Baking business at home: tips on how to open a pastry shop from scratch, the necessary equipment. Home confectionery space

Organizing your own confectionery is a fairly simple idea in terms of implementation. However, in this area there are many nuances that must be taken into account in order to have the desired level of profit.

Any area of ​​business is attractive to work in terms of some aspects and not very profitable in terms of others. Own confectionery is no exception. Among the shortcomings, the fact that this is a difficult business (like any related to the food industry) for an aspiring entrepreneur stands out first of all.

Among the main difficulties are:

  • Expensive rent or purchase of premises and equipment.
  • Lack of qualified workers.
  • A large number of restrictions that exist in the food industry.
  • High demands on the quality and taste of the final product.
  • High probability of becoming dependent on suppliers.

However, the number of advantages is much higher:

  • Independence from other people's decisions.
  • High level of profit.
  • Ability for creative implementation.
  • Having constant contact with people.
  • The ability to uniqueize the product and make it different from what competitors are selling.
  • The ability to quickly win loyal and regular customers.
  • Relatively quick exit for payback.
  • A large number of work formats.
  • High demand at any time of the year ( complete absence seasonality).
  • Opportunity to develop a large number of sales channels.

You can watch an interesting story about opening such a business in the following video:

What documents are required

In order to register a confectionery, you must first choose the form of work - individual entrepreneur or society with limited liability. Despite the more complex and lengthy, the second option is preferable, since it will allow the new company to develop and expand the network in the future.

Among necessary documents can be distinguished:

  • Company registration certificate.
  • Certificate of registration of the cash register.
  • Certificate of registration with tax authorities and social funds.
  • Permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  • Certificate of inspection by the fire authorities.
  • Permission to put production into operation.
  • Assortment approval document.
  • A form with the results of testing products for the presence of heavy metals.

In total, all checks and registration can take from 1 to 3 months. It is advisable to contact law firms so that all the necessary package of documents is executed correctly.

Types of services provided

There are a fairly large number of formats for the existence of a company working with confectionery products. All of them can be combined with each other:

  • Making cakes and pastries at home- this is a good option for a novice entrepreneur who wants to earn money for a larger production on their own. As an advantage similar shape business can be called the minimum cost of opening. At the same time, for greater success in the distribution of products, it is best to focus on its naturalness.
  • Workshop for the production of confectionery is one of the most expensive options (and at the same time the most profitable). Equipment can be either own or rented. Many companies start out by renting equipment from a coffee shop or restaurant and then buying their own, which is risky as it will make it harder for the entrepreneur to take responsibility for the quality of their products. For the workshop, it is important to focus on original, but loved by all recipes, as well as on exclusive decoration of cakes.
  • Cafe-confectionery in terms of production volumes, it is less than the workshop. In addition, such a cafe can sell both its own and third-party products. This format is a lot like a coffee shop, with the added complexity of having space to prepare desserts and pastries.
  • confectionery shop is one of the best sales channels after reaching a certain reputation, since for many people offline shopping remains more convenient than ordering online. In addition, prices here are lower than in cafes, and therefore the flow of casual buyers who want to eat will be much higher.

Each of the above options has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice should be made based on the volume of investments, plans for the development and formation of an assortment policy.

Range development

The range, of course, is a key issue in winning the consumer. On the one hand, sweets and pastries are almost a universal product that everyone eats. But on the other hand, each person has his own tastes, and it is necessary to be guided by this when forming the assortment matrix.

In order to achieve success, it is desirable to include the following headings in the menu:

  • Cakes.
  • Cakes.
  • Cookies.
  • Bakery products.
  • Muesli, etc.

Initially, you should start with time-tested popular recipes(perhaps with the addition of a branded "zest"). For example, from cakes it is "Napoleon" and "Bird's milk", and from pastries it is worth giving preference to macaroons, eclairs, potatoes and cottage cheese rings.

Due to the trend in healthy lifestyle life, many people tend to choose not too high-calorie sweets, so when developing a menu, you should add a range of low calorie recipes(or the ability to replace some of the ingredients of standard recipes).

Such a product will be exclusive - accordingly, it will be in demand, and it will be possible to set a high price for it.

