Small red pimples on the face of the baby. Probable causes of pimples on the face of a newborn and methods of treating an unpleasant phenomenon

Some people think that facial pimples can only occur in teenagers or in people with hormonal imbalance. However, this is not the case, many mothers notice acne on the face of their baby. Therefore, parents are wondering what is the reason for their appearance, how to treat and is it possible to prevent them?

Pimples on the face of newborns can appear as a result of various reasons. Accordingly, the treatment for them is selected differently. Their manifestations can be divided into two groups: those that need to be treated and those that will pass on their own.

Causes of acne

Red, white or purulent acne newborns have different reasons. Consider the most common of them:

  • In the first three to four days of life, milia may form as a result of blockage of the sebaceous ducts. The glands have begun their functioning, but the opening of the duct has not yet been formed. Therefore, there are white acne in newborns. Such pimples are located separately. The well-being of the baby does not change. Influence this process impossible.
  • Inflammation can provoke the appearance of comedones. They are most often located on the chin and cheeks. They are also called sebaceous cysts. Comedones are pearly white or yellowish papules. They are located in groups or one at a time.
  • Hormonal acne in newborns appear in the second or third week of life due to the formation of a hormonal background. They look like red small pimples in the area of ​​the cheeks, which often go to the back and neck of the child. In addition, formations with pustules in the center may appear.
  • Also, their occurrence can cause allergic reaction on the malnutrition mother or external stimuli. Through breast milk, the baby receives not only nutrients but also allergens. Therefore, the choice of food must be approached with caution. Also, red acne on the face of a newborn may also appear due to external irritants (washing powder, animal hair, flowering plants, etc.).
  • Quite often, the cause of acne can be dysbacteriosis. In this case, the baby will experience colic, stool disturbance, anxiety.
  • Climate change also provokes rashes. Often they also appear due to long journey or flight.
  • Red acne in newborns may occur due to sweating. But at first they form on the neck of the baby, and only then they pass to the face.
  • Reaction to cold winter time It can also cause breakouts.

Even from the very causes of pimples, it becomes clear that not all of them need treatment. But what if the parents noticed them on the face of their crumbs?


Most parents want to rid their child of pimples. However, it is worth remembering that his skin is very delicate and easily catches the infection. Therefore, it is not recommended to prescribe treatment on your own. You need to contact your pediatrician for correct diagnosis. But there are some general rules.

What to do if the baby has pimples:

  • It is necessary to provide the child with proper care.
  • Wash the baby with boiled water at least twice a day.
  • The baby should be bathed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (the water should be pale pink). This tool dries out the skin.
  • Also used herbal decoctions chamomile or string.
  • It is forbidden to wipe the child's face with alcohol-containing lotions or solutions.
  • It is strictly forbidden to squeeze acne in newborns.

When crumbs of rash appear on the face, it is not recommended to use:

Acne Prevention

To prevent acne in newborns, it is necessary to follow preventive measures. In this case, there will be less concern for the health of the baby.

  • A breastfeeding mother must special diet excluding from the diet allergenic products(with the content of red pigment, sweet).
  • At artificial feeding you need to monitor the reaction of the crumbs to the milk mixture. It is desirable that only a pediatrician select it.
  • The baby should take air baths more often.
  • Before long trip you need to consult with your pediatrician.
  • Wash the child's underwear only with products intended specifically for children.

Good hygiene is often the best preventive measure. If acne in newborns is hormonal, then they disappear within a month. But in any case, when signs of a rash appear, parents should seek help from a specialist.

Red pimples on the body sooner or later appear in everyone baby. They are a manifestation or disease, or a reaction to the impact of the outside world. Such red pimples can appear on any part of the child's body for various reasons.

In the head area of ​​​​the baby in the first days of life, both red and white rashes may appear, which are the result of an excess of hormones. Such hormonal irritations can appear on other parts of his body (even on the gums), until a normal hormonal background.

Hormonal rashes should not be treated, as the baby's body can cope with such a problem on its own. However, you need to make sure that the baby does not rip off or comb the pimples.

Also in the head area, namely from its scalp, chickenpox can begin, which quickly spreads throughout the body of the baby. Such rashes are watery in nature and are accompanied by itching. For acne treatment chickenpox they need to be green.

On the neck

Such small pimples usually develop due to sweating, which irritates the delicate skin of a newborn when it is overheated. In appearance, these pimples are pink or red in color with small water heads.

