What is galvanization in physiotherapy. How to treat a disease using galvanic current

Galvanization in medicine is one of the options for physiotherapy used in complex therapy most diseases. The principle of the procedure is that the patient undergoes constant exposure current Due to this, several metabolic actions occur that influence the improvement general condition sick. In this article we will look at this procedure in detail and existing contraindications To her.

What is galvanization in physiotherapy? As already mentioned, galvanization is the impact of constant electric current with low voltage (up to 80 V) and low power (up to 50 mA). The strongest current is used for the limbs, and when electrodes are applied to the area of ​​the head and face, since galvanization is used in cosmetology, the current strength is reduced to a minimum.

This method of therapy is actively practiced in physiotherapy and is becoming increasingly popular due to its effectiveness, since when exposed to current, the balance of ions in the cells changes and some physical processes occur.

Effects that can be achieved using galvanization:

  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • a sharp jump in biologically active substances;
  • strengthening of functions nervous system;
  • improvement of cerebral circulation;
  • possible sedative effect;
  • increasing immunity;
  • improving tissue regeneration, etc.

Operating principle

The operating principle of this technique is to use the properties of current with a certain frequency, low voltage and low strength. This process occurs through electrodes placed on the skin, through which current is transmitted. Meanwhile, electrolytic dissociation occurs in the tissues under the influence of current.

Simply put, complex physical and chemical processes begin in the body, which entail changes in the permeability of cell membranes, enzyme activity and the level of metabolic processes.

The galvanization apparatus has two cathode electrodes, which reduce the ability of tissues to excite, and an anode, which increases this ability. Only a specialist can determine the frequency and duration of the procedure, based on the type of disease and clinical picture.

Indications and contraindications

Based on the mechanism of action and effectiveness of galvanic current, we can formulate a list of diseases in which similar procedure will be useful. This includes:

  • diseases and injuries of the peripheral nervous system;
  • autonomic dystonia and neurasthenia;
  • some gastrointestinal diseases;
  • angina pectoris;
  • various infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • some ENT diseases;
  • chronic ailments of the musculoskeletal system;
  • migraine.

Like any procedure, galvanization has contraindications that should be taken into account when choosing this method of therapy. Specialist consultation is required.

The use of this procedure is prohibited when:

  • individual intolerance to the current used;
  • the presence of oncology or suspicion of it, as well as various tumor processes;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • severe form of heart disease;
  • blood diseases;
  • ailments of the skin: eczema, dermatitis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • fever.

Progress of the treatment procedure

During therapy, the patient takes a sitting or lying position. Before starting the procedure, the patient's skin is thoroughly cleansed. If there are minor damage to the skin, they are treated with Vaseline and covered with cotton wool or rubber on top.

Next comes the turn of applying electrodes: they are placed longitudinally (if it is necessary to influence superficial tissues) or transversely (if it is necessary to influence deep tissues and organs). A transverse diagonal arrangement is also practiced. The electrodes are attached using an adhesive plaster or bandage.

Today, several types of galvanization are used:

  • general. In this case, a hydrogalvanic bath is used, which consists of four separate containers with water into which human limbs are placed. The current does not exceed 30 mA;
  • local. The procedure occurs by placing 2-4 lead electrodes on the patient's torso;
  • processing of reflex segmental zones. This method of therapy is intended to affect areas of the vertebra. Electrodes for the collar area and a “pants” electrode are used. Initially, the current strength is small and increases gradually;
  • longitudinal galvanization of the head. In this case, two electrodes are used: one of them is attached to the forehead, and the second to the back of the head and neck;
  • Bourguignon method. On closed eyes The patient is given pieces of gauze, which are covered on top with round metal plates connected to a galvanizing apparatus. The second electrode is located under the occipital protuberance. The patient's hair should be thoroughly moisturized;
  • galvanization of the facial area. Here a special electrode is used - a “half mask”. It is applied to the area of ​​the chin, cheek and forehead, while the corners of the mouth and eyes remain uncovered;
  • for ailments of the upper and lower extremities. In this case, electrodes are applied to the lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae, as well as on the forearm area. When performing the procedure on lower limbs the area of ​​application is determined based on the location of the disease;
  • chamber baths. Based on the number of affected limbs, it is used suitable number chamber baths.

