Vestibular apparatus – disorders of its functions, symptoms and causes. Vestibular apparatus: functions, problems and diagnosis

Every person makes a lot of body movements every day: walking, squatting, turning. Often all movements are given without the slightest effort and turn out smooth. However, sometimes an extra step or bending of the body causes serious discomfort: dizziness, disorientation and nausea sets in. Perhaps the reason lies in a disease or disorder vestibular apparatus.

What is the vestibular apparatus

The balance organs have a complex structural system and are responsible for several functions simultaneously. However, the main one among many others is the vestibular analyzer - a peripheral part of the system responsible for correct orientation in space. If there are any violations of the coordination system, a person loses the ability to maintain balance, navigate in space, perceive visual and audio information, and begins to feel dizzy.

Where is the organ of balance located?

If you open an anatomy textbook, you can see many photos of the structure of the balance system. However, most of these images do not provide a clear idea of ​​where the vestibular apparatus is located in humans. If you imagine the structure cranium from the inside, you can find that this organ is located in the inner ear. Around the balance apparatus are the semicircular canals, jelly-like endolymph and receptors vestibular analyzer.

How does the vestibular apparatus work?

The components of the system are three semicircular tubules - the utriculus and the otolith organ - the sacculus. The channels are filled from the inside with a viscous liquid and have the shape of a shell, at the base of which there is a seal - jelly-like cupules. The sacculus is divided into two sacs: round and oval. Above them are small crystals of calcium carbonate - otoliths.

Under the sealing valve there are ciliated cells of the inner ear, with the help of which two types of signals are transmitted: static and dynamic. The first are associated with the position of the body, the second with the acceleration of movement. In general, the coordination organ is formed in such a way that at the slightest tilt and turn of the head or walking, all the component parts interact at once.

How does the balance organ work?

Although the vestibular system is located inside the bone box, this does not prevent it from collecting information not only about the position of the head, but also the arms, legs and other organs human body. The connection with the balance apparatus is especially secure at the nerve endings, gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system. That is why, after being nervous and drinking too much coffee, many people feel dizzy.

Under the influence of attraction, the jelly-like liquid and the crystals in it will shift, affecting the balance receptors. The villi will immediately transmit information to the brain about changes in balance, and from there instructions will come to other organs: change muscle tone, move your leg or arm to the right, stand up straighter. At the same time, it is very interesting that the vestibular system is configured only for horizontal movement of the body, therefore, when going up in an elevator or flying on an airplane, many experience severe nausea, ringing in the ears, dizziness.


In close proximity to optic nerves And ears the balance system has nothing to do with hearing or vision. Main function vestibular apparatus - analyze changes in the position of the arms, legs, torso or head and transmit data to the brain. The organ quickly reacts to minimal external influence, detecting even the slightest changes in the gravitational field of the planet, helping to maintain balance in complete blindness or navigate in unfamiliar space.

Vestibular disorders

Due to the fact that all components of the balance apparatus act together, while it manages to collect information from other organs of the body, the slightest deviations in one direction or another can lead to disruptions in its functioning. Vestibular disorders cause serious problems in spatial orientation not only in humans, but also in animals and birds.

Previously, such deviations from the norm affect the gait: it becomes uncertain, shaky, a person can fall for no reason or crash into an upright piece of furniture. In addition, many patients complain of constant dizziness, pain in temporal region, blurred vision, tinnitus, increased heart rate.

Reasons for violation

Why the vestibular apparatus is disrupted is difficult to answer unequivocally even for an experienced otolaryngologist. For example, a simple head injury or short-term loss of consciousness can lead to this pathology. If an adult complains of dizziness, then it is likely that the cause lies in heart problems. When a system failure occurs after an infection: otitis media, ARVI with complications, inflammation, they speak of intoxication.


Doctors say that the main manifestations of pathology are severe dizziness, loss of coordination and eye twitching. However, the patient is often persecuted by others concomitant symptoms vestibular apparatus disorders:

  • attacks of nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • changes in color skin, mucous membranes of the mouth, membranes of the eyes;
  • profuse sweating;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • rapid breathing;
  • a decrease in body temperature below normal levels;
  • change in heart rate.

All signs may appear in fits and starts. During periods of calm, the patient feels completely healthy, and previous symptoms vestibular disorders chalks it up to fatigue. Often such signs of malaise occur when changing body position, tilting or turning the head, changes in temperature or air humidity, or when strong unpleasant odors appear.

