Pronounced signs of vascular dystonia. How to treat vascular dystonia

Vegetative-vascular dystonia includes the manifestation of all forms of violation of autonomic regulation.

AT last years prefer the term "vegetative dystonia syndrome" over "vegetative- vascular dystonia”, as this makes it possible to talk about the syndrome of vegetative-visceral dystonia, and the latter can be divided into diverse systemic dystonias (vegetative-cardiac, vegetative-gastric, etc.). Therefore, some authors more often use the term - "vegetative dystonia syndrome". Certain discussions were also caused by the second part of the definition of the syndrome. N. K. Bogolepov suggested replacing "dystonia" with "dysfunction". This is a logical and attractive position, however, for the pathology and physiology of the autonomic nervous system, terms such as vagotonia, sympathicotonia, and amphotonia are traditional.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a complex presented in the form of subjective complaints from patients, violations of the functioning of the autonomic part of the nervous system. VSD is rightfully considered one of the most difficult syndromes in terms of diagnosing. Clinical manifestations, which demonstrates vegetative-vascular dystonia, are diverse, there are more than 150 of them. All psycho-vegetative symptoms are associated with impaired function of the limbic-reticular structure, which controls the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is not an independent nosological unit; rather, it develops as a secondary syndromic reaction in response to persistent, chronic diseases or prolonged external stressful situations. VSD is a voluminous concept, more complex than the similar one - "neurocirculatory disorders", respectively, diagnostic measures should be deployed in the same way as the treatment. Three decades ago, vegetative-vascular dystonia was diagnosed relatively rarely, today, according to statistics, more than 75% of the inhabitants of our planet suffer from this disease to one degree or another. Most of them do not apply for medical care, since the symptoms of the syndrome are smoothed out, but about a third of patients need complex therapy, and about 10% in hospitalization.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is called a syndrome because, as a rule, vegetative disorders are secondary manifestations most various forms pathology. And although primary and secondary vegetative disorders are distinguished in the classification, the syndromic definition common to them is the syndrome of vegetative dystonia. Analyzing the syndrome of vegetative dystonia, a number of factors are taken into account:

  1. the nature of vegetative disorders;
  2. their permanence and paroxysm;
  3. poly- and monosystem nature of disorders;
  4. generalized systemic and local disorders;
  5. Finally, and this seems to be especially important, three leading autonomic syndromes are distinguished within the syndrome of vegetative dystonia:
    • psychovegetative syndrome,
    • syndrome of progressive autonomic failure,
    • vegetative-vascular-trophic syndrome.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia: types, causes, symptoms, treatment in adults and children

Perhaps there is no person among us who has never heard of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD). This is no coincidence, because according to statistics it affects up to 80% of the adult population of the planet and about 25% of children. Due to greater emotionality, women suffer from autonomic dysfunction three times more often than men.

Pathology is usually detected in childhood or young age, the peak of symptoms occurs in 20-40 years- the most capable and active period, while the usual rhythm of life is disturbed, it is difficult professional activity, suffer intra-family relationships.

What is it: a disease or features of the functioning of the nervous system? The question of the essence of autonomic dysfunction for a long time remained controversial, experts first defined it as a disease, but as patients were monitored, it became clear that VVD is a functional disorder, primarily affecting the psyche and autonomics.

At the same time, functional disorders and subjective painful sensations not only force you to change your lifestyle, but also require timely and qualified assistance, because over time they able to grow into more ischemic disease heart, hypertension, ulcers or diabetes.

Causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Vegetative nervous system, including the sympathetic and parasympathetic departments, regulates the function of internal organs, maintaining the constancy of the internal environment, body temperature, pressure, pulse, digestion, etc. The correct reaction of the body to external stimuli, its adaptation to constantly changing environmental conditions depends on the coordinated work of these departments , stress and overload.

The autonomic nervous system works independently, autonomously, does not obey our desire and consciousness.Sympathy determines such changes as an increase in pressure and pulse, pupil dilation, acceleration of metabolic processes, and parasympathetic responsible for hypotension, bradycardia, increased secretion of digestive juices and smooth muscle tone. Almost always, these sections of the autonomic nervous system have an opposite, antagonistic effect, and in different life circumstances, the influence of one of them prevails.

When the vegetative function is disordered, the most different symptoms that do not fit into the picture of any of the known diseases of the heart, stomach or lungs. With VVD, they usually do not find organic damage to other organs, and the patient's attempts to find a terrible disease in himself are futile and do not bring the expected results.

VSD is closely related to emotional sphere and mental characteristics, therefore, it usually proceeds with a variety of manifestations of a psychological nature. It is very difficult to convince a patient that he has no pathology of internal organs, but indeed effective help a psychotherapist can provide.

Causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia very different and, sometimes, lie in early childhood or even the period prenatal development. Among them highest value have:

When the diagnosis is not in doubt, and other diseases are excluded, the doctor decides on the need for treatment. Therapy depends on the symptoms, their severity, the degree of impairment of the patient's life. Until recently, patients with VSD were managed by neurologists, but today it is considered indisputable that a psychotherapist can give the greatest amount of help, because VVD is, first of all, a problem of a psychogenic plan.

Of paramount importance in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia belongs to general measures. Of course, most patients expect that they will be prescribed a pill that will immediately remove all the symptoms of the disease, but this does not happen. To successfully get rid of the pathology, the work of the patient himself, his desire and desire to normalize his well-being is needed.

General measures for the treatment of VVD include:

  1. Healthy lifestyle and proper regimen.
  2. Diet.
  3. Adequate physical activity.
  4. Exclusion of nervous and physical overloads.
  5. Physiotherapy and water procedures.

A healthy lifestyle is the basis for the proper functioning of all organs and systems. With VVD, smoking, alcohol abuse should be excluded. It is necessary to normalize the mode of work and rest, with severe symptoms, a change in the type of work may be required. After a heavy labor day you need to properly relax - not lying on the couch, but rather walking in the fresh air.

The diet of patients with VVD should not contain excess salt and liquid (especially in the hypertensive type), it is worth giving up strong coffee, floury, fatty and spicy foods. Hypotonic patients are shown seafood, cottage cheese, tea. Considering that most patients experience digestive difficulties, suffer from impaired stool and intestinal motility, nutrition should be balanced, light, but full-fledged - cereals, legumes, lean meats, vegetables and fruits, nuts, dairy products.

Physical activity allows you to normalize the tone of the autonomic nervous system, so regular exercise, exercise therapy, hikinggood alternative home pastime sitting or lying down. All types of water procedures are very useful (baths, cold and hot shower, pouring cool water, swimming pool), because water not only helps to strengthen muscles, but also relieves stress.

Patients with VVD need to protect themselves as much as possible from emotional and physical overload. TV and computer are strong irritants, so it is better not to abuse them. It will be much more useful to chat with friends, go to an exhibition or to the park. If you want to go to the gym, you should exclude all types of strength exercises, weight lifting, and it is better to prefer gymnastics, yoga, swimming.

Physiotherapy procedures help to significantly improve the condition. Acupuncture, massage, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis with magnesium, papaverine, calcium (depending on the form of pathology) are shown.

Spa treatment shown to all suffering from VVD. Don't choose institutions. cardiology profile, an ordinary sanatorium or a trip to the sea is enough. Rest from usual affairs, a change of scenery, new acquaintances and communication allow you to abstract from the symptoms, get distracted and calm down.

