Treatment of varicose veins at home: effective methods. Is it possible to completely cure varicose veins? Is it possible to get rid of varicose veins at home?

The question of whether varicose veins can be cured comes up quite often today. Get rid of this disease both women and men want it. Varicose veins are a chronic disease. It mainly affects small vessels that are located on the lower extremities, as a result of which strong veins (stars, meshes) can be seen on the legs.

It is generally accepted that the cause of the disease is a sedentary lifestyle, overweight body and - an important factor - heredity. Most often, women suffer from varicose veins after childbirth. In men, similar disorders occur due to disruption of arteriovenous communications.

As soon as you notice the first symptoms unpleasant disease which manifest themselves in the form of noticeable changes in the structure of blood vessels, severe swelling and pain in the legs, then it is necessary to urgently seek advice from a specialist.

Thanks to the laboratory tests and examinations, the doctor can determine correct diagnosis. And on its basis assign competent treatment which will help get rid of this disease. Remember that only an experienced specialist can make a diagnosis, without whose help you cannot do in this situation.

Treatment methods for varicose veins

  1. Conservative therapy. This method treatment can have a lot in various ways. However, they only reduce the manifestation of the disease, but do not fully cure the disease and its underlying cause. TO this species therapies primarily include physical exercise, healthy eating, use of special knitwear (socks and stockings), drug treatment drugs.
  2. Therapeutic gymnastics for varicose veins. This set of exercises is not difficult. Absolutely anyone can do it without leaving own apartment. If you perform the exercises correctly, you can strengthen the lower leg muscles and maintain the tone of all muscles at the required level. The most popular exercise is considered to be “Bicycle”. Perhaps this gymnastics is familiar to everyone early age. To perform this exercise, you need to lie on the floor (on your back) and make circular movements with both legs. Each leg can do 10 - 15 revolutions. Over time, the load must be increased.

A useful exercise is to roll various balls or rollers on the floor with your feet, which may have small spikes on them. In this way, not only does the lower part of the limb massage, but also blood circulation improves, as a result of which blood can get to the most inaccessible places on the body.

It is wrapped around the affected leg, starting from the tips of the toes to the middle of the thigh. In this case, it is very important to twist it in such a way that it does not put pressure on the leg itself, otherwise the blood supply will slow down greatly. The use of massagers.

An exercise in which you stand on your toes and then on your heel will have a positive effect on the condition of the veins. Don't forget about exercises in water. Exercising in the pool will help improve physical state person and strengthen the leg muscles, which will increase blood circulation throughout the body.

Nutrition for varicose veins

Stick to the regime healthy eating during varicose veins, it is necessary primarily in order to reduce excess weight, which puts a strain on the entire body. For people in such situations, it is best to eat foods that contain a lot of fiber (this includes fresh vegetables and fruits).

It is also necessary to exclude fatty and fried food. Dishes can be steamed, stewed, or baked in the oven.

If you conscientiously monitor your diet, curing the disease will be much faster and easier.

Knitwear. Treatment methods for varicose veins also depend on the degree of compression of the disease. To monitor the progress of the disease at home, you can resort to using special knitted stockings and knee socks.

Usually they are recommended to be worn all day, and at night you need to free your limbs from excess clothing. Wearing such underwear allows you to compress varicose vessels, as a result of which blood circulation in all extremities improves.

If it is not possible to purchase special knitwear, then you can try using an elastic bandage.

A pneumatic massager is most often used to treat varicose veins. It consists of several cuffs. When it starts its work, air enters it under a certain pressure. This method can be used in the initial stages of the disease. During compression of the limb, a leg massage occurs, during which the work of all blood vessels and muscles is stimulated.

After using such a massager, a person feels lightness in his legs, and after a while the swelling practically disappears. This method is perfect for people who treat varicose veins at home.

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Treatment of varicose veins with drugs

We can cure varicose veins only in the initial stages or only when its first symptoms appear. At these moments, most experts recommend using medications as various ointments, gels and tablets. Only the attending physician can prescribe medications.

It is very important that drug therapy was selected taking into account the presence of concomitant diseases in a person.

