Sunglasses, how to make the right choice. How to choose the perfect glasses for your face shape How to decorate your sunglasses

Sunglasses are not only a stylish accessory, but also an important wardrobe item that will save your eyes from UV rays. What qualities should such glasses have?

The first thing you need to pay attention to when buying is protection from UVA (waves 320-400 nm long) and UVB (waves 290-320 nm long). This information must be indicated on the glasses label. Two options are allowed: "UVA and UVB Protection" or "UVA 400 Protection".

Do not buy glasses in unverified places. There sellers will not be able to guarantee you the protection. But do not rush to overpay for glasses to popular brands: even the most budgetary accessories have UVA and UVB protection.

Lens color matters a lot. Shading must be at least 75%. It is best to choose yellow and orange lenses. Blue and purple are a dubious option. According to ophthalmologists, lenses of this color provide less protection. But it is worth noting that the fluctuations in the indicators are not so great. Therefore, if you categorically do not like glass of warm sunny shades, feel free to take a different color.

By the way, if you are wearing contact lenses, then we can please you: most of them already include UVA and UVB filters.

Here are some more tips to help you choose your glasses.

  • For driving, purchase glasses with plastic glasses. In the event of an accident, they are less traumatic.
  • Photochromic accessories are a great option for those who wear corrective glasses all the time. Lenses darken when hit sunlight. Therefore, indoors you have regular glasses, and in the sun - sunglasses.
  • Buy a special cloth for cleaning glass - you should not use the edge of a T-shirt for this.

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Glasses are not only the main summer accessory, they protect our eyes from harmful radiation, reduce fatigue and harmoniously complement the image. If, of course, you choose them correctly.

website I decided to figure out how to choose glasses specifically for your face shape and how to distinguish good lenses from the bad ones. And at the end there is a bonus for you.

How to determine your face type

Take a washable marker, lipstick, soap or pencil. Stand in front of a mirror at a distance outstretched hand. Without deviating, outline the contour of the face, starting from the chin and ending with the hairline. Take a step back and look at the resulting shape.

The task is to visually lengthen the face, so choose dark-colored frames. They narrow the face and bring it closer to the oval. To balance the proportions of your face, choose frames that are wider than they are tall.

Suitable for round shape faces:

  • Pointed, rectangular, square glasses.
  • "Cat" frames.
  • Butterfly glasses.
  • Glasses with a narrow bridge.
  • "Aviators".
  • "Waifarers".

Not suitable for round face shape:

  • Round glasses.
  • Narrow frames.
  • Points with sharply defined corners.
  • Glasses in the form of geometric shapes.
  • Color contact lenses.
  • Glasses that cover the eyebrows.

The main task is not to violate the harmonious proportions of the face, so avoid too massive glasses. It is better if the width of the frame is equal to the width of the face or slightly wider. Make sure that the top of the frame matches the line of the eyebrows.

Suitable for oval face shape:

  • Frames of smooth shape: rectangular, oval, round.
  • Butterfly glasses
  • "Aviators".
  • "Cat" frames.

Not suitable for oval face shape:

  • Frames with sharp corners.
  • Too massive frames.
  • Too wide frames.
  • Narrow frames.

Rectangular or square sharp shapes will overload the face. Rounded frames will help visually balance and soften the proportions of the face.

Suitable for square face shape:

  • Big glasses.
  • Glasses with a frame that is as wide as the face.
  • Glasses with colored frames.
  • Oval, round, drop-shaped frames.
  • Rimless glasses.
  • "Cat" frames.
  • "Aviators".

Not suitable for square face shape:

  • Square frames with sharp corners.
  • Small, narrow and petite.
  • Glasses with frames wider than the face.

It should visually expand the face. Choose large, massive glasses. transparent glasses- with a thin frame to match the skin tone.

Suitable for rectangular face shape:

  • Large frames.
  • "Aviators" (with a large frame).
  • Round frames.

Not suitable for rectangular face shape:

  • Narrow frames.
  • Small frames.
  • Bright colored frames.

The challenge is to balance upper part face, weighing down the bottom. Massive ones will make the top even heavier, we don’t need this. Choose glasses the width of which is equal to the width of the face, preferably drop-shaped. Aviators are perfect.

Suitable for heart-shaped faces:

  • Rounded, round glasses.
  • Small frames with narrow bridge.
  • Low set temples.
  • "Aviators".
  • "Waifarers".
  • Rimless glasses.
  • Light and neutral color glasses.

