Profession "social worker". Profession social worker

In our age of high speeds, people spin like squirrels in a wheel in a constant pursuit of material wealth, often forgetting those closest to them. They do not have the time or desire to be responsible for their relatives; relatives are perceived as an unnecessary burden.

Increasingly, people are left alone, sick and frail, in need of attention and care. How many children, just born, already become orphans! Social workers come to the aid of people whose condition does not allow them to lead a normal life.

Purchasing food and medicine, minor house cleaning, laundry, filling out various receipts, accompanying people - all this is his responsibility. You need to be morally strong, most of the wards are lonely people, offended by life, and may not always be friendly.

But if a social worker has a pure and open heart, then gradually these people completely open up to him and become truly close. Social workers also provide psychological support to people who have experienced environmental disasters, family tragedy, loss of property or other blows of fate.

I wonder how much social workers in Moscow and other regions of Russia receive per month? The figures are as of 2015.


The salary of an employee of the Social Service Center is low. The average figure in Russia was 25,000 rubles in 2015. The highest level of salaries is in Moscow. It is about 30,000 rubles per month. More accurate figures depend on how many clients the social worker has, his work experience and qualifications.

On average, a social worker spends time every day with four people in need of care. Taking into account an eight-hour working day, this is approximately two hours per person. But for some, it is enough to “drop in” three times a week, while others need daily care.

Therefore, eight wards are assigned to a full-time worker in the city. In rural areas, due to lower population density and greater distances, one social worker will serve four people.

The differences concern not only the number of assigned wards, but also the region in which the social worker works. Let's compare salaries in Moscow and other Russian cities as of 2015:

  • St. Petersburg – 27,500 rubles;
  • Irkutsk – 27,000 rubles;
  • Ulyanovsk – 25,000 rubles;
  • Volgograd – 22,500 rubles;
  • Krasnoyarsk – 20,000 rubles;
  • Yekaterinburg – 19,500 rubles.

As already noted, salary depends on work experience. After three years, the salary is increased by 10%, after four years by 20% and after five years by 30%. If a social worker travels around the city by public transport, he is paid for a travel ticket. If he has his own car, then a certain part of the money spent on gasoline is returned to him.

If it is necessary to travel out of town to visit a ward, expenses are also covered.

Private traders also have work. Earnings are higher there, but conditions may differ. If the average state salary is 25,000, then here it can reach up to 80,000 rubles. However, some compassionate neighbors may work for free, hoping that the dear grandmother will sign off her apartment to the irreplaceable assistant. What is the salary in this case?

Many, having children and relatives, loving them with all their hearts, due to life circumstances, are very lonely. They want a kind word and attention. Some people want to speak out, just to sit next to them or have tea with them, some need help filling out a receipt, others need more serious help.

You cannot be indifferent, leaving people alone with their worries. This work requires a person to have humanity, the ability to empathize, a sense of tact, and sometimes knowledge of law, economics and medicine. When working with children, you need pedagogical education. Therefore, now more than ever, the profession of a social worker is very valuable and in demand.

Last update: 02/23/2015

Are you looking for a challenging but interesting business? Do you want to contribute to the development of society and help people overcome life's difficulties? then think about social work. Many people manage to work in this field before continuing their education in graduate school, but there are also those who initially decide to specialize in social work.

So what is a social worker? This is a mental health professional who helps people with a wide range of problems, including psychological difficulties, financial difficulties, health or relationship problems, and substance abuse.

A few facts about social workers

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, social workers held approximately 595,000 jobs in 2006. Most require completion of a master's degree in social work. Social workers work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, mental health clinics, schools, non-profits, and government agencies.

What do social workers do?

As part of their work, they apply theoretical knowledge to understand human problems and help improve the lives of both individuals and society as a whole. Many of those who work in this field specialize in certain duties: helping children, helping overcome addiction, etc. Social workers:

  • teach clients new skills;
  • connect clients to the critical resources of the community in which they live;
  • protect vulnerable clients and ensure that their interests are served in the best possible way;
  • advise clients who need support and assistance;
  • study social problems in order to find ways to cope with them.

Where do they work?