Irritation on the buttocks can appear due to a reaction to diapers or washing powder that is not suitable for children or specifically for your baby. Also, acne can appear on the arms, legs, abdomen, papilla.

On the cheeks, nose, forehead, back and chest

Such pimples appear in a newborn in the first months of life. They are not the result of an allergic reaction, illness or overheating. This is due to hormonal instability, which improves within two weeks on its own.

In the area of ​​​​the chin, ears and on the pope

Many parents, noticing pimples in these places, think that their child has an allergy. You should not immediately panic: diathesis is accompanied by symptoms such as redness, burning and itching.

If the baby is trying to scratch the rash, you should consult a doctor and review the mother's diet, eliminating the allergen.

In the mouth

Rashes in the mouth most often appear precisely because of chickenpox on the 2nd day of the disease. Usually blisters form on the gums. This period of the disease is accompanied by loss of appetite in the baby, fever and painful sensations when eating, as a rash cap may break through on the palate or gums. With severe lesions from third-party intervention, blood smudges may form on the gum.

In the ear area

With rashes near the ears, measles can begin, which further spreads throughout the body of the baby. Measles manifests itself with symptoms characteristic of a cold and forms pink color pimples.

On the pussy, back and armpits

In these parts of the body, scarlet fever is manifested, which is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • heat;
  • inflammation in the mouth of the mucous membranes and throat;
  • vomit;
  • rough red rashes that begin to peel off after 3 days.

Eruptions all over the body

  1. Violation of the intestinal microflora. At the same time, in addition, the color of the stool also changes, constipation or diarrhea appears, bloating occurs, and colic becomes more frequent. The blisters may be purulent. Most often located on the pope of the baby.
  2. Rubella. This disease is characterized by flat acne, which is quickly localized throughout the body.
  3. Large red rashes may appear due to eczema, which recedes, then reappears. Such pimples flake off and cause itching, resulting in a crust forming on their surface.
  4. Scabies. Sometimes a baby develops scabies, in which rashes occur on the entire surface of the body, except for the back. It is characterized by itchy, crusty pimples. Most blisters form on the hands.

Children develop white rashes.

If the rashes are covered with a white crust, these may be the following formations.

  1. Comedones are narrow and shiny papules that have a yellow or white tint. They do not harm the baby and pass quickly.
  2. Milia. Such irritations are not accompanied by inflammation. They remind appearance wen. Such white pimples do not need to be treated, as they disappear when the baby's work normalizes. sebaceous glands.

How to fight

The main measure to combat rashes is hygiene, which consists in regular airing, bathing, and washing the baby after changing the diaper. It is important to choose a brand of diapers that will not cause a reaction on the baby's bottom.

To prevent prickly heat, you need to dress the baby, depending on weather conditions and enjoy special creams for folds on the child's body. At home, it is necessary to select breathable clothes for the baby.

If red pimples are located on the pope, hands or papilla and are accompanied by itching, you can make a soda-based compress. To prepare it, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of soda with a glass of water at room temperature.

Allergen products should be excluded from the mother's diet, which can lead to colic, dysbacteriosis and allergies, leading to skin rashes on the baby's body.

To get rid of acne on the gums and in the mouth, it is necessary to cure the disease that caused them. To prescribe treatment, you need to see a doctor. To prevent the appearance of blisters on the gums, it is necessary to ensure that the child does not put dirty objects in his mouth.

The skin of a newborn baby is thin, loose and highly sensitive to adverse conditions. Slight vulnerability, the rapid spread of bacteria after childbirth and the immaturity of local immunity reduce the protective ability of the skin.

White pimples in a newborn are common, but they are not a sign of serious health problems. The appearance of acne on the face of a baby is the first sign for further action by the parents.

The reasons

Let's figure out why acne appears on the face of a newborn, what they threaten and how to deal with them.

Milium (whitehead, prosyanka, microcomedones)

It occurs due to the immaturity of the sebaceous glands. Milia are plugged sebaceous glands, more precisely, their cysts overflowing with fat. The disease occurs in 50% of newborns. Milia are dense, white, painless nodes that do not exceed 0.2 cm in diameter. They often appear on the nose, in the forehead and nasolabial folds, and a single location of the elements of the rash on the baby's body is not excluded.
The disease resolves on its own after 1.5 months.

