What helps with temperature. Features of high temperature in various diseases in children

High body temperature is clear sign that inflammation develops in the body. In this way the immune system responds to pathological process. If a person knows how to bring down the temperature, he can quickly get rid of an unpleasant symptom.

Do I need to bring down the fever

Elevated body temperature is warning sign to which you should pay attention. Sometimes people start sounding the alarm prematurely and try to suppress the symptom with an antipyretic. But in some cases, they only do harm to themselves.

The fact is that in the presence of an infection, the immune system produces a special substance called interferon. After taking the medicine, the temperature decreases. Also, in humans, the production of this substance is suppressed, due to which protective properties organisms are greatly reduced. Therefore, it becomes open to pathogenic microflora.

Low-skilled doctors often advise their patients to drink an antipyretic, after which they prescribe immunomodulators that contribute to the production of interferon. This is the wrong treatment plan. There is no need to artificially increase the content in the body of a substance produced by the immune system, if you just endure a slight increase in temperature.

It is best to take action only after its increase to 38.5 and above. Up to this point, the body can cope with inflammation and infection on its own.

It is advisable to immediately bring down the high temperature in people who do not tolerate this symptom or complain of seizures. Also, an indication for the start of treatment is the presence of chronic disorders in the patient, which can worsen at any time. It is worth paying attention to other features of the body. In such situations, you should immediately look for a way to suppress the symptom.

With caution to elevated temperature Patients who are diagnosed with the following disorders should be treated:

  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Diseases of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.
  • The period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In these cases alarm symptom can lead to a number of dangerous violations that adversely affect human health.

If the patient does not have the problems discussed above, and his condition is satisfactory, then nothing should be done. In such a situation, experts recommend limiting folk ways relief of well-being, rather than taking pills. Hot tea with raspberries or honey and herbal decoctions will help a person endure a painful condition.

How to bring down the temperature to 37.5 degrees

A temperature that does not rise above 37.5 degrees is rarely considered an aberration. In this state, a person does not need medical care. A slight increase indicates that the body is currently trying to cope with the problem.

Just one tablet is enough to normalize body temperature. However, if an infection develops in the body, then due to the antipyretic medication, it will have a chance with new force attack an organism whose immune system is slightly weakened. Therefore, the recovery process will be significantly delayed.

If a person has urgency to reduce a slight temperature that has risen to 37 ° C, he can take the well-known "Aspirin" or "Paracetamol". They help to achieve the desired effect, while not providing a pronounced negative impact on the body. In any case, after such treatment, the patient will have to visit a doctor in order to find out the cause of his ailment.

How to bring down the temperature above 38 degrees

To remove the temperature, which has reached 38 ° C or more, you can use any available antipyretic drug. It may contain paracetamol or aspirin. The patient is also placed on bed rest and plentiful drink. He should drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. This will help his body get rid of harmful compounds faster and avoid dehydration.

If the temperature exceeds 39 ° C, then you should immediately give the patient a pill that will reduce it to allowable value. It's done different ways. Unfortunately, not all of them give the same result. In addition, most of these methods allow you to achieve only temporary relief of the condition.

Medications for temperature

Quite often, doctors hear questions from patients about how to bring down the temperature at home. Especially for these purposes pharmaceutical companies have developed hundreds unique drugs that have this action. Many people are used to trusting proven medicines. But modern innovations are in no way inferior to them in terms of performance.

All antipyretic drugs, pharmacists and physicians are accustomed to conditionally divide into several separate groups:

AT home first aid kit Be sure to keep at least one of the listed drugs.

Pink pills against fever

Many of you have probably heard of pink pills to help bring down the temperature. They are Paracetamol and Flukold. The color of the drugs does not affect their effectiveness. They differ a wide range actions. It is customary to drink them in the presence in the body inflammatory process or during a cold. Tablets work well pain syndrome and elevated temperature.

Paracetamol contains active substance with the same name. It is present in pure form. To improve the condition, a person needs to take about 4 tablets per day. The drug lowers the temperature not only in an adult, but also in a child. For young patients, it is advisable to use a special children's "Paracetamol".

Flukold has similar action. It practically does not have any differences from the previous medication. Before taking it, you should always consult with a specialist to avoid the development side effects. The patient can drink no more than 3 tablets per day after meals.

