Remedies for insomnia for the elderly. Possible problems due to sleep disorders in old age

A person grows old: and he no longer sleeps like in his younger years ...

The amount of time needed for sleep varies from person to person. Some sleep more, others a little less.

It has been established that the peculiarity of human sleep is directly dependent on the state of the nervous system and the health of the whole organism as a whole. The human brain cannot be in excitation all the time, that is, without rest. This can cause brain cells to deplete nerve energy and even die.

Therefore, in order to complete the work nerve cells, for their acquisition of a supply of nervous energy, it is necessary peace- change of excitation by braking. During sleep, inhibition processes predominate in the brain, oxygen consumption decreases, accumulation of nutrients restores the body's energy.

Let's talk about sleep disorders in old age.

We must distinguish drowsiness and insomnia. Often older people are prone to drowsiness, sometimes they do not sleep enough.

With a systematic lack of sleep, a person naturally tends to sleep, but this is not yet a painful sleep disorder. In this case, the body's vital need for rest is simply not satisfied. It also happens that a person has slept enough, but woke up sluggish, in the morning he is not alert and not fresh. Such phenomena are observed when the body slowly moves from sleep to wakefulness, to vigorous activity. In these cases, it is recommended to do an exciting, tonic after sleep. nervous system gymnastics.

Drowsiness It is also observed in people with a weak nervous system, requiring periodic shutdown of the body from a tense environment. In this case, drowsiness is a defense, a protection of the nervous system from exhaustion.

Another form of sleep disturbance is insomnia- It is very difficult for people to tolerate.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder when a person cannot fall asleep for a long time, and sometimes not at all. He tries to forget the impressions last day, lies with eyes closed, tossing and turning from side to side, and only in the morning falls asleep with great difficulty. Insomnia is a consequence of overwork or a strong nervous shock. But violate proper sleep and can even cause insomnia big dinner or a large number of liquids drunk shortly before sleep (for example, strong tea, coffee) or taking drugs that stimulate the nervous system.

The cause of insomnia is either excessive strong arousal, or in the weakening of the inhibitory process in the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex.

Insomnia manifests itself in different ways: there may be problems with falling asleep, sleep becomes superficial, restless, intermittent, early awakenings are frequent.

Sleep disorder

Sleep disturbance is the most common occurrence. Despite all the usual external conditions- late time, complete rest, comfortable bed, a person cannot fall asleep, although he wants to sleep. This state can last for many hours, falling asleep occurs long after midnight, and even in the morning, but short hours of sleep do not give rest, do not bring cheerfulness. Awakening in these cases is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the head, weakness throughout the body. In a person suffering from insomnia, working capacity is sharply reduced, fatigue from any work quickly sets in, quick wits and memory deteriorate.

Similar states also occur with superficial, restless, intermittent sleep. Often waking up in the middle of the night is accompanied by strong heartbeat, difficulty breathing. Sometimes a dream is so superficial that a person, as it were, continues to take part in the life around him, he hears everything, understands everything and even reacts to surrounding events, wakes up easily, talks in his sleep. Frequent dreams. For the person himself, it remains unclear whether he was sleeping or just dozing. Naturally, this form of insomnia is also very debilitating.

Insomnia can occur in people whose profession is related to frequent awakenings, - from railway workers, duty, night watchmen. Such people, even in a calm home environment, sleep very sensitively, alertly.

People who are accustomed to falling asleep in absolute silence, once in a new environment, sometimes lose their normal sleep. This happens, for example, when a person long time is on the road.

There are many "harmless" causes that affect the functioning of the nervous system, lead to certain sleep disorders, and change its depth. Any disturbing impression of a pleasant or unpleasant nature received by a person before sleep can disturb the depth of sleep. Many people fail to fall asleep quickly after intense mental work in the evening hours. Any anxious expectation, “fear of oversleeping” or “fear of falling asleep” can interfere with the timely onset of sleep.

How to deal with sleep disorders in old age?

People suffering from insomnia often take various sleeping pills. At first, these remedies seem to help, but addiction quickly sets in, and they cease to have their healing effect.

It must be said that the systematic use sleeping pills far from harmless to the human body, it can adversely affect the nervous system and in turn cause insomnia.

The longer the sleep disturbance continues, the harder it is to restore it. The main treatment for these disorders is strengthening the nervous system itself.

To achieve this, it is necessary to contribute to the maximum rest of the nervous system, in every possible way to protect it from additional loads and irritations. Medical measures should only be used under the supervision of a physician. Made great strides in the fight against insomnia modern medicine, relying on recent achievements technology. Methods currently widely used electrotherapy allow in many cases to do without sleeping pills, not indifferent to the body.

One of the most effective means in the fight against insomnia are calm environment and fresh air. In these conditions, any person falls asleep easier, and especially the elderly. You can sleep outdoors in the yard, in the garden, if there are conditions for this. good sleep with an open window or vent: the influx of oxygen calms the overexcited parts of the brain, and the person falls asleep quickly.

If the room is cool, then a woman should cover her head with a linen scarf, and an elderly man will need a linen cap for this purpose.

You should sleep in cotton linen and cover yourself with a linen sheet, and on top - with a woolen blanket.

The bed should be comfortable, the linen should be fresh, and the pillows should not be too high.

Very useful take a walk outside before bed. It always improves sleep.

To sleep was normal, you must always go to bed at the same time. What is it for? If a person has a clear daily routine, rests in a timely manner and always goes to bed at the same hour, his whole body adapts to this regimen. At a certain time, such a person has an appetite, the digestion process proceeds fully. At the hour when a person is used to getting ready for bed, he already wants to sleep, he falls asleep quickly and soundly.