After reaching a certain level of profit, you can think about expanding production and making your own chocolate, etc. The wider the assortment matrix, the large quantity customers will be satisfied with the choice and become permanent. At the same time, it is important to slightly change the sweets sold, adding new ones and removing the most unpopular or unprofitable ones (this is not always the same thing, since the product may be in sufficient demand, but have too high a cost).

Finally, it is important to pay special attention to decoration and packaging, since desserts should not only be tasty, but also attractive.

Choice of location and premises

Regarding the choice of location, it is important to understand that if we are talking about a cafe or shop, then the confectionery should be located in a crowded place where the company will have Great chance attract not only regular, but also casual visitors.

On the initial stage should be based on such a factor as the cost of rent. If the company has a small turnover, but own equipment, it is possible to think about leasing it.

An important requirement for the premises is the minimum size of the area. So, if an entrepreneur organizes the work of his own workshop, he must rent or buy at least 200 square meters. For home production, rent is not needed in principle, but it is very desirable to register your business.

To get everything Required documents, it is necessary to immediately take care of the ventilation system, the provision of water supply and the creation of additional rooms (for example, utility rooms and for storing workers' belongings).

Finally, the space should be refurbished and not only functional, but also beautifully decorated: a pleasant atmosphere will encourage people to make more purchases than they originally planned. Accordingly, this guarantees the growth of the company's profit.

Equipment and principles of organization of the technological process

In order to produce sweets in relatively large volumes, it is best not to rent the equipment, but to buy it. To form a confectionery line, you need to purchase:

  • Medium power oven.
  • Hairpins.
  • Confectionery pistols.
  • Mixers.
  • Nozzles, etc.

The cost of all equipment is quite high, so at the initial stage, with a lack of financial resources, you can choose one of two options - rent equipment or engage in production on the area of ​​​​one of the cafes or restaurants.

The technology of confectionery production has a large number of features that inevitably attract the attention of various inspection services. Building technological process will seriously depend on what kind of assortment policy the entrepreneur has chosen (at the initial stage, it is advisable to focus on 1-2 groups of sweets). To properly build the process, you must:

  1. Define the production concept.
  2. Define assortment policy.
  3. Define the boundaries of production.
  4. Purchase equipment - it can be one confectionery line or a large number of various devices.

Required personnel

Depending on the chosen format, different staffing will be required to ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise. V general case The company will need the following professionals:

  • Sellers.
  • Production director.
  • Confectioners (including confectioners-decorators).
  • Purchasing Manager for Raw Materials.
  • Drivers and movers.
  • Sales Manager.

It is important to consider that employees are the face of the company and reflect its image. Therefore, it is advisable to come up with for them certain form which should always be neat and clean.

It is desirable that the entrepreneur himself worked in some positions for several months after opening. So he will be able to understand what criteria should be based on when selecting personnel for a particular position.

Sales channels

There are a very large number of distribution channels for a confectionery:

  • First, you can sell products in branded cafes or shops. The advantage of this method is to increase brand awareness. Of the minuses, it can be distinguished that if the lease agreement is concluded on short term and the company is forced to relocate, it will lose a significant percentage of its customers.
  • The second and no less important channel is own site which needs to be properly promoted. The entrepreneur must think about how products will be delivered, as well as the flexibility of payment systems, discounts, etc. Over time, it is advisable to introduce a CRM information system that can track customer behavior.
  • In the case of a small scale business (in particular, when it comes to home production), sales organization is possible through social networks.
  • The company can also manufacture confectionery products. for ceremonial events- from weddings to children's parties at school.
  • Finally, after the company becomes recognizable and gains a certain target audience, you can think about supply of sweets to other cafes, restaurants and shops.

Project costs, profitability and payback periods

Like any project in the food industry, opening a candy store is quite expensive:

  • The main share of the initial investment will be the cost of acquiring equipment, which varies from 25 thousand dollars and more.
  • Rent: for a room of 200 square meters, the minimum rate per month will be 120 thousand rubles.
  • Staff salaries: on average, employees earn 30-45 thousand rubles, depending on the region, provided they work full time.
  • Utility bills and purchase of raw materials. This point is especially important, since the taste and quality of the final product will depend on the quality of the raw materials. That is why savings on this parameter are not allowed.
  • Part of the funds will be spent on the repair and decoration of the premises, as well as attracting customers.

As a result, the initial investment will be from 2-3 million rubles. At the same time, the profitability of such a business is at the level of 25-40 percent (depending on the chosen format), and the payback period varies in the range 2 to 3.5 years. Net profit will be about 100-200 thousand rubles per month.

