How to cure but. Treating colds at home without pills quickly and effectively

The nasal mucosa becomes inflamed when various diseases. Characteristic symptoms– congestion, it becomes difficult to breathe, discharge forms. To quickly cure a runny nose, it is necessary to determine its cause and type. A timely and correct diagnosis will help to avoid undesirable consequences, the course of the disease will be less severe.

What is a runny nose

As a rule, you have to think about treating a runny nose (rhinitis) when the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract swells.

Often the cause is the penetration of mechanical or chemical irritants. Some people have a stuffy nose and want to sneeze when exposed to dust, in a draft, or in too bright light.

A runny nose caused by the reasons listed above does not go away for several days in adults and children and does not require treatment.

The runny nose itself is not contagious; its causative agent is unknown.

But the symptoms of a runny nose are characteristic of many diseases - for example, the initial period of ARVI, influenza.

In everyday life, some associate the need to cure a runny nose with nasal congestion. Others consider heavy discharge a mandatory symptom. Still others are looking for a cure for a runny nose when they start sneezing.

For many, the mucous membrane swells when the temperature changes, under the influence of alcohol, strong smell, for other reasons.

Types of runny nose

The vasomotor variety is associated with watery compartments. Congestion appears alternately in one or the other nostril. I want to sneeze, tears flow, my head hurts.

The reason becomes tobacco smoke, hormonal disorders, emotional experiences. This type of runny nose is correctly considered a disease of a neuro-reflex nature.

The condition is accompanied by weakness, increased fatigue, irritability, and insomnia.

The allergic variety manifests itself seasonally or as a reaction to certain foods, dust, animal hair, or substances contained in detergents or cosmetics.

I want to sneeze, my nose itches and tingles.

To avoid bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis must be treated, and not relieve symptoms with medications or ointments.

With vasomotor and allergic rhinitis the nasal cavity is not inflamed.

The infectious variety occurs with colds. The cause is viruses, bacteria, fungus. Symptoms are burning and dryness in the nasopharynx. It is advisable to begin treatment immediately so that the virus does not penetrate the throat and bronchi.

Acute runny nose manifests itself independently or as a symptom of acute respiratory diseases.

The nose is slightly itchy, there is a feeling of dryness, general lethargy and weakness. It’s hard to breathe through both nostrils, you want to sneeze, tears flow.

The condition is accompanied by a deterioration in the sense of smell, copious mucopurulent discharge from the nose, which, if the blood vessels are damaged, becomes bloody (bloody snot).

A severe runny nose lasts a week or longer. Maybe 37C or higher.

Chronic runny nose in a simple form is manifested by copious discharge, often unilateral congestion. Often develops as a complication acute form in case of circulatory disorders in the mucous membrane, diseases of the paranasal sinuses.

If a simple chronic runny nose is not treated, as well as under the influence of sudden climate change, the development of an inflammatory process in paranasal sinuses nose, adenoid, it goes into a hypertrophic form.

Headache, nose stuffy, constant discharge, deteriorated sense of smell.

Chronic atrophic runny nose develops when the nose is weakened, after infectious diseases with acute runny nose, Consequently surgical intervention V nasal cavity, as a result of the effects of unfavorable climatic conditions, harmful substances.

The nasal cavity is dry, the sense of smell is reduced, it is difficult to blow your nose completely, and there are periodic nosebleeds.

If you do not get rid of a runny nose, over time it becomes chronic, which can lead to inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Complications may be associated with inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and middle ear.

Treatment of acute runny nose

The disease begins with a dry nose and a feeling of heat. After 1-2 hours, the nose gets stuffy, the head hurts, heavy discharge begins, you have to sneeze often, and the temperature rises. After a week, the discharge becomes thick and purulent.

Acute runny nose is treated by observing bed rest. You can put mustard plasters on your calves, warm your feet in hot water with the addition of mustard (1 tablespoon per 8 liters of water).

It is instilled into the nose or washed with a collection from coltsfoot, or a collection from eucalyptus.

  • Mix plant materials in equal quantities. Brew 1 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, leave in a sealed container for 1 hour.
  • Grind 5g of propolis, add a little butter, up to 50g of sunflower oil, mix thoroughly.

After soaking the cotton swabs, place them in each nostril in the morning and evening for 10 minutes.

Soak tampons in propolis ointment and insert into the nostrils. Lie without a pillow for 5 minutes on your left side, 5 minutes on your right side.

Onions, garlic, horseradish - cures for the runny nose

Cut the onion, rub the wings of the nose with it, put small pieces through gauze into ear canals. The product allows you to quickly get relief. Some people manage to get rid of a runny nose for three days using this method.

Juices for a runny nose

Place 5 drops of fresh beet juice in each nostril for children. Can be mixed with honey at the rate of 1 tsp. honey for 2.5 tsp. juice

When thick discharge rinse your nose with boiled juice.

Moisturize beet juice cotton swabs and place them in the nose for 10 minutes, repeat 3-4 times a day.

Helps get rid of a runny nose quickly Kalanchoe juice. Lubricate the nostrils 1-2 times a day fresh juice, causing mucus to begin to separate intensively.

Instill aloe juice 2-4 drops 4 times a day.

Place tampons moistened with radish juice into the nostrils.

For treatment chronic runny nose mix 50g of grated and juice. Take 1/2 teaspoon twice a day on an empty stomach.

Mix fresh ginger juice with the same amount of water and instill in children three times a day and before bedtime.