Medical treatment determined by the predominant symptomatology in a particular patient. The main group of drugs for VVD are drugs with a sedative effect:

  • Phytopreparations - valerian, motherwort, novo-passit, etc.;
  • Antidepressants - cipralex, paroxetine, amitriptyline;
  • Tranquilizers - seduxen, elenium, tazepam, grandaxin.

In some cases, prescribed (piracetam, omnarone), vascular drugs (cinnarizine, actovegin, cavinton), psychotropics - grandaxin, mezapam, sonapax. With the hypotonic type of VVD, the intake of adaptogens and tonic phytochemicals - eleutherococcus, ginseng, pantocrine helps.

As a rule, treatment begins with softer herbal remedies, in the absence of effect, light tranquilizers and antidepressants are added. With severe anxiety, seizures panic attacks, neurosis-like disorders cannot be dispensed with without medical correction.

Symptomatic therapy It is aimed at eliminating symptoms from other organs, primarily the cardiovascular system.

With tachycardia and increased blood pressure anaprilin and other drugs from the group (atenolol, egilok) are prescribed. Cardialgia is usually relieved by taking sedatives- seduxena, corvalol, valocordin.

Bradycardia less than 50 heartbeats per minute requires the use of atropine, belladonna preparations. Useful cool tonic baths and showers, exercise.

Treatment with folk remedies can be quite effective. given that many herbs provide a much-needed sedative effect. Apply valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony, mint and lemon balm. Herbs are sold in a pharmacy, they are prepared in the way described in the instructions, or simply brewed sachets in a glass of water. Phytotherapy can be successfully combined with medication.

It is worth noting that the appointment of the described "heart" remedies does not yet indicate the presence of a truly cardiac pathology, because in most cases problems with heart rhythm and pressure are functional character R. This should be known to patients who are looking in vain for signs of really dangerous diseases.

Psychotherapeutic measures deserve special attention. It so happened that a trip to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist is often regarded by both the patient and his relatives as an undoubted sign of mental illness, which is why many patients never reach this specialist. Meanwhile, it is the psychotherapist who is able to the best way assess the situation and treat.

Both individual and group sessions are useful using various methods of influencing the patient's psyche. With many phobias unjustified aggression or apathy, an obsessive desire to find a terrible illness in oneself, the psychotherapist helps to find out the true cause of such disorders, which may lie in childhood, family relationships, and long-suffered nervous shocks. Having understood the cause of their experiences, many patients find a way to deal with them successfully.

It is necessary to treat VVD comprehensively and with the participation of the patient himself, choosing individually schemes and names of drugs. The patient, in turn, must understand that the symptoms of trouble from the internal organs are associated with the characteristics of the psyche and lifestyle, so it is worth stopping the search for diseases and start changing your lifestyle.

The question of whether it is worth treating VVD at all, if it is not an independent disease, should not be. Firstly, this condition worsens the quality of life, reduces efficiency, exhausts the already depleted nervous system of the patient. Secondly, a long-term VSD can lead to the development of severe depression, suicidal tendencies, and asthenia. Frequent and arrhythmias will eventually cause organic changes in the heart (hypertrophy, cardiosclerosis), and then the problem becomes really serious.

With timely and correct correction of VVD symptoms, the prognosis is favorable, health improves, the usual rhythm of life, labor and social activity are restored. Patients should be under the dynamic supervision of a neurologist (psychoneurologist, psychotherapist), and treatment courses can be taken as a preventive measure, especially in the autumn-spring periods.

People who are familiar with the diagnosis of VVD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) are well aware of how real this disease is. However, controversy surrounding its causes and even existence continued. long years. However, in 1998, American doctors at the world famous Mayo Clinic detected by radioimmunoassay that the cause of autonomic dysfunction is autoimmune inflammation in the nodes of the autonomic nervous system.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Since the autonomic nervous system plays important role in the work of the whole organism, therefore its dysfunction causes numerous and varied symptoms.

Diagnosis of autonomic dysfunction

We do not divide the symptoms into "cardiological", "urological", "psychiatric", etc., but draw up a general picture of the existing disorders in their morpho-functional relationship. To do this, in addition to a detailed survey, we conduct instrumental research.


Autonomic nerve nodes, among other functions, are responsible for thermoregulation in the body. Therefore, their pathological condition immediately makes itself felt on the thermogram.

Infrared radiation from the surface of the body allows you to detect localization with an accuracy of up to a millimeter nerve centers who are in a state of illness. The clinical picture of the disease directly depends on the number and location of their location.

Our many years of experience in using a thermal imager has shown that even minor “local” disturbances in the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the human nervous system can lead to pronounced pathological changes in the cardiovascular, digestive, nervous and endocrine systems Oh. Hence - the variety of complaints, the progressive nature of the disease and resistance (immunity) to drug therapy.

Our foreign colleagues

James Mercer

Professor, President of the European Society for Thermography (EAT).

“Serious scientific research of the last decade has shown the high reliability and reliability of thermography. This allows you to use this method for diagnosis in difficult cases.

Reinhold Bertz

Professor, President of the German Society for Thermography (DGTR).

“Thermography is a highly sensitive diagnostic method, which is able to determine the precursors of an unmanifested disease, and to detect abnormalities in the body at an early stage.”


The study of cardiac rhythmography came to us from space medicine. With the help of it, the ANS of future astronauts was diagnosed, their health was tested for strength. After all, people with "shattered" nerves on board the spacecraft have nothing to do. Their body simply cannot withstand colossal loads, a sharp change external factors and will not cope with adaptation in space.

Cardiorhythmography allows assessing the compensatory capabilities of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and identifying its hidden disorders. Using the analysis of changes in the heart rhythm with a small load, the doctors of the clinic identify the presence of disturbances in the work of the ANS.


Comprehensive diagnosis of VVD takes 1-2 hours. The program includes a set of instrumental studies (computer thermography, cardiac rhythmography). All studies are carried out by non-invasive methods and are absolutely safe for the patient.

* Until April 12, there is a promotion: Free consultation with a neurologist and a 50% discount on diagnostics. The cost of diagnostics with a discount is 11,400 rubles. 5 700 rub.

VSD treatment in Moscow

We use complex physiotherapy and neural therapy to influence the affected vegetative nodes, which are detected on the thermal imager. A suitable method of treatment or a set of procedures is prescribed by a neurologist based on the results initial consultation and complex diagnostics.

Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. The duration of the course of treatment depends on many factors and is determined during the diagnosis. The course of treatment usually includes 10 sessions of complex therapy. One session lasts 40-60 minutes.


Physiotherapy includes a set of procedures: laser therapy, magnetotherapy, color-rhythm therapy. In modern neurological practice, this combination of physiotherapy methods is considered the gold standard for the treatment of panic attacks and VVD.

We constantly monitor the parameters of physiotherapy exposure (frequency, intensity, duration of exposure), based on a detailed analysis of dynamic changes in the state of the autonomic nervous system.

Physiotherapy promotes the regeneration of damaged nerve cells and recovery normal operation vegetative ganglions. It is the most physiological and devoid of side effects.


