How to properly use a toothbrush. How to use floss correctly: flossing technique, benefits and harms

From childhood, we are taught to brush our teeth regularly in the morning. However, many people avoid evening hygiene procedures, not to mention the use of dental floss. It is much more habitual to use a toothbrush, trying to clean up your teeth after eating. Health requires taking care of your body, in particular, the condition of the oral cavity. Dental floss (floss) is gaining more and more popularity every year, especially among those who do not want to spend a lot of money on trips to the dentist.

So, should you floss before or after brushing? Let's look into this issue.

Purpose of use

For some reason, many people have a misleading opinion that you can take any thread (even for sewing) and use it to brush your teeth. One of the latest inventions of modern science is dental floss, which is used to clean molars. This allows you to solve the main dental problem - the spread of caries. The disease affects more than half of all adults and a lot of children.

How to clean with thread? The photos posted in the article show this process in detail.

Difference from a toothbrush

The toothbrush cleans the teeth only superficially, while the interdental space remains intact. The teeth are very close to each other, so even ultra-fine bristles will not be able to clean the inner surfaces properly. The food remaining between the teeth not only causes bad breath, but also becomes an excellent habitat for pathogenic bacteria.

How to brush your teeth with dental floss - before or after brushing? This is of interest to many.

There are a lot of dental products on the market. Everyone chooses the most suitable option for themselves. It depends on the size of the distance between the teeth, the presence of prostheses, individual preferences and tactile sensations. To prevent the development of caries, the type of floss you have chosen does not play a role, the main thing is its fundamental use. But the most common question asked by users is how to properly floss the back of your teeth? More on that below.


Dental floss is divided into:

  1. Round. Suitable for those who have a fairly wide interdental space. Flat - the choice of those whose teeth fit snugly together.
  2. Fragrant. The floss impregnating composition may contain prophylactic or curative substances such as chlorhexidine or fluoride (which have disinfecting properties). Sometimes the composition is flavored to make the cleaning procedure more aesthetic. Learn how to properly floss your mouth.
  3. Waxed flosses are smoother, glider better, and are good for those who are just starting to floss. They allow you to gradually learn how to use the threads without damaging the gums. Non-waxed flosses clean the interdental space more intensively and fight well against plaque and bacteria. Over time, a beginner can move on to using them after

Basically, in the manufacture of dental floss, natural silk or man-made fibers such as Teflon or nylon are used. The first option is preferable, which is natural, but it is not as practical as the other two. Silk tends to tear and wear out quickly. Synthetic threads are much more expensive, but also last longer. The most popular at the moment is nylon, because in such products the price and quality are most optimally combined.

And yet, how should the oral cavity be cleaned with dental floss - before or after brushing?

Terms of Use

Dental floss should be used as needed. But experts still agree that in order to prevent the most optimal use of floss every day before bedtime or at least twice a week.

Quite often the question is asked about what to do first - brush or floss your teeth. Opinions differ in this case. Some believe that floss can infect the gums with bacteria, others argue that its use should be the final hygiene procedure. One thing is clear - the use of dental floss is definitely useful. When deciding to purchase one, you should remember to consult a dentist, especially if you wear braces or dentures. How to brush your teeth with dental floss correctly?

To effectively clean plaque from your teeth and prevent pathogenic microbes from getting under your gums, you need to know how to properly use floss. Below are the rules for using dental floss, the implementation of which will help to avoid the development of periodontal disease and caries.

Cleaning procedure

The procedure for cleaning teeth with floss should be carried out in the following sequence:

  • Unwind about half a meter of dental floss from the reel, fasten it around the middle fingers so that there is about 10 centimeters of floss between them, which will be used for cleaning the teeth.
  • Holding the floss firmly with your index finger and thumb, gently slide it up and down between your teeth. Movements must be repeated several times. Sequentially clean all teeth, advancing the floss to a clean length.
  • You can also wrap the floss around the tooth at the base so that it is slightly under the gum. Cleaning should be done in a circular motion and should not be too hard as this can damage the soft tissue of the gums. In this process, regularity and accuracy of actions are welcomed.
  • Remember to use a clean piece of floss for each tooth. Otherwise, you will carry harmful bacteria from one tooth to another, which contributes to their spread everywhere.