At constant runny nose instill juice from coltsfoot leaves, as well as yarrow juice.

Oils for runny nose

For quick disposal for congestion, instill 2-3 drops of oil or. You can place gauze swabs soaked in one or another oil in your nostrils.

Eucalyptus oil helps cure a runny nose:

  • Heat 100 ml vegetable oil, add 0.5 tsp. dry eucalyptus leaves, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, leave in a sealed container for 5 hours, strain.

Instill warmly up to 6 times a day.

  • chop the leaves, add a glass of water, simmer over low heat for 3 minutes, let cool. Add 1 tsp. salt and 0.5 tsp honey, mix.

Instilling a weak starch solution helps to cope with sneezing during a runny nose.

In Tibet, when you have a runny nose, you tickle your nose with a match with cotton wool at the end. Causes sneezing copious discharge mucus.

How to cure a runny nose

At the beginning of the disease, some people are helped by instilling a 3% solution (3-6 drops per 1 tablespoon of warm water). After copious mucus discharge, the congestion goes away.

After half an hour, sniff ammonia alternately with each nostril.

Heat rye bread or crackers in a frying pan until smoke appears, inhale through the nose. Treat a runny nose several times a day.

At prolonged runny nose sniff oregano herb powder.

Treat allergic rhinitis. Knead green leaf, inhale the aroma for 3 minutes several times a day.

Warm up the body in a bath or bath, rub the sacrum with grated radish, mixed with the same amount of grated horseradish, add a little honey and table salt. Afterwards, drink tea with raspberries and mint. The next morning I manage to get rid of my runny nose.

Modified: 02/11/2019

In addition to drug treatment, many are increasingly resorting to folk medicine..

At the first symptoms

It helps me drinking plenty of fluidscranberry juice and water with lemon. Press the cranberries into a container, then pour boiling water over them, adding a little sugar if desired. You should drink two mugs of this fruit drink every hour and alternate it with two mugs of water with lemon (cut the lemon into slices, squeeze out the juice, and pour boiling water along with the peel). Loading dose Vitamin C is what you need to fight the disease! (Svetlana, 55 years old)

Photo: BartekSzewczyk/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Black radish juice relieves many cold symptoms (I squeeze it in a juicer along with the peel). A kilogram of radish yields about half a liter of juice. A little salt is added to it so that it does not disappear, and then we put it in the refrigerator. Three times a day, half an hour before meals, you should take a teaspoon, preferably even a tablespoon. Even asthma can be cured with this method. Swelling of the neck and throat is relieved, and the condition of the upper respiratory tract is normalized. I think that the rest of the body is not against such a procedure. But those around you can get the most: some people can’t stand the smell of radish. I usually carry out this procedure when I don’t have to go to work. ( Sergey, 44 years old)

It’s good to massage the feet when a cold begins; at night, thoroughly massage each finger and foot with the “Star” balm. This is a 100% remedy, it will go away in the morning! ( Yana, 29 years old)

Against cough

It's old but very effective recipe from a wet cough. Take one medium-sized onion, chop it finely, put it in a jar, pour two tablespoons of honey (it is important that the honey is natural). Place the jar in a warm place so that the juice begins to form. Take one tablespoon three times a day. There will be no smell, don't worry! ( Alena, 33 years old)

Cut out the middle of a fresh white radish and add a tablespoon of honey inside. Place in a warm place for several hours, wait until the radish releases its juice. This juice should be taken one tablespoon per day. Helps well with wet cough. (Sergey, 56 years old)

Photo: Fabrice Poincelet/ONOKY/Getty Images

To combat a dry cough, you can rub it at night. chest goat fat or honey, then wrap in cellophane or cling film and sleep until the morning. Another way to prevent complications associated with the respiratory system is to drink a glass of warm milk. A piece of butter, baking soda on the tip of a knife and a teaspoon of honey should be dissolved in milk. The drink does not taste very pleasant, but within two days it relieves cough and its consequences. (Anna, 26 years old)

Any type of cough can be cured in one day if you drink a mixture of raw egg, a tablespoon of vodka, a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of melted butter, a tablespoon of milk, a teaspoon of soda. If it doesn’t help the first time, repeat the procedure again - it will definitely help the second time. (Ekaterina, 23 years old)

For a runny nose

You can get rid of a runny nose or nasal congestion forever if you perform one procedure. Taking a bath hot water and put only your feet and hands in there! Sit like this for 15 minutes. Problems with a runny nose will stop bothering you after the first time. ( Alexander, 57 years old)

Sinusitis that worsens during a cold can be perfectly treated in two ways. First, you need to cut the onions into half rings, wrap the onion slices with gauze or a bandage, and insert the resulting tampons into your nose. This method will also help kill an infection in the nasopharynx if you are just starting to get sick. Secondly, for sinusitis, you need to rinse your nose with propolis tincture (you can make it yourself or buy it at the pharmacy) and saline solution: two teaspoons of salt per glass of warm water. ( Alina, 27 years old)

Rinsing the nose with chamomile decoction helps relieve a runny nose. The procedure should be performed every hour with a profuse runny nose and three times a day with mild congestion. This way you can recover in a couple of days maximum. ( Irina, 59 years old)

Proven recipe! Heat the salt in a frying pan, wrap it in a cloth and apply it to the wings of your nose for as long as you can stand it. The product helps well with a runny nose and severe swelling. ( Natalya, 42 years old)