It is desirable that no stimuli interfere with sleep - external (bright light, radio sounds, various noises, heat or cold in the room) or internal (a full stomach, pain in the joints, in the heart, toothache). All this can disturb sleep, make it superficial, restless, full of heavy dreams.

With a reasonable attitude towards their health, everyone old man quite able to establish a healthy, deep sleep.

Anna Novikova, candidate of biological sciences.

Folk remedies for insomnia

With nervous insomnia, mental work, any vigorous activity should be avoided in the evenings, you should have an early and light supper and go to bed early.

It is useful to take a warm bath before going to bed or make a hot foot bath. Also helps general massage before going to bed, and in bed to the feet it is good to put a heating pad.

FOLK REMEDIES. Drink a glass of hot sweet water, hot milk or hot infusion at night valerian root. Pour a teaspoon of the root with a glass of boiling water, leave for twenty minutes, strain.

Stuff your pillow with fresh cones hops. Success is guaranteed even with severe insomnia.

Before going to bed, it is useful to take a walk in the fresh air for at least half an hour.

You can use a sleeping pill from the seeds dill, boiled in Cahors or port wine: 50 g of seeds are boiled for 5-10 minutes over low heat in 1/2 liter of wine. Before going to bed, take 50-60 g.

If you drink three teaspoons of decoction at night poppy(one head per half liter of water), this will ensure a sound sleep without harming the body.

tablespoon honey drink with a glass of water an hour before bedtime.

It is good to sniff valerian drops before going to bed.

Lubricate whiskey before going to bed lavender oil. It is good to suck a piece of sugar with 3-5 drops of lavender before going to bed.

If these simple means do not help, you can sew all the bedding from black material, paint the walls of the bedroom with black paint (but not oil). This gives amazing results: even people who have been suffering from persistent insomnia for months fall asleep peacefully.

To save memory, you should stick to a sleep schedule

Sleep patterns in middle and old age are directly related to the quality of memory. According to the staff of the Bergamo Women's Hospital, when a person sleeps very much or very little, this will definitely have a negative impact on memory in the future, writes Business Standard. So, women who slept 5 hours or less or 9 hours or more per day had memory impairment equivalent to two years of brain aging. Ideal sleep pattern - 7 hours a day. If the duration of sleep changes over time by more than two hours, this will also damage memory. Scientists advise not to change the duration of sleep throughout life, to constantly adhere to one selected mode in order to protect yourself from cognitive impairment. Previously, employees of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that extra hours of sleep provoke the development of diabetes, heart disease, anxiety and obesity. Getting the right amount of sleep reduces the risk of these diseases and improves the health of people over 45, scientists say.

In old age, both men and women often face problems with sleep disorders. Some people find it difficult to fall asleep, and some wake up multiple times during the night. The causes of insomnia in the elderly can be many, it can be physiological changes that occur in the elderly, and psychological, and pathological problems that need to be treated. According to statistics, insomnia in older people occurs in every 4th man and every 2nd woman. How to deal with insomnia in the elderly? First you need to accurately determine the cause, due to which sleep is disturbed.

Causes of sleep disorders

Insomnia in the elderly most often occurs due to natural changes in the sleep-wake cycle. Such changes begin to appear with age, because the older a person becomes, the less time he needs to restore the spent energy. If young people sleep 8-9 hours, then for the elderly it is enough to sleep 5-7 hours a day.
Normal sleep duration often decreases gradually, but sometimes this happens in just a couple of weeks. Therefore, not every elderly person can quickly adapt to such a change in rhythm, and this is the cause of sleep disturbance. There are other reasons why sleep worsens and insomnia appears, it can be:

  • diseases of the heart and other organs;
  • depressive state;
  • limb movement syndrome;
  • apnea during sleep.

About 50% of cases of insomnia are due to psychological and mental problems. These include: worries, anxieties, protracted grievances. In addition, sleep is disturbed in the elderly due to the use of various medications, as well as due to a lack of exercise and work.


How does insomnia manifest itself in the elderly? It should be noted that insomnia is not the only symptom, it is accompanied by many unpleasant manifestations and complaints arising from sleep disturbance.
The most common symptoms in men and women are:

  • problematic sleep;
  • shallow, interrupted several times a night sleep;
  • unpleasant, disturbing dreams;
  • very early awakenings in the morning;
  • feeling of anxiety when waking up;
  • problematic re-falling asleep after nocturnal awakenings;
  • feeling of impotence in the morning and afternoon, fatigue, lack of freshness and cheerfulness.

Insomnia in the elderly is often manifested by the fact that they toss and turn in bed and try to find comfortable posture. And after falling asleep, unpleasant pictures are dreamed, after which very early, at 5 in the morning and earlier, an alarming awakening comes.

Forms of insomnia

Sleep disturbance in the elderly comes in two forms:

  • chronic form;
  • transitive form.

Chronic is quite serious problem, in which an elderly person has a sleep disorder that manifests itself within 2-3 months or 2-3 years. If an elderly person made attempts to deal with this form of insomnia on his own, without medication, then his attempts were most likely unsuccessful. The reason for this form is any psychological problem or the difficulty of social adaptation.

The transient form does not last long and usually goes away on its own. It occurs due to stressful situations or diseases that constantly disturb sleep.

