What vitamin deficiency causes constipation in a child? Problems with constipation in children

Children growing up in the modern world are increasingly suffering from digestive problems. Excessive pickiness in nutrition, eating fast food, eating on the go do not contribute to the digestion process in the stomach and intestines. The consequence of an incorrect diet is often constipation, which requires adequate treatment, including with the help of various laxatives. For newborns, infants and older children, there are medications in convenient forms: suppositories, tablets, syrups.

The main causes of constipation in infants, young children (1–3 years), and adolescents

Digestion is the process of mechanical and chemical processing of food products in the digestive tract. At each age, the mechanism for breaking down nutrients into their component components has its own characteristics.

Digestion is a complex physiological process in which physical and chemical processing of food occurs

The process of digestion in infancy goes through a period of its formation. The enzyme proteins needed to break down essential nutritional components are immature, which is one of the causes of constipation. At this age, the intestinal microflora is formed from beneficial bacteria that help digest food. Often, such children, along with constipation, experience increased gas formation.

At an early age (1–3 years), children need a special diet due to the immaturity of enzymes. The consequence of a violation of the diet is stool retention. Insufficient consumption of plant fiber is the main factor contributing to the development of constipation.

In school and adolescence, diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder are common, which negatively affect the digestive process and lead to constipation.

In children of all age groups, stool retention can be caused by the death of normal intestinal microflora after taking antibiotics.

Causes of constipation in childhood - photo gallery

Beneficial intestinal bacteria are the basis of normal digestion Lack of enzymes is one of the causes of constipation in a child Lack of fiber in the diet leads to the development of constipation Gallbladder diseases negatively affect the digestive process and lead to constipation

Mechanism of action of drugs for constipation in children

Pharmacological drugs used to treat constipation in children are divided into a number of groups according to the nature of their action.

Enzyme preparations

Food enters the digestive tract, as a rule, in the form of complex chemical compounds: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In order for nutrients to be absorbed from the lumen of the stomach or intestines into the blood, the body needs to break down complex compounds into simpler components. This process occurs under the influence of digestive juices: gastric, pancreatic and bile. Each of them contains specific protein substances - enzymes. These chemical compounds are necessary to speed up the processes of breakdown and absorption. Lack of enzymes leads to digestive disorders. Enzyme preparations contain these chemical compounds in the required quantity.


The process of digesting food requires the active participation of beneficial bacteria found in the intestines. Most of the microflora of the digestive tract belongs to the genus Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus. Probiotics contain live beneficial microorganisms.

The process of digestion of food requires the active participation of beneficial bacteria found in the intestines.


For the settlement of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the microflora. To solve this problem, there are prebiotics - special substances designed to become a “home” for beneficial bacteria.

Drugs that normalize intestinal motility

Throughout the intestine contains muscle fibers in its wall, due to which food moves along the entire length of the small and large intestines. Disruption of these anatomical structures leads to constipation. To correct this situation, drugs are used that normalize intestinal peristalsis (movement of muscles in the wall of the organ).


Laxatives help eliminate constipation by thinning the stool under the influence of water entering the intestinal lumen from the bloodstream under the influence of the drug.


Digestion processes are under the control of a special part of the nervous system - the autonomic one. All internal organs, including the stomach and intestines, receive information from the brain via nerve fibers. Vitamins are used to improve the activity of vegetative centers.

Clinical aspects of the treatment of constipation in children: video

Forms of release of drugs: rectal suppositories, microenemas, syrups, tablets and others

The active medicinal substance may have different forms. For ease of use, the following forms of drug release are available:

  1. Tablets are a solid dosage form. In addition to the active agent, the drug, as a rule, additionally contains excipients necessary to obtain a single structure convenient for oral use. These include the following chemical compounds: talc, corn starch, xylitol, sorbitol and many others.
  2. A suspension is a suspension of small solid particles of the active substance in a liquid. The latter in dosage forms contains distilled water, ethyl alcohol, glycerin, and vegetable oils. Suspensions are usually used internally or externally, less often intramuscularly.
  3. Gel is a mild form of drug release. The combination of active substance and solvent in a minimum amount provides a viscous elastic consistency. Vaseline oil, lanolin, ethyl alcohol, glycerin are used as a formative substance.
  4. Syrup refers to liquid dosage forms. An excipient in the form of a sugar solution and vegetable oils is usually added to the active agent.
  5. Powder refers to solid dosage forms. The active and excipients are free-flowing in nature. Magnesium carbonate and sodium alginate are used as auxiliary powder.
  6. Suppositories are a dosage form intended for administration inside an organ. Rectal suppositories are used to treat constipation. The dosage form is administered through the anus into the lumen of the rectum. In addition to the active agent, rectal suppositories contain cocoa butter and medical glycerin as a formative substance.
  7. Microenema is a liquid dosage form with which the active substance is delivered directly into the lumen of the rectum in a certain dosage. As an auxiliary component, the drug contains medical glycerin and purified water.
  8. Drops - a liquid dosage form, the basis of which is the aforementioned suspension. A distinctive feature of these drugs is the drip dosing method.
  9. Emulsion - dosage form, the main component of which is the essential oil of plants in the form of individual particles, distributed in purified water.

Forms of release of drugs for infants, newborns and older children - photo gallery

Tablets - a solid dosage form of enzyme preparations, suitable for older children Syrup - a convenient form of preparation for children Powder - the main form of production of drugs for the treatment of dysbiosis Rectal suppositories - the main form of release of laxative drugs for children, convenient for newborns and infants Suspension - a liquid dosage form production of laxatives and sorbents Gel - a modern form of production of sorbents

Indications for use

Medicines are prescribed by a gastroenterologist in order to eliminate the factors that cause the development of constipation in children:

  • digestive disorders (dyspepsia);
  • food poisoning;
  • colonization of the intestines with pathological microflora (dysbacteriosis);
  • insufficient amount of enzymes in digestive juices (gastric, intestinal, pancreatic, bile);
  • decreased intestinal motility.

Contraindications to taking medications and unwanted effects

There are quite a few contraindications to the appointment of certain drugs for the treatment of constipation in children:

  1. For all drugs without exception, a contraindication is the individual intolerance of its various components.
  2. Enzyme preparations are contraindicated in acute inflammatory process in the pancreas and in exacerbation of a chronic one.
  3. Laxatives are contraindicated in acute intestinal obstruction, acute appendicitis.
  4. Laxatives based on milk sugar - lactose - are contraindicated in congenital deficiency of the lactase enzyme.
  5. Preparations that promote the separation of bile are not used in the proven presence of stones in the gallbladder and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum.

In addition to the above undesirable effects, each drug has side effects that are not directly related to the mechanism of its effect on the body. These include:

  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach ache;
  • skin itching.

Side effects on the background of taking medications are very rare and are due to the manifestation of an individual reaction of the body.

Many drugs are prescribed only after reaching a certain age.

Methods of application

Most drugs for the treatment of constipation in children are used exclusively orally: sorbents, enzymes, probiotics, prebiotics, drugs for regulating intestinal motility, vitamins.

Laxatives are used both orally and are injected directly into the rectum in the form of enemas and rectal suppositories.

Enzyme preparations, probiotics and prebiotics, peristalsis regulators, laxatives, vitamins are used after meals.

Combinations of drugs

To eliminate the causes of constipation in a child, a combination of several pharmacological drugs is usually used.

Effective remedies for constipation caused by deficiency of digestive enzymes - table

Drug name Active substance Release form Indications Contraindications Price
  • dragee;
  • granules;
  • powder;
  • pills.
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cystic fibrosis.
  • acute pancreatitis;
0 monthsfrom 283 rubles
lactasecapsuleslactase deficiencyfrom 263 rubles
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cystic fibrosis.
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.
3 yearsfrom 72 rubles
pancreatindrageefrom 125 rubles

Enzyme preparations - photo gallery

The drug Creon is used for enzyme deficiency in children from the first days of life
The drug Lactazar helps children's bodies digest milk sugar - lactose. The drug Mezim promotes the breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates in the intestinal lumen. The drug Festal contains all the main digestive enzymes.

Medicines for constipation caused by dyspepsia - table

Drug name Active substance Release form Indications Contraindications Permissible age for prescribing the drug Price
simethiconedrops for oral administration
  • dyspepsia;
  • flatulence.
intestinal obstruction0 monthsfrom 235 rubles
  • milk thistle;
  • dandelion officinalis;
  • greater celandine;
  • sodium sulfate;
  • phosphorus.
  • drops;
  • pills.
  • liver diseases;
  • gallbladder diseases.
individual intolerance to the components of the drugfrom 257 rubles
  • constipation;
  • hepatic encephalopathy.
  • galactosemia;
  • intestinal obstruction.
from 245 rubles
Lactulosefrom 245 rubles
  • suspension;
  • pills.
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • intestinal obstruction.
5 years for tabletsfrom 372 rubles
  • constipation;
  • hepatic encephalopathy.
  • galactosemia;
  • intestinal obstruction.
0 monthsfrom 255 rubles
fennel fruitgranules dosed for the preparation of solution for oral administrationspasms of the muscles of the stomach and intestines
  • galactosemia;
  • lactase deficiency.
from 286 rubles
Polysorbcolloidal silicon dioxidepowder
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • acute poisoning.
peptic ulcerfrom 9 rubles
Smectadioctahedral smectite
  • powder;
  • suspension.
intestinal obstructionfrom 140 rubles
rosehip fruit extractsyrup
  • hepatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholangitis.
not identifiedfrom 55 rubles
Hofitolartichoke leaf extract
  • injection;
  • oral solution;
  • pills.
dyspepsialiver failurefrom 331 rubles
  • capsules;
  • suspension.
  • galactosemia;
  • lactase deficiency.
3 yearsfrom 269 rubles

Drugs for constipation caused by dyspepsia - photo gallery

The drug Bobotik gently promotes digestion in the child’s body. The drug Normaze is an effective method of treating constipation caused by dyspepsia
Holosas effectively promotes the digestion and absorption of nutrients in the intestinal lumen
The drug Plantex is an effective remedy that normalizes digestive processes in children

What drugs are used to eliminate constipation caused by dysbacteriosis - table

Drug name Active substance Release form Indications Contraindications Permissible age for prescribing the drug Price
  • lactobacilli acidophilus;
  • Kefir fungi.
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • long-term antibiotic therapy.
intolerance to the components of the drug3 monthsfrom 325 rubles
Bifidumbacterinbifidobacterium bifidum
  • capsules;
  • powder.
0 monthsfrom 137 rubles
  • bifidobacteria;
  • Streptococcus thermophilus.
oil solutionfrom 496 rubles
Yogulactlactobacilli acidophiluscapsules
  • constipation;
  • long-term antibiotic therapy.
3 monthsfrom 201 rubles
Lactobacterinpillsdysbacteriosis0 monthsfrom 178 rubles
  • lactobacilli acidophilus;
  • Streptococcus thermophilus;
  • bifidobacteria.
setfrom 300 rubles
  • acidophilus bacteria;
  • bifidobacteria.
capsulesfrom 245 rubles
Normoflorin L biocomplexlactobacilli acidophilus
  • liquid for oral administration;
  • liquid concentrate.
from 209 rubles
Primadophiluscapsulesfrom 1097 rubles
  • pills;
  • drops for oral administration.
from 781 rubles
Hilak fortedrops for oral administrationfrom 240 rubles
EnterogerminaBacillus clausii spores
  • capsules;
  • suspension.
  • 6 years for capsules;
  • 28 days for suspension.
from 635 rubles
lyophilized Saccharomyces boulardii
  • capsules;
  • powder.
1 yearfrom 259 rubles
  • acidophilus bacteria;
  • bifidobacteria.
powder0 monthsfrom 412 rubles

Drugs for deficiency of beneficial intestinal bacteria - photo gallery

Bifiform baby contains all the necessary beneficial intestinal bacteria
The drug Liveo baby is an effective method of treating dysbiosis. The drug Rela Life is used to treat dysbiosis in children from the first days of life. The drug Enterol is a source of beneficial intestinal bacteria.

