Inflammation of the vocal cords in dogs. Laryngitis in dogs: symptoms and treatment


Respiratory adenovirus (infectious laryngotracheitis) - infection, which is accompanied by damage to the upper respiratory tract and lungs, lymphoid tissue and eyes. The causative agent of the infection is the DNA virus Adenovirus canine type 2 (CAV-2), of the Adenoviridae family.

In the dog's body, the gates of infection are the upper respiratory tract and conjunctiva. Incubation period lasts 2-5 days. Basic Clinical signs diseases - conjunctivitis, sneezing, nasal discharge and paroxysmal dry cough, the nature of which gives the impression that the animal is choking. The cough is sometimes accompanied by sputum production and vomiting. Fever (39-40 C), apathy, refusal to feed, and shortness of breath may be observed. Summoned viral infection pharyngitis and bronchitis are often complicated by secondary bacterial infections, leading to the development of bronchopneumonia, which makes the course of the disease more severe.

Infectious tracheobronchitis most often occurs in areas large cluster animals (nurseries, animal walking areas, pet stores). The disease occurs at any age, but is especially severe in puppies aged 6 weeks to 6 months. The main source of adenovirus in dogs is sick individuals that secrete the virus during external environment. In cities, the main reservoir of infection is stray dogs. In nurseries or in crowded conditions, epizootics can reach 75% of the total number of animals and be accompanied by mortality (from 35%). In addition to dogs, arctic foxes, foxes, wolves, and jackals are also affected. Routes of transmission of the virus: oral (dietary), respiratory (airborne), transplacental.


To make a final diagnosis, you need laboratory research to differentiate adenovirosis from other acute respiratory diseases. For analysis, swabs are taken from the conjunctiva of the eyes or the nasal mucosa.

On early stage diseases reveal a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood, characteristic of tracheobronchitis viral etiology. With the development of pneumonia, neutrophilic leukocytosis with a shift of the formula to the left is noted. Biochemical analysis blood usually without deviations from the norm.

X-ray examination chest allows you to exclude a number of non-infectious causes of cough. With the development of pneumonia, focal or diffuse darkening is detected by X-ray.

Treatment consists of the use of antiviral, antibacterial, immunomodulatory agents and agents symptomatic therapy. Physical exercise during the period of therapy should also be reduced.


Prevention of the disease is timely vaccination and proper care of the pet. It is recommended to wash paws after walking outside, as well as antiseptic treatment places of keeping and animal care items. Avoid contact with sick animals and stray dogs.

Dogs relatively rarely suffer from truly serious illnesses respiratory organs, but sometimes this also occurs. Small domestic dogs, especially short-haired dogs, are especially prone to such misfortunes. These people most often develop laryngitis. In dogs, this disease is relatively mild, but it should not be neglected.

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx, which can occur due to many reasons. Most often, these include banal hypothermia. Many dog ​​owners are still under the misconception that dogs can handle the cold well. That’s right, but don’t confuse a seasoned husky with a tiny, smooth-haired terrier, which is walked in the piercing gusts of the winter wind. After such “exercise”, not only laryngitis, even pneumonia is quite possible!

Very important! If you have read at least some special literature for dog breeders, then you probably remember that it is inadmissible to feed dogs too hot food. These instructions were developed for a reason! Paradoxical as it may seem, laryngitis may well occur after your dog, returning from a walk, gorges on hot porridge. So watch your dog's diet!

Of course, we cannot discount various infections, side effect which may well become the same laryngitis. Eg, frequent lesions respiratory organs are deservedly “famous” for the same plague of carnivores or rhinotracheitis. In some cases, laryngitis can be caused by poisoning with certain poisons. However, in the latter case, inflammation of the larynx is the last thing a dog owner should worry about. Constant inhalation of polluted, dusty air, which is especially typical for urban conditions, greatly contributes to the occurrence of this disease.

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Other predisposing factors

Very often, long-suffering breeds with a shortened skull suffer from laryngitis: bulldogs, pugs, mastiffs, etc., etc. It “happened” that way, but when these breeds were bred, they accumulated many problems with the structure of the upper respiratory tract. Bulldogs suffer from pneumonia much more often than other breeds, let alone simple laryngitis.

Important! Don't forget about allergies. IN last years dog breeders in major cities note that cases of allergic causes of many diseases of the upper respiratory tract are becoming more common.

