How to treat hoarseness in adults. How to quickly cure a hoarse voice: hoarseness and sore throat in adults and children

The ability to reproduce various sounds is the basis of the signaling system inherent in every person. The voice occurs during the passage of air flow through the vocal cords. in which the function of the ligaments is impaired, as a result of which the voice becomes hoarse, hoarse, or may disappear completely. To restore a damaged voice box, it is necessary to carry out special treatment.

What diseases cause a hoarse voice

The main reason for any vocal changes is the effect on the ligaments. Hoarseness is usually the result of something blocking the normal passage of sound waves. Such a violation is a manifestation of many diseases, and therefore, with hoarseness, a competent diagnosis is extremely important.

Diseases in which functions are impaired vocal cords:

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Other causes of hoarseness

In most cases, voice disorders are caused by diseases. At the same time, dysphonia acts as a symptom of the disease, but is not its main manifestation. There are also other reasons for the development of voice hoarseness, which should certainly be considered before starting therapeutic procedures.

If there are no symptoms indicating the disease, but hoarseness occurs, this may indicate that the ligaments are simply overstrained. Such a violation is very common in people whose activities are related to speaking to an audience or the public. Hoarseness and complete disappearance of the voice can be caused even by a short, but hysterical cry, since it has an extremely negative impact on ligaments, especially if they were not previously prepared for such a load.

With regular overstrain of the ligaments without proper recovery, there is a possibility that so-called knots will form on them. They are seals that prevent the production and passage of sound waves, due to which a person’s voice can change. Usually, the treatment of such a pathology is performed surgically.

The work of the ligaments can also be disrupted due to injuries. Their common cause is stenotic processes, as well as vascular disorders, due to which tissues become more sensitive. Also, when injured, there is a possibility of damage to the nerves responsible for the work of the ligaments. Unfortunately, one of the common causes of this pathology is the mistakes of surgeons when performing surgical interventions in the larynx or thyroid gland.

Ligament injuries are quite possible during certain types of diagnostics of the gastrointestinal tract, involving the introduction of an endoscope. In addition, voice disorders can be the result of local anesthesia before surgery, as well as during postoperative rehabilitation.

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Hoarseness of the voice is often caused by foreign bodies in the throat. This reason is most relevant for young children who have a reflex, due to which they constantly pull small objects into their mouths. However, a similar situation can also occur in adults, in particular due to a quick meal that was previously poorly chewed. Less commonly, drugs that are retained in the oropharynx due to improper intake act as a foreign body.

Medical treatment

In the presence of severe symptoms of the disease, which is accompanied by hoarseness, it is extremely important to seek the help of a doctor. In such situations, special treatment is prescribed with the help of medications, many of which, by the way, can only be dispensed by prescription. If dysphonia or aphonia occurs, you should visit an otolaryngologist or a phoniatrist.

With voice hoarseness, you should be silent as much as possible, as this prevents a negative load on the ligaments. The duration of compliance with this regimen is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the diagnosis.

Drugs used for treatment:

  1. Antibiotics. Appointed in the presence of bacterial lesions. Antiviral-type agents, as well as antifungal drugs, may also be used. In the presence of edema, antihistamines are additionally used.
  2. Antiallergic therapy. If voice disturbances are caused by allergies, the exposure to the irritating substance must first be interrupted. Ketamine, Atropine, Midazolam are used to eliminate symptoms. When anaphylactic reactions the patient should take epinephrine or prednisolone, which are usually administered intravenously.
  3. Antiseptics. Used for infectious diseases, as well as in case of contact with aggressive substances or poisoning. As effective antiseptic often prescribed soda solution or regular mineral water saturated with salts. At the same time, they are used to promote the introduction of antibacterial agents directly into the affected area.
  4. Inhalers. For certain diseases, manual inhalers containing antiseptic components may be prescribed. These include drugs Ingalipt and Kameton, which have a wide spectrum of action. For diseases accompanied by a cough, it is recommended to take Ambroxol, which is available in the form of a solution for an inhaler.

Generally, traditional treatment hoarseness is to eliminate the causes of the violation through the use of appropriate medicines.

Folk remedies for hoarseness

Alternative medicine contains many useful ways, allowing to restore the voice in various disorders. However, you need to understand that in some diseases, ligaments can be restored only with the help of special medicines, and therefore folk remedies for hoarseness will be ineffective, or moreover, they can harm. That is why, before being treated with such unconventional ways, it is recommended to consult.

