How to pump up the pectoral muscles. Push-ups with narrow arms

The most effective chest workout requires sports equipment: benches, barbells, dumbbells and various exercise equipment. All this is a must in every gym. For those who for some reason do not have the opportunity to visit the gym, it will be interesting to learn how to pump up the pectoral muscles at home.

The pectoral (pectoral) muscles consist of the following symmetrical groups, each of which includes:

The large and small muscles provide adduction and flexion of the arms in the shoulder joint, as well as partially turning the arms inward. The chest is conditionally divided into upper, middle and lower sections. They also highlight the inner part, which can be pumped separately. The middle part actively works with any exercises, and the lower and, especially, the upper parts require an accentuated load. Chest training is very energy-intensive, so it can be used to burn excess fatty tissue.

A tight work schedule, business trips, inconvenient location of the gym, unwillingness to work in a team and a number of other arguments can be reasons not to visit the gym, but should not become reasons to refuse a beautiful and strong figure. You can do it with no less success at home. Of greater importance is not the place of employment, but the diligence and determination of the athlete.

Training mode

When asked how many times a week you need to pump the pectoral muscles, the answer is simple: you can’t train daily. Any strength exercises for the chest, performed every day, can harm a beautiful figure. During training, the muscles work actively and receive a lot of microtraumas, after which time is needed for the restoration of muscle fibers, the production of protein, which will form a new muscle mass. Systematic overload of the pectoral muscles will not give good results.

If the muscles continue to hurt badly, the workout should be postponed until the discomfort stops. That is why the optimal amount is one to two workouts per week. The total number of sets for all chest exercises should be from 4 to 8. For beginners, one or two exercises of 2-3 sets will be enough.


It is quite enough to do push-ups regularly to pump up the pectoral muscles. In fact, this is a variation of the bench press and here it is also possible to shift the load to the upper or lower chest by changing the angle of the body. It's no secret to anyone that push-ups from the floor are an excellent general developmental exercise. Not only the pectoral muscles are worked out, but also the deltas and triceps muscles of the hands, ensuring the proportional development of the upper body. Additionally, there is a contraction of the abdominal muscles, and in a static position, the muscles of the legs and back are involved.

You can limit yourself to push-ups if you want to pump up your chest at home, but there is no desire or time to do the rest of the exercises. The effect, although small, will still be felt after a few weeks of regular training.

Narrow push-ups

Close-grip push-ups can be used to develop strength and work the inside of the chest. The starting position in this case, as with ordinary push-ups, but the hands must be placed in such a way that the fingers of one hand slightly touch the fingers of the other. When performing, it is necessary to lower yourself until the chest touches the hands, and before moving up, maintain a second pause.

Push-ups on stools

A more effective way to pump up the pectoral muscles with push-ups is as follows. You need to put 2 stools about shoulder width apart. Take the starting position, as with push-ups from the floor, only place your hands on stools, and your legs on another elevation, for example, a sofa or chair. At the same time, place your palms slightly wider than your shoulders.

Dropping as low as possible between the stools, perform 3-4 sets of 10-12 push-ups. Breaks between sets should be approximately 2-3 minutes. If the exercise is too easy, do not increase the number of repetitions, it is better to use additional weights. To do this, you can use, for example, a backpack with books.

Push-ups with forward bend

The essence of the exercise is to position the legs above the level of the head. To do this, take emphasis on outstretched arms, placing them shoulder-width apart. Put your feet on a stool, sofa or other available elevation. This exercise targets the upper chest, as well as the triceps and delts.

As for how to pump your chest correctly, then, doing push-ups from the floor, try to spread your elbows to the sides in order to provide more load to the chest muscles, and not to the triceps. Thus, you can pump up your chest faster with push-ups.

  • As you inhale, slowly lower your arms until your elbows touch the floor.
  • After a pause, while exhaling, raise your arms with dumbbells to the starting position.
    • Try to spread your elbows out to the sides to maximize the use of the pectoral muscles.
    • Lower your arms slowly so as not to hit your elbows on the floor.

