk normally ... How many times I went to polyclinics, but there they only prescribed expensive pills and ointments, which were of no use at all.

And now the 7th week has gone, as the joints of the back don’t bother a bit, a day later I go to the country to work, and it’s 3 km from the bus, so I walk easily! All thanks to this article. Anyone with back pain should read this!

Price statistics

diclofenac Ointment 1% 30g 26 rubles
Ointment 20 gr. 184-302 rubles
Bystrumgel Gel 2.5% 50 gr. 145 rubles
Ointment 20 gr. 239 rubles
Artro asset Ointment 20 gr. 153 rubles
Kapsikam Ointment 30 gr.

Ointment 50 gr.

Unpleasant, and sometimes unpleasant sensations in the muscles can appear for a number of reasons - overstrain after an intense workout, bruise or sprain. People involved in professional sports are especially susceptible to injuries of this nature (musculoskeletal), but ordinary people are not insured and may encounter such a nuisance. In order to get rid of such unpleasant sensations, they usually resort to the help of analgesic warming ointments for muscle pain. It all depends on the composition, as they can also have anti-inflammatory or even analgesic properties. You can read more about them in our article.

With the pain that affects the joints and muscles, specialized ointments will help to cope, but in order for them to be able to give the desired therapeutic effect, you should choose the right remedy for treatment.

Ointments with analgesic effect for joints and muscles are prescribed, taking into account such factors:

  • If the inflammation is severe, then the specialist will prescribe you drugs that relieve swelling and swelling.
  • With post-traumatic syndromes and pain, drugs with analgesic properties are chosen.
  • If soft tissues have undergone stagnant processes, as a result of which pain has also appeared, ointments with cooling, warming effects and irritant ointments are prescribed.
  • If you are concerned about pain in the joints, then use ointments containing chondroprotectors.

Which specialist should be contacted?

To conduct a preliminary examination, you should contact local therapist, and he will already direct you to an advanced diagnosis to the right specialist, since different pains require different treatment from different specialists.

For example, if the patient has a pain syndrome, then you should contact rheumatologist, and if arthritis, arthrosis and neuralgic pain, then you should contact neurologist.

With osteochondrosis, it will help to cope with discomfort osteopath.

Varieties of anesthetic ointments for joints and muscles

There are a huge number of ointments that have anti-inflammatory properties, and can also relieve swelling, improve blood circulation and relieve pain.

All of them should be properly selected, and it is best if a qualified doctor helps you with this. Next, we will tell you exactly what drugs for muscle pain are, as well as their cost in the Russian Federation. After getting acquainted with the most popular drugs, you can choose what you need specifically for you.

Ointments of analgesic and anti-inflammatory nature

70% of muscle pain is associated with inflammatory processes that develop and occur in tissues. With severe inflammation, it is better to refrain from using drugs that have a warming effect.

They begin to be used at later stages of treatment, when the swelling becomes smaller, or even disappears altogether.

Preparations for the removal of edema usually contain analgesic components that will help reduce pain. But sometimes the disappearance of pain can be achieved by a significant anti-inflammatory effect that other medicinal components can give us. See below for more information on these ointments.



Indications: the ointment can have an analgesic property, as well as show an anti-inflammatory effect, helps relieve swelling. It tends to prevent the enzymes that are involved in the inflammatory process from being released. The main component, i.e. the active substance perfectly penetrates into the subcutaneous layer of fiber, where it has a therapeutic effect.

Application: Squeeze 3-4 centimeters of the cream onto your hands, and apply to the skin located on top of the affected area. The layer of cream should be small. This amount of cream is 3 times / day. If you decide to use Ketonal without going through a preliminary consultation, then do it no more than 14 days.

Price: 30 gram tube of cream with a concentration of 5% - from 290 rubles.

Fastum gel

Compound:Ketoprofen (main component), auxiliary elements.

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Fastum Gel is designed to relieve inflammation in muscles, tendons and joints, as well as to relieve pain, normalize blood circulation in the affected area. Due to the fact that the ointment has a gel base, the medicine has the effect of rapid penetration into soft tissues and elimination of severe pain. It is prescribed for injuries, bruises, sprains and dislocations.

Application: a small amount of gel is applied to the affected area so that the layer is thin. The procedure should be repeated one to three times a day. This ointment with an analgesic effect must be rubbed so that the medicine is completely absorbed into the skin. The course of treatment is no more than 10 days. The tool does not have a systemic effect and is not addictive.

Price: 100-gram tube of gel with a concentration of 2.5% - from 220 rubles.


Compound:Ibuprophenum (main component), auxiliary elements.

the ointment has the properties of an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory drug, makes swelling and swelling less. The ointment is prescribed for people who suffer from ODS pathologies: osteoarthritis, sciatica, lumbago, arthritis, sciatica, articular syndrome with gout. It is also indicated for non-rheumatic and rheumatic muscle pains. It is used for sprains, muscle tears, dislocations and swelling.