Taking 3 pills to quickly reduce fever

Few people know about the method of taking 3 pills to eliminate elevated body temperature. On sale you can find drugs that you need to drink in minimum quantity. In a short course, they facilitate the patient's well-being and contribute to his rapid recovery. Typically, these medications are prescribed to prevent colds and flu. But sometimes they can also be used as a treatment.

This will be the result after taking:

Is it worth it to be treated with tablets, which are designed for only 3 doses, the doctor decides. He will give his verdict on this matter only after studying clinical picture diseases and familiarization with the characteristics of the patient's body.

Using folk methods

Not only a pill or an injection can lower the temperature. They do a good job with this task. folk methods treatment. They are especially effective as long as the body temperature does not rise above 38 ° C. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to do without antipyretic medication.

Hot tea with the addition of fresh lemon, raspberry, currant and natural honey. After such a drink, the patient will certainly begin active sweating. As a result, the temperature will drop. If a hot drink did not bring the desired effect, then you will have to act more radically.

If rubbing with alcohol and hot drinks did not give any effect, but the patient still has to be given an antipyretic pill or medicinal tea.

There are other equally well-known effective methods elimination of fever without drug treatment:

Providing the patient with plenty of drinking water

The patient becomes dehydrated due to fever. It does not allow the body to actively get rid of toxic substances. decides this problem plentiful drink. The patient should have access to room temperature water. During the period of treatment, it is desirable to limit it in drinks with great content sugar and sweet soda.


The procedure will require a pelvis with cool water. If possible, it can be replaced with a cooled decoction of yarrow or mint, prepared in a water bath from 2 tbsp. l. medicinal herb. Soak a towel well in water.

It must be applied to the temples, forehead, inguinal folds and wrists. Compresses must be changed every 10 minutes. The procedure is continued until the patient's temperature drops.

hypertonic solutions

Quite famous and effective composition, which successfully fights high body temperature. It is used during the treatment of adults and small patients. To prepare the solution, you need to take 1 cup of warm water and 2 tsp. salt. The composition should be stirred until the last ingredient is dissolved. Salt in this recipe is necessary so that the water is absorbed more slowly. In this case, it will be excreted from the patient's body along with feces.

Optimal dosage hypertonic saline depends on the age of the patient. Children under 1.5 years old are recommended to give no more than 100 ml. The portion is doubled if the treatment of a child under 2 years is required. According to this scheme, the dosage increases. Adults are allowed to drink up to 800 ml of solution.

Chamomile enema

This method of treatment is especially recommended for patients who have bowel diseases. Then the enema will not only bring down the temperature, but also cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

For an enema, a decoction is required. It is made from 1 glass hot water and 4 st. l. dried chamomile flowers. Both ingredients are mixed and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling and straining, the broth is diluted with water to obtain a volume of 200 ml.

If the patient's condition continues to worsen, it is worth seeking qualified help.

What is forbidden to do at high temperature

Elevated body temperature requires compliance with a number of important rules. They help to quickly eliminate the symptom and prevent complications.

  1. Drink immediately antibacterial drugs. They do not help to stop the temperature. Antibiotics are designed to fight pathogenic microflora, so their reception will not make any sense in this case.
  2. Do not try to artificially reduce the temperature, which does not exceed 38.5 ° C. The body must cope with the disease itself.
  3. Only an anti-inflammatory or antipyretic medication can normalize the temperature. Other drugs do not have this effect.
  4. It is undesirable to wrap up at a temperature. Sweat should be able to freely evaporate from the skin. After all, it is due to such a reaction that the body itself tries to reduce the temperature.
  5. Do not frequently humidify the air in the room in which the patient is located. Because of this, he risks facing a complication of a cold in the form of pneumonia. In addition, moist air slows down the evaporation of sweat.
  6. Hot baths and mustard plasters do not help to remove the temperature. They only contribute to its increase.

If neither folk methods nor medical preparations did not help to cope with the increased body temperature, you should immediately call the ambulance. A patient in this condition requires urgent hospitalization. Especially if in parallel he has other symptoms that are uncharacteristic of a common cold.

Attention, only TODAY!

An increase in temperature is a natural reaction of the body to viruses and infections. The immune system defends itself and destroys pathogens with the help of heat. Most often, this phenomenon is observed during acute respiratory infections or influenza. If in the first case it rises no higher than 38.5 degrees Celsius, then with the flu it exceeds 39. There are a lot of recipes for how to quickly bring down the temperature at home, and we’ll talk about the most effective ones in the article.

