Pumpkin seed oil. How to drink pumpkin seed oil? Treatment using pumpkin oil - how to take it

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dyucha speech: 1 bottle of mixed watermelon ( cucurbitae semina oleum) 50 ml or 100 ml.

Medicine form

Main physical and chemical authorities: It has an oily greenish-brown color, with a characteristic odor. The presence of a siege is allowed.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Hypolipidemic features. Code ATX S10A X.

Pharmacological authorities


The drug contains a complex of biologically active substances of watermelon (carotenoids, tocopherols, phospholipids, phosphatides, flavonoids, vitamins B1, B2, C, P, PP, F, unsaturated, polyunsaturated, fat-saturated no acids: palmitic, stearic, oleic, linolenic, linoleva, arachidonova), which represent antioxidant, anti-sclerotic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, and anti-inflammatory actions. Thanks to phosphatidylcholine, which activates the enzyme lecithin-cholesterol acetyltransferase, the drug converts real cholesterol into essential cholesterol, which does not contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, phosphatidylcholine is included in the storage of high-density lipoproteins, which accelerates the transport of cholesterol at the membrane of the endothelium and platelets, and advances the aggregation of the rest. Unsaturated fatty acids interfere with the absorption of cholesterol and reduce the excretion of fatty acids. The drug improves the functional state of the thyroid gland, changes the chemical storage of the ventricle system, performs minor zhovgorodny work, changes the ignition processes in the epithelium of the ventricle system. The drug reduces swelling, enhances microcirculation and epithelialization, provides a protective infusion on granulation, stimulates trophic and metabolic processes in tissues. The drug has an antihypertensive effect, suppresses the proliferation of cells in the anterior gland in benign hyperplasia, changes the severity of inflammatory processes, reveals minor bacteriostatic effects power.


Prevention of atherosclerosis of the cerebrum, heart, hyperlipidemia of type I and II, prevention and treatment of benign hyperplasia of the anterior pelvis of stage I and II.


Increased sensitivity to the drug. At the same time, stagnation with antacid preparations. Zhovchnokamyan ailment. Pancreatitis.

Interactions with other medicinal drugs and other types of interactions

Antacids, blockers of H2-histamine receptors, proton pump inhibitors and vismuta drugs greatly reduce the absorption of watermelon oil and the effectiveness of the drug.

If you suddenly stop taking any other medical treatment, please notify your doctor.

Features of stastosuvannya

The drug is not recommended for use by patients suffering from acute varicose vein disease of the vulva and duodenum, gastritis, esophagitis, duodenitis, colitis and other diseases of the mucous membrane of the herbal tract at the acute stage.

The drug should be used with caution in case of illness, susceptible to allergic reactions.

Using a moderate antithrombotic effect, the drug, with caution, prevents congestion in patients with hemophilia or other forms of hemorrhagic disease, as well as in patients taking anticoagulants. Before treatment with the drug in such patients, laboratory monitoring of blood counts is carried out at regular intervals (e.g. 2-3 months).

Since the drug is used for symptomatic treatment of benign hypertrophy of the anterior gland, it should be regularly monitored (every 2-3 months).

The drug can relieve symptoms that cause enlargement of the prostate, but it does not affect its size.

Suspension during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

The safety and effectiveness of administration of the drug Oliya nasal watermelon during pregnancy or breastfeeding is unknown.

This is due to the fluidity of the reaction during treatment with vehicles or other mechanisms.

Doesn't flow in.

Method of congestion and dosage

The drug is taken internally.

When growing up, to prevent hyperlipidemia, take 1 teaspoon of olive oil 2 times a day, for a period of 2 months. Dali – ½ teaspoon 2 times per serving. The term treatment depends on the severity and duration of illness, on average – 6 months.

In case of hyperplasia of the anterior ovum, take 1 teaspoon 2 times per dose in the middle for 4-5 stretches, further – ½ teaspoon 1 time per dose. The term “medicine” means “medicine”, meaning – 5 months.