    Finally, I would like to note that the right decision would be to purchase a folding athletic bench. This will allow you to perform isolated exercises with dumbbells and help you pump up your chest more effectively at home. You can even buy such a bench in the online store.

    In this article we will talk about how to pump up the pectoral muscles. Powerful and beautiful. And, of course, let's start with how these muscles are arranged.

    The chest muscles are perhaps one of the most expressive adornments of an athletic torso in both men and women, and, at the same time, one of the biggest problems for many visitors to fitness centers and health clubs.

    Many want to pump up the pectoral muscles, bulging and worked out, but not everyone knows how to achieve good results in the development of this very aesthetic part of the body. In my opinion, these muscles should not be so much big as worked out. This means good development of all parts of the muscle, and not just those that swing most easily in a given person.

    How are the muscles of the chest

    First, let's talk a little about the structure of the pectoral muscles. As you know, they consist of two bundles: sternal and clavicular. In many publications we read about three bundles: upper, middle and lower. But within the framework of this article, I will not complicate and get by with two: sternal and clavicular.

    Why is this artificial division into bundles necessary?

    The thing is that the appearance of the chest muscles consists of the thickness and shape of the upper part, adjacent to the collarbones and the lower part, lying below the middle of the sternum. The development of each of these beams is a separate training task that requires different means and different efforts. This is a different set of exercises, a different set of training equipment, a different set of training principles and techniques.

    Muscles of the chest. Division into bundles.

    An important point that significantly affects the effectiveness of exercises for pumping up the muscles of the chest is the structure of your chest. The simplest classification divides people into two groups in this regard (it is clear that to a certain extent this is arbitrary).

    The first group has a flat chest. As if flattened in the anterior-posterior direction. When looking from the side at a person with such a chest, we will not see anything remarkable and convex. However, the front view of such a person is quite wide. Often people with this structure have broad shoulders. It is not difficult to develop pectoral muscles with such a chest even without resorting to huge weights in bench presses. However, it is very difficult to achieve significant strength indicators in the bench press due to anatomical features.

    The second group of people has a chest, as it were, flattened laterally. But when looking at such a person from the side, it seems that he has a “chest with a wheel”. And more often it is these people who experience problems with the development of chest muscles. However, it must be said that athletes with this chest structure have a clear anatomical advantage in strength when it comes to exercises such as the bench press. This is partly due to the shorter trajectory of movement due to the convex chest.

    How to pump up pectoral muscles, exercises

    Now let's turn to exercises for the development of chest muscles, and then we will consider the features of building training in people of the two indicated types.

    Exercises for the development of the upper, clavicular, pectoral muscles are performed for the most part in a prone position on an inclined bench. Moreover, the angle of inclination of this bench can be varied from 10 to 45 degrees from the horizontal.

    The best exercises for the development of the upper pectoral muscles

    Detailed descriptions of the exercises can be found on the links.

    Incline Bench Press

    Incline dumbbell bench press

    Dumbbell row lying on an incline bench

    Dumbbell row lying on an incline bench

    Push-ups from the floor
    Push-ups from the floor

    Pullover with a dumbbell
    Pullover with a dumbbell

    The Best Exercises for Developing the Lower Pectoral Muscles


    Push-ups on the uneven bars
    Push-ups on the uneven bars

    Wiring dumbbells lying on a horizontal bench

    Bench press
    Bench press

    Dumbbell bench press lying on a horizontal bench
    Dumbbell bench press lying on a horizontal bench. Finish.

    Pull overs

    Better to do them with a barbell.

    I note that in each of these groups of exercises, exercises should be distinguished.

    Basic exercises are designed to increase strength and build overall body muscle mass, and are performed with significant weight.

    Formative exercises are designed to improve the shape and relief of muscles, and are performed with low weight and with the highest technical precision.

    The best basic exercises for the upper chest muscles are

    1. Bench press lying on an incline bench.
    2. Incline dumbbell bench press.
    3. Push-ups from the floor, legs on a support (for example, on a table).
    4. Pull overs.

