Where is serotonin synthesized? Feeling of heightened anxiety

People around the world have long been looking for a way to become happier and more successful. And at the same time they do not even realize that happiness is near. It really is. Back in the middle of the last century, a group of scientists managed to detect a substance in human blood that affects emotional condition. It is called serotonin or "".

It is on this element that our mood and state of health, appetite and sexual activity, the ability to learn and the desire to explore the world depend. In a word, the more of this substance - the a happier person. Let's figure out how to increase the level of serotonin and what role it plays in the body.

Hormone of happiness - what is it?

We have all heard that the “happiness” hormone is serotonin. The media and the Internet write about him, and Wikipedia did not stand aside. On its pages you can find detailed information about the history of discovery and chemical structure substances. But this information is more for specialists. We will find out where the “happiness” hormone comes from from the point of view of non-professionals.

Just like endorphins and, it is produced by the human body and is responsible for motor activity and good mood, gives self-confidence, courage and optimism. With its deficiency, “chaos” appears in thoughts, lethargy and absent-mindedness, unpredictability in actions and irritability.

Serotonin, being a neurotransmitter, transmits nerve impulses between neurons and cells of the human body. Simply put, without a hormone, a full-fledged physical, mental and psycho-emotional activity of an individual is impossible.

Serotonin production mechanism

It is known that the hormone of "joy" is produced in the brain and gastrointestinal tract. Serotonin molecules are formed from the amino acid tryptophan. Most of the neurotransmitter (90–95%) is synthesized in the intestine and only 5–10% in the pineal gland. A small proportion of the hormone is present in platelets and the central nervous system. Bright sunlight is very important for the production of serotonin. That is why in summer days mood and well-being is always much better than in winter.

For full life at least 10 mg of the neurotransmitter must be present in the body at all times. Studies have shown that serotonin, which is produced in the brain, is also used by it. The body's need for the hormone of "happiness" is covered by a substance synthesized by the intestines.

The role of the hormone "happiness" in the body

It is almost impossible to tell in a nutshell what serotonin is, since the hormone is not only responsible for the performance of all body systems, but also forms psycho-emotional state person.

One of the main functions of the mediator is to ensure full interaction between brain cells and the body as a whole. Due to this, the hormone acts as a link in the activity of all CNS receptors. In addition, serotonin "manages" other functions in the body:

  • reduces discomfort and pain during movement, relieves the feeling of heaviness in the whole body;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthens and deepens myocardial contractions;
  • activates the blood supply to the genital organs, maintains the necessary microflora in the uterus, promotes conception and gestation. Lack of serotonin can cause miscarriage at an early stage;
  • the hormone stabilizes blood clotting, reduces bleeding;
  • stimulates the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, while improving intestinal motility;
  • lowers the pain threshold.

Since serotonin is the “happiness” hormone, it is vital for every person. The optimal content of the neurotransmitter in the blood is 50–200 ng/ml.

What is dangerous excess or deficiency of serotonin

With any deviation of the level of the “happiness” hormone from the norm, health problems inevitably arise. Too little or too much serotonin can be a symptom serious illnesses. The reason for going to the doctor should be complaints of loss of strength, malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, nervous irritability or depressive mood, sleep disturbance, memory impairment. These symptoms require urgent medical attention.

Analysis for serotonin is done infrequently and not in every clinic. The procedure is carried out only as directed by a doctor.

Signs and causes of low hormone levels in the blood

Unfortunately, the body does not always produce enough serotonin. As a result, a person's physical activity decreases, memory and learning ability deteriorate. Some functions of the body fade away, while others, on the contrary, acquire excessive sensitivity.

Serotonin deficiency is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Prolonged and deep depression without apparent reason.
  • Sleep disturbance: insomnia, difficult awakening.
  • Excessive excitability and emotionality, irritability, tendency to hysteria.
  • Raising the pain threshold.
  • Violation of concentration, absent-mindedness, withdrawal into oneself, inadequate social behavior.
  • Constant craving for sweets and starchy foods. This is because treats raise serotonin levels for 1–1.5 hours.
  • Increased fatigue, violation of the regime of work and rest.

Especially strong from low level hormone "happiness" women suffer. They are characterized by chronic depression, suicidal thoughts, unwillingness to build family relationships and have children. The lack of serotonin has a very negative effect on hormonal background the weaker sex, making women whiny, irritable, insecure. Appearance also suffers - dull hair, pale skin, wrinkles do not add beauty to anyone.

What causes serotonin to decrease

The causes of low hormone levels can be very different. For the vast majority of people, its production is noticeably reduced in the autumn-winter period. In addition, the amount of the hormone is negatively affected by an unbalanced diet, constant lack of sleep, lack of fresh air and movement, stress and illness.

Ways to increase serotonin

You can increase the level of serotonin in the body different methods. With a serious deficiency of this substance, may be prescribed medicines that maintain the required concentration of the hormone in the blood.

Having set out to increase the level of serotonin on your own, you should remember that treatment medications- this is last resort. This method of therapy is used only in psychiatric practice to combat psychosis, chronic depression and suicidal tendencies and only as prescribed by a doctor.

In less serious situations, you can increase the level of the hormone in simpler and more natural ways: dieting, organizing sleep and rest, physical activity and positive attitude.

Medications that increase serotonin levels

Serotonin tablets as such are not produced. Speaking of preparations containing the “happiness” hormone, it is understood that they increase its level in the blood or maintain the necessary concentration, only weakening the psycho-emotional load. These antidepressants may contain a large number of artificial serotonin.

They are appointed only in the case when a person, due to circumstances, is not able to independently cope with psycho-emotional disorders.

Among the many drugs that support the level of the “joy” hormone, the following can be distinguished:

  • Sertraline;
  • fluoxetine;
  • Fevarin;
  • Oprah.

For the treatment of chronic depressive and suicidal conditions, new generation drugs are used: Efectin and Mirtazapine.