Thus, the organization of a confectionery is a difficult to implement, but very profitable project that can flexibly change and develop with an increase in the number of customers and sales.

How to open your own bakery? After all, organizing a sales business bakery products and baking is considered one of the most promising directions in the field of trade. Usually an experienced baker with entrepreneurial skills knows how to open a patisserie from scratch on their own. You can limit yourself to a pastry shop, where sweets will only be sold, or you can go further - open a cafe or mini-bakery.

Where to begin?

What does it take to open a bakery? It is very important to have a business plan that includes the calculation of all necessary costs for rent of premises, materials and equipment, staff salaries, taxes and advertising. After considering all the costs, the entrepreneur will be able to decide whether he will manage with his own funds or additional financing is required.

We should not forget that before opening your own confectionery, you will need to obtain at least a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur. It is necessary to choose a suitable room, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should be at least 50 square meters. m. The future confectionery should be located in a residential area or near a market or a shopping center.

You will definitely need special equipment - ovens, scales, racks, dishes (pots, bowls), display cases, refrigerators, as well as many household items.

It will be necessary to put together a strong team of personnel. You will need cooks, waiters, a manager, a cashier.

Give me a brand!

How to open a candy store and not burn out? You need to consider how your establishment will be advertised. You can use the possibilities of printing, outdoor advertising, as well as the Internet.

To stand out from the competition, you need to come up with something of your own, for example, open a bakery for vegetarians (preparing treats without the use of eggs and milk), selling oriental sweets or products without genetically modified additives. You can attract customers with lower prices than in neighboring shops.

In the fight against competitors, it is not necessary to specialize in one type of product. You can take as a basis, for example, the production of expensive luxurious cakes and deep-frozen cakes. You can focus on the freshness of products, for which it is sold at the nearest outlets.

Let's calculate the costs

The profitability of the confectionery business is, as a rule, from twenty to thirty percent. It will be possible to open a confectionery production only by spending an amount of at least 400 thousand dollars. High-tech equipment is required for baking puff cakes and pastries, as well as other confectionery products.

With limited funds, consider how to open your own mini-pastry shop. If the enterprise is small, you can get by with one domestic-made furnace. The cost of such ovens starts from one hundred thousand dollars, of which only a fifth goes to the oven itself and its installation, the remaining funds will be spent on related packaging and filling equipment, as well as mixers and other household items. If you focus on imported equipment, the price will increase several times.

Consider the upcoming costs of renting a suitable room or buying it. There must be a parking lot next to the outlet. You also have to take into account the costs of organizing parking. Since you are going to trade in perishable products, success will depend very much on the good work of the logistics service.

But that's not all. You will have to pay for entering the assortment of the supermarket where you plan to sell your products, for a certain place on the shelf of this supermarket. It is impossible to neglect these conditions in our days. The vast majority of chain stores work on them.

We collect documents

Before you open a pastry shop from scratch, you will need to collect the necessary package of documents. You will need to register with tax authorities and social funds, obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire authorities. You will also need permission from Rospotrebnadzor, drawing up contracts for a program for conducting sanitary and industrial control and systematic disinfection of your retail premises, as well as for the removal of garbage and industrial waste.

For communication with all instances, a certain amount from your budget must be reserved, and not a small one. You should be well aware of your financial capabilities even at the stage of thinking about how to open your own confectionery.

Human factor

Consider recruiting. The number of full-time employees depends on the volume of production and the number of stores with which you plan to cooperate. If this number is no more than ten, and you are thinking about how to open a small confectionery, 10-15 people will be enough for you to start with (several confectioners (5 or 6), chief confectioner technologist, baker, baker's assistant, a couple of people in logistics service, an accountant, a couple of customer relations managers).

If, for example, in addition to cakes, you are also going to produce cakes, you will need a different team of confectioners, since the production technologies for these types of products are very different. Special attention apply for a job as a retail sales manager. This person will serve as the face of the company, through him all contacts and communications take place.

Another key unit is the confectioner technologist, without whom all production is impossible in principle.

How to set up an implementation

It is better to start marketing products with small stores. Large retail chains are unlikely to agree to cooperate with a start-up company without a well-known name and a large budget.