    The best basic exercises for the sternum are

    1. Pushups.
    2. Push-ups on bars.
    3. Bench press lying on a horizontal bench.
    4. Dumbbell bench press lying on a horizontal bench.

    Important secrets!

    To build chest muscles, you need to learn how to feel them. This is quite difficult if the pectoral muscles are poorly developed. But it needs to be done. And here's how to do it.

    How to learn to feel the muscles of the chest?

    Method one: fold your hands with your palms facing each other in front of your chest and squeeze them quite hard, as if you want to crush a walnut with your palms. It is important that your forearms are in line! Hold the tension until you feel a slight burning sensation in the shoulders and chest muscles. It is this sensation that will gradually teach you to feel the pectoral muscles well.

    Method two: between the palms folded in front of the chest, put a 5 kg pancake from the barbell. Hold it with the palms of your hands and move your hands back and forth to your chest, and then up and down to your stomach. Keep doing this until you feel a strong tension and burning in the muscles of the chest and biceps. This means that the goal of the exercise has been achieved.

    Method three: stand in front of the mirror without a T-shirt and try to achieve a movement of the chest muscles, simultaneously and alternately. Help yourself with light movements of the hands towards the middle of the abdomen. Practice this exercise many times every day. This can be done anywhere, because under the clothes no one will see it. And you will soon learn to control and feel your chest muscles well!

    Pump not only the pectoral muscles, but everything else!

    For the growth of the pectoral muscles, it is very good if you pump not only them. I must admit that I have never seen people who pump only pectoral muscles. But I warn you just in case. For the development of any muscles, it is necessary to give the body a general developmental load on the largest muscles: legs and back. This stimulates the production of anabolic hormones and leads to the growth of all muscles in general, including your cherished chest. Therefore, be sure to include exercises such as bent over rows, squats, pull-ups, deadlifts, etc. in your workouts.

    How to pump up the pectoral muscles, a set of exercises

    To optimally pump up the pectoral muscles, do one basic exercise for the upper part of the pectoral muscles and one basic exercise for the sternum. Supplement them with one or two shaping for each part of the pectoral muscle. You need to perform these sets of exercises at least 2-3 times a week every 1-2 days. It is better to regulate the load in steps: on the first day - large. On the second day - low (less weight and number of repetitions, do not give all the best). On the third day - the average (do not give all the best, but do not relax). This is a universal recipe for success in a rocking chair, which allows you not to overtrain and quickly progress in strength and mass.

    This is what a starter kit might look like.

    Bench press lying on a horizontal bench - 3x12

    Incline dumbbell bench press - 2-3x12

    A set of exercises for the pectoral muscles for the average level

    Bench press lying on a horizontal bench - 4x10-12

    Bench press lying on an incline bench - 4x10-12

    Lying dumbbell layout - 3x10-12

    A set of exercises for the chest muscles for experienced

    Bench press lying on a horizontal bench - 4-5x8-10

    Incline dumbbell bench press - 4x8-10

    Push-ups on uneven bars - 3x8-10

    Pull over - 2-3x12-15

    How to build pectoral muscles at home

    When it is not possible to visit an equipped gym, chest muscles can be pumped up well at home. How to do it? Very simple! All kinds of push-ups from the floor and on wall bars, and exercises with dumbbells come to the rescue.

    Exercises for the upper bundles of the pectoral muscles

    • Corner push-ups - see above.
    • Push-ups with legs elevated.
    • Incline dumbbell bench press - if you have dumbbells and a bench at home.
    • Wiring dumbbells lying on an incline bench.

    Exercises for the lower bundles of the pectoral muscles

    • For the lower beam, push-ups on the uneven bars are great if you have wall bars at home. If there are no bars, it does not matter. Just push up from the floor with different hand positions: narrow, wide, medium.
    • Dumbbell bench press lying on a horizontal bench.
    • Lying dumbbell spread.
    • Pullover with a dumbbell.
    • Push-ups on dumbbells or push-ups.

    How to pump up the pectoral muscles. Home complex.

