Orthopedic neck collar for osteochondrosis. Rules for wearing an orthopedic trench collar for cervical osteochondrosis

One of the most effective means for temporary unloading of the cervical spine is the Shants orthopedic collar. Its use is necessary for a number of diseases, including osteochondrosis. Despite the rough appearance, this neck splint, when properly selected, provides comfort and significant elimination of pain discomfort.

When viewed in detail, it is an orthopedic bandage Shantsa collar made of materials of various hardness and having soft edges for head support and comfortable placement on the shoulders. The material used is always hypoallergenic. When dressed, the bandage completely wraps around the neck and fastens at the back with Velcro.

Trying to understand what a Shants collar is, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the principle of its impact in detail. Regardless of what material the tire is made of, it provides hollow fixation of all cervical vertebrae in a physiologically correct position. In the process of wearing this brace, the patient is not able to turn his head to the side or bend his neck up or down. This ensures complete unloading of the spine and the distribution of the weight of the head on the shoulder muscles and joints.

Collar types

Based on the materials used in the manufacture, Chance's neck collar can be of three types:

  • soft with inflatable elements;
  • inflatable;
  • hard.

The bandage with inflatable bands is inflated after fixing the fabric base on the neck with a pear. Such an orthopedic cervical splint provides unloading of the spine by increasing the space between the joints of the neck. Wearing it at times improves the blood circulation of both the diseased department and nearby organs.

The use of a completely soft inflatable Shants orthopedic collar allows you to qualitatively fix the damaged area in the required position. This type of splint is very effective in osteochondrosis, as it helps to relieve the load on the cervical vertebrae and significantly reduce pain due to the stretching of the cervical vertebrae.

A rigid neck collar is most often made of plastic or metal. This type of cervical splint is necessary for serious injuries of the spine in the cervical region, including fractures in this area.

Indications for wearing

Wearing a Shants collar can be prescribed to a patient of absolutely any age. The main indications for use, in which the Shants orthopedic collar is most often prescribed, are represented by such health problems:

  • the presence of signs of torticollis in newborns;
  • various in type and severity of injuries of the cervical spine. as well as the neck muscles;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery in the neck;
  • various neurological problems causing persistent dizziness and headaches;
  • inflammatory processes in the skeletal muscles;
  • osteochondrosis.

The benefit of wearing a Shants collar for both adults and children is the absence of unnecessary stress and movement of the damaged area of ​​the neck, which contributes to the speedy elimination of inflammation and its healing.

Selection features

For ease of use and a speedy recovery in the process of using a neck brace, you need to know how to properly select, put on and wear a Shants collar. So, according to the instructions and advice of orthopedists, the most important thing when choosing a neck brace is an accurate calculation of the required tire height. In order to accurately calculate it, you need to measure the distance from the collarbone to the angle of the lower jaw. If you are afraid that it is wrong to take measurements yourself, you can contact the salon that sells this type of orthopedic products directly.

In order to properly wear a neck brace, it is necessary to comply with several mandatory conditions specified in the instructions for use of the tire:

  • orthopedic collar Chance must strictly have a height equal to the length of the patient's neck;
  • at the back, the bottom of the bandage should reach the level of the base of the neck. In this case, it is necessary that the upper edge of the tire touches the base of the skull;
  • after the bandage is put on, the head should be kept straight, and the neck should be motionless, but at the same time not pinched.

It is important to understand that an improperly selected Shants collar or dressed inappropriately can only harm the patient's health.

How to put on a Shants splint

It is practically not difficult to put on a neck brace of any type of rigidity on your own. The unbuttoned bandage must be brought to the neck and the cut of the bandage should be placed directly under the chin. In this case, the head should be level. After that, bring the edges of the collar back and wrapping them around the neck, fix the bandage with the help of Velcro located along the edge. When trying on and putting on the collar, it is most convenient to perform these manipulations in front of a mirror. For a more detailed look at the process, you can watch the video above on how the Shants collar is applied.

It is quite easy to check if the tire is correctly put on. Between the bandage and the neck, 2 fingers should be placed, this will ensure that you can breathe freely. However, if a patient in an orthopedic cervical collar can turn or shake his head, then the product is not worn correctly.