Causes of dysphonia

Hoarseness can manifest itself or be accompanied by other symptoms, people of any gender and age are susceptible to it, starting from infancy. The causes of hoarseness can be hidden, both in a change in the structure of the vocal cords, and in the appearance of obstacles to the sound wave.

Osip voice after a cold

Changes in reproduced sounds are associated with exposure to cold infections that cause inflammatory diseases larynx. This happens against the background of edema and inflammation of the vocal cords. Hoarseness and hoarseness are accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as sore throat, cough, severe runny nose, which are characteristic of a cold. There is an increase in body temperature, difficulty with colloquial speech. At chronic course colds irreversible voice changes are possible, up to complete numbness.

Osip voice from screaming

The transition of a sonorous cry to low nasal tones is a consequence of the defeat of overloaded vocal cords. Speakers, singers, teachers, commentators, military men suffer from this. Constant loads on the vocal apparatus, regular changes in volume and tone, emotional experiences, create the preconditions for dysphonia.

Some of them are well aware of this feature of the profession, so they carefully monitor their condition, being observed by specialists. Another, remembers her only when faced with a loss.

What can we say about an inexperienced layman who, having broken his colorful bass, does not know what to do. Sometimes waiting for recovery for many months.

Osip voice after inhalation

If the time of children's inhalation procedures is not agreed with the doctor or is not observed temperature regime then expect trouble. It’s good when this affects only voice formation - the steamed ligaments are weakened, their ability to reproduce sounds decreases.

These disturbances are transient: wheezing disappears, the nasality disappears, the hoarse voice is gradually restored to normal.

To prevent this from happening again, during inhalation, especially steam, you must strictly follow the doctor's recommendations, monitoring its time and temperature of the inhaled substance.

Other reasons

Two other reasons for the described phenomenon:

  1. actions of allergic reactions. There are swelling of the nasopharynx, a change in voice beyond recognition. And if there is a suffocating cough ... then we can talk about Quincke's edema. With severe swelling, suffocation occurs. Treatment should begin at the first sign of congestion in the upper respiratory tract otherwise serious complications are possible.
  2. tumor formation in thyroid gland or larynx. benign or malignant tumor formations As it grows, I put pressure on the blood vessels. Mobility of ligaments, joints, nerve endings is disturbed, accompanied by hoarseness. Depending on the location of the cone, its size, stage of development, voice changes occur. To the point of complete silence.

The listed causes of hoarseness are the main ones. Among other pathological conditions:

  • burn lesions of the pharynx;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • diseases of nerve fibers;
  • vascular lesions.

The reason for what is happening determines the specific choice of method of treatment and prevention.

Hoarseness as a dangerous symptom

All changes in tone during hoarseness instantly become visible, both to the patient himself and to the people around him. This symptom is quite dangerous, because it can lead to irreversible changes. There are cases when the simple laryngitis that caused hoarseness posed a threat to health and human life.

The combination of a hoarse voice with severe sore throat requires immediate medical attention for urgent action. If the wheezing was caused by a swelling of the larynx, a gradual cessation of air access to the throat is possible, death from suffocation becomes real.

Therefore, the issue of the speedy restoration of the vocal cords is important. Yes, prevention should be taken seriously.

How to restore a hoarse voice?

Exist various ways restoration to the norm of a hoarse voice. Almost all of them are well known. But it is better to first consult with the ENT in order to prevent an unfortunate blunder. Still we are talking about one of our six senses.

What medicines can be used to treat hoarseness?

Resorption tablets are also effective: Laripront, Strepsils, Dr. Mom, Tantum Verde spray is suitable. These drugs act on the larynx area, ensuring the speedy removal of edema with gradual recovery.

If the swelling of the larynx is caused by the action of an allergen, first of all, contact with it must be stopped. Then Prednisolone is administered intravenously to relieve swelling.

Folk remedies

To relieve swelling, gargling with an infusion of a mixture of chamomile and calendula is shown. One tablespoon of each element is poured with a liter of boiling water, infused for an hour. Cools down to room temperature. Gargle for ten minutes, three times a day. Usually, after a weekly course, the puffiness is removed.

Help in the treatment and infusion of peppermint. Take 50 milligrams three times a day before meals. It is brewed at the rate of two tablespoons of dry raw materials for three cups of boiling water. Taken after cooling.


  1. Quit smoking completely. Cigarette smoke and nicotine have a negative effect on the larynx and nasopharynx, often worsening the voice timbre of the sound. Simply quitting smoking makes a difference.
  2. Prevent human exposure to allergens. It is not recommended to consume foods such as peanuts, citrus fruits, honey. At the slightest suspicion of an allergic reaction from them, they should be excluded from the nutritious diet.
  3. The air in the apartment is recommended to constantly humidify. Talk less in dry cold air.
  4. The exclusion of straining the vocal cords is an excellent prevention of the appearance of a hoarse voice.