    At the beginning and at the end of each workout, do exercises in order to feel the muscles of the chest.

    If there are no dumbbells and a bench

    1. Push-ups with a corner 3x10-25
    2. Push-ups from the floor 3x to failure

    If there are dumbbells and a bench

    1. Dumbbell bench press 3x10-12
    2. Dumbbell layout lying 3x10-12

    If there are only dumbbells

    1. Push-ups on dumbbells 3x to failure
    2. Push-ups with a corner 3x12-25
    3. Dumbbell bench press lying on the floor 3x10-12 - you get a limited amplitude, but still the exercise is very useful!

    If there are also bars

    1. Dumbbell bench press 3x10-12
    2. Incline Dumbbell Press 3x10-12
    3. Push-ups on uneven bars 3x to failure

    If you have other combinations of equipment, tell us in the comments. I will show you how to use it at home.

    Now you have learned a lot about how to pump up the pectoral muscles. Waiting for questions and comments!

    In the continuation of the article, I will give some useful full-fledged sets of exercises with an emphasis on the muscles of the chest, in which we will pump all the other muscles. In order not to miss this material, subscribe to the site's newsletter or add to our groups on social networks.

    The powerful pectoral muscles in a man are a real sight for the female, they look spectacular regardless of whether they are covered with clothes or not. Of course, you need to work on a beautiful powerful chest, then women will truly appreciate the work, and you will feel more confident.

    Modern men often do not have enough time to visit the gym, but this is no reason to sit back. Pump up pectoral muscles at home perhaps the most important thing is the right approach. What should it be? Let's consider in more detail.

    The pectoral muscles are involved in many movements of a man. This is the so-called muscular support of the hands, so the strength of the hands lies, among other things, in the effectiveness of the pectoral muscles. When extending your arms straight in front of you (actually with a straight punch), the pectoral muscles do exactly half the work, 30 percent adds triceps, 20 - deltoid muscles. The pectoral muscles are also involved in other strength exercises: pull-ups and flips on the crossbar, push-ups, hand pushes. Those. chest muscles are one of the most important muscles of a man. Therefore, it is necessary to approach their development correctly.

    First, a little theory about the pectoral muscles

    The pectoral muscle of a man is quite wide, it is distributed over a large area, and, accordingly, it is necessary to work on its strengthening in various ways. There are several types of exercises for each section of the pectoral muscles. Very often, a man who is just starting to play sports has unevenly developed chest muscles.

    Many have a “gap” in the center of the sternum, where the muscles are least developed, while on the sides, in the shoulder area, they are well developed. This can be explained by the fact that in everyday life men do not load the internal parts of the chest muscles, and for their development it is necessary to do strength exercises with a special grip.

    Let us consider in more detail a set of exercises to strengthen the pectoral muscles at home. By following these rules, you can significantly improve the beauty of your chest.

    There are a few basic rules for pumping the pectoral muscles, which you should familiarize yourself with before starting the exercises.

    How to pump up the pectoral muscles at home - the rules

    Regarding the number of sets and repetitions, in practice it was found that for maximum results, you need to do 4 sets of 7-12 repetitions with regular training.

    The article considers the main exercises for pumping up the muscles of the chest. It is possible to perform exercises to strengthen muscles both at home and in the gym. Performing simple exercises 3 times a week, after a month you will get the result. The maximum result can be achieved if you do 4 sets of 7-12 repetitions with regular training.

    • Exercises for pumping up the pectoral muscles at home
    • Exercises for pumping up the pectoral muscles in the gym
    • How to quickly pump up the pectoral muscles
    • Tips
    • Video

    Exercises for pumping up the pectoral muscles at home

    Modern men often do not have enough time to visit the gym, but this is no reason to sit back. It is possible to pump up the pectoral muscles at home, the main thing is the right approach. What should it be? Let's consider in more detail.
    The pectoral muscles are involved in many movements of a man. This is the so-called muscular support of the hands, so the strength of the hands lies, among other things, in the effectiveness of the pectoral muscles. When extending the arms straight in front of you (actually with a straight strike), the pectoral muscles do exactly half the work, 30 percent adds triceps, 20 percent deltoids. The pectoral muscles are also involved in other strength exercises: pull-ups and flips on the crossbar, push-ups, hand pushes.