  • It is necessary to pull the floss out of the interdental space smoothly and gradually, making movements back and forth. At first, it is easiest to do the procedure in front of a mirror.
  • If you have skill and experience in flossing your teeth, the process will occur automatically, as with a toothbrush.
  • You can not use the thread twice, this nullifies the results of its application.
  • When you have finished flossing, you can brush your teeth or use mouthwash. Now it’s clear how to brush with dental floss. Before or after - you decide.


Medical research suggests that incorrect use of floss can lead to inflammation in the oral cavity and even sudden loss of teeth. This can happen when the rules and technique of flossing teeth are not followed. The constant flossing of the gums makes them more sensitive, soft tissues are destroyed and, as a result, an infection penetrates into the wounds. How to properly brush your teeth with dental floss, you can also check with your dentist.

special instructions

It is necessary to ensure that there is no bleeding of the gums after flossing, as this can be a symptom of the presence of periodontal disease. In such a situation, it makes sense to immediately contact a dentist for help. If caries has already affected most of the teeth, cavities have appeared, then flossing is also not recommended. With such a picture, flossing can worsen the condition of the gums, which will lead to serious consequences.

Flossing is also not recommended for children under the age of ten, as they still have milk, brittle teeth. But even after reaching the required age, the procedure should be performed only under the supervision of parents.

In the modern world, a beautiful smile is not a gift of nature, but the efforts of the person himself. If a few decades ago, even, white teeth were a sign of only good genetics, today this gift is available to everyone. It is only important to properly take care of the oral cavity, regularly visit your dentist for preventive purposes and choose modern means of caries prevention. One of these is dental floss, or floss. It remains only to understand what it is, how often to use dental floss, whether its use is justified at all.

What is dental floss?

The habit of brushing your teeth is instilled in a child in early childhood with the advent of the first tooth. However, not every adult brushes his teeth strictly twice a day, in the morning and before bed. The use of dental floss is also questioned.

Moreover, not everyone knows what it is, let alone how to properly use dental floss. But this is not just an ordinary sewing thread with which you can brush your teeth. Dental floss, or floss, is a specially formulated oral care product that removes plaque from interdental spaces.

Frequency of flossing

Dentists insist on regular use: better every night before bed. However, if this is not possible, then for prevention, use floss twice a week, at least.

Often there are disputes when to floss - before brushing your teeth or after? Dentists and users themselves did not come to a consensus. Before cleaning, use a thread or after - it's up to you. The only consensus is that the regular use of floss is the best prevention of caries.

Reason for using dental floss

Modern medicine has come a long way. Including in dentistry. Today, many means and methods have been developed for high-quality dental hygiene. Just cleaning is not enough. A toothbrush only cleans the surface of the tooth.

The interdental space with particles of food, plaque and bacteria, which lead to caries in the future, is beyond her power. This is where flossing comes in handy. Without the use of a floss, plaque and bacteria accumulate in the interdental space, enamel oxidizes, which leads to caries. Daily use of floss significantly reduces the risk of tooth loss, calculus development and various oral diseases. You just need to choose the right one.

Types of dental floss

A variety of floss types makes it possible to choose the most suitable one for yourself, based on the individual characteristics of the structure of the oral cavity, the presence of implants or crowns, etc. Indeed, in order to prevent caries, it is important not only to have it available, but also know how to use dental floss.

  1. The round shape is suitable for people with a wide interdental space. A person with tight-fitting teeth will need a flat one.
  2. There are threads containing various impregnations and medicines for additional disinfection and aromatization of the oral cavity.
  3. Waxed and do not imply a different level of cleaning of the interdental space. Waxed slips easier, but cleans worse. Unwaxed works better, but is not suitable for those who have just started using it.
  4. The division has a place to be in composition. Natural - from silk and synthetic - from nylon and teflon. Natural thread is more pleasant to use, but breaks faster. Preference today is more often given to a synthetic thread made of nylon.

The dental industry is very developed today. There are quite a few floss manufacturers. Such as: ICEDENT, Splat, Oral-B and others. Each manufacturer gives not only a detailed description of their product in terms of floss quality, structure, thickness, but also offers instructions on how to use dental floss. Oral-B, for example, even charts the correct application.

