Benefits of pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds: harm and benefit

  • raw - 446 kcal;
  • dry - 559 kcal;
  • fried - 610 kcal.

Saturated fatty acids:

  • lauric acid - 0.01 g;
  • myristic - 0.06 g;
  • pentadecane - 0.01 g;
  • palmitic - 5.36 g;
  • margarine - 0.04 g;
  • stearic - 2.87 g;
  • arachine - 0.21 g;
  • behenic acid - 0.06 g;
  • lignoceric - 0.04 g.

Monounsaturated fatty acids:

  • palmitoleic - 0.05 g;
  • - 16.13 g;
  • elaidin - 0.03 g;
  • gadoleic acid - 0.06 g;
  • nervonic - 0.01 g.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  • linoleic acid - 20.71 g;
  • - 20.67 g;
  • - 0.12 g;
  • linolenic acid - 0.12 g;
  • arachidonic acid - 0.13 g;
  • docosatetraenoic acid - 0.01 g.

Essential amino acids:
  • arginine - 5.35 g;
  • - 1.58 g;
  • histidine - 0.78 g;
  • - 1.28 g;
  • - 2.42 g;
  • - 1.24 g;
  • - 0.6 g;
  • methionine + cysteine ​​- 0.94 g;
  • threonine - 1 g;
  • tryptophan - 0.58 g;
  • - 1.73 g;
  • phenylalanine + tyrosine - 2.83 g.

Nonessential amino acids:

  • aspartic acid - 2.96 g;
  • alanine - 1.49 g;
  • glycine - 1.84 g;
  • glutamic acid - 6.19 g;
  • proline - 1.32 g;
  • serine - 1.67 g;
  • tyrosine - 1.09 g;
  • cysteine ​​- 0.33 g.

Vitamin and mineral composition

Pumpkin seeds are record holders for the content of many micro- and macroelements necessary to maintain important functions in the human body. In addition, they are rich in vitamins different groups and other valuable substances.

Did you know? In ancient times, the Indians made rugs from strips of dried pumpkin, and in some African countries specially processed pumpkins are still used as motorcycle helmets.


Pumpkin seeds contain numerous vitamins from different groups.

  • , RAE - 1 µg;
  • vitamin A, IU - 16 IU;
  • alpha-carotene - 1 mcg;
  • beta-carotene - 9 mcg;
  • beta-cryptoxanthin - 1 mcg;
  • lutein + zeaxanthin - 74 mcg;
  • , alpha-tocopherol - 2.18 mg;
  • beta tocopherol - 0.03 mg;
  • gamma tocopherol - 35.1 mg;
  • delta tocopherol - 0.44 mg;
  • - 7.3 mcg.


  • vitamin C - 1.9 mg;
  • , thiamine - 0.27 mg;
  • , riboflavin - 0.15 mg;
  • , pantothenic acid - 0.75 mg;
  • , pyridoxine - 0.14 mg;
  • , folates - 58 mcg;
  • , niacin - 4.99 mg;
  • vitamin PP, NE - 14.59 mg.


  • , choline - 63 mg.

Micro- and macroelements

Pumpkin seeds are rich in macro and... In every hundred grams of seeds you can find a real treasure.


  • , K - 809 mg;
  • , Ca - 46 mg;
  • , Mg - 592 mg;
  • , Na - 7 mg;
  • , P - 1233 mg.


  • , Fe - 8.82 mg;
  • , Mn - 4.54 mg;
  • , Cu - 1.34 mg;
  • , Se - 9.4 μg;
  • , Zn - 7.81 mg.

Benefits for men

Pumpkin, and especially its seeds, contains big number microelements and vitamins needed to maintain men's health. In recipes traditional medicine great application found oil from pumpkin seeds, which helps to cope with the following male ailments: prostate adenoma, intestinal dysfunction, kidney and liver diseases and many others.

