Dreamed of washing dishes. Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does Dishes mean in a dream

Dishes in a dream are a sign of the dreamer's state of mind and financial situation. The dream book interprets the remnants of food on saucers as anxiety, confusion, lack of balance in life. Troubles, failures - that's what this dream is about. Washing dishes means you will be able to overcome life's adversities.

The dishes seen in a dream often indicate how things are in your family life. It is important to remember all the smallest details of this prediction: the condition and material of the cutlery, as well as whether they were clean or dirty. Dream Interpretations ambiguously interpret such dreams. In some you can read about imminent wealth, in others - about threatening troubles. Washing dishes symbolizes an attempt to change the situation, improve well-being.

Unresolved conflict, growing tension - this is what spouses dream about washing dishes. If the wife not only thoroughly cleans, but also wipes the service dry, then in this case the dream book promises that life in the family will improve, all conflicts will be resolved. For married couples, glass goblets guarantee peace and comfort.

For people who are still single, washing dishes in a dream can mean accumulated problems that require an urgent solution. In addition, tell a loved one about your anxieties, fears, secrets. After all, this will help to cleanse oneself, to remove a heavy burden from the soul.

Positive changes await those who have seen saucers made of precious metals. Bent metal pans promise money problems soon. It is necessary to save financial resources, not to participate in adventures.

If the sleeper washes dirty dishes, then, judging by the dream book, his well-being will be shaken, a quarrel with dear people may arise. Tension in relationships, debts - this is what a frying pan with leftover food is dreaming of. In general, unclean services are interpreted by dream books as a bad sign. Plans and hopes may not come true.

Miller's dream book

Lack of understanding - this is the interpretation of sleep - to wash dishes for married women. The dirty services in this dream book predict that trouble awaits you in the future. If you drop a cup in a dream, then luck will soon await, but it will be short-lived. In general, holding glasses or saucers in your hands in a dream is a harbinger of joyful events.

Well-being in the future - this is how Miller's dream book interprets washing dishes. A well-established life, prosperity in the house - this is what you dream about when you admire clean, sparkling pans. For a young, unmarried woman, this promises a happy marriage with a reliable man. Cracks on the plates predict unfulfilled dreams.

Anchor points:

In someone else's house

In a strange house, it means that you have confidence in the person in whose house you wash the dishes in a dream. And you too, in turn, willing to go to great lengths for him and his well-being. He always supports in difficult situations and does not refuse to help, he is ready to help at any time, but still, unconditionally and blindly, you should not trust anyone, no matter who it is.

Dishes away

Away wash- will appear in your house unexpected guests. These people will come from afar and ask to spend time with them and shelter for a couple of days. You will not be able to refuse this request, but you should not go on about and agree to everything, otherwise these people will show more and more impudence and getting rid of them can become problematic. Immediately outline the boundaries of what is permitted in front of them and do not miss them even as an exception.

Dishes at work

Wash dishes at work- to conflicts in the family. A lot of troubles await you, which will literally be strung one on top of the other, thereby not giving you the opportunity to solve the existing problems. There will be more and more of them, and the culmination will be an unprecedented high-profile scandal, perhaps even parting with a lover for a while.

What can be said about water

Pure - you will be ashamed of the situation that happened, but in fact your thoughts were crystal clear and you will by no means not to blame for what happened. Do not torment yourself with unnecessary experiences, they are absolutely superfluous in this particular situation.

Wash dishes in dirty water

In dirty water, it means you going through a crisis, which will greatly affect the state of mind. You do one wrong thing after another, but you don’t notice it at all and, accordingly, don’t understand why people treat you not in the best way. In fact, you just have to carefully analyze your actions, and you will understand what is happening.

Washing dishes in a dream means the onset of events that are undesirable for you.

If you see how they wash a car or other equipment, you will encounter a dirty business or a dishonest person.

Washing your hands in a dream means that you will get rid of many worries that haunt you.

If you wash your feet in a dream, you will get good protection in reality.

A washed fresh face means a pleasant company, interesting interlocutors.

An unwashed, dirty person in a dream portends a scandalous incident that could undermine your reputation.

Washing yourself in a dream with warm water is a sign of hypocrisy that will come out sideways when you see such a dream. Wash in cold water - cope with a serious illness.

