Organization of parking on your own land. Business plan for a paid parking project

Now in cities there is a problem with car parking, and you can make good money from this. How to open a parking lot from scratch? Where to begin? A business plan with calculations, advice and reviews from experienced entrepreneurs, as well as recommendations for running a project.

Market analysis

There is now a real automobile boom in the cities of the CIS: while in Europe many are trying to switch to more environmentally friendly motorcycles and bicycles, in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries the number of cars is only increasing, especially in large cities. The demand for places for convenient and safe parking is also increasing.

In Moscow, the government itself is trying to solve the parking situation by opening multi-level and underground parking lots, but the parking market in the regions is not very busy.

Choosing a format

There are several standard formats:

  1. Paid parking for cars is popular among car owners; it requires compliance with the following requirements: the presence of an oil-absorbing coating over the entire area, compliance with a minimum width of seven meters when organizing the roadway. Has fencing for security.
  2. Parking near the house remains paid, but is a cheap version of the previous option due to the lack of fences around the perimeter of the site. Often the places are almost completely filled if the location is good. At the same time, there is a risk of losing money if at least 20 parking spaces are not constantly occupied.
  3. Paid for trucks - parking for trucks should be arranged along the route of truckers. And so that there are no competitors at least 50-80 km around.
  4. Underground or multi-storey parking is an option for large cities and capitals. But there is a big risk of not paying off, so beginners are not recommended to try it.
  5. Paid covered parking is a more suitable option for a new entrepreneur due to the lower cost of the project.

Here you can download the finished one for free as an example.


You can register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, depending on the scale of the business - for a beginning entrepreneur, choosing an individual entrepreneur is enough.

The next point is obtaining the right to rent space from the city. And this question confuses many beginners, because it is difficult to get even a small land if you do not have any connections. The situation with this in the regions is much easier, and finding a suitable area close to residential buildings is not at all difficult.

After concluding a lease agreement, you need to draw up a project for planning and developing the land, officially approving it with the city authorities. In case of construction, you must also collect permission from the District Administration and conclusions from the fire service and Rospotrebnadzor. The last point are documents that are necessary for future inspections. These include agreements:

  • on carrying out deratization;
  • on the removal of solid household waste;
  • for availability and service cash register;
  • for renting land.

Also, we must not forget about the presence of a production control program.

Choosing a parking space

For paid parking of passenger cars, it is worth finding a place near a residential building. Many entrepreneurs are targeting residential areas under construction, because in large residential complexes there are many people who want to leave their cars in a guarded parking lot.

Think about what pricing policy Conduct information regarding the wealth of citizens, and also determine what additional services may be required in this region. For a business plan, it is important to determine what specific site size will be needed.

Based on 100 cars, the size should be at least 3 thousand square meters. This area is the minimum for parking in the city according to the law, because one vehicle must have at least 25 square meters.

Landscaping the area

Electricity will have to be installed throughout the parking lot so that the lighting works and video recorders are installed.

It has already been said about equipping the roadway with a special coating, but the parking lot also needs a heated security guard. Instead of an expensive coating, the canvas can be laid with compacted gravel, which is completely harmless to any car, but cheaper.

We are recruiting staff

Obviously, the opening of the parking lot cannot take place without recruiting at least large quantity employees. The parking project requires hiring:

  1. Three or four guards.
  2. Cleaner.
  3. Accountant.

It is necessary that each candidate for security guards does not have bad habits, and also has such qualities as conscientiousness, resistance to stress, courage and sharpness.

Determining profitability

The last thing to find out is how much it costs to open a parking lot, as well as profitability. Let's take the average cost of opening a project across the country in large regional cities. As an example - a fenced parking lot open type For passenger cars at residential buildings:

Expense line Amount of costs, thousand rubles.
1 Rent land plot 70
2 Improvement of parking lot and installation of cameras 500
3 Connecting communications and arranging a gatehouse 500
4 Utilities and other services 7
5 Paperwork 40
6 Staff salaries 200
7 Marketing campaign 20
8 Payment of taxes 23
9 Unexpected expenses 15
Total: 1 375

On average, they charge 150 rubles per car for services. Approximately about 450 thousand rubles per month, to which it is possible to add several maintenance ideas: inflate the cylinders, warm up the engine in advance, store seasonal tires in a warehouse, etc.

In a month you can receive about 550 thousand rubles in a good situation. The amount of net profitability is about 230 thousand rubles monthly.

Video: how to open a parking lot from scratch?

IN Lately The number of cars is steadily growing and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a place to park them. on the side of the road is not always possible, and cars left there are not only at risk of theft, but also occupy the roadway, condensing the flow of traffic and creating traffic jams.