More often medical supplies for the treatment of varicose veins should include the following components:

  1. Venotonics. They help reduce swelling of the legs and help normalize blood circulation through the veins.
  2. "Detralex" and "Trental". Taking these medications reduces pain and swelling. They can be used both in the form of tablets and in the form of droppers.
  3. Heparin-based ointments. The use of such drugs helps to avoid the formation of blood clots. Most often, such ointments are used in the initial stages of the disease. They are applied to the limb before bed and in the morning.
  4. "Diclofenac" is prescribed in cases severe pain. It also helps relieve swelling and inflammation. It is not recommended to abuse this drug, because it has Negative influence for kidney function.

If you experience adverse reactions, then you must immediately inform your doctor about this. Perhaps he will change the treatment regimen or stop a certain drug.

An adult without a snake of blue veins on his legs can be called lucky, since according to statistics, every 4 women and every 7 men are doomed to varicose veins. Moreover, ugly veins can appear under the skin after 18-20 years and do not disappear anywhere, no matter how hard you try. Often, in addition to a cosmetic defect, varicose veins veins also cause serious health problems: pain and heaviness in the legs, swelling, itching of the skin, even the appearance of non-healing ulcers on the legs. Not to mention high risk the formation of blood clots, which are potentially life-threatening.

The most obvious way to treat varicose veins is surgery. The affected vein is ligated and simply pulled out, like a lace. In severe cases, venectomy, of course, improves the condition, reduces the severity of symptoms and makes life easier. However, removing veins in at a young age- a dubious prospect. No one can guarantee that in 3-5 years you will not come to the surgeon again with relapse or swelling. I would like to find a solution to the problem without surgery!

Before looking for such a method, you need to come to terms with the idea that there is not yet a single method known that would get rid of varicose veins forever. All existing methods, both folk and official, have a purely symptomatic effect: they can slow down further expansion of the veins, reduce the likelihood of complications, significantly alleviate and even completely eliminate symptoms, but do not eliminate the cause of vascular damage. And the reason itself is unknown. We only know predisposing factors: genetically inherited weakness of the vascular wall, hormonal disorders, excess weight or heavy physical activity, professional necessity most spend days in vertical position etc. The influence of these factors can be minimized by changing your lifestyle.

“Cowboy pose” and water procedures

The first way to improve the condition of legs with varicose veins is to reduce the load on the veins. To do this, try to lift your feet off the ground whenever possible, preferably above the level of your heart. The best anti-varicose sitting position is the “cowboy pose.” This is when you lean back in your chair and place your feet on the edge of the table. If you have the opportunity to lie down, place a cushion under your feet.

An ideal after-work pastime is swimming or water aerobics. Water has a massage effect, and horizontal position relieves stress on venous valves. A lighter version of water procedures, accessible to everyone, is contrasting douches from the shower of the legs to the middle of the thigh. You need to finish with cold water.

Venotonics or false expectations

The second method of non-surgical treatment is drugs for varicose veins, such as Detralex, Phlebodia, Venoruton, Troxevasin, Escusan and others. For some, venotonics turn out to be a miracle remedy that helps cure varicose veins, while others believe that they wasted their money. The reason for disappointment in these drugs is false expectations.

Phlebotonics will not make the veins hide back, they just relieve symptoms varicose veins, sometimes quite successfully. The main effect of drugs for varicose veins is to strengthen and improve the nutrition of the venous wall, but you will not feel this. The most powerful effect of the pills is usually experienced by people who suffer from swelling in the legs and pain. If varicose veins bother you only as a cosmetic defect, then you should not count on a noticeable effect from the tablets. At the same time, long-term studies have proven that phlebotonics improve the prognosis for varicose veins and make veins more elastic. Medicines for local application- ointments and gels are considered less effective.

Stockings are not only upskirt

According to cultural norms, stockings for men are bad manners, and according to phlebologists, they are a necessary piece of clothing for people of both sexes with a tendency to varicose veins. Stockings, tights, and high knee socks most different colors- range medical devices from elastic knitwear, which is recommended not only for the treatment of varicose veins, but also for prevention.

Products made from elastic knitwear differ in compression classes - the force of pressure they exert on superficial veins legs, taking on part of the burden of pumping blood. Class “A” is prescribed for prevention. This knitwear should be worn during pregnancy, as well as by men and women who spend all day on their feet. Compression classes I, II, III, IV are already used in medicinal purposes. It is difficult to put them on without special equipment.

Compression knitwear for varicose veins reduces the severity of symptoms and reduces the risk of complications, but only works with constant wear. You need to put on stockings, tights and knee socks in the morning, before you get out of bed. Take it off only while you sleep.