How long to wear a Shants bandage

Many patients are interested in how much to wear an orthopedic Shants collar. However, this indicator is strictly individual and is determined directly by the doctor. With minor injuries and pains, this orthopedic product can be used for only 15-20 minutes a day.

With osteochondrosis, the use of a collar is most often prescribed for 1 hour twice a day. At the same time, you can sit, walk and perform various normal work processes in it. The prohibition consists only in the fact that in no case should one lie in the tire, since in this position there is serious pressure on the fixed cervical region and manifestations of deformation are possible.

The maximum time during which the Shants collar can be worn per day should not exceed 2 hours. At the same time, the total number of tire uses per day varies depending on the general state of health and the degree of damage to the cervical region.

The constant wearing of a bandage, as well as exceeding the individual use time prescribed by the doctor, is strictly not recommended due to the fact that it causes complete atrophy of the cervical muscles.

Contraindications for use

Before wearing an orthopedic cervical splint, the patient must definitely exclude all existing contraindications. It is unacceptable to use the Shants collar in such cases:

  • instability of the elements of the cervical spine, which arose as a result of injuries received in the past, or bone diseases of the spine;
  • the presence of dermatological pathologies in the form of a rash or other skin diseases of varying severity.

Unhealed skin lesions, especially deep ones, may also be temporary contraindications for the use of the Shants collar. The reason for this is the need for air access to the wound for its drying and healing, as well as the risk of infection of the injury, if it is irritated by the bandage.

In general, the Shants collar is a very useful therapeutic product. However, in order for it to benefit the patient, its use must be agreed with the doctor.

A collar for the neck will help relieve pain in osteochondrosis of the cervical region. The Shants collar does not allow sudden movements that are fraught with pinched nerve roots. Muscle tension goes away, intervertebral discs are released. Oxygen begins to flow normally to the brain, due to which the head stops hurting and blood pressure rises. Almost any patient, even a child, can use a medical collar.

The Shants Cervical Collar, a device invented by orthopedists to support the neck when the muscles for some reason cannot cope with tension, is a tight, minimally elastic splint that is worn around the cervical region. As a result, the muscles can relax, and the vertebrae remain in their physiological position.

The Shants collar stretches the neck, freeing up space for the intervertebral discs and nerve roots that were previously clamped.

The classic of such a product is a polyurethane foam strip covered with a fabric shell. There is a place for the chin in the front, the product is fastened at the back. Another version of the corset is an inflatable collar, which, when inflated, smoothly stretches the cervical region. Frees up more space for discs and vessels. If degenerative-dystrophic processes have affected the cervical spine, such products provide assistance in complex treatment with medications and exercise therapy exercises.

Operating principle

In the acute period of osteochondrosis of the neck, even a slight turn of the head ends in pain. A person has to make sure that no sudden movements occur. He tries to take a position in which the neck moves the least. And a neck collar is needed for this, and besides:

  • Does not allow the cervical region to move, bend, bend, turn;
  • Relieves tension from the muscles;
  • Does not allow the vertebrae to squeeze the intervertebral discs;
  • Does not allow the vertebrae to rub against each other;
  • Relieves cervical pain syndrome;
  • Smoothly warms up and massages;
  • Improves blood circulation in the deformed part of the ridge;
  • Provides normal access of oxygen, due to which the head stops hurting and blood pressure rises;
  • Removes psychological discomfort, fear of sudden movement and pain.

How to wear

In order for the orthopedic product to perform its functions and help cure cervical osteochondrosis, you need to properly select and operate the collar. You can unload the muscles and reduce the force pressing on the discs when the chin is supported, and the lower part of the collar rests on the clavicular region.

You need to pay attention to your feelings. Make sure that the new collar really helps to fight pain and effectively restrict cervical movement. Only then will it help to treat osteochondrosis.

If there is discomfort during wearing, the treatment may even be harmful.

It is advisable to wear a collar during exercise therapy. At these moments, sudden movements are possible, the result of which will be a pinched nerve. A fitted collar will save you from pinching the nerve roots. It is also necessary to wear it when you sit for a long time - in static poses, the tension of the neck muscles greatly increases.