Insomnia associated with depression

Sleep disturbance is often due to depression. Such violations arise subsequently social and psychological reasons. It can manifest itself in both men and women due to self-doubt, the feeling that no one needs a person, loneliness and memories of past youth, all this leads to a depressive state.
Older people who have depression cannot sleep for several hours while lying in bed. Also, depressive insomnia is characterized by early awakening in the morning with an unpleasant feeling of worthlessness, loss of strength. Depression must be dealt with correctly, only then sleep disturbances will disappear.

Syndrome of periodic limb movement during sleep

Sleep in the elderly can be disturbed due to this syndrome. Such a problem manifests itself in the form of spontaneous unexpected twitches of the arms and legs, due to which the elderly person quickly wakes up.
Scientists have not been able to fully understand the cause of this disorder, but it has been found that the central nervous system has a major influence on the appearance of this syndrome. To finally diagnose this problem, it is necessary to examine a person’s sleep and record it with an electroencephalograph.

In order for insomnia in the elderly to recede, it is necessary to fight it different methods both without drugs and with medicinal methods. The first step is to follow a certain regimen and perform thorough sleep hygiene.
There are several fairly simple ways to get rid of insomnia in old age, you must follow these recommendations:

  • sleep, both for men and women, should be at the same time every day, you need to go to bed before midnight;
  • the bedroom should be dark and quiet, the windows must be curtained at night;
  • it is desirable to refuse daytime sleep, thereby night sleep will be much stronger;
  • the mattress, pillow and blanket should be comfortable; orthopedic products can be purchased;
  • the temperature in the room should be optimal, within 20-22 degrees. Often insomnia occurs when the bedroom is stuffy, hot or cold;
  • before going to bed, you need to properly prepare for this. For about an hour or more, you need to turn off the phone, computer and TV, so that there is time to relax and not receive any negative information;
  • at night, you can take a hot bath or warm shower, which helps to relax.

By following these simple tips, usually insomnia in older people disappears quickly.

Medical solutions for insomnia

Treatment in old age with folk remedies is sometimes not effective, so in some cases it is necessary to take medication. Many sleeping pills are tranquilizers, so they not only help you fall asleep quickly, but also act as a sedative and relaxant.
Commonly used drugs for the treatment of sleep disorders are benzodiazepines. These drugs have a relaxing effect, help you fall asleep quickly and maintain a normal sleep duration. But these drugs often have many contraindications, so older people who have problems with respiratory failure, eye and other diseases should not take them.
In pharmacies, you can buy more gentle drugs for insomnia, for example, Donormil. However, a person should not choose the drug for the treatment of sleep disorders. First, the attending physician will diagnose and select an effective medicine for treatment.
Sleep disturbance in older people in our time is observed quite often, but you can not self-medicate, it can only do harm. It is necessary to fight only with the remedy prescribed by the doctor.

What drug to choose?

Remedies for insomnia are completely different, the attending physician will help you choose a high-quality, safe and effective drug from a huge range. For the treatment of sleep disorders in the elderly, barbiturates should not be chosen. These 1st generation drugs can cause sleep apnea and increase the chance of stopping breathing at night.
Sleep disorders are often treated with second-generation drugs or benzodiazepine-based drugs. When choosing such tablets, you need to pay attention to the half-life of the drug from the body. How longer period exposure, the deeper the sleep will be, however, there will be more adverse reactions.
For example, the treatment of sleep disorders in the elderly is often carried out with Midazolam and Flurazepam tablets, which last about 6 hours. These drugs make it easier and faster to fall asleep. Diazepam or Oxazepam is sometimes prescribed, these drugs are not sleeping pills, but they relax muscles, relieve mental stress and remove disturbing thoughts. These remedies sometimes cause flaccidity of the muscles, but they do not cause daytime drowsiness.
Very few pills without addiction. Therefore, so that a person does not get used to certain means, the doctor prescribes pills in turn. In addition, insomnia in the elderly is usually treated by combining long-acting drugs with short-acting pills.


Sleep disturbances in the elderly are often treated with benzodiazepines, which are drugs medium duration actions, they usually act for a maximum of 12 hours. When treated with these drugs, the elderly almost never wake up at night, sleep normalizes, a person falls asleep quickly enough. Benzodiazepines are effective pills to improve sleep, however, they accumulate in the body and have some residual effects or side effects, such as, for example:

  • pressure drop;
  • lethargy and weakness;
  • daytime sleepiness;
  • constipation;
  • deterioration in concentration;
  • loss of balance.

Generally, benzodiazepines are fairly well tolerated by older people. But if any pleasant sensations or side effects begin to arise, then it is enough to reduce the dosage or take these medications for insomnia less often. Doses of drugs for the elderly should be prescribed only by the attending physician.

Preparations based on cyclopyrrolone and imidazopyridine

Sleep disturbance in the elderly is often treated with these drugs. They are safer, have very little side effects, thanks to these medicines, insomnia can be quickly eliminated. These tablets have a selective effect on human receptors, these drugs are quickly absorbed into the blood, so they are usually taken before going to bed. Many of these medicines from insomnia are released without a prescription.
Zopiclone and Zolpidem tablets are based on cyclopyrrolone and imidazopyridine, they have fast period half-life and thanks to them it is possible to effectively treat difficulties with falling asleep. Them active substances do not accumulate in the body, so they are safe means in the fight against insomnia, do not cause drowsiness and lethargy the next day.
There have been many studies of such drugs for the treatment of insomnia, and it has been found that tablets based on cyclopyrrolone and imidazopyridine do not affect mental capacity human and are safe for nerve cells. These drugs are non-addictive, so there is no need to reduce the dosage at the end of the course of treatment. Their disadvantage is a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, which can be eliminated by reducing the dosage.