Basic useful features seeds for the male body:

  • due to zinc, it normalizes potency, preserving the reproductive function of a man, improves sperm quality and prevents the development of prostate adenoma;
  • Magnesium contained in the composition is involved in the production of antibodies, reduces the excitability of the nervous system;
  • , which is found in seeds, improves skin condition, slows down the aging of the body and promotes;
  • the phosphorus present has a beneficial effect on mental capacity, strengthens bones and skeleton, normalizes acid-base and salt balance in organism;
  • irreplaceable vitamin C in seeds helps cleanse blood vessels and strengthens the body's defenses;
  • tocopherol (vitamin E), which works best in raw seeds, scavenge free radicals and improve hormonal background;
  • vitamin K, which a person receives along with pumpkin seeds, is essential in metabolic processes, affects the formation of the skeleton and blood clotting;
  • manganese in the composition increases the absorption of vitamins, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents early baldness;
  • seeds are also useful, because they strengthen, activate and participate in the synthesis of the male hormone - testosterone.

That's not all, because pumpkin seeds:

  • normalize intestinal function, relieve constipation, remove salts heavy metals and relieve inflammation;
  • help cope with stressful conditions and depression;
  • sick diabetes mellitus help lower blood sugar levels and relieve swelling;
  • pumpkin seed oil has a positive effect on the liver and gallbladder, just one tablespoon a day will relieve symptoms cholelithiasis, heaviness in the stomach and even from prostatitis;
  • External application of the oil will help in wound healing.

Pumpkin seeds contain polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are very important for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, prevent the development of arrhythmia and atherosclerosis, and improve metabolic processes in the myocardium. They are indispensable in the synthesis of testosterone and improve the body’s absorption of other valuable elements, and in addition, are invaluable for nutrition hair follicle and prevention of early baldness.

Important! To get rid of motion sickness or motion sickness seasickness, take a small handful with you on the road pumpkin seeds. They will perfectly relieve the symptoms of nausea and dizziness.

In what form is it better to consume and how much can you afford per day?

In order to this product brought only benefits, an adult man needs to consume about 60-70 grams of seeds in a day. It is best to eat raw or dried seeds, since fried seeds are a little tastier, but heat treatment destroys many beneficial substances, especially vitamins and fatty acids.
By the way, in addition to the health benefits, pumpkin seeds will help diversify the menu and add a new touch to it. They go perfectly with fresh, stewed or fried vegetables, so they can be added to stews, sautés or salads. Crumbs of seeds can be sprinkled sandwiches or porridge- this way an ordinary dish will become healthier and more appetizing. Pumpkin seeds harmoniously complement baked goods and desserts; they are good both as a filling and as a decoration for cakes and pastries.
In addition, you can prepare a delicious sauce based on them. To do this, mix crushed seeds, finely chopped seeds and cilantro. Having filled everything and you will get almost restaurant sauce, which will not only be tasty, but also as healthy as possible. It is especially good in autumn and spring, since pumpkin seeds in combination with garlic and olive oil boost immunity and protect against possible infections.

Storage conditions

If you want to make your own pumpkin seeds, you should buy a whole, undamaged pumpkin, cut it in half, select the seeds and dry them on a flat surface covered with paper. Dried, unpeeled seeds are stored in fabric bags, cardboard boxes or glass containers at room temperature. Peeled seeds are stored for a long time in airtight packaging in the vegetable section of the refrigerator.

You should not use polyethylene for storage, as the seeds may “suffocate” and become unusable. To speed up the drying process, dry the seeds with a paper towel and place them in a preheated oven for about ten minutes.

How can it be used for medicinal purposes?

Pumpkin seeds have a therapeutic and preventive effect on the prostate, kidneys and the entire genitourinary system, on cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, metabolic processes and many other body functions. They are natural antidepressant, have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair, and help get rid of helminths.

Did you know? Pumpkin is very picky about growing conditions, so it can be found on all continents except Antarctica. Moreover, in some places it is used as an element of the ritual: for example, at the beginning of the last century, an unlucky Ukrainian groom could receive a pumpkin as a sign of refusal.


  1. Three hundred grams of crushed raw seeds mix until thick and consume in small portions on an empty stomach for an hour. Three hours later, drink a laxative or do an enema. The course of treatment is one day.
  2. Grind two hundred grams of seeds in a blender, adding a small amount to obtain a thick paste. Eat it instead of breakfast, and an hour later drink 300 ml cold water. An hour later, if possible, drink more water, and 2.5 hours after this breakfast, do a cleansing enema. The course of treatment is one day.
  3. Grind two hundred grams of raw seeds and five to six cloves of garlic in a blender; you can add a little honey for taste. Leave for 12 hours at room temperature and take one tablespoon on an empty stomach. Have breakfast no earlier than three hours later. The course of treatment is no more than four days.

