What is the dream of the apartment: do not have enough own housing? What does the apartment seen in a dream mean.

An apartment is a place where a person can fully relax and unwind. Therefore, the desire to find out what the apartment is dreaming of is quite understandable. In dreams, this symbol reflects the energy and mental state of the dreamer.

As a rule, when you dream of an apartment, then for a correct interpretation, you must definitely remember the situation inside the premises. You should also pay attention to the quality of repairs and existing furniture. It is also important whether the dreaming apartment is yours or someone else's.

Beautiful apartment

If the apartment that you see in a dream is well-groomed, bright and beautifully furnished, then this is a very auspicious dream. He promises the dreamer wealth in real life. Circumstances will develop in such a way that you will constantly have new sources of income. In addition, you can expect pleasant monetary surprises. There comes a period of life when fate will provide you with a lot of brilliant opportunities.

Why dream of a dirty apartment

If you dream of a gloomy and dirty apartment, then this portends the onset of a period of bad luck and failure. But if you show caution and prudence, you can avoid trouble. In addition, in this life period, you can achieve a positive result if you are not afraid of difficulties. Even the slightest inner fear makes you vulnerable.

Other dreams can be interpreted as follows:

    A new apartment after renovation is a harbinger of new beginnings that will certainly be successful, but you will have to work hard for this. An empty apartment with no furniture symbolizes your fear of loneliness. Oddly enough, this is what can make it difficult to find a reliable and faithful partner. Try to be more open to the people around you, against this background, the fear of loneliness will surely disappear.

Former apartment - dream book

Very often, dreamers have a question about what the former apartment is dreaming of. Such a dream portends the receipt of good news that will relate to personal life. If you dream of a former apartment in perfect condition, then you should expect the onset of a happy life period. No one and nothing at this time can harm you. But if the former apartment in a dream is dirty and unkempt, then in reality you should be extra careful. Possible troubles can affect any sphere of life, and are almost always associated with your wrong decisions. If the former apartment appears casually in the dream plot and the dreamer's attention is not focused on its setting, then this indicates a person's longing for the past. It is better, as soon as possible, to get rid of this state, and begin to live in the present.

someone else's apartment

When you dream of someone else's apartment with a completely unfamiliar environment, then this is a very good sign. It portends favorable life changes that you have been striving for for a long time. In addition, such a dream indicates that you will be able to quickly and successfully cope with all existing problems.

Why dream of a new apartment

A new apartment in a dream portends complete financial independence in real life. Also, such a dream often indicates the emergence of a new love relationship.

Apartment for rent

Very often there is a dream associated with the fact that the apartment is rented out. Why dream such dreams? They portend a new love in reality or very interesting romantic adventures. And if you dream that you are renting an apartment, then this indicates that you will soon start a new interesting business that will turn out to be very profitable. Other interpretations of various dreams may be as follows:
    Paying for an apartment or paying for utilities means a conflict in reality with a close friend. It is better to try to resolve the disagreements that have arisen in order to avoid this. To receive a rent - to meet a person from your own past. To furnish an apartment - to master a new business or a new profession in the near future. This will allow you to become a more successful person and gain invaluable experience that will be useful in the future to implement your own ideas. To buy an apartment is to invest your own finances successfully. To clean an apartment is to establish harmonious family relationships.

If you dream of any cataclysm in the apartment, for example, associated with a break in water pipes or a clogged sewer, then such a dream indicates that difficult times will soon come in reality. If you see a dream in the plot, then you caused the flooding of another apartment, then this symbolizes your strained relationship with others. And when the dreamer's attention is focused on flooding his own apartment with dirty muddy water, then a serious family conflict with household members is brewing.

Repair in the apartment

When you dream of repairs in your own apartment, this indicates that you are moving in the right direction and are constantly striving to learn something new. If in a dream you have to repair someone else's apartment, then soon you will have to provide support in domestic matters to one of the people in your inner circle.

Moving to an apartment - interpretation of sleep

Notable is the dream in which he dreamed of moving to a new apartment. This is a sign that in real life there are global changes that will affect all spheres of life. And if you dream of moving to an apartment in the secondary housing market, then you should prepare that there will be a lot of difficulties on the way to the goal.