From temperature

Mom always gives me a decoction of nettle, elderberry, rose hips and rowan or linden tea for fever. All herbs can be bought at the pharmacy. The temperature does not drop immediately, but after an hour and a half. But no chemistry. ( Vitaly, 23 years old)

You can bring down a high temperature without resorting to pills. It is enough to make compresses from vinegar. Add three tablespoons of vinegar to a liter of cool water and prepare three handkerchiefs. Wet handkerchiefs one at a time and, without wringing them out, place them under the arms and on the forehead. Every two minutes, continuously moisten handkerchiefs in water. The temperature will drop sharply within 20 minutes. ( Anton, 34 years old)

I am a doctor myself, but I always use the opportunity not to take pills again. The temperature can be lowered by rubbing the patient with vodka or alcohol, giving him lingonberry or raspberry juice, preferably more, and wrapping him in a warm blanket so that the patient sweats. Twenty minutes and everything is fine! Old, but very effective way. (Love, 28 years old)

For sore throat

Ice cream relieves a sore throat. But they can only be treated if you have a sore throat and tonsils hurt. For bronchitis, laryngitis and other respiratory diseases, ice cream can only cause harm. ( Galina, 34 years old)

When I have a sore throat, I dissolve a very small piece of propolis under my tongue. I also gargle with propolis tincture (also sold at the pharmacy). Propolis kills microbes and heals wounds on the tonsils, which usually happens with purulent tonsillitis. You can be cured in a couple of days. ( Irina, 29 years old)

Relieves sore throat well dried ginger in sugar. You can buy it at the market or make it yourself - just thinly slice the root, roll in sugar or honey and leave for several days. The effect is amazing, and the taste is simply gorgeous - better than many tablets and lozenges for coughs and sore throats. ( Elena, 33 years old)

A good and proven way to relieve a sore throat is ice cream!

Here's what a traditional healer, author of books about healthy way life Gennady Malakhov:

If you have a cold, viral infection or flu, you should still consult a doctor to prescribe individual treatment. But there are also folk remedies that are sometimes as effective as pharmaceutical medicines. At all, important role Prevention plays a role; it is better to take care of your health in advance than to undergo treatment later and worry about the consequences. Prevention is not difficult, you just need to spend more time outside and take tea with lemon and ginger (for a mug of tea - a slice of lemon and three rings of ginger root 2 mm thick).

August 13th, 2015

Renowned physician and scientist Lissa Rankin shared in her TED talk what she has learned through years of research into the placebo effect. She quite seriously believes that our thoughts affect our physiology. And that with the power of thought alone we are able to recover from any disease.

Rankin has found concrete evidence that our bodies have their own innate system for self-service and repair.

She conducted a study of 3,500 people diagnosed with incurable disease: cancer, HIV, cardiovascular diseases etc. They all had nothing to lose. All of them mentally said goodbye to life.

Lissa started giving them placebo pills. Only the volunteers didn’t know this: they thought they were being given a new, ultra effective medicine from their illness. And many of them managed to recover!

In this lecture she talks about Mr. Wright, who used a placebo pill to reduce the size of his cancerous tumor twice. It decreased only because he himself believed that it should decrease!

Can people heal themselves using consciousness?

Unfortunately, there is no translation into Russian

Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? | Lissa Rankin, MD | TEDxAmericanRiviera

Here are the main points from her 18-minute lecture.

Can consciousness heal the body? And if so, is there evidence that would convince skeptical doctors like me?

I've researched all placebos. last years of his scientific career. And now I am sure that this is what research has proven before me over the past 50 years: consciousness can truly heal the body.

The placebo effect is a thorn in the side of medical practice. This is an unpleasant truth that may prevent doctors from producing more and more new drugs and trying more and more new treatment methods.

But I think the effectiveness of placebos is good news. For patients, not for doctors, of course.

Because this is ironclad proof that inside each body there is hidden a unique self-healing mechanism, unknown to us so far. Perhaps God gave it to us!

If you find this hard to believe, you can study one of the 3,500 stories about how people themselves, without medical care, got rid of “incurable” diseases. It's about O medical facts, and not about beautiful journalistic stories.

Stage 4 cancer disappeared without treatment? Have HIV-positive patients become HIV-negative? Heart, renal failure, diabetes, hypertension, thyroid diseases, autoimmune diseases- all this disappeared!

An excellent example from the medical literature is the case of Mr. Wright, studied in 1957.

He had running form lymphosarcoma. The patient's affairs were not going well, and he had little time left. He had tumors the size of oranges in his armpits, neck, chest and abdominal cavities. The liver and spleen were enlarged, and 2 liters of cloudy fluid accumulated in the lungs every day. They needed to be drained so he could breathe.

But Mr. Wright did not lose hope. He learned about wonderful medicine Krebiozen and begged his doctor: “Please give me Krebiozen and everything will be fine.” But this medicine could not be prescribed under a research protocol by a doctor who knows that the patient has less than three months to live.

His doctor, Dr. West, couldn't do it. But Mr. Wright was persistent and did not give up. He continued to beg for medicine until the doctor agreed to prescribe Krebiozen.

He scheduled the dose for Friday of the following week. Hoping Mr. Wright doesn't make it to Monday. But by the appointed hour he was on his feet and even walking around the ward. I had to give him medicine.

And after 10 days, Wright’s tumors shrunk to half their previous size! They melted like snowballs in a hot oven! A couple more weeks passed after starting to take Krebiozen, they completely disappeared.

Wright danced with joy like crazy and believed Krebiozen was a miracle drug that cured him.