Sclerosing therapy is a way to “foam” veins

Sclerotherapy is considered a non-surgical treatment method for varicose veins; it is already quite old and is constantly being improved. Treatment consists of the doctor injecting a substance into the spider vein or dilated vein that causes blockage of the vessel. The vein collapses and is gradually replaced connective tissue. The effect of the procedure is noticeable within a couple of days, when you can remove compression bandage. Preparations in the form of liquid are used as “glue” for small vessels and in the form of foam for larger saphenous veins. This method of treating varicose veins is possible if the diameter of the veins does not exceed 3-5 mm. When trying to “foam” larger vessels, complications are more likely to occur.

Complications after sclerotherapy are very dangerous, these are the consequences of air entering the bloodstream, if foam is used, they are severe allergic reactions for the drug, inflammatory lesions blood vessels and the appearance of hyperpigmentation on the skin. Therefore, when choosing this method, you need to be aware of the price you can pay for perfect legs.

Treatment of varicose veins with laser

In fact, this method of treatment is within the competence of vascular surgeons, but is considered gentle, since it is carried out without incisions, using puncture - puncture of the vessel with a thick needle. After needle insertion and anesthesia, the lumen of the vessel is irradiated with a laser. Due to the increase in temperature, the walls of the vessel seem to weld together, blood circulation stops and over time the vein resolves. The same operation is carried out using electromagnetic waves in the radiofrequency range - radiofrequency ablation of blood vessels. The disadvantage of these treatment methods is the risk of thrombosis after irradiation. Moreover, even the most experienced surgeon cannot completely eliminate the risk of blood clot formation. In addition, laser treatment of varicose veins and radiofrequency ablation are still young methods; their long-term results have not been studied.

Good old physical therapy

A method that was once widespread for treating anything and everything, but is now undeservedly forgotten. In the treatment of varicose veins lower limbs Your doctor may recommend physical therapy as an additional treatment. These are: laser and magnetic therapy, UV irradiation, ozone therapy, NO therapy, as well as mud therapy. Physiotherapy procedures have virtually no complications or restrictions, are painless and even pleasant. However, you should not expect a magical effect from them. The maximum you can expect is relief of symptoms, improvement in the prognosis of the disease and appearance skin on legs.

Phlebeurysm - serious illness, which significantly worsens the quality of life, and without timely treatment makes her simply unbearable.

That is why it is important for everyone who is faced with such a problem to know the causes of varicose veins, its manifestations, and most importantly, to study best methods treatment of this disease.

General information

Varicose veins are a chronic vascular disease that develops as a result of blood stagnation (usually in the lower extremities). This happens due to the failure of the vascular valves, which in good condition They pass blood exclusively upward, from the lower extremities to the heart. Stagnant blood puts pressure on the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which they become thinner, lose elasticity and become deformed, significantly expanding. On the legs of such a patient, with the naked eye one can observe writhing “snakes” of blood vessels that rise above the skin, and in some places form varicose “nodes”.

Causes of varicose veins

There are many reasons for the development of this disease. In particular, varicose veins can lead to:

1. “Bad” heredity. People with congenital weakness of the valve apparatus or venous walls face varicose veins.

2. Increased venous pressure. Very often, this disease is caused by factors that increase blood pressure, namely, pregnancy, obesity, constant vertical loads (when a person stands on their feet all day), and a sedentary lifestyle (sedentary work).

3. Taking hormonal drugs. Some hormonal drugs, in particular, birth control pills With high content estrogen, provoke blood thickening and can lead to varicose veins.

4. Impaired blood circulation. These malfunctions may occur due to poor physical activity, smoking, wearing shoes that are too tight, or chronic constipation.

5. Hormonal imbalances, Related age-related changes in organism.

Manifestations and complications of the disease

Doctors notice that varicose veins are not as dangerous in themselves as their complications are. Indeed, in the first stages of the development of the disease, dilatation of the saphenous veins represents for a person aesthetic problem(from which women especially suffer). First appear on the skin spider veins- the so-called “cobwebs”. At the same time, the person begins to feel heaviness in the legs, notices swelling of the limbs and feels pain when walking. This important symptoms varicose veins, which in no case should be ignored. If a person is in no hurry to see a doctor and find out the cause of the ailment, he risks developing varicose veins and encountering a problem that cannot be solved without surgical intervention.