Many people often face the problem of sore throat and other respiratory organs. Hoarseness, muffledness and decreased sonority are symptoms of various respiratory diseases. What medicine can be used for hoarseness in adults, and what treatments are really effective?

Hoarseness of voice: causes and treatment in adults

There are many diseases that can cause hoarseness and hoarseness. WITH medical point vision provoking factors can be divided into several groups:

  • inflammatory, which include infectious and non-infectious;
  • structural;
  • systemic;
  • neurological.

Most often, hoarseness occurs against the background of a cold. As a result of irritation of the mucous membranes, their drying and inflammation, the sonority of the voice decreases, and in some cases it disappears altogether. Similar symptoms can also occur as a result of bacterial or fungal infections.

Hoarseness may result from:

  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • flu;
  • scarlet fever;
  • tracheitis and other diseases.

In this case, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the vocal cords, but also to the lesion itself. If the voice of an adult without signs of a cold is hoarse, then we can talk about completely different root causes.

Most often this happens due to such phenomena as:

  • excessive overstrain of the vocal cords - a strong cry, a long conversation, singing (most often occurs in singers, teachers, artists);
  • excessive smoking or drinking alcohol;
  • severe stress or fear can cause not only hoarseness, the voice can disappear altogether;
  • disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • various kinds of formations in the larynx;
  • pathology of the development of ENT organs.

General list of causes of hoarseness:

  1. Infection in the larynx, vocal cords.
  2. Diseases in which there is a dry cough.
  3. Vascular pathologies - aortic arches, aneurysms, etc.
  4. Ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke.
  5. Poisoning chemicals. Fluorine, chlorine, ammonia, and other dangerous irritants can cause hoarseness.
  6. Disturbed metabolism.
  7. Lack of fluid in the body.
  8. Burns and mechanical damage larynx.
  9. Dry, cold or extremely polluted air.

complex therapy, correct selection medicines and suitable procedures will help to quickly get rid of the problem.

An informative video that provides recommendations on how to eliminate hoarseness with the help of folk recipes.

Effective cures for hoarseness

When similar problem it is necessary to seek advice from an ENT specialist who will conduct an examination and, based on the primary diagnosis and cause, prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Preparations for hoarseness are prescribed to eliminate infection as well as to relieve symptoms. Due to the defeat of the throat by viruses, fungi or bacteria, very discomfort such as burning in the throat, pain when swallowing, talking and so on. For more get well soon, as well as softening pain prescribed certain medications.

Antibacterial drugs

Many are interested in the question: what to take with hoarseness of voice? The first thing doctors prescribe is antibacterial agents. With the help of them it is removed inflammatory process in the region of the larynx and vocal cords. This helps reduce reporting and reduce pain. With proper treatment after three to five days antibiotic therapy the recovery process begins.


Antihistamines are required if the hoarseness is due to an allergic reaction. They will help muffle the effect of the pathogen on the body, as well as eliminate the violation that has arisen. This will help avoid a more complex reaction to the allergen and reduce symptoms.

Antiseptic preparations

Without antiseptic preparations local impact does not cost any treatment of ENT organs. They act directly on pathogenic microorganisms, like antibiotics. Antiseptic sprays, lozenges, ointments, and mouthwashes are most commonly used to treat hoarseness.

Combined funds

With the help of such pharmacological preparations, a complex effect and therapy of a hoarse voice is performed. Depending on the available components, combined preparations help to eliminate not only the main symptoms, but also the main pathogens. Usually, several groups of drugs are prescribed as therapy.

How to treat hoarseness in adults?

From hoarseness are used pharmacological agents, which have a disinfecting effect on the mucous membrane and eliminate pathogens - pathogenic microorganisms located in the larynx. It helps to moisturize the tissues, protect them from reinfection and injuries, which will lead to a speedy recovery.

In addition to pills for hoarseness in adults or children, prescribe local preparations And complementary therapy, which will help to restore the vocal cords as quickly as possible. For this, inhalations, lotions, warming up and other procedures are used.

The most popular drugs for hoarseness

There is a list of commonly used medications, which affect the main lesion and help restore the sonority of the voice.


Sold in the form of syrup and tablets, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. Its main properties include:

  • removal of laryngeal edema;
  • an increase in the gaps in the bronchi;
  • improving breathing;
  • improvement in voice quality.