It should be remembered that fever is present not only with colds, but also with poisoning or serious problems with health .

First of all, patients begin to take antipyretic drugs. Scroll effective medicines not so great. However, some nuances should be taken into account.


It is used for colds and flu. A single dose for an adult is 1-2 tablets of 500 mg. Suspension or suppositories act faster. Mostly in this form, medicines for children are used. Caution should be taken by people who have liver problems.

With the flu, the fever can behave unpredictably, and it is quite difficult to go astray. You need to start with 1 tablet. It should work in 15-20 minutes.

For those who do not know how to quickly bring down the temperature, the following information. If the fever does not subside, you need to take another dose of paracetamol and add 1 tablet of analgin. For children from 3 years old, the dosage is 0.5 tablets. If there is a need to take analgin, you need to mix ¼ paracetamol and ¼ analgin.

This is the most common antipyretic drug with minimal side effects.

Acetylsalicylic acid

Acetylsalicylic acid quickly brings down the temperature. The drug is not recommended for people with diseases gastrointestinal tract and children. In addition, with the flu, this medication can give a complication. Soluble effervescent tablets act faster, but put a greater burden on the body.


An antipyretic drug that has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for children in the form of a suspension, for adults - in the form of tablets. Dose 1-2 tablets 4 times a day for an adult. Suspension Ibuprofen is recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since the effect on the gastric mucosa in this case is minimized.

Antipyretic powders

  • Theraflu,
  • Rinzasip,
  • coldrex,
  • Anvimax,
  • Maxicold,
  • Ferveks and others.

If you read the composition of such drugs, you will notice that the main part is paracetamol. They bring the fever down quickly. Valid within 10 minutes after taking. However flavor additives and flavorings, which are present in the composition of the powders, adversely affect the digestive tract. Children are not recommended to use. Adults - optional.

How quickly our grandparents brought down the temperature at home is easy to guess - rubbing, tinctures, baths and health drinks. Sometimes there are situations when the pills do not help or the fever passes too slowly. Then folk recipes are applied. They are no less effective and do not contain the amount of chemistry that tablets.

Antipyretic drinks

They must be drunk warm. Thanks to great content vitamin C and natural useful substances, they quickly kill the infection and help the body fight the disease. This is a proven way to quickly bring down a high temperature at home without pills. Doctors recommend drinking:

  1. Cranberry juice. Pour boiling water over the berry, leave for an hour and the drink is ready. Add honey, a slice of lemon or orange and drink in small sips while warm.
  2. Lingonberries, black and red currants have an antipyretic effect. You can drink the juice of berries or add to tea with honey.
  3. Tea with raspberry jam and honey will quickly help the body to reduce the temperature.
  4. Green tea with lemon has a pronounced diuretic effect and helps to get rid of infections from the body.
  5. Rosehip infusion with lemon compensates for vitamin C deficiency and improves immunity.

Linden tea with honey, St. John's wort, eucalyptus decoction are powerful helpers of the body in the fight against infection, but you need to take them according to the recommendations of your doctor.

If the doctor gives the go-ahead, then simply brew a spoonful of herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain and drink half a glass 3 times a day. The effect will be greatest if you eat honey as a bite. Just don't put it in boiling water, it releases harmful substances, can be added to teas and infusions if they are not hot, but warm.

Vinegar rubdown for fever

This substance is able to draw out heat and reduce fever. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 1:3 with water. The liquid should be cool, cold can lead to complications, hot - will not give any effect or, on the contrary, will increase the heat.

Wipe palms, feet, legs, arms, stomach. A compress is placed on the head, but constantly changes as it heats up so that it does not create Greenhouse effect. You don't need to cover yourself with a blanket. It is necessary that a chill passes through the body. In some cases, you can even fan it with a towel or napkin. The procedure is done within 15-20 minutes. As soon as the liquid dries, you need to repeat again.

Vodka compress

It is used for colds. Not recommended for flu. If a person's body is on fire, and the limbs are cold, a compress of vodka and water will help. Ratio 1:3. You can add 1 part vinegar. Wiping is carried out in the same way as in the first case.


A strong decoction is being prepared. The plant is poured with boiling water, infused for 2 hours. Wet wipes, apply on the forehead. Wipe cheeks, whiskey. The rollers are folded and placed in the armpit and under the knees. Compresses are updated every 10 minutes.

cool bath

A bathroom with room temperature water will help to ensure good heat dissipation. Accepted within 15 minutes. A greater effect can be achieved by adding yarrow infusion to the water.

