Benefits of walking. What are the benefits of hiking

You don't like walking? Find out from our article how useful it is to do daily walks for health and a beautiful figure.

Lifestyle modern man often includes sedentary or sedentary work, travel in public transport or car, evening rest in front of a TV or computer. There is not enough time and opportunity to engage in active sports, but movement is the basis of health. The way out can be ordinary walking, which is useful for the physical and psychological balance of the body.

What happens if you walk too much a day?

Walking as an alternative to running universal remedy maintaining health and youth. In addition, such a load is suitable for absolutely any person at any age.

  • By making it a rule to take daily walks, you can strengthen immune system, reduce the risk cordially- vascular pathologies, improve emotional mood.
  • Hiking helps support normal weight, lose extra pounds without diets and exhausting physical activity, improve posture, strengthen skeletal system to maintain joint mobility.
  • Walk in morning hours, for example, before work or study, allow you to improve your performance, charge you with vigor and energy. It is not necessary to spend special time walking. If you are using public transport, you can get off one stop early and walk the rest of the way. It won't take more than 20-30 minutes. For those who live close to work, it is enough to get up half an hour earlier and get there on foot.
  • If you leave the house before going to bed for a short walk, walking will relieve the stress of the day, get rid of insomnia.
  • Breaks for walking fresh air useful during periods of heavy mental stress. Change of scenery and movement help to improve thought processes and memory functions, and increase concentration.
  • Walking classes do not require the purchase of special equipment. It will be enough to choose practical clothes while paying special attention to the quality and comfort of shoes.

Benefits of walking for women and men

  • When walking, blood circulation increases, which leads to an improvement in the supply of oxygen to cells and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.
  • Hiking helps lower cholesterol levels, strengthen blood vessels and normalize cardiac activity, reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
  • Walking promotes correct work digestive system- digestion of food, outflow of bile and removal of toxins and waste products from the body.
  • Hiking is useful for strengthening the musculoskeletal system - the spine, bones, joints, and helps to increase the elasticity of muscles and ligaments.
  • Walking is a good remedy withdrawals psycho-emotional stress at stressful situations and depression, helps relieve excessive nervous excitability, improve sleep.
  • Daily movement in the fresh air helps to harden the body, improves immunity, enhances metabolism, slows down the aging process of tissues, and increases endurance.

Movement is the basis of health and youth

What muscles are involved and swing when walking?

  • During a normal walk, more than 200 muscles are involved in movement - legs, buttocks, hips, as well as back and lower abs.
  • When Nordic walking, the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle are additionally included in the work.
  • When walking uphill on a smooth surface or steps, the load on the muscles increases abdominals, calves, thighs, buttocks.

How much, what distance is useful to walk daily per day (steps, kilometers) to improve health, train the heart, spine: types of walking, a set of measures, tips

The main rule is the regularity of walking, regardless of the weather or mood.

Most of us find it hard to get ourselves out of the house unnecessarily at first, but when we notice positive result, it will be difficult for you to imagine your day without a wellness walk.

  • To begin with, the duration of the walk can be 15-20 minutes at a moderate pace. Gradually, the distance, walking speed and travel time can be increased.
  • Doctors recommend walking about 4 km daily. When moving at an average pace, it will take 1.5-2 hours.
  • It is useful to alternate the speed of movement, moving from a fast pace of walking to a more relaxed one.
  • It is good if the walking path is not completely flat, but has some smooth ups and downs.

Starting walking, you should monitor the position of the body:

  • keep your back straight
  • head up
  • straighten and relax your shoulders
  • tighten and slightly tighten the lower abdomen
  • the foot should be supported on the heel, and repelled by the toe
  • arms move parallel to body movement
  • when increasing the speed of walking, the arms need to be bent at the elbows

Types of walking and calorie consumption

Wellness walking

This type is the most accessible exercise for daily physical activity. There are several types of health walking:

  • Slow - 60-70 steps / min. This option is suitable for older people or in recovery period after an illness or injury.
  • Average - 70-90 steps / min. Recommended for the physically weak chronic pathologies or untrained people.
  • Fast - 90-110 steps / min. Suitable for all healthy people and those who want to lose weight.
  • Very fast - 110-130 steps / min. This type is recommended for people who are in excellent physical shape and athletes who are accustomed to regular exercise.

The main principles of health walking are gradualness and regularity. Healthy people more attention should be paid to increasing the pace, and weakened ones - to the duration of walks.