Diseases of the vestibular apparatus

Doctors count more than 80 different diseases that in one way or another may be associated with a violation of the balance apparatus. An example is diseases endocrine system, traumatic brain injuries, cardiovascular pathologies, serious mental disorders. At the same time, for all diseases of the vestibular system, doctors will have an explanation, a description of the symptoms and ways to check them.

Meniere's disease

This disease of the balance apparatus can be described using only four signs: dizziness, noise or congestion in the ears and hearing loss. The first three symptoms peak within a couple of minutes, gradually subsiding over several hours. Reduced sound perception by early stage reversible. In some patients, Meniere's syndrome may be accompanied by a brief loss of consciousness or balance.

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

This deviation can occur at any age, but most often affects the elderly. It is caused by infections, traumatic brain injuries, or ischemic disease hearts, sometimes the source cannot be determined. In patients with this diagnosis, a feeling of dizziness, loss of balance and other symptoms appear with every turn, tilt of the torso or head.

Basilar migraine

The syndrome is short-lived and usually affects patients under 20 years of age. Basilar or teenage migraine is especially common in girls entering their formative years. menstrual cycle. Headaches, dizziness and nausea in a teenager appear suddenly and in rare cases the development lasts more than one hour.

Vestibular neuritis

The disease is possible at any age. Its appearance is often accompanied by acute respiratory infection Therefore, doctors attribute the disease to a viral nature. Neuritis of the vestibular apparatus is accompanied by severe rotational dizziness, vomiting and nausea, and twitching of the eyelid. With properly selected treatment, the deviation disappears in 3-4 days, but full recovery it will take up to several weeks.

What to do if the vestibular system is damaged

When the balance organs fail and signal this in every possible way, a person should first undergo an examination and visit an ENT doctor’s office. Mandatory diagnostics include:

  • special hardware tests for audiometry and electronystagmography;
  • CT or MRI of the brain;
  • blood analysis;
  • ultrasound examination of blood flow;
  • vestibular tests.


If the dizziness is minor and only bothers you when traveling on a boat, going up in an elevator, or making sudden turns of the body, your balance apparatus needs to be trained. Exercises for the vestibular apparatus can be mastered by anyone if desired:

  1. Sit on a chair or armchair. Extend your index finger forward and fix your gaze on it. Start turning your head different sides, gradually increasing the pace.
  2. Next exercise: take two cards in your hands, straighten your elbows. It is necessary to alternately focus your gaze on one of the cards, while your head must remain motionless.
  3. Stand up, spread your legs, and focus your gaze straight ahead. Start making circular movements with your body. First with a small amplitude, then with a large circle diameter.
  4. All exercises for training the vestibular system should be performed daily with several approaches.


If imbalances progress and other symptoms are added to the momentary dizziness, gymnastics will not help. Urgently needed drug treatment vestibular vertigo. The choice of drug and method of therapy will depend on the reasons that caused this:

  • If damage to the balance apparatus is caused by peripheral polyneuropathy, then diabetes must be treated.
  • For paroxysmal vertigo, the ENT specialist chooses a special technique: he turns the patient in a certain sequence, the crystals change location, after which an improvement in well-being occurs.
  • Treatment of dizziness with Meniere's syndrome cannot be done without effective antihistamines and antiemetic drugs. In addition, the patient necessarily needs nutritional correction and a special diet.
  • Migraines in children can be treated with aspirin, ergotamine, beta blockers and antidepressants.
  • If violations occur in retirement age, the doctor may suggest implanting implants that will restore the lost balance.

Folk remedies for dizziness

Along with drug therapy and preventive gymnastics, you can treat the vestibular apparatus with folk remedies. For example, make ginger tincture:

  1. Take 4 tsp. grated ginger root, mix with a pinch of dried mint, fennel seeds, pumpkin seeds, chamomile flowers and orange zest.
  2. Pour the herbal mixture hot water, let steep for 15 minutes and drink if you experience dizziness, loss of balance, or other signs of systemic disturbances.

In case of persistent dysfunction of the balance apparatus, a balm made from three tinctures helps strengthen a weak body at home:

  1. For half a liter of alcohol, take 4 tablespoons of clover inflorescences. Wrap the container with foil and leave for 2 weeks.
  2. For the same amount of alcohol, take 5 tbsp. l. Dioscorea root. Insist as in the previous recipe.
  3. Fill the propolis with alcohol and put it in a dark place. After 10 days, strain the tincture.
  4. Mix all three components and take 1 tbsp three times after meals. l.