List of effective drugs to relieve constipation caused by impaired intestinal motility - table

Drug name Active substance Release form Indications Contraindications Permissible age for prescribing the drug Price
  • anise oil;
  • dill oil;
  • mint oil.
oil solution for oral administration
  • flatulence;
  • bloating.
individual intolerance15 daysfrom 286 rubles
extract from fennel seeds, chamomile flowers, coriander seedsdrops for oral administration0 monthsfrom 286 rubles
Water Donutmagnesium sulfatemineral waterconstipationacute and chronic renal failurefrom 80 rubles
Glycelaxglycerolrectal suppositories
  • inflammatory diseases of the rectum.
3 monthsfrom 98 rubles
Glycerin suppositoriesfrom 152 rubles
Castor oilcastor bean seed oil
  • capsules;
  • oil for oral administration.
  • individual intolerance;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acute appendicitis.
0 monthsfrom 79 rubles
  • sodium citrate;
  • sodium lauryl sulfoacetate;
  • sorbitol solution.
solution for rectal useindividual intolerancefrom 279 rubles
Sea buckthorn suppositoriessea ​​buckthorn oilrectal suppositories
  • constipation;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • proctitis
from 119 rubles
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • dyspepsia.
hypersensitivity to the components of the drug3 yearsfrom 203 rubles
  • stomach ulcer;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease.
6 monthsfrom 147 rubles
  • capsules;
  • syrup.
flatulenceintestinal obstruction0 monthsfrom 236 rubles
  • galactosemia;
  • intestinal obstruction.
1 yearfrom 199 rubles

Drugs-regulators of intestinal motility - photo gallery

Baby Calm effectively relieves constipation in children from the first days of life
The drug Bebinos gently relieves constipation in a child. Microlax is a mild laxative for children in a convenient release form. Espumisan is an effective remedy for eliminating increased gas formation.

Drugs to relieve constipation caused by vitamin deficiency - table

Drug name Active substance Release form Indications Contraindications Permissible age for prescribing the drug Price
Aquadetrimcholecalciferoldrops for oral administration
  • rickets;
  • osteopathy.
  • hypervitaminosis D;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • renal failure.
0 monthsfrom 177 rubles
Vigantoloily solution for oral administrationfrom 193 rubles
Magne B6
  • magnesium lactate dihydrate;
  • magnesium pidolate;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride.
solution for oral administration
  • magnesium deficiency;
  • spasms of the stomach and intestines.
  • renal failure;
  • phenylketonuria.
1 yearfrom 469 rubles

Folk remedies that you can give to your baby

To treat constipation in children, with the permission of a gastroenterologist, the following folk remedies are used:

According to experts, constipation from vitamins is quite likely. The reason for this may be the uncontrolled use of drugs and the body’s response to what is happening. It makes sense to figure out which vitamins can aggravate the situation, and also get acquainted with those representatives that can help with constipation.

Do vitamins cause constipation or not?

Vitamin-mineral complexes are designed to restore the functioning of organs and systems of the human body, however, in some cases, taking multivitamins leads to an adverse reaction - difficulty defecating.

Most often, women carrying a child face this problem. The patient's body is weakened, it has difficulty removing waste products. To maintain the immune system of the expectant mother, complexes of vitamins and minerals are prescribed. The already overloaded body of a pregnant woman does not have time to absorb the vitamin-mineral combination, which only aggravates the process - the patient develops constipation, which accompanies her throughout the entire special period.

Constipation when taking B vitamins – is it possible?

If B vitamins are taken by patients not in combination with mineral supplements, their effect on the gastrointestinal tract is exclusively positive. Usually the product is combined with magnesium. This tandem helps relax the muscles of the organs and stimulates intestinal motility.

Attention! To prevent the development of constipation, tablets are taken before going to bed or during a meal. Take medications with plenty of clean water. You should not take vitamins with juice, tea or compote - drinks neutralize the effect of the medications.

Folic acid – friend or foe?

The focus is on folic acid, which every pregnant woman should take, since the drug prevents the development of birth defects in the unborn child. Otherwise, the acid is called folate or vitamin B9. It not only does not contribute to constipation, but can also help solve the immediate problem, since it stimulates the process of formation of digestive acids. Folic acid should be taken in combination with iron. The same vitamin can be obtained from foods that are also rich in fiber - a basic “stimulator” of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The “other side of the coin” of magnesium

Magnesium is able to regulate the concentration of glucose in the blood, help with heart pathologies, and increase the level of the immune system. However, magnesium has a noticeable effect on the body's muscle tissue. Since the gastrointestinal tract organs mostly consist of muscles, the action of the vitamin is largely directed specifically at them.

If a person has a deficiency of magnesium in the blood, the stool becomes viscous and compacts well in the intestines - constipation develops. If characteristic symptoms appear, the remedy is quite capable of helping to get rid of the problem. The effectiveness of the drug is explained by its ability to accumulate fluid in the intestines. The volume of feces increases, peristalsis increases due to the softening of feces and relaxation of the muscles of the organ.

Important! During treatment with the drug, you need to drink as much clean water as possible. If this recommendation is not followed, magnesium can have the opposite effect: B6 and other vitamins of this group will stimulate constipation.

The life-saving effect of vitamin B5

We are talking about pantothenic acid. Numerous studies of the vitamin confirm that the product can alleviate the condition of the patient with chronic constipation. B5 helps the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract contract, moving softened stool through the intestines. The daily dose of this drug for an adult is 5 mg. Pregnant women should take 7 mg of vitamin B5.

What about vitamin C?

Vitamin C is water soluble. It has an osmotic effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It follows from this that the product promotes the flow and accumulation of fluid in the intestines, and therefore softens the stool.

However, uncontrolled intake of the vitamin can have a negative effect on the body; The patient may develop diarrhea, nausea, and stomach cramps. The patient's body may experience iron deficiency and constipation.

The maximum amount of vitamin C that the human body can absorb is 2,000 mg. Children are recommended to take from 400 to 1,800 mg of the drug (depending on the age group). The recommended daily dose has been significantly reduced.

Can iron vitamins cause constipation?

The dose of the drug containing iron is calculated taking into account the patient’s body weight (2 mg per 1 kg of weight). A therapeutic course of iron can cause side effects, one of which is constipation. The cause of the unpleasant phenomenon is the irritating effect of the product.

In order to reduce the likelihood of a problem occurring, it is necessary to ensure maximum absorption of the drug. If taking the drug has led to difficulty defecating, it is worth reducing the dosage of iron or including in the patient’s diet foods that reduce the level of impact of the drug on the digestive organs. For this purpose, experts recommend drinking plum juice and eating dried apricots.

Very often, iron supplements stimulate constipation when combined with antibacterial agents. The latter disrupt the process of iron absorption, leading to difficult bowel movements.

Attention! To reduce the likelihood of developing constipation when taking iron supplements, you should increase the dose of vitamin C you take.

Can vitamin D cause constipation?

Constipation from vitamin D in infants usually develops due to an overdose of the drug. However, it is quite difficult to confirm the connection between problematic bowel movements and taking the drug, since in infancy there are a number of other factors that can contribute to the development of constipation in a child (inappropriate nutrition, development of the digestive system, lack of fluid, etc.).

Vitamin D is an extremely rare cause of constipation in an infant. If such a problem really exists, then the clinical picture of the phenomenon is supplemented by a number of additional symptoms, including:

  • poor sleep in the child;
  • moodiness;
  • weight loss;
  • increased sweating;
  • feeling of thirst;
  • excessive urination.

If such symptoms appear against the background of constipation in your baby, you should stop taking the vitamin and contact your pediatrician.

How to deal with constipation from vitamins?

If it is not possible to stop taking vitamins that cause constipation, it is necessary to provide the body with appropriate support. To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Drink more fruit juices and water. The minimum amount of liquid per day is 2 liters. Water will soften the stool, which will easily leave the body.
  2. Include in the menu foods containing coarse fiber (fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, etc.).
  3. Reduce the share of sausages and meat in the diet. These foods are difficult to digest - they slow down the digestion process and lead to the development of constipation.
  4. A severe attack of abdominal pain while taking vitamins can be relieved with magnesium, which is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Thus, the answer to the question of whether vitamins can cause constipation is yes. Usually, this problem is caused by uncontrolled use of drugs, namely, their overdose. To reduce the risk of difficult bowel movements, in some cases it is enough to simply combine drugs correctly. If the situation remains unresolved, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist.

Everyone has heard this word, but rare people have not experienced it themselves. The most common manifestation of problems with the gastrointestinal tract is constipation.

General symptoms

Actually, the word speaks for itself, and first of all, the problem means stool retention. As a rule, its absence for more than 2 days is already considered abnormal. This may also be accompanied by loss of appetite, unpleasant belching, dysfunction of taste buds, and a feeling of fullness inside the stomach. All this leads to poor health, rapid fatigue, due to metabolic disorders, the skin becomes flabby, with a yellowish tint, and nails may begin to break and hair loss. When the disease becomes chronic, destruction of the mucous layer of the anus may occur, and the stool becomes similar in consistency to goat or sheep. Spastic constipation may have the same picture, the symptoms and treatment of which we will also discuss in our article.

Types of constipation

Let's look at the types of constipation, describe each of them, and look at some in more detail.

