BOSU platform: what is it, pros and cons. Top best exercises with BOSU

Trainer with biofeedback for training walking "Trust-M"

According to Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 1705n "On the procedure for organizing medical rehabilitation" gait trainer included in equipment standards centers and departments of medical rehabilitation of patients with somatic diseases, with dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system, central and peripheral nervous system.

The complex allows restoring the walking function at a fundamentally new level in patients with pathology of the motor function of various origins.

The basis of the complex are multifunctional biomechanical sensors "Trust-M", virtual environment with biofeedback and walking simulator "Biokinect"(special treadmill) that allows you to work in low speed modes from 0.1 km / h. For seriously ill patients who cannot walk and stand on their own, the complex is equipped with an active unloading system with safety straps that can withstand up to 150 kg.

Sensors "Trust-M" register the biomechanical parameters of the patient's movement and transmit information via Bluetooth to a computer . The temporal and spatial characteristics of the step, movements in the hip and knee joints, pelvic movements in three mutually perpendicular planes, impact loads on the lower limbs and other functional parameters are recorded. The results obtained not only form the response of the biofeedback environment, but are also a powerful diagnostic tool for diagnosing the pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Biofeedback Virtual Environment (BFB) significantly increases the effectiveness of training. Large-format 3D panel with a stereo image, installed in the front of the complex at the level of the patient's head, provides the effect of presence . The screen shows various types of landscapes, in which the patient moves in proportion to the speed, step frequency and other parameters of movement. If necessary, the patient's phantom can be visualized in the landscape. At the same time, the movements of the lower extremities and torso will be shown in real time as they occur in the patient, which allows you to expand the possibilities of training by adding virtual obstacles and other effects.

Functional electrical stimulation (FES). Each sensor "Trust-M" has an electrical stimulation channel that allows you to conduct a full-fledged FES. The FES method is based on the excitation of a muscle with electrical impulses of a special shape, which are precisely synchronized with the movement being performed and are produced strictly in accordance with the phase of the physiological action of this muscle. FES is the only method to date that allows you to reprogram the phase of muscle activity. For a number of widespread diseases, such as the consequences of cerebral stroke, cerebral palsy, peripheral and central paralysis and paresis of various origins, abnormal involvement of muscles in the motor act is characteristic.

Specifications of the gait biofeedback trainer

Special rehabilitation low-speed treadmill

Speed ​​from 0.1 to 10 km/h

Adjustable tilt 0-15 gr.

Patient weight up to 150 kg

Emergency stop button

Side rails

Computer control via USB cable

Step Parameter Recorder

Pitch parameters control system Trust-M

Weight unloading system

Maximum patient weight 150 kg

Maximum unloading weight 120 kg

Patient weight control

Weight control of the patient, taking into account unloading

TRUST-M sensor

Number of sensors from 2 to 14 pcs

Bluetooth 2.1 transmission range At least 10 m

Measurement of angular velocity along 3 axes

3-axis acceleration measurement

Myography channels (from 4 to 28)

Current stimulation channels (from 2 to 14)

Overall dimensions 63x38x20 mm

Weight (no more) 80g

Autonomous power supply

BFB simulator "Breathing"

For the first time in the world practice!

Simple and accurate health level control, i.e. reserve (adaptive) capabilities of the body

Diagnostics of the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system

Treatment of the cardiorespiratory system

Increasing the body's defenses

Mastering the skill of relieving the consequences of stress reactions and psycho-emotional overstrain

Therapeutic sessions in the conditions of healthcare institutions, education, social protection

Wellness and treatment sessions in health centers and sanatoriums

Wellness sessions at home

The biofeedback simulator (equipment, program, methodology, service) is the result of scientific cooperation between specialists:

Firms "Biosvyaz" (St. Petersburg)

St. Petersburg State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlova (Department of Hospital Therapy)

Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the International University of the Family. R. Wallenberg

The basis of the medical and health-improving technique is a unique diaphragmatic-relaxation type of breathing with maximum respiratory arrhythmia of the heart (MAR), produced by the BFB method. It is known in Russia and abroad as Smetankin's breath.