Main features

Are there any symptoms to help make a diagnosis? Yes, and there are not so few of them. Here are the main ones:

  • Severe, hacking and dry cough. Unlike bronchitis, it remains dry and painful for a long time, and there is no sputum production. Its attacks can be so severe that dogs vomit.
  • A distinctive sign of laryngitis is an increase in cough during eating.
  • If nothing is done, the cough “moisturizes” and the inflammatory process begins to go down. The result is shortness of breath, wheezing, and general weakness of the animal.

In some cases, spontaneous remission (improvement) is possible. The dog appears to be quite healthy, and the only reminders of recent problems are slightly labored breathing and wheezing. Be carefull! This is exactly how it appears chronic laryngitis in dogs. In this case, the disease “goes underground” and manifests itself when the animal’s immunity deteriorates. Be sure to take your pet to the veterinarian even if it is bright pronounced signs disappeared.

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You've probably noticed that none of these signs are particularly specific. And therefore correct positioning diagnosis is only possible in a well-equipped veterinary clinic. At home, you will not be able to distinguish pneumonia from severe laryngitis, since many of the symptoms of these pathologies are very similar. Finally, do not practice folk remedies! If your dog really has pneumonia (and it is not always pronounced), then with long and unprofessional “medicine” you will simply bring your dog to the grave, allowing the pathogenic microflora to completely “finish off” his body.

Preventive actions

In general, laryngitis is a disease of those dogs whose owners do not pay due attention to the conditions of keeping their four-legged pets. To ensure that your dog never gets it, there is not much you need to do. Firstly, do not give your pet too hot or cold food, do not take your dog for a walk if it is very cold and windy outside.

In urban conditions, it is more difficult to protect a dog from damage to the larynx, but even in this case there are more or less reliable methods. First of all, do not walk with your dog near highways. Try, if possible, to use forest parks for exercise. Fresh air will clearly benefit not only you, but also your tailed friend. Another danger of city apartments, dry air, can also be eliminated. To do this, you just need to buy a cheap humidifier. For “aesthetes” we can recommend an aquarium.

Laryngitis in animals is a disease accompanied by inflammation in the larynx, which is located between the pharynx and trachea. The larynx consists of a system of paired and unpaired cartilages, and the vocal cords are located in its cavity. There are primary and secondary, acute and chronic, catarrhal and lobar laryngitis.

This disease may be caused various injuries in the neck area, as well as some viral and bacterial infections. Symptoms of laryngitis in dogs and cats are usually a change in voice, difficulty breathing, a dry cough caused by swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, pharynx and trachea, as well as a narrowing of the glottis. In this case, laryngotracheitis (in dogs) and laryngopharyngitis (in cats) are most often diagnosed. There are primary and secondary, acute and chronic, catarrhal and croupous.

Trauma to the larynx can be either internal, caused by bones, sticks, metal objects, or an endotracheal tube, or external. The latter occurs when bitten by other animals, wounds in the neck, or suffocation. In such cases, prompt assistance is necessary veterinary care animal with subsequent symptomatic treatment(antibiotic therapy, decongestant therapy, sufficient oxygenation of the body).

Laryngitis in dogs can be caused by the following viral diseases:

  • Adenovirus(“aviary cough”) is a highly contagious viral-bacterial disease, mainly transmitted by airborne droplets. The main symptoms are a dry cough, even vomiting, and a change in voice. During the treatment period, antibiotics, immunostimulants, and expectorants are prescribed. The prognosis is good.
  • Carnivore plague(pulmonary form), which is accompanied by the development of laryngotracheobronchitis and pneumonia. The main symptoms are cough, first dry, then wet, purulent nasal discharge, hyperthermia. Treatment is symptomatic, with a cautious prognosis.
  • Mycoplasmosis– a virus that is a zooanthroponosis, that is, transmitted from animals to humans. It can lead not only to laryngitis, but also to the development of pneumonia, conjunctivitis, with symptoms including coughing, voice changes and lacrimation. Treatment of laryngitis in animals caused by this virus is carried out with a specific antibiotic. The prognosis is good.