  • Regular recreational walking for up to 45 minutes improves blood circulation, helps prevent heart and vascular pathologies (stroke, heart attack, blockage of blood vessels), and lowers blood sugar levels.
  • Walking at a fast pace can reduce the risk of inflammation and cancer of the prostate in men and cancer mammary gland among women.
  • Walking for 30 minutes reduces the risk of developing glaucoma. A positive effect is achieved by reducing intraocular pressure affecting the optic nerve.
  • Wellness walking regulates hormonal background the body, normalizing the work of all systems and organs.

nordic walking

  • This type of movement is walking with 2 sticks (like ski sticks) in your hands. A person takes a step, pushing off with a stick on the surface of the earth. Sticks at the same time help to increase the length of the step and turn on the movement upper part torso.
  • In walking mode, a fairly large load is placed on the hands. In addition, up to 90% of different muscles are involved, so almost all muscle groups are worked out at the same time.
  • The emphasis on sticks allows you to absorb 25-30% of the shock moments that fall on knee joints and spine.
  • Nordic walking stimulates the heart, saturates the body with oxygen, strengthens bone and muscle tissue.
  • Sticks for this type of walking are made of special fiberglass with carbon content, which allows them to be both durable and provide the necessary elasticity when touching the ground.

Race walking

  • The essence of this variant of walking is that you need to move as quickly as possible without switching to running. One of the feet should always be in contact with the ground.
  • The speed of movement is twice the normal pace.
  • The peculiarity of the method lies in the position of the supporting leg - it is completely straightened from the moment it touches the ground until the moment the weight of the body is transferred to it. At the same time, the steps should be wide enough, and the arms are pressed to the body and bent at the elbows.
  • Race walking, in addition to a general health effect, is an excellent type of exercise to improve posture and form beautiful figure outlines.

How much you need to walk a day to lose weight: types of walking, distance, time, load, set of measures, tips

Walking at a brisk pace for weight loss is becoming an increasingly popular means of getting rid of extra pounds ov. To fix the indicators, you should use a stopwatch and a pedometer.

  • To lose weight in this way, you need to walk at least 10,000 steps a day, starting from small walks and gradually increasing the pace and length of the distance.
  • Entering the rhythm, you need to walk fast enough - 1 km in 10 minutes. To lose weight per day you need to walk in this mode up to 12 km.
  • The more body weight, the more calories are burned during movement. For example, a person weighing 80 kg will spend at brisk walking loses about 450 Kcal / h, and with a weight of 60 kg - about 300 Kcal / h.
  • An additional load that contributes to weight loss is weight when walking. It can be heavy shoes or special leg weights.
  • One way to walk to reduce body weight can be considered moving up - uphill or stairs.
  • An important point in the fight against weight is working out correct breathing when walking. The breathing technique with a delay is as follows - for 3 steps deep breath, hold your breath for 3 steps, then exhale. This way of breathing further enhances metabolism and promotes fat burning.

In addition to walking, for successful weight loss It is necessary to revise the diet, reducing the number of calories consumed.

  • It is not at all necessary to go on a strict diet, it is better to replace foods with low-calorie ones.
  • Eat small meals every 2-3 hours.
  • Avoid sugary drinks, desserts, white bread, fast food, convenience foods, canned food, pickles.
  • Meat and vegetables do not fry, but steam or boil.

Walking up the stairs: benefit or harm?

Walking the stairs is an exercise machine available to absolutely everyone, which allows not only strengthening the body, but also losing weight. Walking up stairs has many advantages over walking on a flat surface:

  • Calorie consumption, exceeding even running training.
  • Reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, preventing strokes, thrombosis, diabetes mellitus.
  • Strengthening and development of the muscles of the back, legs, abs.

For stair walking, 20 minutes a day is enough.

  • Beginners should increase the time gradually, starting from 3-5 minutes, increasing the load weekly.
  • If your goal is to lose weight, going up and down the stairs should be done at a fast pace for half an hour.

As with any type of physical activity, there are some contraindications for intense stair walking:

Climbing stairs - simple and effective

Is it possible for pregnant women to walk a lot, with varicose veins?

During the period of waiting for the baby, the load on the woman's body increases. Especially noticeable is the change in the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. To improve well-being and prepare the body for childbirth, as well as further recovery, physical activity should be maintained during pregnancy.

Walking is the most natural and safe view physical activity for the expectant mother.