Not suitable for a heart-shaped face:

  • Heavy and large frames.
  • Sharp forms.
  • Glasses that cover the eyebrows.
  • Butterfly glasses, drop glasses.
  • "Cat" frames.
  • Frames with vibrant colors.

If you have women's sunglasses that look good but are already tired, then the following tutorial will help you turn them into a fashion accessory! In addition, you can be sure that you will not meet a single “twin” of your glasses on the streets and will be absolutely original and unique. In this article, we will show you how to make a bright decoration of women's sunglasses using polymer clay flowers.

Materials and tools for decorating women's sunglasses

  • Work surface: glass or even ceramic tiles
  • Knife or scalpel
  • jar
  • Candle-pills
  • Rolling metal tube or pasta machine
  • Drop-shaped cutters
  • Liquid glue for plastic, for example, Kosmofen

Decorate glasses with polymer clay flowers

These are the usual glasses I wanted to change. To do this, I suggest decorating them with baked polymer clay flowers.

Take ready or mix desired colors polymer clay. I took the decor of glasses from fashion designers as a basis, so I tried to withstand what they suggested. color scheme, of course, you can choose other options, for example, suitable for your favorite summer handbag.

Thinly roll out pieces of polymer clay using a pasta machine or by hand. The thinner the clay, the more natural our flowers will look.

We cut out a lot of flower petals with the help of special cutters. Petals needed a large number of, which is why it is more convenient to use cutters than to cut by hand. In addition, in this way they turn out to be the same in size.

We need petals narrower and wider. We make blanks of all sizes at once.

Let's start making flowers. We will have two types of them, but the beginning is the same for everyone. We take a petal, gently make its edges a little thinner with our fingers and turn it into a tube, as shown in the photo.

We also make three petals of a contrasting color thinner at the edges and wrap the middle tube.

Flatten the tail with your fingers and cut off. All flowers need to be made the same height, then there will be no need to cut or grind after baking, and the finished product will look more neat.

We will bake on a small jar so that the base of the flowers turns out to be slightly curved, because the surface of the glasses is also not flat. We put three small flowers together, carefully place them on a jar, press our finger tightly against the glass so that the flowers stick to it, while trying not to damage the petals.

We give leaflets desired shape and size with cutter and blade.

Using a toothpick, decorate the flowers with leaves. Press them as tightly as possible. We need to make four groups of such flowers, three flowers each.

The second type of flowers for decorating glasses is roses, large and small. We start in the same way as with the previous type of flowers. Then add three large petals.

For greater resemblance to a real flower, gently squeeze the middle of the large petals.

Cut off the tail, add a couple of leaves and place on a jar.

For a large rose, after three large petals, add five more. We also carefully pinch the middle.

I decided to make symmetrical compositions, but you can make more colors on one side and less on the other. Imagine and try! I got two large white roses, two large and two small peach, two small beige roses and four groups of beige and lilac flowers.

We send the flowers to the oven to bake according to the instructions for polymer clay. After baking, let cool and remove from the jar.

Now with the help of glue we fix our flowers on the glasses.

You can experiment with the distance between the flowers. I chose something in between - not quite tight, but without large gaps. If you have long hair do not forget that the ends of the arms will fall under the hair, and then the flowers can get confused and interfere.

So, quite easily and at no extra cost, our summer has become brighter with a new fashion accessory!

There are not many things in the world that have remained virtually unchanged since their invention. Glasses are one of those things.

Glasses were apparently invented in Italy in the 13th century. The estimated year of invention is 1284, and Salvino D "Armate (Italian) is considered the creator of the first glasses, although there is no documentary evidence of this data. Since then, glasses have firmly entered the lives of many people. The production of glasses has changed significantly. So I wondered how now they make eyeglasses. manufacturing process I turned to the management of the company "Chameleon" who went to meet me and gave the go-ahead to shoot ...

As any theater begins with a hanger, so any production begins with a warehouse.

This is what blanks for lenses look like, which after processing will take place in the frame

Previously, glass was used mainly for lenses (in the first glasses they used quartz and crystal, because they could not yet get high-quality glass), now high-quality plastic is increasingly used. Plastic is lighter, cheaper and has more processing options.