Application: 6-9 centimeters of gel is applied in a circular motion to the affected area. You need to rub the product until the ointment is completely absorbed. The drug should be used 3 times a day for no more than three weeks.

Price: a tube of gel with a concentration of 5% - from 110 to 170 rubles.


Compound:Dimethylsulfoxydum, Camphora, Terbinthinae oleum rectified (as main components) and auxiliary elements.

The ointment is used for muscle pain, arthritis, joint pain. The first active ingredient promotes the deepest penetration of other elements into soft tissues. Thanks to this, blood circulation improves, and the restoration of damaged areas occurs faster. This anesthetic ointment for muscles can be used for warming up massages for athletes, as well as for radiculitis, osteochondrosis and neuralgia. Before you start using the ointment, you should do an allergic reaction test.

Application: apply the product to the affected area, but not more than 3 grams, and this is done using a special applicator. Next, the ointment should be rubbed into the skin. This procedure is repeated 3 times a day for 10 days.

Price: a tube of cream - from 200 to 250 rubles.


Compound: Nonivamide, Nicoboxil (as main components) and auxiliary elements.

The first of the main components has an analgesic effect, and the second, which is a vitamin of group B, helps to expand blood vessels and normalize blood circulation in the place where the muscles hurt. The action of these two components creates a vasodilating effect. Due to this, in the place of pain, redness of the skin passes very quickly. When applied, there is an increase in temperature (local), which indicates that the elements have penetrated the soft tissues.

Application: the cream is applied to the damaged surface using the applicator that comes with the kit. For a more active effect of the drug, the affected area can be covered with a warm thing, for example, a woolen scarf. The procedure should be repeated 3 times / day for 10 days.

Price: a tube of ointment with a volume of 20 grams costs from 300 rubles.

Turpentine ointment

Compound:Terbinthinae oleum rectified (as the main component) and auxiliary elements.

the drug has an antiseptic effect, and also has an irritating effect on the affected area. The main component is of plant origin, and therefore, penetrating under the top layer of the skin, it creates irritation, due to which the blood flow to the site of the lesion becomes stronger. Used for radiculitis, rheumatism, muscle pain, neuralgia and neuritis.

Application: To relieve muscle pain, this ointment is applied twice a day to the desired area, and when applied, the skin must be rubbed. To enhance the effect from above, the skin should be covered with a heating cloth.

Price: a tube of ointment with a volume of 25 grams costs from 50 to 75 rubles.


Compound:Capsicum annuu, ethyl nicotinate, hydroxyethyl salicylate (as main components) and other auxiliary elements.

the main components of the ointment have a warming, analgesic and vasodilating effect. The drug also has an irritant effect, due to which blood flow to the affected area increases. The anti-inflammatory effect contributes to the speedy elimination of pain in muscle tissue. The analgesic effect lasts about an hour after application. An improvement in joint mobility was also seen.

Application: The cream is applied to the site of the sore muscle with a thin layer, after which it is gently rubbed. Wash your hands well before and after use. The use of this drug will not cause inconvenience - this should be done only once a day for 3 days.

Price: a tube of ointment with a volume of 50 grams - from 210 rubles.



this ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also has analgesic properties, perfectly penetrates into muscle tissue. After application, it gives excellent results in the form of improved blood microcirculation, improves vascular permeability, due to which inflammation becomes less. The drug also helps to get rid of skin redness and swelling. The joints become more mobile, which is beneficial for arthritis. Ibuprofen is prescribed for muscle pain, osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis.

Application: 5-9 centimeters of ointment is squeezed out to the site of the lesion, and then gently rub the remedy. The procedure should be performed 3 times / day, but the duration of the entire course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Price: a tube of 25 grams costs from 28 rubles.


Compound:Ibuprophenum (as the main component) and auxiliary elements.

due to the fact that the synthesis of prostaglandins is reduced, the agent has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on the affected area. It is used for arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, back pain, muscle pain, as well as swelling and sprains. In addition, it is quite effective in the treatment of neuralgic diseases. After application, when the active substance has penetrated the skin, slight redness and tingling may occur.

Application: apply the required amount of gel on your hand (maximum 10 cm), apply it in a thin layer on the affected area and rub it. You can not use the tool more than four times a day for 14 days. Wash your hands thoroughly after rubbing.

Price: a tube of 50 grams costs from 160 rubles.


Compound:Diclofenac (as the main component) and other elements.

the main component of the element anesthetizes the affected areas, relieves inflammation, improves blood circulation, due to which swelling decreases and swelling subsides. If Voltaren is used for injuries, it helps to improve cell regeneration in connective tissues, as well as restore tendons, ligaments, muscles. The medicine is very effective in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic and lumbar regions, as well as sprains, muscle pain and arthritis.

Application: The gel should be applied to cleansed and dry skin. The layer of the agent should be thin. The procedure should be performed 4 times / day (maximum), and the course of treatment should not exceed 14 days. Wash hands thoroughly after application.

Price: a tube of 160 grams costs from 620 rubles.

