The composition and recipes of complex nasal drops. Treatment of acute rhinitis in children Complex drops how to do it yourself

A simple runny nose is the mildest form, in which inflammation extends only to the mucous membrane. The initial signs of a runny nose are manifested in the form of swelling of the mucous membrane, which leads to difficulty in breathing and an increase in the amount of secretion secreted. The first task of the treatment process is to remove or reduce the severity of swelling of the mucous membrane in order to improve breathing through the nose, and this (the passage of air) in turn has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane, reducing its swelling.

Of the local procedures for a simple runny nose, drops, ointments, sprays, nasal lubrication, washings are used. For instillation into the nose, drops with various effects are used. To relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa and nasopharynx, a group of drugs that have a vasoconstrictive effect is used. These include: 1-2-3% solution of ephedrine, 0.1% solutions of sanorin, naphthyzinum, galazolin, adrenaline, 0.05% nazivin. Cautious use of these drugs is recommended. They are used only with a sharp nasal congestion and in small dosages. It is necessary to instill one drop into each half of the nose, after which, to prevent the development of dryness of the mucous membrane that occurs when using these drops, it is imperative to instill oil drops - corn, olive, vaseline, apricot, sunflower oil - 8-10 drops each half of the nose. With one-sided nasal congestion, it is advisable to use drops only on this side. Xemilin has a vasoconstrictive effect.

Drops that have a vasoconstrictive effect are designed to relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, as a result of which the patency of the nasal passages improves or restores, and the aeration of the paranasal sinuses improves. All this can greatly contribute to recovery by restoring nasal breathing.

However, only these drops (which is often practiced) cannot be limited, since they do not have an anti-inflammatory effect. The therapeutic anti-inflammatory effect is exerted by drops of a different composition. These include a 2% solution of protorgol and collargol, a 0.5-1% solution of dioxidine, sofradex, combined drops consisting of an antibiotic, ephedrine, hydrocortisone, diphenhydramine in equal parts. In the presence of a large amount of thick and viscous discharge, the use of alkaline drops is justified, which thin the secret and stimulate the release of the nasal passages. For the same purposes, you can rinse your nose with different solutions (we recommend a decoction of herbs, salt with soda, mineral water).

In the acute stage of the common cold, as well as for prophylactic purposes, drops of a 2-2.5% solution of ascorbic acid can be used. Pharmacies sell ascorbic acid powder packaged in 2.5 g. It dissolves in 100-150 g of boiled water and is used in the form of drops. A solution of ascorbic acid reduces redness and swelling of the mucous membrane, provides local protection from microbes.

In acute rhinitis in the first days, warm foot baths, dry mustard poured into socks, irradiation of the feet with a blue lamp, solux, lubrication of the soles with balm have a favorable therapeutic effect.

Currently, the pharmacological industry develops and offers a large selection of drugs for the treatment of the common cold, which are freely available. Parents themselves or on the recommendation of a pharmacist choose certain medicines. It is not right. Among sick children there may be those for whom the selected drug is not suitable, and there will be no therapeutic effect.

L. Kovaleva

"How to treat a runny nose in children" - an article from the section

Complex drops from the common cold are administered by leading otolaryngologists. Their main difference from standard medicinal substances is their multicomponent nature. In complex drops, several types (from 2) of components are mixed that have a beneficial effect on the body. Complex drops are used for severe, chronic diseases, when the basic substances do not help to achieve the desired effect.

Please note: if you get a runny nose, do not start unauthorized use of complex drops. Their reception should be agreed with the attending physician after a series of tests and examinations. The doctor will determine the nature of the disease, the general condition of the body, indications and contraindications for the use of medications. If you do not take the disease seriously, the consequences are difficult to eliminate.

Complex nasal drops are administered to patients by otolaryngologists.

Complex drops

Complex drops are medicinal substances that are made in the form of a solution according to a special prescription drawn up by a doctor. The composition may vary from the characteristics of the organism and the disease. After a thorough examination, a treatment that does not work, "homemade" drops may be offered. You can make them yourself or make an appropriate order at the pharmacy. It is worth noting that you cannot simply order a medicine at a pharmacy; this will require a special referral from a doctor.

"Homemade" drops are easy to prepare at home. Study the list of components, purchase the necessary components for the future medicine, follow the recommendations, observe the necessary proportions. As the pharmaceutical industry has advanced, these prescriptions have become much less common. The advantage is on the side of modern combined preparations, which already include several complementary enzymes.

Some doctors, referring to their own experience, recommend such drugs for the common cold and other infectious diseases. Their effectiveness is not inferior to factory drugs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Your doctor will tell you the advantages and disadvantages of such medicines. They will vary from the composition selected by the doctor and your individual reaction to it. Consider the following factors before starting a course of medication.


  • individual selection of components. Enzymes that doctors will select are aimed specifically at your focus of infection. Thanks to proper treatment, the time frame of therapy can be reduced to several days;
  • low cost;
  • high efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • the result of the use of several components favorably affects the body.

Pay attention to the disadvantages of such medicines:

  • there may be difficulties in the creation process (incorrect proportions or preparations);
  • possible overdose;
  • the presence of side effects;
  • you are creating an uncertified product, relying only on the experience of the attending physician.

Possible side effects when taking complex drops:

  • tachycardia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • exacerbation of glaucoma;
  • violations of the heart;
  • the disease you are trying to cure may become chronic;
  • nosebleeds;
  • the mucosa will lose the ability to retain pathogenic microorganisms.

Indications for use

Most often, these drugs are prescribed in cases where the basic drugs do not have the desired effect. The doctor, having determined the patient's condition, can immediately offer him to create his own medicine for a speedy recovery and maximum results. Main indications for use:

  • acute / chronic rhinitis;
  • acute/chronic sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and oral cavity, the main cause of which is viral, bacterial, allergic infections.

Depending on the nature of the disease, the characteristics of the organism, susceptibility to certain drugs, the doctor determines the composition of the future drug. The necessary recommendations, proportions, storage periods should be discussed with the attending physician.

Components of complex drops

Basic components of complex drops:

  • physiological saline (the basis for the medicinal substance);
  • antiseptic solution (the basis for the medicinal substance);
  • "Furacilin" (antiseptic);
  • "Dioxidin" (atiseptic).

The most common component is Dioxidine. Due to its antibacterial properties, it becomes one of the most effective and effective components of the solution. The substance has the following functions:

  • anti-edematous action;
  • antibacterial properties;
  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • easier/improved breathing through the nose.

Additional, auxiliary means are useful plant juices (aloe), essential oils, vitamin solutions. Remember that the composition must be analyzed by a doctor. Otherwise, a negative effect on the body or an absolute lack of results is possible.


A doctor will make a prescription that meets individual needs. We will give a few basic ingredients of complex drops:

  1. Mix Dioxylin with Naphthyzinum. The proportions must be equal. The remedy is used for prolonged runny nose and complications caused by a runny nose (for example, adenoiditis).
  2. Mix Dioxidin, Naphthyzin (half a jar), Dexamethasone (1 ampoule) and Diphenhydramine (1 ampoule).
  3. Mix Dimedrol, Dexamethasone, Cifazolin with aloe juice or saline.

These combinations are the main ones and are most often found in the recommendations of doctors. They perfectly cope with a runny nose, help the body recover as soon as possible.