Dr. Komarovsky on how to reduce the temperature in children without medication

What to do at elevated temperatures

  • If the human body is on fire, while the hands and feet remain cold - before taking an antipyretic, you need to drink 1-2 tablets of nosh-pa. The medicine will relieve the spasm, relax the body and make it more susceptible to drugs for fever.
  • If the disease is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, it is better to use candles. With diarrhea, on the contrary, they will be ineffective.
  • Temperature regime in the room. Better cool than hot! Make sure that the room was no more than 22 degrees Celsius. Excessive heat will worsen the patient's condition, and it will take much longer to bring down the heat. Fresh air when aired, it will kill germs, facilitate breathing and saturate the room with oxygen.
  • During the illness, the appetite disappears and the patient does not want to eat at all. It's not worth forcing. Internal organs are under a lot of stress, and digestion of food will complicate the work. Food should be light, dietary. Often the patient does not eat anything during the illness and thus recovers faster.
  • Heat leads to a large loss of moisture. Fluid must be constantly supplied to the body. These can be compotes, fruit drinks, tea with lemon, drinks from medicinal herbs and of course plain purified water.
  • The patient's clothing should be in soothing colors. Avoid red for sure. Remove the bright bedspread from the bed, and choose a room with a calmer color scheme.
  • Take vitamins. Definitely vitamin C. It strengthens the immune system, heart, blood vessels. Prevent complications. Other vitamins can be taken from the 3rd day of illness.
  • High temperature is brought down by medicines and folk recipes. With a rapid rise in temperature to 39.9 degrees Celsius, it is better to call an ambulance. The injection will work much faster.

The most important thing is not to panic and the situation should always remain under control. Moreover, now you know exactly how to quickly bring down the temperature yourself at home. Be healthy!

Video tips: how to bring down the temperature in folk ways

Heat - common symptom such common diseases as SARS, tonsillitis, pneumonia. To reduce fever and alleviate the patient's condition, doctors recommend taking antipyretics, but this is not always possible. Too much frequent use these drugs can lead to allergic reactions, and to an overdose - poisoning. It also happens that there are simply no antipyretics in the house. In such situations, it is worth using non-drug, but no less effective ways decrease in temperature. Here are a few of them.

To reduce the patient's temperature, moisten a sponge or towel in cool water, wring out and gently wipe the torso, face, limbs. Droplets of liquid remaining on the skin are allowed to dry on their own. To enhance the effect, a few drops of table vinegar or vodka are added to the water in a 1: 1 ratio. It is better to wipe children with water at room temperature (otherwise, the procedure can provoke shock and febrile convulsions caused by vasospasm).

The procedure of wiping with water, even water at room temperature, has the effect of reducing heat by 1-2 degrees for 1-1.5 hours.

Source: depositphotos.com

To reduce the temperature, the ice is broken into small pieces, put in a plastic bag and applied to the projection sites of large vessels: to the forehead, to axillary areas, inguinal folds, popliteal fossae. To protect the patient from hypothermia, a folded cotton towel should be laid between the skin and ice. Applying ice is best not to continue for more than 5-7 minutes; after a quarter of an hour, the procedure can be repeated.

Source: depositphotos.com

An antipyretic enema is an unpleasant procedure that is recommended if all other methods of reducing the temperature are unacceptable or have not yielded tangible results. For these purposes, use warm water, typically 2 degrees lower than body temperature at this moment, with salt (at the rate of ½ tsp per 100 ml of water). The amount of liquid for an enema depends on the age of the patient:

  • 1 year - 120 ml;
  • 2 years - 200 ml;
  • 5 years - 500 ml;
  • over 10 years old - 1 liter.

All of the above physical methods lowering body temperature (rubbing, applying ice, enema) are contraindicated in children under one year old - especially with a tendency to convulsions, heart defects. In addition, these procedures should not be used for cold hyperthermia (chills, icy limbs, bluish color skin) - in this case, they will only aggravate the patient's condition.