  1. Neurogenic constipation. Quite often there are people who have problems with bowel movements in an unusual environment (while visiting, outdoors, etc.). In such cases, for various reasons, a person deliberately simply suppresses his urges, and then this develops into constant constipation. Also, the cause of such a disease can be a consequence of hemorrhoids or cracks in the anus, in the presence of which pain occurs during bowel movements, and this is what a person is unconsciously afraid of and rarely goes to the toilet. In addition, those who like to lie in bed in the morning can also be doomed to have problems, since they do not follow the triggered reflex in time, and after some time the body simply stops sending such signals.
  2. Alimentary constipation. It is a consequence of poor nutrition, when the diet lacks a sufficient amount of liquid, vitamins and plant foods, as well as in the case of a predominance of sweet and flour products.
  3. Hypodynamic appearance. It is directly caused by a sedentary standard of living, common among pregnant women, elderly people, etc.
  4. Mechanical. Occurs in cases of problems with the colon and mechanical compression of the rectum by the intestines.
  5. Proctogenic constipation. It is a consequence of decreased sensitivity of the rectum, existing hemorrhoids and fissures in the anus, etc.
  6. Spicy. May be caused by inflammatory processes within the intestines due to colitis or inflammation of the colon.
  7. Endocrine type of constipation. Develops with thyroid dysfunction and diabetes. It also often happens during menopause with a general hormonal imbalance.
  8. Medicinal type. It may occur due to taking certain types of medications, such as: antidepressants, antispasmodics, painkillers and others.

Spastic constipation: symptoms and treatment

This problem often occurs as a consequence of experienced anxieties and worries, smoking, and intoxication as a result of professional activities.

Diagnosis of the problem in each case can be individual. If going to the toilet three times a week is subjectively comfortable for some people, this cannot be considered constipation. But if after defecation there remains a feeling of incomplete emptying or the process itself cannot take place without pushing, sometimes causing pain, you should seriously think about this issue. This is fraught with mechanical damage to the intestinal walls from hardened feces. In addition, untimely treatment can lead to intoxication of the body due to disruption of its cleansing function, which will be accompanied by nausea. Pain also appears due to cramps inside the abdomen.

Treatment begins with determining the cause of the problem. A common example is with endocrine disorders and changes in the process of water and electrolyte metabolism. In this case, the cause should be eliminated, since when the body’s vital functions are normalized, relief comes.
If the cause is increased physical or emotional stress, special attention should be paid to calming the nervous system with the help of sedatives and relaxing procedures in the form of warm evening baths using essential oils.

A mandatory item for a person suffering from such constipation is a diet. The food should be light and not cause irritation inside the intestines. It is recommended to grind plant foods to puree condition, include more boiled vegetables in the diet, and consuming butter and vegetable oil will prevent or significantly soften cramps in the intestines.

Meat and fish products should only be eaten boiled; food should be rich in vitamin B1, which normalizes intestinal function. It is important to exclude “astringent” products from the diet as much as possible, such as jelly, rice porridge, cocoa, strong tea, etc.

Don't forget about traditional medicine. Fig infusion helps well, as well as potato juice, which is diluted in a 1:1 ratio and drunk in the amount of a quarter glass three times a day half an hour before meals. Figs are brewed in boiling water (two pieces per glass will be enough) and also consumed three times a day, 1 tablespoon.

In case of such problems in a child, the first step is to replace dairy products with fermented milk. Do not forget about the importance of consulting a doctor if your health condition causes you concern.

Atonic constipation: symptoms and treatment

Poor nutrition – primarily not eating enough food – slows down the formation of feces, which leads to constipation. This picture can often be observed in people concerned with various diets. The cause may also be the abuse of enemas and laxatives. They cause the intestines to become accustomed to them, as a result of which its motility suffers: the body becomes accustomed to responding to direct stimulants and becomes unaccustomed to working independently.

The cause, as with other types of constipation, can be psychological problems and eating insufficient amounts of fluid, as well as an excess of easily digestible foods: fish, eggs, cheese, butter, etc.

Atonic constipation is accompanied by copious amounts of feces, which are difficult and painful to pass. The possibility of cracks in the anus, pain, a feeling of fullness in the stomach - this is not a complete list of troubles.

To prevent and during the treatment of such constipation, along with an established diet, it is necessary to move more and also strengthen the abdominal muscles - this will help restore the muscle tone of the intestines. With an active lifestyle, the gastrointestinal tract is stimulated, which is a good stimulation for the release of feces from your body.

In case of regular constipation, it is a good idea to include bran in your diet, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. They need to be washed down with plenty of water. Also, in advanced cases, you can try drinking a glass of kefir in the morning, as a snack or with 2-3 teaspoons of vegetable oil added to it.

Using all of the above recommendations, regardless of the types of constipation, you must remember that the key to your health is a correct lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet, exercise, and a timely visit to the doctor, if necessary.

How to take Senade tablets for constipation

2. Children from 6 to 12 years old.

The weight of a child at this age is small, and therefore less active substance is required. It is enough to take half a tablet of Senade once a day before bed; if there is no result, double the dose. Before using various drug treatments, it is better to consult a doctor to find out the cause of constipation.

Note! While taking Senade you need to drink at least 3 liters of water per day. The liquid makes stool less hard and speeds up bowel movements.

The drug affects intestinal motility; if the dosage exceeds the permissible figures, diarrhea will occur. In this case, it is better to stop taking the pills and drink a lot of water to combat dehydration, as well as products that contain electrolytes and salts. Please note that laxatives enhance the effect of cardiac glycosides and antiarrhythmic drugs. Therefore, when taken simultaneously, the dosage must be selected correctly.


Despite its plant origin and mild laxative effect, Senade has its contraindications; before taking it, you need to carefully study the instructions. An overview of the most common reasons when you should stop taking the drug is presented below.

1. If there is an allergic reaction to the components of the medicine.

2. The cause of difficult bowel movements can be not only intestinal atony, but also other conditions. In case of intestinal obstruction, tumors, spastic constipation, the use of the drug does not have an effect, but aggravates the situation even more.

3. In case of inflammatory processes in the intestines, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, strangulated hernia, the passage of hard feces will further damage the mucous membrane.

4. Severe diseases of the body, cardiovascular, renal failure, bleeding, peritonitis are direct contraindications.

5. After surgery, excessive bowel activity can lead to dangerous complications, such as suture dehiscence.

6. Pregnant women with constipation should not take Senade tablets.


During the period of bearing a child with constipation, it is recommended to be careful with all medications, laxatives are no exception. Senna leaf extract in the early stages increases the tone of the uterus, increasing the risk of miscarriage. In the third trimester, too active peristalsis can cause discomfort, constantly irritating the fetus. The pills stimulate labor and cause premature contractions.

Carefully! Even herbal preparations can harm the baby during pregnancy, so you should not take medications on your own.

The normal functioning of the human body is impossible without vitamin complexes. The human body does not produce them in the required quantity on its own, and the required amount can only be obtained by consuming food. The necessity and importance of the presence of such organic substances in the human body lies in the fact that they serve as a kind of donor for the normal course of all biochemical reactions in the body. Each of the vitamins plays its role in the metabolic processes of processing food and liquid entering the body.

For example, such a substance with index A is very useful for preserving vision; a lack of organic substances of group B will affect the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and specifically manifest itself in the form of constipation. The reserves of these substances in the body decrease very quickly, and their absence will lead to the development of anemia, depression, and weakening of muscle activity. The special role of vitamin D is to prevent the development of a very dangerous disease, osteoporosis, in which bones become brittle. In addition, the lack of nutrients in the body weakens the immune defense and provokes diseases of the cardiovascular system and thyroid gland.

If there are difficulties with timely bowel movements, it is recommended to eat food rich in organic substances. Among the most useful vitamins for constipation are group B. They are found in bran, wholemeal flour and are available in separate pharmaceutical preparations. Vitamin C is an excellent remedy for constipation. However, taking vitamins may cause constipation. Whether vitamins can cause constipation is determined by selective exposure.

Do vitamins cause constipation?

When considering the question of whether vitamins can cause constipation, you must first find out exactly how these substances participate in the processes of food digestion, the formation and excretion of feces from the body. Speaking about organic substances, it should be noted that due to their properties they are considered medicines. Therefore, both their deficiency and excess can lead to serious problems for human health. It is especially harmful when you start consuming special complexes for future use, to prevent certain diseases.

Therefore, the answer to the question whether vitamins can cause constipation will be positive if you do not follow certain rules when using them. This is especially true for substances from group D. Its overdose or prolonged use unnecessarily leads to:

  • general malaise, loss of appetite;
  • persistent delays in bowel movements;
  • difficulty breathing, increased blood pressure and pulse;
  • an increase in calcium deposits in the blood vessels, stomach, kidneys, liver and lungs, impairing their function;
  • frequent urination, constant feeling of thirst;
  • demineralization of bones.

Can vitamin D cause constipation?

The exclusive role of intracellular calcium in the life of a cell is explained by its participation in changing the functional state of the central nervous system. Participating in digestive activity, calcium ion, when its content in the blood decreases or increases, affects intestinal motility. In principle, no diet can fully satisfy the body’s needs for a system of biologically active substances. It should be taken into account that most of the need for this substance is covered by sunlight, and only if there is insufficient exposure to the sun, it is necessary to take preparations containing calcium.

It is inappropriate to raise the question of which vitamins can cause constipation, since they can cause stool retention only if they are used incorrectly or in preparations that contain microelements that contribute to the development of constipation. Considering the importance of group D substances for the normal development of a newborn, constant monitoring of their content is necessary.

The most preferred source of vitamin D is breast milk. You can balance the amount of cholecalciferol in it and avoid constipation from vitamin D with the help of a specially selected diet. When artificially feeding in formulas, it is already available in the required quantities. However, the body of a newborn child, like the body of an adult, is very individual and additional intake of vitamin D by infants can cause constipation. Constipation from vitamin D in infants can be caused by taking it in combination with other medications or if the baby has congenital anomalies that prevent the normal functioning of the intestines.

During the recovery period after infectious diseases and a weakened body, the baby is prescribed complex medications. Multi-tabs “Baby” contains substances of group B (B1, B2, B6, B12), as well as substances A, E, D3, as well as folic, ascorbic, pantothenic acids, potassium iodide, ferrous fumarate and many other compounds minerals. Its composition includes gelatin, sucrose, modified starch and other components as excipients. Individual intolerance to both excipients and active ingredients included in the product may cause difficulties with bowel movements. If Multi-Tabs vitamins cause constipation in a child, it is necessary to discontinue their use.

The problem of constipation in children in pediatric practice is one of the most common. Parents are often concerned about the child’s lack of bowel movements for several days, difficulty in defecation and related complaints from children about pain, and children’s refusal to use the potty.