Neural therapy, or therapeutic blockases, is one of the most effective help tools used in modern practice by classical neurology. Neural therapy methods are widely used in European and American medical institutes and clinics.

The essence of the method is to restore the work of the autonomic nervous system in response to the introduction of low concentration anesthetic into the projections of "sick" nerve centers. The procedure is carried out purposefully, strictly in the epicenter of the disease, which is determined by the doctor using computer thermography.

Patient video testimonials

At the age of 25, my heart already began to hurt, as if there was a malfunction in the heart rhythm. There was a feeling that I was baking, I was very hot, but my feet were cold. The last straw was severe pain that were not removed by any drugs ...

Spasm of blood vessels, then you turn white, you almost lose consciousness, and then the blood pressure goes up to 200. Well, this is terrible. Coming out of the subway onto the platform, if there were no speakers, I felt a horror comparable to that as if I had been pushed out of the plane ...

Several times I wanted to jump out of the window. I didn't want to live. There were hellish headaches. My body was on fire, it was unbearable. In the month of January, I slept on the balcony. In the images of the thermal imager, the picture was all in brown colors ...

I had 5 doctors in 1.5 months. During this time, my health deteriorated sharply, and I did not come here, I crawled. I didn't like the pills that were prescribed. It was written on two sheets, one doctor crossed out one, the other another ...

Cases from clinical practice

Belenko Elena Alexandrovna

Neurologist-vegetologist. Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Among hundreds of my patients with VVD there were many people whose main diagnoses were: neurosis, depression, hypertonic disease, biliary dyskinesia and many others. There was no mistake. Patients with many years of VVD "acquired" these diseases without receiving the correct treatment in time.

I will give one example. A 15-year-old girl was brought to me with a diagnosis of neurosis obsessive movements. Concomitant disorders were dysmenorrhea (menstrual irregularities), headaches, impaired eating behavior, weight gain (by 10 kg in three months!), cardialgia (heart pain), cephalgia (headache), etc., which clearly fit into the diagnosis of VVD, which was in second place in her medical record. However, no serious illnesses were found in her.

For an hour, while I was collecting anamnestic data, the girl was not at rest for a second, twitching her left shoulder, making complex movements with her hand, as if trying to shake off a thermometer, turning her head, as if trying to get rid of something heavy on her neck.

Her dad, with whom she came, is a cardiologist doctor. He was opposed to the treatment that his daughter received and looked for any way to "remove" her from the drugs. And she received finlepsin (anticonvulsant), cerebrolysin ( vascular drug), bellataminal (sedative), haloperidol (neuroleptic) and a few more "associated" drugs prescribed by different specialists.

During the survey, it turned out that the girl often had a sore throat in early childhood (three to four times a year for three years). The thermal imager showed a large one-sided red focus in cervical region. And I had the idea that violent hand movements are not a true obsessive-compulsive disorder, but a protective adaptive reaction to overexertion of the neck muscles, which arose due to frequent inflammatory diseases involving local neurovegetative centers. Over time, this reaction was fixed, which gave rise to psychiatrists to make such a diagnosis.

We did novocaine blockade, had several sessions laser therapy with an emphasis on "interested" myofascial zones. And the child made a full recovery after five sessions of physiotherapy, although he had been treated unsuccessfully for more than four months. Over the past two years, according to her father, she lost weight, became more active, successfully completed school and entered the institute. She no longer had any complaints, including somatic ones ...

Book excerpts

We bring to your attention an introductory fragment from the book by Alexander Ivanovich Belenko “Panic attacks and VVD - nerve cells are being restored. An easy way to start the body to recover "

“Especial attention to the variability heart rate turns to a rigid rhythm. Its occurrence indicates that the autonomic nervous system is working on its last "gasp", and this can have disastrous consequences for a person.

In the world scientific literature there are already separate publications that a persistent rigid rhythm is a harbinger of cardiac arrest, which can occur within a year ... "

Read in the article:

VSD can be cured without medication in 70% of cases

Vegeto - vascular dystonia (VVD), or neurocirculatory dysfunction - a pathological condition of the autonomic nervous system, resulting in insufficient supply of organs and tissues with oxygen.

According to doctors, about 80% of people of all ages experience these or other signs of VVD.

Vegeto - vascular dystonia: symptoms and signs ^

The vegetative (autonomous) nervous system, located in the spinal cord and brain, is the most important part of the human body - it completely coordinates the activity of all internal organs, vessels and glands internal secretion and ensures their adaptation to changes in the external environment.

In particular, the autonomic nervous system regulates blood pressure, heart contractions, body temperature, composition and volume of intercellular fluid, blood flow, metabolic processes, thirst, hunger and satiety, functions sweat glands, kidney function, muscle tone of internal organs, circadian (daily) rhythms and much more.

For vegetovascular dystonia, which is a consequence of a violation of vascular tone, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • psychoneurological symptoms of VVD - weakness, lethargy, increased fatigue, low performance, dizziness, headaches, sleep disorders, fainting, decreased sexual activity, panic attacks;
  • thermoregulatory symptoms of VVD associated with impaired sweating and thermoregulation - a spontaneous increase in body temperature, excessive sweating, fever, hot flashes, or, conversely, chilliness of the limbs;
  • vascular - instability of arterial and venous pressure;
  • cardiological - interruptions in the work of the heart, rapid heart rate and pain in the region of the heart;
  • respiratory (respiratory) - shortness of breath, heaviness in the chest and a feeling of lack of air;
  • dyspeptic symptoms of VVD - a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, diarrhea), urination disorders and gallbladder dyskinesia.

Vegeto - vascular dystonia: types and causes ^

The best prevention of vegetative - vascular dystonia - a healthy lifestyle

Although unified classification VVD does not exist, it is customary to divide the following types of vegetative - vascular dystonia:

By the nature of the flow of vegetative - vascular dystonia is classified into the following forms:

  • permanent form of IRR - proceeds without sharp jumps in the patient's condition;
  • paroxysmal, or paroxysmal - manifests itself in the form of attacks (crises or panic attacks), in the intervals between attacks, the manifestations of the disease are almost invisible;
  • mixed VVD (permanent-paroxysmal) - combines signs of permanent and paroxysmal forms;
  • latent, or hidden form- with this type of VVD, the disease may not manifest itself in any way for quite a long time, before the appearance of provoking factors (stress, illness, overwork).

Depending on the disorders of the cardiovascular system:

  • hypertensive type, or vegeto - vascular dystonia of hypertensive type. Accompanied by a significant increase in blood pressure (145/90 - 175/95 mm Hg), sometimes with palpitations, sudden arousal, chills, symptoms of a panic attack; moreover, the pressure can increase not only during periods of emotional stress, but also in a state of complete rest;
  • hypotensive type, or vegeto - vascular dystonia of hypotonic type. In this case, blood pressure is significantly lower than normal and reaches 100/50 and even up to 90/45 mm Hg. Art. and is accompanied by lethargy, weakness, shortness of breath, nausea, sweating, fatigue of the patient, sometimes fainting;
  • normotensive, or cardiac (cardiac) type does not depend on blood pressure, but is determined by palpitations (slow heart rate or, conversely, rapid heart rate, sensations of fading and interruptions in the work of the heart), as well as pain in the chest area;
  • the mixed type of VVD combines several symptoms and signs characteristic of different types at the same time.