The use of medicinal herbs

To cure insomnia without medication, you can use folk medicine. Various herbs are quite gentle and effective. In addition, different fees and natural remedies for insomnia are sold without a prescription. You can quickly cure sleep disorders with folk remedies, for example, valerian, hops or motherwort. Pharmacies sell all sorts of fees based on:

  • chamomile,
  • melissa,
  • hawthorn,
  • peony,
  • mint,
  • sweet clover,
  • elderberry root,
  • hop cones,
  • and others.

Many older people use folk remedies, both for the prevention and treatment of insomnia. While many herbs can be purchased over-the-counter at pharmacies, it's a good idea to talk to your doctor about taking any remedy. It is worth remembering that herbs for insomnia act not only as sleeping pills, but also they:

  • soothe;
  • strengthen the body;
  • reduce pain;
  • have an immunostimulatory effect.

If fees and herbs for insomnia are purchased at a pharmacy, then they must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions, without exceeding the recommended dosage and frequency of administration.

It is difficult to find a person who at least once has not experienced what insomnia is. But, if for a young organism a single failure is an accident, then in old age, problems with night rest bother men and women very often.

Many people mistakenly believe that old people do not need to sleep for a long time. This is partly true if a person after a short rest feels vigorous, full of energy. However, the opposite is more often the case. Therefore, insomnia in the elderly is a condition that can harm health.

Sleep is called a special physiological state, which reduces the response to environmental stimuli. The rest period occurs cyclically throughout the day. The onset of sleep is facilitated by a decrease in natural light.

Prolonged insomnia worsens a person's condition.

After all, normal sleep provides rest to the body, directly affects the state of immunity. During rest, T-lymphocytes are activated. main function which - the fight against alien bacteria and viruses. While a person is sleeping, they are removed from the brain tissue harmful products vital activity.

The time it takes for an elderly person to get enough sleep varies from person to person. The duration of sleep depends on the degree of fatigue. A significant role is played by belonging to the female or male gender, the presence of external interference - noise, bright light.

It is believed that an adult man needs 7-9, and a woman 6-8 hours of rest at night.

Why does the problem appear

Among the many causes of insomnia, in the foreground is a violation respiratory function. It manifests itself long period snoring followed by breath holding - apnea. In addition, older people often experience trembling of the limbs (myoclonus), discomfort in the legs. They also interfere with a good rest.

Secondary reasons why people turn to doctors asking for a prescription for insomnia medication in old age are related to deteriorating health. Most often, the problem is provoked by heart disease, as well as:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic obstruction of the lungs;
  • arthrosis;
  • disruption of the urinary system;
  • pathology of the endocrine nature.

These states are accompanied by frequent awakenings, shallow immersion in sleep. Successful treatment the underlying disease often leads to normalization of the condition.

Sleep disorders often appear in older people in the background of problems mental nature. stressful situations, depression varying degrees can cause difficulty falling asleep, too early awakening. Anxiety appears, accompanying the moment of transition from sleep to wakefulness, constant fear before sleepless nights.

Symptoms of insomnia in the elderly may occur while taking drugs prescribed to treat the underlying disease. More often than others, drugs from such pharmacological groups have a similar side effect:

  • psychotropics;
  • nootropics;
  • bronchodilators;
  • antitussives;
  • antiarrhythmic;
  • hormones;
  • hypotensive;
  • antibacterial;
  • drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's disease.

Age can also affect the quality of sleep. Recent studies by US somnologists have shown that the human brain contains special neurons. They work like a brake that can turn off the nervous system and provide deep quality rest. As we age, the number of these cells decreases, which causes the problem.

How to deal with insomnia in old age?

Treatment of insomnia in the elderly should begin with a visit to a therapist. The doctor will identify the root cause of the violation. If it consists in pathologies of a somatic nature, appropriate therapy will be prescribed. When sleep disturbance is caused by neurological or mental problems, you will need to contact a neurologist, a psychotherapist.

Help without medication

At the first stage of therapy, specialists try to help the patient without the use of drugs for insomnia for the elderly. To achieve an improvement in the condition, it is necessary to strictly follow the advice of a doctor:

  • go to bed, get up in the morning at the same time every day;
  • try to avoid naps during the daytime;
  • avoid being awake while lying in bed: do not have long telephone conversations, refuse to watch TV.

Often, the elderly have to make a lot of effort to make nightly hygiene procedures. Relatives should help the elderly to change clothes, make a bed.

Moderate exercise is an essential part of an insomnia treatment program. A simple set of exercises must be performed in morning hours. In the evening, after a light dinner, it is advisable to take a walk in the fresh air. The bedroom needs to be ventilated.

  • stand under a warm shower or take a bath with pine extract;
  • wear comfortable underwear;
  • comb your hair;
  • listen to pleasant soft music.

Important! The bed should not be hard. Sheets should not have wrinkles that could interfere with normal rest.

Experts advise not to keep a clock in the bedroom. This item makes you constantly control time, thereby increasing the level of anxiety.

It is better for elderly people to refrain from drinking coffee, strong brewed tea, and other invigorating drinks, especially in the afternoon. The same rule applies to alcohol: even a small glass of alcohol can damage a good rest.

Treatment with physiotherapy methods

  • electrosleep;
  • darsonval;
  • impact galvanic currents on the collar zone;
  • electrophoresis in combination with sedatives;
  • relaxing massage;
  • oxygen baths;
  • oxygen inhalation.

Pharmaceuticals to solve the problem

Drugs for insomnia for the elderly, taking into account the cause of the violation, will be selected by the attending physician. He can recommend how prescription drugs, and medicines that can be purchased without prescriptions.