What is constipation?

Constipation is the slow movement of stool through the intestines. This is a problem that can appear at any age, including a newborn baby and a preschooler. It is believed that constipation is the most common pathology of the gastrointestinal tract in children. Some parents do not pay enough attention to this side of the child’s life, others have the wrong idea about what a child’s stool should be like and its frequency. Not all parents come to the doctor with this problem in their children or do not go immediately because they do not attach due importance to it or do not know whether this type of stool in the child is normal or pathological.

What kind of stool is considered normal?

The frequency of stool varies among children of different ages. A newborn baby who is breastfed can have stool as many times as he is fed. This is an ideal option; stool is allowed from 10-12 times a day, but little by little, about a teaspoon, up to 1 time a week in large quantities. We can talk about constipation when a child's stool consistency is hard. For bottle-fed children under one year of age, constipation is considered to be the absence of independent bowel movements for 24 hours. In this case, the consistency of the stool should be mushy, and the appearance of shaped feces (“sausage”) is regarded as a tendency to constipation. From 4-6 months, the frequency of bowel movements usually decreases to 2 times a day. From a year and older - it should be 1-2 times a day. From 6 months to 1.5-2 years, feces can be either formed or mushy; from two years it should be formed.

Constipation is a disorder of intestinal function that manifests itself in increased intervals between bowel movements. Constipation is also considered to be those cases when a child has painful defecation with dense stool, even if the frequency of stool corresponds to the age norm. A child may have defecation every day, but be accompanied by straining and changes in the nature of the stool (“large” diameter of the fecal cylinder, “sheep” feces - dense, divided into small fragments). This situation is also characteristic of dysfunction of the large intestine and can be characterized as chronic constipation, the presence of bowel movements less than 6 times a week for children under 3 years of age and less than 3 times a week for children over 3 years of age. Constipation in children is often accompanied by abdominal pain, to which they often react with crying and anxiety. The movement of feces is carried out due to the contraction of the intestinal muscles under the influence of nerve endings. The movement of feces from top to bottom through the intestines is carried out thanks to its wave-like contractions - peristalsis. The urge to defecate occurs when feces enter the rectum, stretch it and irritate the nerve endings that are located there. In older children, defecation is carried out consciously under the control of the central nervous system. The general immaturity of the neuromuscular system of children in the first months of life can contribute to fecal retention.

Constipation can be divided into organic and functional.

Organic constipation is associated with malformations (anatomical defects) of any part of the large intestine. Most often, organic constipation manifests itself from birth in the form of a lack of independent stool. Among the organic causes of constipation, the most common are Hirschsprung's disease and dolichosigma. Organic constipation can also be caused by acquired anatomical changes (tumors, polyps, adhesions after surgery). Fortunately, these diseases are extremely rare in children and developmental anomalies often appear in the first year of a child’s life. Such constipation is treated by pediatric surgeons and usually requires surgery.

In the vast majority of cases, children experience functional constipation, that is, dysregulation of the gastrointestinal tract. The causes of functional constipation in young children are:

1. Incorrect diet for a nursing mother.

2. Insufficient drinking regime of the child during artificial feeding.

3. Insufficient drinking regime for a breastfed child when complementary foods are introduced (thick complementary foods were introduced, but the baby was not given water).

4. Early transfer of the child to artificial feeding.

5.Quickly transfer the baby from one formula to another (in less than 7 days).

6. Irrational diet of the child (the child for a long time receives a high content of proteins and fats, which are poorly digested).

7. The baby has rickets, in which there is decreased muscle tone, including the muscles of the intestinal wall. In some cases, 2-3 weeks after taking vitamin D, the child’s constipation disappears.

8. Consequences of damage to the central nervous system that developed during improper pregnancy and childbirth.

9. Thyroid dysfunction (hypothyroidism). One of the clinical manifestations of hypothyroidism is constipation.

10. Iron deficiency anemia - with iron deficiency, there is an insufficient supply of oxygen to the intestinal muscles, and therefore muscle weakness is noted.

11. Intestinal dysbiosis is a violation of the intestinal microflora, which leads to increased decay processes and a decrease in intestinal motor activity.

12. Food allergy (to cow's milk protein, eggs, fish, soy, cereals containing gluten (gliadin)), leading to inflammatory changes of an allergic nature in the intestinal wall.

13. A significant role in the development of functional constipation in children is played by disturbances in the act of defecation due to inhibition or lack of development of the reflex to defecation (conditioned reflex, psychogenic constipation). This type of constipation is often observed in shy children during the period of adaptation to new conditions (nursery, kindergarten). Suppression of the reflex to defecate leads to compaction of feces, injury to the mucous membrane of the rectum, the development of inflammation, pain during defecation, “fear of the potty” occurs, and neurotic disorders are aggravated.

14. Uncontrolled use of certain drugs (smecta, imodium, bifidumbacterin, enzyme preparations). Frequent use of enemas and laxatives inhibits the patient's own bowel movement reflex. Constipation can develop due to long-term use of medications: antispasmodics - drugs that eliminate spasms of smooth muscles, for example, intestines, anticonvulsants, diuretics (diuretics), psychotropic drugs, antibiotics, etc.

15. Worm infestation is often accompanied by constipation.

As a result of the influence of various reasons listed above, the muscle tone of the intestine changes. When the tone of any part of the intestine increases, a spasm occurs; feces cannot quickly pass this place. This is the mechanism for the development of spastic constipation, the external manifestations of which are the presence of dense, fragmented, “sheep” feces. Another type of functional constipation is hypotonic constipation, which is characterized by retention of stool, with its release in the form of a fecal cylinder.

Children may experience temporary delays in bowel movements - “transient constipation.” This may be due to errors in diet, dehydration of feces during acute febrile conditions (if the child has a high temperature, severe sweating, loss of fluid through vomit, etc.). Breastfed babies may develop so-called “false constipation.” It occurs due to the fact that infants receive a small amount of breast milk, as well as the presence of congenital defects of the oral cavity (for example, clefts of the hard and soft palate), sluggish sucking, and regurgitation. In these cases, there is no need to talk about constipation and take emergency measures. With the elimination of the cause that caused the retention of stool, its normalization occurs independently. Sometimes, to solve this problem, it is enough to adjust your diet and drinking regimen.

The effect of constipation on the body.

Constipation is accompanied by the development in a child of chronic lethargy, weakness, and decreased appetite due to disruption of digestion processes and increased absorption of harmful substances from feces. When feces accumulate in the intestinal lumen, the nutrition of its mucous membrane is disrupted. Chronic stool retention leads to disruption of the intestinal microflora, an increase in the amount of pathogenic microflora and a decrease in the level of normal microflora. There is a violation of the absorption of vitamins and microelements, leading to other metabolic disorders in the cells and tissues of the whole body; Iron deficiency gradually develops. An inflammatory process in the intestines (colitis) may develop, intestinal motility will increase, which is accompanied by the appearance of abdominal pain, and the intestinal diameter will expand, which will lead to even greater constipation. Long-term constipation can cause various complications. Most often, in children, disturbances of the intestinal microflora occur, which entails disruption of the processes of digestion and absorption in its parts. In the future, intoxication increases due to increased decay processes in the intestines and the accumulation of harmful substances. Possible disruption of blood circulation in the intestinal wall, development of an inflammatory process in the colon and expansion of the intestinal lumen. Most often, with constipation in children of different ages, rectal cracks are observed, accompanied by the appearance of scarlet blood on the surface of the stool. Persistent constipation can cause prolapse of the rectal lining. If these symptoms appear, you should not self-medicate; you should immediately consult a doctor. In young children, painful bowel movements lead to fear of this process.


At home, if constipation occurs in a child over one year old, a cleansing enema can be used as a first aid remedy before being examined by a doctor. For a cleansing enema, use boiled water at room temperature. To increase the laxative effect of the enema, add glycerin to the water - 1-2 teaspoons per glass of water. Under no circumstances should you induce stool using soap (it causes a severe chemical burn to the mucous membrane), cotton swabs or a thermometer. This leads to additional trauma to the rectal mucosa and further suppresses the natural reflex to defecation. You can use suppositories with glycerin as an emergency aid (can be used from birth), but you should not get carried away with them.

If your breastfed baby has hard, blood-streaked stools, you should definitely consult a doctor!

If the child is older, you should consult a doctor in the following cases:

Constipation is accompanied by complaints of abdominal pain, bloating, and decreased appetite;

There is blood in the child's stool;

The child holds the stool for emotional reasons, especially when sitting on the potty;

The child periodically experiences stool smearing (encopresis), in which solid feces accumulate in the rectum, and liquid feces are involuntarily released out due to the child’s loss of control over the muscular apparatus of the rectum.

First of all, you need to visit a pediatrician; he is the one who should determine the need for consultations with other specialists (pediatric neurologist, endocrinologist, surgeon).


The main condition for the successful treatment of constipation in children is the achievement of such consistencies of intestinal contents and the speed of its transit through the colon that would allow for regular, preferably daily (or at least once every two days) bowel movements at the same time of day.

This treatment requires an individual approach from the doctor in each specific case and depends on many factors: the causes of constipation, the age of the child, the severity and duration of the disease, independence and frequency of bowel movements, the presence of dyspepsia and pain, as well as concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs and systems.

There are five main areas in the treatment of constipation:

1. General guidance. The doctor needs to explain the physiology of bowel movements and the consequences of constipation. Explain to parents how to treat and how to resolve problems, especially in cases with a long course and for patients who have previously had other attending physicians. We must promise children that the stool will soften and will not cause pain later when defecating. At the same time, you need to ask the child not to retain feces. Reassure him that if he follows the treatment, the fecal stains will go away. The main task for the child is to eliminate pain. When contacting parents, we ask them to avoid unnecessary and derogatory comments. It is not their fault and it should not create a psychological problem. However, it is necessary to eliminate ideas of anatomical causes from their minds. It takes 3 months to 2 years before the situation returns to normal. The time required for this depends on the previous duration of constipation, correct adherence to treatment, investment of calm and patience. It is important that parents develop a positive response when children begin to control bowel movements and avoid punishing children when they relapse.

Toilet exercises. We agree with children and parents that after each meal of a significant amount of food, children should sit on the toilet (with a footrest) for at least 10 minutes. We explain to parents that children do not have to defecate every time, but if they try, convince them that it does not hurt.