An apartment as an inheritance, as a gift or as a prize

If, in accordance with the plot of the dream, you dream of an apartment that you inherited, then in reality there will be many minor troubles that will have to be resolved urgently in the shortest possible time. And if you are given an apartment in night dreams, then this portends a profitable material investment. When in a dream you win an apartment for a promotion, then soon you will have an influential patron in your life or you will receive important financial support for you. Searching for an apartment in a dream indicates the dreamer's subconscious desire to radically change his own life.

Dream interpretation someone else's apartment

Each vision that we dreamed about in a dream is a reflection of our reality. Dreams dream of certain objects, people, animals and life situations that we encounter in real life. This is the reason that our subconscious sends us certain pictures and plots in which our future is encrypted.

General interpretation

Did you dream of a night story, with someone else's apartment? This indicates the psychological state of the dreamer and his environment. In order to understand why someone else’s apartment is dreaming, it is necessary to correctly interpret what you saw and remember the dream in detail, and also do not forget about what emotions and sensations the dream caused you. Only taking into account all these points, one can understand the good or negative meaning of the plot.

Do not be indifferent to sleep, in which someone else's apartment is central. This is a signal of the subconscious about the onset of a difficult period in the dreamer's life.

What room were you in

If you dreamed of someone else's apartment

I happened to see that you are in the corridor and are waiting for the owner to let you pass - the dream predicts that you will be humiliated in reality.

A woman dreams of being in a night story in someone else's bedroom - to the jealousy of her husband.

Was there a library there? Your subconscious sends you a signal that you are trying your best to change your life for the better.

Exterior view of the room

Remember what the room looked like.

Beautiful and clean apartment

Clean with a new good repair - portends favorable changes in life, you will also be told good news.

I dreamed quite big - portends the fulfillment of all conceived desires.

Dirty room

If the apartment is dirty

Gloomy and dirty dreams of troubles and anxieties in real life. Destroyed room - indicates that there may be problems in the dreamer's intimate life. To experience a feeling of discomfort in a dream while in foreign housing - in reality you will get sick. Did you feel like crying in the story? Do not give in to emotions, you need to distract yourself from sad thoughts.

Alien housing was:

  • Without windows - retells the difficulties in real life.
  • With destroyed walls - in fact, you are very weak in spirit.
  • There were holes in the ceiling - to financial difficulties.

Your actions

It is worth clarifying what actions you did in someone else's apartment.

Premises renovation

I dreamed, in a dream, that the apartment was under renovation. Here you need to specify who was the master.

Did you do renovations?

If you did a repair

I dreamed that you were doing repairs in someone else's apartment - in real life you will deal with the problems of others, it is worth considering: do you need this? make your life difficult. The plots are dreaming: you had to re-paste the wallpaper - in fact, you will defend your opinion in all possible ways.

The repair was done by someone else.

To see how other people make repairs in someone else's apartment - in real life, you have to improve the life of your close friend.

Room cleaning

I had a dream, a vision: you were cleaning someone else's apartment - in fact, you will find yourself at the epicenter of a quarrel, most likely it will be a scandal in the team.

The dreamer was invited to visit

I dreamed that you were visiting someone else's apartment, which you had not seen before in real life - a vision portends cardinal changes in your life. Positive or negative? It depends on the emotions you felt.

  • Kind and bright - to favorable changes.
  • Gloomy - to a difficult period in life.

You admired the decoration of the apartment in a dream - in real life you will receive a profitable offer.

For an unmarried girl, knowledge prophesies a quick wedding. The future husband will be wealthy, and the young family will not experience material difficulties.

Rented housing

To marriage

Living in a rented room in a dream means that in reality you will find yourself in some kind of occupation, which in the future will become not just a favorite hobby, but a source of income. Another rented apartment portends the dreamer's imminent wedding.

It is a dream that people came to a rented apartment and you paid their rent - a vision portends a meeting with old friends.

Modern dream book

According to the interpretation of the modern dream book, it is worth noting who dreams of night dreams with someone else's apartment:

  • A young girl - for an imminent wedding.
  • For a married woman - a vision predicts the appearance of a lover in her life.
  • For a man, the night story also portends a love affair.

Did you live in a rented room in a dream and were you evicted? This is a dream for a successful purchase.

Buying a property

The dream interpretation indicates: in a dream you bought real estate and the room was large with a rich renovation - this indicates that you avoid small nuances in your life.

Seeing a move to a new apartment is a good change in the dreamer's life.