The widespread organization of paid parking will help solve this problem. These parking lots can be organized both in the open air (open type) and in special structures. These can be underground parking lots or parking complexes consisting of several levels. These complexes can accommodate thousands of parking spaces. The construction of paid parking lots near shopping centers or other cultural and entertainment establishments (cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, shops) is especially relevant. When building such establishments, parking should initially be included in the project plan, thereby relieving the owner of the need to deal with this in the future.

If the rented territory of a cafe or other establishment does not allow you to allocate a separate parking space, then you can organize parking spaces on the side of the road (within the municipal parking lot). To do this, you will need to contact the municipality with this request and wait for a response. If it is positive, then: the number of parking spaces, their location, how cars are parked and operating hours. In this case, visitors will be able to leave their cars for free, and the owner will pay the rent.

If there is sufficient territory, it will be possible to equip it for full parking. To do this, you will need to go through a number of administrative offices (department land resources and prefect), after which construction can begin.

Each parking lot must be fenced and have parking spaces marked. The development process and procedure must also be coordinated with local authorities.

Another way to organize parking is to change the layout of the roadway, creating a “pocket”. In this case, all work, since the parking lot will be part of the road.

Organization of paid parking

Recently, it has become very profitable to invest money in the construction of parking lots. The most important thing before starting construction is the choice right place. Here two options can be equally beneficial. The first option is to build a parking lot in the city center, where the concentration of cars is higher and there are few parking spaces. But it is often not possible to buy or rent land in the city center and the cost there is much higher than in residential areas. The second option is to build a parking lot on the outskirts or in residential areas. there is less here, but cars will be parked here not for an hour or two, but for a long period.

The next thing you need to decide on is the type of parking. They come in three types:

  1. . This is the simplest parking option that does not require large investments. In this case, the cars are located in a protected, fenced area, but they are exposed to harmful factors environment. The cost of a parking space in this case will be minimal.
  2. Parking closed type. There are several options here: underground parking, multi-level above-ground parking. Largest number parking spaces can be obtained by combining these options. These options will require greater investment means than a guarded open parking lot, but the cost of a parking space will be higher.
  3. Automated parking complexes. These complexes are distinguished by a fully automated process of delivering a car to a parking space. Their advantage is also minimal amount service personnel and guaranteed protection against theft.

After purchasing a plot of land and choosing the type of parking lot, you must obtain permission from the local municipality for construction. When submitting an application, you will need to indicate the type of parking and the building plan.

Construction and equipment of parking

To equip open parking lots you will need:

  • pave the area. In accordance with the standards, asphalt in parking lots must be coated with a special mixture that prevents the absorption of petroleum products;
  • fence off the area. At the entrance it is required to install a security point and equip the entrance and exit with barriers. The security point must be heated and have electricity. It must also be equipped with furniture and a telephone;
  • supply electricity and install lighting around the perimeter and in the parking lot;
  • install . This will reduce the burden on security guards and increase the level of security of the parking lot;
  • if possible, equip the parking lot with canopies to protect cars from rain and snow;
  • apply markings for parking spaces and equip them with numbers. The optimal width for a parking space is about 7 meters.
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We bring to your attention a standard business plan (feasibility study) for organizing a parking lot. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, state support or attracting private investment.

  • Project Description
  • How much money do you need to open a parking lot?
  • Which taxation system to choose for a parking lot?
  • Recruitment
  • Description of products and services
  • Step by step plan parking lot opening
  • Production plan
  • Calendar plan
  • Financial plan
  • How much can you earn by opening a parking lot?
  • What equipment to choose for a parking lot
  • What documents are needed to open a parking lot?
  • Do I need a permit to open a parking lot?
  • Which tax system to choose

A typical business plan for organizing a parking lot in a residential area of ​​the city. Can be used to attract funds from a private investor or receive government support.

Project Description

Purpose of this project is the organization of a parking lot in the city of N. The organization will provide services for storing cars for a certain time (at the request of the client).

The demand for parking services is steadily growing. This is primarily due to constant growth number of cars on the roads. The market niche in this service sector has not yet been fully filled.

How much money do you need to open a parking lot?

To implement the project, it is planned to attract own funds in the amount of 500,000 rubles and borrowed funds (bank loan) in the amount of 1,702,500 rubles. The total cost of the project, according to business plan calculations, is 2,202,500 rubles.

Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year = 598,890 rubles;
  • Farm profitability = 73.4%;
  • Project payback = 48 months.