  • Hiking has a good cardiostimulating effect, is the prevention of a large number of pathological conditions, for example, varicose veins veins, edema.
  • When walking, the abdominal muscles are strengthened, which contributes to the successful course of pregnancy and successful childbirth.

In order for walking to bring only benefits, you should follow some recommendations of doctors:

  • Start walking at a slow pace for short distances.
  • Keep your posture straight - straighten your back and do not strain your shoulder girdle.
  • Slowly lower your foot onto your heel and push off with your toes.
  • Choose a walking route away from motorways and noisy streets.
  • Monitor your condition. If you feel tired, it is better to take a rest break.
  • After a walk, you can take a relaxing foot bath or lie down with a pillow or a rolled-up blanket under your feet. Such procedures will improve venous blood flow and avoid edema.

Walking should be abandoned in the following cases:

  • At increased tone uterus.
  • Exacerbation of chronic or acute diseases.
  • The threat of abortion.
  • Strongly expressed toxicosis.

If pain, tingling occurs when walking, it is better to stop exercising for a while or move only at a slow pace.

Walking is a simple and healthy exercise for pregnant women.

What are the best walking shoes?

Shoes are the main equipment for walking, in addition, the quality of training and your well-being depend on their comfort, so you need to be quite picky about choosing the right shoes.
For comfortable walking, several factors should be considered when buying shoes:

  • Shoes should fit the foot tightly with fixation of the ankle and not sag in the heel area.
  • The insole, repeating the shape of the foot, will help to avoid fatigue.
  • Please note that the insole must not be glued to the sole. This is necessary for hygiene purposes - it must be washed and dried frequently, and after a while replaced with a new one.
  • Sneakers, made with the addition of special materials, ensure the removal of moisture during exercise.
  • The sole should be sufficiently resilient and flexible with the fold located 1/3 of the way, closer to the toe. If, when checking, the fold is in the middle, walking in such shoes will be uncomfortable.
  • Do not choose shoes with too smooth soles - in rainy weather, they can slip and not allow you to feel confident.
  • Do not buy hiking shoes - such models are too heavy and stiff for everyday walking.
  • Refuse to buy running shoes - in such sneakers the body is always slightly tilted forward, so it will be difficult to walk in them.
  • If you go for walks daily or even several times a day, get a special ultraviolet shoe dryer. Such a device will help keep shoes in order, provide the necessary disinfection and eliminate unpleasant odors.

Video: Wellness walking

It has long been explained by doctors, and she herself is recommended by trainers. However, most people still look for a minibus when they go to the store. Some even go to the stall for cigarettes by car. And at the same time, everyone complains about a “beer” tummy, interruptions in the heart and weakness in the legs if they have to stand in line.

We lose weight without problems

In the list of what walking is useful for, the most attractive item for many will be getting rid of excess weight. People usually begin to think about health when problems begin with it, but attractiveness worries them almost from the moment it begins to be lost. And this is even good: having started walking for the sake of losing weight, a person at the same time will strengthen his health.

Researchers have found that the benefits of walking for gaining slimness are much higher than from regular visits. gym. Walking more effective diets and gives a more stable result, unless, of course, accompanied by gluttony. When walking for half an hour, the same amount of fat is “burned out” as you spend in the fitness room in an hour. And at the same time, you do not have to pay for such training. In addition, the loads during walking are natural and evenly distributed. You are not threatened with "strength" or overload of individual muscle groups. And an additional bonus can be considered an improvement in posture if at first you accustom yourself to walking with your shoulders back. By the way, this is not difficult to do: it is enough to wear a slightly loaded backpack on both straps.

Say no to old age

The undoubted benefits of walking on foot are also observed for those who want to push back the onset of senile infirmity as far as possible. Most common cause age-related mortality - strokes and heart attacks. And they are caused by weakness of blood vessels and heart muscle. To strengthen them, static loads - lifting weights, exercising on simulators, and so on - are not very suitable. But clean air, rhythmic movements and uniform load cope with the task perfectly. The pressure stabilizes - the vessels cease to experience excessive impact. The heart catches the right rhythm and is not overloaded, while strengthening.

Fighting apathy and depression

Another reason for rapid aging is stress, which our life cannot do without, even if we carefully avoid unpleasant impressions and sensations. The benefit of walking is also that it quickly and without medication eliminates the effects of nervous shocks.