Compound:Nimesulidum, methyl salicylate, Menthlumi (as main components) and other auxiliary elements.

this drug as a local anesthetic relieves inflammation, removes puffiness and minimizes pain. Perfectly fights with unpleasant sensations inside the joints and muscles. After using the product, blood circulation noticeably improves, and menthol, which was added to the composition of the drug, has a calming and cooling effect on the top layer of the skin.

Application: squeeze 3-4 centimeters of gel onto clean hands, apply to the place where there is pain (the drug may not be rubbed). Repeat the procedure 3-4 times / day, and the course of treatment should be from 7 to 14 days.

Price: a tube of gel with a volume of 20 grams costs from 170 to 200 rubles.


Compound:Indomethacinum (as the main component) and auxiliary elements.

this anesthetic drug helps to get rid of inflammation, relieve swelling and quickly get rid of unattractive swelling. If the remedy is used for joint pain, you will feel an increase in range of motion. The ointment perfectly eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of arthritis, periods of exacerbation of gout, as well as muscle pain, ligament damage and osteochondrosis.

Application: children are allowed to apply the gel no more than two centimeters in volume, at the age of 12 years and above - only three centimeters, and adults - no more than five. Application is reduced to rubbing the drug twice a day, and the course of treatment should not be delayed and be more than two weeks.

Price: a tube of 30 grams - from 50 rubles.

Warming ointments

Warming ointments for muscles and joints are used for bruises and injuries. The action of such drugs is that the damaged tissues are filled with blood. But the doctors themselves unanimously say that it is not worth using such ointments specifically when receiving an injury.

A warming effect is needed only after two days, during the rehabilitation period. Such drugs are great for preventing injuries, for example, before going to the gym.

Check out the most effective ointments for muscle pain below.


Compound:rutin as an active element (refers to vitamins of the P group) and hydroxyethyl rutosides.

the ointment is very popular in the circles of athletes involved in marathons, race walking, all-around and triathlon. Used to treat venous ulcers, thrombophlebitis (superficial), dermatitis, VRV (varicose veins). In addition, the ointment increases venous tone, and is popular as an excellent tool in the fight against diseases of the OPA (musculoskeletal system). It is also used to relieve swelling that occurs at the site of injury. Great remedy for muscle pain.

Application: should be applied to the skin in the area of ​​pain twice a day. The ointment must be rubbed with massage movements so that it completely penetrates the tissues.

Price: a tube of 40 grams costs from 160 rubles.

deep relief

Compound:Levomenthol and Ibuprofen (the main components).

the ointment successfully fights any pain of various origins, for example, both with osteoarthritis and sciatica, and with rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatic tissue damage, not to mention inflammatory processes inside the joints and injured muscles. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Often used as an excellent remedy for morning stiffness of the joints.

Application: the sealed tube should be pierced with a plastic spike located on the back of the cap. The ointment is applied to painful areas two to three times / day with massage movements for complete absorption of the product. This should be done at least four hours after the previous rubbing. The duration of treatment should not be more than 10 days. But if the doctor considers that treatment should be continued, you can safely use it. Try to avoid getting the gel on the mucous membrane of the eye.

Price: a tube of 100 grams with a concentration of the active element of 5% costs from 500 rubles.


Compound:dimethyl sulfoxide, sodium heparin, trometamol, rosemary oil, isopropanol, citronella oil.

this warming ointment for muscles not only relieves pain, but also removes swelling and swelling. It is widely used to reduce hematomas, tendons, soft tissues, muscle inflammation. It is successfully used in the treatment of bruises, closed injuries, sprains. It is prescribed for acute neuralgic diseases, epicondylitis of the shoulders, periarthritis of the shoulder joints.

Application: ointment "Dolobene" is applied to the damaged areas with a thin layer 2-4 times / day. If you use this ointment for muscle pain with a bandage, then you need to apply the gel and wait a couple of minutes until the medicine is absorbed, after which you need to tightly wrap the affected area with a cloth or a wide bandage. The course of treatment depends on how long the disease lasts, or on the length of the rehabilitation period.

Price: a tube of 50 grams costs from 320 rubles.


Compound:medicinal oils and plants, as well as other auxiliary components.

this ointment is often used by athletes after training in order to relax the muscles, as well as before them to warm the muscles. Also, the ointment is used for therapeutic massage with recovery. In this case, the tool is well suited for the treatment of injuries of tendons and muscles. It has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Application: Apply a small amount of ointment to the area of ​​the affected muscle or tendon. Next, the ointment must be rubbed well, as its consistency is a little greasy.

Price: a tube of 50 grams costs from 420 rubles.

Ointments with a cooling effect

If warming ointments for muscles are used a couple of days after the injury, then ointments with a cooling effect should be used immediately after you have received a closed injury or bruise. Such first aid will be a good foundation for the fastest treatment and removal of discomfort due to the cooling effect. Such drugs also fight quite well with the inflammatory process and swelling in the early stages. Usually they contain anesthetic elements like menthol, essential oils.

You can see the most popular drugs in this list.