The seeds are also good for preventing helminthiasis. For this purpose, you need to regularly consume 50 grams of seeds on an empty stomach, 20 minutes before your first meal, with a glass of clean water.

For kidney and bladder diseases

Kidney diseases and urinary system also respond well to treatment with folk remedies:

  1. Pour one tablespoon of crushed pumpkin seeds into a glass of boiling water and leave for thirty minutes. Drink the resulting “tea” two to three glasses a day for a week.
  2. Grind a glass of dried pumpkin and hemp seeds in a clay bowl, gradually adding three glasses of boiling water. Strain the resulting mass and squeeze out the remainder well. Drink the entire broth throughout the day. It is good for urinary retention due to spasms and in cases where blood is found in the urine.

Important! When purchasing, try to taste the seeds. If they are bitter, then this product should not be consumed. Also pay attention to the smell. Rotten, musty or just bad smell- signal of refusal to purchase.

For prostatitis

Pumpkin seeds are extremely beneficial for treatment and prevention of diseases of the male genital area, which is especially important for men after 35-40 years, when the body experiences irreversible changes. At this age, it is already worth thinking about the prevention of prostate diseases, which this product helps to successfully cope with. High content it normalizes zinc hormonal levels, because this element is a component of the male hormone - testosterone.
Means for improving male potency and preventing prostate adenoma:

  1. Mix crushed walnuts and pumpkin seeds in equal proportions and add a little honey. Eat a teaspoon a day and enjoy vigor and male power. From the resulting mixture you can make small portioned balls (up to 1.5 cm in diameter) and.
  2. Pumpkin oil Take 1-2 teaspoons on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. First, hold it in your mouth for a little while and only then swallow it, without washing it down with anything.

Contraindications and harm

And yet, despite all the benefits of pumpkin seeds, their consumption should be controlled. Eating too much can worsen a stomach ulcer. We must not forget about the high calorie content of this product. Regular use large quantity seeds can contribute to excess weight gain.

Besides, Don't bite seeds with your teeth, since gradually and even unnoticed you can damage tooth enamel. And if you buy seeds without peels, dry them in the oven for about ten minutes before using them. This will protect you from pathogenic microbes.

Poor ecology and stress, unfortunately, negatively affect men's health. One food that helps mitigate these factors is pumpkin seeds. They are not a panacea for all diseases, but if used correctly, you can count on positive changes in the functioning of many body functions. So eat pumpkin seeds and be healthy!

We will tell you in detail what the benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds are, and how to use them for prevention, treatment, immunity and good health.

The familiar traditional pumpkin is of American origin. It was grown by the Indians South America and was widely used for therapeutic and culinary purposes. Today, pumpkin is one of the main all-season vegetables. Its pulp is often used for food, and its seeds are used for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Pumpkin grains have a more pronounced therapeutic effect, therefore they are used for treatment in various forms(ground powder or meal, sprouted grains, squeezed oil).

Composition and properties of pumpkin seeds

The nutritional value and calorie content of pumpkin seeds is determined by their fat composition.

100 g of seeds contain 50 g of fat, 25 g of protein. There are significantly fewer carbohydrates in the seeds - only 15 g/100 g. There is also some dietary fiber and water (about 6 g/100 g). One hundred grams of pumpkin contains 550 kcal (for comparison, nuts contain 700 kcal/100 g, and buckwheat porridge contains only 100 kcal).

Regarding biologically active substances, then there is a record number of them in the pumpkin.

Who benefits from pumpkin seeds?

The benefits of pumpkin seeds for the body are manifested by the changes they cause in various organs, systems.

The anthelmintic effect of pumpkin is provided by cucurbutin contained in the grains. This substance is harmless to humans and dangerous to worms. Depending on the pumpkin variety, the plant seeds may contain from 0.1 to 0.3% cucurbutin.

An emergency technique removes adult, sexually mature helminths from the intestines. In order to get rid of worms completely, you need to take pumpkin powder for one and a half to two months, 1-2 times a day. The dosage is selected depending on age.

  • For children younger age(up to 3 years) ¼ teaspoon is enough.
  • For preschoolers under 7 years old, give 1/3 teaspoon.
  • Schoolchildren - ½ teaspoon.
  • Adults – ¾ or a whole teaspoon 1 or 2 times a day.