European doctors conducted a large-scale study age group from 40 to 65 years old. It was held long years and gave stunning results: the risk of heart disease drops by almost half if people just walk at a brisk pace for about three hours a day. In addition, among those who like to walk, it was not observed senile dementia, atherosclerosis and other diseases frequent at their age.

Prevent dangerous diseases

The list of benefits of walking is long and convincing. His most compelling points are:

  1. Reducing "bad" cholesterol in the blood naturally to a minimum. This means preventing the occurrence of diseases associated with it.
  2. At least a third reduces the likelihood of diabetes.
  3. In women, the risk of getting a breast tumor is noticeably reduced, in men - prostate cancer, in both - oncology of the intestine.
  4. Without medical intervention (including medications), the gastrointestinal tract normalizes.
  5. The risk of developing glaucoma drops to almost zero.
  6. Strengthening the skeleton and joints prevents the development of osteoporosis, arthritis and rheumatism.
  7. Immunity is growing: “walkers” do not catch the virus even in the midst of epidemics.

True, to achieve such results, daily walking is required. The benefits of one-time walks are much lower.

How much do you need

The average person who leaves home only to take the bus to work and the tram to the store takes no more than 3,000 steps on a working day. It is so small that backfire for the body can be considered secured.

If a person is more conscious and travels to work (located nearby) on foot, he steps about 5 thousand times. Better - but still not enough. In order not to lose this given by nature, it is required to take at least 10 thousand steps daily, which will be a distance of about 7.5 km. With an average speed of movement, you need to travel for about two hours - and your health will not leave you.

Where and how is it better to walk?

It is advisable to choose the right places for walking. Naturally, if you combine walking with going to work, you will not be able to adjust the route too much. However, walking in your free time allows you to choose a “useful” trajectory of movement. Parks are best suited for these purposes: there is gas-free, clean air, fairly flat paths that are quite suitable for walking, plus at least some kind of nature. If there is no park nearby, choose a route away from transport arteries. At least in the courtyards of houses.

In addition, the benefits of walking are observed only if the person walks vigorously. When you wander slowly and sadly, your body works in a mode not much different from the rest mode.

No special walking equipment is required. The only thing worth paying attention to is shoes. Slippers or heels are clearly not suitable for a long and brisk walk.

Only fresh air!

I would also like to note that walking down the street can in no way be replaced by using a treadmill in a sports club, even in the most intensive mode. You only need to walk outside: here you get your dose of sun, which makes your body produce vitamin D. Without it, the healing effect will be much lower, although the weight loss will remain at the same level. And you do not need to excuse the clouds. Even on a cloudy day sun rays enough to stimulate the production of a valuable vitamin in the right amount.

How to train yourself to walk?

Laziness, they say, is the engine of progress. But it is also a stopcock for maintaining physical fitness. You don’t want to make unnecessary gestures, and the person begins to justify himself with a lack of time or other objective circumstances. However, you can gently force yourself to start walking. The methods are simple and feasible.

  1. If your office is two stops from home, walk to and from work. If you can’t do without a trip by transport, get out of it one stop earlier when traveling by metro and two stops earlier if you travel by minibus, tram or trolleybus.
  2. Do not take your “brakes” with you to work, take a walk for lunch in a cafe. And not the closest.
  3. Forget the elevator. Let you live on the 20th floor - walk. To begin with, only down, with time and home, go back up the stairs. In addition to losing weight, improving health and developing a “breather”, you will also gain elastic buttocks by the summer, with which you are not ashamed to appear on the beach even in a swimsuit with a thong.

Having appreciated all the advantages of walking, each person should make the first effort on himself and maintain it throughout his life. Unless, of course, he does not want to remind himself of a ruin in his shallow old age and regret the missed opportunities. After all, walking is just fun. If you can't walk aimlessly, challenge yourself to walk to the beach, a museum, or your favorite coffee shop. Or find a like-minded person with whom it will be interesting to talk during a walk. Or get yourself a dog.

Hiking is the easiest and most affordable form of physical activity, moreover, suitable for almost everyone. When walking, not only muscles work, but the body is also saturated with oxygen if the walk takes place in the fresh air, which is doubly useful.

You can choose any route, be it a city sidewalk, forest or park paths. For people with a lack of time for sports, it is enough to replace part of the path that they traveled by transport with walking.

Each person is engaged in walking in one way or another, someone overcomes hundreds of meters a day, someone walks long distances. Of course, short walks from home to transport or from car to work can hardly be called sufficient physical activity. However, you can do it if you wish.

