What does black cat mean. Signs and beliefs about black cats

November 17- National Black Cat Day in Italy. The first time this day was celebrated in 2007. The ideological inspirer of the holiday was the Italian organization for the protection of animal rights. Members of this organization believe that black cats demand special attention and protection because of human prejudices and prejudices. The fact is that every year about 60 thousand cats are lost in Italy, which have been and remain a sign of countless misfortunes. Approximately 1,500 cats are killed year after year in the alleys of Rome, Milan and Tours. Most quadrupeds die on the night of all saints, on Halloween.
Actually, therefore, the patrons of animals chose November, on the 17th, the choice fell due to the fact that it is also considered to generate misadventures. Tellingly, negative attitudes towards black cats are no less common in Slavic countries.

The hair of a "wild-type" cat contains two types of pigment: black (eumelanin) and yellow (pheomelanin), which give the gray or agouti color typical of most mammals. It turns out that the appearance of a black color in cats is the result of a mutation at the genetic level, in which the distribution of yellow pigment along the hairs is disturbed. Animals carrying such a mutation have a black coat color and have absolutely nothing to do with otherworldly forces.

There is one interesting historical fact. It turns out that in the 19th century Russia traded in cat fur. A large number of goods were purchased by China, mainly the skins of wild steppe and domestic cats. The most incredible thing is that black skins were the most expensive. domestic cat. The price for them was 2-3 times more than for skins of other colors. One can imagine how many trials befell black cats in those years! Fortunately, the fashion for black skins was short-lived.

But interesting fact from modern times. In large settlements, in particular in cities, the number of black cats is much greater than in the villages. Researchers are trying to unravel this phenomenon, but so far to consensus did not come. The answer is likely to lie in side effects black gene. It has been noticed that animals with black hair are calmer, more resistant to stress and more friendly to humans. Perhaps that is why black cats are better adapted to busy city life than their relatives of other colors. This is the only way to explain the sharp increase in the number of black cats in urban populations today.

Black cats are considered the most the best hunters on rats and mice. In urban apartments, they perfectly hunt insects. These are animals from high level immunity and resistance to viral diseases. They are calm, resistant to stress and very friendly to humans. These cats attract the eye, they are very elegant.

A true black color is extremely difficult to obtain. Breeders know how hard black is to breed. All the more annoying to hear about all these prejudices against black cats.

The attitude towards black cats has constantly changed: from love and exaltation to hatred and complete destruction.

In ancient Egypt, a black cat was considered a symbol of happiness and prosperity. To give shelter in your home to an animal of this color was considered a great success and blessing of the gods.

The ancestors of black cats were brought to Europe by the ancient Phoenicians from Egypt to catch rodents, as they are almost invisible at night and very good hunters. Unfortunately, the Middle Ages did not bring black cats anything good, sharply reducing their population. The witch hunt was accompanied by the extermination of these animals.

Trouble is not far off if a black cat crosses the road.

It is especially bad if the cat runs "in the bosom", that is, towards the fastener on the clothes.

Misfortune can be prevented by spitting through left shoulder and continue on your way, folding the fig in your pocket or holding on to a button, but it’s better to stop and wait for someone else to pass (Russian folk sign).

The appearance of someone else's black cat in the house is a harbinger of trouble (Russian folk sign).

A cat in the theater is good luck, only if she did not run across the stage. But even in this case, she cannot be hit - this is a bad omen (theatrical omen).

A person who sees a black cat in a dream on the night before Christmas will become dangerously ill this year (Russian folk sign).

Demons tempt the saints, appearing to them in the form of black cats (compositions of medieval monks).

During a thunderstorm, be sure to throw the black cat out of the house, otherwise it will attract lightning to itself (Russian popular belief).

A bone can be extracted from a black cat, which will make a person invisible, or obtained in exchange for a black cat from evil spirits a cap of invisibility and an unchangeable chervonets (an old Russian belief).

At present, fortunately, there are countries where the black cat is still considered a symbol of wealth, success and good luck.

The British believe: if a black cat sits on the porch, then this is for wealth and good luck. Whoever sits next to a black cat will soon start a family.

The Scots believe that a black cat entering the house will bring wealth and prosperity, and the owner of the black cat will have many admirers.

In ancient Ireland, it was believed that if a black cat crosses a path or enters a house, it is good luck.

Also, for example, sailors believe that a black ship's cat will bring good luck in swimming. Black cats are often kept at home by the wives of sailors and fishermen, believing that this will keep their husbands at sea safe.

Black cats have always been considered a harbinger of misfortune and misfortune. Black cats are considered witches' friends, people believe that a sorceress can transform into a cat. The black color in many cultures of the world is associated with evil spirits and mourning. Therefore, many do not dare to start such a cat in the house.

A black cat is a clear sign of bad luck

According to ancient superstitions bad sign if you suddenly met a black cat that crossed your path. It is especially dangerous if she runs "in the bosom", in other words, towards the buttons on your clothes. In this case, you need to spit three times over your left shoulder and continue to walk forward, holding the button. If you have free time, then wait for someone else to cross the road or follow another road.