Source: depositphotos.com

Plentiful drink

Plentiful drinking at a high body temperature is recommended so that the patient has something to sweat - and sweat, as you know, has a high cooling effect. With such drinking mode the elimination of toxins is activated, the fluid reserves lost during sweating are replenished in time. In the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, it is recommended to drink drinks rich in vitamin C: a decoction of wild rose, dried fruits, cranberry juice, tea with lemon, orange juice. Increases sweating tea with raspberry jam and other antipyretics, but you should drink something else before drinking it. Drinks should be drunk slowly, in small sips, so as not to induce vomiting. When feeling hot, drink should be warm (about 30 ° C), and when chilly - hot. In order for the body to have a place to give off heat, the air in the room must be cool (no more than 18 ° C).

Hello dear friends!

How we miss the warmth and sunlight! Yes, and colds in the fall they sometimes overcome, even if we take vitamins intensively, eat citrus fruits and fruits, drink herbal teas In a word, we try to strengthen the immune system.

It's good if the disease is not in acute form passes, but sometimes the temperature creeps to 37 and does not want to stop there. At a temperature of 38 and above, the hand reaches for the tablets, but are they really needed.

Today I will tell you how you can bring down the temperature at home without pills.

How can you bring down the temperature at home

It can be just water, juices, fruit drinks, herbal teas.

But at high temperatures, special measures must already be taken.

At high temperatures, drinking plenty of water is a must. After all, at this time dehydration sets in, which again leads to a rise in temperature, in addition, part of the heat is removed with water and then.

And it’s better to drink not just water, but all kinds of warm drinks that have a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect.

Drinks to help bring down the temperature without pills at home

Every 2-3 hours you need to drink antipyretic drinks, always in a warm form. Their options are very extensive:

  • Tea with raspberries in the form of jam or tea from raspberry leaves and fruits. We remember and know about it, probably, in the first place. But shoots are especially useful, because they contain more aspirin. The thicker they are, the better.
    To prepare a decoction of raspberry shoots, they should be crushed, together with leaves and berries. Pour two tablespoons of prepared raw materials with a glass of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  • Cranberry juice. In my childhood, my grandmother sent cranberries in parcels, and I remember that when I was sick, I drank cranberry juice with such pleasure, because it improves well-being and lowers the temperature a little.
  • Lime tea. It can be prepared on its own from linden flowers alone, or together with raspberries or make such a drink: brew linden flowers together with apple peel, insist a little so that it is not too hot, add honey and drink 2-3 cups.
  • willow bark is a very effective antipyretic, it natural source acetylsalicylic acid. It acts like aspirin, not only reduces fever, but also relieves headaches and joint pain.
    To prepare a decoction, pour a tablespoon of chopped bark with a glass of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Take 1/3 cup of decoction three times a day.
  • Teas with lemon
  • Peppermint Tea
  • Chamomile decoction
  • Rosehip infusion
  • Tea from leaves and currant buds.
  • elderberry tea
  • Tea from viburnum berries
  • Rowan berry tea
  • Blackberry leaf tea
  • Strawberry leaf tea

No wonder we dried different herbs and.

In any of these drinks, you can add a spoon.

Antipyretic properties also have juices, such as juice from lemons or oranges. It’s only better to use not the one that is sold in stores, but squeeze out fresh. Citrus will need a lot. If orange juice can be drunk in its pure form, then lemon juice should be diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1: 1 and sweetened.

By the way, lemon juice, diluted with water, you can not only drink, but also wipe your body with it. Without sugar, of course.

Still perfectly reduces the heat heated carrot juice . To prepare it, three carrots on a grater and squeeze the juice through gauze or a strainer.

After drinking an antipyretic drink, put on woolen socks and under a warm blanket.

How can you bring down the temperature at home yet, read on.

How to bring down a high temperature at home

It should be distinguished that at a high temperature there is a red or white fever.

With white fever skin pale, hands and feet dry and cold. Waiting for a further rise in temperature in this state, especially for children, is dangerous, you need to already drink the appropriate medications.

With red fever, the skin is pink, and the hands and feet are warm and moist. This condition is not dangerous. You can wipe the body with cool water, ventilate the room, remove excess clothing. If the temperature has not decreased after 20 minutes, then we already resort to other effective methods and antipyretic drugs. First of all, you can try wiping with vinegar or vodka. Our parents have always done this.

How to bring down the temperature with vinegar at home

I always resort to this method in the first place, in order to bring down the heat.

Everything is very simple. We take table vinegar and dilute it with water at room temperature. I usually took lukewarm water, because even at room temperature the water seemed cold to the child and caused discomfort from sharp contact with a hot body.