All psychotropic drugs are dispensed only by prescription. They must be taken strictly according to the instructions, without chewing and drinking. enough water. With an increase in serotonin to the required level, the drug cannot be abruptly canceled. The dose should be reduced daily until the drug is completely abandoned.

main source natural hormone“joys” are, since it is on its basis that serotonin biosynthesis occurs. It is not in vain that it is believed that it improves mood and sets in a positive way a diet that includes:

  • milk and dairy products: sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt;
  • hard cheeses;
  • bitter chocolate and cocoa;
  • dates and figs;
  • plums;
  • tomatoes and other nightshade (potatoes, zucchini);
  • soy and beans.

Using these products, you can quickly and effectively increase the level of serotonin in the body. However, they should not be abused. Diet can turn around negative consequences. A high level of serotonin can provoke migraines, nausea, sleep disturbances and malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

The simplest and fast way raise the level of the hormone "joy" - more often to be under the sun's rays. The production of a mediator directly depends on the amount bright light. Therefore, in the autumn-winter period and on cloudy days, mood and well-being are always worse.

No less important for the biosynthesis of serotonin is a complete night rest. Leisure activities until late, work by the day, sitting at the computer - all this reduces the level of the hormone. In this mode, the mediator is produced unevenly, so you should adhere to the schedule: during the day - vigorous activity, at night - sleep.

It has a positive effect on the production of serotonin playing sports, especially on fresh air: running, skiing, skating, cycling. The load in this case should be moderate. According to the latest data, the hormone is produced only in those people who train with pleasure, and do not torture themselves to exhaustion.

How to increase serotonin if it is winter, dark and gloomy, and sports are not attractive? There is nothing easier. Active public life, favorite hobby, good music, an interesting movie, meeting with friends, going to the theater - all this improves mood, gives emotional relaxation, which means it increases hormone levels.

And last, most main advice- love and be loved. No wonder they say that serotonin is the hormone of "happiness". A sincere feeling, as the main source of a good mood, will help you cope with depression and gain confidence in yourself.

Serotonin is often called the “hormone of happiness”, it is produced in the body during moments of ecstasy, its level rises during euphoria and decreases during depression. But along with the most important task of giving us a good mood, it also performs a lot of functions in the body.


Serotonin is often called the “hormone of happiness”, it is produced in the body during moments of ecstasy, its level rises during euphoria and decreases during depression. But along with the most important task of giving us a good mood, it also performs a lot of functions in the body.


Serotonin acts as a chemical transmitter of impulses between nerve cells. Although this substance is produced in the brain, where it performs its primary functions, approximately 95% of serotonin is synthesized in the gastrointestinal tract and in platelets. Up to 10 mg of serotonin constantly circulates in the body.

Serotonin belongs to the biogenic amines, the metabolism is similar to that of catecholamines. Neurotransmitter and hormone involved in the regulation of memory, sleep, behavioral and emotional reactions, blood pressure control, thermoregulation, food reactions. It is formed in serotonergic neurons, pineal gland, and enterochromaffin cells of the gastrointestinal tract.

95% of serotonin in the human body is localized in the intestine, this is the main source of blood serotonin.

In the blood, it is found mainly in platelets, which capture serotonin from plasma.


It is known that serotonin levels go through the roof during moments of happiness and fall during depression. 5-10% of serotonin is synthesized by the pineal gland from the vital amino acid tryptophan. It is absolutely necessary for its production sunlight, which is why on sunny days our mood is on top. The same process can explain the well-known winter depression.


Serotonin helps transmit information from one area of ​​the brain to another. In addition, it affects many psychological and other processes in the body. Of the 80-90 billion brain cells, serotonin has a direct or indirect effect on most of them. It affects the cells that are responsible for mood, sexual desire and function, appetite, sleep, memory and learning, temperature, and some aspects of social behavior.

It has been proven that with a decrease in serotonin, the sensitivity of the body's pain system increases, that is, even the slightest irritation responds with severe pain.

Serotonin can also affect the functioning of the cardiovascular, endocrine systems and muscle work.

Studies have shown that serotonin may play a role in the formation breast milk, and its deficiency can be the root cause sudden death baby during sleep.

    Serotonin normalizes blood clotting; in patients with a tendency to bleeding, the amount of serotonin is reduced; the introduction of serotonin helps to reduce bleeding

    stimulates the smooth muscles of blood vessels, respiratory tract, intestines; at the same time, it enhances intestinal peristalsis, reduces the daily amount of urine, narrows the bronchioles (branches of the bronchi). A lack of serotonin can cause intestinal obstruction.

    An excess of the hormone serotonin in the regulatory structures of the brain acts depressingly on the functions of the reproductive system.

    Serotonin is involved in the pathogenesis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, carcinoid syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome. Determination of the concentration of serotonin in the blood in clinical practice used mainly in the diagnosis of carcinoid tumors abdominal cavity(test is positive in 45% of cases of rectal carcinoid). It is advisable to use the study of blood serotonin in combination with the determination of the excretion of the metabolite of serotonin (5-HIAA) in the urine.


The mood of a person is largely dependent on the amount of serotonin in the body. Part of serotonin is produced by the brain, but at the same time, a fairly large part of it is produced by the intestines.

It is possible that it is the deficiency of serotonin in the intestine that determines the development of depression. And its lack in the brain is just a consequence, a concomitant symptom.

Moreover, this phenomenon can also explain the side effect of the use of the most common drugs for the treatment of depression. After all, commonly used antidepressants (serotonin reuptake inhibitors) also act on the intestines, causing nausea and indigestion.

A deficiency of serotonin increases the pain threshold of sensitivity, causes impaired intestinal motility (IBS, constipation and diarrhea), secretion of the stomach and duodenum (chronic gastritis and ulcers). The lack of serotin affects the metabolism of the beneficial microflora of the large intestine, inhibiting it.

In addition to intestinal dysbiosis, the cause of a lack of serotonin in the body can be all other diseases of the digestive system, leading to poor absorption from food. necessary for the body substances such as tryptophan.