Neonatal vesiculopustulosis (periporitis)

it purulent inflammation sweat glands caused by staphylococci, streptococci, rarely fungi. Vesiculopustulosis is a common skin disease among newborns. Appears with improper hygienic care of the baby's skin, infections of the mother, as well as with a low level of sanitary and hygienic condition of maternity hospitals.

Pimples in size reach a pea, can become inflamed. They appear no longer on the face, but in the hair of the head, less often on the trunk. For treatment, doctors prescribe the treatment of rashes with brilliant green, antibacterial ointments. Recovery occurs after 1.5 weeks.

Newborn acne (postpartum acne)

Acne is a manifestation of the natural hormonal adjustment body of a newborn. Acne poses no danger and threat, transient, spontaneously disappears after the removal of maternal and placental hormones. Acne in the form of yellowish "pearl beads" appears on the child's face (nose and cheeks), in the skin rolling pins and on the thighs.

Neonatal acne disappears at the age of 3 months. In rare cases, it can be found in one-year-old babies.

Allergic skin rashes

They are small blisters with yellow contents. To the touch, the rashes are perceived as a rough crust, located on the cheeks and forehead of the baby. An allergy can be to the foods that the nursing mother ate, to cow's milk protein and sugar, if the baby is bottle-fed, that is, to food allergens.

The rash will disappear if the allergen is eliminated. Breastfeeding women are forbidden to eat fatty, sweet and starchy foods, highly allergenic foods (nuts, seafood, peaches, strawberries, citruses). Artificial children may need to change the mixture to hypoallergenic or soy. Sometimes it is enough to change the manufacturer baby food- for children with it is better to choose an expensive highly adapted mixture.

Toxic erythema

A skin reaction similar to an allergic one appears in the first week of life in the form of small pimples. white color. Most often, the rashes are located on the chest and abdomen, but they occur on the face and limbs. Toxic erythema does not require treatment, it goes away on its own.

With properly organized skin care, all pimples go away on their own and without a trace, do not require special treatment, do not leave scars and age spots on the baby's face.

What should be alarming

  • If the rash spreads further.
  • acne long time do not pass, increase in size and quantity.
  • The baby has a fever.
  • The child is lethargic and inactive.
  • The child is restless, cries, eats poorly.

Any of these signs can be a harbinger of blood infection, a strong inflammatory process! This means that the baby needs urgent medical attention.

What to do if the baby has white pimples

You want to get rid of pimples on your face as soon as possible, but you should not use it for this extreme measures, which can harm the child more than acne itself.

What to do is prohibited

  • You can not squeeze pimples. When a pimple is crushed, its infected contents enter the blood, and the infection also enters the blood from the hands of an adult. The closer the infected focus is to the brain, the more dangerous it is.
  • It is forbidden to wipe the face of a newborn with lotions and alcohol-containing products.
  • It is impossible to give the child medicines without consulting a doctor, use antibacterial and antihistamine ointments.

What can be done

In order for the rashes to disappear and no longer appear, you need to organize proper baby skin care:

  • Every morning and evening, the child's face is wiped with a wet cotton pad. Start with the eyes, then wipe the nose, ears and other parts of the face.
  • The child must be bathed every evening with the addition of potassium permanganate to the water. Potassium permanganate dries, has an antiseptic effect.
  • If the baby does not have allergies, then with an antiseptic purpose, you can add a decoction of chamomile to the bathing water. Good for treating any skin rashes a decoction of the string, it can be added to the bath while bathing, used for lotions and rubbing rashes.
  • After each change of clothes, the child needs to lie down naked for 10-15 minutes. normal temperature for air baths - 18–22 degrees.
  • The child must be dressed according to the weather - do not wrap up and do not overheat. When going outside, dress your child the same as you would, plus take another blouse. In the cold season, additionally cover it with a blanket or blanket.
  • For baby skin care, it is recommended to use modern wet wipes, powders and oils.

The skin of a newborn baby is extremely sensitive and vulnerable. Watch your child, take care of him and your skin, and then all the sores and acne will bypass you.

After the birth of the baby, pimples may appear on the face and body. They can cover the entire body or accumulate in separate places. Mom is worried about this situation. In order not to panic, you need to understand the nature of the rashes and the reason for their appearance. Pimples on the face of a newborn at 1-2 months old with a white head are not dangerous, and are the cause incorrect operation sebaceous glands.

Reasons for the appearance

For proper care for the baby it is necessary to identify why pimples appear on the face. They can different kind, colors and shapes. Most often there are red pimples with white heads.