The safety and effectiveness of the drug in children is unknown, so the drug should not be prescribed to children.


Symptoms: carry, sloppiness.

Likuvannya: If such symptoms are evident, take a trace of the drug. Therapy is symptomatic.

Adverse reactions

In case of dry stagnation, possible rare emptying, allergic reactions.

Once any unexpected phenomena appear, it is necessary to go to the doctor!

Term of attribution

Umovi sberіgannya

Store in original packaging at temperatures between 8 °C and 15 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.


50 ml or 100 ml per bottle; 1 bottle per pack per cardboard.

Release category

Over the counter.


PAT "Lubnifarm"

Location of the distributor and addresses of the location of its activities

Ukraine, 37500, Poltava region, Lubny metro station, st. Barvinkova, 16.


By medical use medicine



active substance: 1 bottle contains pumpkin seed oils ( cucurbitae semina oleum) 50 ml or 100 ml.

Dosage form. Oil.

Basic physical and chemical properties: oily liquid of greenish-brown color, with a characteristic odor. Presence of sediment is allowed.

Pharmacotherapeutic group.

Lipid-lowering drugs. Code ATX S10A X.

Pharmacological properties


The drug contains a complex biologically active substances pumpkin seeds (carotenoids, tocopherols, phospholipids, phosphatides, flavonoids, vitamins B 1, B 2, C, P, PP, F, unsaturated, polyunsaturated, semi-saturated fatty acids: palmitic, stearic, oleic, linolenic, linoleic, arachidonic), which cause antioxidant, antisclerotic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, choleretic effects. Thanks to phosphatidylcholine, which activates the enzyme lecithin-cholesterol acetyltransferase, the drug converts free cholesterol into cholesterol esters, which do not participate in the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, phosphatidylcholine is included in lipoproteins high density, which helps accelerate the transport of cholesterol in the membrane of the endothelium and platelets, and prevents the aggregation of the latter. Unsaturated fatty acids inhibit cholesterol absorption and improve excretion fatty acids. The drug improves functional state biliary tract, changes chemical composition bile, has a slight choleretic effect, reduces inflammatory processes in the epithelium of the biliary system. The drug reduces swelling, improves microcirculation and epithelization, has a protective effect on granulation, and stimulates trophic and metabolic processes in tissues. The drug has an antihypertensive effect, inhibits the proliferation of prostate cells during benign hyperplasia, reduces the severity of inflammatory processes, and exhibits minor bacteriostatic properties.

Clinical characteristics.


Prevention of atherosclerosis of blood vessels in the brain, heart, hyperlipidemia of types IІа and IIв, prevention and in the composition complex treatment benign prostatic hyperplasia stages I and II.


Hypersensitivity to the drug. Simultaneous use with antacids. Cholelithiasis. Pancreatitis.

Interaction with other drugs and other types of interactions. Antacids, blockers of H2-histamine receptors, proton pump inhibitors and bismuth preparations reduce the absorption of pumpkin oil and the effectiveness of the drug.

At simultaneous use Any other medications should be reported to your doctor.

Features of application

The drug is not recommended for patients with exacerbation of gastric ulcer and duodenum, gastritis, esophagitis, duodenitis, colitis and other diseases of the mucous membrane digestive tract in the acute stage.

The drug should be used with caution in patients prone to allergic reactions.

Due to its moderate antithrombotic effect, the drug should be used with caution in patients with hemophilia or other forms of hemorrhagic diathesis, as well as patients taking anticoagulants. During treatment with the drug in such patients, laboratory monitoring of blood counts should be carried out at certain intervals (usually every 2-3 months).

If the drug is used for symptomatic treatment benign prostatic hypertrophy, its condition should be regularly monitored (every 2-3 months).

The drug can reduce symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate, but does not affect its size.