How to choose

Only a qualified podiatrist can recommend which model of treatment neck collar to use. If it is chosen incorrectly, the patient's situation can only worsen. So, if it is too tight, your head will hurt, you will start to feel sick, and your blood pressure will rise. Such effects will occur because the patient will not have enough air. And if the Shants collar is too loose, it will not have the desired effect.

  • Also read:

Elastic or inflatable collars should be used. If the product has stiffening ribs made of plastic or metal, it is suitable only in the post-traumatic period.

How effective the collar will be, correlates with how correctly it is chosen in height. In the front part, the collar should hold the lower jaw, at the bottom - create an emphasis on the clavicular region. Behind, he should hold the bottom of the back of the head. How wide the collar is in turn is not that important - it can usually be adjusted when you button it up.

Before you buy a product, you need to measure the distance from the clavicular region to the chin.

The length of the circumference of the neck also needs to be measured. Collars are presented in four size categories, within which the width can be adjusted by fastening. It is advisable to buy it only in a specialized store or at least a pharmacy.

Have you bought an orthopedic collar and have doubts about how to properly fix it on your neck? It is done like this:

  • The middle part is applied to the front;
  • The collar wraps around;
  • Fastened with Velcro under the back of the head, with fixation of the neck, but without pinching it.

To clarify how correctly the product is dressed, you need to try to insert your finger between the collar and the skin. In this case, the fixation should be good, and the patient does not have the opportunity to tilt or turn the neck. It must always be kept straight without muscular effort. The fasteners should be exactly in the back in the middle - this ensures the symmetry of the fixation. If, after some time, the model did not begin to bring discomfort, and the pain syndrome began to go away, then you are using the collar correctly.

Operating rules

Shants' gate is not contraindicated to anyone. It is used even in the case of an infant. However, the following guidelines must be followed:

  • Do not wear a splint all the time, the muscles may atrophy;
  • It is best to use the device twice a day, in the morning and evening for an hour and a half, or when a pain attack begins;
  • In general, it is undesirable for the daily use time to exceed three hours;
  • It is permissible to wear an orthosis even when osteochondrosis has become chronic, but then it is better to put it on only before bedtime so that the stress accumulated during the day goes away;
  • It is unacceptable to fix the collar too tightly, otherwise it will block blood circulation and oxygen access to the body;
  • The therapeutic course lasts from two weeks to four months. If the disease is severe, with complications, doctors may recommend wearing it longer;
  • It is not recommended to take a horizontal position using the Shants collar. Moreover, sleep with this type of orthopedic product on is unacceptable.

What can prevent a person from going through life with his head held high? Self-doubt, a load of problems... Yes, but sometimes the reason is completely different - constant pain in the neck, fatigue, limited mobility. Such unpleasant sensations are familiar to people suffering from cervical osteochondrosis. A healthy lifestyle, adequate drug therapy, a visit to a chiropractor - all this helps not to bow your head in front of the disease.

Shants collar relieves stress, supports the head and warms the muscles

There is another way to literally support your spine in difficult times: a special medical product - a soft Shants collar. Indications and method of application, the price of the product, reviews of doctors and their patients - about this today in our article.

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Unloading for the spine: how will the collar help?

The cervical region consists of seven vertebrae, different in structure and size, and is considered the most mobile part of the spine, which allows us to make turns and tilts, complex movements with high amplitude. The same part of the spine bears the burden of maintaining the weight of the head, despite the fact that the muscles in the neck are rather poorly developed.

Support and rest are simply necessary for such a "worker", especially if cervical osteochondrosis is already making itself felt. Today, for such purposes, orthopedic doctors actively use the Shants collar. This is a very simple but useful invention. It is a soft roller that wraps around the neck like a muff and is fixed at the back with a clasp. What functions does the Shants collar perform in osteochondrosis, we list below:

  1. Removing the load. The collar takes on the entire weight of the head, "unloading" the neck, relieving fatigue, muscle pain.
  2. Support. With the help of the Shants collar, the correct position of the vertebrae of the cervical region is ensured, conditions are created for normal blood circulation.
  3. Warming effect. The treatment collar for osteochondrosis is made of natural materials that warm and relax the neck muscles, which contributes to the treatment of osteochondrosis.

Often, in the description of the functions of the Shants collar, a fixing action is indicated, which is not entirely correct, because. there is only light fixation. A padded collar should not provide complete restriction of movement. For these purposes (in the postoperative period, after serious injuries), a special cervical collar of rigid fixation is used.