Adults are usually prescribed Erespal in tablets, and the syrup form has a faster effect and effect, more often used for children.


Is powerful antiseptic actively fighting viruses and other microorganisms. Sometimes Miramistin is prescribed instead of antibiotics, since the effectiveness of using the drug is quite high.

Miramistin is available in two forms - an aerosol and a solution for local treatment of mucous membranes. Aerosol is more convenient to use.

Falimint or Septolete

Usually lozenges for resorption like Falimint and Septolete help to restore the lost voice faster, soothe sore throat and reduce cough. They have a mild effect on the mucous membrane, relieve inflammation and slow down the process of reproduction of pathogenic viruses and microorganisms.

Contribute to the moistening of overdried tissues by enveloping them with a special protective film. Lozenges for sucking have an analgesic effect and are great for both adults and children.


This is an antibiotic spray. Promotes a rapid decrease in reporting, relieves pain and inflammation. Bioparox perfectly copes with the destruction of fungi and viruses, that is, it has a disinfecting effect. It is often used for severe and especially dry coughs. It has quite a few contraindications and side effects.


Ingalipt is proven combination drug for the treatment of hoarseness and sore throat. The main components are sulfonamides, which eliminate fungi and bacteria. The tool has a slight analgesic effect, which is achieved due to the removal of the inflammatory process in the larynx.

Treatment at home with folk methods

Therapy at home with the help of traditional medicine will help reduce pain and restore voice faster. In combination with drug treatment folk methods help to speed up the healing process.

Herbal decoctions are very effective, relieving coughs and gently affecting the focus of infection. The most suitable for this decoction of such plants:

  • oregano;
  • coltsfoot;
  • sweet clover;
  • tricolor violet;
  • liquorice root;
  • eucalyptus.

Decoctions can be taken orally warm or used as a rinse. Also, to protect the mucosa and soften it, you need to use more honey.

Effective Recipe:

  • dessert spoon of honey;
  • ground cinnamon on the tip of a teaspoon.

Both ingredients are mixed, after which the product is ready for use. At strong cough such folk medicine will help soften the throat.

We cannot leave aside such effective procedure like inhalation. However, it is worth remembering that inhalation with elevated temperature bodies cannot. This can aggravate the situation by raising the temperature and causing even more inflammation in the body.

It is advisable to use a special device for this procedure - a nebulizer or an inhaler. If this is not possible, then you can use a heating pad, kettle or just a saucepan. It is best to use dry eucalyptus or eucalyptus essential oil for inhalation, as well as chlorophyllipt. Such inhalations perfectly clean the bronchi and help the mucus to come out faster.

Also from folk recipes for inhalation, you can use:

  • boiled potatoes;
  • coniferous essential oils;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula);
  • alkaline mineral water - Borjomi, Essentuki and so on.

Additional measures

With an existing predisposition to hoarseness, it is worthwhile to carry out prophylaxis in advance. To avoid similar condition timely strengthening of immunity will help, as well as the elimination of allergic reactions and hardening of the body. Doctors advise getting rid of bad habits by reducing the amount of alcohol consumed and reducing the number of cigarettes. Remember not to overexert your vocal cords.

You need to follow these rules:

  • walk more often, breathe fresh air;
  • avoid contact with allergens;
  • ventilate the room more often and humidify the air in it;
  • avoid dry and dusty air;
  • give up carbonated drinks, do not eat too hot or too cold foods;
  • Additionally, do not irritate the throat with sour, salty or too bitter foods and dishes.

In addition, if hoarseness occurs, you must immediately reduce the load on the vocal cords. If this problem arose as a result severe stress, then it is required to accept sedatives. If the voice has disappeared completely, you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and selection of medicines for hoarseness.

Summing up

There are many methods that will help to cope with the problem of hoarseness. Thanks to the timely market of pharmacological products, you can choose the most suitable drug. Tablets for hoarseness should be prescribed only by the attending physician after a thorough diagnosis and examination. stick general recommendations and carefully monitor your health, because even such a symptom as hoarseness can indicate the presence of a serious pathology in the body.

Video "How to get back the missing voice?"

Any changes in the voice will be immediately noticeable both to the patient himself and to everyone around him. Conversations and communication are an integral part of life. If it changes, becomes more deaf, low and hoarse, this phenomenon is called dysphonia. It requires mandatory treatment, but first you need to determine the causes of its occurrence.

Depending on the causes of hoarseness, various other symptoms may also appear. A hoarse voice, the treatment of which must be started immediately, can disturb people of any gender and at any age, starting from infancy.