Now the choice of lenses is very large - there are both tinted and gradient lenses, coated lenses, etc. etc. For every taste and color

But back to the production chain. After you have chosen the frame for the lenses and the lenses themselves. Manufacturing process begins

Dioptrimeter comes into play first.

Lensmeter Tomey TL-100 (Japan) allows you to measure any lens, the device captures the refractive power of glass and expresses it quantitatively - in diopters
Next, the master scans the frame and combines the lens and frame data. It's all done on the Essilor Kappa Ultimate Edition Lens Treatment System.
in the photo the process of scanning the frame

In the process of high-precision scanning of the frame, absolutely all parameters are determined: the shape, the basic curvature, as well as the profile of the facet groove in the frame, which, in the final result, is the decisive factor in calculating the dimensions of the finished lens. With the high-precision frame scanning function, the finished lens after processing will perfectly fit the frame, without any additional "fitting".

After scanning the frame, the master places the lens blank into the centering chamber, where it is fully automatic. The system will determine the optical center of the lens, its refraction, the axis of the cylinder, the marking of the progressive lens or the bifocal segment. .
The contour of the scanned frame and the lens in the centering chamber are clearly visible on the monitor

After receiving all the necessary data, the lens is placed in a machine for processing (turning) which works on the basis of the EAS cycle.

Thanks to this cycle, the machine automatically selects the clamping force of the lens and the force of its pressure on the wheels during the duration of the entire processing cycle.

Processing time is no more than 1 minute


and we get a finished lens turned to the size of the frame.

So, glasses are made literally in 10-20 minutes. Most time to spend on choosing the right frame and lenses. The choice of this product is very, very large ....

Sharp vision for you.

Thank you for your attention. I hope you liked it. I express my gratitude to the management of the company "Network of optics salons "Chameleon" for the opportunity to shoot
-If you use photos for non-commercial purposes, do not forget to put an active link to my magazine.
-All pictures in this magazine are my own, unless otherwise stated.

How to choose sunglasses? The principle http: // site / here is the same as when choosing any new thing- glasses should be pleasant, be of high quality, be comfortable, have an adequate price, make you even more attractive.

Depending on some factors (shortage of funds, indifference to things, lack of taste ...) these four criteria may be in a different order, or even decrease by a couple of units. However, the fourth point - "make you even more attractive", should remain unchanged, and even move to the first place. In the end, you can save up money, put up with small flaws in terms of convenience (well, you can’t sleep in them!), But you simply have to look 100% in new sunglasses!

To make you understand that buying glasses is not a junk issue, I will tell you one story. , I needed to urgently buy sunglasses for myself, because I drowned my own while swimming in the lake. Somehow it didn’t work out to get to the store, and therefore I had to look for glasses at the collapse, of course, inexpensive ones, since the stall trade is focused on goods of the middle and lower class.

As a seller, I liked a long and thin, like a pole, Negro, who for some reason had the fewest buyers. Deciding to support his feeble trade, I quickly traded for international language gestures, quite nice glasses of a slightly elongated shape along the upper edge, capable of turning any face into a dragonfly muzzle. Which is what happened in the end.

For some reason, glasses a la dragonfly, fashionable in that season, looked on my thin and slightly oblong face, like a saddle on a cow, moreover, like a big saddle on a small cow. The first one I took with new glasses reminded me of pictures of survivors plastic surgery women who, for obvious reasons, cover the entire upper part of the face with a dark rectangle. With the same success, one could buy ski goggles - these also left only the tip of the nose and lips free. But, unlike the ski ones, they also slipped every minute, squeezing the nostrils, as in synchronized swimming.

This lesson cost me only a few dollars, but I remember it for a long time. You can't shop on the run unless you plan on throwing them in the first bin you see. Smart people have long been rolled necessary recommendations– which type of face is suitable for which glasses.

The size of the glasses should also be commensurate with your physique, since it is very big glasses on the small face look rather awkward. However, just like vice versa - small glasses on broad face. In no case should they move down to the tip of the nose, or squeeze the bridge of the nose, leaving furrows that do not disappear for two hours.

I will not write a scientific treatise on this subject, and you do not need to study this problem as such. Just take a close look at the pictures and try to capture the essence. This will be enough.

If this season you have not had time to buy new sunglasses or managed to drown, lose or sit on them - take a look at the showcase of fashionable sunglasses. Surely, you can choose something suitable here.