Having organized reliable sales of products through small retail outlets, you should look for exits to small networks. pays off confectionery business relatively fast. This is one of the most promising areas today.

The creation of a combined type establishment that combines a shop, a cafe and a mini-workshop for the production of confectionery, involves Additional requirements. If you open a patisserie, you must organize the conditions for the eating of visitors, as well as access to the product.

You must decide whether you plan to take orders for cakes and pastries, and whether you will have a service such as home delivery of goods. Thus, attention should be paid to the following types activities according to OKVED: "Activity of restaurants and cafes"; "Supply of catering products"; " Retail in non-specialized stores" and some others. The number of activities should be specified to the maximum, even if you do not need some of them yet.

Requirements for the premises

Suppose you are thinking about how to open a cafe-pastry shop, that is, an institution consisting of a cafe and a bakery. For such a confectionery, the room should be large enough and divided into zones. These are the eating area, the trading area and the actual production.

In no case can the room be a basement, this is prohibited sanitary norms. The cafe area should include several tables for 2-4 seats each and, preferably, a play area for children. The area of ​​such a room is not less than fifteen or twenty square meters.

In the trading floor, you need to provide a place for showcases-refrigerators, a cash register, sales counters, and you will also need to install a refrigerator for drinks, a coffee machine, a milkshake mixer, cupboards for dishes and packaging materials somewhere. The choice of equipment will be made by a specialist in confectionery technologies. Thus, at least another 10 square meters will be required for the shopping area.

The production area will occupy the main area. According to sanitary standards, there must be a washing room with cold and hot water, centralized sewerage, ventilation, tiled walls and whitewashed ceilings. There must be a toilet and a warehouse for finished products. Since it will be necessary to place cutting tables, refrigerators, racks for dishes, cooking equipment, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room cannot be less than forty square meters.

It will increase even more if you plan to place a mini-bakery. Such a combination is very often accepted in such institutions. The production area cannot be walk-through or combined with a toilet and must have a separate entrance.

What else to think about

Before you open your pastry shop, purchase tables and chairs for visitors, clothes hangers and, possibly, furniture for a children's corner, as well as refrigerators for finished products and products, stainless steel tables, a food processor. If additional production of bread and buns is planned, additional equipment will be required. You may need your own transport to deliver products to distribution points.

To save on rent, you can choose a room in a residential area, but it must be in a well-traveled place. In order to save money, you can buy used equipment or lease it. If there is a shortage of start-up capital, it is possible to purchase equipment on credit.

It is undesirable to place a cafe-confectionery near bakeries and restaurants. If your establishment has a bakery, this will ensure a daily influx of customers - after all, people need soft bread every day.

We develop the brand

Need to take care of development individual style and the logo of the institution, which can and should be used in the design of the hall and consumables, for example, on plastic bags and cardboard boxes for take-out sales.

If you invite a well-known confectioner with a professional reputation and international diplomas to work, this will be a serious advantage of your marketing strategy.

The reputation of the institution can be improved and developed in a variety of ways. For example, arrange free distributions of products with an expiring shelf life in social institutions. You can bet on the unusual design of your cakes and cakes, or on the fact that you use reliable recipes from the past.

Possible problems

The problem of the owner of a confectionery can be not only rising prices, but also an uneven supply of products. Even a trusted supplier can suddenly bring stale eggs or expired margarine. It will be safer to establish contact with several suppliers at once in order to have a fallback.

The purchase of products should be dealt with after the premises are rented, it is established necessary equipment, the trading floor is decorated, staff is hired and everything is ready for the release of the first batch of products.

The profitability of production usually ranges from thirty-five to forty percent.

Perhaps a novice confectioner-entrepreneur should not immediately produce expensive cakes, you can first start producing small cakes of the original appearance.

You may not immediately need a wide range of products. For each age category you need to think over 5-6 key items. Children can be offered original cakes. Elderly patrons love homemade cakes. You can come up with options for cakes and pastries for couples in love or teenagers. It will be possible to correct the assortment later, depending on demand.

To increase income, it is good to start selling related products, which can serve as jam, jam, tea, coffee, honey and condensed milk.

The range of products should not repeat what is already sold on the shelves of the city - come up with something of your own, unique. A bright, memorable packaging is very important, which is convenient for transporting these delicate products.

It would be nice to organize your website, you can also take orders by phone. Promotions for the presentation of new products in supermarkets are very popular.