If you wash in the river - this is a hassle associated with money.

Taking a bath portends great disappointment with unfulfilled promises.

If you wash in the bath with a man, this means strong unrest due to fear of losing the favor of your loved one.

To wash a child in a bath - in reality, beware of being deceived by going on a long trip with random fellow travelers.

Bathe in a bath - to an unexpected illness away from family and home. To see a lot of men washing with women in the bath - a motley society of people of various interests and tastes awaits you.

Wash in the pool - get an unexpected bonus or prize and everyone's admiration.

Washing animals in a dream portends good health and a plentiful feast at a party, where you will be invited soon.

Washing under a hot shower means that your modest services will be generously paid.

A cold shower portends a pleasant surprise. If you wash yourself, standing under the shower in clothes, this is a sign of illness and the machinations of enemies.

To wash, soaping the whole body - you will be on someone's errands, if you are soaped - you will become a victim of vile deceit and treachery on the part of imaginary friends.

To wash with a hard washcloth - in reality you will try to make amends with your husband by demonstrating repentance and unquestioning humility.

If you wash your child with a soft sponge, you will have to give up your principles in order to acquire a strong patron.

Washing your hair in a dream is a sign of adultery.

If you use a good shampoo when washing your hair, it means that you will get involved in a dirty business under the threat of blackmail and exposing a secret love affair.

Washing someone's head or seeing how others wash it for themselves - soon you will go on an interesting journey that will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretations ambiguously interpret dreams in which the sleeper sees dishes. Some promise improved well-being, tranquility and homeliness. Others predict anxiety, confusion, lack of balance in life, growing tension and inevitable conflicts between spouses. It is important to remember all the smallest details in order to correctly interpret what dreams of washing dishes in a dream.

Basic meaning

If you had a chance to wash dishes in a dream, then first of all you should pay attention to the type and type of utensils.

  • Plates and cups, especially deep ones, promise prosperity, increased earnings, financial well-being.
  • Cutlery (spoons, forks, other small utensils) predict annoying, petty, household chores. A sleeping person should be patient in order to overcome troubles.
  • Washing large-sized utensils (pot, frying pan) means a future misunderstanding in relations with relatives. A major quarrel is not ruled out.

In the case when you wash the dishes, and there is no result from your manipulations, beware of slander and conspiracy behind your back.

Detractors are trying to disturb the harmony in your life.

Only deliberate and planned actions will help you get dry from the water.

Why dream of washing dishes: at home, away, at work

The interpretation of a dream directly depends on the environment and the place of action.


If you had a dream where you wash dishes at the workplace, then expect official troubles. Unwashed utensils are a signal of unfulfilled obligations, hidden discontent on the part of the authorities. It is necessary to think over all your actions and do work on the mistakes so that the problems do not take on a global scale.

Washing cutlery in your home

A sleeping person is waiting for a calm and measured life, an established life, the preservation of a family hearth, a stable income. If in the process you broke a plate, then your deep feelings are mutual, a cup - love is unrequited.

Cleaning the pan (pot) promises a grand event, accompanied by a feast. Also, it is worth preparing for unplanned fun in the event of a conflict over dishes that arose in a dream.

Dream Interpretation - wash dishes in someone else's house

Almost all dream books interpret such an event as a good sign. The sleeper is waiting for big changes. Washing dishes promises a pleasant new acquaintance, perhaps a meeting of the second half. Other kitchen attributes portend a job change, the opening of new prospects, a move to a new place of residence.

Why dream of washing dishes at a party

A dream in which you are in the house of a loved one (relative or friend), and help him with cleaning the kitchen utensils from dirt, carries a significant warning for the sleeping person. It's time to take a break and rethink your life, conduct introspection, slow down the pace of events.

Dirty dishes in a dream

Very dirty elements of the table set, on which even food remains, are associated with the emotional experiences of a sleeping person.

Perhaps the dreamer is tormented by remorse for committing impartial acts, or he is afraid of losing something important. In any case, his soul is not calm.

If you dreamed that you were washing dirty dishes, then you would be able to overcome all difficulties, find the right solution from a hopeless situation.