In the postoperative period and after serious injuries, a rigid fixation collar is used.

Indications and method of application

Before using the Shants collar, it is better to consult an orthopedist. It will help determine the duration, frequency of its use (how many hours a day you need to wear, and so on). It would be helpful to read online reviews. As a rule, the Shants orthopedic collar is used for the prevention and treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, with myositis, and muscular torticollis. Here are some simple tips for use:

  • It is recommended to use a soft neck collar before going to bed and wear it for 1-2 hours.
  • The product should be worn in such a way that the neck feels fairly free and does not make breathing difficult. The head should be fixed evenly (without tipping back or forward).
  • The chin should lie flat (do not lift up or fall down). When buying, you can focus on the fact that the length of the neck corresponds to the height of the product.

Removing the load from the neck, restoring the correct position of the vertebrae is very important. Cervical osteochondrosis is dangerous, primarily because the vertebral (vertebral) artery is located in this area, squeezing it can lead to disruption of the blood supply to the brain and the most serious consequences.

Cost, opinions of patients and doctors

The Shants cervical collar is a reusable medical device. It is freely sold in pharmacies or orthopedic stores. The price is quite acceptable:

medical device Price, rub., Moscow Price, rub., St. Petersburg Price, rub., regions
Soft Shants collar 300-650 250-600 250-650

Before using the Shants collar, it is better to consult an orthopedist

Reviews about the remedy among orthopedists, chiropractors are only positive. Including experts note the product as a good way to prevent neck diseases. Reviews of patients coincide with the opinion of doctors. The Shants collar is an excellent tool to combat fatigue and neck pain at the end of the working day, especially if you spent the whole day at the computer, but many warn that the effect will only be if you choose the right product for the neck.

So, the Shants orthopedic collar is a simple and at the same time effective tool not only for alleviating the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, but also for prevention, as evidenced by practical experience and good reviews. The spine is our main support, but sometimes it also needs support. Remember this, and no ailment can sit on your neck!


1. Zhulev N.M., Zhulev S.N., Badzgaradze Yu.D. Osteochondrosis of the spine: a guide for physicians. - St. Petersburg, 2000. - S. 189-200.
2. Guseva E.I., Konovalova A.N., Gekht A.B. Neurology. National leadership. - M., 2014. - S. 28-36.
3. Zaitseva O.V. Clinical diagnostic criteria and treatment of dizziness in vertebrobasilar discirculation, BC, 2000. Internet resource: /> 4. Yanushko V.A., Turlyuk D.V., Isachkin D.V., Mikhnevich V.B. Vertebrobasilar insufficiency: clinic and diagnostics, Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Kardiology", Minsk.

After 40 years, almost 80% of people suffer from cervical osteochondrosis. There are many reasons for the development of such a pathology, especially if we take into account the modern sedentary lifestyle, general immersion in the virtual world. Therefore, already in young people, inflammatory processes in the cervical spine are detected. There are a lot of measures to combat this disease - for example, the Shants collar with cervical osteochondrosis has positive reviews. It is worth understanding what kind of device it is and what indications for use it has.

The purpose of the collar

The Shants collar is sometimes simply referred to as a neck splint, which serves as a temporary replacement for the supporting apparatus. This device has the form of a frame made of flexible material, it fastens around the neck and fixes the vertebrae.

The Shants collar has the following effect on the cervical spine:

When wearing such a collar, the patient feels complete peace in the cervical region, which reduces pain.

Collar varieties

This device has several options.

  1. A device that has an inflatable mechanism between strips of material. After fixing on the neck, inflation occurs with the help of a special pear. In the process of using this collar, the vertebrae are stretched and the pressure on the blood vessels is eliminated, the blood flow is normalized.
  2. The Shants collar with cervical osteochondrosis, the photo demonstrates this, may represent a fully inflatable mechanism. It allows you to fix the spine at the level that is most comfortable. The possibility of tilting the head is eliminated, and the disease less clearly manifests its symptoms.
  3. Rigid neck collars are made of plastic or metal. They are most often used for neck fractures.

It should be noted that when wearing inflatable collars, the doctor must select the inflation force depending on the degree of damage to the body and the patient's condition.