Probably the root cause is the low number of brain cells responsible for the production of serotonin, as well as the lack of receptors that can receive the produced serotonin. Or the fault is the deficiency of tryptophan - an essential amino acid that makes up serotonin. If any of these problems occur, there is Great chance depression, as well as obsessive-compulsive nervous disorders: anxiety, panic and bouts of unreasonable anger.

At the same time, it is not yet known for sure whether serotonin deficiency causes depression, or depression causes serotonin levels to decrease.


However, besides this, there are some reasons that really connect depression and obesity.

The deposition of fat, mainly in the abdomen, is caused by the action of cortisol, the level of which is increased in chronic stress and depressive disorders.

People who have been clinically diagnosed with depression gain waist size much faster than healthy people. Moreover, it is much more difficult for depressed patients to follow a diet. There is a relationship between the release of insulin and the release of serotonin (a neurotransmitter responsible for mood).

When we eat something, the sugar that gets into the bloodstream causes the release of insulin. Insulin transfers glucose into the cell, and also triggers a number of processes that lead to the release of serotonin.

The intake of carbohydrates (without a difference, simple or complex) automatically leads to the “release” of the hormone insulin by the pancreas. The task of this hormone is to remove excess sugar (glucose) from the blood.

If not for insulin, the blood after eating would quickly become thick as molasses. It is fundamentally important that along the way, insulin "takes" all the essential amino acids from the blood and sends them to the muscles. (It is not by chance that jocks consider insulin to be the second most important dope after steroids!) But here's the catch: the only amino acid that is not amenable to insulin is tryptophan.

The tryptophan that remains in the blood makes its way to the brain, and in doing so, serotonin levels rise.

Tryptophan is found in any food rich in animal proteins (proteins). But, the consumption of protein food, however, does not affect the increase in the content of serotonin in the brain.

Serotonin makes you feel full.

If there is little serotonin, then more and more is required. large quantity insulin, which means more sweets. On the other hand, you can use sweet or any food with carbohydrates to boost your mood. The more sweet, the stronger the release of serotonin. This property to improve one's mood with sweets is used subconsciously. Do you want chocolate after stress? In PMS time? In winter, during the short winter days? Quit smoking and craving sweets? (nicotine also causes the release of serotonin, so people replace it with sweets). Nice way to cheer yourself up. True, such an uplift of mood is expensive. All the calories eaten for the sake of serotonin replenishment go into adipose tissue. And cortisol pushes them precisely to the waist and abdomen.

We are, in fact, only 10% human, and everything else is microbes.

They inhabit our skin, live in the nasopharynx, throughout the intestines. For example, only in the intestine contains almost 2 kg of bacteria. Of course, they are 10-100 times smaller than human cells, but they greatly affect our lives.

Did you know that microbes love to chat? Yes, yes, they speak, but only in their own language.

We live in a world of bacteria and they affect us more than we think.

The microbiota regulates all processes in our body. Microorganisms take part in many types of metabolism, they synthesize the substances we need, for example, vitamin B12, biogenic aminohistamines, including serotonin, the hormone of joy.

In the intestines, serotonin contains 95%, and in the head - only 5%. Here is your answer. Serotonin plays important role in the regulation of motility and secretion in the gastrointestinal tract, increasing its peristalsis and secretory activity. In addition, serotonin plays the role of a growth factor for some types of symbiotic microorganisms, enhances bacterial metabolism in the colon. Colon bacteria themselves also contribute somewhat to the secretion of serotonin by the intestine, as many species of symbiotic bacteria have the ability to decarboxylate tryptophan. With Dysbiosis and a number of other diseases of the colon, the production of serotonin by the intestines is significantly reduced.

It turned out that the rough components plant food we not only need, but are vital. This "ballast" protects us from many adverse factors and serves as "food" for beneficial intestinal microflora.

serotonin from gut controls bone mass

Everyone knows that serotonin is a chemical mediator of nerve impulse transmission in the brain, that it affects emotions and mood. But few people are aware that only 5% of serotonin is produced in the brain, and the main part - up to 95% - is created by the cells of the gastrointestinal tract. Mainly, duodenum. Intestinal serotonin is involved in digestion, but not only.

Moreover, intestinal serotonin does not control pleasure, but inhibits bone formation.

Scientists from Columbia University in New York (USA) came to this conclusion after conducting a study that evaluated the role of the Lrp5 (LDL-receptor related protein 5) protein, which controls the rate of serotonin formation, in the development of osteoporosis. The fact is that when examining patients with rare severe forms of osteoporosis, it was found that both catastrophic loss of bone mass and its sharp increase are associated with two different mutations in the Lrp5 gene. Scientists blocked the work of the gene for this protein in the intestines of mice, which led to a sharp decrease in bone mass in rodents.

In the cells of the intestines of mice, the researchers found a large amount of an enzyme that converts the amino acid tryptophan obtained from food into serotonin. Synthesized serotonin is transported by blood into cells bone tissue where it blocks the function of osteoblasts. When mice were fed a diet low in tryptophan, serotonin synthesis also decreased, and bone mass increased accordingly. The use of substances that suppress the synthesis of serotonin in intestinal cells led to the same effect.

But serotonin from the gut has a positive reverse side medals!

Most of the serotonin enters the blood, where it accumulates in platelets and plays an important role in the blood coagulation system.

Platelets are enriched with serotonin as they pass through the vessels of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Serotonin is released from platelets during their aggregation caused by ADP, adrenaline, collagen.

Serotonin has many properties: it has a vasoconstrictive effect, changes blood pressure, is a heparin antagonist; with thrombocytopenia, it is able to normalize retraction blood clot and in the presence of thrombin to accelerate the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin.

The role of serotonin in the course of allergic reactions is great, in the activity of the central nervous system, heart and blood vessels, locomotor apparatus and in the development of infectious diseases.


Maybe, but indirectly. Unlike calcium-rich foods that increase blood levels of this mineral, there are no foods that can affect the amount of serotonin. However, there are products and some nutrients, which can increase levels of tryptophan, the amino acid that makes up serotonin.