It has been noticed that during walks a person becomes more relaxed, emotionally balanced, focusing his attention on his surroundings and own feelings in the muscles. It is good for vision as the eyes finally rest from the monitor. Walking gives you the opportunity to be alone with yourself, thanks to which nervous system becomes stronger and more stable.

For example, jogging, which many choose to keep the body in good shape, lose weight, or just exercise in the morning, is not suitable for every person due to health conditions and age restrictions. But walking has much less restrictions. If you organize walks correctly, you can achieve good results.

The essence of walking is the work of several muscle groups at once, and the legs move in the transverse, longitudinal and vertical planes. Due to the activation of neurochemical processes, walking has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Walking has the following positive effects on the body:

  • lungs begin to work in full force;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • the heart and vascular system are strengthened;
  • oxygen delivery to all cells of the body is activated;
  • the respiratory system works better;
  • thanks to the increased blood flow, varicose veins are prevented;
  • the process of fat burning is activated;
  • beneficial effect on psychosomatics;
  • immunity increases;
  • endurance improves;
  • is the prevention of diseases of the joints, osteoporosis.

With regular walks, congestive processes of the small pelvis also disappear in men, and this leads to a decrease in the risk of such unpleasant disease like prostatitis.

If the goal of walking is to improve health, then it is suitable for any age and gender. The guideline for whether the load is sufficient for you personally should be your well-being. It is it that will tell you whether the route is chosen correctly, the complexity of the route, the duration of the walk, its speed. Hiking is especially indicated for:

  • reduced immunity;
  • lethargy;
  • prostration;
  • general weakness of the body.

However, walking is contraindicated for some people, namely, if they have such signs:

  • elevated arterial pressure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • pulmonary insufficiency;
  • previous stroke or heart attack;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • glaucoma;
  • the threat of retinal detachment;
  • diabetes;
  • SARS, acute respiratory infections, influenza.

It is also worth noting that it cannot be said that walking better than running or vice versa. Just running requires a more serious level of physicality, as well as endurance. But on the other hand, regular walking can sufficiently prepare the body and be preparatory stage to run. In addition, it is not worth running for people who have overweight, since it is possible to harm the joints, therefore it is better for them to give preference to walking. However, according to doctors, an hour-long walk is more beneficial for the body than a half-hour run.

How to walk correctly

To receive you need to good result, you need to take walks according to some rules. For walking to be beneficial, observe the following conditions:

  • moderation. After all, the level of intensity and duration of walking should directly depend on your well-being. You need to listen to what the body says, do not overstrain, do not allow pain, do not go through force;
  • gradualism. No need to immediately set yourself insurmountable tasks for the duration, speed or mileage of the walk. Increase both one and the other gradually, without sudden jumps;
  • regularity. Perhaps this is the basic rule for all types of physical activity. Only when regular classes you can expect the expected result.

Make it a habit to walk for at least half an hour three to four times a week. To walk regularly, use every opportunity to make them.

For example, get off a couple of stops earlier, especially if the path to work is not close. You need to accustom yourself to walking, but for this you will have to change the mode of the day, going to work earlier. Replace taking the elevator with walking up the stairs.

Of course, the ideal option would be long walks in the fresh air without any haste, when walking is the goal. By choosing to walk in the morning, you get an extra charge of vivacity. And walking in the evenings, you will be guaranteed a good and sound sleep.

In summer, on hot days, choose morning or evening hours for walking so that the body does not have negative impact heat, fever air, because of which the effect of the walk will be clearly undesirable. In winter, make sure that the temperature does not approach a critically low mark; in other cases, walking is useful. In addition, cold weather stimulates a faster pace of walking, which increases the load on the muscles.

The duration of a walk depends on the individual abilities of the body.

Low-intensity walking at a speed of 4 kilometers per hour is good for people with low level physical training. Watch your pulse, it should reach 80 beats per minute. Over time, the intensity can be increased, but this should be done gradually. Walk twenty minutes a day in the beginning, increasing to thirty to forty minutes. Based on the abilities of your body, the process of increasing the length of the walk can last several weeks or even months.

If the goal of walking is to improve the body, the duration of the walk should be at least half an hour, given the speed of seven kilometers per minute with a pulse rate of 65-80 beats. At first, walking up to 10 kilometers at an accelerated pace will be tiring, but over time this will pass, usually this happens after a few months or a year. When you stop being very tired from accelerated walks over fairly long distances, this will mean that the goal has been achieved. In this case, walking should be continued, but a different load should be added to them.