The main conditions for a successful start of such a business are good trading places and reliable suppliers.

There is a big misconception that minimal cost you can't start your own business. Of course, any business at the very beginning will require a lot of time, labor, calculations and some investments. But this absolutely does not mean that there is no such case that can be opened with minimum investment and develop. An excellent example would be a mini-confectionery at home. How to open and what you need we will consider in this article.

Own business - mini-confectionery at home

If you feel that cooking is your business, then you can try yourself in this business. Moreover, to start it is not at all necessary to have a culinary education and cook skillfully. You can and should start with small volumes and cook only what you like and do well. Gradually you will try, experiment and add one recipe at a time. In this business, quality is key!

Raw material

To finished products was on high level need quality raw materials. Therefore, if you need a dry mixture for cheesecakes, good flour, quality cream for creams, fruits, cocoa and chocolate and the like, then you need to find good suppliers. Even plain water It is recommended to buy and take from the tap.

Procurement must also be done competently, calculate the required volumes and not take too much. In addition, products need to be stored. And you need to do this in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological standards.


What can you cook in a mini-confectionery at home?

  • Any snack: pies, rolls, donuts, bagels, croissants, etc.
  • Candy.
  • Pies sweet or vegetable.
  • Pies with fillings.
  • Cakes, pastries.
  • Cupcakes, muffins, cupcakes.

Handmade sweets need to be beautifully designed - this is liked by potential buyers. Jewelry should not be boring and primitive roses, but modern, unusual, beautiful. This will significantly add advantages to buying your products, and not the classic ones in the store.


At home for cooking, you will need to find or purchase:

  • Mixer / blender.
  • Cream injector.
  • Separate refrigerator.
  • Moulds.

These are the main elements. A variety of boards, knives / forks / spoons, spatulas, baking paper, etc. will also come in handy.


New clients will come mainly through referrals. The first customers are relatives and friends, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, etc. You also need to start a page on social networks and fill it with real beautiful photos your meals. Remember that confectionery should be both tasty and beautiful!


Like any other business, a mini-pastry shop at home must be registered. While you are selling products to close friends, this may be delayed, but sales to external customers will soon begin, and here it will already be necessary to comply with all legal requirements.

It will be necessary to register as an individual entrepreneur (or individual entrepreneur). Comply with all health and safety requirements. Be sure to undergo a medical examination, get a medical (sanitary) book and regularly undergo examinations.

Before starting, you also need to draw up a business plan and calculate the planned costs. They will include registration of IP (FOP), the conclusion of services, paperwork, equipment, products and decorations. The initial one-time costs will be about 20 thousand rubles. Not counting the regular purchases of food, electricity, kitchen utensils. A significant role will be played by the level at which the kitchen is equipped at the time of opening the case. So the costs may go up.

Always listen to the wishes of customers. This is how market needs are identified and regular customers are acquired.

Sweets are any delicacy of many people, so the business of cakes and other types of confectionery is considered to be in demand, promising and profitable. Here it is important to properly organize the work, obtain many permits for activities, find a suitable premises not only for the production of products, but also for their sale, which is additionally sold through various retail chains.

Main features of the case

How to open a bakery from scratch? For this, a lot of questions are solved. You should start by choosing the format of work, since the process at home requires a minimum investment, but you will not be able to earn a significant income by selling home-made products. For good earnings you need to open a full-fledged mini-bakery, and it also organizes the sale of products.

Before the opening, a plan for future activities is developed, containing answers to the following questions:

  • how Money will be spent on opening;
  • which direction will be chosen, since you can sell your homemade cakes, open a full-fledged workshop or even a coffee shop;
  • what equipment is being purchased;
  • how many workers, and what specialties need to be hired;
  • what area will the confectionery shop have so that work is carried out with comfort and convenience;
  • how to advertise products, for which the Internet, various media and modern ways sales promotion;
  • how much can you earn from this type of business.

As soon as the business plan is formed, its parameters are evaluated, after which actions are taken to open a confectionery.

Is it worth starting a business from home?

Most often, the question of how to open a pastry shop at home arises among young mothers or women who do not want to work at a stationary place of work. As a rule, such a business consists in the fact that homemade cakes or confectionery products are produced with a unique appearance and taste.