In pediatric practice, a low concentration drug is often used to treat the common cold. This is one of the few safe remedies that eliminate acute rhinitis, sinusitis.

Composition and form of release of the drug Albucid

The main active ingredient is sulfacetamide, which interrupts the bacterial reproduction cycle. This component creates an imbalance in the process of amino acid synthesis. It is active against most types of cocci, actinomycetes, Escherichia coli, Toxoplasma and other pathogenic microbes. A twenty percent aqueous solution contains 20 mg of sulfacetamide in each milliliter of the drug.

Drops also have a detoxifying and antihistamine effect due to the presence of sodium thiosulfate salt in their composition. Hydrochloric acids normalize the acid-base environment of the eyes and nose. The drug goes on sale in plastic bottles with a capacity of 10 ml, equipped with a convenient dropper.

What runny nose helps to cure the remedy?

Albucid drops in the nose for children are indicated for use:

  • in cases of prolonged bacterial infections in the sinuses, accompanied by the release of viscous yellow-green mucus, sometimes with a putrid odor;
  • in the complex therapy of adenoiditis;
  • for the treatment of injuries of the nasal mucosa;
  • as a means of improving the patency of the nasal passages in newborns.

Is it possible to drip eye drops into the nose, how do they work?

The instructions for these eye drops do not describe the nasal way of using the medicine. However, it is effective not only in ophthalmology. Is it possible to drip Albucid in the nose of a child? Experienced doctors claim that its use is justified.

Often it is this remedy that helps to get rid of unpleasant symptoms that cannot be treated with antibiotic drops. The reason is a very wide range of flora sensitive to its action, while most antibiotics kill only certain groups of bacteria.

Simultaneously with the destruction of the pathogenic flora, Albucid relieves swelling of the mucous membranes, nasopharyngeal tonsils, contributes to the narrowing of the lymphoid tissue, and restores the acidic environment. It really heals, and not just drives away discomfort.

The drug acts only at the injection site. The degree of its distribution in the body is very small. For the nose, a product with an active substance content of 20% is used. The process of instillation of Albucid does not cause discomfort, most children tolerate its use well. The smallest patients may feel a slight burning sensation, but the discomfort disappears in the first five minutes after instillation.

How to use Albucid with a cold?

Due to the lack of instructions in its annotation for a specific treatment regimen for the pathology of the ENT - organs, recommendations regarding the treatment of the common cold should be given by a doctor. If it is not possible to seek advice from a medical institution, Albucid can be used independently in the nose. Let's get acquainted with the standard instructions for use.

How to drip the drug to the baby?

The dosage must be observed as accurately as possible, and the procedure should be carried out at regular intervals during the day. Usually, the following instructions for instillation into the nose are recommended for eye drops:

  • newborns: dilute a solution with a concentration of 20% by half with warm water and pour 2-3 drops 3 times a day;
  • children under one year old: it is recommended to use 1 drop of the drug 3 times a day;
  • babies older than 12 months are instilled with 2 drops of the solution up to 4 times a day.

Accurate implementation of the following algorithm of actions guarantees the maximum effectiveness of treatment and good tolerability of the procedure by young patients. The sequence of manipulations:

  1. Rinse the nasal passages with a saline solution of rock or sea salt (industrial production) or lightly salted boiled water prepared on your own. The procedure is performed using a pipette or a spray bottle.
  2. Clear the nose of mucus (help babies with an aspirator).
  3. If nasal breathing is disturbed, drip vasoconstrictor drops recommended for a certain age, which will eliminate swelling.
  4. Gently pour the prescribed number of drops of Albucid into the child's nose.

Keep in mind that this remedy is not compatible with other antiseptics, including those based on silver, antibiotics. Excessive disinfection dries out the mucous membrane, causing irritation and increased swelling of the sinuses.

How many days to use the remedy?

The instructions for the use of Albucid in children for nasal instillation do not indicate how many days the drug should be dripped. It does not apply to the means that instantly alleviate the well-being of the patient. The destruction of the infection occurs slowly and gradually. Bacteria stop multiplying and gradually die out within 5-7 days.

If there is no progress in the treatment of the disease within 5 days, it is necessary to cancel the treatment with Albucid and consult a doctor for new prescriptions. There are cases when this medicine turned out to be powerless against a runny nose caused by microorganisms resistant to its effects.

Drug analogues

Pharmacies of the Russian Federation offer no less effective analogues of Albucid, which have antibacterial properties and are as safe as possible for health. In case of poor tolerance or the presence of contraindications, it is permissible to replace it:

  1. Levomycetin;
  2. Oftaquix;
  3. Normax;
  4. Tobrex;
  5. Tsipromed;
  6. Phloxal.

The cost of drugs similar in their effect on pathogenic microorganisms varies in a wide range, depending on the composition, the manufacturer's company, and the place of manufacture. Most of them are more expensive than Albucid. Before you pay more, try this drug, tested for many years and proven to be effective.

Applied to treat a protracted runny nose in a 5-year-old son. The traditional treatment with Protargol, which worked well earlier, has ceased to be effective. Albucid really helped. Perhaps the microbes were afraid of the new remedy.

For some reason, Albucid did not help us, although, judging by the reviews on the Internet, I hoped for a positive result. They dripped for 6 days, the doctor wrote the instructions, but I had to replace the remedy with an antibiotic.

Attention! All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is for informational purposes only. For all questions of diagnosis and treatment of diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor for an internal consultation.

Articles and books on otorhinolaryngology

On the site you can read articles and books on otorhinolaryngology that describe diseases of the ear, throat, nose and upper respiratory tract. For each nosological form, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment are presented. The books reflect the changes in diagnostics, treatment tactics that have taken place in the last decade; some new forms of ENT pathology and a number of new syndromes are described.

For otorhinolaryngologists and doctors of other specialties.

Alkaline drops

If the sulfur plug cannot be removed by repeated washings, then it should be softened by pouring namin into the ear during the day, heated to a temperature of about 37 °. With alkali drops.

HEARING LOSS - hearing loss, in which the speech of others is poorly or insufficiently clearly perceived. Hearing loss can be of varying degrees - from the perception of spoken language at a distance of 3-4 m (mild degree of hearing loss) to the perception of loud spoken speech at the auricle (severe degree of hearing loss). Unlike deafness, in which the perception of speech is impossible under any conditions, with hearing loss, speech is perceived when the voice is amplified by the speaker, hearing aids, or when the speaker approaches.

Causes of hearing loss: chronic purulent otitis media, chronic salpingo-otitis, tympanosclerosis, otosclerosis, atresia (congenital and acquired) of the external auditory canal, anomalies in the development of the middle ear, the consequences of serous labyrinthitis, damage to the auditory nerve, pathways and cortical auditory region, senile hearing loss .

With hearing loss due to damage to the sound-conducting apparatus, appropriate conservative or surgical treatment can significantly improve and sometimes restore hearing. With damage to the sound-perceiving apparatus, hearing loss is irreversible and usually progressive. A severe form of hearing loss develops, bordering on deafness, leading to speech disorders.

In such cases, children are subject to education and treatment in special schools. Such schools accept children with a persistent severe form of hearing loss, with the perception of spoken speech at a distance of less than 2 m, and whispered speech at a distance of less than 0.5 m. With less hearing loss, children can study in a regular school, but sometimes you have to create special conditions for them ( approaching the teacher, using an individual sound amplifying apparatus, reading from the face). The main criterion for successful classes in a regular school is the complete preservation of speech.