Eastern dream book

Unsuccessful Journey

I had a night dream: you were not in your house - which means that in reality you are going through a period of change. You could not get out of it - for those who decided to go on a trip, such a plot portends - the trip will only bring grief and disappointment.

What apartment was

Seeing a spacious and bright room - a dream has a positive meaning and portends good luck in life.

An untidy and gloomy apartment - in reality you should not count on luck.

Miller's dream book

The dream book of the famous psychologist G. Miller interprets the night story with the apartment as follows:

  • You were the owner of the premises in a dream - in real life, the context of the dream portends cash receipts.
  • Alien - to problems in family life.
  • Real estate exchange - also dreams of deceiving a loved one. Look closely, you may be cheating.

The dream interpretation indicates that if you dreamed of a rented one, then in reality it is worth preparing for the wedding. Renting out - for a young girl, this indicates the inconstancy of her chosen one.

If you do not like the interpretation of the night plot, the dream book advises immediately after waking up to write the dream you saw on a piece of paper, and also list all your inner experiences on it. And after the sheet must be burned. People say that after such an action, the dream will never come true.

Most often, a dream book sees an apartment seen in a dream as a symbol of change. But in order to understand where these changes lead, one should pay attention to details that caught the eye or surprised the dreamer. The sensations that the dream caused will also be important - the emotional background of the dream will tell you whether you should worry about the future, or everything goes on as usual.

General interpretation of dreams

The dreamer, willy-nilly, remembers at least some of the dreamed details, the environment he saw, the emotions he experienced. All this is important in the interpretation of sleep.

If you dreamed about an apartment, then before interpretation it is necessary remember what she was like.

Room size

A large, spacious apartment with many rooms indicates that you are striving for self-realization and achieving your own goals. Pay attention to the presence of corridors and the general layout of the living space - if it seems confusing and complex - others are trying to mislead you.

According to the dream book, a large apartment, furnished with expensive beautiful furniture, portends the successful completion of current affairs and the achievement of plans. But if the living space is too richly furnished and looks pretentious, interpreters recommend paying attention to the little things surrounding the situation, because something important, but imperceptible, can be hidden behind the general splendor.

Being in a small room or apartment portends many minor troubles and difficulties, the resolution of which will take a lot of time.

Apartment owner

If the living space belongs to the dreamer, you should expect money and a period of stability, especially when the apartment is large, spacious and well-cleaned.

Being in a cozy parental home is not the best sign, but you can work with it. Perhaps the dreamer clings too much to the past and fixates on it. It is time to pay attention to new horizons and possible prospects.

Many are interested in what the apartment of an ex-husband or a young man is dreaming of, and for good reason. Such a vision can be very exciting, even if the gap was pretty quiet and didn't cause much trouble. It is worth considering whether the dreamer wanted to return this relationship? Are there feelings left? If not, you should be careful in business and in dealing with a former man.

Such a dream may indicate a possible restoration of relations, as well as the fact that the dreamer's current romance, if any, will lead her down the aisle. However, if a romantic relationship is not expected on the near horizon, you should not be upset, everything can happen in the most unexpected way.

An interesting meaning is prepared by the seen apartment of the former for those who are trying to return relations with him or start all over again, especially if the apartment is modified, changed, and you hardly recognize it (of course, when the changes are positive). Your undertakings will end in success, because the second half is coming towards you.

It may also be that the dreamer does not know in whose house he is. As almost every dream book interprets, being in someone else's apartment is a sign of impending changes in life. The nature of these changes can be assumed from the general mood of sleep and the sensations from it. Girls should pay attention to the behavior of their chosen one. Perhaps he is not completely honest. But for those who are already in a serious relationship, there is nothing to be afraid of - it's going to a wedding or further strengthening of the union, which will be almost impossible to destroy.

Housing condition

The workload of the premises with furniture, household items and decorations plays an important role. If everything, according to the dreamer, is in its place, looks pleasant and does not cause negative emotions, then in life he will have a "house - a full bowl." When a room is overloaded with parts, full of boxes and looks like a warehouse - you should immediately start digging blockages in your own life, because they interfere with the emergence of new things and the development of positive events.

To be in an empty apartment - in reality to be sad and endure hard times. This is one of those cases when changes, even if they happen, will not happen soon, and their expectation will be forced and will drag on for an indefinite period.