2. Medical nutrition. This is the most important measure (depending, however, on family habits), although the most difficult to implement. We need to convince parents that children with constipation, especially those with a family history of constipation, should eat a nutritious diet high in fiber. Sometimes it is necessary to change the habits of the whole family. If you want to increase your intake of foods that contribute to the formation of fecal matter, vegetables, fruits and grains are recommended. The amount of fiber intake should be “age + 5-10 grams per day” for children over 2 years of age. It is useful to add wheat bran to enrich a diet poor in plant fiber. First of all, you need to watch and avoid consuming constipating foods such as cow's milk, vermicelli, bananas, carrots and unpeeled apples. Supplement calcium (1 g/day) and calories by consuming non-constipating foods such as meat, eggs, butter, oil, and mayonnaise.

It is important to ensure you drink plenty of fluids and avoid caffeinated drinks.

When treating children in the first year of life who are breastfed, it is very important to analyze the nature of the drinking regime and nutrition of the nursing mother, especially if she has stool retention. It is necessary to exclude the following foods from her diet: those that promote increased gas formation (legumes, white cabbage, tomatoes, mushrooms, black bread); reducing the motor function of the colon (containing tannin - blueberries, strong tea, cocoa; rich in fatty oils - turnip, radish, onion and garlic; semolina and rice porridge, slimy soups and jelly). In addition, milk is poorly tolerated, as it promotes flatulence, especially against the background of intestinal dysbiosis.

Similar restrictions are necessary for children suffering from constipation at an older age.

Adapted milk formulas are recommended for bottle-fed infants. They can be divided into 4 types:

with gluten from carob beans (“Fris” – 0.6%);

enriched with oligosaccharides (“Nutrilon Omneo”, “Nutrilon plus”);

The optimal daily volume of these mixtures for both mixed and artificial feeding is selected individually, starting with replacing half of one feeding on the first day, one full feeding on the 2nd day, followed by a daily increase by one feeding per day until bowel regularity is achieved. If constipation persists, the child is completely transferred to one of the above mixtures. When stool normalizes, the volume of the mixture is usually reduced to a maintenance dose (usually 2-3 feedings per day).

Fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt), starter cultures (Narine, Evita, Vitaflor), as well as functional food products based on fermented milk (Bifidok, Activia yogurt, etc.) should occupy a worthy place in their diet. .).

For constipation accompanied by signs of inflammation (colitis), depending on the activity of the inflammatory process in the intestines, diet No. 3 or No. 4 (B or C) according to Pevzner is prescribed.

2. Pharmacotherapy of intestinal motility disorders is based on modern ideas about the physiology of intestinal motor activity. The combined nature of various disorders (hypotension and spasm) of the intestine, often observed in the clinical picture of the disease, creates certain difficulties in the drug correction of these disorders.

Traditionally, the first group of drug therapy for constipation consists of laxatives. According to their mechanism of action, they are divided into drugs:

Increasing the volume of intestinal contents (plant fibers, hydrophilic colloids, saline laxatives, synthetic disaccharides);

Stimulating intestinal receptors (rhubarb, senna, buckthorn - containing anthraglycosides and synthetic agents - bisacodyl, sodium picosulfite);

Emollients (synthetic disaccharides, petrolatum and almond oil). All laxative drugs also differ in the localization of action: mainly on the small intestine (saline laxatives, petroleum jelly), large intestine (synthetic disaccharides, bisacodyl) and the entire intestine (hydrophilic colloids, saline laxatives).

Despite their diversity, most of them cause a number of side effects (allergic reactions, drug-induced diarrhea with the development of dehydration and electrolyte disturbances, intestinal obstruction, melanosis of the colon, endocrine disorders, dysbacteriosis, etc.), which is why the use of laxatives in children should be short-term (no more than 10–14 days).

Is it possible to give your child a laxative yourself?

Sometimes parents try to treat the child themselves, giving him various laxatives, which are now widely available in pharmacies. Pediatric doctors do not recommend this, since most laxatives are intended for adults and their effect is short-lived. Also, they can give numerous side effects, such as allergic reactions, loss of potassium, protein through the intestines, dysbiosis, inhibition of one’s own bowel movement reflex.

Only a doctor can prescribe medications to treat constipation.

However, chronic constipation requires very painstaking and long-term treatment, and this determines the choice of drugs of this spectrum of action in pediatric practice. In the first place among them is Lactulose, which according to its mechanism of action is classified as a prebiotic, as well as food bran and seaweed.

Lactulose is the active substance of Duphalac (Solvay Pharma, Germany), which is a source of carbohydrates preferred by lactate-producing bacteria (especially various species of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacterium), and due to it, significantly increasing their mass, which causes a laxative effect. Lactulose, a synthetic disaccharide not found in nature, is not broken down or absorbed in the small intestine, so when it reaches the colon, it undergoes bacterial degradation and breaks down into short-chain fatty acids (lactic, acetic, propionic and butyric acid), lowering the pH of the colon contents and stimulating peristalsis. The decomposition of lactulose to short-chain fatty acids also increases the osmotic pressure in the intestinal lumen. Duphalac is a physiological and safe regulator of intestinal motor function and is widely used in both children and adults, including pregnant women, which allows it to be recommended as a basic drug in the treatment regimen for constipation. The dose of Duphalac is recommended to be selected individually depending on age and the degree of stool retention, starting with 5 ml of syrup, followed by an increase to the most effective (but not more than 50 ml per day). The duration of its use can be quite long, and the drug is discontinued gradually. Among the means that increase the volume of intestinal contents, wheat bran and seaweed are often used. When taking bran, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids to avoid compaction of stool (1 g of bran binds 18 g of water). It is recommended to take from 15 to 50 g of dietary fiber per day. However, a large number of them leads to a decrease in the absorption of fats by 5–7%, proteins by 8–15%. Sea kale (kelp) is a mucous substance and consists of equal amounts of fiber and polysaccharides that are unable to be absorbed in the intestines. These are insoluble substances of plant origin that have a resinous consistency. In water, they swell and turn into a mucous mass, which prevents stool from thickening, and at the same time increases its volume. Sea kale is a brown algae rich in iodine, bromide and calcium salts, polysaccharides, and vitamin C. It is prescribed 1-2 teaspoons once a day (release form - powder). The drug is contraindicated in patients with idiosyncrasy to iodine and, with prolonged use, can cause the phenomenon of iodism.

The second group of drugs are prokinetics, which have a primary stimulating effect on the propulsive activity of the colon and antispasmodics. Until recently, prokinetics were rarely used for constipation in children. Previously, metaclopramide (synonyms: Reglan, Cerucal, etc.) was used more often than others, which coordinates the disturbed relationship between the tone and kinetics of the stomach, normalizing the evacuation from it and the passage of chyme through the duodenum. Side effects of this drug include drowsiness, fatigue, headaches, dystonic phenomena, esophageal spasm, galactorrhea, fears, and intermittent bulbar disorders.

In recent years, a new generation prokinetic agent, domperidone, has appeared. Considering the fact that this drug does not produce such pronounced side effects as metaclopramide, it has become widespread in gastroenterology, including for constipation in children. Domperidone is a dopamine antagonist. By blocking dopamine receptors, it affects the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract - it enhances gastric motility and normalizes its emptying, and also increases the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter. The drug to a certain extent increases the tone and enhances peristalsis of the entire intestine, which manifests itself in the elimination of flatulence and pain along the colon, and the normalization of stool in some patients. Because domperidone does not cross the blood-brain barrier, it is significantly less likely to cause extrapyramidal disorders. The drug is prescribed 5–10 mg 3 times a day (10 mg tablets) 10–30 minutes before meals, for 4 weeks. In young children it is successfully used in liquid form.

Another representative of this group is Meteospasmil, which contains alverine and simethicone. Some authors classify it as a prokinetic agent of peripheral action. Available in capsules and prescribed 1 capsule 2-3 times a day for children over 12 years of age.

In addition to hypo- and atonic states, intestinal motor disorders such as increased colonic motility may be observed, especially in IBS with constipation syndrome. In this case, there is a need to prescribe drugs to reduce this function, in particular antispasmodics. Isoquinoline derivatives (Papaverine, No-shpa) are often used in practice. These drugs have a number of side effects, and with severe intestinal hypermotility, they are often ineffective. M-anticholinergics (belladonna tincture, Platyfillin, Metacin) as antispasmodics have been used in gastroenterology for a long time. A negative effect of the use of M-anticholinergics is the systemic nature of their action. Therefore, it is advisable to prescribe selective anticholinergics, one of which is N-butylscopalamine, an M-cholinergic receptor blocker. Interacting with cholinoreceptors in the walls of internal organs, it has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary and biliary tract, etc. The drug is prescribed in the form of a solution or tablets orally, as well as in the form of suppositories in an age-specific dosage. For children under 6 years of age, the drug is prescribed more often in a solution of 1-2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day or in suppositories 1-3 times a day, and for schoolchildren - 1-2 tablets 1-3 times a day before meals. The duration of taking the drug is 7–10 days.

In recent years, effective drugs have appeared that specifically act on intestinal spasms. This is pinaverine bromide - a calcium channel blocker - used in children over 12 years of age at a dose of 50-100 mg (1-2 tablets) 3 times a day for 1-3 months and mebeverine - a myotropic antispasmodic with a direct effect on smooth muscles. The latter is prescribed to older children 100–200 mg (1 capsule) 2 times a day 20 minutes before meals for a period of 7–10 days, followed by a dose reduction. The experience of using these drugs is still small, but one can hope that their clinical research will give them the opportunity to take their rightful place in the treatment of constipation in children.

The third group includes choleretic drugs of plant origin (Flamin, Hofitol, Gepabene, etc.), which have been used for many years as components of laxatives.

It is known that bile acids are natural detergents. Our observations have shown that in children with chronic constipation, in 100% of cases, cholestasis of varying degrees of severity is observed, which determines the mandatory prescription of choleretic drugs.

The rhythmic flow of bile into the duodenum gives bile acids the opportunity to:

participate in the hydrolysis of neutral fat and stimulation of pancreatic secretions, promoting the processes of cavity digestion;

due to the osmotic effect of salts, increase the flow of fluid into the intestinal lumen and increase the pressure in it, which activates the motor function of the intestine;

alkalize the contents of the proximal duodenum, ensuring the optimal effect of pancreatic enzymes;

directly act bactericidal in the lumen of the small intestine, preventing excessive bacterial growth and intestinal stasis, normalizing digestive processes and preventing.

The three groups of drugs listed above are basic in the treatment regimen for constipation in children. In cases of recently occurring constipation, to achieve a positive effect, it is enough to change the nature of the diet, the quality of food, increase the volume of fluid consumed and physical activity in order to obtain a lasting positive effect against the background of short-term basic therapy. Children who have suffered from constipation for a long time need longer and more systematic treatment.