Depending on the cause of vegetative - vascular dystonia, the following types of VVD are distinguished:

  • hereditary,
  • infectious-allergic,
  • post-traumatic,
  • psychogenic (as a reaction of the body to stress or a traumatic situation),
  • as well as resulting from excessive emotional or physical overstrain.

Vegeto - vascular dystonia: treatment and diagnosis ^

From timely and correct diagnosis of VVD success largely depends further treatment. If you are experiencing the following symptoms:

  • frequent paroxysmal headaches,
  • weakness,
  • dizziness,
  • fatigue,
  • insomnia,
  • causeless anxiety,
  • fear,
  • jumps in blood pressure and heart rate,
  • "lump in the throat,
  • dyspnea,
  • pain in the heart and abdomen,
  • as well as cold or numb limbs.

- all these are possible symptoms of vegetative vascular dystonia, requiring immediate medical attention.

No need to listen to the harmful advice of friends and acquaintances like "VSD is not a disease and will pass without treatment." Doctors claim that untreated dystonia is very dangerous, as it can be complicated by panic attacks and other serious disorders that occur on an erroneous command of the autonomic nervous system and deplete the nervous system.

With panic attacks (sympathoadrenal crisis), a person suddenly (most often in a crowded place) begins to tremble, suffocate and become covered with cold sweat. At the same time, he has a wild fear of death, his heart is pounding furiously and his blood pressure rises.

VSD in adolescents

Vegeto - vascular dystonia in children and adolescents requires special attention from parents and doctors. The first symptoms of the disease are noticeable, as a rule, from early childhood - such children often get sick, conflict, capricious, do not tolerate any stress (physical, intellectual, emotional) and are prone to sharp drops moods.

Symptoms of VVD in adolescents also cannot be attributed to adolescence and expect that they will go away on their own.

  • If a teenager is emotionally unstable,
  • sweating profusely,
  • easily turns pale or blushes,
  • experiencing hot flashes and pressure surges

- according to doctors, these are nothing more than signs of vegetative dystonia, therefore, urgent measures are required to level its manifestations.

Diagnosis of vegetative - vascular dystonia

To correctly diagnose VVD, it is necessary to exclude somatic (organic) diseases that give similar symptoms.

  • For example, to rule out a disease thyroid gland(hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism) conduct an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and donate blood for its hormonal activity.
  • Sometimes you need to do an ECG (electrocardiogram), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), dopplerography of vessels (ultrasound of cerebral vessels), visit an ophthalmologist and an endocrinologist.
  • And only after the exclusion somatic diseases and full confirmation of the diagnosis of VVD, the doctor can prescribe individual treatment.
  • Treatment of VVD should be carried out in a complex and in close cooperation of the patient with a neuropathologist, internist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist, sometimes with a gynecologist.

If treatment is started on time, at the very first stages of the disease, then the prognosis is very favorable and it is often possible to do without the use of medications. According to doctors, despite the widespread prevalence of VVD, in professional treatment need no more than 1/3 of patients.

Treatment of vegetative - vascular dystonia should begin with the organization of the correct daily regimen and a set of restorative measures that, with their regular use, give an excellent therapeutic and healing effect:

  • The duration of uninterrupted night sleep should be at least 8 - 9 hours, in addition, it is advisable to rest, if possible, a few hours during the day.
  • Physical activity should be regular and moderate, to the point of feeling slightly tired, especially with high blood pressure (above 140/90 mmHg). Useful swimming, cycling, light running (excluding jumping), hiking, aerobics, skiing.
  • Massage of the head, collar area and back, in the absence of contraindications and after consultation with a doctor, gives a good therapeutic effect. You can additionally use applicators for massage (Lyapko, Kuznetsova).
  • Very useful daily contrast shower and stay under sunbeams(phototherapy).

Diet for vegetative - vascular dystonia

  • Nutrition for VVD should be balanced and contain physiologically required amount fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and trace elements, potassium and magnesium are especially needed in the diet.
  • Potassium is found in tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, green peas, beets, eggplants, beans, sorrel, dill, rhubarb, apricots, prunes, figs, raisins.
  • Sources of magnesium can be nuts, beans, soybeans, carrots, rose hips and whole grain cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat).
  • Salty, spicy, smoked dishes, strong tea, coffee, chocolate should be excluded from the menu as much as possible, and animal fats should be replaced with vegetable ones.

If the normalization of the regimen and nutrition do not give the desired effect, doctors have many modern effective drugs in their arsenal:

  • antihypertensive drugs (lowering blood pressure),
  • beta blockers (for tachycardia),
  • neuroprotectors (activators of brain metabolism),
  • antioxidants (protect cells from oxidation and destruction),
  • drugs to improve blood circulation,
  • tranquilizers (having a sedative, i.e. calming effect),
  • antidepressants to help relieve depression and anxiety.

Treatment of VVD at home and prevention ^

Treatment of vegetovascular dystonia with folk remedies can serve as a good addition to drug therapy, but should be prescribed, like medications, by your doctor:

  • The sedative effect of hawthorn, motherwort, oregano, valerian, peony, red viburnum, mint, hops, lemon balm, pine needles is widely known - they are good to use in the hypertensive type in the form of teas, decoctions and baths.
  • In the hypotonic type and in the absence of insomnia, you can use tonic plants that increase blood pressure and performance - eleutherococcus, ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine.
  • With low blood pressure, pearl and aromatic baths, circular and contrast showers are useful.

In addition, a patient with VVD must learn how to relax properly - doctors recommend mastering the technique of diaphragmatic breathing, which relieves internal tension well and improves blood supply to the heart and lungs.

  • You need to breathe superficially - at the expense of "one" inhale shallowly, sticking out your chest, and at the expense of "two - three" exhale deeply, drawing in your stomach.
  • A good relaxing effect is also given by special gymnastics, which allows you to relax first sequentially and then simultaneously the muscles of the face, neck, shoulder girdle and back.

If the causes of dystonia are psychological disorders(stress, depression, chronic fatigue, neurosis, overwork), in addition to medicines, it is advisable to visit a professional psychotherapist who, using well-established techniques such as hypnotherapy or behavioral therapy, will help get rid of fears, panic attacks and phobias and provide the necessary psychological assistance.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia - how to resist?

"Therapy without hydrotherapy is a withered therapy, hiding its impotence under a mountain of poisonous or useless drugs."

A. Zalmanov "Secret wisdom of the human body."

Vegetative-vascular dystonia- these are violations in the work of the vascular system of the body, leading to insufficient supply of tissues and organs with oxygen.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia occurs quite often - both in children (12-25%) and in adults (up to 70%). This is a consequence of the fact that the growing pace modern life requires the full return of internal resources and forces in the process of study and work.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia can develop as a result of acute and chronic diseases, lack of sleep, overwork at work, improper diet, etc. However, its main cause is stress.

A hormonal surge and inconsistency in the rate of development of the muscular and cardiovascular systems in schoolchildren are superimposed on intensive study, especially during exams. A teenager may complain of dizziness, nausea, headaches - fortunately, such ailments are not dangerous and go away on their own with age.

In most adults, vegetative-vascular dystonia proceeds sluggishly, aggravating in the off-season, as well as with emotional breakdowns, overload or weakened immunity. Usually we do not take it too seriously - and in vain, since there is only one step from the first symptoms of VVD to the initial manifestations of insufficient blood supply to the brain, which means a significant increase in the risk of stroke - by 2-3 times.