The production of original products is carried out on standard equipment, so it is impossible to obtain exquisite items. As a rule, a “cakes to order” business is formed, with orders coming from social networks or their own website. The number of products created will be insignificant, therefore, in order to really earn a significant income from such a process, you will have to work without days off and breaks.

Therefore, this direction is chosen only to generate additional income, but if you open a full-fledged mini-bakery, then with its help a significant profit will be obtained.

Pros and cons of opening a candy store

This activity is a difficult job that brings pleasure and pleasure to any entrepreneur. As a rule, a professional confectioner starts the business, therefore, at first, he is independently involved in the production process.

The advantages of opening a bakery include:

  • pleasant and "tasty" business, which is interesting and bright for everyone;
  • the demand for sweets is always set very high, so it is really possible to earn substantial money on them;
  • the optimal format of work is chosen, since the production different goods it can be sold at home or through a mini-bakery, and it is also possible to open a whole store that sells manufactured sweets;
  • payback and profitability of the business are at a high level.

However, this direction of work has not only positive, but also negative parameters, which include:

  • the sale of all sweets must be fast, otherwise the delays will be permanent;
  • to open, you need to spend significant funds necessary to purchase specialized equipment, hire professional confectioners, create an original and unique recipe and purchase quality ingredients for production;
  • it is not easy to start work, since different permits are necessarily obtained from numerous state instances, and if problems and violations are found, then the opening will have to be postponed, since production is realized only under certain conditions. specific conditions;
  • to constantly meet the demand of potential buyers, various studies are regularly conducted to obtain unique recipes new sweets.

Company registration

Where does the activity begin? With proper registration, moreover, the “baking” business involves registration legal entity so that there are no problems in the process.

An LLC is considered an excellent choice, for which a charter, TIN and some other documents are being prepared. The minimum amount of the authorized initial capital is the amount of 10 thousand rubles. As a rule, documentation is issued for work within a month.

Choice of premises for work

How to open a confectionery shop? For the production of sweets, a suitable room is selected that has optimal dimensions and parameters. It must have different communication networks for the easy process of creating food.

It is important that it is consistent with the numerous SES requirements and the fire inspectorate, since these organizations will carry out an inspection before starting work. The room is chosen spacious, with a high-quality ventilation system and the ability to locate not only equipment for production, but also for storing sweets.

To get a sought-after mini-bakery, you should consider in advance the possibility of opening your own outlet. How to open a candy store? The business plan takes into account that the optimal room is chosen for this, and it can be in the same building as the mini-bakery, and you can also place the shop separately, for which a passageway is chosen in the city center.

If you know how to open a pastry shop located near bus stops or other high-traffic elements, you will be able to earn high profits from this business.

Purchase of equipment

The work plan takes into account that the optimal production of sweets is only possible with the help of high-quality and specialized equipment. You can buy it via the Internet or in special stores, and in the first case, the cost may be low. To organize the optimal mini-bakery, the following are purchased:

  • ovens equipped with baking chambers;
  • baking ovens;
  • hearth ovens;
  • proofing cabinets;
  • dough kneading and shaping equipment;
  • flour sifters;
  • baking sheets;
  • kitchen scales, etc.

To create confectionery products in optimal conditions, you need to devote a lot of time and money to buying equipment.

Product range

A successful mini-bakery always provides customers with great amount different sweets. There should be hot pastries, Viennese popular products, various cakes and pastries, lollipops and other types of sweets.

It is possible to organize your own mini-bakery in demand only if you have numerous original recipes that are developed by professional confectioners. It is also possible to purchase some recipes via the Internet.

Recruitment and procurement of ingredients

A lot of attention is paid to production, therefore professional, experienced and qualified confectioners should be engaged in this process. Cleaners, an accountant, bakers and a technologist will work in a mini-confectionery. Other necessary workers may be included in the plan.

If you additionally need to open your outlet, then sellers will work in it.

Purchase ingredients for cooking from trusted and reliable suppliers who will provide only fresh, high quality and extensively tested products. If Viennese or other specific products are to be produced, then special components must be purchased for them.

Business expenses and income

The business plan calculates that it is possible to organize a mini-bakery if the following funds are available - 1 million 710 thousand rubles:

  • registration costs - 15,000;
  • rent of industrial and commercial premises - 85,000;
  • repair and arrangement of premises - 300,000;
  • purchase of equipment for production process and sale of sweets - 850,000;
  • purchase of ingredients for the creation of various confectionery products - 250,000;
  • wage employees per month - 170,000;
  • taxes, utility bills and other expenses - 40,000.