    Those. chest muscles are one of the most important muscles of a man. Therefore, it is necessary to approach their development correctly.

    Do not lift your head or lower it down. Keep it strictly on the line of the spine. Spread your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. First, lower yourself to the bottom position, and then with a powerful effort squeeze yourself into straight arms. In the upper position, statically tighten the pectoral muscles at the expense of "one-two". Only then lower yourself to the floor. Do not straighten your elbows to the stop! Leave them slightly bent. Keep your abs tight. Don't let your belly sag!

    Place a bench in front of you and rest your hands on its edge a little wider than your shoulders. Bend your arms and lower yourself down until your chest lightly touches the edge of the seat. Powerfully push yourself up.

    This is exactly the same movement as regular push-ups with the difference that your socks do not rest on the floor, but on the surface of the bench.

    The hands should be placed slightly in front of the shoulder line. This will not affect efficiency in any way, but it will help balance in the starting position.

    Take the position of emphasis on straight arms. Place something soft under your knees, such as a gym mat. Keep your back extremely straight. Do not lift the pelvis up - the torso, together with the hips, forms a straight line.

    Exercises for pumping up the pectoral muscles in the gym

    Take the position of the emphasis on the uneven bars(or alternatively between two benches). From the starting position, slowly lower yourself down until your elbows reach 90 degrees. (You should feel a good stretch in your triceps.) With the effort of the triceps, squeeze the body up into straight arms. To get the most out of your triceps, you need to keep your torso absolutely straight throughout the rep (if you're working on parallel bars, don't lean forward or backward). Try to keep your elbows close to your body. Don't spread them apart.

    Adjust the height of the seat or handlebars on the Peck-Deck so that when you grasp the handles, the upper arms are at the same level as the shoulders, and the forearms and elbows are firmly pressed against the resistant arm pads. Sit up straight and press your back and head against the back of the simulator. Put your feet wider than your shoulders so that the feet are strictly under the knees, the angle at the knees is straight. As you inhale, bring the palm rests together in front of your chest. Exhale as you get past the most difficult part of the movement. As soon as you bring your elbows as close as possible, pause for 1 - 2 seconds and try to tighten your chest muscles even more. Relax your chest muscles a little and let the handles gently spread your elbows until they are in line with your shoulders or slightly behind your back. When you reach the bottom point, stop and bring your elbows together again.

    Lie down on a flat bench with dumbbells in both hands. Place the dumbbells on the top of your thighs. Point your palms towards each other. Then, using your hips, lift the dumbbells up. Raise them one at a time and hold them in front of you shoulder width apart, palms facing each other. Squeeze the dumbbells, but not to the end - leave your arms slightly bent. This is your starting position. Fix the angle of your arms(this reduces the load on the biceps), and then, in a wide movement, lower your arms to the sides until you feel a stretch in the pectoral muscles. Perform this movement while inhaling.

    Tip: remember that during the movement, the bends of the arms remain fixed, only the shoulder joints move. With the effort of the chest muscles, return your hands to their original position and exhale. Advice: the reverse movement is carried out along the same path. After a second pause, repeat the movement as many times as necessary.

    Adjust the height of the handles so that they are at shoulder level or slightly lower. Sit up straight and press your back and head against the back of the simulator. Place your feet wider than shoulder width so that your feet are directly under your knees. Grab the handles with an overhand grip shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. This is the starting position. On an inhale, squeeze the handles away from your chest. Exhale when you get past the hardest part of the movement or when your arms are fully extended. At the top point, pause for a second and slowly return the handles to their original position. As soon as the handles come close to your chest, do not stop immediately pressing the handles away from your chest.