Headaches, weakness, dizziness, ringing in the ears, fainting, insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day - all these alarming signs are symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

With a more accurate diagnosis, three types of vegetative-vascular dystonia are distinguished:

- If at common features fatigue, you sometimes have a feeling of lack of air, you complain of heartbeat interruptions, then this is vegetative-vascular dystonia cardiac type;

- The hypotensive form is characterized by low blood pressure, general weakness, headaches, cold fingers and toes, a tendency to faint;

- Periodic bursts of blood pressure indicate hypertensive vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Let's talk more about the symptoms. Since this disease is on the border various diseases, it has the features of many ailments.

These are psychological disorders, and neurological, and cardiological, and vascular.

The first area is psychological. VSD manifests itself in the form of increased fatigue, psychological vulnerability, personal characteristics may become aggravated (for example, in a person prone to shyness or anxiety, these character traits become more noticeable).

In second and third place are neurocardiological and vascular disorders. Their most common manifestations are: interruptions in the work of the heart (feeling that the heart "knocks", "freezes", etc.); cold hands and feet; excessive sweating; "jumps" in blood pressure; heaviness or pain in the head and temples; fainting states.

With VVD, changes in skin color are also observed. She becomes pale or cyanotic color. And if you draw a pencil over the skin, then red or white marks appear that do not go away for some time. There are so-called nervous redness: after a person is nervous, red spots appear on the skin of the face, neck, chest, this happens more often in women.

Externally, VVD manifests itself not only on the skin, but also in the degree of dryness or moisture of the mucous membranes. For example, if a person is worried, his mouth dries up. Sometimes, on a nervous basis, the temperature rises. Many internal organs are touched tangentially, for example, when stressed in the stomach, it can rumble. The urinary system can also respond to stress, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. Metabolism is disturbed, a person can begin to lose weight.

People subject to VVD begin to feel the weather changes more sharply, they become "meteopaths".

What happens to the vessels during VVD? their adequate response to internal processes in the body and external influences. The most striking example is fainting. In this case, the vessels respond inadequately to fluctuations in the external and internal environment. As soon as a person stands up abruptly or in some other way changes the position of the body, he becomes dizzy and dark in his eyes, which in turn can lead to fainting. The fact is that normally the heart begins to drive blood faster: through the vessels and healthy man he simply does not notice this, because it is all fully regulated by the autonomic nervous system. The vessels narrow and expand exactly to the extent that the body needs at the moment.

With VVD, the vessels do not expand enough or contract more than necessary, which leads to the fact that insufficient oxygen and other necessary substances enter the brain with blood. A variety of pains that a person feels with VVD, most often headaches (migraine), back pains are associated with the functions of the LRC. In this zone there is also a center of deep pain sensitivity, which perceives impulses from the internal organs. This complex is a kind of filter, and a person does not perceive signals from internal organs. And when this center is weakened, the filter breaks, as it were, and the impulses enter the human consciousness, which begins to perceive all sorts of unpleasant sensations. For example, harmless impulses from a joint are perceived as extraneous sensations - pain. Such a person begins to perceive the internal processes of the body more sharply. He may sometimes feel his blood pressure rise or fall. If it is lowered, this is expressed in a weakening of vitality, fatigue, lethargy, poor health, weakness of the whole organism.

This is due to the fact that the vascular system is not in full supplies the brain with blood. And when high blood pressure a person feels a headache, dizziness and other ailments. The reason is that there is already too much blood flowing to the brain. Protective spasms of blood vessels occur - the body thus protects the brain from the pressure of excess blood.

The risk of getting sick is primarily genetically predisposed people, as well as those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

In the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, physiotherapeutic methods are mainly used. It can be hydromassage, physiotherapy exercises. Perhaps you should be interested in auto-training techniques, take a course of psychotherapy. With a serious manifestation of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia nice results gives acupuncture, manual therapy, phytotherapy.

It is necessary to activate the energy reserves of the body using hydrotherapeutic means, using a limited number of drugs. Hydrotherapy causes normal distribution body fluids in various body cavities.

To overcome vascular problems, it is necessary to revive the peripheral blood circulation, intensify the work of small capillaries. Violation of the physiology of scattered small capillaries is not a secondary factor, but, on the contrary, one of the main elements of a deep disorder of the body in any disease.

“If a remedy is found to dilate the capillaries when they are contracted by spasm, a remedy to stop the paralyzing atony when they are dilated, if a way is found to improve their insufficient permeability or curb their violent permeability, then the nutrition of tissues and cells will be improved, the supply of oxygen to the cells will be established, the drainage of tissues is facilitated, the energy balance of the affected tissues is increased; cells that are in a state of bionecrosis will be returned to life, and the elimination of cellular waste products will be ensured in order to avoid slow but dangerous protein intoxication.

“Water is the divinely restoring remedy of a nature that never makes mistakes, boldly, without mixing, internally and externally used, acts more fully and faster than any other remedy.”

W. Cannon.

The complex of recreational activities for vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) necessarily includes physiotherapy procedures. Hydrotherapy and electrotherapy are especially effective. If you need to receive such procedures as calcium iontophoresis, galvanic collar, electrosleep in a clinic or sanatorium, then hydrotherapy is available to everyone at home.

Hydrotherapy is extremely effective for the treatment of functional disorders of the nervous system and is rightfully preferred not only by doctors (especially reasonable ones), but also by the patients themselves (the medicine is very pleasant).

Of course, hydrotherapy is not aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease, but at relieving symptoms, but this is what is IMPORTANT for the patient. For him, the most important thing is precisely the disappearance or mitigation of the manifestations of the disease that torment him, and water can best cope with this.

“Hydrotherapy procedures with temperature and mechanical influences have a beneficial effect on symptoms associated with functional disorders of the autonomic nervous system: it improves muscle tone increases muscle strength. Hydrotherapy in this way can serve as a measure to combat muscle fatigue, which at times manifests itself rather sharply in sufferers. It is also useful for those who seek to find a beautiful figure - after all, fat burning occurs precisely thanks to active movement, a large muscle mass. Therefore, it is much easier for men to lose weight.

"Improvement vascular tone after hydrotherapy procedures, it has a positive effect on blood circulation. Thermal and mechanical stimuli affect the metabolic functions of the body, and hence, obviously, the effect of hydrotherapy in the sense of improving metabolic functions in the nervous system, freeing it from harmful products associated with fatigue.

The above two quotes are from the basic textbook by M. M. Anikin and G. S. Varshaver "Fundamentals of Physiotherapy", Medgiz 1950.


Russian bath- not quite home, but a common means of self-help. It ranks first in terms of its beneficial effects on the body. Each nation has developed its own methods and techniques to restore shaken health. Yoga, qi-gong, meditation, prayer, steam bath, sauna.

Heat, cold and mechanical influences while staying in a bath (sauna) have a positive effect on the tone of the autonomic nervous system, affect peripheral blood circulation, improve skin trophism and stimulate its functions.