Ben Gay

Compound:methyl salicylate, menthol (as main components).

this remedy is most popular as a remedy for joint and muscle pain. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps relieve morning stiffness of the body. Doctors prescribe this ointment in order to get rid of pain in different parts of the vertebra, which was caused by sprain. This ointment is rightly called a sports balm, as it perfectly relieves fatigue after exhausting workouts.

Application: you need to squeeze out a large amount of ointment and rub it into sore spots. The drug quickly penetrates the skin. The procedure should be repeated 4 times / day with an interval of 3-4 hours . The course of treatment is determined by the doctor individually.

Price: a tube of 50 grams costs from 250 rubles.


Compound:vitamin E, aloe vera extract, menthol, camphor oil, auxiliary components.

Indications: it is a very effective ointment that is known all over the world. Basically, it is used by professional athletes to warm up the muscles before and after training to relieve tension and fatigue. It is also an excellent method for the prevention of injuries during physical. loads. This warming ointment for muscles is absorbed into the skin very quickly and immediately begins to act on pain points. It has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect in a short time.

Application: The ointment should be applied to the surface of the skin, distributing it over the problem area in a thin layer. You do not need to rub this ointment - it should be absorbed by itself.

Price: a tube of 115 grams costs from 720 rubles.


Compound:ketoprofen (as an active element), and trometamol, lavender and neroli oil, rectified ethanol as auxiliary components.

ointment is excellent in the treatment of inflammatory joint diseases, as well as injuries of ligaments, muscles and tendons of a traumatic nature. Doctors prescribe this remedy as an aid to reduce pain, swelling, inflammation, bursitis, arthritis, lumbago, and tendonitis. The drug is also effective in the treatment of dislocations, bruises, knee meniscus and damaged ligaments.

Application: The ointment must be applied and distributed evenly over the entire diseased area. This is done every day and twice. The drug should be rubbed gently until it is completely absorbed. To increase efficiency and speed up the action, you need to apply a dry bandage.

Price: a tube of ointment with a volume of 50 grams will cost you 230 rubles.

Reparil Gel

Compound:salicylic acid and escin (as active elements).

ointment is used for injuries and bruises of soft tissues. It is great for sprains / ruptures of ligaments and hematomas. Doctors usually prescribe this remedy for postoperative or post-traumatic hematomas, as it perfectly relieves tissue swelling. Also, the ointment is used to relieve extremely severe symptoms of varicose veins and venous insufficiency. The tool has proven itself well for severe pain, heaviness in the legs, as well as for swelling and leg cramps. It can be used in complex treatment with other drugs.

Application: The ointment is applied with massage, rubbing movements to the affected areas. The procedure should be repeated four times / day for 14 days.

Price: a tube of ointment with a volume of 50 grams will cost you 120 rubles.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies are made with the addition of components of animal, vegetable or mineral origin. The basis of the principle of action of such drugs is that certain symptoms of diseases are caused, which help to cope with the disease. Not all doctors want to advise this method because of some nuances, but the reviews of many people indicate that such drugs effectively fight muscle pain. Below is a list of ointments from this group.

Traumeel S


this ointment of complex action helps to get rid of pain, relieve tension, normalize regeneration, stop bleeding. When used, vascular tone increases, blood circulation becomes better. The tool is intended to eliminate pain in injuries, burns, muscles, diseases and operations.

Application: you need to apply the ointment in a small layer to the site of the lesion; the procedure should be carried out 2-3 times / day. The period of treatment depends on the complexity of the pathology.

Price: a tube of 50 grams costs from 520 rubles.

Target T

Withleaving: Placenta totalis suis, Rhus tоxicоdendrоn, Sanguinaria canadensis, Acidum silicicum, Acidum Thiоcticum, Arnica montana, Cartilago suis, Solanum dulcamara, Sulfur, Symphytum officinale, Coenzymum, Embryо totalis suis, Funiculus ethyliculus umbilicalis, suis, Nadidumо

this ointment belongs to the category of chondroprotectors and helps to get rid of the inflammatory process, acting on the site of the lesion as an analgesic. Perfectly eliminates muscle pain, osteoarthritis, chondropathy and rheumatic fever.

Application: the drug can be used in children from six years. 3-4 centimeters of ointment is applied to the skin and rubbed. You can rub up to 5 times a day. The course of treatment is prescribed individually, but in general it can last up to 1.5 months.

Price: a tube of 50 grams will cost you 250 rubles.


Withleaving: glycerol , olivae oleum, Comarum palustre, Matricaria, oleum de lignis abiegnis, eucalyptus oleum, peppermint oleum, oleum lini, chamomilla, lanolin.

Ointment Sabelnik perfectly helps against edema, tumors, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It perfectly cleanses the blood and lymph, and also normalizes blood circulation in the affected area. Doctors usually prescribe this drug against arthrosis, osteochondrosis, inflammatory lymph nodes, muscle pain.

Application: Apply the ointment up to four times a day in a thin layer. The maximum application time is a month.

Price: a tube of 40 grams will cost you 260 rubles.