An apartment with a fresh renovation or in the process of being transformed in a dream - to new beginnings that will bring moral satisfaction and a surge of vitality. But it will take a lot of effort to establish a new life order. Perhaps you are waiting for a new position, a change of job, or a useful acquaintance.

Destroyed housing dreams of difficulties and experiences in real life. Most likely, you will be faced with a serious choice and problem solving. If the home was damaged by fire - be careful in matters of the heart. You or your partner will not be able to resist the temptation from the outside, and let it be possible to work with it, but the situation will not be the easiest.

If a flood occurs, you should not rush headlong into a new business, first weigh the pros and cons, otherwise the enterprise will bring continuous losses. Basically, serious destruction portends a possible start of life from scratch.

Actions with an apartment in a dream

Various actions of the dreamer and his environment within the dream can bring understanding to the situation, surrounding the sleeping awake. What could dream:

Buying an apartment in a dream promises a successful financial investment or acquisition, even if in reality the upcoming purchase seems dubiously useful and not very profitable. If you like the apartment, then the investment will recoup very quickly (or bring maximum satisfaction).

A rented apartment in a dream predicts something new, unexpected. Often, dream books interpret rental housing as a messenger of a romantic connection, a new beginning of an existing relationship, or the emergence of new ones.

Renting out housing - to the emergence of new friendships and business ties, which should not be considered as long-term.

To receive housing as a gift is to gain material independence.

If you receive an inheritance in a dream, beware, in reality, troubles await you, the resolution of which will take a lot of effort.

Changing your living space in a dream (exchanging your own or just moving to another place) is a big change in life that you have been waiting for a long time.

Moving to a new apartment to favorable changes in life and interesting offers. If the move is accompanied by the transportation of a large number of things - fortune is already on your side and is just waiting for an opportunity to prove itself.

To be left homeless and forced to move out - to an acquisition or a gift that you have long dreamed of. Such a dream is especially important for girls who are in a difficult life situation due to personal relationships. The situation will be resolved in your favor, there is nothing to worry about.

Cleaning the apartment in a dream is a symbol of the family hearth and comfort. For family people, such a dream can mean stability, calmness and excellent family relationships, and for non-family people, a possible change in status.

Some dreams are not remembered, while the mind clings to others and literally demands to interpret them. Each dream, in addition to many elements, has its own background. It can be a natural landscape, some kind of institution, or an ordinary city apartment. Few people pay attention to the background location, but in vain, because it is she who sets the general motive of the dream and its subsequent interpretation. It is worth remembering that even ordinary things in dreams can portend important events in life.

Attention, only TODAY!

People dream of a coveted apartment so much that they often dream of it already. If you have been planning or dreaming of buying an apartment for a long time, then it is quite understandable why you are dreaming of an apartment. If you, as if you didn’t dream, and didn’t think about anything like that, and suddenly you dreamed about an apartment, then of course you would like to solve such a wonderful dream.

And is he so beautiful? Let's figure it out. As in any dream, in dreams about apartments, details are important in many ways. What apartment did you dream about - new, old, bright, spacious, empty, furnished, etc. - in the details lies the key to sleep.

Why dream of a new apartment

If you dreamed of a new apartment, it is always a change in life, but for the better or for the worse, you need to figure it out. If in a dream you saw a bright, spacious apartment, woke up with a great mood and a feeling of joy, then in reality you will find the same joyful changes.

The same can be said about what is the dream of the apartment if you see your own apartment in a dream, but updated, in some other light, perspective, perception, for example with new furniture - all this suggests that you want some changes in your life and these changes are for the better will surely come true, that is, you have every chance of success.

If you dreamed of moving to a new apartment, then favorable changes await you, some kind of unexpected luck. A new apartment in beautiful expensive decoration - to wealth. But if you dreamed that you were arranging new furniture, such a dream indicates impending disagreements in the family.

If a young girl sees herself in a dream in a new apartment, then such a dream for an early marriage. At the same time, just seeing a new apartment in a dream without entering it portends the loss of personal relationships.

The dream interpretation explains what is the dream of a new apartment for a woman - for a quick date with her lover, for a man - for the beginning of a love affair. Seeing a two-room apartment means intrigue with two fans or admirers.

At the same time, if you woke up in a gloomy mood, you dreamed that you couldn’t leave the apartment in any way, then such a dream portends unpleasant news.