By walking at high speed:

  • reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular disease;
  • accelerates the process of weight loss;
  • blood pressure returns to normal;
  • increases overall physical endurance;
  • the body perceives aerobic exercise better.

You can take walks around the city, in the park, on a treadmill, on the spot, up the stairs. Even using special poles similar to ski poles. This type of walking is called Scandinavian.

On site

If you do not have the opportunity to walk on the street, you can walk at home in one place. The load exerted by this method of walking on the body is similar to an ordinary walk, the absence is only the movement of the body forward. To begin with, walk in place for about ten minutes, then bring it up to an hour and a half. Watch your speed, with half an hour walking in place, you should do from fifty to seventy steps per minute. To keep track of their number, just install a pedometer on your phone or get a special bracelet. And in order not to be bored, you can turn on the movie, then the time will fly by unnoticed.

On the simulator

When walking on a moving track, that is, on a special simulator, the effect of walking is also preserved, except that the load will be slightly less due to the fact that additional obstacles to walking are not created. For example, in vivo on the walking path there may be rises, uneven surfaces, etc., which somewhat increase the effect on the muscles. You can set the track at a slight slope to achieve the best effect.

On the stairs

A form of walking accessible to everyone. She does not need to be equipped a special simulator. A simple staircase is enough, which is in every house. You should start by replacing the elevator with stairs. This is the easiest option. Next, you should complicate it a little, passing two floors above the desired one, then go down to your own. The next level is to reach the top, then go down to the lower floor.
You need to walk at the beginning, stepping on each step. calf muscles will react painfully, as the load will be unusual for them, plus shortness of breath, palpitations will be added. Once these symptoms subside and your calves get used to working this way, make walking more difficult.

Now stand on the steps not with your feet, but with your toes. Then start walking through one, and then two steps. As soon as you feel that the muscles are not working enough, combine walking options, increase speed, sometimes switching to running. You can even pick up some weighting agent.

Walking up the stairs well develops and strengthens the muscles of the legs and hips, stabilizes blood pressure, and allows you to successfully deal with overweight. In order for such an occupation to give best effect, it should last at least half an hour. What's more, climbing flights of stairs burns far more calories than even running on flat ground! And this means that the process of burning fat is much more active. Of course, you won’t immediately be able to walk so much time up and down the stairs. It all depends on the personal abilities, patience and endurance of each person.

nordic walking

Kind of walking with sticks, something similar to skiing. A distinctive sign from a regular walk is that not only the muscles of the legs and hips are involved here, but also the upper body. That is, the load is distributed to almost all muscle groups. You can increase the load without adding pace. Walking is a great way to lose weight, as it burns almost twice as many calories as regular walking.

Walking is good because it does not require any additional efforts and costs, it does not have strict requirements. For people who have certain problems with the joints, who are not allowed to run, but need a load, this is an ideal option. To make the walk enjoyable, pay attention to the following details:

  • shoes should be comfortable, athletic, preferably for walking. The foot and especially the heels should be well cushioned when in contact with the surface, otherwise the spine will be under too much load, and this can lead to a number of problems with it;
  • clothes should also be comfortable, give up jeans in favor of comfortable sports trousers, do not forget about a hat in the cold season, gloves, because health comes first;
  • choose places convenient for walking, roads, preferably with a familiar route, in order to correctly calculate the load and duration;
  • do not forget to monitor your walking speed, pulse and your own well-being;
  • with discomfort and persistent pain, it is best to stop walking and consult a doctor.

Walking in the fresh air is useful for both young and old people. it The best way support physical form, reset excess weight, strengthen the immune system, put the nerves in order and just have a good time.

Get up and go, then your health will be in order!

For a long time, people have used walking not only as a way to lose weight.

Walking is an effective way to protect your body from various diseases, which are inherent in each organism as they grow older and increase in fat mass.

The human body works in such a way that in order to maintain its proper functioning, it is necessary to be in motion all the time.

Therefore, this fact has become the reason that people conducting most of their life in an immobile position, are much more prone to many diseases, including heart failure or disruption of the digestive tract.

Researchers who work with the prerequisites for obesity argue that being overweight is not affected by caloric content of food, namely the immovable sedentary image life.