Use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

The safety and effectiveness of using Pumpkin Seed Oil during pregnancy or breastfeeding are unknown.

The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles or other mechanisms.

Does not affect.

Directions for use and doses

The drug is taken orally.

To prevent hyperlipidemia, adults should take 1 teaspoon of oil 2 times a day, usually for 2 months. In the future - ½ teaspoon 2 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the severity and course of the disease, on average – 6 months.

For prostatic hyperplasia, take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day for an average of 4-5 weeks, then ½ teaspoon 1 time a day. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor, usually 5 months.


The safety and effectiveness of the drug in children are unknown, so the drug should not be prescribed to children.


Symptoms: diarrhea, weakness.

Treatment: If such symptoms are present, the drug should be discontinued. Therapy is symptomatic.

Adverse reactions

At long-term use liquid stool and allergic reactions are possible.

If any adverse events occur, you should consult a doctor!

Best before date

Storage conditions

Store in original packaging at temperatures between 8 °C and 15 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.


50 ml or 100 ml in a bottle; 1 bottle in a cardboard pack.

Over the counter.


PJSC "Lubnyfarm"

The location of the manufacturer and the address of the place of its activities.

Ukraine, 37500, Poltava region, Lubny, st. Barvinkova, 16.

Pumpkin seed oil(English) pumpkin seed oil, lat. Oleum seminum Cucurbitae) - vegetable oil, obtained from pumpkin seeds.

In terms of quality, pumpkin oil is one of the best table oils. It is valuable food additive, activating protective functions organism, and is of great interest for the pharmacological and cosmetic industries as natural product, containing vitamin E (tocopherol), which protects fats, carotene and other substances from oxidation. Tocopherol prevents accumulation in the body harmful substances, improves protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, prevents liver damage, stimulates muscle function, especially the heart. Its deficiency leads to infertility, muscular dystrophy, liver necrosis, anemia, and in children - visual impairment. The daily human need for tocopherol is 10–20 mg. The vitamin E content in 100 g of pumpkin seeds ranges from 100-160 mg. Included three oils In cultivated pumpkin species, the concentrations of 4 fatty acids were determined: palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic. Moreover, the concentration of linoleic acid, which is considered more valuable, in the oil of large-fruited and butternut squash more than two times higher than oleic. And the oil of hard-bark pumpkin (in particular gymnosperm) contains more oleic acid (33–35%) than large-fruited (23–24%) and nutmeg (23%) varieties.

Pumpkin seed oil - medicinal product
IN State Register medicines of the Russian Federation in the section “International non-proprietary or group or chemical name” there is a position “ Pumpkin seed oil", which corresponds to a number of officially registered registration certificates, in particular, for the following trade names of medicinal products:*
According to ATC, preparations based on pumpkin seed oil have the following codes:
  • "A05AX Other drugs for the treatment of diseases of the biliary tract"
  • "G04CX Other drugs for the treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy"
In the British Pharmacopoeia (BP) - Pumpkin seed (pumpkin seeds).

Based on pumpkin seed oil, a number of medications have been developed that are used in the treatment of a wide range of diseases: in the form of rectal suppositories and capsules for chronic prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia stages I–II; capsules and oil for type IIa and IIb hyperlipidemia, prevention of atherosclerosis, diffuse liver damage (hepatitis A, chronic hepatitis, toxic lesions liver, fatty liver, cirrhosis), chronic cholecystitis, cholecystocholangitis, biliary dyskinesia, in postoperative period after cholecystectomy, prevention cholelithiasis; local application for cervical erosion, colpitis, endocervicitis, hemorrhoids, dermatitis, diathesis, burns, burn disease, herpes, eczema, psoriasis, periodontal disease.