Otolaryngology is a branch of medicine that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, throat, and head and neck pathologies.

Treatment of acute rhinitis in children

Rhinitis is the medical name for the common cold. If it appears in an adult, then this does not prevent him from working and living a normal life, for kids everything is much more complicated. The simplest runny nose really bothers them, they become restless, cry, constantly act up and even refuse to eat, because it is really very difficult for them to eat with a stuffy nose. The acute form of this problem is an acute non-specific inflammatory process that is localized on the mucous surface of the nasal cavity.

Causes and main symptoms of the disease

As a rule, this form of rhinitis is a direct consequence of local and general hypothermia of the body. In addition, acute rhinitis can accompany some infectious diseases that children usually suffer from. In the development of acute rhinitis, three stages are distinguished:

  • Dry stage - the mucous membranes of the nasal passages are irritated, but there is no discharge yet.
  • Serous discharge appears.
  • The discharge becomes mucopurulent.

dry stage

Acute rhinitis begins with unpleasant sensations of burning, excessive dryness, tickling in the nose, larynx and pharynx, and repeated obsessive sneezing appears. Nasal breathing can be difficult at first slightly, and then almost completely stopped due to the closure of the nasal passages by the edematous thickened mucous membrane. Simultaneously with these symptoms, an audible nasal sound appears, the sense of smell deteriorates sharply and taste decreases significantly.

Serous discharge

On the first day, a clear, watery fluid, released from the vessels, flows profusely from the nose. Then the chemical composition of these secretions becomes more irritating to the mucous membranes, so the skin under the nose turns red.

Mucopurulent discharge

After some time, pus may be added to the mucus, which is grayish at first, and then acquires a yellowish-green tint. This is due to the fact that leukocytes, lymphocytes and epithelium enter its composition. After some time, the total amount of discharge decreases significantly, breathing and smell are restored, and after a week or two, acute rhinitis stops completely. Sometimes the inflammatory process in children is significantly delayed and can even spread to the pharynx, resulting in a high probability of nasopharyngitis and even acute otitis media, because inflammation from the nasopharynx can spread to the auditory tube.

Therapy of rhinitis in children

Nasal lavage

In infants, mucus and dried crusts near the nasal passages are removed with cotton flagella, sometimes vegetable oil is used to soften the crusts. Babies under two years of age are usually advised to rinse their nose with saline solutions, and then instill oil drops from olive, corn or petroleum jelly.

If the baby's nose is stuffed up so much that it is difficult for him to breathe because of the accumulated mucus, then you can use a baby rubber bulb to pull the mucus out of the nasal passages with it. This should be done very carefully and only in cases of emergency, because such a procedure, performed too often, can cause significant dryness of the mucous surfaces of the nose.

In order for the baby to eat normally, it is necessary to rinse and bury the nose before each feeding. Washing the nasal passages should be done very carefully, because inaccurate actions can provoke otitis media.

Nasal drops

Vasoconstrictor drops

You can remove the swelling of the nasal mucosa with vasoconstrictor drops, they will help restore the patency of the nasal passages and significantly improve the airiness of the paranasal sinuses.

Anti-inflammatory drops

Anti-inflammatory drops will help to cure the inflammatory process - Sofradex, Protargol and special combined drops, which contain antibiotics, Hydrocortisone, Ephedrine and Dimedrol in equal parts.

Alkaline drops

The use of alkaline drops will help to cope with a large amount of thick and viscous discharge. They not only thin thick mucus, but also contribute to better expectoration, and then to the release of the nasal passages.

Summing up

As a rule, acute rhinitis is well treated if all the recommendations of the pediatrician are consistently and purposefully followed. But this kind of rhinitis must be distinguished from chronic and allergic forms, because they require a different approach and treatment.

© Timoshenko Elena,

Note to mom

18+ The information presented on this site is for informational purposes only and cannot be considered as a guide to action.

Be sure to consult your doctor before using this or that method of treatment or diagnosis.

How to thin snot - drops and preparations for thick mucus in the nose

In the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, medicines that thin the snot are necessarily used. Medicines are selected based on the cause and severity of the disease, the structure of the mucus secreted from the nose.

Thick, viscous, weakly discharged discharge causes an intense cough, worsens nasal breathing, and provokes sinusitis. The doctor must establish the cause of the disease, select the optimal therapy that allows you to quickly thin the nasal mucus in both an adult patient and a child.

Treatment can be carried out with the help of both pharmaceuticals and folk recipes.

Why do snot come in different colors?

Human snot contains water, salts and mucin protein. The degree of viscosity of the nasal secretion depends on the protein concentration. By the color of nasal mucus, it is easy to determine the disease and its stage. Viscous snot usually comes in four colors:

Transparent, thick, odorless snot most often indicates the development of an acute respiratory disease, an allergic process. Mucus, which acquires a yellow or greenish color, means the penetration of a bacterial infection into the body, the formation of chronic rhinitis.

Viscous rich green snot indicates the approach of recovery, they contain dead leukocytes and pathogenic microorganisms. But if green discharge suspiciously often flows out of the nose, then the sick person most likely develops chronic bronchitis or pneumonia.

Dark yellow or brown nasal mucus is often seen in heavy smokers. Nicotine enters the respiratory tract along with cigarette smoke. This toxic substance accumulates in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, stains the nasal secretion in an unnatural color. Rarely thick dark yellow snot appears in non-smokers. They signal the development of severe pathologies in the body, maybe even a malignant tumor.

Why does snot become viscous?

Mucin protein is responsible for the density of snot. Its concentration in the body increases under the influence of negative endogenous and exogenous factors. An increase in the viscosity of nasal mucus is most often observed when a bacterial infection enters the respiratory system, improper treatment of respiratory diseases, and adverse air conditions in the home.

  1. Too dry air in the home. In a person living in a house with excessively dry air, the mucous surface of the nose dries up, the snot thickens, hardens, turns into a crust that interferes with nasal breathing. Such an unpleasant phenomenon is usually observed in the winter season, when heating is turned on in residential premises. Also, the viscosity of nasal secretions increases in people who do not drink enough fluids.
  2. Improper treatment of respiratory diseases. Thick, viscous, poorly discharged mucus from the nose appears with poor-quality or untimely treatment of acute respiratory diseases. In children with a weak immune system, with improper and insufficient therapy for rhinitis, viscous white snot is formed. You should know that the white color of nasal mucus indicates the presence of a viral infection in the body.
  3. Allergy. Viscous greenish snot often accompanies allergic rhinitis.
  4. bacterial infection. If, with a respiratory disease, nasal mucus becomes yellow or greenish, then pathogenic bacteria are added to the viral infection. In this case, the runny nose enters the purulent stage. Often viscous rich green snot is a symptom of sinusitis, a serious illness that requires complex therapy.

For the treatment and prevention of the common cold, tonsillitis, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in children and adults, Elena Malysheva recommends the effective drug Immunity from Russian scientists. Due to its unique, and most importantly 100% natural composition, the drug is extremely effective in the treatment of tonsillitis, colds and strengthening immunity.

Solutions to loosen mucus in the nose

It is useless to blow out viscous snot. In this case, complex treatment is required. The best remedy for thinning viscous snot is a saline solution. You can easily prepare the medicine at home.

  1. Half a tablespoon of table salt is poured into a glass of water.
  2. The liquid is thoroughly stirred until the salt crystals dissolve.