Serotonin is a hormone produced in the human body. Therefore, there is no serotonin in food and cannot be.

But it is food that will help you increase the production of serotonin in the body.

The easiest way to boost your serotonin levels is to eat sweets. By the way, there are a lot of simple carbohydrates that contribute to the production of serotonin in pastries, and even plain white bread. However, this way of increasing the amount of serotonin in the body entails the appearance of dependence on sweets.

This has already been proven by scientists on the basis of experiments conducted on laboratory animals. The mechanism of addiction to sweets is very simple: you eat sweets, the level of serotonin rises sharply, then sugar is processed, its amount in the blood drops, the body begins to demand more serotonin, that is, sweets. Such is the vicious circle.

Therefore, the method of increasing serotonin with the help of sweets is left as a last resort.

In order for the body to normal amounts serotonin was produced, it is necessary that food amino acid tryptophan- it is he who is the precursor of serotonin in the body. What foods contain tryptophan and how much should you eat to provide yourself with serotonin?

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid, so there is only one source for its replenishment - food. Tryptophan is found in any food rich in animal proteins (proteins). The consumption of protein food, however, does not increase the content of serotonin in the brain.

The reason for this is the presence of the blood-brain barrier, which limits the flow of large molecules into the brain. Digestion of protein foods releases several amino acids that are similar in size to tryptophan and compete with it for transport to the brain. Strange as it may sound, in order to get more tryptophan into the brain, you need to eat something that almost entirely consists of carbohydrates, such as foods containing complex carbohydrates like bread, rice, pasta or net carbohydrates: table sugar or fructose.

What is the mechanism? Food enriched with carbohydrates stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas, which regulates the amount of sugar in the blood circulating in the body. In addition to this main function, insulin performs a number of others - in particular, it stimulates the synthesis of proteins in body tissues from the amino acids contained in the blood. Amino acids competitive to tryptophan leave the bloodstream for protein synthesis and its concentration in the blood passively increases, correspondingly, the number of tryptophan molecules that pass into the brain increases. Thus, the effective entry of tryptophan into the brain indirectly depends on the amount of carbohydrate food taken.

Conclusion: carbohydrate food, consumed in accordance with a properly calculated regimen, can have beneficial effect on mood and reduce the severity of ailments associated with inhibition of the serotonin system.


Sports can improve your mood. Studies have shown that regular exercise can be just as effective treatment depression as antidepressants or psychotherapy. While it used to be thought that several weeks of exercise were needed to achieve the desired effect, a recent study conducted at the University of Texas at Austin confirmed that 40 minutes of fitness is enough to restore a positive attitude.

However, the principle of the impact of sports on depression remains unclear. Many researchers believe that fitness affects serotonin levels, but there is no definitive evidence for this fact.

Do men and women have the same serotonin levels?

Studies show that men do have slightly more serotonin than women, but the difference is negligible. This may well explain the fact that the weaker sex knows better what depression is. At the same time, men and women have completely different reactions to a decrease in serotonin. Scientists conducted an experiment when they artificially reduced the amount of tryptophan. Men became impulsive, but not depressed, and women noted Bad mood and unwillingness to communicate - which are the most characteristic features depression.

While the serotonin processing system of both sexes works in the same way, serotonin itself is used differently, experts say. Latest Research are designed to answer the question - why women are more likely than men to experience anxiety and mood swings, while men wash down depression with alcohol.

There is evidence that female sex hormones may also interact with serotonin, which markedly worsens mood before menstruation and during menopause. On the other hand, a man has a stable level of sex hormones until middle age, then their number decreases.


Medicine believes that with age, the work of neurotransmitters slows down. Numerous studies around the world have found a lack of serotonin in the brains of deceased Alzheimer's patients. Scientists have suggested that perhaps the deficiency of serotonin was observed due to a decrease in the number of receptors that are responsible for the transmission of serotonin. At the same time, there is no evidence yet that increasing serotonin levels prevents Alzheimer's disease or delays the development of dementia.


Antidepressants are generally considered safe, however, in rare cases, serotonin syndrome is possible - when the concentration of this substance in the brain is too high. This happens most often when a person takes two or more medications that can affect serotonin levels. This can happen if you are taking a headache medication and at the same time drinking a depression remedy.

Problems can also start if you increase the dosage. An adverse effect can also be observed with the use of several drugs for depression. Therefore, to avoid serotonin syndrome, be sure to consult your doctor.

Finally, drugs such as ecstasy or LSD can also cause serotonin syndrome.

Signs of the syndrome can pass in a few minutes, or they can make themselves felt for hours. These include restlessness, hallucinations, palpitations, fever, loss of coordination, seizures, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and rapid change in blood pressure. In such cases, you need to urgently stop taking medications to stop the production of serotonin and seek medical help.


Serotonin is one of the main neurotransmitters in the CNS. It has a pathogenetic effect on the body. In humans, the active activity of this substance is manifested only in relation to platelets and to small intestine. This substance serves as a mediator of irritation. Its activity in immediate allergic manifestations insignificant. Also, this substance is released from platelets and provokes a short-term bronchospasm.

Carcinoids typically secrete serotonin. The basis for the formation of this substance is tryptophan, which cancer cells draw from the plasma. The carcinoid can use about half of all tryptophan obtained from food. As a result, the amount of remaining tryptophan may be insufficient for the formation of proteins and vitamin PP. In view of this, manifestations of proteinaceous dystrophy are often recorded in cancer patients with multiple metastases.

Serotonin promotes secretion and reduces the rate of absorption by the intestinal walls, and also stimulates peristalsis. It is assumed that increased amount of this substance is a factor in diarrhea in carcinoid syndrome.

Excessive release of serotonin alone cannot cause hot flashes. Many peptide hormones and monoamines are involved in the development of vasomotor disorders, while individual people their percentage varies.

serotonin is to blame for autumn depression

Scientists have proven that the activity of serotonin varies depending on the time of year. This may be the reason for the depressed mood that often comes with the advent of autumn.