Drug therapy is built according to the scheme "from weak to strong". It is prescribed only if the correction of the regimen, the use of physiotherapy, relaxation techniques did not give the expected result. Treatment begins with the smallest doses of the drug. In the first weeks, it is necessary to take tablets every other day, sometimes the pause increases to 3 days.

Primary insomnia, provoked by impaired respiratory function, is not treated with sleeping pills. Drugs in this group can aggravate the condition. But they give good therapeutic effect with muscle twitching - myoclonus.

If the problem with falling asleep was the result of taking medications for hypertension, Parkinson's disease, or other pathologies, adjustments should be made to the schedule for taking the pills. It is also worth getting the advice of your doctor and replacing the remedy with one that does not have exciting properties.

Duration of admission pharmacological preparations does not exceed a month. Treatment with tablets is stopped as soon as the normal sleep rhythm is restored.

Pharmacies have a large number of products with hypnotic effect which can be purchased without a prescription. Medicines in this group have a calming and relaxing effect. They do not cause severe side effects.

Melaxen contains the sleep hormone melatonin. After taking the pill, it quickly causes drowsiness. The tool promotes recovery natural cycle night rest.

Often, experts recommend other insomnia remedies for older people. Preparations based on plant extracts with the addition of synthetic or biological medicinal components, have a mild sedative effect. Among these:

  • Corvalol;
  • Valocardin;
  • Nott;
  • Novopassit;
  • Dormiplant;
  • Persen;
  • Nervocheel.

Although pharmacists dispense the listed drugs without presenting a prescription, side effects are possible. Therefore, you can take medicines only after consulting with your doctor first.

Many psychotherapists and neurologists have a negative attitude towards such a medical solution to the problem as the use of potent sleeping pills by the elderly.

Medications based on barbiturates, benzodiazepines, triazolam, zolpidem, and zaleplon can cause complications. Deterioration of the condition is manifested by confusion, lethargy or hyperexcitability, high risk addiction to the drug. Other undesirable effects are also possible:

  • decreased muscle tone;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • constant sleepiness;
  • violation of respiratory function;
  • decreased intestinal motility;
  • deterioration in concentration;
  • problems with coordination of movements, keeping the body in a state of balance.

Treating insomnia with natural remedies

In addition to the use of classical medicinal methods, treatment with herbal remedies helps to cope with insomnia. Natural raw materials not only improve the quality of sleep, but also have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Valerian is the most famous plant with a calming effect. For cooking healing drink take 6 grams of plant roots and 200 milliliters of boiling water. Valerian needs to be poured, insisted for 40 minutes in a water bath, cooled. Drink the medicine 2 tablespoons three times a day.

From a fragrant plant, you can prepare a decoction. It will take 2 teaspoons of dry valerian root, pour 20 milliliters of water, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 5 minutes. Then the product is cooled, taken up to 4 times daily, 1 or 2 tablespoons.

Other treatments can be used medicinal plants. To prepare an infusion of motherwort, you will need 15 grams of dry raw materials, 1 cup of boiling water. Grass is poured with boiling water, let it brew. After cooling, the product is filtered. Drink natural medicine before meals (30 minutes) 1 tablespoon.

Mix of valerian roots, peppermint, hop cones (each ingredient is taken in 2 tablespoons) is poured with 400 milliliters of boiling water. They insist half an hour. Drink in the morning, in the evening, half a glass.

Aromatherapy - an accessible method for treating insomnia for everyone natural remedies. Orange, lavender, sage, ylang-ylang oil help to relax, relieve stress. If you do the procedures in the evenings, you can achieve a calm, deep and prolonged sleep.

Pour a little boiling water into the aroma lamp bath, add 8-10 drops on top essential oil. The candle under the container is lit for 20-25 minutes.

A mixture of oils - essential and vegetable - can be used for a relaxing massage. If this is not possible, applying a couple of drops of aromatic oil to the pillow, linen will help.

Insomnia and old age are not synonyms. You can not put up with the lack of the opportunity to fully relax, gain strength. If non-drug methods have already been tried, but there is no result, a specialist consultation is necessary. The doctor will be able to identify true reason problems and tell you what to do with insomnia.

From this article you will learn:

    Why sleep disorders happen in old age

    How do older people experience insomnia?

    What are the specific sleep disorders in the elderly

    Can insomnia be cured in old age?

    What kind folk remedies help with sleep disorders in the elderly

    How to restore disturbed sleep to a person in old age without drugs and herbs

Sleep disturbance in the elderly- a problem that is rarely paid attention to, and yet sleeping pills are the most popular medicine among the elderly.

Why Sleep Disorders Occur in the Elderly

American scientists have recently managed to find out what causes insomnia in the elderly. They concluded that in human brain there are inhibitory neurons that act as "sleep levers". They "turn off" the human nervous system, thereby providing restful sleep. Unfortunately, as a person ages, the number of these neurons decreases, which means that the likelihood of insomnia increases.

Here are the most common causes of sleep disturbance in the elderly:

  1. diseases: arthrosis, heart disease, thyroid gland etc.;

    violation of the diet;

    violation of the daily routine.

How does insomnia manifest in the elderly?

    painful insomnia;

    tiring sleep;

    interrupted sleep;

    unpleasant dreams;

    early awakening;

    feeling restless in the morning;

    feeling tired after sleep.

Sleep in old age can be spoiled by the above factors. It is important to note that often the elderly somewhat exaggerate the manifestations of insomnia. For example, they may feel like they are falling asleep longer and sleeping less.