Apparatuses used for galvanization

To carry out this procedure, special devices are used, which are rectifiers alternating current lighting network.

Types of devices for galvanization:

  • “Potok-1”, “Potok-01M”, “Potok-Br”;
  • "GR";
  • "AGN-1" and "AGN-2";
  • "Radius";
  • "NET";
  • "ETER";
  • "ELFOR" and "ELFOR-Prof";
  • "ESMA".


Galvanization is an assistant in the fight against big amount diseases. Thanks to certain manipulations under the supervision of a specialist, the patient receives a current discharge, which will help get rid of the disease faster.

It is important to remember that only a doctor can prescribe such a procedure, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Galvanization in physiotherapy is healing technique, which uses continuous direct electric current with low current (less than 50 mA), low voltage (30-80 V). The current is supplied by local exposure to special electrodes. Exposure to current can cause an increase in the biophysical and biochemical reactions of the body, which has a positive effect on the affected area.

The galvanization procedure is used in treatment various diseases. The technique can only be used during the recovery period, according to indications. WHO also takes into account the possibility of its use in the complex treatment of pathologies.

The concept of galvanization, the effect on the body

The physiotherapy procedure of galvanization is a therapeutic method that is based on the use of weak direct current, which has a therapeutic effect on fabric. Galvanic current has a very small amperage and voltage, which explains its safety and effectiveness. The procedure does not cause pain, the patient only feels a slight tingling or crawling sensation. During physiotherapy, 2 electrodes are used: the cathode and the anode. They have different charges, which allows the movement of ions in the tissues of the body.

Human tissues and organs have different electrical conductivity, so the current does not pass directly through them, but overcomes resistance. It passes through the spaces between cellular structures, through vessels carrying blood and lymph. The action of current causes the movement of ions with different charges. These ions are found in biological fluids(blood, lymph, intercellular fluid).

Positively charged ions always tend towards the cathode. It has a negative charge. Negatively charged particles always move towards the anode. It has a positive charge. This movement of particles is explained by elementary physical mechanisms: plus is attracted to minus and vice versa.

The electrodes are made of metal. When charged particles reach the electrode, they lose their polarity due to oxidative processes (electrolysis). Substances begin to react with water molecules, due to which electrolysis products are formed on the metal electrodes.

Acid begins to form at the anode, and alkali begins to form at the cathode. These chemical compounds can cause damage to the skin or mucous membrane on which the electrode is applied, so the metal plates must be wrapped in gauze or other cloth. This helps prevent burns.

In the tissues located between the electrodes, the polarity of the cell membranes changes. This leads to an increase in the permeability of membrane structures. The transport of substances by osmosis and diffusion increases. Metabolic processes in cells are accelerated.

In the area of ​​the negative electrode, the concentration of tissue histamine and acetylcholine increases. The function of the enzyme cholinesterase begins to decrease. This provokes excitation in the nerve fibers (mostly innervating the muscles). Hyperemia of the skin increases.

At the anode the effects are reversed. The concentration of biological mediators decreases, the work of cholinesterase increases, and tissue excitation decreases. The permeability of cell membranes decreases. This phenomenon is taken into account when installing electrodes in order to eliminate the occurrence of pain.

The effect of current begins to stimulate the skin's receptor apparatus. The impulses enter the brain and then reflexively return.

Against the background of this reflex action, the blood vessels of the skin dilate. The skin at the site where the electrodes are applied turns red. Redness persists for half an hour or more after completion of the physiotherapy procedure.

Galvanic current can have an effect not only locally, but also systemically. When applying electrodes to collar area stimulates the work of the cervical sympathetic nodes. The cardiovascular system is reflexively involved in the process. Blood flow increases in organs that are innervated by the cervical and upper thoracic segments of the sympathetic trunk. Metabolism in tissues increases.