Professional medical publications regarding the use of pumpkin seed oil in gastroenterology
  • Sozaeva Z.Yu., Tagaeva I.R., Khetagurova L.G. Chronopathophysiological aspects of optimizing the treatment of children with chronic gastroduodenal pathology associated with Helicobacter pylori // Bulletin of new medical technologies. 2006. T.XIII. No. 4. pp. 26–29.
On the website, in the Literature section, there is a subsection “Eating disorders and metabolic disorders, obesity, metabolic syndrome”, containing articles for healthcare professionals that address these issues.
Application of pumpkin seed oil in urology
One of the traditional uses of pumpkin seed oil is its use in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and other prostate diseases, including the treatment of symptomatic urinary disorders. Direct injection of pumpkin seed oil is recommended. It is generally accepted that the pharmacological effect is due mainly to β-sitosterol, the content of which in the oil ranges from 0.03 to 1% depending on the type of seeds, methods and depth of oil extraction. β-sitosterol is able to inhibit the enzyme (5α-reductase) and participate in the biotransformation of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, which promotes intensive growth of prostate tumors. The International Prostate Symptom Scores illustrate the ability of β-sitosterol to reduce height cancer cells by 24% in the prostate cancer cell line LN CaP and induces the death of cancer cells 4 times compared to the control.

At the same time, according to modern ideas, the effectiveness of herbal preparations, including pumpkin seed oil, has not been proven. As stated in the latest European Association of Urology Guidelines, the only study of the effectiveness of a pumpkin seed oil formulation, which analyzed data from 476 patients randomized to placebo or Prostat Fink™ forte, found that after 12 months, IPSS and daytime urinary frequency were significantly reduced in group with pumpkin seed oil. However, uroflowmetry parameters (Qmax), urine PVR, prostate volume, PSA value, nocturia and QoL were not statistically different between groups. In this regard, preparations based on pumpkin seed oil, like other herbal preparations, are not recommended for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.


Composition of Tykveol:
carotenoids, tocopherols, phospholipids, sterols, phosphatides, flavonoids, vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, saturated, unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (with a linoleic share of at least 51.7%), zinc, manganese, calcium, magnesium obtained from pumpkin .

Indications for use: hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis of the liver, cholestasis, biliary dyskinesia, treatment after operations in the hepatobiliary zone, gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, esophagitis, duodenitis, colitis, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis, lipid metabolism disorders of various origins, chronic prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia stages 1 and 2.
Locally: herpes, dermatitis, diathesis, psoriasis, eczema, burns and burn disease, wounds, including gunshot wounds, cervical erosion, endocervicitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis.
Rectally: benign prostatic hyperplasia (prevention and treatment of stages 1 and 2 of adenoma), chronic prostatitis, sexual disorders with prostatitis, hemorrhoids, fissures and eczema of the anal area, perianitis, before and after surgical treatment in proctology.

Side effects: dyspepsia, diarrhea (dose reduction required).

Directions for use and doses Duration of therapy:

  • for gastrointestinal diseases - at least 2-3 weeks
  • for prostate pathology - 4 weeks
  • for liver diseases - 6-8 weeks
Capsules are not recommended for patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal mucosa: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, esophagitis, duodenitis, etc.**
Indications for use: prostate adenoma ( initial stage).

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use with caution: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (in the acute stage), calculous cholecystitis(in the acute stage), childhood, pregnancy.

Directions for use and doses: orally, 1-2 capsules 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.


* As of July 2018.
** This section is written based on manufacturer information.

Pumpkin seed oil has contraindications, side effects and features of use, when used for health purposes, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pumpkin oil very effective for the treatment of visual organs, ulcers and erosion of mucous membranes and organs. It the best way affects the condition of the skin, nails and hair. It is used in the treatment of many skin diseases, namely eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, various kinds fungi, acne. In addition, pumpkin oil cleanses the body of harmful substances (carcinogens, toxins), strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism and supports general health. hormonal background. It is recommended for coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.