One of the main symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia is impaired thermoregulation of the skin. The process of thermoregulation is carried out under the control of the nervous system. The bath helps to adapt to a variety of environmental conditions and temperature changes, stabilizes and normalizes activity. blood vessels. Finding detailed, interesting and useful information about the bath is easy. It is enough to go to any bookstore or learn from the pros you know, which any person probably has.

However, with hypotension or severe symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, with any rejection of this procedure, other intolerance (for example, I cannot stand a bath since childhood), one has to resort to other hydrotherapy procedures.

baths. Herbal baths have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, thanks to the vitamins, microelements, and phytoncides contained in plants. In addition, inhaling the aromas of herbs calms the nervous system and normalizes sleep.

To prepare such a bath, you need to take 1.5 cups of a mixture of dry herbs, pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes, let it brew for 2 hours, strain and pour the broth into the bath.

You can take a bath with the addition of a collection of herbs - valerian, oregano, lime blossom and calendula. Better if there is water in the bathroom normal temperature, about 35 degrees, since cold baths are not recommended for very advanced cases - they excite the nervous system too much.

Bath with the addition of sea salt. Natural sea ​​salt harmless and contains components necessary for the whole organism: potassium regulates the nutrition of skin cells; calcium, penetrating into cells, ensures normal blood clotting; magnesium promotes muscle relaxation (if you suffer from muscle cramps at night, conclude that you lack magnesium, add magnesium-rich foods to your diet); bromine calms the nervous system; iodine acts as an antiseptic.

The optimum temperature is 32-34 degrees. The duration of the bath is 10-12 minutes. Course - at least 12 procedures. Then a short break.

Pine bath. It is prescribed for overwork, insomnia, diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Pine extract is sold in pharmacies. Apply it according to the instructions. DO NOT make your own pine baths - don't trust the recipes in various books - see if you can clean your bath afterwards!

Iodine-bromine bath. With this procedure, you will get rid of obsessive headaches, relieve fatigue, muscle tension. Buy at the pharmacy 100 gr. Sodium iodide and 250 gr. Potassium bromide, dissolve them in 1 liter of water. Pour 100 ml of the resulting concentrate into a warm (35-36 degrees) bath, in which you can pre-dissolve table salt(2 kg). You need to take such a bath for 10-12 minutes. Store the remaining concentrate in a dark place and use as needed.

Melt water. It has long been believed that melt water helps to rejuvenate the body. The structure of melt water is similar to the structure of the cellular fluid of our body - in frozen and then melted water, the diameter of the molecules changes, and they easily pass through cell membranes. Therefore, chemical reactions in the body when drinking melt water are faster and the exchange of salts is activated.

You can get melt water by freezing ordinary tap water passed through the filter. The cloudy parts of the ice should be scraped off or washed off with water (these are salts and other harmful chemical elements). To remove deuterium, which is hazardous to health, it is necessary to remove the quickly formed frost when the water is just beginning to freeze.

With VVD, for the prevention and treatment of disorders of the vascular system, 2-3 glasses of cold are used, it is possible with pieces of ice, melt water inside. The first glass should be drunk early in the morning an hour before meals, and the rest - during the day. An hour before the next meal. Quantity needed to render therapeutic effect, is calculated as follows: 4-6 gr. melt water per 1 kg of weight. In case of obesity, metabolic disorders, increase the dose.

Melt water cannot be stored for a long time. You should not completely switch to melt water. About 30% of melt water will be enough.


With the hypotensive type of VVD, exciting compresses are used. To do this, you need to take a long (up to 4 m) and wide (at least 30 cm) canvas bandage. Moisten one end with water at room temperature. Squeeze it lightly and lay it crosswise on the chest and back; bandage the remaining dry part over the wet. The temperature difference between skin and water results in fast and efficient heating. The patient should lie in bed, covered with a warm blanket, for 3 hours.

If the VVD is manifested by an increase in blood pressure, headaches, flushing of blood to the head (hypertensive type), then we can recommend "distracting" water procedures: a compress on the calves, a fan shower on the legs, foot flow baths. You can walk along the seashore at high tide, if possible. All these procedures have a thermal and mechanical effect, as a result of which the legs become red and hot, the blood drains from the head, the face becomes pale, the pain subsides, and the pressure returns to normal.

Activity disorders gastrointestinal tract also quite often oppress people suffering from VVD. In case of digestive disorders during the day, short (2-3 minutes) and cold (20-15 ° C) sitz baths can be carried out. If it is necessary to normalize the tone of the intestines, then the following stimulating procedures are recommended: a fan shower lasting no more than 1 minute and a water temperature of 20-22 ° C or a half-bath with water at a temperature of 25 ° C with rubbing and dousing with colder water (15-20 ° C ).

In order to normalize sleep and calm the nervous system, take a bath or shower in the evening - if desired. Without drying yourself, put on pajamas or a nightgown on your wet body and immediately go to bed. Cover your neck with a blanket. Sleep will come to you very quickly. You can try another way. Soak a small towel in warm water and squeeze it well. Lie down in bed and place a wet towel over your stomach area. Put a dry towel and a woolen scarf on top.

With insomnia from mental overwork, dousing is used.

Get out of bed in the morning. Pour a little table vinegar into a bucket of cold water. Pour the bucket on yourself (not on your chest, otherwise you can get sick with bronchitis) and after the procedure, go back to bed. After about an hour, when the body is completely warm, it will be possible to get up.


This procedure causes an increase in capillary blood flow and activates gas exchange in the lungs. Fold a large terry towel 2-3 times, so that its width covers your chest from the armpits to the end of the ribs, and choose the length so that one end of the folded towel overlaps the other end by 30-40 cm when wrapping the chest. Roll this towel into roll like a bandage. Then take a second terry towel, the same length as the first, but a little wider so that the second towel, folded 2-3 times, overlaps the width of the first towel. Roll it up too. Fold a thin woolen or flannelette blanket in three layers along the length so that when folded it overlaps the width of the second towel, after which the blanket is also rolled up.

Strip down to the waist. You should have an assistant who dips the first rolled towel into a basin of hot water (temperature not lower than 60 ° C; control it with a thermometer), wets it well (within 15-20 seconds), wringes it out and quickly wraps it around your chest. A dry towel should be applied over the wet one, and then a blanket. Lie in bed on your back, wrap yourself well up to your chin with a warm (cotton) blanket and lie in bed for 1 hour.

If you do not have an assistant, do this procedure yourself. To do this, place a woolen or flannelette blanket folded 4 times across the bed, on it - a dry terry towel folded in half lengthwise. On top of a dry towel, place a well-wrung terry towel, also folded in half, soaked in hot (65-70 ° C) water. Lie on your back on all three layers and quickly wrap the ends over your chest first. wet towel, and then - the ends of a dry towel and then a blanket. Cover with a cotton blanket on top. You should lie down for 20 minutes, and then after the procedure, rest in bed for at least an hour.


Since the 19th century medicinal purposes shower is widely used. Souls are divided into types:

    dust (not drops fall on the body, but sprayed water), rain (heavy drops fall on the body), needle (or Charcot's shower, when a large number small streams of water), underwater shower-massage.

All types of shower mechanically irritate the skin and are, as it were, acupressure. As a result, the body activates metabolic processes, improves blood circulation in tissues and organs, increases hormonal support for metabolic processes. Water washes away from the body all toxins and metabolic products that come out of the pores that have expanded during the shower.