Specific sleep disorders in the elderly

Insomnia syndrome associated with depression

Sleep disturbance in the elderly is often accompanied by a state of emptiness. As a rule, a person wakes up too early and is in anxiety. He can't fall back asleep after waking up.

Medication related insomnia

An elderly person has to take medication as prescribed by a doctor. For example, diuretics, if taken at night, will make sleep interrupted. Preparations "Nakom" and "Sinemet" sometimes cause nightmares. Regular intake expectorant preparations containing beta-agonists, sometimes leads to the fact that the time to fall asleep is significantly increased. Drugs such as Adelfan and Trirezide often provoke the appearance of such a problem as insomnia in the elderly.

How to deal with it? Tell your doctor about the sleep disorder that is bothering you, and most likely, the specialist will suggest another treatment or change the drug for you.

restless leg syndrome

Occurs during sleep. People describe it as a sensation in the legs, similar to what occurs when running on the surface. Sleep disturbance in the elderly caused by the syndrome restless legs, treated by increasing physical activity and lifestyle changes in general. Do not confuse this syndrome with convulsions, which are accompanied by pain and spasm.

Periodic limb movement syndrome

Sleep disturbance in the elderly is often accompanied by chaotic movements of the legs during sleep. It usually goes like this: a person bends thumb feet, as well as the leg at the knee and repeats these movements with a break of 30-40 seconds.

Sleep disorders in the elderly: treatment with drugs

If insomnia occurs in older people, drugs that help them fall asleep more easily can be very useful for them. As statistics show, women are much more likely to resort to taking sleeping pills.

If you are considering starting sleep medication for an elderly relative, read the following facts:

    sleeping pills cannot change the physiology of sleep;

    some drugs that depress the nervous system, can interfere with the physiological functions of the body;

    to correct sleep disturbance in the elderly is necessary taking into account compatibility prescribed sleeping pills with other drugs, which are accepted by a person in old age, and, as a rule, there are not a few of them;

    since the absorption of substances in the body of an elderly person is somewhat reduced, taking sleeping pills can lead to daytime lethargy;

    the use of drugs that increase fast falling asleep, increases the risk of death according to statistics.

Treatment of insomnia in the elderly folk remedies

Everyone knows that there is nothing safer and more effective for dealing with such a problem as insomnia in the elderly than honey.

Let's take a look at the recipes:

    take honey (1 tbsp.) and Borjomi (1 tbsp.), finely chop the lemon. Mix all the ingredients and offer to take an elderly relative in the morning before breakfast;

    take 2 tablespoons walnut and honey, a little lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients and invite a relative in old age to take a tablespoon at night. Insomnia in the elderly goes away after the first week of taking this healing drink;

    dissolve a tablespoon of honey in warm water(200 ml) and invite the insomniac to drink at night;

    A simple action allows you to control sleep disturbance in the elderly: lubricate whiskey with lavender oil;

    1 st. l. dissolve honey in kefir (1 cup) and invite an elderly person to drink every day at night. An additional intake of 30-50 grams of honey and royal jelly will enhance the effect;

    pour a glass of bran with water (100 ml), add 100 grams of honey. Take 2 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture in the evening. Treatment should last 2 months. If you use the recipe, then your sleep in old age will be like that of a baby;

    insomnia in the elderly sometimes occurs due to a copious rush of blood to the head. Therefore, it is useful to apply horseradish, previously grated, to the legs;

    add 3 tsp to honey. apple cider vinegar. It may seem surprising to you, but taking 2 tsp. This mixture normalizes sleep in old age. If a person in old age does not feel well, then you can offer him an additional dose.

Fees for insomnia:

    mix 30 grams of peppermint, 30 grams of motherwort, 20 grams of valerian roots, 20 grams of common hops. Take 10 grams of a mixture of herbs, pour boiling water over it and heat for a quarter of an hour. Strain, cool, add some boiled water. If you use an infusion of 100 ml in the morning, during the day and at night, sleep disturbance in the elderly will soon pass;

    mix an equal amount of peppermint, valerian rhizomes, three-leaf watch. Pour 1 tbsp. l. collection with boiling water and leave for half an hour. You need to drink half a glass three times a day, and sleep in old age will be calm and pleasant;

    mix equal amounts of motherwort, mint, white mistletoe, valerian rhizomes, hawthorn flowers. Pour the fee hot water and insist half an hour. Offer an elderly person to drink 100 ml of infusion at night and in the morning;

    mix 5 grams of valerian rhizomes, 10 grams of oregano. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes. It is necessary to drink at night;

    mix an equal amount of thyme, calendula, motherwort. Take 10 grams of the collection, pour boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Add a teaspoon of honey and invite an elderly relative to drink half a glass at night;

    mix fennel fruits, mint leaves, chamomile flowers, valerian rhizomes, cumin fruits. Pour 10 grams of the mixture with boiling water and cook for 30 minutes. Cool, add water to bring to original volume. You can normalize sleep in old age if you take two glasses of infusion in the morning and one in the evening;

    mix mint leaves, lavender flowers, chamomile flowers, valerian roots. Insist 2 tbsp. l. mixture in boiling water (200 ml). We recommend drinking a decoction of herbs during the day if sleep in old age is restless and intermittent;

    mix equal parts of lavender flowers, Veronica officinalis herbs, fragrant violets, barberry fruits. Pour boiling water over the collection and leave for 30 minutes. It is recommended to take 100-200 ml of decoction at night. Tired of the fact that insomnia in the elderly does not go away? Use this recipe and you will be surprised by the result;

    mix hop seedlings, myta leaves, chamomile flowers, lemon balm leaves, buckthorn bark, valerian rhizomes. Fill the collection with water and invite an elderly person to take at night;

    mix valerian rhizomes, heather herb, motherwort and cudweed. Take 4 tbsp. l. mixture, pour boiling water, leave for ten hours. Drinking the resulting decoction is necessary during the day if you are close to such a problem as insomnia in the elderly.