If electrodes are placed on the scalp, the work of various analyzers is stimulated: visual (the appearance of phosphenes), gustatory (the patient feels a metallic taste in the mouth). When electrodes are placed on the temples, it is possible that vestibular disorders, which are provoked by stimulation of the balance apparatus.

The galvanization technique in physiotherapy is aimed at regulating the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, it improves the secretion of glands, increases motor skills digestive tract, stimulates metabolism, immune defense. With the general effect of galvanic current in the bloodstream, the concentration of white blood cells increases, ESR increases, hemodynamic parameters improve, bradycardia occurs, and the metabolism of glucose and proteins accelerates.

Low current intensity can increase coronary blood flow, accelerate the absorption of oxygen molecules, and the accumulation of glycogen in the heart muscle. At high current strength it is observed reverse effect, which negatively affects the functioning of the heart.

Current dosages during galvanization

In physiotherapy there is the concept of “current density”. Current density (CD) is a measure of current divided by electrode area. The unit of current density is mA/cm2. 1 mA/cm2 refers to the current strength, which is equal to 1 mA. It acts on an electrode area equal to 1 cm2.

Therapeutic current density implies the use of small values ​​of 0.01-0.1-0.2 mA/cm2. When using a PT equal to 0.5 mA/cm2, irreversible consequences may occur.

In medicine, three types of therapeutic current density indicators are used:

  • A small current strength is 0.01-0.04 mA/cm2 (prescribed when acute pathologies, severe pain in children under 4 years of age).
  • Average PT - O.04-O.08 mA/cm2.
  • Large PT - 0.08 to 0.1 (0.2) mA/cm2. Used topically for prolonged or chronic form various diseases.

The duration of the physiotherapy procedure can be 10-30 minutes. Most useful action on tissue is observed with a duration of physiotherapy of 10 minutes.

Types of physiotherapy techniques, indications, restrictions on use

Galvanization has 3 main methods of influence.

Physiotherapy methods:

  • General (a small therapeutic dosage of current is used, an example of such treatment is a four-chamber hydrogalvanic bath).
  • Segmental (using low or medium intensity current, endonasal galvanization, physiotherapy on the spinal area).
  • Local (all types of therapeutic dosages).

Galvanization has its indications and limitations. When prescribing a technique, the doctor must take them into account.

Indications and restrictions

Indications Restrictions
Pathologies internal organs and blood vessels, skin (hypertension of 1st and 2nd severity, bronchial asthma, inflammation of the pancreas, gastritis, ulcerative lesion digestive tract, scleroderma).

Diseases of the nervous system (radiculopathies, neuromyositis, head injuries, damage to peripheral nerve fibers, neurosis-like conditions, migraine headaches, spinal pathologies, neuritis).

Pathologies of the genital organs in women.

Diseases of the visual apparatus.

Skin diseases and others.

Poor tolerance to current of any strength.

Damage to the skin (inflammation, scratches, wounds, increased hair growth at the site of electrode application, eczematous skin damage).

Severe manifestations of autonomic dysfunction.


Hypertension more than 180/100 mmHg. Art., regular hypertensive crises in the anamnesis.

Atrial fibrillation, extrasystoles.

Blood flow deficiency of 2-3 degrees.



Galvanic current during pregnancy should not be used in the first trimester. In the latter stages, therapy is sometimes prescribed, but only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus.

Equipment for carrying out the technique, places for galvanic procedures

Direct current is produced special devices. The most common devices are AGN-1, AGN-2, Potok-1, Potok-01M, Potok-Br, Elfor-Prof. Very good device is Elfor-Prof. It allows both galvanization and electrophoresis. This is an improved device created on the basis of the Potok-1 device.

Treatment with galvanic current can be carried out in hospitals with a physical department. Physiotherapeutic departments are available at clinics and sanatorium-resort institutions. If the patient is in a hospital, he does not need any additional documents to undergo treatment. The doctor will write on the prescription sheet the number of physiotherapy procedures, the current strength, and the time of one session. When undergoing therapy at a clinic, the patient will need a referral from the attending physician or physiotherapist, an extract from the card or medical history.