The neurotransmitter serotonin is a kind of signal transmitter between brain neurons that are responsible for mood, eating habits, sexual behavior, sleep and energy metabolism. Like all neurotransmitters, this substance enters the synaptic cleft through the neuron that transmits the signal and affects the receptors of the neuron that receives this signal.

The main regulator of the amount of this substance in the synaptic cleft is a protein that transfers its excess back to the signal-transmitting neuron. Thus, the more active this protein, the weaker the action of serotonin. Many antidepressants have been developed precisely on the basis of the principle of blocking this protein.

A number of studies have been conducted, during which it was found that the activity of the protein that carries serotonin increases in autumn and winter, that is, at a time when we miss the sun so much. These data explain why in the autumn-winter period we have symptoms of depression, namely, sleep is disturbed, mood worsens, we begin to overeat, become lethargic and constantly tired.

To avoid a shortage of this substance, it is recommended to be in the fresh air as often as possible, and it is best to visit solariums. This substance is produced under the influence ultraviolet rays which lose their activity during the cold season. In addition, you can eat one banana a day: this tropical fruit promotes the secretion of the hormone of happiness.

serotonin and melatonin

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland from serotonin, which in turn is synthesized by the body from the essential amino acid tryptophan. When we consume tryptophan from food, the body converts much of it into serotonin. However, the enzymes that convert serotonin to melatonin are suppressed by light, which is why this hormone is produced at night. A lack of serotonin leads to a lack of melatonin, which results in insomnia. Therefore, often the first sign of depression is a problem with falling asleep and waking up. In people suffering from depression, the rhythm of melatonin release is greatly disturbed. For example, the production of this hormone peaks between dawn and noon instead of the usual 2 am. For those who are still suffering fatigue, the rhythms of melatonin synthesis change quite chaotically.

serotonin and adrenaline

Serotonin and adrenaline- these are only two of about thirty neurotransmitters, complex organic matter, the molecules of which carry out the interconnection and interaction of cells of the nervous tissue.

Serotonin controls the efficiency of other transmitters, as if it stands guard and decides whether or not to pass this signal to the brain. As a result, what happens: with a deficiency of serotonin, this control weakens and adrenal reactions, passing to the brain, turn on the mechanisms of anxiety and panic even when there is no special reason for this, because the guard who chooses the priority and expediency of the response is in short supply.

Constant adrenal crises begin (in other words panic attacks or vegetative crises) for any very insignificant reason, which, in expanded form with all the delights of the reaction of the cardiovascular system in the form of tachycardia, arrhythmias, shortness of breath, frighten a person and introduce them into a vicious circle of panic attacks. There is a gradual depletion of adrenal structures (the adrenal glands produce noradrenaline, which turns into adrenaline), the perception threshold decreases and this makes the picture even more aggravated. published

People all over the world want to be happy and successful, for many centuries scientists have tried to find a substance that can affect the mental and psycho-emotional state of a person, but it was found only in the middle of the last century. This is serotonin, the so-called happiness hormone. However, an excess of serotonin is no better than its lack, an increased level of the hormone of pleasure does not at all make a person happier, rather, on the contrary, it leads to serious diseases.

Serotonin is produced in the digestive tract and in the brain. building material for the production of the hormone of happiness is an amino acid called tryptophan. In the pineal gland of the brain, only a small part of the hormone is produced, mainly the intestine is responsible for the synthesis of serotonin. To produce the hormone of happiness, sunlight is needed; in the winter months, a person’s mood and well-being may deteriorate due to the low production of this substance. In order for a person’s mood to be normal, and all systems to work smoothly, his body must have at least 10 grams of this hormone.

What is Serotonin for?

Hormone needed human body not only for Have a good mood, he is also responsible for:

  • memory;
  • the work of the endocrine, cardiovascular and muscular systems;
  • appetite;
  • regulation of blood clotting;
  • ability to perceive information and learning;
  • sexual desire;
  • natural anesthesia.

However, the main function of the hormone still remains the effect on mental processes occurring in the body. It is important to understand that it is not the hormone itself that brings a person a feeling of happiness and pleasure, people are able to feel happiness with the help of this substance.

Reasons why serotonin may rise

Elevated blood serotonin can lead to serious problems in the human body. If the work of the endocrine glands fails, the hormone may be synthesized too little or too much. Excess serotonin is called serotonin cider, which can be quite dangerous to human health. As a rule, a high level of serotonin is observed under the influence of drugs:

  • narcotic medicines;
  • antidepressants.

In some cases, a high level of the hormone of happiness in the blood is achieved through a combination of certain drugs.

In addition, the development of serotonin syndrome can occur in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • obesity;
  • digestive disorders;
  • neuroses.

Therapy of these ailments involves the use of drugs that can affect the functioning of the central nervous system. I must say that the effect of such drugs, as a rule, is quite long, and can remain in the body for months after the drug is discontinued. In order not to give impetus to the excessive synthesis of the hormone of happiness, it is necessary to inform the doctor about all the preparations that are taken.

Basically, an excess of the hormone of happiness in the blood is observed with the wrong dosage of antidepressants that increase serotonin. Especially often this phenomenon can occur during self-treatment - hoping that an increased dose of the drug will lead to a more lasting effect, patients independently exceed the maximum dosage.

Sometimes such an increase in the hormone can occur when changing one antidepressant to another, with an overdose of psychotropic substances.

In addition, an increase in serotonin levels can be observed in patients with the following diseases:

  • malignant tumors in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • oncology of the mammary glands and ovaries;
  • abdominal tumors;
  • thyroid cancer;
  • oncological processes that can synthesize the hormone;
  • complete or partial intestinal obstruction;
  • severe diarrhea and vomiting.

Symptoms of high serotonin

Symptoms of excess serotonin in the blood appear quite quickly - from 2 hours to 2 days, signs of serotonin excess are divided into:

  • mental manifestations;
  • musculoskeletal symptoms;
  • signs of failure in the vegetative.