Pumpkin oil is excellent cosmetic product. It is included in various creams for the whole body and hair (including sunscreen) and nourishing lip balms. This vegetable oil perfectly soothes the skin, relieves inflammation and irritation, and also prevents it. premature aging. In addition, it promotes fast healing wounds and others mechanical damage skin.


Linolenic acid
- linoleic acid
- palmitic acid
- stearic acid
- protein
- zinc
- carotenoids
- tocopherols
- phospholipids
- vitamins B1, B2, C, P
- flavonoids

Indications for use

Pain and burning with cystitis;
- normalizes metabolism;
- hematoprotective, antiulcer, antiseptic, antisclerotic effect;
- reduces inflammatory processes and accelerates tissue regeneration;
- restores the functions of the liver, prostate gland, gastrointestinal mucosa, biliary tract, skin;
- excretion toxic substances from the body;
- catarrh, inflammatory processes in the lungs and respiratory tract

Release form

capsules 0.3 g; 0.75 g; 1.35 g;

Contraindications for use

Anyone who is sick needs mandatory consultation with a specialist about taking pumpkin seed oil. diabetes mellitus. Those who suffer from calculous cholecystitis should also use this remedy with caution - the strong choleretic properties of pumpkin oil can provoke the movement of stones.

Directions for use and doses

Adults: 10 capsules of 0.3 g 3 times a day with meals. Duration of treatment is 1-2 months. The reception can be repeated 2-3 times a year.


Not described.

Precautions for use

Storage conditions

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 3–6 °C.

Best before date

Description of the vitamin Pumpkin seed oil is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. To get more complete information Please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Attention! The information presented in the vitamins and dietary supplements section is intended for informational purposes and should not be a basis for self-medication. Some of the drugs have a number of contraindications. Patients need to consult a specialist!

If you are interested in any other vitamins, vitamin-mineral complexes or biological active additives, their descriptions and instructions for use, their analogues, information on the composition and form of release, indications for use and side effects, methods of use, dosage and contraindications, notes on prescribing the drug for children, newborns and pregnant women, price and consumer reviews, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

ABOUT healing properties pumpkins have been known since ancient times. Archaeologists have repeatedly found vessels with dried yellow berry fruits all over the world. Such finds are direct evidence of the ancient origin of this culture. Numerous writings from Avicenna's time report medicinal properties plants.

The giant berry was exported to Russia in the 16th century. Since then, it has been actively cultivated throughout the country in large quantities. Not only its pulp is valued, but also the seeds, from which medicinal and tasty pumpkin oil is squeezed. Reviews about the product are positive. Many people use it as a salad dressing, while others use it for therapeutic purposes.

About exceptional taste qualities became known in the Middle Ages. The discoverers were the Austrians, who made the oil by hand and considered the product one of the most useful. The price of a hundred-gram jar was equal to pure gold, so the oil was called “black gold.”

In our century, there is no need for manual technology thanks to the latest modernized equipment, which allows you to obtain an invaluable and exquisite product from pumpkin seeds. But even this did not help reduce the cost. The subject of today's article, as you may have guessed, will be pumpkin seed oil.

Vitamin and mineral composition

The therapeutic effect of the product is dictated by the enriched biochemical composition and high content important microelements. To obtain a liter bottle, at least 30 large fruits are required. This is what accounts for such a huge concentration of important substances.

The main components of the product are the benefits of which are difficult to overestimate. They participate in the lipid process, support hormonal balance and strengthen the body's defenses. In addition to the acid-fat composition, it contains a whole set of vitamins. The instructions for use of this product indicate in what dosage it is allowed to be consumed.

It contains vitamins A, B, C, F, E, K, P, T, PP. All these substances are responsible for the transport of fatty acids, the removal of harmful toxins, blood clotting and the production of platelets. Vitamins nourish every cell and saturate it with oxygen. It is worth mentioning separately the value of carnitine - it supports the functional activity of the heart muscle and prevents pathological processes.