Galvanization can be done in sanatorium-resort institutions. To do this you need to get health resort card. The doctor will indicate availability chronic diseases, results laboratory tests, presence of allergies. Using the map, the sanatorium doctor will determine the course of therapy, current strength, and time of one session.

If it is not possible to undergo treatment for free, then you can come to paid clinic. To carry out therapy, you need to undergo examination at the clinic or bring an extract from outpatient card. Based on the examination data, the doctor will decide on treatment tactics.

The procedure can be carried out at home. To do this, you should purchase a galvanizing device. You can buy the device at any medical equipment store or online store specializing in medical products.

Before galvanization, it is necessary to undergo full examination, consult your doctor or physical therapist. The doctor will help you decide on the choice of device, treatment tactics, and the number of physical procedures.

Rules for conducting physical therapy

Preparation for the procedure consists of cleansing the skin, examining the skin for scratches and inflammatory changes. If there is minor damage to the integrity of the skin, then apply Vaseline to the scratches and cover them with cotton pads, strips of rubber, or oilcloth. Before the manipulation, the doctor must familiarize himself with the chart or medical history and make sure there are no contraindications. If the patient has a tendency to severe peeling of the skin, then the area where the electrodes are applied is lubricated with Vaseline.

During the physiotherapeutic method, the patient may experience a slight tingling sensation at the site of the electrodes. There shouldn't be any pain. If pain occurs, you need to tell the nurse or doctor about it. The doctor will reduce the intensity of the current or stop treatment.

The treatment procedure usually lasts 10-30 minutes. On initial stage therapy, you can reduce the session time. If no adverse reactions does not occur, you can increase the time to 20-30 minutes. You cannot sleep during therapy. During sleep, the patient may not notice the occurrence of a skin burn if the device was not configured correctly.

Electrodes can be applied to cervical-collar area, top part back, calf muscles, head, lower back, eye sockets and other areas of the body. Before installing the electrodes, they are wrapped in gauze soaked medicinal solution. After applying the electrodes, the device is set up and turned on. After the session, the electrodes are removed and the skin is wiped with a napkin if Vaseline was used. Course therapy consists of 10-20 procedures. If necessary, treatment can be repeated after a few months.


Experts recommend using galvanic effects on the body during rehabilitation and therapeutic measures. The therapy has a positive effect on restoration processes in damaged tissues, increases immunity, and helps improve blood flow in tissues. You can be treated at home, in a hospital, clinic, or sanatorium. The purpose of galvanization is: reducing the frequency of exacerbations of chronic diseases, recovery after an acute illness.

Galvanization is an application in medicinal purposes exposure to direct electric current with low voltage up to 80 V (volts) and low current strength up to 50 mA (milliamps).

Galvanization: treatment with electric current - how does it happen?

When passing through the skin, the galvanic current encounters great resistance from the epidermis, overcoming which absorbs a significant part electrical energy. It is in this place that the body’s most obvious reactions to the effects of galvanization develop.

This is, firstly, the phenomenon of hyperemia (redness) of the skin, when the blood vessels of the skin expand, and, secondly, a burning sensation with tingling at the site of exposure to the electrodes. These sensations are consequences of changes under the influence of current in the body’s usual ratio of tissue ions, pH environment and heat generation. In addition, biochemically active substances are released, the production of enzymes (complex organic substances of protein nature) and metabolic processes are stimulated, which cause increased blood flow to the area under the influence of current.

The burning and tingling sensation increases significantly with increasing current intensity and duration of the procedure. Manifestation discomfort allows you to stop the procedure in time to avoid skin burns.

Healing properties exposure to electric shock

Treatment using direct electric current (galvanization and medicinal electrophoresis), galvanization treatment is a relatively new trend in medicine. After passing through the epidermis, the electric current disperses through the tissues of the body, which have high electrical conductivity. Then the effect of the current on the surface of the skin decreases, but it begins to have a stronger effect on tissues located at a deeper level and with less density.

Galvanization treatment stimulates blood and lymph circulation, activates metabolic and trophic processes, enhances the secretory function of the glands, and has an analgesic effect.