If you dreamed of a new, but cramped apartment, then your plans will not come true soon.

Why dream of someone else's apartment

The apartment is the personification of the physical body. In the physical body, as you know, there are subtle bodies. When you analyze what the apartment is dreaming of, you should understand that such a dream indicates the state of your subtle body, what is its energy, aura. The floor is also important - if a dream drew your attention to the number of storeys, then you should remember this, because the number of storeys is a reflection of your level, degree of happiness, joy or grief.

Understanding all these subtleties, you will be able to unravel, why dream of someone else's apartment. If, for example, you dreamed that you were letting someone else into the apartment, then it all depends on your feelings in a dream. If you felt joy in a dream, then this means that you will let a new positive acquaintance into your life, and vice versa, if the dream upset you, you woke up bitterly, you were scared or unpleasant in a dream, this means that you and in life, you should not bring close to the heart of some strangers.

In general, an unfamiliar someone else's apartment is a warning about some kind of trouble. If, suppose you dreamed that you were doing repairs in some strange apartment, then this indicates that in real life you will have to shoulder the burden of other people's problems.

Also, someone else's apartment in a dream may be evidence of the upcoming betrayal of your partner.

Why dream of buying an apartment

It would seem that buying an apartment should portend something pleasant and long-awaited. However, this is not always and not entirely true. After all, buying an apartment in life is a very troublesome and financially costly business. Similarly, the dream book unravels why dream of buying an apartment- Serious financial problems await you, or losses, or costs, possibly large debts. At the same time, if in a dream you bought a bright, spacious apartment, then you will be able to overcome all the difficulties in real life. If you dreamed of buying a gloomy, small, dirty apartment, then the problems will be protracted.

At the same time, selling an apartment is rather a more favorable sign than what you dream of buying an apartment. After all, the sale of an apartment is a profit and a kind of renewal. Therefore, selling an apartment in a dream means good luck in financial matters, as well as at work. At the same time, buying an apartment in a dream can mean financial difficulties associated with the loss of a job.

What is the dream of the old apartment

The dream book explains what the old apartment is dreaming of - seeing yourself in an old cramped apartment only means that your plans are not destined to come true. If a woman sees herself in an old apartment, this means that even if she is made an interesting proposal for marriage, she should not flatter herself, such a marriage will not lead to anything good. For a man to see himself in an old apartment is a fleeting, meaningless hobby.

However, the old apartment in which you, let's say, spent your childhood or lived for a long time, with which you have a lot connected, can mean something completely different. An old apartment can be associated with memories of childhood, parental home, and here it matters whether the owners of that house, that apartment that you are dreaming of, are currently alive. To understand what the former apartment of the parental home is dreaming of, you need to remember what feelings you felt in a dream and how you felt in real life when you lived in this apartment. If you have warm memories, such a dream suggests that you should change something in your life in the image of the house that you dream about. If the owner of the apartment or house that you are dreaming of has already died, then the dream indicates that you have protection in the world of the dead, that the deceased person supports and protects you. If some troubles are connected with the house that you dream about, then in reality you are in danger. Such a dream is a warning of possible problems or troubles.

What is the dream of the old apartment in which you once felt very good? The dream interpretation solves such a dream as an impetus for the fact that you need to make your today's house as cozy as the one in which you once lived, or change something in your life like the way you lived before.

Why dream of robbing an apartment

In life, robbing an apartment is more than an unpleasant moment. However, in an allegorical sense, an apartment is your personal life, your internal physical body, your aura, energy, your inner self. Thieves are associated as worshipers. Here is the clue to what the robbery of an apartment is dreaming of - to changes in personal life.

The apartment is also associated with personal space. When you dream of a new apartment, these are new horizons in your life. And if the apartment is spacious, it means ample living opportunities. A narrow, cluttered apartment means tightness of vital interests, difficulty in implementing plans. Therefore, if you dreamed that you were robbed, it means that your living space was freed, your opportunities expanded.

Robbery of an apartment in a dream is not at all like a robbery on the street or in transport.

Precisely due to the fact that the apartment is the personification of living space, it is very easy to figure out what a big apartment is dreaming of. A large apartment means a large living space, success in achieving plans.