A shower and a cup of morning coffee are good for those who suffer from asthenia and hypotension. Vigorous rubdown and cool shower(20 degrees) lasting 15 minutes invigorate. Efficiency increases, chilliness and lethargy decrease, and a further decrease in water temperature leads to a significant improvement in well-being.

In the evening, before going to bed, a long warm shower is used to normalize sleep.

Charcot's shower has been known since the 19th century and until now, a shower with a stronger impact did not exist. There had to be a real technological breakthrough for something new to appear. This breakthrough was made by the Russian inventor Ph.D. (for now, soon Doctor of Technical Sciences) A.N. Alekseev. He managed to come up with a way to get conoidal outlets for water by casting thermoplastic materials. These are special jets of water with, firstly, high kinetic energy and, secondly, changing behavior. At a distance of 50 cm from the exit holes, they turn into quantum jets - as if bombarding the surface of the skin, thereby providing extraordinary sensations and a rare healing effect.

Today it is difficult to find a person who does not know what VSD is. Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) is a complex of vegetative disorders in which the vessels partially or completely lose their ability to respond normally to any stimuli and may involuntarily expand or narrow. This article describes in detail: what it is - vascular dystonia, how to treat this disease, and how it can be diagnosed.

VVD is not included in the International Classification of Diseases, but is often exhibited to patients by cardiologists, therapists, neurologists and is widely found in medicine, mainly post-Soviet. Vascular arterial dystonia is not an independent diagnosis - it is considered by doctors as a consequence of diseases of the endocrine system, pathological changes in the central nervous system, heart damage and some mental disorders. Therefore, many of them quite reasonably believe that it is necessary to identify the cause, and not point out the consequences of the VVD. Moreover, many doctors and scientists argue that the diagnosis of "VVD" is made when they simply cannot detect existing disease, which leads to the symptoms described by patients.

By VVD is meant a complex violation of such physiological processes as the regulation of blood pressure and heat transfer. In this disease, the patient can visible reasons dilate or narrow the pupils and disrupt blood circulation in the tissues, some patients have problems with the production of insulin and adrenaline.

Causes of vegetative vascular dystonia

VVD syndromes can be caused by the following reasons:

  • CNS lesions;
  • encephalopathy and disorders in the brain stem and hypothalamus;
  • diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and other diseases of the endocrine system;
  • hormonal changes in the body adolescence, during pregnancy, with menopause);
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system(tachycardia, bradycardia, arrhythmia, heart defects, etc.);
  • chronic infections;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • overwork and regular lack of sleep;
  • stress and increased nervousness;
  • individual qualities of a person - increased anxiety, excessive worry about one's own health, etc .;
  • the presence of bad habits - alcoholism, nicotine and drug addiction;
  • mental disorders.

Sometimes even abrupt change climate is included in the causes of VSD.

The development of vegetovascular dysfunction is also possible in infants due to pathologies that arose during the period of fetal formation and birth injuries. At this age, VVD is accompanied by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence, diarrhea, frequent regurgitation, poor appetite), increased moodiness (sometimes children are characterized by high nervous excitability) and instability of immunity to colds.

Risk factors for vegetovascular dystonia

The first signs of vegetative vascular dystonia usually appear in childhood or adolescence. According to some sources, this disorder is widespread and occurs in 80% of the population, according to others, it occurs in 32-38% of patients who consult a doctor with complaints about the state of the cardiovascular system. Among women signs of VVD occur 3 times more often than in men.

These figures, of course, are clearly exaggerated, because such a diagnosis is made only in the post-Soviet countries, and European and American doctors have never heard of the existence of such a widespread “disease”. Moreover, even among different domestic doctors, the frequency of setting diagnosis of vegetative vascular dystonia is vastly different.

Such differences are facilitated both by the lack of clear diagnostic criteria, and by the denial by many young professionals who have access to the sources of knowledge of "Western" medicine, the very existence of this disease.

The following categories of the population can be attributed to the risk group:

  • adolescents, pregnant women, menopausal women (due to hormonal adjustment organism);
  • people whose occupation is closely related to constant moving;
  • people with a sedentary lifestyle and little physical activity;
  • patients with chronic diseases;
  • living in conditions of constant psychological discomfort;
  • people who have a hereditary predisposition to vascular dystonia (if one of the family members has it).

AT vegetative dystonia may appear at any age.

Symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia

Patients with such a pathology as vegetative-vascular dysfunction can often complain of symptoms characteristic of many diseases: loss of strength, sleep disturbance, frequent dizziness, sometimes turning into fainting, pain in the heart area, the patient can be thrown either in heat or in cold. With VVD, the symptoms can be the most versatile, but almost always they are numerous.

The main symptoms of VVD in both adults and children are the same. In addition to the above, patients with this disease may express the following complaints:

  • numbness of some limbs;
  • periodic feeling of "lump" in the throat;
  • sensitivity of the body to weather conditions and temperature extremes;
  • often appearing herpes on the lips;
  • depressive states that appear suddenly and for no apparent reason;
  • distraction and memory problems;
  • lethargy and constant drowsiness;
  • appetite disturbance (up to anorexia or bulimia);
  • pain in the back and in the limbs;
  • dyspnea.

Many patients who are faced with the syndrome of vegetovascular dystonia, the manifestation of autonomic dysfunction can be taken for individual characteristics of your body.

Classification of vegetovascular dystonia

For vegetovascular dysfunctions, a single generally accepted classification has not been developed, but they can be distinguished by some criteria.

Depending on the prevalence autonomic disorders, can be identified the following types VSD:

  • local (local) dystonia: violations are observed in the work of one organ;
  • systemic dystonia: disorders are present in one organ system (eg, cardiovascular);
  • generalized dystonia: the work of two or more organ systems is disrupted.

It is possible to distinguish types of VVD according to the severity of symptoms:

  • latent dystonia - the disease manifests itself only after the appearance of irritant factors (stress, excitement, etc.);
  • paroxysmal dystonia - with this variant of the disease, attacks appear suddenly, sometimes with a certain frequency;
  • permanent dystonia is a disease in which some disorders (for example, cold hands due to problems with thermoregulation) appear constantly.

Depending on the manifestation of symptoms, the following types of vegetovascular dystonia can be distinguished:

  • VSD with a predominance of sympathetic effects;
  • VSD with a predominance of parasympathetic effects;
  • mixed VSD.

The sympathetic system is responsible for the body's response to stressful stimuli. Its activity can cause an increase in heart rate, dilation of the pupils, arteries of the brain and reproductive system, a decrease in salivation, suppression of enzymes responsible for the digestion of food, and other disorders.

Parasympathetic can have both excitatory and inhibitory effects on organ systems. The principle of its work is opposite to the sympathetic system.

Vegetovascular pathologies can also be classified according to the nature of their origin. Experts distinguish primary dystonia, due to heredity or constitutional characteristics of the body, and secondary - resulting from any pathological changes in the human body. In addition, the disease can be divided according to the severity of manifestations. vegetative vascular dystonia into light, medium and heavy.

Classification according to the localization of all symptoms

Classification autonomic dysfunctions depending on the localization of all the symptoms of VVD, many experts consider it the main one: the vegetative system is responsible for almost most of the life processes of the human body.