Drug electrophoresis is a combination of simultaneous exposure to a galvanic current and a small amount of a drug at the site of injury. When using this method, the drug enters the body in the form of ions, i.e. in the most active current form.

The strong resistance of the outer layer of skin to the passage of current causes the low speed of ion passage. Since the procedure time and current strength are limited, drug ions are introduced only into the upper layer of the skin. They form a kind of depot in the epidermis, from which the flow of blood and lymph washes out drug ions and distributes them throughout the body within several days. Thus, the duration of the effect of the treatment procedure is extended over time.

Electrophoresis as a galvanization method

The therapeutic effect of the use of medicinal electrophoresis lies in the synergy (combination) of the effects of electric current and medication. The current increases the sensitivity of tissues to the effects of the drug. The medicine enhances the effect of direct current.

The amount of substance entering the skin depot is very small: only 2-3% of the total amount of the drug used. Therefore, one cannot expect a rapid therapeutic effect when administering a drug using electrophoresis.

Therapeutic effect medicinal electrophoresis allows you to focus the action of the procedure on a specific superficial area of ​​the body, for example on a joint. In addition, this method of treatment completely eliminates the side effect due to the inability of the drug to enter the digestive system.

Indications and contraindications for galvanization treatment

Galvanization treatment and medicinal electrophoresis are used in the treatment of local and peripheral pathological processes using appropriate medicines. The reflex effect of these methods is used for the treatment of functional vegetative-vascular disorders in those conditions of the disease when, to relieve it acute symptoms Microdoses of medications are enough.

The use of therapeutic mud during galvanization and electrophoresis procedures has effective impact in the treatment of various diseases of the peripheral nervous system; consequences of traumatic lesions of the brain and spinal cord and their membranes. It can be recommended when functional diseases central

nervous system with autonomic disorders and sleep disorders, as well as with hypertension stages I and II, with vasomotor and trophic disorders. Galvanic mud therapy is used in the treatment of joint diseases of various origins and dysfunctions of the digestive organs. But it is not recommended if you are individually intolerant to the effects of direct current, as well as if the skin is damaged in the area where the electrodes are applied.

Galvanization in medicine

When carrying out medical procedures, electrodes are used to supply direct current to the site of exposure. required form and size. They consist of a metal plate and gaskets made of conductive sponge material. When preparing for a medical procedure, the pads are immersed in hot water, then squeeze out and apply to the affected area along with the plates.

Between the sponge pad and the metal plate, place a pad of filter paper or gauze in 1-2 layers, soaked in a solution of the drug.

In some cases, as medicinal drug They use medicinal mud, which is an effective natural coolant.

Galvanization: application of therapeutic mud

Silt (sulfide) mud of salt water bodies, sapropels - silt deposits of fresh water bodies and mud of peat bogs are used as heat sources. They have the greatest Thermal impact, A therapeutic effect their chemical composition.

The thermal effect of mud on the body normalizes the activity of the thermoregulation system, the functioning of which depends on the active functioning of the circulatory system, the efficiency of the metabolic process, hormonal and vitamin metabolism. They also promote the resorption of pathological formations, eliminate the inflammatory process, relieve pain, and promote the development recovery processes in affected tissues.

When performing galvanic mud procedures, mud cakes are used instead of hydrophilic sponge pads

Applications made from mud coolants are usually used as local remedy for therapeutic effects on a specific area of ​​the body. Therefore, they can be used in the procedure of galvanization or medicinal electrophoresis.

Salicylic and iodine preparations, calcium chloride and many other drugs can be injected into the healing mud. The cakes are placed in special gauze bags, and metal plates connected to a special apparatus are placed on top of them. The metal plates should be slightly smaller than the mud patches.

The electrodes are covered with oilcloth, and sand bags are placed on top of the oilcloth. In order to preserve heat as much as possible, the patient is covered with a sheet and a blanket, and then the galvanization device is connected to a power source.

The temperature of the mud during the procedure is 38-42 ° C, the density of direct electric current is approximately 0.04-0.06 mA per 1 cm 2. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes, the course of treatment is 10-15 sessions. After the procedure, the healing mud is washed off with warm water.