Taking pumpkin causes the death of worms in the intestines, liver and other human organs.

If you immediately take a large dose of meal, the number of dead worms will cause severe intoxication. Cold symptoms will occur (fever, runny nose, red throat, headache).

For treatment without complications, pumpkin intake begins with small doses (at the tip of a knife or spoon). Such a small amount of meal is eaten in the morning on an empty stomach, washed down with water. With absence painful symptoms(nausea, fever, runny nose) the next day the dose is increased. So within a week the recommended dose for age is reached. Afterwards, increase the frequency of taking the powder (instead of once a day, swallow it twice - in the morning and in the evening).

What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds for men?

The benefits of pumpkin seeds for men are determined by the zinc they contain. This element prevents inflammation of the prostate, pathological growth connective tissue. Common cause prostatitis becomes stagnant processes, slow blood movement in the pelvic area, Bladder, scrotum. They occur at low motor activity, sedentary life, sedentary work, overweight, frequent constipation, wearing tight underwear.

Pumpkin seeds with honey for men - famous folk remedy to increase potency and treat male power (one of the main manifestations of prostate adenoma is sexual weakness). They are ground in a meat grinder and mixed with honey, then rolled into balls. This “medicine” is stored in the refrigerator and 3-4 balls are eaten 20-30 minutes before meals. In addition to ground grains, you can use ready-made powder (meal). The course of treatment is 20-30 days.

Pumpkin seeds for prostatitis should be eaten 50-60 grains daily, this prevents prostatitis. They are also useful for sedentary work and mental stress.

Important: The grains must be chewed thoroughly. Only then will they appear healing effect. Otherwise the seeds may pass digestive tract not overcooked.

What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds for women?

The benefits of pumpkin seeds for women are no less evident than for men. They treat polyps in the genital organs (vagina, uterus) and digestive organs (stomach). For the treatment of polyps, pumpkin seeds are used together with egg yolk and protein.

A solution of eggs and pumpkin seeds is prepared at the rate of 1 egg - 1 teaspoon of meal, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil. The components are mixed, kept in a water bath for 20 minutes and stored in the refrigerator. Take 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach. The treatment regimen is 5 days on and 5 days off.

First of all, polyps in the stomach and intestines begin to shrink. Within a month, they pass through the intestines along with feces and mucus. Later, the remedy causes the separation and release of polyps in the uterine cavity.

In addition to improving blood flow and immunity, preventing age-related complications (osteoporosis, menopause), pumpkin seeds help maintain an attractive appearance and youth.

IN for cosmetic purposes use pumpkin meal. It is mixed with egg or sour milk, apply to the skin of the hands and face. Vitamins and oils nourish the skin, make it blooming and fresh.

Can pregnant women eat pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin seeds help cope with toxicosis. To do this, you need to eat them on an empty stomach, or swallow the ground meal with water. However, during pregnancy it is necessary to control the amount of pumpkin seeds, which stimulate intestinal cleansing and have a diuretic effect. If there is a threat of miscarriage, they can increase the tone of the abdominal muscles.

During pregnancy, pumpkin seeds remove fluid and salt. Therefore, they are recommended for edema in the last trimester of pregnancy. And one more useful property that is important for pregnant women is the prevention of constipation.

Pumpkin seeds at breastfeeding increase the amount of milk (due to the diuretic effect). How many pumpkin seeds should you eat per day for lactation? A nursing mother needs 50 to 100 pumpkin seeds per day. They can be replaced with 2-3 tablespoons of pumpkin oil.

What form do pumpkin seeds take?

Pumpkin seeds retain the full complex biologically useful substances at correct processing. They must be dried in the shade or in the sun, without heat treatment. Heating above +45°C reduces the amount useful vitamins, minerals, enzymes, enzymes.

Pumpkin seed meal

For better absorption, the seeds are ground together with the peel. If you grind grains without peels, some of the beneficial substances will be lost. Pharmacy-ground meal is often made from peeled seeds. Therefore the most useful medicine prepares it yourself (at home using a coffee grinder).

Why is it better to take ground meal than whole seeds? The quality of assimilation of useful components depends on how thoroughly the food product is chewed.

The better the food is crushed, the greater the proportion of useful components will be absorbed. Therefore, crushed meal allows the body to take maximum amount biologically active components.