If the child does not have independent stool, against the background of basic therapy, cleansing (0.9% sodium chloride solution) or hypertonic (10% sodium chloride solution) enemas are prescribed for 5–7 days, followed by transfer to laxative suppositories, and as regular stools are obtained - for basic therapy.

3. In the complex treatment of constipation, a large place is given to the normalization of intestinal microflora. The addition of biological products, primarily containing lactobacilli, to therapy allows for a faster and longer-lasting effect.

4. When treating constipation, use drugs that normalize the state of the central and autonomic nervous systems, as well as herbal medicine. The choice of drug depends on the affective disorders identified in the patient (asthenic, depressive, hysterical, phobic syndromes). Optimal treatment results can be obtained if the child is observed together with a neuropsychiatrist, especially when it comes to IBS.

5. Drug therapy should be complemented by physiotherapeutic treatment, massage, and physical therapy.

Folk laxatives for constipation

Herbs and preparations for treatment constipation Health portal

Pour 3 g of lemon balm leaf with 1 glass of boiled water. Do an enema by introducing 30-40 ml of infusion. Use for constipation.

Brew 1 teaspoon of anise fruit as tea in 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes, strain. Drink 0.25 glasses 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals for constipation.

Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed senna leaves into 1 glass of water, leave overnight, strain in the morning. Take 1 tablespoon 1-3 times a day as a laxative. Unlike other laxatives, such as rhubarb, senna does not cause stomach pain.

Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed dandelion roots with 1 glass of water. Boil for 20 minutes. Drink 0.25 cups 3-4 times a day before meals for constipation

Pour 1-2 tablespoons of plantain seeds into 1 glass of water, bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, strain the broth while warm. Take 1 tablespoon 1 time per day on an empty stomach for constipation.

Pour 2 tablespoons of horse sorrel root into 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook in a water bath for 30 minutes. In small doses, this remedy has an astringent effect, and in large doses it has a laxative effect, acting 10-12 hours after administration. For constipation, drink 1 glass at night. A smaller dose will not work.

Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed buckthorn bark into 1 glass of water, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, add water to the original volume. Drink 0.5 cups in the morning and at night for constipation.

Pour 5 g of crushed cumin fruits with 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, strain. Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals for constipation.

An infusion of burdock seeds (burdocks) is an ancient laxative. Take mature seeds (a lump the size of half a fist) and pour 1 cup of boiling water. Steam for 2 hours and drink at a time (the decoction after straining the burdocks will be approximately 0.5 cups) for constipation.

Pour 1 teaspoon of flaxseed with 1 glass of boiling water, leave, covered, for 4-5 hours. For constipation, drink the entire infusion at once along with the seeds at night. You can add jam to taste.

An aqueous decoction of blueberry branches along with leaves is used as a mild laxative: pour 15 g of raw material into 200 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain and take 1 tablespoon 4-6 times a day.

For constipation, take crushed fresh rosehip leaves mixed with sugar or drink rosehip flower juice diluted with spring water.

Food should contain black bread, vegetables, sour milk.

Eating well-cooked beets with vegetable oil has a laxative effect.

Home remedies for constipation

If you have constipation, you should drink 1 tablespoon of water every 30 minutes between breakfast and lunch. After lunch, you can continue to drink water according to the same pattern.

Take carrot seed powder 1 g 3 times a day 1 hour before meals for constipation.

Take 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day before meals of freshly prepared onion juice. The course of treatment for constipation is 3 weeks, then a 3-week break, after which the treatment is repeated.

Drink freshly prepared potato juice: 0.5 glasses 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Treatment is carried out for 2 weeks for constipation.

For constipation, you should eat 1 teaspoon of powdered peas daily - this regulates digestion.

For chronic constipation, you need to drink water in which oats or plums have been boiled for a long time 3-4 times a day.

Drink radish juice, sauerkraut brine for constipation.

Drink tea from dried cherries or apples for constipation.

For constipation, eat several plums in the morning on an empty stomach or several times a day.

Infuse for 3 hours a mixture of 100 g of honey and 100 ml of aloe juice (take only thick leaves; thin leaves have little healing properties). Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for chronic constipation, gastritis and excessive gas formation.

If you are prone to constipation, grind 150 g of aloe leaves, pour in 300 g of heated natural honey, leave for 1 day, then heat and strain. Take 1 dessert spoon in the morning 1 hour before meals.

Ground wheat bran is useful for constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. Before adding bran to food, pour boiling water over it for 30 minutes, then drain the water. Place the resulting slurry in any dish, first 1 teaspoon, after 7-10 days - 2 teaspoons, after another 7-10 days - 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day.

Laxatives are contraindicated for children under 3 years of age!

Reminder for constipation in children

Treatment of constipation is a long, stressful and not always rewarding task; only a purely medical approach to this problem does not solve most problems. Children with chronic constipation become lethargic, irritable, fearful, and their performance at school quickly declines.

Disturbances in the functional state of the colon or constipation are a fairly common disease in childhood. In the medical literature in recent years it has been called “Irritable Bowel Syndrome.” Constipation occurs in children of all ages, but especially often in younger schoolchildren and children attending preschool institutions. In most cases, this disease does not always bring pain to the child, therefore, clearly insufficient attention is paid to this pathology. Parents find out about this disease in their child quite late, especially if the child is shy and secretive.

Treatment of constipation is a long, stressful and not always rewarding task; only a purely medical approach to this problem does not solve most problems. Children with chronic constipation become lethargic, irritable, fearful, and their performance at school quickly declines. Many children, out of fear of painful sensations during the act of defecation, become isolated and independently suppress natural urges, thereby aggravating the course of the disease, a so-called “vicious circle” is formed.

Thus, chronic functional constipation in children attending preschool institutions and school acquires social significance; Therefore, pediatricians almost always rely on parents for help and support in the rehabilitation of children. Only parental care and a friendly environment help to obtain lasting results.

Constipation is the abnormal functioning of the colon, which is manifested by rare bowel movements in a child (less than once every two days) or their complete absence for a long time (which is very common), difficult and painful bowel movements, a small amount of stool (dry and hard). ), lack of physiological feeling of complete bowel movement.

The human colon is the site of fecal mass formation and is approximately U-shaped. The length of the entire colon in a child over 3 years old is on average 1-1.5 meters. Feces are formed from undigested and undigested food residues. This occurs through partial dehydration and various types of peristaltic movements of the intestine, forming and moving feces towards the exit. A significant part of the feces consists of a huge number of microbial bodies. According to microbiologists, in 1 gram of feces of a healthy person, from 30 to 40 billion microorganisms are found.

The causes of constipation are varied. We, pediatricians, believe that constipation is primarily associated with poor nutrition or the so-called nutritional factor. The cause of chronic constipation is a deficiency in the diet of coarse plant fiber as one of the main stimulants of intestinal motility (vegetables, fruits, coarse breads, gray varieties of cereals, etc.), as well as consumption of high-calorie, refined foods. As a result of such nutrition, a small amount of dehydrated fecal matter is formed in the colon, and their movement through the intestines is disrupted. It has been noted that a lack of water in the stool leads to a significant delay in the movement of stool through the intestines. This is especially clearly manifested in the winter-spring season, when the consumption of both fresh and prepared vegetables and fruits is noticeably reduced.

The state of the child’s nervous system plays an important role in regulating the motor function of the colon. Various stressful situations, mental, emotional and physical overload, unfavorable family and school relationships between children and adults negatively affect the general condition of the child’s nervous system, which in turn leads to disorders of the motor function of the colon. Elimination of stressful situations, normalization of the psychological situation in the family and at school, and in some cases, the help of a neuropsychiatrist, have a beneficial effect on the treatment of the disease.

Prolonged retention of a child's feces leads to the absorption of rotting and fermentation products from the intestines into the blood, which has a negative effect on the child's entire body (toxic effect). Children complain of headaches, increased fatigue, their appetite decreases, and sleep is disturbed. Children become irritable, whiny and sometimes “uncontrollable.” If there is no stool for several days, he may experience severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and increased body temperature.

Very often, dense feces, accumulating for a long time in the final section of the colon, stretch the anus when trying to empty. This may cause cracks to form. Cracks are always accompanied by acute pain in the anus during and after bowel movements. The child is afraid of these painful sensations and tries to avoid attempts to empty the intestines, which leads to even greater compaction of the stool.

In advanced cases, with a prolonged absence of stool, as a result of increasing intraintestinal pressure, such an unpleasant condition as stool may appear, that is, spontaneous leakage of feces through the anus. The consequences of this condition are clear. The child becomes the object of jokes, and in some cases, more aggressive actions from peers. The patient’s mental state is on the verge of collapse, children refuse to go to kindergarten or school, and the feeling of fear exceeds all reasonable limits.

Chronic constipation in a child can also appear when the child loses the habit of bowel movements at the same time (usually in the morning). Parents are often to blame here because they pay little attention to their child’s life and do not teach them from early childhood to defecate at a certain time.

By the way, it has been noticed that some teachers in kindergarten or school, for strange, sometimes indescribable reasons, do not allow young children to go to the toilet during class. Such illiterate behavior of the teacher leads to the fact that children deliberately suppress the urge to defecate during school. This harmful reflex easily becomes established and causes chronic constipation.

This phenomenon is facilitated by an unusual environment for a child who has started attending kindergarten or school for the first time: a public toilet with the presence of a large number of strangers of different ages. This has a particularly unfavorable effect on shy, shy children, especially boys brought up in the strictest Puritan principles.

What should parents do if their child has chronic constipation?

The main thing is not to self-medicate, but to immediately seek advice from a specialist - a gastroenterologist. Children should definitely undergo the necessary examination.

Organizing a balanced diet is the basis of treatment. Parents in most cases consider nutritional recommendations to be of little significance, demanding the prescription of new drugs that can eliminate constipation within a few days. It should be said right away: such drugs do not exist! Since disorders of the motor function of the colon in the vast majority of cases are associated precisely with eating disorders in the family, organizing the digestive diet is the main task of treatment.

The child's diet should be changed so that it contains more vegetables containing coarse plant fiber and pectins, i.e. components that stimulate intestinal motility. These are carrots, beets, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, pumpkin, zucchini, squash, plums, and melons. There is not enough fiber in cucumbers, tomatoes, and apples.

Vegetables and fruits should make up at least 50-60% of the daily diet and be consumed in any form (fresh or after heat treatment). During lunch, sick children should be offered vegetables in the form of salads, vinaigrettes, purees, seasoned with vegetable oil and light mayonnaise to improve their taste. It is better not to use fatty varieties of mayonnaise and sour cream, as fats inhibit intestinal function. Sour cream can be added to vegetable or cereal soup.