Herbs to treat insomnia:

    Hawthorn blood red:

    • pour 2 tbsp. l. hawthorn with boiling water (300 ml). Invite the insomniac to drink three times a day half an hour before meals. Hawthorn helps to eliminate sleep disturbance in the elderly, and is especially useful for those who suffer from heart disease.
  • Elderberry red:

    • brew 1 tbsp. l. chopped roots with boiling water (200 ml). Boil elderberries for fifteen minutes, remove from heat, leave for half an hour. Regular intake of 1 tbsp. helps to harmonize sleep in the elderly.
  • Valerian:

    • pour cold water(200 ml) 1 tbsp. l. valerian roots, crushed previously. Leave the valerian to infuse for eight hours. Then the infusion must be filtered. You need to drink a decoction of 1 tbsp. l. after waking up, day and night. If sleep disturbance in the elderly is particularly pronounced, then you can increase the dose;

      pour boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. valerian roots and boil for fifteen minutes. Then leave the decoction to infuse. Insomnia in the elderly passes, as a rule, in the first week of taking infusion of 1 tbsp. l. after waking up and in the afternoon before going to bed;

      chop 2 tbsp. l. valerian roots and pour vodka (200 ml). Leave to infuse for two weeks, placing the mixture in a cool place. Strain and take 20 drops three times a day. This folk recipe allows for long time forget about what insomnia is in the elderly. Drugs, as you understand, are not always safe, especially when it comes to the health of the elderly;

      1 st. l. valerian root pour boiling water. Put on fire and cook for 15 minutes. To normalize sleep in the elderly, take a decoction of 1 tbsp. l.

  • oregano :

    • prepare a decoction of oregano and wash the head of an elderly person with it. This method may seem rather strange to you, but many of those who have tried it claim that the procedure really normalizes sleep in older people;

      pour a glass of boiling water 2 tsp. oregano and leave for twenty minutes. Take 100 ml before meals;

    hypericum perforatum: angelica descending:

    • pour boiling water over 3 tbsp. l. herbs and leave for 2 hours. Take 70 ml of decoction after waking up, during the day and before going to bed, and you will forget about what sleep disturbance is in the elderly;
  • angelica descending:

    • pour boiling water 1 tsp. angelica roots and let it brew well. It is necessary to take half a glass three times a day;

  • fireweed (ivan-tea) :

    • Pour boiling water over 15 grams of grass, put on fire. Remove from heat after 15 minutes. Take the remedy before dinner, lunch and breakfast, 1 tbsp. l. Sleep disturbance in the elderly disappears after the first week of admission;

      put 2 tbsp. l. Ivan-tea in a thermos, pour boiling water (400 ml). Insist 6 hours. It is recommended to drink after waking up, during the day and at night for half a glass;

    hemp seeds:

    • sift and crush 2 tbsp. l. hemp seeds. Pour the crushed seeds into boiling water. Wrap the container with the infusion and leave it for several hours. The tool effectively eliminates sleep disturbance in the elderly, but it should be used strictly according to the scheme: 2 hours before bedtime, drink half a glass of infusion, and after another hour, take the remaining amount along with the sediment;

    real lavender:

    • pour boiling water (300 ml) 1 tbsp. l. lavender flowers and leave for fifteen minutes. After a quarter of an hour, strain the infusion. It is necessary to consume a tablespoon of broth after breakfast, lunch, dinner. If insomnia in the elderly appears only periodically, then this remedy can be taken during periods of exacerbation.

18 ways to overcome sleep disorders in old age

If a insomnia in the elderly- a problem that worries you a lot, then We recommend that you read the advice of experts. If a person follows them, it will allow him to get enough sleep every day and feel great.

    try move more. Physical activity brings fatigue, and it will be easier for you to fall asleep. As statistics show, sleep disturbance in the elderly does not occur if they regularly do exercises or gymnastics;

    walk before bedtime;

    try don't worry and don't worry;

    make sure your quality bed linen and the nightgown is loose and comfortable. Try to make the bed well so that no lumps and folds form. Insomnia in the elderly sometimes arises simply from an uncomfortable bed or an unpleasant nightgown;

    necessarily ventilate the room before bedtime. If possible, leave the window open;

    exclude external stimuli: sounds, noise, light. Use a mask and earplugs if necessary;

    don't eat up for the night;

    do not sleep during the day. Agree, sleep in older people is often disturbed precisely because they sleep too long after dinner;

    if you can't sleep for a long time, try to get up and do something. Return to bed when you feel sleepy and tired again;

    if you go to bed at a certain time every day, the body gradually gets used to such regime;

    consult a doctor about the medications you are taking and the possibility that they may cause sleep disturbances in older people. Try to choose others similar preparations and try not to overdo it with the use of sleeping pills;

    don't read or watch TV before bed;

    stop drinking alcohol, caffeine, nicotine;

    try to get up at a certain time everyday. Use an alarm if you don't wake up on your own;

    overnight drink milk with honey. This tool normalizes sleep in the elderly;

    darken your bedroom;

    take a bath with sea ​​salt for the night;

    do breathing exercises , massage or meditation in the evening.

In our boarding houses we are ready to offer only the best:

    Round-the-clock care for the elderly by professional nurses (all staff are citizens of the Russian Federation).