Video: what the vestibular apparatus is responsible for

Most people in the world know what the vestibular apparatus is. But, unfortunately, not everyone understands what kind of life important function he carries in himself. Such an irreplaceable part of our body is responsible for balance, coordination, orientation of the body in space, as well as partial work of vision, hearing and general sensitivity in the body. The structure of the organ is located in such a way that the main part of it is in the inner ear, but the main work still takes place in a specific part of the brain - the cerebellum.

The basis of the whole device- this is the concentration of ciliated cells in the inner ear, endolymph, as well as otoliths (specific calcareous formations) and jelly capsules in the ampoules of the semicircular canals.

Human vestibular apparatus gives signals of two types: statistical (often they are associated with the position and coordination of the human body in space, the location of its individual parts) and dynamic (movements associated with acceleration). The whole work looks like this: mechanical irritation of the hairs occurs, as a result of which a signal is sent to the human brain a certain type, and after analysis, the brain sends the appropriate command to the muscles. And all this in a fraction of seconds. In other words, coordination of human muscles occurs, which makes possible body navigate in space. If we make a rather rough comparison with human technology, then the gyroscope is the most suitable tool for this.

Vestibular disorders

Causes of vestibular apparatus disorders lies in the improper functioning of the cerebellum. Dysfunctions often appear if vascular, inflammatory diseases nose, ears or eyes (including inner ear disorders), trauma, dysfunction eustachian tube, viruses and infections, as well as diseases of bacteriological etiology. As you know, the ear is not a sealed organ, it follows that even if such a small part of everyday life as careful hygiene is missing, vestibular disorders can occur. That's why water procedures and drying ear canal, special attention must be paid.

Problems and diseases of the vestibular apparatus

In other cases, it is impossible, at first glance, to determine the symptoms of a disorder of the vestibular apparatus. The problem is not visible to the naked eye, only appears in certain situations or by performing simple physical exercises and tests. Special group risk, which is subject to various dysfunctions of an important organ, these are people after 60. This happens not only because at this age the risk of ENT diseases increases significantly, but also because of a general deterioration in immunity and wear and tear of the body.

Vestibular apparatus disorders may produce a symptom, or even symptoms, such as:

Present and psychosomatic phenomena, such as:

  • panic;
  • increased heart rate;
  • increased heart rate;
  • sweating of the hands;
  • desire to hide in a far corner;
  • blood pressure disorders;
  • sudden change in complexion (pallor, redness);
  • increased salivation.

A person simply cannot control his brain. It seems to him that he is going to fall, he is terribly afraid of flying. The escalator causes panic. Symptoms often occur unexpectedly, and there are both constant and erratic time intervals between manifestations of the disease.

Symptoms may appear for any of the following reasons:

  1. Strong aromas.
  2. Motion sickness in any type of transport.
  3. Vertebrobasilar insufficiency syndrome.
  4. Increased blood density.
  5. Swelling of the ear.
  6. Head injuries, including traumatic brain injuries.
  7. Taking medications, including chemicals or antibiotics.
  8. Intoxication of the body.
  9. Vestibular neuritis.

Also, the cause of disorders of the vestibular apparatus can be acquired or congenital diseases cardiovascular, nervous system.

Diseases of the vestibular apparatus

Vestibular neuritis

The main syndrome found in a series of diseases of the vestibular apparatus. One of the most common reasons disorders of the vestibular apparatus are damage to the vestibular nerve. It can occur at any age; often the cause of the disease can be an infection of the nasal cavity, upper respiratory tract, as well as ears and throat.

Neuritis is accompanied by the following syndromes:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea, with possible repetitions.

Restoration of the organ responsible for balance occurs quickly and, in most cases, successfully.

Blockage of the internal labyrinthine arteries

The most dangerous dysfunction of the coordination organ is characterized by an imbalance of blood supply to the brain, which leads to lack of nutrition, oxygen starvation, and especially difficult cases and to cerebellar damage caused by stroke or heart attack. Main symptom illness - dizziness. Deafness (partial or complete), as well as loss of orientation in space, may also be observed.

Meniere's disease.