He believed this for two whole months. Until the full medical report on Krebiozen came out, which stated that healing effect this drug has not been proven.

Mr. Wright became depressed and the cancer returned. Dr. West decided to cheat and explained to his patient: “That Krebiozen was not purified well enough. It was of poor quality. But now we have ultra-pure, concentrated Krebiozen. And this is what you need!

Wright was then given an injection of pure distilled water. And his tumors disappeared again, and the fluid from his lungs was gone!

The patient began to have fun again. All of two months until the Medical Association of America ruined everything by releasing a national report that definitively proved that Krebiozen was useless.

Two days after Wright heard the news, he died. He died despite the fact that a week before his death he was flying his own light aircraft!

Here is another case known to medicine that looks like a fairy tale.

Three girls were born. The birth was attended by a midwife on Friday the 13th. And she began to claim that all children born on this day are susceptible to damage.

“The first one,” she said, “will die before her 16th birthday. The second is up to 21 years old. The third is up to 23 years old.”

And, as it turned out later, the first girl died the day before her 16th birthday, the second - before her 21st birthday. And the third, knowing what happened to the previous two, the day before her 23rd birthday, ended up in the hospital with hyperventilation syndrome and asked the doctors: “I’ll survive, right?” That same night she was found dead.

These two cases from the medical literature are excellent examples of the placebo effect and its opposite, nocebo.

When Mr. Wright was cured by distilled water - this good example placebo effect. You are offered inert therapy - and somehow it works, although no one can explain it.

The nocebo effect is the opposite. These three girls who were “jinxed” are a prime example of this. When the mind believes that something bad can happen, it becomes a reality.

Medical publications, journals, the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the Medical Association of America are all full of evidence of the placebo effect.

When people are told they are being given an effective drug, but instead are given saline injections or regular sugar pills, this is often even more effective than actual surgery.

In 18-80% of cases people recover!

And it's not just that they think they feel better. They actually feel better. It's measurable. With modern instruments, we can observe what happens in the bodies of patients who take a placebo. Their ulcers heal, the symptoms of intestinal inflammation decrease, the bronchial tubes expand, and the cells begin to look different under a microscope.

It is easy to confirm that this is happening!

I love Rogaine's research. There's a group of bald guys, you give them a placebo and their hair starts growing!

Or reverse effect. You give them a placebo, call it chemotherapy, and people start vomiting! Their hair is falling out! This is really happening!

But is it really just the power of positive thinking that produces these results? No, says Harvard scientist Ted Kaptchuk.

He argues that care and concern for patients on the part of health workers influences even more than positive thinking. In other words, any sick person can recover only if not only he himself, but also his family and his attending physician believe in victory over the disease (it’s better to lie than to tell the bitter truth). This is also proven by research.

What should a “self-healing first aid kit” be like?

To be able to heal ourselves, to be a healthy person and to function at an optimal level, we need more than just good diet or playing sports. It's not enough to just get a good night's sleep, take vitamins, and visit your doctor regularly. This is all good and important, but what we need even more is healthy relationships. healthy work environment, the opportunity to lead creative life, healthy spiritual and sexual life.

Inner wick.

In order to be a normal, healthy person you need what I call your “inner wick.” This is your inner compass that always knows in which direction you should move. You must know what you are living for and what should await you in the end.

Wide circle of contacts.

Moreover, it is critical important Your relationships are important to your health. People with strong social networks are half as likely to suffer from heart disease as those who are lonely.

Married couples are twice as likely to live long life than unmarried people.

Healing your loneliness is the most important thing preventative measure, which you can do for your good health.

This is more effective than quitting smoking or starting to do exercises.

Spiritual life.

She matters too. Churchgoers live on average 14 years longer than non-churchgoers.


And she is important. In Japan, people often die on the job. This is called Karoshi syndrome. People who don't take vacations are three times more likely to suffer from heart disease.

Your attitude towards life.

Happy people live 7-10 years longer than unhappy people. An optimist is 77% less likely to develop heart disease than a pessimist.

How it works? What happens in the brain that changes the body?

The brain communicates with the cells of the body through hormones and neurotransmitters. The brain identifies negative thoughts and beliefs as threats.

You are lonely, pessimistic, something is wrong at work, a problematic relationship... And now, your amygdala is already screaming: “Threat! Threat!". The hypothalamus turns on, then the pituitary gland, which, in turn, communicates with the adrenal glands, which begin to release stress hormones - cortisol, noradernaline, adrenaline. Harvard scientist Walter Kennett calls this the “stress response.”

This includes your sympathetic nervous system, which puts the body into a “fight or flight” state. It protects you when you are running away from a lion or a tiger.

But in everyday life, when a threat arises, the same rapid stress response occurs, which must be turned off when the danger has passed.

Fortunately, there is a counterbalance. It was described by Herbert Benson of Harvard University. When the danger passes, the brain fills the body with healing hormones - oxytocin, dopamine, nitric oxide, endorphins. They fill the body and cleanse every cell. And the surprising thing is that this natural self-healing mechanism is activated only when the nervous system is relaxed.

IN stressful situation the body has no time for this: it needs to fight or flee, not heal.

When you think about it, you ask yourself: how can I change this balance? One report states that we face approximately 50 stressful situations every day.

If you're lonely, depressed, dissatisfied with your job, or have a bad relationship with your partner, this number at least doubles.