Meal can be consumed separately from food (before meals, washed down with water) or together with food (added to salads, porridges as a spice). You can also make cakes and compresses from the meal (mix with honey, sour milk, egg).

You can also make oil from the seeds. The best preparation method uses cold pressing. Pumpkin seed oil preserves a complex of vitamins and minerals. It is completely absorbed, therefore more effective in treatment. It is also convenient to use for local treatment(make compresses, put tampons).

Is it possible to roast pumpkin seeds?

The possibility of using heat treatment depends on the purpose of using the seeds. If they are added to food as a seasoning, then heat treatment (frying) will enhance the taste. If the seeds are necessary for treatment and healing, then it is better to eat them raw. It is in such dried grains that the the full amount nutrients.

At heat treatment above 45°C, 50% of biologically active components are lost.

Pumpkin is one of the most useful plants on Earth. It benefits humans through its fruits, seeds, flowers, and leaves. Seed treatment is one of the most affordable and effective natural methods recovery.

ABOUT useful properties Ah, pumpkin seeds for men, nutritionists have been saying for a long time. But not all representatives of the stronger sex know about them. Meanwhile, this product is absolutely necessary for men's health.

What are the benefits of pumpkin seeds for men?

Pumpkin seeds contain great amount biologically active substances. First of all, these are A, B, E, F and rare vitamin K, as well as minerals - zinc, phosphorus, potassium, etc., arginine, linoleic and folic acid, omega 3 and omega 6. All these elements have a beneficial effect on male body, in particular, stimulate the production of the hormone testosterone.

Pumpkin seeds can be used as a means of preventing prostatitis. They should definitely be on the daily menu of men over 35 years old. In addition, they help fight cardiovascular diseases, and, as you know, sexual impotence largely depends on the condition circulatory system. With regular consumption of pumpkin seeds, metabolism is normalized, blood pressure levels decrease, and blood pressure stops rising.

But in addition to the beneficial properties, pumpkin seeds also have contraindications. They are not recommended for use by people with stomach ulcers, gastritis with increased acidity, patients with poor patency intestinal tract. To avoid damaging your teeth, you should not chew the seeds; you should eat them already peeled. We must not forget that the product can cause allergies, so you should not abuse it.

Are roasted pumpkin seeds healthy?

According to experts, it is better to consume pumpkin seeds in a slightly dried form - in their raw form, only extracted from the pulp, they can cause flatulence and intestinal upset. But frying pumpkin seeds is not recommended. Although they taste better in this form, they contain half as many valuable substances, which means there will be little benefit from such a product.

Pumpkin seeds - truly valuable product. They are used in dietetics, medicine, cooking and even cosmetology. The benefits of seeds extend to people different ages and gender. The value is determined by the large accumulation of fatty, natural and amino acids, vitamins of many groups, water, ash, proteins, healthy fats, micro- and macroelements. It would seem that a product with such a large list cannot cause harm. Let's see if this is true.

  1. Regular consumption of seeds normalizes menstruation and hormonal levels in women. Pumpkin contains many phytoestrogens, which accelerate the production of hormones. If you eat seeds every day, you will eliminate disorders menstrual cycle, get rid of unpleasant symptoms menopause.
  2. Pumpkin seeds partially eliminate infertility and increase the likelihood of conceiving a child. Female fertility increases by an order of magnitude, male reproductive function becomes more pronounced.
  3. Pumpkin seeds contain natural antioxidants that cleanse the body of toxins and eliminate clogging of skin pores. Substances relieve the epidermis of premature aging, smooth out facial wrinkles.
  4. Cosmetologists recommend their clients to include vegetable seeds in their daily diet. Thanks to fatty acids, you will maintain healthy hair, nails and skin. Pumpkin seeds protect the scalp from dandruff and seborrhea, whiten nails, and cleanse sebaceous plugs.
  5. Ladies whose skin is prone to acne should eat seeds 45 grams once every 2 days. In this simple way you will prevent the appearance of comedones and ulcers, and also eliminate other skin rashes. This aspect is achieved by improving the body’s metabolism.
  6. Pumpkin seeds are very popular among girls who watch their figure. They ensure rapid absorption of beneficial enzymes by the body, keep you full for a long time, and satisfy hunger. Weight loss will only occur if the seeds are consumed in small quantities.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds for children

  1. As mentioned earlier, pumpkin seeds are an excellent anthelmintic. If a child has worms, it is not necessary to resort to a harsh medication solution. Include the product in your diet to cleanse your intestines of worms.
  2. Pumpkin seeds form the child's skeleton, making the bones uniform without holes or gaps. Regular consumption improves posture and endurance.
  3. Doctors advise giving babies seeds to improve memory and perception. Daily clicking improves brain activity and vision.