The disease is often diagnosed by symptoms such as a schedule or buzzing sound, infrequent dizziness, nausea, and in special cases and clouding of consciousness. Often a bacterial, viral or infectious nature. The action itself takes place in the membranous labyrinth.

Benign positional vertigo

It occurs more often in the elderly, but can occur at any age. Most often, before such a disease, a person suffers from diseases of the ear, nose and throat, but often exact reason illness is unknown. Dizziness occurs in short attacks, repeated every time there is a change in the position of the body in space.


The disease is characterized by many dysfunctions of the vestibular organ, the main and most common manifestation of which is the lack of human coordination in space. The disease can be considered either separately or in conjunction with other characteristic malfunctions in the body. Treatment of vestibulopathy is complex and often has a favorable outcome, especially when early diagnosis diseases.

Chronic bilateral vestibulopathy.

Vestibulopathy manifests itself as a slowly growing dysfunction of stability and moderate, but stable (compared to partial) dizziness. Most often, the disease is associated with poisoning with ototoxic drugs.

Vertebral-basilar insufficiency

In old age, after displacement or any other movement of the head, there is a feeling of rotation or vibration in the eyes, nausea, infrequently, pain can radiate to the stomach. All these are symptoms of the disease. Not only the device itself is treated, but also the cardiovascular system. People with existing cardiovascular diseases or previous operations on the cardiovascular system often suffer from vertebral-basilar insufficiency.

Post-traumatic vertigo

Occurs after a traumatic brain injury, as well as a concussion, and any other head injury or fracture temporal bone.

Infectious and viral diseases ear

Diseases pose a direct threat to the vestibular apparatus simply because the risk of complications to a nearby organ is very high. Which directly affects the condition.

Vestibular dysfunction

Occurs when malfunction vestibular nuclei. Most often, dysfunction is confused with a variety of ailments of the vestibular apparatus simply because the most common symptom is dizziness. After contacting a specialist, most often the patient is given vestibular resuscitation.

Treatment and training of the vestibular apparatus

Often, many complications that can be associated with an organ-balance, can be improved by training. Treatment of disorders or even diseases depends on the severity and neglect of the situation. If you notice one or more symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. In this case, an otolaryngologist will help.

A specialist will help you understand the causes of your illness, conduct an examination and provide needed help. You will be assigned additional research, in order to exclude incorrect diagnosis. After a detailed diagnosis, you will be prescribed a unique therapy suitable only for your disease. Treatment of the vestibular system is always complex and often requires long-term rehabilitation afterward.

How to improve the vestibular apparatus?

Weak vestibular apparatus is not only possible, but also needs to be strengthened. For this purpose, certain exercises aimed at improving coordination and increasing sensitivity of the body are suitable. A set of tasks aimed at building strong muscles, adequate analysis of nerve endings, as well as psychosomatic well-being was developed back in the 30s.

Everyone is familiar with the concept of the vestibular apparatus, but not everyone knows what it is, where it is located and what it is responsible for.

The vestibular apparatus is one of the departments of the system that regulates a person’s balance and is responsible for his orientation in space. When the functioning of the vestibular apparatus is disrupted, problems with vision and hearing appear - a person begins to lose spatial orientation and sensitivity.

Signs of problems with the vestibular apparatus

  • Dizziness
  • Feeling of nausea, vomiting
  • Paleness or redness of the face
  • Violation of motor coordination and balance
  • Profuse sweating

Typically, these signs of violations are not constant - they appear periodically: when sharp sound or smell, a sudden change in the weather, or the passage of vehicles. The rest of the time, the person does not feel the presence of a problem.

There are many reasons for the problems. Some of these are directly related to inner ear infections.

Causes of problems with the vestibular apparatus

Positional vertigo. This problem It is especially common in women over the age of sixty, and sometimes in men of the same age. Symptoms of this problem are: the appearance of a feeling of rotation in a circle when the head position changes, a feeling of nausea, vomiting, and sometimes sharp stomach pain.

  • Vestibular neuritis. Usually happens due to infections, lichen. One of the most common problems of the vestibular apparatus. Vestibular neuritis can be judged by the following symptoms: dizziness with the illusion of spinning in a circle, nausea, vomiting.

Typically, symptoms of extreme severity last for three to four days, after which they disappear, but complete recovery should not be expected earlier than in a month. In older people, this condition may last for a couple of months.