The prepared solution processes the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity. The sick person is in a standing position, tilting his head to the side as low as possible. Medicinal liquid through a syringe without a needle is poured into the nostril, which is located on top when the head is tilted. From the opposite nostril, the used solution is poured out. Then the patient tilts his head to the other side, a similar procedure is performed from the second nostril.

Both an adult and a child who has reached the age of four are allowed to use a thinning solution. Babies up to four years old can also be instilled into the nose with medicine, but much less concentrated. Parents should use a pipette to carefully instill three drops of the solution into each nostril for small children.

The procedure is carried out every four hours until the child recovers. After the procedure, the liquefied mucus is sucked out of the baby's nose using an aspirator. An older child can be asked to blow their nose.

When preparing a thinning solution, it is extremely important not to overdo it with the salt concentration. Too saturated solution provokes drying of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages. As a result, crusts form in the nose from mucus that interfere with breathing, and when separated from the mucous membrane, causing nosebleeds.

Highly effective mucus thinners can be found in pharmacies. The best pharmacy thinning solutions are:

These medications thoroughly but gently cleanse the nasal passages of foreign elements, perfectly moisturize the mucous walls, and relieve swelling. Pharmacy solutions are not addictive, so they can be used for an unlimited time without harm to the body.

Drops to thin nasal mucus

In pharmacies, many drops are sold that thin the snot, restore nasal breathing, extinguish inflammation, and reduce swelling of the mucous membranes. The composition of medicines includes both synthetic substances and components of plant origin.

Preparations based on eucalyptus and fir oil, extracts of elderberry, thyme, marshmallow root well liquefy the nasal secret. Mucolytic nasal drops stimulate the contraction of the muscular tissue of the bronchi, increase the fluidity of nasal mucus without increasing its volume, and quickly free the nasal passages from mucous accumulations. Below are the best thinners.

  1. Rinofluimucil. A highly effective drug that thins nasal mucus. The active ingredient is acetylcysteine, which has an expectorant effect, reduces the density of nasal secretions, and promotes the free flow of sputum. An additional active ingredient is tuaminoheptane sulfate, which has a vasoconstrictive effect, which relieves hyperemia of the mucous walls of the nasal tract.
  2. Sinuforte. A popular and often prescribed drug by doctors. Nose drops are made on the basis of a plant component - juice and water extract of cyclamen tubers. The drug stimulates reflex secretion in the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, normalizes the viscosity of mucus, improves the permeability of the paranasal sinuses.

Antiviral drugs

Antiviral medications should be used if thick snot is a symptom of a viral infection in the body. Most often, for influenza and SARS, drugs based on interferon protein are prescribed. Below are the most effective and commonly used medicines.

  1. Genferon. Immunostimulating suppositories that give an antiviral effect.
  2. Grippferon. Solution for instillation into the nose. It has an immunostimulating, antihistamine, antiviral effect.
  3. Laferon. A drug that has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect, activating protection against tumor formations. It is sold in the form of a solution for instillation into the nose, a powder for the preparation of an injection liquid, suppositories.
  4. Nazoferon. A drug that has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect, destroys pathogenic microflora, and extinguishes the inflammatory reaction. It is sold in the form of nasal drops, as well as a spray for irrigating the nasal passages.

The most famous and proven antiviral nasal remedy is Oxolinic ointment. It can be used for both treatment and prevention of viral infections. The ointment should be applied in a thick layer on the mucous membranes of the nasal passages three times a day.

Antihistamine medicines

Viscous white snot can be a symptom of the body's reaction to an allergen. Usually, the following substances are considered strong allergens:

  • pollen of flowering plants;
  • household chemicals;
  • dust particles;
  • cigarette smoke;
  • animal hair;
  • volatile production waste.

With allergic rhinitis, accompanied by the formation of thick nasal mucus, antihistamine drops are used:

These drugs have a vasoconstrictive effect, normalize blood circulation in the mucous membranes, stop the work of histamine H1 receptors.

It is undesirable to use antihistamine drops for people with metabolic disorders, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, suffering from frequent jumps in blood pressure.


Liquid medicine is much more effective at thinning mucus when injected into the nasal cavity by spraying. Inhalations help to accelerate the discharge of sputum, restore the patency of the nasal passages, and reduce swelling of the mucous membranes.

Procedures can be carried out at home if there is a special device - a nebulizer. Recovery comes much faster if you use a nebulizer, rather than the usual nasal drops and sprays.

It is also a good idea to fill the nebulizer with mineral water containing alkali: Narzan, Borjomi, Essentuki.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine helps thin nasal mucus no worse than pharmaceuticals. How to thin the snot in an adult and a child? Below are proven and commonly used recipes.

  1. Garlic oil. The head of garlic is crushed, poured with a glass of sunflower oil. The medicine is infused for about 12 hours. The finished product must be instilled into the nose twice a day. Two drops are instilled into each nostril.
  2. Onion juice. Juice is squeezed out of onions, diluted with water 1 to 3. The medicine perfectly dilutes nasal mucus. After the first instillation, thick and viscous snot turns into a liquid.
  3. Aloe juice. The juice of the medicinal plant has a pronounced mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect. Freshly squeezed juice of aloe leaves is diluted with water 1 to 3. The finished medicine is instilled two drops into each nostril three times a day.

And some secrets.

If you or your child gets sick often and is treated with antibiotics alone, know that you are only treating the effect, not the cause.

So you just “drain” money to pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies and get sick more often.

STOP! Enough to feed someone you don't know. You just need to boost your immunity and you will forget what it is to get sick!

Recipe, composition and instructions for the use of complex nasal drops

No matter how harmless a runny nose may seem, it can cause a lot of inconvenience and be accompanied by serious complications. Improper treatment of rhinitis can lead to chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis and other undesirable consequences associated with the spread of infection and inflammation to surrounding healthy tissues. Complex nose drops can alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Thanks to the combined composition, it is possible to obtain a double, sometimes even triple effect, when using one drug. Medical experience shows the high effectiveness of such drugs, so they are often prescribed in otolaryngology.

Combined solutions for nasal use have several components, the mechanism of action of which is aimed at eliminating the symptoms, the causes of the disease, and also preventing complications.

You can prepare the drug at home using a folk recipe. In addition, the drug can be purchased at a pharmacy, which is a more acceptable option. The fact is that self-made remedies may have an inaccurate composition or errors in preparation. This can lead to overdose and serious adverse reactions. On the other hand, the drug may be ineffective due to an insufficient dose of each of the components.

Combination drugs are usually used when monocomponent ones are ineffective.

Features of complex drops

The composition of complex nose drops may include such "ingredients":

  • antihistamines. They reduce tissue swelling, rhinorrhea, block histamine receptors that stimulate the development of allergies;
  • vasoconstrictor - reduce the diameter of blood vessels at the injection site. Clinically, this is manifested by a decrease in swelling of the mucous membrane, the volume of mucous secretions. With a decrease in nasal congestion, nasal breathing is restored;
  • antimicrobial. Antibacterial, antiviral substances inhibit the vital activity of microbes and cleanse the pathological focus from infection;
  • hormonal - have a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, antihistamine effect;
  • immunocorrective. Depending on the purpose of therapy, immunostimulating or immunosuppressive components are prescribed;
  • homeopathic, herbal remedies. They have a mild therapeutic effect, have a minimum number of side effects.