In each respiratory cycle, a respiratory arrhythmia of the heart (RAS) occurs - the difference between the maximum value of the pulse on inhalation and the minimum on exhalation.

DAS is the main object of diagnostics and training

DAS is an indicator of biological age, a functional indicator of the adaptive capabilities of the body

DAS is a sensitive indicator of well-being, the state of pre-illness, stress, psycho-emotional overstrain

The breathing skill according to Smetankin, obtained at DAS-BOS sessions, gives a chance to any person:

Stop premature aging

Get rid of the disease or prevent its development

Protect yourself from the effects of stress and psycho-emotional overstrain

BOS session

During a BFB session, the patient sees and hears how effectively the synchronization of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems takes place.

1. Registration of heart rate (HR) using special sensors

2. Converting the DAS signal into visible and audible feedback signals.

Inspiration and heart rate rise

Exhalation and heart rate decreases heart rate below the threshold - the exhalation is done correctly!

3. The development of a stable skill of diaphragmatic-relaxation breathing is helped by a computer game, the success in which depends on the correct exhalation

4. A BFB session consists of periods of training and rest. To increase the effectiveness of the treatment and health course, the program contains 12 ready-made templates - alternating periods of training (work) and rest.

Evaluation of the level of DAS and the degree of mastery of the skill of the therapeutic type of breathing

A new type of breathing gives excellent results!

In medicine and social protection

Positive clinical effect is 70 - 85% of cases

Reduction of the terms of recovery, rehabilitation by 3-5 times

Reducing the drug load by 1.5 - 2 or more times

In education

Reducing the incidence rate among children from the group of frequently and long-term ill by 4 or more times

Increasing the level of academic performance by 1.5-2 times or more

Healing effect

Prevention of diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems

Prolongation of active longevity

Protection against stress and psycho-emotional overstrain

Throughput of the simulator:

10 - 12 people per day for private lessons

100 - 120 people per day for individual-group lessons (school classes)

About biofeedback

For thousands of years, people have dreamed of being able to maintain and improve their health without drugs. Only a few could achieve this, and only after many years of hard training. Only today, thanks to the achievements of science (primarily Russian), which created the biofeedback method (BFB), such an opportunity opens up for everyone.

The biofeedback method (BFB) is the transfer to a person of additional, not provided by nature, information about the state of his organs and systems in an accessible and visual form. Based on this information, a person is able to turn on the mechanisms of self-regulation and purposefully use the huge functional capabilities of the body in order to improve their functions in the norm (thereby maintaining and strengthening their health) and correcting the activity of impaired functions in pathology.

There are no absolute contraindications to the use of the biofeedback method.

How is the BOS method implemented?

Let's get acquainted with how the biofeedback method is implemented. For example, let's take the control of human motor activity. It will be quite clear: we use this function every minute and we know perfectly well that we are good at controlling muscles. Remember what heights of perfection of motor coordination reach outstanding athletes, ballet and circus artists.

Let's build a control scheme for the biceps contraction function using the biofeedback method.

The skin sensor registers a bioelectrical signal, converting it into the amplitude of muscle contraction.

The stronger and longer the contraction of the biceps, the higher it deviates from zero.

But the transformation of the bioelectric signal does not end there. It is transmitted to the biofeedback device and converted into light (amplitude of the light column on the screen) and sound (tone) signals.

And then the most amazing thing happens: a person begins to see and hear how his muscle contracts!

The feedback chain closes, but the biofeedback method has not yet worked. Two more obligatory conditions are necessary: ​​instructions and motivation for fulfilling the tasks of the biofeedback instructor.

Since this is an arbitrary (conscious) control of the muscles, the performance of appropriate motor exercises, a person needs to be given a clear verbal instruction. It depends on what we want to develop in the muscle. Suppose a muscle is weakened after a fracture. We need to increase its activity. In this case, the instruction may be as follows: "Try to contract the muscle so that the height of the light column on the monitor screen grows and exceeds the set threshold. Exceeding the threshold will be indicated by an encouraging sound signal. This means that you have performed the exercise correctly." The instructions must be clear and understandable. The patient has an associative connection: I contract the muscle, the amplitude of the column grows in response to this contraction, and at a certain threshold, an encouraging sound signal is turned on. This is the first condition.