Rules for using dental floss

In order not to damage the gums, you need to know some of the nuances. Moreover, there are a number of recommendations on how to use dental floss, to do it effectively and safely:

  1. First you need to measure 40-50 cm of the thread and wind it around the middle fingers, so that about 10 cm remains. It is with this part that you need to clean your teeth from plaque.
  2. The procedure must be carried out with “up and down” movements from one tooth to another.
  3. For a more thorough cleaning, you can wind the floss around the tooth and clean it in a circular motion. The thread needs to be wound a little behind the gum. But you have to be very careful not to hurt her.
  4. Clean each tooth with a clean piece of floss, avoiding the “dirty” gap from getting into another part of the oral cavity. This is necessary to avoid spreading bacteria from not quite to the rest.
  5. The interdental space can be cleaned only with smooth up and down movements.
  6. Perhaps it won't work right away. But you need to be patient and do everything at a slow pace, as carefully as possible. After a while, everything will happen automatically, just like brushing your teeth.
  7. Always use fresh thread and discard used thread. The used thread is a breeding ground for bacteria and pathogenic flora.
  8. Always combine flossing and brushing routines. Do not violate the rules described in the instructions for a particular product, regulating how to use dental floss. This affects the health of your teeth and gums. At the end of cleaning, it would be nice to use a disinfectant rinse.

Contraindications for use

Before using floss, you need to consult a dentist. Despite all the benefits of using, there are cases when flossing is contraindicated. If there are problems with the gums, such as bleeding or periodontal disease, then floss should not be used. You can aggravate the condition of the gums and even lose a tooth. Also in case there are implants, crowns or veneers. Only a dentist will give competent advice regarding hygiene in each case.

Use of floss and floss

For those who find the use of dental floss difficult and not entirely convenient, they came up with devices that facilitate the cleaning procedure. You can apply them in the same way as using dental floss. If flossing seems tedious, you can use a dental floss. This is a device that resembles a toothbrush, but with a thread instead of bristles. The procedure becomes much more convenient, but the pleasure is not cheap. Every time it runs out of thread, you need to throw away the entire set.

Another device - flossik - a special frame made of plastic with nylon thread. It is also designed for more convenient cleaning of the interdental space. But with the help of a floss, cleansing is not so effective, and sometimes traumatic. The choice is very large and remains only for the consumer. The main thing is to take care of your beautiful smile and health.

Is flossing really necessary, as it is presented?

A toothbrush will get rid of food debris on the surface of the teeth. The brush will also remove plaque. But the interdental space, as already mentioned, is not accessible to the brush. After all, even the thinnest bristles are not able to penetrate between the teeth. Toothpicks can damage both enamel and gums and are generally not recommended.

But the remnants of food, plaque and bacteria are all seedlings for the formation of tartar, the development of carious cavities, and increased acidity. Ultimately, the entire oral cavity suffers. But this can lead to more serious problems with the digestive organs and the gastrointestinal tract. Obviously, the only solution is a full range of hygiene procedures. Daily brushing, flossing and mouthwash.

Floss in this chain is the most important element that cannot be missed. You just need to understand how often you need to use dental floss, take into account the individual characteristics of the teeth, the presence of braces or implants, the sensitivity of the gums. Based on all this, the dentist will help you choose the right dental floss based on your specific situation. And only a doctor can give correct recommendations on how to use dental floss (Oral, for example). After all, the main thing here is to maintain the health of the teeth for many years, and the entire oral cavity as a whole.

Teeth are normal Oral hygiene How to use dental floss, basic rules

How to use dental floss - video

In recent years, various inventions and devices that help maintain health and beauty have firmly entered our lives and everyday life. One such item is dental floss, which is also called floss and is designed for hygienic procedures of molars.

Each tooth has five anatomical sides or surfaces: chewing, lingual, buccal and two interdental. The first three surfaces of the teeth are cleaned with toothbrushes, read the article on and pastes, but the interdental surfaces can only be cleaned with dental floss. This is due to the fact that no brush, no dental tool, no other device, with the exception of dental floss, is able to thoroughly clean the parts of the teeth that are in contact with each other.

Such a simple device dental floss, with regular use, it can prevent a common pathology - in half of the cases. Moreover, scientific studies have shown that such an effect of preventing caries with flossing does not depend on the type or type of dental floss, so use the one that you like best. In principle, different types of dental floss are designed to care for teeth with different characteristics, such as wide or narrow spaces between teeth, presence, etc.