Why dream of flooding an apartment

Dreams involving water are always harbingers of strong emotions. Water is purification. Everything that is washed away with water is cleansed. Seeing flooding in a dream is either the collapse of something, or the beginning of something new. However, in order to correctly unravel why the apartment is flooded in a dream, it is important to remember any details seen in a dream, as well as the feelings that accompanied the dream.

If in a dream you did not feel fear, confusion, anxiety, then such a dream is a positive change. On the contrary, if you were accompanied in a dream by a feeling of bitterness, a feeling of loss, then the dream portends trouble in life.

To dream about how your apartment was flooded - to changes in your personal life. If the apartment was flooded with icy water and in a dream, as if in reality, you felt icy cold from the water - this is an alarming change. If you dream that you flooded a neighbor's apartment, then this is evidence that you are trying to interfere in someone else's life.

Why dream of an empty apartment

Emptiness is always a disappointment. If you dream of a beautifully and richly furnished apartment, this is a success in business. At the same time, an empty apartment in a dream does not bode well in real life. Given that the apartment is a reflection of your inner state, then you can only figure out what an empty apartment is dreaming of as a reflection of your loneliness, and possibly spiritual devastation.

At the same time, details and sensations are important in any dream. If in a dream you saw an empty apartment and felt relieved at the same time, then such a dream means purification, renewal. Perhaps in the near future you will be able to shed the burden of problems, perhaps something new, some new changes await you. And if the dream coincides with the fact that in life you are currently considering some plans, then the dream says that they are destined to come true.

If in a dream you felt a painful mood, a feeling of loss at the sight of an empty apartment, then in real life you will also experience losses.

Why dream of stealing an apartment

A dream about the theft of an apartment should not be confused with a robbery in an apartment. When in a dream you see an empty apartment from which things are taken out, this can be associated with cleansing and renewal coming in your life.

Theft, as such, has a negative interpretation. Feeling robbed in a dream means loss and disappointment in life. It is also important what exactly was stolen from you in a dream, what significance for you is what was stolen from you. Let's try to figure out why dream of stealing an apartment?

The apartment is the personification of your inner world. Theft of an apartment can mean a loss of vital interests, an inability to make a decision, confusion in front of something new, a lack of understanding of which way to go. The symbolism of what is stolen is of decisive importance in solving the dream.

Most likely, what dreams of stealing an apartment are lost hopes, major losses in real life, a series of unfulfilled desires, failures in personal life.

What else can an apartment dream of

As already mentioned, in order to most accurately figure out what the apartment is dreaming of, you need to remember all the details of the dream. For example, an untidy room symbolizes your disorder in the state of mind, inner discomfort. An unfinished apartment is a sign of unfinished business, unrealized opportunities, unfulfilled plans.

If the room is filled with people, it is important to understand how they are configured towards you. If they are friendly in a dream, this indicates that you are in agreement with yourself and the world around you. If in a dream you felt aggression from people in the apartment, then this means internal discord, lack of a sense of balance, conflicts in real life.

If you do not see an exit in the room, then such a room is a symbol of the mother's womb and your strongest dependence on your mother. To figure out what the apartment is dreaming of, try to remember what sensations you felt in a dream. You felt safe, or in a dream you were haunted by a feeling of hopelessness, heaviness. What did you feel in the room without an exit - a sense of security, calm, or, on the contrary, a feeling of anxiety and fear? The answers to these questions will help you interpret your dream. Confusion and fear may indicate a loss of authority, longing and hopelessness in life.

Someone else's apartment in a dream is usually seen as a sign of impending change. The interpretation of sleep in most cases is similar (with only slight deviations) to what if it happened to see your own home. The dream book will specifically answer the question of what the indicated image is dreaming of.

Miller's opinion

If in a dream you managed to get into someone else's well-furnished apartment, then in reality you will suddenly receive money. Perhaps it will be an inheritance or profit from a scam. A woman's dream book promises a successful marriage. But if the housing is rather modest, then do not expect special gifts from fate.

Be careful!

Why dream if it happened to be in someone else's apartment? A close person in reality can change you.

Visiting relatives or friends means that you are destined for promotion and overall success. If you find yourself in an unfamiliar house, then someone is trying to harm you.

Dreamed of keys not from your apartment? The dream interpretation is sure: in real life you will find out someone's secret. Especially if in a dream you managed to open the door. Seeing closed doors at night is worse. In reality, you will find yourself an uninvited guest or quarrel with friends.

Envy or happiness?