The second condition is as follows. Since we are using conscious training, the person may not want to do the exercise correctly. So, you need to create motivation (a strong motivating reason) for him to correctly perform this exercise. The higher the level of motivation, the more effective the training will be. In practice, an endless variety of computer games, various methods of encouragement and verbal reinforcement, comfortable conditions of biofeedback sessions are widely used as a trigger for motivation. The patient has not only a desire to complete tasks, but also confidence in the success of each session. Motivation helps a person to realize himself, to reveal his potential.

Thanks to the information obtained with the help of technical means, the patient can perform the exercises in the most optimal way. Hence the high efficiency of the application of the biofeedback method.

Application of the biofeedback method is painless for the patient; Biofeedback equipment registers body signals (frequency of respiratory cycles, pulse, brain rhythms, bioelectric signals emanating from muscles), without directly affecting a person.

The BFB method is breathing that gives health. It was this method that revealed his secret - the secret of the harmony of the work of breathing and the heart, which people have been trying to unravel for thousands of years. Incredibly, but now this breathing is available to every person, and with its help everyone can protect themselves from the harmful effects of stress and psycho-emotional overstrain.

The biofeedback method, used in controlling individual rhythms of the electrical activity of the brain, reveals the secrets of the brain to us and normalizes the human psyche.

BOS complex of psychophysiological preparation of pregnant women for childbirth


Effective preparation of pregnant women for childbirth

Reduction of fears and stress reactions preceding childbirth

Reduced pain during childbirth

General health improvement

Psychophysiological preparation for childbirth according to the biofeedback method has no analogues in the world.

The biofeedback complex for the psychophysiological preparation of pregnant women for childbirth (equipment, programs, methods, training, service) is the result of scientific cooperation between specialists:

Firms "Biosvyaz" (St. Petersburg)

Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology. D.O.Otta RAMS

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology)


Physiological course of pregnancy

Psycho-emotional disorders during pregnancy

Vegetative-vascular disorders during pregnancy

Relative contraindications

Various pathological conditions requiring urgent specific therapy

Severe violations of the volitional sphere, intellect

Rhythm and conduction disorders of the heart

Obesity III degree

The main techniques used in the complex

1. Teaching the skill of diaphragmatic-relaxation breathing with maximum respiratory arrhythmia of the heart

2. Relieve neuromuscular tension

3. Control of individual rhythms of the electrical activity of the brain

1. Teaching the skill of diaphragmatic-relaxation breathing with maximum respiratory arrhythmia of the heart (DAS-BOS)

The most important part of the modern system of preparation for childbirth is the training of a pregnant woman in the diaphragmatic-relaxation type of breathing with maximum respiratory arrhythmia of the heart (MAR) according to the BFB method. This type of breathing or cardiorespiratory training according to the Smetankin method is the most effective way to self-regulate the autonomic, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, as well as to correct the psycho-emotional state during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.

To master this type of healthful breathing allows the program "Cardio", included in the algorithm of the computer simulator.

During the session, the pregnant woman sees and hears how her respiratory and cardiovascular systems work. Feedback signals are game plots, success in which depends on the correctness of breathing with the stomach.

Training period. Plot "Children". The picture gradually opens if the exhalation is done correctly. The skill of diaphragmatic-relaxation breathing is being formed.

Session Results screen. The respiratory and cardiovascular systems function synchronously, DAS is maximum - the skill is formed.

For more information about the diaphragmatic-relaxation type of breathing, see the description of the "Cardiopulmonary" complex.