Pediatricians attach particular importance to the systematic intake of wheat bran. This is a valuable natural remedy obtained by grinding grain and has a number of useful properties. This is a valuable natural product obtained by grinding grain and has a number of useful properties:

Bran is one of the powerful stimulants of intestinal motility;

They contain a significant amount of B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the human body, and especially the central nervous system;

Bran helps remove toxins and allergens from the body; their use is advisable in the complex treatment of numerous allergic diseases;

Bran removes excess cholesterol from the body and thereby helps prevent atherosclerosis.

Wheat bran can be used in any form. More often we recommend using wheat bran in this way.

Spread the purchased product (usually sold at flour mills and pharmacies) in a thin layer (1-1.5 cm) on a metal tray and bake in the oven at a temperature of 100-150 C for 10-15 minutes. After cooling, transfer the bran to a hermetically sealed jar, since the product is hygroscopic. Three to five tablespoons of bran, i.e. the amount that is required for the day, pour 1/2 cup of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. In this case, a thickish light gray or light brown mass is formed.

Bran is a completely tasteless product, and in most cases children resolutely refuse to take it in its natural form. To improve taste, add a single dose of bran (usually starting from 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, gradually increasing to 3-10 tablespoons per day, depending on the degree of stool retention) to 1/2 cup of fruit or vegetable juice, to a glass of fermented milk product, to porridge, soup, side dish. The duration of taking bran is not limited and can last for years without any harm to the body.

Your daily diet should include fermented milk products (yogurt, fermented baked milk, Varenets, one- or two-day kefir, etc.); they are best consumed in the morning on an empty stomach and at night. Fermented milk products can be enriched with bifidum flora.

The first courses in the diet are mandatory; soups are predominantly vegetable or made from gray cereals (buckwheat). It is better to eat meat in a cooked piece. Bread of gray and black varieties, with bran, yesterday's baking. Fresh buns and cakes are contraindicated.

If you have constipation, you should exclude foods that increase gas formation in the intestines: whole milk, sweet foods, legumes.

For normal functioning of all muscles and intestines, in particular, it is necessary to consume foods containing potassium. These are baked potatoes, dried fruits, dried apricots, prunes, figs, and compote made from them. Parents can do the following: pour boiling water over 10-20 prunes or dried apricots (or all together) the night before, divide the portion into 3 parts in the morning and give it to the child at school, where he will happily eat these berries. And in the evening at home, the child will drink the resulting infusion from the berries.

prunes - 1 part by weight,

figs - 1 part by weight,

dried apricots - 1 part by weight,

walnuts (core) - 1 part by weight.

The products are mixed in equal quantities, cut finely with a stainless steel knife, 1-1.5 parts by weight of honey are added, the whole mixture is mixed again, placed in a jar and sterilized at 80 C for 15 minutes. The dose is usually 1-2 teaspoons. l. 3 times a day after meals. It should be remembered that such a mixture can cause allergic reactions in children with a predisposition to such reactions.

It is important that the child consumes more liquid during the day: at least 4-5 glasses per day in the form of tea, compotes, broth, juices, water, etc., as well as taking cool drinks in the morning on an empty stomach (100-200 ml) . Carbonated drinks are excluded.

Daily regime

Despite the significant role of diet, it may not be effective if the child does not develop the habit of emptying his bowels at a certain time, preferably in the morning (6-9 hours). This habit should be developed and reinforced. To do this, immediately after getting up in the morning, the child drinks 0.5-1 glass of cold water or vegetable juice on an empty stomach.

If there is a urge to stool, the patient empties the intestines as much as possible. If there is no urge to defecate, you should first resort to physical exercise, breakfast and after a while go to the toilet. A squatting position is assumed, with legs tucked to the stomach. The act of defecation is aided by self-massage of the abdomen with hands, rhythmic retraction of the anus, and pressure between the tailbone and the anus. Appropriate conditions must be created for the child. If the child is small, then it is better to sit him not on the toilet, but on the potty (previously washed clean and warmed slightly above body temperature). Restoring the act of defecation is a long-term task, and it must be solved by parents and adults in direct contact with the child, persistently, without emotional outbursts.

For chronic constipation, daily dosed physical activity is necessary - walking, morning exercises, outdoor games, skiing, skating, swimming. During classes at school, physical education breaks should definitely be held during lessons. Most exercises should be aimed at stimulating the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. We offer a set of special exercises.

1. Free ventilation of the room. Walking in place30 sec

2. I. p. (starting position): sitting on a chair, hands to shoulders. Raise your arms up, tilt your torso back - inhale. Hands to shoulders, torso slightly tilted forward - exhale 2 - 8 times

3. I. p.: sitting on a chair. Raising the arms to the sides - inhale. Raise the right leg, bent at the knee, press it to the stomach - exhale. Also with the left leg 2 - 8 times

4. I. p.: sitting on a chair. Alternately pulling up and moving to the side of the straight leg 2 - 8 times

5. I. p.: standing. Deep breathing 2 - 4 times

6. I. p .: sitting on a chair, emphasis with hands behind, legs bent. Breeding legs to the sides 4 - 8 times

7. I. p .: standing, arms to the sides. Leading the leg forward, to the side, back, alternately with the right, then with the left 2 - 8 times

8. I. p.: standing, hands on the belt. Half squat with arms laid back 2 - 6 times

For young children, physical exercise should be done in the form of play. For example, we recommend this exercise. Scatter 20-30 small toys on the floor and ask the child to collect all the toys, bending over each one from a standing position. This “exercise” should be repeated 2-3 times during the day.

In addition to the procedures described, the doctor will prescribe some medications for the child. They should be taken strictly in the amount recommended by the specialist. Do not self-medicate or use laxatives. Only correct and consistent implementation of our recommendations will help children get rid of chronic diseases. And the children will delight you with cheerful laughter, excellent success in school, excellent appetite and excellent health.

Chronic constipation in children

The progress achieved by modern society has led to the fact that nature, displaced in many areas, began to “take revenge” on humanity for its lost positions, which manifested itself in the increasing prevalence of the so-called “diseases of civilization.” There is no doubt that chronic constipation belongs to this group of diseases, the cause of which can be a number of factors, both endogenous and exogenous.

Long-term constipation was defined as prolonged retention of intestinal contents for more than 32 hours or delayed bowel movement from compacted feces. However, observations have shown that the frequency of bowel movements cannot serve as a criterion for diagnosing constipation, especially in children. So for a healthy child of the first year of life, the frequency of stool ranges from 2 to 7-8 times a day, and from the 2nd year of life the frequency varies from 3 times a day to 1 time in 2 days. This indicates the need for some other criteria, and such criteria were developed in 1992 by the International Research Group.

Defecation requires tension;

The stool is hard or lumpy;

There is a feeling of incomplete bowel movement after defecation

The act of defecation occurs 2 or less than twice a week.

According to a number of pediatricians for children, the last criterion requires correction, and the criterion for constipation should be a stool frequency of less than 3-4 times a week for children over 1 year of age and less than 6 times a week for children in the first year of life.

At the same time, we can talk about chronic constipation if the above criteria occur for at least a 3-month period without the use of laxatives. With daily bowel movements, but the presence of the above symptoms, chronic constipation can be called “hidden”. A special group consists of so-called functional constipation, and their variant is situational constipation, which most often has a psychogenic or nutritional factor.

Constipation is not a disease, but only a symptom of a disease. And the doctor’s task, first of all, is to identify the cause that causes this symptom.

There is no generally accepted classification of constipation. Conventionally, constipation is divided into:




The cause of primary constipation is the presence of congenital anomalies of the colon (megarectum, megadolichosigma, dolichocolon, Hirschsprung's disease, stenosis of the anorectal region) or acquired structural disorders (polyps or intestinal tumors, adhesive disease, etc.).

The most common causes of secondary constipation in infants are: genetic predisposition, pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth, early and/or rapid transition to artificial feeding, improper daily routine and nutrition of the mother, non-compliance with the drinking regime, the presence of constipation in the mother herself, protein intolerance cow's milk, iron deficiency, prematurity, hypothyroidism, as well as diseases accompanied by muscle hypotension (rickets, dysembryogenesis, etc.).

The formation of constipation in children of the first year of life is greatly influenced by all kinds of feeding disorders (underfeeding, improper introduction of complementary foods, monotonous nutrition, eating disorders, frequent changes of formula, feeding with milk formulas with a high iron content, etc.).

Secondary constipation in children over one year of age often occurs due to nutritional, neurogenic, endocrine, psychogenic, metabolic and other reasons.

It should be noted that a child with constipation often has cholestasis; according to various authors, 70-80% of children have some kind of dysfunction of biliary excretion.

At an early age, neuro-reflex connections are immature; the formation of the mechanism of defecation occurs gradually under the influence of environmental factors and the individual characteristics of the child’s body. In addition, by the time the child is born, the intramural nervous system of the colon is also immature. “Maturation” occurs gradually during the first months of life, and full formation ends at 2-3 years of life. The immaturity of regulatory mechanisms determines the exceptional vulnerability of the vital function of bowel movement under the influence of various unfavorable factors (toxins, drugs, stress, disruption of microbiocenosis, and especially infections); a disruption of the reflex relationship of the rectum with its sphincter apparatus can easily occur.

The period of most frequent manifestation of constipation is 7-10 years of age. This is due to the gradual increase in the symptoms of constipation that arose in the first year of life, the development of secondary changes in the distal parts of the large intestine and the addition of new risk factors for the development of diseases of the digestive organs (changes in the diet and nature of nutrition) at the age of 6-7 (the moment of entry into school). , psycho-emotional overload).

The clinical picture of constipation is varied. In some cases, the child does not make any complaints. If pain is present, its localization can be throughout the entire abdomen, or with a predominant localization in the right or more often in the left half of the abdomen. In addition, there is bloating, a feeling of pressure, distension, which disappears after defecation or the passage of gas. Dyspeptic disorders most often include decreased appetite, belching, unpleasant taste in the mouth, rumbling in the stomach, and persistent flatulence. When characterizing stool, it should be noted that its consistency can be different: from normal, formed to hard dry balls and lumps (“sheep” feces); In some patients, only the initial part of the stool is compacted, and the final part is a mushy mass. With a pronounced inflammatory process in the intestines with hypersecretion of mucus, “constipative diarrhea” is observed, which is caused by the impregnation and dilution of stool with mucus. The clinical picture is largely determined by the topography of the lesion. In some cases, reflex pain in the area of ​​the sacrum, buttocks, thighs, and heart occurs; palpitations, shortness of breath, and headache may develop, disappearing after defecation.