Neck Collar Features

It must be understood that the Shants collar itself with cervical osteochondrosis receives good reviews, but this is only if it is used in the complex therapy of this disease. It is not able to eliminate the problems that have arisen in the spinal column, but it helps to achieve temporary relief and reduce the severity of symptoms.

Its second name - a cervical crutch - just shows that it serves as a support for the cervical muscles, supports the head and neck in the correct position, which significantly reduces the load on the muscular apparatus.

The therapeutic effect of using a collar

The Shants collar with cervical osteochondrosis has more positive reviews, since as a result it is possible to achieve the following effect:

If you combine wearing a collar with medical therapy and physiotherapy, you can get good results in a short time.

Advantages of the Shants Collar

Continuous use of this product is not recommended. Otherwise, it threatens to get used to the cervical vertebrae and muscles to constant support and they will be in a relaxed state, which will lead to their atrophy. Numerous studies have been carried out on the Shants collar, which have revealed its advantages over similar devices.

Indications for using a collar

There are many conditions and diseases in which wearing a Shants collar is indicated, here are some of them:

Contraindications for wearing a collar

Despite the fact that the Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis has excellent reviews, there are some contraindications to its use. They may be the following:

  • if the patient has pronounced instability of the cervical spine;
  • in the presence of dermatological diseases.

The Shants collar with cervical osteochondrosis has small contraindications, so almost all patients who develop such a disease can use it as an adjuvant therapy.

How to choose the right collar

Before you go for the collar, you need to understand for yourself the difference between it and the orthopedic fixator. The Shants collar is made of polyurethane foam - it is a soft and elastic material, biologically inert, that is, it does not cause allergic reactions. On top there is a fabric cover (most often made of cotton).

Orthopedic fixators are very similar in shape to collars, but they are made of medical plastic, according to exact dimensions and to order.

Before buying such a collar, it is imperative to consult a doctor, he will tell you how to make the right choice.

How long to wear the product?

It has already been said that it is impossible to constantly wear such a corset for the neck. Most often, the time of wearing a collar per day is about two hours. It depends on the type of disease and its degree, as well as the condition of the patient. If you are assigned a Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis, how much to wear such a product, be sure to check with your doctor. Some patients are shown wearing twice a day for 1-1.5 hours.

The duration of such treatment is also determined individually. At the same time as wearing the collar, patients are usually advised to undergo physiotherapy and take appropriate medications.

Any disease requires an integrated approach to its treatment. Modern medicine has in its stock numerous methods and ways to get rid of ailments, the most important thing is that patients follow all the doctor's recommendations and take a responsible approach to their health.

Soft brace maintains correct head and neck position

The Shants collar is used for soft fixation and stabilization of the cervical spine. It provides support to the head and significantly reduces the load on the muscles and ligaments of the back. The orthosis helps to restore the correct blood supply and neuromuscular conduction, and normalizes the blood supply to the brain. Shants collar reviews are mostly positive, it ranks first in use among products of this type.

The orthosis helps to keep the cervical spine in the desired position. The positive effect of the treatment is achieved through a light massage effect, dry heat and traction. Thanks to the collar, the position of the neck is corrected and the normal functioning of the spine is restored. This allows the orthosis to be used in the treatment of arthrosis, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, etc.

Indications for the use of an orthosis

The Shants collar is very often prescribed in the treatment of cervical osteoarthritis. It fixes the neck well, due to which it has been widely used in post-traumatic conditions, when movement should be limited and orthopedic regimen should be observed. It can be used to correct posture. The collar will also help with articular diseases of the cervical spine. In some cases, an orthosis is prescribed to prevent the appearance of excess fat deposits in the chin area and in the treatment of spinal cord compression syndrome.

Mostly orthopedic collars are used for treatment by elderly people suffering from joint diseases. Such an orthosis is worn on newborns with a congenital defect of the cervical vertebrae, as well as patients who have been injured. The Shants collar helps to restore a healthy state to aching joints with arthrosis due to the necessary warming effect and relieving tension from the muscles. The neck contains a large number of nerve endings and blood vessels that feed the brain. Therefore, when the vertebrae are displaced, vision, memory, smell and hearing can deteriorate.