Compound:Symphytum officinale, Apitoxin (as main components) and auxiliary elements.

the larkspur contained in the preparation reduces the inflammatory process, restores bone tissue, removes toxins and promotes the healing of microtraumas. Bee venom has a warming, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. Other elements that are in the ointment relieve pain and help improve results in articular pathologies and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Application: a small amount of ointment is rubbed in a circular motion until completely absorbed. The procedure should be carried out 3 times a day. The medicine can be used for a maximum of 5 weeks.

Price: a tube of 50 grams will cost you 85 rubles.

Videos about ways to treat joint pain

If you want to learn more about how joints become inflamed and behind the most popular ways to get rid of joint pain, watch this video. The doctor talks in detail about ways to get rid of pain, spending a minimum of money and resources on this. So you can learn about all the most useful drugs and home treatments.

For pain in muscles and joints, it is necessary to use warming ointments. However, they are no less effective in sports or during pregnancy, when the load on the body becomes greater.

The principle of action of drugs may differ. It depends on the indications for which it is recommended to use the drug.

There are the following types of action of ointments:

Varieties of warming ointments for muscles and joints

Warming ointments for muscles and joints are divided into 3 groups:

  • Preparations with turpentine do not contain steroid components. The principle of operation of these funds is aimed at local heating of the affected area. They are effective for relieving pain, warming up tissues before an increased load on the body, or healing joints after an injury.
  • Ointments with chondroprotectors aimed at protecting cartilage tissue, which allows them to be used in the therapy and restoration of articular tissues. They contribute to the normalization of the motor activity of the joints, the elimination of blood stasis and edema, as well as pain.
  • Homeopathic ointments containing herbal ingredients. They may contain alkaloids, poisons, esters or acids. Due to the low dosage of these components, such ointments are not dangerous. They are effective for eliminating blood stasis in the muscles, itching or inflamed swelling. These drugs should be used for pinched nerves, musculo-articular injuries and rheumatism.

Indications for the use of warming ointments

It is necessary to apply warming ointments in the following conditions and diseases:


Drugs are contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • Increased susceptibility to substances that provide a warming effect.
  • Violations in the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  • Chronic diseases with exacerbation.
  • thrombocytopenia.
  • Leukopenia.
  • Impaired hemocoagulation.
  • Childhood.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Wounds and scratches in the area of ​​application of the drug.
  • Inflammatory exacerbations in tissues.
  • oncological education.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diabetes mellitus and thyroid dysfunction.
  • Allergy to the composition of the ointment.

Side effects

During therapy with warming ointments, side effects may occur:

Undesirable effects when using drugs with a warming effect are rarely detected. This usually occurs with long-term therapy. In this case, you should temporarily stop using the drugs.

The effectiveness of ointments for pain in the legs

Warming ointments for muscles and joints have an analgesic effect. They can be used for sprains and injuries, but this should not be done immediately at the time of injury. This is due to the ability of such ointments to increase blood flow.

The use of ointments with a warming effect should be started during rehabilitation - 2 to 3 days after the injury. However, it is better to start using them before the upcoming physical activity. Then the likelihood of muscle damage will be negligible.

With malaise in the legs, the following drugs most effectively help:

The use of ointments for pain in the back and lower back

Treatment of pain in the back area should be carried out with the following ointments:

Ointments for neck pain

Warming ointments for muscles and joints in the neck should not only have an analgesic effect, but also improve joint mobility.

The following drugs have such properties:

The use of ointments before sports training

Before increased physical exertion in sports training, it is recommended to use the following ointments:

Warming ointments should be rubbed for 10-20 minutes. before the start of training in those areas that will be subjected to the highest stress. They are especially effective before strength training.

Application of warming ointments before jogging

Before running, the ointment must be actively rubbed into the muscles, joints and tendons for 10 minutes. before training. You can use preparations in the cellulite area to enhance the effect of breaking down fat while running.

Stop the choice should be on ointments:

Use of warming ointments during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body experiences an increased load on the spine, lower back and legs. This causes severe pain. The load on the legs also increases, which leads to swelling and heaviness. Most preparations are not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women, so it is necessary to choose natural-based products. Their action is based on the properties of medicinal herbs.

These drugs include:

  • Malavit.
  • Target T.
  • Zhivokost.

The use of ointments in children

In childhood, homeopathic ointments should be used. They are safe due to the natural composition.

Their use will help eliminate hematomas and bruises, relieve pain and inflammation.

For pain in muscles and joints, you can use ointments based on ibuprofen. However, drugs should not be abused more than 1 time per day.

What to look for when choosing warming ointments?

Warming ointments differ according to many criteria.

When choosing a drug for muscles and joints, you need to pay attention to factors:

  • Consistency, since oil-based ointments are not completely absorbed. It is better to choose gels and creams.
  • The active substance, which is the same in many ointments.
  • The presence of natural ingredients in the composition.
  • The cost, due not only to the composition, but also to the brand.
  • Application frequency. Ointments intended for single use are more convenient to use.