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, half of social workers are employed in health care and social assistance. That is, they work in hospitals, psychiatric clinics and conduct private practices.

Another 30% of social workers are employed by government agencies at the local or federal level. Professionals working in government agencies evaluate child welfare, help people obtain government assistance, and work with law enforcement officials.

How much do social workers earn?

Salaries may vary depending on geographic location, education level, and area of ​​specialization. Those starting out with a bachelor's degree in social work earn about $30,000 a year, according to the National Association of Social Workers. The average income for professionals with a master's degree is around $40,000 - $50,000 depending on experience.

The U.S. Department of Labor reports the following average annual income data for various areas of social work specialization:

  • social workers working with children, families and schools - $37,480;
  • social workers working with people suffering from mental illness and addiction - $35,410;
  • social workers in public health - $43,040.

Education Requirements

To become a social worker, you must obtain at least a bachelor's degree in social work. However, entry-level positions can also be obtained with a degree in psychology, sociology, or education. If you are interested in providing psychotherapy services, you will need to obtain a master's degree in social work. If you want to teach at a university or conduct research, you will have to get a doctorate in social work.

Areas of work

  • Social workers in public health offer psychosocial services to individuals, families and groups affected by acute, chronic or terminal illness. These services may be related to the provision of psychological counseling and assistance to families caring for a sick relative.
  • Social workers, working with children, families and schools, help children with academic, social and emotional problems. In addition, their responsibilities include working with adopted children, assisting in organizing adoptions, and providing assistance to single parents.
  • Social workers, working with people suffering from mental illness and addictions, are engaged in assessing the condition and providing psychological assistance to people suffering from mental health problems, drug addiction/substance abuse and alcohol dependence. In addition, these specialists provide consultations in crisis situations, provide individual and group therapy services, as well as psychosocial rehabilitation services.

Job Outlook for Social Workers

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for social workers will grow faster than average over the next ten years. Experts predict an increase in the number of jobs in both cities and rural areas.

What is a social worker? What are his responsibilities? What do you need to know to become a social worker? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article. So, a person who provides social and consumer services to elderly citizens and disabled people is a social worker.


The responsibilities of such a specialist include a huge number of works, namely:

Provision of social services guaranteed by the state and legislation;

Strict adherence to the established visit schedule;

Identification of elderly people and persons with disabilities who need social assistance;

Informing this group of the population about the rights and responsibilities, conditions for the provision of state-guaranteed social services;

Conducting a survey among elderly and disabled people in a certain area;

Taking part in the preparation of documentation for pensioners;

Making proposals regarding improving living conditions and services for the population;

Establishing contacts with relatives and neighbors of wards in order to attract them to help a pensioner or disabled person;

Maintaining contact with the patient’s doctor;

Maintaining absolute confidentiality;

Making purchases with the money of wards, providing a report on expenses, etc.


In general, the responsibilities of a social worker may vary. It depends on where exactly he works, with what people, in what city and region. In some cases, a social worker must also deliver necessary medications and other goods to the home, pay for utilities with the ward’s funds, and provide assistance in cleaning the premises. If necessary, such an employee should organize home repairs, treatment of the area near the house, funeral services, etc. In situations where a pensioner or disabled person becomes ill, a social worker must provide pre-medical assistance, so it is very important that he has the necessary skills for this.

Firstly, the social worker enjoys general rights. Its activities are based on the legislation of the Russian Federation on social services, internal labor regulations and job descriptions provided by the social protection authority. In general terms, such a specialist has the right to receive truthful and complete information about the ward and members of his family, including information about their state of health; attracting relatives to provide assistance to a disabled person or pensioner (if this assistance goes beyond the scope of the social service’s responsibilities); using the personal documents of the person being served to fill out the necessary papers.


A social worker is responsible for various types of violations of labor discipline. He must be loyal to his wards and understand their situation. You need to be prepared for anything: deterioration of health and other problems. A social service worker may be held liable for untimely or poor-quality provision of medical care, refusal of it and other violations.