Viral diseases that cause laryngitis in cats:

  • Calcivirosis characterized by the formation of ulcers in oral cavity and throat, discharge from the nose and eyes, change in voice. Treatment is symptomatic, accompanied by antibiotics, immunostimulants, and sanitation of the oral cavity. The prognosis is good.
  • Rhinotracheitis– inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, which may cause sneezing, coughing, nasal discharge and conjunctivitis. Treatment is also symptomatic (antibiotics, immunostimulants, sanitation of the nasal passages). The prognosis is good.
  • Mycoplasmosis– symptoms, consequences and treatment are similar to those described above for dogs.

I would especially like to highlight neurological disorders functions of the larynx - paralysis, cut of the larynx, which are classic symptoms of rabies (so-called hydrophobia).

Non-infectious inflammatory reactions of the laryngeal mucosa may occur:

  • With allergic laryngitis. In this case, swelling of the larynx and pharynx is observed, shortness of breath and a hoarse cough are possible. Treatment is with antihistamines and hormonal drugs. Prognosis for timely treatment good.
  • When inhaling toxic fumes and smoke, which is accompanied by the development chemical burn larynx and manifests itself as a dry cough and swelling of the mucous membrane. Treatment is prescribed symptomatically, using antibiotics, antitussives, sanitation of the pharynx and larynx. The forecast is cautious.
  • At breed predisposition– brachiocephali, which are characterized by stenosis (narrowing) of the larynx.
  • Prolonged barking.

Prevention of the development of laryngitis in pets is timely vaccination, proper feeding(without bones), no sharp jerks with the collar (it is better to use a harness), and no bad habits from the owners (it is not recommended to smoke in rooms where animals are located).

The disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Laryngitis in dogs can be: primary, secondary, acute and chronic, croupous and catarrhal. Laryngotracheitis is most often diagnosed in dogs.

The causes of laryngitis may be drinking too much cold water, especially in the heat, prolonged barking and food injuries. Prolonged exposure of the dog to drafts, in a damp room or in the rain, in a room where there are a lot of harmful fumes, when eating frozen meat, as well as during an ineptly performed procedure for probing the esophagus. Laryngitis occurs secondary to certain diseases. Subsequently, inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa occurs, it swells and becomes inflamed, the epithelium is rejected, hemorrhages and mucus appear. Microorganisms begin to multiply rapidly and poison the dog’s body with decay products (toxins).

Secondary causes, viral diseases:

Adenovirosis, or “aviary cough,” is a highly contagious disease transmitted by airborne droplets. The main signs are severe persistent cough, up to vomiting and change in voice. Antibiotics, expectorants and immunostimulants are used. With timely treatment, the prognosis is good;

Carnivore plague in pulmonary form is accompanied by the development of laryngotracheobronchitis in the dog. Cough, initially dry, then wet with purulent discharge from the nose. High temperature. Treatment is symptomatic with a cautious prognosis;

Mycoplasmosis. It is transmitted from animals to humans and leads not only to laryngitis, but also to the development of pneumonia and conjunctivitis. Dogs experience voice changes and watery eyes. The prognosis is good when treated with a specific antibiotic.

A sign of laryngitis becomes characteristic change barking, shortness of breath, and in severe cases suffocation may occur. At the very beginning, the dog develops a painful, hacking and dry cough, which intensifies when leaving the room or, conversely, when entering it. The basis for making a diagnosis of laryngitis will be characteristic symptoms: coughing attacks, inflammation of the mucous membrane, soreness in the larynx and voice changes.

Symptoms of laryngitis: cough, hoarse barking, depression, lack of appetite. The temperature is within normal limits or low-grade, breathing and pulse are increased. The dog is forced to lie with with an outstretched neck to reduce painful sensations and breathe normally. When palpating the retropharyngeal space, cough and pain occur.

Laryngitis in dogs treatment

Treatment of laryngitis is carried out comprehensively with the obligatory elimination of the cause of the disease. The dog is placed in a warm, draft-free place and prescribed rest and a gentle diet. The inflamed larynx is irrigated with astringent solutions, antibiotic therapy, UV irradiation and UHF therapy are prescribed. If severe swelling occurs that threatens the dog with suffocation, a tracheotomy is performed.

To prevent the occurrence of the disease, the dog is not kept in damp and cold rooms, and is not given water. ice water, and also prevent the possibility of inhaling dust, gases and mechanical damage larynx. Timely vaccination will help avoid viral diseases, proper feeding and maintenance. During walks, you should not pull the leash often, as the collar injures the larynx, and you should not smoke where the animals are.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor.

How dangerous is laryngitis in dogs?