Inexpensive and effective ointments

Name Application features Price
diclofenac The drug is effective in inflammatory processes accompanied by pain. 90 rub.
Kapsikam It is recommended to use to increase muscle tone, as well as eliminate pain. 300 rub.
Finalgon Effective in musculoskeletal diseases accompanied by inflammation. 300 rub.
Apizartron It is used to normalize blood circulation, eliminate swelling and tissue damage. 260 rub.
Artro asset It is recommended for diseases of bone, joint and muscle tissues, accompanied by swelling and pain. 200 rub.

Turpentine ointment at home

To prepare this medicine at home, you will need:

  1. Gum turpentine.
  2. Linseed oil.
  3. Water.
  4. Ammonia.

All components must be combined in equal proportions. The ointment can be used immediately after preparation, and stored in a dry, dark place.

Honey ointment

To prepare honey ointment, you must mix in equal proportions:

You can store the ointment for no more than 5 - 7 days in the refrigerator. Before use, the ointment should be removed from the refrigerator so that it has acquired room temperature.

Preparations for muscles and joints in the form of ointments penetrate deep into the tissues. Thanks to this, they have a warming effect quickly and efficiently.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

Video about warming ointments for muscles

TOP 3 sports ointments for muscles and joints:

  1. First generation: preparations of natural origin based on animal or plant cartilage extracts.
  2. Second generation: single products that contain one of the following substances - glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate or purified hyaluronic acid.
  3. Third generation: combined agents, for example, glucosamine with chondroitin sulfate, sometimes other components are added.

It should be noted that clinical studies of chondroprotectors have shown that they are effective in cartilage protection, but are practically useless for its restoration.


Doctors prescribe warming ointments for:

  • inflammation of the joints;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • lumbago;
  • radiculitis;
  • intervertebral hernias;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • other rheumatic diseases;
  • pain in the joints as a reaction to hypothermia.

Athletes use these ointments to prepare muscles for intense training. Due to the action of active components, muscle tissues are warmed up before exercise, and, as a result, they are less damaged, which prevents their stretching and injury. Good means of such an action help relieve fatigue and tension from the muscles after training.

Warming ointments are also prescribed for various mechanical injuries of the musculoskeletal system (dislocations, bruises, tears and torn ligaments). However, these funds should not be used immediately after an injury.

First of all, for the anesthetic effect and the removal of inflammation, it is recommended to use ointments with a cooling effect, for example, with menthol. This relieves the pain. In addition, a cold compress can be applied to the damaged area. Such measures reduce the area of ​​​​inflammation, relieve swelling of tissues, and have an analgesic effect. After a few days, the doctor often prescribes warming ointments to further treat the injury.


It is not safe to use ointments with a warming effect if a person suffers from intolerance to the components of the product or allergic reactions. The active substances of these drugs have a strong effect on the skin, so they can provoke quite intense negative reactions.

Warming ointments are not recommended for people with thin and sensitive skin. Application may cause irritation, redness, discomfort and pain. The reaction can be very pronounced up to a burn.

These ointments should not be used for arthritis that has an infectious etiology or occurs with the addition of an infection. With such pathologies, the local temperature rises, and the use of the drug will only enhance this reaction. At high temperatures, some infectious agents will multiply even faster, which will aggravate inflammation and can lead to the development of a purulent process.

Do not apply ointments to damaged skin if there are wounds, scratches, or other damage. Active components will provoke in this case an increase in soreness.

Possible side effects

The most common adverse reactions when using external agents are rash, redness and itching, provoked by an allergy to the components of the drug. If after application negative skin reactions are observed, immediately wash off the remnants of the product with water, and then treat the skin with vegetable oil.

If the instructions for use are not followed, more pronounced side effects may occur: severe allergic reactions, dizziness, weakness.

The best warming products

A combined agent with a local irritant and analgesic effect, contains capsaicin, as well as compounds that reduce the inflammatory process and tissue swelling, does not burn, does not cause discomfort.


Contains dimethyl sulfoxide, camphor and gum turpentine, has an anesthetic, vasodilating, irritating effect.


It contains two active substances: nonivamide (an analogue of capsaicin obtained artificially) and nicoboxyl (enhances the effect of nonivamide), the agent has a vasodilating effect, stimulates skin receptors, due to which a prolonged sensation of warmth is maintained.

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Anti-inflammatory gel, contains methyl salicylate and menthol, relieves muscle pain well, helps to overcome fatigue after intense training.


Healing ointment based on bee venom also contains methyl salicylate, relieves inflammation, reduces the intensity of pain, but has a sharp, memorable and rather unpleasant odor.


The tool contains several active ingredients at once (viper venom, camphor, turpentine, salicylic acid), has a local irritating effect, anesthetizes well, dilates blood vessels, which improves the nutrition of affected tissues.

Other means

Also good warming ointments are:

  • Bystrumgel, Fastum gel, Valusal, Ketonal, Ketoprofen Vramed - all drugs contain ketoprofen, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are prescribed for pain in the joints and back, inflammation and swelling of soft tissues.
  • Voltaren Emulgel, Diclovit, Diclofenac - all products contain the main active ingredient diclofenac. It also belongs to the class of NSAIDs, has pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.
  • Menovazin - belongs to the group of local anesthetics in combinations. There are three main active ingredients: benzocaine, procaine racementol.
  • Troxevasin, Troxerutin Vramed - the main substance of these ointments is troxerutin. Refers to the pharmacological group of angioprotectors and microcirculation correctors (i.e. drugs that increase blood flow in small vessels and capillaries, reduce their fragility and fragility, improve blood fluidity) .;
  • Espol - contains an extract of capsicum fruits. Belongs to the group of local irritants of plant origin.
  • Efkamon balm with a warming effect - contains many components, including menthol, camphor, methyl salicylate, eucalyptus, mustard and clove oil, capsicum tincture, synthetic thymol, hydrochloride, etc. It has a local irritating effect.
  • Cream Sophia - contains bee venom.
  • Venoruton-gel is an angioprotective agent containing rutoside.
  • Dolobene, Traumeel C - consists of three main components sodium heparin, dexpanthenol and dimethyl sulfoxide. They have anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and local analgesic effects.

The most effective homeopathic remedies:

  • cream-balm Zhivokost;
  • Traumeel S;
  • Zeel T (Target T);
  • balm Sabelnik;
  • gel-balm Comfrey.

The use of warming ointments

Warming ointments must be used with caution, given the possible consequences. If we are talking about the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system or injuries, then the appointment of all medicines, including for external use, is carried out by a doctor after examination and examination. Independent and uncontrolled use can lead to aggravation of the pathological process.

For the treatment of ointments, courses are used, the duration of which is also determined by the doctor. As a rule, the remedy is prescribed for 1-2 weeks, until the symptoms disappear completely and cure. It is applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day. You can do light to enhance the effect.

Warming creams are not applied under tight, pressure bandages, as long-term exposure to the skin without air will cause a chemical burn. For better warming up, it is permissible to briefly cover the treated areas of the skin with a fabric that allows air to pass through well.

Ointments with a warming effect can be applied exclusively to the skin, while it should not be damaged. Contact with mucous membranes is very painful and can adversely affect their condition. If this happens by accident, rinse immediately with water.

All external ointments have a symptomatic effect: they relieve pain, reduce the external manifestations of inflammation. However, they do not affect the course of the pathological process and do not eliminate the causes of the disease.

Instructions for use for athletes

Before training, it is necessary to apply 2-5 mg of ointment to those areas where the working muscles are located.

  • If it is supposed to train the legs, then the ankles, knee joints are processed, the agent is distributed over the femoral surfaces, shins and feet.
  • Before a general workout, it is recommended to do a massage with a warming ointment, working out the muscles of the back from the neck to the waist, the collar zone, shoulders and arms, legs.

It should be remembered that sweat enhances the effect of active substances. Therefore, if you sweat a lot, you need to select a drug with a milder effect. Otherwise, severe burning and pain may occur. It is important to choose a warming ointment based on the type of skin, since too active components, enhanced by the action of sweat, can provoke a chemical burn.

Warming ointments for muscles and joints are used in case of traumatic injuries of the connective or muscle tissue, as well as massage aids. Creams, balms and ointments are used both for the treatment of certain diseases as an adjuvant, as well as for the prevention of their development. They are selected individually, taking into account the state of health of the patient and in the absence of an allergic reaction to the components of the ointment.

How do joint pain relievers work? Elimination of pain after applying a warming cream is achieved by increasing blood flow in the affected area. The consequence of this is the resorption of edema, a decrease in the inflammatory response, and the elimination of pain.

Due to these effects, warming ointments can be used for mechanical damage, degenerative diseases, as well as during massage.

After applying the anti-inflammatory ointment, the muscles relax and warm. The gel or cream acts as an irritant, resulting in dilation of the blood vessels. This improves blood flow and metabolism at the site of application of the drug. Such ointments will help in case of pain caused by myositis, muscle strain.

How to choose an ointment for muscles and joints

Warming, elimination of swelling of tissues and pain syndrome are provided by drugs based on the following components:

  • snake poison;
  • Camphor.

Snake venom is part of the following gels and creams: Vipratox, Viprosal, Alvipsal.

Bee venom can be found in the following anesthetic ointments and gels for joints: Apizatron, Sophia Cream, Virapin, Dikul's Balm.

Capsaicin is found in the following anti-inflammatory creams:

  • Kapsikam;
  • Espol;
  • capsin;
  • Finalgon;
  • Efkamon;
  • Nicoflex.

Camphor is a component:

  • Camphor ointment;
  • balm "Asterisk";
  • Pikhtanol;
  • Gevkamen.

On the basis of turpentine are made:

  • turpentine ointment,
  • Skipofit.

More often, the composition of gels and creams for the treatment of joints of the legs and arms includes components that have a warming, analgesic and irritating effect. But there may also be products with menthol, oils of fir, clove, eucalyptus, peppermint, bear bile, formic acid, mummy. Such a composition will help get rid of not only pain and inflammation, but also will not allow microorganisms to penetrate into the wound.