Social indicators of the project implementation:

  1. Registration of a new subject entrepreneurial activity on the territory of city N;
  2. Creation of new jobs;
  3. Receipt of N additional tax payments into the city budget.

Starting cost estimate:

Which taxation system to choose for a parking lot?

The organizational and legal form of the parking lot will be individual entrepreneurship. Project manager - Ivanov I.I.

As tax systems A simplified taxation system will be applied. Tax rate is 6% of profit.

Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  1. Registration of individual entrepreneurship with the Federal Tax Service has been completed;
  2. The procedure for concluding a lease agreement for a land plot with an area of ​​2500 m2, which is in municipal (state) ownership, is underway. Estimated lease period - 2 years from state registration agreement. In the future, it is possible to purchase this site as a property.


The planned parking lot staffing will include 3 guards. The business will be managed by the project manager Ivanov I.I.

Description of products and services

The organization will offer clients (car owners) services for storing personal vehicles for a day or more.

Our company will guarantee the safety of the car, its safety appearance and fuel in the tank. The organization will be responsible if the vehicle is damaged and will pay for repairs at its own expense.

The parking lot will be designed to simultaneously accommodate up to 100 cars.

Discounts will be provided to regular customers. For example, a client can purchase a monthly subscription, which provides him with permanent place in the parking lot, while the daily cost of parking is reduced by 15%.

The cost of parking a vehicle is 70 rubles per 1 day.

The parking fee will be charged per day, regardless of the time the car is located. That is, if the car owner paid for parking only for 24 hours, but in fact vehicle stood for 25 hours, then you need to pay for the services as for 2 (two) days.

Download the parking lot business plan

Step-by-step plan for opening a parking lot

The parking lot will be located in a residential area of ​​the city with a population of about 20 thousand people. The estimated number of car owners in this area is more than 1.5 thousand people.

The closest competitor, that is, another parking lot, is located 800m from our parking lot. The location of this competitor is not very good, since it is located on the border of the region. Our parking lot will be located in the center of the residential area.

An indirect competitor can be called a garage society, in which more than 350 car owners (30%) have their own garages. Also, some car owners (35%) prefer to leave their cars overnight in front of their house windows.

According to preliminary calculations, about 35% of car owners in the area, which is more than 500 people, are ready to use the services of our organization.

Let's calculate the potential revenue of the parking lot.

The estimated number of clients of the organization after a year of operation is 80 car owners per day. This figure will be achieved through an extensive advertising campaign and the development of regular customers for the organization.

Planned average number of clients from the start date of the parking lot, by quarter:

  • 1st quarter - 40 cars/day;
  • 2nd quarter - 55 cars/day;
  • 3rd quarter - 70 car days;
  • 4th quarter - 80 cars/day.

The organization’s planned annual revenue, as well as its dynamics, are presented in the form of a diagram:

The total revenue from the provision of parking services per year will be 1,543,500 steering wheels.

Production plan

The parking lot will be equipped with the following elements:

  • Automatic gates;
  • Perimeter lighting;
  • Change house for security;
  • Video surveillance system;
  • Fencing the territory (chain-link mesh).

The parking area for one car will be at least 20 m2. The total parking area will be 2500 m2. This area will allow you to place up to 100 cars at the same time. The distance between rows will be at least 7 meters.

The guardhouse will be installed so that the view of the parking lot is as convenient as possible. For additional security, a video surveillance system and lighting will be installed around the perimeter of the parking lot. The monitors will be connected to the security building.

The parking lot will be completely asphalted (2500 m2), and parking spaces will be marked with markings. The parking lot surface will be treated with a special substance that prevents the absorption of petroleum products emitted by the car. The parking area will be fenced with a special metal mesh. It is planned to install automatic gates at the entrance.

The planned staffing will include 3 people:

The total wage fund per year will be 360,000 rubles.

The guards will have a work schedule of “every two days.” Candidates for the position will undergo a strict selection process.

It is planned to engage the services of an accountant under a fee-based services agreement. The cost of an accountant's services will be 6,000 rubles per month.

Calendar plan

In total, the activities to open a business will take 106 days and 2.2 million rubles will be spent.

Financial plan

Let's move on to calculating the main indicators of the economic efficiency of a parking lot.

The organization's fixed costs are presented in the following table:

Total fixed expenses of the enterprise per month will amount to 68,000 rubles.

The structure of annual parking costs is presented in the form of a diagram:

The main annual costs of the organization will be wages - 44% of total expenses. Next come the costs of insurance contributions for employees - 13% and other expenses - 15% of the total costs.

Calculation of gross and net profit is presented in the table - forecast of income and expenses:

How much can you earn by opening a parking lot?