With the development of varicose veins, the skin in the shin area thickens and acquires a bluish tint. The patient’s calves begin to “ache” even with short walking, and swollen veins can be seen under the skin. Moreover, over time, such veins become very painful.

But this is just the beginning serious problems with health. If a person does not begin to fight the existing disease, the skin surrounding the affected veins begins to experience irreversible changes, as a result of which lipodermatosclerosis develops, and later trophic ulcers appear. Moreover, without treatment, the inner walls of the veins become inflamed and provoke the formation of blood clots. This is how thrombophlebitis develops. Increasing in size, blood clots block the lumen of the vein, and at any moment the blood clot can break off. And this condition is fraught with death.

Thus, it is quite clear that varicose veins need to be treated. And you need to start therapy as early as possible. Next, we will consider methods of treating this serious disease.

Drug treatment

IN complex therapy For varicose veins, medications must be used. Most of them are capsules or tablets that have a multifaceted effect on the body. In particular:

– Phlebotonics. These drugs increase blood flow, preventing the development of thrombosis, and at the same time increase the tone of the vascular walls. Such drugs will not be able to eliminate varicose veins, but they are quite capable of relieving swelling of the legs, eliminating burning and pain. The most popular phlebotonics include: Detralex, Phlebodia 600 and Angistax. In the case of varicose veins, they are usually taken 2 tablets per day, and the duration of treatment is determined solely by the doctor.

– Blood thinners. Such medications thin the blood and promote better circulation, preventing the development of thrombosis. Of the most well-known blood thinners, the most commonly used are Venolife, Aspirin, Trenal, Lyoton 1000 and Heparin ointment. These medications are prescribed only on an individual basis, and the timing of use is determined by the doctor.

– Anti-inflammatory drugs. These include tablets, ointments and gels that eliminate pain, relieve swelling and prevent platelet aggregation. But more importantly, such medications prevent inflammation of the veins, which leads to thrombophlebitis. Most by suitable means To combat thrombophlebitis, the drugs Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Voltaren, Fastum-gel and Sinaflan are considered.

Stockings and tights for varicose veins

Representatives of the fair sex experience varicose veins much more often than men. This is largely due to hormonal changes that happen in female body(menopause, pregnancy). That's why the most the optimal means To prevent varicose veins, they wear special compression stockings or tights. Such compression underwear compresses the legs and prevents the expansion of veins, which means it is an excellent prevention of varicose veins. And in case of an already developed disease, such underwear protects the legs from pain, swelling and fatigue.


Treatment of varicose veins with water has been known since time immemorial. Under the influence of different temperatures, veins contract and expand, which helps increase their elasticity. Knowing this, modern doctors use hydrotherapy in the early stages of the development of varicose veins, when spider veins have just begun to appear on the skin. Moreover, depending on the problem, baths can be local (only for the feet) or general (for the whole body). The water temperature in such a bath varies from 20 to 40°C.

Unconventional methods of treatment

IN complex treatment varicose veins can be used and unconventional methods. Let's give a few examples.

Potato juice
The affected veins should be lubricated with freshly squeezed potato juice in the morning, afternoon and evening, and bandages with a bandage soaked in this juice should be applied at night. In addition, 3 times a day you should drink 100 ml potato juice. Varicose veins should be treated with this remedy for 3-4 months.

Apple vinegar
It is called the “No. 1 remedy” for varicose veins, and all because apple cider vinegar improves blood circulation, strengthens vascular walls and improves skin tone. It is very simple to use: 2-3 times a day you need to lubricate the skin in the area of ​​the affected veins with vinegar. And at the same time you should drink a glass of water in which 1 tsp was diluted. vinegar. The duration of therapy is 2 months.

Kalanchoe leaves
This is another one effective remedy to combat varicose veins. Fill a half liter bottle with crushed Kalanchoe leaves half, and fill the raw material with 40% alcohol so that the bottle is full. After letting the product brew in a dark place for a week, strain it and use the tincture to rub the affected areas 2 times a day. The procedures should be supplemented with a light massage of the swollen veins. This treatment lasts 4 months.

willow bark
Baths with white willow bark will be a good help in the fight against the disease in question. For this procedure, it is necessary to grind the bark, after which 2 tbsp. Add 400 ml of water to this raw material and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Add the finished product to buckets of water, where you then lower your feet and hold for 30 minutes. And immediately after the procedure, put on compression stockings and give your legs a rest. The procedures should be carried out every other day for 3 months. By the way, to enhance the effect, a decoction of willow bark can be diluted with a decoction of oak bark.