  1. The male body needs zinc more than the female body. The lack of this element leads to enlargement of the prostate gland. If the balance is not redressed, it is likely that prostate adenoma will develop.
  2. Most often, this disease affects men aged 50+. To stop the first signs or overcome an existing disease, eat at least 40 grams. pumpkin seeds per day.
  3. It is important to know that pumpkin seeds relieve pain due to difficulty urinating. The composition prevents diseases of the male reproductive system and infertility.

Harm of pumpkin seeds

  1. Pumpkin seeds are beneficial only if consumed in small quantities. In all other cases, high calorie content promotes weight gain.
  2. Since pumpkin seeds are multi-component products, there is a risk of developing individual intolerance. Before your first acquaintance with the raw materials, taste a small portion.
  3. There are often cases in which digestion is disrupted if you eat seeds in large quantities on an empty stomach. As a result, diarrhea or constipation, bloating, flatulence, and colitis appear. The symptoms will disappear quickly if you drink some clean water.
  4. Salicylic acid, found in pumpkin seeds, irritates the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract. If you have problems with the digestive system (gastritis, ulcers, etc.), you should limit your consumption of treats.
  5. Use seeds with caution if you are breastfeeding. Otherwise, the child may develop individual intolerance, which will be difficult to eliminate in the future.
  6. Contraindications for consuming pumpkin seeds include intestinal obstructions. If you ignore this recommendation, you will only make the situation worse.

Pumpkin seeds are useful for all categories of citizens. They are often used for the prevention of helminths, disorders of the male reproductive system, and menstrual irregularities in women. Pregnant women, as well as people with diseases of the digestive tract, should eat the product with caution.

Video: the whole truth about pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds were a common food among Indian tribes, who valued them for their healing properties. Later the pumpkin seeds got into Eastern Europe, and then spread throughout the world.

Pumpkin seeds are added to salads, soups, meat dishes, pasta, sandwiches and desserts. Pumpkin seeds are combined with fresh herbs, arugula and basil, grated cheese and vegetables. You can season vegetable salads with seeds with lemon juice and olive oil.

Composition and calorie content of pumpkin seeds

The seeds are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids and antioxidants. They contain tocopherols, sterols and squalene.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • K – 64%;
  • B2 – 19%;
  • B9 – 14%;
  • B6 – 11%;
  • A – 8%.

Minerals per 100 g:

Calorie content of pumpkin seeds – 541 kcal per 100 g.

The seeds can be eaten either raw or roasted, but raw seeds contain more nutrients. When roasting pumpkin seeds, make sure that the oven temperature does not exceed 75°C.

For the bones

Pumpkin seeds are involved in bone formation. Magnesium in seeds does bone tissue dense and strong, and also reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis.

For the heart and blood vessels

Pumpkin seeds contain antioxidants, fiber, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The elements are beneficial for the heart, blood vessels and liver. Fiber lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and reduces the risk of arrhythmia, thrombosis and coronary disease hearts.

The seeds prevent diabetes, stroke and heart attacks.

For diabetics

Pumpkin seeds reduce blood pressure and blood sugar levels - this is important for people suffering from type 2 diabetes.

For the nerves

Tryptophan in pumpkin seeds helps relieve chronic insomnia, as it participates in the production of serotonin and melatonin. They are responsible for strong and.

For eyes

The carotenoids and phosphorus in the seeds are good for the eyes. Combined with fatty acids and antioxidants, they protect the retina from negative impact UV rays reduce the risk of degeneration macular spot and maintain visual acuity even in older people.

For the intestines

For the reproductive system

Men use pumpkin seeds as an aphrodisiac.

For men

Zinc in pumpkin seeds improves sperm quality and reduces the risk of infertility. It protects sperm from damage caused by autoimmune diseases and chemotherapy. Antioxidants normalize testosterone levels and improve the health of the reproductive system.

Pumpkin seeds are good for prostate health by getting rid of benign formations prostate gland.

For women

Pumpkin seeds during menopause: