Strongly motion sickness in the bus during long trips, what to do to prevent motion sickness? Motion sickness in transport.

Some people never get sick, they can ride roller coasters for days, ride a fragile boat in a strong storm, and ride in crowded vehicles during rush hour. For others, the mere sight of moving water on a screen, a speeding train, or a dive plane causes dizziness and uncomfortable stomach discomfort. A trip on a tram or bus, especially in the heat, can literally turn into torture and end in embarrassment - such a person feels sick and unhappy, he is sick, vomits, and sometimes he can even lose consciousness.

Sickness in transport is especially common in young children, pregnant women and the elderly. How does science explain the appearance of motion sickness in such different people?

Causes of motion sickness

Motion sickness is caused by monotonous and uniform vibrations vehicle. The main reasons for this condition lie in violations of the human vestibular apparatus. It is hidden in the depths of the inner ear and works on the principle of a pendulum, sending signals to the brain whenever a person makes inclinations or any active movements. If failures occur in the operation of this mechanism, a person begins to experience nausea, dizziness and the urge to vomit at the slightest movement. Most often this happens when the received visual information does not match the data supplied by the vestibular apparatus. For example, a person riding a bus knows that he is sitting in a chair attached to a solid floor and rolling on wheels on a level road. However, machine vibrations while driving, potholes in the road, jerky movements the driver is misled by the brain, and the person feels a specific and very uncomfortable feeling of motion sickness.

Children are especially often rocked in transport. This happens because the child has an imperfect, not completely formed vestibular apparatus, which cannot cope with incoming data, cannot correctly interpret information and “compensate” for movement. The vestibular apparatus is formed for a long time, in some children this process is completely completed only by the age of 12-15.


There are people who sway with any kind of movement, while others react only to certain types pitching. This made it possible to divide motion sickness in transport into the following types:

  1. Motion sickness in land transport.

This condition can also overcome a healthy person who is generally not prone to motion sickness. Most often this happens due to the fact that a person is very tired, is in a state of severe stress, hungry, sick, falling ill, or just recovered from a serious illness, during pregnancy, if he travels for a very long time, and the transport thoroughly “chats”. Even with a healthy vestibular apparatus, this can lead to the classic symptoms of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. During motion sickness, in contrast to food poisoning, the first portion of vomiting does not relieve the unpleasant condition. Nausea continues until the pitching stops, and even for a while after that. Vomiting can be uncontrollable and cause serious suffering to the patient.

How to treat

There are simple "folk" remedies for motion sickness These are sour-flavored candies. Aeroflot used to give them out to everyone on the plane, they were called that - "Takeoff".

Note! Sucking, combined with the sour taste, dulls the nausea a little, helping to survive the takeoff and landing of the plane. But this remedy is effective only when it is started to be used before the onset of symptoms of motion sickness.

Traditional medicine offers in such cases crushed ginger root, olives or lemon slices. Can be used homeopathic preparations, but the most effective treatment is with the help of special medicines- Aerona, Dramina and such funds. However, they should be used only in the most serious cases, as the body quickly gets used to a certain type of medication, and they cease to act on it.

Note! First, it is worth resorting to simple, non-pharmacological means, and only if they do not help at all, and the state of motion sickness worsens, you can go to medications.


The only radical way to cope with motion sickness is to train your own vestibular apparatus. For those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, are constantly in a confined space, rarely go out, the vestibular apparatus is not developed, it is not trained and is not ready to perceive the "moving reality". In order not to suffer from dizziness and nausea, you need to train this apparatus. To do this, a person must move more, be more often in open space, perform a variety of movements, exercises and lead a more active healthy lifestyle.

It is very important to train the vestibular apparatus also in children. The sooner you start doing this, the more likely you are to succeed in the most short terms. Passive training can also help to cope with motion sickness, for example, closing and opening eyes, shifting visual focus from close to far, rotation eyeballs and much more. With children, these exercises can be carried out in a playful, playful way.

Another way to deal with motion sickness is to ride a carousel, swing on a swing, in a hammock or on a bungee. Such rhythmic swinging involuntarily tones the nervous system and helps to strengthen and develop the vestibular apparatus in both adults and children. So visiting amusement parks and various attractions gives the child the opportunity not only to relax, but also to strengthen his body.

Note! An active lifestyle, mobility and sports can help to cope with motion sickness and forget about the existence of this problem forever.


Dr. Komarovsky will tell you what to do when a child suffers from motion sickness:

The imperfect vestibular apparatus is to blame for the fact that you are motion sick in transport. He is in inner ear and is enough complex mechanism, which has a small size and ingenious design. It is important for exact definition the position of the body in the surrounding space, the feeling of gravity and the correct orientation in the world of three-dimensional space.

The vestibular apparatus is not just small, it is quite tiny. Its development begins in utero, before the birth of a child, and it is fully formed only by the age of fifteen.

Thanks to the presence of this small mechanism in the inner ear, we can navigate the space around us, even with our eyes closed for a while. It is the vestibular apparatus that promotes upright posture, regulating the position of our body and maintaining the posture we need.

The sense of balance will be disturbed if the semicircular canals are destroyed (or if they are underdeveloped). For example, if you damage them on a pigeon, it will make it incapable of flying.

So a person is oriented in space with the help of a complex perception of the world by different mechanisms - vision, tactile sensations and vestibular apparatus.

The vestibular apparatus is similar in structure to an intricate labyrinth filled with a mass similar to jelly. Special cilia-hairs, consisting of sensitive cells, are lowered into this environment. The mass includes otolith crystals that exert pressure on some groups of these cells, while a person changes the spatial position of the body. Thus, the brain receives information about the exact location of the body and head. When the head is turned, the endolymph begins to flow through the channels, this also signals movement.

Reasons for motion sickness in transport

The semicircular canals in the inner ear are located in three planes. If the head changes its position in space, endolymph flow occurs. The most characteristic for a person are movements in the horizontal plane (when walking and turning the head), while in the vertical minimal amount movements - nodding and lowering, raising the head.

If the movements are up and down, as when riding an elevator, and especially if they are accompanied by movements back and forth, as when sailing a ship or riding in a vehicle, erratic signals begin to enter the brain.

During motion sickness, a person begins to feel severe weakness and dizziness, after a while he develops severe nausea and even vomiting, which can be indomitable.

Since the vestibular apparatus is a very complex mechanism, any failure in its work can lead to complications, expressed in motion sickness or impaired coordination.

Such a failure may be the result of inflammation of the ear, ailments of the autonomic nervous system, gastrointestinal tract as well as brain tumors. If a person is motion sick in transport, this may be a signal of some kind of malfunction in the body that requires mandatory clarification. If motion sickness is caused by a disease, it cannot be cured without treating the underlying disease.

However, motion sickness can be an individual physiological feature quite healthy people. This makes it much more difficult everyday life person, since even an ordinary trip to public transport becomes a problem for him. And long trips become generally impossible.

But motion sickness is treatable if you approach it in an organized manner and set yourself up for success.

Children's seasickness most often passes when they reach adolescence, after the final formation of the vestibular apparatus.
If motion sickness does not go away, it can be eliminated through special training and active physical mobility.


An excellent option for training the vestibular apparatus is a swing. Mothers all over the world rock their babies in various cradles. A regular ride on a swing will reduce motion sickness to a minimum.

Sports such as aerobics and water aerobics, various sports are suitable for training the vestibular apparatus. sport games- volleyball, basketball, football, walking, light running, swimming in the pool. These exercises make a person move in all directions, changing planes and speed of movement.

In the mornings, you should do special gymnastics, with torso and head tilts, turns, somersaults, jumps, and various exercises on the horizontal bar. Don't do it all at once!!! Start with a few repetitions, gradually increasing their number.

Also, stand next to a closet or at the back of a chair and make 1 turn clockwise. You can make another turn so as not to fall - do it. Turn around in the opposite direction counterclockwise, too, 2 times. Do the exercise again for 2 turns in both directions. The next day, increase the number of turns by 1 in each direction, and so on.

I told you everything you can know about why you get sick in transport, the reasons for what to do. It remains a little - to give a few more tips.


If you go on a trip, tune in to the positive in advance. During the trip, try to look into the distance, think about extraneous things, listen to pleasant music. Learn to control yourself with self-training.

You should not eat up before the trip, but you should not go on an empty stomach either. Grab a bite to eat about an hour before you hit the road.

If you have to travel far on public transport, leave your home early. So you will have a margin of time to go out on the road and breathe if you feel very bad and rest for a while.

It is important to understand that if active life, harden the body, regularly train the vestibular apparatus, you can reduce the symptoms of motion sickness or even get rid of it!

In motion sickness, the imperfection of the vestibular apparatus, which is located in the inner ear of a person, is to blame. This complex mechanism is small, but very complex, and is of great importance for determining the position of the human body in space, the feeling of gravity and orientation in our three-dimensional world. When asked what causes motion sickness in transport with medical point vision can be answered only by getting a little familiar with physiology.

It is not enough to say that the vestibular apparatus is small - it is practically tiny. It begins to develop in a child even in utero, and finally completes its development when the child reaches the age of 15 years.

It is thanks to this small vestibular apparatus of the inner ear that a person will be able to navigate in space, even closing his eyes for a while. The device regulates the position of the human body in space, promotes upright posture and maintains necessary for a person pose.

The sense of balance is disturbed after the destruction or underdevelopment of the semicircular canals. If you destroy these channels in a dove, then he will never be able to fly again.

In humans, orientation in space is carried out by a complex set of mechanisms, including tactile sensitivity, vision, and the vestibular apparatus.

The vestibular apparatus of the inner ear is a complex labyrinth filled with a jelly-like mass, with cilia-hairs of sensitive cells lowered into this environment. The mass contains otoliths - crystals, which, when the position of the body in space changes, exert pressure on various groups sensitive cells, thus giving the brain information about the position of the body and head of a person in space.

Turning a person's head provokes endolymph flow through the channels, which also signals movement, giving a reflex signal to the eyes.

The semicircular canals (and there are 3 in each inner ear) are located in three planes. When the position of the head changes in any plane, the endolymph moves. But man is accustomed to the fact that the movements for the most part occur in the horizontal plane when walking, turning the head, and only a small part of the movements occurs in the vertical plane - nodding the head, lowering - raising the head.

When moving up and down (ascent - lowering on the elevator), and especially if they are combined with movements forward and backward (when driving on a vehicle on an uneven road, sailing on a ship), they give erratic signals to the brain.

A person during motion sickness feels severe weakness, dizziness, he has nausea and vomiting, sometimes indomitable.

Motion sickness syndrome.

The vestibular apparatus is a complex mechanism, any failure in which can lead to complications in the form of motion sickness, impaired coordination in space.

Such a failure can occur from inflammation of the ear, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, autonomic nervous system, brain tumors. Motion sickness, which is observed in humans, signals some kind of malfunction in the body that caused a malfunction in vestibular apparatus. If motion sickness occurs in small child from birth, or arose in the course of a person’s life, it is necessary to carefully conduct a survey to identify the causes. It is pointless to fight motion sickness caused by a disease, you can only alleviate a person’s condition, but in any case, you need to treat the underlying disease.

Motion sickness can also be observed in quite healthy people, as physiological feature organism. This greatly complicates a person's life, because any trip in transport or on an elevator becomes a real test, and traveling long distances is not possible at all. There are cases known from history when people who committed sea ​​travel over long distances, were brought to complete exhaustion and despair from motion sickness, that they even committed suicide. The ballerina, who has a weak vestibular apparatus, loses her balance while performing dizzying rotations and turns and will never be able to dance the way she wants.

Can motion sickness be cured?

Motion sickness can be cured, fortunately - this trouble is fixable, and depends only on the person's organization and his mood for success.

If seasickness is observed in a child, then, in the absence of diseases that caused it, in adolescence it will disappear when the vestibular apparatus is fully formed.

Motion sickness, which does not go away by itself, can go away as a result of special training of the vestibular apparatus, as well as active physical mobility, feasible sports loads.

The best way to train the vestibular apparatus is to swing on a swing, so mothers all over the world rock their newborn babies in the cradle, and then on the swing. You need to regularly swing the child on a swing, and then motion sickness will occur less and less.

The best sports for training the vestibular apparatus are water aerobics and regular aerobics, sports games - basketball, volleyball, football, light running, walking, swimming in the pool. With these exercises, a person moves in all planes, with a change in speed and direction of movement, which has a beneficial effect on the formation of the vestibular apparatus.

Morning gymnastics should consist of exercises involving torso and head tilts, turns, jumps, somersaults, horizontal bar exercises. Immediately you do not need to perform these exercises many times, first you need to do the exercises slowly, 2-3 times, over time increasing both the amplitude of movements and the number of repetitions.

It is important self-hypnosis before the road. During the trip, you need to look at distant objects, think about the future, dream, listen to music. Undoubtedly, you need to learn at least the basics of the art of auto-training.

If you need to take the metro far, you need to get off early so that, in case of symptoms of motion sickness, get out of the car and walk around, calming down and recovering, or walking part of the rest of the way slowly, on foot.

Before the trip, you do not need to eat heavily. It is advisable that the meal was an hour before the trip. It is also undesirable to travel on an empty stomach.

You need to harden the body, train, do exercises daily and lead an active life, remember childhood as often as possible and swing on a swing, in a rocking chair or a hammock, tune in to success, and then motion sickness will pass by itself.

What causes motion sickness in transport from a medical point of view is fully answered, the task of a person suffering from seasickness is to implement measures to prevent motion sickness in his life.

You have not gone anywhere yet or are just about to buy tickets, but you already know that the road will not be easy. Nausea, dizziness, weakness are symptoms of motion sickness. They can appear on the water, in the air, on the ground.

AT recent times We often hear about traffic sickness. This disease affects a huge number of people.

Relieve the symptoms of motion sickness and the frequency of their occurrence will help simple rules behavior, training of the vestibular apparatus and medicines selected by the doctor. Why do we get sick in transport?

Why are we swayed?

Kinetosis (motion sickness) is not a disease. Unpleasant sensations are the result of conflicting information that enters the brain from different sensory organs and systems that control balance.

The situation is ambiguous, on the one hand, we are driving a car, in a train carriage on an airplane and do not move, and on the other hand, we are moving in space.

The vestibular apparatus, located in the inner ear, is responsible for balance and orientation in space. The same information is evaluated by auditory, muscle, visual analyzers and send signals to the brain. If the data from different sources are the same, then we feel great.

Health problems arise when mutually exclusive information enters the brain.

For example, you eat in a trolleybus or bus, the visual analyzer sends information that you are on the move. And muscle receptors evaluate that you are motionless. That's why it happens inadequate response central nervous system and you experience discomfort motion sickness.

Symptoms of motion sickness in transport

Kinetosis is a common occurrence. It affects 45 to 70 percent of people.

Who is most likely to suffer from motion sickness?

  • children from 2 to 12 years old;
  • women;
  • elderly;
  • hypertension.

Motion sickness is enhanced:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pressure drops;
  • pathology of cerebral vessels;
  • head injury;
  • otitis.

How does kinetosis manifest itself?

  1. From the gastrointestinal tract - a change taste sensations, nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, intolerance to odors.
  2. From the side of the nervous system - headache, dizziness, weakness, drowsiness.
  3. From the side of the cardiovascular system - increased heart rate, pressure jump.

Highly important point. Dizziness and other disturbances in cardiovascular system may indicate a stroke or heart attack, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

What to do if you get sick?

What to do when you get sick?

1) Can help simple exercises training the vestibular apparatus. You need to perform them in the morning, on an empty stomach, sitting.
Slowly turn your head to the right-left-up-down, make circular movements with your head clockwise and back. Do 30-60 movements per minute.

After a month, do the exercises faster, no longer sitting, but standing. After a few weeks of such charging, the discomfort associated with motion sickness weakens.

2) It is useful to swing on a swing and a hammock. If it is not possible to cope with kinetosis on your own, then you need to consult a doctor - an otoneurologist. Maybe the problem is related to the disease.

3) Ginger sometimes helps with motion sickness. Before the road, keep a piece of the root in your mouth, or you can put a few drops of ginger oil on a handkerchief and inhale the aroma.

4) With kinetosis, they are usually prescribed antihistamines and nootropic drugs, less often tranquilizers.

But you should not drink medicines on your own. Universal medicine no, the doctor will select you depending on the symptoms and disease.

Seasick in transport - follow simple rules

If you get sick, try to follow the following rules.