The acquired skill helps a woman:

during pregnancy -

Form a positive emotional mood for childbirth

Correct and increase the resistance of the "mother-fetus" system to adverse environmental influences (improvement of fetoplacental blood circulation, reducing the load on the cardiovascular system)

Get rid of the fear of childbirth

Reduce anxiety levels

Normalize sleep

during childbirth -

Increase the adequacy of behavior during the entire birth period

In contractions, use breathing as a technique:

Self-pain relief

Rapid recovery of the cardiorespiratory system

Prevention of fetal hypoxia

Attempts to reduce and prevent risk:

Birth injury

Asphyxia of a newborn

In the postpartum period

Recover quickly and fully

Increase the duration of breastfeeding

2. Relieve neuromuscular tension

It is achieved by developing the skill of relaxing the muscles of the forehead, as well as other superficially located muscles according to the Jacobson method.

EMG sensors register the level of activity of controlled muscles, and a computer simulator converts it into visible and audible feedback signals for the pregnant woman

An auditory feedback signal - a pleasant melody of a relaxing nature - occurs when the level of muscle activity decreases below a predetermined threshold. The longer the relaxation, the longer the melody sounds.

The visual feedback signal is a game in which success depends on the complete relaxation of the controlled muscles.

The result is:

Deep degree of neuromuscular relaxation

Reducing the manifestations of psychosomatic and other neuropsychiatric disorders

Improving the effectiveness of the course of correction of the psycho-emotional state

3. Correction of the bioelectrical activity of the brain

EEG sensors register the bioelectrical activity of the brain in the forehead-back of the head lead

The auditory feedback signal - a pleasant melody of a relaxing nature - starts to sound if the intensity of the alpha rhythm exceeds a predetermined threshold. The longer the melody sounds, the more successful the relaxation session is.

Computer simulator:

Selects alpha, beta, theta, rhythms from EEG

Converts the intensity of the selected rhythm into audio feedback signals

Provides the doctor with a visual form of brain wave activity

Handles session results

Training to increase the power of the selected rhythm leads to:

The state of resistance to psychostress influences

Increased self-esteem and the ability to refrain from unwanted reactions to stress (including those associated with the upcoming birth)

Mastering the skill of self-control and self-regulation of the psycho-emotional state

Opportunities for applying acquired skills in everyday life

Biofeedback specialist during the session:

Coordinates, directs, and encourages the successful completion of tasks in the current session

Analyzes the results of the sessions and the dynamics of the course and the patient's condition, give appropriate recommendations

Conducts traditional psychotherapeutic and corrective techniques

The course of psychophysiological preparation for childbirth includes 8-10 sessions of 30-40 minutes each.

Advantages of the complex

The use of three types of biofeedback (DAS-BFB, EMG-BFB, EEG-BFB)

Instant processing and presentation in a visual form of the results of the session (graphs, statistical indicators)

Simplicity and reliability of mounting sensors

Possibility of organic inclusion in the biofeedback session of traditional psychotherapeutic techniques

The effectiveness of the technique

Reducing the drug load during pregnancy and childbirth by 2-3 times

Reduction of birth traumatism by 4 or more times

Reducing postpartum complications by 3 or more times

Extend breastfeeding to six months or more

Clinical examples

Multi-pregnant primiparous K., 26 years old.

I started classes at 25 weeks pregnant. Complaints - an unstable psycho-emotional state, fear of childbirth. According to the results of diagnostics, a high level of anxiety, an inadequate attitude towards pregnancy, and an increase in blood pressure up to 135/90 were revealed.

Diagnosis: pregnancy 25 weeks, aggravated obstetric and gynecological history, neurocirculatory dystonia of hypertonic type, chronic tonsillitis.

A corrective and health-improving course was prescribed using the biofeedback method. The patient was trained in diaphragmatic relaxation breathing, neuromuscular and psycho-emotional relaxation skills. After the course, the level of anxiety decreased, blood pressure stabilized (it did not rise above 125/80).

According to the results of the final diagnosis, the pregnant woman had no complaints, her mood improved, the level of anxiety decreased by 2 times, and her attitude towards pregnancy became adequate.

Information about the newborn: gender - male, weight - 3200 g, height - 51 cm, Apgar score - 8/9 points.

"The delivery was surprisingly easy, I was fully conscious and not at all tired."

Multi-pregnant primiparous L., 30 years old.