An orthopedic collar will help solve the problem for those who cannot take strong painkillers. The use of an orthosis does not cause any difficulties, most often the patient can fix it on his own. For the first time, such an orthopedic product must be worn under the supervision of a doctor.

The collar strengthens the muscles and ligaments, which greatly facilitates the course of the disease. Thanks to the establishment of blood circulation, the intervertebral discs and cartilage tissues receive proper nutrition.

How to choose and wear a Shants collar

To choose the size of the orthosis, measure the height and width of the neck

Buy an orthopedic collar should only be in a specialized store. How to choose the right size, the attending physician should prompt. Choosing an orthosis should take into account the volume of the body and the weight of the person. Particular care should be taken when choosing a collar for children who have joint dysplasia of the cervical spine.

In order not to harm the patient, you need to learn how to properly fix the orthosis on the neck. The height of the collar plays a very important role. Too long won't do any good.

The notch of the collar should be located exactly under the chin. The orthosis should not be too tight around the neck, so as not to disrupt the circulation of blood vessels. The tire is fastened at the back. After fixing, you should check whether the Shants collar is properly fastened. To do this, put your finger between the neck and collar. If the finger cannot pass, it means that the orthosis is fixed incorrectly, that is, it will cause discomfort and interfere with normal breathing.

The modern orthopedic collar is lightweight, comfortable and provides a gentle massage. The effect of the treatment can be enhanced by massaging the neck before putting on the collar. Before putting on an orthosis, you need to make sure that the skin of the neck is dry and clean. If irritation occurs, the collar is temporarily removed. If the problem recurs, seek medical attention.

For healthy people, especially newborns, wearing orthoses is contraindicated, as it can cause muscle atrophy. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically check at what stage the disease is, and in case of recovery, stop wearing the collar.

Wash the orthopedic collar in cold water by hand. Dry the product in a natural way near a heat source (for example, a battery). Otherwise, the orthosis may lose its shape.

The Shants collar is an orthopedic product that helps with various back diseases, usually made of soft polyurethane foam, varying in stiffness. The device is used for many different diseases, the Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis will help relieve pain and ease other symptoms of pathology.

A properly selected neck brace is always quite comfortable to wear, the neck is fixed quite tightly, limiting the movement of the head and keeping it in the correct position in terms of anatomy. With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the Shants collar will help the muscles relax, relieve tension and get rid of the main manifestations of the disease.

In general, with osteochondrosis of the cervical region, a bandage is worn for the following reasons:

  1. Eliminate pain. The Shants collar provides a strong fixation of the neck and head in an anatomically correct position, which helps to get rid of pain. Muscle pain disappears, dizziness stops, numbness disappears.
  2. Strengthening the muscular frame of the neck. If, in severe forms of osteochondrosis, the Shants collar is worn, the treatment will be most effective, the strengthened muscles will not immediately try to return to the wrong position. The bandage provides a long-term effect of therapy.
  3. Restoration of normal blood flow in the vessels of the neck and cerebral circulation. With osteochondrosis, the vessels are often squeezed, the brain does not receive a normal amount of oxygen, which causes constant fatigue and dizziness. When wearing a bandage, the vertebrae fall into place, ceasing to squeeze the vessels.
  4. Elimination of feelings of numbness, fatigue, normalization of sleep. With the disappearance of the pain syndrome, the autonomic symptoms of osteochondrosis disappear, which are sometimes not always directly associated with a disease of the cervical spine.

The main thing is to choose and wear a collar correctly so that the use of a bandage brings only benefits. With irrational use, the condition of the spine can only worsen, and not in all cases of osteochondrosis, wearing a collar is really required.

Positive feedback from doctors indicates the high effectiveness of the remedy for cervical osteochondrosis. In severe forms of the disease, the device helps to quickly restore the normal functioning of the cervical spine.

Important! Before using the Shants collar, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Instructions for use

So that wearing a collar does not provoke a worsening of the disease, you should know how to choose it correctly, wear it, what are the contraindications in which the use of a bandage is dangerous to health.

The use of a bandage can be indicated for most diseases of the muscles of the neck, spine, nerves and vessels of the cervical region. It is even used for overwork, muscle pain after heavy physical exertion. Due to the warming effect, blood circulation improves, pains go away.