Doctors do not have consensus where do pimples come from. The most common are two reasons:

  1. Hormonal adjustment of the body.
  2. The period of adaptation to the new environment.

The female sex hormone estrogen, which is produced in the mother's body, is passed on to the child. This hormone passes from mother to baby during pregnancy and childbirth. It makes the sebaceous glands work actively. They, in turn, intensively produce subcutaneous fat, which clogs the pores on the face. It leads to inflammatory process and the appearance of pimples. Mother's hormones affect the baby for a short time. After a couple of months, the hormonal background of the newborn stabilizes.

The second option is the adaptation of the child's skin. In the womb, the baby stays in water for 9 months. His skin is used to certain conditions. After birth skin begin to come into contact with air. This requires a certain restructuring in the work of the sebaceous glands. They function in an enhanced mode, which leads to their blockage and the formation of pustules.

Subcutaneous fat serves as a protective barrier of the skin against aggressive effects. external factors. Therefore, the active work of the sebaceous glands indicates that the body has turned on protective functions. To hygiene care it has nothing to do with the baby. And it does not mean that you are not taking good care of the baby.

acne in newborns

The presence of pimples on the face of a baby with a white head occurs in 20-30% of children. The rash is localized on the cheeks, forehead, nose and chin. Pimples on the face in newborns are similar to teenage acne. They are more likely to affect boys and children whose parents have suffered acne. Comedones most often do not form, but in rare cases there are closed or open comedones. pustules, purulent pimples with a white head, are formed only with acne. Allergic, infectious diseases or miliaria proceeds without the appearance of pustules.

Such rashes do not bother children and do not cause itching. Moms are advised to keep the baby's skin dry and clean, for the speedy healing of the skin.


Another type of pimples on the face of newborns at 1-2 months old with a white head is milia. They occur as a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands. Features of milia are that they cannot be opened, wiped with a cotton pad, or alcohol lotions can be used. Since this can lead to the spread of infection.

The cause of milia is the accumulation of hormones in the children's body, which he received during pregnancy and along with breast milk. The baby needs time to remove hormones from the body. And the sebaceous glands can not cope with the accumulated subcutaneous fat accumulated in the pores due to hormonal processes.

“Milium” in Latin means sifted grain. This type acne characteristic only for newborns. Pimples are always with a white tip. Eruptions are solitary or widespread on the face. home distinguishing feature milia - grain. Places of appearance on the face - forehead, cheeks, area under the eyes. Less commonly, the rash is localized in the neck and chest.

Such a rash does not cause discomfort to a newborn. The main thing is that the baby does not comb pimples.

Absolutely normal from the point of view of physiology, the formation of small pimples on the face of the baby is. The cause of the phenomenon is most often in violations of the hormonal background of the baby, provoked great content in the blood of a child of maternal hormones - estrogen, which came to him during childbirth. Very often, pimples do not even stand out on the surface of the skin and can only be determined by touch. But sometimes the causes of the rash can be completely different.

White pimples

Quite often, white pimples can be seen on the face of babies. The content is located in the center of the formation, but no inflammation is observed around it. The main localization site is the wings of the nose, forehead, forehead and chin. The reason for the appearance of acne of this type is the immaturity of the sebaceous glands. As the sebaceous glands develop, they decrease. Rashes of this type pass without any intervention after about 2-3 months.

White pimples that appear in the first days after birth can also be caused by the presence of "extra" maternal hormones in the child's blood. Visually, they resemble mother-of-pearl pearls, periodically acquiring a yellowish tint. They go away on their own and do not require treatment.

Red pimples on the face of a newborn baby

As a rule, a mother begins to worry when she notices red pimples on the child's face.

After a walk in winter or autumn, i.e. in cold period years, the baby may appear on the cheeks of red pimples. This should not be feared, because this is the process of adaptation of the child's body, or rather his skin, to a change in the conditions of his environment.

In addition, the appearance of red pimples can also be caused by a change in hormonal levels. Rashes in this case can form not only on the face of the newborn, but also spread to the surface of the back and neck. Quite often, small pustules are located in the center of such formations.

Another reason for the formation of pimples on the baby's face is an allergic reaction to mother's milk, if the baby is on breastfeeding. Especially strong allergen is a protein found in cow's milk. And if the mother drank fresh milk, then the appearance of characteristic rashes on the cheeks of the crumbs is quite likely.

External stimuli such as baby cream, plant, dust, pet hair, can also cause a red rash on the face.