I started classes at 29 weeks pregnant. Complaints of pulling pains in the lower abdomen during physical exertion, palpitations, unstable psycho-emotional state, fear of childbirth.

According to the diagnostic results: the pregnant woman belongs to the high-risk group for miscarriage, a high level of anxiety, inadequate attitude towards pregnancy was revealed. For one week she took the drug Ginipral 3 tablets 1 time per day.

Diagnosis: pregnancy 29 weeks, the threat of premature birth, gestational pyelonephritis, aggravated obstetric and gynecological history.

A remedial and health-improving course was prescribed using the biofeedback method - training in diaphragmatic-relaxation breathing, neuromuscular and psycho-emotional relaxation skills. During classes, side effects from taking ginipral (complaints of increased heart rate) decreased significantly. After the course, the level of anxiety in the pregnant woman decreased, the intake of ginipral was reduced to 1 tablet per day.

Subsequently, a course of preparation for childbirth was held.

According to the results of the final diagnostics, the patient had no complaints, her mood improved, her anxiety level decreased by 1.5 times, her attitude towards pregnancy became adequate, the threat of preterm birth disappeared, and Ginipral was discontinued.

Extract from the history of childbirth:

Information about the newborn: gender - female, weight - 3500 g, height 50 cm, Apgar - 8/9 points.

Subjective assessment of childbirth and behavior in them:

"The birth was successful. I can rate my behavior in the first stage of labor as excellent, in the second stage it is a little worse. The most important thing is the result, that is, the birth of a healthy child. Thank you for your help."

Reading time: 16 minutes

BOSU is a versatile balancing platform that will become an effective tool for any fitness workout. In appearance, the platform resembles a fitball, only in a “cropped” form.

It was developed in 1999 by specialist David Weck as a safer alternative to the fitball. The name BOSU comes from the expression Both Sides Up, which in this case means "using both sides."

Read also:

About the BOSU platform

The BOSU simulator is a rubber hemisphere mounted on a hard plastic base. The diameter of the platform is 65 cm, and the height of the hemisphere is approximately 30 cm. BOSU comes with a pump, with which you can pump air into the dome. The stronger the hemisphere is inflated, the more elastic it is and the more difficult it is to perform the exercises.

When exercising with BOSU, you can perform exercises both with support on a hemisphere and with support on a flat platform. Typically, the domed side is used for aerobic and strength training, and when the ball is turned upside down, it becomes a tool for developing balance and coordination. This versatility is what has made this new sports equipment popular all over the world.

The Bosu balancing platform can be used in almost any fitness program: aerobics, strength training, stretching. BOSU are also actively used in professional sports: basketball, skiing, snowboarding, gymnastics, tennis and even martial arts. Olympic athletes use these balls to improve muscle strength and develop balance. Also, the platform is vital in physical therapy for easier recovery from injuries, as well as for their prevention.

At first, training on BOSU may seem unusual and even difficult for you. Do not worry, this is absolutely normal, over time you will be able to perform the exercises better and better. Don't be in a hurry and jump right into the hard work. To begin with, choose simple movements to get used to the new machine and gain confident balance.