The use of combined drugs without an accurate diagnosis is prohibited. For example, with a viral infection, drugs with antibacterial activity should not be used. In the atrophic form of rhinitis, the use of vasoconstrictor drugs is contraindicated.

Components of drugs

The basis of most complex drugs is saline or antiseptics such as Dioxidin, Protargol or Furacilin.

Antimicrobial ingredients that are included in the prescription drugs are necessary for the treatment of infectious sinusitis or rhinitis. In childhood, such medications are prescribed for adenoiditis.

Among antihistamines, Diphenhydramine or Suprastin is used. They are part of the drugs used for allergic rhinitis. Their action is clinically manifested by a decrease in itching sensations, perspiration in the nasopharynx, as well as the restoration of nasal breathing.

Of the components with vasoconstrictive activity, Naphthyzine, Phenylephrine are used. They are especially dangerous when used in high doses for a long time. A frequent complication of such therapy is drug-induced rhinitis and drying of the nasal mucosa.

Antibacterial components can be represented by Gentamicin, Amikacin, Ceftriaxone. Their appointment is justified in case of bacterial inflammation of primary or secondary origin.

Representatives of the hormonal group are Hydrocortisone and Dexamethasone. They quickly reduce the severity of edema, inflammation, however, a therapeutic effect in full can be expected only after three days from the start of therapy.

As for vitamins A, E, essential oils, plant extracts, they can be the main or additional components. One of the common side effects of natural treatments is allergies.


To get the maximum therapeutic effect, complex nasal drops must be instilled after preliminary cleansing of the nasal mucosa.

When using a solution to moisturize the mucosa, after cleansing the nose, you can re-drop it in two drops. The number of procedures can reach four per day.

Effective Recipes

To choose the most effective prescription, you need to know the cause of the disease and the effect of the components of the drug.

Recipe #1

With adenoiditis, severe rhinorrhea and microbial rhinitis, drugs based on a vasoconstrictor and antiseptic component can be used.

For preparation, you need 0.05% Naphthyzine with a volume of 1 ml and Dioxidine (1 ml). After thorough mixing, you can drip two drops three times a day.

Recipe #2

More complex medicine includes:

  1. vasoconstrictor component (Mezaton 1%, 1 ml);
  2. hormonal (Hydrocortisone 2.5%, 2 ml);
  3. antibacterial, for example, Lincomycin 2 ml;
  4. antiseptic - Dioxidin 0.05% - 5 ml.

Given the presence of a vasoconstrictor, it is allowed to instill the nose no more than three times a day. The drugs are used for infectious sinusitis, as well as other bacterial diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Recipe #3

In the case of an allergic rhinitis, the following complex medicine can be used. It includes:

  1. vasoconstrictor "ingredient" - Naphthyzinum in the amount of half a vial;
  2. antiseptic - Dioxidin - half an ampoule;
  3. hormonal (Dexamethasone - 1 ml);
  4. antihistamine (Dimedrol - 1 ml).

The last two drugs are needed to block histamine receptors. This is necessary to stop the allergic reaction and alleviate the general condition.

It is not recommended to independently invent recipes for nasal drops, since this requires deep knowledge in pharmacology and practical experience in using this medicine.

There are a large number of combination drugs that can be purchased at the pharmacy.


The composition of the drug includes two antibacterial (neomycin, polymyxin B), hormonal (dexamethasone), vasoconstrictor component. The drug is available in the form of a solution for nasal administration.

The therapeutic effect is expressed by the powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and antimicrobial properties of the drug. In treatment, it should be remembered that Polydex will not be able to help in the presence of coccal flora, anaerobes and bacilli in the inflammatory focus.

Polydex is prescribed for infectious rhinitis to reduce inflammation, nasal congestion.

Contraindications include:

  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • viral infection in the active stage.

Note that the drug can give a positive test for doping in athletes. The therapeutic effect should be assessed after 4 days from the start of therapy. Usually the therapeutic course is 7 days. If you adhere to the recommended doses, systemic reactions are not observed.

In the lactation period, during pregnancy, the independent use of Polydex is prohibited.

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated. If the dose is exceeded, the following symptoms may appear:

  1. irritation of the mucous membrane;
  2. allergic reaction;
  3. sneezing
  4. itching sensations in the nasal cavities.

Long-term antibiotic therapy is accompanied by the activation of a fungal infection, which is quite difficult to fight.

The medicine is applied topically by instillation of the nasal passages, three drops twice a day. If the treatment is carried out in a child, do not exceed the dose - 1 drop twice.


Among the combined drugs should include Vibrocil. Its composition is represented by an antihistamine, vasoconstrictor component. Clinically, the effect of the drug is presented:

  1. reduction of itching, perspiration in the nasal passages;
  2. reduced tissue swelling;
  3. elimination of nasal congestion;
  4. a decrease in the volume of mucous secretions.

Vibrocil does not violate the physiological functions of the mucosa, which ensures its high resistance to irritating environmental factors, including allergens.

The drug is prescribed for seasonal or year-round rhinitis of allergic origin. It can be used in the treatment of otitis to provide ventilation of the auditory cavity, as well as to reduce swelling of the mucosa of the Eustachian tube.

Vibrocil is used before diagnostic manipulations or in the postoperative period to prevent complications.

Contraindications, adverse reactions

Before starting therapy, read the instructions. Particular attention should be paid to the section of contraindications. They include:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • glaucoma;
  • a course of taking antidepressants;
  • atrophic type of rhinitis;
  • severe hypertension;
  • cardiac arrhythmias.

Caution in treatment should be observed in people with insomnia, tremor, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, prostatic hypertrophy and epilepsy.

The maximum treatment course is 5 days, otherwise the risk of developing tachyphylaxis (addiction) increases.

Prolonged artificially created vasospasm in the nasopharynx is accompanied by a violation of the sensitivity of blood vessels to vasoconstrictor substances. As a result, to eliminate rhinorrhea, instillation of large doses of the drug is required, which worsens the course of the disease.

In most cases, a systemic effect is not observed, however, in children and the elderly, if the recommended doses are exceeded, side effects may occur.

Given the risk of systemic reactions, you should not use Vibrocil alone during pregnancy, in the lactation period.

In case of an overdose, the following may occur:

  1. rapid heartbeat;
  2. pain in the occipital region;
  3. tremor;
  4. arterial hypertension;
  5. numbness of the limbs;
  6. insomnia;
  7. convulsions;
  8. hallucinations;
  9. arousal;
  10. dizziness:
  11. nausea.

Among the local side symptoms, we highlight discomfort, itchy sensations in the nasal passages, nasal bleeding and dryness of the mucosa.


With a therapeutic purpose, two drops are prescribed three times a day. Instillation of the drug should be carried out on the cleaned nasal mucosa. To do this, you can use Dolphin, Aqualor or Salin. Children from the age of two should drip one drop 2-3 times.


The composition of complex nasal drops is represented by a hormonal (hydrocortisone) and antimicrobial (neomycin) agent. This provides a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antihistamine and anti-edematous effect.

The drug is prescribed for inflammatory, allergic diseases of the nasal passages. It is also effective for sinusitis, vasomotor rhinitis, caused by an allergic reaction.

Gincomycin-teva is applied two drops every 2-4 hours. After the end of the acute period, the dosage can be reduced to one drop three times a day.

Among the contraindications it is worth highlighting:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • acute fungal, viral process;
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy.