  • Symptom of vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Violation of the vestibular apparatus manifests itself together with diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is especially common in people over sixty years of age. Insufficiency may appear after a stroke, problems of the inner ear, or vestibular nerve. Nausea, vomiting occurs, balance is disturbed, which is why a person constantly falls, and coordination does not work correctly, visual perception– the image often doubles. Speech becomes incoherent.

The syndrome described above is short-lived, and if signs of the disease continue to appear for a long time, the patient should be admitted to the hospital for a more detailed examination and identification of all problems.

  • Blockage of the internal auditory artery. This problem is very dangerous; it occurs in conjunction with a violation of the blood supply to the brain, which can lead to a cerebellar stroke or heart attack. Acute dizziness, loss of coordination and balance, one-sided deafness - these are the main signs of fatal and dangerous disorders of the vestibular system. If symptoms are detected in a patient, an ambulance should be called urgently.
  • Bilateral chronic vestibulopathy. Appears due to intoxication medicines. Feeling dizzy moderate degree, nausea, impaired stability.

  • Manier's syndrome is one of the most common inner ear problems. In the presence of this syndrome, dizziness increases quickly and subsides much more slowly, hearing decreases at different periods of time, which ultimately can lead to complete deafness, as well as a feeling of noise in the ear and stuffiness.
  • Ear diseases: otosclerosis (damage to the bone capsule of the inner ear), sulfur plug, dysfunction auditory tube. Otitis appears in acute form or purulent otitis.
  • Various types of injuries
  • Basilar migraine. Signs include the appearance of prolonged dizziness, which occurs in attacks; the problem is especially common among teenage girls - they are more prone to motion sickness in transport.
  • Epilepsy. Dizziness, nausea, disturbances of consciousness and hallucinations are the main signs of the appearance of disorders.

  • Tumor of the cerebellopontine angle. Hearing decreases gradually, which can ultimately lead to complete loss. Dizziness is not typical for this type of tumor, but there is a lack of coordination of movement.
  • Craniovertebral pathology. Almost the most common cause of vestibular apparatus disorders, accompanied by speech and swallowing disorders.
  • Multiple sclerosis. Accompanied by extreme dizziness and nausea.

Before you begin to treat the organs of the vestibular apparatus, it is necessary to identify all the causes of the pathology.

Treatment of the vestibular apparatus and its strengthening

Feeling stable on your feet is one of the keys to a person’s confidence. Man learned to stand straight and keep his balance hundreds of millions of years ago, when he appeared the new kind human - Homo erectus.

A person begins to lose balance when rolling on a ship or while traveling by transport, when trying to get out of bed abruptly or commit sudden movements head.

The confident gait of a person directly depends on his vision - as soon as a person closes his eyes, his gait and movements become uncertain and shaky, he is forced to look for supports - to hold on to walls and protruding objects.

One of the ways to determine the cause of a violation of the vestibular apparatus is to carry out posturography - a graphic registration of the center of gravity of a person in a resting position and in the presence of various loads. The patient, with his eyes closed, stands on a rotating platform. At this moment, his reaction is studied. The slightest deviation from the norm is instantly fixed by the computer, after which the result is analyzed by specialists.

It often happens that a disease detected using posturography has led to various types consequences that persist even after exposure to an external stimulus.

A person needs to adapt to the disorders that have appeared and try to somehow compensate for all violations of the body.

The main method of rehabilitation and adaptation of the vestibular apparatus is a special vestibular gymnastics, which consists of specially selected exercises for training the vestibular system.

All gymnastics exercises are adjusted to individual characteristics every organism. A person performs exercises aimed primarily at training the vestibular apparatus.

  • One of the most the best means against dizziness caused by problems with the vestibular apparatus - ginger. Four teaspoons of ginger should be mixed with a pinch of mint, fennel and finely chopped pumpkin seeds, chamomile flowers, celery and orange zest. Mix all the herbs thoroughly and add boiled hot water. Let the broth brew for fifteen minutes, then take orally. If dizziness does not go away for a long time, it is best to consult a specialist.

  • There is a balm that can help with disorders of the vestibular apparatus. To prepare it, you need to prepare three tinctures and mix them.
  • First tincture. It is necessary to fill with alcohol (about half a liter) clover flowers (forty grams). Let it brew for two weeks in a dark place.
  • Second tincture. Anger with forty percent alcohol (half a liter) the roots of Dioscorea (fifty grams). Let it brew for two weeks.
  • Tincture third. Cover soft pieces of propolis with seventy percent alcohol. Let it brew for 10 days in a place where it is not exposed Sun rays, then strain thoroughly.