Galvanization– a therapeutic effect on the body with a constant, continuous electric current of low strength (up to 50 mA) and low voltage (30-80 V) through electrodes placed in contact on the patient’s body.

Galvanic current is a direct current characterized by a constant direction and amplitude in an electrical circuit. It was named after the physiologist Luigi Galvani, who observed an electrical discharge in the muscle of a frog when it came into contact with two dissimilar metals (1789). Soon, physicist Alexandro Volta discovered that a similar process occurs in the case of two dissimilar metals immersed in an electrolyte solution, and is the result chemical reaction between the metal of the electrodes and the solution. On this basis, Volta developed a source of electromotive force, which he named a galvanic cell in honor of the discoverer of the Galvani phenomenon. Since then, for many decades, the current of a galvanic cell has been used in medicine for physiological research and for medicinal purposes under the name "galvanization". This term has been preserved in medicine to this day, despite the fact that this type of current is already obtained from machine generators or by rectifying alternating current.

One of the common methods of using galvanic current is the method medicinal electrophoresis, proposed by V. Rossi in 1801.

Direct electric current in biological tissues causes the following physicochemical phenomena: electrolysis, polarization, electrodiffusion, electroosmosis.

Under the influence of an external electromagnetic field applied to human tissues, conduction current. Cations move towards the negative pole - the cathode, and anions - towards the positively charged pole - the anode. Directly approaching metal plate electrode, the ions lose their charge and turn into atoms with high chemical activity (electrolysis). An alkali (KOH, NaOH) is formed under the cathode, and an acid (HCI) is formed under the anode.

Human skin has high resistance (low electrical conductivity), so current enters the body mainly through excretory ducts sweat and sebaceous glands, hair follicles, intercellular spaces of the epidermis and dermis. The maximum conduction current density is observed in liquid media body: blood, lymph, urine, interstitium, neural spaces. The electrical conductivity of tissues increases with shifts in acid-base balance, which can occur as a result of inflammatory edema and hyperemia.

It costs money to overcome the epidermis most of current energy. Therefore, during galvanization, the skin receptors are irritated first, and the most pronounced changes are noted in it.

After overcoming the resistance of the epidermis and subcutaneous fatty tissue, the current further spreads along the path of least resistance, mainly through the blood and lymphatic vessels, intercellular spaces, nerve sheaths and muscles, sometimes significantly deviating from a straight line, which can be used to conditionally connect two electrodes.

Body tissues contain a large number of electrolytes, mainly in the form of potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium and other metal ions. As the number of monovalent potassium and sodium ions increases, tissue excitability increases in the corresponding areas; with the predominance of two valence ions, calcium and magnesium, it is inhibited.

Galvanization is characterized increased activity ions in tissues, which is due to their transition from a bound state to a free one. Important role Among the primary mechanisms of direct current action, the phenomenon plays electric polarization, that is, accumulations of oppositely charged ions near membranes with the formation of additional polarization currents having a direction opposite to that from the outside. Polarization leads to changes in cell hydration, membrane permeability, and affects the processes of diffusion and osmosis.

Depending on the current parameters, functional state the patient and the galvanization technique, local, segmental - metameric or generalized reactions occur in the body. Physico-chemical changes that occur in the tissues of the body lead to the formation of a complex set of reactions that develop according to the neurohumoral mechanism. As a result, there is a change in the functional state of the nervous system, improvement in blood and lymph circulation, trophic, metabolic and regenerative processes, increased immunological reactivity.

Indications for galvanization

Indications for galvanization: consequences of injuries and diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system; vegetative dystonia, neurasthenia and others neurotic conditions; diseases of the digestive system ( chronic gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, peptic ulcer); hyper- and hypotonic diseases, ischemic disease heart, atherosclerosis in initial stages; chronic inflammatory processes in various organs and fabrics; some dental diseases(periodontal disease, glossalgia, etc.); eye diseases (keratitis, glaucoma, etc.); chronic arthritis and periarthritis of various origins, bone fractures, chronic osteomyelitis.