Caution should be exercised when using nasal drops in parallel with antibacterial agents in tablet or injectable form.

Combined drugs are much more powerful than monocomponent ones, however, there are also much more contraindications and adverse reactions. In some cases, complex medicines are unreasonably used, which is accompanied by the development of resistance of infectious pathogens to antimicrobial agents, as well as a decrease in the therapeutic effect.

Runny nose in children is quite common. Sometimes it is the cause of many complications, such as sinusitis, otitis, adenoiditis, bronchitis.

Experience in the treatment of rhinitis has shown the high efficiency of complex drops. The name of these drops already indicates that the composition contains several components of different pharmacological groups. In medical terminology, such drops are called combined.

In this article, we will talk about the use of complex nose drops for children. Consider recipes and cooking instructions.

Complex nose drops for children and adults are usually called a medicinal solution made in the prescription department of a pharmacy or prepared at home, of course, only as directed by a doctor. Patients often ask questions in online consultations about when and how to use complex drops?

Combined drops are used when mono drugs are ineffective, when one active ingredient, for example, xylometazoline hydrochloride (galazolin), is not able to relieve the symptoms of the disease and eliminate rhinitis. Or in a situation where antibacterial drops are difficult to reach due to severe nasal congestion. Most often, combined drops (complex drops) are used in the following cases:

  • with a long course of the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx;
  • mono means do not bring relief, sometimes even aggravate the runny nose;
  • complication of all forms of rhinitis;
  • rhinosinusopathy;
  • inefficiency of some combined drops;
  • tendency to otitis due to a cold;
  • allergy to many components of nasal drops (selection of components that the patient can tolerate is made).

Complicated nose drops for children are best made in pharmacies, where all the rules for preparing medicines are followed. Such drops can be used for the nose, eyes and ears. Some of them are used simultaneously as a universal remedy, both in ENT practice and in ophthalmology.

Modern doctors rarely use such “mixtures”, and even consider them to be remnants of the past medicine, arguing that there is a large supply of highly effective combined drugs on the pharmaceutical market, for example, the same polydex.

Doctors of the old school, most likely, will write you a prescription for complex nasal drops, the composition of which will include at least three medicines. Doctors of the Soviet school are supporters of cheaper drugs, and their effect, they assure, is no worse than modern medicines. Therefore, reviews of complex drops in the nose of physicians are divided.

It is not recommended to choose for yourself, and even more so for children, drops of a complex composition. Without a clear diagnosis, self-administration can cause complications. Many parents seek advice from each other by texting on the Internet. They share recipes for complex nose drops indicating the proportions of medicinal substances, and also give recommendations for use.

Important! You can not be treated according to unverified advice, and if you think that complex drops must definitely suit the child, be sure to coordinate the recipe you like with the otolaryngologist.

There are no instructions for complex nasal drops as such. In the prescription department, you can only get the composition, rules for using drops, the date of their manufacture and expiration date. For all other information regarding indications, contraindications and side effects, check with the doctor who prescribed the complex composition.

Pros and Cons of Complex Drops

If rhinitis does not want to recede, then the doctor will prescribe complex nasal drops. These advantages include the following:

  • drops are cheaper than modern combined products;
  • efficiency;
  • general availability;
  • individual selection of all medicinal substances, taking into account the possibility of allergies;
  • drops can be easily prepared at home.

The disadvantages include the following indicators:

  • violation of the rules for the preparation of drops at home (non-compliance with the rules of sterility);
  • the possibility of incorrect preparation of drops (formulation error, or, for example, an inaccurately selected component);
  • inconvenience in preparation (it is always easier to use a ready-made preparation);
  • lack of clinical trials for the drug;
  • the possibility of unforeseen side effects;
  • drops often contain unusual products that are not used to make standard nasal drops;
  • risk of high blood pressure;
  • the possibility of systemic action on the body;
  • short shelf life;
  • undesirable use of drops in children under 5 years of age.

The composition of complex drops most often includes drugs of the following groups:

  • antihistamines;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • antibacterial;
  • hormonal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulating;
  • antiviral;
  • homeopathic;
  • vegetable origin.

The selection of complex drops is performed by a doctor. If the cause of rhinitis is clearly established, for example, snot appeared as a result of a viral infection, then antiviral, vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory groups will be the drugs of choice.

In allergic rhinitis, antihistamine, immunomodulating, hormonal components are added to complex drops, and antibacterial agents are not shown in this composition.

Most often, vasoconstrictors are present in all complex drops, because. they relieve puffiness, improve breathing and allow a sick child or adult to breathe calmly through the nose.

Anti-inflammatory drops are always included in the composition when there is a pronounced inflammatory process. The child complains not only of local symptoms of rhinitis, but also of general malaise, headache. Objectively, the presence of an increase in body temperature.

Hormonal drops - emergency medicines. They are used only in cases where other means are powerless, or their effectiveness is short-lived.

First of all, parents should clearly know and navigate which components the doctor prescribed for the child. Vasoconstrictor drugs improve breathing and relieve swelling, antibacterial and viral drugs kill bacteria and viruses, respectively, cleansing the mucous membrane from pathogenic microorganisms, and antiallergic drops relieve an allergic reaction.

As for hormonal drugs, they should be prescribed only after examining the child, because their effect is strong enough. Hormonal drops solve three problems at once: they relieve swelling, inflammation and allergies.

What components are often used in complex drops?

The most common components for the preparation of complex nasal drops are physiological saline, water as a base, as well as antiseptics: dioxidine, protargol, furacilin, collargol. WHO does not recommend the use of silver-based solutions (protargol or collargol) up to 5 years, although in practice they are used by otolaryngologists even before the permissible age.

Another common component is suprastin and diphenhydramine. These drugs inhibit the development of allergic reactions, thereby reducing itching, swelling, burning, redness and other allergy symptoms.

For vasoconstriction, complex drops can include such agents as: mezaton, naphazoline, adrenaline, farmazolin, and others. If vasoconstrictor drugs are used in drops, it must be remembered that the period of their use should not exceed 5 days.

As antibacterial agents, lincomycin, gentamicin, and penicillin preparations are added to complex drops. Sulfonamides are also used, for example, sodium sulfacyl, although this agent is intended for ophthalmology.

In severe rhinitis, complex nasal drops are often used, consisting of hydrocortisone (glucocorticoid) and dioxidine (antiseptic). This composition allows you to quickly remove inflammation, swelling and allergies.

Complex nasal drops can be supplemented not only with hydrocortisone, but also with other hormonal drugs, for example, dexamethasone. In childhood, it is better to use ready-made hormonal preparations for the nose, such as baconase, nasonex, aldetsin, nasobek and others.

Complex drops may also include vitamins A and E, herbal extracts, essential oils.

The proportions of complex nasal drops for children are determined only by a pediatric otolaryngologist or an experienced pediatrician.

How long are complex drops stored?

Recommendations on this matter are sometimes contradictory. Some doctors recommend using the drops for only therapeutic therapy, a maximum of 7-10 days, but there are also opinions that the drops are quite suitable for up to 30 days if stored in the refrigerator.

If complex drops were ordered at a pharmacy, then the date of manufacture and shelf life will be indicated on the bottle with the solution.

How to prepare complex drops and quickly get rid of a runny nose

Before using complex and combined drops, be sure to rinse the child's nose with saline or any pharmacy solution based on sea water (quix, aqualor, salin).