Combine all three tinctures with each other, take every day three times a day, after meals. The recommended amount is one tablespoon.

  • Special exercises. Perform for fifteen minutes, preferably twice a day. You should start with a fairly slow pace, and then gradually increase it to the most suitable pace.
  • Exercise number one. Without moving your head, move your gaze from bottom to top, then from left to right. Repeat twenty times in each direction, gradually speeding up the pace of movements.
  • Exercise number two. Tilts forward and backward, left and right. Make twenty inclinations in each direction, gradually moving to the exercise with your eyes closed.
  • Exercise number three. Sit on a chair or sofa and begin to shrug your shoulders, then move them in different directions one by one.
  • Exercise number four. Toss a small rubber ball from one hand to the other for about one minute. You need to throw it above eye level. After a minute has passed, raise one leg and repeat the exercise, throwing the ball under the knee.
  • Exercise number five. The task is very simple: you need to move towards the room without closing your eyes. After a while, repeat the exercise, but with your eyes closed. If, after completing the task, symptoms of vestibular apparatus disturbance do not arise, you can begin to climb and descend a small obstacle, also having previously closed your eyes.

Briefly about the structure of the vestibular apparatus. It represents the peripheral part of the vestibular analyzer - the organ of balance, while the overlying nerve pathways, nuclei and cortical nerve cells constitute the central section of the analyzer. Vestibular apparatus component The inner ear is located in the temporal bone of the skull, in its densest “stony” part – the pyramid. The inner ear is also called the labyrinth. The labyrinth consists of the auditory section - the cochlea (located anteriorly and inferiorly), the vestibular section - the semicircular canals (back and above) and the vestibule (located between them). In humans, there are three semicircular canals, which look like semicircles, the open ends of which (legs) are, as it were, soldered into the bony wall of the vestibule. The canals are located in three different planes, which is why they got their name - horizontal, frontal and sagittal. The vestibule looks like an elongated ball, and the cochlea really resembles a snail.

The inner ear is connected to the middle ear through two “windows” - oval and round. These windows are not open. Oval window located in the bony wall of the vestibule and covered by the stirrup - one of the three auditory ossicles. The base of the stirrup does not completely cover the window; between it and the walls of the window there is a narrow elastic ligament, thanks to which the stapes, under the influence of sound vibrations, easily moves both towards the vestibule (into the inner ear) and towards tympanic cavity(in the middle ear). Another window (round) is located in the bone capsule of the main (first) curl of the cochlea. This window also does not gape; it is closed by a dense but pliable elastic (secondary) membrane.

Inside the bony labyrinth there is a membranous labyrinth, which, with the exception of the vestibule, completely follows the contours of the bony labyrinth. The space between the walls of the bone and membranous labyrinth is filled with a liquid - perilymph, in its properties close to interstitial fluid(to blood serum). The membranous labyrinth is a closed space filled with another fluid, endolymph. Endolymph does not have direct contact with perilymph and differs sharply from it in many respects (for example, in the concentration of potassium and sodium ions).

The membranous labyrinth consists of three sections: the semicircular canals, the vestibular sacs and the cochlear duct. All these formations are connected to each other as follows: the semicircular canals have a wide connection with one of the vestibule sacs - the utriculus, and the cochlear duct is connected through a small canaliculus to another vestibule sac - the sacculus. Thin tubules (one from each) extend from the sacculus and utriculus, which immediately merge into one common tubule, ending in an expansion in the form of a bag in the thickness of the hard tissue. meninges on back wall pyramids of the temporal bone. Unlike the endolymphatic closed space, the perilymphatic space communicates with the cranial cavity (with the subarachnoid space) through its small bone canal. However, this does not mean that the perilymph and cerebrospinal fluid normally have contact. The channel in the pyramid is filled with loose connective tissue, which serves as a filter, allowing only certain substances one way or the other.

In some diseases of the ear or brain, this barrier can be destroyed, and then fluids mix (perilymph and cerebrospinal fluid), the biochemical composition of which is different normal conditions different.

“Contamination” of the perilymph with cerebrospinal fluid can lead to hearing loss. A microbial infection sometimes spreads through this tubule, causing arachnoiditis, meningitis, and brain abscesses.