Many people don't floss because they just don't know what varieties are available, how to choose the right one, etc. Firstly, the threads are produced in round or flat, with the former intended for people who have wide gaps between adjacent teeth, and the latter for those who have a tight fit of teeth to each other. Sometimes flosses are impregnated with certain compounds. The impregnation may consist of special medicinal or prophylactic preparations, such as fluorides or chlorhexidine. There are impregnations that simply have a pleasant aroma, which provides a pleasant feeling at the time of flossing.

Dental floss can be waxed and non-waxed. Waxed floss is smoother, easier to penetrate into the gap between the teeth, so it is preferable to start using floss with such threads. Unwaxed floss has a huge advantage over waxed - it cleans the surfaces of the teeth much better from plaque and bacteria, so after learning how to use the waxed version, switch to non-waxed floss.

Today, the following materials are used for the production of dental floss - natural silk, synthetic fiber - nylon or teflon. Silk thread has good cleaning properties, small thickness, but it breaks too often and easily. Nylon and Teflon dental floss have an undoubted advantage over silk ones, since they practically do not break. The properties of these materials are approximately the same, but Teflon threads are much more expensive. Therefore, it is optimal to choose flosses made of nylon.

Having chosen floss, be sure to start using it, because learning how to use dental floss is easy. First, pull out about 35 cm of thread from the spool and wind its ends around the index fingers of the right and left hands so that there is a free gap of about 10 cm. Pull the floss well between the index fingers. It is in this taut state that you carefully insert the floss between your teeth, while not pulling it hard so as not to injure the gums.

Once the floss is between your teeth, gently press it against the surface of one of your teeth and rub it with the floss in a simple up and down motion. Then move the floss a little and clean the surface of the other adjacent tooth in the same way. After that, pull out the thread. In the same way, clean all the gaps between adjacent teeth. Use a new, clean section of floss to clean each gap.

Watch another video on how to use dental floss:

Mothers teach us to brush our teeth in the morning from early childhood, but not everyone is engaged in oral hygiene even before going to bed, what can we say about the use of dental floss. It is much more customary to take a toothpick and after each meal try to clean up your teeth with it. Aesthetics and culture of health is made up of many little things. Dental floss, also called floss, is becoming increasingly popular with people trying to minimize dental problems.

What is dental floss for?

Do not just think that you can take a piece of ordinary sewing thread as dental floss. Modern science does not stand still, one of its latest inventions is dental floss, which is called floss and is intended for the hygiene of molars. It is she who will help get rid of the main pathology - caries, which affects more than half of adults and many children.

With a toothbrush, you can only clean the outer surfaces of the tooth, but it cannot reach the interdental area. The teeth are very tightly in contact with each other, so no bristles, no matter how thin they are, can thoroughly clean and rid the internal contact surfaces of food debris. And the food that lingers between the teeth not only creates an unpleasant odor in the mouth, but, when it rots, forms an excellent environment for harmful microorganisms.

Types of dental floss

Dental floss has many varieties, each person can choose the most suitable option for himself, it all depends on the width of the distance between the teeth, the presence of prostheses, tactile sensations and just personal preferences. Prevention of caries does not depend at all on what kind of thread you use, the main thing is to use it. How are flosses divided:

  1. Dental floss is either round, for those with wide gaps between teeth, or flat, for people with very tight contact between adjacent teeth.
  2. The impregnating composition of the thread may contain therapeutic or prophylactic substances - fluoride or chlorhexidine. Sometimes scented ingredients are added to make the cleaning process aesthetically pleasing.
  3. There are flosses waxed and not waxed. The first ones are smoother, slide between the teeth easier, acceptable for beginners to gradually learn how to use the threads without damaging the gums. Non-waxed ones clean the spaces between the teeth more intensively and effectively get rid of plaque and harmful bacteria. Gradually, you need to move from waxed to such threads.
  4. Natural silk or synthetic fibers such as nylon or teflon are used as the main material for dental floss. Everything natural is better, but the silk thread wears out and breaks faster. Synthetic threads are more expensive, but they last longer. Nylon flosses remain the most popular, due to the price-quality ratio.

How often to floss

Flossing can be used as needed, but experts advise flossing daily before bed or at least twice a week. Only with its help you can effectively get rid of plaque.

Opinions differ on whether to brush first and then floss, or vice versa. Some people think that flossing can bring bacteria under the gums, others think that after the flossing it is easier to carry out final dental hygiene. Everyone agrees on one thing - the use of floss is very useful.