For example, Skipofit, which includes fir and juniper extracts, will have an antimicrobial effect.

The most effective ointments for joints

The price range, as well as the effectiveness of warming gels, balms, creams and ointments varies. Consider the drugs presented on the modern pharmaceutical market.


It has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces local swelling, eliminates pain. Can be used for rheumatoid lesions of the articular region. In this case, stiffness is significantly reduced, pain and inflammation in the area of ​​cartilage tissue go away.

The drug will also help in case of inflammatory processes in the articular area and muscle tissue. A positive effect will be noticeable if Diclofenac is used during the recovery period after injuries, damage to the joints and muscles.

The drug is quickly absorbed and penetrates into the tissues, the effect occurs in a short time, has no smell. Diclofenac is an inexpensive ointment. Its price is from 25 rubles.


Gel for pain relief and inflammation. Produces a warming effect. Suitable for the treatment of degenerative changes in the articular region and muscle tissue as a result of injury.

The effect of the application will not keep you waiting long: soreness in the muscles, tendons and joints will pass in a few minutes. This action is due to the accelerated blood flow in the area of ​​application of the gel and the elimination of edema and inflammation.

Muscle relaxation occurs, nutrition of the affected tissues improves. Of course, this joint ointment is far from cheap: its cost starts from 240 rubles.


An effective anesthetic gel for joints and muscles. Bystrumgel's analogue drug. It will quickly reduce pain in case of inflammation of the muscles, articular area and ligaments. The composition contains neroli and lavender oils, which significantly enhance the effect of the gel.

The gel helps well with sports injuries, as it allows you to heal damage and stretching of muscle tissue in a short time. Also, the drug will help with joint pathology. The cost of the gel is significantly different from Fastumgel and ranges from 95 rubles.


A good warming German ointment that relieves swelling and pain in a short time. This drug is a combination. The composition contains bee venom obtained from live bees and subjected to lyophilization. The effectiveness of the remedy is high, even in the case of severe degenerative changes in the structure of the joint and muscles.

German cream can be used to treat the following conditions:

  1. Dysfunction of muscles, tendons, and joints as a result of injury.
  2. Local insufficiency of blood flow in the affected area.
  3. Degenerative and dystrophic changes in cartilage and other articular structures.
  4. Removal of pain syndrome with concomitant damage to the nerve trunks.

In addition, it is used as a warming agent before training, to prevent sprains and ruptures of ligaments and muscles.

The cost of Apizartron is from 230 rubles.


Quality balm for joint pain. The active components of the balm allow you to quickly and permanently eliminate pain in the articular region resulting from injury, as well as degenerative and destructive pathologies.

Artro-active helps to accelerate blood circulation, blood flow to the affected area, reduces swelling and inflammation. This helps to facilitate movement in the arms and joints of the lower extremities, including the joint of the foot.

After contact with the skin, the balm penetrates deep into the pores and glands, to the lesion, quickly enters the bloodstream and in a short time produces an effect, relieving pain.

The price of Artro-Active is from 290 rubles.


This drug is suitable for athletes. It has a pronounced effect, strongly warming up the place of application. It is used before training, to warm up the muscles and ligaments, to prevent their damage.

The main purpose is an analgesic effect and a decrease in the inflammatory process in diseases of the spine. For example, osteochondrosis, complicated by the formation of intervertebral hernias, traumatic injuries of the ligaments and joints of the spine, back muscles, ankylosing spondylitis. The advantage of the drug is a small number of side effects and contraindications. The price is from 240 rubles.

Ointment Dikul

The remedy helps to quickly get rid of pain, eliminate swelling and reduce the inflammatory process. This topical medicine is highly effective due to its composition. It includes extracts from six plants, sea buckthorn and tea tree oil, bee venom, chaga extract, bear bile, mummy and propolis. The natural composition, rapid and deep penetration of the medicinal mass contribute to the rapid elimination of the symptoms of pathology. The cost is from 170 rubles.

Do-it-yourself ointments

You can get rid of pain, inflammation and swelling at home:

  1. Take 200 grams of parsley, finely chop to such an extent that juice appears. Next, squeeze the juice from half a lemon and add to the parsley. Mix and refrigerate for two days. Apply honey to the affected area, put the prepared mixture on top. Rub in until maximum absorption. Remove residue with a damp towel. Then spread with a cream that does not have a cooling effect. The procedure can be repeated constantly.
  2. Take 10 ml of apple cider vinegar, add two chicken yolks to it, mix them until a homogeneous consistency. Add 50 ml of turpentine tincture to the resulting mixture. Place everything in a glass container and refrigerate. It is necessary to use the mixture no later than three days. In this case, you can use it on the affected area no more than once a day. This tool is highly effective, can be used on any part of the skin.

Of course, it is impossible to cure the pathology with warming ointments for muscles and joints alone. This requires complex therapy. However, local remedies can quickly eliminate pain, relieve swelling and inflammation.