The business plan with calculations predicts a net profit per month of 220 thousand rubles, and the payback is approximately 1.5 years. To increase sales, a website is being opened, where orders for the manufacture of products will be accepted.

Thus, if you know how to organize the production of sweets and how to open a confectionery store, then you can establish a profitable, interesting, "sweet" and promising business.

Internet patisserie is not the place where, ordering coffee and cakes, they sit with free Wi-Fi. This is a company that delivers confectionery products, advertising this service using the Internet.

Internet confectionery

An electronic confectionery is good because, compared to other types of catering, this is an interesting business for women with minimal investment, while it pays off pretty quickly.

Of course, you can do everything at your own peril and risk: bake cakes in your kitchen and advertise them on social networks, but such work at home is fraught with troubles with the tax and sanitary and epidemiological station. Therefore, it is better to do everything right right away.


The most important thing for any pastry shop is the actual pastry chef. A good confectioner who can bake cakes and pastries according to any recipes and create his own. But since you are interested in this article, it means that you either know how to do it yourself or you already have such a person.

Premises and equipment for an online confectionery

For starters, you can get by with a large home-sized kitchen, a spacious refrigerator and a high-quality oven. This is approximately 30-50 thousand rubles. Of course, all sanitary standards must be coordinated. Rental prices vary greatly by city and location. If you are not going to open a cafe next to the confectionery, but intend to work only on delivery, then you can save a lot by choosing a room in an inexpensive, low-profile place. Gradually, as demand and, accordingly, incomes increase, it will be possible to buy professional equipment: a mixer, a dough mixer, a dough rolling machine, a proofer, dishwasher, a rack for drying dishes, etc. Cafe owners advise buying new equipment, because it has a 3-year warranty and will definitely pay for itself during this period.

Online store of cheesecakes

Raw material

The lowest prices for raw materials for an online confectionery, of course, from manufacturers, unfortunately, they usually do not contact small parties, but you need to ask at least, flour can definitely be taken directly. In any case, in order to reduce the cost of production, most products must be purchased in bulk.


Start with a few products that are well known to customers: eclairs, meringues, potatoes, donuts, cakes, pies and pies. Napoleons and honey cakes never go out of fashion. Then you can add something of your own. For example, in Kiev there is an online confectionery specializing in the delivery of cheesecakes - a delicious, but little-known dessert in the CIS. Now pasta is gaining popularity, no, not spaghetti, but delicate French macaroni cakes. They are the most different colors and tastes.

French Macarons

But many people deal only with cakes, and, for example, by typing the words “Cakes to order” in the search for the My World social network, I found a lot of amazingly beautiful cakes for all occasions. I was especially impressed by this pink cake (it's honestly a cake!):

It must be remembered that confectionery is a delight not only for the stomach, but also for the eyes, so they are welcome. original ideas, themed decorations for all kinds of events from corporate parties to Halloween.

Delivery service

Since an online confectionery cannot exist without a delivery service, you will need a courier who will deliver your products to customers and transport. Small batches can be delivered and public transport, at first you can rent a car for several hours a week, and over time you will get your own.

How to sell

Many start a similar business on the Internet, simply by posting photos on social networks and on various forums, offering wedding cakes and loaves to friends. But if you decide that your electronic pastry shop should be real business then you will need your own website. It is easy to make, and it is inexpensive, unless of course you intend to immediately order an exclusive template. How to make a website and how much it costs you can read.

Page with cakes to order in "My World"


In addition, it is important to have a promoted page in social network, of course, in one of the most popular: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, My World, Facebook, etc. What it should be is described in detail.

You also need to create a portfolio and constantly update it with new photos and descriptions of your products. Another important point– expanding the list of cases for which your products are needed. For example, on the Vkontakte page of the St. Petersburg Internet confectionery "BakerShop" it is reported that they can subscribe to sweets for their loved ones, in my opinion, a great idea!

Electronic confectionery "BakerShop"

Also, do not forget about bonuses and promotions, discounts for regular customers, gifts for those who made a large order.

I dearly love sweets, so there are a lot of “delicious” pictures, but I think that they will help you get an idea of ​​​​this interesting business idea for women.