So, when you take a pill, not knowing that it is a placebo, your body starts the relaxation process. You are convinced that a new medicine will help you, positive attitude right there, and you are properly cared for by a medical professional... It relaxes the nervous system. That's when the miraculous self-healing mechanism kicks in.

Research shows that there are several effective ways relax and run it:

  • Meditation;

  • Creative self-expression;

  • Massage;

  • Yoga or tai chi;

  • Walk with friends;

  • Doing what you love;

  • Sex;

  • Playing with an animal.

Basically, all you need to do to heal yourself is just relax. It's really good to relax. Do you have the courage to accept this truth that your body already knows? Nature can be better than medicine! And, as you already know, there is evidence of this!

As soon as we feel that we are starting to get sick, we immediately want to quickly recover from a cold. And this is natural, since no one wants to get sick, and there is no time for illness. Unfortunately, even the wisest pensioner may not know how to properly cure a cold what to do and what not to do under any circumstances.

Today we will look at the main signs of a cold, where to start treating a cold and what helps against a cold. I propose to start with current mistakes that are so often made not only by young people, but also by adults.

Now I will tell you how not to treat a cold and how to make recovery not only quick, but also enjoyable. Errors that occur most often:

  • The first mistake. Houses and walls heal

Curing a cold at home seems like a fun activity. Even though the temperature has been high for two weeks, you still need to sit and wait for recovery. Herbs – good doctor, if you take them not the way you want, but the way you need. Consult with healers or your grandmother - these are the people who probably know more about herbs than the new generation. Try to do your best at home. But if signs of illness and fever do not go away for more than three days, go to the hospital.

  • Error two. The bigger, the better

If you are sure that a wide variety of medications will help you quickly cure a cold, you are not at all on the right track. Some drug interactions can be strictly prohibited and the results can be disastrous. If you are going to combine the use of several medications, be sure to study the instructions for each active drug.

  • Error three. Feed the wolf's feet

Feet feed not only wolves, but also diseases. It is easier to cure a cold when your body is in calm state rather than in constant motion. When a cold comes to you, the body weakens for a short time, since the immune system tries to cope with the virus itself, so it spends a large number of energy that needs to be replenished. If you are constantly on your feet during such a difficult period for the body, you may not expect a quick recovery.

  • Error four. Do you also take antibiotics at the first sign of a cold?

People who want it fast cure a cold , neglected general condition body. The body is a house in which it should be clean, tidy, fresh and everything in place. Now imagine that a thief has broken into this house and is trying to take away only the blinds from the kitchen. You want to kill the thief, causing harm to your home. For example, with murder you will destroy half the kitchen and the entire living room. This is very figurative, but such a comparison makes it clear that antibiotics should be taken only in extreme cases. After all, antibiotics do not act locally, but throughout the body. In particular, on the intestines, stomach, liver and kidneys. The common cold is treated with tablets, powders and tea. The main thing is to start treatment on time.

The most active drugs, which will help you quickly recover from a cold, are near you. I will present to your attention the current products and medications that you should take first as soon as you are planning to treat a cold.

Foods to take when you have a cold:

  1. lemon, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits. In general, all citrus fruits should be added to the diet as soon as you realize that you have a cold. And in general, vitamin C should be taken not only during a cold, but throughout the year.
  2. ginger. Add ginger pieces to salad, soup and tea. The most effective influence Ginger has this effect when brewed with tea. Ginger will disperse blood throughout the body, which will provoke a quick recovery.
  3. honey. Honey will help you cure a cold with a bang. Honey is the first assistant for coughs and sore throats. And this is not surprising, because both children and adults love it for its sweet taste and usefulness.

stay home. To quickly cure a cold, try to devote as much time as possible to sleep and bed rest. If your work is busy and you need to keep in touch, do so, only at home. Now it is no longer a problem to work remotely. If you are in a leadership position, entrust your affairs to your deputy and stay online to manage the situation. If you are not the boss yet, take sick leave. Health is always more important than any job.

Who wouldn't want to cure a cold at home? I think each of us first tries to recover at home, and only then goes to the doctor. Or it doesn’t work, depending on your luck. It’s easier to treat a cold at home, because everything is with you. So, what can you do to cure a cold without leaving home?

Inhalations. Any kind thermal effect on respiratory system welcome. Possible options inhalations are a dime a dozen. I will only tell you about those that will help you cure your cold quickly.

  • Inhalation No. 1. Potato.

Potato decoction, or rather steam, helps cure colds at home. To do this, take 3 medium potatoes, add water and cook for 15 minutes. After that, open the lid of the pan and pour out the remaining water - you won’t need it. Then sit in a comfortable position over the potatoes and cover your head tightly (so that there are no gaps) with a towel. You must take at least 70 breaths. For inhalation effectiveness, you can add flavored oil. It's better to add orange oil or juniper.

  • Inhalation No. 2. Mustard.

Boil water and add a tablespoon of mustard. Also make yourself a “house” above your head and breathe deeply. Only the number of inhalations and exhalations should be no more than 50, since it is easy to burn the mucous membrane with mustard.

  • Inhalation No. 3. Garlic.

Garlic inhalation will help treat colds. Take the sprig that holds the garlic clove, dry it and light it carefully. Inhale and exhale this smoke that the garlic will release. Take about 30 breaths.

To cure a cold at home in one day, stay home that day. Or better yet, in your room and on your bed. Don't do anything on this day. You don't even have to make your bed. Take a day off from everything, from your normal life. The house will help get rid of colds.