All of these methods are excellent means of preventing this disease and provide good assistance in the treatment of varicose veins. early stage diseases. However, practice shows that in 80% of cases, people with damaged veins turn to doctors with an already advanced disease. In such a situation, neither compression garments, nor creams and ointments, nor folk remedies can have any effect on the development of the disease. Drastic measures are needed. Good modern medicine ready to offer effective methods solution to this complex issue.


This is a non-surgical method of combating varicose veins, in which the doctor, using a thin needle, injects a special substance - sclerosant - into the affected vein. Such a substance glues the vein from the inside, as a result of which it dissolves and the blood flow begins to flow through healthy veins. The number of sessions for administering sclerosant may vary depending on the severity of the lesion. And throughout the treatment, the patient must wear compression garments.

As a result of such therapy, a person almost forever forgets about the varicose veins that bother him. Only in 25% of cases relapses appear, and they are usually associated with advanced disease. True, it should be understood that sclerotherapy is not carried out for pregnant women and obese people.

Laser treatment

This is one of the modern achievements of medicine, which allows you to get rid of varicose veins without surgery. The radiation that the laser generates “solders” the affected vein from the inside, thereby closing its lumen and cutting off the path for the movement of blood, which begins to flow through deeper veins. Over time, connective tissue is formed from the glued vessel, which subsequently resolves.

This method of solving the problem is more effective than sclerotherapy. It is less traumatic, the operation takes no more than 40 minutes, and the patient can leave the clinic literally 2 hours after the operation. It’s not for nothing that laser treatment of varicose veins is called “office surgery.” At the same time, skin incisions have to be made only when large veins are removed, while small varicose veins are removed without tissue damage. You just have to remember that the cost of such an operation is quite high.

Radiofrequency ablation

Quite recently in our country they began to practice the most modern method elimination of affected veins, which is called radiofrequency ablation. It is used to treat large main veins affected by varicose veins. In this case, a radiofrequency catheter is inserted through a puncture in the skin into the affected vein, which uses microwaves to “seal” the vein from the inside. Moreover, the catheter has sensors that allow you to monitor the effectiveness of the procedure.

This method can be a worthy competitor laser treatment, because it also does not require incisions on the skin, does not leave bruises and is carried out in literally 30 minutes. On the day of surgery, the patient can return to his duties. However, the cost of such a procedure is high even in comparison with laser coagulation.

Surgical removal

It is important to understand that in the case of eczema, thrombophlebitis, as well as trophic ulcers, treatment using the methods described above is not carried out. Advanced varicose veins can only be eliminated surgical removal veins together with sclerotherapy. However, here everything is not so critical. In the arsenal modern surgeons There are low-traumatic microsurgical methods that allow you to remove the diseased vein through one small incision, and there are simply no scars left after the procedure. In addition, new technologies make it possible to remove painful veins in literally 30–40 minutes.

There is no need to be afraid of varicose veins. Quite the contrary, the disease requires close attention to itself, and the sooner the better. Timely detection and the right treatment method will allow you to eliminate the disease without problems and live a full life.

How to remove veins in the legs without surgery if they are dilated with varicose veins? Many people want to get rid of ugly enlarged veins on the legs, which are not only unsightly, but dangerous to health. But you can do without surgical intervention or is there no other way?

Is it possible to cure varicose veins without surgery? To answer this question, it is necessary to consider what happens to the vein as the disease develops.

Pathology develops in the following stages:

  • vein valves weaken and no longer prevent reverse blood flow;
  • gradually, valve insufficiency increases and in order to accommodate a large amount of returned fluid, the vessel begins to stretch;
  • As the venous wall stretches, more and more blood is retained in the deformed area of ​​the vessel, and congestion, worsening the speed of blood flow;
  • the process subsequently spreads to nearby areas of the vessel and causes disruption of the nutrition of nearby tissues.

But is vein removal surgery always necessary? Are there ways to get rid of varicose veins without surgery?

When is conservative treatment possible?

In the early stages of the disease, surgery to remove a vein in the legs is not performed; to restore the full functioning of the venous valve, it is enough to restore the tone of the vessel. But conservative therapy should be comprehensive and include:

  • changing the patient's lifestyle;
  • nutrition correction;
  • compression effect;
  • reception medicines.