  • Tension of ligaments. Singers, speakers, teachers suffer from such things - all representatives of the "voice" professions, when you have to talk a lot, sing, sometimes raise your voice. Professional singers are aware of this feature and carefully monitor their vocal cords, but an unprepared person can easily lose his voice, after which he will not be able to speak at all for some time. In this case, there is only a loss and change in voice, rarely - discomfort in the throat.
  • Infection. Some inflammatory diseases larynxes can cause voice changes (for example,). It is associated with inflammation and swelling. In addition to hoarseness, such unpleasant symptoms infections like sore throat elevated body complete inability to speak. If the disease becomes chronic, voice changes may become irreversible.
  • Allergic reactions. Swelling of the larynx and voice changes, suffocating - these are serious and danger signs allergic reaction and Quincke's edema. After this, suffocation may occur due to severe edema. Such symptoms are a signal to seek medical help.
  • Tumors and thyroid. Various malignant and benign tumors, growing, put pressure on the ligaments, blood vessels, nerves, disrupting the mobility of the ligaments and causing voice changes. They may appear on different stages depending on location.

These are the most common causes of hoarseness, but they can also be found in other conditions and diseases, such as burns of the larynx, injuries, hormonal disruptions, diseases of the nerves and blood vessels, etc. Depending on the cause, treatment and procedures to restore the voice are determined.


Treatment can be done as an otolaryngologist (a doctor who studies problems and inflammation of the throat) or a phoniatrist (who deals directly with the vocal cords and voice).

Treatment features:

  • Whatever the cause of damage to the vocal cords, mandatory component treatment is the observance of silence. Ligaments need rest. This will significantly reduce the recovery time.
  • If the swelling of the larynx and vocal cords is caused by a viral infection, antiviral drugs such as Ergoferon, Viferon, Rimantadine, Kagocel, etc. are prescribed. They act in different ways, but they are all aimed at destroying the virus, which is the cause. Some of them act directly on the virus itself, destroying it, others act on immune system by stimulating the production of interferon. It is necessary to take such drugs strictly according to the instructions, 3 times a day for 4-5 days.
  • At bacterial infection appointed a wide range actions. They are selected by the doctor individually. You need to take them in a course of 3 to 10 days at a strictly defined time in order to maintain desired level drug in the blood. Improvements will appear by about 3-4 days, but they are not a reason to interrupt the course, otherwise the infection may return.
  • The doctor may also recommend topical preparations, lozenges. For example, lozenges Laripront or spray Tandum Verde. These drugs act directly on the larynx, relieve inflammation and speed up the healing process. Also, disinfectants such as Lugol will help restore a hoarse voice.
  • If the swelling of the larynx is caused by an allergy, the first thing to do is stop contact with the allergen. Then prednisolone is administered intravenously, which relieves swelling.
  • Be careful with drugs plant origin, which include essential oils, eucalyptus, mint and other herbs. They can cause an allergic reaction and only increase swelling.

Treatment for pregnant women and infants

In women, the voice may become hoarse during different reasons but the two most common are: viral infection and thyroid disease (hypothyroidism). Hypothyroidism negatively affects the health of the mother and child, it must be treated as early as possible. In addition to a hoarse voice, a woman notes fatigue, brittle hair and nails, and swelling. Treatment consists of taking drugs, thyroid hormones. With proper treatment, the voice will soon return to normal.

If a woman has an acute viral infection, it is also important to start treating it from the very first days in order to avoid it. However, most drugs are not recommended during pregnancy. Treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor. Antivirals are prescribed as needed and only those that are safe for the child (Arbidol, Anaferon). Folk remedies can also be dangerous. A solution of soda, Lugol, chamomile is considered safe.

A woman should rest a lot, drink plenty of warm liquids, but avoid swelling.

Babies often cry and loud screams can also make them hoarse. However, if the voice baby has changed, you should check it for other symptoms of an infectious disease, more often it is still an infection.

First of all, the child should be examined by a pediatrician. Even if the redness of the throat has not yet manifested itself, this may be the beginning of a disease that can only be determined experienced doctor. If necessary, he can advise you to take tests.

As a treatment for a hoarse voice, you can use sprays, suitable for the child by age, some traditional medicine recommended by a specialist, for example, warm, chamomile decoction, lubricating the throat and mouth with oil. In no case should you treat a child before a doctor's examination with home remedies, such as inhalation over steam, etc. Until the cause is determined, such events can only cause harm., it is desirable to correct them with the help of an operation. People with these curves often breathe through their mouths, which increases the likelihood of diseases of the throat, larynx, and ligaments.