    Earlier articles covered exercises:

    • How to pump up a trapezoid

    How to quickly pump up the pectoral muscles

    • The wider the grip or the distance between the hands in support, the more the external muscles of the chest are involved. Therefore, beginners are advised to take a narrower grip, but not too narrow, because. with a narrow grip, more triceps muscles will be included in the work than pectoral muscles. The optimal grip or width of the stop is slightly wider than the shoulders.
    • The higher the arms are raised above the head when doing a bench press or push-ups, the more the upper pectoral muscles are involved. For beginners, the upper section, as a rule, is developed worse than the lower one, because in everyday life we ​​do not work much with our hands above our heads, so it is imperative to include push-ups with the arms resting just above the level of the collarbones in the set of exercises.
    • Squeeze hands gently, unclench sharply. Better ratio - unclenching hands twice as fast as squeezing.
    • Maximum push-up efficiency- in a position where the legs are higher than the head.
    • Watch your breath, it's very important. Exhale with the greatest effort, inhale with the greatest relaxation, i.e., while pushing up, inhale when moving down, exhale with force when moving up. In general, this rule is true for all strength exercises.
    • Let the muscles rest. With strong physical exertion, the muscles do not have time to relax in a day, do it every other day. At the same time, you should not be afraid of muscle pain after a workout - it will soon pass if you exercise regularly. Muscle pain after exercise is evidence that they are growing.

    • Eat more protein foods: nuts, cheese, meat, eggs, beans, as well as fruits and cereals. Try to find time for a good rest, because. without rest, the muscles will not be able to fully develop.
    • One of the tips was about stretching the chest muscles. How to do it? Come to the counter. Stretch one hand to the side and grab the bar with it, and slowly bend the body in the opposite direction. The main thing is that it doesn't hurt. Then stretch the muscles on the other side


    The best chest exercises

    Knee push-ups

    Push-ups on the uneven bars

    Push-ups on the simulator

    Reducing the breeding of hands with dumbbells

    Seated Chest Press


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    Which burns fat faster: running or lifting? Many people think that lifting weights works much more efficiently than aerobics. Is it true? Let's find out a little lower.

    Muscular, inflated chest is an indicator of good physical shape and health. Guys with big breasts look more confident than the rest, and for this reason, like a magnet, they attract the attention of girls. Every young man at least once thought about pumping up his chest. Today we will talk about how you can do it at home.

    How to pump up muscles

    Not everyone wants to go to the gym. Therefore, the first question that arises in your mind is: is it possible to pump up the pectoral muscles at home? Yes, you certainly may. Everything depends on you. If you are ready to improvise and come up with something new, then you will succeed!

    In order to pump up your chest at home, you will need:

    1. Your wish.
    2. Backpack.
    3. Dumbbells or weights.
    4. Bars.
    5. Chairs or stools.

    Let's start with why we need a backpack . Your goal is to increase breast volume. Accordingly, you will work to increase muscle mass. As you know, when gaining mass, you should work with such weights to perform no more than 10-12 repetitions per set. When you learn how to do a lot of push-ups, you will wear a backpack on your back, in which there will be discs from dumbbells. This will help you increase the muscle mass of your chest.

    So, we need dumbbells to perform bench presses. That is, if you have dumbbells weighing at least 12-15 kilograms, then you can work out your chest muscles well. You can build yourself a bench out of several chairs and do dumbbell bench presses. They should be collapsible so that you can put discs from them in your backpack for weights in push-ups from the floor and from the uneven bars.

    And also with dumbbells, you can do breeding while lying. This is also a very effective chest development exercise. When the weight of the dumbbells is not enough for you to press, replace it with arm extensions.

    We need chairs and stools so that we can somehow replace the bench and bars. By the way, about the bars . They can be found in any yard. However, if you didn’t succeed in doing this, purchase hanging bars complete with a horizontal bar at a sports store. As a rule, the price does not exceed two thousand rubles.