Lifestyle change

Insufficient physical activity or, conversely, excessive physical activity, insufficient rest and bad habits: all this provokes poor circulation in the leg. Lifestyle changes promote recovery vascular tone. To do this you need:

  1. Provide dosed physical activity. Hiking, swimming, yoga or non-strength exercise will help an excellent remedy to increase vascular tone and narrow the venous lumen. And if the lumen decreases, the valve will become completely adjacent to the wall of the vessel, preventing backflow. At the earliest stages of development, sports exercises are one of the main methods of how to cure varicose veins without surgery.
  2. Organize a work and rest schedule. If it is not possible to avoid being on your feet for a long time while working, then during rest you need to sit with your legs raised slightly up, and while working, do not stand still, but step with your feet, causing contraction calf muscles. Regular muscle contraction will increase vascular tone.
  3. Stop smoking and drink alcohol only in small quantities. If the patient continues to smoke and drink, he will soon have to undergo surgery for phlebectomy.

Correction of diet

When treating varicose veins without surgery, what a person eats plays an important role. The following should be excluded from the menu:

  • spicy seasonings;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • rich pastries.

You need to limit the amount of sweets. It is better to replace sweets or cakes with homemade jam, honey and dried fruits.

The menu should include a large number of seafood:

  • squids;
  • mussels;
  • seaweed;
  • shrimps.

Seafood contains copper, which has a tonic effect on venous tone. In addition to products, it is recommended to eat more plant food and drink natural juices and seas. It is allowed to eat liver and lean meats.

Compression effect

This includes bandaging and wearing elastic underwear (stockings, leggings). Elastic underwear is worn while lying down, without getting out of bed in the morning and removed in the evening before bed, the same applies to bandaging. Compression therapy helps prevent further stretching of the venous wall and reduce Negative consequences diseases.

But compression therapy does not serve independent method, helping to avoid surgery. It only helps prevent the negative consequences associated with the developing disturbance of venous blood flow.

Drug treatment

Patients are prescribed drugs that help increase venous tone:

  • Phlebodia;
  • Venitan;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Detralex;
  • Lyoton.

Venotonics can be prescribed in tablets, ointments or injections, but their dosage is selected individually, depending on the severity of the pathology.

Additionally carried out symptomatic treatment. For example, if you are prone to blood clots, blood thinners are prescribed, and if you have phlebitis, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

But all treatment must be comprehensive. If the patient is wondering how to remove veins in the legs without surgery, but at the same time not quit smoking and eating spicy food, then he will be disappointed - this is impossible. Without changing his lifestyle and diet, he will need surgery on his leg veins soon.

If surgical intervention is unavoidable

If conservative therapy is unsuccessful and the patient has frequent pain and leg cramps, develops trophic ulcers or often experiences phlebitis, then surgery is necessary to reduce the consequences of the disease. But vein surgery can also be performed using minimally invasive treatment methods:

  • laser correction:
  • sclerosing effect;
  • laser ablation;
  • radiofrequency ablation;
  • ligation;
  • minor phlebectomy.

Held on initial stage diseases when only small vessels are deformed and appear on the skin spider veins. Percutaneous exposure to a laser pulse contributes to the collapse of the walls of small veins and the closure of the lumen. But cure with laser correction you can only initial stages diseases. For this, several sessions are enough. Rehabilitation after laser surgery is not required.

Sclerosing effect

A sclerosant, a special solution that causes a loss of elasticity of the vascular wall, is injected into the lumen of a deformed vein that is unable to perform its function. This method can be used for both large and small vessels. But with a large venous lesion, although blood circulation in the extremities will improve, the cosmetic defect may persist.

Laser ablation

A sterile catheter is inserted into the dilated section of the vein and an electrode is inserted through it. Laser treatment is carried out on inner surface vessel, causing collapse of its walls and complete closure of the lumen. Blood flow begins to occur through smaller vessels, and the affected laser irradiation the vein gradually becomes thinner and disappears. Postoperative period with such an intervention it can last up to a day, but complete relief from cosmetic defects will happen only in a few months.

The method is similar to laser, but it uses radio frequency radiation. Radiofrequency ablation is performed on large main vessels and the approximate length of exposure to radiation is from the groin to the knee or from the knee to the foot. Therapeutic effect is achieved in 2-3 sessions, but the complete disappearance of the deformed vein will occur in a few weeks.