    5 meals a day full and diet.

    1-2-3-seater placement (for recumbent specialized comfortable beds).

    Daily leisure (games, books, crossword puzzles, walks).

    Individual work of psychologists: art therapy, music lessons, modeling.

    Weekly examination by specialized doctors.

    Comfortable and safe conditions(comfortable country houses, beautiful nature, clean air).

At any time of the day or night, the elderly will always come to the rescue, no matter what problem worries them. In this house, all relatives and friends. An atmosphere of love and friendship reigns here.

Tired for the whole day, an elderly man lies in bed with his eyes wide open and cannot fall asleep in any way. Today we will talk about how to deal with insomnia. Thoughts swirl in my head like a strong whirlwind, the minutes drag on endlessly, but the sweet and such a welcome dream still does not come. What to do? How to deal with insomnia in old age?

Who suffers from insomnia?

Insomnia is a problem for most people. Every fifth inhabitant of the planet suffers from it. Being very tired at work, straining from physical or mental stress, a person still falls asleep badly and tosses and turns all night. Don't open your eyes in the morning Bad mood, headaches, aggression. In order to find the answer to the question of how to deal with insomnia in old age, we will analyze the types and forms of insomnia.

Forms of insomnia:

  1. Falling asleep quickly, often followed by numerous unreasonable awakenings during the night;
  2. Waking up in the middle of the night once, there is no way to fall asleep again;
  3. Long falling asleep, grumbling from side to side.

Here are some simple and effective steps towards healthy sleep:

  1. The bed is not an office. The bedroom is the place where the body rests from everyday problems. No talking on the phone, discussing plans and tasks, watching TV, eating food. The bed is a place for sex and sleep. A person working in his bed will not be able to sleep normally at night.
  2. Drowsiness - best sign sleep. All researchers agree that adults do not have a “norm” for sleep duration, the older a person is, the longer the duration of “effective” sleep decreases. Most often they call 7-8 hours, but for someone, 5 hours a day is enough to be cheerful and not harm your health. It's all individual. However, it is worth going to bed only when drowsiness sets in. How to achieve this? Doing monotonous activities: knitting, reading magazines or newspapers (but not books!), watching TV (no crime news or funny TV shows). It is worth refraining from cleaning, washing or playing computer games.
  3. Everything has its time. Get up and go to bed at a certain time. Adjusted internal clock for a convenient time interval - a guarantee good night. Doctors recommend going to bed at a predetermined time and waking up at the same time. On weekends, don't disturb your circadian rhythm with extra hours spent in bed.
  4. Walk the best medicine. Going outside and taking a walk before going to bed is the most pleasant and simple action for better falling asleep. You can do a number of simple physical exercises without leaving your home, but with open windows letting fresh air into the room. The body temperature will rise and contribute to drowsiness, the muscles of the body will get tired.
  5. Helpful aids. No, these are not drugs and pills. The most common eyecups that protect against excessive light, or thick dark curtains, earplugs that block out noise, special pillows for the whole body, comfortable mattresses for every taste and much more. The temperature in the bedroom should be comfortable and nightwear appropriate. No tight synthetic fabrics, lace and silk accessories. Pajamas made of natural fabrics, pleasant to the body and quite loose.
  6. water procedures.

    A change in body temperature leads to the development of drowsiness. Throughout the day, it is the highest, but when a person sleeps, it drops by several degrees. For the appearance of drowsiness, you must manually start the process of lowering the temperature. This is done by taking a warm (not hot!) bath or shower, but no later than 4 hours before bedtime. The body warms up and later, cooling down, will bring the long-awaited drowsiness.

  7. A special relaxation technique is the solution to the problem: "How to deal with insomnia in old age." Persistent and diligent attempts to fall asleep will lead to the opposite result. A whole night without sleep and a terrible mood are guaranteed. The secret of successful falling asleep is relaxation (yoga, proper breathing technique).
    Turn off unpleasant thoughts, think only about pleasant events and memories, that which brings joy. You can fantasize or mentally play intellectual (but not too much) games.
    Slow down your breathing and imagine how the air enters, filling every cell of the body and exits in a pleasant invisible stream from it. It is more correct to breathe not with the chest, but with the stomach (the diaphragm works). It takes practice, it may not work the first time.
  8. Heavy food and alcohol are the enemies of sleep. Known fact that a few hours before bedtime you should refrain from eating. Best Products for a snack - fruits and bread. Lots of fluids before bed increase the chances of waking up to go to the bathroom. Alcohol should be excluded altogether, it disrupts sleep by depressing the nervous system.
  9. Alternative. Scientists from several countries have come to the conclusion that in order to prepare the body for sleep or wake up, it needs to signal these events. Waking up at the appointed time in the morning, a person should get his portion sunlight. It can be exercising in the morning sun, walking or jogging in the fresh air (anything). In winter, when there is a lack of sun, it can be replaced artificial lighting(Individual thing, which is worth consulting with your doctor). In the evening, avoid bright lights and perhaps wear tinted glasses to soothe and prepare the body for sleep.
  10. Sex. If it gives a person maximum pleasure, relaxes and soothes, then it should also be included in the list of remedies for insomnia. The mechanism at work during this process improves sleep, as shown by many observations. However, this is all individual. For people who find sex uncomfortable, problematic and unsatisfying, as a means of improving sleep, it will not work.


All of the above methods and techniques are suitable for any person with sleep problems. Now you know the answer to the question of how to deal with insomnia in old age. It remains only to choose the most suitable option or use several at once in symbiosis with each other. If the problem does not disappear for several months, you should consult a doctor.