If severe swelling occurs, the dog suffocates and may die due to a simple lack of air.

How can you prevent laryngitis of viral origin?

Only timely vaccination. When carrying out procedures according to the accepted scheme, there is a risk of infection viral diseases practically disappears, so laryngitis is impossible.

What temperature should the water in a dog's bowl be to avoid laryngitis?

Room temperature, and if the dog is kept in a cold room, especially in winter outside, warm. You can't give me something to drink ice water, especially a hot dog after a walk.

Veterinary center "DobroVet"

The dog is the most common pet. Her devotion and loyalty are a feature that is individual and not shared by other pets. She's different high degree friendliness and kindness towards their owners. In case of danger, he can resolutely enter into battle with the offender. But the animal is also susceptible to diseases, which makes it vulnerable. Pets can often suffer from laryngitis.

Signs and symptoms of laryngitis in dogs

Laryngitis is a disease characterized by inflammatory process with clear localization in the larynx. The mucous tissue of the larynx is directly affected. The process can be either acute (primary) or chronic (secondary). In addition, veterinarians distinguish between lobar and catarrhal form laryngitis

If the problem is not eliminated, a complication arises in the form of inflammation of the trachea itself. Tracheitis and laryngitis will be called laryngotracheitis and will require comprehensive and long-term treatment. Animals are vulnerable to this disease, usually during the cold season.

The cause of the primary form of laryngitis can be sudden hypothermia of the animal, or ingestion of frozen foods. If the place where the dog rests is in a draft, there is also a risk of becoming hostage to the disease. In addition to these factors, the disease can be provoked by:

  • Food too hot.
  • Poor quality drinking water.
  • Availability construction dust in the inhaled air.
  • Gas pollution.
  • Taking medications containing alcohol.

The secondary form of laryngitis can occur as a direct complication of existing diseases:

  1. Mycoplasmosis.
  2. Plague.
  3. Adenovirus.

Symptoms of the disease can include manifestations of several signs. But the most obvious one is the cough, which at first is loud, dry, sharp and painful. After a certain period of time, the cough differentiates and becomes severe, wet, which sometimes provokes a vomiting attack in the animal. Signs of the disease may intensify when eating warm food, drinking, active walking, or running.

When examining a dog, a veterinarian can diagnose laryngitis if, when using a stethoscope, there is:

  • Rheezing in the chest.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Heavy inhalation.

When palpating the neck area, a painful reaction of the animal is possible. The most severe form of laryngitis is considered lobar. It is difficult for animals to tolerate and is characterized by the presence high temperature, trembling muscles, heavy breathing, apathy, refusal to eat and drink, possible cyanosis of the mucous membranes, swelling.


At timely application V veterinary clinic The prognosis for the animal is favorable. At the first signs of laryngitis, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is also necessary to provide the dog with optimal and comfortable conditions V home environment. Provide a warm, dry place with good ventilation but no draft.

If the weather outside is rainy, damp and cold, you should step away from daily walks for a period acute condition. The water in the drinking bowl should be room temperature or slightly warm. The diet needs to be adjusted:

  • Limit intake of solid and spicy foods.
  • The temperature of the food should be warm.
  • Soup and porridge are the diet in the first days of illness.
  • It is acceptable to give your dog chamomile decoction as a natural antiseptic.
  • Be sure to include vitamin intake.

If the disease is severe and there are signs of joining bacterial infection, it is permissible for a veterinarian to prescribe antibiotics in combination with antiallergic drugs, which reduce the degree of inflammation and reduce swelling of the laryngeal mucosa. The most common drugs are suprastin, diazolin, fenkarol, tavegil.

The veterinarian may prescribe injections in the form of 10 percent calcium chloride. It is permissible to spray the mucous membranes with special oil solutions and rinsing. It is also possible to prescribe physical procedures.

Due to the fact that laryngitis is a disease that most often results from improper care, in order to avoid its occurrence it is necessary to properly monitor your pet. It is not permissible to place the dog, especially while sleeping, in a cold, damp place with a constant draft.

IN summer time This year, you should avoid bathing your dog in icy ponds or dousing it with hoses filled with low-temperature water. It is not permissible to give your dog ice water, and it is also prohibited to give frozen food with ice. Feeding the animal with solid food, including bones, is strictly prohibited, as a traumatic form of laryngitis may occur. Upon admission alcohol-containing medications, they must first be diluted in water.