  • It is not necessary to refuse cold drinks, they train the throat and ligaments. However, you need to know how to harden the throat. You need to drink cold, non-viscous drinks in small sips and regularly. You can suck on a piece of ice.
  • Avoid allergens. Strong allergens, such as honey, citrus, peanuts, cause swelling of the larynx, which is very dangerous. If there is a suspicion that you are allergic to these foods, it is better to refuse them, or eat small portions to test your reaction.
  • Humidify the air in the apartment and try not to talk while flying on an airplane. Pressurized air is very dry.
  • A hoarse voice should not be considered an ordinary safe phenomenon. In some cases, it can become life-threatening. If, in addition to a hoarse voice, there is strong pain, inability to swallow, you should immediately seek help. A tumor in the larynx can block the air supply.

    Undoubtedly the most terrible consequence is asphyxia and death.

    IN in some cases, in the absence of proper treatment, tumors can form in the larynx, voice changes become irreversible.

    Hoarseness is a change in a person's usual voice, which takes on previously uncharacteristic hoarse and muffled shades. The change can be noted during the conversation, both by the patient himself and by the usual interlocutors surrounding him.

    The formation of sound vibrations, which together form voice and speech, is influenced by:

    • vocal folds;
    • The walls of the nasopharynx, larynx;
    • Soft tissues of the neck;
    • Volume and mobility of the chest;
    • Functional state of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Changes in each of these components cause hoarseness in both adults and children.

    Most common cause hoarseness - inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the larynx ().

    Acute laryngitis

    Acute laryngitis accompanies, as well as infectious diseases (, etc.) of childhood.

    A distinctive feature of acute viral and bacterial inflammatory diseases of this localization is the accompaniment of the described symptoms by the phenomena of increasing intoxication in the form of an increase in the overall body temperature, lethargy, changes in consciousness up to its loss and seizures. In addition, the appearance of a rash on the skin of the limbs, trunk or face helps to suspect an acute infectious disease in a child.

    Hoarseness in a child, especially under the age of five years with acute infectious diseases, in view of the peculiarities anatomical structure larynx should cause alertness and Special attention parents, as it indicates a high risk of such a formidable complication as stenosis of the larynx.

    with laryngitis in a child, it can occur at the peak of a rise in temperature, but it can also occur against the background of severe physical activity, with mental overexcitation (fright, prolonged crying and screaming). The cause of stenosis of the larynx in such cases is swelling of the already inflamed mucous membrane below the vocal folds. This leads to difficulty in breathing, both on inhalation and exhalation, the voice becomes even more hoarse, appears. The extreme degree of stenosis of the larynx, in the absence medical care dangerous by complete cessation of breathing.

    To the zone high risk the occurrence of stenosis of the larynx with the appearance of hoarseness in the voice, the newborn and the baby get into it due to the “friability”, subglottic fiber, which is physiological for this age.

    If there is any suspicion of the occurrence of stenosis of the larynx, you should immediately call an ambulance.

    While waiting for the arrival of doctors, you can conduct a number of distracting procedures. These include a foot and leg massage combined with a warm foot bath. It is necessary to apply dry heat to the neck and hang sheets moistened with warm or hot water in the room near the child.

    Chronic laryngitis

    Chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx (periodic episodes acute inflammation after general hypothermia) is most often observed in adults who have occupational hazards in the form of gas contamination and dustiness of industrial premises.

    Chronic laryngitis is also very characteristic of persistent tobacco smokers.

    For this disease, a violation of the voice-forming function of the larynx in the form of the appearance of hoarseness and hoarseness of the voice after stress on the vocal cords is typical. There are complaints of dryness in the throat. It begins to seem to the patient that he has a foreign body in his throat, as a result of which, by constant coughing, he tries to get rid of it.

    As a result of chronic inflammation, ongoing stress and exposure to occupational hazards, tumor-like changes in the mucosa can develop in the larynx in the form of the formation of cysts, polyps and "singing nodules" on the vocal folds. It is impossible to quickly cure hoarseness of voice with these changes. In this situation, surgical correction and intensive drug therapy with appointment hormonal drugs(prednisone).

    Injuries, thermal and chemical burns of the mucous membrane of the larynx

    Traumatic damage to the larynx can occur from the mucosal side (foreign bodies, endotracheal tube for anesthesia and mechanical ventilation, laryngoscopes and bronchoscopes), as well as with external influence(blows to the neck, strangulation, etc.). It occupies a separate place ligament injury during emergency tracheostomy, when to restore breathing when it suddenly stops when choking on large foreign bodies make an incision of the trachea from the outside. Also to traumatic causes the occurrence of hoarseness include damage to the recurrent nerve during operations on the thyroid gland.