Walking is good physical exercise, thanks to which people can maintain their health, as well as look good even in old age. Walking is a great way to manage your excess weight.

Slim figure

Systematic walking is in an efficient way to get rid of extra pounds. People who have problems with weight in the gluteal and femoral areas begin to lose volume within a few weeks after starting a workout.

This means that walking promotes rapid metabolism, which in turn does not allow excess fat accumulate in the body.

Full sleep

Walking helps to reduce the level of the hormone cortisol, thereby improving sleep. Walking is best done in evening time, After dinner.

This will allow you to properly digest food and full stomach will not cause inconvenience during sleep. Also, if a person is in a state of strong anxiety, then walking is a great way to get rid of stress.

Strong immunity

It has been scientifically proven that walking allows the blood to circulate actively, delivering oxygen to all parts of the body. There are several elements in the blood, thanks to which the body fights against various infections.

Blood circulation allows the protective elements in the human body to circulate, destroying everything harmful bacteria that threaten health.

Sturdy Skeleton

The most famous age-related problem associated with bone tissue, is osteoporosis. The natural wear and tear of the skeleton can be delayed by walking.

Hiking is considered an exercise medium load, which, together with the calcium consumed, will positively affect the condition of the bones.

Proper heart function

cardio in conjunction with hiking will help improve the quality of the heart and blood vessels. Walking helps to train the muscles of the heart, allowing them to work harder and better.

Protection against hypertension

suffering from hypertension a large number of people leading a largely sedentary lifestyle. However, morning and evening walks can protect the body from this disease.

Thanks to walking, the deposition of excess adipose tissue is prevented, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, so an abundance of blood passes through them with the usual division. Additional adipose tissue constricts blood vessels, which causes high blood pressure.

Always good mood

Walking like any physical activity, helps to produce hormones of joy, giving a person positive emotions and a sense of happiness. Stimulated by walking mental capacity because the brain receives more oxygen.

For this reason, a person begins to look at everyday things more logically and judiciously, understanding much better possible problems and the reasons for their decision.

healthy lungs

The fresh air that a person breathes while walking improves lung function and respiratory muscles. The air that a person consumes indoors contains a much lower concentration of oxygen in its composition.

Therefore, walking is much healthier than exercise indoors.

no diabetes

Diabetes is known to be inherited. But, systematic walking in the fresh air will help break this painful chain. Walking improves metabolism, so blood sugar and insulin levels are much better regulated.

New acquaintances

While walking, you can easily meet like-minded people, with whom you can later arrange joint health walks.

Live communication with physical activitythe best medicine from all problems.

Walking: where to start?

In order to start walking, you need to determine for yourself specific goals. If the desire lies in the usual strengthening of muscles, then for this it will be enough to arrange daily walks for half an hour.

If a person wants to get rid of extra pounds, then in addition to regular walks, you also need to add brisk walking lasting 40-45 minutes several times a week.

Walking can replace short-distance public transport. You can also ditch the elevator in favor of walking up the stairs - this is also a great calorie burner.

You should start walking with a warm-up. The first five minutes the pace is slow, gradually growing into a lively one. Shouldn't be ignored correct posture, you need to keep your back straight, pull your stomach in a little, and straighten your shoulders.

The foot is placed on the heel, rolling onto the toe. The forefoot helps push off the ground. In order to accelerate, it is not necessary to take a step wider, you just need to speed it up.

Keep your arms bent properly elbow joint, moving them in the direction from the waist to the chest and back. The speed is also reduced gradually. The last minutes of walking pass at the same slow pace, while breathing deeply and smoothly.

Hiking is possible in any area, in any weather. Of course, it is best to do this in parks, as the air is cleaner there.

You need to walk only on flat paths, for example, on soft ground. Thanks to this, the feet will have the correct cushioning. Shoes should be of high quality, with not too thin and hard soles.

For this activity, specialized sports shoes are best suited, which are designed specifically for this type of activity.

  • The championship in all Olympic distances in race walking is occupied by Russian athletes - Olimpiada Ivanova, Sergey Morozov and Denis Nizhnegorodov.
  • The swinging hips characteristic of walkers, which look a little unusual from the side, help athletes increase their speed of movement.
  • The standard speed of a walker of the highest rank is 15 km per hour. This is half the speed of a sprinter, however, 2 times the speed of a breaststroke and 3 times faster than normal walking.
  • Professional athletes can walk more than 30 km per day, and weekly rate is almost 200 km.


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