Benefits of training on the BOSU platform

  1. BOSU is one of the most versatile trainers. You can use it for stretching, Pilates, balance exercises, rehabilitation exercises, as well as aerobic, plyometric and.
  2. This is a great way to make traditional exercises harder and more effective. Push-ups, lunges, squats, planks - all these exercises are much more difficult to perform on the BOSU platform, which means you will burn more calories and improve your body even faster.
  3. Your core will be actively working the entire time you balance on the ball to help stabilize your body. This provides a load on the abdominal and back muscles even during exercises that target other parts of the body.
  4. Bosu is a safer type of equipment than a fitball. If with a fitball you have a risk of falling or rolling off the ball and injuring yourself, then when using a balancing platform, this is practically impossible. First, BOSU assumes a stable foundation. Secondly, the height of the hemisphere is two times less than that of the fitball.
  5. The BOSU platform will help you improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, develop balance and coordination. This will come in handy both in everyday life and when doing other sports. Moreover, it is not necessary to perform any complex exercises. You can develop balance and a sense of balance even just by standing on the ball.
  6. In order to maintain balance on the platform, you will be forced to engage the deep stabilization muscles. During normal exercise, the deep abdominal muscles are not included in the work, which causes muscle imbalance and back pain. Regular training with BOSU will help you avoid this.
  7. BOSU can be called a much more versatile sports tool in comparison, for example, with its fitball counterpart. You can train not only sitting and lying on the hemisphere, but also standing on it with your feet or knees. You will have the opportunity to perform even more useful exercises for the whole body!
  8. The balancing platform is very easy to use. To perform exercises with a fitball, as a rule, you need to select special sets of exercises. Bosu, on the other hand, will become your auxiliary tool for performing the usual exercises, but with b about greater efficiency.
  9. BOSU will add variety to your workouts. Routine exercises that are repeated from session to session cease to bring high efficiency and can even discourage the desire to do fitness. In this case, additional sports equipment (for example, fitball, medicine ball, elastic band) will come to the rescue, which will help you update your arsenal of exercises and workouts.

Disadvantages of BOSU

  1. One of the main drawbacks of the BOSU hemisphere is the price. The average cost of such a simulator is 5.000-6.000 rubles. In comparison with the same fitball, the difference is significant and not in favor of Bosu.
  2. The balancing platform has not yet gained widespread popularity. You will not find a wide variety of training videos with BOSU even in comparison with, for example, a fitball or a fitness rubber band.
  3. Exercises on BOSU put a load on the lower part of the legs. Ankle sprain is a common injury for those who regularly exercise on the hemisphere. It is very important to place the feet parallel to each other in the center of the hemisphere, keeping the knees half-bent. But when training at home, not everyone pays attention to the correct technique.
  4. If you have problems with balance and coordination, then exercises on the ball will be difficult for you to perform. In this case, it is better not to rush to buy BOSU, but to focus on developing balance through standard exercises with your own body weight. It is also not recommended to use Bosu for people with frequent dizziness and sudden pressure surges.
  5. Being engaged on a balancing platform for Bosu, it is almost impossible to use a serious weight of dumbbells. First, it's not safe because you need to keep your balance. Secondly, the ball has weight restrictions (about 150 kg, see the exact values ​​on the packaging). This means that serious strength training with BOSU will not work.

15 effective exercises with BOSU

We offer you 15 effective exercises with BOSU that will help you lose weight, tighten your body, burn calories and get rid of problem areas.

4. Body Rotation Squats:

5. Pulling up the knees in the plank:

6. Pulling up the knees in the bar No. 2:

7. Side Plank with Leg Raise:

14. Platform Plank Jumps:

As well as any exercises while standing on the BOSU hemisphere, including work with dumbbells for arms and shoulders, tilts, body turns, leg raises:

Thanks for the photo youtube channels: The Live Fit Girl, Shortcircuits with Marsha, BodyFit By Amy, Bekafit.

  • Always engage only in. Choose models with non-slip soles to ensure ligament protection.
  • At first, do not use dumbbells while standing on the domed hemisphere until you are confident in your balance.
  • It is not recommended to stand upside down on BOSU (on a plastic platform).
  • The less elastic the ball, the easier it is to perform the exercises. Therefore, do not inflate it to the maximum in the first weeks of use.
  • When standing on the dome side of the machine, pay close attention to the placement of your feet. Place your feet closer to the center, they should be parallel to each other. Keep your knees bent.
  • Start your lesson with and warm up, finish.

4 pre-made video workouts with BOSU

If you like to use ready-made workouts, we recommend that you try the following videos with the BOSU platform:

1. Full body workout with BOSU (25 minutes)

2. Full body workout with BOSU (20 minutes)

3. Belly + legs + cardio with BOSU (20 minutes)

4. Pilates with BOSU (20 minutes)

The Bosu platform is becoming an increasingly popular training tool. You can buy a simulator for home use, or you can work out with it in the gym. Start to improve your body, strengthen your core muscles and develop balance with the effective BOSU trainer.