Excessive wrapping of the child, causing him to overheat, leads to the development of prickly heat. Because the sweat glands babies do not work quite correctly, then they become a little inflamed. Visually, they look like red dots with bubbles filled with liquid. Most often, prickly heat appears in the folds of the neck, then goes to the face. It can also provoke the onset of sweating bad care for the skin of a newborn.

Diseases accompanied by the appearance of pimples on the face of a newborn

Even during the first year of life, the child is not immune from infection. infectious diseases, one of the symptoms of which are pimples on the face.

These should include:

Scarlet fever

The main sign of infection is pimples of a rich red color that appear not only on the body, but also on the face. But they never capture the area of ​​the lips and nose. The infection is accompanied by an increase in the general body temperature. The child also has peeling of the surface of the palms and feet. If you examine the child's mouth, the tongue acquires a bright crimson color, and there are signs of inflammation in the throat.


Another contagious disease accompanied by a rash. But in this case, rashes are formed in stages:

  • the first day - the neck and face;
  • second day - shoulders and torso;
  • third day - legs and arms.

At the very beginning of the disease, the rash has a rich red color. Then it begins to peel off and change color to a darker one. Accompanied by transformation high temperature and characteristic symptoms associated with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Chickenpox (chickenpox)

Chickenpox is also characterized by the formation of pimples on the face. In addition, the rash covers the rest of the skin, not excluding hairy part heads.

Initially, it is just a small elevation above the surface of the skin, which after a few hours turns into a transparent bubble filled with liquid. Later, the bubble dries up, becoming covered with a brown crust.

Pimples appear, as a rule, in large quantities. At the same time, the child has a rise in temperature, as well as symptoms colds and indigestion.


Sometimes in babies, pimples on the face appear as a result of infection with meningitis. Initially, these are small red spots covering the entire surface of the body. An increase in their number indicates the presence of a virus in the blood. The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the lining of the brain, an increase in body temperature up to high performance and significant deterioration general condition child.

If the crumbs have a red rash on the face, accompanied by characteristic symptoms, then this should be urgently reported to the pediatrician. Self-medication will only worsen the condition of the child.

Treatment of pimples on the face of a newborn

Treatment of a rash on the face of a baby depends on the causes that provoked their appearance. If the hormonal background of the child turned out to be a provocateur, then the use of any treatment is not required here. But to reveal true reason the appearance of acne on the skin of a child and pick up adequate therapy, it is necessary to show the baby to the pediatrician.

At home, mom can try the following tricks:

  • The child should be bathed using only boiled water(in the first month of life - this is certainly a condition), cooled to a temperature that is pleasant for the baby. It is also recommended to use detergents designed specifically for newborns.
  • To dry the rash, it is recommended to use decoctions of bark, chamomile or string, which must be added to bathing water.
  • It is strictly forbidden to wipe pimples in order to dry them with any alcohol-containing liquids. Also, you can not use drugs intended for the treatment of rashes in adults.
  • The areas of the child's body that are most heavily covered with rashes must be kept clean. The use of rough wipes will only aggravate the condition of the child, causing further irritation of the inflamed skin.
  • Squeezing pimples on the face of a child or other parts of the body is strictly prohibited, since in this case there is a high risk of secondary infection.

Prevention of the appearance of a rash on the face of a newborn baby

Prevention of a rash on the face of infants includes the following activities:

  • If the baby is on breastfeeding, then a woman should especially carefully monitor her diet. It is necessary to completely exclude from the menu all products that can provoke the onset of an allergic reaction.
  • If the child is fed artificial mixtures, then it is also necessary to carefully choose the child's nutrition. Quite often, the child's body reacts to a certain component of nutrition and the task of the mother is to find out which one. Then the mixture must be replaced in consultation with the pediatrician observing the baby.
  • It is very important to carry out hardening procedures. And one of these is taking air baths. Since at this moment the child is without clothes, then the immune system gets the necessary “shake-up”, starting to work more actively. In addition, air contributes to the drying of pimples.
  • When washing children's underwear, it is strictly forbidden to use synthetic detergents if they are designed without taking into account the needs of children's skin. The same applies to detergent for children's dishes.
  • But the most faithful preventive measure the formation of pimples in newborns is the observance of the hygiene of the child.

To avoid infection of pimples, dirt from the face and food debris should be removed with well-moistened baby wipes.

If the rash is caused hormonal changes, then it goes away on its own in about a month.