    Dips are a key exercise for chest development. It is performed even by bodybuilders who work out in gyms. Technique for this exercise:

    In talking about chest training at home, one cannot fail to mention the classic push-ups from the floor. Technique:

    1. Take an emphasis lying down. Spread your arms wide, keep your back straight.
    2. Slowly lower yourself and pause at the bottom. You do not need to touch the floor, this will reduce the effectiveness of the approach.
    3. With a powerful movement, rise, and linger at the top for a second.

    You have been offered the most effective exercises for the pectoral muscles at home. Now our task is well-designed training program.

    Training programs

    Now we will bring to your attention several effective workout programs for home. Each of them will have slightly different goals, and they will be based on the means available to you. From the proposed list of programs, choose the best one for yourself, and customize it for yourself.

    Classic program:

    1. Dumbbell bench press - 3 sets of 12 reps.
    2. Push-ups on the uneven bars - 3 sets of 12 repetitions.
    3. Push-ups from the floor - 3 sets of 12-15 times.

    If you have dumbbells and you have found parallel bars, follow this program. Pick up the weight to perform the indicated number of repetitions, and then you will definitely pump up a powerful chest.

    Breast undercut program:

    1. Push-ups on the uneven bars - 4 sets of 12 times.
    2. Chair deep push-ups – 4 sets for max reps.

    With the help of such a set of trainings, you will pump the lower part of the pectoral muscles well. Your chest will take on a clear outline, and visually it will appear barrel-shaped.

    But what to do if no sports equipment could be found? How to pump up the chest with push-ups?

    Bodyweight training program:

    1. Classic push-ups from the floor.
    2. Head up push ups.
    3. Head down push ups.

    In each exercise, you need to perform 3 sets for the maximum number of times. But you still try to find relief. In any case, you should have a backpack at home. After all, you wore textbooks in something when you went to school or college. You can put books, water bottles or sand in the backpack. Of course, the weight will be small, but it's better than nothing. It should be understood that by training in this way, you will not increase the muscle mass of the chest, but will only work out the relief a little.

    All these programs need to be done 2 times a week. . You are pretty good at loading your muscles., but still the load is much less than in the gym. Therefore, 2 workouts per week are needed.

    A set of training for advanced:

    The first day:

    1. Push-ups on the uneven bars - 5 sets of 10-12 reps.
    2. Lying Dumbbell Row - 5 sets of 12-15 reps.

    Day two - superset:

    1. Deep push-ups on chairs - a maximum of times.
    2. Push-ups from the floor with a narrow grip - a maximum of times.

    This superset must be repeated 5-6 times. The essence of this program is that at first we work with a lot of weight for the development of muscle mass, and then we pump the maximum amount of blood into the pectoral muscles. Such a varied training significantly accelerates muscle growth, and involves all inactive muscle fibers.

    Training features

    Naturally, all people have different bodies. Lagging and prosperous muscles are also different for everyone. However, despite this, each muscle has its own characteristics that must be observed. And the chest muscles are no exception..

    The training process should be varied. If you keep doing the same exercise all the time, then your progress will stop very soon. Muscular adaptation must be avoided. To do this, perform various types of push-ups. Change training programs every 3-4 weeks.

    Men and women need to train their chest differently. For men, volume is important, so they need to work with weights. For girls, fit is important. They need to keep their muscles toned in order to look sexy. And for this, it is enough to do push-ups 2 times a week.

    It is necessary to train the chest together with the triceps, since both of these muscle groups perform the same function - pushing. If you are creating a training program to work out the whole body, then put the chest and triceps on the same day.

    Warm up properly before starting your workout. When doing exercises on the chest, the shoulder joint is actively working. And he, as you know, the most traumatic.

    Don't expect quick results. You will notice the first changes in the size of your pectoral muscles only after a few weeks. You will have a “powerful chest” only after six months of training.

    Experiment constantly! Try one-arm push-ups, or two-arm power-ups. After all, these exercises also affect the growth of your pectoral muscles. Moreover, they involve muscle fibers that “sleep” during ordinary push-ups.

    Now you know how to build muscle at home. Choose one of the training programs above and customize it for yourself, and then you will pump up the chest that you could not even dream of, and you will look like a real man! I wish you success!