After instillation, ask the child to blow his nose well. After 5 minutes, you can use a complex composition, just 1-2 drops for each nostril. This procedure is repeated three times a day.

So, the runny nose does not go away for a long time, the green snot "lingered" in the nose, or the allergy came into its own, and tormented by obsessive sneezing. For the treatment of such conditions in children, doctors recommend recipes for the most popular complex drops, we offer them to your attention.

Recipe #1

Prolonged runny nose in children can be overcome with the following composition: it is necessary to take equally 0.05% naphthyzine and dioxidine. Adenoiditis is a direct appointment for these drops.

Recipe number 2

  • mezaton 1% - 1 ml;
  • lincomycin 30% - 2 ml;
  • hydrocartisone 2.5% - 2 ml;
  • dioxidine 0.05% - 5 ml.

Recipe No. 3 Complex nose drops: dioxidine + dexamethasone + diphenhydramine + naphthyzinum

  • naphthyzine - 1/2 bottle;
  • dexamethasone and diphenhydramine (1 ampoule each);
  • dioxidine 0.05% - 1/2 ampoules.

Sometimes you can also find alarming formulations, where a number of drugs are indiscriminately placed, for example: cefazolin + aloe + naphthyzinum + dexamethasone + diphenhydramine + water.

To be honest, even adults should be cautious about prescribing such a mixture. If you received a similar prescription from a doctor, be sure to consult another specialist of a similar profile.

Recipe number 4 - the composition of complex drops in the nose for sinusitis in children

For the treatment of pediatric sinusitis, the following composition is suitable, the basis of which is penicillin (500 thousand units). An ampoule of hydrocartisone, 7 ml of children's naphthyzinum and 0.5 ml of water (boiled or distilled) are added to it.

Recipe number 5

  • sulfacyl sodium and dexamethasone (5 ml each);
  • tavegil (1 ml);
  • adrenaline 0.1% - 1/2 ml.

Recipe #6

  • dioxidine 0.05% (10 ml);
  • hydrocartisone 2.5% (2 ml);
  • mezaton 1% (1ml);

Note! Dioxidine is recommended for use in adult practice, this is indicated in the official instructions. But in ENT hospitals, doctors allow its use with a pronounced infection of the nasopharynx, only then a 0.05% solution of this remedy is suitable. So always pay attention to this percentage. Dioxidine 1% is used only after 18 years.

Dioxidine is often included in complex mixtures, without thinking that this substance is capable of causing atrophic conditions of the mucosa due to its overdrying. For children, dioxidine drops should be administered in short cycles.

It is not difficult to see that all the recipes are quite similar. There is a certain replacement of some components for others. In each individual case, only the doctor knows how to strengthen the composition of the prescription, for example, with an antibiotic or an antihistamine.

Recipe for nose drops for children


All that you read above is not a reason to run to the pharmacy and urgently make a panacea for a protracted runny nose. This is just information for parents, a clear example of what can be prescribed in children's medical institutions for the treatment of a cold for a child. Forewarned is forearmed.

Even without a medical education, parents should be guided in which cases it is possible to get by with mono preparations, and in which it is impossible. Often, doctors immediately resort to strong drops even with a very harmless runny nose, ostensibly for the purpose of prevention, but this is absolutely impossible to do!

For the initial stages of a runny nose, always use harmless nasal rinses such as saline and herbal nasal rinses. If necessary, add a vasoconstrictor for three days so that the child can sleep and breathe peacefully, for example, tizin.

And if the child has yellow or green snot, but the body temperature is normal, it is recommended to include protargol solution in the treatment, which is instilled 5 minutes after tizin.

As a traditional medicine, Kalanchoe juice, diluted 1: 1 with water, is perfect. If possible, you can take a course of laser therapy on the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. With the ineffectiveness of such methods of treatment, they resort to more aggressive therapy - antibiotics and complex drops. Do not be ill!

This is a special composition, consisting of different medicinal components, which is prepared strictly according to the requirements for the treatment of a particular sick person. The ingredients taken for the drug depend on the patient's condition and his diagnosis, as well as the individual characteristics of the organism.

Features of treatment with drops

The amount of the drug to be taken and the concentration of its constituent substances depend on the age category of the patient. The composition should be determined by an otolaryngologist in the hospital. The choice of drops on their own is not allowed, especially when it comes to a child.

This is explained by the fact that there are incompatible drugs. Categorically contraindicated at a certain age and in certain conditions. There are also restrictions in the appointment of certain drugs. Only a specialist can make a prescription reasonably for each patient. In each prescription written by a doctor, the proportions of all ingredients for each specific case will be correctly combined. Further in the article, we will offer you 10 options for composing complex drops.

In what situations the doctor will prescribe complex drops

They can consist of two substances or more. Specialist otolaryngologist - creates prescriptions for patients, and it is made by pharmaceutical experts according to the list provided. Such medicine is prepared by large pharmacies. If there is a desire to prepare the drops yourself, the patient must first go for a consultation with a doctor.

Situations when you need to start taking drops:

  • in the absence of improvements from therapy with ready-made complex preparations;
  • the patient's condition worsens even with treatment;
  • the disease has become a chronic condition or has a protracted course;
  • you need to prescribe drugs in the complex for taking at the same time;
  • a disease of a combined type of origin;
  • severe rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media, nasopharyngitis - all these diagnoses are indications for use.

What is the drug made from?

The composition of the drops may include various substances:

  • narrowing vessels of the nose;
  • anti-allergic components;
  • preparations containing hormones;
  • antibacterial drugs.

Let's look at why the doctor prescribes drugs that have the effect of vasoconstriction.

These drugs are used to:

  • minimize the resulting mucosal edema;
  • provide air access to the paranasal sinuses, "breaking through" the nasal passages;
  • help the passage of secretions from the nose;
  • vasoconstricting ingredients are the base, as they add effectiveness to the rest of the components, removing swelling in the nasal passages.

Antihistamine-based preparations are mandatory added for allergic inflammations. They also tend to relieve pronounced edema, as they can constrict blood vessels.

Antibiotics - added for inflammation of a bacterial nature, such substances kill infectious agents. The main indicator for the use of antibiotics is the discharge of a purulent nature with an unpleasant odor, as well as in the case of an exacerbated stage of the disease. Mucus in such cases is green.

The substances that make up the drug for the common cold can be very different.

In childhood, Furacilin can be used as a local antiseptic.

Glucocorticosteroids - constrict blood vessels, relieve swelling. These are anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory drugs used in infectious and allergic diseases.

How to make complex drops

Consider the best ways to create complex drops.

First way

Often in medical practice, the following composition is used: half an ampoule - Dioxidine, Dexamethasone, Naphthyzinum - one ampoule each.

If an edema of an infectious nature occurs, you can take Naphthyzin, combine it with Dioxidin one to one.

Second way

Aloe plant juice is a natural element, has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, so it is added to the composition of complex drops.
. A mixture of the drug is prepared from Dioxidin, to which Dexamethasone is added in a ratio of ten to one, then 2 ml of aloe juice is added here. A small disadvantage is the short period of use. Such a composition should not be stored in a cold place for more than 3 days. Therefore, it is better to cook a small portion, and after the expiration date, prepare the next one.

Third way

Also a fairly popular recipe in practice: ten milliliters of Dioxidine plus 2 milliliters of Hydrocortisone, add 1 ml of Methasone to this. To increase the ability to resist inflammation, you can add 1 ml of aloe juice.