For the first time in Moscow and only in our center, unique developments of German medical scientists appeared.

Smart trainers

Tests in the field of "smart" simulators have been carried out since the mid-70s. XX century. And today we are pleased to present you the Tergumed training system, which has been successfully used in the best rehabilitation centers in the world for more than 10 years.

The new generation Tergumed is an intelligent system for strengthening the muscles of the back and trunk, restoring movement after severe injuries and operations. It is built on the principle of biofeedback.

Biofeedback (BFB)

Biofeedback (BFB) is a "physiological mirror" that allows the patient to see on the laptop monitor the correctness of the exercises. If the patient does something wrong, the program immediately shows it on the screen. When a person controls the strength and amplitude of movements, biofeedback occurs. As a result, a damaged (due to injuries or hernias) neural (nerve) connection between the brain and the damaged area of ​​the back is being established; the nerve is released, restored, the pain goes away.

The biofeedback technique allows you to achieve in months the results that traditional medicine spends years on.

The principle of biofeedback is shown in the diagram:

Our center has a complete line of spinal trainers - 5 workstations. Each station consists of a simulator with a sensor, a measuring sensor and a laptop.

Why do we need biofeedback simulators?

  • Treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, spondylosis; spondylarthrosis, myositis, herniated disc, protrusion;
  • Rehabilitation after spinal surgery and injuries;
  • Correction of posture disorders (curvature of the spine, scoliosis);
  • Treatment of tension headache, migraine;
  • Treatment of postoperative disorders of gait and muscle tone, muscle atrophy;
  • Elimination of chronic pain syndrome, hypertension.

Can old age or disability become an obstacle to studying?

In China, all people who are over 50 years old take a course on biofeedback - simulators called "Strength Rehabilitation". This program is supported by the Chinese government. It is no coincidence that longevity records in this country, because. the state takes care of the health of the old generation. As for disability, classes are possible if the slightest muscle mobility remains. Our patients are people after operations on the spine (especially abdominal). Muscles in this case can be generally cut. Previously, they were given a disability and advised to lead an inactive lifestyle. On biofeedback simulators they have a chance to recover and continue to live fully.

For healthy people, these simulators are useless? Is it better to go to the gym?

According to statistics, 70% of the population have some kind of back problems. Half of them do not know about it (especially at the initial stage of the disease) and go to the doctors when they are completely “sick” and it will be too late to restore anything.

Even for fitness fans, it is better to start intense training with testing on biofeedback simulators. After all, the load in the halls is determined by the person himself or by the instructor according to the method “is it hard? can you still a couple of kilos or will it not work? The coach does not know your body, as well as you, however. Therefore, cases of injuries, muscle ruptures, sprains, etc. are very common. specifically in fitness. After testing on our simulators, the program will give you such parameters as: the required number of approaches, the maximum load on a particular muscle, the rest time between sets. All this will allow you to correctly perform strength exercises on any other simulators in the future. You will know exactly what your body needs to pump up without negative health consequences.

Five training blocks strengthen and correct each of its muscle groups.

  • How do barefoot workouts work?

Types of simulators

Back extension

Loaded muscles: M.erectores (extensor muscle of the back), M.longissimi (longissimus muscle), M.interspinales (interspinal muscles)

back flexion

Loaded muscles: M. rectus abdominis (rectus abdominis), M. obliquus externus abdominis (external oblique abdominal muscle), M. obliquus intemus abdominis (internal oblique abdominal muscle).

Biofeedback is one type of treatment without medication. A computer or processor reads the basic parameters of vital activity and transmits them back, converting them into signals that are intuitively understandable to a person. Signals-stimuli can be visual, auditory, tactile.

Biofeedback is a method from the arsenal of neurologists and psychotherapists. With its help, they teach patients to manage reactions that, at first glance, cannot be controlled. But rehabilitation medicine has adopted biofeedback: the method speeds up recovery after operations and injuries, and allows you to restore mobility to damaged or atrophied muscles.