Remember! Always wash your hands before using dental floss. Don't buy floss without talking to your dentist, especially if you have braces or dentures.

How to use dental floss correctly

To effectively clean your teeth from plaque and prevent germs from getting under the gum, you must use dental floss correctly. Learn important rules that will help you avoid caries and periodontal disease. Follow the procedures in the following order:

  1. Prepare 40-50 cm of floss, unwind the required length from the spool, wind the thread around the middle fingers so that 5-10 cm of floss is formed between them, with which you will brush your teeth.
  2. Holding the floss firmly between your thumb and forefinger, slide it gently up and down between the two teeth, repeating these movements several times. Gradually move from one tooth to another, while moving the floss to a clean area.
  3. Then you can wrap the thread around the base of one tooth so that it goes just a little under the gum. While cleaning the tooth, you can perform circular movements. In no case do not make sudden efforts, otherwise you can injure the soft tissues of the gums. This requires special care and slowness.
  4. Remember to use clean areas of floss for each new tooth, otherwise you will spread bacteria between healthy and not-so-clean teeth.
  5. You need to remove the dental floss from the space between the teeth with smooth movements back and forth. Naturally, you can’t do without a mirror at first.
  6. Don't worry that you won't be able to learn how to floss, once you start, you'll quickly get the hang of it. Further procedures will be performed automatically.
  7. Never use a used thread a second time, otherwise the whole cleansing process completely loses its meaning.
  8. At the end of using the floss, it would be nice to brush your teeth with a toothbrush, you can connect for additional disinfection and mouthwash.

Contraindications for the use of dental floss

Some medical observations show that sometimes improper use of dental floss can lead to inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, and sometimes unexpected loss of teeth. All this happens for only one reason - non-compliance with the technique of cleaning teeth with flossing. The constant flossing of the gums leads to the fact that they become sensitive, the soft tissue is broken, then the infections easily penetrate into the accessible environment.

Be careful that your gums do not bleed after flossing, this may be due to periodontal disease. In this case, you should immediately contact your dentist. The use of floss is also not recommended for large carious disorders, with the appearance of cavities. In such a situation, the thread can only aggravate the picture, introducing additional destruction.

If you understand everything perfectly, do not wait and do not hesitate, take care of the condition of your teeth. The procedure for cleaning with dental floss is not difficult and quite effective. After all, a snow-white smile is not only an element of a charming image, but also an indicator of good human health.

Video: how to use dental floss

A beautiful, healthy smile always attracts and disposes to itself. There are a lot of brushes, various toothpastes and rinses on the shelves of modern stores. But dentists say that just brushing your teeth is not enough, you need to use additional oral hygiene products. Therefore, today we will figure out how to use dental floss correctly and is it really necessary?

Why do you need a thread

Plaque builds up on a daily basis, leaving a yellow tint on the teeth, providing a comfortable environment for bacteria to thrive. A toothbrush helps to clean it, the problem is that the bristles can clean the front and back walls, but with their help it is impossible to get into the interdental space.

You can cope with pieces of food with a toothpick, although dentists strongly do not recommend doing this, there is a high risk of damaging soft tissues. To clean the plaque between the teeth, to prevent the formation of tartar, you can only use dental floss.

In dentistry, several special terms have appeared to refer to such a procedure. Flossing is brushing your teeth using dental floss, and flossing is the English term for it. To get a good result, you need to choose the right floss.

Classification of dental floss

All division is based on material characteristics, thickness or floss length. You should choose them based on the characteristics of your jaw structure.

  1. Round, flat and ribbon threads. The former do a good job of cleaning, but are not suitable for people with narrow interdental spaces. The second will be able to penetrate into the smallest cracks. Ribbon threads are designed for wide spaces.
  2. The surface of the thread may or may not be waxed, called waxed or unwaxed. The wax floss glides softly and easily over the enamel and remains unified throughout the procedure. Unwaxed thread breaks into fibers, affects a large surface and cleans more effectively. However, using such a product is more difficult.
  3. Brush - floss - a thread attached to a plastic handle, it is more convenient to clean the space between the molars with such a product.