  1. Parte body. Fill the bath with hot water, add flavored oil, cinnamon and orange peels. You can also add bubble bath, but without the strong smell. Any chemical exposure to the respiratory tract can have a negative effect and cause your body to become stuck in the middle of recovery.
  2. Desk legs. Fill a bowl with hot water and place a kettle with the same amount next to you. hot water. For effectiveness, you can add a spoonful of mustard. As soon as you feel that the water has begun to cool, add hot water from the kettle. Sit like this for at least 20 minutes. Caution - if you have a high temperature, steaming of any kind is prohibited!

No less efficient process, which will help cure a cold at home - gargling. If you do not pay attention to redness and wheezing in the throat in time, this can develop not only into a cough, but also into bronchitis and so on. The most important thing is to remove viruses from the entire body at once. So to speak, strike all affected areas of the body.

You need to treat a cold not only with home remedies, but also with pharmaceutical ones. If you add powdered teas and antiviral tablets, the disease will subside in a matter of hours.

To cure a cold in one day, add sleep to all aspects of treatment (home and medication). Good dream After delicious tea and steaming the whole body or legs, it will give you vigor and health. So, don't be lazy and do your best on the first day. Never delay to such an extent that you cannot do without a hospital.

Let's be honest: quickly curing a cold does not mean forgetting about it forever. The point is that fast safe treatment lingering cold will harm the entire body even more than the cold itself. Firstly, never sit at home until the last minute, until it gets really bad. If you know that you cannot treat a cold at home, immediately call the doctor treating you at home. Or contact your nearest clinic.

Secondly, if you are allergic to certain substances, under no circumstances buy medications for treatment yourself. Be sure to consult your doctor. Doctors, as a rule, know more about the composition of medications and will be able to prescribe the correct treatment for you.

So that you can get rid of a cold relatively quickly, time the time you take your pills and tea. Take the tablets strictly according to the schedule, and drink the tea once every hour. This is how you deal the absolute blow to your illness.

What an adult can take for a cold is not always allowed for children. Thus, well-known drugs for treating children over 12 years of age have their own analogues for children. For example, in preparations for adults it is used large quantity paracetamol, which is not suitable for children.

Hit with vitamins. How can you cure a cold in a child without harming the baby? The best thing, of course, is all home remedies. It’s a good idea to make teas from raspberry, blueberry and currant jam. You can add a thin slice of fresh lemon to this tea. This collection is an excellent combination of vitamin C, which is so necessary for colds.

Useful amulet. Buy your child a Kinder surprise to cheer him up and take a yellow box for a future amulet. Place a few chopped garlic cloves in it. Make two holes opposite each other in the yellow box, thread it and hang it on the child. The child will find it both interesting and useful - he won’t even notice how he will breathe in the garlic smell, which will help quickly cure a child’s cold.

Fresh air can treat colds in children. One hundred percent information, which, by the way, also applies to adults. The air that accumulates in the room where you stay during illness is saturated with viruses and germs. By inhaling them, they remain in the child’s body, which negatively affects the immune system. Ventilate the room in the morning and before bed for 20-30 minutes in warm seasons and 10 minutes in frosty seasons and rest assured about your baby’s health.

Milk will help cure colds quickly. You can drink it both at night and throughout the day. In order for milk to become medicinal, bring it to a boil, add fat (suitable butter) and sugar. Also, when the milk has cooled, you can add a little honey. You need to drink this solution before you are going to lie in bed for two hours. If you are going to run to the pharmacy for medications, postpone taking warm milk until later.

Wine as a first aid for colds. Warm wine helps cure a cold in one evening. When you first feel that you are starting to get sick, immediately warm up the red wine. I advise you not to waste money and not buy cheap wine, since powder is not what you need now. Mulled wine is the first drink taken when you have a cold. There are many recipes delicious cooking. I will share some of them, the most delicious ones, with you right now.

  • Coffee mulled wine. For 6 servings: 2 cups of espresso, a third of a glass of cognac or brandy, a glass of sugar and half a liter of red wine. Mix all ingredients in a saucepan and place over low heat. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, remove.
  • Mulled wine with orange. One orange, a carton of orange juice, a bottle of red wine, a glass of sugar. This is very rich in vitamins and a sugary drink that will help you cheer up. By the way, I didn't add Orange juice I liked it more too. I think this is due to the increased acid concentration found in juices.
  • Mulled wine "Christmas". Based on the name, you might think that this is an exclusively festive drink. Not at all, on the contrary, this is the most healthy and fortified cocktail. Why - you will now understand for yourself.

Ingredients: 300 ml. water, 300 ml. red wine, cinnamon, a tablespoon of honey, half a glass of sugar, two apples, two oranges, half a grapefruit, star anise, cloves, black tea and hibiscus - a tablespoon each.

You need to start with water. It needs to be brought to a boil, add fruit. Immediately turn the heat down, pour in the wine and add the spices. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, remove the pan from the stove. Let the mulled wine brew for about ten minutes, after which you can enjoy the excellent taste of the drink.

If you prefer soft drinks, replace the wine with pomegranate or cherry juice. But remember that blood-boosting wine will help quickly cure a cold.

To quickly get rid of a cold, take everything you need, except people. People can serve as carriers of infection and unnecessary viruses without knowing it. When hosting people as a guest, tie yourself gauze bandage and offer to purchase the same headband for your guest. This way, you will protect both yourself and your friend from a viral infection.

To cure a cold, take vitamins. Ask at the pharmacy effective complex a vitamin that will strengthen your immune system and help the body cope with the disease faster.