    Chemical damage to the vocal folds occurs both in everyday life (pairs of cleaning and washing powders Belizna, Prill, Domestos, BOS, etc.), and in violation of safety rules in chemical production (pairs of chlorine, ammonia, paints and varnishes in high concentrations). Thermal burns mucous membrane of the larynx occur most often in fires.

    As a first aid when exposed to a chemical factor on the mucous membranes of the larynx, it is necessary to wash the nose, eyes, mouth, gargle with plenty of water. In cases where chlorine is the main chemical factor, soda can be added to the water for washing the mucous membranes, bringing the concentration to 2%. If the burn of the mucous membranes is carried out with ammonia vapor, then a weak solution of vinegar is added to the washing water, lemon acid or the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon.

    Tumors of the larynx

    According to their structure, course, "behavior" and emerging complications, tumors can be benign and malignant. Often, in the absence timely treatment, benign become malignant.

    This behavior is marked by squamous papillomas of the larynx, which, in addition to prolonged smoking, also have a viral (HPV - human papillomavirus) genesis.
    Rapid growth papillomas and their transition to a malignant disease of the larynx contributes to the appointment of such patients with warming up and other physiotherapeutic procedures in case of erroneous acceptance of changes in their voice for phenomena acute pharyngitis. Their hoarse voice is clinically accompanied by progressive respiratory failure in the form of shortness of breath and constant lack of air. This is due to the gradual narrowing of the diameter of the lumen of the larynx.

    Hoarseness and changes in voice in patients allow the clinician to suspect the presence of a tumor of the larynx middle age in combination with occupational hazards and existing bad habits.

    But it is important to remember that only an examination by an ENT doctor can finally “put an end” to the diagnosis, prescribe the necessary additional methods research and beyond proper treatment, which is early stages shows very good performance.

    Soft tissues of the neck

    And changes in the density of the soft tissues of the neck are also accompanied by hoarseness. Reasons for changes in soft tissues necks and the speed of their development are different.

    Fast developing edema neck(sometimes in a matter of minutes) with rapidly advancing hoarseness is observed in acute allergic reactions such as angioedema. They also precede anaphylactic shock. It is the sudden hoarseness of the voice and its loss, combined with data on the bite of a wasp or bee, the use of any medicinal product, allows to suspect these dangerous states and save the patient's life by starting treatment immediately. It includes infusion therapy with intravenous administration of prednisolone, adrenaline, oxygen supply, resuscitation.

    Gradual changes in the consistency of the soft tissues of the neck due to increasing edema accompanies a part of thyroid diseases in which there is a decrease in hormone production (hypothyroidism). At the same time, edema is also observed in the mucous membranes of the larynx, significantly changing the voice of the patient, making him hoarse.

    Another common mechanism for the occurrence of hoarseness in the processes occurring in the soft tissues of the neck is the compression of the trunks of the nerves passing through the neck, which are responsible for the innervation of the vocal folds and the larynx as a whole.

    Compression can be carried out by enlarged cervical lymph nodes(inflammatory diseases, metastasis malignant tumors, blood diseases) as well as vessels (aneurysm of the arc thoracic aorta and its branches). The result of this is the gradual destruction of the outer shell of the nerve, the speed of the impulse to the vocal cord slows down and its paralysis occurs, manifested by hoarseness in the voice.

    Treatment of hoarseness in such situations is carried out in close cooperation with endocrinologists, vascular surgeons, and neuropathologists.

    Violations of the innervation of the vocal folds of the central genesis

    Observed during the development of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes in the brain stem, in some diseases (Lyme, porphyria, brain stem tumors, botulism), accompanied by bulbar syndrome.

    The voice of such patients loses its brightness, becomes slurred and hoarse. Additional clinical data in the form of impaired swallowing, choking, changes in consciousness, general brain symptoms (disturbance of sensitivity, change in gait, general weakness, decreased vision, etc.) make one suspect a neurological pathology and call a specialist. The connection of changes in the voice with the recent adoption of canned and dried food (stew, mushrooms, fish, meat) makes one suspect botulism. Such timely diagnosis diseases, the manifestation of which was hoarseness of voice is also vital, since the progression of the main process through a violation heart rate and respiratory arrest - can cause death.