  • Cardiovascular autonomic dystonia

For this system, the following types of vascular dysfunctions are distinguished:

  1. Cardiac view of the VSD. It is characterized by palpitations. With this vegetovascular dystonia, patients complain of a constant lack of air, tachycardia, pain or discomfort in the region of the heart, they may experience respiratory arrhythmia and an increased pulse. The ECG does not show any changes, even with vivid symptoms.
  2. Hypotensive type of VSD. It is determined by the weakness of the body, its increased fatigue, patients have frequent migraine attacks, sometimes there are pre-syncope states. Hypotonic vegetovascular dystonia is primarily indicated by a decrease in blood pressure to less than 120/90 mm Hg. Art., pallor of the skin and changes in the fundus.
  3. Hypertensive type of VSD. As with hypotensive vascular dystonia, with this type of autonomic disorders, patients experience frequent headaches and increased fatigue. It is characterized by an increase in blood pressure to arterial hypertension. Symptoms are most often manifested with increased physical exertion.
  4. Vasomotor type of VSD. Determined by pathological changes nerve fibers responsible for the expansion and narrowing of the walls of blood vessels. In patients with this disease, in addition to frequent headaches and sleep disturbances, frequent flushing of the face (due to which a strong protrusion of the veins is noticeable), anxiety and cooling of the extremities are possible.
  5. VSD mixed type. May be accompanied by a complex of some of the above autonomic disorders at the same time.
  • Vegetative dystonia associated with disorders of the respiratory system

With respiratory VVD, respiratory disorders are observed with the corresponding symptoms: shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, a feeling of suffocation when trying to do full breath etc.

  • Gastroenterological VVD

The course of this type of VSD in patients is clearly expressed by complaints with aspects of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system: vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, gas formation, bouts of belching, decreased metabolism, frequent urination, frequent pain in the lower abdomen.

  • VSD associated with disruption of the vegetative-visceral system

Violations of the vegetative-visceral system will be accompanied by disturbances in the work of thermoregulation: increased sweating, chills, sudden, sometimes changing sensations of cold and heat, as well as causeless rises in temperature.

Unsatisfactory work vestibular apparatus(frequent dizziness, bouts of motion sickness) with frequent bouts of pre-syncope can also indicate that a person has VVD.

Complications of vegetovascular dystonia

Why is VSD dangerous? The prognosis of the course of vegetovascular dystonia is unpredictable in most cases. Half of the patients with this disorder periodically experience vegetovascular crises - a special condition in which the symptoms of the disease are especially pronounced.

Crises with VVD usually appear with mental or physical overstrain, a sharp change in climate, and some diseases in the acute stage. In adults, crises with vegetovascular dystonia occur in 50% of cases. Crises characteristic of VVD can be divided into sympathoadrenal, vagoinsular and mixed.

Sympathoadrenal crisis occurs due to a sharp release of adrenaline into the blood. This pathological condition begins with a severe headache, an increase in heart rate and a feeling of pain in the region of the heart. What else is dangerous vegetovascular dystonia - in a patient in this condition may exceed normal blood pressure, increase body temperature to subfebrile values ​​​​(37-37.50), chills and tremor - trembling of the limbs. The sympathoadrenal crisis ends as suddenly as it begins. After its disappearance, patients usually experience a feeling of weakness and impotence, they have increased urine production.

The symptoms of a vagoinsular crisis are in many ways the opposite of sympathoadrenal effects. When it appears in patients, the release of insulin into the blood increases, as a result of which the level of glucose in the blood decreases (in patients diabetes such a decrease can reach hypoglycemic, i.e. life-threatening quantities).

A vagoinsular crisis is accompanied by a sinking heart, dizziness, cardiac arrhythmias, difficulty breathing and asthma attacks, bradycardia and arterial hypotension may occur. This pathology is characterized by complaints such as increased sweating, redness of the face, weakness and darkening of the eyes. During the insular crisis, the contraction of the intestinal walls increases, gas formation and diarrhea appear, some patients may experience the urge to defecate. End of this acute period VVD, as in the case of sympathoadrenal crisis, is accompanied by increased patient fatigue.

In mixed crises, both departments are activated vegetative system- in this case, the patient will experience symptoms of both sympathoadrenal and insular crisis.

Diagnosis of vegetovascular dystonia

VVD is difficult to diagnose, since its symptoms are diverse and in many aspects even subjective. Integrated instrumental diagnostics VSD (ultrasound, ECG, etc.) is usually used not to confirm the vegetative-vascular dystonia itself, but to exclude the possibility of the patient having other diseases.

In addition, if there are any symptoms of VVD, consultations with a cardiologist, neurologist and endocrinologist are recommended, since the symptoms of autonomic disorders and diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems are largely similar. Depending on the patient's complaints, he may also need to be examined by a gastroenterologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, urologist, gynecologist, psychiatrist and other specialists.

To diagnose vegetative vascular dystonia itself, an assessment of autonomic tone is used - the level of function of a particular organ at rest (in the case indicated in the example - the heart).

It can be determined using a special Kerdo index, which is calculated by the formula: Kerdo index \u003d (1 - diastolic blood pressure / heart rate) * 100.

If the final number turned out to be positive, we can talk about a more developed sympathetic effect on the heart, negative result may indicate parasympathetic disturbances. Ideally, the Kerdo index should be equal to zero - this indicates that the subject has no vegetative disorders.

There is another simple way to diagnose VVD. The patient is asked questions that require only a positive or negative answer (for example, "Are you sensitive to weather conditions?") Depending on the answers, the respondent is awarded points, and if their sum exceeds a certain number, we can talk about the patient's vegetovascular dystonia.

Treatment of vegetovascular dystonia

Treatment of VVD in adults and children in most cases will follow the same scenario. In the treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia, non-drug methods of therapy are mainly used, but despite this, the patient should be under the control of a therapist, neurologist, endocrinologist or psychiatrist. It is completely possible to cure vegetovascular dystonia, but this process will take a long time.

General methods of treatment of autonomic disorders involve the following activities:

  • normalization of the regime of work and rest;
  • elimination of psycho-emotional stimuli;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • rational and regular nutrition;
  • periodic passage of sanitary-resort treatment of VVD.

With VVD, vitamins, herbal medicine can be shown. Patients with vegetative vascular disorders courses of massage and physiotherapy will be useful. Physiotherapy treatment for dystonia depends on VSD type. If non-drug treatment vegetative vascular dystonia does not have a sufficient effect, the patient is individually selected drugs.

To reduce the activity of vegetative reactions are used sedatives, antidepressants, tranquilizers and nootropics. Preparations of the group of β-blockers (for example, anaprilin) ​​are prescribed to reduce the manifestation of sympathetic effects, and herbal adaptogens (eleutherococcus, ginseng, etc.) are prescribed for vagotonic ones.

In severe vegetovascular crises, the patient may require injection of neuroleptics, tranquilizers, β-blockers and atropine.

Patients with VVD need periodic planned hospitalization (once every 3-6 months), especially in spring and autumn.

Preventive measures for vegetative vascular dystonia

VVD prevention consists in achieving a high level of body endurance and increasing its adaptive capabilities. In addition, in order to prevent this disease, the central nervous system must have high level self-regulation. This can be achieved by giving up bad habits, regular physical and intellectual stress and timely visits to doctors in order to detect any diseases early.