In some cases, the use of the Shants collar is completely contraindicated. First of all, it cannot be worn if the cervical spine is completely destabilized, since in this case complete immobility is required, which cannot be provided with this type of brace.

Therefore, before use, you need to consult, undergo an examination. Usually an x-ray of the cervical region is required, sometimes an MRI or CT scan is needed if there are difficulties with the diagnosis. After making sure that wearing a bandage will not harm and will benefit in case of illness, they select the most suitable type of collar.

How to choose

To maximize the benefits of wearing a collar, it is important to choose the right one. A bandage that does not fit in size and other criteria can provoke a worsening of the course of the disease, rub the skin, compress blood vessels and cause discomfort.

To correctly determine the size of the bandage, you need to measure the following parameters. Measurements should be taken standing straight, you should look in front of you, you should not lift your head:

  • the distance from the collarbone to the chin is the height of the collar;
  • the circumference of the neck is its volume.

In accordance with the measured parameters, a bandage should be selected. When trying on a suitable one, you should pay attention to how it sits. From the front, the upper part of the bandage should touch the lower jaw, the lower part should rest against the chest, while the pressure of the collar should not cause discomfort. Behind the top of the brace should support the base of the skull, the bottom should end at the base of the neck.

You should also pay attention to whether the neck is sufficiently tightly fixed, the mobility of the head should be almost completely limited. In this case, you need to make sure that the collar does not rub anywhere, does not press too hard on the skin.

You should not buy a collar without trying it on; you should buy orthopedic accessories only in trusted stores. When inspecting the item, you should make sure that there are no various defects.

In each individual case, the wearing rules may be different, but usually they try to adhere to the following scheme. It should be borne in mind that if you wear a bandage more than required, the disease may begin to progress.

In general, you should not wear a collar for more than 2 - 3 hours a day in total. This means that you can wear a bandage twice a day, for example, in the morning and in the evening for 1.5 hours, depending on the needs and indications of the doctor. If osteochondrosis is in advanced form, the wearing time can be increased, but not by much. While wearing the collar, you should not engage in vigorous activity. The most favorable time is in the evening, at home after work or school, to relax tense muscles and recover from a hard day.

If there is a feeling that the bandage is too tight, you should consult your doctor and choose a softer model. If it seems that, on the contrary, he does not hold his neck tightly enough, you should choose a more rigid model.

In general, the Shants collar with osteochondrosis of the cervical region is worn for at least a month, the specific period is set by the attending physician. Since this disease of the spine is quite difficult to treat completely, a bandage may be required for a fairly long period of time.


The average cost of an orthopedic device is 300 - 500 rubles, it depends on the rigidity of the model and related options. It is advised not to save money when buying such products, especially considering that you will have to wear a collar for quite a long time.

At the same time, an analogue of the collar can be made independently at home. You should clearly follow the instructions, then the home-made bandage will be quite similar in properties to the factory product.

The design of the collar is quite simple, you can make it yourself if it is not possible to purchase a suitable product. If wearing a homemade collar causes discomfort, you should abandon it. In general, you can make a bandage as follows:

  1. It is necessary to take measurements from the neck, cut out two rectangles from soft fabric, the width is the height of the neck, the length is the girth of the neck. Add two centimeters for allowances.
  2. A rectangle with the same parameters must be cut out of a fairly flexible, but dense foam rubber. It should not be replaced by anything.
  3. Rectangles made of fabric must be sewn on three sides, leaving a hole for the foam rubber, turn it on the front side, insert the foam rubber, sew it up.
  4. You need to try on the finished collar, mark the place for the Velcro, sew on the Velcro. The collar is ready.

It should be borne in mind that a home-made collar may not exactly match the properties of the factory one. In general, wearing a bandage and analogues can significantly improve the situation with cervical osteochondrosis. Do not forget about the main treatment, the Shants collar can help only by entering the full range of necessary procedures.

The cervical spine is more prone to osteochondrosis than other departments. This is due to the physiological features of the structure of the spinal column. The fact is that the vertebrae in this section are smaller than others, but they are very mobile, constantly tense and provide normal blood supply to the brain. To alleviate the patient's condition and help him get rid of the disease, the Shants collar is used for cervical osteochondrosis.