    Diseases of the organs and chest wall

    A decrease in the speed of exhaled air, leading to a weakening of the voice and hoarseness, occurs when the respiratory volume of the lungs decreases and the mobility of the chest wall is limited.

    The accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavities, observed in diseases of the heart and kidneys, and in tumor diseases of the pleura, leads to a decrease in the volume of the chest.

    Injuries to the bone base (spine, ribs), infringement of the intervertebral nerves, inflammation of the intervertebral muscles - significantly reduce their participation in respiratory movements, reduce the strength of inhalation and exhalation.

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

    The reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus with inevitable irritation of the mucous membranes of the larynx and pharynx with the development of hoarseness is observed with gastroesophageal reflux, which, in turn, can be caused by various diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Hoarseness in this case is accompanied by heartburn, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. Treatment is carried out in conjunction with a gastroenterologist.

    General dehydration

    Hoarseness in this case is due to dryness of the mucous membranes of the larynx and is accompanied by both general symptoms (thirst, lethargy, change in consciousness) and local (wrinkling and decreased skin turgor, dry mouth).

    Age changes

    Consultation with a specialist is required if the process of voice mutation continues for more than six months.

    Hoarseness treatment

    The decision to independently treat hoarseness in those cases when it first appeared, without initial consultation with an ENT doctor, without taking into account another pathology in which such symptoms develop, in some cases can be a serious and sometimes fatal mistake for the patient.

    Particular attention should be paid to those cases where hoarseness has been going on for more than a month.

    If the diagnosis excludes the presence of tumor-like and tumor diseases of the larynx, the treatment regimen includes the following.

    1. Voice rest

    Ensuring voice rest, which includes limiting conversations, their volume, and, if possible, complete silence is sometimes a sufficient measure to restore the voice when the cause of hoarseness was overstrain of the ligaments. Interestingly, whispering requires more tension from the vocal cords. And therefore, if communication is necessary, for such patients it will be more useful to have a monotonous calm short conversation than an attempt to constantly communicate in a whisper.

    2. Eliminate irritation of the vocal folds

    This is achieved by quitting smoking and drinking. cold water. It is necessary to exclude foods with an excessively spicy and sour taste.

    3. Gargling

    Rinse is carried out with warm decoctions of herbs, a solution of furacilin.

    Warm steam inhalations have the same positive effect.

    Most often, soda is added to water when heated. Mineral water (Borjomi, Narzan, etc.) can be used as the basis for inhalation. The plant component in inhalations is chamomile or complex composition herbs available in a pharmacy called " Breast fee". You can add to water and various vegetable (lavender, fir, eucalyptus) oils, calendula tincture.

    It is important to remember that redundant heat decoction and inhaled vapor can only increase hoarseness due to excessive irritation.

    Iodinol, Salvin, Korsotil, Chlorfilipt, Miramistin, Eludril are also used for gargling.

    4. Use of sprays

    At the present stage, this method of treatment replaces inhalations in cases where they cannot be carried out. On sale there is a large selection with analgesic, antibacterial, emollient and distracting effects. They include both antiseptic and herbal ingredients. Their choice is great. Most often, drugs such as Cameton, Hexoral, Bioparox, Ingalipt, Proposol are used.

    An important condition for ensuring the positive effect of the use of sprays is a simultaneous deep breath at the moment the spray button is pressed. After using these aerosols, it is recommended not to eat or drink water for another half an hour to prolong the positive effect of the substances that make up them.

    5. Antiseptic tablets (lozenges)

    Their action is similar to the use of aerosols and sprays, but the effect is somewhat lower. They are mainly used as pain relievers and distractions when present. pain with hoarseness due to the menthol included in its composition. Popularly known as a wide range sold both on store shelves and in pharmacies. The most popular of them are Septolete, Falimint, Laripront, Grmmidin, Suprima-lor, Agisept, Lizak, Efizol, Bronhikum, but their list is not limited to this.

    6. Antivirals and antibiotics

    As a rule, they are used when confirming the viral or bacterial nature of sore throat, manifested by hoarseness. Prescribe antiviral and antibacterial drugs(antibiotics) of a wide field of action. In some cases, antifungal drugs are included in the combination.

    7. Antihistamines

    They are used to relieve swelling in the larynx and have an additional analgesic effect. In addition, such a drug from this group as Ketotifen also has an antispasmodic effect, reducing the tension of the vocal cords and the soft muscles of the bronchi.

    8. Anti-inflammatory

    They are used mainly as antipyretics when the patient has a high temperature.

    Use Ibuklin, Paracetamol, Aspirin.

    Video: treatment of a hoarse voice - Dr. Komarovsky