Superstitions and beliefs about black cats

If a black cat suddenly comes into the house from the street, then one of your loved ones will soon fall ill.
If there is a thunderstorm outside the window, then it is best to throw a black cat out of the house, otherwise lightning can hit your house.
If a child swallows black wool, then it must be sprinkled with holy water in the church, otherwise it may stop growing.
A person who sees a black cat in a dream on the night before Christmas will become seriously ill. Sorcerers get themselves black cats to use them to inflict damage on people.
What is the dream of a black cat If you saw a black cat in a dream, then carefully look at the environment and under what circumstances it appeared. Pay attention to how she behaves in your dream.

If the cat caresses and meows, then be careful: a insidious enemy who wants to deceive you by winning favor. In a dream, a cat walks around you, but does not try to get on your knees - which means that soon trouble will knock on your house. A black cat jumped on your chest - a disease will come soon.
Even if a black cat met on the way, it is better not to drive the animal, but rather caress it. So you have more chances to appease your fate.

Black cat drives evil spirits out of the house

However, on the other hand, black cats are able to attract financial well-being. There is an old folk belief that says that such a cat can bring an unchangeable ruble. In order to get it, you need to find a cat without white spots, bring it to the crossroads on a dark moonless night. At the same time, one road must necessarily lead to the cemetery. Hold the cat to make it meow. At this point, a stranger will come up to you and offer to buy a cat. A stranger will give you an unchangeable ruble for a cat. No matter how much you spend, the ruble will remain safe and sound.
Many are sure that there is no danger in black cats. And it's best not to pay attention to signs. They can absorb negative energy and protect the owner from the bad influence of the surrounding people.

Guest article

A pet is always happiness in the family. Someone is an avid dog lover and cannot imagine his life without daily walks and jogs with his four-legged friend, others prefer fluffy and purring lumps that will keep you warm on cold evenings. But each of us notices that animals have their own character. Scientists say that our four-legged pets reflect the character and habits of their owner. But not only the internal component makes our pets unique, but also their appearance. A lot of questions and legends go around such a mysterious pet as a black cat. If you decide to get a kitten of exactly this color and trust folk wisdom, which has developed over the centuries, then you should get acquainted with all the signs in advance.

They say it's not lucky if a black cat crosses the road

Signs and legends that accompany any action of a black cat have existed at all times and in all countries. Parables, fairy tales, objects of art - it is impossible to find at least one source of information where the image of a black cat would not be mentioned. Basically, it was compared with a harbinger of misfortune, but there are many legends that such an animal will bring good luck and wealth.

Even in the song there are lines that a meeting with a black cat does not bode well, especially if this animal crosses your path. In this case, it is worth changing the route of your path, in order to avoid collision with negative consequences. This "counter-sign" was used by everyone who has ever met a black cat. This belief is inextricably linked with medieval culture when a witch was seen in every second girl, and a black cat was perceived as a talisman that accompanies her everywhere. Another sign that existed in different peoples- a cat of such a suit, running into someone else's house, can bring misfortune and ruin to the whole family living in it.

Another thing is if a black cat lives in your house as a pet. In this case, there is one and the most important sign - such a friend will bring joy and happiness to his home. The black cat drives away everything negative energy, which may be near the house and its inhabitants. Even the ancient Slavic tribes had a sign - a black cat should be the first to enter a new hut, so she will immediately make friends with the brownies and provide new residents with a peaceful and happy life. In ancient Egypt, it was considered a joy to give a house to a cat of such a suit, since this animal would bring wealth and prosperity to any home.

In England, they believe that the appearance of a black kitten in single young people can increase their chances of having a permanent relationship. This sign is very popular, so a black kitten is often given to avid bachelors, in the hope that this cute talisman will help start a family.

Another sign that is common in all countries is the belief about healing power black cats. These mysterious creatures are endowed with good and strong energy, and this explains the fact that cats come to the owner and lie down on a sore spot. After such treatment, a person will certainly feel better. If you get such a pet, you can be calm - a real healer of not only the soul, but also the body has settled in your house.

There are many signs about black cats, and each of them has the right to exist. But, according to statistics, every owner of such a pet does not have a soul in him and considers him the kindest creature that brings only happiness and positive emotions to the house. If you believe only in good and good omens, then by all means start as pet a black kitten that will always scare you away negative emotions with just one look.

AT ancient egypt black cat was a temple animal. Thanks to its inconspicuous color in the dark, it perfectly caught rodents. In the Middle Ages, they began to consider her a representative of evil spirits and began to associate signs with her appearance. This happened because then the population of cats of this color was very large, and their ability to silently hunt at night inspired mystical horror in superstitious people. The owners of such pets were declared witches and burned at the stake with them.

If a black cat lives in your house, you can watch it and personally check the veracity of some signs. If the first in new house this animal will enter, it will “make friends” with the brownie, which will provide its owners with a prosperous and peaceful life.

During a thunderstorm, a black cat must be taken outside, otherwise it will attract a lightning strike to the house. But there is a belief that these animals protect the home from thieves.

The British believed that if a black cat lives in the house, its owners will not be left without lovers. If he sneezes next to the bride during the wedding - family happiness provided for the young.