The net profit of the parking lot based on the results of annual work will be 598,890 rubles. The profitability of the parking lot, according to the calculations of the business plan, is 73.4%. With such indicators, the project will pay for itself in 4 years, which is a good indicator for such a business.

We recommend download business plan for parking lot from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

What equipment to choose for a parking lot

You won’t need to spend a lot on parking lot equipment, but you will need to purchase a few things: several video cameras; fencing, staff trailer, barrier, gate.

What documents are needed to open a parking lot?

Depending on whether you are registering as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you need to prepare the appropriate package of documents.

Car parking as a business: is this enterprise profitable and is it possible to benefit from opening such a business? This question has urgent relevance, due to the rapidly developing infrastructure of our country. The problem of parking is quite common, and therefore the demand for private parking lots is increasing every day. But it is important to understand that opening such a business requires not only substantial financial investments, but also a lot of delays in collecting the necessary documentation. Parking equipment also plays an important role. Let's look at the various nuances of this issue.

A parking project should begin with finding a parking area.

How profitable are parking lots?

Paid parking for vehicles is a current enterprise that brings its owner a stable monthly profit. It should be noted in advance that such an enterprise has an average payback, so there is no point in talking about high profits. The average parking lot generates a profit of 80,000 rubles every month. In order to earn more, you should approach building your business with great attention to various details.

On initial stage To develop a business idea, you should decide on the type of parking. It should be noted that creating an open-air parking lot does not require a large capital investment. But in such a situation, you should be prepared for the fact that such a business will not bring high profits. Closed parking requires large financial investments to obtain permission and build the parking lot itself.

Such costs at the initial stage of production development increase the cost of a parking space. This means that over time your income will be significantly higher. Most car owners prefer closed parking lots, due to the fact that their cars will be reliably protected from the influence of weather conditions.

When creating a parking project, it is important to decide on the type of parking. There are three separate types of car parks:

  1. Underground and multi-level. Such parking lots are most often located in the city center, on busy streets. The creation of such a parking lot will require the presence large sum for organizing construction. The arrangement of the parking lot itself is also important. It is almost impossible for a private individual to create such a project.
  2. Paid parking for passenger vehicles. This enterprise is the most profitable business due to its availability to individuals. Such parking lots are in high demand among many car owners. When creating a parking lot, you should pay attention increased attention compliance technical requirements. In order to increase income from such an enterprise, it is best to open a parking lot in residential areas.
  3. For trucks. When creating such a business plan, it is necessary to take into account the intended location. It is necessary to carefully study the offers of competitors and their location. To increase demand among truckers, your parking space should be close to the highway and away from competitors. When opening such a business, you should take into account the various technical requirements associated with equipping your territory.

Organizing a business in the automotive sector is a very promising idea

What nuances will you have to face?

At the stage of creating a business plan, you should describe your development strategy step by step, assess the degree of competitiveness and demand for your offer. It is very important to find ideas for attracting first customers that have not previously been implemented by competitors. The main advantage of paid parking is its convenient location and low cost of a parking space. The advantage of your parking lot can be a maintenance service or fast food located on your territory. Many car owners have only one requirement for parking - the presence of closed boxes.

After you think about what your parking lot will look like, you should decide on its location. The outskirts of the city are popular due to the low cost of rent. But here it should be understood that the amount of income will also be low. Purchasing territory in a busy area is much more expensive. However, such parking lots are in high demand not only among local residents, but also among visitors to the area. The ideal solution would be a location located between the business part of the city and the residential areas.

Residential areas are a source of stable profit due to the high demand for parking spaces.

Only after the proposed market has been thoroughly analyzed can we proceed to collect all necessary documents. Let's look at what is needed to open a parking lot. First of all, you should register with tax authorities. You can do this as in status individual entrepreneur, and opened an LLC. Then you should prepare the required package of documents to obtain the opportunity to rent a land plot. If you have your own territory, you must obtain a license to conduct construction work. In order to receive stable and high profits, it is best to open a parking lot close to residential buildings.

After you have collected all the necessary documents for leasing a land plot, you need to coordinate the project documentation with representatives of the authorities and the land committee. When constructing closed boxes, it is necessary to collect the following package of documents in advance:

  • permission to carry out construction work;
  • fire inspection report;
  • conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • permission from the city administration;
  • rent contract.

At this stage, it is very important to pay attention to the production control program. It will be necessary to conclude agreements not only for the lease of land, but also for the removal of solid household waste. You should also take care of purchasing and registering a cash register and carry out pest control. In order to insure yourself against unforeseen circumstances, it is best to purchase ownership of the selected land plot.