Applying a ligature (dressing) on ​​both sides to the area main vessel allows you to turn it off from the blood flow system, which will begin to bypass through smaller veins. The places where the ligature is applied fall off and firmly grow together. Ligation is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia: small incisions are made on the skin and venous ligation is performed. Ligation is considered good method, as when there are already negative consequences associated with impaired blood flow. “Switching off” the pathologically deformed venous section from the blood circulation helps reduce pain and swelling.

Minor phlebectomy

This type of surgery is also performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. The difference from ligation is that after ligation, the altered venous areas are excised and removed through small incisions in the skin. Compared to surgical phlebectomy (in which the vein is completely removed), such a mini-operation is considered low-traumatic and requires almost no rehabilitation.

Although minimally invasive treatment methods are considered a surgical intervention due to the mechanical effect on the vessels, after surgery on the veins of the legs using the above methods, the negative consequences of the intervention for the patient are minimal and rehabilitation after the operation occurs in a short time.

It is possible to remove varicose veins on the legs without surgery, but the success of treatment depends not only on the chosen method, but also on how willing the patient is to follow medical recommendations.

Is it possible to cure varicose veins without surgery? Non-surgical methods make it possible to get rid of the disease without risk to health, while surgical intervention inevitably disrupts the smooth functioning of the body and provides for a long recovery period.

Complex treatment using minimally invasive techniques, proper nutrition, compression underwear, gymnastics, helps prevent complications of the disease. Today, the following methods have become popular: sclerotherapy, laser, hirudotherapy, physiotherapy, and drug treatment.

The mechanism of development of varicose veins

With varicose veins, the cross-section of the vessels increases; the higher the working diameter of the vessel, the more time it takes to fill with blood, the more difficult it is for the valves to block the channel. When the valves fail to do their job, some of the blood returns back.

Stagnation of blood causes further greater expansion blood vessels, deterioration of valve function. Blood loss negatively affects the condition internal organs, heart muscle, since a lack of blood provokes an increase in pressure.

As a result pathological process there is a redistribution of blood flow from the superficial veins to the deep ones, which causes them to stretch. If valve insufficiency has formed in them, part of the blood ends up in the subcutaneous network. The patient develops chronic venous insufficiency and swelling.

Further progression of the disease provokes the occurrence of:

  • damage skin;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • gangrene.

Stagnation of blood causes an accumulation of leukocytes, which starts inflammatory process, which spreads quickly, affects the entire thickness of the vascular walls.

The first signs of varicose veins are protrusion of subcutaneous vessels. Various spider veins are a reason to consult a doctor; if action is not taken at this stage, the disease gradually progresses. Most often, women notice changes in their legs, while men delay treatment.

At first, varicose veins are accompanied extreme fatigue legs, heaviness, swelling. Specific symptom will become strong pain syndrome V morning time. The disease manifests itself equally in patients who lead a sedentary lifestyle and in people of “standing” professions:

  1. sellers;
  2. hairdressers;
  3. teachers.

Prolonged stay in a standing and sitting position has a destructive effect on the condition of the legs.

At the next stage of varicose veins, pain appears along the veins, swelling becomes more pronounced, and the skin becomes Blue colour, the development of ulcers begins. The expansion of internal veins is more dangerous than the expansion of superficial veins. Constant persistent swelling indicates the formation of chronic venous insufficiency.

The problem becomes mechanical expansion of the veins, the inflammatory process, and the formation of blood clots. Blood clots can move without obstacles through dilated veins and clog them.

The disease develops long time, sometimes for decades. For this reason, when reasonable approach There is every chance to improve your health and treat varicose veins without surgery.

Conservative treatments

The problem of varicose veins is divided into 2 parts: the inflammatory process of the walls of blood vessels, dilatation of blood vessels. Doctors call inflammation more dangerous, but you can get rid of it. While enlargement is very difficult to treat.

Vascular walls have a certain elasticity limit; if it is exceeded, it will not be possible to return the vessel to its original state. Naturally, when adequate therapy functionality is restored, but force blue vein not to bleed through the skin is unrealistic.

Is it possible to cure varicose veins without surgery? Practice more effectively preventive measures, without waiting until the expansion covers the entire surface of the vessel. To avoid surgical intervention, it is recommended to approach treatment comprehensively.