Many or few

  • Dirty dishes in large quantities in a dream will make you rejoice with joy in reality.
  • Washing the whole mountain of utensils promises big changes, financial well-being. You will be able to overcome all obstacles on the way to achieving the desired result.
  • A small amount of kitchen utensils in a dream will bring small family troubles for the dreamer.
  • Washing a lot of clean dishes speaks of a pleasant surprise that fate itself has prepared for you.

If you dream of a person who washes cutlery

Did you happen to watch from the side how someone washes the dishes? Such a dream represents success and the fulfillment of cherished desires.

All the things started will end favorably for the sleeping person.

It will be possible to conclude a lucrative contract, climb the corporate ladder, and receive additional income.

Who is doing the washing?

  • If the dreamer washed the dishes with his other half, then the idyll in everyday life will have no boundaries, disagreements in the family will disappear.
  • To see how a person you know washes utensils indicates that this character needs your support and help.
  • An unfamiliar person will bring to the sleeper the implementation of the plan, thanks to the coordinated work of the entire team. Do not be afraid to help one of your colleagues, this will only increase your authority.

Dead man cleaning

A negative interpretation carries a dream in which a deceased person washes dishes. This is a warning signal of impending financial disasters and discord in relationships with loved ones. A serious illness is possible both for the dreamer himself and for one of his relatives. It is necessary to be careful in all matters, take care of your health, undergo an examination in a medical institution, do not ignore the signs of fate.

Miller's interpretation

Dreams concerning dishes, Miller connects with changes in the dreamer's inner worldview.

  • For an unmarried young lady, a dream promises a happy marriage, especially if she saw how clean glasses (saucers) sparkle. However, defects such as cracks will bring disappointment and disruption of all plans.
  • For a married woman, dirty utensils symbolize the lack of proper attention from her husband.
  • If during washing an element of a table set falls out of your hands, then good luck is on the threshold of your house. Although happiness will have a short period of action.
  • Watching dishes from the sidelines will bring monetary gain in reality, receiving an inheritance, a large bonus, etc.

Wash dishes - Freud's dream book

A dream focused on washing food items Freud interprets as a sign of family relationships.

  • A large number of kitchen utensils indicates promiscuity - a sleeping person in reality has many admirers (fans).
  • If in the process of washing something fell and broke, then the love relationship will soon end.
  • Thorough washing of dishes from dirt is a signal of the dreamer's great desire to start a family, to have a baby.
  • For family halves, night vision is associated with the beautiful appearance of the sleeping person, having enough attractiveness and charm to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

To understand why you dream of washing dishes, it is important to remember where the action took place, how dirty it was and other details related to its appearance. The interpretation may differ depending on who did the work. In most cases, such dreams have a positive meaning, but some nuances can turn a dream into a warning against danger.

Interpretation according to various dream books

Miller's dream book is the most popular

It is recommended to look for the meaning of washing dishes in a dream using several sources. Different dream books pay attention to individual details. Some sources give advice in case of a bad dream meaning. If you follow them, you can avoid trouble and find the right solution in a difficult life situation.

Dream interpretation options:

  • Miller's dream book. He associates such dreams with the state of mind of the sleeping person. The general meaning of sleep is favorable. If an unmarried girl washes the dishes, then soon she will have a happy and lasting marriage. Sparkling glasses or saucers are considered a good sign (an atmosphere of mutual understanding and mutual respect will reign in family life). Cracks and chips on the dishes can change the meaning of sleep. Such defects indicate the collapse of plans and the inability to realize dreams.
  • Freud's dream book. Associates washing dishes with love and family relationships (if the dishes break during the washing process, then the love union will collapse, a large number indicates an overly active intimate life and lack of control over the number of partners, and washing dishes from dirt indicates a desire to find a family and children).
  • Islamic dream book. Doesn't pay much attention to details. Regardless of where the action took place and who washed the dishes, such a dream will mean obstacles to achieving the goal and numerous minor troubles (if you managed to wash the utensils to a shine, then you can achieve what you want, but it will be difficult and take a lot of time).
  • Dream Interpretation of Juno. Washing the dishes symbolizes family well-being (especially if it sparkled with cleanliness).
  • Esoteric dream book. It portends cardinal changes in the life of the one who washed the dishes in a dream (changes may be associated with an improvement in financial condition, a change in environment, finding harmony with a loved one, if the relationship was often overshadowed by quarrels).
  • Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer. He connects this process in a dream with harmony and harmony in the family (for unmarried people, such a sign symbolizes many years of friendship, friends will always come to the rescue, and even the most secret secrets can be trusted).
  • Dream Interpretation Longo. Foreshadows the one who washed the dishes, stability in all areas of life (material well-being, a happy family life).