An important part of a parking lot’s business plan is its location; the choice of parking area determines the number of clients and their social status.


Only when the required package of documents has been collected and completed can you begin to open the parking lot itself. In order to interest a potential audience, it is necessary to approach parking equipment with great responsibility. It is necessary to take into account not only the area of ​​the parking space in an open parking lot, but also to equip the area with limiters, markings and bumpers. A gate or barrier must be installed at the entrance to the territory.

It is also necessary to install a checkpoint where a security guard must be present at all times. Compliance with technical requirements should also be approached with great responsibility. The minimum distance between rows should be about eight meters. The asphalt surface must be treated with a special solution to prevent the absorption of flammable liquids.

When drawing up a parking plan, you should pay attention Special attention video surveillance and lighting. It is best if the CCTV cameras cover not only the internal but also the external territory.

A special role in equipping the parking lot is assigned to the staff. The number of employees required depends on the size of the parking space. How larger area territory, the more people are needed who will deal with various organizational and administrative issues. For a small parking lot, three security guards, several janitors and one accountant are enough.

Last but not least, attention is paid to the issue of advertising. In order to increase your potential audience and attract public attention to your enterprise, you should take care of covering your activities in the media. It would be a good idea to post leaflets or organize flyer distribution. When opening a parking lot for trucks, advertising stands and billboards should be placed along busy highways. In order to increase traffic to your parking lot, you should advertise on the radio station.

Example of a business plan

A detailed business plan that takes into account various nuances and details is the key to a successful enterprise. Let's find out what information a parking lot business plan should contain; the example below considers opening a small parking lot:

  1. The amount of initial financial investments for the acquisition of territory and for the payment of hired personnel.
  2. Calculation of financial investments for processing the necessary documents and obtaining a license.
  3. Payback period of the enterprise and approximate monthly profit.

A parking lot with a small area, located near residential areas, brings a stable monthly income of 55,000–65,000 rubles. Based on this, we can say that the profitability of such a business is about fifteen percent, and the payback period is about three and a half years.

The choice of parking lot location depends on the availability of start-up capital and future business development strategy

Below is a detailed parking business plan with calculations:

  1. Rent of land– 840,000 (1 year, based on the rental cost of 70,000 rubles monthly).
  2. Preparation of the necessary package of documents– 120,000–170,000 rubles.
  3. Construction of a checkpoint– 80,000 rubles.
  4. Installation of consecration– 10,000 rubles.
  5. Installation of a video surveillance system– 25,000 rubles.
  6. Laying asphalt impregnated with a special coating– 15,000 rubles.
  7. Employee salaries – 100,000 rubles (monthly).
  8. Unexpected expenses– 20,000 rubles.

Considering the above investments for opening a parking lot for forty cars, the approximate amount of the initial investment is about 1,300,000 rubles. Let's evaluate the profitability of such a business.

The daily cost of a parking space is about 250 rubles. Since a small parking lot can accommodate only forty cars at a time, the daily profit will be about 10,000 rubles. In one month, such a business brings in about 300,000 rubles. If we subtract tax deductions, staff salary expenses, and other possible expenses from this amount, then the net revenue will be about 100,000 rubles per month. Thus, the payback period for a small parking lot is a little over a year.

Opening a parking lot from scratch

In conclusion, let's look at how to open a parking lot from scratch and get the maximum benefit from such an enterprise. As mentioned above, the approximate amount of investment for opening a parking lot is about 1,300,000 rubles. These costs will only allow opening an open parking lot. Opening a closed parking lot will require much more financial investment. The average cost of closed car parking is about 5,000,000.

In order to increase your monthly revenue, you can enter a series additional services which are in greatest demand. Such services include: polishing, washing, defrosting locks and inflating wheels. Of course, such services will not bring much income, but the amount of monthly revenue will increase significantly.

Often, parking lot owners open stores on their premises that sell various car accessories, oils and antifreeze liquids. It makes sense to open a snack bar or hostel in a truck stop. Such establishments are in great demand among drivers due to their affordable prices.

The first step before opening a parking lot is to assess the business prospects

Car parking is a rather complex business, most suitable for men with useful contacts. The main difficulty in opening such a case is collecting a package of documents and coordinating construction with the city administration. Often, in order to start construction, you need to connect personal connections. When drawing up a business plan, do not be afraid to consult with various representatives of the field in order to have an idea of ​​​​the market situation.

Considering parking as a source of permanent income, it should be noted that the threshold for entering this business is quite low. In this regard, a well-structured organizational part of the issue will allow you to recoup all material investments in just one year.