6 percent vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1 for an adult and 1:2 for a child. 9 percent - in relation to 1:2 and 1:3, respectively.

With a cotton swab or a handkerchief soaked in diluted vinegar, we wipe the patient's body. It is not necessary to rub and rub too much, we make light stroking movements.

You need to start rubbing from the forehead and temples, then take off the shirt and wipe the chest and arms. Let's wait a bit until the vinegar is absorbed, turn the patient on his stomach, wipe his back.

We put on a shirt, then we wipe our legs.

After wiping with vinegar, we put the patient in bed under the covers.

In addition to table vinegar, apple cider vinegar is also quite suitable.

And in addition to rubbing, it is good to make compresses on the forehead at a high temperature. Vinegar does not need to be diluted with water in this case. In it, you need to wet a cloth folded in several layers and apply it on your forehead.

As soon as the fabric on the forehead becomes warm, we change the compress to a new one. After 20 minutes, the patient will feel better and he will be able to fall asleep.

How to bring down the temperature with vodka at home

Instead of vinegar, wipes are made with vodka. In undiluted form, a cotton swab is dipped in it and the body is wiped in the same way.

How to bring down the temperature of 40 at home

All of these methods described above to reduce the temperature without pills refer to a situation where the temperature has risen to 38 -38.5 degrees.


Non-drug methods lowering the temperature is not as effective, but practically safe. Hot tea with lemon, raspberries or honey will help reduce the temperature by one degree. Rubbing with cool water - one and a half, a bath with water at a temperature of 36.5-37.5 ° C - two or even three degrees.

Not the most pleasant, but fast way combat heat - cool, slightly salted water. To because of sharp decline temperature did not occur vasospasm, pre-take 1-2 no-shpy.

Acupressure is an effective, but not very popular way to deal with high temperatures. The reason for this is the high probability of making a mistake in finding the required point. Feel for the seventh cervical (it is easy to find, as it is larger than the others) - the first will be located directly below it. The second and third are located on both sides of it at a distance of a centimeter. Massage first each point individually, and then all three at the same time. The duration of the procedure is no more than three minutes.

If the temperature does not drop, feel free to call an ambulance. Doctors will assess your condition and give you an antipyretic injection. In severe cases, hospitalization may be offered.

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  • how fast can the temperature rise

A number of diseases are accompanied by a rise in temperature. This condition gives the patient a mass discomfort: dizziness and headache, body aches, chills. Doctors do not recommend bringing down the temperature below 38 degrees with medicines, but if you cannot bear it, you can use improvised means.

The subtleties of bed rest

Even if you have a low temperature, you should not endure this condition, otherwise the disease may drag on. Take a sick leave or write a statement for a few days at your own expense and go home to observe bed rest. An elevated temperature is accompanied heavy sweating. Change your bed linen to a natural fabric that absorbs moisture well. Suitable cotton, linen. Your pajamas should also be made of a fabric similar in properties. Change your clothes and lie down to rest, warning them not to disturb you. If your pajamas become damp with sweat during your sleep, you should change them so as not to catch a cold even more.

herbal teas

At elevated temperatures, you should drink as much liquid as possible. Herbal teas are ideal for this. Brew an infusion of flowers, raspberry or linden leaves, rose hips. Such a drink will not only help you get rid of, but also saturate your body weakened by the disease with vitamins. Your drink should not be, but you should not wait for it to become room temperature. Regularly drink a mug of warm aromatic tea. If you do not keep at home medicinal plants, regular black tea is also suitable, which can be sweetened with raspberry jam or honey instead of sugar. Fruit drinks will also be useful - lingonberry and cranberry.

Nutrition Features

During illness, food should be light, but healthy. Eat vegetable soups, cereals, fruit purees, vegetables and fruits, lean meats. However, if you have no appetite, do not try to cram daily allowance calories. In this case, limit yourself to a small snack.


Compresses are also very effective in helping low temperature. Prepare a solution of vinegar at the rate of one teaspoon of 9% vinegar per half liter of water and wipe the body with it, without trying to rub the product into the skin. Special attention give armpits and . After the procedure, put on clean cotton socks and go back to bed. To relieve fever and headache, a compress is also suitable. Take soft tissue, soak it in a solution of vinegar and place it on your forehead. After the bandage becomes warm, repeat your steps.

If home remedies don't work for you, if it persists for several days, or if it gets higher, see your doctor who can prescribe medication for you.