Contraindications: individual intolerance to current, skin sensitivity disorders, violation of the integrity of the skin at the sites where the electrodes are applied, acute purulent inflammatory processes, eczema, neoplasms or suspicions of them, systemic diseases blood, pronounced atherosclerosis, cardiac decompensation, fever, pregnancy, cachexia.

130. Electrophoresis medicinal a method of physiotherapy that involves simultaneous exposure of the body to a direct electric current and ions of medicinal substances administered to it (through the skin or mucous membranes). With E. l. the sensitivity of receptors to medicinal substances increases, which fully retain their pharmacological properties.

Main features of E. l. - pronounced and long-lasting therapeutic effect of small doses of medicinal substances due to the creation of a kind of skin depot of the drugs used, as well as the ability to have a local effect in some cases pathological conditions(for example, with local vascular disorders) that impede the delivery of the drug to the pathological focus from the blood. With E. l. Maybe simultaneous use several medicinal substances. In some cases for E. l. also used impulse current constant direction, which increases healing effect method. For E. l. both electrodes with pads moistened with a solution of the medicinal substance are placed on the skin, or one of them is placed in the nasal cavity, ear, vagina, etc.; in some cases, instead of a gasket, a bath with a solution of a medicinal substance is used, into which a carbon electrode is lowered. E. l. used for diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, musculoskeletal system, gynecological diseases and etc.


Neurology: neuromyositis, radiculitis, neuritis, neuralgia, neurasthenia, migraine, neuroses, organic diseases CNS. Cardiology: heart disease (ischemic, chronic) without exacerbation, hypertonic disease both stages I and II. Therapy: chronic and acute bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia. ENT: tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media, pharyngitis. Gynecology: cervical erosion, endometriosis, colpitis, endometritis, cervicitis. Urology: prostatitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis. Gastroenterology: ulcers, colitis, gastritis with decreased and increased secretion, cholecystitis. Surgery: consequences of burns, postoperative wounds. Dermatology: acne scars, seborrhea


Inflammatory processes; - Acute dermatitis; - Purulent processes; - Current intolerance; - Malignant tumors; - Fever; - Bronchial asthma(severe form).

Ultraphonophoresis- This medical procedure, based on the introduction of anti-inflammatory drugs into a specific area of ​​the patient’s body using ultrasound.

The use of ultraphonophoresis makes it possible to achieve an increase in the activity of cellular metabolic processes and improves blood and lymph circulation. With its help, stimulation of the cells of the deep layers of the skin is achieved, enriching them with oxygen, improving the structure of collagen. In addition, this method allows you to normalize the pH of the skin, stabilize metabolic processes and cell functioning mechanisms.

Thanks to ultrasonic influence it is achieved increased permeability skin for drug molecules. During prolonged exposure, the required volume active substance penetrates the skin to a specified depth, where it accumulates. Thus, after the procedure is completed, the drug long time affects the problem area, providing a lasting therapeutic effect.


Ultraphonophoresis allows you to introduce vitamins (A, D, E, B) into the skin, antibacterial agents, hormonal (hydrocortisone) and anti-inflammatory drugs. The advantage of this procedure is the possibility of contactless transport of medicinal substances to the lesion, bypassing the bloodstream and ensuring a minimal likelihood of developing side effects.

Indications for use.

· Inflammatory diseases skin;

· Sprawl connective tissue in the area of ​​scars after surgical interventions, cellulite, stretch marks on the skin;

· Diseases of the muscular system;

· Arthritis and other joint diseases;

· Acne;

· Wrinkles.


In general, ultrasonic phonophoresis is a non-traumatic procedure and has almost no contraindications or side effects. However, patients should avoid this procedure if they have:

· Eczema, herpes;

· Facial nerve paralysis;

· Infectious diseases in the acute stage (including viral);

Benign and cancer diseases skin;

Neuralgia of the facial and trigeminal nerves, as well as other superficial nerves at the site of the proposed intervention;

· Dilation of the saphenous veins in the area of ​​influence;

· System and autoimmune lesions skin and connective tissue diseases.

Due to the lack of research, ultraphonophoresis is contraindicated in pregnant women and during breastfeeding.