Biofeedback procedure is a real-time monitoring of physiological parameters and their conscious control using multimedia technology. Thanks to this, it is possible to weaken or strengthen the activity of the system or organ, whose indicators are reflected by the computer. For example, through biofeedback, you can teach the patient to increase or decrease the temperature of the fingertips. This is due to the narrowing and expansion of blood vessels, and through such a mechanism, vasospasm can be relieved. The principle of operation of biofeedback devices resembles the principle of a lie detector: it reads the rate of breathing, heartbeat, and skin reactions. But unlike a lie detector, biofeedback equipment involves the active participation of the patient in training.

What physiological parameters are considered by biofeedback devices

  • Heart rate.
  • Vascular tone.
  • peripheral temperature.
  • electrical activity of the brain.

The equipment processes the data and converts it into visual or sound impulses. Perceiving these impulses, the patient develops self-control skills. Biofeedback allows you to learn to control those organs and systems with which a healthy connection has been lost due to injury or illness.

Biofeedback is used in neurology, cardiology, restorative medicine. It is also being used to improve performance in competitive sports and other areas that require long-term effort and are associated with chronic stress. In rehabilitation, biofeedback is used for express diagnostics of the autonomic nervous system, the method helps to assess the emotional state of a person and his stress resistance.

What is BOS used for?

  • Increasing resistance to stress and reducing emotional stress.
  • Normalization of the state of the nervous system.
  • Acquisition of relaxation skills.
  • Increasing self-control.
  • Suppression of excessive autonomic activity in response to external stimuli.
  • Improving memory, attention, mental abilities.
  • Recovery of damaged and atrophic muscles.

Types of biofeedback training:

  • Alpha-training - training with alpha-rhythms of the brain, which is carried out as part of the complex therapy of headaches, depression, pain syndromes of various etiologies. Increases relaxation and self-control skills.
  • Beta-training - aimed at the treatment of neurotic, asthenic syndromes, hyperactivity. Reduces anxiety, improves cognitive and motor functions.
  • GSR (galvanic skin response) training. It suppresses excessive reactions of the nervous system to external stimuli, relieves nervous tension, normalizes speed, and increases the stress resistance of the central nervous system.

What biofeedback devices are used in rehabilitation

In rehabilitation centers for the treatment of paralysis, biofeedback training is prescribed according to EMG - an electromyogram. Before starting work on the restoration of gait, fine motor skills, doctors lay a kind of basis for biological feedback, affect injured muscles or muscle groups. Patients with spinal cord injuries and paralysis after a rehabilitation course on stationary or portable biofeedback equipment fully restore their gait. Treatment lasts at least 2 months. You can do it not only in the clinic, but also at home.

Before treatment, EMG diagnostics are performed to determine where to place the electrodes. Standard equipment includes sensors, an imaging monitor and a projector. The task of biofeedback is the activation of muscles and their strengthening. Electrodes are placed on the muscles to be restored. The electrodes record the EMG of the muscles and transmit the data to the computer. Depending on which muscle group needs to be restored, the training takes place sitting or lying down. The duration of one session of biofeedback therapy is from 15 to 30 minutes. The course consists of 10-15 procedures.

Other types of equipment and training vary in strength, torque, articular angle, and ground response. The principle of operation of the equipment is the same, only the place of attachment of the electrodes and the physiological reactions that the technique registers differ. As a rule, treatment begins with EMG exercises, then, in order to restore muscles, they switch to strength and joint angle training. Joint angle training restores healthy joint elasticity. After that, the patient can do gymnastics or walking.

Biofeedback Benefits

  • No side effects.
  • Reducing the need for drugs.
  • The treatment regimen is selected individually.
  • Inclusion in the process of treatment of the patient himself.
  • The procedure is painless.
  • Suitable for children aged 4 and over.
  • The therapy is combined with other methods of treatment and rehabilitation.
  • Training takes place in the form of a game.

Biofeedback software

Biofeedback training requires not only special equipment, but also software for it. All programs are simple, no additional skills are required to master them, because not only the rehabilitation doctor, but also the patient will use the software. In good centers, two monitors are used during procedures at once: the therapist watches one, the patient trains the second.