In a healthy ear, there is a certain balance between the pressure of the endolymphatic and perilymphatic spaces, as well as between the endolymphatic space and the subarachnoid space. This balance provides normal tone membranous labyrinth, which is very important for the functioning of nerve receptor cells. Changes in pressure (mainly between the perilymph and endolymph) can lead to auditory or vestibular disorders.

The most important part of the balance organ is the receptor cells located in the membranous part of the semicircular canals of the vestibule sacs. Each bony semicircular canal has an extension at one end of its semicircle - an ampulla, in which receptor cells are located. Clusters of these cells are called cupula (flap). The cupula resembles a flap between the semicircular canals and the utriculus. There are only three of them - one in each ampoule. This structure facilitates easy deviation of cupular hairs in one direction or another at the slightest displacement of the endolymph. The displacement of hairs emerging from nerve cells is perceived as a signal that the head or body is moving in space.

In the sacs of the vestibule - the sacculus and utriculus - there are accumulations of another kind of nerve cells that look like a white calcareous speck (macula) and represent the otolithic apparatus. The hairs of nerve cells are immersed in crystals - otoliths (from the Greek “otos” - ear, “cast” - stone), which are washed by endolymph. The otoliths of the sacculus are located in the frontal plane, and the ratio of their position in the right and left labyrinth is 45°. The otoliths of the utriculus are located in the sagittal plane, and in relation to each other (in the right and left ear) - horizontally.

Nerve fibers extending from the nerve cells of the semicircular canals and sacs are collected in nerve bundles and exit through the internal ear canal together with the facial nerve into the cranial cavity - the brain stem. Here they form nuclei - clusters of nerves intermediate cells. There is cross-talk between the vestibular nuclei. By using nerve fibers nerve cells of the nuclei are connected to cells spinal cord, cerebellum, reticular formation, thalamus, with the nuclei of the oculomotor nerves, vagus nerve and the cerebral cortex (mainly the temporal lobe)...

All nerve pathways coming from receptor cells (from the peripheral part of the balance organ) are called afferent, carrying a signal from the periphery to the center. Along with this, there are also efferent connections that transmit nerve impulses from central departments brain to the vestibular receptor. Such a diverse and mutual connection ensures complete balance and preservation of skeletal muscle tone both at rest and during movement (human statics and kinetics). At the same time, this connection in the case of pathology of the labyrinth or with excessive vestibular loads causes the appearance of painful side effects palpitations, nausea, vomiting, involuntary urination, etc.

When problems appear with the perception of space, visual and auditory functions, loss of balance, and dizziness, all these symptoms may indicate disorders of the vestibular system. The cause may be congenital or acquired defects of the vestibular apparatus.

Basic information about the functionality of the vestibular apparatus

Before talking about the symptoms and treatment of vestibular disorders, it is necessary to understand the general structure of this organ.

Vestibular apparatus - most important organ, responsible for the balance function, body position and movement. Without the normal functioning of the apparatus, a person is prone to problems coordinating movements, with changes in the position of the head and the whole body.

  • damage to the auditory tube;
  • different shapes.

Vestibular neuritis

Occurs as a result of a previous infectious or viral disease. This is one of the common causes of VA dysfunction, resulting from damage to the vestibular nerve. The most difficult period lasts about 3 days. Full recovery occurs after a few weeks. And for older people, it takes several months for full recovery. The following symptoms are characteristic of vestibular neuritis:

  • rapid eye movements to the sides or in a circle;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Sign of vertebrobasilar insufficiency

The disease most often affects people over 60 years of age. To treat vestibular disorders, it is necessary to treat cardiovascular vascular diseases. The main causes of this type of disease are cerebellar stroke, damage to the vestibular nerve, and vascular diseases of the inner ear. The main symptoms of the disease include the following:

  • unexpected dizziness for no specific reason;
  • balance problems;
  • accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Possible accompanying symptoms:

  • deviations in visual understanding, may double;
  • speech impairment, nasal voice;
  • Falls may occur due to loss of balance.

The sign of vertebrobasilar insufficiency may not manifest itself for several months. Therefore, when such signs appear long time, this diagnosis is excluded. Must pass full examination organism.