This method should be used with caution in case of illness. of cardio-vascular system, as well as in the first three months rehabilitation period after extensive surgical interventions and after any maxillofacial surgery.

In the described galvanization techniques, direct and reverse polarity of electrodes can be used, with the exception of the classical Shcherbak technique.

In electrophoresis, polarity depends on the drug administered.

Therefore, when carrying out the procedure, we moisten the filter paper with a solution under one of the electrodes.

There are drugs that are administered bipolarly; in this case, the drug is placed under two electrodes (for example, aminophylline, etc.). All galvanization techniques can be used for medicinal electrophoresis.

General galvanization and electrophoresis

General galvanization and electrophoresis (according to Vermeule) (Fig. 4). Position the patient lying on his stomach. An electrode with an area of ​​300 cm2 is placed in the interscapular area and connected to one of the poles of the device; two bifurcated electrodes, each with an area of ​​150 cm2, are placed on the back surface of the legs and connected to the other pole.

Rice. 4. Method of general galvanization and electrophoresis with the arrangement of electrodes according to Vermeule

The current strength is from 3 to 30 mA, the duration of exposure is 15-30 minutes; 12-20 procedures are used per course of treatment. It is possible to modify this method. With many cardiovascular diseases To administer two drugs carrying opposite electrical charges, the following arrangement of electrodes is used. An anode with an area of ​​200-250 cm2 is located in the interscapular zone Th1-Th2, a cathode of the same size is located in the lumbosacral region. The technique is used for the simultaneous administration of novocaine and heparin, magnesium and bromine, etc.

Galvanic “collar” according to Shcherbak and electrophoresis of the collar zone (Fig. 5). Position the patient lying on his stomach. An electrode with an area of ​​800-1200 cm2 in the shape of a collar is placed in the shoulder girdle and connected to the positive pole. Another electrode with an area of ​​400-600 cm2 is placed in the lumbosacral region, connected to the negative pole. The current strength is 6-16 mA, the duration of the procedure is 6-16 minutes.

Rice. 5. Galvanic “collar” according to Shcherbak

After each procedure, the current strength is increased by 2 mA, and the exposure time is increased by 2 minutes. The course of treatment includes 15-20 procedures performed daily.

Positively charged drug ions are typically administered from the collar electrode, but negatively charged ions can also be used. In some cases, bipolar electrophoresis is performed using the collar method. In this case, drugs carrying a negative charge are more often administered from the lumbosacral electrode. The current strength is 10-25 mA, the exposure time is 10-15 minutes, the course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

Galvanic “pants” according to Shcherbak

Drug electrophoresis of the panty area (Fig. 6). The patient's position is lying down. One electrode with an area of ​​300-400 cm2 is placed in the lumbosacral region and connected to the positive pole, the other two - with an area of ​​200 cm2 each - on the front surface of the upper half of the thighs, connecting the forked wire to the negative pole.

Rice. 6. Galvanization of the panty area according to Shcherbak

The current strength is 6-16 mA, the duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes, and after each procedure the current strength is increased by 2 mA. The exposure time is increased by 2 minutes, procedures are carried out daily or every other day, 15-20 procedures are prescribed per course of treatment. With electrophoresis medicinal substances can be administered from 3 electrodes. The current strength is 10-15-30 mA, exposure time is 15-30 minutes. Procedures are carried out daily or every other day. The course of treatment includes 10-20 procedures.

Galvanization of the cervicofacial region (Fig. 7). Position of the patient lying or sitting. Two identical electrodes with an area of ​​150-180 cm2 (each two-bladed) are placed on the lateral surfaces of the neck and face on the right and left so that ears were between the blades. The shorter branch is located behind the ear, the longer one in front. The current strength is 4-7 mA during the first two procedures and 10-15 mA during subsequent ones.

Rice. 7. Galvanization of the cervicofacial area

The exposure time is 7 minutes for the first two and 15 minutes for subsequent procedures. Up to 20 procedures are prescribed per course of treatment, performed daily or every other day. Drug electrophoresis using this technique is rarely used.

Bogolyubov V.M., Vasilyeva M.F., Vorobyov M.G.