What is the dream of someone else's apartment in which you had to live? You will find yourself in a very awkward situation, from which your reputation will suffer.

Had a dream that you had to rent a house? This is a harbinger of marriage or the beginning of a new business. Someone else's apartment, in which I happened to sleep, is to my own envy, but if you happen to spend the night with good friends, then the dream book guarantees happiness.

In a dream, managed to wake up in an unfamiliar bedroom? Get ready for the jealousy of your chosen one. Seeing that the owners unceremoniously woke you up means that you will soon get a cool job.


What does it mean someone else's apartment, which happened to be in a dream? The dream interpretation suspects that you thoughtlessly invaded someone else's territory and risk getting into trouble.

Why dream if it happened to be in a hotel and office center? This is an eloquent allusion to opportunities that are not being used to their full potential.

Seeing yourself in a strange house is good for a girl. The image promises her a quick marriage. He promises a mature lady a new lover, and a fleeting romance for a man.

Hold on!

Why dream of someone else's apartment if you managed to go into it and take one of the rooms? In real life, you will become a member of a collective cause.

Entering a house uninvited literally means entering someone else's life. Had a dream that you were asked to come? The dream book suggests that someone will ask for your help.

It is not very good to end up in a hallway in a dream and wait until you are invited to go further. In the real world, you will experience humiliation.

Don't miss the chance!

The dream interpretation calls for paying close attention to the features of housing. So, a large and bright someone else's apartment symbolizes unexpected luck.

If someone else's apartment is gloomy and cramped in a dream, then get ready for a streak of bad luck. Dreamed of a large luxuriously furnished room? In real life, there will be a chance to realize an old dream.


Why dream of an old alien apartment? This is a reflection of connections that you cannot refuse yet. The new apartment marks a completely new life stage and a total change of plans.

Did you dream of an unknown housing with furniture? Dream book tip: prepare for stress and big surprises. An empty living space symbolically reflects in a dream the development of unfamiliar knowledge.


Why dream of a very dirty someone else's apartment? Dream Interpretation considers this a sign of confusion or an ambulance trip. The dirty living space of a familiar person indicates in a dream that you have to solve the problems of strangers.

Dreamed of an unknown, but rich apartment? You dream of a better life and will soon get a chance to improve your situation. If in it all things were in disarray, then, despite all efforts, you will not succeed.

Did you happen to see how you personally made a mess in an unfamiliar house? Difficult times and lack of money are coming.


Why dream if you had to clean up in an unknown house? In reality, you have to arrange the problems of others. Cleaning up in a dream also means that you will face a serious choice.

Did you dream that someone was forcing you to clean up? the dream book warns: in reality you will do something under pressure. In general, dream cleaning symbolizes liberation from circumstances that are unpleasant for you.

If you had a chance to clean with the help of special tools and devices, you can change your financial situation. But to clean up with your hands literally means to get rid of people and relationships.

What they were doing?

  • Wash floors - scandal, change.
  • Dishes - reconciliation.
  • Vacuuming - removing excess.
  • Sweep - literally get rid of someone.
  • Take out the trash - gossip, open secrets.
  • Dusting is the solution to old problems.


What is someone else's apartment in which you started repairs? You have to put in a lot of effort to sort out the affairs of others.

Making major repairs in an unfamiliar living space means that in reality you can find a new use for your strengths and abilities.

It's good to glue wallpaper in a dream. Dream Interpretation considers this a symbol of the fulfillment of desires. Sometimes repairing someone else's home hints at family difficulties in their own home.

Hold back!

Finally, the dream book advises to decipher the phenomena that can occur in a dream in a living space. For example, a fire without casualties marks an emotional and creative upsurge.

Had a dream that you yourself started a fire? Try to restrain your emotions, otherwise you will become the instigator of a serious scandal.

If the fire completely destroyed the living space, then you will get involved in a risky scam and burn out. The flood warns: in real life you will imperceptibly fall under a bad influence.


Why dream of robbing someone else's apartment? Did you happen to see the theft without the desire to interfere? The dream interpretation prophesies complete satisfaction.

Had a dream that you prevented the robbers? In reality, earn a reward for your efforts. Secretly penetrate into an unfamiliar living space - to the upcoming move.

If you decide to climb out the window, you will lose money. If in a dream you yourself robbed someone, then you simply dream of a rich and luxurious life too often.