Labyrinthine artery clogged

This cause of disturbance of the vestibular apparatus poses a particular threat. The fact is that the blockage interferes with the normal blood supply to the brain. The consequences can be critical: cerebellar stroke, heart attack, intracerebral hemorrhage. All of these lesions are life-threatening. If symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help medical care. Signs of a blocked artery:

  • severe dizziness;
  • global loss of coordination;
  • hearing loss in one ear.

Chronic bilateral vestibulopathy

This is a consequence of drug intoxication. Pathology can be determined by the following signs:

  • mild dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • problems with orientation in space and stability, worsening in a dark room.

Meniere's disease

A common problem with inner ear. Pathology manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • an attack of dizziness that quickly appears and subsides;
  • intermediate deterioration of hearing, provoking its loss in the future;
  • continuous noises that intensify during an attack of dizziness.

Craniovertebral anomaly

A common cause of damage to the vestibular organ. The pathology is typical for children. Determined by the following criteria:

  • speech problems;
  • involuntary rapid eye movement - nystagmus;
  • problematic swallowing.

Other causes include melanomas at the cerebellopontine angle, epilepsy, and migraine.

Types of VA lesions

Dizziness is recognized as the main accompanying factor of vestibular apparatus disorder. Experts identify several forms.

  • Peripheral. The most common type occurs with tubular disease auditory nerve in the vestibular apparatus.
  • Central. Diseases of the vestibular parts of the brain: brainstem, cerebellum, cortical parts.
  • Afferentative. Dizziness occurs due to problems with vision, hearing, and dysfunction of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Symptoms of VA disease

Signs of violation appear in two forms: direct and concomitant.

Direct manifestations:

  • dizziness;
  • nystagmus (involuntary movement of the eyes horizontally or in a circle).

Associated manifestations:

  • nausea of ​​varying degrees, vomiting;
  • pallor or redness of the face and neck;
  • problems with balance, coordination;
  • sweating;
  • problems with the heart and breathing;
  • change in pressure indicators.

Signs of vestibular dysfunction occur in attacks and can have varying degrees of impact. Symptoms may be caused by smell, food, or weather changes.

Determining the diagnosis

For diagnosis, it is very important to consult a doctor early initial stage manifestations of violations. Defects in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus are often a consequence of other diseases. An otolaryngologist will help determine the initial causes and make a diagnosis.

During diagnosis, a full examination is carried out using additional drugs:

  • It will help to find out the level of auditory perception;
  • To determine the condition of the vertebral arteries, an ultrasound examination is performed;
  • The presence of brain pathologies is checked using tomography.

Treatment of the disease

Drug therapy

Most often, the first thing doctors do when the vestibular organ is damaged is to prescribe treatment that eliminates the main symptoms. Vasoactive medications are used for this. Drug treatment consists of antiemetics and vestibular suppressants. This includes 3 subtypes of medications:

  • anticholinergic;
  • benzodiazepines;
  • antihistamines.

After a thorough diagnosis, other diseases that provoke the disease of the vestibular apparatus are discovered. For example, accompanied by . Therefore, the main task of the doctor is to correctly determine the root cause and prescribe effective therapy.


Has its effectiveness when complex treatment following the recommendations from the doctor. Folk remedies are not a reason to abandon traditional methods of treatment.

There are several folk remedies.

Ginger. For 4 teaspoons add a pinch of mint, fennel, chopped pumpkin seeds, celery, some chamomile flowers and orange zest. The mixture is poured with boiling water and infused for about 15 minutes.

Balm based on 3 tinctures. The first is prepared from clover: pour 40 g of flowers into 500 ml of alcohol. Leave for 2 weeks in the dark. For the second, you need Dioscorea roots: 50 g, pour 500 ml of alcohol. Let it stand for 2 weeks in a dark place. The third tincture is prepared from propolis and alcohol. The mixture should infuse for 10 days in a dark place. And then strain the composition. Use 1 tablespoon of mixed tinctures, 3 times every day after meals.

Prevention of violations

A special team will help you cope with coordination problems physiotherapy. A set of exercises trains the vestibular apparatus. Classes last for 15 minutes. At first they are performed at a very slow pace.

  • Movement of the eyes horizontally and vertically. The head is motionless.
  • Tilt your head in different directions, first with your eyes open and then closed.
  • Shrug.
  • Throwing a ball from hand to hand.
  • Walking around the room with with open eyes, then close.

Video: Causes of chronic vestibular disorders and their correction using vestibular rehabilitation methods