With prolonged constipation, signs of fecal intoxication appear associated with the accumulation of metabolic products (cresol, indole, skatole), which are absorbed from the intestines and cause weakness, nausea, low-grade fever, and a decrease in the rate of physical and mental development. The following may also be observed: increased autonomic dysfunction, development of depressive conditions, worsening dysbiotic disorders, development of cholelithiasis, hepatosis, hypovitaminosis, immune dysfunction, persistence of allergic diseases and pustular skin lesions. Fissures of the anal canal, proctitis, proctosigmoiditis, secondary dolichosigma and megadolichosigma may occur, creating the prerequisites for the development and persistence of fecal incontinence - encopresis.

Particularly important is the timely detection of constipation, determination and correction of the causes of its development. Without this, it is impossible to choose the correct tactics for examining patients and prescribing adequate therapy.

First of all, a thorough history taking by the local pediatrician is necessary to identify children at risk for developing constipation (children of parents with constipation, a history of intestinal dysfunction and intestinal infections, dysbiosis in the first year of life, poor diet). Laboratory methods include a scatological examination, a stool test for helminth eggs and dysbacteriosis, and a general and biochemical blood test.

According to indications, instrumental research methods are carried out - sigmoidoscopy, irrigoscopy (graphy), colonoscopy, if possible with targeted biopsy, manometry, sphincterometry, balloonography, myography and others.

In recent years, ultrasound examinations with filling of the intestine to assess its function have become widespread. This method made it possible to develop a classification of functional disorders of the distal parts of the colon depending on the echographic picture and criteria for developmental anomalies of the distal parts of the intestine, which in turn allows for a more differentiated approach to the prescription of radiological methods and reduces radiation exposure. The accuracy and sensitivity of ultrasound diagnostics reaches 90%.

Treatment of chronic constipation should be comprehensive and include, first of all, treatment of the conditions that caused stool retention. The following areas of therapy are distinguished:

1. Nutritional correction. Includes the selection of special milk formulas (Bifidus, Samper Baby-1 and Baby-2, Frisovo) or one-day fermented milk products for children of the first year of life, the inclusion of products containing plant fiber in the diet.

2. Pharmacotherapy of motor function disorders. Includes the prescription of prokinetics, antispasmodics, choleretic and laxatives.

3. Prescription of drugs with anthelmintic action and drugs for the correction of dysbiotic disorders (probiotics, prebiotics).

4. Correction of metabolic disorders (vitamin therapy, calcium and magnesium supplements, limontar, etc.).

5. Herbal medicine.

6. Physiotherapeutic procedures and physical therapy, massage.

In case of prolonged stool retention, laxatives are most often used, which differ from each other in their mechanism of action.

However, most laxatives are addictive to one degree or another and have side effects in the form of allergic reactions, drug-induced diarrhea with metabolic disorders, melanosis of the colon, and sometimes intestinal obstruction, which limits their use in children.

In emergency treatment of constipation and in preparation for diagnostic tests, water cleansing or hypertonic enemas are usually used. The introduction of large volumes of water into the intestines, which are necessary to obtain the effect and adequate preparation for research, is accompanied by discomfort, and in the case of hypertensive enemas, pain, and in some cases it is contraindicated. In addition, there is a high risk of developing water intoxication due to the absorption of water containing stool components, the occurrence of edema and even convulsions. It has also been established that enema water washes out not only feces, but also bacterial flora, which can lead to aggravation of dysbiotic intestinal disorders and the colonization of the distal parts of the intestine by pathogenic microorganisms. Enema waters can cause inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

Constipation is the retention of feces in the intestines for more than three days or abnormally hard feces that may cause pain during bowel movements. Constipation can be effectively treated with diet and herbs.

When diagnosing constipation, the volume of stool is not taken into account - it is different for each person, as well as the intervals between bowel movements. While some people need to have bowel movements three times a day or more, others don't even need to do so every day. However, it is important that bowel movements are effortless and occur with regular frequency. Although changes in this frequency are quite common for most people, they can sometimes indicate problems with the intestines.

Constipation symptoms

Among the most important symptoms of constipation, the following should be highlighted: poor or very dry stools, as well as with long delays, distended abdomen, a feeling of heaviness in it, flatulence.

Causes of constipation

There are many reasons that cause constipation, including:

Poor nutrition(consuming large amounts of meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products). When these products are abused, the beneficial intestinal flora, which contributes to proper digestion, changes; Harmful bacteria begin to predominate, causing putrefaction and flatulence. In this case, constipation is the result of changes in the intestinal flora.

Dietary deficiencies in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and wholemeal bread. These foods provide us with much-needed fiber for a healthy gut. Their deficiency may be one of the causes of constipation.

Diet low in fiber(often due to over-processed foods).

Insufficient fluid intake. When there is insufficient fluid supply, the rectum holds feces to extract water from it. Drinking the optimal amount of fluid helps to remove intestinal waste from the rectum in a timely manner.

Lack of exercise. Exercise helps maintain intestinal motility.

Lack of habit of regular bowel movements. To acquire this habit, you need to accustom yourself to visiting the toilet as soon as the need arises. Ignoring this need entails the development of the so-called lazy bowel, which is also facilitated by the stress of modern life. This type of constipation is typical for young children who, being carried away by play, may not go to the toilet on time.

Laxative abuse. People who tend to cleanse their colon with laxatives usually develop lazy bowel syndrome, so they have to turn to such drugs again and again.

Use of certain medications. These can be antidepressants, antacids, antispasmodics and many others.

Diseases. Sometimes constipation can be a symptom of another disease, such as irritable bowel syndrome, colorectal cancer, hyperthyroidism, etc.

Haemorrhoids. The pain caused by hemorrhoids may be the reason that a person becomes afraid to go to the toilet. Over time, this usually leads to constipation.

Preventing constipation

  • Set aside an urgent time to have a bowel movement.
  • Perform physical exercises according to your capabilities.
  • Increase your fluid intake.
  • Break the habit of taking laxatives.
  • Change your diet and eat more fruits and vegetables.

Diet for constipation


  • Glass of skim milk
  • Whole wheat toast with apple jelly
  • 4 figs or 3 dried plums

Late breakfast

  • Apple


  • Various vegetable dishes
  • Piece of baked pumpkin
  • 100 g tofu
  • 100 g strawberries with three tablespoons of yoghurt and a tablespoon of brown sugar
  • Infusion of peach blossom or elderflower

Afternoon snack

  • Slice of wholemeal bread and apple compote


  • Salad of tomatoes, lettuce, onion and cucumber
  • Omelette with asparagus
  • Chicory infusion

You should drink about two liters of fluid per day

Treatment of constipation

Changes in diet and habits are usually enough to relieve constipation. Medical assistance is required in the following cases:

  • There are changes in stool frequency that last for quite a long time.
  • The stool becomes painful and accompanied by blood.
  • Constipation alternates with diarrhea.
  • Constipation continues for more than three days and the medications used do not help.

Stool softeners

Using vitamins, minerals, and other supplements under the supervision of a physician, and in the absence of any bowel disease, can help relieve constipation. The following additives should be used:

Vitamin C and magnesium. Vitamin C has laxative properties. Taking 3,000 mg of vitamin C daily, divided into three doses, has been shown to relieve constipation. Magnesium enhances the action of vitamin C. The dose of this mineral should be about 400 mg daily.

Plantain seeds. Due to their high fiber content and ability to swell in water, plantain seeds enhance peristalsis and facilitate bowel movements. At the same time, their mucus has a softening effect on the intestinal walls, which helps the passage of feces. Unlike other laxatives, psyllium seeds do not cause pain or cramping. The usual dose is 1-2 tablespoons per day, diluted with water or juice. In addition to psyllium seeds, bran also relieves constipation.

Brewer's yeast. Consumption of brewer's yeast is also effective in relieving constipation.

Less desirable drugs

There are laxatives that can be taken only if there are no other remedies at hand or they do not help. These laxatives include:

  • Cassia, or senna (Cassia spp.)
  • Buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula)

Frequent use of these drugs can lead to the development of a “lazy rectum”, which gets used to working only with this type of laxative. These laxatives should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding.


In herbal medicine for constipation, plants with the following properties are used:

Laxative plants: plants with laxative properties improve stools by regulating the passage of digested food and feces.

Portable plants: act more radically, causing complete bowel movement.

Basic laxative plants

Aloe(Aloe vera): dry extract.

Dandelion(Taraxacum officinale) and elderberry: infusion.

Mallow(Malva): 30 g boiled for 20 minutes leaves and flowers in a liter of water, three cups a day.

Thorn or prickly plum(Prunus spinosa) infusion of flowers.

Althaea officinalis(Althaéa officinalis): infusion of a teaspoon of dried leaves and flowers in a cup of water, two cups a day.

Cascara(Rhamnus purshiana): has contraindications.

Violet(Taraxacum officinale): tincture of a tablespoon of dried flowers in a cup of water, two cups a day).

Oats(Avena sativa): The fiber found in oat bran increases peristalsis and facilitates bowel movements, preventing constipation caused by removing the bran from cereals and grains.

Fucus(Fucus vesiculosus): due to its high mucus content, fucus promotes fecal excretion and keeps you feeling full.

Sesame, or sesame (Sesamum indicum): seeds mixed with food.

Plantain(Plantago spp.): seeds with water.

Rose hip(Rosa canina): decoction of dried leaves.

Olive Tree(Olea europaea): in case of constipation, take a couple of teaspoons of olive oil on an empty stomach.

Nettle(Urtica dioica): infusion of dried leaves.

Chicory(Cichorium intybus): infusion of 20 g of dry root. Take a cup after meals. You can cook fresh leaves with other vegetables

Peach(Prunus persica): Tincture a teaspoon of dried flowers in a cup of water. Strain and take several cups per day.

Flax seeds

Flax seeds are very useful for constipation. They can either be taken with enough water (about one to three teaspoons a couple of times a day, while drinking about eight glasses of water a day) or taken as an infusion (a teaspoon per cup of water, a couple of cups per day). Unlike most laxatives, which tend to irritate the intestines, the protective action of the mucus makes this plant not aggressive to the intestines, although the effect is not as immediate as other laxatives.

Main carrier plants

Carrying (drastic) - fast-acting agents:

Aloe(Aloe vera): dry extract

Senna(Cassia angustifolia): infusion of dried leaves

Cascara(Rhamnus purshiana): among the herbs that contain anthraquinoids and are used to treat constipation, cascara is the least irritating to the intestines and is therefore the most suitable herb to carry. However, before starting treatment, you need to take into account its toxicity, contraindications and side effects.

field bindweed(Convulvulus arvensis): infusion of dried leaves and roots

boxwood(Buxus semperviresns): bark decoction

Peach(Prunus persica): infusion of a teaspoon of dry leaves in a cup of water, take half a cup four times a day.