  1. Don't overeat before you hit the road. eat something light vegetable salad and unsweetened yogurt. Take lollipops with you, they will ease the discomfort of motion sickness. It is better to drink sour fruit drinks on the road or plain water. Soda will increase nausea.
  2. On the train and bus, sit at the window in the direction of travel, and in the car next to the driver. Better eyes close, and if you look out the window, fix your eyes on the horizon. It is impossible to read, rhythmic eye movements irritate the vestibular apparatus.
  3. In an airplane, it is better to sit in the middle, above the wings. put on neck collars and try not to move your head. The best thing you can do is sleep during the flight.
  4. If you get seasick, take a motion sickness pill before sailing. The best place is the middle of the ship. In the cabin, you get more motion sickness, so it's better to be on the deck, in the fresh air.
  5. While sitting, roll your feet from heel to toe. Movement creates the effect of walking and deceives the signals coming to the brain from visual analyzers and vestibular apparatus.
  6. It is better to listen to calm music while traveling, but you should not listen to loud music.
  7. If the doctor advises you to remove the adenoids, then agree. Since the enlarged adenoid tissue makes it difficult to ventilate the ear and leads to otitis media, and they disrupt the activity of the vestibular apparatus. Removal of the adenoids will reduce the symptoms of kinetosis.

Conclusion: if you are swayed, try to cope on your own, but if you can’t relieve kinetosis on your own, then you should seek the advice of a doctor.

From this article you will learn:

Seasickness is the fate of many, but it is not at all a death sentence, as some people think. There are a number of factors that contribute to the mitigation of motion sickness in transport. If you follow some simple rules, you can enjoy the road like everyone else.

Alcohol consumption

Try to exclude alcoholic beverages from your diet not only on the day of the trip, but also the day before. Remember that even a small dose of alcohol can provoke severe nausea during the road. The explanation is very simple: alcohol has a negative effect on the vestibular apparatus, which is already uncomfortable when driving in transport.

Location in transport

Knowing your trouble, initially think over where you will sit. Do not choose the rear seats, no matter how comfortable they may seem to you: in the “tail” of the transport, the pitching is always stronger than at the beginning and even in the middle of the bus. If the bus is full, arrange in advance with those who will go on a trip with you. Explain your problem to them. Surely they will not want to stop all the way because of your illness every couple of kilometers.


At night, our body is very large quantities releases histamine - a curious substance that just has an exciting effect on the central nervous system and contributes to motion sickness. If on the night before the trip you drink any antihistamine, it will have a beneficial effect on your journey, as nervous system will be in calm state and the vestibular apparatus will work without interruption.

Psycho-emotional state

Try to calm down while traveling. People who behave anxiously while driving in transport are much more prone to motion sickness than those who behave calmly. Try to think only about the good, and in no case allow fears of any kind into your mind. It is better to cover your eyes or look over the horizon line.

Head at rest

As practice shows, the head should be at rest if you do not tolerate the road well. Try to turn your head to the sides as little as possible, as this will have a very bad effect on the state of your vestibular apparatus. The ideal option is to take a small soft pillow with you on a trip, which you can put under your head, thereby mitigating motion sickness.

Meals before the trip

Naturally, only those whose stomach is filled with something can turn out. If it is empty, then you can get off with just a slight dizziness and a state of nausea, but vomiting will not be purely physiological reasons. So the most the right way avoid motion sickness - go hungry on the eve of the trip. This will have a beneficial effect on your figure and general well-being on the road.

Food during the trip

Of course, filling the stomach during the journey is stupid, as it will turn out right there. However, there are a number of products that help reduce motion sickness in transport. Here is a list of foods that, taken in small amounts, will help to cope with pitching and shaking:

  1. ginger, without which sailors do not go to sea;
  2. a piece of dried fish;
  3. sour candies;
  4. sour apple;
  5. dried citrus peels.

Music in headphones

It turns out that this also matters when motion sickness in transport. Loud, heavy music hitting your ears will have a bad effect on your vestibular apparatus, and it will rebel. Light, quiet music will have a completely different effect - it will contribute to the overall relaxation and tranquility of all body systems.

Special medicines

If nothing helps and you continue to shake and twist in any way, you need to without fail consult with a physician who necessary examinations and prescribe special pills that will help to avoid motion sickness. The main thing is that it should not be a symptom and manifestation of some more serious illness.

Feel your body and take care of it - then it will repay you only with positive health and good mood.