The product contains 53 macro- and microelements, phospholipids, pectins, carotenoids, flavonoids, lutein and chlorophyll. Thanks to its unique composition, the oil is so popular and in demand in many areas of life.


It receives rave reviews from customers. People note that after using it they were able to restore health, cleanse the body of toxins and normalize cholesterol levels. Today anyone can purchase it in almost any store or pharmacy chain. The pharmaceutical industry produces medical drug called "Tykveol" in various forms:

  • brown oily liquid;
  • rectal suppositories;

All drugs have similar therapeutic effect and have a wide range of applications. With the help of this product you can strengthen your immune system, get rid of vitamin deficiency and helminthic infestation, in particular tapeworms.

Oil shown for chronic constipation, hepatitis, diseases of the biliary tract and gastrointestinal tract(ulcer, gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis). It brings enormous benefits cardiovascular system. Practicing doctors themselves prescribe a certain amount of this product to their patients for hypertension, varicose veins, angina pectoris, anemia, atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

The substances included in the product ensure the smooth operation of all internal organs: restore fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, promote the production of important enzymes and insulin. Under the influence of oil blood vessels strengthen, become elastic and strong.

It has a beneficial effect on the entire central nervous system. No wonder our ancestors used it to treat insomnia, migraines and stress. According to experts, the product has a sedative effect on nerve endings, restores calm and relieves irritability.

It has found wide application in folk medicine. They treat prostatitis, adenoma, inflammatory processes Bladder, and also restore potency. For women, the product helps cure vaginitis, cervical erosion and adnexitis. It is prescribed to relieve unpleasant clinical symptoms during menopause. There is information that this remedy stimulates ovulation and can be used for infertility. In addition, the rich composition allows for treatment with pumpkin oil. skin lesions(wounds, burns, acne) and allergies.

For beauty and youth

The product exhibits anti-aging properties and perfectly nourishes epithelial tissue, improves color and fights expression lines. Cosmetologists claim that pumpkin oil helps soften the skin. The instructions describe the rules for using the oily liquid in its pure form. You can wipe your face with it, including the area around the lips and eyes. It is also added to cosmetic preparations (lotions, creams and shampoos) in a tablespoon (5 drops).

Moisturizing and tightening mask

You need to cut a small amount of pumpkin pulp into small cubes and boil in milk for half an hour. Let the mixture cool and mix with a dessert spoon of butter. Apply thin layer on clean skin, leave for 15 minutes and rinse.

Hand lotion

Combine pumpkin and equal proportions, lubricate your hands, put on gloves and go to bed. In the morning, wash well in soapy water.

To strengthen hair

Rub pumpkin oil into the hair roots, leave for half an hour and rinse with shampoo. Do the procedure twice a month, and the result will stun you. The curls will become shiny, strong and stop falling out.

Harm and side effects

Natural pumpkin oil, the price of which per jar (250 g) ranges from 250 to 350 rubles, has minor contraindications. It should not be used by people with diabetes without prior consultation with a specialist. Patients with gallbladder diseases should avoid consumption. Long-term use may cause diarrhea, skin rashes. If such symptoms occur, you should stop using or reduce the dosage.

How to take pumpkin seed oil without causing harm?

To get a general strengthening effect, you need to use pumpkin oil in reasonable dosages. The instructions do not recommend subjecting it to heat treatment, otherwise it will lose beneficial features. By the way, capsules and liquid are used in diets, as it supplies the body with missing substances.

It is advisable to start using it with a dessert spoon, gradually increasing the dosage to three spoons. It is added to salads, snacks, on bread or drunk on an empty stomach. To improve digestion, it is enough to carry out a preventive course of three weeks.

Therapy of the genitourinary system

The standard treatment regimen involves next appointment: drink 10 g of the product (capsules or liquid) daily before meals three times a day. You must consume pumpkin oil for a month. Reviews from doctors about this product you can find positive ones. He is recommended qualified specialists V complex therapy for cystitis, adenoma, adnexitis, etc.