However, this is not entirely specific symptoms, put accurate diagnosis possible only by taking into account the combination of these manifestations.

The earliest mental symptoms are:

  • excessive emotional overexcitation;
  • uncontrollable fear, panic attacks;
  • a feeling of euphoria, which is accompanied by an incessant speech flow;
  • delusions and hallucinations;
  • disruptions in consciousness.

Of course, the intensity of these symptoms depends on how much the concentration of serotonin in the blood exceeds the norm. If the norm is not significantly exceeded, the clinic can manifest itself only in strong motor and psychological overexcitation. In some cases, such behavior of a person can be regarded as an exacerbation of the underlying ailment, and medication intake not only does not stop, but also increases. In this case, more serious and severe consequences may occur - hallucinations, confusion, up to disorientation as self, as well as the surrounding space.

Vegetative signs may be as follows:

  • motility of the gastrointestinal tract is accelerated, which leads to nausea, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen;
  • pupils dilate;
  • the temperature rises - sometimes to critical levels;
  • breathing quickens;
  • tachycardia appears;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • there is chills, sweating, drying of the oral mucosa;
  • headaches appear.

As for the neuromuscular signs, they can be as follows:

  • grooming reflexes increase;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • individual muscles or their groups begin to contract involuntarily and rapidly;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • uncontrolled fluctuations of the eyeballs;
  • coordination disorders;
  • slurred speech as a result of a failure in the contractility of the muscles of the speech apparatus;
  • epileptic seizures.

It must be said that serotonin syndrome is not often fully manifested, mainly one or two symptoms from different groups are observed. Diagnostics similar condition is complicated by the fact that the initial manifestations may differ in insignificance, and patients are in no hurry to seek the help of doctors. However, continued use of substances that increase serotonin can be a serious threat to the life of the patient.

Diagnostic measures

To determine the level of serotonin, it is necessary to donate blood from the cubital vein, so that the analysis is correct, you need to prepare for it:

  • blood is given on an empty stomach;
  • stop drinking alcohol-containing products within 24 hours;
  • coffee, strong tea, as well as all products that contain vanillin;
  • reception antibacterial drugs and other medicines must be stopped a few days before blood donation;
  • 20 minutes before the analysis, you need to align your emotional state and sit quietly.

The norm of serotonin is usually indicated in the analysis form, since the values ​​\u200b\u200bin different laboratories may vary.

In addition, it is important to know that with oncological diseases, the discussed hormone can increase several times. In addition, slightly increased hormonal level may signal intestinal obstruction, cystic or fibrous formations in the abdominal cavity, or an acute heart attack.

Treatment of pathology

Naturally, in order to reduce the level of serotonin, it is necessary to reduce its concentration in the blood. If the hormone increased as a result of taking medications, it is necessary to cancel the medications taken. Also, with serotonin syndrome, adrenoblockers, calcium channel blockers, dopamine receptor stimulants and other drugs of similar action are indicated.

If the symptoms are very pronounced, it is necessary to wash the patient's stomach and prescribe drugs that reduce the concentration of toxic substances in the body. Also use means that normalize the heartbeat, temperature and pressure. In some cases, drugs are used that reduce psycho-emotional excitability and stop epileptic seizures (if necessary).

Possible consequences

The consequences of serotonin syndrome can be extremely dangerous, so all patients need urgent hospitalization.

Preventive actions

To prevent an increase in the level of the hormone of happiness, patients should:

  • strictly observe the dosage and course of treatment with drugs prescribed by a doctor;
  • monitor your condition and, in case of any deviations, report them to your doctor so that he can make an adjustment;
  • do not self-medicate;
  • inform the doctor about the drugs that are already taken.

Despite the fact that serotonin is a hormone that improves mood and a sense of happiness, only a doctor can decide whether to increase or decrease it. Referral for serotonin analysis is also under the jurisdiction of an endocrinologist or neurologist. Self-regulating the hormone can be dangerous.

Before you figure out how to increase serotonin, you need to understand what it is, why it is needed and why its lack is dangerous.

Serotonin is a hormone that is also a neurotransmitter in the brain.

It is called the "hormone of happiness"; he acquired this name due to the fact that it gives a person strength, improves mood, and also contributes to resistance to adverse factors.

How strongly a person feels happiness depends on the amount of serotonin in the body.

Moreover, this relationship is two-way: the hormone of happiness improves mood, and a good mood enhances its production.

In order for serotonin to be synthesized in the body in sufficient quantities, vitamins and trace elements are needed. In the brain there is pineal gland where serotonin is synthesized.

The hormone of happiness is well produced in sunny weather or when eating chocolate. The fact is that glucose provokes, and it, in turn, contributes to an increase in the blood of amino acids that are needed for the formation of serotonin.

is a hormone that affects the quality of sleep, mood, memory, appetite, learning, sexual desire, it controls the degree of blood clotting, is a natural pain reliever, and also affects the functioning of the SS, endocrine and muscle systems.

The functions of serotonin are directly related to psychological processes, its molecules are close in structure to some psychotropic substances, so a person develops addictions to synthetic psychotropic substances very quickly.

When serotonin is produced in sufficient quantities, the central nervous system normalizes, intestinal peristalsis improves, blood clotting becomes better.

The latter is used by physicians for heavy bleeding as a result of injuries - they introduce serotonin into the body of the victim, and the blood coagulates.

How to know the amount of serotonin

It is impossible to find out how much serotonin enters the brain, but its concentration in the blood can be measured in the laboratory.

This test is done infrequently, in most cases a blood test for serotonin is prescribed for leukemia, oncology and acute obstruction intestines.

The serotonin test is taken on an empty stomach. 24 hours before donating blood, you can not drink alcohol, coffee and strong tea, and you can not eat foods that have vanillin in their composition.

Avoid pineapples and bananas. These products will distort the picture and the analysis will be inaccurate. In addition, a few days before the test, you must stop taking medicines.