  1. Silvered. Oddly enough, silverware helps get rid of colds. Silver kills germs – fact. You can use silver everywhere. For example, sit down to eat soup - eat soup silver spoon. Stir tea with a silver spoon, and eat salads with a silver fork. If possible, purchase a silver knife to cut food with. Be careful: citrus fruits cannot be cut with a silver knife - oxidation occurs and the silver will not be able to kill microbes. By the way, silver can turn black due to the influence of acid.
  2. Mustard plasters and ointments. Ointments smell unpleasant, but they have an effect and help treat colds. So, if you are not going to work tomorrow, apply warming ointment to your chest, feet, the area behind your ears and the wings of your nose. The ointment can be mixed with a few drops flavored oil. Place mustard plasters overnight if you do not have a fever. They will help get rid of cough and wheezing in the throat.
  3. Nasal rinsing. A runny nose is the “first friend” of a cold. He always comes with her. To make a runny nose go away quickly, rinse your nose with a solution or plain warm water. Make a solution from soda and salt (half a teaspoon of soda + a teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water). This kind of solution will clean your nose well. After this procedure, wait 30 minutes and apply drops or spray to your nose.
  4. Gargle. Gargle with the same solution throughout the day. Especially remember to rinse before and after meals. Before eating, you need to rinse so that viruses that are in the oral cavity do not get inside with food. After eating, you need to gargle to clear your sore throat of food debris.

Water rescuer. If you want to cure a cold at home, don't forget about plain...water! Water is the source healthy life. Best to drink melt water. When you drink water, always think about pleasant things and say to yourself “I’m healthy, I’m the best.” healthy man" This is not self-deception, but self-suggestion, that in Lately practiced in all seminars and lectures around the world.

Warm yourself up. Don't let your body freeze. Constantly monitor the air temperature in the room where you are. The body is weak and sensitive to any kind of changes in the air. If you get even a little cold, your cold may come back.

My voice has disappeared. A common occurrence during colds, which for some reason frightens patients. Vocal cords weaken with the mildest illness. The tonsils may become inflamed and become larger - do not be alarmed, this is the body’s reaction to viral infection. Wear a warm scarf not only outside, but also in your apartment. Don't neglect the hat. The hat will protect your ears and head from the cold wind.

In this article we looked at the most effective methods complex treatment, we looked at all the mistakes that people so often make, which hinders the full speedy recovery. The most important rule for any disease: do not lose heart. All illnesses go away.

It is very important to remain calm and sober. Do not forget that more important than health nothing happens, especially work. If you cannot work at full capacity now, work at ten percent. During a cold, the body spends energy fighting the virus. So, take a rest and get better!

Not everyone rushes to the doctor at the first sign of an impending cold. Quite often, treating colds at home is very effective; the main thing is to start therapy on time and not let inflammatory processes take their course. There are many ways to relieve anxiety symptoms. Before you treat your cold at home, learn about the best ones.

Home remedies for colds: water treatments

People get sick with colds at any time of the year, but more often in cold weather. At the same time, some easily tolerate a cold, while others “fall to pieces” from constant coughing and coughing, which do not allow them to sleep peacefully. Very rarely does a cold go away without an increase in body temperature. Any cold indicates a decrease in the body’s immunity and contributes to the development of more severe diseases and complications after them. After hypothermia a person is much more susceptible infectious disease, including, etc. Traditional healers in their arsenal have many means that help combat these ailments.

Here are the most common ways to quickly cure a cold at home: herbal teas, compresses, lotions, baths and baths, douches and rinses, hardening procedures. Water procedures in the treatment of colds help fight infections that affect the nasopharynx and the entire body as a whole.

IN home treatment colds accompanied by ice water will help. To do this, compresses of ice water are applied to the throat area for several days. As with a regular compress, in this case a dry cloth is first applied to the skin, then an oilcloth, and on top moistened with ice water napkin. On top of it they put another thin napkin, a layer of oilcloth and wrap the neck with a thick cloth. After 15 minutes, the wet napkin heated by the warmth of the neck is cooled again in ice water and again, first it is applied, and then a dry dense cloth. Change the ice compress for effective treatment colds at home should be taken every 15 minutes for 1.5 hours. All this time the patient is in a warm bed.

Home remedies for colds: baths

How can you cure a cold at home using not cold, but, on the contrary, hot water? It is useful to take hot foot baths. To do this, pour water at a temperature of 40-42 ° C into a deep basin or bucket, place your feet in it and hold it for 15-20 minutes. Hot water must be added to the cooling water. To enhance the effect of this procedure, it is recommended to add 1-2 tablespoons to the water. mustard powder. After the procedure, wipe your feet dry, put on woolen socks and lie down in a warm bed.

To treat a cold with home remedies, take a sitz bath once a week for two days, and then once a week. cool water, before which they warm up properly in a warm bed. You should take a bath in a shirt for 10 seconds, and then, without drying yourself, wrap the sheet around your hips and lie back in a warm bed. This procedure improves blood circulation, which promotes recovery.

When treating a cold at home, some healers recommend visiting a steam room every day until recovery or replacing it with hot baths. At the same time drink herbal teas with infusions of raspberries, currants, linden, sea buckthorn.

Treatment of colds and coughs with folk remedies at home

As additional method For treating colds at home with folk remedies, after water procedures it is recommended to gargle with water and alum, which improves expectoration and reduces swelling of the tonsils:

Recipe 1

Required. 0.5 teaspoon of alum, 200 ml of water.