For the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity, threads can be impregnated with therapeutic compounds, the main ones include:

  1. Chlorhexidine, surface disinfectant, antibacterial care.
  2. Sodium chloride is used to strengthen the enamel, it provides the prevention of caries.
  3. Aromatic impregnations do not carry a useful function, menthol is used to freshen breath and create a pleasant feeling of cleanliness.

For those who wear dentures or teeth straightening systems, there is a separate type of floss that combines the characteristics of different types of products, providing maximum efficiency.

Floss and floss

Such funny names were given to new devices invented for convenience. The flosset is similar in structure to a toothbrush, but instead of bristles it has a stretched thread. It is convenient to use on the road or at work. The only disadvantage of the device is the high cost. A new piece of the skein is measured for each tooth, but it cannot be replaced, therefore, when the supply is exhausted, the floss must be disposed of.

The floss is a disposable device. A nylon thread is stretched over a plastic handle; in its structure, the floss resembles a slingshot. In terms of its effectiveness, it is inferior to dental floss, but it is more convenient to take it on the road, use it as a handy tool.

Whatever thread you choose, before buying, you should make sure that you have no contraindications to its use.


Dental floss can easily damage the gums, injure the mucous membrane, and therefore create a path for infection. To minimize the risk of complications, you should make sure that you do not have the following problems:

  1. Bleeding and inflammation of the gums, floss can damage the delicate mucous membrane.
  2. Caries, damaged enamel is easy to chip off.
  3. Bridge implants or crowns require special hygiene items.

If none of the points apply to you, then you can start caring for your teeth with a floss. The main thing is to follow some rules.

Floss technique

Most people have flossed at least once and can attest that it doesn't require any special skills. But you need to take some precautions so as not to harm the health of your teeth and gums.

  1. It is necessary to apply the thread before cleaning with a paste and brush.
  2. Wash your hands and prepare a piece of the required length in advance, 40 cm is a convenient size.
  3. For comfortable use, wind the length as follows: most of the thread is wound on the middle finger of one hand, the tip is wound on the middle finger of the other hand. As a result, a segment of 5-7 cm remains in the middle, which you work with. Change the spacing of the floss for each tooth so as not to carry plaque and germs.
  4. Pull the thread between your fingers and gently insert it into the space between the teeth, be careful, the movements should be smooth, as the thread can cause a deep wound. The floss should be pressed against the enamel. Make 5-7 movements up and down, this will be enough.
  5. Do the same for each tooth.

The technique seems very simple, but at the same time it requires some skills.

  1. Don't rush, don't use brute force.
  2. Never use a regular woven thread, it will not be able to glide over the enamel as smoothly.
  3. If your gums start to bleed after the first cleaning, don't stop flossing. At first, such a reaction is acceptable, soon the gums will get stronger, blood microcirculation in them will improve and the discomfort will disappear.
  4. You can not neglect the rules for changing the section of the thread or reuse it.

When the main points of using floss are indicated, it is worth paying attention to children's oral hygiene.

Dental floss for children

Children's teeth need proper hygiene just as much as adults. If the independent use of floss can be entrusted to a child of 8-10 years old, then it is possible to introduce him to the device under the supervision of parents earlier.

Parents need to explain to the baby why the thread is needed, what precautions should be taken. Children's gums are even more tender and easily injured. Please note that care must be taken when changing milk teeth to molars, when the root is loose and the base of the tooth opens.

It is better for adults and children to floss their teeth after each meal, if this is not possible, then carry out a full procedure in the evening. An integrated approach will provide the best result, so combine the use of a brush, paste, floss and rinse aid.

Possible Complications

There is an opinion among dentists that dental floss can damage the structure of the tooth and adversely affect its condition. The evidence for this theory is based on cases of incorrect application of the thread.

Inflammation of the gums appears as a result of wounds and microcracks caused by flossing. Careful attitude to soft tissues will help to avoid them, and subsequent rinsing of the oral cavity can prevent the risk of infection.

Sometimes patients forget that dental floss cannot be considered as an independent means of hygiene. The space between the teeth is 40% of the total, so you can’t do without a brush.

If the gums bleed for a long time, then you should consult a doctor. Perhaps you suffer from periodontitis and the use of floss is contraindicated for you.

The above arguments suggest that the benefits of flossing far outweigh the disadvantages. Its correct application will lead to strengthening the health of teeth and gums, maintaining a beautiful smile for a long time.

How to use dental floss - video