When a patient comes to take an analysis, he must sit quietly for several minutes in order for the psycho-emotional state to stabilize. Norm - 50 - 220 ng / ml.

If serotonin is too high

Serotonin is above the upper limit of normal if:

  • there is a carcinoid tumor in the abdominal cavity, which already has metastases;
  • there is another oncology in which an atypical picture of a carcinoid tumor is observed, for example, molecular thyroid cancer.

A slight excess of the norm may indicate such pathologies:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • the presence of fibrocystic formations in the abdominal cavity.

Oncologists are greatly helped by a blood test for serotonin, in this way it is possible to determine the presence of a tumor, and in order to find out where its localization is, additional tests must be carried out.

If serotonin is below normal

As a result of a lack of serotonin, the following symptoms can be observed:

  • regular lack of mood;
  • prolonged loss of strength;
  • apathy;
  • low pain threshold;
  • thoughts about death;
  • lack of interest;
  • insomnia;
  • emotional imbalance;
  • increased fatigue from both physical and mental work;
  • poor concentration.

One of the signs of a deficiency of this hormone is a person's craving for sweets, potatoes, bread.

These symptoms are explained simply: the body requires serotonin, and with the use of these products, the production of serotonin in the body increases slightly.

However, gradually bread and potatoes become insufficient, a person no longer notices changes in his condition after eating these products. But changes in weight after such a meal are already making themselves felt.

Many patients note what causes them anxiety, panic, lowering self-esteem.

Men can become more aggressive, irritable and impulsive. Depression and serotonin are closely related to each other, the severity of the patient's condition is directly dependent on the concentration of the hormone of happiness.

Serotonin in depression is extremely low. Prolonged lack of serotonin leads to suicidal thoughts!

How to increase the level of serotonin in the body? Drugs that are in the blood, can maintain its normal concentration for some time, they side effects less than antidepressants.

However, it is impossible to say that they are completely harmless. As a result of their intake, headaches, dyspeptic reactions, sleep disorders and others may appear.

Drugs that can replenish serotonin are as follows:

  • Fevarin;
  • citalopram;
  • fluoxetine;
  • Sertraline;
  • Paroxetine.

If a depression severe and chronic, then drugs of complex action are prescribed:

  • Venlafaxine;
  • Mirtazapine.

It must be understood that taking drugs is an extreme measure that can only be used in very severe cases.

If a we are talking not about psychiatric diseases, then you can increase the concentration of serotonin in more natural ways.

What foods can increase serotonin levels

Certain foods can help increase blood levels of serotonin. These are dates, figs, dried fruits, seafood, fish, hard cheeses, millet, mushrooms, meat.

Contributes to the production of serotonin chocolate and other sweets. That is why people who are depressed lean on cakes, which soon become extra pounds.

This is where the vicious circle manifests itself: cakes give a feeling of happiness, and excess weight again leads to psychological discomfort and depression.

The serotonin-boosting drink, coffee, in excessive amounts can lead to heart problems and blood pressure, therefore it is better to replace it with a good leaf tea, which also contributes to the production of the hormone of happiness.

However, not all products raise the level of the hormone of joy, there are those that, on the contrary, contribute to its decrease.

Therefore, if the serotonin produced by you is below normal, then you should beware of the following foods:

  • fructose, it is found in cherries, blueberries, watermelon;
  • alcohol, besides the fact that it suppresses work nervous activity and leads to various dangerous diseases internal organs, it also reduces the production of serotonin;
  • diet drinks, as they contain phenylalanine, which inhibits serotonin and can cause panic attacks and paranoia;
  • fast food.

To be happy and healthy and to, it is enough to follow some simple rules:

  1. Follow the daily routine. Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time, even when you don't have to go anywhere. Full sleep(at least 8 hours) will keep your health, youth and good mood.
  2. Try not to overwork. If you feel tired, it is better to rest a little, drink tea, warm up. This will not only allow you to do your job better, you will prevent a decrease in serotonin levels.
  3. Give up alcohol and cigarettes.
  4. Don't diet, there's no point in having slim stomach and be absolutely sick at the same time. Exhausting yourself with diets, you deprive your body of essential amino acids, and this leads to depression, loss of strength and the development of dangerous diseases.
  5. Sports will help you lose weight and increase your serotonin levels.
  6. Stress is swipe health, always remember this. Keep the stress out of your life and you will notice that you smile more and look better.
  7. Yoga and meditation are a great way to take off nervous tension, take a different look at the seemingly hopeless situation and increase the concentration of the hormone of happiness.
  8. Listen to good music.

Drinks that can increase serotonin

They work like power engineers, however, unlike them, natural drinks do not harm the organs and systems of the body, but work only for the good.

Here are some recipes:

  1. Take the honey nutmeg, mint, basil and lemon balm. Brew 1 tbsp. l. medicinal herbs a glass of boiling water, let it brew a little, strain and add honey and nutmeg to taste. This drink will give peace, harmony and relieve stress.
  2. Honey in itself sets a person up for positive, in addition, dissolved in water natural honey saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. The cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract after the drink will work better.
  3. A good remedy for sadness is ginger. This spice perfectly accelerates the blood, promotes weight loss and improves mood. Can be used fresh or dried root ginger. Cut the root into slices and pour 0.5 liters of water, boil over low heat, add lemon juice, cinnamon and honey to taste.
  4. Carrot juice is not only a storehouse of vitamins, but also excellent tool to cheer up, carrots contain daukosterin - endorphin, which will give you strength and joy.
  5. Pumpkin juice is very useful for the nervous system, it fights insomnia, helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and improves the general condition of the body.
  6. Cranberry juice is a natural antioxidant. Pour a pound of grated cranberries with boiling water, add sugar and let stand for half an hour, in addition to a good mood, this drink can give you additional protection during the season of viral infections.

Now you know more about serotonin and you can increase its concentration in the blood with healthy foods and drinks, and life will shine with new colors for you.