Who dreamed: girl, woman, man

Men are much less likely to be interested in the meaning of their dreams than women.

The meaning of the dream in which you had to observe or participate in the process of washing dishes differs depending on who dreamed it. It is important to take into account your marital status, gender, as well as some nuances (for example, pregnancy).

  • For a lonely and unmarried girl, a dream portends a meeting with a good groom (the young man will be smart, rich and handsome).
  • If a girl is in a love relationship, then her chosen one will soon make her an offer.
  • For a married woman, a dream portends family well-being and understanding with her husband.
  • A wife washing dishes prophesies to a man the beginning of a favorable period in life (good luck will be present in all areas of life).
  • If a man is lonely, then the dream prophesies that he will soon meet with a girl and the beginning of a stormy romance (perhaps the relationship will lead to marriage).
  • For a pregnant woman, such a dream does not bode well (a dream can personify her desire to give birth to a child faster).

A lot or lightly dirty dishes in a dream

Even a huge amount of unwashed dishes in the sink has a positive value.

A large number of dishes after a feast, which must be washed in a dream, has an extremely positive interpretation. Such a sign portends an improvement in the financial situation and quality of life. If the dreamer admires a mountain of washed dishes, then the events that will happen in the near future will make him rejoice with joy. In the opposite direction, the meaning of sleep changes if, in a mystical way, the amount of dirty dishes is constantly increasing, and it is not possible to wash it. Probably, in reality, the dreamer is tormented by guilt for any act.

Why dream of washing dishes at home, at a party, at work

Why dream of washing dishes at home? Sleep simply denotes everyday moments

The place of action can change the meaning of a dream. When looking for the interpretation of a dream, it is important to remember the environment.

If washing dishes was carried out at home, then the meaning of sleep will be neutral. In the near future, life will be measured, not overshadowed by sad events, but there will also be no bright moments in it either. Washing dishes in the sink symbolizes a large number of daily activities and a stable financial situation.

Nuances of interpretation:

  • If you had to wash the dishes in a strange house, then the dream will have an ambiguous interpretation (perhaps you are too interested in the lives of other people and do not miss the opportunity to take part in gossip, your life will be filled with numerous bright events or a new hobby will appear).
  • In a strange but familiar house, indicates the need for rest (perhaps the chosen pace of life is too active and can cause excessive energy expenditure).
  • Washing dishes in the dining room does not bode well (the movement towards the intended goal is measured and plans will be implemented in the near future).
  • If the place of action of the dream is working conditions, then such a sign portends an improvement in the financial condition (there is a high probability of obtaining an additional source of income, a one-time and highly paid task, an increase).
  • Some dream books consider washing dishes at work a bad sign (there is a risk of conflicts with superiors or relatives).

Who washed: you yourself, loved ones, relatives, strangers

An important role in compiling the interpretation is played by the one who did it in a dream. If the dreamer did this together with his spouse, then such a sign portends a long and lasting marriage. In family relationships, harmony and idyll will reign.

A good sign is a dream in which the wife washes the dishes. If a not too favorable period has come in life, then soon all the troubles will be eliminated.

Nuances of interpretation:

  • If a familiar person washed the dishes, then in real life he needs your support.
  • Seeing how strangers do this means a successful completion of affairs if the work is carried out smoothly (do not be lazy to provide support to those who need it).
  • Washing by close relatives portends the beginning of a favorable period in life.
  • But if the dishwasher was a dead person, it doesn’t matter if a person is close or not, a dream promises trouble and illness.

When interpreting dreams, it is important to take into account the specifics of human life. Some situations that we see in dreams are a reflection of thoughts that torment the subconscious. If you had to wash the dishes in night dreams to someone whose work activity is associated with such a duty or failed to clear the table after the guests left, you should not attach much importance to this. Perhaps sleep was the result of fatigue and a busy day at work.