Currently, the profession of a social worker is in high demand in the labor market. More and more people need help, especially now in times of economic instability. This specialty is more of a vocation than a profession. The peculiarity of the profession of a social worker is that only compassionate, humane people who are ready to help the disabled, orphans, the elderly, and mothers of many children can do it. These most vulnerable segments of the population can receive advice from social specialists on various benefits and benefits. Social workers will not ignore people suffering from diseases such as drug addiction and alcoholism. In addition, workers in this area prepare all the necessary documents.

To identify those in need of material and everyday assistance, social workers conduct research. In their work, they try in every possible way to involve public and government structures and get them to make the necessary decisions. Among other things, the social worker is responsible for the program for the implementation of rehabilitation measures.

For those people who find it difficult to cope with problems of any nature on their own, representatives of this profession provide moral, legal and psychological support. We are talking about people who suffered in environmental disasters, military operations, fires, international conflicts, family quarrels, etc.

Social workers will purchase and deliver food and medicine, take things to the dry cleaner or laundromat, clean up the house or apartment, and even make repairs in living quarters for those who cannot do it themselves. Representatives of this profession will measure the temperature and blood pressure of their patients, apply mustard plasters, etc.

Unfortunately, despite the large scope of work, social workers have rather low salaries. And the role of such employees who strive to improve the living and material conditions of life of unprotected and vulnerable segments of the population is invaluable. This can be attributed to the advantages of the profession of a social worker. The downside is that such work is not considered prestigious by today’s youth.

Social workers celebrate their professional day on June 8th. It is on this day that people of this profession are thanked for carrying out a special mission.

Personal qualities of a social worker

Representatives of this profession are distinguished by such qualities as kindness, responsiveness, attentiveness, and the ability to empathize. To effectively perform his duties, a social worker must be sociable, emotionally and stress-resistant, neat, organized, restrained, honest, and fair. To win the trust of his clients, a social worker must have such qualities as hard work, dedication and responsibility.

What should education be like?

Anyone who chooses the profession of a social worker must be aware of moral, social and humanitarian issues. In addition, knowledge of such subjects as sociology, medicine, economics, psychology, psychotherapy, and ethics is required. To give legal advice, you must also have certain knowledge.

The type of activity a social worker has depends on what kind of education he or she has. To work with children, you must have a pedagogical education. Persons involved in solving legal issues need a law degree. A psychologist's education is necessary for those who will conduct telephone consultations. And those who will care for people with disabilities will need a medical diploma.

Place of work and career

There are quite a lot of places where representatives of this profession can work. This

  • nursing home;
  • social protection committees;
  • orphanages;
  • branches of the pension fund;
  • veterans' councils;
  • social service centers;
  • guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

With increasing length of service and experience, a social worker is assigned a rank and salary increases.

Young, ambitious, full of energy, those who feel that their whole life is ahead of them, the phrase “social worker” is not particularly clear or interesting. An acquaintance with a social worker occurs when a person loses his strength, illness and age set in, and there is no one nearby who could support him or simply give everyone the well-known glass of water.

Who are social workers?

The profession of a social worker requires from its owner a lot of knowledge, skills and certain spiritual qualities. Caring for elderly or infirm people is hard and often unrewarding work. A social worker visits his client at least twice a week, buys groceries, prepares food, cleans the house, does laundry, calls a doctor, takes him to the clinic, and more. Sometimes it’s very difficult with your own old people, but what can we say about completely strangers’ grandparents.

An elderly person who is satisfied with life, living in a close-knit family, or lonely, but still full of energy, is unlikely to turn to social services for help. The main contingent of social protection bodies consists precisely of lonely and not very happy elderly people. This is a rather complex group of the population, and for positive communication and cooperation, a social worker must be a psychologist, a negotiator, a cook, and an artist.

With, to put it mildly, a very modest salary, it would be strange to assume that people with all these abilities and professional training are lining up to become a social worker. Therefore, in social centers there is a very high staff turnover, a large percentage of random people who are not inclined to this field of activity.

But what attracts people to the profession of social worker? A fairly flexible work schedule, the opportunity not to be stuck in the office from call to call, combination, solving your problems during the day, and just love and compassion for the old, infirm, in need of support and help, complete strangers.

So, until the social worker’s salary is raised to a decent level, we can only rely on those who love their work, who need these “nobody’s” old people.

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