More modern signs are also associated with black animals. A black cat can draw bad energy from the owner and protect him from the evil eye and damage. These animals always lie on the owner in the place where he hurts, which brings him relief.

Signs of different peoples

History knows the case when the king of England Charles I was sure that his black cat brings him good luck and prosperity, and even assigned guards to her. When she died, the king was horrified, deciding that luck would turn against him. A day later he was taken into custody, and a few months later he was executed.

Columbus he took dark cats on his voyages so that they predicted the approach of a storm and protected him from trouble.

A pet carries to its owners positive signs, and a stray cat is a harbinger of bad events.
If a dark cat crosses the path of a traveler, it will bring him grief. You can protect yourself from troubles by spitting over your shoulder three times or holding on to a button on your clothes.

IN THE USA we are sure that if a street animal appears on the threshold of the house - be sure to let it in - it will bring you good luck. According to a similar Scottish belief, such a pet in the house will bring you prosperity.

In Japan they believe that if you wish health to a sneezing cat, you will never be disturbed again toothache. In Serbia, they believe that if such an animal washes in the house, sitting with its face to the east, this portends good weather. The Indians believe that if a black cat strays, there will be a wedding or some good news.

In the age of universal computerization, space exploration and technological progress, there seems to be no place for superstitions and omens. But breeders believe that many still live in medieval fears about black. It is difficult to attach kittens, in the color of which there is not a single hair of a different color, it is even called "non-commercial". But the owners of such cats are sure that they are absolutely safe and bring only good luck. Black animals are friendlier, calmer and more resistant to stress.

This video tells about the signs associated with black cats, and about the attitude of people towards these animals.

There is different opinion regarding the maintenance of cats, kittens and cats in a private house or apartment, so this issue should be considered with various points vision. As for signs, the article contains the most FAQ on this issue and provide detailed answers to them.

It is recommended to pay attention to other materials of this cat project, as they contain no less interesting, useful and up-to-date information on various issues related to pets.

Black cat, cat in the house - signs and superstitions

There is such a sign that a black cat, living in a house, will collect all the negative energy. Also a black cat good amulet homes from thieves. Black cats will help save a person from a headache and attract financial well-being to the house.

According to superstition, a black cat must be kicked out of the house during a thunderstorm, otherwise the lightning can burn the house. If someone else's black cat came into the house - expect trouble.

Why cats do not take root in the house folk signs

If there are people with negative energy in the house, then cats will not live in such a house. Or on one of the family members, damage, evil eye, cats will also leave. If the house has accumulated bad energy, then a black cat will not live in such a house.

Cat in the house signs of tradition and customs

There are many signs, including those about cats. It is bad if the cat died in the house - unfortunately in the family. Before entering the house, the cat is first let in. If the house is seriously ill, and the cat ran away, then there will be a funeral soon.

Folk signs the cat in the house is red, gray what is it

If you caress the ginger, there will be success in business and prosperity in the house, and no envious people are afraid of such a house. If the light meets the owner violently, then the cat wants to cleanse the damaged aura. Ginger cats perfectly absorb household diseases. If suddenly the cat broke down to play, it means to be in the house of imminent joy.

A gray cat will bring happiness to the house. Gray lumps protect the house from the evil eye and enemies. Even cats of this color are considered money. Do you want to be richer? Stroke the gray cat more often. According to popular belief, if gray cat green eyes, he can absorb lunar energy and then heal the sick with it.

Two cats in the house

If two cats live in a house, then in such a house there is excellent energy and such a house is not afraid of troubles and misfortunes.

The cat came in, ran into the house of a sign

If a cat ran into your house, you must definitely take it to yourself. If you do not accept the cat, then there will be troubles in the family for seven long years.

If you shelter a cat, then life will improve in such a house in all respects, good luck will settle in it. It is also believed that, in this way, deceased relatives visit relatives.

The neighbor's cat also cannot be kicked out, wait until it leaves itself. Such a visit will help get rid of diseases and attract good luck.

A striped, tricolor cat came, comes to the house of signs

If a tricolor cat came into the house, cats of this color are rare - this is to wealth and improve the atmosphere in the house. tricolor cat protect the house from fire.

If a tabby cat visited the house, changes are coming soon. By your presence gray cats lure good luck into the house and help to treat it easier difficult situations in life.

comments 7

    May 15, 2011 my cat died. During the last breath, I saw how a haze came out of her mouth, about 10 cm in length. 09/28/2011 adopted another cat, but she mysteriously disappeared from the apartment a year later. I thought it fell from the 3rd floor. no matter how much I searched for it, there was not even a trace. I was very worried and decided to take another kitten. Chose only from the street. But nobody liked it. Once, on a bench near the entrance, the boys were playing with a kitten, very much like my first cat. Even my heart skipped a beat. She asked where she was from, they answered that she was sitting on a bench at the entrance. I took her to myself. How much love and energy emanated from her, it cannot be expressed in words. But she had a sick pancreas. She signaled me so many times, but I didn't hear her. Today I got euthanasia. My grief has no limit. I'll wait for her to come back to me again .. Does anyone believe in this?