Rectal use

Pumpkin oil, the price of which meets expectations, helps to cope well with hemorrhoids, prostatitis and anal fissures. Ready suppositories are moistened before administration plain water. Use 2-3 times a day.

External use

For wounds and burns, compresses or bandages are applied. You need to moisten a sterile bandage in an oily liquid and apply it to damaged areas of the skin. The duration of treatment is four days.

For sore throat, stomatitis and ARVI, you need to dissolve 15 drops of liquid in warm water and gargle or lubricate the mucous membrane.

Before any treatment, you should talk with a specialist. remember, that medicine is pumpkin seed oil. Reviews from people who have personally experienced the effectiveness of this product report that it really helps fight physical ailments.

The product is an addition to the main treatment or a food supplement. Extensive vitamin composition helps maintain wellness And strong immunity. Buy only high-quality certified products from a trusted manufacturer and stay healthy.

(Cucurbitae semenis oleum)

Trade names

Peponen, Vitanorm, Tykveol, Cholenol.
Group affiliation

Treatment for prostate adenoma

Description of the active substance (INN)

Pumpkin seed oil
Dosage form

capsules, oil for oral administration, rectal suppositories [based on cocoa butter], rectal suppositories [based on polyethylene glycol]
pharmachologic effect

A drug plant origin; has hepatoprotective, choleretic, antiulcer, reparative, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, metabolic and antiatherosclerotic effects, reduces the proliferation of prostate cells. The hepatoprotective effect is due to membrane-stabilizing properties and manifests itself in slowing down the development of damage to hepatocyte membranes and accelerating their recovery. Normalizes metabolism, reduces inflammation, slows down the development of connective tissue and accelerates the regeneration of damaged liver parenchyma. Possesses choleretic effect, normalizes the impaired functional state of the gallbladder and the chemical composition of bile, reduces the risk of developing cholelithiasis and has a beneficial effect on its course. Reduces proliferation of prostate cells. Eliminates dysuric phenomena in prostate hypertrophy, pain syndrome in patients with prostatitis, increases potency, activates immune systems body. With long-term use it has a hypolipidemic effect.

Chronic prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia I-II stages- rectal suppositories and capsules. Capsules and oil: hyperlipidemia type IIa and IIb; atherosclerosis (prevention); diffuse liver damage (hepatitis A, chronic hepatitis, toxic liver damage, fatty liver, cirrhosis of the liver), chronic cholecystitis, cholecystocholangitis, biliary dyskinesia, in the postoperative period after cholecystectomy, prevention of cholelithiasis. Locally (oil) - cervical erosion, colpitis, endocervicitis, hemorrhoids, dermatitis, diathesis, burns, burn disease, herpes, eczema, psoriasis; periodontal disease.

Hypersensitivity. Caution. Peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum (in the acute stage), calculous cholecystitis (in the acute stage), childhood, pregnancy.
Side effects

Allergic reactions; rarely, with long-term use - diarrhea and gastralgia. Overdose. Symptoms: diarrhea. Treatment: reduce the dose of the drug.
Directions for use and doses

Inside. For prostate hypertrophy - 1-2 capsules 3 times a day; for hyperlipidemia - 1-2 capsules 3 times a day for 3-4 months; for the prevention of atherosclerosis - 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day for a long time; for diffuse liver damage, chronic cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia - orally, 3-4 capsules or 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, duration of treatment - at least 3-4 weeks. Tampons soaked in oil are inserted into the vagina after preliminary hygienic treatment and left overnight. For hemorrhoids and prostatitis, along with oral administration, it is administered in microenemas. For wounds, etc. skin lesions- bandages with oil-soaked wipes or compresses. In dentistry it is used as a rinse. Rectally - 1 suppository 1-3 times a day. Duration of treatment - from 10 days to 3 months or short courses of 10-15 days every month for 6 months.
special instructions

Therapy is effective only when full course treatment.