Preparation. Add to cold water alum, mix.

Application. Rinse oral cavity 5 minutes for the first hour, then 15 minutes for the second hour. For the next 3 days, rinse in the morning and evening.

Recipe 2

Required. 1 teaspoon horsetail herb, 200 ml water.

Preparation. Pour boiling water over the plant material, leave for 40 minutes, strain.

Application. Tilt your head and inhale the infusion through each nostril in turn. horsetail and allow it to flow freely from the nose into the basin, and if it gets into the mouth, spit it out.

Recipe 3

A runny nose can be cured by drinking 0.5 glasses of warm water with 5 drops of iodine.

Recipe 4

During a cold accompanied by a runny nose, it is useful to rinse the nasopharynx with water at a temperature of 45 °C. This procedure will wash away all the mucus and phlegm. You can add a little sea or table salt, soda or infusion of onion and sugar to the water.

Recipe 5

Required. 1 head onions, 1 teaspoon sugar, 200 ml water.

Preparation. Peel the onion, wash it and chop it very finely. Mix 3 tablespoons of onion pulp with sugar and leave for 30 minutes. Dilute the infused pulp in warm water.

Application. Rinse your nose and nasopharynx.

How to get rid of a cold at home: treatment of adenoids

How to treat a cold at home if a person has one? These pathologically enlarged pharyngeal (nasopharyngeal) tonsils are very common cause colds and headaches, fatigue and weakened immunity. Treatment of adenoids and tonsillitis can be carried out using silver water And sea ​​buckthorn oil or mumiyo.

The procedure should be carried out in the morning and before going to bed at night. Before this, you must first make a tube of thick paper 15-20 cm long and 5-10 mm in diameter. Dissolve 0.5 teaspoon of sea salt in 250 ml of silver water and heat the water to 40 °C. Then draw in through a paper tube 5-6 times, first with one nostril and then with the other. warm water and spit it out. 30 minutes after the procedure, 10-15 drops of a 10% mummy solution or 5 drops of sea buckthorn oil are instilled into each nostril.

To treat colds with folk remedies at home, traditional healers recommend walking barefoot on wet ground and even on freshly fallen snow. But in the cold season, only the feet should be exposed, and the rest of the body should be in warm clothes.

You can also fill the bathtub cold water and walk in it for 1 minute, and then the procedure time is gradually increased to 5-10 minutes. At first, the water covers only the patient’s feet, and every 7 days the water level is gradually raised and brought to the ankles. Ideally, the time spent walking on water should allow you to feel a rush of warmth to your feet. After the procedure, immediately get out of the water and, without wiping your feet, put on warm woolen socks and go to bed for 1 hour.

In parallel with hardening the feet, it is useful for quick treatment For colds at home, rinse the nasopharynx daily 4-5 times with horsetail infusion. To rinse the nasopharynx, the patient is placed on his back with his head slightly thrown back, after which 1 pipette of infusion is instilled into each nostril. This home method cold treatment is very effective. Horsetail literally attacks the adenoids and shrinks them or dissolves them altogether. Often they get rid of adenoids using this technique within 1 month.

How to treat a cold at home without pills

How to treat a cold at home without pills if it is accompanied by a runny nose, cough, and fever? Recommended next way. In the first days, to stop the development of the disease, you need to soar your legs. After this, they should be quickly rinsed with cold water and immediately go to bed in a warm bed.

Also, one of the home remedies for treating colds is foot steam baths with chamomile. To prepare them, pour 250 ml of boiling water over a handful of flowers and leave for 40 minutes, and then, after filtering, add the infusion to a bowl of warm water.

By adding chamomile infusion to water for inhalation, you can quickly get rid of a runny nose, especially at the beginning of a cold, when the nose is running and the mucous membrane is very swollen.

It is also useful to carry out inhalations with the addition of essential oil eucalyptus, pine needles, pine, cedar fir, mint, menthol.

Hot hand and foot baths of increasing temperature from 35 to 42 ° C, which are replaced within 10 minutes, improve blood circulation in the nasal cavity and reduce swelling of the mucous membrane. This remedy for treating colds and coughs at home helps fight elevated temperature, as it has an excellent diaphoretic effect. But when high temperature These thermal procedures are not suitable for small children and nursing mothers.

Effective treatment of the first signs of a cold at home

An incipient cold can be treated with a contrast or cold shower. During illness, it is useful to take such a shower 1-2 times a day, and immediately after the water procedure go to bed in a warm bed.

When treating the first signs of a cold at home, the onset of the disease can be stopped by drinking diaphoretic tea and immersing your feet in warm water for 5 minutes. After this, put on dry socks and go to bed, wrap yourself well and sweat thoroughly. A cold will come out later.

Among folk remedies There are many varieties of methods for treating colds with ice or cold water. The basis of any of them is dousing, rubbing, taking a cold bath (no more than 10 seconds) combined with subsequent wrapping and staying warm.

As a preventive measure against colds, both doctors and traditional healers It is recommended to use water as much as possible. Hardening procedures are very useful, which are prescribed even to children. Visit more often (if possible) seaside resorts, because sea ​​water, air and sun are the best means for the treatment of colds. Sea bathing can be replaced by periodic baths with sea ​​salt. Water procedures help improve health, increase immunity, good physical and mental development children.

Many of the parents who instilled in their children a love of water and water procedures, note that their children suffer from colds much less often.

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