It is known that blood flow is stimulated by physical activity. The rhythmic flexion and extension of the ankle plays the role of a kind of pump; if a person remains in a sitting or lying position, the ankle does not work, and blood stagnation occurs.

Therefore, to solve your foot problem, it is important to do regular exercises. gymnastic exercises, it is recommended to strain your shin and bend your ankle. Exercise helps treat varicose veins and prevent their development.

When a person sits, the veins under the knees narrow too much, and blood flow through them is inhibited. If the patient is forced to constantly remain in this position, he periodically needs to warm up and make up for the lack of movement. Activities that are good for:

  • walking;
  • swimming;
  • gymnastics.

At the very beginning of the pathological process, physical exercise and walking become the optimal remedy against the development and aggravation of varicose veins.

Compression stockings

Anti-varicose products will become powerful preventive and remedy. Thanks to compression by elastic elastic tissue, the veins narrow and the symptoms of the disease are alleviated. Special models of tights, stockings, knee-highs or socks are worn for several hours during the day or all day, removed only at night.

For the first and second stages of varicose veins, this may be quite enough, blood vessels fully return to tone. At correct selection knitted products, patients are treated for complicated stages of the disease, when signs of phlebitis and thrombosis begin.

Water treatments

To improve the condition, “vascular gymnastics” is used, as they call contrast dousing with hot and cold water. If the veins are dilated, such a water procedure will become mandatory. Smooth muscles train under the influence of different temperatures.

Hot water dilates arteries and veins, while cold water relieves fatigue and constricts veins, facilitating the outflow of blood.

Drug treatment

Medicine offers to overcome problems with veins with the help of medications. The doctor selects medications depending on the severity of the disease and the presence of serious skin lesions.

If there is no damage to the superficial veins, gels and ointments can be used. But defeating deep vein varicose veins local remedies If unable, you will need to take a course of oral medications. The main treatment will be venotonics, drugs that increase muscle tone tissues of valves and blood vessels. The use of Detralex, Escusan, Troxevasin is indicated.

The drugs significantly reduce pain, eliminate swelling, and have a good effect on vascular walls. The condition for cure is regular use for several months. Gels improve the condition of blood vessels well, but they are not able to heal or remove stretching or tortuosity; the veins remain noticeable.

Damage to deep veins involves the use of oral medications:

  1. Trental;
  2. Detralex;
  3. Phlebodia.

Tablets are prescribed by a phlebologist, it is impossible to independently determine the dosage and duration of therapy.

Drug therapy in mandatory combined with wearing compression garments and changing your diet.


Getting rid of varicose veins is complemented folk remedies, will need to be applied herbal products, rich in tannins.

They to some extent contribute to getting rid of edema, have a beneficial effect on the tone of the skin of the inflamed limb, blood vessels.

The most famous remedy is horse chestnut, it can be used in the form of:

  • compresses;
  • lotions;
  • tinctures.

Rubbing is practiced apple cider vinegar, blue clay compresses. For varicose veins, alternative medicine suggests drinking natural red wine, grape juice. The drinks are rich folic acid, help thin the blood and reduce the risk of blood clots.

Another method is hydrotherapy. Colossal therapeutic effect it does not give, but it helps to remove the accumulation of blood, to facilitate well-being. It is known that during a bite, a leech injects the substance hirudin into the bloodstream, which promotes blood thinning, which prevents thrombosis. By the way, it will also be very useful.

Latest developments

In addition to traditional therapy, taking venotonics and folk recipes, modern medicine can offer several new developments. One of the progressive methods of treatment will be sclerotherapy. In terms of efficiency, the method is not inferior surgical treatment but not at all traumatic.

The method consists in the introduction of a sclerosing drug into the vascular lumen, it glues the walls of the vessel, after which it dissolves. A compression bandage is applied to this area. The injection does not cause pain, the patient can return to normal life almost immediately.

The most promising method was endovenous laser coagulation. The laser beam works indirectly, the blood absorbs the main part of the radiation, heats up. Thermal impact so strong that steam bubbles appear, damaging the walls of the endothelium.

Then the thrombus blocking the lumen is gradually replaced by connective tissue. One year after surgery:

  1. the vein turns into a connecting cord;
  2. the load is distributed to other vessels;
  3. there is no trace of varicose veins.

The method also has contraindications, these include too large a vascular lumen, in which case the treatment result will remain unsatisfactory. In case of thrombophilia, endovenous laser coagulation is completely prohibited.