What is the Shants cervical collar

For the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, a special splint is used, which is better known as the Shants collar. This is soft elastic bandage that ensures the correct position and fixation of the cervical vertebrae. The Shants collar is made of durable elastic material that repeats the physiological curve of the neck and the chin notch, and has a reliable lock at the back.

Most often, polyurethane foam is used as an internal filler, a special synthetic material that does not cause allergies in humans with prolonged contact with the skin. For patient comfort, many splint models have interchangeable covers made of cotton fabric.

Depending on the rigidity of the collar and the materials used, there are several types of neck bandages:

  • soft type;
  • semi-rigid type;
  • hard.

According to the type of impact on the cervical spine, several types are also distinguished:

  • fully inflatable;
  • partially inflatable;
  • metal.

The fully inflatable Shants collar is made of a special material that is inflated with air to the rigid state required for this particular patient. Inflating the collar is carried out in the presence of a doctor. A half-inflatable collar works on the same principle, in which pockets with air are located between the strips of the main material.

Metal and plastic bandage is used during the rehabilitation period after severe surgical interventions or injuries. It is also worth noting that for inflatable bandages, the degree of compression of the spine and the duration of treatment are determined by the attending physician.

To eliminate problems with the cervical spine, most often a special soft Shants collar is used. As practice shows, this orthopedic product is most often used for elderly patients who are especially susceptible to age-related changes in bone tissues, as well as children with a pronounced clinical picture of muscular torticollis.

You can buy a bandage in a specialized orthopedic goods store, or you can make it yourself from improvised means. To make it, you will need a small piece of natural fabric, the width of which is equal to the height of the neck multiplied by 2.

The length of the cut corresponds to the circumference of the neck with a margin of 2-3 cm. A bag is sewn from the fabric, which is filled with cotton wool, padding polyester or other soft material. Behind the collar should be fixed with buttons or Velcro.

The main condition for the effective use of the Shants bandage is the correct size of the product. Modern Shants orthopedic bandages have a universal size, thanks to Velcro fasteners. Many models are equipped with an additional removable cover that can be removed and washed.

Indications and contraindications

The Shants collar is indicated for use in diseases such as:

  • muscular torticollis in newborns;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • myositis;
  • frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • spondylosis.
  • severe instability of the vertebrae;
  • propensity to dermatological diseases and rashes in the collar area.

The Shants collar is approved for use by patients of all ages. ranging from newborns to the elderly.

How to choose the size of the Shants collar

Many patients are sure that they can prescribe a bandage for themselves and buy it on their own, but this position is far from correct. It is best to ask for the help of a consultant in a specialized orthopedic store, who will help you choose a really high-quality and useful item.

While the neck contour of the collar can be adjusted using Velcro, the height of the bandage itself is very individual for each patient. In front, the Shants bandage should be under the chin, and the chin itself should be fixed in a special recess. Behind, the collar runs along the line of the base of the skull.

The patient's finger should freely enter between the Shants collar and the skin.. The splint should be fixed in such a way that it does not block the blood flow to the brain and does not disturb the physiological curves of the spine.

How to wear a Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis

The Shants tire for the neck is an effective and affordable remedy, but before you start using it, you must definitely discuss all the nuances of its use with your doctor. Ideally, it is recommended to wear a collar for the first time in a hospital, under the guidance of the attending physician.

Before putting on the Shants collar, the skin in this place should be thoroughly washed with warm water and soap, and also dried with a towel so as not to provoke the development of diaper rash and fungal infections.

If the first signs of an inflammatory process appear under the collar, then it is necessary to inform the doctor about this, as well as to carry out antiseptic treatment of wounds using drying agents. With the right choice of model:

  • the patient cannot make free tilts of the head forward and backward with a fixed neck;
  • the height of the bandage should clearly correspond to the size of the neck (from below - the base of the neck, from above - the base of the skull);
  • the collar fits snugly to the neck, but does not squeeze it.

The duration of the daily wearing of the collar and the duration of the course of treatment is determined individually for each patient. For some patients, several months of wearing the Shants splint for 1.5-2 hours daily is enough, while other patients wear it throughout their lives, removing it only while swimming.

To achieve a more pronounced therapeutic effect, wearing a neck brace is supplemented with a course of physiotherapy and massage.