Drugs that are designed to increase the amount of serotonin in the blood are called selective (selective) serotonin reuptake blockers. Such drugs are able to maintain sufficient concentrations of serotonin in nerve junctions, and have fewer side effects than other antidepressants.

Most frequent side effects such means: dyspepsia, excessive activity, sleep disturbance and headaches. Usually, these symptoms go away on their own even without discontinuation of drugs. Some patients, when using such drugs, experience trembling in the hands, a decrease in the brightness of orgasm, and convulsions. Such signs occur rarely and are associated mainly with specific psychiatric pathologies of the patient.

Among the specific drugs that increase the level of serotonin, the following should be highlighted:

  • Fluoxetine - tablets are taken every morning one at a time, the duration of treatment depends on the severity of the patient's depressive state and can last about a month;
  • Paroxetine - a daily dosage of the drug 20 mg at a time, taken with food, preferably in the morning, for 14-20 days;
  • Sertraline - take from 50 to 200 mg per day, depending on the condition and characteristics of the patient;
  • Citalopram (Oprah) - the initial dosage of the drug is 0.1-0.2 g per day, can be increased according to indications up to 0.6 g;
  • Fluvoxamine (Fevarin) - taken from 50 to 150 mg per dose per day, the duration of therapy can be 6 months.

Used to treat severe and chronic depression combined preparations that have a complex effect on serotonin and norepinephrine. These are new generation medicines:

  • Venlafaxine (Efektin) - the initial dosage of 0.75 g once a day. Increasing the dose of the drug, as well as its cancellation, is carried out gradually, changing the dose for at least two weeks. Tablets are taken with food, at about the same time;
  • Mirtazapine - 15-45 mg once a day before going to bed, the effect of treatment occurs 3 weeks after the start of treatment.

All serotonin reuptake blockers are taken orally, not chewed, washed down with a sufficient amount of water. Drugs should not be canceled abruptly: this is done by gradually reducing the dose from day to day.

The normal level of serotonin in the blood is 40-80 mcg / liter.

Taking drugs is an extreme measure, which is used only in extremely severe cases. If your case is not related to psychiatry, it is better to try to increase the amount of serotonin in the blood in more natural ways.

How to increase the level of serotonin folk remedies?

The most simple and effective method increase the amount of serotonin in the blood - as often and as long as possible to be in the sun. Swedish scientists monitored 11 patients suffering from seasonal depression. After initially measuring their serotonin levels, the patients were placed under active light exposure. As a result, all subjects who were in the state deep depression serotonin levels returned to normal.

Strong night sleep- another important factor increasing serotonin levels. Note that it is necessary to sleep at night, when it is dark: this is the only way our body can properly produce essential hormones. Working night shifts, sitting at a computer at night, attending nightly entertainment venues and, as a result, the main sleep during the day is an important factor in reducing serotonin levels. With such a daily regimen, the rhythm of hormonal production goes astray and becomes chaotic. Still try to adhere to the natural regime for the body: at night - sleep, during the day - active actions.

Good effect on the amount of serotonin yoga, meditation (especially in nature), active exercise. Saturated social life, connecting your favorite hobby, listening to good music, swimming, cycling - all this has a positive effect on our mood, and hence on the level of the hormone. The pleasure becomes even greater if there are our relatives and friends with whom we like to communicate.

Serotonin is not found in food. However, there are substances in food that can stimulate the production of serotonin in the body. These substances include amino acids, in particular, tryptophan. What foods contain tryptophan?

Foods that increase serotonin levels:

  • dairy products (whole milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, curdled milk, cheese);
  • banana (ripe, not green);
  • legumes (especially beans and lentils);
  • dried fruits (dried dates, figs, dried bananas);
  • sweet fruits (plum, pear, peach);
  • vegetables (tomato, bell pepper);
  • bitter black chocolate;
  • eggs (chicken or quail);
  • cereals (buckwheat and millet porridge).

One of the most simple ways increasing the amount of serotonin can be called eating desserts. Simple carbohydrates found in cakes, sweets, gingerbread and other confectionery, quickly increase the level of the hormone: this is the habit of many people to “seize” problems and stressful situations. However, this effect also passes quickly, and the body begins to demand a new dose of serotonin. Sweets in this situation are a kind of drug, which is increasingly difficult to give up. That is why experts do not recommend using simple carbohydrates: Much healthier to replace them with complex sugars.

Try to eat oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, salads, melon, citrus fruits, pumpkin, dried fruits. Eat enough foods containing magnesium: these are wild rice, seafood, prunes, bran. You can just drink a cup of good ground coffee or aromatic tea.

Deficiency in the body folic acid(vitamin B9) can also cause a drop in serotonin levels. In this regard, we can recommend the use of foods rich in this vitamin: corn, all types of cabbage, root vegetables, citrus fruits.

Presence in nutrition fatty acids omega-3 is able to stabilize the level of serotonin. Such acids are found in seafood (shrimp, crabs, fish, sea kale), as well as in linseed and sesame seeds, nuts, soy, pumpkin.

Avoid foods that lower serotonin. These include meat, chips, foods with preservatives, alcohol.

For people who have a positive attitude towards various kinds of dietary supplements, we can recommend an effective drug according to reviews, which relatively recently appeared on the domestic pharmaceutical market - 5-HTP (hydroxytryptophan). it natural antidepressant, restoring optimal concentration serotonin in the body. The drug regulates the quality of sleep, improves mood, allows you to control the excited and depressive state. Hydroxytryptophan is taken one capsule 1 to 2 times a day, preferably in the afternoon before meals.

Analog this drugsedative Vita-Tryptophan containing an extract from the seeds of the African Griffonia plant. The drug regulates sleep, relieves tension and fear, helps with alcoholism, bulimia, and is effective for symptoms of chronic fatigue.

How to increase the level of serotonin? You choose, but do not rush to start with tablet forms of drugs. Natural Ways increase in the amount of the hormone - the sun's rays, leisure, healthy eating- will not only cope with their task and cheer you up, but also add health, strength and energy to your body.