Fourth way

The doctor can combine Dioxidin with Hydrocortisone and Farmazolin 5:2:5.

Fifth way

Sixth way

If breathing through the nose is impossible and there is a strong swelling of the nasal passages, then the drug is prepared from: one Dioxidine ampoule, 1/2 vial of Naphthyzinum, one Dexamethasone ampoule, one Diphenhydramine ampoule.

Seventh way

It is characteristic of a runny nose with pus that overtook the child. In this case, complex drops are prepared for children from: 5 milliliters of Dioxidine, 1 milliliter of Hydrocortisone plus 5 milliliters of Sulfacyl is added to it. Children require the use of Dioxidin half-percent and Sulfacyl twenty-percent.

Another recipe for children provides for a mixture of ten milliliters of Naphthyzinum and ten milliliters of Miramistin, one milliliter of Dexamethasone is added to this.

Eighth way

Dexamethasone - 1 milliliter plus 5 milliliters of Dioxidine plus 15 drops of Nazivin - reduce severe swelling, provide air access to the sinuses in case of sinusitis.

Ninth way

The following composition of drops has a good effect: 10 milliliters of Xylen is mixed with 5 milliliters of Dioxidine and Dexamethasone in ampoules.

Tenth way

Antibiotic-containing drugs are used for bacterial inflammation, which are often prepared in equal proportions: Dexamethasone plus Ceftriaxone plus saline.

Compositions with Ceftriaxone are suitable for adults and children. In equal proportions with adenoids, it is mixed with Dexamethosone and Naphthyzinum.

Another good antibiotic prescription: 1 vial of Cefazolin plus 5 milliliters of Farmazolin plus 2 milliliters of Hydrocortisone plus 10 milliliters of saline. If the edema is strong, add another 1 milliliter of Dimedrol.

Inhalations with a nebulizer filled with Gentamicin and saline will enhance the effect and bring recovery closer.

Complex drops containing Lincomycin in the composition are mixed with Diphenhydramine or Suprastin, and a vial of Vibrocil is added there.

The composition of complex drops may include glucocorticosteroids, such as Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Bordizon.

The subtleties of preparing complex drops in the nose

It is contraindicated in a strict order to select the compositions of children's drugs without the participation of a doctor. For small children under 3 years old, such drugs are prescribed in the most extreme cases.

The process of treating the disease should be strictly controlled by a specialist.

Components should be selected taking into account the presence of allergic reactions, age categories, as well as contraindications to the use of the drug.

It is always necessary to take into account the percentage composition of the drug, which is taken to prepare the suspension.

  1. Children are prescribed only half-percent Dioxidin, and older ones - one percent.
  2. 0.1 percent Xilen - only from the age of 6. Before reaching it, take 0.05.
  3. For babies, twenty percent Sulfacyl is included.
  4. Dexamethasone is used 0.1 percent, Hydrocortisone - 2.5 percent.
  5. Farmazolin for babies 0.05 percent concentration, 0.1 percent - exclusively for older people with severe swelling of the mucous membrane.
  6. Diphenhydramine one percent.
  7. up to 1 year old children Nazivin - 0.01 percent, up to 6 years old - 0.025 percent, from 6 years old - 0.05 percent.
  8. children Naphthyzin - 0.05 percent, older - 0.1.
  9. Mezaton is used in a one percent concentration.

The medicine will bring the greatest benefit if you clean the passages from pathological mucus, it is possible for children to do this with a special pear. A very good rinsing effect is given by a weak saline solution. If dryness and burning sensation occur in the nasal passages, you can drip the nose with sea buckthorn or peach oil, they will soften the sensations, and also apply a warm solution with Lidaza.

Application restrictions

There are a number of contraindications to the adoption of certain components of the drops by patients. Let's take a look at them.

  • Recipes with Dioxidin are contraindicated for people suffering from impaired adrenal function, expectant mothers, and lactating women.
  • Vibrocil is contraindicated in people who are allergic to this component. Atrophic rhinitis is also a contraindication. Breastfeeding and future mothers are also included in the group of people who are not recommended to take this component.
  • Diphenhydramine, which is part of alkaline nose drops, should not be used by nursing mothers and women who are expecting a baby, newborns, people with glaucoma, prostate enlargement, digestive ulcers. Suprastin is contraindicated in patients with asthma, patients with glaucoma. Also with arrhythmia, increased heart rate.
  • Xylene is contraindicated for use if it is not accepted by a separate organism. Hypertension of the arteries, tachycardia, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, rhinitis are contraindications for the use of Xylen. Patients with chronic rhinitis should not take it for more than three days. When prescribing the composition to women during feeding, feeding is stopped. It is prescribed to expectant mothers only as a last resort, by a qualified specialist and no more than for a few days.
  • Farmazolin is contraindicated in glaucoma, rhinitis, palpitations, atherosclerosis, hypertension, arterial hyperthyroidism.
  • Nazivin - with the aforementioned glaucoma, diabetes, atherosclerosis, increased heart rate, pheochromocytoma, hyperthyroidism.
  • Naphthyzine should not be used with increased heart rate, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis.
  • Miramistin is not prescribed for people who suffer from an allergic reaction to this component.
  • Gentamicin cannot be prescribed to expectant mothers, nursing women, newly born babies. Also, patients with severe kidney dysfunction, severe liver dysfunction, and uremia cannot take it. Gentamicin is also contraindicated in people with hearing neuritis.
  • Sulfacil is not prescribed for intolerance to certain patients who are allergic.
  • Lincomycin is contraindicated in expectant mothers, nursing women, as well as those who are allergic to this drug, or have severe kidney dysfunction.

Side effects of the drug

Complicated nose drops when applied can confront us with some side effects.

  1. The most frequent complaints: the appearance of dryness of the nasal mucosa, a burning sensation, "dryness, hardness" of the air. Such symptoms occur when Dioxidine is taken.
  2. Bleeding from the nose can be a side effect. Older people have a percentage of the risk of developing glaucoma.
  3. Rarely, palpitations, weakness, nausea, and general malaise may occur.
  4. Changes in heart rate can also be a reaction to drugs.

In order not to get unwanted complications from the use of nasal drops, you must follow the instructions for use:

  • do not bury the composition for more than 5 days;
  • listen and act as prescribed by the doctor;
  • adhere to the prescribed dosage and characteristic features of the application;
  • if the tool was compiled at home, you should strictly follow the instructions.

Complex drops or well-known advertised drugs from the shelves of pharmacies - which is better

The main advantage of complex drops is the low price and availability compared to ready-made preparations. Another good reason to give preference to complex drops is the individuality in the appointment. The doctor can take into account all the needs and condition of the patient and write out an individual prescription for him.

The disadvantage of the drug is not research in the field of safety of the use of these drugs, as well as their effectiveness.

That is why most people take proven, researched drugs in pharmacies. Especially when it comes to treating a child.

There are parents who believe that the doctor is experimenting on the child by writing such prescriptions. But they do not take into account that when buying a ready-made combined product with a beautiful label, a child may also experience an allergic manifestation or various abnormal reactions.

Summing up, it is not possible to say with certainty which is better - complex drops or combined preparations.

The medicine must be chosen, guided by reason, and taking into account individuality. The medicine chosen at one's own discretion can only do harm. For help, you should immediately go to a specialist who will prescribe the appropriate medication for each patient.